J JMRT 2020 04 053
J JMRT 2020 04 053
J JMRT 2020 04 053
of Pages 17
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
Review Article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Concrete is being extensively used in construction industry worldwide because of its avail-
Received 24 February 2020 ability and affordability but it is vulnerable to crack formation. Because of cracking concrete’s
Accepted 19 April 2020 durability reduces due to ingression of chloride and water which corrodes rebars in rein-
Available online xxx forced concrete. Moreover, frequent inspection and maintenance of concrete structures is
hectic and costly. Therefore, self-healing techniques are known methods to cease cracking
Keywords: and regaining the strength and durability of concrete. This study discusses available self-
Concrete healing techniques and agents/materials by highlighting their applications, criticization and
Crack formation performance in various published studies. Based on this review, geometry and size of cracks
Durability have an important role in selecting self-healing techniques and agents/materials, however,
Maintenance encapsulation of chemical healing agents shows more effective results due to better reaction
Self-healing agents between un-hydrated cement particles and healing agents/materials.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Aamar Danish secured his bachelors degree (Bronze Medalist) at Eastern Mediterranean University with 100% scholarship.
Civil Engineering from University of Engineering & Technol- He completed his Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Mechanical char-
ogy, Taxila Pakistan and currently pursuing his master degree acteristics Investigation of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete
in Structural Engineering (Construction & Building Materials) using Design of Experiment and Response Surface Method-
at Cyprus International Engineering. He is working on using ology” in 2016. After graduation, he joined Girne American
cenosphere as secondary cementitious material in concrete University, Girne, Cyprus as a full-time lecturer in fall 2016.
batching. Alongside his master degree, he is also working as He is now Assistant Professor at Cyprus International Univer-
research associate and course assistant with Assistant Prof. sity, Nicosia, Cyprus since 2017. He has background of teaching
Dr. Mohammad Ali Mosaberpanah. Moreover, he is also work- many undergraduate and graduate courses and advising grad-
ing as Assistant Editor in Sustainable Structure & Material, An uate students. Moreover, several master students have been
International Journal. graduated under his supervision and many masters and Ph.D.
students are still ongoing. He is interested and motivated to
Mohammad Ali Mosaberpanah moved to Cyprus in 2011 to make research and define new research projects as he pub-
pursue his Ph.D. program in the Civil Engineering Department lished many articles in well reputed journals. In 2018, he
Corresponding author.
E-mails: [email protected] (A. Danish), [email protected] (M.A. Mosaberpanah), [email protected] (M.
Usama Salim).
2238-7854/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
2 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
was invited by Dean of Civil Engineering department of Laval designers and contractors. Cracks formed in concrete can be
University, Quebec City, Canada, and funded by Cyprus Inter- categorize into following states:
national University to conduct two research projects with the
collaboration of construction materials lab researchers at The (i) Plastic state
University of Laval. Now, Next to academic activities, he is col-
a. Plastic settlement
laborating on several projects with international researchers
from different universities. b. Formwork movement
c. Plastic shrinkage
Muhammad Usama Salim is a final year master student at the
(ii) Hardened state
Department of Civil Engineering, Cyprus International Univer-
a. Thermal stress
sity. His main area of interest includes material reactions in
concrete like Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR) and Alkali Car- b. Chemical reaction
bonate Reaction. He is currently researching on slowing down c. Error in detailing and design
above mentioned reactions in concrete by using by-products d. External/overload
of waste materials such as fly ash and cenospheres.
Cracks in concrete might not affect concrete structures at
early stages but can surely effect their lifespan [10]. A con-
siderable amount of money is allocated worldwide to repair
1. Introduction
existing concrete structures annually. Apart from the produc-
tion cost of concrete ($60–80 m–3 ), maintenance and repairing
Concrete is an indispensable construction material, which
cost is estimated to be $147 m–3 . Developed countries like USA,
is being used widely for roads, buildings, tunnels, subways,
Germany, South Korea, etc. are facing significant amounts of
bridges, and other infrastructure construction [1]. Generally,
concrete structures deterioration, which causes them to spend
concrete is composed of water, binder, coarse and fine aggre-
more money on maintenance and repair in contrast to build-
gate [2]. Concrete is a material of choice due to several
ing new structures [11]. The US spends around $18–21 billion
applications and properties like high compressive strength,
on maintenance, repair and replace of deteriorated structures
high durability, cost effectiveness, easy accessibility of its con-
[12]. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) presented a
stituents, compatibility of adjusting with rebars and casting
report stating that in next five years the US and Asian coun-
in different sizes and shapes [3–5]. Unfortunately, concrete is
tries will need approximately $2.2 trillion and $2 trillion for
highly vulnerable to cracking and other kind of damages (like
maintenance of structures respectively [13]. Almost all repair
deterioration) which allows some severe chemicals (acid rain
cases do not increase the life of structure in contrast to the
and salts etc.) to enter in concrete [6]. Cracking is one of the
amount spent on them. Deterioration of structures do not only
important causes of concrete deterioration and reduction in
put a heavy toll on country’s economy but also affect it socially
durability [7,8] as Fig. 1 shows that cracking is one of the main
and environmentally.
