Fosfa Contract 51

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The document outlines terms and specifications for contracts of vegetable oils sold in bulk from Argentina.

Specifications for FFA, moisture/volatile matter, impurities, sediment, lecithin, color and unsaponifiable matter are provided on page 1.

Specifications for FFA and moisture/impurities are provided on page 1.



Revised and Effective

from 1st September 2007
FOB TERMS Reference Nos

SELLERS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................
BUYERS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................
BROKERS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................

Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sellers have agreed to sell and Buyers have agreed to buy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . say . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metric tons 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIL, in bulk 2

at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . say . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per metric ton 3

or fixed basis CBOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
to be loaded into ship or ships during. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1. QUALITY: The oil shall be of good merchantable quality of the agreed description and contractual specification at time and place of delivery or at the end 6
of the extension period if not shipped. If the oil is delivered to more than one tank of the same ship the analysis details of the oil delivered to each separate tank 7
at loading shall conform to the contractual specifications. 8

2. SPECIFICATIONS: Minimum flash point of 250ºF (121ºC). 9

For Crude Degummed Soybean Oil: 10
FFA (As oleic with a molecular weight of 282): Basis: 1.00%, Maximum: 1.25% 11
Allowances: The following deviations are permitted with the following scales of allowances to Buyers: 12
1.01% to 1.05% - discount to be 0.6% of contract price 13
1.06% to 1.15% - discount to be 0.9% of contract price 14
1.16% to 1.25% - discount to be 1.2% of contract price 15
Moisture and Volatile Matter: Maximum: 0.20% 16
Impurities (insoluble in petrol ether): Maximum: 0.10% 17
Sediment: Maximum: 0.10% 18
Lecithin (expressed as Phosphorous): Basis: 0.020%, Maximum: 0.025% 19
Allowances: The following deviations are permitted with the following scales of allowances to Buyers: 20
Up to 0.021% - discount to be 0.2% of contract price 21
0.022% - discount to be 0.4% of contract price 22
0.023% - discount to be 0.6% of contract price 23
0.024% - discount to be 0.9% of contract price 24
0.025% - discount to be 1.2% of contract price 25
Colour (Lovibond cell 1 inch): Basis: not darker than 50 yellow plus 5 red 26
Unsaponifiable Matter: Maximum: 1.50% 27
For Crude Sunflowerseed Oil: 28
FFA (As oleic with a molecular weight of 282): Basis: 2.00%, Maximum: 3.00% 29
Allowances: The following deviations are permitted with the following allowances to Buyers: 30
2.01% to 3.00% - discount 2% of contract price for each 1%, fractions in proportion 31
Moisture and Impurities: Maximum: 0.50% 32
For Other Vegetable Oils: As specified in contract. 33
3. FIXATION CLAUSE (if price to be fixed basis CBOT): Futures in exchange, Sellers' give-up. Price to be fixed and futures to be given up latest 5 days prior 34
to shipment or 2 days prior to the first notice day of option in question, whichever earlier. 35
4. DELIVERY: At Buyers' call during . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill of Lading or mate's receipt shall be considered proof of delivery of 36
the goods in the absence of evidence to the contrary. 37

