Hector Posts Volume6
Hector Posts Volume6
Hector Posts Volume6
Editor's Note
This document contains the postings from mostly one individual, Hector Perez Torres, collected at the
yahoo site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/evgray/. Within are message numbers from 25,000 to 29,999,
the rest left to subsequent volumes.
Re: RVA replication attempt
play with pulley size, its not normal for motors to ArC badly unless
the brush angle puts energized rotor coil field too near pole one .
That charges the winding with current and you get super spike Peak
discharges at Were brushes disconnect .
Also if brushes are univen or dirty you get bad arcing ...
Remember motor Works torque loaded , dont EXEDE plate current with
Variac, adjust brush angle for best torque if posible .
And if your RV motor is 1725 RPM you need to lower pulley for that
speed , mine was 3450RPM so yours may be 5 inch pulley requirement
or smaller ratio..
1725 RPM RVA needs more torque than a 3450 one even if tuned to same
HP level here SPEED & torque are separate variables .
RV unloaded must spin easy check your circuit to see you are not
feeding AC or DC to RV alternator , it must be fordward diode
isolated from the starting DC I repeat DC ,variac, diode bridge 10
amps , dc out to dc into motor terminals ++ -- to RVA dc tensor
reverse diode blocked DC pass diode from RVA alternator 3 PH bridge
or LC bridges or DIODE PLUG , or diode plug triggered output .
If that is OK .. then
try split capacitor if Virtual power cannot self substain and add
capacitance to DC side.
Amen ...
Hector :)
Re: New file uploaded to EVGRAY
That way you get Another way to TUNE & vectore OU power Way over the
1.618 needed for looping ..
Trafos values may variate but CAPACITOR values & impedances can be
tuned to get RE states Easy ...
I posted picture of this quite a time ago ... & descripted way of
tuning . RF transformer Tuning as per radio engineering practice
(standard) but VECTORING hi DC current Low voltage across final LC
stage into Load .
Input can be Inverter AC powered from DC 12V car battery output can
be BE vectored to same battery exeding current input requirement .
Must be tuned not to Exede Inverter voltage must be turned off at max
battery charge , low cost 300W inverter can be used ..
Enjoy !
Hector :)
Re: New file uploaded to EVGRAY
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVGRAY/files/REamp.JPG
Hector :)
Re: In reality why i am still here ?
People may have a chance to get something alike RV simple to replicate &
manufacture ....
There are 3 kinds of alternators that are OU Reluctance , magnetic interrupt &
RF (radiant) and all are currently public...
Axials are as OLD ad teslas Early Patents , with MODERN transformer COILS they
are OU ...
If reality entertains, remaking the wheel drags you down to cold stop !
(Another reality) .
Hector :)
Re: This is dedicated to the idiots that debunkered at my predictions ...
Another system is the MASTER check Exchange the currency is rated as WORKING man
HRS Were You trade your Working Time and were Goods are valued at Man Hrs taken
to produce them from the source ...
That sysatem was Halted to stop by CIA , because it was too openly made public
before it took force ...
But if people start Exchanging WORK for Work as currency Goverment cant do shit
about it ! (Alike Indian Trade exchange )
By the Way I was a Member of Constitutional Law association that created the
system, along omega force commander & delta operative
at that time .
Re: In reality why i am still here ?
Hector :)
Amen !
Re: In reality why i am still here ?
> Very simple cct. wind a coil connect to a cap, let PM pass over and shorted
out while at peak current and release at
If my memory right, Kone gave this idea to Ismael two or three years ago.
> If you do it right ( coil winding ) It will oscilate ( magnetic field and
Current ) in high freq.
Core Reluctance ,remanance, magnetic saturation point & joules required for peak
saturation, Wire turns & gage , Capacitor value.
The first oscillation for load (Not load) But to saturate your CORE and the
rest osc to charge the caps.
Nope! magnetic collapse speed & current and amplitude generated SPIKE vectored
at LOGARITMIC inclemental path & being FED to capacitor as a JOULE second charge
potential ..
> maybe Ismael got the idea re: High Freq osc.. from Satelite or RADAR there
are some special coil winding inside before the ( earth station output signal )
Waveguide or the KRYSTON or TWT power amp used in sending signal to space.
> Newbie can check it. Just manually Pulse the winded coil it will vibrate the
analog amphere or volt meter needle. There are chances in pulsing the coil will
get one, two or two times vibration.
Is standard signal decay .382 entropy ... in hi Hyper Q becomes self substained
> The problem from Existing LC calculation every time change caps value or Coil
induc. it will change the freq. due to the energy conservation law.
Ismael LC calculation big dif. due to His special coil designed. even adding
more caps ( FARAD ) value, the freq no change, as long its within the tolerable
range. Once you ( freq & Duty cycle ) lock on it, the unit no need Inverter to
produce A/C and no need bat at running condition, but first charge the super
caps for starting and caps value can handle 100 times pulse w/o discharging
or volt must not go down more than 5% after 100 pulse.
again Hiper Q values ... here we can use tunel diode quantum mechanics along
with the theory .. .
> On this way the cost of the system will become super cheap. Since no need bat
and inveerter. What needed are S/S housing, coil, permanent magnet, electronics
pulsing cct., micro proccessor , ordinary bearing, S/S rotor assembly and the
most important parts the super caps.
SEE DEC 1960 switching power suply patents (Expired) lot of ideas there , many
OU ...
> I searched all coil winding Patent designed from Tesla up to 2008 no similar.
> Wait few months untill the patent was secured. Its a party and everbodys are
OK its his free will choice , i just advice to play safe & disclose like I do
And to keep system simple ...
Re: Bill Muller's 300W from one coil held in hand video again
The Question is werever the generator can be driven with say an RV & be looped
efectively with NO degausing or Eldridge "hellraiser" effects ( alike chineese
company did some years ago) with 50KW unit.
RV loaded to hilt 97% eff with OU generator at least with 130% eff it can loop
itself , thats history with Brian lawnmower looping, what remains is to test
other methods within same parameters replication.
Hector :)
Re: Hector s diode plug extraciton circuit non-refecltive?
As one capacitor CHARGES the other DISCHARGES to load ITS discharge beingh NON
reflective to SOURCE ..
its the RE spike count in HALF cycles of signal reversal within the LC
components ...
Hector ..
Re: Hector s diode plug extraciton circuit non-refecltive?
As one capacitor DISCHARGES it sets itself to a Near NEUTER (Null) state were
the InPUT energy does not REQUIRE to REVERSE its energy
then the FULL capacitance can be USED to CHARGE within a TURN on logaritmic
cornu spiral gain , AKA , RADIANT ENERGY , AKA , RESONANT state were OVERUNITY
transform takes place !!!!
:P""""" PPPPFFffftttttt !
Re: Hector s diode plug extraciton circuit non-refecltive?
Well sinse I am on Stupidville I have to Explain every inch of this stuff ....
IT was DESIGNED for LAB use with minor posibility of BURNING something along
with RV primemover that saves energy creating RE
in a non FCC law breaking mode as a Teslacoil does ....
The non reflection mode relaxes capacitor to a near NULL state (no charge) ,
that makes the Magnet aproach to be as in ROTARY condenser an inductive VOLTAGE
within the COIL amperage toward a saturation state were its power factor is "0"
or "resonant" this states permits the creation of OVERUNITY within Shit
performance primitive generation (Stone age) generators ...
Ok take a load of this , digest as you can , I will toss another one later ...
On loopig !
Hector :)
Re: Hector s diode plug extraciton circuit non-refecltive?
The main problem people are not able to loop is they still think in STANDARD
power terms, when they must ALLWAYS think in RF Power engineering ones.
But be Warned , next time the last thing they may see is a big freaking knife
stuck in their chest deep into their arogant dark hearts...
You are not the only ones that can play skunk games....
Remember "Stargate"
amen !
Hector :)))
Re: Permanent Magnet Alternator
That is My design , if the MAGNET does not oversaturate the cores (low drag )
and the Shaft is non magnetic as not to short the field path, the core laminate
is not a piece of shit tin can quality and the Housing
is not electricaly shorted turns ....
I tell that because everry design stolen from here is turned to a piece of shit
sinse they never consult the original creator ....(ME) !
Hector :P PPFFFtttt !
Was I able to do the RESEARCH ? built them After I posted the Info in public
domain ?
ASK Rain & raivo how much time ago I posted this , From Frank Germano
Implosion turbine alternator aplication , alike Shad he got financialy screwd
afterwards ...
What will you do if I reveal more LOOPED RV stuff and some assholes
alike GM holdings builts & patents it ?
There are several Patents already not being challenged on RV , with no money
that is being screwd to the hilt.
Will a witch brew save the day ? you will need million dollar lawyers.
The same shit repeated Over & over & over again ..
Hector :(
Re: Voltage constant tranfomers
The ones having CAPACITORS "ferroresonant" windings on them .
Hector :)
Re: Ferroresonant , Constant Voltage tranfomers
Re: Hector s diode plug extraciton circuit non-refecltive?
Charging must be done with capacitor at same UP ramp potential than charging
Input sinewave , being laging in order to produce the RE
Voltage to Current 90deg off phasing Within RE signal ,that is
Reactor (ballast) configured with diodes as PUMP latches will solve in part the
loss within off tuned states.
Long ago on Early postings one advisory statement was that Filters & cuadrature
demodulators were a way to Extract RF power ..
Tha phase can be modulated along Current & voltage to carry intelligence within
the wave components (audio , video & others).
The Compilations State Eric Dollar was First to do, then how I know ?
& knew beforehand and told people to Use LC networks to put RF into phased power
state .... ?
Eric is not disclosing a method used also to convert SQUAREWAVES to Sine ones ,
(Old Triplite vibrator inverters ) used Extra Choke &
capacitor to do that (LC) the requirement on a fixed frequency is to
make a phase leading or lagging to the other by way of tuning (capacitors ) or
variable Inductance (modified antenna tuner for 60CPS elf wave tuning ) can be
also used refer to old postings on tuning ...
In old systems , magnetic amplifiers were used to Control Power factor detuning
within sinewave converters as current transformers were LOADED
its SERIES secundary to a CAPACITOR regulated phase tuning .
So please Have Eric Disclose or REMOVE his name from the COMPILATIONS on Phasing
subject as as the Word says its Open source disclosure not
a king of the mountain game or pissing contest.
There goes the Disclosed material and the CREDIT along with the working model
design (Be old or new I dont Care) that Avoids claming uncomplete ideas on half
baked theory.
Cuadrature modulation & demodulation is Old stuff ,Its well he aplied to RV but
if he does not disclose its like me not having disclosed RV and claim all that
is now public as a truth not being confirmed.
As said before I will not fix other People uncomplete wett dreams!
If he claims propietary Know how its time he comes fordward to see if its not
the same old postings of yesterday & the day before adviced method.
Even if Its the same method he can claim replicating it into a worcable model
having the credit of doing so , as everryone else OPEN Sourcing
technology , he has all the right to improve on & take credit for it .
Thanks Hector :)
Re: Voltage constant tranfomers
> Gene
The Capacitor Is switched on across the SCR starting at TOP of charge and
descending to cuttoff point driven into a load and the timing must be within
1/120 second Joule potential discharge That Is Volt farad discharge into Ohms
value that gets it discharged within 1/120 of a second or less ... wile other
plug side charges Up ..
Simple ..
Here we can take a simple STRObE circuit and convert to Neon triger
being C3 the plug capacitor & T1 the load .... Q 1 can be large
Puck size ...
Flash rate can be increase lowering capacitor values & resistance within trigger
values ...
We might put a reverse diode across the L1 (Strobe tube) and make it discharge
into Coil in series set resonant so the REVERSE OU spike recharges the capacitor
in a never ending on off cycling!
This is same as the OU self feeding Buzzer .. Relays & others posted before
(Same principle) drives coil Switches off , reverse Spike CEMFS returns across
diode back to capacitor in poormans Coil banger thyratron substitute,,,,
Amen !
Hector :)
Re: Voltage constant tranfomers
OK now that we have something RAW & Simple here comes were capacitors can lead
or lag an SCR triger gate along with the resistor
in a TRIAC from a triac we split in 2 SCRs and do the same in single SCR
trigger designs .
Bipolar transistors are also used in simple way , the Idea is to get a simple
stand alone Switcher that Turns on & discharges at Capacitors Voltage ENERGY
peak ...
Read ALL here The simple becomes Complex when we go into sensitive RE - RF &
ZPE stuff but making the best of EXISTING simple off shelf stuff aplicated to
our COMPLEX RE ones makes our life simpler ...
There are other problems within the switchers caused by Bounceback from reactive
loads & the sort thoose have to be addressed as lab work progresses and are
ESENTIAL to understand were RE energy is and How to tame it , the method is more
important than the device itself.
keep It simple & basic ... ( Tunning is a bitch ) lab certified already (Ask
Chad & Brian ) but in REALITY method is simple kids stuff ..
Along with the link info added to Your circuits & Kones ones ...
READ ALL HERE ,there are REAL important Tips in regards to SCRs GATE triggering
& other esential tricks aplicable to Diode plug RE recovery traps and Voltage
Peak switching aplications.
(No kidding)
Hector :)
Re: Voltage constant tranfomers (FWBR to SCR simple passive pulser)
> I've not used a triac before but I have some of those kickin around... Is it
better to use a triac or SCR in this type of schematic?
Dimers will not work well with MODIFIED sinewave unless you add Choke and
capacitor to get descending SAW-Tooth wave , there you can clip the downslope
region and dimming output results ...
The Lab experimentation will give you hundred details on how to play with the RE
signal sinewave nodes.
Re: Voltage constant tranfomers (Diode Plug with SCR simple passive pulser)
> In the Schematic, how do I determine the right size for the C1/C2 diode plug
Coil gets Exited by magnetic field sees capacitor starting as a SHORT circuit
were Fordward current sums to reflected current from capacitor that forms the
half resonant wave, a semy resonant power
RE SPIKE formed & transformed to CAPACITOR as a joule potential that then can
be discharged as a PULSE to battery system or other Load ...
> You've noted prior to size C3 to be able to fully discharge in 1/120th of a
second. This is equivalent to .00833... seconds.
SEE SCR aplication notes,SCR turn off voltage for the specific ones you got .
It does not matter because that POWER is not LOST but stays in cap
as a potential , the only negative aspect here you will notice a BROADBANDING
lower Q within the power raise at next induction cycle.
That can Be addressed increasing capacity a bit to increase Q by signal delay .
Given that we are trying to fire at the peak it seems like it would be better
to size the cap to discharge in 1/240th of a second so that it discharges fully
within the second half of the peaks down slope, right?
It can be in a millionth of a second if you can what matters is you can transfer
the most power you can into the Lowet impedance for that
porpose (Or lower resistance ) here is that this PORTION of circuit can be USED
to HYPERSATURATE Iron cores to GET the RF Hyper Q SPIKES
Norman Wootan refers too in his papers , much alike the ONES Tesla used in his 1
turm 132 FT coil in his amplifiying transmitter , was nothing ELSE to Hyper
SATURATE a portion of AETHER space with E-field in order to gain energy within
zero-point of RF Nodes & anty nodes.
(which intrinsicly means that the same cap should be able to be filled
completely in the upslope prior to the gate of an SCR being triggered to
discharge the same cap.)
> Also for the diode D1 in the pic that is over the SCR, is that where you meant
for me to put it? That lets the negative flow from the negative of the battery
back to the cap negative with the SCR off.
That is for Coilbangers no cap after positive SCR reversed dioded to capture
flow back to capacitor from COIL being PULSE SATURATED "BANGED" to OU. Remember
Coil goes bEFORE strobe tube being
POSITIVELY biased as to Capture REVERSE EMP discharged across GROWND
negative as Strobe Tube turns off and coil discharges across reverse diode .
Done !
Hector :)
Re: Voltage constant tranfomers (Diode Plug with SCR simple passive pulser)
> > Let me know what you think of this one and if the math above looks correct
to you.
It takes One volt at One amp to fill one farad in one second ...
One farad delivers one amp at one volt in one second (as law states)
Hector :)
Re: Blue wind alternators with neomdimium magnet rotors
Only way of finding Is Buying One and put it to test and or dissasemble to see
if its well designed or another Copy & paste
turn to dung design .
Too bad this people ofter take OUR Public Ideas and dont support our R&D at all
Hector :)
Read Old postings in regards to OVERSATURATION of CORES and Shorted turns within
CASING or structural design , aplicable to ECKLIN Brown generator as well as ANY
other generator-alternator design ....
I advice hi quality transformer laminate for Stator core , how to test if your
alternator is OK ?
Hector :)
Re: New file uploaded to EVGRAY
Driving core to saturation Let the Core drive its energy into LC were we capture
& return to source in OU level.
Alike Herndershot device but no Basket weave and that other "filler bullshit" he
put on it to make it "Propietary"....
Will work as MRA being IRON CORES the Crystal in this case ,at hyper Q the
energy To self Substain is minimal , the IDEA is to Valance the Lower turn ratio
winding Low impedance to Hyper Q states were for EACH cycle we get 2 spike half
sines 60CPS 120CPS spikes (reversing) that can be Split diode plugged to
capture the power required for feedback ....
The 1.618 gain ratio is clear manifest here . .382 being used for feedback avove
isotropic gain.
of mantained resonance .
RF is the only correlation and resonance away from that is 2 worlds apart The
video shows Voltage Nodes charging the neon & FL the spectum analizer shows unit
is not driven at fundamental & spikes may show PLUG fundamental alike in Jinis
Trafo experiments were if driven off its fundamental shows similar spectral
readings ...
Sometimes in 60s some CB radio Owners tuned their CB antenas using RECTIFIED
resistor -diodes 52 Ohms to get Upper antenna segment to radiate instead of
bottom part as to get more gain ....
the Tube shown in video is as Gama matched antenna put vertical it radiates
from bottom .... Coil side up it radiates from top .
We are dealing WITH RF , RE is RF and the faster Scientist & researchers accept
I am right about this it will be EASY to atain
dominion of Overunity states & conditions.
Hector :)
Re: GEET - RF reflector of of ferromagnetic resonance radiation
Put a geet inside microwave oven or a microwave oven inside a geet & regulate
its hi voltage magnetron input to cook the pickle soup !
Remember this DEVICES must be SHIELDED acording to FCC regulations for radiation
emmision (broadcasting) power must be limited bellow
33 milliwats at 5 feet in all directions or FCC agents will toat your ass ,
faraday shield design , basic microwave electronics , RF engineering knowledge
required along with log periodic antenna Field meters and spectrum measurements
are needed with the help of class one FCC ticket holder or RF engineer to comply
to part 95 FCC regulations pertaining interference , once you IRON out this
BASIC Law abiding safety measures to make your system FCC compliant ....
See what you get ? what chemical cathalist you can add so the RF signal helps to
create more fuel ? RF Exited water plus What ?
Its not "theoretics" but BASIC RESEARCH .... from tunable magnetrons,
amplitrons, waveguides, resonators, cavity design , loss & resonance within all
system parameters , RF shielding gas & liquids pass filtering and RF isolated
input power couplers to name a FEW requirements in GEET RF REACTOR Cathalitic
chamber design .
See microwave oven safety design , see magnetron Power feed filter
in the HV filament and all oven leakage counter-measures.
Aply to geet .
Hector :)
FW: [EVGRAY] Re: [Fwd: Boswell windless turbine...]
its only use is as interference filter to lower arcing rf from being radiated ,
remove it and turn on your am radio ... you will see .
This also saves any kind of switching where you toast your components. The
thing I do not remember is the wattage consumee??? Can anyone that has a
make/break commutator/point system place a car cap or any capacitor across the
points to see it energy consumption is increased or decreased?
