Comet Shoemaker-Levy and the Wrath o’ Goddess!, or, Little Uranium Meets Red Chief <g>
This chart is for the impact of the first fragment of Comet Shoemaker-Levy onto Jupiter, taking place
on Saturday, July 16, 1994 e.v., at 12:26:00 p.m. PDT (+ 7 hrs). I did the chart for Seattle, where I live
(long. 122° 21’ W, lat. 47° 39’ N), using the Placidean House domification system.
Since I had just been working with the natal chart of the U.S.A. and several of its progressions, I
noticed right away the following:
Mars, at 9° 4’ Gemini, conjoins Uranus in the US natus.
Mercury, at 3° 42’ Cancer, conjoins Venus and Jupiter in the US natus. In this chart, He conjoins
Ceres (3° 26’ Cancer) quite closely, so She, too, conjoins Venus and Jupiter in the US chart.
The Sun, at 24° 2’ Cancer, exactly conjoins Mercury in the US chart (24° 28’ Cancer).
The Ascendant, at 10° 0’ Libra, conjoins US Saturn (14° 47’).
Neptune (21° 55’ Capricorn) is conjunct Uranus (24° 23’ Capricorn) and the Part of Fortune (20° 1’
Capricorn) in the 4th House (from where I live); Neptune is in mutual reception with Saturn (11° 57’
Pisces) in 5th, in mutual reception with Sol by House.
I was tickled to notice that Jupiter (5° 5’ Scorpio) was in the 1st House, though conjunct the 2nd
House cusp (5° 44’ Scorpio), and conjunct Luna (4° 3’ Scorpio). He was also in mutual reception with
9th House Mars by House.
From the preceding, and other Signs and portents associated with it, I conclude that . . . the Butler
done it. (No, but seriously folks . . . <g>) Anyway, I’ll run off the US natal progression for that date and
see how the two compare, just for fun – while it won’t differ much from the ones run off for 4/19/1995
and 4/19/1993, previously discussed, it will have a different Ascendant and, consequently, its chart-ruler
will differ from the others. Luna also will have moved. So there will be some items of interest.
Nota bene: This day was the 49th anniversary of the first official test of the atom bomb at Trinity
Flats, New Mexico in 1945. the 49th (=7 x 7) birthday of a thing marked its Jubilee Year in the Bible,
referring to the cancellation of all debts, bondage and servitude every 50 years in ancient Israel and
Judea, as documented in the Old Testament. Black Slaves in the American South prior to the end of the
Civil War referred to the time of the hoped-for end of slavery as the “Jubilee Year,” crying “Bring the
Jubilee!”, coded in Biblical terms in order to fool their owners and overseers (who were, by the way, well
and truly fooled, right up to the end). The Trinity bomb had a uranium core; uranium is the metal of
Uranus, Planet associated with freedom and the Goddess Liberty as well as being the ruler of Aquarius
and the new Aeon of Horus.
In addition, it takes the planetoid Chiron 50 years to orbit the Sun, so that 50 years of age, the Chiron
return, marks a time of opportunities for breaking free of old repetitive patterns of wounding by self and
others originally initiated by contacts between Chiron and things in one’s chart or transits or progressions
to one’s natal Chiron.
Also, this day also marks the 25th (2 + 5 = 7; 25 = 1/2 of 50) anniversary of the Apollo XI Moon
Landing, humanity’s first real visit to another world. XI or 11 is the number of Magick; it is associated
with the Planet Uranus, Tarot Trump 0, The Fool, the Hebrew letter Aleph, and the Goddess Liberty (Her
statue in NYC stands on a base in the form of an 11-pointed Star; also, She stands 111 feet tall from
pedestal to the tip of Her upraised torch – and the sum of the Hebrew letters in Aleph is Aleph (1) +
Lamed (30) + Peh (80) = 111).
Finally, Uranus rules the sky, things that fall from the sky, comets, meteor impacts, explosions, and
all related matters. Clearly this was a Uranus-ruled day in all respects, and only a (heh-heh) fool could
fail to see it . . .
Continuing this analysis of the event chart for Comet Shoemaker-Levy’s smashing (<g>) finale on
Jupiter in July 1994 e.v., let’s look at the secondary progression of the US natus for that date in
comparison with the chart for the event itself.
This progression, which is for Friday, February 7, 1777, at 2:59:22 Local Time, has 13° 42’
Sagittarius on the Ascendant, so that this chart is ruled by – Jupiter! <g> (Also, it is in a°ree – 13 – that
is the Archetypal Number of the US.) Jupiter is in the 7th House, at 16° 46’, squaring Mars (17° 49’
Libra) in the 10th. Venus is at 0° 51’ Aries, in the 3rd, in mutual reception with Mars. Uranus, so
prominent in the US chart, and ruling explosions, detonations, high-energy technology and processes, the
sky, comets, etc., is at 6° 58’ Gemini in the 6th.