cause of structure damage/deterioration reported by clients,
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 3
In the view of increasing cracking of structures, researchers cracking of concrete structures because process of regular
invented a method named as self-healing to overcome con- inspection and repair/maintenance is impossible for mas-
crete structure deterioration whose popularity can be seen sive concrete structures due to large requirement of labor
by increasing number of article publications each year as and cost [15]. Considering mentioned circumstances, self-
shown in Fig. 2. Although, the process of self-healing in healing or automatic repair is an effective process of sealing
concrete without human intervention (without adding any harmful cracks without intervening any human effort or cap-
material/admixture to fills flanks/cracks) was first discovered ital investment. Some of the major benefits of self-healing
in 1836 [14], but from the past few decades, researchers are of concrete is given in Fig. 3. Nowadays, self-healing mech-
finding different novel methods to functionalize self-healing anism is being used in variety of structures as shown in
of concrete [11]. Self-healing is the best method to reduce Fig. 4.
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
4 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 5
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
6 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
Fig. 6 – (a) Autogenous/natural self-healing methods [26,38]. (b) Autogenous healing due to physical, chemical and
mechanical processes in cementitious materials [39,40]
been found out that mechanisms of autogenous healing are Such addition in concrete mix effects the type of mix
effective for the small sized cracks, however, sometimes larger prepared by influencing pozzolanic reactions, healing
cracks (<200 m) apart from cracks greater than 300 m can mechanism duration and consumption of Ca(OH)2 .
also be cured in water presence. Major factors affecting auto- 3. Aggregate type
genous healing depends on: (i) concrete age and composition, This factor affects pattern of cracking and related healing
(ii) water presence (iii) crack shape and size. process to be initiated.
4. Class of concrete
2.1.1. Age and composition Concrete class is related to w/c ratio, ease of binder in devel-
Autogenous healing potential depends upon concrete compo- oping appreciable quantity of (CSH) gel due to hydration,
sition which includes following parameters: binder type and quantity used.
5. Concrete age
1. Clinker content in cement Concrete age is vital for healing mechanism. Early age of
Cement type is not that important factor to influence concrete is more profound [34] as it has more unhydrated
concrete composition. However, supply of calcium ions is bonding particles to form new CSH gel. Scanning electron
determined by clinker contents (in cement) which eventu- microscope (SEM) examination revealed that regaining of
ally showcase the ability of matrix to form precipitates of strength of cracked concrete submerged in water is due to
CaCO3 . the formation of CSH and portlandite while the regain in
2. Silicate addition concrete stiffness is related to formation of ettringite.
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 7
2.1.2. Presence of water encapsulation and by using vascular network method. Growth
Water submergence is considered best suited for self-healing of microorganisms is concrete’s environment (PH value, mois-
exposure. Presence of water is vital for autogenous healing ture content and temperature) is not appreciable due to which
phenomenon for proceeding chemical reactions and also act in most of the cases, spores are used instead of microbial
as transporting agent for particles. Different properties (tem- broth. Moreover, encapsulation method is applicable in harsh
perature, pressure gradient, alkalinity, pressure and hardness concrete conditions, but this method is quite complex and
[42]) of water present also effects healing phenomenon. More- expensive. Additionally, vascular network method to expand
over, few studies have found that self-healing phenomenon microbial broth over cement matrix is a way of protecting bac-
works perfect in wet and dry cycles as compared to complete teria from inappropriate concrete conditions but this method
water submerged conditions. This is possible because CaCO3 is complex and lacks constructability in view of todays’ tech-
can easily form due to massive availability of carbon dioxide nology.
(CO2 ) in air.
