Kettlebells Two Issues Holding Back
Kettlebells Two Issues Holding Back
Kettlebells Two Issues Holding Back
Two issues
back your
swing? P8
Death to
the standard
By Taylor Lewis on P30
can kettlebells
& sprint training
really work?
By Franz Snideman on P6
What do you
have that
a brand
might want?
Events Schedule
Subscription details
In this issue
Shooting the breese
Ask Georgie
Education matters
Coachs corner
Twitter @kettlebellfever
Profession Kettlebell Fever
founder feature Shooting
the Breese Likes Rugby and
coffee Dislikes Football
and tea Perfect Day
Snowboarding on a clear blue
day, after overnight snow.
Taylor Lewis
Twitter @tlstrength
Profession Strength Coach
feature The Key to Success
Likes Baseball. Breathing.
Dan John. Dislikes Non Dan
John Black Belts Perfect Day
Watching baseball.
Perry Nickelston
Twitter @Stopchasingpain
Profession Chiropractor
feature Stop Chasing Pain
Likes Movement and coffee
Dislikes Escalators and
excuses Perfect Day
Waking up.
Timothy Sarazen
Twitter @97Display
Profession Internet Marketing
Professional feature eMatters
Likes Penguin Dislikes Panda
(google geeky SEO stuff lol)
Perfect Day Scoring a Hat
Trick and celebrating with an
American style craft beer.
Aleisha turner
Twitter @monty0731
Profession Strength Matters
editor feature Spotlight On...
Likes Cats Dislikes Frogs
Perfect Day Smoked salmon,
poached eggs, mussels, steak,
ice cream. Thats just breakfast.
Georgie Fear
Twitter @GeorgieFearRD
Profession Dietitian, pro
nutrition coach feature
Ask Georgie Likes Helping people
every day Dislikes People who
refuse to be helped Perfect Day
Brunch with friends, followed by a
beach or lakeside walk.
Mark Reifkind
Twitter @markrif1
Profession Personal trainer
feature Rif Says... Likes
Kettlebell swings and deep
squats Dislikes Physical
restrictions Perfect Day
Waking up with no pain.
Vickie Saunders
Twitter @GetSponsorship
Profession Sponsorship
expert feature Education
Matters Likes French films
Dislikes Racism and the cold
Perfect Day Eating her way
around Paris.
Charley Radcliffe
Twitter @MountainFoundry
Profession Specialist
Alpine sports trainer
feature Made for Life Likes
Climbing and skiing Dislikes
Slush Perfect Day Any crisp,
blue sky day, in the mountains
Josh hillis
Twitter @joshhillis
Profession Fat loss
coach feature The Habit
Coaching System Likes
Superbad Dislikes McLovin
;-) Perfect Day Listening
To Dan John On Repeat.
Tim Harrison
Twitter @girevikchef
Profession Chef and
kettlebell lover. Feature
Food Matters Likes Red
Pandas Dislikes Snotty egg
whites Perfect Day Sunday
brunch with family then a run
up a hill.
Twitter @fakedanjohn
Profession Strength coach,
author feature Coachs
Corner Likes Throwing stuff
Dislikes Ignorance in all forms
Perfect Day Sleep in, train,
big breakfast, afternoon lawn
party, Practice thanksgiving.
highly successful Zink Magazine acting as the editor-inchief of the monthly American publication as well as the
editorial director of the best-selling Canadian quarterly.
James Breese
Strength Matters Founder
Success is
neither magical
nor mysterious.
Success is
the natural
of consistently
applying the basic
Who said it? The iconic Jim Rohn.
If you are not familiar with his
name, look him up as soon as
possible. After reading this article,
of course.
Jim was what many would call
a self-improvement guru. His
writings and teachings helped
transform the personal, financial,
and business aspects of many
lives, including my own. After
being in the strength training
trenches for over 30 years, I
discovered these same principles
also apply to overcoming
performance plateaus and
unleashing hellacious strength.
What do I mean by unleashing
Programming your
fundamentals in a way to
complement your goal isnt
easy. But its worth it. There
must always be a system.
Without a system there is
chaos. You cant get strong
with chaos.
