Hill, J. - Car Park Designers' Handbook (2005) PDF
Hill, J. - Car Park Designers' Handbook (2005) PDF
Hill, J. - Car Park Designers' Handbook (2005) PDF
Jim Hill
With contributions from
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 0 7277 3438 5
# Thomas Telford Limited 2005
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An outstanding engineer who, for 50 years, fought the
eects of poliomyelitis with courage and determination.
Glossary of terms
1 Introduction
Historical note
Advice and guidance
Design exibility
2 Design brief
The client
The brief
3 Design elements
Side clearance
Manoeuvring envelope
Stall access
One-way-ow ramp widths: discussion
Ramp widths and angled parking
Two-way-ow ramps
Turning circle templates
Two-way-ow: recommended minimum clear
ramp widths
3.6.14 Scissors-type ramps
3.6.15 Side-by-side ramps
3.6.16 Circular ramps
3.6.17 Recommended minimum diameters for full
circle ramps between limiting wall faces
3.6.18 Recommended minimum widths for circular
ramp lanes between wall faces
3.7 Interlocking ramps
3.7.1 Stadium type
3.7.2 Circular type
3.8 Kerbs
3.9 Super-elevation
3.10 Parking deck gradients
3.11 Headroom and storey heights
3.12 Height limitations
4 Dynamic considerations
4.1.1 Impact speeds
4.1.2 Eects of rain
4.1.3 Exit and entry rates and internal movement
4.1.4 Dynamic capacities for dierent stall widths
and categories
4.1.5 Stopping distance
4.1.6 Speed limits
4.1.7 Dynamic capacities of ramps and access-ways
4.1.8 Dynamic capacities of cross-ramps and
access-ways, per hour
4.1.9 Dynamic capacities of parking decks;
4.1.10 Dynamic eciency
5 Static considerations
eciency, discussion
Relative eciencies
Area per car space
Recommended capacities
6 Circulation design
How many levels?
Roof considerations
Circulation eciency
6.4.1 Discussion
6.4.2 Shortest travel distance
6.4.3 Examples of circulation eciency
Parking times
6.5.1 Discussion
7 Circulation layouts
Dimensions used
User-friendly features
7.3.1 Discussion
7.3.2 Simplicity
7.3.3 Crossovers
7.3.4 Circulation direction
7.3.5 Dead ends (culs-de-sac)
Angled and right-angled parking: a comparison
Split-level decks (SLDs)
SLD 1 One-way trac ow with an included rapid
outow route
SLD 2 One-way trac ow with an excluded rapid
outow route
SLD 3 One-way-ow with side-by-side ramps
(scissors type)
SLD 4 Combined one-way-ows, three bins or
more wide
SLD 5 Combined one- and two-way-ows, three bins or
more wide
SLD 6 Two-way-ow with combined ramps
SLD 7 One-way-ow with an included contra-ow
rapid exit route
Sloping parking decks (SDs)
SD 1
Single helix with two-way-ow
SD 2
Single helix with one-way-ow and a rapid
outow route
SD 3
Double helix, end connected with one-way-ow
on the central access-way
SD 4
Double helix, end connected with two-way-ow
on the central access-way
SD 5
Interlocking double helix, with one-way-ows
SD 6
Combined helix, side connected with one- and
SD 7
and 8 Double helix, side connected, with
Combined at and sloping deck (FSD) layouts
FSD 1 Single helix with two-way-ow
FSD 2 Single helix with one-way-ow and a rapid
outow route
FSD 3 Combined helix, side connected with one- and
FSD 4 Combined helix, side connected with
FSD 5 Double helix, side connected with one-way-ow
FSD 6 and 7 Double helix, side connected with
one-way trac ows
FSD 8 Single helix with one-way-ow and an internal
Combined at and sloping deck layouts with internal
cross-ramps (VCM and WPD)
VCM 1 One-way-ow with two one-way-ow ramps
VCM 2 One-way-ow with end ramps
VCM 3 Two-way-ow with a single end ramp
VCM 4 One- and two-way trac ows with a single
Vertical and horizontal escape
8.2.1 Stairs, widths of ights
8.2.2 Vertical escape
8.2.3 Horizontal escape
Escape distances
Lift sizing
Stall locations
Stall dimensions
10.1 Discussion
10.2 Cycle parking
11 Security
Lighting, music and CCTV
See and be seen
Women-only car parks
12 Underground parking
12.1 Discussion
13 Lighting
13.1 Discussion
13.2 Emergency lighting
14 Signage
Directional signs
Information signs
Variable message sign systems
Emergency signs
15 Drainage
15.1 Discussion
Escape distances
Fire safety
Fire-ghting measures
Fire escapes
17.1 Discussion
17.2 Control systems
17.3 Barrier control
18 Ventilation
Natural ventilation requirements
Mechanically assisted natural ventilation requirements
Mechanical ventilation requirements
19 Structure
Construction materials
Perimeter protection
Concrete nishes
Protective coatings
20 Appearance
20.1 Discussion
20.2 Appearance requirements
Appendix A
In 1967 Jim founded the Hill Cannon Partnership (HCP) with John
Cannon and has been involved in car park design since 1969. In
1970, they developed the Tricon structural system and in 1993 Jim
patented the Vertical Circulation Module system (VCM). He is a past
President of the British Parking Association and a regional Chairman
of the Concrete Society. He is now a consultant to the practice,
having retired in 1992, since when he has concentrated on the further
development of VCM, designing appropriate circulation layouts for
many projects and researching this book. He is currently writing a
similar handbook on good practice parking in the USA.
Glynn is a senior partner of the HCP and has been involved in the
design of 30 multi-storey car parks since 1986, two of which have
been voted Best New Build car parks at the annual British Parking
Awards. He also received the Ernest Davies Award for the best article
published in Parking News entitled Current Trends in the Design of Car
Parks. He has provided design advice for large underground car
parking facilities in Manila, Kuala Lumpur (Petronas Towers),
Zagreb and Dubai. Recent projects include the Jubilee car park in
Harrogate (precast with 450 spaces), Merryhill Shopping Centre,
West Midlands (precast with 1600 spaces) and Manchester Royal
Inrmary (precast with 1600 spaces).
Steve is a senior partner of the HCP and has been actively involved with
car park design and parking related subjects since 1996: these include
structured car parks, both above and below ground, as well as large
capacity single deck layouts. His particular interest is in the provision
of suitably located parking for disabled drivers, two wheeled trac
and general waynding for both motorists and pedestrians alike.
Recent design projects include Birmingham Airport (precast with
1700 spaces), Ocean Terminal; Edinburgh (precast with 1000 spaces)
and Clarence Dock; Leeds (precast with 1600 spaces).
A senior partner of the HCP, Chris has been involved in the design of
parking structures for more than twenty years. He is a contributor to
the IStructE publication Design recommendations for multi-storey and
underground car parks and the Institution of Civil Engineers publication Recommendations for inspection, maintenance and management of
car park structures. He has served on European technical committees
and has presented papers on parking related subjects. His particular
interest is in the development of new structural forms. Recent design
projects include St. Andrews; Norwich (steel frame with 1100 spaces),
Sundials; Amersham (steel frame with 550 spaces) and Designer
Outlet Village, Livingston (in situ with 1600 spaces).
Jim Hill has spent the last 35 years in the development of car park
design and this experience has given him a unique insight into the
reasons why some buildings operate successfully and others, of a similar
size and activity, do not. The choice of the correct circulation layout is a
subject that he considers to be of prime importance in the creation of an
ecient parking building.
Both as a consumer of parking services and a former parking
manager, it always intrigues me why some parking layouts are easily
navigated and yet others test ones patience? As an engineer, I think
logically and admire the art of parking created by my fellow colleagues; as a consumer I want to be able to park my car as quickly and
as eectively as I can and get on with the business in hand, be it
work or play; this is especially true if I have children with me.
My experience has taught me that parking is a means to an end; it
is the rst and last impression of my destination; it needs to be
good if Im to contemplate returning there again and again. This is
especially true in the retail and commercial world where (hopefully)
my custom is valued. It is equally true when I visit an unfamiliar
town or city, park at a rail station, or simply spend a day at leisure
Equally important is the need to feel intuitively safe and welcome
wherever I choose to park. Complex layouts, frustration with queues
and conict with others who are manoeuvring about in or out of
parking spaces, or sometimes in what seems like a never-ending set of
twists and turns to get in or out of the car park in the rst place,
only serve to increase my sense of uncared for by the owner or
This book, describes and illustrates some 60 variations on the many
layout themes, no doubt there are others. Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed, recommendations made for their practical
application and suggestions made for other layouts that should also
be considered.
More than just discussing layouts, the author has shown how ramps
can be prevented from projecting excessively into trac aisles, how to
assess dynamic capacity and eciency, and the many other considerations that go to make up the design process. The matters dealt with in
Chapters 8 to 20 such as the current requirements for people with
mobility impairments, pedestrian access, security, ventilation, etc.
have been written with the help of his partners, all parking experts in
their own right.
In the authors opinion, eective design is based upon common sense,
a little crystal ball gazing and experience: it is not a precise art. He
suggests that, provided drivers will want to frequent the car park and
clients are willing to pay for it, little else matters. I wouldnt want
to disagree with him, but my comments about being welcome at
any parking facility are the key to its success. If the operator wants
to do business, good customer service is vital; to do that needs good
This book addresses the subject of car park design, especially the
design of circulation layouts, in a practical manner and can be easily
Glossary of terms
Access-way or crossway
A trac lane without adjoining stalls laid at or to a slope not
exceeding 5%, also capable of being used by pedestrians.
A trac lane with adjoining stalls on one or more sides.
Used to denote the dimension across an aisle and its adjacent stalls.
(A half bin has stalls only on one side.)
Circulation eciency
A method of comparing the travel distance required to search the stalls,
in any particular car park, with the minimum travel distance. (Given as
a percentage.)
Applies to trac that is unable to ow freely.
An inclined trac lane connecting the aisles in adjacent bins, laid to a
slope greater than 5%.
A single oor that extends over the plan area of a parking building.
Des Recs
A shortened form of words describing the Design Recommendations for
Multi-storey and Underground Car Parks, 3rd edition, published in June
2002 by the Institution of Structural Engineers.
Dynamic capacity
A measure of the rate that trac can pass a given location within a car
park. (Given in vehicles per hour.)
Dynamic eciency
A measure of the ability of a car park to process vehicles under normal
operating conditions.
Applies to an inow route that is separated from an outow route.
Applies to any trac route that is not rapid.
A ow route that is located within the circulation pattern of another.
Applies to the search path for trac within a car park.
Figs 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5(a) and (b), 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.17, 3.19,
3.20, 6.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.5, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 8.1, 9.1, 10.1(a), 11.1, 12.1, 13.1,
14.1, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, 19.1 and 20.1 Hill-Cannon archives.
Figs 7.4 and 7.6 courtesy of Dundec Ltd.
Fig. 7.10 courtesy of Norwest Holst.
Fig. 10.2(c) courtesy of Falco.
Fig. 10.3(d) courtesy of Motoloc Ltd.
Fig. 18.17 courtesy of PSB (UK) Ltd.
Rules and regulations are but the paper bastions behind which the
inexperienced ght their battles, but in the matter of car park design
let common sense prevail.
the years, there has been little change in the manoeuvring envelope of
cars licensed to drive on the public highway and Fig. 1.1 shows that,
even in 1910, car manoeuvring envelopes were not dissimilar to that
of todays vehicles and a well designed modern car park can be used
by vehicles of all ages.
1.3 Scope
designed would alter. Nowadays, however, they are being bought and
sold in increasing numbers, either individually or collectively. Market
values depend not so much on their architectural merits but on their
popularity with the parking public, and as such they should be
designed, within reason, to be as exible as possible.
2 Design brief
Not all clients have an expert knowledge about car parks. They are
conscious of the need to provide a certain number of parking spaces at
a given location, but they are not, necessarily, aware of the information
that is required in order to produce the most ecient and cost eective
Designers should present their clients with a questionnaire in order to
obtain the maximum amount of relevant information as early as
possible. It is unlikely that it will all be available at the preliminary
stage, but it does no harm to ask the questions and, at least, it establishes the designers expertise in the subject.
Apart from items such as ground investigation reports and accurate site
and level surveys, both of which may require an unacceptable nancial
outlay by the client at an early stage, briefs should include as much of
the following information as possible:
Design brief
3 Design elements
More than 50 dierent car manufacturers oer some 340 models for sale
to the general public in the UK. Add to that the makes and models that
have been discontinued over, say, the past 15 years but can still be seen in
reasonable quantities and the number rises to well over 500. In size they
range from the diminutive Smart car up to the American stretched
limousines (see Fig. 3.1), some of which have found their way to the
To build a car park that can cater for them all is unrealistic and
uneconomic. Large, limousine-type vehicles occur in relatively small
numbers and very few are ever likely to require parking within a structured public car park. It has, therefore, become established practice to
design car parks to readily accept the smallest 95% of privately licensed
vehicles registered to drive on the highway (see Appendix A). That does
not mean to imply that some of the larger vehicles must not enter a
parking building, but that they must do so with greater care than the
95-percentile vehicle.
The introduction of the multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) and the proliferation of four-wheel drive (4WD) vehicles in private ownership has
resulted in an increasing use of bulkier and taller vehicles by the
motoring public. It is likely that the trend will be towards even greater
numbers of this type being parked as leisure activities expand and
become an increasingly important factor in the choice of personal
transportation. Although not frequent visitors, it would be an advantage for larger-type vehicles to be able to circulate (see Figs 3.2 and
3.3), even if they have to overow into adjacent stalls in order to
park. The most testing time can sometimes occur when the building
is ocially opened and the mayors or chief executive ocers (CEOs)
in their ocial limousines are taken on a ceremonial drive through
the car park. It has happened!
