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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights

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Volume III: Beyond Ritual --
Historical, Philosophical, and Scientific Considerations
Book I: Astrology
Part 7: Notes Toward an Astrological Text

Chapter 1: April 26, 1995

April 26, 1995

1. The Precession of the Equinoxes

2. The Inception of an Aeon
3. Current Aeon of Horus
a. Inception -- March 20, 1904 e.v.
b. Frater Achad’s Cycles of Time and the Aeon of Maät (Capricorn) vs. Aeon of Horus
c. Anton Szandor LaVey and the First Church of Satan -- Aeon of Satan (Capricorn), inception
1969 e.v.
d. The dwads or twelfths of a Sign or Constellation
e. One dwad of precession of Equinox through the Constellations = 2,160 yrs/12 = 180 years;
180 + 1904 = 2084 = inception of dwad of Sagittarius (11th) of Aeon of Horus (Age of
Aquarius); we are still in the last dwad (Capricorn) of the Aquarius Age, thus the
Capricornian cast of such Aquarian (libertarian) movements as the First Church of Satan.
Frater Achad mistook the last dwad of the Aeon of Horus (Capricorn dwad of Age of
Aquarius) for the Aeon of Maät (Age of Capricorn)!

The Goddess Asteroids

1. Ceres: the Womb of Life

2. Pallas: the Marriage of Courage and Justice, recognition of patterns
3. Juno: the Web of Relationship
4. Vesta: the Fire of Life, the Earth-Sense -- Earth: the Womb of Life, the Balance of Life, the Web of
Life (embodies the previous three). Humanity was forged in the evolutionary fires of adversity; our
psychology can’t handle a complete lack of it, and we degenerate when not presented with suitable
challenges. We need peril, vastness, and a constant sense of uncertainty to keep us honest -- keep us
from murder, rapine, devastation, madness. Vesta, the Spirit of the Hearth, represents the Heart of
the Home -- but also the terrible tempering fires of the 3.5+ megayears of Earthly life, by which our
spirit has been stoked to towering heights. As McCammon says, “Once upon a time, we had a love-
affair with fire.” This is why: only when the fire within is matched by enough fire without are we
happy and spiritually on course.

The United States Natal Chart

In the traditionally accepted natal chart of the United States of America, for 2:15 a.m. local time,
July 4, 1776 e.v., at Philadelphia, PA, Uranus is rising in Gemini in the First House, conjunct the
Ascendant (generically ruled by Mars) and the martial Star Aldebaran, while Mars is in Gemini in the
First House in that chart, as well, though at a much later degree than Uranus. Uranus is exalted in
Scorpio, the Eighth Sign, the traditional ruler of which is Mars; Gemini is on the Ascendant of that chart,
which is thus ruled by Mercury, generic ruler of the Sixth House of any chart; the Part of Fortune in that
chart is in its Sixth House, in Scorpio. In that chart, Luna is in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, Who is in
Gemini, ruled by Mercury, Who is in Cancer, ruled by Luna, all three thus partaking of a tripartate
mutual-reception system. In the Qaballah, the Key-Scale Numbers for Luna are 9 and 13, and the
number 3 is traditionally associated with Her as well as with the Hebrew letter Gimel and Tarot Trump
II, The High Priestess; the Sephirah of Mercury is 8, and His Path is the Hebrew letter Beth, associated
with the number 2; the Sephirah of Mars is 5 and His Path is Peh, associated with the number 80 and
Trump XVI, The Tower; Uranus is associated with Aleph and the numbers 1, 11 (its Key-Scale Value),
and 111 (the height in feet of the Statue of Liberty); Aquarius, the 11th month, is associated with Heh
(Aleister Crowley’s system), the number 5, and Trump IV, The Emperor; Cancer, the 4th Sign, is
associated with Cheth, the number 8, and Trump VII, The Chariot; and Scorpio, the Eighth Sign, is
associated with Nun, the number 50, and Trump XIII, Death. There are thus many numerological links
between elements in this chart and the Eighth Sign Scorpio, traditionally ruled by Mars. Currently, there
are 50 states in the United States of America -- and Pluto is just winding up His 11-year traverse of the
Sign Scorpio. Therefore the years 1984 e.v. - 1995 e.v. (80 a.n. - 91 a.n.) should be exceptionally
important in our history in ways clearly Thelemic in nature, i.e., bearing the unmistakable hallmarks of
the Aeon of Horus (Age of Aquarius) which Crowley believed he had ushered in as a result of his
Equinoctial Working in the Great Pyramid in Cairo, Egypt, on March 20, 1904 e.v. That age should be
centrally concerned with libertarian issues of all kinds, the emancipation of women and former oppressed
peoples the world over, objective science, the most sophisticated possible technology, high-energy
technologies, space-travel and colonization of other Planets, and so forth. Looking back over the last 11
years, clearly we were very concerned in this country with all such issues. This lends support to the idea
that when the astrology of the times agrees with both the natal astrology and the Qaballah of a nation or a
people, the latter will respond in ways simultaneously characteristic of all three.




Saturn is exalted in Scorpio, which is associated with the basal Chakra )the Chakra at the base of the
spine), which is ruled by Saturn.

On the Limits Set by Astrology

Astrology permits; it doesn’t necessarily ordain, any more than an ecological and agricultural
analysis of the resources on a farm doesn’t mandate that a farmer shall plant particular crops – or not
plant them – or sell the farm and move away. All that a given celestial configuration determines is what
can occur, not what will occur. The latter can only be determined by the choices made by living
organisms, individually and collectively, out of the set of all possibilities permitted by that configuration.
To return to the analogy of a farm, supposed a farmer owns a large tract of land which he wishes to plant
with something that will net him a good profit, and that he calls in an agronomer to help him determine
the best possible use of that tract. The agronomer can tell him (a) what will grow there and what won’t;
(b) what is likely to grow best there; (c) what sort of pest-control measures and fertilizers the farmer will
have to use to optimize his gains; and (d) how to rotate crops to ensure that he won’t end up sterilizing
his land from over-use. But it is up to the farmer to choose which crops to plant, if any; whether or not
the ones he plants are those which, according to the agronomer, are most likely to maximize his profits,
assuming he tends them as the agronomer advises; and whether to keep the farm or just sell it and move
to Chicago. And it is up to God to arrange the weather – not to mention whether the farmer will live long
enough, or be in good enough shape, to plant crops in the first place. Just so, astrology shows only what
is possible, but it is up to living beings to determine what shall occur, out of all those possibilities.

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