Use Ignition Coil Positive biased to Point switching and place REVERESE diode
across point contacts , everytime points close they switch the coil negative to
earth coil charges up & fires, its Iron silica Core saturates then as points
open it Collapses creating CEMF that being filtered by reverse diode from grownd
reference is fed back to battery as a charge .... (Use a nice hefty diode )
never remove car battery as CEMF created may toast every electronics on your car
, (Not for modern cars ) thoose are (IGTB Module driven)
On water pumps RV benefit depends on design needs (head , GPM 7 others ) on fans
Speed & blade design along with PITCH can save you
quite a lot in Energy saving aplications ...
Re: [Fwd: Boswell windless turbine...]
I am Amazed by the quantity & quality of "Fred Flintstones" we got here -- What
A great Idea I got Barney !
Hector :)
Re: Update on passive scr discharger.
OK dimers as Triacs lett pass the DOWN-RAMP half Sinewave from TOP peak of the
sine to lowest part switching within any point of such ramp as selected by
variable resistor from FULL peak to low 0 triac shutoff point .
SCR must be tailored to SWITCH at PEAK and its DISCHARGE unto a LOAD must reach
NULL state & switch off before recharge cycling starts again , else alike you
have it will NOT switch off or it will ejaculate its capacitor charge
prematurely at next cycle remaining on all the time wile your OU goes off ! (No
OU! ).
(Pun Intentional )
Try reading SCR Gate Switching aplication notes , Signal Phase delay & advance
, snubber circuits , Capacitors & chokes aplied to SCR switching reactive &
capacitive coupling of SCR gate switching
Hector (:P
On Sparkys Circuit ........
x <-time-> x
Half sine SCR extraction from plug capacitor untill voltage cutt off.
Darn !
Re: Update on passive scr discharger.
The only problem with this is reactive bounce from REACTIVE loads
back into the capacitor circuit that may create augmentative secundary
oscillations leading to a circuit EMP burnout .
Half wave isolation required and adjusting SCR to fire in the Half wave RMS top
, anywayb if we see a triac we got 2 ganged SCRs in lightdimmer they dim
switching at Downslope of EACH lalf wave ...
We need them to Switch at Top but Separated from Each other ...
Its the same variables a bit more lagging to switch on at max cap charge ...
Need to DEEPEN more into gating theoretics and its aplications to your
PARTICULAR SCRs and circuit design ...
I choose Strobelights as most stupid proff circuit that anyone can adjust for
60CPS operation , just use a LOAD in series to Xenon Tube as thyratron switcher
Hector :)
Re: Update on passive scr discharger.
> What looks like needs to happen is the "turn-on" needs to be delayed until the
sine is at its peak and then it should turn on at the peak till it drops to
(valance ) within SCR cutoff value Not "0"and shut off ...
At turn on You see 2 sines goin up to top voltage value within Negative positive
Half sines.
At SCR turn on you see Squarewave that depending on load goes into sawtooth
shape unitll it cuts off ... this are contrary to Sinewaves at Charging input
signals, that if capacitor retains charge the sine initial SLOPE apears to be
truncated ... but that is ENERGY you dont realy use but afects RESONANCE tuning
by Varactor effect , "Voltage tuning" VCO effect that afects phaseangle within a
logaritmic gain path .
I know Tuning is a bitch , but its what makes OU posible, try to be patient &
intuitive on this aspects.
Re: Update on passive scr discharger.
to 120VDC- to 0 volts DC again other 1/120 half adds to One complete cycle
.... 1/60 sec
Lets take the Upside ramp of HALF cycle delay the SCR 1/240 second
switch on at UPRAMP section NULL Zone of opposed Diode chargin region
Discharging within 3/240 second zone to ZERO within start from 0 , remember
the CAPACITOR Remains Charged at same RMS voltage peak generated by RE signal
(120VAC x 1.618 ) and discharging will be done in TIME delayed phase triggering
The problem with switching at Downramp stands from EARLY triggering as I was not
clear in my first Time divisions toward finding if someone was able to triger
correctly finding the downramp discharge faster than the sinewave downslope
created voltage differential retrigering SCR in downramp ....
But finding 3/4 of real power is lost doing nothing within REAL power
engineering can be quite frustrating to some , that makes single spike seem
magical when in REALITY we are extracting the Ghost
out of a corpse , were RE comes in? , in the separation of Current & voltage
nodes from one other by 90Degrees ...
Understanding first why it does not work makes you Understand the way it works
(Basic aplication of theory to reality ) sorry for being cryptic .... but is ZOO
keeper rules....
Hector :)
Re: Update on passive scr discharger.
Have problems with camera so its delaying a hand drawing I will try to Explain
in VERVAL descript .
AT ZERO then within that 1/240 of a second wile the other SINE is charging the
other - capacitor ... we discharge first capacitor
non-reflective to Input , the shorter the pulse with more load greater amperage
, higer frequency (smaller pulselenght)
Dimmers use Reactor with capacitor for delay , but to EASE design
a 556 (Dual 555 timer) can be used as sense and delay synchro clock
to regulate extraction , then see how we can get the energy out within the 1/240
time segment in EACH sideband conserving OU potential within circuit design
(1/300 much better ) if we can cut SCR off before hitting beyond the null
region .
BE clear it will try to do this at his own as your SCR will cut off
at its turn off voltage sumed to battery one.
You get 1/4 sine downslope sawtooth waveform truncated before reaching 0 Volts
delayed 3 to 7% to null time region .
Farad , Volts discharged to Load (Ohms ) gives you Pulselenght ,duration &
amplitude of the "Magical" Sawtooth
waveform . I say "magical" because that Pulse is key to many other things that
need to be understood .
The other problem is reactive bounce that might be created by SCR discharging
into a load , Pulsing battery directly is one solution .
reactive diode pass filter bridge is another ,there are several circuit
adaptations to choose , all them effective.
Re: Update on passive scr discharger.
Taken within timeframe samplings will be sum of all samplings divided by number
of samplings to give average true power within a given timeframe .
To manage OU we need to Know were standard power GOES and is used in order to
use correctly the best conversion ratios within such states of energy transform.
I am taking experimenters to a new set of crude lab reality in an
experimentation level were they will DEBUNK self created notions on what
OVERUNITY is and will force themselves to rethink & reform the wrong views into
correct ones.
Hector :)
Re: New file uploaded to EVGRAY
What is left to do is play within the Null zones and aply same timing divisions
to ANY wave any frequency taking the SSB Single Sideband RF technology to
capture RE SPIKE energy ....
Other nature of RE will become evident , the one that makes RV glow in the dark
with no lightbulbs...
Its from one of my Energy enhancer projects (ancient) that needs revival ..
$500,000 for starting 300 energy projects in shotgun R&D aproach ...
Any Oxigen concentrator alike theese with the proper liter per minute flow to
enhance diesel performance can outdrive hydroxil ten to 0ne, using Exaust gas
density cyclonic reflux can reduce fuel usage 90% or more ....
This was tested years ago (Ancient) with diesel engines .. and in a Reflex
optics Fueless Oxigen fueled engine with recycled Nitrous oxide reflux.
ALSO ....
Got an Ufo ship but that is burried under tons of earth at this time,
will be unearthed at proper time & pictures shown (fully operational)
ten times speed of light capability (no useless wett dream gimics ) just
redundant simple design (down to earth ).
In need of funds to make & publish using off shelf parts & pieces , so anyone
can make one and have them .
That is if I am someday well funded , as NASA is after the toy but they will the
last to have them not the first .
Alien contacts are sick of their supression with what they had given them they
are contacting us directly and giving us information , usefull aplicate now, use
now information , not unreplicable useless
shit but the real stuff .
The same Aliens have stated the Patent office contains all technology that is
required to built paradise on earth ...
Lets see what is done with the Oxigen concentrators aplication to diesel
disclosure ....
I am still waiting to see what is Done with the Water Injected Diesel
whos disclosure in full apears descripted within the compilations.
My question is why people donate millions to built large penises to rape nature
and yet donate shit for practical true solutions to our REAL life problems ?
Hector :)
Re: newest Muller dynamo pjhotos
Kone ... try getting one of thoose sears BALDOR PM motors in their old
threadmills , built a 40 phases alternator with it fixing the rotor as stator ,
take the PM stator built a bell to install it in the RV shaft (7.5 HP RV ) have
it well valanced ..
Take exact wire lenght from brush terminals (Usualy 40) to 80 diode
(40 positive 40 negative) 40 phases diode bridge ,from the positive common and
negative common in also EQUAL wirelenghts have all voltages to a common Current
valanced DC buss ..
1 hp DC motor 1725 RPM can hit 10KW output ... at 3450 RPMs
It has being over 15 years I had posted this public ! and no one had made one
yet apart from the Macro Electric defunct shop ...
and me without a lathe will have to make my own when getting funded ... all
parts are stored & ready ... including some fanuc PM servomotors alike the ones
used in GM factory robots capable of producing 30 KW in multyphasic AC , that is
the mother of all PM generators ...
Re: newest Muller dynamo pjhotos
OK perfect ! first if the normal motor has 40 phases the brushes use only 2
brush segments at each side of the 40 segments that means
36 of thenm are doing nothing .....
now if you use the motor as generator you also use 4 segments
2 pairs of windings from 20 pairs in rotor ....
now if you DIODE bridge all phases you use all 20 pairs in close overlaping
phases that is 10 times more power from the windings
in an alternator superior to any other on the market today ...
I gave it open sourced long time ago, USE Konehead Shorted coil circuit along
with 40 dual diode plugs and sum all that non reflective power summing up in a
single buss , it makes it the most powerful RE PM generator in the world ...
And I am being conservative... we used RV to drive first unit but the shop
valanced it inproperly & was lost (a wedge got loose and it WEDGED ) within
rotor made stator & magnet tearing and breaking the unit to pieces ...
Using KONES short Coil method you dont need wind , it will deliver a series of
EMP one after the other .... with the 40 phases ...
even alone you can test as superior generator 40 phases Diodes bridge and a big
capacitor for storage ... for DC output buss ..
Remember the wire Lenght and bridge connections must measure same
and conduct same current for proper circuit valance .
Try it I once named it "Magnatron generator" if you like that name is OK ...
Hector :)
Re: newest Muller dynamo pjhotos
housing for just the wound rotor of that DC baldor motor to fit into. Then you
would have to modify all the windings where they connect to the sectors to have
diodes in series so that each winding only conducts in one direction and I
believe they should all be in the same direction.
No just SOLDER same lenght wire to all 40 segments no mods unless you
> As for the bell housing that would then have Permanent magnets in it but no
idea what specs to use for those magnets or how many magnets to place around the
Same original motor magnets in a perfectly valanced steel bell , some baldors
are solid steel tube so its machining out the outer shell and
building a bell to hold into motor shaft (super valanced ) simple to make there
is no problem of speed as magnets are forced towart tube wall small units were
tested to 25,000 RPM with no problems but car wiper & fan PM motors were not too
efficient (laminate overheated) .
There is the 10kw 3600rpm genhead available at harbor freight that Hector has
also noted would be great for this sort of build.
Dave (waterfireho) was looking to try and set this up as he had one of these
but I don't know if hes still about or if he ever completed building out the
bell for it. I would think you could drive either the rotor in the bell or leave
the rotor static and spin the bell tho the former is probably the better choice.
BELL is for making PM baldor stator into a rotor and rotor to stator
stator is not subjected to centrifugal force so windings can last more and is
brushless , yes with 80 transistor cascade driver you can have 10 HP motor at
15,000 RPM .. motor generator ..
but that is a toy compared to the 111 phases UFO motor design ...
> I've not done anything but I sorta grasp the idea. Hector or Kone or Dave can
correct me... :)
Hector (:P
Re: newest Muller dynamo pjhotos
Got other toys awaiting funding .... like 3500 ampere 24VDC coaxial homopolar
generators but thoose are $250,000 design to make them real
& its hi intricate engineering level not even NASA is qualified to undertake ..
(they are not there yet ) not in 300 years.
the material specs are ultrademanding.. as the design itself a single moving
rotating part ( simple )as RV alternator in concept .
Hector :)
Re: Xantrex brand invertors for rotovertor
On old design you also feed transformers at POSITIVE and switch the negative
using Transistors to switch after the transformer , that PERMITS you to USE
reverse diodes to recover Back CEMF pulses at switch off across the transistor
open gap .(some IGTBs already got the reverse diodes built in ....
Old 10 amp draw trip lite went < 1 amp draw iddling ... and that draw was the
driver board , an small cap was placed at output the draw went down .8 amps! ..
I am talking of a 8 gage squarewire 12-0-12 winding with .0008 ohms resistance
trafo secundary being transistor switched (1KW array)
so using 200MA (.2amps ) AC fet driver gives you a 0 watt 0 Amp iddling
inverter ... 100% efficient ...
Not theory but real tested stuff ... model used, Triplite PC 1000
Re: New file uploaded to EVGRAY
A toroid can be made resonant but with no shunting it will reflect back to line
any secundary mismatch as a tuned RF transformer will do SO ...
Re: New file uploaded to EVGRAY
In toroids you separate the center using a transformer laminate bridge that can
be taken from the rectangular strips the non-welded
cheap small trafos have ... its E shaped and I shaped trafo laminate forms the I
shaped making a rectagle bridge creates FR shunt ...
On one side goes the Primary other side goes secundary LC and secundary
regulated output winding ...
also an epoxy black sand bridge can be molded inside to make it more
Remember this transformers perform better "OU" at full load capturing also RE
signal from LC by means of Capacitive coupling , filter of split diode pluc
capture methods ... (Requires extreme tuning) alike jinis or MRA & VTA stuff
Re: You people will enjoy this video !
External PM rotors Same as Venusinian aircraft (UFO ) use for to drive their
liquid centrifugal redirector thrust generators. the coil winding segments are
SOLID state driven ..
As told Ufo engine design ...( ancient type ) centrifugal redirectors also
ANCIENT old design , I can built & demostrate a basic primitive working unit
using water as centrifugal transform
liquid element, as mercury with HDR Hydro dynamic reactor is out of reach , cost
millions to make the metal parts to resist the energy mercury releases ,
titanium nitrile ceramics to start in intrincate forms & shapes as to create
impulse "Thrust" effect.
Well that the problem of living in primitive planets , logistics suck big time ,
not to mention the social structure (It also sucks).
And people with mental atitudes that also Suck !...
can I get somewere C.L.A.U.D.I.A crystals nope! have to wait one million years
to get them here ! or shoot down ufo to get stach of them , be sure ETs will get
realy pissed at me ...
(Shit happens!)
Well if you read a bit a delta wired generator 230/460 can be rewired to 920VAC
WYE say a 10 KW to 30KW EM rotor (brushed ) that makes a ROTARY condenser in RV
mode as the most advanced power factor correcting and cogeneration device for
house & comercial 120/230VAC power . Powerfactor correction is regulated by
current transformer
exiting the rotor to the power factor correction level required automaticaly
unit can be sealed & hydrogen filled to lower internal air friction loss, fans
removed as is low power loss RV mode , also hydrogen conducts heat 6 times
better than air helping to cool unit with no internal fans (rotor friction
sufices to stir hydrogen as coolant)
I have posted this over for 10 long years Open sourced ....
This same system was demostrated at H19 with 100% efficient solar to
utility line conversion along with a 46% power correction Leading power over the
100% mark ..
(just another toy ) anyone can built from off shelf stuff ...
Hector :)
ON valdimlajr post more detail and deserved attention .
> --- In [email protected], "valdimlajr" <valdimlajr@> wrote:
> > Good day, Ashweth, Hector, Phil, Norman and the rest of the group. I would
like to share this result to everybody researching for the ROTOVERTER.
> > Remembering what Hector said in the RV R & D file that something interesting
will happen when you run an RV'd motor at 220 volts, we did that on a 3 phase 15
hp motor.
This I descripted as "magical motors" ...
"Magic motors" & synchronous motors in old postings power factor correction.
Start cap is 100 uF, run cap is 9uF, starting current is 0.4 amps. This
resulted to 0.1 amp running, and at the same time correcting the power factor of
the house circuit to PF =1 and reduced the total supply current of the house
from 9 amps to 7 amps. We are now in the process of futher reducing the total
current consumption of the house by employing RV to 4 aircon units of the house
and see what will happen. Just waiting for the 220/55v trafo to be delivered to
> > Also we ran a 7.5 hp 3 phase motor coupled to another 7.5 hp running as
generator with 1500w spotlight and one 100w light bulb. Input current is 5 amps,
220v. That is without diode plug. When we ran this tandem 2 years ago, at 110v,
3 amps; result was the same as of today. Am I missing something here?
The loop it and i will give you money greed talk, you loop,it gets stolen or
destroyed, or they try to kill you & keep you financialy &
psycologicaly fucked for the rest of your misserable life, (them making it
misserable to you).
> > Next, we are indeed in the process of utilizing the method for all the
appliances in the house, for our other companions cooperating with the set up,
their houses will follow and the machine shops, too.
For hi power users this indeed is a PANACEA ... Hotels, industry & others.
In the other forum being moderated by Ashweth, I was challenged by the question
of one of the detractors asking" Is there somebody using the rotoverter in his
house, if this really works?
"To be true people still have no idea what truly RV potential is."
They cant grasp what a 90% reduction in power waste means neither grasp
overunity and pure magnetic powered devices (ZPE) Mar-netic-
Hector :)
Re: Solid State OU
But I will make a single statement I had repeated a million times ...
All you need to get power out of direct magnetic field is class C modulation of
the field , that is a modulator coil & a collector coil
I also gave the frequency 1.6 Mhz for iron , 128KCPS for Air coils to modulate
earth field , what else I need to say ! ? reread VTA papers
its same stuff with a fancy bullshit name (Quantal Space modulator)
given by Bearden (Sorry to stick knife into someones chest ) but truth needs to
be known... (no mercy no remorse) .
aka electron spin modulation dynamics ... vitron generation , read old postings
.. filter the bullshit & jokes & enjoy.
People can magnetize an iron kitchen sink and VTA modulate it ! instant OU !
Yep goes as simple as that !
Hector :)
Re: Whats this about a 15hp "magic motor"?
If the Rotor gets some remanance or if MAGNETS are put in the rotors holes (if
rotor has them or within spaces in the Squirell cages you get the magic effect ,
1800RPM requires 4 pole rotor ....
Puting welding rods "Hi remanance" in some motors Squirel cage spaces had made
them Magic motors ... remember to Epoxy this and revalance
rotor to prevent loose rods and ruining motor in wide alloy squirell
cages they can be drilled along and hi magnetic remanance rods placed inside
them without loosing performance as RE field tends to run in conductor surface
not in center if field is synchronous rods get hi magnetic force making the
motor a MAGIC one . or you can remove that rotor and adapt a custom PM one .
If you do this you need to get motor to speed then turn on..
synchronic to line .
Hector :)
Laminate patent...
Here is rest of other links with laminate information not BULLSHIT
disinformation that PERMEATES the alternate energy R&D forums.
as a last note the life span of a good transformer is about a hundred years and
some even get better with time as eddy current spots are burned away with use ..
as some RV motors run better with RE energy,
the core being conditioned to RE metal "Memory" states they get betters with
time . Exept for thoose left in the RAIN that get ruined with humid
environments .
Hector :)
Re: Whats this about a 15hp "magic motor"? 50 hp motor also magical?
If motor indeed are 460VAC they have quite strong hysteresis & rotor remanance .
Re: Whats this about a 15hp "magic motor"?
Re: Build your own solar panel
I posted here using UV diodes and a floresent material you get OU from a looped
photonic system but whatever sucked the brains of the readers and doers remains
to be found .
Collective hypnosys, yep its the Magnetic motor seduction its like pedhophyles
atracted to mexican Lolitas, (the warnings are not read).
maybe some roaches scratching its arses must be included to get more energy ..