5. NOMINATION OF SHIP: Buyers to give notice of nomination of ship to Sellers together with expected date of readiness to load, demurrage rate if applic - 38
able, flag, quantity, agents at loading port and final country of destination for Sellers to receive it not later than10 consecutive days before the date of the ship's 39
expected readiness to load. In the event of a string, the first Seller shall accept the nomination provided it has been received by him not later than 10 consecutive 40
days before the date of the ship's expected date of readiness to load. Nomination of vessel/s once given or passed on shall not be withdrawn, unless the vessel is 41
unable to proceed to load port due to an event outside Buyers' control. For nominations of less than 100 metric tons, or loading/s (for reasons not attributable to 42
Sellers) of less than 100 metric tons, Sellers will charge Buyers with extra US $200 to be added in the invoice. 43
6. SUBSTITUTION OF SHIP: Buyers are allowed to substitute the nominated ship provided that the substitute ship is expected to arrive no earlier than the 44
original ship and not more than 5 working days later unless otherwise agreed by Sellers. Sellers shall not be obliged to accept more than two substitutions. Buyers 45
shall notify their Sellers and first Sellers (if known) of such substitution as soon as possible, but not later than 2 business days before the expected arrival of the 46
original ship. The original delivery period and any extension thereto shall not be affected by this clause. 47
7. DOCUMENTS: Sellers shall receive relevant documentary instructions including splits not less than 5 working days prior to the estimated arrival of ship at 48
loading port. For the purpose of this contract shipping documents will consist of: 49
(a) Full set of original clean Bills of Lading issued to the order and blank endorsed, or clean blank endorsed Mate's Receipts at Buyer's option, either party 50
having the right to request Mate's Receipts to be issued for partial or daily loaded quantities; 51
(b) Certificate of origin issued by Argentine Chamber of Commerce or Argentine Chamber of Exporters; 52
(c) Certificates of Weight and Quality, but Buyers provisionally to accept Seller's letter of guarantee for such certificates if missing; 53
(d) Commercial invoice. 54
Sellers are not obliged to furnish other than contractual documents if required by Buyers but in case Sellers comply, or assist Buyers to obtain such additional doc- 55
uments, any cost and/or delay incurred shall be for Buyers' account. No clerical error in the documents shall entitle the Buyers to reject them or delay payment, 56
but Sellers shall be responsible for all loss or expense caused to Buyers by reason of such error. 57
8. NOTICE OF READINESS: Once vessel is in berth and ready in all respects to receive the oil, Notice of Readiness to be given during local office hours by 58
vessel and/or Agents to Shippers and laytime to start counting 6 hours after such notice has been tendered, even if loading starts earlier. Should superintendents after 59
inspection find ship's tanks require further cleaning, time required to clean not to count as laytime. Laytime not to commence prior to expiry of minimum number of 60
days pre-advice for nomination of ship unless Sellers agree to load earlier in which case laytime to commence when ship actually commences to load. All notices 61
shall have been passed on with due despatch. 62
9. LOADING: Freight space to be provided by Buyers who shall be solely responsible for the cleanliness and fitness of the ship's tank/s receiving the oil. Should 63
commencement of loading be delayed due to ship's tank/s not being passed by the appointed superintendent or for any other reason for which Sellers are not con- 64
tractually responsible, any extra costs incurred by Sellers shall be for Buyer's account. All expenses relating to the ship like wharfage, dockage, pilotage, port dues, 65
tugs, any freight or transportation levy that may be imposed by government or local authority at port/s of loading shall be for Buyer's account or risk. 66
Sellers to deliver the oil at not less than an average rate of 200 metric tons per running hour, Sundays and holidays included, provided the ship can receive at that 67
rate. If any Seller fails to comply and demurrage is thereby incurred he shall be liable to pay demurrage at the rate stipulated in the Charter Party or US $18,000 per 68
day/pro rata, whichever is the lower, but Sellers shall not be responsible for any time lost due to Act of God, strike, lockouts, riots, civil commotion, labour stop- 69
pages, breakdown of machinery and/or winches, failure of power, fire or any other cause of Force Majeure. Should commencement of loading be delayed by more 70
than 72 hours after acceptance of the Notice of Readiness due to ship's tanks not being passed by the appointed superintendent or for any other reason for which 71
Sellers are not contractually responsible, any extra costs incurred by Sellers shall be for Buyers' account. Each delivery to be considered a separate contract. For the 72
purpose of this contract the word "ship" or "ships" means any full powered primarily engine-driven ship classified not lower than 100 A1 in Lloyds Register or of 73
equivalent classification of a similar institute. 74
Sellers to be responsible for obtaining export licence, if required. 75
10. SUPERINTENDENTS: Reference in the contract to superintendents, surveyors or representatives shall mean Argentine member superintendents of FOSFA 76
International. The superintendent, whose certificates at time and place of loading shall be final as to weight, quality and condition, is at Buyer's choice and at Seller's 77
expense but should the total fee of such certificates and analysis exceed ............ per metric ton, the excess to be for Buyer's account. The use of member superin- 78
tendents shall be mandatory except where the contract or national laws or regulations require the use of Governmental or other agencies not recognised by FOSFA 79
International. 80
