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Volume 2: The Magickal Sky -- Part 3: The Signs -- Chapter 1: Aries

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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights

email: [email protected] words


Volume II: The Magickal Sky

Part 4: The Signs

Chapter 1: Aries

Section 1: General Discussion

Aries is the first month of the Solar year. It, along with the astrological new year, begins when the
Sun, moving on His annual round of the Ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator, going from the Southern
to the Northern latitudes of the heavens. This event takes place each year about March 20 or 21.* The
average length of a Solar month is one-twelfth that of the year, 30 days and some 10-1/2 hours; but at the
beginning of Aries the Earth has moved on Her orbit about one-third of the way from perihelion to
aphelion, and is therefore moving more slowly along Her orbit than Her average motion, so the apparent
motion of Sol as observed from Earth is at that point slower than average. So Aries is about 31 days or a
small fraction over in length.


*Usually it occurs on March 21 in Greenwich, England, the zero (reference) meridian of longitude, but
often early enough in the day at that longitude that it is prior to midnight on the previous day (March
20) in the Americas.

Aries is the first month of astrological Spring. The tender shoots of young plants are just beginning
to emerge from the Earth and buds have begun to appear on the trees. The entire plant kingdom is
bursting with the vital energies which have lain dormant all during Winter, which the plants have been
storing up for the making of leaves and flowers during Spring. Many species of animals time their
periods of mating, gestation, and birth so that their young are born now, when food, in the form either of
plant-life or herbivores that feed on the new Spring plant-growth, is plentiful and rich with stored energy.
The old year’s vital forces did not die with the previous Autumn, but instead were stored in seed-
form in decomposing, nutritionally rich materials in the remains of plants and animals that died then or
before. Now the new life of this Spring Season draws on that stored energy for its growth and
nurturance. Thus the dying old year is resurrected in the new one. For this reason, Aries and its Lords
represent both birth and re-birth, resurrection and regeneration* -- a highly appropriate alliteration, for
Resh, the Hebrew letter “R,” is associated with Sol, Who is exalted in Aries.


*Scorpio, which is ruled by the same Lords as Aries, likewise has a multiple nature. Scorpio is
associated with dying and death, but also with pupation, transmutation, redemption, and healing.
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Aries is the time of new beginnings, new hope, new life, and the point at which the future comes to
birth from the womb of the past, represented by Pisces, the previous Solar month and the last month of
the astrological year.
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Section 2: The Astromythology and Psychospiritual Aspects of [sign/house]


Keywords for Aries:

Active; arrogant; aspiration; born leader; changeable; courageous; fire in eruption; a fountain of
water; a geyser; volcanic eruption; explosion; the horns of the ram (and, by association, the Jewish
shofar, used by Joshua ben Nun to bring down the walls of Jericho); impetuous; inspiration (to others);
intemperate; intuitive; outspoken; perceptive; pioneer; rebellious; restless; spendthrift; sprouting
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Section 3: Correspondences


Egyptian: Horus; Ra; Isis; Men Thu

Greek: Hades; Ares; Artemis; Apollo; Helios; Hermes; Koré (the adolescent Persephone); Pallas
Sumerian: Mars; Dis; Pluto; Luna; Sol; Mercury; Proserpina
Hindu: Shiva; Agni
Szekeli (Romany Gypsy):
Christianity: the resurrected Christ
Scandinavian: Loki; Baldur; Thor; Tiu
The French Enlightenment:
Southeast Asia:
Celtic: Lugh
Polynesian: Pere (Pele)
Native Australian:
Central American:
American Indian:
American folklore:
The Land of Oz:
H. P. Lovecraft:
Stephen King:
LaVeyan Satanism:

God-Name in Hebrew:

World Religions:

Zoroastrianism; SubGenius (as a Discordian religion, under the aegis of Ra-Hoor-Khuit; ninpo
taijutsu, as a religion of Mars


Angelic Choir:


Angels given by Barrett, et al.:

Olympic Planetary Spirit:

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Spirits given by Bardon, Barrett, et al.:

Name of Sign in Hebrew:

Corresponding month in Jewish calendar:

Commandment from Exodus:

Ten Plagues of Egypt:

Verses from Creation Story in Genesis:

Cantos from the Inferno of Dante Alighieri :

Cantos from the Purgatorio of Dante Alighieri :

Cantos from the Paradiso of Dante Alighieri :

Orders of Qlippoth:

Qlipphotic Spirit (from Kenneth Grant):

Article of Bill of Rights:

General astrological classification:

Cardinal Fire. Ascending, barren (this one is questionable), bestial, bitter, boreal (Northern; also
called commanding), choleric, diurnal, dry, equinoctial, fiery, four-footed, hot, inspirational (spiritual or
moral), intellectual, luxurious, movable (Cardinal), positive (diurnal, fortunate, masculine), short
ascension, ruminant, violent, vital.^242

General Qaballistic classification:

Aries is associated with the Hebrew letter Heh, Path 15, which connects Chokmah with Tiphareth.

The general attributions of the Tarot:

Aries is associated with Tarot Trump IV, The Emperor ( in Aleister Crowley’s system, it is
associated with Tarot Trump XVII, The Star) and the Queen of Wands. The three decanates or thirds of
Aries are respectively represented by the Two of Wands(0°-9° Aries), Three of Wands(10°-19° of Aries),
and Four of Wands(20°-29° of Aries).

Titles of Tarot Trump:

Correct Design of Tarot Trump:

Titles and Attributes of Court Cards:

Titles and Attributes of Numbered Cards:

Alchemical and Pythagorean Associations:

Attributions from the I Ching and Taoist Cosmology:

Attributions from Ninpo (Way of the Ninja, Way of Wisdom) and Shinto (Way of the Kami or Gods):
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Other Magickal Correspondences, according to Barrett, et. al.:

Day of the Week ruled by Aries:



Hours of the Day ruled by Aries:



Solar month:

First month (twelfth) of astrological year.

Season of the Year:

First third of Spring

Grade of the Temple:


According to Liber 777, the following are associated with Aries. King Scale: scarlet. Queen Scale:
red. Emperor Scale: brilliant flame. Empress Scale: glowing red.
Essentially all the colors of fire and brilliant Solar light belong to Aries, for Aries is the Torch-
Bearer, the Harbinger and Herald of the Sun, leading all toward the Dawn.


Fire-bursts; fountain-shapes; ram’s-horns

Forms, shapes, lineal figures, geomantic figures, figures related to pure number, and numerological

The Geomantic figure Puer:


The numerical value of Heh is 5. The sum of the values of the letters of Heh as spelled in Hebrew,
Heh-Heh, is 5 + 5 = 10. The value of the Key Number of Heh is 15. This suggests that in general,
integral multiples of the number 5 are associated with Aries.
The Mystic Number of the Sephiroth associated with Aries is Σ (1-15) = 120 (which is, incidentally,
also an integral multiple of 5).

Magick Square:

A 5 x 5 Magick Square
The Mystic Rose of 22 Petals (Regardie)
The Mystic Rose of 116 Petals (extension of Mystic Rose of 22 Petals)
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Stones, gems, and metals:

Liber 777 gives the ruby.

Kunz gives garnet and crystal.^243
Oken gives bloodstone, firestone,* ocher, brimstone, diamond, and all minerals of reddish hue.^244



Herbs and Trees:

Liber 777 gives the tiger-lily, a traditional assignment, and the geranium, because its color is
precisely that associated with Aries in the King Scale of color. Liber 777 also attributes the Goddess
Pallas Athena to Aries, and therefore Her tree, the olive.*
Lust gives: 1) many plants also ruled by Mars, including cacti, garlic, hops, mustard, nettle, onion,
pepper, and radish; and certain others, including betony, lichens,** and rosemary.^245
Oken adds rhubarb, hemp,^# poppies (presumably because of their color), broom, holly (because of
its thorns), dock, and fern.^246
In addition, jonquils and daffodils are ruled by Mars, because they both begin to bloom right at the
beginning of astrological Spring (i.e., at the start of Aries), and their often brilliant yellow coloring
suggests the Sun, Who is exalted in Aries.