(thats a good one )
Hector :)
Re: RE-AMP replication - Failure
Re: RE-AMP replication - Failure
another note:
Diode plug direct loading also will work .. & way to measure is using
shunt as dual way meter set it to negative reading the lower it goes in amps the
better the OU until it goes positive amp readings , alike old jeep battery
generator ampere meter, reads amp out negative amps in to battery positive,
(simple) & bullshit proff .
when battery is charged . keep it that way for a month runing you know you
looped , that is same as "magnacoaster" but on simpler direct resonance .
if using 2 batterys you get no OU if one is already charged you need to loop
into same battery using bidirectional readings shunt .
Hector :)
Re: Direct battery RV connection
When you open conjugated 3PH LC having 3 waves one that will be tensor against a
load wall when that wall is removed the wave aquires faster than the speed of
light speed , electron aquire tachionic state , I am not suposed to reveal this
but sinse you descripted certain things it requires justification ...
arcin phenomena is strongly linked to tachions , ball lighning & other phenomena
also , its electrons pushed subliminal 4D state.
such lines speed sums against each other ,but the point they meet
travels much faster than the 2 lines intersecting speed , a waviton is created ,
in case of electrical signal "RF" that waviton is faster than light. The case is
many spikes are subliminal if a system runs on such they are not subjected to
decay (entropy) as its relative time to Us is reversed avove speed of light (UFO
technology 101 ) kindergarden basics. remember there are 9 types of electricity
Tesla only teached basic first one ... "Elektron"
Hector :)
Re: For open Eyes only
Tantra , 3 colors male 3 colors female chineese checkers board completes the
star of david secret (first time ever told public)
the placard goes in the center one angel is male the other female
(Rotating the wheels of creation verry carefuly ... ) the plate covers
the "secret" Lingam-Yoni Shakty Shiva revealed , to thoose with eyes
see. to thoose in darkness better cover your eyes or you will be blinded by the
light .
6 colors sum white the 7th one 2 remain within the dark region suming inverted 6
making nine 9 the number of POWER in budhist secrets.
7 sounds are also basic within 21 combinations of 3 resides the name of God
pronounced right it shakes the bowels of the universe.
And that is still the root of the tree of life seen far away.
whoever desacrates this information will be severely judged with heavy karma .
Its the ultimate secret of Kabala ,given in the last days before the judgement
of humanity so in a sense I had not given you a gift but a burden to be weighted
against .
Hector :)
Re: Keppe motor being prony brake tested
The only way to complete Teslas work Is me being properly funded, as long as I
am not properly funded you will see this stagnation because its not only
economic war but spiritual war also, its demons hands goin up peoples arses
holes & manipulating them like sock pupets so its nesesary along the way getting
a sisor and cutt demons hand & pull it down from brain in order to conect brain
to GOD mind by way of pineal gland , its ego stagnation , pearls canot be given
to Pigs it requires pigs with changing attitude toward a new society (pigs must
learn to fly) then you can give them pearls to wear ,as long they dont go back
to the mud piles...
Why planet Andros "lucifer' was destroyed? why Virgin Galaltic string sector
was evaporated into a nothing there hole ?
(Stagnation ) & i am working on that problem, won a few battles with the
hierarchy already in certain issues (Ambient contributes to human development)
we need to alter ambient,bringing knowledge & truth not supertitions, lies,
deceit, Santa is not real its made up, as religion & politics its human
entertaiment keeping them at its lowest evolutionary states.
But Wisdom & science,truth, respect to divine LAW that truly does
represent our best.
Hector :)
Re: RV powered Cold Fusion System.
Re: For open Eyes only
Re: NEW Rotovertor prony-brake HP tests (very good)
Thanks ! verry nice ! wish others can do same and settle the issues werever OU
is at primemover or at generator .
AS I had told sinse the start RV Motor as well as RV reverse RE-RF alternator
exibit OU (Overunity) knowing this FACT makes looping more easy for thoose
seeking fast solution .
What remains is tuning dynamics and the spiritual evolution ones restricting the
force of human development.
Re: The coolest Bedni toy you will see
3 phase Tesla coils , not "Hectors" 3 phase coils and RV version of Tesla
wireless transmitter but 3 times bigger and 1000 times more powerfull (RV mode
Tesla coil)
Hector (:P
Re: NEW Rotovertor prony-brake HP tests (very good)
The only thing Kone needs is a 96% efficiency generator and he can easy loop
with that motor.
Remember not all motors show OU there are ones that realy suck added also many
other parameters affecting a motor performance that need to be worked on ...
Itsc part of the R&D effort , finding best parts & design. capacitors , motors ,
wiring , connectors (hardware) friction mitigation, optimizing , I have posted
many times that working on energy savings on EXTREMES leads to eventual looping
, if that is the goal people want to finaly attain in that line of research ...
I say what Humanity urgently needs is the down to earth use now aplications of
RV technology to run its society power needs more cost efectively helping
environmental issues along the way .
Eector :|
Pi Tank RF/OU extraction
Got excess VARS? If so this Pi tank will get you them freed up to real power. If
the tuned tank has no excess VARS from input power there is nothing of excess to
All you need is the right values and can couple the kitchen sink or wet string
to RV:)
No reason why this wont work on Transverter either the traffo needs to be banged
to produce excess VARS then Pi Tank it.
Re: Pi Tank RF/OU extraction
Indeed i discussed this in this thread now over several days. PM /alt config has
excess VARS we know it has been proven many times.
Solution here is to avoid traffos for matching where getting the turns ratio
correct is often problematic.
Suggest 3 Pi tanks instead or even just series cap coupling of gen outputs to 3
phase diode bridge to battery. Concept is startling to some that 220 Volts
doesn't fit to 12 volt battery but in RF concepts it fits perfectly.
Re: Setup Silvers direct charge method. [update, lamp removed, retuned]
Lets say you did direct battery coupling you had found the larger the battery
voltage the stronger is the detuning effect ....
as seen removing the lightbulb RESISTANCE lowers Draw (reversal of ohms laws
here) as normal logic says power must go up in standard power rules but we are
dealing with TUNING issues higer Q at lower resistance brings power down (Read
MRA papers ) as higer resistance results in detuning lower Q states then power
draw increases as is RE RF you are dealing with no standard electrical power
that we may refer as non RF Amperage & voltage phased power (standard).
AS more is Understood in lab work more pieces I will add to clarify the concept
within the collective learning curve .
The Idea is lab tool gives the experience to understand the RE-ZPE technology so
it will not be lost again to suppression.
The importance is method, that clarifies HOW all devices work from Newmanmotor,
MEG ,VTA, MRA, Bedini, Colher, Hendershot to a hundred more within the patent
office records some LONG ago "Expired" along with their inventors.
Amen ...
Hector :)
Re: Pi Tank RF/OU extraction
Remember in the loped schematic I stated the SCHEMATIC was symbolic of true
WORKING device it represented Downsteping using RF intermediate radio
Transformation technology , Eric dollar claimed he knew this but never came
fordward disclosing it (It nees no disclosing) but only to learn several RF
matching tricks using radio RF transformer design coupling , filtering , & band
passing along with spliting power into Usable portions for looping ,I stated 16
basic ways of doing it are posible . (Variations) "Simple"
Real top Reactive power Its up to 12:1 then is easy to down grade to a middle
6:1 spliting tensor along a pass filter & matched Voltage downsteping and
current incrementation keeping the RF energy path .
mantaining this as a LEADING tensor the aparent reactive power loss becomes gain
.. (Brian Confirmed this a hundred times ) and is aplicable to ALL RE-ZPE
machines (Same rule of Law)
What will happen if we take 230AC motor & rewire for 24VAC then
add capacitance to get same RF generation under reversed induction ?
Hector :)
Re: Pi Tank RF/OU extraction
Yes that is the magic of RE (Radiant Energy) it has more power that meets the
eye. (Overunity)
Its the same stuff used to recharge EMA-4 batterys , its same stuff
that KEEPS MRA self runing , that makes VTA amplify a signal 38,000 times , that
makes MEG ,Newman ,Kohler,Hendershot & a hundred more devices work . (Its the
lost secret taken to the grave by hundred of inventors ).
Hector :)
Re: Vars for the RV PM on Silvers configuration. [rechecked input amprage via clamp meter, .
3amps input]
Study small radio, the IF transformers, how they are tuned, aply
to 60CPS ones ...
Hector :)
Re: Pi Tank RF/OU extraction
Re: Pi Tank RF/OU extraction
Say you have 2 caps you use RE signal (sine) to charge them to peak
WERE is the power factor now ? when you got a JOULE voltage, farad, second
charge within a capacitor ?
were is AC true power as calculated in a Half sine wave using averaging 12,000
readings sumed & divided by 12,000 to give true average power RMS .. ? how we
define true power usage ?
Normal AC does not realy have the potential the meter reads or theoretica state
, the Sine slope dynamics that are missing the
conversion factors within POWER FACTOR Stochastic walls are mising
the relation to Impedance and capacitive variables that create true
amplification (also missing) , but can be look at using RV experimental set ups
Book laws are not wrong , they just need to be made more complete.
Meter works using energy to deflect a needle how it can deflect a needle and we
say its a false reading ? the needle needs true power to be moved , then we
need to create a motor that behaves alike the meter needle as the false reading
does , to run our motor with "false" energy in a true world aplication.
I rest my case....
Hector :)
Re: Pi Tank RF/OU extraction
Here is were tuning gets into play , load must be A WALL were power LEADING PF
pushes against , making Aparent loss into a Virtual gain
A valance of Impedances must be tuned say to the 26VA that will be about 3 amps
on 12V battery driving an AC inverter with power to spare ... that is push 3
amps until battery amperage reverses as a charge to it say -.1 amp then you had
looped the beast using only the primemover as Stochastic wall Amplitron device ,
same principle than Brians Lawnmower ! you have 3 amps goin to the inverter .1
to battery and 3.1Amps pushing from the pi circuit, voltage to Inverter will be
a bit higer than battery so battery is negative relative to pi voltage wall by a
few decimal volts .
Simple .. the only part remaining is tuning the quite bitchi to tune
circuits from diode plugs to capacitor spliters ,trafo RF downconversion , the
secret is there Use it ! 16 basic ways to do it !
Hector ...
Re: Pi Tank RF/OU extraction
Taking scope readings you will notice loading the virtual phase results in
changing the phasor angle then as in normal mechanical loading you see the
virtual power goes down with input draw goin up ,
here is that Non reflective extraction or tensor tuning play its part you keep
the rotary angle you keep the gain , you keep the tuned state loading you keep
the overunity generation goin , usualy motor cools down and other weird effects
happening ..
Re: Pi Tank RF/OU extraction
The measured diferences in loading VARS across a generator utility network are
measured in rotary angles within VAR diferentials "phase diferences" creating
phase angular loading.
Were in ASYNCHRONOUS generator (Can be RVA system) it provides VARS to
synchronous KVA (Kilo Volt Ampere) system.
Hector :)
Re: Pi Tank RF/OU extraction, bat charger
I met some time ago a man who replicated brown's gas BG, which transmuted
stones, etc. He showed me Wiseman's book on pulsed battery chargers. One Russian
researcher (cannot recall name) told there was something about strange resonance
to manifest BG instead of hydrogen+oxygen gas.
So, how to do a thing without tuning. Answer: pulse the cell from /../ to have a
dipole in the center? Have a coil in series and circulate the BEMF /../, many
options. (I left out some million dollar parts for you to decode ;))
Same RE here.
Re: Tesla Videos BSRF
(Bull feces ! )
Were truth is the SPARK gap creates a switch for a maximal energy spike to shoot
into teslacoil primary ...
Experiments needs "redo from start" I will reconstruct tesla World wide
transmitter , all I need is funding , then you will have all Tesla secrets
revealed (Including his mistakes) .
Tesla wave = RF = RE
Hector :)
Re: Pi Tank RF/OU extraction, bat charger
BG requires carbon, the RE creates "hydroxil & peroxide link chains" with no
carbon so its not BG ...Its other thing.
With proper funding I can give all this answers for all of you to replicate .
Re: Tesla Videos BSRF
Exactly now you know , look at terminal box spliters - filter networks compare
to teslas circuits (Same stuff )
Packet cable failed because the time delay is too much , Even cable modem is
limited to a few miles so it haves to be relayed using multiple servers that
gives the end user a big time delay lag and constant failures to connect &
timeout requests .
(cable sucks)
Telephone used single wire scalar modulation, its 52 volt DC being treated as a
0 cycle standing wave , see telephone network design ..
Linear, scalar , its all RF only diference of tesla & Hertzian waves is how
NODES are used ...
Being telling that for years but is like telling a Christian Jesus Tomb is in
Cachemira india and he did not die at the cross.
Tesla has become another Religion..
Hector :)
Re: RV Phase Simulation update
Also remember the 3PH transformer testing were posted but were not understood
specialy the MEMA-MEG-RV relation ...
and the files I posted on that subject remained unused & uncommented.
Might be nice time to Revive the 3PH transformer experiments now that there is
better group understanding on the subject.
goin solid state is ok , but quite more demanding in the tuning as you dont have
any magnetic rotor fields to resist to changes in the rotary field structure, in
solid state phase angles go wild with any signal damping change (Instant) and
the intercircuit tuning is a nightmare, i just hope the lab experience had
prepared all you for Solid state step and the expertize level it requires.
Re: The Panacea Farm Conversion - Roto Verter Segment
Use old UPS ones 120VAC to 24 VAC 12-0-12 couple series or paralleled or
filter bridge tuned ,also tune secundarys to battery
as "tensors" also can use another trafo at primemover , series current or
parallel capacitor coupled to vectoring capacitor all
looking for best tuning you can also tune in 12Volts rewiring
trafo secundary getting doble current and use wye to get 24VAC diode bridged to
battery as tensor ..
also the primary can be either WYE or DELTA , series resonated or parallel
resonated , with SECUNDARY also in RESONANCE either by tensor (battery ) or
capacitors .
The capacitors are variables you most choose for your particular system
character (oil 370VAC XXX mF ) the AC transformer tuned as RF transformer
either on 5:1 to 10:1 modes ,
a tip: hendershot device trafos were 5:1 - 1:5 but its interresonant relation
was 10:1 .
Many had found trouble replicating because circuit was taken literaly , it is
ELECTRICALY representative, all is already posted within compilations with
instruction to USE RF tuning & coupling methods.
On inductors
The antenna tuners used for 160 meters can be modified using cores to
be placed inside variable inductors and the complete antenna tuner can be used
to create impedance matching networks ading capacitors to parallel the existing
variable ones (left for ultrafine Hi Q tuning).
I posted this long time ago, I repeat for the HAM RV oriented technicians here
Hector :)
--- In [email protected], "silverhealtheu" <silverhealtheu@...> wrote:
> This simplifies things and greatly increases efficiency as nothing but a clock
is required. Its a Buck converter. In doing so no need for large chokes and
inductors nor even large cap values in fact the parts can be raided from old PC
PC PSU can be made OU by itself .... (make it squeal like a knifed pig ...)
modify to 3ph using 3 PSUs using old DEC BUCK inversion method .
Hector :)
Re: MosFet Switching
In delta requires diferent coupling but also works imagine 111 phases using
flat Pancake motor conversion or the 41 phases baldor DC motor conversions ,
converting PM stator to rotor & rotor to stator
naturaly "delta"
remember the impedance relation & Q values difers from delta to WYE
The coupling must be designed to DELTA or WYE as they difer totaly one from the
other the networks cannot be exchanged even if voltage is same, see LC tank
interrelation, design (Pi) for wye or design for delta.
Hector :)
Re: RV Push Push
There is only so much gain one stage can have and eventually a trade of is
reached just like any amplifier.
With RV a motor can drive a generator which can drive another and so on if
mechanical and electronics are all handled correctly.
In this version which only lends itself to solid state i realized a Y flux amp
can be cascaded or configured as a push pul or push push as seen in this sim
It may work even better using 2 FWBR and a P channel mosftet and handle both
sides in push pull stereo and bridge the o/p across the 2 channels but im
reaching the limits on the sim for such technicals.
Hope you find it interesting getting 420 watts out on under 25 watts i/p:)
Re: MosFet Switching
The extraction method of L's and caps is to create the correct power factor or
near 0 VSWR. When this is correct into a load then reflective power drops to a
very low value/zero. When perfect a standing wave occurs but hard to achieve.
AKA a generator driven via RV the gen is already real watts no VARS here we put
a load on a phase you get power but you also get lugging because design issues
not PF correction issue which is the very reason you make muller motors.
In the case of RV single stage it creates VARS that are many times greater then
the input power. As H says many ways to extract this but i think concept like
zero point switching tends to give slightly the wrong impression.
This give the "Bedini impression" that OU comes from outta space and jumps in to
your circuit if you pulse it right. Fact is its there already as VARS. Bedini is
doing the EXACT same thing he is converting VARS to watts by power factoring
into battery and not really tapping "secret energy" believed by many of his
However there are many forms of transformations im still learning and may never
know in this life time.
Like some mag motors a coil can be an anti lugging deflector, a generator or a
motor depends how its switched all at the same time. But i know you know this
VARS are there its real just the volts and amps are in the wrong places. So we
can either force them into the right place with big caps and L's or switch it.
Hi Speed switching "punches holes" with a voltage spike of a much smaller
inductor and grabs the current on the way past out of the VAR which was in the
wrong place in the cycle and dumps that into cap via a diode so now we have pure
joules. When we use these then they are watts. Its important that the cap is
emptied before then next fill comes along from the diode as my sims shows.
0.01mH is typical seen in all SMPSU size for this which is torrid ring core
quite thick copper wire turns to handle 20+ amps. Cap is small 2uf to 10uf.
You can either do this with precision and rebuild the sine wave putting the
volts and amps in the right places and many SMPS do this now with special chips
but i found just cover the entire wave with AM -amplitude modulation with a high
frequency square duty cycle 10% - 38.2% will convert almost all of it into
watts. I picked 6Khz but common is 34Khz for PSU's.
You mention gain by chopping stuff they learnt this back about 1918 i think with
super regen radio. By Quenching or stopping a coil oscillation then releasing
increases gain to over a million! A uV antenna signal becomes a Volt.
The super regen is one of the most amazing circuits ever discovered.
Re: MosFet Switching
Hector :)
Re: RV Push Push
Now you have reached an stage you had decyphered the secret ...
So now doccument well everrything & publish , the only one guilty
here is me so legaly you are free ...
Dont get over-exited & make same mistake Brian did Or we have to start all over
again, make your looped model & teach others how to do simplifying it on OFF
shelf design.
Its not the invention but the METHOD , its significance to human evolution.
Hector :)
Re: Transverter V1
The transverter basic schematics have the solution , remember extraction must be
of shorted pulselenght time than the initial RE capture timeframe , diode pass
prevents signal return from capacitor
exept if its coupled to reactive component , then you have electrical spring
effect , Boing ! oing! oing! oing! and negative feedback against RE stochastic
wall (loss & reflection)killing OU efects ..
for looping multiple phases creates interlaced peaks that mantain a low ripple
DC stream that can be taped to suply the main reactor motivator circuitry , the
power factor "academic" Loss becomes amplification gain RE = RF ZPE is within
RESONANCE nodes...
multiple phases can contain isolated extractor limiters within the cascade
network this dumping energy in a main receptacle "battery or capacitor" tied to
specific damping load .
0 voltage max current 0 current max voltage , enclosed there are the simple
transformation mechanics to get infinite energy from any medium containing it .
Tesla view of a wave contains zeropoints within such wave be it linear , scalar
or cuadrature the transition points are energy
transforming pumps ..
OU is transformation .
Re: RV Push Push
Can use 3PH transformer, else you want to create aetheric storm chamber , you
will get verry weird effects there, also you can use Fixed DC rotor to replace
AC rotor and use as 3 PH to 40 PH ferroresonant dual amplitron magnetic
Or Solid State rotary magnetic field "dynaformer"
Trafo laminate can be wraped in Rotor to stator space such laminate can be
extracted from big burnt out toroidal transformers the laminate creates shunt
for the ferroresonant effect , the extraction can be a rotary 40 phases capture
circuit. using 6 or 12 phases to ferroresonate the
rotor core . and the rest is for capture .