11. ANALYSTS: Reference in the contract to analysts shall mean Argentine analysts who are members of FOSFA International and represented in the Oils and Fats 81
Section. The analyst is at Buyers choice. The use of member analysts shall be mandatory except where the contract or national laws or regulations require the use of 82
Governmental or other analysts. 83
12. WEIGHTS: Shipped weight, as certified by the surveyor, ascertained by gauging either in officially calibrated land tank/s or tank barge/s from which the oil 84
is delivered or by delivery via certified weight scales, or from tank cars which, if not calibrated, shall be weighed before and after loading by single weighing only 85
(front and back axle weighing not allowed). In the event of disagreement on the question of litre weight in air, sealed samples shall be submitted to an analyst in 86
membership of the Federation and represented in the Oils and Fats Section whose decision shall be final. Weight ascertained by vessel's tank(s) ullage or draft sur- 87
vey shall be contractually irrelevant. 88
13. SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS: General: Sampling shall be done in accordance with the method ISO 5555. The samples drawn by the superintendent shall 89
be the valid samples for the purpose of analysis and/or arbitration and contamination. The analysis shall be carried out in accordance with the methods laid down in 90
the FOSFA International Standard Contractual Methods List. Details of seals and labels shall be given on loading weight report(s) and analysis certificate(s). The 91
analysis certificate(s) shall bear the FOSFA International seal. 92
Sampling: Representative samples of the oil delivered to each vessel's tank shall be drawn by superintendents at vessel's rail or the nearest practicable point thereto 93
prior to loading and sealed for analysis and/or arbitration and contamination purposes. If the oil to be shipped is not to be commingled in the vessel's tank(s) with oil 94
loaded by any other Seller(s), Sellers under this contract have the option that the sample(s) shall be drawn from the vessel's tank(s). However, if this option is exer- 95
cised and to ensure that samples are available in the event of a contamination claim, superintendents shall draw and seal no less than five representative pre-ship- 96
ment samples of the oil delivered to each vessel's tank at the vessel's rail or the nearest practicable point thereto prior to loading. These samples are to remain sealed 97
with superintendents at origin but to be available on demand to any receiver in the event of a contamination claim. Samples shall be kept for three months from the 98
date of the Bill of Lading. If the oil is not loaded within 30 consecutive days of the contract period, then representative samples to be drawn by superintendents at 99
the storage installation or the producing factory at or near the port of delivery at the end of the extension period allowed under the Extension Clause. Any extra 100
expenses necessarily incurred by Sellers to facilitate drawing of samples for establishment of quality at end of extension shall be for Buyers' account. 101
Analysis: Sellers or superintendents shall send sealed samples for analysis on the contractual specification to an analyst. Parties shall pass on certificates of analy- 102
sis with due despatch. Analysis of samples taken at time of loading or, in the event of the oil not being loaded within 30 consecutive days of the contract period, at 103
the end of the extension period allowed under the Extension Clause, to be final. 104
14. EXTENSION : Buyers shall be entitled to an extension of the original contract delivery period not exceeding 30 days in which to provide suitable freight. Notice 105
of such extension shall be given to Sellers as soon as possible but not later than the last business day of the original contract delivery period. Sellers undertake to 106
carry the oil for Buyers' account for such an extension period at the rates stipulated in the Carrying Charges Clause. If loading is commenced within 30 days after 107
the original contract delivery period, payment shall be made in accordance with the Payment Clause. In the event that loading is not commenced within 30 days of 108
the original contract delivery period the provisions of the Default Clause shall apply and Buyers shall additionally pay to Sellers an amount equal to carrying charges 109
for the total extension period. However, Buyers have the option, provided they give Sellers minimum 4 business days pre-advice, to effect payment against warrant, 110
delivery order or similar document, in place of the Bill of Lading or Mate's Receipt, giving unencumbered title to the quantity called for, issued by an installation or 111
the producing factory or at or near the port of delivery. Sellers also to provide Certificate of Analysis and Certificate of Origin. The warrant, delivery order or simi- 112
lar document to be guaranteed by a Bank if requested by Buyers in the pre-advice. The expenses of such Bank guarantee to be for Buyers' account. Thereafter, all 113
costs of whatsoever nature arising (including the cost of removing the oil to separate other storage but excluding those of putting the oil FOB ruling on the 30th day 114
of the extension) shall be paid by Buyers. If Buyers exercise their option to take delivery in store, Sellers shall nevertheless deliver to the ship if it presents in time 115
for loading to commence before the expiry of the extension period. 116
15. CARRYING CHARGES: Should Buyers not have taken delivery within the delivery period specified in the contract, Buyers are to pay Sellers Carrying Charges 117
calculated from the first day following the last day of the delivery period so specified until Bill/s of Lading date/s, as follows: 118
(a) US $0.50 per metric ton per day for the first fifteen days. 119
(b) US $0.75 per metric ton per day from the sixteenth day inclusive until the thirtieth day inclusive or the Bill of Lading date, if later. Carrying charges shall 120
be paid by Buyers to Sellers upon payment of shipping documents. 121