3.1.3 Wheelbase
A wheelbase of 2.900 m is used to provide the worst-case scenario for
changes of level at steep ramps and inclines (see Fig. 3.2).
3.1.4 Ground clearance
Although the normal ground clearance for the SDV is better than
150 mm, a well-laden vehicle could be less, especially at the rear end.
Design elements
3.2 Parking
3.2.1 Discussion
The correct choice of circulation layout and stall dimensions to suit a
particular building purpose can be an important factor in the success
or failure of a parking facility. At main transportation terminals it is
unlikely that the category will alter and car parks can be designed
with condence. For most other town centre types, however, changes
can and do occur, and this possibility should be considered at the
design stage. Four categories of parking are described in the following
3.3 Parking
3.3.1 Discussion
It has become normal practice in the UK for designers to adopt stall
widths of between 2.300 m and 2.500 m, dependent upon the parking
category. For specic purposes this can vary, but it must be appreciated
that stall widths are an important factor, aecting both exibility and
market values.
The prime consideration is not so much the overall width of a stall
but the gap between parked vehicles. Altering the pitch by 100 mm
only has a 4% eect on the stall width, but it can result in a 20% variation on the gap between cars and be the dierence between getting out
of the car with ease or with some diculty. The minimum space that
enables most drivers to access their vehicles is considered to be
600 mm. Most vehicles are narrower than the SDV, so for a stall
width of 2.400 m the gap between cars will usually be greater than
600 mm. It is also the case that some drivers are not particularly
mobile, while others can be rather large and need a greater door opening distance than 600 mm.
In Fig. 3.4 it can be seen that the full door opening width is about
900 mm, resulting in an optimum stall width of 2.700 m. Averaging
between large and small vehicles, a 2.600 m wide stall could also produce a gap of about 900 mm, but then economic factors come into
play. The compromise answer is shown in Section 3.3.2 and has been
generally recognised over many years as an acceptable balance between
space and cost.
3.3.2 Recommended dimensions for diering parking categories
All stall lengths
4.800 m
Minimum stall widths
Cat. 1 (less than 3 hrs per car)
2.500 m
Cat. 2 (more than 3 hrs per car)
2.400 m
Cat. 3 (more than 12 hrs per car)
2.300 m
Cat. 4 (sta type)
2.300 m
Disabled drivers
3.600 m
3.200 m
It should be appreciated that the market value of the building could
well be aected by the choice of stall width. Stalls less than 2.300 m
in width cannot be recommended for general public use. In specic
locations, stall widths of 2.200 m and even 2.100 m have been used
where there is a desperate need, such as hotel- or sta-type parking
where smaller cars are the norm and the client is fully aware of the
reduction in parking standards.
3.3.3 Obstructions between stalls
The standard stall widths assume that there are no obstructions between
adjacent stalls and that car doors can open freely into the spaces between
Design elements
Fig. 3.4 The standard design vehicle (SDV) (a composite of 95% of private vehicles registered to drive on the
parked vehicles. It also assumes that drivers and passengers can pass
between adjacent cars to gain access to the trac aisle. If obstructions,
such as structural columns, occur between stalls (see Fig. 3.5a and b),
the recommended widths should be capable of being measured between
the column faces, at the very least. Where long rows of stalls occur
between wall faces, it is not usually necessary to increase the end stall
widths as a high proportion of cars are smaller than the SDV and they
can park without diculty at these relatively few locations.
3.3.4 Angled parking
Angled stalls ease the parking manoeuvre. The shallower the angle, the
easier and simpler it is to park. It is generally restricted to one-way
trac ows and as the parking angle reduces so can the aisle width
necessary to manoeuvre in and out of the stalls: in so doing, however,
the people/vehicle separation distance is reduced and the oor area
per stall requirement is increased (see also Fig. 3.6 and Sections 3.4.3
and 5.5).
been made for pedestrians mingling with car trac on the aisles. With
908 parking a 6.000 m-wide aisle enables pedestrians to walk down a
2.000 m-wide lane on each side of a centrally located vehicle, alternatively pedestrians can walk down the central part of the aisle and cars
can drive by on either side.
When 458 parking is adopted, for vehicle manoeuvring, the aisle
width can be reduced to 3.600 m, but in so doing the space available
to pedestrians reduces to 800 mm on each side of a centrally located
vehicle. In such cases, designers should consider whether some
upward dimensional adjustment is desirable, especially in facilities
subject to intensive use.
Sixty-degree surface parking, incorporating widened, two-way ow
aisles, has been noted in some of the south-western states of the
USA. In such cases the stalls have been angled such that parking can
only, realistically, be achieved on one side at a time. The stall search
pattern is greatly extended and the only advantage appears to be in
increasing the separation distance between vehicles and pedestrians
on the aisles.
3.4.2 One-way-ow with reduced aisle widths
Figures 3.14a and 3.14b (see page 19) show the entry envelope for
2.400 m-wide stalls. It can be seen that an aisle width of about
6.000 m is required for straight in parking. Increasing the stall width
enables drivers to manoeuvre in and out more easily and can result in
a reduction in the width of the aisle without reducing parking standards. Figures 3.14c and 3.14d (see page 19) show the reduced aisle
widths that can be used for 2.500 and 2.600 m-wide stalls.
Design elements
Fig. 3.6 Comparison of the deck area per stall for three angles of parking (exc. ramps and access-ways)
7.000 m
6.000 m
5.250 m
4.700 m
4.200 m
3.800 m
3.600 m
5.800 m
5.650 m
5.500 m
3.5 Bin
3.5.1 Discussion
Bin widths are the sum of the aisle width and the adjacent stalls measured normal to the aisle. With angled parking this dimension will vary,
dependent upon the width of stall chosen. Where multi-span at decks
incorporate angled parking, bins on the external rows will dier in
width from those on the internal rows due to the interlocking eect
of the stalls. They will also dier from those bin widths generated by
a single parking deck (see Fig. 3.6 and Section 3.13).
3.5.2 Recommended minimum bin dimensions for parking with
2.400 m-wide stalls (in metres)
External Internal
For two-way-ow, the only logical angle is 908 and the recommended
minimum bin width is 16.600 m.
Design elements
3.6.1 Discussion
Cross-ramps and access-ways linking adjacent parking decks are one of
the most important elements governing driver appreciation. If they are
too narrow or too steep, motorists will shun the car park. The entrance
should be of a width that will enable drivers of average ability to enter
at 10 mph from the optimum position on an aisle without the need to
make ne judgements on driving accuracy (see Figs 3.73.9). In the
middle section, and where they exit into a wider trac aisle, the ramp
Design elements
Design elements
Fig. 3.14 Stall access manoeuvring envelopes based upon 6.000 m-radius turns (read in conjunction with
Section 3.6.8)
Design elements
5.000 m
4.200 m
3.600 m
3.000 m
Design elements
Design elements
3.2, of 18.000 m when turning on routes with straight aisles and crossramps, is not an appropriate dimension for circular ramps rotating
through 3608 or more. The constant turning and the inability for drivers
to see any reasonable distance ahead renders greater diameters desirable
if they are to be readily accepted by the motoring public. It has been
noted that in at least one car park of the SD 2 (sloping parking deck)
type a small-diameter rapid exit ramp has been abandoned and the
car park converted to an SD 1-type operation, even though the aisles
were not designed originally for two-way trac ows.
3.6.17 Recommended minimum diameters for full circle ramps between
limiting wall faces
One-way ow
For good practice
24.000 m
20.000 m
Two-way ow
For good practice
31.000 m
27.000 m
3.6.18 Recommended minimum widths for circular ramp lanes between
wall faces
One-way ow
For good practice
4.400 m
3.800 m
Two-way ow
For good practice
7.800 m
7.200 m
3.7 Interlocking
3.8 Kerbs
3.9 Super-elevation
3.12 Height
Design elements
4 Dynamic considerations
4.1 Discussion
interfere with trac travelling in the opposite direction. When occurring in facilities with mainly tidal ow, dynamic capacity will be similar
to the gures provided for one-way trac ows, but for short stay,
intensive-use facilities it is aected adversely.
In large car parks, the build up of trac from successive upper
parking levels can be greater than the dynamic capacity of the lower
levels of an exit ramp. It must also be appreciated that, if the exit
control or external road system is unable to cope with the ow rates,
trac congestion will occur within the car park, regardless of any
other factor.
4.1.4 Dynamic capacities for dierent stall widths and categories
The gures given are averaged out from the result of observations
made, over 15-minute periods at peak times, in a number of car
parks. The variations between them were such that precision is not a
factor. They are, however, considered to be a conservative but realistic
assessment. The variations between dierent car parks are attributed
mainly to the dynamic eciency of the individual layouts.
Sta parking tended to be more rapid than the other types and it
proved impossible to obtain meaningful 15-minute gures from Cat. 3
long-stay car parks.
The dierence between the inow and outow gures can be
explained by the fact that most motorists can turn and drive straight
into a stall but, when exiting, a more hesitant reversing manoeuvre is
involved. A small proportion of drivers, however, reverse into the
stalls in order to drive straight out.
Notional gures for all parking categories with 6.000 m-wide aisles
2.300 m
2.400 m
2.500 m
Dynamic considerations
the SDV, it can be calculated that the unobstructed vehicle rate should
not exceed about 1450 vehicles per hour (vph). Many cars, however, are
shorter than the SDV and a more realistic gure can be based upon an
average vehicle length of 4.300 m, in which case the allowable gure
rises to about 1500 per hour.
It would be imprudent to design a car park using ow gures that are
greater than those developed from conforming data. Designers should
be able to demonstrate that they did not use gures that relied upon
motorists driving in excess of the maximum recommended speed.
The rate of entry into a cross-ramp or access-way depends upon its
width and the appearance it presents to the motorist. Above a clear
dimension of 4.200 m, the 1500 vph rate does not appear to be aected,
but, as the entry width reduces, drivers become more cautious and tend
to slow down as they turn. The situation is also exacerbated by sidewalls, or other visual obstructions (see Figs 3.5, 3.73.9).
Observations of the eect that ramp widths have upon motorists,
indicates that, when they are driving on ramps free of lateral obstructions to vision, the following dynamic capacities can be recommended.
4.1.8 Dynamic capacities of cross-ramps and access-ways, per hour
>4.200 m wide
3.600 m wide
Straight entry ramps
3.000 m wide
Under 3.000 m wide, no information is available, but it is reasonable to
assume that a progressive reduction will occur down to about 2.700 m
when most drivers will refuse to enter.
In some large-capacity, short-stay facilities the exit rate could exceed
the trac capacity of the external road system. It is often prudent to
check this condition before reaching a nal decision on the design.
4.1.9 Dynamic capacities of parking decks; calculations
From 4.1.4, the notional dynamic capacity of a 6.000 m-wide aisle can
be seen to be 860 and 750 vehicles per hour, respectively, for inowing
and out-owing trac. The dynamic capacity of the ramps is constant
at 1500 vehicles per hour.
The calculations are based upon the premise that, without parking
trac, it would be possible for 1500 vehicles per hour to progress on
the trac aisles at 10 mph, regardless of the length of travel. The
parking of cars, however, will reduce this speed and, hence, dynamic
capacity, dependent upon the number of stalls involved. A very few
stalls will have little eect, but a large number could slow down the
ow rate to a gure approaching that given for the notional dynamic
Regardless of aisle length and capacity the one-hour ow rate cannot
be less than that given in 4.1.4 or greater than that given in 4.1.8. It can
be expressed by the formula:
Actual dynamic capacity (ADC) 1500 a b c 1=d
where a is 1500 minus the notional dynamic capacity, b is the number
of anking stalls divided by a, c is the number of aisles, d is the stall
turn-over rate.
Calculations for a Fig. 4.1, Cat. 1-type layout with 2.400 m-wide stalls,
four storeys (ten aisles) and a 1.5 hour stall turnover.
Aisle 1, Level 1 (36 stalls)
ADC 1500 640 36=640 1 1=1:5 1476 vph
At the end of the inow route, having passed through ten aisles, ADC
will be reduced by 240 to 1260 vph.
For outow routes, the calculations need to be made from the top
deck down.
Aisle 10, Level 5 (12 stalls)
ADC 1500 750 12=750 1 1=1:5 1490 vph
At the end of the exit route, having passed through ten aisles the ADC
will have reduced to 1400 vph.
Although this is a small example, it can be appreciated that when
much larger facilities are involved, and aisles need to be driven through
more than once, the calculation can be used to determine where congestion is likely to occur and where an alternative route can be used to
4.1.10 Dynamic eciency
Angled parking is more ecient, dynamically, than right-angled parking when both incorporate stalls having similar dimensions. As the
angle reduces so the stalls become easier to enter and leave, and it
becomes increasingly dicult for cars to turn against the trac ow.
This improvement results, generally, in a reduction in static eciency,
a narrowing of the aisles wherein trac and pedestrians mingle and a
reduction in the distance available for turning between the outside
faces of adjacent aisles.
There is a case for parking at angles down to 708 on the internal bins
in a multi-bin conguration (Table 5.3) where the static and dynamic
eciency is slightly superior to that required for 908 parking. It must
be remembered, however, that as the parking angle reduces the stall
pitch increases and this could be detrimental to the static capacity of
a facility with a xed overall length.
