Hector Posts Volume1
Hector Posts Volume1
Hector Posts Volume1
Editor's Note
This document contains the postings from mostly one individual, Hector Perez Torres, collected at
the yahoo site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/evgray/. Within are message numbers from 852 to
4,999, the rest left to subsequent volumes.
Dashing onto the EVGray scene with outrageous claims and unique idioms, Hector has left a
psychological mark on his fellow group members and EVGray board voyeurs. His opening message
in a matter of fact way states the problems of looping devices – the Shangri La of alternative
science. Described below are self sustaining “Coil Bangers”, water powered Diesel engines, the
rotoverter, and other miscellaneous devices and oddities.
I see you got quite active with the Items purchased from Norman
"he is quiet lately" (I hope he is OK ! )
BUT the FUTURE IS USING PM magnets in all this MOTORS and make use
of the asynchronic capacitor effect to increase the OU transform gain.
Re: try and spot Tesla in photo
quite nice!
> Stubblefield testing out a earth-antennea/radio thing:
> http://www.icehouse.net/john1/stubblefield.html
> Anyone know how to make antennaes for stuff out of just the earth?
> Mr X in posts a few above was talking about a square foot has 360V
in it.....
> ciao
> Konehead
Today I was able to obtain a so called ET implant and subject it to
200x microscope scan .......
The cube is a near perfect square ...I have more details and photos
as wire connections to nerve cells can be clearly seen ...
Gray motor.....pics !!
3 pole rotors and 3 pole stators? eff can be raised by using 4 pole
stators at 90DEG (modified).and rotor at 120deg (as is) can
efectively increase torx at lower speed.....
Will be able to work in 3PH also, a 3PH AC Inverter speed control may
be used to trigger the main 5KV stepped discharges ,quite interesting
Copy wile the site is up (Bruce specialy you) this is quite related
to the ION tube desing , MEG , Resonance and RV tripleflux capacitor
desing (Looped version ) I think I must jump to 136V battery power
in the RV looped desing and use 2 sets of batterys ....
The OU component energy goes to them ,the problem I had is you cannot
charge and discharge at the same time (Vitron pair aniquilation ) ran
out of D8 batteries "burned" by the desintegration of battery
cells ,the solution is to separate "Split the positive " 2 battery
sets and use the resonant plug desing with the RADIANT tubes
and "diodes" IN HV "tesla" coil type inductor set up ,works in many
posible configurations the only problem I see is the tunning of this
systems are critical the expertize required to work in standing wave
resonance is nightmarish ,need to desing new MEASURING and TUNNING
devices and methods so anyone can replicate...
Your work is UNIQUE ,the base of all others and yours fall under a set
of specific rules that are scaping most of researchers ....
The radioactive Ion valve has specific magneto-atomic resonant aspects that
are too advanced for the common researcher to follow, specialy if RF (Radio
frequency phenomena is involved )but resonance and rf rules apply ,I think
the specifics of the parameters must be insolated and a simple replicable
desing made (Able to work in any ambient) as there is a tendency of many of
this systems to work only in specific places or conditions (As Parametric
oxilators VTA, PM, meg ) theoreticaly I am developing the tools "tested some
concepts in vitro already" to tackle this problem (Posted some pics of RV
readings and RV itself in the group .... I did some experiments with the ION
desing and found is suseptible to "LOOKS" yess! the device output changed as
different PERSONS LOOKED at it ,the radio-active element being changed by
the ORGON field proyected by human sight (quite a testimony for Wilhem Reich
and his ORGON MACHINES) so A methology of making matter to radiate other
than Radioactivity became nesesary (I found RF to be the answer) there is a
big posibility it may be useful to you also ,Gray tube is no other thing
than an standing wave cavity resonator a PURE gamma match in all sense of
the world aplied to RF parameters...
Posted For posterity Simple secret of free energy 1/02/2003
by Hector D Perez Torres ARK RESEARCH/.
Definitive ... Tesla ,Gray ,VTA , MEG ,RV , TV ALL depend in one
simple concept RLC circuit ..
In resonance:
Tesla stated , (TO adjust POWER source parameters to the needs of the
load , that translates to simple tuning of things , you tune to
natures "powerhouse" you get abundant energy from it ...
No bullshit facts......On COLD CATHODE TUBES
Here is the search link ,can take a few years to read all the stuff
good data and resources ......
Re: [EVGRAY] volts/current/coli/cap resonance question for Hector
In a standing wave within a circuit is that you notice the effect as in
resonance you will have maximal current at 0 (ZERO) Voltage and maximal
voltage at 0 (zero) Current Keep this e mail in your records ,as I have
stated this issues many times in the past (Sinse 1980) but I think it will
take a few more years for people to understand what 0 point energy means
,the OU transform occurs in this POINT of transition were thermal ambient
components (deg kelvin) are transformed to electrical energy (This at atomic
magnetonuclear resonance levels)as mention again OU overunity comes from a
TRANSFORMATION of ambient energy ,In your machines that results in a cooling
of coils and cores ,as in any other machine ,from MEG to genesis project
-principle is UNIVERSAL in nature.
Re: volts/current/coli/cap resonance question for Hector
Perfect ! I hope something can be done soon before this god darned war in
the mid east is started ,I am not only thinking of MY devices but on many
others out there that deserve to be developed ,the problem is no one has
seriously tried to see the COMMON links in all of them ....
RV, Konehead Motor, Bedini motor ALL WORK ON THE SAME PRINCIPLE
TO BE strait to the mark 3Phase motors ARE cheap and readily available
NEWMAN had the chance to adapt 3PH motors to work with his system but NEVER
DID ,MANY COMMON REVERSIBLE MOTORS 1ph Universal voltage 120/240/480v CAN BE
So cheap PULSE systems can be developed from them more easy than starting
from 0 ,the benefit of using 3PH motors is "they are already there" many
more JUICY modifications can be done as to the systems be comparable to a
Concorde SST and a STONE AX .....The RV first use is as a presise scientific
instrument ... to study power generation ...
Re: Official Interactive Radiant Energy Prototype Project URL
Totaly enclosed are the best as you can remove EXTERNAL fan ....
I am quite far away from main USA so Taxes shiping and production
costs are astronomic...cant do it from here ...
Just in need of a BIG powerful angel for this operation ....,or maybe
a money "GOD" will do better....
Best regards,
ERRATA (Correction Aclaration.......)
Re: RV system
"VaporWings wrote:
> Hi Hector and all,
> I posted this here from theverylastpageoftheinternet site.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVGRAY/files/triplefluxloopback.jpg
> Hope you do not mind.
> As I understand this you have two identical 3 phase motors that are
> physically coupled shaft to shaft. You run the first motor on
single phase only by using caps.
> rectify and feed to an inverter that powers the first motor.
> you use the standard house/building power to kick start the system
> then it you can disconnect it and it will be self-running because
it will be running off the inverter ?
Advantage in a solar powered saw it can run iddle using a few watts
then power up as you cut the wood ,definitely no standar motor can do
I gave the BASIC simple circuitry ,the concept of its workings ,but
I have not given seminars in stabilizing FEEDBACK and anomalous
GENERATOR , A no CEMF PM rotor-stator set up ..LIKE Ecklin-Brown
generator, A better lubricant for ball bearings., This is it , with
the proper meters and a CONSTANT power source you can measure a
paper -watt-load to device in miliamperes-volts ... Books can be
written on the subject in vitro demos given by the hundreds ,need is
time and money...
> I like the idea of the RV but if you want people to replicate,
> confirm and jump up/down saying it works it is going to have to be
> more economical to duplicate.
If you Compare it to the $10,000 "Newman Silver hotdog " it comes out
to be quite cheap , 30 RPM compared to 1725 or 3450 RPM rotation 120V
24W is quite a difference,with a 40W internal friction you cannot
explain the 24W input draw ..Exept by OU transform....This motors
still have internal cooling fins plus quite a load of grease -bearing
resistance ,it lowers to an even value after a few runing hours....
it makes interesting science ,its a simple discovery...
> I was thinking more like
> http://www.mcmaster.com/
> In Find products box on left enter: 6136k23
> 3/4 hp 3450/2850 rpm 2.7 amp 3 phase motors at $126.03
> Two of this for In/out research would be $ 252.00 which would
> be a lot more reasonable.
> The question is size. Do you need a hugh motor to show the effect.
> Can it be scaled down in size ? Perhaps as small as 1/2 hp with
> smaller caps and a small inverter. Maybe a 1/2 hp feeding a 3/4 hp
to overcome losses.
> 'snip'
> > Uses ,Anything working intermitently as SAWS , lathe motors ,
> > drills , grinders ,special pomps and fans , cars , airplanes ...
> 'snip'
> How Intermittent ? 10 seconds ? one hour ?
Under an specific load RV can run 24HRS a day untill you need new
bearings every 11 years or so.....Just apropiate desing for the
intended aplication ....
Input 380W to RV
Basically I was thinking smaller.. more proof of concept that can be
low cost easily replicated by numerous people using new off the
shelf parts for a total price of under $200-300 dollars. I was
thinking more of what JLN did with the lifters to get more people
YES surplus is the way to go.....Unless an angel is found and we can
put out a COST reduced efficient reliable unit...built on OM parts....
Best regards
Single diode recovery
DonSDR.jpg (Uploaded In files)
Well sinse the circuit is positive biased the simplest way to recover
CEMF is to crowbar reverse pulse using a reverse diode across
transitor ,back pulse goes back to battery as transistor shuts off.`
I used this same desing for 3PH system and FL ZEUS prototype quite
interesting results "QUITE"!!!!! interesting !!!!!!! the use I am
giving to POSITIVE BIASING is in 3PH but it is aplicable as in
redrawn plan posted in files , hope is useful, there are other
variants also using a booster capacitor but is resonant related
it will not work too well in low Q desing ,desing is too demanding.
So is better to start with the simple ringback Circuit...
Re: [EVGRAY] Re: DON Single diode recovery
>Have you seen Calloways circuit??? He says it works great and the
>batteries will never drain - because mainly, nothing every "reaches
>grund"...it also lets "loose" the accumulator cap once for every 13
>motor pulses, so that it hits the battery hard when it does...here is
>his circuit again:
TOO complex .... a second battery can be used to split the positive with
EXTRA diodes Don3DR circuit (Will upload as I send this E mail..)
The "plus ultra" is you need to KNOW battery-coil (L) BEST RELATION
IN RLC C (Capacitance) being the battery Voltage ,and "R" being the current
IN this setup RESONANCE is the key to obtain OU transform within battery ,
the problem I have found in this condition
in the battery liquid is electrolized as this is a natural effect of
radiant energy (dries battery out ) "Newman had same problem..." The
solution is a "TVI" filter equivalent to filter the split magnetoatomic
resonance from the electrolite solution but this causes porosity and
dendrites in battery structure so a gain in one field is a loss in another,
depends a lot on type of battery used, to date metal hydryde are the best
(Rechargeable). posibilitys are infinite ,many roads to take..
Re: Radiant Energy and Gray's Tube
Snip !!
One of the major distinguishing characteristics
> according to Tesla is the length of the pulsed discharge which
> creates the Radiant Energy.
Re: Radiant Energy and Gray's Tube
Re: Fillswitch and pulseoutswitch with bifilar hookup
<konehead@m...> wrote:
> Hi
because of the huge spikes in the reactive-side of the motors
energy, will climb to enormous volts inside the cap,
MOV (METAL OXIDE VARISTOR) as used in GENESIS project , you can just
"split" the positive to battery terminal using them ,discharging
capacitors to battery as if they were RADIANT ENERGY TUBES ,just
calculate the proper VALUES .....
Re: [EVGRAY] Rotoverter project idea
I will give all the technical help I can, but Remember I am located In
Puerto Rico ,Shipin things from there or to here is expensive as HELL plus
UPS Inlegaly puts 6.8% tax value on book cost on all stuff coming my way
,its quite problematic alternate energy aparatus have a hi tendency of
getting broken in shiping (It happened lately to K.H.)
I can do it by getting a tax exempt Manufacturing entity goin but requires
$2 or $3 million in seed money for a fast less than 6 month
product to market timetable, First product will be RV Electro-mechanic
conversion Dynamometer .. Second Solar Asynchronic cogenerating systems
to suplement AC Utility power Systems ,Actual systems are extremely
expensive RV can be half of actual cost and 1/2 simpler.
Scope your lines for harmonics , compound wave inverters will not work as
they use FM,AM to create a "false sinewave" out of a hi frequency stream of
pulses... this pulses "Brake" motor by Eddy current shunting
the rotor at the higher harmonic (rotor tries to rotate at 2x speed but is
braked by 60 CPS rotating field , like Pushing (Hi F ,120 CPS) and Pulling
60CPS AC Signal ,effect is a POWER-current increase loss.
OK !
ANSWER: Tuning using the proper CAPACITOR VALUES ,that is why I leave
the Values in RV alternator in blank ,as EACH motor has an specific value to
itself that has to be found increasing or decreasing values .
Using Variac transformers as tuning devices gave the indication a ONE TURN
DIFFERENCE CAN BE CRITICAL to Standing wave resonance loading,
Variacs FALL SHORT of RV tuning needs A modified HAM RADIO Aerial Tuner With
A transformer core WAS the ANSWER to the problem for hi speed "tunable"
system (A bit complex).
E-Gray "water diving" lamp is just a lamp lighted with 0 volt current
from an RLC circuit Were the lamp is R but still L node in Current manifest
A 1000W lamp is lighted to full ilumination with a 19VAC voltage drop value
ONE DOES (PPPzzzzhT! Kabbom!)
Do that with the Capacitor end and see the water boil and explode!
Quite nice for electrolisis ! (See transverter at Bruce page ) nice for
electrolisis! (quite dangerous but nice!)For the cold fusion Hydrogen
experimenting guys (and girls "if Any").