16. BILLS OF LADING: Sellers shall follow any instructions/requirements of Buyers and/or vessel Agents and/or Master regarding Bill of Lading forms to be 122
used and conditions to be inserted therein, but Sellers assume no responsibility for the correctness of same. Sellers are not obliged to issue Bills of Lading to the 123
order of a third party. 124
If the Bill of Lading refers to a Charter Party and/or any other document relating to the freight booking, the Buyers warrant and guarantee to indemnify Sellers and 125
hold them harmless against any detrimental consequences from clauses of such documents. 126
If freight paid or freight pre-paid Bill(s) of Lading are requested, Buyers shall pay freight plus any taxes and expenses in sufficient time so that the Bill(s) of Lading 127
are released at the end of the first business day following the day when the Bill(s) of Lading are presented to the vessel's agents in Buenos Aires. 128
In any of the above situations Sellers shall at their discretion have the right to demand that Buyers expressly hold them harmless of any possible consequences, charge 129
Buyers interest in case of delay in release of Bills of Lading according to the Interest Clause, or demand payment against Mate's Receipt instead of Bill of Lading, 130
as the case may be. 131
Buyers shall accept as clean any Mate's Receipt or Bill of Lading showing a weight ascertained by the superintendents, irrespective of any remarks concerning a dif- 132
ferent weight determined by vessel's tank(s) ullage or draft survey. The necessary steps to overcome any difficulties arising from such remarks shall be taken by 133
Buyers but shall not entitle Buyers to withhold or delay payment as per contract. 134
If Mate's Receipts are presented for payment, Sellers shall be entitled to instruct vessel's agents that the Bill(s) of Lading may only be issued in exchange for the 135
original Mate's Receipt. 136
17. INSURANCE: Marine and war risk insurance basis WA with 3% franchise or better terms, including strikes, riots, civil commotion and mine risk, to be effect- 137
ed by Buyers with first class underwriters and/or approved companies for at least the contract value plus 2%, protecting the interest of the Buyers and/or Sellers, as 138
interests may appear. Once the goods are delivered on board, all risks including all average to be for account of the Buyers. Sellers shall receive confirmation togeth- 139
er with documentary instructions that insurance according to these terms and at Buyers' expense has been covered. If Buyers fail to provide such confirmation, Sellers 140
shall have the right to place their own insurance according to the terms of this clause at the Buyers' risk and expense. If requested by Sellers, Buyers shall submit to 141
Sellers a copy of the certificate and/or policy. Buyers agree to accept shipping documents containing the Chamber of Shipping and War Deviation Clause and/or 142
other recognised War Risk Clauses. 143
18. PAYMENT: Buyer's payment in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for 100% of the invoice amount (plus carrying charges, if incurred) by telegraphic transfer 144
will be due two working days after presentation of documents, if presented not later than at noon; past noon, presentation will be deemed to have been made on the 145
following day. Presentation in trust or by collection is at Sellers’ option. 146
If documents are presented to Buyers through the intermediary of a bank/s then the bank charges incurred shall be for Sellers' account. If Buyers demand presenta- 147
tion through a bank of their choice, those bank charges shall be for Buyers’ account. 148
Payment shall not be deemed to have been effected and title to the goods shall not pass from Sellers to Buyers before receipt of cleared funds by the payee or his 149
bank. If payment is agreed to be by bank transfer, the party shall effect payment to the payee's bank on or before the due date for payment and payment instructions 150
shall specify a value date not later than the second bank working day after the day of payment. 151
Any monies due by either party to the contract to the other in respect to final invoices and/or accounts for items on deliveries fulfilling this contract shall be settled 152
by either party without delay (except as otherwise provided under awards of arbitration and appeal as governed by the other provisions in the contract) and if not set- 153
tled a dispute shall be deemed to have arisen which may be referred to arbitration. 154
19. INTEREST: Interest at 2.50% over the New York prime rate in force shall be paid by Buyers to Sellers: 155
In case of late payment of documents or monies otherwise due, computed from the first business day following the day when payment was due up to the day pay- 156
ment is received, both days inclusive. 157
In case the Bill/s of Lading should not be at Sellers'/Shippers' disposal at the end of the first business day following the day when the Bill/s of Lading are presented 158
