4.major Project
4.major Project
4.major Project
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Major Project
Innovative Foundation Design for Happy Valley Underground
Stormwater Storage Scheme, Hong Kong
This paper presents an innovative design approach for the foundations of an underground stormwater
storage tank situated in Happy Valley, Hong Kong. The innovative design, first initiated by the Contactor,
i.e. Chun Wo Construction & Engineering Co Ltd, mitigated some 533 rock socketted H-piles in the
Conforming Design. The solution not only abated the adverse impacts of the piling works on the
neighbourhood, but also avoided the emission of approximately 8,043 tonne of CO 2-e into the atmosphere
which has a similar effect of planting 205,938 trees. The first phase of the project has been completed in
April 2015.
Flooding incidents as a result of major rainstorms are not unusual in Hong Kong. In June 2008, Hong Kong
had its heaviest rainfall in 124 years. A lot of areas, including Tung Chung, Happy Valley and Wan Chai
districts were flooded severely (Figure 1). To alleviate the problem in Happy Valley and Wan Chai area, a
long-term solution has been proposed by the Drainage Services Department (DSD), the Government of the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) which entails construction of an underground
stormwater storage tank (USST), storing temporarily part of the stormwater collected from the upstream
catchment for attenuating the peak flow in the downstream drainage system after heavy rainstorms. This
scheme, known as Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme (HVUSSS), reduces substantially
the risk of flooding to the low-lying areas of Happy Valley and Wan Chai districts. Chun Wo Construction &
Engineering Company Limited (Chun Wo) has been commissioned by the DSD to undertake the construction
works under an Engineering & Construction Contract (Contract No. DC/2012/03). Following the
commencement of works, Chun Wo proposed an innovative Cost Savings Design (CSD) for the foundation of
the USST in which 533 numbers of pre-bored H-piles up to 55m in length are mitigated.
Figure 1. Flooding incidents in Hong Kong: (a) North Lantau Expressway, near Tung Chung,
(b) Happy Valley Recreation Ground, (c) Wan Chai District
The Site
The HVUSSS project site is situated in Happy Valley, Hong Kong Island, within the Happy Valley Recreation
Ground surrounded by the horse-racing field of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (Figure 2).
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The closest distance of the race track to the site is about 26m from its eastern edge. The site is relatively
flat with elevations varying from +4.3mPD to +5.0mPD, and is mostly used as football pitches managed by
the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD). The USST is beneath football pitches 2, 3, 4, 6 and
Figure 2. Location of HVUSSS project site; Insert: Project site in Happy Valley Recreation Ground,
surrounded by the horse-racing field of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (Images from Google Map)
Scope of Works
The scope of HVUSSS comprises construction of an inlet structure, a twin-cell box culvert with overflow
weirs and controlling penstocks, a USST with a minimum capacity of 60,000m 3 and an integrated pump
house to receive overflow during severe rainstorms. The civil and structural works being constructed
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Site Geology
General Geology
According to the previous and the recent additional borehole records, the ground strata beneath the site
consist of 1 to 5m of fill on the ground surface. Layers of alluvial sand, silt and clay up to a depth of 13m,
with inter-bedded clayey to sandy marine deposit found over the northern and western portion of the site.
Decomposed granite (Grade VI, V and IV) is encountered at depths between 20 to 50m. Rock head of
granite (Grade III or better) is encountered at elevations ranging from 30mPD at the east side to 50mPD
at the west side. The top level of soil strata are summarized in Table 1 below. A particular section
showing the geological profile in relation to the USST is shown in Figure 4.