I only wish to have the place and resourcess to pass this to all,so much to
give ,yet no way to give it , quite frustrating...in an eat or be eaten
RE: [EVGRAY] Re: Tuning the RV motors
In angle of rotation is so But with Vectors you have to ask if this relation
of phasing AS a vector add to the angle or substracts to it.
In test of motors runing this way eff is top 98%in power in power out
comparison at best load-input condition this in true brute spartan loading
energy wasting Braking method... I am REFERING to APLICATION NOT MOTOR PLATE
specifications (HP is derated to obtain THE RV EFFECT.)
Test done using phase meters they indicated true 3ph condition within ABC
phases and rotation angles ....
Best demo is 3 pegs and a rubber band place pegs as to form a triangle
To begin I just ask ?in a 1800 RPM 60CPS generator What is the angle
relation of the ROTOR poles and how that is traduced to 3POLE stator
windings at 120deg angles?., As you can picture that in your mind you can
easily understand how 120v single phase equals 2 phases vectorized by a
third component in a compound rotating machinery circuit windings.
(Can use the analog rubberband computer to do it, it beats Electrocad! )
Re: Resonate question for Hector or anyone here
E Gray "bulb in the water" demostrates the current node, this Gray
Refered as the "Other Type" of electricity ....in RLC
Re: Graham Gunderson post fom 99
Hector comments:
Best sample is the Waves at the sea but in AF or RF is the RELATIVE
PLANE OF PROJECTION Phases and angles of propsagation....
My 1993 file,
> POLARIZE.HTM, criticized Bearden for refusing to address the
> phenomenon of polarization, which, to most peoples'
> thinking, "proves" that EM waves traveling in free space must be
> transverse, not longitudinal. Graham Gunderson responded to my
> criticisms with the insightful letter reproduced below:
Hector comments:
NONE and the 2 ,in a compresive pulse you have the 2 components but
reality is other,a wave can be measured as a density component within
the MEDIA it travels in ,Scalar, Waviton generation is clear evidence
of such reality...
> Dear Mr. Andersen,
> I bumped into your website here and read your entertaining article,
> describing Tom Bearden's apparent oversight regarding wave
> polarization being integrated into the longitudinal-wave model of
> Tesla's. Perhaps you stumped him.
> For some three years I have consistently read and re-read and re-re-
> reread about everything he has had published on the web,
> in reference to phase conjugation. I find both his and Tesla's
> theories to be simply more intuitive than the effect-no-cause
> descriptions of events given by mainstream physics. Indeed, when
> uses a visual model of the "virtual photon flux", it is much easier
> to "see" longitudinal waves than Maxwellian transverse waves.
> Transverse waves belong in and around conductors, or on charged
> particles, not in "empty" space. The 'T' in transverse may as well
> stand for 'translational', in the way Bearden uses the term.
Hector comments:
The study of Sismic waves opens the mind to new light S ,P waves
Longitude density Energy components...
> I, too was puzzled by the polarization question when I first read
> on your site. I had not considered it, but the "problem" is
> an artificial one, given by incomplete understanding and partial
> realization. Longitudinal waves can and of course do support
> polarization, in some cases, like that of the Hertzian antenna.
Hector comments:
True as in a sea wave you put a vertical stick in the water it offers
nearly no resistance to the path (As wave is horizontal) you place
the stick Floating perpendicular to wave front it is carried by the
force of it change the Angle relative to the horizontal you change
the vector of how the wave affects the stick and its relative motion
(same aplies to RF ,induction.
> In your example, you use RF antennas as a model. Let's go back
> through that. Say you have a ground plane, with a 1/4 wave antenna
> vertical to it, radiating significant RF power. Now, at the "input
> end" of the antenna, near the ground plane, there is a large
> flowing from your RF source (coax, whatever) and a rather low
> voltage. If you were to touch a coin to the antenna at this point,
> you would see very little or no spark, due to that low potential
> difference. However, touching the same coin to the tip of the
> would draw a long spark,
since potential is at a maximum (while
> current, at resonance, is theoretically null).
Hector comments:
In this they ERR as the Voltage node is distributed in nodes 1/4
wavelenght across the antena (Some even radiate from the bottom not
the top , There is a Current knode and a Voltage node at different
points .... It is NOT NULL ...
> "Empty" space can be regarded as a huge electrical charge (that's
> understated!), without a net polarity, resulting mass flow, or
> macroscopic gradient coupling to charged particles. Thus, when you
> are oscillating the local potential of the photon flux with the
> antenna tip's pure voltage (at your RF frequency), you are actually
> altering the local charge density of the VPF at that frequency
> (diminishing with distance from the tip), giving rise to the
> longitudinal, traveling wave through "space" and subsequently
> time.
Hector comments:
Hector comments:
The created wave is created by a CAPACITIVE compresion imparting a
PURELY density value to the aether ,Its so simple ,can be expresed in
5 time-space vectors including polarity ,frequency, intensity
propagation speed in the media and others...
> Answer: Because we refer to ALL antennas as DIPOLES. There are
> actually TWO longitudinal waves, propagating through space. If you
> look up the Hertzian example above (1/4 wave radiator above a
> plane) in an ARRL text or something you will find that there is
> a "virtual" 1/4 wave rod BELOW the ground plane as well, at least
as far as RF energy sees it. It is usually illustrated with a dotted
> line.
Hector comments:
Without going into the "why" on that one (even though it's
> related to this), let's use a simple 1/2 wave, center-fed dipole in
> our discussion for brevity. As is obvious, when the potential on
> end of the dipole is "positive" at the voltage crest of the RF
> the potential on the opposite end of the dipole will be "negative".
> Therefore, we have a simultaneous INCREASE and a DECREASE in the
VPF, equal and opposite, separated by the half-wavelength of our
Hector comments:
This is correct in part but FORGETS TO MENSION is a VOLTAGE MAXIMAL
> Therefore, a distant, resonant antenna will translate this
> spatial "pressure" difference (although diluted by distance) into a
> tiny, time-delayed copy of the original B and E fields surrounding
> our radiator. Since the two opposing compressions/rarefactions of
> VPF are separated by the distance of half the wavelength, they will
> never -- cannot -- cancel. Try imagining red concentric circles
> emanating from the top point of the dipole; blue concentrics
> radiating outward from the bottom-most point. Obviously, the
> will cross and interfere, but they will NEVER TOTALLY OVERLAP TO
> FORM "PURPLE" (or cancel) until an infinite (unattainable) distance
> from the radiator is reached.
DARN! is simpler to state as SEA waves travel in the sea ,an object
they encounter can translate the energy to motion ,in case of antena
to wave analogy it (the wave) translates the energy to RF AC current
and voltage within the LC receiver circuitry (Simple) but A big deal
of other complex phenomena exist...
> Now stretch your noodle a bit, and use concentric spheres (ghost
> onions?), to get a 3-D representation of the actual goings-on.
> Imagine recieving antennas parallel to, and perpendicular to, this
> imaginary radiator. It may be easy to envision why you - in theory,
> ignoring reflections - recover NONE of the signal when your
> are crossed (or a percentage of the energy equal to the cosine of
> angular difference between the two: cos 0deg = 100% [parallel], cos
> 90deg = 0 [crossed]). The perpendicular antenna sees no temporal or
> spatial difference between red onion shells and blue ones. In other
> words, there is no longer a circumference differential between the
> intercepted red and blue spherical shells.
Hector comments:
DAR! its not Spheres but expanding density differentials emanating
within a ROTATING virtual engine ...the projections are like the
spirals of a Sun flower center....
> As an alternative, imagine a yardstick with a piezo buzzer taped to
> each end. Wire them out of phase, so that when your signal
> makes them sing, you can still hear a tone even though the sum
> acoustic wave is a cancelling one. It is their distance from each
> other that defeats total cancellation. And, if you had a second
> yardstick set up like the first, but as a receiver (also with
> crosswired piezos, but connected to an oscilloscope), and the whole
> setup was in an acoustically nonreflective space, you would get a
> signal reading if your sticks were parallel. But cross them, and
> scope will show a flat line. (Not recommended as experiment. An
> acoustically nonreflective space is pretty hard to come by...)
> Therefore, we can carry polarization information by using TWO
> longitudinal waves, naturally separated by wavelength-- which is
> closer to what's really going on. Or, we can simply say that it is
> the separation between the centers of the red and blue "ghost-
> that determines wavelength. (This is a separation of relative
> distance, as well as a relative separation in time... whatever term
> makes you happy)
Hector comments:
Back again to Current Voltage Nodes in resonant ,it is aplicable from
Audio ELF to UHF
WELL I JUST STOP HERE .....( NO further Comments ) All I say can
demostrate in vitro.... Scalar,nodes,RF and others...
Re: [EVGRAY] Resonate question for Hector or anyone here
In Resonance the 2 mases equals to current acumulator ,as if they were the
INVERSE of 2 capacitor plates (as a simil they must be equal)
(Capacitor same plate area) ( Anodes same mass ) IN the current acumulator
energy is in form of or aether compresion (Electron density related ) the
anodes are related to CURRENT node in RESONANCE AS the
Lightbulb lighted in RLC under Standing wave resonance (Voltage drop in
lightbulb equals to TRUE radiated Energy loss entropy in system usualy 1/10
of power circulating in RLC (Filament value is in AMPERE LOAD )
Value of amperage with 0 voltage component ,In an LC tank the current is
MEASURED that value "Sample 1 ampere" will easily light one 120w lightbulb
as its calculated AMPERAGE for 120VAC equals to LC ampere load so in a 0
voltage resonant node lighvulb will give full illumination (I HAVE REFERED
operated in the current Node
within LRC Frequency Tank if voltage drop is measured it will be 1/10
or less of Total Voltage value circulating within the tank ..
The Spark GAP Discharges the 0 voltage energy component acumulator Ampere
Load Creating a surge in ELECTRON DENSITY within the radiant tube center ,
this density is in order of TONS of cohesive Electron
force creating a Radiant compresive wave within the tube inducing an EMP in
grid component (This EMP is the Radiant Energy mentioned Similar to
lightning by Gray)
In Purely resonant RLC at 60CPS the same holds true ,Once energy has Nodes
and Anty nodes no shield can stop the signal .
Re: resonanat transformer questions
At resonance the cores will emmit radiant energy ,you can go solid
state with a multy-vibrator circuit or 555 timer driver oxillator to
drive pulse a core with integrated CEMF recovery circuitry..
Such resonant recovery can be used in pulse motors also if you desire
mechanical conversion.....
In the patent the blank point (No power) "Nul" is used to switch
Input power into the circuit to obtain a no CEMP to back up on
source....this results in an increase of eff% ,but system fails as it
becomes open radiating dipole under hi loads (Worst than MEG ) but
on a motor no such thing may occur if no open dipole is created.
> My question is why the big cores? Couldnt this same thing be done
> with a trifilar motor coil for instance, with only one wind of the
> three being switched to pulse, and the other two the resonant
> transformer part?
Yes it can be done......Some had aplied it already to their systems
remember I posted this in JLN group more than a year and a half ago..
> Does the large core in the patent "slow down" the flux, so its
> current or voltage peaks happen 180 off from the switched-winds so
> that they can be loaded on output with not much effect? Wouldnt
the same thing happen with the trifilar wind scheme too, but just
maybe faster flux action occuring?
Frequency and phase are the keys the smaller the core the higher the
frequency of operation, control phase and resonance you have it !
in 3PH is 120 DEG per phase better to look at in as 3 rubberbands
tied in the center each one pulling outwards, change the angles the
center point drifts away from Valance...change the force &distance of
pull the valance also changes exede them one vector collapses you
have a single one again....KISS educational series 101 ...
Is the best way to understand how you can get 3PH from singlephase
Re: radiant energy diareative - ANOTHER experiment
Definitely this one will go as a mental enema....
Tesla mentioned AIR capacity, well you need to TUNE with a variable
inductance to one of the NATURAL ELF frequency chanels of earth
There are 2 types of energy in the earth one RF the other Static
differential of charge ,if you develop an antenna collector it must
be tuned to the ambient energy most abundant in your area , As A
radio amateur I did like to Use Longwire Antennas WP4BUI ,Worked in
some private Ionospheric com proyects and experimented with Earth
traveling waves and Resonating dipoles, Shared some tech 30 years ago
with KP4QC "transmiter RF in antenna in 40m band resonated to OU "
The phenomena Bruce descrives is real but if the CONDITIONS are NOT
IDENTICAL it will not work ,The concept of using a teflon insulated
or electret covered wire is not new Is similar to a traveling wave
tube amplifier but with static DC as the driver (It makes quite Air
Capacity ) ..A broadband tuned wire ....
I ran my FLs with a Longwire until someone filed a complain with the
FCC it was reradiating in 455khz so off the building they came out ..
I still have pure Nickel Spinwire rolls left unused from the proyect
,in lightning storms tubes exploded like bombs "It was Fun", I keep
the stuff for the Oportunity to have some land to put my lab on
but aparently Georges Westinghouse Did not make it into the
reincarnation list for this Era .I think I will "rediscover" wooden
horse dung first!..(Speaking of mental diareatives.....)
Re: [EVGRAY] Re: Williard Elliots pulsemotor / generator photos up in files
If you can make the cores Oxilate to their atomic resonance they become
magneto-atomic resonators ,definitely capable of OU transformation..
The Sphere is a verry interesting shape when dealing with magnetic resonance
.... it projects a toroidal field with a CENTER null point
The center Coil must be hollow, wire must occupy 1/5 at radial distance from
center, MAKES a Flat monopole ....(In a sense) .
Re: latest developments
SO HEAR IT CLEARLY forget about all the things you have read before
and just listen to what the capacitors and coils are telling you at
the lab .......