to vessel's agents in Buenos Aires, for any reasons whatsoever beyond Sellers' control, computed from the first working day after Bill/s of Lading presented to agency 159
up to the day the Bill/s of Lading is/are released to Sellers or their representatives, both days inclusive. 160
In case Buyers' complete documentary instructions have not been timely received and presentation of documents is delayed for reasons not attributable to Sellers 161
beyond the date of the Bill/s of Lading, computed from the first working day after Bill/s of Lading date up to the day documents are presented, both days inclusive. 162
In case of default of fulfilment by either party, the other party shall be entitled to recover interest on principal sum of damages at the rate of 2.50% over the current 163
New York prime rate, computed from the date of default up to the date of payment of the principal sum of damages. 164
Nothing in this clause shall affect a party's right to invoke the provisions of the Default Clause in a case where a failure to effect timely payment could give rise to 165
a claim under that clause. 166
20. UNASCERTAINED GOODS: In every instance where a parcel of goods sold by this contract forms an unidentified part of a larger identified quantity of goods 167
of the same description, no separation or distinction shall be necessary and, until separation and identification of the parcel sold hereby from the larger quantity has 168
taken place, the unpaid Seller and/or the Buyer who has made payment is/are the pro rata owner/s of the whole of the larger quantity in common with Seller/s and 169
Buyer/s of the other part of the larger quantity. 170
21. DUTIES, TAXES ETC: All export duties, taxes, levies etc. to be for Sellers' account but any increase after the original contract delivery period to be for Buyers' 171
account. Where the goods are entitled to free entry into or preferential duty in the port of destination, Sellers shall furnish together with the shipping documents a 172
Certificate of Origin and/or necessary document/s in the form valid at the time of shipment, otherwise Sellers shall be responsible for any extra duty incurred by 173
Buyers through the non-production of such Certificate and/or document/s. 174
22. NOTICES: Notices to be despatched by any means of rapid written communication (E-mail excluded). All notices shall be under reserve for errors in trans- 175
mission. Notices shall be passed on with due despatch by intermediate Buyers and Sellers. Any notice received after 16.00 hours on a business day shall be deemed 176
to have been received on the following business day. Notice from a broker shall be a valid notice under this contract. Proof of string to be provided, if required, by 177
either party. 178
23. NON-BUSINESS DAYS AND ODD DAYS: Should the time limit for doing any act or giving any notice expire on a Saturday, Sunday or any public holiday 179
in the country where the party required to do the act or give the notice resides or carries on business or in the country where the act has to be done or the notice has 180
to be received or on any day which the Federation shall declare to be a non-business day, the time so limited shall be extended until the first business day thereafter. 181
All business days shall be deemed to end at 16.00 hours Mondays to Fridays inclusive. The contract delivery period not to be affected by this clause. In any month 182
containing an odd number of days the middle day shall be reckoned as belonging to both halves of the month. 183
24. FORCE MAJEURE: Should Sellers be prevented from loading the goods on board Buyers' ship or should Buyers be prevented from taking delivery by rea- 184
son of fire, strikes. lockouts, riots, civil commotion or any cause comprehended in the term Force Majeure at port/s of loading, or elsewhere preventing transport of 185
the goods to such port/s, the contract delivery period shall be extended by 21 days beyond the termination of the Force Majeure event. Should such cause exist for 186
a period of 60 days beyond the contract delivery period, the contract or any unfulfilled part thereof so affected shall be cancelled. The party invoking this clause shall 187
advise the other with due despatch. The party claiming Force Majeure must produce proof to justify their claim if required. 188
25. PROHIBITION: In the event, during the contract delivery period, of prohibition of export or any other executive or legislative act by or on behalf of the 189
Government of the country of origin or of the territory where the port/s of delivery named herein is/are situate, or of blockade or hostilities, restricting export, whether 190
partially or otherwise, any such restriction shall be deemed by both parties to apply to this contract and to the extent of such total or partial restriction to prevent ful- 191
filment whether by delivery or by any other means whatsoever and to that extent this contract or any unfulfilled portion thereof shall be extended by 21 days beyond 192