Hector :)
Re: The Panacea Farm Conversion - Roto Verter Segment
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Send to ash & post remember what had happened to Chad & Brian do we need to
repeat history a zillion times!? , everry time I am also hit
with the collateral damage effect from MIB games..
Remember also you need to get to the real model & iron out the
unseen parameters & variables the sim did not include in its computational
solution .
Get a sim you can change the mathematical constants used in the equations .
getting proper values & inclusions within software is required to get exact real
world results that do not differ from simulation engine .
Hector :)
"Use a baldor threadmill DC motor convert to 40 phases generator
making stator a rotor & rotor as stator and forget redesigning the
wheel unless you have billion dollar unlimited funding ..
Built 40 phases diode bridge wire to 40 brush segments (in Equal wire
lenghts ) and get 10KW from 1.5 HP DC motor ... that used only 2 pairs
of segments using 20 pairs of segments
at 3450RPM ////
Hector :)"
2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Here are the plans it works as a sim and as RV works on the bench the components
are still extracting power using conventional formulas and performs exactly the
Only requires bench proofing and debugging to handle this power. All 1 watt
resistors are not required on real builds they simulate copper losses only for
For protoype use transformers as cores in Y formation. H says can use 3 phase
In final version these will be wound on large toroidal rings so one power ring
will be one 3 Y core motor. The other side Y another power ring toroidal and sat
3 inches over the top of the other toroidal In this formation cycloid magnetic
interaction may cause huge amounts of energy to be sucked in! Without shut down
control systems in place it may go nuke and instantly vaporize every bit of
copper so its not a toy. Its well documented else where that this format can
create lightning strikes.
Also will need to run at higher frequency in compact toroidal format maybe 1k to
10k adjust all caps to suit.
Before building this i have published other sims that are easier and safer to
start in the sub 100 watt range. They are in the Files section on this group.
Re: RV Push Push
I have seen that particular "Cube" , it has 4 cones alike inversed piramid lamp
projectors within the cube being 3 receptors and one transmiter of Aetheric flow
to 5fth dimension .
The device transports living matter from 3d to 5d were normal Human entity
cannot survive because it haves no center of transdimensional integration
whatoever to hold itself against the transporting aether beam. You simply
"banish" & fade subjected to this DEVICE Beam , I was a test subject to this
device and was subjected to its desintegrative field ,I just learned to Redirect
& control this energy being able to desintegrate objects at a distance,the
deluded idiots that performed this experiments did them to test werever Human
entity can be transported to 5ft dimension in order to survive a non specific
future disasted (galactic core inplosion ) or something similar like a black
hole (chibalba) mayan heaven goin super Novae ... were Human entity will be
fried ...
(I remember)
The motor can generate a Vortex in aether creating a similar verry low energy
transdimensional window ..
The Cube energy used on me generated over 4.8 million DBs of energy
That is the why of many things goverment needs to Capitulate and stop screwing
my life & playing games , I am runing low in Mercy & patience ...
That is what hapens when monkeys like playing to be gods with toys stolen from
the gods they have to attain to the results and take responsibility for their
unethical actions, many died under the beam of that device, just vanished into
thin air disolving into 5th dimension aetheric stream .
Thanks for the Event RECALL dejabu my statements go as direct warning to MIB , "
resistance is futile you will be asimilated " its either to accept change or
"desintegration" into the same blackhole vortex alike missery they had created
Amen !
Hector :)
Re: RV water pump - positive test results
Just connect RV 3rd phase wire ( to CB pipe ) watch what it does to UFOs .. no
water needed ...
Just be carefull with hell goin loose on earth and thoose little side efects
mental amplification to C² can produce , that is why tantra and ego elimination
are so important dealing with 4D , 5d energy management .
Just dont play to be Gods if you are not willing to abide by the laws
to be one ...
Become a "Jesus" first then play Gods later thats the LAW .
Hector :)
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Congratulations !!
( TO MIB "I have None assembled working in home so dont come home looking for
one OK ! " ) break a few old PCS & Built on your own !
hahahaha !
Just as a note, hendershot device can be looked under new eyes and rebuilt.
Meg can be made to realy work using only 3PHASE trafos ,, (no magnet Mema)
system VTA can also be rebuilt , MRA power extracted .
Hector :)))
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Well thanks Hector not sure i deserve Hero title yet as much work to do. Must
get others to replicate this and prove it works on the bench. I have little
doubts only build quality can prevent this from working. Its completely scalable
and can go up in power exactly as off the shelf inverter system for powering
homes etc. I just added one more stage and hits 15.8KW but hey im happy with 100
watts and so will a billion other people.
Anyhow without your help i would still be sat here dreaming of bedini motors and
spark gaps:)
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
lets take feroresonant transformer , use its LC as input and the 120VAC input as
LC adding capacitance to increase Q to MRA simil
level being the trafo core the MRA "crystal" acustic element .
add pi circuit to the LC tank at a level the ferroresonant efect is not killed
but you can extract more power in than out to drive an inverter to drive the
trafo to OU mag amp states ..
That is taking the 120CPS half sine "spikes" into the pi filter network &
extracting them alike using optical cornu spiral filter pathway. (1.61803398
logaritmic gain) in RF (RE)
You got solid state looping .. also to mention MRA power can also be extracted
using such stages and loop fed at .069 of its overal power output at hyper Q
states to mantain a looped state.
What remains is coupling in impedance to Useful loads to do work
and mantain a looping condition within stable energy transform with energy to
spare .
Certain issues remain to be ironed out in real life aplications ,but as told
sinse the start , its kid stuff and justificable under book rules ..
Hector :)
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Yes a lot remains, understanding the method takes a bit of patience & insight
but in reality and for the record what you think of it now ?
And like you mention is only the begining , as much LAB work in real world
remains to be done to verificate thoose constants are 100% aplicable (with small
correction if needed) to real world use.
The ouput as Tesla mentions must be tuned to load needs without killing the
RE-OU state & sufficient power extracted to mantain the MOTIVATOR (prime energy
source exiter ) working.
So we have a new ( but OLD term to use). The Diode plug, the pi circuit so we
have to define universal terms and design MODULAR
units of this devices for universal aplication.
Its great the effort put here by everyone and each contribution is building
undeniable fact stream into perfecting & understanding the
From ash farm aplications to the looped lawnmower (quite long years)
of cooking and baking the cake .. Kones shorted coils , Phills inverters & a
zillion other contributions to look deep into .
And still much remains as this "WAR" toward attaining free energy is also
spiritual one, dark forces dont want Humanity to possess the secrets of "Vrill"
and the fredom it brings .
So lets use it wisely ...
So its super important for all of you to document & pass on your contributions &
keep a printed record of all this exchange of R&D
information to prevent loss and to know that thoose giving them
dont fade away.
Thats the task (the physical model is the final answer) or I may say the
beginning not the end ?
Hector :)
Re: 40 phases email from H
can be a 40 phases bridge or phased tuned angled phases using capacitors &
bridged to 80 diode plugs tensored to indictive stream alike Kones shorted
coils,(Its not a toy ) its kilowat level stuff .
with 80 HV 10A diodes you make 40Phases bridge using a common PM DC motor with a
good quality rotor core (low loss much better than car alternator actual P.O.S
ones (Ask rain on thoose). the output in buss wil registes as pure DC signal due
to sine peak angle overlap ,as in car 3-4 PH alternators .
Starting with such off the shelf parts HI power PM generators we can start
addressing the RE-RF issues within GENERATORS and use for our benefit to create
Having funding then Newman, Muller , Bedini , Kone generators can be put in
standard frames and be field tested in real world use & aplication ( We need to
run machines) not toys.
Use the current frames to implement the new RE technology is nesesary in order
for it to be cost effective , why reinvent the wheel ? just improve or modify
Hector :)
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Just imagin using an RV alternator to run a 75HP motor on resonant mode ... 120V
4.9 amps input on primemover ...
I was never here, its not me, it never happen, I never mentioned this.
I will deny it !
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
I don't have it now as sim just grinds almost to a halt with so much circuit but
it very easy. Just cascade, piggy back, parallel, shunt do anything you like to
each stage it works the same as a home stereo amplifier.
First step is one simple stage - RV. Either as a physical motor or solid state
the principles are the same. RV is more stable factor of 10 due to inertia
providing OU vectoring phase stability. In fact you can run 2 RV's side by side
extract OU via Hectors plug or Pi tank or my Buck Converter with AM
overmodulation MosFet etc and run the o/p in bridge mode. This increases power
in watts by factor of 4. So instead of 250 watts out on single RV bridge gives a
You want to do something today put motor in RV mode then prove on the bench and
take out the rotor and put run cap on and tune. You will get VARS in deadly
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Try anything so long as they are all close matched traffos. 3 phase traffo is
better or use torrid types in each place of my inductors on the Y's. DONT add
resistors on the inductors its for sim use only to allow copper losses.
The bigger they are the lower frequency and more stable. Later development will
use small hi speed cores hi frequency small caps extremely twitchy!! Not good
for learning.
An old motor case on the bench with rotor out is a good test setup. L's are
already big enough and matched.
Build one half at a time i already gave sim for simple single stage solid state
RV. I strongly suggest you start there and have 100 watts o/p for about 10
watts i/p. You only need to find caps to resonant everything. Once you perfected
art of one system you will end up making a house full:) Hide from MIB.
> 2. what part number for the MOSFET or rating/s..
enough for power required 800 volts 20 amps or whatever you can find. Mosfet can
go parallel for power handling same as inverters. It usually volt spike that
kills them.
> 3. What level of 6Khz were you using.
approx 12 volt into gate over modulate OU wave by between 10% to 50% on scope
shot source. Mark space is 10% to 38.2% square +12 0 only.
> 4. Shoul I use 20 amp diodes for all the diodes.
Always over spec by large margin for OU power handling. Must be hi speed hi
frequency diodes as used in PC PSU's
> 5. What's the relationship between the 6Khz trigger input and the 120v ac
Not important as OU wave shape and Power factor is useless until we punch 6000
holes in it then drag to a cap where we have real joules then after we use this
as watts. Its not required to go looking for peak tops or anything with this
method you only do that for 120 hz extraction which is finicky.
Re: Grid Standing Wave sim replica update.
If the inductor is correct then all the caps will fall in a range between 1 -
100uf in fact mostly 1-50uf. The run cap stays around 7 or 8 uf for 50hz 60hz.
Adjust series cap to get nice equal shape out of phase VARS on scope. Adjust C1
C2 on tank to tune the system. Eventually you will see current just drop away to
almost zero.
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
You have a schematic its a real dynamic working one. No point issuing Rat Shack
part numbers as this is a global project and design can scale to any size or
parts on hand.
Dont use hi street stores they are ok for a reel of solder that's all use proper
electronics mail order site and buy a bag of 25 power fets, full E10 range of
resistors, 50 high speed hi current diodes, big bag of caps, 8 sets of coils and
traffos etc etc.
Im asked what powerfet to use? ANSWER A big one that does the job and handles
the power requirements of your design. This system starts at 60 watts OU and
easily goes over 10kW in about 3 or 4 stages.
Just scale to power requirements and parts on hand and change cap sizes to make
it work that's all.
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
I promote reading every device and search the common method , there is a lot
that has similar or exact statements , the problem was allways this secretivity
issues ...
No one wanted to reveal , Even Tesla took to it to grave ,(at lest he left some
goin back to the pi circuit the next step might be to simulate a loop feeding a
switching power suply stage to loop , that might be done using Optimized PC
power suply ..
that work from 240 to 95VAC and have 40 amp 12VDC outputs plus
+5 ,-5, + 3.6 , -12vdc for any extra circuit need ...
Just find pin 13-14 green wire & connect to grownd (black wires)to switch power
Hector :)
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Hector :)
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Why not take 3 toroid rings and wind them in a triangle within a WYE
center star connection each winding looping 2 rings together ?
Re: Grid Standing Wave sim replica update.
Can you use transformer laminate core to see if that mitigates heat problem ?
or a Mu metal speaker magnets ends using is as core (pulling magnet out) you
need low remanance in AC to cutt down heat loss .. try trafo laminate first .
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Well it takes radio amateur to understand resonance in all its complex spectrum
( same here , ) I loved purchasing cheap 9 volt chanel 14 ,FCC part 15 toy
radios rewiring the RF trafo and installing way off frequency crystals (got up
to 30 miles range doing that) point to point of sight in hi mountain ranges. (90
mile range with 1 watters ) if you look the city of mayaguez you can know were I
live by looking at the center of a 600 meter wide magnetic anomaly I created
with my crazy mad scientist experiments ...
Hector :)
Re: Grid Standing Wave sim replica update.
The first thing that came to my mind, Microwave trafo primary windings - from
a discarded microwave oven or geting one that had burned the secundary at a
repair shop sawing the side welding line
the I top comes off , makes good free inductor, Kone uses them
and also adviced it for hefty coils use .
Re: Silver schema simulations in Simetrix
That is why all constants & parameters need to be known, the bees chitin
anty-gravitic Electrical resonance quality in tyhe wings was not taken on the
equation in the Lift calculations , in hydrodynamics only, they cant fly , but
with the Electrical augmented quality ones they can.
Hector :)
The circuit demostrates Power in & within a Load as Real, that real power needs
to be transfered to a real use, as was told is the beginning Is not yet the end
of it ...
Its not werever OU is real or not (that at this stage is purely academic, we are
on practical "aplications" that separates RV spawned devices from being mere
toys, We are dealing in kilowatt ranges ..
Keep on the good work. I am cooperating with more "slightly" cryptic data
toward closing the loop in this new circuits , seek the constants needed for
real solution The simulation still lacks reverse varactor efect parameters
needed to compensate for Q & resonance drift within the PI network filter , once
thoose are ironed out ,its a diferent ball game ( anything can be looped ) as
method is finaly understood ....
Hector :)
Re: Grid Standing Wave sim replica update.
If they are syntered Metglass is ok but remember that if you are dealing with
HOT power levels Welding Rods may heat up & burn.
But best way to test is to run real lab test, the SHARPER the spikes at
resonance & shorter pulseleght of wave top resulting in narrowbanding of dual
sideband Peaks the best core you have .
Remember Also wire turns, Core and capacitor parameters are inter-related ,
hitting core with grid dip oscillator signal helps to find natural resonances,
design HI Q LC tank for the specific core natural resonance that Helps to create
OU bigtime.
Update on 50mH inductor...
Re: Grid Standing Wave sim replica update.
You can even built 3PH DELTA Or WYE Solid state 3PH rotary circuit
6 of them dual Push Push system then deal on RESONATING & vectoring the LOW
voltage ends , remember the RULES are diferent tuning for RF than tuning a
phased nor RF (audio) signal (as a sample ) .
watch out for the "weird" time space & force field effects . effects ....
Hector :)
Re: Computer simulations :spread around on net
Hector i already looked at this and is the purpose for 105% to 150%
overmodulation creates a not bad dynamic range on o/p loading. I design for 5
ohms to allow deep charging of batteries but as resistance increases the power
actually increases slightly through to around 25 ohms. In part due to the high
voltage headroom available.
All these parameters need hard coded solutions but for now its no big deal to
change the buck cap and will feed into almost any load. Certainly i would see no
problem driving an inverter.
OM as you know creates terrible side bands and harmonics going to the moon and
later this will all need cleaning for real world use.
It then slopes off in quite a stable linear fashion till PF changes creates
lighter modulation loading below 100%
Despite this the sim is not that efficient on PF correction on the powerfet.
Most of the tuning has to be done by matching the pi tank caps its not capable
of turning water to wine. Its more of assisted recovery rather then total
PC PSU get round this problem by chopping everything inside the modulation
envelope and completely rebuilding the entire sine. This is how they can achieve
over 97% PF correction in just 2 sines from 0 to full load on latest 1000 watt
PSU's. A dedicated motorola chip handle this.
Regarding full exposure i was thinking the same thing. Will get egg on our face
if something has been overlooked. Debunkers will have a field day. But in the
interim enough of us in the group can see this move forwards regardless now of
single source foreclosure from our MIB friends.
2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
its all very nice having new OU extraction systems but what we need right now
are builders.
The RV sim in basic form is just one empty motor ie rotor removed and use the
stator for the 3 coils or 3 matched trafos, a few caps, few diodes and one power
At 110 volts it should run with 5 watts i/p and give 50/100 watts out.
Unlike many other OU systems there is always something missing like a secret
flux capacitor that the inventor hid or died with it.
Talking of Flux Capacitor i wonder if "Back to the Future" had any idea of the
importance of Y (WYE) Not only for power but in extreme states will distort
local time domain.
The sim really IS two Y's in push push. 1.6 gigawatts coming soon!
The 6KHz hypermodulation signal within the 60CPS one that is what contains the
OU energy . (its a compound wave) CM modulation power extraction within the AC
tensor ///
If that is not understood then we are back to square one ... still
quite back in understanding methods on how to extract energy out of
scalar wave systems .. ( One of 16 )
Do I still are too crYptic ? or I need to be evident expose and risk more
punishment from MIBs ?
Watch the Driver signal on Mosfet , if you can do the same to an electron spin
signal you can extract 64,000 HP (horse Power)
using gigahertz modulation....( even down to a more safe 1.6Mhz)
Its ufo engine principle , Vril extraction by means of power tensor modulation.
Re: Silver schema simulations in Simetrix
I verified about Wasp nests and their wings and is quite real ..
Re: On the circuit Sim......
To add more This circuit does the same effect the arcing in an spark gap does,
the plasma within a discharge system has specific frequencys that modulates the
main energy scalar wave (RE) (RF)
Its part of the 11 year old basic things posted over a zillion times .
Newman motor does not need "spark gap" , it can use this circuit to extract
overunity ..
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Use 3PH trafo .. 3x3 tripleflux capacitor setup use the 6X hypermodulation
signals coupled to HF switcher power suplys
and loop the mother ! yes using dual sines in 3 phases 6 mosfets
in 6 pi networks ..
666 ( got energy out from Satans arse ! ) lol ! added is 18 =9
Hector :)))
Re: Computer simulations :spread around on net
here the B+ is RE-RF power factor signal that in true term we transvert to other
type of signal (other RF chanel ) as gain amplification, so there goes the
secrets of Tesla energy amplification transmiter , disclosed within this forum ,
i hope
can be finaly undrstood ...
(Not my fault)
Hector :)
On transformer sizes ..
60CPS say 3KW 12x8x8 inches 78 -t0 150 pounds depending on model & make.
get the idea .. the higer the frequency the smaller the size to get same energy
level or surpass it ...
Just take a look at PC ferroxplana trafo & compare to a normal power trafo as
used in old PS ... theese are up now at 1000W 80% eff min.
You can get 450W PC PS from any suplier ... they are switched HF as also the DC
to AC inverters look at the 5KW ones ,and see what kind of transformer you will
need for 60CPS operation ...
along with the aether pump within the reactive components electron flow effects
its interwinding capacitances playing a broadbanding linear multywave effect .
I wanted to concentrate on thermal energy but sinse MIB made such a good job of
keeping me broke i wasted my time on that for too long
so its their FAULT you have to deal with more complex electronics than simpler
but extreme expensive thermodynamics ..
If "cigar" down till it burns the lips ... they messed with the wrong "entity"
"being" .
Hector :)
Re: Grid Standing Wave sim replica update.
Thanks for the update Gene its going to be tough to tune a needs an almost
endless supply of caps and large L's in that format.