I found is that cap too small will just raise the volts in the
> unloaded-meter test, but have no affect on the mechanical input
> draw... and a cap too big (one farad for instance) will over-lug
> motor trying to fill it up against its resistive will...but, find
> right size cap that not only raises the volts, but also lowers the
> motor draw, and now your have saved a lot of power input.
That Verifys IT ...... (please open your eyes)this happens as cap and
coil values are in RESONANT condition the Atraction toward the pole
in rotor magnets is increased as ROTOR ACTS AS NEGATIVE RESISTOR to
LC motor pole (Same as RV) The CEMF is REDUCED as Energy vectors
become non-linear . (RV ALTERNATOR) and FRTR Transverter System.
I think I have posted this over 100 times ,and I will keep posting it
till I Drop or someone learns and confirms in vitro.....
2 phase is opposed like a transformer with a center tap as House
120VAC BLK,RED lines and Center white NEUTRAL+Green Grownd....
RE 1 PH motors
> I have a question, with the pulse motor thing. As I am working with
this but using two "phases". I did this as I just saw that it was
very complicated to make a self resonant circuit that just has
one "phase" like your RV will not work on single phase AC motor...
HELLO.. is anyone listening???... If you can't get a single phase AC
motor to go into resonance, then how in the hell will a pulse motor
do it if it too only has one phase?...
In one phase 230VAc motor you REWIND with DUAL WINDING IN START and
BE PROVIDED BY THE 45Deg Starting winding "Shadow" THIS RUNING THE
MOTOR WITH 120v AC put a PM (PERMANENT MAGNET) rotor in it you have A
Synchronous OU machine ... resonance will be as an infinite leading
wave so...... It does not reflect at the input (Untill mechanical
load is aplied to rotor) .
Re: another muller gen anomaly
engineers dont yet understand (So dont feel bad for it).
(Its things you learn in a lab not in mediocre university text books)
Re: Phasing ALL can be done by inverting polarity and Vectorizing
If you see the circuit an SCR trigers each capacitor ,this is done in
blanking period at 0 load to source ,I have Explained many times this
can be done by transistor "perfect part" an EVK 31-050 switched by 2
opto insolators in multy-vibrator mode ....
MEG CANNOT WORK with Reactive loads because it detunes from OU Ferro
resonant transform condition....
(Eat your Hart Out Bearden) "Dont Ever try to Patent it "
Guys Copy and lock in safe place its FREE FREE Energy public domain
info....TRANSVERTER, IF I patent will be A public Domain Patent ...
Well linux uses a Penguin I might Use an Electric eel or a cattle
prod in a petroleum magnate ass .... as a simbol...
Re: resonate tank circuit
VTA ,MEG, Newman and other OU transform devices failures are due to
the loading problem.
Is evident the need for a potential transfering device, is basic if
such systems are intended for practical use .
Re: [EVGRAY] circuit question and diode flow
OK! as we view power drain is passing one diode into COIL into transistor
from one battery at turn on, (at turn off the back EmP passes a POSITIVE
diode toward the other battery battery [positive ].
switching Diodes ,switches battery selection when one battery is discharged
and the other charged ,in an electric car this can be done automaticaly by
the use of electronic management device.
You may be surprized to see your motor works with a Delco battery but will
die out with a Sears "DIEHARD" ,,,Yep! "Die hard" on you ....
the trade have quite a few intricate tricks to it ,all related to RF and
power formulations...(Tuning)as Tesla might have said...
If you watch carefully the schematic you may notice a VARIABLE coil (36)
in series with the capacitor (38) measure here like measuring RF in a
coaxial power line ,6kd6 may be substituted for 20KV 1A diode in series with
more resistance 1k-30k variable ...
The POWER YOU ARE MEASURING IS RF standing wave ,find voltage node and
measure VOLTAGE at its NODE find current NODE and measure CURRENT
you will have a resonant value within the loop 1:10 is common as is
1.618x3.141592742 antenna resonator multiplication factor over isotropic
(identical also to basic HENDERSHOT circuit configuration were 2 LC tanks
interact to form multy-element RF magnetic amplifier
Tuning is the hardest part (you got IT) now definitely you can get anything
tuned as you are starting to understand the principle ..
ITS RF you are dealing with ,be carefull it BURNS internaly it goes thru
shields it toast computers nearby (Including brain ) its like an EMP in a
can .....
prime source (Tuning the source to the needs of the load)loopback will be
quite stable but still watch for Time space anomaly ,it begins by blue-green
light (Liquid) spreading across all the unit like ectoplasm in scary movies,
in daylight is like a "white" mist that signals a danger zone, PK takes over
and you are not in Kansas anymore you are deep in a hares hole! ,Stay low
power and I do mean low power you have no idea the things this energy is
capable of doin when directed (you can poke holes in the sun with it)so just
take it easy go slow and safe Its a darn nightmarish responsability now .
COMPATIBLE MUSICAL NOTE (Frequency) otherwise it will make you DARN sick and
Machine signal then will cure the SICK as its aproached as it will regause
the bodys internal frequency to primal God-like states...
The problem is finding a biological battery to substitute the lead based one
,start R&D in Teslas Iron nickel and carbon"Coal" batterys
Diehards will die hard on you (I have 3 dead, fried, burnt! D8 to prove my
point .....lead is a heavy element quite non-bio compatible so it goes into
nuclear transmutations as battery is wasted "nuked" to death.
by the positive vril within the system..(Cold fusion in electrolite hydrites
"deuterium-tritium related")
Enjoy ! Hope you do not get your brain twisted with the data....
New file uploaded to EVGRAY...
I wrote to Hector to get some typo corrections in his last post that
he put up in files seciton here, about secrets to his "TV"
transverter project...
Even with a ZERO power factor at the input this CIRCULATING POTENTIALS
EXEDE it all ....OU Transform from Iron core transformer plates ,not
subjected to degradation like VTA Magnets , no hi voltage like gray
...and ALL you need to start testing the concepts is an universal
120,240,360,480VAC I/O transformer Wiring the input to 480VAC but
IT 120VAC output Wired to 120V in LC tank or (4 LC tanks) tuning and
vectorizing this RESONANCE state power transformations into USEFUL
Decopling .
Transformers can be from 1KW to 100KW (be Extremely carefull with the
ones as tinkering with LC can cause NASTY EMP ! wiping a few miles
out of
electronics in your area (Including your computers,tv,radios Vcr,all
recorded media goes BLANK)
pipe of
same mass (non magnetic ) Coaxialy fitted as to act as a RESONANT LC
makes power Extraction possible at any frequency without the need for
spark gap ! CENTER tube at RESONANCE makes OUTER TUBE ATOMS to
at 0
(ZERO) angle in relation to the other .
Re: more Hector TV information
Re: Resonance Files........
--- In [email protected], "koneheadx" <konehead@m...> wrote:
> Hi Hector
> can you explain "VECTORS" ??
Re: Hi Hector _ Hi freq RV easy to build
3ph 3winding 120deg delta or wye stator, 2 pole 240,000 RPM Rotor* ?
CAPACITOR TO 220V AC windings ,increase or decrease capacitance to
attain RESONANCE Once resonance is ATTAINED read voltage and
amperage ,loaD has to be EXACT amperage as if it were connected to
normal 220VAC line (Like 1000W lightbulbs) or whatever combination of
purely resistive load that equals unit ampere node value.
Re: Hectors post on JLN
AWW! that was prior to Bingo goin bango! ,I am quite carefull with my
experiments ,water level sensors ,flame supressor grids and still the
thing just went Kaboom , so its wise to separate the GAS and mix in
engine carb search and see Carl Cella Work .... & DC split chambers
Transverter plug works good with it, hydroxide salts help in the
current hold up (sodium hydroxide ) still having problems with
electrode degradation (I am dealing with 12,000F plasma arc)
For interesting information Look into TESLA ARC LAMP Patents the dual
electrode set up can be used Underwater (needs no adjustment ) as it
burns like a wick !
Re: John Schnurer on pulsing magnetism
I allways had the impresion John was one of the best R&D minds in
Europe, BUT DAM ! nitrogen MOVES and lowers its temperature as a
ROTATING magnetic field INDUCES such motion ,nitrogen ACTS as a
conductor Under certain frequency resonant conditions.....
Re: John Schnurer on pulsing magnetism & Rotoverter
HAD HE EVER PUBLISHED IT ? Plans ? Schematics ? POWER ? Any load
attached to it? Prony braked it?(Pun Intentional) Can it be aplied to
a pump fan ? or light an FL96 florescent tube for 8 days untill the
battery explodes, "overcharging".
MEG is the same history , anyone can make a MEG with a 3PH
transformer (air cooled type ) by just dissasembling it and cutting
the center leg plates to fit a plate magnet size x size to the core
diameter TR you use , and making 2 switching coils in a ratio 1/5
the voltage than the MAIN power coils ......(Use common sense)
Re: FWBR compared to single steering diode tests
Thanks for experimenting with this principle ,I wish you were able to
get a PM rotor into a 3PH Stator wired to 460V and pulse it to run
as a KONEHEAD PM RV motor ( I am realy happy the concept Worked so
fine for your motor) May run in a single phase motor also but needs
to be rewired for, 460V a disk with Magnets to trigger the
transistors or optoelectronic relay can work marvels ,we are talking
1.8 HP with 500W input.....or less...
A day will come people will realize a magnet is just a long lasting
battery, that day OU transform can be just steps away from the common
folks using standard off the shelf items ,all of that will come from
people all over the world sharing ideas and experiments in alternate
energy . No one will stop that ,when every home can have free and
long lasting energy.... One of the best ideas that came from the
pulse motor R&D Still in the files was switching after the coil
and using a single diode or reverse diode protected transistors
I modified a trip lite Transformer inverter using a split positive
bias Push and pull circuit 98% eff (Internal driver used 12 watts )
so the recovered OU was wasted there 11 + watts
the concept works! I drived the rotoverter with it, runs COLD at
500W colder at 80W rotation ,I will post schematic as I solve
the "Driver problem" anyway as rule TRANSFORMER inverters run at a
BASIC 80% eff Using REVERSE diode and positive bias coil and driving
by Grownding the coil to the negative makes recovery of CEMP
posible , adapted to a 65% eff computer power suply can make it go
98% eff +
You have to love the fresh smell of burnt PC boards in the morning!
Theoretic say one thing, ferroxplana does another !!! AWWW! so are
the toils and ponderings of RESONANCE! AT 236V AC !!!(370V DC)!
Long Live the solid state diodes! too bad Tesla had none!
he never enjoyed the smell...
Thanks !:)
Re: Battery quesitons
Nice stuff !
Best Regards
Re: circuit diagrams
MMm by the way your ROTOR is 3 phase ? like N,N,N "S" center
That makes water go to steam verry fast at 1/10 the power with the
right set of frequencys ..
TESLA = "Almodovar"
on OU
The two phrases overunity & free energy have done more to hinder the
technological advancement on Earth than Tesla, Farnsworth & Reich
have done to help humanity, and if the trend continues - it will not
be for long.
Warm Regards,
Chris Arnold
The ONES hindering progress are the ONES that use thoose 2 phases
as a excuse to reject OU....
Re: increase power of shaft while charging 2 batteries
Enema for the Constipation of Energy Law
Mental enema:
Re: Enema for the Constipation of Energy Law
Upon experimenting the effect on switched LRC systems you will find
the simple truth ,help keep it FREE and unbound for all ,OU is there
and has bein in there unseen too much time ,so lets use it and
demostrate its reality ... IN LC Resonant circuitry C value is ALWAYS
OU .
with RV ,OU is in (RESONANCE) ....and the magnetic- thermal
stochastics transforms within the systems.
JUL 20 2003
Hector D Perez torres ARK RESEARCH
From: "ARK Research" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Thu Jul 24, 2003 4:22 pm
Subject: Re: New resonant Bedini motor tests and video
Thanks to All of you for the great effort put on this models and
experiments ,I realy feast on sharing the moments of sucsess in this
field the more of US learning this secrets the less efective
supresion of free energy is ,Bedini motor model is quite a work-able
device Definitely more inexpensive than a 3 PH motor .....
At first like the first computers costing million dollars with time
becomes dirt cheap as major manufacturers will take interest in what
WE the free people of this planet DO....
scrolling down is this link you can see the bulb in the water lit up
The secret is the STANDARD AMPERES rating In the lightbulb MUST MATCH
antinode condition is the only VALID reference measure ,retune to
compensate for R thermal ambient drift ......
simple LC have a DECAY value in time SO the ONLY ENERGY you need to
suply is the one lost to DECAY as if system source were a negative
inductor to LC (as the case of RV alternator rotor and recent Rain
Järvelaid motor experiment, simil of a wett finger in a glass cup
(cup decibel energy output exedes finger input as glass molecules
transform energy from their RESONANT STATE adding to input , normal
entropy decay is .618 of 1.618 as logaritmic time
receding signal (Search for Seike work in ultrarelativity concepts)
so gain is also in atropic system of 1.618 were frequency increase in
octaves may increase amplification by factor of 3.141592742 were the
spiral resonant circular projection can be expresed in a 12,000 4d
polygon structure as simil to doble helix DNA structure (reason human
system is OU by all definitions.
Will post more as people are able to digest this (sorry for the brain
constipations it may cause) "READ with empty brain" fill as you are
able to test and experiment RF knoledge strongly required...
Re: Magnetic Motional Electrical Generator (MMEG)
Fig 3 of such patent PFD doc at your URL,(thanks), makes evident why
3ph transformers can be converted to MEGs .(for the intuitive)
Nice posting! Bruce ,knowledge keeps piling up untill it hits the fan
and spreads wide!
Re: update from Earl_030726_reply 1
From: "ARK Research" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Tue Jul 29, 2003 3:45 pm
Subject: Re: Constipation of Energy Law
Ever read the meaning of RESISTANCE and VOLTAGE DROP ......?
