Deutschland Studienangebote International Programs en
Deutschland Studienangebote International Programs en
Deutschland Studienangebote International Programs en
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Brandenburgische Technische Universitt
Fakultt 3, Fachgebiet Energierverteilung und
Application deadline
The deadline for admission to the autumn/winter
semester is 1 June for international students.
Khrystyna Shakhmatova
Siemens-Halske-Ring 13, R. 2.20
03046 Cottbus
Tel. +49 (0) 3 55-69 40 44
Course content
E-mail [mailto:[email protected]]
This Master's programme aims to convey knowledge of
sustainable energy supply in the European context.
The main focus of teaching centres on the concept of
safe, affordable and environmentally friendly energy
generation as one of the most urgent global challenges
of the 21st century. The programme cooperates closely
with regional and national energy providers in order to
ensure practically-oriented training, which should
enable students to conduct independent and applied
research. The programme covers the entire spectrum
of energy research in the field of traditional as well as
renewable energies and is highly industry-oriented,
with about one third of all lectures and seminars being
given by lecturers from industry.
Within the programme Power Engineering, there are
Submit application to
BTU Cottbus
c/o uni-assist
Geneststrae 5
10829 Berlin
PPT slides, Moodle platform for subjects
Tuition fees
There are currently no tuition fees for full-time regular
degree programmes at the Brandenburg University of
Enrolment fees
Students are required to pay an enrolment fee of
approx. 259 EUR per semester. This fee includes
some services offered by the student services
(Studentenwerk Frankfurt/Oder) and the BTU student
council. The fee also pays for a semester ticket, which
permits free travel on all public transport with VBB in
the state of Brandenburg and in Berlin as well as free
use of the regional train (RE 18 and 15) to Dresden.
Costs of living
The cost of studying abroad can differ significantly from
studying in your home country. We recommend that
students budget between 550 to 700 EUR per month
for accommodation, health insurance, living expenses,
books, etc. Of course, this amount depends entirely on
the individual lifestyle.
Monthly costs:
rent (incl. utilities): 170-280 EUR
groceries: 150 EUR
health insurance, medical fees, medication: 80 EUR
miscellaneous (clothing, study materials, other
activities): 100-200 EUR
Total: 550-750 EUR
You will not need to pay for public transport in Berlin
and Brandenburg. The semester ticket for buses and
trains operated by VBB is already included in the
semester fee.
Job opportunities
There are job opportunities both in town and on
campus. Nevertheless, please do not come to
Germany expecting to be able to finance your entire
studies by working. The study load is high, and it is not
always easy to find a part-time job. Non-EU citizens
are allowed by law to work for a maximum of 120 days
per year. Students who are employed by the university
in one of the institutes or departments ("Studentische
Hilfskrfte") are exempt from this regulation, but other
restrictions apply.
Funding opportunities
within the university
The International Office is pleased to be able to grant a
limited number of scholarships to foreign students.
These include exchange scholarships for students from
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"International Programmes in Germany".