Ok so lets jump right into three
ways to get stronger faster. They
may seem super simple, but thats
the point. The solution doesnt
have to be difficult to work. Might
I suggest writing that one down?
OK, here we go. Strap in our brain.
Stimulate, dont
Bodybuilding legend Lee Haney
told me once about a training
philosophy that made him big
and strong. The man won a tonne
of Mr. Olympia titles, so listening
was a good idea. I have never
forgotten it to this day: Stimulate,
By perry nickelston
dont annihilate. Its not just
about volume. Its how you do the
volume that counts. Whats your
tempo and timing?
By far the biggest mistake I see
beginners making is focusing
on the concentric phase of a
movement and neglecting the
eccentric. You are 1.75 times
stronger on the eccentric phase
than the concentric, meaning you
can add heavier load to muscles.
Why dont more people focus
on the eccentric? Because its
really freaking hard!! No wussies
allowed in the eccentric arena. My
favorite tempo count for strength
is 1:1:3. One second concentric.
One second isometric hold. Three
second eccentric. If you can
cant control the weight you dont
own it. The beautiful part of this
strategy is that you need less
overall volume. You get much
more from just a few sets of this
tempo than by simply cramming
in more exercises.
For example, on your next deadlift
try the 1:1:3 tempo. See how
much more difficult yet efficient
it is to lower the weight slowly.
Dont just drop it on the ground.
If you do, you are neglecting the
powerhouse eccentric part of
the movement. Lower slowly.
Its Basic.
Rest more
This also goes back into the
stimulate dont annihilate quote
from Lee Haney. You get stronger
and grow when you rest properly.
Sure you need to breakdown
muscle tissue, thats what training
is. Its actually the easiest part.
The hard part is backing off
when you want to get stronger.
Overtraining is a giant chasm to
strength progression. First thing
I ask when people tell me they
cant get stronger is, When was
the last time you took a week off
for training? Once the blank stare
fades and a look of shock appears
they say, I cant take time off Im
trying to get stronger. To which
I reply, Hows that working out
for you?
Going #beastmode #badass is
not hard. Its the #activerecovery
that needs work. The adrenal
Perry nickelston
Twitter @Stopchasingpain
Perry Nickelston is a
Chiropractic Physician with
primary focus on Performance
Enhancement, Corrective
Exercise, and Metabolic Fitness
Nutrition. He is an expert in
myofascial, orthopaedic,
medical and trigger point
soft tissue therapy.
Kettlebells and
Sprint Training:
Can it really work?
BY Franz Snideman
A simple approach
is a wise approach.
So bringing together a basic
routine with Kettlebells and
a short distance, specialized
sprinting programme.
The first thing to do is
get outside. Find yourself
approximately 50 metres
of flat, open, terrain, such
as a stretch of grass in your
local park.
You need at least one light to
Franz Snideman
Twitter @franzsnideman
What is the
between Mobility
and Stability?
Mobility and stability are two
words that are thrown around
a lot. Yet, when it comes
down to it, many people are
confused by what are the
actual differences between
the two.
In other words, what are the
outcomes of either function
and how do you tell whether
a movement problem is a
mobility or stability issue
before you correct it? Do they
tie together? And, if so, how?
So, lets talk about mobility
first. This is the ability to
move through ranges of
motion. For instance, if a joint
such as that of your ankle or
hip can move through all the
Jason Kane
Twitter @jaykane84
In the News
Welcome to this month in health news,
your guide to science proving the obvious,
ridiculous or the kinda interesting
The sweet taste
of athletic
Its the news all sweettoothed fitness fans have
been waiting for dark
chocolate can boost
athletic performance. Yep,
you read right. Move over
beetroot, for it appears
that dark chocolates high
concentration of epicatechin,
a type of flavonol found
in the cacao bean, also
increases nitric oxide
production in the body.
This helps dilate blood
vessels and reduce oxygen
consumption, giving athletes
the ability to move further
for longer.
In a study conducted
by Londons Kingston
University, a small group of
amateur cyclists was asked
to replace one of their usual
snacks with either 40g of
dark chocolate or the same
amount of white chocolate,
before being put through a
series of cycling exercises.
