Group 5

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Technology 2
Group 5
Analou Libante
Khan Zairah Malasaga
Geraldine Sabay
Alfa Vitor

The Software as an Educational

There are two kinds of software:

1. The systems software - This is the operating system that is found or bundled
inside all computer machines.
2. The application software- This contains the system that commands the
particular task or solves a particular problem.

Microsoft Windows
Also referred to as a program, Microsoft Windows or Windows for short is an
operating environment between the user and the computer operating system. Also
called a shell, it is a layer that creates the way the computer should work. Windows
uses a colorful graphics interface (called GUI- pronounced gooee) that can be
seen or monitor whenever the computer is turned. Windows is in itself a selfcontained operating system which provides

User convenience
A new look
Information center
Plug and play

Instructional Software
Instructional software can be visited on the Internet or can be bought from software
shops or dealers. The teacher through his school should decide on the best
computer-based instructional (CBI) materials for the school resource collection. In
evaluating computer-based educational materials, the following can serve as

Be extremely cautious in using CBIs and free Internet materials

Dont be caught up by attractive graphics, sound, animation, pictures, video

clips and music forgetting their instructional worth

Teachers must evaluate these resources using sound pedagogical principles

Among designs and content elements to evaluate are: the text legibility,
effective use of color schemes, attractive layout and design, and easy

navigation from section-to-section (such as from game to tutorial to drill-andpractice section)

Clarity in the explanations and illustrations of concepts and principles

Accuracy, coherence, logic information

Their being current since data/statistics continually change

Relevance/effectiveness in attaining learning objectives

Absence of biased materials (e.g gender bias or racial bias)

Understanding Hypermedia
Hypermedia is nothing but multimedia, but this time packaged as an educational
computer software where information is presented and student activities are
integrated in a virtual learning environment. Most educational IT applications are
hypermedia and these include:
Tutorial software packages
Knowledge webpages
Simulation instructional games
Learning project management, and others

Characteristic of Hypermedia applications

1. Learner control the learner males his own decisions on the path, flow or
events of instruction.
2. Learner wide range of navigation routes the learner controls the
sequence and pace of his path depending in his ability and motivation.
3. Variety of media - Hypermedia includes more than one media (text,
graphics, audio, animation and video clip) but does not necessarily use all
types of media in one presentat

Micro Lesson
A micro LESSON is defined as a student centered instructional unit that
focuses on a small section of a topic in the school curriculum.
It should not be ambitious but to fulfill one or two instructional objectives.
The activities should preferable be completed within one or two class. either
half an hour or an hour, the most
Micro Lesson should encourage students to explore in work together rather
than alone. So collaborative work is a feature of micro lesson.

Elements of a micro lesson:

1. Objectives
2. Content
3. Activities
4. Tools and templates

How do students learn from micro lesson?

Have you been to the ZOO? Seaworld? Circus? how can animals perform such
tricks? What rewards were given to the animals when they have performed a trick?

This is the principle behind behaviorism.


Animal Jumps

good boy


Reinforcement (rewards) encourage stimulus again

This is the principle behind cognitivism or information processing model.

When learning is an active process of constructing rather than acquiring knowledge
then we would consider this as constructivism. In constructivism, students foms new
knowledge through various activities (such as reading, summarizing, experimenting)
rather than being thought or being told by the teacher.

Social Constuctivism
Learning is not done independently but with the help of other in a society or within a
group of learners. Other peoples points of views are also expressed and a learner
has to negotiate with others before coming to a consensus or a decisions.

Content for Planning micro lesson

1. Identify your learners .
2. Brainstorm: identify some problem areas in your curriculum subject.
3. State clearly the objectives that you hope to achieve.
4. Choose appropriate samples, scenarios, case studies, stories, questions or
problems that will help you to achieve the objective.
5. Design student activities that will promote thinking rather than just recall
of information.

Five instructional approaches how micro Lesson can be

used in school
1. Resourced-based
This approach, various links to the WWW can be established and students will
access the website to collect information, facts, opinions and then synthesize them
or compare to different view points.

2. Problem-based
Micro lesson can now be used maybe to present instructional problems
In a multimedia fashion through which activities can be formulated and where
students can be engaged in the process of investigation and problem solving.

3. Case-based
4. Collaborative-based
In this approach, students can be asked to work collaboratively or in pairs to
undergo and instructional activity presented intentionally the micro lessons to be
jointly work through.

5. Stimulation-based

Finally, micro lessons can also be used to create stimulation where students can
observe particular phenomena in learn from the processes and the variables that
will affect the stimulated action.

Objectives of the micro lesson research project:

1. To develop guidelines for micro lessons development.

To conduct training sessions on micro lesson development.

3. To design and develop evaluative tools for selection.

4. To conduct evaluation and selection of micro lesson.
5. To produce prototype micro lesson.
6. To test prototypes for quality.
7. To evaluate the effectiveness of the micro lesson in school.

Our learning about micro lesson it focuses only a small section of a topic. It
fulfills one or two instructional objectives. It can be completed within one or two
class periods. It also encourages students to build their own learning or to learn on
their own, micro lesson is a student centered. There are elements, guidelines and
objective in micro lesson.
We decide our topic will be Higher Thinking Skills through IT-Based project.

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