Caroline Cougar Talk: ALL Renzy

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Wi ld Ro s e S c h o o l Div i s i o n


October 2016

Dates to Remember:
October 7
Progress Reports All
October 10No School
Thanksgiving Day
October 11Parent
Interviews Grade 6-12
October 21No School
Teacher PD Day
October 21 & 22Jr
Girls Volleyball Home
October 25 Parent
Council Meeting 3:45
October 28Grade 6-12 Academic
and Athletics Awards
Social 6:00 pm
Awards 6:30 pm
November 4 & 5
Sr Girls
Volleyball Home

Congratulations to the Grade 12 class on winning the 2016 Fall Frenzy

Competition. They earned the most money per Capita.
The Lord and Lady (organizers) were Ethan Bystrom and Haylee Beeman
Workers for Grade 12 included:
Beau Alstott
Haylee Beeman
Gillian Berg
Cassandra Biggart
Samantha Butts
Ethan Bystrom
Darbi Cunningham
Calvin Fauville
Carly Graham
Katie Heyland
Brieanna Holman
Katherine Johnson
Nicole Kyncl
Andy Larsen
Meagan Leek
Jordan Maxwell
Brylee Peacock
Rachel Pengelly
Katrina Porter
Andrew Roper
Hansen Wei Cottrell
Denton Westling
Erin Willsie
Well done Grade 12s!
Congratulations to the Grade 9 Class for 2nd Place, Grade 10 Class for
coming in 3rd and Grade 11 Class for coming in 4th.

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Students interested in participating in WE Day 2016...we have 18 available spots! We will be having our
first meeting next week for Students in grades 6-12 who are interested. The commitment is that students
wishing to attend must participate (as a group) in organizing one fundraiser, one awareness campaign and
one community project before the end of the year. We will meet the second Wednesday of every month.

Our Family Rock Project

Students will be painting rocks this month as a fun way to
decorate the front of the school and to show our sense of
Elementary will be doing these in class but on October 18
and 19th we will have a painting area open in the concourse
for students in grade 6-12. We are looking for parents or
community members who might be willing to supervise our
painting space for a couple of hours on either of these
days. It will open at 9:30 am and close at 4:00 pm.
Please email: [email protected] if you are interested. Thanks!!

Remembrance Day Gallery Walk

Caroline School, in coordination with the Caroline Legion, will be hosting a
Remembrance Day Gallery Walk at the school from 1:00pm to 4:00 pm on Thursday
Nov. 10. Prior to this day, teachers will be inviting students to go home and interview
family members who either were in the armed forces or know of family members that
may have passed on already but that served in the armed forces. The answers to these
questions along with memorabilia and photos will be on put on display in the
concourse. Please take a moment to discuss and research with your child.
By remembering these stories, we make the sacrifices that were made real to our
students and we bring alive the sense of community that makes Canada so great.

Twin Day Oct. 13th

On October 13th , we held Twin Day at Caroline School. Students found a friend and dressed the same
as!! We wandered the school taking pictures and awarded special treats to our dressed up twins!

Thank you!!!
A huge thank you goes out to all our parent volunteers who helped with the opening campout for the
students in grades 9-12. Denise Berg, Lisa and Dave Ogilvie, Lisa-Rae Young, Rick and Chantelle Foesier,
Jason Knight, Brodey Grumetza, Cheyanna Stange, Karin Graham, and Mackenna Westling.
The campout was a huge success and it couldnt have happened without these awesome parents and

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Fall 2016 Scholastic Book Fair

This years first Scholastic Book Fair will be held a few weeks later than usual. We will be holding it for two
full days, on Tuesday, November 15, and Wednesday, November 16 from 8:00 am 7:00 pm.
The timing couldnt be better to pick up some Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers!!!
Watch for the flyers that will come out a couple of weeks beforehand, to give you an idea of some of the
great books that will be at the Fair.
As always, this is the one and only fundraiser for the library, to help us keep it stocked with great new books.
Please consider coming out to this fun literacy event, and support the school library!

Sr Girls Volleyball News

Congratulations to the following girls who made the senior girls volleyball:
Captains Carly Graham, Sam Butts
Katie Heyland, Brieanna Holman, Nicole Kyncl,Katrina Porter, Payton Gehrke, Hannah Haupt, Meagan
Leek, Darbi Cunningham, Haylee Beeman and Erin Willsie. Our team has won the first three matches of the
season and played very well in their first tournament first weekend of Oct. at Castor.

Turkey Trot

Thank you to Stacey Kirby who donated one of our turkeys for last week's Turkey trot. We were able to
draw for 4 turkeys which were won by Hunter in gr. 2, Maddix in ECS, Kathleen in gr. 5 and Alex in gr.
5. Thanks to all the kids who came out and ran for 20 minutes during the lunch hour. You are meeting the
outcome of our physical literacy component at Caroline School.

Cross Country Running

Congratulations to Haylee Beeman and Sarah Johnson who both had a very successful cross country
running season in September and October. Sarah placed 4th at New Norway and then 11th at CWAJHAA
in Lacombe in the gr. 9 girls competition.
Haylee placed 8th at New Norway and then topped off her high school XC running career with a 23rd finish
at Provinicials out of a field of 109 Senior Girls.
Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Tarnasky are very proud of your accomplishments and wish you both continued success
in future races.

Elementary Intramural Soccer

Congratulations to Team Argentina who defeated Team Germany in an exciting game that ended in a one
point difference in the final shootout. Gold medal winners included :
Parker B., Leslie, Brooklynn, Jared in grade 5 and Cade, Greydon and Parker in Gr. 4.

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