5 Vector Valued Functions
5 Vector Valued Functions
5 Vector Valued Functions
Lecture 5
Vector-Valued Functions
The function y = f (x) assigns to each x from the domain D R a real value y from
the codomain B R, and hence it is a real-valued function. The equation of a line
in 2-space has the form
x = x0 + ta, y = y0 + tb,
which can also be written in vector form
~r = ~r0 + t~v ,
where ~r = hx, yi, ~r0 = hx0 , y0 i, ~v = ha, bi.
We can regard ~r = ~r0 +t~v as a function which assigns to each t a vector ~r = ~r0 +t~v .
Thus we have a vector-valued function here.
In general, a vector-valued function in 2-space has the form
~r(t) = hx(t), y(t)i = x(t)~i + y(t)~j,
in 3-space, a vector-valued function has the form
~r(t) = hx(t), y(t), z(t)i = x(t)~i + y(t)~j + z(t)~k.
The real-valued functions x(t), y(t) and z(t) are called the components of ~r(t).
Clearly ~r(t) = x(t)~i + y(t)~j + z(t)~k is equivalent to
x = x(t), y = y(t), z = z(t).
We call this later system of equations the parametric form of the vector-valued
function ~r(t) = x(t)~i + y(t)~j + z(t)~k.
Let ~r(t) be a vector-valued function in 2-space or 3-space defined on some closed
interval [a, b]. Then the range of ~r describes a curve C, which we call the graph of
~r(t), or the graph of the equation ~r = ~r(t). It might be helpful to visualise a vector
function as the trajectory of a point moving in space in dependence of time t.
Clearly C has the parametric equation
x = x(t),
y = y(t)
x = x(t),
y = y(t),
(in 2-space)
z = z(t)
(in 3-space).
t R.
The notions of limit, continuity and derivative for real-valued functions can all be
passed to vector-valued functions through the components. Namely,
(1) Limit. For ~r(t) = x(t)~i + y(t)~j, define
lim ~r(t) = lim x(t) ~i + lim y(t) ~j.
For vectors in 3-space, the definition is similar. If at least one of the limits of
the component functions does not exist, then we say lim ~r(t) does not exist.
Sometimes the condition that ~r(t) is defined at t0 is stated explicitly, but we take the point
of view that continuity or non-continuity are notions that make sense only for points that are a
priori in the domain of the function.
Clearly ~r(t) is continuous at t0 if and only if all its component functions are
continuous at t0 .
(3) Derivative. The derivative of ~r(t0 ) is defined by
~r (t0 ) =
~r(t0 + h) ~r(t0 )
~r(t) = lim
||~e(t, t0 )||
= 0,
t t0
i.e. ||~e(t, t0 )|| tends to zero faster than t t0 . In other words, is approximately
a linear function
~r(t) ~r0 + t~v ,
where ~r0 = ~r(t0 ) t0~r (t0 ) and ~v = ~r (t0 ). The error is small, even compared
to the small quantity t t0 .
We introduce here a convenient notation that we will use later, namely
~e(t, t0 ) = o(t t0 ),
to express (6).
More generally the o notation
f (t) = o(g(t)) as t t0
has the meaning
|f (t)|
= 0.
3. o(xn ) = o(xm ) if n m.
The following theorem collects some of the most important properties of derivatives for vector-valued functions.
Theorem 1
(1) ~r (t0 ) is tangent to the curve ~r = ~r(t) at ~r(t0 ) and points in the direction of
increasing parameter.
~ = ~0, where C
~ is a constant vector.
(2) (a) (C)
(b) (k~r(t)) = k~r (t), where k is a scalar.
(c) [~r1 (t) ~r2 (t)] = ~r1 (t) ~r2 (t)
(4) If ||~r(t)|| is constant for all t, then ~r(t) ~r (t) = 0, i.e., ~r(t) and ~r (t) are
always perpendicular.
Proof: For (1) notice that the vector equation of a secant through ~r(t0 ) and ~r(t1 )
~r(t) = ~r(t0 ) + ~v t
~r(t1 ) ~r(t0 )
t1 t0
The tangent vector is the limiting position of secant vectors where t1 approaches t0 .
This limit is, as in single variable calculus, by definition the derivative ~r (t0 ).
~v =
The properties (2) (a)-(e) can be proved in the same way as in one variable
calculus, or, even simpler, reduce to those properties.
Although (3) (a) also reduces to properties of one variable functions we will give
a proof that shows the advantage of the o notation. Notice that our proof below
works for any dimension. We have
~r1 (t) = ~r1 (t0 ) + ~r1 (t0 )(t t0 ) + o(t t0 )
By forming the dots product of both sides and using dot product rules we get
~r1 (t) ~r2 (t) =~r1 (t0 ) ~r2 (t0 ) + ~r1 (t0 ) ~r2 (t0 )(t t0 ) + ~r1 (t0 )(t t0 ) ~r2 (t0 )+
+ (~r1 (t0 ) + ~r1 (t0 )(t t0 )) o(t t0 )
=~r1 (t0 ) ~r2 (t0 ) + (~r1 (t0 ) ~r2 (t0 ) + ~r1 (t0 ) ~r2 (t0 ))(t t0 ) + + o(t t0 )
Here we have used that ~r1 (t0 )+~r1 (t0 )(tt0 ) and ~r2 (t0 )+~r2 (t0 )(tt0 ) are bounded
in some neighbourhood of t0 , i.e.
||~r1(t0 ) + ~r1 (t0 )(t t0 )|| M
|(~r2 (t0 ) + ~r2 (t0 )(t t0 )) o(t t0 )| M|| o(t t0 )|| = o(t t0 ).
This line proves the claim.
The proof of (3) (b) is exactly the same with replaced by .
To prove (4), let us first recall that ||~r(t)||2 = ~r(t) ~r(t). Hence ~r(t) ~r(t) C
for all t.
It follows that
0 = (C) = (~r(t) ~r(t))
This implies ~r(t) ~r (t) = 0 for all t. The proof for (4) is complete.
Example 3
Note: In part (a), the graph of ~r(t) is a straight line and ~r (t) is a constant
vector which is parallel to the line. Recall that property (1) in Theorem 1 says
r (t) is tangent to the line and our example confirms this. In part (b), ||~r(t)|| =
( sin t)2 + (cos t)2 = 1 and property (4) in Theorem 1 says ~r(t) ~r (t) = 0. Here
we can also check directly:
~r(t) ~r (t) = ( sin t~i + cos t~j) ( cos t~i sin t~j)
= ( sin t)( cos t) + (cos t)( sin t)
= sin t cos t cos t sin t = 0.