IN a basic LRC:
TAKE your coils and energyze them with a given load, place a reverse
diode in the input just discharge the circuit by disconecting source
(your bulb will BURN with the CEMF pulse)that was the real discovery
NEWMAN MADE but never realized what it was .....I did it in the RV
PROYECT..... but formulation does work in rotating negative
INDUCTANCE (or we may say NEGATIVE RESISTOR ) A resistance "LOAD"
that provides power .....A squirell cage rotor in this case.....
Re: NEW PHYSICS (was << Cold >> Current????)
NOTE : Iron core wire works for a GENESIS type negative inductor
not aplicable to GRAY RESONANT PULSE SYSTEM ....
Re: New file uploaded to EVGRAY
Genesis was NEVER a HOAX just a bit ALTERED & distorted but never
unreal... RV is a similar principle in LAW so I know it works,,,,
Re: NEW PHYSICS (was << Cold >> Current????)
Look at the GENESIS FILE read and check it well, I have being telling
for years the concept is correct as RV ROTOR is a negative inductor.
Re: free-hanging generatopr coils
Re: Sparky Sweet Device Demystified
(A memory system built in the 60s, when the output cores where
put in feedback with the input the system kept oxillating untill hell
froze over ...)
HI: I concur TRANSFORMATION is the reason for OVERUNITY and the
MECHANICS of this transformation is what needs to be understood
the latest research in NAVAL communications on STOCHASTIC RESONANCE
shows clearly the mechanics of how ambient energy (in this case NOISE
amplifies an RF signal as it passes by a medium ,similar study can be
found in OLD GE BLUE LASER RESEARCH were the laser was amplified by
RAIN DROPS many times its original power level , all due to OPTICAL
stochastic resonance , this concepts will definitely put an stop to
academia bullshit theoretics on OU and will force a change .....
Re: a bit harsh punisment ??
I OWN more that 4 radiation meters , meters dont lie (read my warning
on Dons page ) I did not put it there to impress or as a decoration
but as a thing to be looked on and take care ,"mitigation".
On the One track mind ..I never get personal and remain neutral in
this aspect.....
I still remember how konehead was dispised in JLN group and I stood
face for him ,nobody else saw future nor tried to understand his
work.... (Now his motors are the ENVY of many others ) .... I think
Bruce personality might not be the best communicative figure to many
within his EGO profile ,but At least we must try to mantain
communication letting him post his Ideas and comments.
I was there also I was booted out of JLN labs once and I am
still "edited" & "sensored" not to speak of Keelynet were someone
Hacked my email and sonofbitched many there (I am Still booted out
with no fault).
I have tried to eliminate PM magnets from looped designs because of
the RADIO-ACTIVE EMMISIONS they proyect... rendering them USELESS
with a green glow radioactive decay to it (EFFECT OF Magnetoatomic
resonance & ORGON energy.
There are types of RADIATION not measurable to the meter ION sensors
many of then deadly in nature ...
Here the OUTPUT is totaly independent of the input half resonant tank
Re: Earl's Analysis of why vibrating coils increase output
Hi Kone :
This can SUBSTITUTE The VTA MAGNET and multiplies the energy 10 fold
wile the coils cools down dramatically creating incredible static
energy discharges ... Resulting from electron reverse spin in time
component "KOR' were electron-photon pair aniquilation takes place
in feroxplana core matrix, resultant being the creation of anty-
graviton field withing a KAPA-delta rotating energy component within
a looped system, were time reversal enter unit into 4rt dimensional
plane (hyper-space) ( DANGER of looped system),Refer to SEIKE
Ultrarelativity postulates .
The circuit just works like a Vaccum triode tube Amplifier in all
sense of the word .RF,resonant,AM ,FM, modulation rules aply .
ARK RESEARCH (Hector D perez Torres ) Wed Aug 20, 2003 1:51 am
(SEE bottom post note)
--- In [email protected], "koneheadx" <konehead@m...> wrote:
Snip ..
(must be SAW tooth )
This May be done by frequency cut-off peaking using FM as logaritmic
accelerator drive component within the coil (varactor tuner
emmulation). you will get a hell of a spike by controlling the waves
interactions. (Tesla amplifiying transmitter principle )
(the center taped tesla coil) will give you a hint....
Aclaratory NOTE:
"koneheadx" <konehead@m...> Comments are his intelectual property
partialy used as reference for sharing and improving such information
he may reserve the right for non-disclosure (consultation adviced
before atempting redistribution of full Copy.)
Re: toroid cores_power in and out
Circuit is to be made resonant at turn on state were C=0 & L=VM (max
voltage) as C changes from max amperage to 0 amps and 0 volts to max
volts, sinewave is reversed so C can be fired into a faster shorter
pulse to load "R" or secundary "L' were LC combination is of higher
frequency hi Q state were power is transverted to other state with a
1.618 logaritmic stochastic gain.
Re: planetary gear permanent magnet motor reminds me of
HEY I used that for my AC homopolar machine desing ! the gears are
magnetic and I still have them, at a near 1.618 ratio big to small
cylinder here are shrouded in aluminum tubing to demostrate non-
contact, a copper metal strip is placed were the fields meet ,it a
hell of a generator to make "Expensive" rollers are ceramic 8 multy
pole segmented .....
SEE File
Re: Recovery circuits
Re: Bedinis new website
NO- it is the same old business with a new name resulting from forum
leaching of information (Public Diode recovery Systems, public
disclosure of Battery negative resistor Theoretics with a verry bad
explanation ...
RV system:
Then read theirs http://www.energenx.com/section2.htm .
lOOK WHAT HAPPEN TO THE "MEG" the same will happen to pulsemotor
technology if its patented under error laden theoretics ...
Re: Bedinis new website
> I just had a quick question(s). When you mentioned "conditioning".
Is this done to over saturate the core or is it done just under
satruation or does this even matter? And why.. does this help to
align the core domains so that smaller currents can flip the domains
much more easily? Is this why the gain? Very interesting!
> Thanks in advance,
> Ian
I have A few but are reserved for the future lab use ,I dont want to
risk loosing them ...I need a lot more, they are scarse as wooden
horse dung.
A coil is placed at the end of the rod were AC is run at its optimal
latching frequency ,capturing coils are placed along lenght of the
rod taped by Recovery diodes and current limiting resistors as to
capture traveling magnetic latch traveling along the rod lenght.
Cohler device may have worked under this principle using Resonance
Soft IRON rods that OVER-HEATED due to AC - electron mass changes in
time space component (molecular level current restrictions).
From: "ARK Research" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sun Sep 7, 2003 1:51 am
Subject: Re: hot batteries
This was working!nice simple stuff try placing reed after the coil
to switch the negative into the coil positive, place reverse diode
across the reed as the reed closes it charges the coil as it opens
the CEMP backs across the diode reversing the positive potential back
to the battery + to + charging it ..... ..
Re: Barium Ferrite Magnets
Isotropic low level hysteresys with enhanced latching effect like IBM
magnetic memory cores ,(thats it!)
anisotropic simply does not work .....
Re: Nodes: anti and otherwise, ie.a 90 degree sniff!
Back to RV...
It is nice when you take a concept hide it within another and sell it
as something NEW but in reality Anty-resonance LC is a NULL filter
Anty resonance is a doctorated BULL s**t! A fancy name and way of
using RV effect , I posted PREVIOUSLY that if you RE-WIRE a common
120vac motor to 460V and use 120 VAC CPS the 90 deg STARTING WINDING
being tunned for best angle phase shading using OIL capacitors you
get RV EFFECT, also if you run 120Vmotor at 24VAC using right values
of capacitors for starting and runing you get RV effect,USE a PM
rotor you get Overunity, give it a fancy name they may think is
yours ,untill someone with the malice and brains finds it is the same
old sh*t ! (only 1 phase )
ANTY-RESONANCE is what you get in your home outlets all the time
I dare anyone to proff me wrong! ,I just say what I say in a single 4
word sentence.
Current-voltage phase relation .
Anyway its the SAME old NEWMAN MOTOR concept also ,it is just Newman
did not know how to aply it to AC motors and I did , SO AC RV IDEA
remained Mine and I gave it as public domain ,the concept or RV
alternator is old as to use any motor as a generator putting a
capacitor in any ABC phases ,but using RESONANCE LRC concept in
series is NEW (Mine) made Public domain ALSO as is also E GRAY
RADIANT ENERGY SECRET as I lit a 1,000W lightbulb underwater as he
did,, filament voltage drop within the water 19.0volts AC ,put in
normal line power it just EXPLODES ..
tripleflux capacitor ,and triple flux FL ZEUS lamp is also concepts I
gave as free domain.
will make if many understand this FACT and start giving proper credit
to the statements I give for public domain and just work in the wheel
instead of reinventing and repatenting it....
I just say go ahead and Buy one .... I have 230- more non-disclosed
inventions to put out that will make RV concept look like a toy...
one magnetless homopolar generator ....
As I say RV was ment as a POWERSOURCE for the NOW FREE DOMAIN ECKLIN -
BROWN GENERATOR , AND I might feel honored if AlF uses it to drive
his disc interrupt generator and sells the units for profit ...as Any
other inventor can . Free energy is free why put a dammed leash on
it ? we need abundance not scarsity....
Interpret my words (Even if you think I sound like and arrogant SOB )
You will get wisdom....
From: "ARK Research" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sun Sep 28, 2003 12:16 pm
Subject: Re: Nodes: anti and otherwise, ie.a 90 degree sniff!
If you Charge a coil the moment you disconect it the pulse of the
magnetic collapse speed is determined by initial voltage, core(if
any) turns of wire and interwinding capacitance so VARIATING the
frequency variates the parameters also, look for its natural resonant
frequency ...Voltage will raise and fall in a cornu spiral ....
(see logaritmic dynamics of oxillatory decay in time..)
Plop!! Gurgle ! gurgle!
> If a coil is rated at 10,000 mh and I close a switch to put 10
volts in it, will the time still be the same for 100 volts? ie the
applied voltage does not change the inductance of the "stator" coil?
and or what happens if anyting regarding frequency range that I am
experimenting with around 200 - 1000 hz.
> Also if I may tap into your mind again for the maximum frequency
range I can expect using this push pull circuit I use with mild steel
bolt cores. It is really a pulsed dc system in alternating polarity
bursts and decays. So I am wondering what my max may be for these
things before I loose to much B field strength.. not so worried about
heat I don't think because of the low duty about 25-30%.
> Thanks Hector,
> ian
>Snap ! FLUSSSSSSHHHHHH!!galok! galok! blub!blub!
Re: another mikkel drawing
From: "ARK Research" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:54 pm
Subject: Nodes V& anty-node 90 degree Phase shift....(make it 180 deg)
If you see the LC tank as a SLIT in time and space its verry easily
to visualize the discharge dynamics of a collapsing magnetic field
Radiant wave emmision into space , an Optical slit is no other thing
than an equivalent of LC resonant pathway to light frequency ...
I think you can understand a bit better Why I insist in the Radiant
energy as being RF and RF being the Extraction and transformation
method for extracting ZPE from Aether region ...
Another hint (NEWMAN MOTOR ) ITS the same stuff! same RF rules but
ELF waves, Charge the pathway LC(SLIT), the spiral is defined ,let it
collapse the spiral collapses too BUT gains energy from time tensor
that is transfered to RADIATING FIELD WAVE COMPONENT ..(Radiant
Energy). difference? Transverter is opossed alternate method .
As you will realize power capture is linear to source but decouples
totaly at discharge cycle. current value becomes a voltage related
Virtual tensor (Immaginary ) as initialy is "0" (Null)
Keep this notes ,someday who knows? they might be worth money...
and fame... :)
give them good use...
Thanks !
Re: Nodes V& anty-node 90 degree Phase shift....(make it 180 deg)
The best resources I can give for RF theoretics are RADIO amateur
books and CIE training in FCC first class licence technician .
Re: Muller RLC circuit drawing
Its same as a reactance driven transverter dual LC voltage node
cancelling circuit ...
Re: Muller RLC circuit drawing
Built this one ,is different in nature but the principle (basic Law
of operation is the same ) also it might be easier to "TUNE" into
capacitor loading RESONANT STATES were circuit behaves like a optical
slit or waveguide element descripting A CORNU spiral within LC
character resulting in magnetic amplification from
components .... "gain"
For resonance stepped hiQ ladder discharges are the best mode to
Extract electron spin energy from collapsing magnetic core field .
but that is for advance stage R&D ...
(Magnetoatomic ferroresonance)
Re: Over Unity Confirmed Reed Switch simplicity
From: "koneheadx" <konehead@...>
Date: Tue May 25, 2004 8:48 pm
Subject: Hector speaks
>Hello Hector
> I was reading my emails when i came across a post
>from konehead. He has put together a three nib rotor
>with saddle coils in series repeated three times in
>parallel and came up with a total resistance of around
>36 ohms. He is measuring negative current out of it.
> The motor is like a muller ,gray,or a gary stanley
>Kone then made the following statement.
>"Hector Peres many posts back said that you need at
>least 36ohms in a
>Gray motor to get it to fucniton in self-run mode so
>looks like he is
>right once again."
>So i was wondering what is so special about crossing
>the 36 ohms threshold ????
And that usualy is avove 36 Ohms for 12V operation (48 Ohms might
optimal for conehead type motor ) for RV under LOAD is 52.1 ohms
properly tuned capacitor...
in regressing rotating field resistance turns negative and becomes
,current reverses back to source ..
We need only the people willing to do things right with the will to
in the future ..
Re: RV data ......