The results showed that the
peddle-pushers who took a
few bites of the dark stuff
used less oxygen than those
who ate white chocolate
when cycling at a moderate
pace. The dark chocciemunching riders also
covered more distance in a
two-minute flat-out time trial.
Should Athletes
stop taking
Yes, no, maybe?
Spring is in the air, and so is
plenty of pollen. This usually
has anyone who suffers
from hay fever or is sensitive
to allergies, reaching for
the antihistamines. Good
news if you want to stifle the
sneezing; possible bad news
if you want to train regularly.
It seems that histamine,
naturally produced by the
body to respond to pollens,
mold, animal dander, insect
bites and other such lovely
stress stimulants, also
relaxes the blood vessels
and increases blood flow
which then aids postexercise recovery. A high
use of antihistamines, then,
can put the kibosh on the
ability of some of the bodys
genes those influenced
by histamines - to boost
muscles and blood flow
following a strenuous
According to researchers
= long life
Most fans of fitness know
that older people who are
physically active have a
better quality of life and
a lower risk of dying than
their pals whove packed in
exercising. But its not just
walking the dog or a spot
of vigorous gardening that
helps keep a person perky
in their golden years. Older
may affect 27%
of the 3,000
genes that
help muscles
recover after
Together we
raise the bar.
Charley Radcliffe
Twitter @MountainFoundry
London born Charley moved to
Chamonix, France in 2014. A
passionate climber and skier,
kettlebells were first introduced to
him for rehab on a shoulder injury
but their benefits quickly became
apparent in strength and conditioning
for mountain sports. Improving
performance in the mountains of not
just himself but those around him
culminated in creating The Mountain
Foundry, a training service specialising
in mountain athletics, in 2015.
SMK Level 1
Kettlebell certification
22nd24th July 2016, Seattle, USA
Strength matters Level 1
Kettlebell certification
23rd25th September 2016
London, UK
SEB & Josh
When sorrows come, they come not single spies but in battalions.
Hamlet, Act 4 Scene 5
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Education matters
by Vickie Saunders
be a great source of relevant and up-todate industry information. You can provide
great content for a companys marketing,
particularly social media. You can offer some
incredible value benefits to a brand when it
comes to face-to-face interaction with their
target market, such as attending expos and
community events. I would encourage you
to get active in the media. Its good for you to
build your profile and may directly or indirectly
benefit the company you represent.
Here are some great ways you can offer
value as an ambassador:
Events You can attend trade shows,
industry events, corporate functions,
community events and other strategic
activities with or on behalf of the
companies. Look for ways that you can
make their presences at these events more
effective, such as fun and crowd engaging
activities at their expo booth or offering to
do lots of social media for them on the day,
or in the lead-up!
Media spokesperson and brand
representative make yourself available
for their promotional and advertising
Vickie Saunders
Twitter @GetSponsorship
By josh hillis
The reason
this habit is so
Goldilocksing, as you remember, is when
you help the client get a habit juuuuust
right. Clients mostly assume that every
habit they take on is something they should
immediately be able to do perfectly at
every meal, and thats far from the truth. By
Goldilocksing, we help them find a version
of the habit they can win at and build
Why Habits
OK, so you know we always focus on habits
because the diet basically doesnt matter.
You could take any popular diet youve ever
heard of and get results. Because those
details arent what matters. The people who
are successful at any diet are the people
who get the habits right - the shopping,
cooking, planning, eating slower, not
snacking mindlessly, etc.
On a scale
of 1-10, how
are you
that you
Do This/Dont Do That
What you should notice from
the above is that you do a good
job of setting the stage and
explaining how you want them
to think through the scale and
frequency of the habit.
What you dont do is tell them
what the scale and frequency
should be, usually. Theres one
exception to this which youll
see below. In general, you want
it to be a conversation where
you figure it out together.
Bonus Phrases:
Under-Promise and
Over-Deliver The
On a scale of 1-10, how
confident are you that you can
do _________ [scale] and ________
[frequency] this week?
Under-Promise and
Over-Deliver for
someone who is
new and isnt quite
getting it yet.
