November Newsletter

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Madame Martins Grade One

November 2016
Dear Parents,
November is a busy month in grade one. This month, our pace picks up...we shift gears. We
continue to build vocabulary, letter/sound skills and sight words but we begin working on reading and
writing expectations. All instruction is done in French and some students find this overwhelming. Please
contact me if you have concerns or questions. We encourage you to continue sending healthy lunches and
snacks to school and that your child is getting enough sleep. Staying focused, alert and ready to learn
takes energy!
Roxanne Martin

November Curriculum-by subject

Mathematics-recognizes, prints and counts numbers 1 to 30
-relate numbers to anchors of 5 and 10
-collecting, representing and interpreting data
-introduce skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s
-patterning (identify, repeat and extend-aaa,aab,aba,abb)

Music- French songs and rhymes to develop language acquisition //rhythm

Visual Arts- colours
Drama- intonation and expression using puppets
Language Arts-monthly theme: The Three Bears (Les trois ours) and Our body (Les parties du corps)
and some clothing (les vtements)

Oral Language Structures:

Jai...(I have)
Jai mal...( sore)
Je porte
Puis-je (may I)
Il/Elle sappelle(His/Her name is)
Il fait...(It is...)
Pendant la fin de semaine, je...(During the weekend, I)

Students are expected to use the previous oral language structures in class with their peers and
teachers. Students continue to be expected to sing songs and pronounce vocabulary clearly.
Reading: continue phonemic awareness skills progression (end sound/middle sound)
-weekly songs and colour poems
-sight words (should be recognized/read with no hesitation)
-simple pattern books using oral language structures and vocabulary
-Individualized guided reading program begin
-At home B.E.A.R.S. reading programme
Writing: continue proper letter/number formation
-Produce simple fill in the blank pattern books based on theme
-journal writing, using language structures as sentence starters (students will continue
to use the hand checklist (success criteria) to ensure that all elements of a sentence are included. For
example, capital letter, finger spaces between words, proper letter formation, use of lines and

What is Phonemic Awareness?

Phonemic Awareness is a group of basic pre-reading skills that are essential to establishing a
strong foundation for reading. In simple terms, phonemic awareness is the ability to identify the
individual sound of each letter and then how to manipulate those sounds. Research has established a
clear progression of skills that should be taught and practiced with children regardless of language. The
skills involved in this progression transfer from language to language.

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