2.3. Engineered self-healing
2.1.3. Crack shape and size
Geometrically, cracks suggest the extent of autogenous heal- Various methods of engineered self-healing of cracks in con-
ing by identifying crack dimensions (height, length and width) crete has been explored so far which depends upon crack
and crack pattern (branched or accumulated). Narrower cracks width. Apart from engineered self-healing concrete many self-
can be healed easily and quickly also by limiting width of crack healing concrete techniques has been explored but a practical
and enhancing healing mechanism. Controlling the crack for- remedy is still unavailable for-example bacterial approach is
mation and expansion can also store and transport water effective method but mostly it is very difficult for bacteria to
throughout the matrix to enhance hydration (and healing) [43]. survive because they get killed during concrete mixing and
Additionally, age of first crack is also important along with placing [25]. Other methods of concrete healing such as vascu-
crack geometry for enhancing autogenous healing. lar technique can cause pre-maturation of healing agents even
before crack starts forming [41]. While methods of engineered
2.2. Autonomic healing self-healing, concrete gives better results than mentioned
approaches, such techniques utilize fiber reinforced or engi-
Autonomic concrete healing is an artificial healing process. neered cementitious composites. These methods give better
Such healing is processed when an appropriate healing agent results in real world because they require no special compo-
is added to concrete, so that healing/blocking of crack can be nents, good at regaining durability and cost effective.
done without any external aid at ambient temperature [16].
This type of healing can be achieved by chemical and biological
processes. 3. Effective self-healing techniques
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
8 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
failure locations) and microcapsules (dispersion of capsules leaves no room for concrete (incorporated with encapsulated
in the matrix uniformly). Healing induced by encapsulation chemical agents) recycling.
self-healing can be broadly classified as chemical agents and
bacterial precipitation. The encapsulation techniques used in 3.1.2. Bacterial precipitation
different researches are given in Table 2. Generally, material used for manufacturing of capsules to
encapsulate microbial species are of different type such as
melamine-based and diatomaceous earth [33,78]. Moreover,
3.1.1. Chemical agents microbial species used in mentioned capsules are of different
Different encapsulation materials for instance polymers, types depending upon various factors like crack width, con-
light-weight aggregates, glass and ceramic tubes, etc. are crete type and temperature, etc. These bacteria are generally
being used for development of self-healing phenomenon in Bacillus sphaericus, pseudofirmus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
cement matrix. Among mentioned encapsulating materials, etc. Mentioned bacteria have been successfully encapsulated
polymeric capsules are being used widely by preparing them for accompanying self-healing in concrete and had differ-
through an oil-in-water dispersion phenomenon of poly- ent effects on various properties on concrete as listed in
meric material. In order to make strong Urea (NH2 CON2 ) and Tables 3 and 4, respectively. The main advantage of using this
formaldehyde (CH2 O) capsule shell, NH2 CON2 and CH2 O are technique is that it is environmental friendly and compati-
generally reacted in liquid phase. The prepolymer formed by ble with cement matrix while its main disadvantages include
mentioned reaction in liquid phase can be taken out to give repeatability issues, performance dependent (mainly on mois-
somewhat rough texture to capsules [69–71]. This explained ture) and costly. The stages to be followed to incorporate
technique can be used to enhance bonding with cement encapsulated bacterial precipitation in concrete are shown in
matrix. Several other materials for manufacturing/processing Fig. 7.
of capsules are polyurethane and melamine-based capsule
material, glass tubes and acrylic tubes (perspex cast), etc. [72].
A variety of healing agents has been introduced in above men- 4. Quality of self-healing techniques
tioned capsules such as solution of sodium silicate [73,74],
epoxy [64,75], isocyanate prepolymer [49,72], cyanoacrylate In order to quantify the quality of self-healing methods six
[76] and MMA monomer [76,77]. Design and geometry of cap- criterions are used. Self-healing method should show six crite-
sule used for encapsulating healing agents play an important rions to ensure quality of self-healing method’s functionality
role in fulfilling its function. This mechanism is beneficial as and indented role in structures. Apart from using these cri-
it can come in action in case of multiple cracking with a good terions as quality quantifying tool, they can also be used to
efficiency to restore mechanical properties of concrete but this determine advantages and disadvantages/limitations of var-
technique is not environmental friendly, weaken concrete and ious self-healing approaches. These six criterions are shelf
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 9
Table 4 – Effect of bacteria used as self-healing in concrete on various concrete properties (↑: Increases, ↓: Decreases).