Like I said, Id rather you underpromise and over-deliver. So
if you think you can do every
week, thats cool. But, since this
is such a new and hard habit,
Im just going to grade you on
three days this week. So go and
do as many days as you want,
Its really,
really, really
you underpromise!
The goal
is to fit the
habit into
your life
Under-Promise and
client has a super
busy week
Youll lean
up and feel
not snacks
Josh hillis
Twitter @joshhillis
to complete, 20 reps 30
seconds to complete, and 40
reps one full minute. Resting
the same amount of time
between each set means
that you will have enough
time to recover for the next
work set, again with your
intent on power. The second
goal is to work towards a
30-minute workout or 600
So, how to do it? Lets
start with rep counts,
remembering that the goal is
a complete 30 minute Swing
Sets of 10: Short sets may
seem the easiest, but in
fact theyre probably the
most difficult. It takes 15
seconds to complete ten
swing reps. The catch is that
the recovery is also only 15
seconds. Multiply that by 60
sets of 10 and thats a brutal
(but fun) way to do it! It most
certainly has its applications,
except that Im not looking
for a workout that feels
like itll take an eternity to
5 sets of 20 (100)
10 sets of 40 (400)
#4 20 sets of 10 (200)
10 sets of 20 (200)
5 sets of 40 (200)
10 sets of 20 (200)
5 sets of 40 (200)
20 sets 0f 20 (400)
#5 20 sets of 10 (200)
#6 10 sets of 10 (100)
5 sets of 20 (100)
Repeat x 3
Build up workouts
A. 10 sets of 10, 8 sets of
20, 1 set of 40 (300)
#6 5 sets of 20 (100)
5 sets of 40 (200)
Repeat x 2
#7 5 sets of 20 (200)
10 sets of 10 (100)
5 sets of 40 (200)
10 sets of 10 (100)
#8 5 sets of 10 (50)
5 sets of 20 (100)
Repeat x 4
#9 5 sets of 10 (50)
5 sets of 20 (100)
5 sets of 40 (200)
5 sets of 20 (100)
5 sets of 10 (50)
Tracy Reifkind
Twitter @ TracyReifkind
A certified Kettlebell instructor
since 2006, developing her own
unique training, the subject of
her 2012 book The Swing. Her
DVDs, including Programming the
Kettlebell Swing, can be found on
Amazon. She currently teaches
group swing classes and private
training in Palo Alto CA, and travels
all over the world with her husband
Chief Instructor Strength Matters.
Food matters
Tim harrison
Twitter @girevikchef
By tim harrison
7. Add the lamb to the pan and give it all a good stir. Now add the stock and the roughly chopped
green peppers.
Bunch of coriander
5. Put a drop of oil into the preheated pan and add the onion mix. Leave to cook for about 10
minutes with the lid on, stirring occasionally.
6. After the 10 minutes, roughly chop the tomatoes and add to the pan, stir and cook for a
further minute. Then remove the lamb from the oven and turn it down to 120 C.
2 large tomatoes
3. Empty the meat and marinade into a roasting tin then place in your preheated oven for about
20 minutes to brown. (This step is optional but I like it! You can just add the lamb to the pan
later without browning).
4. Meanwhile set a large saucepan over a medium heat. Peel and roughly chop the onion, ginger
and garlic then put in a blender and whizz until it forms a course paste.
3 cloves garlic
2. When you are ready to cook, take the meat out of the fridge. Turn your oven onto 180 C and
let it heat up.
The subtleties and nuances of the various subsections of curries are not for mere mortals to
trifle with. I personally like a Lamb Rogan Josh when I go out, with the meat chard in the searing
heat of a tandoor, the clay pot oven all good Indian restaurants have. But not having a tandoor
means that I just brown my meat in the oven most of the time, although I have in the past
bothered to fire up the barbeque just for that purpose. But I digress, what I have here for you is a
basic, but very satisfying, curry that you can do at home, and tailor to your own liking.
1. Put the lamb yoghurt and curry powder into a large bowl and mix together so that the lamb is
well coated. Leave to marinade in the fridge overnight. Otherwise, you can throw this together
in the morning to be ready to cook in the evening.
Shopping List
8. Put the lot in the oven for about 1 hours. When ready, finish with chopped coriander and
serve with rice.