AT Q34.6 the decay is .09 of the signal then all you need to substain
a RADIANT energy signal is that .09 , in a system that contains
multiple elements decay becomes non- reflective upon loading as
resonant states are mantained this results in magnetic amplification
from the medium , stochastic amplification and thermomagnetic energy
transfer ,resulting in APARENT OVERUNITY (in true sense is OVERUNITY
due to transform ) in ferroresonance metal cores tend to LASE (laser)
but electromagnetically EASER modes a lower power pumping can result
in a mayor transfer from other energy realm ..
Keep this notes as in a near future this will be proven as a fact ...
free energy and ZPE is nothing more than ENERGY transformation ..
RV mode can be made small using 1Khz motors and inverters but
requires a hell of expertize, the more smaller the more expensive it
becomes to create ...
Re: Driving RV prime mover with compu-driven inverter
RVs are based in 3PH motors being wired to 460V and operated at near
1/4 the voltage 120VAC the HI impedance and 3RD phase generation
create a transformer alike operation were 1/10 power usage can be
attained at no load and in combination with reverse induction
alternator in 3PH LC semi-resonant tanks powet levels of 12 times
magnitude circulate within LCs this power is RESONANT & radiant in
nature as descripted by TESLA & E Gray ...
the big difference is that USING standard motors & parts same power
effects can be obtained as thoose as Teslas Amplifiying transmiter
tesla coil but on low voltage ,,,and E Gray COLD electricity can also
be obtained as to FULLY light a 220 lightbulb underwater with nearly
no VOLTAGE drop using the CURRENT NODE of the circulating standing
wave within the RLC circuit ..
RVs work well with MODIFIED sinewave inverters , but I dont recomend
compound sinewave ones .. like trace design they simply do not work
as RV is not friendly to frequency harmonics , reason it brakes at
over-speed in hi frequency as VOLTAGE tends to go infinite ... it
tends to shoot to next octave it dephases third phase angle and
brakes down as capacitor generates overvoltage at lower frequency
than input line .. becoming a solid conductor in an instant to hi
frequency signal from input equaling to a self induced short..
> -Are 3450 rpm motors ok to use? work fine !
> -Are 1-1/2 hp motors too weak? If so, what is the minimum hp so
that it doesn't get too expensive.
3HP is lowest HP, you can go HI speed and use 120cps to 450CPS region
but small becomes expensive as hi frequency motors cost more than
standard motors..
Depends on speed and rotor & stator mass and its particular impedance
& capacitor values you use to attain a hi RF (Radiant) energy Q
factor . variable speed inverter permits to find best performance
figures ... using stardard car alternators you can find their best
operation parameters by having variable speed primemover many PM
alternators are already OU at certain conditions ,they just need
better lower loss cores ... and to be operated at radiant energy
states .... at best performance speed .. friction mitigation and
performance parameters must be perfected .. remember NORMAN WOOTAN
PM alternators
I have better design but no R&D $$$$$$$ untill then primitive stuff
will have to do ...
> -If we use motor sizes that's different from your schematics, can
> you advise us of the capacitor/components values specific to the
> motor size we use. (I'm not well versed in resonance and 3PH
But they dont teach it yet at college so its a self learning thing
with a bit of my personal tutorial and common sense for the time
being, will be nice to have seminars and a place were to teach
this "big lab" and its aplications . aww $$ ?
> I'll try to read and understand your documents on resonance and
> concepts in the Files section. Maybe I can figure out what values
to use, but it will probably take me forever to understand. In
> otherwords, I'll need help. :)
> -How many people do you know have replicated your RV successfully?
and is only the begining ... for profit I have over 230 propietary
designs .. I am just waiting for the LAB and the money as others are
also waiting for the same joint effort support, once we begin money
will follow us werever we go ,Unity brings overunity ... The circuits
being tested by Rain and Raivo are esential for SOLAR COGENERATION
as will make low power solar cogeneration practical (instant
aplication). moving thoose old ineficient motors with a FAN still on
with 12VDC battery power definitely proves something even with no
alternator load , I think is generating 200W in OU noise with the
150W - 175W input already (Nice noise)! :)
> -Can I create anti-gravity/time distortions with an RV???? ;)
If you loop it under certain conditions yes.. you will have electron-
associated time space distorsion ... I dont recomend hi power
operation in this states just REMEMBER the Eldridge and stay away
from the men in black and "first contact " unless you plan to become
a God or end dead ..
> Thanks for reading through my questions.
Re: Self Exitation or "Negative Damping" in a Torsional Degree of Freedom
Thanks :)
Hector :)
Re: Inverter for RV
I have used 800W to 2500 W inverters and burned a few 300W ones in
runaway looping trying to eliminate the battery degradation problem
An RV geared to slow speed can move a train, a 3HP motor will deliver
more HP proportional to the inversed square of the increased
frequency so if you increase inverter frequency and shorten the
pulses more HP can be extracted per watt make that a variable 47
CPS to 470CPS definitely some motors will be better than others
even same model same make can have some differences that will pull
out a few more watts RV is perfect for runing solar powered tools
and others .... just be carefull and triplecheck everithing ....
A current relay may be used for starting RV caps for inverter use,I
recomend 10MEG Ohms bleed resistor in start capacitor as safety
ITS an ELECTRICAL equivalent as acustics LAWS aply to electric ones .
Overunity is TRANSFORMATION ..
Re: RV Bill of Materials
This motors are not well specified and they look as JUNK ...
Its important to choose right motors as I have posted many times ...
SEE motors with fan removed in file (Baldor 3HP 1725 RPM ..
Re: 2 more pictures of 12 vs 11 Gray motor
Take a 1 inch PVC pipe, orient its ends towarn N,S poles take an
string and a 4 onz weight you can slide up or down, tie string to top
of pipe swing it and adjust it to swing from east to west ..
Re: selfrunning
Looks like a joke but device works , its called quantum pendulum ..
well SCREW NSA screw goverment Screw religion and Screw Earth !
Re: selfrunning
mm Who needs quantum pendulums when you can have other safe
methods .. True, generators and rotating machinery shafts
are better oriented in a shaft north south orientation , if you go to
any motor machine shop you will notice big motor bearings are allways
worn in the gyroscopic pressure point earth rotation produces ..
rotor top must rotate toward rising sun (east ) and bottom toward
west ... its funny but you truly spare a few extra watts doing
that ... ( and lower your bearing maintenance cost ) stabilizing
earth on the way ..
A rotor spining that way also will weight less in relativistic terms
due to low virtual ballistic orbit and centrifugal vertors relative
to earth rotation and gravitic flux ..
Say Hurrah! 3 times for pseudoscience as Science cant live with out
its (love hate-relation) lol!
Hector :)
Re: searching for Douglas Mann - Bowman replication
Perendev Original SA PATENT never worked at all.... They are Cut and
pasting Bowman Tech in an atempt to predate a trade secret that never
existed disclosed at BOWMAN pes forum ... at a posterior date ...
Its Ugly !
Re: searching for Douglas Mann - Bowman replication
I dont think you got the point Its a farse ... untill they dont have
a LOADED working unit it goes nowere, A billion times I have said
that magnets degrade due to SOFT electron problem ,magnets
desintegrate under the Kapa stress generated by Elektron force
interaction within the torsion unvalanced fields .
But I will let it to time ... (I will truly like to see one on sale
at Sears .
on the Mafia Issues Ask Gloria Bolanos She was the first one that
told me Sterling was Badly related ... I did not believed her but
after all the tons of deceit I trust them no more and cant ignore
them either if they offered you something you can wait untill the
statue of liverty lowers her hand to receive it .. Ask Alf ...
all you will get is looking at your motor been sold to china or
something like that ..apearing patented under another persons
name ..
Re: Baldor Open Drip Proof
Big motor are not too eff in RV mode but is recomendable to recover
such beauty and use in a PM permanent magnet rotor experiment in Kone-
alike pulse motor mode switching the abc phases .. with dc pulses
to attain rotation and recover back EMP using 3 phase bridge
recovery circuit, it a pity not to take a chance and recycle the old
beast .. will sure outperform hand wound stator coils .. lines may be
reconfigurable to other modes. if it is 12 line delta wye ... its a
jewel to be taken ,,, can be used as generator with bio-diesel run
engine or hydro wheel as is only requires capacitors for self
exitation reverse induction run mode , can be run in RV alternator
resonant mode too driven by the bio-diesel motor .. or Hydro ..
Re: selfrunning motorgen project
Its simple, will require 0 expansion alloy can be taken from OLD
military or radio amateur tubes or old 10KW search light lamps or
xenon flash lamps,you do one side first then align and cap the other
the spring tension and time respond must be calculated also if you
want a NO or NC reed the blower has to leave a pipete for vaccum
pump if you use silver contact wett them a bit with a grain of
mercury as vaccum pump is on use hi voltage ARC for contact impurity
burn-up .. (low current as not to damage contact ) as it goes -
17.4psi (revise your local pressure altitude) meter must equal it
negative ...
then melt shut pipete and your 200A reed is ready for use !
Re: Question 4 Hector
As more RVs are built the more questions certain people will have to
answer .. No patents no bull no deceit ..
0 POINT energy is RESONANCE with an EXOTIC name and the ART of using
RESONANT NODES as GREY did is the way to tap it ...
Grey used the current NODES were voltage is 0 and current is maximal
such loads are measured in AMPERE load TENSOR value not voltage as
there is nearly none ,, AL (ampere load) , voltage "radiant" is
measured in Elektron Volt yes elektron with K as its potential is a
WAVE and not a mere particle. voltage with no current ..
Keep this notes in case greedy bastards want to patent this true OPEN
and free technology ..
Help keep it free .. publish your findings , aplicate it to your
daily uses ...
Re: selfrunning motorgen project
Use camera flash tubes as trigger, big light show ones use 5KV Use
light to pulse x100 solar cells to recover power ...
More answers 2 Question 4 Hector
> Maybe I can convert my 1-1/2HP Baldor into a PM alternator. It runs
> at 1725 rpm so I would need 8 NIB bar magnets placed in alternating
> polarity around the rotor. That would make it a 4-pole PM rotor,
4 pole is 2 S 2 N not 8 that is for 870 RPM motors * poles 4 s 4 n
poles .
2 poles = 3600 RPM syncronous to 60cps 4 poles 1800 rpm 8 poles 900
rpm stator must have same number of matching phase poles ..
3 poles 120deg for 2 rotor poles 6 stator poles for 4 rotor poles
Just be careful
> correct? So I would have to put the rotor on a lathe and gouge out
> room for the PM's. I don't know what you mean by Power Factor
> correction in regards to PM alternator...something only an
electrical power engineer would know?
will put out 100 times the power than a Bedini motor,electricity will
exert force at 90deg angles like a gasoline engine piston does to
shaft (simil) stator field will do to PM rotor... giving torque as hi
as a gasoline motor
Hector :)
Rv can tell you if it haves core loss at no load ..as it reflects to
source .. in inverse .618 proportion (Reverse dynamometer)
If there is ou be sure RV will tell you .... magnetoresonating it ?
it will go sky hi in power circulation .. if dephasing occurs say
goodby to magnets (will degause VTA style !)
Re: 460v RV hookup quesiton
Conglatulations ! Perfect !
There are 9 basic combinations you can use with motor alternator
aplications .. all of them for specific functions , after 3 phase I
might go to single phase COGENERATION aspects & power factor
correction for home use ( Might be usefull to get an sponsor to
develop this into an R&D Sales kits but first comes this step ..
Re: more quesitons on RV at 460v
He was refering To RF power all the time and RF is the ROOT of ZPE
as you truly will use either 0 current states 0r 0 VOLTAGE states
standing wave nodes within an standing wave in LRC circuit.
The notion that such POWER requires HI voltage tesla coil pulses and
cannot be archieved at LOW voltages is in total error ...
Just requires In vitro Testing as you are doing now and a very clear
mind to understand that this ENERGY just cant be plugged into a
primitive AC system, it requires a verry good dominion of the subject
and learning More of the motor that the Manufacturer knows about it.
Hector :)
but RV motor and ALTERNATOR are RUN DIFFERENTLY than descripted here
alternator is tailored to run loading LCs Windings in semy resonant
states and run in LRC with R being in Radiant energy node of an
standing wave.
Re: prony brake HP tests of shaft
Hector :)
Re: RV Prime Mover Up and Running!
this clamp meter is very versatile and cheap same I yse for RV 3
readings ...
They are relatively inexpensive and accurate , not lab quality but
compared to a $1800 Keithe meter the reading does not variate much
.001 VA that is cable conductive test lead variant (Cant ask for
that means with less than $75 dollars expense you can have primemover
and alternator reading simultaneous at near lab standards
Links repeated bellow (to avoid the truncating picture thing avove )
Re: RV Prime Mover Up and Running!
Re: Home for the RV
Let it roll free , then learn to tame its awesome force ...
Re: M1 final, corrected
Re: Going to test RV stuff
Don ... Get 3 to 7.5 HP as there 40% more eff than low core 1HP
over 7.5 HP you must go pure PM or EM rotor .. else your eff% goes
down again..
removable external fan motors are better to work with Any energy
saving one 84% eff and up 3 to 7.5 Hp 230/460 dual winding 9 wire
or delta wye combinable 12 wire 3PH motors//
184 TCH US motor frames are nice ... in 7.5 HP 3PH dual combo
ones in picture ..
Re: stochastic resonance phenomenon
If you loop required energy to sunstain input and extract the extra
into a reserve you got OU energy transform from the media .
For Mind amplification you can use amplitrons but thoose had to be
modulated using the evoked potential photon signature of the mental
form .. What you think you get but can be deadly (ask Bielek )
Montauk Was destroyed projecting an energetic T REX loopback into
the machine , jurasic park one looked pale compared to that ID
manufactured one shadow like projection.
You friend will get "visitors" if he uses the toys for nasty things
so tell him to avoid the 'hellraiser' dimensions .. of the
technology OK ! Knowledge is suposed to help humanity not end
screwing it brain dead... the good aplication is holistic healing
projecting energy to biological system for morphogenetic
regeneration using solar photon spectra (light) .