*Olive oil has been used for time out of mind as lamp-fuel. One of the traditional symbols for Aries is
the oil-fueled lamp (similar to Aladdin’s Lamp). So the association of the olive tree and its fruit/oil
with Aries is doubly appropriate.

**The lichen is the symbol of the marriage of Hades and Persephone. Both these Planets are strong in
Aries, so this is an appropriate association. See Chapters 10 and 11 in this part of Volume 2 of this

^#^We have to wonder: is this because of the internecine (drug) war, ruled by Mars, that has raged in
this country since about 1936? Hemp is associated with Neptune, and, as Crowley says, “The heart
of Neptune is Mars,” so . . . ;-) More important, hemp is the sacred herb of the God Shiva, Who is
also a God of war.

Animals and Other Organisms:

Liber 777 gives the Ram, the traditional assignment for Aries, and the owl, a bird sacred to Athena.
The hawk or sparrowhawk is also a bird of Aries, because it is associated with the God Ra, dawn,
and thus Aries. Aries rules the First House of the horoscope, which is associated in the Natural Wheel or
tropical Zodiac with the first Solar hour (120 minutes) after dawn. And sheep, especially rams, are
associated with Aries.

Ecological domain or process:

Legendary orders of being:

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Foods, drugs, flavors, and perfumes:

For vegetable drugs associated with Aries, Liber 777 gives all cerebral excitants, e.g., coffee and
methedrine, because Aries rules the head and the brain. For perfumes, it gives pepper, a Martial herb;
and dragon’s blood, an herb which gives off a dark-red smoke when burnt, is angry-looking in color,
gives off a mephitic stench, and is of fiery quality, and is therefore likewise Martial in nature.
A perfect drug for evoking Martial spirits or invoking Martial Intelligences or Gods would be a
homeopathic tincture prepared from substances ruled by Aries and those Planets and Lights which have
strength in that Sign, i.e., Sol, Luna, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, and Persephone. Such substances would
include, e.g., brain-tissue, gold, silvery, mercury metal (pure Hg), iron, and various radioactive ores and
rare earths. The number of dilutions used to make such a tincture would be some integral multiple of 5,
and the timing of its preparation would be on a Tuesday during the month Aries, in the first hour after
dawn during a waxing Moon, as close to the Equinox as possible. If, in addition, it could be prepared on
a day of the month divisible by 5, e.g., March 25 or April 5, so much the better. In addition, any drugs
which raise body-temperature are appropriate for Aries.
Foods compatible with Aries include, e.g., mutton or lamb; any dish prepared from the head of an
animalm especially its brains; hot dishes of all kinds; and any of the traditional dishes of the Jewish
Seder (the Passover feast)/ Any food richly seasoned with pepper, garlic, or other fiery herb is
appropriate for Aries.

Clothing, Magickal Weapons, and other objects, phenomena, and processes:

For Magickal Weapons, Liber 777 gives the Horns, Energy, the Burin. For Magickal Powers, it
gives the Power of Consecrating Things.
Clothing and equipment appropriate to Aries include, e.g., woolen clothing, blankets, etc.; asbestos
clothing or heat-shielding; any of the clothing or equipment of those whose professions involve fighting
fires, high heat, smelting iron or steel, or working with fissionable material; fireplace tongs or other
equipment used at the hearth; cigarette lighters, matches, and other equipment used to make or sustain
fires; knives and other sharp instruments; weapons of all kinds; iron, steel, and plutonium artifacts of
all kinds; furnaces and kilns; broken objects; fires; burnt things; the dawn of a new day, hence the
early morning hours; blood or bloodstains; the roofs, ceilings, and plastering of houses and other

Anatomy and physiology:

Liber 777 gives the head and face.