Dynamic considerations
5 Static considerations
The static eciency of a car park is a function of its static capacity and
the area of the parking decks. It is used as a means of comparison
between parking facilities and is couched in general terms such as
good, average or poor. Large-capacity decks, where the ratio of parking
spaces to total oor area is high, will produce better gures than smallcapacity facilities, where a higher percentage of the parking decks is
given over to ramps and access-ways. However, the terms are relative
to the most ecient layout that can be achieved for any particular
deck capacity (see Fig. 3.6 and Section 3.4).
For example, a 300 space per deck layout requiring 28 m2 for each car
space can be described as Poor, since it is possible to achieve a gure of
20 m2 with an ecient layout. Conversely, a 30 space per deck layout
requiring 28 m2 for each car space can be described as good, since it
is about as ecient as it is possible for it to get.
Compared with the area for one-way-ow 908 parking, the (column
C) gure for two-way ow is 106.4%.
5.1.2 Area per car space
As a guide, the oor areas per car space that can be termed good, for
ve dierent deck capacities with 908 parking, including a reasonable
allowance for stairs, lifts etc. are shown in the following table.
300 stalls per deck
200 stalls per deck
100 stalls per deck
60 stalls per deck
30 stalls per deck
20 m2
21 m2
22 m2
24 m2
28 m2
Static considerations
Parking category 4
Tidal ow layouts have at least two peak vehicle movements per day. If
it can be anticipated that the peak rates will not exceed 25% of the car
parks capacity over a 15-minute period, the Cats 1 and 2 gures can be
Where layouts with circulation eciencies less than 60% are considered, they can be compared with the 60% recommendations and
their capacities reduced proportionally.
Circulation design
6.1 Discussion
6.3 Roof
Most car parks in the UK are open to the elements. Roong over the
top parking deck occurs in only a relatively few cases. There are
arguments for and against protecting the top deck with a lightweight
6.4 Circulation
6.4.1 Discussion
In some car parks, the circulation design enables most or all of the stalls
to be searched with just one circuit of the aisles and access-ways. In
other car parks, however, aisles must be driven through more than
once to achieve a similar result. It is a factor worthy of consideration
and aects dynamic eciency, as well as parking times, especially in
large-capacity, multi-bin layouts. It is a complex problem to solve
precisely since much depends upon whether the car park is empty
and lling, full and searching or full and emptying. The use of
variable message signs also aects circulation eciency, since they
enable drivers to by-pass aisles that are full and drive more eectively
to an available stall.
The object is not one of precise assessment but rather one of establishing the relative circulation eciency for one layout and comparing
it with that for another. Provided that both are assessed in the same
way, comparisons can be made without undue complexity.
6.4.2 Shortest travel distance
The shortest travel distance possible, to pass stalls located on each side
of a trac aisle, is 2.400/2 1.200 m per stall and can be equated to a
circulation eciency of 100%. It can only be achieved in a single-bin
facility where motorists enter at one end and exit at the other. Where
cross-ramps and access-ways are used to complete the circulation in
multi-bin layouts, the circulation eciency will be reduced and will
vary dependent upon the chosen layout design.
6.5 Parking
Circulation design
6.5.1 Discussion
Five minutes is about the maximum time that an average driver is
willing to spend searching for a stall in which to park, beyond which
dissatisfaction and frustration with the building begin to develop.
They can be a factor in deciding a motorists future parking destination.
There are reports of car lights left on, boot lids left open, even drivers
who have left their car doors open with the engine still running in their
panic not to miss an appointment or catch a plane or a train. Poor
circulation eciency and the frustration it causes can be a contributory
factor in creating such situations.
The decision whether to alter the layout or incorporate rapid inow
routes can be inuenced by an assessment of the time it takes to search
all of the stalls. In the absence of more accurate information it
is normal practice to assume that the peak ow rate in either direction
will be 25% of the static capacity in any 15-minute period. This rate can
be applied, within reason, to most single- and multi-level parking
Circulation layouts
7.1 Discussion
Of the more than 5000 structured car parks believed constructed in the
UK alone, it can be readily appreciated that no single person can have
knowledge of every circulation layout variation that has been proposed
and built. Practical considerations, personal experience and the constant pressures for nancial economy render it reasonable to assume
that the examples shown, all of which have been featured or built
during the past 35 years, provide the basis for most of the self-parking
buildings that exist at the present time. The design of a satisfactory
circulation layout is one of the most important factors governing user
appreciation and yet many designers are unaware of the large variety
of options from which they may choose and their suitability for the
intended purpose.
The following examples are all practical layouts and form the basis
upon which most self-parking facilities have been designed. Some are
more popular than others and some are signicantly defective in circulation design, static and dynamic eciency. If designers are to gain
condence in developing solutions to solve particular problems, then
it is desirable that they should know the strengths and weaknesses of
individual layouts in order to make an informed choice.
There are few precise dimensions that must be adopted for the design of
parking structures. Dimensions for the individual elements can vary
and are also aected by the parking angle (that varies the bin width)
in one direction and the stall pitch (that varies the overall length) in
the other direction. The main concern is that motorists and clients
are content.
It is overly laborious and unnecessary to keep mentioning all of the
variations that can occur in practice and so dimensions for the featured
layouts will be based upon those recommended for 908 parking with
stall dimensions of 2.400 m 4.800 m, aisle widths of 6.000 m (oneway ow), 7.000 m (two-way ow) and a storey height of 3.000 m.
In the layouts shown in the following pages, the overall aisle lengths
are sometimes shown less than those given for the width; nevertheless,
the length of the aisle will determine the length of a layout and the
dimension over the bins will determine its width.
motorists nightmare. In a structured car park the layout should endeavour to replicate the openness of a surface car park. To this end, it is
desirable to eliminate, as far as possible, vertical structure that interferes,
both visually and physically, with the free movement of vehicles and
pedestrians. Turning directly from one lock to the other is not a popular
manoeuvre. If possible all turns should be in the same direction and not
more than 908 at a time. When located under other types of building, it is
not always possible to create the most desirable layout. Attempts should
be made to minimise the visual impact of large vertical elements and
locate them away from the circulation routes, if at all possible.
7.3.3 Crossovers
Crossover conditions should be avoided. When on a trac aisle and
searching for the rst available space, it is disconcerting and potentially
dangerous to nd a car suddenly appearing at right angles from behind
a parked vehicle. The driver of this car may also be concentrating on
nding a space in which to park, or intent only on leaving the facility
as quickly as possible. A user-friendly circulation layout should not
hold surprises for drivers who should be able to observe the movements
of other vehicles well before there is a need to take avoiding action.
7.3.4 Circulation direction
The direction of circulation has little eect upon circulation eciency in
one-way-ow systems. Provided that the route is of an adequate width
it matters little in which direction the trac is made to ow. It has been
said that left-turning circuits are not as popular in one-way-ow systems as turning to the right. However, when vehicles are travelling
down the middle of an aisle drivers are biased to the right thereby
providing a much better view of openings on the left.
When a two-way-ow ramp occurs in a one-way-ow layout it is
preferable to have a left-turning circuit whereby trac drives on the
correct side of the ramp.
When entering a trac aisle from a right-turning ramp, a front-seat
passenger could obscure trac approaching from the left, but when
trac approaches from the right the drivers lateral vision is relatively
Turning right onto an exit barrier enables a ticket to be inserted more
easily into the acceptor machine than when turning to the left.
When the entry/exit lanes are located side-by-side, right turning
circuits are preferable if a crossover situation is to be avoided.
None of these points are important enough to dictate the direction of
ow by themselves, but it is useful to appreciate that they occur when
considering the ow direction.
7.3.5 Dead ends (culs-de-sac)
When viewing down a dead-end aisle, it is dicult to see the parking
situation more than three or four stalls away. For good practice, and if
unnecessary manoeuvring is to be avoided, it should be the limiting
Members of the public and some clients, ask why angled parking is not
used more frequently in the UK. They point out that it is popular in the
USA and, for those who have used it, it is a popular parking format
but, in the UK, layouts with 908 parking occur more often in towncentre car parks than any of the other types.
Figure 7.1 shows a basic UK town-centre-type split-level layout with
908 parking. It is 28 stall widths in length with 96 stalls on each deck.
per deck building will need to be 95.000 m in length, (41% longer) and
even with aisle widths reduced to 3.600 m, the car space requirement
will be some 25% greater than for the 908 car park (see Section 5.1.1).
A two-bin, split-level car park with 908 parking could increase its stall
widths to 3.000 m, and retain its 6.000 m-wide aisles without exceeding
the area per car space for a two-bin 458 car park with 2.400 m-wide
stalls and 3.600 m wide aisles.
In the USA, many structured town-centre-type car parks incorporate
908 parking. Stalls with 608 angles, widened aisles and a two-way trac
ow are sometimes used for retail shopping at surface level and 708 to
808 angles for large Cats 3 and 4 buildings of the SD and FSD series, SD
2, 3 and 4 being particularly popular in the southern and western USA.
Circulation layouts
Split-level decks (SLDs) are the most popular circulation layouts in the
UK for multi-level urban car parks. They can be simple to drive
around, and generally have a good static and dynamic eciency (see
Fig. 7.2). The combination of half storey-height internal ramps and
at bins enables some types to be constructed down to ten stall
widths in length for two-bin layouts and eight stall widths for multibin layouts while still retaining a complete vehicle circulation and recirculation capability. In large-capacity facilities, rapid inow and
outow routes can occur. They must, however, be introduced at the
design stage if expensive alteration costs are to be avoided. They can
be used with any angle of parking, although only right-angled parking
can, sensibly, be used in conjunction with a two-way-ow circulation
pattern. Normally the decks are constructed level and only incorporate
drainage falls, in which case storey heights are dictated by the slope and
length of the cross-ramps.
When part, or all, of a trac aisle is made to slope along its length,
storey heights can be increased and/or the gradient of the ramps can be
reduced. In this manner, a split-level layout can be gradually modied
to become another circulation type.
The point at which the transition from one type to another occurs
can be assumed to be where the slope of the cross-ramps reduces to
5% (1 in 20) enabling them to conform to the requirements of the Building Regulations for pedestrian use (K1 Chapter 2 clause 2.1).
Historically, because of their construction simplicity, circulation
eciency and ability to be constructed on small sites, an inherent
defect caused by poor access for pedestrians between split levels has
tended to be ignored. If they needed to cross over to an adjacent bin,
pedestrians were expected to mingle with trac on the steep vehicle
ramps. Sometimes pathways were introduced down the ramp sides
but, mostly, pedestrian considerations were ignored in the search to
produce the most economical building in a highly competitive market.
Gradually, car park operators and designers began to rectify this
defect by introducing dedicated pedestrian ramps and/or stairs between
the split levels. This, however, reduced static eciency and increased
costs. It was not a statutory requirement, however, and in a competitive
market many car parks continued to be constructed without the benet
of this improvement.
Current regulations relating to the maximum allowable gradient for
pedestrian access between adjacent bins, the desire for enhanced security, supervision across the decks and the development of other, superior,
layout types has rendered the split-level layout a less attractive proposition than it has been in the past.
. All of the stalls are located on the main inow route.
. Rapid outow route.
. All turns are in the same direction with no single turn greater than
. Simple recirculation capability.
Both trac ows combine on the outow route, a condition that can
result in trac congestion in busy car parks.
. Seven stalls per storey will be lost if a 5% pedestrian access ramp with
steps is constructed between the split levels (see Fig. 8.2).
The inow circulation is highly ecient. All of the stalls can be passed
with just four right-angled turns per storey. However, trac waiting
to exit the car park must not be allowed to block the inow route; in
that event the car park will be unable to continue operating.
. Large-capacity layouts for Cats 1 and 2 use have been noted where
stalls on the outer side of the outow route, on the lower deck
levels, have been omitted in order to create an uncongested route
for the inow trac resulting in a reduction of at least 12 spaces
on each split level.
. Static eciency is good with only 16 stall spaces being required to
complete the circulation routes.
. The proximity of the up-coming inow ramp to the down-going
outow ramp should not be closer than two stall widths if conict
between drivers is to be avoided.
. The layout should operate satisfactorily for all parking categories up to
a maximum of, about, 400 stalls. Above that number designers should
become more cautious about using it for Cats 1 and 2 buildings.
. In large-capacity car parks, dynamic eciency could be increased
substantially if a rapid inow route was incorporated that enabled
motorists to bypass the outow route, especially on the lower
parking levels.
. If the aisle lengths are not too long, locating the main stair/lift tower
at one end could eliminate the need for an internal pedestrian ramp.
This would render it more ecient, cheaper to construct and make a
signicant improvement to its market value.
. If circumstances change, the future market value of a Cat. 3 or 4 car
park could depend upon its ability to operate in a dierent parking
Static eciency
As drawn, the number of stalls is 96 and the static eciency, at
21.840 m2 per car space, can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. For large-capacity layouts, an SLD 2 layout is dynamically superior.
It will also be statically superior if a by-pass outow route has to be
. A VCM 1 is as dynamically ecient as the SLD 2 layout and in not
requiring a pedestrian ramp it is statically superior. The reduction
of the split-level condition, also, renders it more user friendly and
economical to construct.
Circulation layouts
SLD 2 One-way-ow with an excluded rapid outow route (2 four stalls wide; 2A three stalls wide)
. Rapid outow route.
. All turns are in the same direction with no single turn greater than
. Simple recirculation capability.
. The inow and outow routes are separated, reducing the possibility
of trac congestion in busy car parks.
. The internal ramps can be of the combined type (SLD 2A) in smaller
capacity or non-intensive-use car parks, thereby improving static
Seven stalls per deck will be lost if a pedestrian ramp access with steps
is required between split levels.
