Blizzard Warning
Blizzard Warning
Blizzard Warning
For a full size 9 inche square, measured side to side: use worsted weight yarn and a 5.5mm
Gauge: First 4 rows about 4.5 point-to-point
Materials: Worsted weight yarn ; crochet hook size I/5.5mm; yarn
Stitch Markers
ch = chain
dc = double crochet
hdc = half double crochet
r(#) = round number
sc = single crochet
sk = skip
slst = slip stitch
sp = space
st = stitch
tr = treble crochet
yo = yarn over
Special Stitches:
Commence Pattern
Begin with magic circle.
Round 1: With Color A. Beg puff into magic circle. Ch1. (Puff into magic circle, ch1) 5 times. Slst to fi rst puff to
join. 6 puff stitches, 6 ch1 sp
Left working puff stitches into a double magic circle; right completed round 1
Round 2: Slst into next ch1 sp and work beg picot wide V into that sp. (Sk next puff, picot wide V into next ch1
sp) 5 times. Slst to fi rst dc of beg picot wide V to join. Fasten off. 6 picot wide V stitches
Round 2
Round 3: With Color B. With new color, standing sc in fi rst dc of any picot wide V. *^Working behind stitches
from r2: (tr, ch3, tr) into same ch1 sp from r1 that picot V was made into, placing trs between dcs of picot V.^
Sc into fi rst dc of NEXT picot V.* Repeat from * to * four times and from ^ to ^ once more. Slst to fi rst sc to
join. 12 tr, 6 sc, 6 ch3 sp
Top left working under the picot wide V; bottom left completed stitch from round 3 made into round 1 ch sp and behind st from round
2; right completed round 3
Round 4: Ch1 and sc in same st. *^Ch1, sk next tr, work picot fan into next ch3 sp, ch1, sk next tr,^ sc in next
sc.* Repeat from * to * 4 times, and from ^ to ^ once more. Slst to fi rst sc to join. Fasten off. 6 picot fans, 6
sc, 12 ch1 sp
A picot fan
Round 5: With Color A. Working behind stitches from r4, standing dc into the unworked tr from r3 that falls
after any sc and before the next picot fan from r4. *^Ch2. Working under the center picot and between the 2
middle dc of the picot fan: work 1 dc into the next picot from r2. Ch2. Working behind st from r4: dc in the
unworked tr from r3 that falls after the picot fan, ch1,^ dc in the unworked tr from r3 that falls after the next sc.*
Repeat from * to * 4 times and from ^ to ^ once more. Slst to fi rst dc to join. 18 dc, 12 ch2 sp, 6 ch1 sp
Left view from in front of picot fan; Right view with picot fan folded down
Note: R6 is worked entirely into ch spaces of r5 and will not tell you to sk stitches.
Round 6: Slst into next ch2 sp and work beg V into same ch2 sp. *^Ch1, V into next ch2 sp, ch1, puff into next
ch1 sp, ch1,^ V into next ch2 sp.* Repeat from * to * 4 times and from ^ to ^ once more.
Slst to 3rd ch of beg V to join. 12 V, 6 Puffs, 18 ch1 sp Note: If youre making the square rather than the
hexagon, this is where you stop following this pattern and move on to the square pattern.
Round 7: Continuing with color A. Ch1, sc in same ch as join. (Sc in next st or ch1 sp) 6 times. Place a st
marker in the 4th sc made so far. *^2sc in next ch1 sp (the ch1 sp before the puff), sk puff, 2sc in next ch1 sp,^
(sc in next st or ch1 sp) 7 times, place st marker in the 4th sc of the 7 just made.* repeat from * to * 4 times and
from ^ to ^ once more. Slst to first sc to join. Fasten off. 66 sc
Note: In r8 you dont sk any st. The increase is made by making the dcs into the picots, but you dont sk the
hidden sc that is behind the dc.
Round 8:
With color B. Standing sc in same st as any st marker. *^Dc into middle picot of picot fan from r4,^ sc in next 11
st (the last st will fall in a st with a marker).* Repeat from * to * 4 times and from ^ to ^ once more. Sc in last
(10) st. Slst to first sc to join. Fasten off. 6 dc, 66 sc.
Note: If youre using your own color placement strategy and plan on changing colors for round 9, pay special
attention to your stitch placement. Your very first stitch should be made into the sc from r8 that was made into
the stitch immediately before a dc. Your second sc will be made into the dc.
Round 9:
Ch1 and sc in same st as join . Sc in next 2 st. *^Hdc in next 3 st, dc in next st, (sk next st, V in next st) 3
times, sk next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 3 s,^ sc in next 3 st.* Repeat from * to * twice and from ^ to ^ once
more. Slst to first sc to join. 12 V stitches, 8 dc, 24 hdc, 12 sc.
When round 9 is correct the points of the snowflake will line up as above
Round 10:
Ch1 and sc in same st as join. Sc in next 4 st. *^Hdc in next 2 st. Working only in ch1 spaces of V sts and sk all
dcs of V sts: picot V in ch1 sp of next V, tr picot fan in ch1 sp of next V, picot V in ch1 sp of next fan. Hdc in
next two st,^ sc in next 7 st.* Repeat from * to * 2 times and from ^ to ^ once more. Sc in last 2 st. Slst to first
sc to join. Fasten off. 4 tr picot fans, 8 picot V stitches, 16 hdc, 28 sc
Round 11:
With color A. Standing sc in first hdc of any side. Sc in next 10 st. *^Working behind st from r10 and into r9: dc
into sp between dc and next V, ch1, V into sp between that V and next V, ch3, V into next sp between 2 V, ch1,
dc into sp between last V and next dc.^ Working back into st of r10: starting with
first hdc of side, sc in next 11 st.* Repeat from * to * twice and from ^ to ^ once more. Slst to first sc to join. 8 V
stitches, 8 dc, 44 sc, 4 ch3 sp, 8 ch1 sp (2 Vs, 2 dc, and 11 sc per side)
Round 12:
Ch1 and sc in same st as join. Sc in next 11 st (last sc will fall into dc). *^2hdc into next ch1 sp, 3dc into ch1 sp
of next V, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) into ch3 sp, 3dc in ch1 sp of next V, 2hdc into next ch1 sp, sk next dc,^ sc in next 12
st.* Repeat from * to * twice and from ^ to ^ once more. Slst to first sc to join. Fasten off. 16 tr, 24 dc, 16 hdc,
48 sc, 4 ch2 sp (26 st per side, plus corner ch2 sps)
Round 13:
With color B. Standing sc in the frist tr of any side (the tr immediately after the corner ch2 sp). Sc in the next 4
st. *^Dc into the picot of the picot V directly below, sk the next hdc (now hidden behind the dc you just made),
sc in next 14 st, dc into the picot of the picot V directly below, sk the next hdc, sc in next 5 st, sc in corner ch2
sp, tr into middle picot of tr picot fan, sc into same corner ch2 sp,^ sc in next 5 st.* Repeat from * to * twice and
from ^ to ^ once more. Slst to first sc to join.4 tr, 8 dc, 104 sc (28 st per side, plus corner tr)
Round 14:
Ch1 and sc in same st as join. Sc in next 26 st. *^(Sc, ch2, sc) in corner tr,^ sc in next 28 st.* Repeat from * to *
twice and from ^ to ^ once more. Sc in last st. Slst to first sc to join. Fasten off. 120 sc, 4 ch2 sp (30 st per
side, plus corner ch2 sps)
Weave in all ends and block if necessary.