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International Programmes in Germany 2017

Power Engineering Brandenburg University of Technology
Cottbus-Senftenberg Cottbus
Master of Science
Course language(s)

All courses are offered in English.

Admission semester
Winter semester only
The course starts each year in the autumn/winter
Programme duration
The programme is full-time and covers four semesters
of coursework.

Brandenburgische Technische Universitt
Fakultt 3, Fachgebiet Energierverteilung und

Application deadline
The deadline for admission to the autumn/winter
semester is 1 June for international students.

Khrystyna Shakhmatova
Siemens-Halske-Ring 13, R. 2.20
03046 Cottbus
Tel. +49 (0) 3 55-69 40 44

Course content

E-mail [mailto:[email protected]]
This Master's programme aims to convey knowledge of
sustainable energy supply in the European context.
The main focus of teaching centres on the concept of
safe, affordable and environmentally friendly energy
generation as one of the most urgent global challenges
of the 21st century. The programme cooperates closely
with regional and national energy providers in order to
ensure practically-oriented training, which should
enable students to conduct independent and applied
research. The programme covers the entire spectrum
of energy research in the field of traditional as well as
renewable energies and is highly industry-oriented,
with about one third of all lectures and seminars being
given by lecturers from industry.
Within the programme Power Engineering, there are

Course website [


Submit application to
BTU Cottbus
c/o uni-assist
Geneststrae 5
10829 Berlin

two main branches of study "Electrical Power

Engineering" and "Power Generation from Fossil and
Renewable Fuels".
For further information, please visit:
powerengineering-ms [].
Educational organisation
A Master of Science (MSc) degree will be awarded
after the successful completion of the programme. The
programme is supported by a global network of
cooperating universities and industrial enterprises.
In addition to coursework in the above-mentioned main
complexes of study, the programme includes elements
of general studies and practical work, excursions,
special seminars, and work on a final Master's thesis.
The module structure of the course includes mandatory
18 CPs in Common Modules, mandatory 32 CPs in
subject-specific modules, mandatory 18 CPs in free
selection modules, 6 CPs in General (interdisciplinary)
Modules as well as a mandatory internship and
Master's thesis components.
Study abroad unit(s)
There is not a mandatory semester abroad, although
BTU has an extensive network of partners worldwide.
European internships available through LLP
programme of the EU
Information available at IASTE office on BTU campus
Forms of assessment
Final and/or intermediate examinations; papers,
reports, depending on coursework; final thesis
ECTS credits
Course objectives
After successful completion of the programme, the
degree Master of Science in Power Engineering will be
granted. The Master's degree at BTU prepares
students for taking responsibility as leaders in
enterprises or in research and development positions.
Digital Course Module(s)

PPT slides, Moodle platform for subjects
Tuition fees
There are currently no tuition fees for full-time regular
degree programmes at the Brandenburg University of
Enrolment fees
Students are required to pay an enrolment fee of
approx. 259 EUR per semester. This fee includes
some services offered by the student services
(Studentenwerk Frankfurt/Oder) and the BTU student
council. The fee also pays for a semester ticket, which
permits free travel on all public transport with VBB in
the state of Brandenburg and in Berlin as well as free
use of the regional train (RE 18 and 15) to Dresden.
Costs of living
The cost of studying abroad can differ significantly from
studying in your home country. We recommend that
students budget between 550 to 700 EUR per month
for accommodation, health insurance, living expenses,
books, etc. Of course, this amount depends entirely on
the individual lifestyle.
Monthly costs:
rent (incl. utilities): 170-280 EUR
groceries: 150 EUR
health insurance, medical fees, medication: 80 EUR
miscellaneous (clothing, study materials, other
activities): 100-200 EUR
Total: 550-750 EUR
You will not need to pay for public transport in Berlin
and Brandenburg. The semester ticket for buses and
trains operated by VBB is already included in the
semester fee.
Job opportunities
There are job opportunities both in town and on
campus. Nevertheless, please do not come to
Germany expecting to be able to finance your entire
studies by working. The study load is high, and it is not
always easy to find a part-time job. Non-EU citizens
are allowed by law to work for a maximum of 120 days
per year. Students who are employed by the university
in one of the institutes or departments ("Studentische
Hilfskrfte") are exempt from this regulation, but other
restrictions apply.
Funding opportunities
within the university
The International Office is pleased to be able to grant a
limited number of scholarships to foreign students.
These include exchange scholarships for students from