Re: Hello , were did everyone go
Ratio 1:10.458693
Thanks to you for the time effort and money you spended in
replicating with Faith the concept what now becomes for you fact!
The lab separates bullshit from truth, but only thoose willing to
work deserve the power truth brings, I feel hightly honored you
replicated RV finds ,definitely time effort and money was not lost
just invaluable knowledge was added to it ! pass it on ...
Looping is not Easy but is also a fact ,there are many ways to
archieve it ,the importance is to properly vector the Q gain factor
into the linear DC current input , this can be done using properly
matched transformers and LC -diode bridge rectification & plugs
Re: SUPER RV power test with oil filled cap
What hapens is the Rotor spins 2,3,4 times FASTER than the
fundamental field speed rotation the tibetan bell ring effect taken
to upper harmonics that is the REASON some RV models spin to self
destruction as they are looped ... Using smaller motors such effects
are harder to quantify and tune , you got it, you got it! just get
more MOTORS and try the same effect as not all motors create this
over-speed harmonic jump oscillation effect ... check with scope you
will find the harmonics artifacts.. check speed using RPM meter .
Also verify WELL the PLATE RPM speed and check ROTOR SPEED within
the INPUT frequency parameter to CHECK exactly an verify if indeed
your motor is operating at incremental harmonic condition..
and at what harmonic level frequency the phaseangles are
cycloconverting the input power and frequency, you got TESLAS
amplificating transmiter principle inside a motor ...
your findings will piss off some guys in hi places , but I dont give
a hoot , lets dance ! pass it on ! shove an RV shaft up petroleum
arse! magnates!
You still have no idea what RV is about .. but now I think you got a
hint !
Now you know why I told RV and Neck ties dont mix ! LOL!
Hector :)
Re: Kone's scary Haloween motor
> I have doubts whether it is possible for a 3-phase motor to stay in
> resonance with a capacitor of x-uFd if the inductance of the
> changes due to increase of current consumption by motor when under
> load.
That is WHY Tesla wrote .. the The source has to be TUNED to the
LOAD requirements , I think now it becomes clear what he ment with
that . If you TUNE to OU transform and LOAD to under OU you got
nothing gain! that is REASON VTA ,MEG fail to perform , why newman
got Stuck , why conzen motor was OU for a moment then detuned to
under ou again .. ALL the parts are VARIABLES withing the Q transform
aspects of resonant magnetic amplification .
> Add a 1 uF cap in parallel to the 40 uF. The add 3 uF in parallel,
> then 5, then 10uF, etc. What changes in no load and under full
> Put the two 40uF's in series to drop to 20uF, then add 10uF in
> parallel to get 30uF. Difference to 40 uF with no load + full
Re: amorphous metals
Hector ..
Re: RV now 19watts in
Remember you must tune motor again under intended load to get right
3 PH angle phases...
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:14 am
Subject: Re: Help: Generator core issues.
Recovery circuit:
Ask Araon kant about what the Chineese goverment did with the RV ...
Advice .. Stay thermal & low power with this devices , ask Bearden
if you want. Its just plain Science and needs to be perfected..
as we get better control of our egos ..
Hector :)
Re: use of ferros for RE
As you LEARN what ZPE is and the circuits MEANINGS you can CONVERT
any INVERTER to a ZPE device using pulselenght & frequency tuning
under a POSITIVE biasing modification .
Re: use of ferros for RE
Loading the sides A,C phase exteriorises and projects FIELD outside
transformer .. if Another LOOP is used it becomes a
magnetotransistor ...
use of ferros for RE
Re: RV test results
poles are held in place using non magnetic screw volts across
overextended sides 1 1/2 inch crossvolted across rotor to mantain
rotor valance ..
the Oval Rotary fiels generated by the 3PH rotating fiels relative
to PM are set at 90 deg Force vectors being 45% more effective than
any Bedini, Newman, or Minanto motor ever made ..
Hector :)
Re: use of ferros for RE
Triad Utrad
That my friends is the bird and the bees for Electron "relations"
Hector .. :)
Re: Reactor Core
You touch wire you get frozen fingers specialy at 1.6 megaherzt
operating frequency ... and yes this is same Original Hendershot
principle all you need is to get proper ratios .. zap it ! and it
starts to generate self oscillation ....
Hendershot hid secret in a bunch of unnesesary crap I decided to
Post it as the basics to generate RADIANT energy are OUT ..
In other Variation capacitors are eliminated from low L side but you
need to calculate the LOOPBACK Q gain multiplication Factor ,think
of this as a self fed looped Stochastic gain dielectric element
This will Switch the brains of many to "ON" states Just pass it
on .... you can use CAR Audio Amplifier toroids to do this ..
Finding the music that makes them sing .. ... The magnet feeds power
to the system as looped dual Class C linear amplifier ....
In this all hendershot disclosure on the Buzzer and magnet was CRAP
and DISINFO ...
So be carefull what you do with this toy ... The Feds may jump on
you ...
(I am just a sacred Cow ) With the Intent To Gore out NASAs butt !
just sharpening My horns ....
Hector :)
Testatica consist of a plastic or dielectric disc were alternate
charged capacitors are integrated as to rotate inside 2 isolated
plates leading to a HI voltage transformer were 2 wires take the
ac charge and rectify it to make system self Exited ...
With Testatika revealed now the Sinners can compete with the
christian communitys keeping it as a secret.
The magnets ,wires and all that Fancy stuff were EGO generated by
the inventor to keep the dam thing secret and complicated ..
Now Is Simple .. Consecrated in the Name of Jesus let it be free !
Sinners deserve free energy too ... (Gives them time for repentance)
Re: To: Raivope
I give a Bullshit proff WAY of testing this concept ...
Sorry but No one by the BOOK can tell me I am wrong here , just do
the numbers.. 2 identical CAPACITORS .... the one in the OUTPUT
has 1.618 Joules potential more than the initial charge .. Get that
you get OU ... HOW? "TUNING"
THERE you have ZPE ZERO "POINT" ENERGY but in reality is 1-0:1-0
10-10 one Hi zero low... You have 2 Zeros and 2 ONES!
First like RV "Refresh yourselves with the reading" you need to GET
OU, Next is find what are you going to do with it "aplications" .
Hector :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:16 pm
Subject: Re: Kone: BEMF removal to + of run battery.
Your intuition will take you farther than what you may ever
think ....
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:29 pm
Subject: Re: Kone: BEMF removal to + of run battery.
I forgot ... ROTOR PM N & S poles & can try to run in AC with
vectoring capacitor ..
Your cores may heat up so watch for burn outs .. (use Transformer
laminate if they do overheat )
This will prove RV and bedini are working under the same
phenomena ...
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Fri Oct 1, 2004 4:30 am
Subject: Re: Kone: 5ma motor.
> Remember, Adams said three decades ago that simple versions of his
> machine would be about 108% efficient! Sounds about right doesn't
> it!!!
> Cheers for now
> Bill.
I no longer question the existance of overunity I just wonder how
humanity will use it ...
On the TV thing is not hear and say Like you did I endorse people
to try dumping TV for a month and cell phones to the trash or parts
recyling bin ..
FACT: Wireless "lap" top will cook your NUTS well done and sterile
in a few days use .. It was in CNN news A guy burned his Penis
that way ..
2.4-2.8 GHZ Oven 2.450 GHZ Right in water heating & cooking
spectra !
Dont believe me ? Buy a microwave oven leakage meter and see for
yourself ... if you bought a new wireless lan and started to feel
more stupid lately now you can trace the source ... put the darn
meter near the antena it will slam it to RED zone ... !
Thanks .
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Fri Oct 8, 2004 3:42 pm
Subject: Re: squirrel cage motor as an A.C. generator
Then What comes OUT OF IT! LEMON JUICE ? (Sorry was not able to
resist the Joke ... But every meter and scope says it is AC tastes
like AC looks in the Scope like AC , (It Must be AC) :P
Yes it can be used as I have RUN OTHER MOTORS WITH IT you need a
Final LC network as in CB radio final to transfer NON- cancelling
power to OTHER INDUCTIVE devices.
What are you triying to do ??? If you are trying to HOOK direct
RADIANT ENERGY to HOUSEHOLD your RV will just fart BLOOD and die!
HOUSE wiring you can cogenerate power into your house lowering your
POWER bill providing KVA to your house ,from solar aeolic & others .
If it does not work check the wiring combination and the motor
itself ,if no reason can be found use as boat anchor as rewinding
may be more expensive than buying used good one at Ebay ..
That is the advice I give ,trying to find a solution why your unit
does not work for you as you like?... What you want? what it does?,
device limit , can it do it ? no? then find another alternate path
solution to your needs. yes? then aply it to your needs .
Hector :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sat Oct 9, 2004 3:07 pm
Subject: Re: 3vs4motogen now 1.2W motor@ 5000rpm
I will realy feel happy for you to loop the beast and just see the
faces of some people out there ... HAHAHA! HEHEHE LOL! you can take
your motor now to Q12 modes standard Bedini motor will be a FART
near it ..... you have 10X power now .
Re: Kone: 5ma motor.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVGRAY/files/A1 Genesis.zip
The ALUMINUM CORE atoms are teleported from the UNIT & fixed in BODY
water molecules so PURE TITANIUM must be used or alternative IRON
enclosure (low remanance) to prevent HEALTH hazard, coil operates
better in enclosed no humidity atsmosphere , H stands for HEAT .
I opted for Half Sacred Cow half God, the rest is survival LOL! ;)
Hope the Files are Usefull they were in the files section sinse
08/03/2003 ( I wonder if it means something ? )
Hector :)
Re: Kone: 5ma motor.
-- 1.618 = PHI = Golden Mean ....
Re: RotoVerter in a Vacuum chamber
Good ideas.. :)
Magnetic bearing :
Hector :)
Axial RV for AC operation
Its a bit complex but if set in this way a capacitor may be added
and operated in AC if the cores can hold up to it cores must be for
AC ...
System will try to detune as rotor recedes in negative time but the
next coil will aquire the field in atraction mode were the FIELD
from the magnet regauses it aporting energy to Core & coils ..
Verry important DETAIL as capacitor coil relation determines the best
RESONANT path of charge
from the Magnetic regions to ELECTRICAL ones L + C is LC that must be
seen at HALF sinewave in a resonant logaritmic charge were CAPACITOR
energy is measured in JOULES at its maximal charge potential .
Again turn to the importance of TUNING , that is why some Bedini motors
work fine and others do not, magnet intensity is another parameter were
weaker magnets may work better than more powerfull ones , its the Parameter
relation of all the componets that makes the OU phenomena to manifest
Match this and the system will self run , eliminate all loss .
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:44 pm
Subject: Re: Hector - If RV is O/U
Comments on RV :
Multiplication Factor in a tuned circuit is 1.618 (OU) x Delta Q
factor X 1.732 ...
And who cares if its OU or not, its the best R&D tool you can find
to reverse dynamometer generators with ... 94% Eff "RAW"
The only question is OK you have OU and radiant energy what are you
goin to do with it ?
Your need to learn to use it ....
in power savings regions alone is worth the effort.
Re: Hi Kone,
Re: Hector - If RV is O/U
Comments on RV :
Multiplication Factor in a tuned circuit is 1.618 (OU) x Delta Q
factor X 1.732 ...
And who cares if its OU or not, its the best R&D tool you can find
to reverse dynamometer generators with ... 94% Eff "RAW"
The only question is OK you have OU and radiant energy what are you
goin to do with it ?
Your need to learn to use it ....
in power savings regions alone is worth the effort.
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:15 pm
Subject: Re: Muller Motor and black sand
Common Earth is 23% Iron,red earth has more of it use a plastic bag
over a magnet & pick it up wash it with water to separate detritus ..
Nice stuff you can pick anywere ,keep my notes as I posted this in
1987 and is already forgotten O_o ??
Darn !
How to solidify ... dissolve styrofoam in cheap gasoline or paint
thinner until thick as honey mix with iron powder and let it
solidify to a hard plastic inside a proper mold .
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 4:22 am
Subject: ON various things (important) (repetition) ultspospoulakk
Send Email
Invite to Yahoo! 360º
Kone ....
If you take apart a 3PH air condition motor you can rewind the
stator more easy (as it uses no paint or epoxy) into a bifilar
3PH hi impedance , built a PM rotor as to have at anytime
a 90deg vector atracting PM rotor POLES toward EM stator ones .
as this are aproached the PM field being stronger will add energy
to EM coil and CHARGE battery or capacitor suplying it ...
Factor to attain OU are .. Firing 3 rotor coils in proper relation
to atraction angle mantaining the PM induced VOLTAGE leading battery
current (reversing it ) - 0 current goes to "0" = <0..
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 2:37 pm
Subject: Re: Questions to Hector(RV & Teleportation)
> How small is the window for correct cap values for creating a
exact standing wave within 2 light bulbs, both 500 watt?
That is why I specified KNOWN AMPERE LOAD were the USE of EXACT
amperage is required else thermal overrun will blast the bulb to
bits or melt filament . if LC is 8 amperes 263 V use 2000W lightbulb
for 230 VAC then adjust cap for drift ..
you are welcome , and thank to you for taking the time and expense
to experiment in this line of R&D .
Post your pictures here ... :) you definitely have a verry usefull
tool in your hands now , just be carefull with the "looping" as
it will take you to other realms of science ....
Energy savings aplications are much safer for life & health
Hector :)
Re: ON various things (important) (repetition)
On cars you can think whatever you want but they will be what they
are and your opinion does not take a bit from the reality (CAR )
Be sure to take your Nitro pills with you in case of a hart attack ..
Not too many persons get to know me personaly but some Know me sinse
they were kids and I was not even born yet ?