the termination of the prohibition event. But should prohibition continue for 30 days, the contract or any unfulfilled part thereof shall be cancelled. Sellers invok- 193
ing this clause shall advise Buyers with due despatch. If required, Sellers must produce proof to justify their claim for extension or cancellation under this clause. 194
26. BANKRUPTCY / INSOLVENCY: If before the fulfilment of this contract, either party shall suspend payment, notify any of his creditors that he is unable to 195
meet his debts or that he has suspended payment or that he is about to suspend payment of his debts, convene, call or hold a meeting of his creditors, propose a vol- 196
untary arrangement, apply for an official moratorium, have an administration order made, have a winding up order made, have a receiver or manager appointed, con- 197
vene, call or hold a meeting to go into liquidation (other than for reconstruction or amalgamation), become subject to an Interim Order under Section 252 of the 198
Insolvency Act 1986 or have a Bankruptcy Petition presented against him the contract shall forthwith be closed, either at the actual or estimated market price then 199
current for similar goods or, at the option of the other party, at a price to be ascertained by re-purchase or re-sale and the difference between the contract price and 200
such closing-out price shall be the amount which the other party shall be entitled to claim or shall be liable to account for under this contract. Should either party be 201
dissatisfied with the price ascertained by re-purchase or re-sale, then the matter shall be referred to arbitration. If no re-purchase or re-sale takes place and if the par- 202
ties cannot agree to a closing-out price, then on application of either party, the closing-out price shall be fixed by a sole arbitrator appointed by the Federation sub- 203
ject to the right of appeal under the Federation's Rules of Arbitration and Appeal. 204
27. CIRCLE: Where a Seller re-purchases from his Buyer, or from any subsequent Buyer, the same goods or part thereof, a circle shall be considered to exist as 205
regards the particular goods so re-purchased, and the provisions of the Default Clause shall not apply. (For the purpose of this clause the same goods shall mean 206
goods of the same description, of the same country of origin, of the same quality and, where applicable, of the same analysis warranty, for delivery from the same 207
port/s of loading during the same period of delivery.) Different currencies shall not invalidate the circle. 208
If the goods are not delivered or, having been delivered, documents are not presented as a result of a circle having been established, invoices based on the mean con- 209
tract quantity shall be settled between each Buyer and his Seller in the circle by payment by each Buyer to his Seller of the excess of the Seller's invoice amount over 210
the lowest invoice amount in the circle. 211
Where the circle includes contract/s expressed in different currencies, the lowest invoice amount shall be replaced by the market price on the first business day for 212
contractual delivery and invoices shall be settled between each Buyer and his Seller in the circle by payment of the difference between the market price and the rel- 213
evant contract price in the currency of the contract. Failing amicable agreement the market price shall be that declared by a Price Settlement Committee of the 214
Federation appointed for that purpose on application of either party. 215
Such settlement shall be due for payment not later than 15 consecutive days after the last day of the delivery period or, should the circle not be established before 216
the expiry of this time, then settlement shall be due for payment not later than 7 days after the circle is established. No circle shall be considered to exist if its exis- 217
tence is not established within 45 days after the last day of the delivery period. 218
All Sellers and Buyers shall give every assistance to the establishment of the circle and when a circle shall have been established same shall be binding on all par- 219
ties to the circle. Should any party in the circle commit prior to the due date for payment any comprehended in the Bankruptcy/Insolvency Clause, the invoice amount 220
for the goods calculated at the closing-out price as provided for in the Bankruptcy/Insolvency Clause, shall be taken as the basis for settlement instead of the lowest 221
invoice amount or market price in the circle, and in this event each Buyer shall make payment to his Seller or each Seller shall make payment to his Buyer of the 222
difference between the closing-out price and the contract price, as the case may be. 223
In the event of a claim under the Prohibition Clause or the Force Majeure Clause the date for settlement shall be deferred until the expiry of the extended delivery 224
period. Thereafter, if the contract is cancelled under the terms of the Prohibition Clause or the Force Majeure Clause, this clause is not applicable. 225