SO on that basis you were getting much better results over a week ago with a
single RV and run cap extractions. Since then several sims have been released
showing how much easier it is to get vars out of a run cap. I think you have SS
relays etc i know it a pain but simple RV no alt is much easier to setup and you
was around break even last week with some nice watts coming through.
BTW pi tank mot was only for inductance on one side not as trafo it will never
work like that. Should be taped up on 2kv side to dangerous to mess about with,
thats where you blew your test equipment.
Re: Computer simulations :spread around on net
When you take out rotor all that alu and steel etc is now missing. Core
inductance has dropped a huge factor. So now to maintain resonance requires
large run cap. But you did right by starting off on variac and small inductance
now = less resistance = hot wires!
But you tune it with large enough run cap input current will drop to almost zero
and run cold.
With a traffo they are already designed to run off the mains of course in solid
state they have laminate cores to maintain inductance so not an issue!
Look for 3 matched traffo or 3 phase traffo and it will work fine.
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
Z=L*2*pi*50Hz Im no good at math but where is our C? You have just an inductor
at 50Hz. RV is 3D spin with advancing phases bit more complicated then simple
Anyway Hector will give you the precise math later i leave it to the math
Re: Grid Standing Wave sim replica update.
No best not pull a perfectly working rotor out of test bed setup. Use as is in
proper motor RV mode. I only suggest this for someone who has a junked motor
with shot bearing etc and want to try solid state.
Will need very large run caps though maybe 150+ and watch coil burning if bad
tuned! Better to use matching trafos or 3 phase traffo best.
ALWAYS make sure you have a load connected with my full SIM extraction circuit.
The buck extractor goes to 4kv with no loads of the coil and no more SS. For
safety fit 500 ohm on my output sim as a damper.
If sim Shows 60 Hz then it designed for 110 volts. If it shows 50 hz its 230
volts for euroland and OZ etc.
Only thing changes is the caps values need to be found to bring it all in tune.
You can start with values shown but only 1% chance it will work as seen.
Re: Silver schema simulations in Simetrix
(the answer is there ) the dream is to have the money the time & the lifeforce
to live up to this dreams ...
Hector :)
A few alternatives to motor "disenbowelment" .....
A pair of ....
3 phase trafos
3 identical trafos
3 toroid trafos
3 inductors
AC Solenoid coils
Wire spools
Hector :)
Re: Silver schema simulations in Simetrix
(tantra recomended)
remember Chitin with "C" not "S"
Hector :)
Re: 12,800 Watts solid state RV plans now ready!
Obviously not enough motivation in here so maybe this will wet some appetites
Re: 12,800 Watts solid state RV plans now ready!
> Extraction powerfet would become 16 powerfets in H format 8 each side of
bridge for each half of wave extraction.
> Plus my sim has said FK Off no more! its grinding to halt.
> Enjoy!!
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVGRAY/files/RVsolidstate12k8.swf
What is left is testing in real world & looping the beast ...
Just be carefull with that level of power , its entering into the land of OZZ
zone & right into Rabbit hole tunel traveling at C² speed ..
Hector :)
Re: 2,500 watt generator sim plans now ready
The moment you published here its statutory copyright to EV gray group with YOU
registered as Original poster of the simulation and circuit design , the method
may be copy paste but is too public for someone risking that at this stage
because theory origin also is quite public , many big ones are watching this
forum and unlike other unethical fellows they will come out in our defence.
Also there are over 25,000 patents of switching circuits that are expired
covering this one in all its aspecs , a public scientific method cannot be
patented based on patent free public circuits more if the method is public open
source & is a particular aplication of a public circuit being the aplication
theory open source public material .
By the way have Chad & Brian received copy of this simulation?
Hector :)
Re: 12,800 Watts solid state RV plans now ready!
The coils shown can be anything preferably something designed already for
50/60Hz would be better like transformers, current chokes etc, torrid but larger
ones though not 1 inch thing. Maybe you have some use in big stereo power amps
around 150VA. 3 Phase transformer is good specially construction site ones for
power tools etc 5KVA 10KVA chest of drawers size would be perfect for making 2k
and up.
Only special chokes are the small line filter torrid 10mH you have to buy these
or use from SMPSU. Or wind your own if you have the rings for these.
Better to start small understand the construction issues, and problems and there
are bound to be some. Make the single Y channel first before making power
systems. Use that model to find the best coils to use then scale into larger
power units. I released 12.8Kw one last night just to show how it can be scaled
up but building it will be major technical and industrial project and needs
serious money and not hobby cash.
Re: Grid Standing Wave-Silver, please check
The only problem may reside in the relation of resistance to thermal value
constants H=I²rT the varistor detuning effect caused by impedance changes
within the POWER stream , so here the mastery resides in working with the PURE
nodes and converting thoose to the energy level we need .
RV Chica - solid state 10 watt testing sim
Hi everyone,
RV had a baby chica today a special low power low voltage version for breadboard
Runs on just 24 VAC 50/60Hz from a tiny doorbell transformer. Draws only about
100 milliwatts and shows over 10 watts into 5 ohm load.
Now changing and tuning caps is easy as its so safe you can lick it:)
Everything can be rated for 50 volts or less.
Re: Mosfet SSR Active Matched setup questions.
try it like my circuit i tell you how it works later. Its very clever:)
duty cycle is only 10% on 90% off - roughly. You can go to 38.2%
Re: Silver schema simulations in Simetrix
Everything must be tested (Even then still some problems arise with bitch tuning
issues ...)
Remember the fet circuit is closed to charge this circuit stage as a pump (seems
as a short ) but see it alike SOLID state KONEHEAD coil shorting , why fet does
not burn? because it hits against Resonant stochastic wall amperage limit , but
when it opens the choke EMP dumps its RE charge into the Resistor load ..
Battery is diode pass isolated as "R" in this circuit ...
The HF burst exitation equals the arcing within an spark gap ...
more data required in this element cycle duty as per burst timing synchronizing
& other aspects.
Yes a physical model is needed to Iron out the little posible bitching bugs ...
Hector :)
RV Chica - solid state 10 watt testing sim/V2
Hi everyone,
In this version it still low power runs on just 24VAC via a doorbell transformer
or similar so will be dead easy and safe to build compared to 110/230v systems.
However i just spent a lot of time researching special PF active filters and
this one is remarkable! Its a synchronous autonomous PCSD - Parallel Charge,
Series Discharge without using dedicated waveform building chips achieves over
97% PF correction with just a handful of components.
Waveforms now track perfectly and the current region is pushed high into the
voltage waveform so that maximum power is achieved into load.
At the other end the WYE circuitry is all select on test. You find stuff that
might work and tune till it works.
Re: Draw goes down withshaft loading with axial neo magnet rotor motor
Hector :)
Re: Bedini Cole Window motor - Cap Looped!
Its only because you don't recognize the cap inside the bridge makes it look
special but you move it outside it becomes a normal tuned circuit. In fact its
closer to my first RV Sim where i showed "unmatched - how most here tried wiring
from run caps etc direct to trafo and battery versus "tuned" when i introduce Pi
tanks and more tuned circuits. I not take credit here Hector told everyone for
10 years:)
You notice every stage he made a tuned circuit. The trick is always as Hector
said tune tune tune. NEVER leave an un-tuned segment in any OU /high efficiency
The spark gap creates a valve and once jumped creates power in the coils but
cant go back to where it came from as its trapped and becomes like a bullet out
of a gun. Once fired it has to go forwards out the nozzle. This creates a huge
magnetic pulse up the induction coil but its the incoming pulse which creates
the power as the earth mag field rushes to close the imbalance.
But the power to create the resonant spark may only be 5 / 10 watts.
So the systems are similar the initial high voltage device is real watts, EHT
high volts but little amps.
This is converted to VARS because now he has stochastic gain off the coils plus
it was filled with amps on the EMP but inversion to I. Out of phase domain -
volts amps reactive in the coil so its in the wrong time domain to have useful
power yet it contains hundreds of amps. By sending through another tuned circuit
he is Power Factoring changing the domain back to watts now the hundreds of amps
are no longer vars but joules after FWBR into super caps which is also tuned as
DC of much higher power then started.
All related you can spark it, use relays, use coil banger strobes, pulse it or
be gentle and play pure sine music on the coil instead.
Trouble with Dons stuff is the HV. Up to 1000 volts is not so bad if you don't
touch the wrong things and are trained/experienced but over 1000 volts it will
leap out and "grab ya" just for being close and thin gloves give no protection
and much of his work is 10,000V + and im not keen on that:)
I read through Dons work tonight i think the plasma ball is best!
Re: Bedini Cole Window motor - Cap Looped!
If you all check an AM regenerative transistor radio you will find this same
stages in a LOW power configuration...
Re: Update: Mosfet switcher sim replica. (Built and benched)
Hi Gene,
Thanks for the report. You didn't say what VARS you had this is important as no
vars no watts later.
As you say i modeled for 100mH which is about average but as your motor is lower
then usual then normally run cap gets larger. Thats incredible you have only a
26uf series is about right.
"about 1.5amps output into the battery but the input went up to 400mA."
Remember sometimes we are looking for value for money. The performance ratio
may be better when drawing 1 amp and get 10 out only example.
Mosfet gives "assisted" power factor correction and my paper test show it gives
another 10% to 30% extraction of VARS. It works by "punching holes" between the
out of phase current region of the VARS and the out of phase voltage vector
domain. By punching a hole through with a fet by ringing the small choke we
collect a sample and bring it down as a new shape as joules into the cap and
Modern SMPSU use chips and hack the entire wave and rebuild it line by line like
tv scan picture with dedicated chip. My blanket cover 130% modulation is a quick
bodge without extreme complex PCB stuff.
Almost all switched mode power supplies do some thing like above. Google active
power factor correction for more info.
What you need to look for something like this i/p 10 - 50 watts.
should get 50% so 125 watts in the battery less battery losses so about 100
watts OU.
What it wont do is correct a mess up the front end that must be sorted first.
I try and remodel your motor at 45mH choke legs for the Y and see what it comes
up with.
Re: Hector 40 phase
alike a 3PH bridge but for 40 phases , that is 40 positive diodes to positive
buss 40 negative diodes to negative buss , best buss is center taped copper
plates indexed with 40 holes at rim of circles
as to perfectly valance current flow to center in negative & positive plates the
center were diodes meet goes wired in exact wire lenghts
to each segment as to perfectly valance current flow for maximal loading
efficiency and extreme low diode failure , if you want to go to extremes match
diodes to closest internal resistance and switching times ..
Hector :)
Re: Hector 40 phase
You can drill holes & solder wire directly or rewire eliminating the delta
wiring & rewiring for WYE (No self shunting) effects in some type of motors.
Matching wire currents can help inverter design as you can notice the
transisdtor with the shortest path gets fried first.
Getting a generator well designed from start can improve its performance over
standard ones.
Hector :)
Re: A question about Hector's twin 5hp motor setup
motor can be run wired in 230VAC for more power (7.5KW ) not "HP"
HP is over 10 HP at hi RPM from the 5HP motor ...
In the RV third phase generation we have other phenomena that well can be
inverter drive augmented using a set of transformer & capacitors to generate RE
phases , that is more expensive R&D but easy attained , I drove A 75HP motor
with the input from a 7.5KW
resonant alternator to its full power at H19 but that I did not show TO the
generals or the sponsor, they never signed the contracts I shut down the
A big why I now only accept no strings grants and go open sourced with first
right of refusal.
back to drives :
The idea is to use the power you need under best efficiency conditions (tuning),
if OPPS! it runs itself is attained its because you took energy savings to the
extremes ..
AS OEM/CS you can order computer parameter programable F drive ...
Then ...
Hector :)
Re: Canton Energy Fair
(no heating) plus HI gain ... Does RV gets hot ? does RV alternator burns up
with 1500W -1800W of RE circulating inside it ? no because it works in IRON
laminate compatible ferroresonant frequency !!!!
Hector (:P"""
Re: RV prime mover ... 3 phase driven
Hector :)
Re: Finding the resonant freq part deux.
The amplitude being from 0 to positive 120V to zero then negative 120V and
then to Zero again in pulse stream.
& dont get in my shoulders with dirty feet & overweighted by ignorance ..
USE search engines ! seek what TIMED pulses are ! and how to create
multiple waveforms using amplitude & pulselenght, polynimal waveform syntesis...
, compound waveform modulation , cuadratire modulation , wave mixing , AM, FM,
SSB modulation (for a few ) .
I gave the answer and it was not cryptic , other thing is I am not paid to do
the caltec & NASA engineers work lurking this forums for patentable technology.
Most of the answers were given over 12 years ago from magnetic modulation of
fields to ZPE transforms , cant be constantly repeating them all, will go
psycotic on that ..
My escuses..
Thanks !
Re: Premanent magnet rotor rotovertor attempt
Use PM DC motor to get 40 phases alternator use 6 segments to get a delta 3PH
configuration and the rest as recovery coils ..
SEEMS remaking the wheel does not work as good being off target but want to see
super strides in motor technology that may take this group
to overunity resides in Radio control electric airplanes , their only goal being
saving energy to stay in the sky more time ...
Think same attitude with RV is needed stoping the WRONG misinformed thought on
coreless designs & other misconceptions , a metal core 7K
to one energy density ends with the coreless advantage to metal core.
Sinse this people took to frequency drives and 3PH PM systems they had done more
than peoplr here will do in 100 years , all in the spirit to get things to fly a
few minutes more ...
and stop wasting time remaking the goddamed wheel with bedini alike toys ...
PLEASE ! go to next Step in making PM RVs if you want permanent power systems ,
they will become evithen on that search for more RUN time in whatever you do
with it ...
Hector :)
So the idea is to COPY this sinse this is off the shelf & stupid proff
no more escuses Hector is cryptic & non decryptic ...
You can buy RC frequency drives, some pulselenght amplitude & frequency
configurable , add some big IGBTs PUCKS to drive Gigawatt power pulses to RV PM
OUTRUNNER MOTOR design based in this same RV design RC motor designers took
years ago from this same forum and made into a practical device for their hobby.
Reread old frequency drive turbine postings READ all about RC brushless motor
design /
I rest my case !
AMEN ! Haleluuuuyaaa!
Hector :)
Re: Taking a break...
To reverse time you need to create waviton within wave interaction to increase
the point of conjugation to C and avove C there relative to our time frame
energy increases to the square of C, time stops & the energy relative to our
dimension becomes isotropic with no loss.
I have commented about this several times In a sense Negative resistivity does
not exist (its illusory states within relativistic rules ) m = mc©÷/¡îT H =
I©÷rT & other 17 formulas aply (can be found in seike book ) too bad he did not
aply to motors as my person did.
Or to create infinite energy explaining it in clear form , not in criptic poems.
Anyway elite here possess this technology and uses it to travel in time (many
ufos),people must look in Milo Rambaldi Papers they are linked to me in more
ways than can be thought of.
Werever we can change history and you people dont end as speechless & naked
monkeys before 2010 end remains to be seen ...
There is a war goin on and is not a physical one , this one is in the spirit
regions the time it transfers to physical one its goin to be cleansing time ,
its goin to be bloody & dirty as any massive slaughter is .
My hope is people attitudes change before that and capitulate to the once in
24,000 years offer ..
Re: Taking a break...
Use poor mans thyratron (strobelights ) to bang coils in positive biasing &
recover voltage spike by means of reverse diode across strobe tube ... choice
of capacitor & coil and diode determines Overunity ....
If you get it right it will keep flashing untill flash tube is exausted with
input power removed ...
Its self limiting as flash triger is determined by capacitor charge level ...
And I dont figure out Why no one had experimented with it as I have instructed,
its so darned simple & cheap.
Re: Taking a break...
Re: Von Stiffler
Re: Premanent magnet rotor rotovertor attempt
The best aproach is the Modular one , design as to be able to use as motor and
generator , as all 40 phases can be used as generator and
as MOTOR using 80 transistor "H" driver with built in reverse diodes .. that
act as generator 40 phases bridge ..
An smaller version can be made from smaller PM motor Old HP printer motor as a
sample and built 3PH or 5PH outrunner motor-gen as a preparatory test bed .
Hector :)
Re: RC motor drives Hobby aircraft
if the small ones generate 2 HP think what a well valanced baldor outrunner
conversion will do at 10,000 - 20,000 rpm
150HP Easy .... can drive real airplane or car ... Easy ...
Re: more on Mylow
The radius of mylows magnetmotor respond to the torsion offset fixed magnets
creates on the rotor magnets .
so from sacred geometry we find in 2 inch magnet theoreticaly best torsion will
be set at 1/5 or 10 inches radius from the circular plate center this will be
understood taking 2 bar magnets and placing at 90 degrees from each other ,
torsion will be generated ....
The way we create invalance gate is placing bar magnets as latest Mylow Motor
setting flat on rotor and have the fixed one create torsion field , a conical
projection is created within a magnetic cornu spiral 72"degrees angle ...
creates motion from the magnetic current itself (MAR-netic) field flow ... it
feeds from atom gravitic transform , so theoreticaly in verry strong units
negative G can be attained (searl disc & searl effect revisited)
Is pure sacred geometry . (Tantra required ) no doubt , its time humanity grows
from animal states & transform itself to something better & more Evolved.
Hector :)
Re: more on Mylow
Similar to searl effect you have 2 90degrees vectors that conjugate to create a
third that manifest as thrust ... the anomaly gate becomes self substaning
transform engine ...
Re: [EVGRAY] Re: Weekend OU thoughts
key point is use just the right amount of time to excite the electrons on the
wire without moving current in the cap if you use high voltage .. ( excite
means rotate the electrons in the wire to make magnetic domain alinment ) look
at spintronics
Re: ismael car
the problem is how much energy you can pump and repetitiveness over a period of
time .. charging 600Volts or 6,000 volts in farad region takes cycling time &
energy ,being RE creates OU force.
Its money taking toy , at million dollar level and lot of PERMITS to buy
ignitron & thyratron NSA restricted parts ...
Goes down again to Money & what can be done with it ... and how efective is to
buy a thyratron tube that is more expensive than the standard car motor itself
$2300,USD along with special coplanar
vaccum epoxy filled coils ( $10,000 USD Each ) So if RV was dificult to digest
this toy is nighmare in elm street , we have to be realistic and know the
material specification of what we seek to do and how cost efective is at the end
of the line.
There is no fun in buying a 5 million dollar fueless car ,if for the interest
you make in the bank with that money you can pay for a lifetime of fuel in a
normal one ...
EMA4 tab ran at 10Million as expensive as a F16 fighter craft or cobra helo
so go back to Standard frame design or keep hitting the head against the Money
wall ...
Re: ismael chopping 4kV
no need to switch 4k you make open air autotransformer and switch lower segment
into RF will give you 4k+.
Re: ismael car
Is at maximal current the K stress goes into a linear C+ compression within wire
as a compresion vector ...
The first shorter path transistors were cracked open the resistors were burnt ,
transistor drivers & every electronic was fried ...
But small fuses were not even marred (no fuse was burnt ) so inverters need to
be properly designed to deal with ZPE pulsing dynamics ... , I am working on
some inverter design changes ...
More in solid state stuff now but mechanical RV is also essential so dont forget
Re: Land of vikings
what a reactor coil does when pulsed with HV spike ? simple it sees
the coil as a short , so there goes the CEMP with OU ...
Same with a CAPACITOR , but what the pulse sees ? it sees an INDUCTOR and
aquires instant charge within electret wall ..
Along with the spiritual sight beyond sight to understand what you Got , Bedini
Models are useless & inpractical for the needs we have in energy savings ON REAL
DOWN to EARTH aplications ...
Hector :)
Re: Land of vikings
OK show me one HP bedini motor pushing a Bench drill bit into half inch steel
plate as if it were cutting butter ...