As drawn, the inow circuit enables 80% of the stalls to be searched
eciently, with just four right-angled turns. Many of the remaining
stalls can be seen and judgements made on whether to search on
the outow circuit. In practice, there is little extra search distance
driven when compared with a similar capacity SLD 1 layout.
. The separation of the two ow routes more than justies any slight
reduction in circulation eciency, especially when used in Cats 1
and 2 layouts of a greater capacity than 400 stalls.
. As the static capacity increases, the separated outow route reduces
the possibility of trac congestion on the lower levels and so its
relative eciency improves.
. The introduction of a rapid inow route in large-capacity Cats 1 or 2
layouts enables motorists to bypass full or congested lower oors and
make their way, rapidly, to emptier upper parking levels.
. The layout is suitable for all parking categories where the capacity of
the lowest aisle on the outow route is not exceeded.
. For Cats 1 and 2 uses, the recommended maximum stall capacity,
when incorporating a rapid inow route, is in the order of 1100
. Static eciency is good with only 16 stall spaces per deck used to
complete the circulation route.
. For car parks of less than, say, 500 spaces and without intensive
utilisation, a combined ramp can be considered, as shown in SLD
2A. This will improve static eciency by two stalls per storey.
. Given the choice of layout, two-bin width layouts will always be
more ecient than those with three or more bins.
Static eciency
As drawn, the number of stalls is 96 and the static eciency, at
21.840 m2 per car space, can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. An SLD1 layout has a similar eciency when used in smaller capacity car parks.
. A VCM 1 layout is dynamically similar and the need for a dedicated
pedestrian ramp between the split levels is eliminated. The at across
deck areas also renders them more user friendly and economical to
Circulation layouts
. Can be used in layouts down to 24.000 m in length.
. All turns are in the same direction with no single turn greater than 908.
. Simple recirculation and recirculation capability.
The outow route passes all of the stalls.
. The use of narrow (3.300 m) width ramps reduces dynamic eciency
and they are not popular with motorists.
. Potential conict between drivers when they arrive, side by side, from
dierent levels and turn in the same direction.
. Pedestrian access requirements between split levels will reduce static
capacity and, on the smaller layouts, may be dicult to incorporate
(see SLD 1).
The circulation eciency is high. All of the stalls on the inow route
can be passed with just four right-angled turns. Unfortunately, it is
also the outow route and at busy times trac congestion can
occur as the inow and outow trac combines.
. As shown, only 12 stall spaces per deck are needed to complete the
circulation route. This is highly ecient and can only be bettered
by an SD 5 layout.
. When constructed in pairs, between three stall widths, side-by-side
ramps are below 3.300 m in width between faces of structure. This
is less than the minimum entry width recommended for crossramps (see Section 3.6.10).
. Mainly suitable for private parking (sta and hotel type), where the
available site area is small and the need to squeeze in as many spaces
as possible is great.
. Unless drivers use the full width of the trac aisles to eect their turn
into the narrow ramps they risk scraping their vehicles on the sidewalls (see Fig. 3.15 and Section 3.6.12).
. Although many car parks in the 1960s and 1970s were constructed
with these narrow ramp widths, they are unpopular, especially with
drivers of larger-type vehicles, and cannot be recommended for use
by the general public.
. In small facilities they could be justied on the grounds of improving
static capacity, but in such cases it is important not to obstruct lateral
vision as drivers approach the ramp ends.
Static eciency
Increasing the deck length to 28 stalls, for comparison purposes, produces an area per car space of 21.060 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
. As the length reduces so the area requirements increase. At its
shortest length (24.000 m), the area per car space becomes 26.750 m2 .
Other layouts
An SLD 6 or a VCM 3 is to be preferred provided that the increased
aisle width can be tolerated but there is no alternative layout incorporating a one-way trac ow that can be constructed under an
overall length of 36.000 m (15 stall widths).
Circulation layouts
. Simple circulation and recirculation capability.
. Good static eciency using only 16 stall spaces to complete the
circulation route.
66% of the stalls have to be passed on the outow route (no rapid exit
. Both ow routes combine on the central aisle, a condition that could
result in trac congestion at busy times.
. At one end, when turning onto the central aisle, drivers confront each
. A minimum of seven stalls will be lost at each of the two split levels if
a pedestrian ramp access is required between adjacent bins.
Stall searching on the inow circuit passes 66% of the stalls. To pass
all of the spaces on each storey and reach the next deck above
involves driving once through aisle 1, three times through aisle 2
and twice through aisle 3.
. The circulation eciency of this search pattern is quite poor.
. The alternative of climbing all the way up on the inow circuit and
returning back down on the outow circuit is more ecient but
still involves driving through the central aisle twice per storey. It is
not a search pattern that normally appeals to motorists.
. The introduction of variable message signs, showing the availability
of stalls on the outow aisle, will reduce the search pattern to a simple
rectangle with four turns to the right for each storey.
. At the entry to the central aisle, where the inow and outow routes
confront each other, the situation can be improved by introducing a
peninsula, shaped to prevent motorists from driving straight across
to the other ramp.
Static eciency
A deck length of 28 stall widths produces an area per car space of
20.700 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. An SD 5 or an FSD 3 or 4 layout that is at across the decks for
pedestrians at each end has similar static eciencies, provided that
there is no need for internally located cross-deck pedestrian access.
. A three-bin VCM 1 eliminates most of the split-level condition and
the need for pedestrian ramps, thereby osetting the greater
number of stall spaces needed for circulation purposes. The at
deck areas are easier to supervise and more user friendly.
Circulation layouts
. Outow and inow routes circulate in the same direction.
. Simple circulation and recirculation capability.
66% of stalls are passed on the outow route.
. The central aisle requires widening to accommodate two-way ow
. Seven stalls will be lost at each split level if pedestrian ramp access
between split levels is required.
Stall searching on the inow circuit passes 66% of the stalls. To pass
all of the spaces on each storey and reach the next deck above
involves driving twice through aisle 1.
. This is a superior circulation pattern to the SLD 4 layout although
aisle 2, with two-way ow, is wider.
. The alternative of climbing all the way up on the inow circuit and
returning back down on the outow circuit is no more ecient since
it still involves driving through the central aisle twice per storey. It is
not a search pattern that normally appeals to motorists.
. In similar fashion to the SLD 4 layout, circulation eciency will be
enhanced by the introduction of variable message signs.
. The two-way trac ow eliminates confrontation between drivers
arriving on the central aisle and also reduces the possibility of trac
. Pedestrian access between the split levels is a problem and if required
will reduce static capacity by 14 stalls per storey height.
Static eciency
A deck length of 28 stall widths produces an area per car space of
20.700 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. An SD 5 or an FSD 2 or 3 layout embodying at access at each end
for pedestrians has similar static eciencies and could eliminate the
need for a pedestrian ramp.
. Although a three-bin VCM 1 would eliminate the need for pedestrian
ramps, tting it onto a sloping site may cause problems of access and
Circulation layouts
. Can be used in layouts down to 24.000 m in length (10 stall widths).
. All stalls are located directly o the main inow route.
All stalls are located directly o the outow route.
. Two-way trac-ow layouts are less ecient, statically and dynamically, when compared with one-way-ow layouts.
. Recirculation is not a natural feature of two-way-ow layouts.
. If pedestrian access is required between split levels, it will reduce
static capacity.
This is a two-way-ow variation on an SLD 3 layout but without the
potential driver conict. The same number of stall spaces (12) is used
to complete the circulation route.
. It is more suitable for Cat. 3 or 4 uses, especially tidal, where the full
width of the two-way-ow ramp can be used for one-way-ow trac
(a.m. and p.m.) and light two-way-ow trac during the day.
. For Cat. 4-type layouts, or where very light usage is anticipated, the
recommended minimum width of 7.000 m can be reduced, provided
that the client agrees with the reduction in standards. Consideration,
however, should be given to possible future changes in the layouts
parking category.
. It is desirable to eliminate obstructions to lateral vision at the top and
bottom of the ramps if maximum dynamic eciency is to be
. In Cat. 4 layouts, especially where the trac ows are mainly tidal,
combined ramps are superior in dynamic eciency when compared
with scissors-type (SLD 3) ramp layouts.
. Suitable for all parking categories up to, about, 300 spaces and somewhat larger car parks only with caution. The lack of a rapid outow
route and the two-way-ow preclude this layout from serious consideration for large-capacity Cats 1 and 2 car parks.
Static eciency
Increasing the deck length to 28 stalls for comparison purposes
produces an area per car space of 21.060 m2 . This can be deemed,
. As the length reduces so the area requirements increase. At its
shortest length (24.000 m), the area per vehicle space becomes
26.750 m2 .
Other layouts
A VCM 3 layout is superior in dynamic eciency and user-friendly
. Above a length of 43.200 m, an SD 1 layout can also be considered.
Circulation layouts
. All stalls are passed on the main inow route.
. Rapid outow route.
. Good recirculation capability.
Right and left turns are required with some small reduction in
dynamic eciency when compared with one-way-ow layouts.
. Seven stalls per deck will be lost if pedestrian ramp access is required
between the split levels.
. Confrontation between drivers can occur at the entrance to the
internal outow ramp.
This is, in eect, a minimum length SLD 6 layout with a one-wayow split-level extension.
. The inow circuit passes all of the stalls with four right-angled turns
per storey, but only the rapid contra-ow circuit has a combined
trac ow. This provides it with an improved dynamic and static
eciency when compared with a similar length SD 6 layout.
. A penalty, however, is that an extra two stalls per storey are required
to complete the circulation route and there will also be a driver
conict point where left and right turns occur at the entry into the
rapid exit ramp.
. The one-way-ow section can be constructed 2.000 m narrower than
a two-way-ow deck, with a consequent reduction in construction
. It is not a layout that has been used often, but could help if the
designer was presented with a restricted site width and the main
entry/exit was located at the end of the access road.
. Give way signs, where trac joins the rapid outow route, reduce
the problem of driver confrontation but cannot solve the problem
. This layout is suited to all parking categories up to a maximum of,
say, 400 spaces. Larger car parks should be of the Cat. 3 or 4
types, where intensive ow rates occur only in one direction at any
particular time.
Static eciency
A deck length of 28 stall widths produces an area per car space of
22.000 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
. At its shortest length it reverts to an SLD 6 layout.
Other layouts
A VCM 4 layout has a similar circulation pattern but without the
split level, the central vehicle ramp and the need for a dedicated
pedestrian ramp.
. Provided that the location of the main entry/exit is acceptable, above
a length of 36.000 m an SLD 2 or a VCM 1 or 2 layout could be used
to better eect.
Circulation layouts
Sloping parking decks (SDs) (see Fig. 7.3) have parking aisles that slope
along their length, the cross-ramps between adjacent bins can be laid
at and become access-ways for both vehicles and pedestrians. The
parking gradient must not exceed 5% (1 in 20). Vehicles can be
parked on steeper sideways slopes but the requirements of BS
8300:8.2.2, for pedestrians must be observed in the UK.
It should also be appreciated that a limiting criterion, especially for
public car parks, is not the eect that sideways slopes have on parked
cars, but the eect of gravity on the opening and closing of the
doors. There are, however, drawbacks that render this type of layout
less attractive than a split-level car park in other respects. They are:
Rapid inow and outow routes that enable motorists to bypass full
or congested levels are not a practical proposition.
Pedestrian access between adjacent decks, other than at the accessways, is not a practical proposition.
Flat parking areas for disabled drivers must be provided that could
extend the minimum length of the building.
Sloping parking decks are a popular format in the south and west of
the USA, where they are used extensively for sta parking, invariably
linked to an adjacent oce block.
Some examples of the SD 1-type layout occur in the UK, but very few
compared with split-level layouts. It is, however, worthy of note that
both SD 3 and WPD1 circulation patterns are the same.
These layouts can be statically ecient and capable of oor areas per
car space of 21 m2 , or even less in large-capacity facilities.
An SD 7 layout has the best static eciency of any car park type with
two or more bins.
Circulation layouts
. All stalls are passed on the main inow route.
. Only 12 stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation
. Flat access for pedestrians, between adjacent bins, at each end.
. The sloping decks provide an unmistakable indication of the direction of trac ow: inow is upwards and outow is downwards
(reversed in underground facilities).
. Storey heights can be varied almost innitely by means of the deck
length and slope.
No rapid outow route.
. Two-way trac ows are less ecient, both statically and dynamically, than one-way-ow layouts.
. The maximum sideways parking slope of 5% results in a minimum
length overall, of 43.200 m (18 stall widths) for a 2.900 m storey
. There is no natural recirculation capability. Drivers must turn
through 1808 on the aisles, or use a turning head that is usually
located at the end of the aisle furthest from the entrance.
. Pedestrian access between adjacent bins can only be made at each
At busy times, the two-way-ow circulation route, with vehicles
entering and leaving stalls from both sides of the aisle, can result in
a trac congested situation developing quite rapidly, especially at
the lower levels of a large-capacity building.
. Although vehicles can safely park on much steeper sideways slopes
than 5%, it is the eect of opening car doors against gravity that
must be considered for weaker members of the parking public.
. BS 8300 stipulates that when the going is in excess of 10.000 m, the
maximum slope for pedestrians must not exceed 5%.
. This is a sloping deck version of an SLD 6 layout, but has at access
for pedestrians between adjacent bins each end.
. Suitable for all category facilities up to 300 spaces capacity approximately and somewhat larger Cats 3 and 4 car parks with caution. The
lack of a rapid outow route and the two-way-ow precludes this
layout from serious consideration for large-capacity public facilities.