Table 1. Top level of soil strata
Top Level (mPD)
5.40 to 0.28
4.40 to -12.77
Marine Deposit
0.44 to -7.34
-4.78 to -0.78
-9.49 to -58.83
-7.77 to -59.23
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General Arrangement
The structure of the USST and the integrated pump house is L-shaped on plan, 58.5m to 69.5m wide,
161.1m and 231.5m along the outer edges of the legs (Figure 5). The invert of the tank varies from
+1.10mPD at the outer corners around the pump house to 0.9mPD near the midpoint. The contract
drawings show that the tank and pump house are supported by 533 nos. of pre-bored steel H-piles (Grade
S460 UC 305305180 and 305305223kg/m, with lengths ranging from 40 to 60m) socketted into bedrock,
sustaining compressive loads from 5,045kN to 7,354kN and tension loads from 431kN to 2,457kN. The
dead weight of the tank is lighter than the original soil mass replaced by the tank, and the tank is thus
subject to upthrust from the groundwater. Piles in the Conforming Design are to hold down the tank when
it is empty in most of its operation life. The conforming piling layout is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Conforming piling layout plan of the underground stormwater storage tank
Resistance to Buoyancy Statutory Requirements
In Hong Kong, checking of a structure against buoyancy is stated in the Code of Practice for Foundations
(2004) published by the Buildings Department. A structure may resist buoyancy by its own weight plus any
other suitable anchoring resistance such as tension piles or ground anchors. Any structure satisfying either
one of the following criteria, further checking on the stability of the structure against overturning due to
buoyancy may not be explicitly required:
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A minimum factor of safety (FoS) of 1.5 against flotation which is due to the highest anticipated
groundwater level whereas the resistance is taken as the combined dead loads and permitted
anchoring resistance (Figure 6a).
A minimum factor of safety of 1.1 against flotation where buoyancy is due to the highest possible
groundwater level and the resistance is taken as the minimum dead loads only (Figure 6b).
Dead loads
Highest anticipated
groundwater level
Uplift forces
Anchoring system
(e.g. Tension piles)
Highest possible
groundwater level
(usually taken as
existing ground
Uplift forces
No anchoring system
Figure 6. Statutory requirements for buoyancy check in different conditions: (a) FoS 1.5, (b) FoS 1.1
Construction Issues / Constraints
Typical installation cycle for pre-bored H-piles comprises of drilling of a hole, inserting H-pile segments,
splicing of H-piles by welding, testing of welds and grouting. The construction work is particularly prone to
delay owing to the following issues and constraints:
No obstruction to viewing of horse racing The horse-racing field must remain operational during
construction. The horse-racing season runs in the dry season from September to July in the
following year, when drilling work will be performed. All plants and un-spliced piles will have to be
positioned and lowered (Figure 7a) before the racing in order not to obstruct the viewing (Figure 7b).
Potential impact on construction programme As mentioned above, construction work must be
performed with minimal impact to operation of the horse-racing field. Drilling operation and
mobilisation of drilling equipment will be limited to only the off hours each day. In addition, there
is a risk of insufficient piling rigs in view of the constrained construction programme and the large
amount of pile installation work involved.
Risk of settlement owing to piling Pre-bored holes for H-pile are drilled using a down-the-hole
drill. During this drilling process, compressed air is injected to drive the drill bit and to expel the
excavated materials out to the air at ground level. However, the compressed air may cause blowout and/or caving-in of weak layer forming voids around the drillhole. As a result, settlement of
nearby ground may occur due to subsidence of ground towards the voids. While settlement during
construction is always undesirable, the adverse effect of settlement to this project would be
particularly significant due to the potential danger presented to field users including jockeys and
horses (Figure 7c).
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Figure 7. (a) General site setup for pre-bored H-pile works, (b) No visual impacts during horse-racing,
(c) Risks to users of the horse-racing field
In view of the issues / constraints listed in Section 3.3 above and taken account of the need to counteract
against flotation, several design ideas as outlined below have been considered and the selected solution is
explained Sections 4.1 to 4.5 below.
Bored piles This design enhancement uses bored piles of 1.5m to 2m diameter to replace the Hpiles. Preliminary assessment indicated that the number of could be reduced to about 150 numbers.
Still, the relative long cycle of installation might cause overall delay on the foundation programme.
Mini-piles This design enhancement entails groups of 4 to 6 mini-piles to replace each H-pile. In
comparison with H-piles, mini-piles installation employs lighter plants and no welding tests are
required. However the large number of mini-piles to be required could offer small saving in
construction time.
