Machine Tool
Machine Tool
Machine Tool
2. Read the text again and decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F)
a. Turning machines remove excess metal from the external diameter and enlarge and finish a
hole. T
b. Shapers can only be vertical. F
c. Drilling machines use a twist drill to make circular holes. T
d. Milling machines can only be manually operated. F
e. Griding machines remove excessive material from parts. T
f. Band saws use a band of metal with teeth to cut various parts. T
g. Presses are not dangerous if operated by both hands. T
3. Read the text about CNC and put the sentences in the correct order.
3. The planned machine operations are translated into a set of instructions
4. These instructions are translated into a CAM program.
5. The program contains a set of commands for the machine.
2. It is calculated where to cut and tools and materials are select
6. The computer checks all the operations made by the machine tools.
1. Programmers view the part in its three-dimensional computer aided design
4. después de leer la unidad 3, haga un listado de 25 palabras desconocidas cada una con su
respectivo significado
Flat Plano
Holes Agujeros
Surfaces Superficies
Twist Giro
Band Banda
Theeth Dientes
Lathe Tomo
Held Sujetado
Shaper Talladora
Source Fuente
Waterwheels Ruedas de agua
Steam engine Maquina de vapor
Nowadays Hoy en día
Complex Complejo
Skilled Hábil
Features Características
Strokee Carrera
Milling machine Fresadora
Grinding machine Rectificadora
Accurate Preciso
Available Disponible
Blade Hoja
Cool Frío
Band saw Sierra blanda
Press Prensa