Static eciency
For comparison purposes, a deck length of 28 stall widths produces
an area per car space of 22.300 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
. At its shortest length (18 stall widths) the area per car space increases
to 23.900 m2 .
Other layouts
An SLD 6 has a similar static eciency but lacks the pedestrian
access between adjacent bins at each end.
. A VCM 3 layout has a superior dynamic eciency and user-friendly
. A VCM 4 layout is similar in dynamic eciency and static capacity,
but is superior in user-friendly features.
Circulation layouts
. Twelve stalls per storey height are used to complete the circulation
. Flat access for pedestrians across the deck at each end.
. Rapid outow route.
. Full recirculation capability.
Pedestrian access is limited to the ends of the parking decks.
. Including the ramp, a minimum site length of 50.000 m, approximately, will be required.
The smaller dimensions required for one-way-ow parking ramps
enables savings of 161 m2 per storey to be made when compared
with the featured SD 1 layout. The rapid outow ramp has an area
of 184 m2 per storey height and when the layout is extended to a
length of 52.8 m, the parking area savings will balance the increase
in ramp area. It also has the added benet of a separated rapid
outow route and an ability to re-circulate throughout all of the
parking decks.
. Although shown with a three-slope outow circuit, any of the
featured HER series ramps can be used.
. ER series ramps can also be used although they will be more expensive to construct and will take up a larger site area.
. Recommended for all parking categories up to about 600 spaces,
above which the lack of a rapid inow route restricts its ecient
use to Cat. 3 and 4 layouts. The upper limit is dependent upon the
maximum trac-ow rate anticipated on the lowest level of the
outow ramp.
Static eciency
A deck length of 28.5 stall widths (68.400 m) produces an area per car
space of 22.070 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. Although dynamically superior to an SD 1 layout for all car park
capacities, it is statically inferior in its utilisation of the site area.
An SD 1 layout over the site length will contain more stalls.
. Constructing the ramp as the outow route for a VCM layout, with
parking on each side, can oset the static inferiority. But then
why not go all of the way and construct an SLD- or VCM-type
Circulation layouts
. Flat access-ways between adjacent bins for vehicles and pedestrians,
in the middle and at each end.
. Simple circulation and recirculation capability. The inow route
slopes upwards and the outow route slopes downwards.
. Storey heights can be varied almost innitely by means of the deck
slope and length.
50% of the stalls are located on the outow route.
. If intended for large-capacity Cat. 1 or 2 use, the possibility of confrontation between inow and outow trac entering the central
access-way will require careful consideration.
. Separating the trac by widening the central access-way reduces the
possibility of confrontation on entry but can create vehicle conict
points at the exit.
. No rapid inow or outow route capability.
. Requires a minimum building length of 72.000 m (30 stall widths).
This is a popular layout in parts of the USA where it is often linked to
an adjacent oce block and used for sta parking. In such buildings
the trac ows are mainly tidal and the use of the central accessway for both inow and outow trac is not an important factor.
. When proposed for Cat. 1 or 2 parking the circulation pattern is not
good. Searching all of the spaces on the way up involves driving twice
through the inow route on each parking level in order to recommence the search on the oor above.
. At busy times in Cats 1 and 2 layouts, the doubling of the driving
distance on the inow route will extend parking times and become
a cause of trac congestion.
. The introduction of a variable message sign system on each deck level
will eliminate the need for motorists to drive unnecessarily through
the outow route and also remove the need to double the driving
distance on the inow route.
. Slopes for pedestrians and sideways parking vehicles should not
exceed 5%.
. Dependent upon parking capacity and category of use, 12 to 16 stall
spaces per deck are used to complete the circulation route.
. The layout has the inow and outow trac combining on the central
access-way and is best suited where the main vehicle entry and exit
points are located on opposite sides of the central access-way.
Static eciency
The minimum deck length of 31 stall widths produces an area per car
space of 21.100 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. VCM 1 and 2, incorporating rapid outow routes and good crossdeck pedestrian access are more acceptable layouts for Cats 1 and 2
. SLD 2 is also worth considering, provided that pedestrian access
between adjacent bins is not a necessary design feature.
Circulation layouts
. Flat access-ways between adjacent bins for vehicles and pedestrians,
in the middle and at each end.
. Simple circulation and recirculation capability.
. Storey heights can be varied almost innitely by means of the sloping
Half of the stalls are located on the outow route.
. No rapid inow or outow route capability.
. Requires a minimum building length of 76.800 m (32 stall widths).
A variation on the SD 2 layout, the trac circulation incorporates
908 turns to the left with a two-way trac ow on the central aisle.
With this layout, the preferred main entry/exit location will be on
one side of the central aisle.
. The circulation route is somewhat simpler than SD 3. Figure-of-eight
turns and confrontation are avoided but in other respects it remains
the same, with only 50% of the stalls located on the inow route.
. The introduction of a variable message sign system on each deck level
towards the end of the inow ramp, just before the left turn onto
the central access-way, will eliminate the need for motorists to,
fruitlessly, drive around the outow route and render the search
for parking space much more ecient.
. Sixteen stall spaces per deck are used to complete the circulation
route. In suitable conditions this can be reduced to 14 by making
the central access-way three stalls wide.
Static eciency
The minimum deck length of 32 stall widths produces an area per car
space of 21.400 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. VCM 1 and 2, with rapid inow and outow routes and good crossdeck pedestrian access are more acceptable for Cats 1 and 2 use.
. SLD 2 is also worthy of consideration, provided that pedestrian
access between adjacent bins is not a necessary design feature.
. SD 3, 4 and 5 layouts have similar characteristics. They are all
capable of being used for Cat. 4 purposes with ow reversal where
both routes are used for inbound trac in the mornings and outbound trac in the afternoons.
. SD 3 and 4 layouts incorporate superior recirculation capabilities
and SD 5 has a superior static eciency.
Circulation layouts
. Only eight stalls per storey height are used to complete the circulation
. Flat access for pedestrians across the deck, at each end.
No rapid inow or outow route capability.
. No re-circulation capability within the car park.
. Pedestrian access is limited to the ends of the parking decks.
. Cannot be constructed less than 70.000 m in length.
Each complete circuit of 3608 raises two storeys, with the outow
route sandwiched between the decks of the inow route.
. If motorists are not to drive against the trac ow, then regardless of
where they have parked on the inow circuit, upon leaving they must
carry on up to the top deck in order to join the outow circuit and
then drive back down.
. It is, essentially, an SD 3 layout but without the central access-way on
the intermediate deck levels and the ability to change from one ow
route to another.
. The main merit in adopting this layout is its good static eciency that
saves six stalls per deck when compared with an SD 3 layout and
eight stalls per deck when compared with an SD 4 layout.
. A pedestrian walkway between the adjacent decks can be introduced
in the middle of the layout that uses two stalls.
. Variable message sign systems are not appropriate for use with this
. It cannot be recommended for Cat. 1, 2 or 3 use but, if used as a Cat. 4
car park with tidal ow, the outow route can be reversed in the
mornings and the inow route in the afternoons to make twin
entry and exit locations. If used in this manner, it will be dynamically
and statically more ecient than an SD 1, 2, 3 or 4 layout.
Static eciency
The minimum deck length of 30 stall widths produces an area per car
space of 20.060 m2 . This can be deemed Very Good.
Other layouts
It cannot be matched by any other two-bin layout for static eciency.
However, for Cats 1, 2 and 3 use, SD 3 and 4 layouts are dynamically
superior, more exible and user friendly.
. If used for Cat. 4 purposes with ow reversal, it will be statically
superior to all other types of car park.
Circulation layouts
. Simple circulation and recirculation capability.
. Flat access for pedestrians between adjacent bins at each end.
. The sloping decks provide an unmistakable indication of the direction of trac ow; inow is up and outow is down.
. Storey heights can be varied almost innitely by means of the deck
length and slope.
No rapid outow route.
. Two-way trac ows are less ecient, both statically and dynamically, than one-way-ow layouts.
. Pedestrian access between adjacent bins is restricted to each end.
. Access between adjacent decks occurs only at the ends of the aisles.
The inow circulation route only passes 66% of the stalls, and the
outow route also passes 66% of the stalls.
. This is a three-bin width version of an SD 1 layout. The central aisle
needs to be widened to accept a two-way trac ow and all turns are
made in the same direction.
. The mixing of trac on the central aisle and the extended outow
circuit renders this layout unsuitable for large capacity Cats 1 and
2 uses.
. Two-way trac ows are dynamically less ecient than one-wayow layouts.
. Searching for stalls on each level involves driving twice through the
external aisle on the inow route: it is inecient and can lead to
unnecessary trac congestion.
. The introduction of a variable message sign system on each deck
level, positioned just before the left turn onto the central accessway, will eliminate the need for motorists to, fruitlessly, drive
around the outow route and render the search for parking space
more ecient.
Static eciency
A deck length of 16 stall widths contains 80 stalls and produces an
area per car space of 22.900 m2 . This can be deemed, Average.
Other layouts
. Good static eciency is a strong feature of this layout, but, in most
other respects, an SLD 2, VCM 1 or 2 layout, three bins wide, with
superior dynamic eciency and more user-friendly layout, could be
used to advantage for all categories of use.
Circulation layouts
. Simple recirculation capability.
. Flat access for pedestrians across the deck at each end.
50% of the stalls are located on the outow route.
. No rapid inow or outow route capability.
. Pedestrian access is limited to the ends of the parking decks.
These are two variations on the same theme. SD 7 is the more
popular layout with two of the four sloping decks side by side, all
of the turns in the same direction, a superior circulation ow and
no vehicle confrontation. SD 8 has been shown merely to emphasise
this superiority.
. The use of 24 stall spaces per deck to complete the circulation route is
quite high when compared with an SD 1 layout that uses only 12. The
orientation of the trac aisles, however, can result in them being
shorter, thereby reducing the travel distance for pedestrians to the
at access-ways at either end of the trac aisles. The multiplicity
of shorter aisles could be of benet to pedestrians in a Cat. 1 or 2
car park.
. Searching for stalls on each level involves driving twice through each
of the external aisles before climbing to an upper level. This is not an
ecient search pattern and can lead to early trac congestion at busy
. An alternative search pattern is to drive directly up to the top parking
level, then transfer to the outow route and continue searching on
the way back down. This is more ecient dynamically, but not one
that the parking public is likely to accept readily.
. The introduction of a variable message sign system on each deck level
will eliminate the need for motorists to needlessly drive around the
outow route, thereby improving the circulation eciency.
. SD 7 occurs occasionally, but SD 8 is not known to occur in the UK.
Static eciency
A minimum deck length of 16 stall widths contains 88 stalls and
produces an area per car space of 23.040 m2 . This can be deemed,
Other layouts
Four-bin width versions of SLD 2, VCM 1 and VCM 2 provide
superior layouts on suitably sized sites, especially if considered for
Cat. 1 or 2 purposes.
. If there is room on the site to accommodate HER- or ER-type ramps
then at parking decks will also provide a superior option for largecapacity car parks.
Circulation layouts
7.7 Combined at
and sloping deck
(FSD) layouts
Circulation layouts
The practical advantage of these layouts (see, for example, Fig. 7.4)
over those featured in the SD series is that the parking decks can be
laid horizontally on three sides of the building in a two-bin conguration and on all four sides of buildings which are three or more bins
The at elevation feature has possible benets of an architectural
nature in some circumstances.
The at deck elements can incorporate stalls for disabled drivers and
The length of the deck, raising a complete storey height, renders these
layouts suitable only for buildings of a length greater than about
72.000 m (30 stall widths).
The physical barrier to pedestrians progressing across the decks
limits these layouts to sites where the main point of pedestrian access
occurs at the ends of a trac aisle.
Rapid inow or outow routes are not a practical proposition.
End-connected ow routes require a minimum building length of
128.800 m to operate successfully. They are not considered to be a
viable construction form for UK use and for this reason they have
not been featured.
They are a popular format in the USA, where they are used mainly
for main terminal use and sta-type parking in multiple bin layouts,
linked to large oce buildings.
They are a rare occurrence in the UK.
. Horizontal elevations on three sides.
. All stalls are located directly o the main inow route.
. Flat pedestrian access between adjacent bins at each end.
. Storey heights can be varied almost innitely by means of the sloping
deck length and slope.
All stalls are located directly o the main outow route (no rapid exit
. Access between decks is restricted to the ends of the aisles.
. There is no natural recirculation capability. Drivers must turn
through 1808 on the aisles, or use a turning head that is normally
located at the end of the aisle furthest from the entrance.
. A minimum building length of 72.000 m (30 stall widths) is required
to incorporate a 5% parking slope.
. Introducing a 5% pedestrian slope on the end access-ways can reduce
the overall building length by 20.000 m, but in so doing two of the
three at elevations will be eliminated.
. Two-way trac ows are less ecient both statically and dynamically, when compared with one-way-ow layouts.
The circulation pattern is the same as any of the other two-bin
layouts with two-way trac ows. The main dierence with this
layout is in the storey height sloping parking deck on one side, resulting in a minimum building length longer than most others.
. Locating the main stair/lift tower in the middle of one of the ank
walls is to be preferred to reduce walking distances, but an access
ramp between the bins is awkward to construct on a sloping deck
and will lose several parking spaces.
. The most eective location for the main pedestrian stair/lift tower
will to be at either of the two ends, although this will entail
pedestrians walking up to 70 m on a sloping deck to and from their
. The use of 12 stall spaces (or 16 if wider access-ways are used) to complete the circulation route renders it similar in operation to an SLD 6
or SD 1 layout.