Ballasted raft This design enhancement employs thickened base slabs (and side walls) to
counteract the upthrust from the groundwater. Preliminary estimates indicated that the base slab
may need to be increased to 3.5m thick for invert at 1.1mPD to provide the necessary dead weight
to provide a FoS of exceeding 1.1 as required under foundation code. The deep excavation and the
large amount of excavated materials generated are undesirable in view of the limited access
available for the Happy Valley site.
Raft within cut-off wall on sub-soil drains This design enhancement entails founding the USST on
a raft surrounded with a cut-off wall. A system of sub-soil drains is employed to maintain the
groundwater at just below the raft slab using small sump pumps, resolving the requirements to
resist the upthrust in the Conforming Design. The cut-off wall could also be doubled as excavation
support during the construction of the tank.
Innovative Design
After a series of deliberation with the relevant parties, a CSD using a raft with cut-off wall to be installed
around the perimeter of the USST and a sub-soil drainage system to be installed underneath the tank,
pumping station and the fan house (Figure 8b), is considered favourable in offering significant time and
cost savings to the project. The provision of cut-off wall and sub-soil drains will create a favourable
externally dry condition at the USST which can eliminate the groundwater infiltration into the tank in long
term. Thus, the common maintenance problem due to water ingress through construction joints can be
avoided. Since the groundwater table can be maintained at a low level, there is chance to optimise the
thickness of the base slab to further reduce the construction volume and time.
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Highest possible
groundwater level
Highest anticipated
groundwater level
Sump pits
& pumps
cut-off wall (SSP)
Toe level from
-8.0 to -12.5mPD
Figure 8. (a) Conforming foundation for the USST, (b) CSD foundation for the USST
Water Cut-Off Wall
The principal type of cut-off wall for this type of design is either sheet pile wall or diaphragm wall. Their
respective merits/ demerits are discussed below.
Sheet pile wall
Sheet pile wall is interlocking sections of steel material and is installed by driving or vibrating interlocking
sheet piles into the ground. Since they can be installed without major excavation work, they are less
expensive to build. Corrosion rate of sheet piles is minimal in common ground. The average corrosion
rate of structural steel above seabed ranges between 0.04 to 0.08 mm/year. Durability of sheet pile wall
installed in land with non-corrosive environment is expected to be more than 50 years. Leakage may
occur through interlocks but can be prevented by incorporating sealing material that expands when
Diaphragm wall
Diaphragm wall is usually constructed by slurry trench technique. The subsoils at the project site
predominantly consist of alluvial clay and sand layers and are prone to induce large ground movements
(due to caving-in) which are highly undesirable in view of the stringent restrictions on ground movements.
Diaphragm wall is also more expensive than sheet pile wall. For these reasons, sheet pile wall is chosen
over diaphragm wall for the CSD.
Provision of Subsoil Drains & Sump Pumps
Groundwater flow within the confine of the cut-off wall is to be drained by a layer of 600m thick fine
gravels with embedded 100 to 150mm diameter perforated HDPE pipes connecting to a pump sump (Figure
9a). A layer of non-woven polypropylene geotextile is placed between the drainage layer and native soil
to provide separation and reinforcement. The drained groundwater is to be pumped out with a set of low
cost small submersible duty and stand-by pumps. The collected groundwater is also used to supplement
the water supply to the irrigation system for the football pitches within the Happy Valley Recreation
As a fail-safe measure, a set of 32 relief wells (Figure 9b) is proposed through the base slab to allow
underground water to be drained into the USST in case of pump failure. Each relief well contains a 5m
long perforated overflow pipe that embedded underground and opens to the bottom of the tank. If the
pumps fail, groundwater can be drained via the flap valve at the top of the wells into the tank to prevent
building up of excessive upthrust.
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Top slab
Base slab
Well filter
Figure 9. (a) Layout plan of sub-soil drainage system, (b) Indicative arrangement of relief wells
Design Methodology
Cut-off wall and sub-soil drain
Type FSP III steel sheet piles are installed to form a permanent physical barrier to limit the groundwater
seepage towards the sub-soil drainage system underneath the USST, and this in turn reduces the uplift on
the USST. A series of steady state seepage analyses has been carried out to estimate the quantities of
seepage underneath the cut-off wall towards the raft foundation using computer program SEEP/W 2007. A
hydraulic head of +3mPD is assumed to be maintained along the base of the raft foundation. In the
seepage model, the leakage of the clear interlock of the sheet piles (taken as 2.5x10-7m/s) is input to
simulate the seepage of groundwater through the interlocks. The proposed sheet pile toe levels are
between 8.0mPD to 12.5mPD. The results indicate that the rates of water influx can be removed with
typical submersible pumps. Some seepage analysis result is shown in Figure 10.