Start Time traveling and meet me in the year 2125 ( try to stop me)
I was there already .. Try altering my life , is futile I remember
all timelines as if it were a movie with alternate beginings &
endings, definitely I pity Bielek Tesla & Doctor Brown .
What mess they created giving this technology to NASA and its
corporate mafia goons ...
911 is a PARADOX in time just remember the MOVIE that was Uploaded
here some time ago the one CIA denies so much as a hoax .
The things I posted in JLN groups BEFORE 911 regarding to 911
the things I posted about the SUN .. why the WTC towers resonated at
11 cycles per second and why they collapsed by incremental linear
resonance .. what was there related to TIMETRAVEL its relation to
A.C.I.O and USG proyect T.A.S.M.I.N and UK proyect T.A.R.D.I.S
And simply dont forget that reality can be worst than fiction .
Hector :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 4:55 am
Subject: Re: ON various things (important) (repetition)
Then you can built a PM RV and do the same with standard frame motor
I had being mentioning POWER factor for more than 3 years and is
super interesting that the only one able to replicate this was
kone , that definitively proves that plans & explanations are
nothing compared to in hand lab experimentation and a little
help & divine inspiration from avove . (Awesome)
Enjoy the info ... Copy the Mag info stuff avove and keep ,
keep it unpatented and free domain.. post wherever you want
but refer to ARK as source and Demo model origin to kone.
Hector :)
Re: ON various things (important) (repetition)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:52 pm
Subject: Re: ON various things
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:49 am
Subject: Re: ON various things (important) (repetition)
Hector :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:14 pm
Subject: Re: ON various things (important) (repetition)
You take R off, suply farts & goes dead or simply burns out ..
Hector :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:51 am
Subject: (repetition)on repetition from repetition :P (Answers)
I had being explaining this for more than 5 years in the net but
Newman , Bedini & Newman stated I was wrong insisting more on magic
and far out unpractical aether theoretics than sinking their feet on
the Grapes of a more down to earth Electromagnetic dynamics to
squeeze juice out of OU phenomena ..
The Answer then is simple if M field Poles are alike Battery but the
CONNECTION is INDUCTION then the ROTARY capacitor machine in RV
mode of operation CONVERTS the MOTOR magnetic ROTOR into a VIRTUAL
ROTARY BATTERY ( again ) ( POWER factor correction ) KVARS being
fed to rotating Field of stator cores ( No diode needed) as long the
M field is leading the M stator rotating FIELD ... Whatever
switching method or commutation used it is the same (virtual
Kone was the First ( I am glad ) I just hated how the people in JLN
treated him like shit instead of inspiring him to learn and prosper
cultivating his intuitive & creative abilitys .
The last shall be the first ....
Reference :
KEEP this notes This is Public Domain info From ARK Research
All patents & technology on rotary capacitors converters had
expired aplying RV effect does not constitute right to patent as
ROTOCONVERSION RV effect is a free DOMAIN aplication to such
machines mode of operation in OU states.
Hector :)
Re: RV Question
So he may be able to construct such " device " using standard non-
magnetic SS pipe stock .. (Another radiant energy project)
This Equates TESLA COIL primary without the spark and massive hi
voltages but with same RF "capacity" for pulse operation, RV reverse
induction is simil to the finger in the wett glass cup trick exept
is done by electricaly augmenting the signal instead of mechanical
acustic mean .
I had no other choice than to give this the way I had done and
without the dedication of people efforts to replicate the
experiments it might just still be an useless paper posted as a
curio in an internet page, so Humanity owns a debt of gratitude to
thoose taking the first step, without you the RV potential might
have remained unknown and I might already be dead.
Re: (repetition)on repetition from repetition :P (Answers)
In AXIAL motors there is allways a 90Deg aproach to the pole
call it "sidewinder aproach" (like the snake), its just perspective
relative as how you see the 3d construct and the way M field
interacts but same LAWS aply to all types of rotary machines
its just some are more eff using force vectors and fields than
others .
The Strong M field will Induce power in the smaller M field
atracting it that power can manifest in POWER correction alike form
or as a POWERFULL CEMF pulse (EASER) but definitively the WAY to
transfer magnetic energy is made by 5 basic means Mechanical
movement, induction , modulation , radiation (RF) (Electronic)
transformation,transformers .
More FOOD !! for the inventive spirit ... :P"""""" Drolll! DRIP!
Enjoy !
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:11 am
Subject: Re: New file uploaded - Battery Protector Voltage Drop Measurement Circuit
IN ZPE radiant modes WIRE METAL DENSITY & MASS are significant ,
if using inverter as a sample every transistor capacitor DIELECTRIC
value of insolation and heat sink compound must be calculated
current frow by EACH wire measure must be identical distance and E
field of each path must be measured ...
Hector :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:12 pm
Subject: Re: New file uploaded - Battery Protector Voltage Drop Measurement Circuit
Hector :)
Re: spark gap (was RV Question)
Hector :)
ON Computing Analog Digital AI
> Hi Hector,
> Yes, there are drawbacks to using floating point. Scaling input
> to the range where the transformation of input data to
> logarithmically derived analog values represented as floating
> numbers between +1.00000000 and -1.00000000 (not 0 or 1) is a
> somewhat cumbersome procedure.
Its every time after the next 8 bit in that subdivision
.88888889 is death of the math chip emulation range the
checksum bug adds up , so like using 3.141592742 as true
value to calculate circunference using 12,000 poligons
becomes an imposibility with current ereditary design flaws of
********** ( Dont ask why Nasa ships crash )
This Systems "restrictions" realy Suck !!! I was called crazy when I
predicted the Use of CD-RW as the next floppy disk replacement what
they will call me if I predict next replacement will be near
indistructible 10 terrabite glass marbles? .... Diamond or alumina
zaphyre coated ...
Hector :)
Re: spark gap and standing wave
Water hammering?? ... Why not electron hammering ..??? atom thermal
pumping !
On the Stochastic thermal transfornm that has being the issue all
this time ATOMS gravitic flow is a type of energy transformation
were the gravitic flux is transformed to MAGNETIC electron spin
force within the atom , THERMAL energy plays a big part here also
its energy is transfered to electrical realm , VTA ,meg and other
ZPE state run devices cool down as they work in tuned modes .
Everithing Stated here can be proven ,but we have to deal with the
economic greed and interest that go against it .
But first current art must be perfected , you cant get free energy
from something that wastes 90% of it ( Standar non-loaded motors)
or prony braking it to death ( detuning ) , low impedance
magnetically mismatched power generators 57% EFF ....
So importance here is to create OU STATES ( Radiant Energy)
"already done" in RV alternator ,then use this energy in aplications
understanding it intrincate effects and phenomena ..
If someone wants to foot the bill & abide by game rules just let me
know ... I am open for posibilitys ... ^_^
Hector :)
From: "koneheadx" <konehead@...>
Date: Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:23 am
Subject: Re: spark gap and standing wave
Hi Ronald
Re: Muller motor tests
Eric in fact if you add up in 3Phase book rules to one phase multy
phase conversion you will get OU from capacitor phase KVAR
generation and other effects related to rotary fields i had
mentioned before.
In PM modes HP can EXEDE the non PM original motor power 10 fold and
100 fold using Frequency control & pulselenght control.
Every time I had answered the same Psy ops intervention in various
forums and the darn thing pops up like a turd that stubornly refuses
to be flushed down. Go to Keely Net , A darn Floater !
Re: RV Patented?
YESS if your motor draws 175KW at start they bill you for 175KW
average USE !!!
(Screwd) ??! (Yes)! To them your ignorance is Bliss ! as they rob
your money blind ...
Hector :)
PM Motors (OU)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:34 pm
Subject: Re: Help understanding Reactive Power
Power Company penalizes you for POWER factor, the corrected meter
is a falacy, its AMPS volts relation, the more amps the more you pay
the worst the voltage line loss the more screwd $$$ you get as your
PF figure kills your motor performance and AMPS go up . (you Pay)
ON DC pulsemotor relation:
Enjoy :
Hector :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sun Dec 19, 2004 7:46 pm
Subject: Re: RV Patented?
The ROTOR field emulates "theoreticaly speaking" a capacitor
Rotary condenser
now you know Why your voltage increased to OU, you transfered POWER
from the virtual rotary capacitor to the Smaller temporaly static
one (Magnetized coil) and back to source "battery".
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:41 am
Subject: Re: RV and resonance
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:17 pm
Subject: Re: RV and resonance
You can use dual polarity TV alike voltage multiplier circuit ...
For the descript you make you need incremental frequency shifting
to acomodate the frequency change due to energy level change, self
tuning as power increases and accumulates toward infinity .. such
condition will create HEAT and tolerates no resistance so
superconducting cryogenic LCs become nesesity .. still there is a
limit were field will collapse matter to a TORUS and destroy the
machine so the field structure has to be predetermined as to
fabricate L to tolerate structural stress vector forces and
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sat Dec 25, 2004 3:19 pm
Subject: Re: RV and resonance
> So the PM-alternator version seems to be much more efficient than
standard 3ph motor. I have 14 neo's, but they are very small ( 2 x 1
x 0.5 cm) and some with 1 cm diam. and 0.5 in height...more toys
than usefull parts.
> Furthermore effort for me is much higher using PM alternator,
because an other housing is needed too.
> So I will try parallel caps version with standard alternator.
Or use 2 bearing EM rotor generator as MOTOR ....
> *******
> Remember AETHER energy is contained in the alightment of atoms
> creating the MAGNETIC field flux that acts as simil of electron
> emanating from opposed 2 hi voltage sources ,,
> In atom we have horizontal electron spin,as they align magneticaly
> the spiral flux of gravitic aether flow toward the center of atom
> mass imparts its energy to electron spin orbit and atom spin orbit
> "Electron rotation" and mantain Electron Orbit energy level , the
> internal spin of NUCLEAR FORCE then transfers the gravitic tensor
> means of transformation to 4D VERTICAL tensor were it flows as N S
> pole magnetic + - Delta Vectors AETHER flow ,this can be seen as
> subparticles as VITRON & wavicles are discovered by science in a
> near future were energy is seen as transformation phenomena in a
> wide gama of forms (9 to be specific ) , this concepts start to
> deal with Elektron transform witch cover basic current knowledge
> electricity (first one) ( 8 more to go . )
> ********************
> Ok, hard stuff.
> Theory about electron spin (electron self-"rotation"
and "rotation" around
> atomic core ) and resulting magnetic fields I know.
> I do understand the written as followed:
> The alignment due an extern magnetic field causes a shift in
> energy-arrangement in atom. Atom is able to transform the gravitic
> (the stress in gravitational field) to a magnetic field or the
> But what is ment by "4D Vertical tensor"?
> I know the basic idea of energy transformation, tesla already had
(I don't know whether he wrote it down that direct) .
As there are 3 primary colors from basic white and 3 subcolor mixes
there are 3 manifestations forms for every form of energy and 3
mixed forms of them , every 2 interacting forces creates a third
this third transform the initial 2 into a triad manifest ..
x,y,z, this create 4d tensors delta , Epsilon and gama transfering
projection from vertical to horizontal transdimensional plane the
nautilus spiral "logaritmic " defines this verry well as the dual
spiral projections of the sunflower form projecting from the center
of the flower .. (The answers are all written over in nature )
thoose reading the book of nature get the answers much faster.
Ditto , Hector :)
> If ether affects the force between 2 charges, and we have the
possibility to control ether density, it would be easy to fill a cap
under "low aether density"-conditions (small forces between
charges), letting the aether density come back (force between
charges would increase) and after them
> heaving energy surplus in cap, related to energy used for filling
the cap.
the virtual "BALL" can be Space or "Plasma" Were the Aether tensor
energy cophased to the modulation will transfer it energy to LC
media (Stochastic resonance ) VTA magnetic latching did that in
Resonant LC condition ...
> > Stochastic resonance is the current academic name for such
phenomena of thoose related to OU transform.
> I know this topic from RF, but it's not the same.
> If a signal which is to weak to pass a medium, a small amount of
noise may help. But signal is not boosted, just lifted, now able to
overjump barriers. Due random noise offset the barriers quasi does
shrink "virtually". Passing the medium is now easier for the signal.
> But at OU you does occur a signal boost.
But the greedy Bastards will not give it to you, they will say its
Expensive unpractical, Yep! as any computer chip ... "Expensive
unpractical specialy if they give free energy ..
> Sould be something like using the small range in electron spin,
> electron magnetic direction "clicks" from parallel to antiparallel
or vice
> versa, just due a small "dip", like kicking the first domino.
Hector +ô+
> Cheers!
> Ronald
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Wed Dec 29, 2004 10:41 am
Subject: Re: Question for Hector : Phase Converter
Torque goes dramaticaly up as PM rotors are used and 3PH windings are
switched to provide field rotation ( 3 ph frequency controlled AC
inverters can be used for this adapted to 120V to drive hi impedance
winding 460VAC wired ones ,
(Interesting ) .
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Wed Dec 29, 2004 11:42 am
Subject: Re: PM rotors
3600RPM 2 poles
1800RPM 4 poles
you can never do that with a conventional run AC motor exept by using
expensive electronics power management,OU gets lost in the management
itself .. .
Hector ^_^
But life Sucks ! who will make them with the proper 0 drag at max
RPM design at No load , with scammers reaming all posible R&D money
,the answer is never.
I always asked myself why some people pointed their rear ends at the
sky and tried a proyectile crap shot at divinity ...
Advisable to check wiring and connections If you are unlucky and get
a lemon, convert it to boat anchor ( is the only advice with junk
motors .. ) getanother one, choose better motor and or better
advisor ..
Hector :)
Re: Question for Hector : Phase Converter
NOTE 460VAC 1 phase motors will work as RV motors also (they are
rare but exist in military surplus type .. Starting capacitor must be
OIL and split into start and Run switched values , not as powerfull
as 3PH ones but will demostrate same hi impedance effect runing at
120V ac 60CPS
Re: Replicating a Testatika...