ASH Panacea USE now DO now energy demo ... (NOT a TOY )
> I do appreciate that 2nd and 3rd sentence pair below... that was well said and
makes sense to me. Effectively in a HV pulse the inductor and caps
characteristics swap... The inductor becomes a dead short (or can become such by
shorting it very briefly)
and in reaction to that the cap is seen as the inductance and draws the focused
magnetic field to the isolated electric dipole sustained by the dielectric.
Not drawn force pushed against in single wire C+ speed VOLTAGE node
charge potential.
The high frequency ringdown of the pulse then must act on the dielectric as an
undamped wave which puts charge on the cap.
A linear pressure wave that Stays in within the cap as bandpassed potential,
the wave draws the charge from the opposed stochastic wall
within ZEROPOINT atraction node .
Re: [EVGRAY] Re: Land of vikings
timming and pf control ... will let you use VAr to yield charge ...  cap uf
of the output of the inline transformer and amount of time will become tunned
tank for bad PF and lets one use VAr for the source .... does this make any
sence ?Â
same ol same ... been repeted millions of times ... read old postings for
opening the mind to see what to do with what you got ....
me my self i love taking a crappy pf motor and making it good pf while using
the VAr to make a great gate way for transforming energy and time ,, leading and
lagging .... out of OU in to over OU and back and forworth = what ye seek
....  i would reread what whats been put forth so many times ... and i would
not spend as much time crapping on people because one dont get it ....
if one is tired of trying to "get it" maybe one needs a break and refresh ones
mind in a different out look .... butt hey we all got a butt hole .... if i seem
like one maybe its because i have one right behind me ....
i hope this helps cool down somethings .. if not i wont waste the time repeteing
what has already been said so many times.... one dont need a
schematic  to understand .... if you dont get it then start studying again
before jumping on the funny butt wagon ... i know its hard some times to get
over it and to see how easy it is , but we all are trying to help one as much
as we can ...
Can he haha .... maybe so maybe not , cause it is not just me to help one
understand it takes the understander too :(
"I am what I am. I am not sure how I'm percieved but I am sure of how I percieve
you. Others can make their own decisions. "Â
timming , tuning , and much thinking helps alot to understand what one seeks not
farting in the wind and saying it stinks... lol
cheers Gene
reminds me of the dog that bites the hand that feeds it ,,, then expects more
food ... when they have not even eat what they got left over from the last time
... funny how life is to each is its own ..... sure i could draw something up ,
but how many files and drawing does it take ?
With no biasing just telling it like it is ( life is way to hard so be gone with
the crap ) if your actions determine His choice of placement where does that put
both of us now ?
Brian Prater
Re: Bedini's magnetic hydrogen and oxygen extraction
Also from a fish tank basic CAPACTRODE you can jump to a saphyre window
capactrode to zap water directly to hydroxil using resonance assisted by UV
laser water spliting ....
capactrode permits charge diferential within liquid, without liqhid contact with
electrode (metal ) across dielectric substrate this case sapphire:
combine that with simple hydrodynamic reactor within a torus and we can have a
fully looped cold fusion water fueled reactor ..
So smart guys here can stop playing with useless toys and follow advice of
thoose building USEFULL real aplication working stuff ..
In case some Dogs get fleas I was never here I never posted this
but (I did )... LOL (:P"""" PFFtthh !
As always read all told in resonance along with capactrode , can be made with
square or rectangular glass fish tank and can produce electroenergyzed degaused
water for medical theraphy use in cancer treatment , read Ismael Aviso
electrified water postings ..
cheap fishtank reactor can produce this water using non contact electrodes
(capactrode) .....
Hector :)
More on masers...
The term hydroxyl group is used to describe the functional group –OH when it is
a substituent in an organic compound. Organic molecules containing a hydroxyl
group are known as alcohols (the simplest of which have the formula CnH2n+1–OH).
Stimulated microwave and radio wave emission is observed in astronomy, and is
frequently called superradiant emission to distinguish it from laboratory masers
which typically employ resonant feedback. Such emission is observed from
molecules such as water (H2O), hydroxyl .
in nature .
Back to "AEROPS" atomic engine reflex optics Pulse system ? geet mix ?
In sense make nature copulate with itself inside a converted gasoline motor ...
Re: [EVGRAY] Re: Weekend OU thoughts
just pulse the circuit long enough to spin up the electrons but not long enough
to make them flow...
i know we are not talking about magnetic ram , but still it shows the (
re-orienting the magnetisation )
Re: Tesla VARS Extractor for Gene
In RF dipole.
If you measure the antenna even from a 10 watts VHF system you will see
something like 100 volts on the ends and 100 amps in the centre. HEY! thats 10Kw
from 10 watt VHF transmitter!
Re: New file uploaded to EVGRAY
Its time you stop playing with useless toys and start doing the real stuff ...
Add a 88.5nM UV laser exiter to it & you got something good ...
Hector :)
Re: light bulb in current node
Its due to filament distributed mass or AMPERE load to RE signal , that was why
it was so dificult to replicate EV gray submerged lightbulb experiment (19.9
ACV voltage drop) on 230VAC street lightbulb at 4.60 ampere load . (burned out
at 5.A Ampere load)
12Volt tungsten mass at 3 amps is not same as 230VAC tungsten mass resistance at
230VAC That is why in RE spike we can blow 2,500 amps
SCRs or IGBTs and a one ampere line fuse remains intact , why an inverter gets
fried to hell and not a single fuse blows up ...
The resonant aspects to mass resonance are other aspect of RE that permits a
60W lightbulb conected to a single wire to be lit up by single wire RE signal
the end being a non connected piece of wire or metal rod or spherical AIR
capacity ...
Try paralelling a capacitor decade box to your bulbs see how readings react to
filament change of tune ... (you will find that interesting ..)
Re: light bulb in current node
Its getting the feel to tune the RE to do diferent tricks like HOT node inside a
filament with hi electron density (current)& relative low voltage
potential,there are many faces to RE that is the idea for the lab experience, no
way to explain theoretics & be understood in years, with lab experience you see
& justify theory later.
Re:Ismael Kone in Sweden
There are over 120,000 patents with schematics and no idiot here had being able
to copy a single schematic & make them work .
On 3 RV basics
1: primemover 3rd phase , if you dont understand there is OU RE there you are
already screwd .
Chad understands that , Brian Too , Kone Too , Ismael too, EV-Gray also did
(before getting sudden lead poisoning).
BEDINI also , as Bearden & I am the one doing the talking & them doing the
deviation ...
Try building a bedini Window motor for your drill bench and you will find many
Whys Bedini information Sucks !
develops 39 tons of torque .... (Smoke that wile you wait for me to be properly
funded ) I have talked and demostrated every dam inch to it if you do not aquire
the tuning skills RE requires its a waste of time to give you schematics .
Hector :)
Re: 5.5 kW motor on less than 4 W -- rotoverter
Re: Tortuga's LC resonance experiments
> The transformations (called gauge transformations) and as Hector says its
energy transformation. The conservation of energy law is misleading. In the open
field quantum energy is always equal. So if you create positive energy there is
an equal negative and visa versa.
IF you transform energy you leave a hole were more energy flows .
Hurricanes do that all the time , and in fact are natural transformation engines
One in jupiter has being spinning for eons ...
If you stir the ambient and create open dipole conditions the ambient will rush
in to attempt to close the dipole so all you have to do is prevent the dipole
from collapsing.
If you resonate the dipole to ambient energy & transform it alike quantal diodes
& heat cells what you got ?
Energy hole !
The conservation of energy law is still valid even though it has been
deliberate (TEACHED) misused to throw you off the rabbit trail.
> If you want OU in electrical devices then you create a voltage device of high
frequency RF in resonance of extremely small pulse duration where current is
quenched before is has a chance to move.
Now there is NO electron flow but there is energy which can be transformed via
RH hand spin to which creates magnetic flux. This is why Tesla uses spark gaps
quenched by a strong magnet to produce HF RF with no (hardly any) current.
The spark gap JUMP creates a CURRENT Jolt to a coil were for a second current is
maximal to atomic saturation of LC components.
Don Smith took this a step further and said "don't go chasing normal electrical
flux which suffers heat death entropy.
If you want OU then you only need voltage to create LH spin high energy pure
magnetic flux which is both copyable and scalable."
Once voltage moves it allways creates current node (LAW ) not theoretical
It creates that condition within a current NODE as it JUMPS the gap into other
LC circuit (current reads maximal at arc receiving end )
So I am sorry if i do not think Dons theory is correct but lab experience tells
me its flawed , he is not completely aware of teslacoil dynamics , my awarenes
has come from testing resonant
Teslacoil designs using the VOLTAGE potential in pure resonance to
fire at peak across spark gap ( using tuneable glass capacitors )
and using the PULSE current potential created by voltage differential
to Jump exite a coil to RF RE states (microseconds) at megajoule potential.
I think as the bullshit concepts are removed with solid lab statements it will
become less "complicated" .
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Coil READ !
Hector :)
Re: Tortuga's LC resonance experiments
> "So there the lonely voltage issue is totaly erred (misconception) "
> Are you sure Hector?
Yes ....
This is the basis of Teslas work and Dons devices rely on this concept.
Its erred, you need node transition to couple energy from the ambient to exiter
"motivator " stream .
Voltage node transmits Aether waves ,aether waves are NOT voltage but induce
such in a material medium ...
were M = MC©÷/¡î T
Now i never seen one working in the flesh but he show schematics and photos of
designs that are reported to produce tens of kilowatts using lonely voltage
Yess as I produced 75KW with a 1.5DCV battery and a resonant 3PH transformer ...
the things is converting that ENERGY to usefull energy (Short on funds to get
into that area ... )
1000A 2KV RF diodes are hard to get & you get many questions from NSA
and FBI if you order them ... alike last time I ordered MAGNETS for zipper motor
alike ...
> What he is basically saying is that you only need volts in RF state to create
a very large local ambient disturbance. A 25kv transmitter at 5 mhz will create
an immense amount of local disturbance at 1mw drive compared to a even a 4 watt
CB radio at 27 Mhz
Voltage has no current when its static (not moving ) it only creates a WALL
(charge) potential ,as soon it MOVES it creates AMPERAGE.
And in RF that AMPERARE from a radiating VOLTAGE node GOES into AETHER as
DENSITY wave within 4 types P,S,T,C type waves all RF in nature. thoose waves
interact with matter & objecs to atenuate or multiply its energy , being the
object tuned antenna it collects such energy transforms to voltage & current
within its nodes ...
I cant support erred theory , Don Is a verry fine person but he needs to revice
his theoretics justifications & go deeper into observation & measurement ,
TESLA was also erred as well as Current RF theoreticians are erred about Tesla
RE radiant energy is same as RF and as long that fact remains suppressed within
a medieval mentality frame OU Magic of energy transformation will remain hidden
from the people eyes..
Hector :)
Re: [EVGRAY] resonance experiments
Re: [EVGRAY] resonance experiments
((0.0012056327 160493827160493827160494 ))
as one plugs it in and unplugs it ,they find a different amount of input and
output every time, so its about timing of when to stab in the sweet spot..
OU tweeks
Re: [EVGRAY] resonance experiments
Re: Thought I'd share... [Vo]:On Topic
Gray tube had CARBON rod were being PULSED emitted EMP that was collected at
plate grid ...
Carbon RESISTORS do have this EMP generation quality properly PULSED as to
generate internal transmutation to other element "K"isotope then rebounding
back to carbon state generating EMP .
EMP is NOT electrical but AETHERIC pulse, it causes ELECTRONS to move but is not
electron quality it also makes electrons DECAY to Vitrons
from soft electron states.
Re: Vacuum-energy (the zero-point oscillations) is now made manifest in the Lab
Heat is RF, think in nanometric NLCDPs Nanometric LC diode plugs driving the
captured heat resonance to a DC voltage buss ..
That tranalates to 161.8 % efficient ZPE resonant powered power cells capable
of giving 75W minimal energy pwer square centimeter ..
Give me a a horsewhip whip a nanolab with some doctorated nerd slaves & you will
have them prototyped within weeks ...
(dont forget the salt)
and dont forget I had being Posting this sinse 1998 ! on public forums ,so no
patents here !
Free air conditioning & free electric power & can be done with STANDARD existing
silicon glass cheap technology ...
some lurking parasites here had already done it ,& filed some patents
and gone silent about it ...
Re: Vacuum-energy (the zero-point oscillations) is now made manifest in the Lab
Result is endotermic sink relative t0o signal source as receiver antenna array
is to any tuned wavelenghts it is tuned to and converts to electric power by
means of diodes ,simplest sample being early crystal radio sets .
Get million of thoose in square centimeter drawing in IR energy & you got free
power & free cold heat sink ...
Hector :)
Re: Warr:Vacuum-energy (the zero-point oscillations) is now made manifest in the Lab
Nanometric gallium arsenide & bithmuth telluride hybrid thermal rectifiers along
with carbon nanotube diodes , a nanometric laboratory is all needed to built
this along smart RF engineer that
can understand such a simple concept ..
as told 75W minimal lower output per square centimeter of silicon substrate IC
material ..
capability to go supercold (criogenic) & self superconductive ..
Re: robert, RV, Muller
One coil oriented north south (output) one coil east west modulator coil this
all fit inside faraday cage non magnetic metal put signal into W-E coil get
amplified energy from N-S one ...
MUhahahahahahah !
On COIL impedance I always had told to SEEK the frequency were the energy is
then design COIL to tune into this energy under OU parameters (hyper Q ) states
It is RF tuning .....
Hector :)
On gray tube
the grid has nothing to do with electrons , think RF pure aetheric wave
pushing GRID electrons into wire , grid is used to AVOID heating , let HEAT
scape ..
Hector ..
To be remembered as people forget the source ...
Thermodinamic OU formula for gases goes..
Re:Ismael motor
No not quite. You need to read up on Don Smith his work is based on Tesla and as
Dons says he reproduced all of Teslas work and learn t a lot more then Tesla
ever did. Is it true? I dont know but the systems are so darn simple to build
they should be explored.
Current means work done = energy wasted. EXCEPT where you want to perform work
later to drive a load in entropy system then you have no choice. AKA Newman and
others you can run a huge motor from batteries and you get the ambient to supply
the current. AND IT WILL if you create enough disturbance and keep the dipole
So take a hi voltage supply like neon supply or laser supply etc and frequency
drive this into a tuned circuit. Keep the current as low as possible. The input
power maybe 5 watts.
Now that L1 tuned circuit is resonance lets say its 20 Megs. The voltage across
that tuned circuit is say 10,000 volts and there are 10 turns. This means
BETWEEN each turn there is a voltage of 1000 volts.
I now make L2 coil and its tuned to L1 but i chose it to be a 5/8 wave which
requires more wire then the 1/4 wave L1. So now for example L2 requires 100
turns on smaller diameter. Its now resonance into L1 but now i have 100 * 1000
= 100,000 volts across L2!
This is a real gain. yes its only volts but i can do work with this IF i do not
allow the resonance to collapse. I can not load it directly and i cant attach
anything to it and this is the mistake they are making in other forums like the
joel Thief and also the Impotech CFL systems they all go ONE stage then stop
then hang bulbs off it. --WRONG WRONG WRONG!
Now something special will happen because this is not just a voltage transformer
its RF at 20 megs 100,000 volts. The RF will be creating a huge ambient
disturbance and it will try anything to close this down as any entropy system
will do. However if we do not allow the source setup L1 and L2 to detune then we
have an open dipole system.
Now introduce L3. L3 is tuned 1/2 wave to L2 but its is placed at 90 degress to
L2. If you know anything about RF then you know tuned circuits are normally
placed at 90 degrees on PCB's to prevent coupling as normal transformer. Except
we are coupling magnetically and not electro coupled. Now that 100,000 volts
will be creating a left hand spin magnetic induction to EACH turn of L3. As a
result the ambient will supply the right hand component to try and kill the
system. However we are 6 inches away from our source. Try as it might but
magnetic coupled system does NOT suffer entropy losses at RF. This is like a one
way check valve. Now we can hang a load off L3 via FWBR and as we load it the
ambient will supply AMPS in order to keep that same 100,000 volts on each turn
of this coil. I can take as many copies as i like of the source and the source
does NOT diminish not a single bit.
SO if i require a safer lower voltage o/p then i can make L3 just 2 turns of
wire then add a bank of caps to it so that my LC is resonant to L2. I then feed
this to FWBR smooth it add a large choke then feed to mains inverter system to
convert to 110/240 50/60hz.
If you look at tesla stuff almost everything is end fed with open or ground
connection. Nothing is closed to source. AND there is an intermediate "check
valve" stage somewhere so the source is not disturbed.
As in Dons vids there are several "copy of source" systems and magnetic
induction dipole which is said to produce hundreds of amps from a milliwatt
One of the main reasons why 99.99% of kitchen top builders won't find this out
is they wont read anything and they wont go over 24 volts:)
Re: The Panacea Nano Installation [Video]
Part is within the compilations ( How diesel became to be from Steam engines ,
seek also dry Steam ....
The only reason they used diesel fuel was it did not froze and burned at hi
compresion ratios & was a WASTE product from petroleum
, bottled water costed more back then ..
Its HEAT transforming technology ,the more advanced one done with TURBINES ..
(no pistons) Can be made easy , it only cost money to do ,,
Iconel & monel SS alloys are good along with saphyre spray nozzles. lining the
sleves with rust resistant plasma welded cromalloy as well using vespel seals
drives cost down , no motor cooling needed ...
means a lot of PARTS can be eliminated if desired & cooling can be reversed for
Hector :)
Here is an article i found long time ago which you dont see mentioned too often
although no doubt Hector has before. I just post a little here but you can read
the rest on this link.
Re: [EVGRAY] Another look at RF reception
Hello Silver,
Yes i think one time a said on here , it kinda works like a old ferite AM radio
antenna that is black and has the coils wound around it for the tunning maybe a
few inchs long round like a pencil but i have seen a few flat type ones also....
them things are hugh antennas in a space field effect .... i thought this may be
the same effect as what you stated..
Another look at RF reception
Re: [EVGRAY] Another look at RF reception
Some one wrote a note on the cover pages that reads "The
German explanation is that it 'sucks'".
Re: Another look at RF reception
The other type of AMPLIFICATION refers to the VTA type magnetic amplifier in
military systems that used Ferrite magnets as stochastic energy amplification
source (more alike class C magnetic linear amplifier simil of a grounded grid
6KD6 electron tube RF linear.
That was done to make receivers passive as all REGENERATIVE radios can be
located & used as MICROFONES from the ambient noise that got modulated to within
its electronics ..
EALY RADIO shack 150A & 150B had this defect . with IF RECEIVER
you were able to hear peoples conversations within the radio location using AM
signal nullification to separate from local potentials , thoose amplified were
intelligence from source ..
Fact is any RADIO cell phone or RECEIVER you have can be detected hundred of
miles away and located by triangulation using the INTERNAL RF signals generated
by it ....
In a sense what I say is. Why the Fuck I want to snitch myself using active RF
ZPE Systems ?
To let FCC know were I am located so they can confiscate my free energy source
equipment in event of war or unrest ?
Re: Puharich, Stanley Meyers Method
If you use Oxigen concentrators (I posted link to make hydroxil & geet
boosters)some time back ..
Pure oxigen mist with electrical charge mixed in water will make
hydrogen peroxide , ract with SILVER & you have rocket fuel ...
as simple as that ..
Re: New Battery Tech
Ti = Titanium...
Its uses also in ANTI-static compounds for its ability to KILL elestrostatic
charges , paint a Van der Graft generator with TIO²
based paint and the machine was rendered useless ...
I Was consulted from university when their new paited Van Der graft
Project went VAN Kaput on them (Due to TI O² base paint). told them to scrape
all of it off & TIN , cromium or nicke plate it .
Hutchinton Battery is alike of this resonant battery and if you read my posting
you will find I spoke of same stuff here over 9 years ago descripting quantum
electron tuneling and stochastic resonance & energy transform .