. The two-way trac ow and lack of a separated rapid exit route
renders this layout unsuitable for large-capacity Cats 1 and 2 use.
Static eciency
A minimum deck length contains 108 stalls and produces an area per
car space of 22.100 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. An SLD 6 and an SD 1 are similar in operation and can be constructed to a shorter overall length.
. VCM 3 also has a similar circulation pattern, but the at deck areas
provide improved pedestrian access across the decks.
Circulation layouts
. Ten stalls are used to complete the circulation circuit.
. Good recirculation capability.
. Flat access between adjacent bins for pedestrians at each end.
. Rapid outow route.
A pedestrian access ramp between adjacent decks is not a practical
. Including the ramp, a minimum site length of 87.000 m, approximately, will be required.
The smaller dimensions required for one-way-ow parking ramps
enables a saving of 224 m2 per storey to be made when compared
with the featured FSD 1 layout.
. The rapid outow ramp has an area of 184.000 m2 per storey,
. At its minimum length of 30 stall widths savings of 40.000 m2 per
storey can be achieved with all of the benets of a separated rapid
outow route and an ability to recirculate throughout all of the
. Although shown with a three-slope outow circuit, any of the
featured HER series can be used.
. ER series ramps can also be used although they will be more expensive to construct and will take up a larger site area.
. Recommended for all parking categories up to about 600 spaces,
where the lack of a rapid inow route restricts its use for Cats 1
and 2 layouts.
. For Cats. 3 and 4, the limit will be dependent upon the maximum
trac ow rate anticipated on the lowest level of the outow ramp.
Static eciency
A minimum deck length contains 106 stalls and produces an area per
car space of 22.220 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. Although dynamically superior to an FSD 1 layout for all parking
categories, it is statically inferior in its utilisation of the site area.
An FSD 1 layout over the length, including the ramps, will contain
more cars.
. Constructing the ramp as the outow route for a VCM layout with
parking on each side can oset the static inferiority, but why not
go all of the way and construct a complete VCM-type layout?
Circulation layouts
. Horizontal elevations to all four sides.
. One-way-ow circulation with all turns in the same direction and
with no single turn greater than 908.
. Simple recirculation capability.
. Flat access between adjacent bins for pedestrians at each end.
66% of the stalls are located on both the inow and outow route.
. A minimum building length of 72.000 m is required (30 stall widths).
. Two-way trac ow on the central aisle.
Searching for stalls on each level involves driving twice through the
external aisle on the inow circuit before climbing to an upper
level. This is not an ecient search pattern and can lead to early
trac congestion at busy times.
. The alternative is to drive directly up to the top parking level, then
transfer to the outow route and continue searching on the way
back down. This is, dynamically, more ecient but not one that
the parking public is likely to accept readily.
. The introduction of a variable message sign system on each deck
level, positioned just before the left turn onto the central aisle, will
eliminate the need for motorists to, fruitlessly, drive around the
outow route and render the search for parking space much more
. Locating the main pedestrian stair/lift tower in the middle of one of
the ank walls is to be preferred, but constructing two pedestrian
access ramps between the bins will lose some 14 stalls per oor, be
awkward to construct on a sloping deck and be costly.
. The most ecient location for the main pedestrian stair/lift tower
will to be at either of the two ends, although this will entail
pedestrians walking up to 70 m on a sloping deck to and from their
. The use of 16 stall spaces per deck to complete the circulation route
renders it similar in static eciency to an SLD 4 and a FSD 3 layout.
. The lack of a rapid inow or outow route renders it unsuitable for
large capacity Cat. 1 or 2 purposes.
. The main advantage of adopting this layout is the at elevations to all
four sides.
Static eciency
A minimum deck length contains 152 stalls and produces an area per
car space of 21.130 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. Apart from the four at elevations, a VCM 1 layout, three bins wide,
with its superior dynamic eciency and user-friendly layout, could
be used to advantage for all categories of use.
. If pedestrian access between bins is not a requirement, an SLD 3
layout could also be considered.
Circulation layouts
. Simple recirculation capability.
. Flat access between adjacent bins for pedestrians at each end.
. Although the two outside aisles have been shown sloping with a at
central aisle, it can be reversed, with the outside aisles laid at and a
sloping central aisle (not dissimilar to FSD 2). The trac circulation
remains the same.
The central aisle is common to both the inow and outow routes.
. Opposing driver conict is possible at the entry to the central aisle.
. A minimum building length of 72.000 m is required (30 stall widths).
The reduced width of the one-way-ow central aisle renders this
layout more economical to construct than an FSD 3 layout (about
. Searching for stalls, storey by storey, is less ecient than an FSD 3
layout, involving the external aisle on the inow route being driven
through twice, the central aisle, three times (twice on an upper level
and once on the level under) as well as the external aisle on the outow
route. This is double the driving distance required in an SLD 1 layout
and will lead to premature trac congestion at busy times.
. The alternative is to drive directly up to the top parking level, then
transfer to the outow route and continue searching on the way
back down. This is dynamically more ecient, but is not one that
the parking public is likely to accept readily and still requires both
trac ows to merge on the central aisle.
. The introduction of a variable message sign system, positioned at the
far end of the central aisle will eliminate the need for motorists to,
needlessly, drive around the outow route.
. It is almost essential that the main pedestrian stair/lift tower will have
to be located at either of the two ends although this will entail some
pedestrians walking more than 80 m on a sloping deck to and from
their vehicles.
. The use of 16 stall spaces per deck to complete the circulation route
renders it similar in operation to an SLD 5 or FSD 3 layout.
. The lack of a rapid inow or outow route renders it unsuitable for
large-capacity Cat. 1 or 2 purposes.
Static eciency
A minimum deck length contains 152 stalls and produces an area per
car space of 21.130 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. Good static eciency is a strong feature of this layout, but, in all
other respects, a VCM 1 layout, three bins wide, with its superior
dynamic eciency and user-friendly layout, could be used to advantage for all categories of use.
. If pedestrian access between bins is not a problem, an SLD 5 layout
could also be considered.
Circulation layouts
. Horizontal elevations to all four sides.
. Good recirculation capability.
. All turns are made in the same direction.
. Flat access between adjacent bins for pedestrians at each end.
No rapid inow or outow route capability.
. Twenty-four stall spaces per deck are used to complete the circulation
. Pedestrian access ramps between adjacent decks are not a practical
Searching all of the spaces, storey by storey, involves driving three
times on the external inow aisle, twice on the internal inow aisle,
once on the internal outow aisle and twice on the external outow
aisle. This produces low-circulation eciency and can be a direct
cause of trac congestion at busy times.
. Introducing a left turn at the bottom of the outow circuit on each
level can create a short cut, eliminating two of the legs, but this
uses four stalls, reducing static eciency.
. The alternative is to drive directly up to the top parking level, then
transfer to the outow route and come back down again. This is
more ecient, dynamically, but not one that the parking public is
likely to accept readily.
. The introduction of a variable message sign system on each deck level,
positioned just before the left turn onto the central aisle, will eliminate
the need for motorists to, fruitlessly, drive around the outow route
and renders the search for parking space more ecient.
. Locating the main pedestrian stair/lift tower in the middle of one of
the ank walls is to be preferred but, as a pedestrian access ramp
between adjacent bins is not a practical proposition, it will entail
those drivers who park in the far bin walking to the ends of the
aisles, crossing on the access-ways and returning to the middle.
This will not be popular with the parking public.
. There are few examples in the UK, but versions do occur in the USA,
some with 708-angled parking and used mainly for sta- and airporttype parking.
. The lack of a rapid inow or outow route renders it unsuitable for
Cat. 1 or 2 purposes.
Static eciency
A minimum deck length contains 200 stalls and produces an area per
car space of 20.960 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. Four-bin versions of SLD 3, or VCM 1 or 2 with their superior
dynamic eciency and user-friendly layouts, could be used to advantage for all categories of use.
. If there is room on the site to accommodate external ramps, without a
reduction in static capacity, then at deck layouts could also provide
a superior solution.
. FSD 5 and 6 have similar characteristics.
Circulation layouts
FSD 6 and 7 Double helix, side connected with one-way trac ows
Circulation layouts
These are versions of the FSD 4 layout, obtained by sloping the decks
in dierent ways. The circulation pattern is poor without the use of
variable message sign systems and they embody no advantages or
disadvantages. They are shown merely to indicate the circulation
variations that can be obtained with multi-bin layouts.
. Horizontal elevations on three sides.
. Flat pedestrian access between adjacent bins at each end.
. Storey heights can be varied almost innitely by means of the sloping
deck length and slope.
Only 50% of the stalls are passed on the inow route.
. Access between decks is restricted to the ends of the aisles.
. A minimum building length of 76.800 m (32 stall widths) is required
to incorporate a 5% parking slope.
. Introducing a 5% pedestrian slope on the access-ways can reduce the
overall building length by 20.000 m, but in so doing two of the three
at elevations will be eliminated.
The circulation pattern is much the same as any of the other two-bin
layouts with one-way trac ows. The main dierence with this
layout is in the two half storey-height sloping decks on one side.
. Locating the main pedestrian stair/lift tower in the middle of one of
the ank walls is to be preferred. The central vehicle ramp is to be
considered non-pedestrian and a dedicated pedestrian access ramp
between the bins is awkward to construct on a sloping deck. It will
also lose several parking spaces.
. The most ecient location for the main pedestrian stair/lift tower will
be at either of the two ends, although this will entail pedestrians
walking up to 70 m on a sloping deck to and from their vehicles.
. The use of 16 stalls per deck to complete the circulation route renders
it similar in operation to an SD 4 layout.
. The introduction of a variable message sign system on each deck
level, towards the end of the inow ramp just before the right turn
onto the central ramp, will eliminate the need for motorists to,
fruitlessly, drive around the outow route and render the search
for parking space much more ecient.
Static eciency
The minimum deck length of 32 stall widths produces an area per car
space of 21.400 m2 . This can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. VCM 1 and 2, with rapid inow and outow routes and good crossdeck pedestrian access, are more acceptable for Cats 1 and 2 use.
. SLD 2 is also worthy of consideration provided that pedestrian
access between adjacent bins is not a necessary design feature.
. SD 3, 4 and 5 layouts have similar characteristics. They are all
capable of being used for Cat. 4 purposes with ow reversal, where
both routes are used for inbound trac in the mornings and outbound trac in the afternoons.
. SD 3 and 4 layouts incorporate similar recirculation capabilities and
SD 5 has a superior static eciency.
Circulation layouts
7.8 Combined at
and sloping deck
layouts with internal
(VCM and WPD)
Stacking one module upon another creates a continuous vertical circulation ow for a structured parking facility and joining two modules at
their ramps (one the mirror image of the other), creates a complete car
park circulation system where pedestrians can reach all parts of the
deck without negotiating any slope in excess of 5% (VCM 1).
The modules can be a minimum dimension of eight stall widths in
length with a slightly twisted or a 5% sloping access-way, or they can
be extended in length to ten stalls which renders them more suitable
for precast concrete structures. Outside of the modules, the parking
decks are laid at, resulting in a signicant improvement in crossdeck accessibility for pedestrians. The modules can be moved to
other locations, as can be seen in VCM 2, although this is not such a
popular layout as VCM 1. Modifying a module to accept two-way
trac ows creates a layout that can be constructed down to ten stall
widths (24.000 m) in length, yet still retaining pedestrian access to any
part of the deck (VCM 3).
A VCM layout is more user friendly than other internally ramped
systems and the 5% slopes provide access to any part of a parking
deck, thereby eliminating the need for a separate dedicated pedestrian
ramp. This reduces construction costs, enhances static eciency and
increases user friendliness. In large-capacity parking decks, rapid
inow routes can be introduced at any future time and at minimal
cost; it is simply a matter of line painting. One-way-ow layouts can
be constructed with a minimum dimension of eight stall widths while
still retaining at access for pedestrians along one long side (see the
MD series on pp. 113123).
Warped parking deck (WPD) is a circulation system that provides
the external appearance of a residential or oce building, with all
four sides appearing to have at decks, without slopes or steps.
This has some architectural advantages, but involves warping the
parking decks that slope up to 9% in a cross-fall direction and 5%
It cannot be constructed less than 74.400 m in length. Rapid ow
routes are not a practical proposition and pedestrian access between
adjacent decks is restricted to the aisle ends. It cannot be achieved without losing several stalls on each deck. It was a popular construction
form some 30 years ago and examples of this type of building still occur.
VCM is a patented circulation system and must not be used without permission. For information
regarding its use, contact Hill Cannon UK LLP, Royal Chambers, Station Parade, Harrogate
HG 1EP, North Yorkshire. Telephone: 01423 562571.
Circulation layouts
. All turns are made in the same direction with no single turn greater
than 908.
. Pedestrians do not encounter slopes steeper than 5%.
. A rapid inow route can be incorporated at any time without structural alteration. It is simply a matter of line painting.
. If access between adjacent bins is required, omitting two stalls can
provide it, or the rapid inow route can be used, thereby eliminating
the need for a dedicated pedestrian ramp.
. The inow trac route is separated from the rapid outow route with
exiting trac passing only 24 stalls on each deck level.
. Simple recirculation capability.
Cannot be used in layouts less than 36.000 m (15 stall widths) in
Sixteen stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation
route (14 if a combined ramp is used).
. The separation of the two ow routes results in a more ecient
circulation layout when compared with an SLD 1 layout, especially
when used in Cats 1 and 2 layouts of a greater capacity than 400 stalls.