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Whole Life Cost
Whilst the proposed CSD will decrease the need for future maintenance of the concrete structures of the
USST and pump house due to infiltration of groundwater, it will incur operation and maintenance cost to
maintain the cut-off wall, sub-soil drainage and pumping system. The whole life cost of the CSD has been
studied with respect to the items below, and it is estimated that there is a net cost saving to be gained.
Underground storage tank
Under the Conforming scheme, the underground concrete structures will be in contact with groundwater
fluctuating with tidal cycles. It is expected that concrete repairing works due to water ingress through
construction joints are frequently required. This cost can be avoided in the proposed CSD in which the
outer faces of the external walls of the storage tank are kept in a dry condition.
Submersible pumps
Under the CSD, additional maintenance of the duty and standby pumps in the groundwater withdrawal
chamber is required. The pump sump should be cleaned by either digging the sediment out of the silt
traps or by using a vacuum device at least once a month. Sump grates should be clear of rubbish and silt.
Carrying out these maintenance works requires approximately 30 man-hours per month. In addition, the
pumps will need to be replaced every 10 years or a total of 4 times over the design life. The pumps will
be operated 24 hours a day all year, and it is estimated that the annual power consumption of pump will
be 125,000kWh.
Drainage system
Under the proposed scheme, additional works are required to maintain efficient operation of the subsoil
system. Regular inspections and maintenance of subsoil drains are necessary to prevent blockage by fine
sediments and/or debris that infiltrated into the system. Maintenance works required for the sub-soil
drainage system include regularly monitoring the discharge rate at the outlets, as well as monthly cleaning
of the junction manholes and annual inspection of pipes and manholes. The maintenance includes:
(a) Discharge rates monitoring from sub-soil drains by automatic sensor at v-notch weirs with monthly
manual measurement of v-notch for calibration;
(b) Monthly cleaning of junction pipes and manholes;
(c) Annual inspection of pipes, by CCTV if needed. Clearing of debris in the HDPE pipes can be carried
out by rodding and flushing with air/water jets.
Monitoring system
Unusual rises in piezometric head could be an indication of pump failure or reduced performance of the
subsoil drainage system. Therefore, a monitoring system including piezometers inside and outside the
cut-off wall at various locations is necessary to demonstrate that the designed groundwater levels within
the cut-off walls can be maintained. Monitoring work will include regular checking and recording of the
underground water level during high and low tides. A monitoring program will be needed to identify
monitoring and emergency protocol procedures. Implementation of this monitoring program will include
development and adoption of the protocol procedures, as well as training for maintenance workers. It is
estimated that monitoring and the associated work will require 20 man-hours per month.
Irrigation system
According to the requirements in the contract, the rain gun flow rate for football pitches 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and
12 is 14 litres/second. At this rate, the estimated volume of irrigation water saved by the CSD is
approximately 46,000m3/year.
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Water Harvesting System
An element of the works under the HVUSSS is the reconstruction of an irrigation system comprising an
above ground water tank (144m3) next to the LCSD management office connected to WSD supply and a
system of distribution pipes and watering points. A viable option for the use of collected underground
water is the provision as a source of water supply for the irrigation system. As a result of the CSD, the
clean underground water collected below the raft can be used to supplement the irrigation water. The
preliminary calculation indicates a flow rate of about 2.9x10 -5 m3/s/m run of section or about 1000m3/day.
The amount is subject to confirmation by the results of further ground investigation including pumping
tests but the order of magnitude of inflow indicates a good opportunity for providing a good supply for the
irrigation water.