Bacteria Used Sample age (days) Compressive strength Permeability Water absorption References
Sporosarcina 7 ↑ – – [83]
28 ↓ [84]
Bacillus cohnii 7 ↑ – – [85]
Bacillus sphaericus 7 ↑ ↓ – [86]
3 ↑ – ↓ [87]
28 ↓ ↓ – [33]
Diaphorobacter 7 ↓ – – [88]
Bacillus 3 ↓ – – [44]
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
10 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
1 Shelf life Long, depends Spores pertain Depends on Long, depends Long
on encapsulated for at least six additive’s on encapsulated
healing agent months so does reactivity and healing agent
this approach hydration
2 Pervasiveness Yes, as capsules Yes, as capsules Yes, as additives No, tubes can Yes, as they can
can be dispersed having spores are thoroughly only be placed be available
throughout can be dispersed mixed and where the cracks anywhere in
concrete throughout dispersed are anticipated matrix
matrix throughout
3 Quality Restores Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration
mechanical of complete of complete of self-sealing of self-sealing
properties of self-sealing but self-sealing but and restores and restores
matrix, restoration of restoration of mechanical mechanical
self-sealing mechanical mechanical properties properties
property has not properties is less properties has without 100% without 100%
been not been efficiency efficiency
investigated investigated
4 Reliability No sufficient No sufficient No sufficient No sufficient No sufficient
data available for data available for data available for data available for data available for
assessment assessment assessment assessment assessment
5 Versatility Yes, as it is No, as it needs No, as it needs Yes, as it is Yes, as it is
independent of continuous continuous independent of independent of
environment moisture moisture environment environment
exposure exposure
6 Repeatability No sufficient No sufficient No sufficient Not repeatable Yes, but up-to
data available for data available for data available for some extents
assessment assessment assessment
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 11
Visual inspection Correlation of digital image Cracks tend to close after heat [89]
Infrared analysis Formation of precipitated [90,91]
X-ray tomography/radiography Release of encapsulated [50,92]
self-healing agent
Micromorphology Crystals starts to deposit in [93–95]
SEM Crystals starts to deposit in [44,73,96–98]
ESEM Capsule starts to break [99]
Raman spectroscopy Determination of chemical [96]
X-ray diffraction Determination of crystalline [100]
Image analysis/optical Determination of healing [73,101–103]
microscopy rate/crystal deposition into
Regaining mechanical strength Compression strength test Regain of stiffness and strength [104,105]
Frame/column deformation [49]
Impact loading on slab [49]
Bending test (3-point &4-point) [47,50,71,72,77,106–111]
Tensile strength test [28,106]
Frequency analysis Capsule containing healing [112–117]
agent breaks
Regaining compactness Neutron radiography Determination of water uptake [118,119]
by capillary action through
healed cracks
Salt scaling Salt scaling resistance [120]
Low and high pressure Flowing of water/air through [10,31,39,50,114,121–123]
water/air permeability cracks healed
Osmotic pressure Ion ingression resistance [117]
Ultrasonic transmission Continuation of material [100]
Diffusion of chloride Chloride ingression resistance [124,125]
Water uptake through capillary Water uptake by capillary [95,126]
action action through healed crack
Corrosion test Corrosion resistance [74]
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
12 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
Cracks with water Cracks with CO3 2- Crack width Methods to supply
healing agent
1 Self-healing due to No requirement for Not necessary Depends upon Capsule or vascular
adhesive agent water presence amount of agent system
added small/wide
cracks can be healed
2 Bacterial Continuous Continuous Cracks of width up Immobilization of
self-healing availability of water availability of CO3 2− to 450 m can be bacteria
is required is required healed
3 Autogenous Continuous Presence of CO3 2− is Cracks with width –
self-healing availability of water not necessary but (<50 m) can be
required they can enhance healed
healing efficiency
4 Self-healing due to Continuous Not necessary Cracks of width up Can be added
admixtures availability of water to 450 m can be directly during
is required healed concrete mixing or
by encapsulation
be able to initiate healing unless liquids and gasses intrude 5.3. Internal and external heating
into the cracks.
It is not financially feasible to supply heat externally because
it requires structural monitoring for cracks. In the view of
5.2. Cracking this, structural monitoring can be avoided with the continuous
supply of electric current. But using sensitive strain sensors
Cracking as triggering mechanism of healing is very appre- and permanent supply of electric current still raises system
ciable because matrix responds very fast. Healing agent is cost. Concrete can also deteriorate if the matrix is overheated.
released into the crack upon cracking and it further depends Moreover, at 100 ◦ C available water in concrete begins to vapor-
upon curing of healing agent. Breakage of capsule during crack ize, and at 180 ◦ C dehydration and collapsing of microstructure
formation depends upon capsule wall brittleness and appre- occurs [128]. Apart from above-mentioned disadvantages,
ciable adhesion between capsule boundary and the matrix. this triggering mechanism in self-healing concrete (using
But excessive brittleness can break capsule during concrete encapsulation technique) overcome the requirement of
mixing. Hence, extensive care and flexible capsule material using brittle capsule, which eases mixing and casting of
should be used to protect capsule during mixing of concrete. concrete.
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 13
Fig. 8 – Cost and performance analysis of concrete with and without healing agents [138].
Please cite this article in press as: Danish A, et al. Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on
efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
JMRTEC-1646; No. of Pages 17
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efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053
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efficiency of implemented treatments. J Mater Res Technol. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.04.053