28. DOCUMENTS BYPASS (STRING): In case of re-sales in string any party involved may propose a documents bypass whereby the first or a subsequent Seller 226
is to present documents at his own price directly to the last or a previous Buyer. 227
Such proposal is to be made in good time prior to commencement of loading of the nominated vessel and to contain names of Sellers and Buyers in the string, their 228
individual prices and the suggested settlement of price differentials. 229
All parties in the string may in their own absolute discretion refuse or agree without prejudice to their rights and obligations under their own contract, and the pro- 230
posal will be declared in force only if all parties in the string have confirmed their agreement, otherwise it will be declared failed, either declaration to be notified 231
without delay to all parties involved by the party having made the original proposal. 232
If no such declaration is received by the time vessel has started to load, the first Seller may withdraw his agreement and present documents to his own Buyer, or at 233
his option charge interest at the rate stipulated in the Interest Clause for any time lost in presentation of documents. 234
If a string proposal is declared in force it shall be deemed to have transferred automatically from the first to the last Buyer the obligation to pay for the goods, to 235
cover insurance in accordance with the Insurance Clause above, and to defray any excess in the cost of Superintendence and Analysis above the rate agreed to be for 236
Seller's account. Likewise, the acceptance of a string proposal by the parties other than the first Seller and the last Buyer shall be deemed to constitute their firm com- 237
mitment to pay any price differentials and other monies due. 238
To permit settlement of price differentials the end Buyer in the string shall without delay confirm receipt of shipping documents and the exact quantity shipped to 239
all parties involved, and price differentials as agreed shall then be paid within 48 hours from receipt of the relevant debit note. 240
Despite agreeing without prejudice to a documents bypass proposal, all the parties' rights and obligations under their individual contracts, save as amended by oper- 241
ation of the agreed bypass, shall remain fully in force. Prior to the presentation of documents to the end Buyer any party in the string may in the event of unforeseen 242
and serious circumstances, including the insolvency or threatened insolvency of any party in the string, withdraw agreement giving immediate notice of such with- 243
drawal to all other parties. The documents shall then be presented through the string between individual counter-parties. 244
Should the nominated vessel for a string already in force be substituted, totally or in part, the first Seller is under no obligation to commence loading the substitute 245
vessel prior to receipt of his own counter-party's agreement. 246
In the event of a dispute arising all parties to the agreement of the established documents bypass accept to be bound by the Arbitration and Bankruptcy/Insolvency 247
Clauses of the FOSFA Contract No 53, with Arbitration as specified in the FOSFA Rules of Arbitration and Appeal. English Law and Domicile to apply notwith- 248
standing any other law or domain to the contrary in respect of any or all disputes arising from the sale or movement of these goods. 249
29. DEFAULT : In default of fulfilment of this contract by either party, the other party at his discretion shall, after giving notice, have the right either to cancel the 250
contract, or the right to sell or purchase, as the case may be, against the defaulter who shall on demand make good the loss, if any, on such sale or purchase. If the 251
party liable to pay shall be dissatisfied with the price of such sale or purchase, or if neither of the above rights is exercised, the damages, if any, shall, failing ami- 252
cable settlement, be determined by arbitration. The damages awarded against the defaulter shall be limited to the difference between the contract price and the actu- 253
al or estimated market price on the day of default. Damages to be computed on the mean contract quantity. If the arbitrators consider the circumstances of the default 254
justify it they may, at their absolute discretion, award damages on a different quantity and/or award additional damages. 255
Prior to the last day of the contract delivery period either party may notify the other party of its inability to deliver or take delivery but the date of such notice shall 256
not become the default date without the agreement of the other party. If, for any other reason, either party fails to fulfil the contract and is declared to be in default 257
by the other party and default is agreed between the parties or subsequently found by the arbitrators to have occurred, then the day of default shall, failing amicable 258
settlement, be decided by arbitration. 259