Snip !
> the counter rotating static acryllic discs with the aluminum foil
> sections on them both and a step down transformer.
Re: Found 60HP motor (for Hector)
Thanks !
Let me see if post does not Skew 132 lines right ...
Re: Found 60HP motor (for Hector)
inner pipe must equal outer pipe mass (exact weight ) lenght must
match wavelenght ACUSTIC sub harmonic of 60CPS or any of its higher
harmonics .. ( BITCHY =_= ) but nessesary (aluminum OK ) I think I
uploaded schematic some days ago .. Inner pipe must be emmiter,
outer pipe collector Same as Egray tube but no spark gap outside
pipe is tapped at ends to get power the pipes are isolated, inner
pipe forms part of motor LC tapped at ends .
Re: exchaging alternator (was RV and resonance)
> At direct linking of 2780 cps motor and 945 cps alternator it
should be
> possible to attain higher Q's due higher resulting frequencies.
> A read last postings about homopolar transformator.
> Just a question (or two):
> Inner cylinder is emitter. Length of both cylinders is a
subharmonic of
> wavelength. Seems to be very hard to tune for 50/60 Hz because
length of
> cylinders will be far away from real wavelength mostly.
hiting them at the end hanging as pipe bells not hard , just cut
piece bit by bit until you hit basic or harmonic ..
> And one thing...in earnest:
> ...better no publishing, if a device is looped, although someone is
just a small light without big influences?
There are many ways to transfer power and that is one, done non
reflective is critical ...
But the way there is not easy , a lot to understand in vitro first ..
Re: exchaging alternator (was RV and resonance)
You just steal a bit of it and use it for your power needs ..
> By the way, I moved my RV next to my oscilloscope ( a cheapy 2ch
> Can I use this to "see" the back flow of power to the source, and
how would I do it?
Well you can see Phase relation if it can read 120V ac in any 2
phases or read current and voltage phases to measure power factor
(In unity PF they match phase perfectly.) in resonance they must be
90deg apart that is FULL LOAD lock but as RV rotates it goes
broadband as toward infinite resistance as ROTOR impedance recedes
from stator rotary field in a Hyper broadband semy resonant state
as non reflected power to source until it hits natural synchronous
rotation impedance limit were it cant recede further (Aquired
Rotation stage ).
Re: What's going on?!?!
The problem with OU is the human mind is full of shit with it and
hard in need for a mental enema ...
Re: RV tuning-sparky thing
remember as you are near resonance you are dealing with Extremely
LOW radio WAVES ... no longer mere utility AC ...
More "In Tesla HV primary LC coil alike waves mode " (Resonant)
You got it , now you need to get down to detailing of all the
factors within semy-resonant & resonant states .... as you can
operate in thoose modes ...
Hector ^_^
Re: RV tuning-sparky thing
Try testing one leg A,b as you get familiar with tuning you can use
the other legs , remember you rig has unique parameters , you must
seek the best optimal ones , this was answered already but I comment
your post anyway ..
Hector :)
Re: PMRV photos
Want to see how normal motor windings compare to home made ones with
rod cores ...
Amen !! ^_^
Hector :)
Re: RV cascade
Using ferroresonant transformers is better ..... one resonant LC
drives other higher Q ones with frequency multipliers ,,
RV will be more difficult to tune ... but same can be done with
either system ..
Re: Konehead : Material questions for pulse motor
Kone take motor to syncro speed first then switch on ... use lower
voltage as motor Impedance may be much higher that with normal rotor
or just pulse run it as if it were a "normal" Pulse motor with DC
PM rotors at this stage are Basic , optimal must be full face poles
for better impedance match , m field must be also properly
calculated as for best stator core saturation with minimal drag ...
Re: Disc motor
A 3hp motor spun at 15,000 RPM hits 30 HP and the label does not
tell it ....
Nearly all engineers still think a 3Phase motor cant be run from
120VAC 60CPS ... using only capacitors.
What a DAY !
Hector ^_^ !
with a "sleved" rotor and Hi speed bearings able to hit 24,000 RPM
it can put 100HP on shaft used as "electric turbine"
Re: red ships and water
Re: green water
1000 times stronger than diamond ...... That is for Starts ....
But that is a point were science becomes more magic that people can
realize ...
Not For this time or age .... exept for a few ....
Re: green water
Using Infrared Sensor camera you can detect so called bio implants
and remove them , but whats the use ? Up to date I see no group
challenge this .... not anyone with the monetary and logistics to
fight it ...
(Not even for alternate energy ) much more less slavery ...
Re: 3PH trafo
My fight has being allways that if people want OU they must seek Hi
perfection in the energy transformation mechanics , resonant
circuits are just tools to aquire states of Hi eff energy
transformation , OU becomes a byproduct of such effort , everytime
you experiment with resonance and Q aspects you can seek for the
Sweet point , that Special condition were the combination of
Reactive and capacitive components create the best Q lowest loss
condition , Trying like RV Using Off the Shelve items is verry
interesting , I resonated LOW LOSS 3PH 75 kilowatt transformers in
Mema experiments at intensity to levitate soda pop cans placed in
top of them using fewer than 100W to exite such ....
Single phase utility transformers have some magic in them also ...
Some give verry HI Q transform as taken to Hi voltage resonance .
Relation: Core mass, coil turns, capacitance look for its Natural
best resonating point , is usualy were the best Q is , try
harmonics ! usualy some transformers can resonate in harmonics this
being tend fold in intensity to basic exiting frequency , in
standard practice this is seen as loss , but if done intentional can
be a source of energy multiplication ..
Hector :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Thu Feb 3, 2005 5:52 am
Subject: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ..... Ping - pong looper.
The Flash camera circuit generates 350 volts from 1.5 VDC
battery ...
STROBE CAPACITOR USUALY 350vdc 22uF ( capacitance can be
decreased to shorten strobe pulse time ) and increase rate ....
The Party Strobe light becomes our "Coil wacker" circuit, the
original variable controls the strove rate within the capacity your
Inverter - motivator haves to charge it .
This simple off the shelve Thingy can wack a transformer primary
with a good jolt, only place primary in series to xenon strove and
source Grownd .....
Disposable camera may go for $12, for free if you hunt photo shops
trash bins , the radio shack strobe from $19.95 to $79.95 depending
on model ( hunt for them in Pawn Shops and garage sales ( $1 to
$10 _) is common sale tag price ... or look in the trash as students
graduate at year end ... ( They Usualy throw away all their kinky
stuff incruding wild sex party strobe lights ... (new !) ...
this controls flash rate and intensity .... your coil in series to
it and ready to bang some joules into its core !!!
B+ Source , coil , Xenon bulb Reverse IKV diode across bulb then
Grownd ..
Anyway is simple stuff you can all make with a bit of common
sense ..
OPPS! if you remove battery and it keeps flashing you know you got
OU !
To the spooks...
Built one with the public info ... If you cant turn it off that is
your problem ...
thanks ....
Enjoy !
Hector :)
Re: 3PH trafo
Answers within Text :
> I do ask because I have here an older russian 3PH trafo I'm
playing around
> with.
> Very nice one(3 of the whole 6 coils with 5 connections)...Many
> Till now I tried to resonate outer coils (in series), with
different caps, pulsing center coil.
> I'm not sure, but I think I found the saturation point.
Rotate this field to enclose the field within the transformer core.
> I had the osci connected to secondary LC. Timing via computer.
> I tried long off-time and tuned just the on-time, till I found a
> where back-EMP was maximal (if on-time is just a little bit
longer, back-> emp decreases rigorous).
> More than 250 Watt ringing while 90 watt drawing from 12V battery
seems to be impossible.
the Side lodes R/2 Ix2 were Center amperage B phase x 2 times
A , C phases current and A,B voltage is V = V/2 as A,B phases are 90
deg from center C phase instead of 120 deg required in 3 phase
relation ... so being in Phase relation is (V1+V2+V3/3)x 1.732 = VT
Its that publicly I had not go too deep on it ... Like RV is taken
as Imposibility untill you demostrate it in vitro and someone
replicates .. This works , and atracks the wolves jumping on us .. ,
I try to go for "invisible aplications" to keep petrol mafia
away ////
Contain the Rotation Increase the "Q" Resonance gain EFF goes
up .
^_^ !
Re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ..... Ping - pong looper.
Usualy pulse litics are WELD ended low impedance ... the FULL metal
strip is welded at spiral ends this lowers internal strip impedance
inregularitys reducing broadbanding . .
normal litics are strip connected and have power stealing internal
Impedance diferences in the strip coiling , OU is lost and TOTALLED
in this as energy is broadbanded and lost in wide spectrum
frequency (low Q )
Re: [EVGRAY] 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ..... Ping - pong looper.
Re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ..... Ping - pong looper.
Perfect !!! This is it ! part 1 look now for Tandy party strobe
lights ! 120V AC ... a few mods and eureka! New toy !! ^_^ ! Coil
banger supreme !
thaNNNKKKSS !!! ^_^ !!! pERFECT ! Will Upload naked circuit next ..
Re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ..... Ping - pong looper.
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Fri Feb 4, 2005 5:06 am
Subject: New file uploaded to EVGRAY Plasmatron X
That means if you remove Source inverter battery, system will keep
on flashing aquiring its energy from core transformation , as it
feeds back to capacitor ...
After you get it right the only problem that you have is what you
are goin to do with it ..... o_O ???
Thanks !
Hector :)
Re: resonance and tuning
As posted here , the components play a mayor role if you see graphs
the pulse is narrowbanded as well as the LC response to it being Hi
Q so Capacitors play important role ..
ADD plug recovery design to this , split C & feedback minimal power
to substain Source charge ...
For the Guy with a 2x4 desk and an aparment closet as lab is more
practical to work with small simple concepts than 175 pound motors.
The things I know I try to take into Standard off the shelve
components and hardware so everyone can experiment within their
economic restrictions , I just like to kick the system face showing
anyone can get OU from others peoples trash ...
Try it ....
Hector :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Fri Feb 4, 2005 10:38 am
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to EVGRAY Plasmatron X
The simplest is to buy a 120AC strobe from radio shack and drive it
from the hi voltage diode end of the camera flash inverter to the
strobe capacitor, Schematic points are polarized and color marked ,
so its no big problem to integrate using them .
Hector :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Sun Feb 6, 2005 9:09 am
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to EVGRAY Plasmatron X
If you refer to the diode yes , as the Xenon bulb Cuts off...
COIL or core power will drive from the negative of diode Return
to the positive of capacitor B+ across coil ends + - .
Idea is Xenon drives coil with its plasma pulse to OU & reversed
diode recovers Back EMP and refeeds to capacitor , neon in series to
diode is optional ... can be used to step-reeboost power into Coil
as it feeds back to capacitor like Bedini motor alike aplication.
Little simple devil .... ( bitchy to tune ) but easy to make ...
Once OU it will keep on flashing forever . Like kone self recharging
capacitor in his motor But here the capacitor charge defines trigger
firing so it can be self regulated, caring not to Pulse dephase it
firing off phase (As It dies off ) or in charging interval "gunning".
giving sharp noise ping in tube (can even explode it if Q is
extremely hi and dies OU killed "kaput" !.
The pulses are verry obnoxious even inside a faraday cage locked
inside a safe ... the fast TICnngggg .TICnnnggg... drives anyone
This puts Megajoules E field as RF ELF waves out into the AIR
(Aether) ... Its a powerful device for its size .
Simple But " Intense " Just try to shield well from "eyes"
Faraday "cage" for it ... got it ringing ? just be wise what you do
with it ... the problem is not getting OU , but what you are goin to
do with it after you get it ...
Will be hard to remove 300 billion xenon tubes flashers from market
and supress this ... :P
Hector :)
Note: A big Soda cracker can can be used as a shield but AIR in it
will increasibly heat due to Xenon flash pulse, can be a fire
risk ...
KEEP this posting ! VIN ( VERRY Important Notes ) copy plans and
keep ... Give to others, teach others to do it ....
Other circuits are posible , even charging and using 12VDC car
battery , but I reveal as group learns and people steal the stuff
already posted and spread it like a virus .
I gave Carlos Avila some FL non looped 1.5 emergency light ill
uminators ....
Thanks :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@...>
Date: Mon Feb 7, 2005 9:45 am
Subject: Important Raivo Info add on (VIP)
(very good site and good explanation that trigger coil creates up to
Interesting that in camera there is a coil of so many turns probably.
Re: More RV questions:
Want free energy ? get diesel engine , redesign injectors for WATER
using modified hi pressure garage pumps..
Hector :)
Re: double pulse and recyled backemf/recoil
total value = 1.618 OU from that discharge the .618 and leave the
ORIGINAL CHARGE .. use whatever is over that for whatever you want .
Other permutations are posible ... Remember , joules energy is
defined, Time, Amperes, voltage but importance is to saturate the
core and let it decay with its added ambient energy component into
the power recovery circuit . ( Ringing ) OU energy ONE
SHOT "Cycloconverter" < Yes this is a VIP tip ... this is a KEY word
as the many I use to give hi level technology encripted in my
postings . First question is WHAT from a cycloconverter is related
to LC ...
the "Short" exites the LONG ! ( Just like sex) but aplied to
electronics ... (This is in ZPE book ) (repetition)
If brain dont get it the penis will, (Eyes feed the info).
Indian secret "Lingam power" unveiled I Am the only one that Knows
this ? I hope not, now you all know even if its "encripted" is
symbolicaly designed to activate "hidden knowledge" already
contained in HUMAN GENETIC code for this work,. idea will pop to
mind like a shotgun blast " just retain it " and aply .
Like in sex only need one sperm to get the Lady pregnant , not the
full sack ! the EXESS is WASTED energy. See "TANTRA"
Hector ^_^