partner universities, scholarships for completion of

studies, and scholarships involving tutorial work.
uring-studies/scholarship []
Language requirements
Accepted are a TOEFL test with a minimum score of 79
points (Internet-based); Cambridge Advanced English
Test (min. grade B); Cambridge Certificate of
Proficiency Test (min. grade B) or the IELTS (min. 6.0).
Academic requirements
Bachelor's degree in a power engineering-related field
(e.g. thermal or electrical engineering) indicating
courses taken
Where to apply
BTU Cottbus
c/o uni-assist
Geneststrae 5
10829 Berlin
Arrival support
The university's International Relations Office assists
foreign students with registration and enrolment
procedures at the university upon arrival. It also holds
an information session at the beginning of each
semester covering administrative procedures and
cultural events that are offered throughout each
semester. The BTU holds an orientation week each
October prior to the beginning of classes. During this
week, each faculty offers orientation sessions. New
students are provided with detailed programme
information as well as academic advice and have the
opportunity to meet professors and other students at
these orientation sessions. The student organisation,
OTIWO, offers cultural events throughout this week.
Attendance is highly recommended! The university's
tutor group "BTU Buddies" and the student council are
there to assist English-speaking students in the
international programmes. For example, they will
accompany the students when registering for health
insurance and with municipal authorities.
Services and support for
international students
To ensure that international students feel comfortable
on the BTU campuses and around the cities of Cottbus
and Senftenberg, the Student Activities Office, run by
the International Relations Office, offers services such
as cultural events, excursions, job and career advice,
home stays with German families, and much more.

For more information, please consult this website. See:
during-studies []
Furthermore, intensive guidance is provided by
professors, lecturers, and programme officers within
the study programmes.
Most students live in on-campus student residences.
Rooms are mostly either single with a shared kitchen
and bathroom or one-room apartments. Prices range
from 190 to 270 EUR. More information on
accommodation is available at [http://www.stud].
Private off-campus accommodation is also available.
You can rent your own apartment or share with other
students. Private accommodation can be found on the
Internet at: [https://].
Course website
pk_campaign=DAAD%20Datenbank%20Links [http://w
About the university
With about 8,200 students, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
is the second largest university and the only university
of technology in the federal state of Brandenburg. BTU
sees education from a holistic point of view.
Transparent programme structures allow transition
between theoretical and applied study courses. This
makes BTU unique within the German higher education
Being a rather small and young university, we have the
advantage that our professors know their students well
and students are in direct contact with the faculty. Our
facilities are modern and have high technical
standards. In addition, we are internationally
recognised and admired; almost 20% of our students
are international students from over 100 different
countries around the world. We offer 11 study courses
that are entirely taught in English and a large number
of double degree courses co-organised with our
international partner universities.
Our forward-thinking research-orientated fields include
the following: energy (particularly energy efficiency and
sustainability), smart regions and heritage, and
biotechnology for environment and health, as well as
cognitive and dependable cyber-Physical systems.
We aim at making BTU an attractive place for
international researchers and students to follow their
careers while at the same time helping their German

peers to strengthen international ties with partner

university networks.
Total number of students
Total percentage of
international students
20 %
About the city
The name Cottbus originated from the Wendish
language: the name of the town is derived either from
"kop sebuz", which means "to the passage place at the
river", or from a Slavic personal name, "Chotibud".
Monuments marking the ages and well worth a visit
characterise life within the old walls. The reconstructed
Altmarkt, the city's "parlour", is bursting with vitality all
day long.
Cottbus is a city of around 100,000 inhabitants. It is
located approx. 130 km south-east of Berlin, the capital
of Germany. Trains run to Berlin and Dresden once an
hour. Cottbus is quite green, with the River Spree
running through it. It boasts a renowned 19th-century
theatre offering modern productions, including opera
and ballet. The beautiful Branitz Park, created by Frst
Pckler in the 19th century, is another cultural highlight
of the city. There are good tram and bus connections in
town, and a lively nightlife for students on campus and
in the city.
Senftenberg is located about 40 km south-west of
Cottbus and only 60 km north of Dresden. Situated
within the Oberspreewald-Lausitz district, the town has
a population of approx. 25,000 citizens. The
university's Senftenberg campus is located here.
Written records of the town go back to the 13th
century. The castle fortifications in the centre of the
town were important for a stable urban and economic
development. Initially, this development was based on
agriculture and craftsmanship. After the 19th century,
the town experienced a rapid change in
industrialisation and, similar to Cottbus, became a
mining town specialised in brown coal.
Today, Senftenberg is the centre of the Lusatian lake
district. Former excavation and mining pits are being
flooded to become the largest artificial lake system in
Europe. Thanks to this, Senftenberg has become a
tourist attraction within the region.

Disclaimer: The data used for this website was collected and analysed in good faith and with due diligence.
The DAAD and the Content5 AG accept no liability for the correctness of the data contained in the
"International Programmes in Germany".

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