30. DOMICILE This contract shall be deemed to have been made in England and the construction, validity and performance thereof shall be governed in all respects 260
by English Law. Any dispute arising out of or in connection therewith shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the Rules of the Federation. The serving 261
of proceedings upon any party by sending same to their last known address together with leaving a copy of such proceedings at the offices of the Federation shall 262
be deemed good service, rule of the law or equity to the contrary notwithstanding. 263

31. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS: The following shall not apply to this contract: 264
(a) The Uniform Law on Sales and the Uniform Law on Formation to which effect is given by the Uniform Laws on International Sales Act 1967; 265
(b) The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 1980; 266
(c) The United Nations Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods of 1974 and the amending Protocol of 1980. 267

32. ARBITRATIONS: Any dispute arising out of this contract, including any question of law arising in connection therewith, shall be referred to arbitration in 268
London (or elsewhere if so agreed) in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration and Appeal of the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Limited, in force 269
at the date of this contract and of which both parties hereto shall be deemed to be cognizant. 270
Neither party hereto, nor any persons claiming under either of them, shall bring any action or other legal proceedings against the other of them in respect of any such 271
dispute until such dispute shall first have been heard and determined by the arbitrators, umpire or Board of Appeal (as the case may be), in accordance with the Rules 272
of Arbitration and Appeal of the Federation, and it is hereby expressly agreed and declared that the obtaining of an Award from the arbitrators, umpire or Board of 273
Appeal (as the case may be), shall be a condition precedent to the right of either party hereto or any person claiming under either of them to bring any action or other 274
legal proceedings against the other of them in respect of any such dispute. 275

© FOSFA Copyright 2007

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