If I want I can even Challenge the patent based on free information contained
here on METHOD & theory .. (I dont Care ) I am glad someone did it , its not
first thing I mention here years before someone does it ... anyway I am 3 levels
up anyway , the thing is this so called BATTERY can be permanent one as I
descripted charging the TI O² matrix with a potential cooling it down to a
permanent quantal electron tuneling device (no need for recharging )...
But if people here cant do it with DENTIST wax dont count they will do it with
labor intensive TIO² crystals /
It requires Work !
Hector :)
Re: Another look at RF reception
There is no IF in super regen. I think you got muddled with super hetrodyne.
Thats the wonderful simplicity of it. I had some years ago a really old single
RF tube super regen radio with only 3 tubes in it. Tube 1 was the rectifier,
tube 2 RF front end with passive quenching coil and cap and tube 3 audio amp.
Same with the old 27 meg and 49 megs walkie talkies of the 80's they were sup
regen with the loud roaring hiss when turned them on. Very sensitive and cheap
and yes they transmitted more out then they received so point taken on the
tracking! :)
Re: Another look at RF reception
You re right ..
Super heterodyne
Sorry for posting that error , anyway 2 systems are traceable due to
broadcasting RF signature ..
Anyway for ZPE use " non detectable " systems ...
Hector :)
Re: New Battery Tech
maybe a mix of fulerene carbon and Quantal charged TiO² diodes can do wonders :)
Hector :)
New Battery Tech
Re: New Battery Tech
Also I need to MENTION Norman Wootan MRA and read well about the DAMMPING
oscillations within the PIEZO material and Compare them to the quantal battery
ones at
ASH Copy this page hand it over & add to info on MRA ....
Hector :)
Re: Very Close....
For more answers on why potentials differ in the negative & positive .
(in source driver ) its the driver pulse polarity & pulse character
Hector :
Home Made Nuclear Power plant
Use 4 to 6 inch long 1/4 inch pure carbon rod and bang the ends using party
strobe light banger or MosFet driver. At the right intensity and frequency
carbon will transform to Boron. In such the electrons are freed from the nucleus
with intensity of around 15 MILLION Electron V+. The carbon once transformed
into Boron returns to be reconstituted to initiate indefinite cycles although
the rod will need to be replaced sometimes but a 2 cents of carbon is a lot
cheaper and safer then plutonium.
The energy can then be captured by using collector toroid cores of plexglass
with winding to suit load application. The torroid requires a slight negative
bias to attract flying electrons.
The power from such systems is in the order of 10Kw to 15Kw per gram of carbon
that has been Nuked! You can make your own power station that will run shoe box
size for RV vehicles or home.
System generates high order Beta radiation so you better put in something a bit
stronger then a metal cookie tin:)
The mainstream has gone crazy over latest breed of nuke power stations when
there are much safer cheaper methods then plutonium. The carbon nuke system is
cheap, powerful scaled up to megawatts easily and reaction is 100% dead once
driver is turned off.
Re: Home Made Nuclear Power plant
Along same theme as iron becomes crystal with coil banging and trafo becomes
transverter. Or ferromagnetic materials can undergo isotope shifting using high
Gauss B fields. Many dozens of patents around these technology like MRI and NSR.
Some are quite passive while others are violent produce high order Electron
Volts becomes Beta radiation.
wiki" An unstable atomic nucleus with an excess of neutrons may undergo βâˆ'
decay, where a neutron is converted into a proton, an electron and an
electron-type antineutrino (the antiparticle of the neutrino):
All sounds do far fetched but you be surprised what you can do with some coils,
magnets and a party strobe. Iron will lose mass as it becomes high order energy
Ideas are to wet appetite and then you think MMmmm lets go and do some
Re: Home Made Nuclear Power plant
Oh well you see i said it been done several times already and there are others
tucked inside patents etc.
Toroid can be twin windings one to give B bias and the other to collect the
energy. If pure resistive like lights or heater can hook direct or use FBWR to
smooth caps, filter, inverter etc etc.
Others in the group? I wouldn't worry to much if it took 10 years for 3 people
to loop RV then have Zero chance of anyone make a home made Nuke Power Supply.
Re: Hector is the man!!
1983 the betatron version that became later gambles eye of the storm (hidden
betatron technology ) WASS Washinton Association For Survival group ex delta
team WASS elite, Byron Peck director 1983-84
R&D period ,
betatron healing machine was given to them in simple form ...
That became later the [patented gambles sphere ) eye of the storm )
the eye of storm glass bulb is TESLA single wire lamp in design
Raivo is currently also working & colaborating with Albert on the computer
control of ZPE conditioning of circuits.
This is a preliminary release as posible bugs are eliminated & new developments
are made be sure they will be made public, as other things curently being done ,
Albert in no tinketer , he is hi specialized & trained engineer of aeronautical
& advanced electronics .
Hector :)
Re: calculating wavelengths... Silver...
Its a Q relation were the SHORTER wavelenght in resonant LC gives the hyper Q
resonant states .. at hi capacity values ...
Hector :)
Re: a magnetic cooling/heating, is costing close to ZERO.....ENERGY
Re: SOME cold FusionS...Palladium,Tungsten, and Hanfium (and sodium aluminate?)
Its cheap its simple cant be NSA restricted (pure aluminum reacted with pure
sodium hydroxide yields sodium aluminate) ...
Hector :)
Re: SOLUTION (?) piezonuklear = cavitation whit sonotrode....
ADD sodium aluminate & tritium to chamber using sonotrode to exite to sonofusion
23,000CPS to 24,800CPS range.
Happy nucking !
Hector :)
The Mudra needed to tame Zeropoint energy with no risk to health ...
Vajroli Mudra (The Thunderbolt Attitude)
Hatha Yoga Pradipika (verse 83)
a B.S.Y. Publication 1985
Even anyone living a free lifestyle without the formal rules of yoga, if he
practises vajroli well, that yogi becomes a recipient of siddhis (perfections).
According to the Shatkarma Sangraha there are seven practices of vajroli. The
practice involves years of preparation which commences with the simple
contraction of the uro-genital muscles and later the sucking up of liquids. Only
after the sixth practice is perfected can the seventh be successfully attempted
by the yogi.
By and large, people have inherited a concept that these practices are unnatural
or bad. Many commentators on the Hatha Yoga Pradipika avoid discussing these
slokas, dismissing them as obscene practices indulged in by low-caste tantrics.
Obviously they have an incorrect understanding of the practice. People have
concocted the notion that spiritual life is separate from mundane life and the
physical body because of past religious conditioning which has become perverted.
These people must realise that spiritual life is not anti-sexual and sexual life
is not anti-spiritual.
Of course, celibacy has its own rewards, but according to tantra it should arise
spontaneously, not out of suppression. Spiritual life means developing awareness
by applying the higher mind to the experiences of the body. Whatever we do
should be a means to creating yoga in our being. Why should sexual life be
excluded? According to this sloka sexual life can be elevated from the sensual
to the spiritual plane if it is practised in a particular way, and for this
vajroli mudra has been prescribed.
A person who has perfect control of the body and mind is a yogi in every
situation. A person who gorges himself on food, for example, is just as
'obscene' as a person who indulges in uncontrollable sexual acts. Sexual life
has three purposes, and this should be understood. For the tamasic person, it is
progeny; for the rajasic person, it is pleasure; for a sattwic person, it is for
In mundane life the climax of sexual experience is the one time when the mind
becomes completely void of its own accord, and consciousness beyond the body can
be glimpsed. However, that experience is so short-lived because the energy is
expressed through the lower energy centres. This energy which is normally lost
can be used to awaken the dormant power of kundalini in mooladhara. If the sperm
can be withheld the energy can be channelized through sushumna nadi and the
central nervous system to the dormant areas of the brain and to the sleeping
The sex act is the one means to totally concentrate and captivate the mind, but
in tantra it should not be the ordinary experience. The experience has to be
more than the gross or sensual one. Awareness and control have to be developed.
The senses have to be developed. The senses have to be utilised, but only as the
means of awakening the higher consciousness, not the animal consciousness, and
for this vajroli mudra and various tantric rituals are to be perfected.
Vajroli mudra is an important practice today in kali yuga when man's ability and
need to express himself in the material and sensual world is predominating. We
have to act in the external world and simultaneously develop inner awareness.
The purpose of life should be to attain a deeper and more fulfilling experience
beyond the empirical sensory experience alone.
Man has four basic desires known as purushartha or chaturvarga, the first of
which is karma or sensual gratification. This needs to be fulfilled to a certain
extent but should not pull the consciousness down. It should be a means to
accomplish a greater result.
Every action, including the sex act, should be directed towards realising the
truth of existence. Then you are living a spiritual life. Spiritual life does
not depend on living up to puritanical morality.
If you can follow such puritanical ideals and attain enlightenment, then
practise them, but do not condemn others who cannot. The moment you create rigid
ideals that the spiritual path has to be 'like this' and cannot be 'like that'
you are limiting your own ability to have a total experience.
Hector :)
Re: 90 deg coil excitation
Aluminum case "faraday cage" inside it a coil inside this coil another coil at
90 degrees (this same thing is core of the VTA )
external a field is set up across faraday cage using 2 mangnets one on top one
on bottom as to have one coil n-s field oriented & the other E-W 90deg
oriented inside ...
Tune as any RF amp stage is tuned by RF book law ,also use correct M field
intensity to match the magnetocondenser resonant point of citrcuit impedance
,else there will not be any VTA effect .. and no class C amplification from
magnetic flux stream .
Hector :)
Re: Thane's progress
Reading ginis & a bit on RF intermediate transformer tuning theory will help !
Hector :)
Re: Silver... ideas... :)
Don Smith has taken these Tesla systems to a new level. He fully understands
that RE = RF (>50Khz) and that properly tuned RF circuits will magnetically
couple WITHOUT destroying the source. This is why so many fail even when making
a tesla coil because they have NO IDEA in the world what they are dealing with.
Its not about making pretty HV sparks its about making non reciprocating air
DIODES using RF then using those free OU electrons which are real JOULES.
Look around the forums and see how many make a tesla coil or use car ignition
coil and they get as far as lighting up a CFL or tube. As soon as they put a
load on it they kill the source cos they are a dumb ass!
They have made the energizer circuit only but stop at making the other half of
the 100,000+ Electron Volt JOULES as a VARS system and convert to AMPS.
Re: Silver... ideas... :)
This idea goes back a few months when many were trying to use traffo from run
cap to a battery on RV's and have the problems getting the right voltages and
currents and rewinding MOTs.
I said Hey why not do as they did decades ago to charge electric vehicles direct
with just a cap and FWBR? Im for sure no doubt not the only one to try this but
you be surprised how many people didn't realize you can do this from 110/240
volts to charge lead acid electric vehicles with nothing more then a run cap and
The size of the cap determines max amps but the voltage will float to mains if a
lead comes off the battery so i guess that's why these chargers are not sold in
Contrary to popular belief a lead acid battery don't care about volts only amps.
So long as it don't get hit too hard and boil it will work fine. A big 48 volt
bank say 1000 AH that is dead can easily handle 75 volts on the terminals and
200 amps but after a few minutes the voltage will drop to 55 volts as internal
resistance drops. The run cap is selected to match the current requirements.
This "fast charger" will cost about 10 bucks. A traffo charger 55 volts 200
amps will cost few hundreds for a 11Kw:)
100 years ago they did this to charge electric delivery vehicles everything was
worked out for an overnight 8 hour charge. Next morning batteries nice n warm
and fully charged and off they go.
PS don't try this with lithium, nicad etc only flooded acid unless you want a
huge explosion. Even sealed lead maintenance free very dodgy.
Re: Tesla switch.... inductive load to work?
I repeat again, the use of the lab and getting funding must be directed toward
finding off the shelf stuff than can be obtained from
any source by anyone .
If they Did know about the transistor problem Why they let out a God only knows
who will replicate design?
Why I posted long time ago the SCR aplication notes and on Snubbing circuits ...
the SCR tendency to do self trigering in Steps cascading multiple pulse streams
within a reactive circuit setup...
Some saw that as a problem I saw as road & path for creating overunity (That
Ismael aviso understood and aplied to his design) why not anyone else?, if its
clear in EV gray patents & disclosure diagrams.
I rest my case ..
Hector :)
On radioactive transistors ...
On other line of thinking ...
How it was then proven such was the case ....? JAN2NX(U239)
There are thyratrons with Radio-active Cold cathodes that can well substitute
transistors in hi voltage same parameter design ...
Hec-thor! :|
Finding a coils Spatial Resonance
Re: Finding a coils Spatial Resonance
If you place another antenna or object within the Spatial (node resonance space
distance ) you get it to be an Elemental part of the circuit within a CAPACITIVE
& reactive node component link ...
Hector :)
Re: finding a coils spatial resonance...
In RF radio waves are alike Optical signal characted , antenna acts along cornu
spiral path of optical slit waveguide , RE goes along same path (already
explained a trillion times in many postings ..
Were Maxwell Left & Tesla farted blood and died we must start ...
Hector :)
Bad things is this had being over Ten years public and nobody is interested in
funding my R&D properly.
Hector :)
Take squirrel cage rotor remove cage wind zigzag cage totaly isolated from iron
core to make shorted turns poles ....(interlaping mounted) they will reverse
induct to induction accelerating within
wave frequency doubling ... Rotor will be allways incrementaly leading to Rotary
field ..
Hector :)
Re: Don Smith
Read varactor theoretics and you will understand what I mean with broadbanding
Its not Glossing but goin on essential R&D need to know information
that makes difference in having OU or simply having nothing to brag about ...
And I dont fell bad if you dont understand ,that is the idea , to provide info
so you can ..
You need HI Q (reread Norman Wootan MRA papers (its a gold mine of info ) and
think of what Carbon silicon and Iron do when spiked to hypersaturated states ..
(magnetonuclear aetheric energy transform engine ) realy OU is no longer in
issue neither overunity , that right now is purely academic ...
I just go for aplications ,first being energy savings and 90% of it is good way
to start a revolution..
Hector :)
Re: Rotoverter questions
* Use A generator as a motor for larger units you use small RV to take larger
one to Synchonous speed then switch on on line .
As simil to
Regulate operation with a drive and you re up for incredible power savings .
Its simple
Hector :)
Re: Magnet4Power
As it goes ..
Dont feed us more bullshit sign must go up werever we see promotions as this ...
(Net metering from under $200USD! ) OMFG !
(:P"""" Pffffttttttt!
Hector (:P
I will give you an assighment to make you happy as a lobster in the sea..
This generator heads are made in italy and are represented in US by this company
. (this one is "brushless" one PH 120/230 "not too good"
They also come 12-24 wire configurable and 3 PH delta or wye wireable
they may be ordered for 230/460 voltages 3PH , with BRUSHED rotor exitation that
is PERFECT for building a syncronous condenser motor generator and start doing
some serious R&D with off the Shelf technology .. try finding this manufacturer
in Italy and we can do some serious engineering R&D as we can order simple
custom made motor generator sets for RV EMA-4 conversion.
Hector :)
Verry important information to Use in Current RV and future RV-EMA-4
Read Copy & study ..
Aplicable to MEMA principle as disclosed in 1998 (magnetotransistor )
Copy keep & study as I will not repeat this postings .... add info to
compilations .
Some aplication notes to play with EMA-4 add ons & metering and control
Enjoy !
Hector :)
Re: RV running a CB [Video]
If you use RV pump water to run a vortex cone mounted in bearings you can use
the coreolis force added to the water vortex fall under gravity , the cone must
be similar to the one in panaceas picture /
The friction within the cone generated from the vortex coreolis energy transform
can drive a generator to drive the RV pump .
By the way prepare for war .... (soon shit will hit fan )
Watch moon & mars aug 27 , 2009 Enjoy the show ! its 10 million kilometers less
in this pass ....
Hector :)
Re: Ismaels vids...
Kone ......
Its capacitor Voltage charge "V" at "F" farads that gives "Z" joules when
discharged at "X" ohms !
I had built & designed railguns for years & know this basic ...
The real issue is the CIRCUIT used to charge the capacitor , recovery circuit
used to recover the CEMF field collapse energy and the design of the discharge
circuit itself (stream RF gunned) .
SCR ones can be tailored for multy step self discharging oscillations . (see
neon-trigger woes )
Hector :)
motion can be clocwise or CCW as situation requires , thus creates ORGONE rotary
field that clears area of Programing mental energy used at mass (people &
population thought control )
The Orgone pipe must be held by bearings and its end be connected
to a brush to accumulator or ground water (earth ) .
Orgone pipe is isolated from shaft using rubber coupling motor can be connected
to same comon ground ..
Please do not use near nuclear reactors (bad things will happen )
dont point toward moon or mars at day 27 of this month ... as it may disrupt
their orbit path causing planetary orbit disruptions.
(planetary collision)
Anyone interested in putting big donations to built & publish open sourcing it ?
along other 230 toys ? and convert to off shelf anyone can do simple shit ?
Hector :)
Re: Saving the Water & the public...
There are many supliers some gensets are junk others are good.
in 120/240/480 range in 10KW to 300KW and test them all! big ones are brushless
but use alternator with DC regulated magnetic stator
(3PH) for rotor exitation (as Lima SER ones) 99.8 Efficient at 300Kva .
Wish I have money to do so :{ (bummer) might ssve some money on choosing best
stuff for others to build (No lemon pitfalls )
Here Kone will have a feast with recovery circuits & drivers using hall effect
switching and optical sloted timimg disks, he can choose atraction ,repulsion or
dual mode with full 3ph bridge power recovery.
So think well your aplications as lab tool or EMA Type machine some Inverter
grade and reactive tolerant generators can easy tolerate 5KV AC pulse driving in
hi impedance (easy) but Idea here is to use the LOW voltages and non slip
character of the EM exited rotor to create a SUPER power Energy savings motor
with RE OU potential capability .
1 )exite to saturation wile under full RPM no loading (laminate core magnetic
drag must be minimal
2 ) See how much drag the fan creates (remove) & place thermal sensor and use
DC blower fans for under heavy load cooling requirement( if any)
Hector :)
Re: Kone, Hector... Ismaels setup.
The kind of pipes I use were 440 SS steel pipe , iconel or monel
ranging from 3/4 inch to 3 inch (helo skids are 2 1/2 inch ) 230 aircraft
aluminum (usualy) .
I still have in storage some of thoose toys , including the so called "magic
wands" Small aether tuned capilary pipes ...
Mixing peltier dynamics (thermopile design with orgone cooling creates a marvel
thermoaetheric transform device that works with one part inmersed in water &
creates electric power by aetheric concentration diferential with a measurable
thermal signature .
more dangerous when you lsck the suport to engage in this EXPENSIVE line of
development , alike the atomic resonant battery this device can solve many a
problem , but the POLITICS and public policy is killing us ...
keep the darned notes as you can bet someone will try to patent on this simple
Re: Kone, Hector... Ismaels setup.
Sure , I had done a bit of Arther experimentation including time dilation &
teleportation basics there is a lot to interspatial resonance across distances
that need to be looked on and gravity plays a big part along that road,using
Satellite receivers (old ones) with 11.2GHZ LNBs can give you some light into
the interspatial phenomena using human body as resonating target for the local
mixer signal ... you notice that at specific distances you got
energy & feedback and at others nothing , AETHER resonance works on same
principle the pipes can be uused to scan the sky and READ the multiple standing
wave nodes within certain areas ( the so called GRID ufo ships use to navigate)
can detected easy along UFO path
using simple gravity detector circuits coupled to the pipes .
Russians did a good job on this tecnology designing extreme energetic psyotronic
amplifiers .
coupled to LASER interferometry you can read the DNA of a person from a
satellite at geosynchronous orbit 38,000 miles away within sub micron atom width
distance accuracy (sub picometric phase angle )
Hector :)
Re:RV run orgone weapon... Hector...