This chart’s Moon, at 7° 26’ Aquarius in the second, squares the Moon and Jupiter in the event chart.
I’ll leave further analysis of this chart and of its synastry with the event for now; I’ll just say that
there are a tremendous number of contacts between the two, making analysis well worth while.*
*It may also be of interest that in 1995 I purchased a ferret named Bart who, it developed, had been born
in Seattle on Saturday, July 16, 1994 e.v., at 12:26:00 p.m. PDT (+ 7 hrs), right when that first chunk
of Comet Shoemaker-Levy was coming down on Jupiter. Bart was a wonderful ferret, but when the
mood took him he could wreak havoc wherever he was. Like a comet.
Now, for something totally off the wall, here are three other charts, to be analyzed in relation to these
first two:
1) An event (transit) chart for Saturday, January 9, 1993 e.v., at 7:30 p.m. PST, Seattle, WA (122°
21’ W long., 47° 39’ N lat.). This is for an Invocation of Liberty (Uranus) performed by Yrs Truly that
night (night of day ruled by Saturn is ruled by Uranus, by one line of logic), in my home in Seattle. All
my life I had been dogged by “runs” of horrible disasters and tragedies in my life, all of which had the
symbolism of Jupiter and Juno associated with them, and event charts for which had prominent Jupiter
and Juno. I got fed to the !@#$%&**@!! teeth with it, and invoked Liberty to hurl a bolt of justice at
the two of them, using modified forms of rituals by others (for an email copy of which, send request to
me at [email protected]; to give you an idea of what goes on, it wraps up its heavenfire-and-brimstone
oratory with “O come forth in the name PIKA-DON and destroy (Name)!!!”). I don’t claim that that
ritual did anything on the Outer Planes, but I do find it intriguing that just two months later, in May, 1993
e.v., the astronomers Shoemaker and Levy made the first sighting of the comet that subsequently was
named after them, the one which was to impact so flamboyantly on Jupiter in July the following year, a
comet that had never been seen before at all. The rest, as they say, is history . . . :)
This chart has Mars at 16° 49’ Cancer in the 12th. The Ascendant is at 12° 7’ Leo; Sol is at 19° 52’
Capricorn. Uranus and Neptune are in exact conjunction in Capricorn in the 6th (Uranus at 18° 13’ and
Neptune at 18° 42’ Capricorn). Saturn (17° 20’ Aquarius) (obstacles) is in the 7th, but is in mutual
reception with Uranus, so can be moved out of there. Juno was at 3° 38’ Cancer – exactly conjunct
Mercury in the event chart for the comet impact the following year. And Chiron, the Wounded Healer,
was in the First House, at 22° 33’ Leo (11 and its multiples signify Magick and liberty, appropriate for a
Magickal Working dedicated to freeing myself from the oppression tyranny of forces unknown but
clearly symbolized by and associated with Jupiter) (the 1st House in a ritual chart signifies the Operator,
in this case, me).
2) The secondary progression of the U.S. natus to 1/9/1993 – the date for which it is erected is
Wednesday, February 5, 1777, 2:39:07 p.m. Local Time, Philadelphia, PA, using Placidean House
domification. This chart has Jupiter (!) at 16° 55’ Cancer in the 1st, along with the North Node of the
Moon at 27° 12’ Cancer. The chart’s Ascendant is at 15° 9’ Cancer; the Moon, one of the rulers of the
United States of America (along with Uranus, Mars, and Mercury), is at 16° 21’ Capricorn in the 7th,
applying to an exact opposition to Jupiter. Uranus is in the 11th at 6° 58’ Gemini; the Part of Fortune is
at 14° 4’ Gemini, in the 12th. Sun, at 17° 27’ is in the 8th.
3) My own natus: March 20, 1945 e.v., at 5:48 p.m. PDT, at Huntington Hospital, Pasadena,
California, USA. Using the Placidean House domification system, the Midheaven is at 13+°rees Gemini
and the Ascendant is at 14+°rees Virgo. My Sun was at 0° 3’ Aries, my Moon at 2° 55’ Cancer, Saturn at
4° 5’ Cancer, Uranus at 9° 36’ Gemini, North Lunar Node at 14+° Cancer, Eros at 3+° Cancer, Juno at
4+° Cancer, Pallas at 28+° Virgo, Chiron at 0+° Libra, Neptune at 5° 12’ Libra, Pluto at 8° 10’ Leo,
Mercury at 17+° Aries, etc. Among other things, Uranus in my natal chart is conjunct the Mars of the
event chart for the Shoemaker-Levy Jupiter impact.
Which all goes to prove that . . . I still say, the Butler dunnit!!