According to Goldstein-Jacobson, Aries rules the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, the head, the
face, the upper jaw and the teeth in that jaw, and the carotid arteries, and represents the principle of the
brain’s control of bodily function.^247
To these, Ungar and Huber add the sinuses and skull.^248


The Aries character is headstrong, obstinate, pioneering, inspired, and spiritual.


Liber 777 gives apoplexy.

Goldstein-Jacobson gives “brain fever” (meningitis?); “cerebral congestion” (apoplexy?); strokes;
dizziness and rush of blood to head and face; nosebleed; eye infections; headache; facial neuralgia;
toothache; insomnia; thinning of the hair and baldness.^249
Any pathology involving the head in any way is ruled or co-ruled by Aries. Aries rules fevers;
pathologies involving fire, e.g., burns, illness due to smoke inhalation, pyromania; boils; acne;
ringworm; smallpox; scarlet fever; epilepsy; cerebral hemorrhage; migraine; cuts and wounds of all
kinds; excessive bleeding; ruptures; and hernia.

Occupations and ecological niches:

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Aries rules pioneers and explorers of all types; leaders (including executive heads of government),
leaders of bands (particularly those consisting of criminals or rebels); firemen, burn specialists; optical
physicists; nomads; shepherds or sheep farmers; surgeons; soldiers and martial artists; blacksmiths;
hunters; anyone who has recently strayed or run away from home.

Places, nations, and peoples:

According to Goldstein-Jacobson, the following places are ruled by Aries. Outdoors: newly opened
tracts, newly plowed ground and pastures, virgin territory, sandy stretches, burned or hilly ground,
unfrequented areas affording places of refuge and concealment. Indoors: the fireplace, chimney,
furnace, bake-oven, rooms where cutting is done, kennels, the ceiling of a room, the roof of a building,
the Eastern wall of any room.^250
Aries rules dry pastures; deserts; stables for small animals; tents or other temporary dwellings of
the sort used by nomads and pastoralists who keep sheep; land that is barren, sandy, eroded and
sometimes hilly.
Peoples: Jews, Muslims, all nomads, pastoralists, hunter-gatherers, pioneers, and original settlers of
a region. The first members (chronologically) of a species.
Cities: Florence, Naples, Verona, Marseilles, Birmingham (England), ancient Athens, Sparta.
Countries: England; Germany; Denmark; Palestine; Syria; Italy from Naples Southward;
Burgundy; Lower or Western Poland; Japan; possibly modern Israel.*


