Management of Subclinical Hyperthyroidism: Special Feature Editorial
Management of Subclinical Hyperthyroidism: Special Feature Editorial
Management of Subclinical Hyperthyroidism: Special Feature Editorial
E d i t o r i a l
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Subclinical Hyperthyroidism
with intervention (14). Stronger consideration for treatment should be given to those patients who have presented
with atrial fibrillation, who are above age 60, or who have
documented evidence of osteopenia or osteoporosis.
These recommendations most appropriately apply to the
patient with a TSH of less than 0.1 mIU/liter. Randomized
controlled clinical trials will be required to assess benefit
of therapy in the population of patients with TSH levels
between 0.1 and 0.4 mIU/liter to determine potential benefit. In the interim, if not placed under treatment and closer
observation, the latter should have their thyroid function
rechecked on an every 3- to 6-month basis. Thyroid cancer
patients and some goiter patients who are being administered thyroid hormone for TSH suppression, who have
TSH levels between 0.1 and 0.4 mIU/liter, and who are
symptomatic (tachycardia, palpitations, anxiety) may
benefit from adjunctive -adrenergic blockade, and those
with marginal bone mineral density should be considered
for bone enhancement therapy such as with bisphosphonates. Patients with euthyroid Graves disease or subclinical hyperthyroidism due to single or multiple autonomous thyroid nodules should avoid exposure to high doses
of iodine as are contained in radiological contrast dyes and
certain organic food and vitamin supplements.
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Dr.
Leonard Wartofsky, JCEM Editor in Chief, Washington Hospital Center, Department of Medicine, 110 Irving Street N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20010-2975. E-mail: leonard.wartofsky@
Disclosure Summary: The author has nothing to disclose.
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The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 18 November 2016. at 02:43 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved.
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