. As drawn, the inow circuit enables 80% of the stalls on each level to
be searched eciently, with just four right-angled turns. Many of the
stalls on the outow route can be seen and judgements made on
whether to search that circuit.
. Dynamic eciency is good and similar to an SLD 3 layout, but it is
more user-friendly.
. The main pedestrian access tower can be located anywhere around
the building, but is most suitable where it can be located away
from the sloping deck elements.
. Suitable for all parking categories and building sizes where the
dynamic capacity of the rapid outow route is not exceeded.
. VCM 1A has the same plan form as VCM 1, but the elevations are
horizontal on all four sides and the decks warp to a maximum of
7% at the ramp.
Static eciency
As drawn, the number of stalls is 96 and the static eciency, at
21.840 m2 per car space, can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. A VCM 2 layout could be considered where it is preferred to locate
the at deck element in the middle part of the deck.
. A site with steep cross-falls could render an SLD 3 layout worthy of
Circulation layouts
. All turns are in the same direction with no single turn greater than
. The need for dedicated pedestrian ramps, between adjacent bins, is
. Pedestrians need not encounter slopes steeper than 5%.
. The inow trac route is separated from the rapid outow route with
exiting trac only passing 24 stalls on each deck level.
. The trac ows are separated and outow route is rapid.
. Simple recirculation capability.
Cannot be used in layouts less than 36.000 m (15 stall widths) in
. Some static eciency will be lost if dead ends are to be avoided on
the lowest parking slopes.
Sixteen stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation
route (14 if a combined ramp is used).
. Circulation eciency and characteristics are similar to a VCM 1
layout, except that there could be a reduction in static capacity at
the very bottom of each ow route.
. Dynamic eciency is good and similar to an SLD 3 layout.
. More suitable for layouts where the main pedestrian access tower is
located at the side of the at deck element in the middle part of the
. Suitable for all parking categories and building sizes where the
dynamic capacity of the rapid outow route is not exceeded.
Static eciency
As drawn, the number of stalls is 96 and the static eciency, at
21.840 m2 per car space, can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. If dead ends at the lowest parking levels are omitted, the static
capacity will be slightly less than a VCM 1 layout.
. A site with steep cross-falls could render an SLD 2 layout worthy of
consideration provided that the loss of spaces to pedestrian ramps
can be tolerated.
Circulation layouts
. Only one VCM module is required, suitably modied for two-way
. All stalls are passed on the main inow route.
. Pedestrians do not encounter slopes steeper than 5%.
. Can be constructed down to an aisle length of 24.000 m (10 stall
widths) and still retain at access for pedestrians progressing between
adjacent bins.
Reduced dynamic eciency when compared with one-way-ow
At any time, a rapid outow route can be introduced (as shown). It is
simply a matter of line painting.
. Twelve stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation
route (16 if a rapid outow route is incorporated).
. The ramp and sloping deck element occurs over a length of 21.600 m,
leaving the remainder of the parking deck to be constructed at
across the bins.
. Without a rapid exit route it is only suitable for Cats 1 and 2 facilities
up to about 400 spaces. If one was incorporated, up to about 700
spaces could be used without the fear of early trac congestion.
. It can be used in larger Cats 3 and 4 facilities, but if lacking a rapid
outow route it remains unsuitable for really large-capacity layouts.
Static eciency
As drawn, the number of stalls is 96 and the static eciency, at
22.210 m2 per car space, can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. An SLD 7 layout can be considered, especially if the site has a significant cross-fall, but will be inferior in user-friendly features and static
capacity if pedestrian ramps between adjacent bins are required.
. For aisle lengths greater than 43.200 m, an SD 1 layout can also be
Circulation layouts
. Only one VCM module is required, modied for two-way ow.
. A single circuit of each deck searches all of the stalls.
. A rapid outow route can be introduced when required.
. One-way ow on the at decks.
. Good recirculation capability.
. Pedestrians need not encounter slopes steeper than 5%.
Some reduction in dynamic eciency when compared with one-wayow layouts.
. Confrontation between opposing drivers can occur where they both
turn onto the rapid outow access-way.
At an aisle length of 24.000 m (10 stall widths) it reverts to a VCM 3
. The ramp and sloping deck element occurs over a length of 21.600 m,
leaving the remainder of the parking deck to be constructed at
across the bins.
. Not suitable for Cats 1 and 2 purposes over, say, 300 spaces, it is
equally unsuited for tidal type trac conditions where exiting trac
from opposing directions turns onto the internal access-way.
. A give-way box will help to improve the confrontation situation but
cannot cure it altogether.
. Larger car parks should be restricted to Cat. 3 use where problems
caused by opposing drivers will be minimised.
. The one-way-ow section saves 2.000 m on the width when compared
with a VCM 3 layout, with a consequent improvement in static
. Fourteen stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation route.
Static eciency
As drawn, the number of stalls is 100 and the static eciency, at
21.080 m2 per car space can be deemed, Good.
Other layouts
. Above a length of 36.000 m a VCM 1 or VCM 2 layout could be used
to advantage.
. If access for pedestrians between adjacent bins is not a necessary
design feature, an SLD 7 layout can also be considered, especially
if the site has a signicant cross-fall.
Circulation layouts
. The deck elevations are horizontal on all four sides.
. Pedestrian access between adjacent bins occurs at each end of the
trac aisles.
. Simple recirculation capability.
The centrally located vehicle ramp in the middle of the layout is too
steep for allowable pedestrian use.
. Maximum allowable pedestrian slopes are also exceeded on the parking decks (see BS 8300:8.2).
. A minimum length of 74.400 m (31 stall widths) is required when
using 5% sideways parking slopes, but it is to be appreciated that
the slope in the other direction can be in excess of 9%.
. 50% of the stalls are located on the extended outow route.
. Fully laden shopping trolleys are dicult to control on parking decks
incorporating falls in excess of 5%, especially when the aisle slopes
are diagonal.
16 stall spaces per deck are used to complete the circulation route (14
if a combined ramp were to be adopted).
. The decks are horizontal at each end of the building and warp to a
maximum at the central ramp locations.
. A layout much used 30 to 40 years ago. Examples of this car park
type have been constructed throughout the UK, some of which are
still in operation.
. Recent legislation has reduced the maximum slope allowed for
pedestrians on ramps.
Static eciency
As drawn, the number of stalls is 112 and the static eciency, at
21.430 m2 per car space, can be deemed good.
Other layouts
The SD series share similar circulation features, especially SD 3,
which incorporates an identical circulation layout and are more
user friendly in having a at central access-way for pedestrians.
They cannot, however, be constructed with the deck sides horizontal.
. A VCM 1 layout is more user friendly but without warping the decks
it cannot be constructed with the building sides horizontal. However,
the maximum deck slope in either direction does not exceed 5%.
Circulation layouts
Circulation layouts
In layouts three or more bins wide, internal cross-ramps can be introduced which climb through a complete storey height. In the UK this
has been used, in the main, to create a horizontal elevation on all
four sides of a multi-bin system, without resorting to sloping or stepped
parking decks.
Two basic types occur, those with ramps running across the bins and
those where the ramps run parallel with the trac aisles. The slope
of the internal ramp is recommended to be a maximum of 10%.
Designers of existing buildings with cross-ramps have, in general,
increased the ramp slopes slightly, with no known complaints from
When used across the decks the dimension available for a ramp is
usually 25.200 m. In the other direction, the length is unrestricted and
can be tailored to suit any storey height. The cross-ramp location
results in an interruption to the free ow of trac along the central
bin resulting in a loss of stalls if dead ends are to be avoided.
Dynamic and static eciency is not a good feature of this layout type.
The layouts featured show that drivers need to pass through some
trac aisles and access-ways more than once, in order to search all of
the stalls on any particular level.
. Horizontal elevations to all four sides.
. All turns are in the same direction with no single turn greater than
. Simple recirculation capability.
. Flat access for pedestrians between adjacent bins.
. The outow route is reasonably rapid.
The internal ramps climb through a full storey height. Their length,
between aisles, is 25.200 m; the maximum recommended slope is
. The ramp crosses the central bin creating dead ends.
. Thirty-two stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation route (36 spaces if all dead ends are to be avoided).
. The static and dynamic eciency is not good with many stalls having
to be passed twice as each deck level is searched.
If the maximum allowable ramp slope of 10% is not exceeded, the
storey height should not be greater than 2.560 m. For increased
storey heights it will be necessary to extend the central bin dimension
or create gaps between adjacent bins.
. If all of the stalls are to be searched on each level and motorists drive
up to the next parking level, they must drive more than twice the
distance around the length of the perimeter aisles and access-ways.
Circulation eciency is low and can be a major cause of trac
congestion at busy times.
. An alternative is to drive up to the top parking level on the inow
route, transfer over to the outow route and continue searching on
the way back down. Even so, on the inow route one of the aisles
has to be driven over twice.
. The introduction of a variable message sign system can improve
circulation eciency, but the extended length access-ways, ramps
and the need, still, to drive through some aisles more than once, do
not make this layout as ecient as most of the others.
. The high circulation requirement of up to 40 stall spaces per deck is a
poor feature.
. The minimum aisle length is 36.000 m (15 stalls), but at this length
more than 30% of the stall spaces will be required to complete the
circulation pattern.
. The low circulation eciency renders it unsuitable for any parking
category where intensive activity is anticipated.
Static eciency
As drawn, the number of stalls is 112 and the static eciency, at
24.070 m2 per car space, can be deemed, Average.
Other layouts
. A VCM 1 layout, three bins wide, has superior static and dynamic
eciencies, without dead ends and is more user friendly.
. If there were sucient space on the site, any of the external ramp
systems would also produce superior layouts.
Circulation layouts
. All turns are made in the same direction with no single turn greater
than 908.
. Horizontal elevations on all four sides.
. Simple recirculation capability.
. Flat access for pedestrians between adjacent bins.
. The outow route is reasonably rapid.
The storey height ramps exceed the recommended maximum slope.
. The ramps cross an inner bin creating a short dead-end condition.
. Thirty-two stall spaces per deck are required for ramps and accessways to complete the circulation route.
. Thirty-six stalls are located directly o the combined inow and
outow route.
. Potential conict between drivers when they arrive, side by side, at
the same parking level and turn in the same direction.
. The combined ow routes could result in trac congestion at peak
The circulation eciency is a little better than an FIR 1 layout, but
still requires two passes through the internal aisle to be driven in
order to cover all of the spaces at each deck level.
. Scissors-type ramps, at a width of 3.300 m, are not suitable for intensive trac use.
Static eciency
As drawn, the number of stalls is 112 and the static eciency, at
23.230 m2 per car space, can be deemed, Average.
Other layouts
. A VCM 1 layout, three bins wide, can also be constructed with horizontal elevations and has superior static and dynamic eciencies,
without dead ends.
. If there were sucient space on the site, any of the external ramp
systems would produce superior layouts.
Circulation layouts
FIR 3 One-way-ow decks with combined two-way-ow ramps parallel with the aisles
. Horizontal elevations on all four sides.
. Simple recirculation capability.
. Flat access for pedestrians between adjacent bins.
. The outow route is reasonably rapid.
. The ramps are located at right angles to the direction for a type FIR 1
layout. This enables a 10% sloping ramp to be introduced for any
particular storey height.
. Dead ends are eliminated.
The high circulation requirement of 44 stall spaces per deck is a poor
feature and can only really be justied by being incorporated within a
much larger deck layout.
The layout is uncomplicated, the trac pattern is simple to understand and is more ecient than that for an FIR 1 layout.
. The higher circulation requirement should be weighed against the
dynamic advantages when compared with an FIR 1 layout.
Static eciency
Dependent upon the capacity of the deck within which it is incorporated, the overall static eciency will vary. However, if constructed
as a small independent layout, static eciency will be in the order
of 28 m2 per car space. This can only be described as Poor.
Other layouts
A VCM 1 layout, three bins wide, has superior static and dynamic
. If there were sucient space on the site, any of the HER and ER
series could also produce superior layouts.
Circulation layouts
. Flat decks.
. Simple recirculation capability.
. Flat access for pedestrians between adjacent bins.
. The outow route is reasonably rapid.
. The ramps are located at right angles to the direction for a type FIR 1
layout. This enables a 10% sloping ramp to be introduced for any
particular storey height.
. Dead ends are eliminated.
As drawn, 46 stall spaces per deck are required for ramps and accessways to complete the circulation route.
. Potential conict occurs between trac exiting the ramps and ltering into the trac on the aisles.
Although shown four bins wide, it can operate equally well with three
bins. The ramps, however, will need to circulate in opposite directions.
. The circulation eciency is a little better than an FIR 1 layout, but
still requires two passes to be driven through the internal aisle in
order to cover all of the spaces at each deck level.
Static eciency
If it forms part of a much larger deck layout it might be justied, but
as a small stand-alone layout the static eciency can only be
described as Poor.
Other layouts
A VCM 1 layout, three bins wide, has superior static and dynamic
. If there were sucient space on the site, any of the HER and ER
series could also produce superior layouts.
Circulation layouts
7.10 Minimum
dimension (MD)
The smallest practical size for any parking layout is dictated by the
recommended minimum turning circles for the SDV. It does not
necessarily have to be over the full length of the building but at the
ends, at least, in order to achieve a turning dimension. In continental
Europe, ring-spanner shaped layouts on several levels (MD 1, as
shown in Figs. 7.7 and 7.8) occur under the main shopping streets of
some towns, e.g. Rheims.
They are ideal for very long and narrow sites both above and below
ground and as they increase in length so their static eciency improves,
but there are no facilities of this type known to occur in the UK at the
time of writing.