Look into circular waveguide design used in microwaves as orgon is dealing with
aetheric "RF" silver & gold plated SS pipes are best
as the alloys used in food prossesing industry ( milk production as sample) such
can project energy or receive energy by changing Aether polarity on the pipe .
You can create storms or dissolve them miles away , you can disable a nuclear
reactor rendering the core "dead" totaly depleted or can take it to a chernovil
status within seconds (with same tool to generate Hurricanes... (quite nasty )
that was why feds screwd Wilhem Reich to death .
So the FEAR lead to their worst fears becoming real , its the Karma for not
using the positive aspect of orgone energy and not letting anyone use it, sooner
or later the info leaked across the STARGATES
Re: pulse motor impedance : question @ Hector
Its good to note Hi Q will indeed have lower AC impedance than Low Q circuit
were a hi impedance is noted (as RV under no loading low Q semyresonant to line
) > 600 ohms to infinity and as reverse resistor in rotary condenser mode.
Hector ..
Re: Ash... CB using RV... :)
Hector :)
Re: Rotorverotr running on 8 watts!!
a PM rotor generator can be made using baldor DC motors with the stator
converted to Outrunner (see old posting on model airplane 3PH outrunners) then
think on baldor 40 phases designs .
wiper motors , fan motors , axial fan ones for 111 phases (UFO)(demanding) &
other fan motors can be used as GENERATORS making
stator as shaft end bell and fixin rotor to beam frame .. & wiring
same wire lenght to each brush segment as to valance diode array current
perfectly .
Looping is easy kid stuff , just requires right & correct spiritual intent and
simple off shelf lab stuff.
Hector :)
Re: Variac and Don Smith
(have fun ) use 250W speakers (15 inch ones) & be carefull you dont get
teleported to mars ..
Hector :)
The Gap too serves as "coil teaser" alike a Kone Shorted coil effect .
Hector :)
Re: [EVGRAY] Re:Don Smith replications [Bellerians REPS update]
I believe the higher hz excites the atoms(gases within the bulb) and they bounce
to the coating in the case of CFL and such
i think hector was talking about something different here , kinda like how i got
the 1 wire filament 60 watt bulb to light up on low herz 60hz
Brian Prater
The Tesla hairpin circuit was invented by Austrian physicist Prof.Ernst Lecher
in 1890. When high frequency EM energy is applied to two parallel conductors
grounded at one end, a current peak and voltage node will occur at the grounded
end. If both ends are grounded, standing waves of voltage and current will form
along the circuit provided that the conductor lengths are multiples of one half
wave length. Since wave nodes and anti nodes alternate, peak voltage and
amperage points can be found by placing lamps connected in parallel at various
points along the Lecher line. Lecher lines are used for determining the
dielectric constant of materials.
Regarding the Don Smith circuit, Don told me that he recharges the battery of
his D'Arsonval circuit with a coil tuned to a quarter wave of the L1 coil. His
simplest D'Arsonval circuit, including the back end step down details, is
available on a DVD from Bruce Perreault's Nu Energy website for $14.95. Please
do not copy and post the data, only the lowest form of humanity steals another's
copyrighted intellectual property when the individual is still alive, as Don is.
The only effective way to conduct meaningful research is to start with first
principles, which most Free energy researchers fail to do. Cold fusion
researchers today are unaware that the late George Merkl, PhD., perfected the
process before Pons and Fleischman ever began their research and was threatened
with death by the energy cartel if he attempted to commercialize the process. He
created new metals by means of proton reverse spin and developed an amazing
optical system based on data encoded on Sumerian clay texts by the Shemsu Hor
humanoids. Similarly, Rotoverter researchers should research the electrical
problems encountered by American farmers at the beginning of the 20th. Century
and learn from them. At that time, rural US farmers were only supplied with
single phase power, yet their farm equipment had 3 ph motors. By installing
large run caps, they could operate their motors on a single phase without
overheating when peak loads were intermittent (lathes and drills, etc.) and were
lower than nameplate peaks, but were unable to run at nameplate loads 24/7
without overheating. They accomplished the latter by adding an autotransformer
with multiple taps and matching inductance and capacitance. The system fell out
of favor because it tended to drift out of resonance (and is a very expensive
method for attaining a self runner).
Our sun transduces the logarithmic wave energy and emits some of it in the form
of tachion dipoles. This was discovered by Dr. Freeman Cope at the Naval Weapons
Facility at China Lake, USA. A D'Arsonval coil resonating at a frequency greater
than 20 KHz will momentarily decouple the dipole, allowing the coil to collect
an inrush of stabilizing ambient energy in an open circuit. This is how the Don
Smith circuit functions. An L1 frequency of about 200 MHz is suggested together
with wide coil turn spacing (in order to achieve a high Q).
One of the best self sustaining motors was invented by Rory Johnson (not to be
confused with Howard Johnson). Rory installed a 525 HP version in his Buick and
successfully ran it for two years. Another running prototype was on display in
his showroom. Once brought up to speed by external means, it was decoupled and
ran continuously without batteries. The Greyhound Bus Company had planned on
powering its coaches with it but the motor was classified before it could
A cold light was visible inside the motor while running. The secret of the
motor was a quartz tube containing heavy water and gallium arsenide. When
stimulated, the mixture would have emitted low mass electrons which travel at
superluminal velocities. These electrons would have impinged on the motor's
drive coils and converted into regular electrons, which possess a higher mass.
The same mixture could be inserted inside of a Smith L1 coil and stimulated by
the high frequency in order to transfer additional energy to the L2 coil.
I hope all Evgray members possess the political savvy to block Yahoo web
beacons. These special cookies enable Yahoo to access the entire contents of
your hard drive and transmit the data to the thirteen families. To block, go to
www.yahoo.com/privacy, scroll down to "cookies" and click on "beacons" then
click "Opt Out".
Re: John Stout cooling
Marble slate & air fan circulation also in passive suckamatron mode ... , RF
powered Vaccum cooler can self substain itself using water as only fuel ....
(evaporation) .
Bad things is no time is left for you to use this technology as you people cant
scape your Karma ..
Hector :)
Re: OU inquire
Hi Bar OU to log os,
You have a chunk of metal with scrambled magetic domains. You apply
power to a coil wrapped around these domains you get work. science stops
here and says this is law, energy transformed into work: conservation of
energy. They stopped to soon, first you get the power back out of the
coil (Voltage) amplified by the amount of time you applied it to the
coil (albeit to the point of saturation) and you also get a boost from
the fact that you forced all those magnetic domains to be gathered at
one end with like domains so they naturally want to go away from each
other and the ones that wern't facing that direction in the first place
due to the crystaline structure of the material, also want to go back
the way they were, before you, so rudely interupted their happy little
world with your need for work to be done. This combination of energy
going in, coming out, and flux snapping of a crystaline lattice,
produces a gain that can be multiplied again and again by a factor of
1.618 The Golden Rule
To those who can't figure out that you put your diodes reversed and
crossed back over to the correct side due to the fact that the power
comes back out in reverse polarity and dump it through a transformer
tuned to give you a proper voltage and a circut timed to dump the
remains while the pulse is off then I doubt you would understand the
principal that my Double Crowbar Dump Circut works by. Remember the
polarity of a transformer ie. the dot in the schematic of a transformer.
Timeing, Timeing, Timeing. Go get a garden hose with a firemans nozzel
on it and turn the water on till it makes a nice smooth stream. Then put
your finger over the end of the nozzel and hold it there for a second
then let it go and watch how far it shoots... for a second .... hehe
[;)] [:D] Figure that one out and we will move on to flippin caps in
all 4 quadrants. And that is still kid stuff. Hey Brian, how's that for
teachin em how to smoke a unit that needs to be repaired. Surely sombody
besides us has spent some time on the bench replacing transistors for a
A nuke is a very simple device. that's why stupid people make them.
Then your target must be to built Semy resonant generator character
in PM or EM generator design to get RE logaritmic gain conversion .
Your generator must be tuned to RE condition were the magnets just provide
energy to substain energeticaly a hi Q state within resonant coils at minimal
mechanical energy draw .
here we can say that the power factor energy (reactive power) is transfered as a
leading fordward vector to sum to the overal energy component in the system
output .
Were the extra energy comes from ? ,magnetic fields tent to contract & expand ,
depending on aether density relative to time space gravitic component the
magnetic modulation extracts power from zeropoint region of space (vaccum ) that
is transfered to the electrical charge under induction in RF (radio frequency
state ) the so called RE ,(Radiant Energy) Tesla waves etc.
Were we add a new component (P «) as energy gain transfered from the medium into
the machine energetic component .
Re: Apparatus for converting radio frequency energy to direct current
a switch must be provided to short the transfer point were the bridge (diodes)
or band pass filter is hooked to receiver first stage LC .
The FILTER or diode plugs or Impedance Matching ballun must represent a pure
ampere loading to first LC stage as not to kill the resonance RE state within
this primary coil one its turn on by turning short off and letting the RE pass
into the conversion stages .
I gave each experiment as a teaching tool for specific reasons as people learn
with the lab experience I reveal more details.
Keep the notes keep public & open sourced, add to compilations.
> I have read too much about resonant LC and energy gain according Phi number.
> How was that confired?
1.618 is the gain over isotropic dipole in RE, RF antenna design (its called
antena power multiplication factor )and is aplicable to power engineering
design, RV, transverter and other resonant semy -resonant designs.
> Secondly, if resonance gains energy in the closed LC circuit, how is not the
circuit destroyed by the fast energy buildup there? (not the case)
Read genesis papers in file section ... standard coils are not self cancelling
so it radiates a magnetic field , cancelling ones the field is purely electrical
In half resonant plug the magnetic collapse energy goes into an electrical
charge potential, if such potential is fed back to the magnetic then it will be
made into logaritmic incremental self destruct cycle .
(Be glad is not easy to make naturaly ) some idiot masy have already destroyed
the world with it..
Re: OU inquire - multiplication factor
As told electricity is not electron movement but its the cause of it.
Hector :)
Re: RV tricks
Variacs are not efficient but light dimers are .... thoose that can tolerate or
modified a bit for reactive loads are good ..
dimmers work using a triac , a dual switching diode a mica capacitor & a
resistor and or a variable resistor ..
they switch on Pulse mode on the down slope of the half waves of the sinewave ,
the more delay in switching on the more it switches in the down voltage range .
Read :
read this notes...?
Read them all? then buy one or make your own and aply to RV input voltage
full bridge full wave dimmer circuit using one SCR ....
Sel trigering party strobelights ....
Get one ...
across the xenon tube place a HV reverse diode . Before and in series with the
XENON tube place a reactor core .....
core is then "positive biased" and relative grownd switched
the unit is started by plugginbg to mains the capacitor charges & the
neon lite trigers the small SCR into dischargin small cap (left as is)
that exites a pulse transformer to switch the xenon tube on that dischargea the
main capacitor to discharge across the COIL taking its core to RE saturation .
as Tube turns off The EMP CEMP resulting from the the collapsing field reverses
& returns across the diode to recharge the capacitor .....
If its done right & switched at proper capacitor voltage charge level you unplug
from mains and it will keep working indefinitely,
I have posted this several times, the schematica of strobes are at the files
sections also the postings I did had links to strobelites and how they work
..(This aplies to LOOPING MRA also)
Its the most dammed simple self looping machine ever given ....
Megabitch to tune , but its there for thoose that can READ ...
had bein there for YEARS ! the problem is people dont read ...
and end like the monkey in the video , but biting it off !
As I had given them in the open years ago , so replicate put in glass table and
do a decent open guts no bullshit video on it .
its like $50 worth of parts & pieces max ..... (re Read) and do, you dont even
need an schematic to do it with the written explanation.
Its simple kid stuff .. you only need to play with the COIL & capacitor values
and choose best recovery reverse diode. leaving strobelite originals intact ...
and if its in OU 'peak" it will stay lit flashing with no decay when unpluged
Dont touch , you may get "freeze burns" touching the wires .
Shame on you !
Hector :)
Strobe light info (repetition for lazy lamers)
How they work & repairs ..
Remember strobe tube is used as pulse thyratron the reverse diode is used to
capture the RE return Spike back into the capacitor ..
a delta 3PH circuit with coil transformer to capture vector capacitor feedback
into an strobe capacitor exiter unit is all that is needed for solid state 3PH
transverter loopback (see 75 KW out of 1.5VDC postings)
If peole dont do the experiments how they think they will loop ?
Warning on dimmers ,
They only work with pure sinewave , not with modified sinewave as is square
pulse .
Re: self runnerrr RV using 2 variacs
then tap the output also resonated across a DC bridge into the battery ?
(jinis alike but with variacs ) or 3 PH variacs in RV mode with a 3PH diode
bridge at a WYE center ? in variac output ?
Or RV runing a 3PH trafo in RV mode using a light dimmer at input from the mains
using a series bridge to C phase LC to fEED B phase with 120CPS DC stream pulses
Its time to leave the toys and start with serious off the shelf big hardware
kilowatt stuff ....
This guys are having a feast with mounsters from other timelines..
It will be interesting to know .... ? how many satanist had made rotoverters ?
are there satanist here making rotoverters ?
will satan be 10 times more powerfull if he grows a third horn and haves his
luciferian energy runing in 3 phase RV mode ? O_o ?
Amen !
Re: TRANSVERTER questions
and start banging coils ... this revelations are for doing not
theorizing ..
LC provides the excitation source of these systems they are only a means to an
end. The OU does not come from the source LC but OU is in energy transformation
between source and ambient electrons.
and neither from ambient electrons but from the aether disturbance
caused by the radiating pulse to occupy space time were as a RESULT electrons
are drawn or repelled by the resultant aether flow anomaly (aether wave) alike
the ones a stone toss in a water pond waves are produced .. 360 circular wave
propagation were decay becomes to square of distance traveled (-T) becomes
enengetropic as coil resonates lagging to time stream decay gaining energy from
it instead of loosing it , as vaccum left in center draws energy to it as wave
travels outward .. in this region time becomes negative and anty gravitons are
engaged within atomic structure from the aether expansion contraction cycles
(reread seike book ) for thoose wanting to feed on mere theory .. ( Iron cores
rules !)
But I also warn Seike errs in some transforms, asumes not correctly to the
source of energy .
Learn Transform first then justify later or you will miss totaly the basic
"root" of all equations.
Understanding that is understanding Teslas Secrets along with the ones I made
public. RE = RF = OU = transformation.
Copy & keep the freaking notes , so I dont have to repeat them so often . and
KEEP this important posting along with the comments.
Thanks ! :)
Hector :)
try using large AC oil capacitance in coils and see effect of several values
equal or near equal to SHORT at cycle start .
Hector :)
Re: We are not the only one doing R and D to extract LC
coils must be RF inside faraday cage one vertical the other horizontal to field
the vertical one being the M field modulator.
the magnets are placed outside the faraday cage were the distance determines
intensity ...
Simple as that , the problem is other , greed , lust for power, spirit
underdevelopment makes hell & heaven go against it.
Re: Vacuum motors question
Only good to make kelly self run VTA motor but he died with the secret
After asking the devil permision for an interview in hell he told me his motor
used faraday shield in the DC rotor and it was 90 degrees
brush fed to the horizontal of the field poles.
Weekend Special - RV frequency doubling with Super RE extraction.
Using 2 same spec back to back transformers center tapped mains with diodes
linking outer windings allows effective way to double frequency. This allows RV
to run at double speed so more RE per second is acquired. This 50/60hz becomes
For series cap power extraction the excess power comes from the ambient where
transform is within excess rotary magnetic amplification! This provides VARS
values which vastly exceeds mains power input watts.
This excess power can be tapped using series cap off run cap but there maybe a
huge advantage in using 100 amp GDT between the series and run cap and set for
around 200 volts for 110v systems and 400 volts for 240v systems. (Tesla power
This should help decouple the VARS from the load as easy ZERO POINT switcher.
Until now too much of the VARS is bled off when trying to run a load this might
So this is the problem we have OU in RV but its often being wasted by brute
force connections that kill the VARS. That excess energy MUST be magnetically
extracted and not electrically extracted.
For further exciter stage decoupling then make a magnetic HF transformer where
GDT fires into another smaller cap coil LC which increases frequency to say
5Khz and transform using Kapandze ground differential amplifier. This is
basically just 2 thick wire coils one wound inside the other and 2 earths at 10
meters apart.
The o/p load is then only magnetically coupled back to the RV and no way can
anything on the load effect RV. Its even protected against return leaks via the
Now all the power of the system comes from the magnetic transformer and not from
the RV. Its current will be limited only to MT max current handling and the RV
will purr on 10 watts. :)
RV tweaks
How come no one tried frequency doubling RV yet using 2 traffos and 2 diodes on
RV i/p? As frequency doubles power squares and RE goes off the charts!
No need for complex high speed FET coil switching everything can be done using
frequencies and interactions. Because OU is energy in transformation and
transformation can be time series compression of phase angles as frequency
(phase) modulation where OU can be picked out using slope detection of the
circulation VARS content. (poormans FM radio).
BTW nice to see my run cap extractor getting some use in Sweden:)
So how about RV running at 10th harmonic? If RV driven at 600HZ the coils will
appear to be switching in a process called submultiple generation. Imagine my
joules VARS content at 600Hz! RV can be tricked to ride at 60Hz and coils will
scream as they are really trying to work at 600Hz which is the same as coil
switching. VARS volts will go extremely high and caps value will drop tiny
almost certain need to use microwave oven caps to handle 1kv's+ while the i/p is
still 120/240 volts.
Iron core losses will be an issue but i think a few hundred Hz's can be
tolerated as in the case of normal traffo.
This is no different to stable Xtal 100 meg oscillator driving class C and my
tank is tuned to 10 megs and the two frequencies will co exist. Not only but i
have performed a transformation.
Starting the thing will be the hardest part requires precision changeover to get
up to speed then bang on the 600HZ hyperdrive!
As usual tuning is a bitch but then there is no easy way to do fet switching
either its a very costly exercise unless you have large bag of power FETS to
destroy to get the timings right.
Recall that single stage RF gain the Q can be changed from say 100 to over one
million. This is called quenching as super regen as i discussed many times
before holds key to allowing RV to appear to have magnetic coil Q values in the
It makes sense then to get RV VERY excited so there is plenty of OU to sneak out
so it doesn't know the missing part. This is why if there is 1000 VARS only 10%
or 15% is practical extraction. So we can realise 100 or 150 watts in looped
system and or to power a load.
If i have 10,000 VARS. Assume 10% thus 1kw wont even be noticed as missing.
Notice the VA composition is VOLTS AMPS. We need VARS you get more VARS from
more volts not less. Ideally need big RV to run at 100,000 VARS.
PS never lose site of where the energy is coming from. Think always OU devices
are ambient energy extractors. Design the circuits which extract energy from the
ambient and NOT from the circuit this prevents one chasing the wrong rabbit. Pay
close attention to ground connections on RV systems as it can be a great source
of RE.
RV tweaks
Re: RV tweaks
reread on using one 3600 (3450)RPM RV to drive a 1800 (1725) RPM RVA .... on hi
speed aplication, lathe turn the rotor fins down to the ring, measure, then
valance it to perfection ... 24,K RPM posible that is near 18 ton torque ...
Easy ... RV electronic turbine aplications
Hector :)
Ismael motor falls under another stagnation effort and I state so untill proven
wrong , I can take a 14,000 volt 309mF capacitor charge it with a D 1.5VDC torch
battery and discharge it in a railgun sending one ounce lexan projectile tru 12
inches of carbon steel at 200FT away ... and it proves nothing ... (Its only a
light sound show)
Can use 500mF 14KVDC caps to implode 3 inch plutonium sphere filled with
deuterium lithium initiator having a hydrogen bomb ...trigered by a 1.5VDC D
cell ! (makes a better light & noise show ! ) unforgetable one indeed ! ..