Aromatic Curry
Ive made this a nice aromatic, slightly
sweet, spice blend with all readily
available ingredients.
What is important in the ingredients list
is the proportions more than the volumes
I am using. For that reason you can
scale this recipe and make a big batch if
you like - Basically, using twice as much
Cumin and Coriander than the other
spices. Also, I use as many whole spices
as I can but in this case, it isnt advisable
to use a whole cinnamon stick as it is
difficult to grind and you dont want to
end up with splinters in your tongue.
1. Put the coriander, cumin, and cloves
into a dry pan and set over and high
heat. Toss the pan every 30 seconds or
so until you see the first wisp of smoke
and your kitchen is aromatic.
2. Put the toasted spices into a pestle and
mortar and pound and grind them up.
You could use a blender, but it wouldnt
be good for much else after.
3. Add the other spices add grind again.
Store in an airtight container until
you need it. It will keep for a couple of
months but is best when freshly made.
Shopping List
2 tbsp whole coriander seeds
Shopping List
1x 384g tin of condensed milk.
800ml of whole milk.
6x cardoman pods.
Pinch saffron (optional as it is
really expensive)
Handful of salted cashews
Boom! Done.
Deep down, no one wants to
have a medical condition, in
particular, one that causes them
to gain weight or have a tougher
time losing it. The hunt for the
Mystery Fattening Diagnosis is
motivated by frustration, as well
as a desire not to be at personal
fault for excess weight (therefore
not to blame).
A client in this situation is having
a hard time seeking hope and
help. They arent hunting for a
Being purely empathetic with a
client is this situation can feel
disingenuous, however. If we
sense that a client is passing up
opportunities to help themselves
lose weight with nutrition and
Once you recognize that your
client is experiencing frustration
and isnt getting the results they
want, they can use plenty of
encouragement from you. Id add
lots of specific positive feedback
for each thing you notice them
doing which represents a choice
they made to help themselves.
In many cases, the fact that
a client is showing up and
continuing their workouts, even
when they are frustrated, is
something to appreciate! Its also
not exactly fun to make doctors
appointments and sit in waiting
rooms, and if we view these as
self-care efforts, we can see how
a person who is visiting several
doctors can be applauded for not
giving up. After all, a persistent
hunt for a medical diagnosis is
still persistence, and evidence
that they value themselves
enough to want to be a healthier
To prevent this persistence from
drawing someones attention
away from their nutritional
choices, I would also link the
two together, noting how they
are trying multiple things with
an open mind. And Id keep their
awareness as much as I could
on what they are eating and why,
with open-ended questions. While
medical issues can make us
feel powerless, our food choices
remain a choice we always have
the power to control.
Georgie Fear
Twitter @GeorgieFearRD
A registered dietitian and board
certified sports nutrition specialist.
Expert in appetite regulation and
habit based nutrition. Coaching
clients for 10 years to adopt healthy
behaviors and thoughts around food
that become automatic. Georgies
work has been featured in Outside
magazine, Glamour, SELF,
Womens Health, Cosmopolitan
and many other publications.
She lives in Vancouver, Canada.
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BY Taylor Lewis
Impacting lives
has always been
a driving force
in my life.
Growing up with four
brothers, a mother who
worked as a special
education teacher and a
father who loved his job as
a sports medicine doctor,
I learned a lot about how
environment impacts
peoples decision making.
Looking back, it was amazing
to watch my families ability
to assess and correct under
stress. There is nothing like
making a snap decision
when a student with autism
turns into the Hulk and pins
you in a corner because
they cant communicate
how they are feeling. What
needs to be understood is
that autistic people have the
same fundamental response
to stressors as everyone
else. Their brains and bodies
secrete combinations of
chemicals that people
typically recognize as
emotions. Those emotions,
in turn, spur them to take
action intended to face the
threat. If these emotions are
ignored, then they will build
until they prompt the person
experiencing them to fight or
flee from the threat.
What assessment would you
use with an autistic client
that has difficulties with
social interaction, verbal and
nonverbal communication?