*The modern nation of Israel was founded on May 14, 1948, at 4 p.m., Tel Aviv Summer Time.
Neptune, at 10° Libra, is exactly rising. Thus Venus rules the chart of modern Israel, and Neptune
does so as well, because of His conjunction with its Ascendant. A number of astrologers believe that
Aries rules modern Israel, because it was settled by pioneers in the region and because it is so
frequently embroiled in war with its neighbors as well as internal disputes of one kind or another
(there is an old saying, coined and used by Jews themselves, to the effect that “two Jews, six
arguments”; one look at Israel’s internal politics and day-to-day life tends to support this <g>). But
Libra and Venus are associated with war and strife at least as often as Mars and Aries are, and as
Crowley says, “The heart of Neptune is Mars.” I therefore would go with the actual chart of modern
Israel for the astrological rulers of that nation, i.e., Venus and Neptune, rather than Aries and Mars.
Indeed, this puts Aries on the 7th House cusp of Israel’s chart; the 7th House of the chart rules open
enemies and opponents in war and battle, and Israel’s major enemies today, e.g., Iraq, Iran, are Mars-
ruled nations, which does fit the chart.
Oddly, in this context, Adolph Hitler, an ultimate archetype of the enemy of Jews and all things
Jewish, was born on April 20, 1889, at 6:23 pm CET (-1:00 hr), in Bavaria (13° E 00’ longitude, 48°
N 00’ latitude). He thus had Sun at 0° 48’ and Ascendant at 24° 01’, a chart dominated by
Venus. This seems odd, considering that among other things, Hitler was responsible for kicking off
World War II, not tomention the mass murder and genocide of countless innocent people, activities
traditionally ruled by Mars, Aries, and Scorpio. But murder of any kind is ruled by Neptune, the
Lord of Pisces, in which Venus is very strong. And Venus is the Lord of socialization, of all
interactions with other people, whether open or covert, benign or malign. If Venus can’t interact
with other people in beneficial, open ways, She will do so in malignant and/or covert ways, from
constant face-to-face confrontations to the knife in the back. As Alice Miller, in Thou Shalt Not Be
Aware: Society’s Betrayal of the Child (Meridian Books, 1986) discusses, Hitler was a tremendously
damaged individual, whose social development and ability to interact in any normal way with others,
whether socially, sexually, or otherwise, was badly skewed not only by early experience in
childhood, but later, as a result of damage to his central nervous system from mustard gas
encountered when he was a corporal in World War I. Because Venus was so strong in his natus,
rather than withdrawing completely from others or being rendered unable to interact socially or
sexually with those around him at all, Hitler apparently was driven to interact with others in the only
ways left to him: sexual perversion, confrontationalism, war, and murder. Because of the fruits of
Hitler’s life, the drive for the settlement of Israel by Jews the world over and the eventual
establishment of the state of Israel was given a tremendous accelaration, without which these things
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still might not have come to pass. Thus Venus-ruled Hitler was in great part responsible for the
establishment of a strong, thriving modern nation of Israel which is also ruled by Venus as well as
Venus’s higher octave, Neptune. Regardless of the irony involved, the astrology is impeccable, and
one can only conclude that Venus, in Her relentless way, can be just as assertive and warlike as
Mars, however She might go about it, if She doesn’t get Her way through peaceful means.

Compass-point: Aries rules the East-point of the compass and the Eastern face of the Altar.
Time-frame: That which will come to pass within a very short time; the present moment. In
general, all four Cardinal Signs represent things which take place swiftly and come to pass soon, within
the shortest reasonable unit of time. But Aries actually rules the now, the exact present, whereas the
other three Cardinal Signs rule somewhat larger time-frames. E.g., Cancer rules the present day, to-day;
Libra the present Season; Capricorn the present year, this year.

Planetary Age of Man:

The beginnings of Epochs and Aeons, symbolzing the Intelligences or tutelary spirits thereof. The
birth of our Planet as a mass of gas and incandescent rock, just condensed from the nebula which gave
birth to the Solar System. The first openings of the rifts which separate continent from continent.

Matters of the horoscope:

The beginnings of things; the head; the intelligence; spirit, Will; inspiration; sheep; birth;
leaders; pioneering ventures.


Igor Stravinsky, The Firebird; Edvard Grieg, the “Dawn” movement of The Peer Gynt Suite; folk-
songs of the American pioneers, such as “Oh! Susanna” and “Shenandoah”; Nikolai Andreyevich
Rimsky-Korsakov, Russian Easter overture; Easter hymns


Books and other literary productions:

George O. Stewart, Fire; the various works by the New York City fireman Dennis Smith; The
Towering Inferno and The Glass Inferno

Visual arts:

Saints and exemplars:

New York’s Bravest (all the members of that city’s fire department); the resurrected Christ; the
Emperor Nero, whose burning of Rome was the grandaddy of all slum-clearances and urban renovation
projects; Benjamin Franklin, who founded the first American fire-department; famous firebugs

American emblems, sigils, symbols, myth, folklore, and urban legend:

Remember the fires in California a few years back? Malibu

Canyon I think it was? Well, as you know, firefighting activity was
intense and it was a real free for all there for awhile using
everything from smoke jumpers, to helicopters, to planes dropping
suppressent. Well, after the fire was out, and marshals were
assessing the damage, they came across the body of a young man in
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full scuba gear completely unburned in the bottom of one of the

canyone. Seems that the helicopters had been scooping up seawater to
help extinguish the fire and the young man had been scooped up and
dumped, dying upon impact but left untouched by fire! <G>

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