The proposed system includes an underground storage and sedimentation chamber at the downstream end
of the groundwater collection pipes and feeds to a pump chamber. Submergible pumps remove the
collected underground water and feed it to the above ground water tank. The new system for conveyance
of underground water comprises submergible pumps and connects to the above ground water tank that
supply to the watering points. Pipes provide connection to the 144m 3 water tank of the irrigation system
for delivery of underground water for irrigation use.
Omission of Pre-Bored H-Piles
As a result of the CSD, 533 nos. of pre-bored steel H-piles (Grade S460 UC 305305180 and 305305223
kg/m, lengths from 40 to 60m) have been omitted. Taking an average length of 55m for each pile, it can
be demonstrated that approximately 4,040 tonne of structural steel has been saved.
Life cycle and embodied carbon of structural steel (H-Piles)
The life cycle of structural steel can be separated into 7 stages from the extraction of raw materials
through the manufacture of the product (referred to as cradle-to-gate) to final material disposal and
recycling (Figure 12).
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The carbon dioxide (CO2) or carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-e) emitted into the atmosphere in order to
produce structural steel can be measured as Embodied Carbon (EC). Embodied carbon contributes a
significant portion of the life cycle carbon footprint of the built environment. The construction sector is
the second largest contributor of the carbon footprint in Hong Kong and 85% of the carbon footprint
associated with the construction sector is embodied in imported goods and services.
According to the values in the ECO-CM website of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
(http://ihome.ust.hk/~cejcheng/ec/carbonInventoryLocalized.html), the EC for steel sections is 1.988kg
CO2-e/kg (cradle-to-gate) and 2.037kg CO2-e/kg (cradle-to-site). Given the steel tonnage saved, emission
of 8,043 tonne of CO2-e has been prevented. This gives a similar effect of planting 205,938 nos. of trees
in Hong Kong according to the Sustainability Report 2013 prepared by the ArchSD.
Other benefits
Other benefits that have been gained via the CSD are as follows.
(a) Substantial reduction of traffic impact to existing road network Due to the reduction in
deployment and mobilisation of construction plants and equipment under the CSD, vehicular traffic
destined to/ from the project site is substantially reduced (Table 2). The lowering of the traffic load/
demand on existing streets/ highways allows for better safety and operations.
Reduction of nuisance Due to the shortened construction programme and the elimination of pile
foundations, noise, and polluted water generated from construction activities such as mobilisation
and pile driving is reduced. Project risks associated with disturbance to local residents and
operations of the horse-racing field are minimised.
Improvement in air quality The reduction in emission from associated construction vehicles or
idling equipment would reduce exposure of individuals in residences and businesses in the vicinity of
the staging area to pollutants in the exhaust. Construction equipment may include, but is not
limited to, dump trucks, loaders, excavators, diesel driven generators, and compressed air units for
construction power.
Reduced impact on racing track and adjacent facilities The existing race track and the some of
the HKJCs facilities are located in close proximity of the site. The pre-boring for piles in the
original scheme is prone to ground movements due to caving-in when the pile hole is being formed
through the upper alluvial deposit. The innovative CSD removed this risk due to the elimination of
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The selected progress photos in Figure 13 show the construction of part of the USST.
Figure 13. (a) Installation of cut-off wall using silent piler, (b) Casting of base slab of the USST,
(c) Excavation and lateral support for construction of the USST
This paper is published with the kind permission of the DSD, the Government of the HKSAR. The authors
wish to express their gratitude for the effort of the project team of both the DSD and Chun Wo. The
authors would also like to thank Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited for the design support for the CSD
described in this paper.
Architectural Services Department (2013). Keep Going Green. Sustainability Report. Government of Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region.
Black & Veatch HK Ltd (2012). Innovative Design Enhancement Proposal, Happy Valley Underground
Stormwater Storage Scheme. Hong Kong.
Buildings Department (2004). Code of Practice for Foundations. Government of Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region.
Drainage Services Department (n.d.). Innovative Features, Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage
Scheme, Hong Kong. Retrieved from http://hvusss.eksx.com/. Government of Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region.
Geotechnical Engineering Office (2000). GEOGUIDE 1 Guide for Retaining Wall Design. Government of
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Lo M.C. and Cheng C.P. (n.d.) Localization Based Carbon Inventory, HKUST.
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