Yes, this is a specific group,
but this applies to all clients
in some form or fashion. This
Remember, it is easy to
make a decision when there
is no pressure and you have
all the time to break down
the pros and cons, but when
the game is on the line and
the team is counting on
you to hit that last minute
bucket with five seconds
left to send the team to the
championship, instinct kicks
in and quality can and will be
effected. Customizing your
assessment based on the
client and administering the
assessment before, during
and after workouts will help
truly show where movement
is lost and gained.
Taylor Lewis
Twitter @tlrlewis
Taylor Lewis has been a strength coach for
10 years. He received his Masters Degree
from Sonoma State University in Kinesiology.
He currently works as the Strength Coach
for Sonoma State Baseball and owner of TL
Strength in San Rafael, CA. Taylor also runs
the baseball strength and conditioning for
Drake High School and consults with various
high schools in the Sonoma and Marin county.
Taylor found the love for working with clients
with cystic fibrosis while finishing up his
masters degree, and he is currently working
with researches down at Stanford Medical to
develop structuralized fitness programs on the
quest to find a cure for cystic fibrosis.
Coachs corner
By Dan john
Dan john
Twitter @fakedanjohn
Dan spends much of his time
travelling the world both coaching
coaches and educating athletes.
Former Strength Coach and Head
Track and Field Coach at Juan Diego
Catholic High School in Draper, Utah.
He remains a full-time online religious
studies instructor for Colombia
College of Missouri and contributing
writer to Mans Health magazine.
Dan has written a number of books
about training such as Never Let Go
and Intervention.
almon (in the can or fresh
the king of grilled foods!)
Eggs (buy them in the five
dozen containers)
Heavy cream, for coffee
Real butter
Salad greens: everything you
can eat raw!
Lemons and limes to sweeten
drinks and squeeze on fish
and salads
Olive oil
The best in-season fruit
There is a little box for stuff that
runs out, and we fill in.
When I shop, I load up on what
we need for the menu for the
week. Here:
Steak, Salad, Champagne
Viking Enchiladas
Shellfish, if you can eat it
Canned tuna
Irish Jambalaya
Breakfast for Dinner
Hang and Graze
Whatever looked good shopping!
There is never a question about
what should I eat? The answer
is already in the pot!
I do this with weekly chores,
monthly chores, and yearly
Training the
Elite Athletes
How do you know what is
important? Well, what do you
want? Whats your goal?
If you tell me your goal, then
we will Shark Habit everything
less important and focus on
Literally, principles mean to
take first. Not everything works
for principles. For fat loss, Art
Devany said it best: Dont get fat
in the first place! So true - but
not helpful.
If you are fat, here you go: Move
more, eat less. Absolutely true,
but the devil is in the details!!
For American football, John
Heisman said it best a century
ago: Block, tackle and fall on
the Ball.
Yes, for the elite athlete, there
are a million things. Except
there isnt. For fighter pilots, two
questions are asked: Did you
kill? Did you survive? If NO, the
assessment is the Five Whys.
We ask why? until we come to
something we can practice next.
If there is a secret to elite, it
is Appropriate Practice. Not
lots and lots of MORE or daily
experiments with, Hold my beer
and watch this. Elite training
focuses on the answer to the
questions reflecting principles.
For American football, did we
tackle? Well, yes, we made 64
of 67 tackles! Great, but we lost
Training elite
people is a study
in the mastery of
You dont want
to listen to that
sentence, but
that is why so few
achieve mastery
and elite status!
Welcome to
the party!
Lets welcome our newest recruits!
The following wonderful people have decided
to join our Strength Matters community.
Were growing stronger everyday!
Ross Newsom
Hannah George
Alison Zemanek
Victoria Dosen
Shannon ONeil
Maki Riddington
Daniel Allison
Frank Becker
Britt Duchene
Daniel Argo
Jennifer Becht
Tim Pell
Mitch Kahn
Sarah Hoffman
Sheena Roque
Dmitri Akatov
Jenn Null
Jenny Conlon
Graeme Manzi
Randy Wieser
Kelley Trivette
course &
Never miss
a beat...
rimal movement chains
22nd24th July 2016,
Seattle, USA
Strength Matters level 1
kettlebell certification
23rd25th September 2016,
London, UK
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