A two-bin, SLD 3-type car park can be constructed down to a plan
size of 31.200 m 24.000 m, dimensions that can only be matched by an
SLD 6 and a VCM 3 layout. When, however, three or more bin widths
can be incorporated in one direction, the other direction can be reduced
to eight stall widths (19.200 m). Stalls 2.300 m wide reduce this
dimension even further to 18.400 m and, if the parking need is great,
the site is small and the client is amenable, such a reduction in parking
standards may well be acceptable.
A nal reduction of the minimum dimension can be made, with
caution. By reducing the number of stall widths to seven, a turning
dimension of 16.800 m is produced. Although this is still greater than
the notional turning circle for an SDV, the scratches down the ramp
sides of existing car parks where it has been adopted, testify to the
inadequacy of this dimension for public usage. However, if the client
is amenable and the alternative is no car park at all, it could well be
A long MD 1-type layout can have a greater static eciency than any
other circulation design. (<20 m2 per space) followed closely by an MD
2 layout. For the other layouts in the MD series, increases in the building length actually reduce static eciency due to the internal bins
having the same deck area as those located at each end but containing
fewer stalls.
The static eciency of the MD 3 to MD 11 types compares unfavourably with most other layout types (28 to 30 m2 per vehicle space).
However, as there are no other types that can be used in their place,
any comparison is academic.
Circulation layouts
. Can be accommodated on minimal width sites (16.000 m in the
middle and 19.000 m at each end).
. The inow route can bypass full or congested deck levels enabling
motorists to proceed directly to a level where spaces are readily available.
. Parking can occur on several levels at the same time resulting in a
high dynamic eciency.
. The outow route is also rapid and bypasses the parking decks.
. The static eciency of the bins is high, but overall static eciency can
vary dramatically, dependent upon the ratio of parking aisle length
to the vertical circulation ramps.
The trac circulation route is vertical rather than horizontal.
In order to search all of the stalls, the trac circulation route is in
opposite directions, deck upon deck. It is not dissimilar to the circulation of many multi-bin car parks where the same pattern occurs but
in a horizontal rather than a vertical plane.
. Variable message signs can be installed at the entry to each deck level
in order to reduce the length of the search path.
. Car parks embodying this layout occur in continental Europe, e.g.
Rheims, where they have been constructed underground, below the
main shopping streets.
. There are no facilities utilising this type of layout known to occur in
the UK.
. MD 1A is a split-level ramp option, eight stalls wide (19.200 m) and
is, statically, more ecient than the MD 1 layout.
. MD 1B is more ecient, statically, than MD 1A, but the means of
escape for pedestrians parking on the split-level element requires
careful consideration.
. MD 1C is a VCM option. It has the same static eciency as MD 1B
but pedestrians are now able to escape to the main deck level by way
of the 5% parking slope.
Static eciency
As drawn, with 56 stalls per deck and no allowance for vertical access
for pedestrians, the area per car space for an MD 1 layout is
28.000 m2 . This can be deemed Average for its type.
. When each deck contains 100 stalls the area per car space reduces to
24.000 m2 , improving as the building increases in length. This can be
deemed, Good, for its type.
. Similar gures for an MD 1A are: 28.400 m2 and 25.000 m2 per car
. Similar gures for an MD 1B and 1C are: 24.000 m2 and 22.800 m2
per car space.
Other layouts
For small-capacity car parks, MD 3 to MD 11 can be considered,
however, when more than, say, 100.000 m in length, no other
layout type is able to achieve a comparable static eciency.
Circulation layouts
. Can be accommodated on minimal width sites.
. Can be extended in length almost innitely.
. The static eciency of the bins is good but overall static eciency can
vary dramatically, dependent upon the ratio of aisle length to the
The entry to each parking level involves a crossover condition.
. The extra width of the two-way-ow parking decks renders this
layout slightly less ecient, statically, than an MD 1 layout.
Can be used on long, thin sites that have insucient width for a
turning ramp at one end.
. The circular ramp for the MD 2 should be a minimum of 30.000 m in
diameter. It is not a very practical layout pattern and is wasteful of
site space.
. For MD 2A and 2B layouts, the minimum end dimensions can be
reduced to 24.000 m 28.400 m.
. The long dead-end condition on every oor makes variable message
sign systems an essential part of the layout if motorists are not to
become frustrated.
. MD 2A is a split-level option that is more ecient statically but could
have problems of escape for pedestrians on the half levels.
. MD 2B is a VCM option with the same eciency as an MD 2A
layout but the escape problem has been solved.
. There are no facilities utilising these layout known to occur in the
Static eciency
As drawn, with 75 stalls per deck, the area per car space for an MD 2
layout is 27.000 m2 .
. When each deck contains 100 stalls the area per car space reduces to
23.540 m2 .
Other layouts
This is an inferior layout to the MD 1 series and should only be
adopted when there is no alternative that can be made to work on
the designated site.
Circulation layouts
. Can be accommodated on sites down to 24.000 m in width.
. Can be extended in length almost innitely.
. MD 3 has a one-way trac ow throughout.
. Good recirculation capabilities.
Their static eciency is not high and reduces as the layouts increase
in length. This is due to the internal bins containing fewer stalls than
the outer bins.
. The ramps are narrow.
. MD 4 and 5 incorporate two-way trac ows for the vertical vehicle
The high proportion of access-ways to stalls for the internal bins
makes for a reduced static eciency when compared with long
MD 1 and 2 layouts. However, when the major dimension is six
bins or less, the static capacities can be similar and when only three
bins in width, they can be superior.
. MD 3 is based upon a minimum width (24.000 m) SLD 3 layout,
side extended. The ramps are below the recommended minimum
dimension and the half-level-parking element can cause re escape
problems for pedestrians.
. MD 4 is a minimum (24.000 m) SLD 6 layout, side extended. Fire
escape problems are the same as for MD 3.
. MD 5 is a VCM option, similar to MD 4, but the parking decks
sloping at 5% solve the problem of escape for pedestrians.
. Being wider than MD 6 to 11, these three layouts contain more
stalls for any given length and hence, have an improved static
. Each internal bin contains only 12 stalls at an area per stall of
31.200 m2 . Compare this with a similar length of MD 1 parking
deck at 18.720 m2 per car space and it can be readily appreciated
that the more bins that an MD 3, 4 or 5 layout contains, the less
statically ecient it will become.
Static eciency
As drawn, with 52 stalls per deck, the area per car space for MD 3, 4
and 5 layouts is 28.800 m2 .
. When each deck contains 100 stalls, the area per car space increases
to 30.000 m2 .
Other layouts
Apart from an MD 2 layout, there are no other types with similar
minimum dimensions that can have both trac ows located at the
same end.
Circulation layouts
. Can be constructed down to 19.200 m in width.
. Can be extended in length almost innitely.
. The ramps are, nominally, 4.400 m in width.
. Good recirculation capability.
Lifts and stairs located on the long, at side project beyond the
notional building width.
Static eciency reduces with an increase in the number of bins. On
long layouts an MD 1 layout will be more economical to construct,
but this advantage becomes less as the building reduces in size.
. All three types are based upon minimum dimension VCM modules
that are joined at their ends, either in pairs (MD 8) or with a
common central aisle.
. MD 8 can be extended from the centre, thereby locating the vertical
circulation elements at each end.
. MD 6 and 7 can be extended on either side depending upon the
preferred location for the inow and outow routes.
. All of the decks incorporate a 5% parking slope and drainage fall to
one side that is constructed at.
Static eciency
An MD 6 as drawn, with 32 stalls per deck, has an area per car space
of 28.080 m2 and when each deck contains 100 stalls the area per car
space increases to 34.320 m2 .
. An MD 7 as drawn, with 32 stalls per deck, has an area per car space
of 28.680 m2 and when each deck contains 100 stalls the area per car
space increases to 34.520 m2 .
. An MD 8 as drawn, with 40 stalls per deck, has an area per car space
of 30.000 m2 and when each deck contains 100 stalls the area per car
space increases to 34.320 m2 .
. None of these layouts can be deemed, Good, and can only be justied
when there is no other option available.
Other layouts
Apart from an MD 1, there are no other layout types with similar
minimum dimensions that can incorporate vertical trac circulation
routes at each end.
Circulation layouts
. Can be constructed down to 19.200 m in width.
. Can be extended in length almost innitely.
. The ramps are, nominally, 4.400 m in width.
Lifts and stairs located on the long at sides will project beyond the
notional building width.
These are an alternative to the MD 6, 7 and 8 layouts. They have the
same dynamic and static qualities and layout exibility. The basic
dierence being that the split levels for these three types create
escape problems for pedestrians.
. If pedestrian ramps are required for cross-bin access, then the
internal stalls located at the split-levels will be lost. This will render
the layout even more uneconomic and statically inecient.
Static eciency
An MD 9 or 10 as drawn, with 32 stalls per deck, has an area per car
space of 28.080 m2 and when each deck contains104 stalls the area
per car space increases to 31.680 m2 .
. An MD 11 as drawn, with 40 stalls per deck, has an area per car space
of 30.000 m2 and when each deck contains 104 stalls the area per car
space increases to 31.680 m2 .
. None of these layouts can be deemed, Good, and can only be justied
when there is no other option available.
Other layouts
MD 6, 7 and 8, solve the pedestrian escape problems.
Circulation layouts
Circulation layouts
. All of the stalls are passed on the inow route.
. The cylindrical shape is well suited to resist compression forces
imposed by the ground when used in underground facilities.
. Good static eciency for the larger diameter facilities.
. The sloping decks provide an unmistakable indication of the direction of trac ow, the inow route is upwards and the outow
route is downwards (reversed in underground facilities).
All of the stalls are passed on the main outow route.
. No natural recirculation capability.
. The need to turn constantly and the inability to see well ahead is an
unpopular feature of the design.
. The circular layout renders CCTV supervision less eective than one
with straight trac aisles.
On anything other than a circular site, it is dicult to justify this
layout above ground for reasons other than architectural. As the
diameter increases so does the wasted site area created by the hole
in the middle.
. It can be justied when it also doubles up as a spiral ramp providing
access to a high-level parking area (with parking on one or more
sides), but, even so, care has to be taken to ensure that the dynamic
capacity of the two-way-ow aisle is not exceeded.
. The circular layout makes security supervision more dicult. Sta
cannot see as far as when the aisles are straight and CCTV cameras
will be required more frequently.
Static eciency
The number of stalls varies, dependent upon the diameter. At the
smallest practical diameter of 40.000 m the area per vehicle space
requirement is 26.400 m2 but at a diameter of 60.000 m the area per
vehicle space requirement reduces to 22 m2 approximately: this can
be deemed, Good, but then the hole in the middle gets larger and
becomes wasted site space
Other layouts
There is no alternative layout that embodies a circular shape, but on
any site larger than, say, 32 m2 , a rectangular car park would produce
a more economical and ecient layout.
Circulation layouts
Circulation layouts
. Both ow routes can be rapid or extended.
. The ow routes can be located side-by-side, as shown, or separated.
. Good recirculation capability.
. When located at the side of an aisle, eight stall spaces are required to
complete the circulation route.
. When located at the end of an aisle, only four extra stall spaces are
required to complete the circulation route (see HER 4).
. Parking decks are clear of ramp obstructions.
Both inow and outow routes combine with the aisle trac at each
parking level. This is not normally a serious matter.
. Semi-circular ramps are more expensive to construct than straight
ramps but in a large-capacity car park the extra cost per car space
can be nominal.
The spiral format, be it semi-circular or elliptical, renders this a more
sthetically pleasing shape than straight ramps.
. Measured on the centre-line, the going is 32.200 m, producing a
continuous gradient of 8.7% for a storey height of 2.800 m.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of an inow ramp
at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably improve
dynamic eciency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly,
any particular oor.
Other layouts
Either of the other featured HER-type ramps work just as well. It is
more a matter of choice rather than any other factor.
Circulation layouts
. The ow routes can be rapid or extended.
. The ow routes can be joined or separated.
. Good recirculation capability.
. When located at the side of an aisle, eight stall spaces are required to
complete the circulation route.
. When located at the end of an aisle, only four extra stall spaces are
required to complete the circulation route (see HER 4).
. Parking decks are clear of obstructions.
The inow and outow routes combine with the aisle trac at each
parking level.
On plan, both sets of ramps appear similar. The dierence being that
those for HER 3 raise half a storey height, and are similar to those
used in an SLD 2 layout, while those for HER 4 split the storey
height into three, thereby reducing the sloping elements to 10%,
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of an inow ramp
at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably improve
dynamic eciency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly,
any particular oor.
. Suitable for all usage categories where the dynamic capacity of the
combined section of the aisle is not exceeded (about 1100 vehicles
per hour), they are mainly seen in large-capacity sta and airport
types buildings.
Other layouts
Either of the other featured half external type ramps work as well. It
is more a matter of choice rather than any other factor.
Circulation layouts
. Rapid, clear, access to and from all levels.
. The ow routes can be joined or separated.
. Good recirculation capability.
. The two-lane end access-way enables the inow and outow routes to
behave with the dynamic eciency of a fully external ramp layout.
. Parking decks are clear of obstructions.
. The end access-way can be reduced to two stalls in width for suitable
Down-owing trac on the ramps, turning left, can be in confrontation with out-owing and circulating trac on the parking decks,
turning right.
Although a straight, three-slope ramp system has been shown, any of
the other HER ramp series can be adapted equally as well.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of an inow ramp
at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably improve
dynamic eciency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly,
any particular oor.
. As shown, the ramp slopes are 10% approximately.
. Suitable for all usage categories where the dynamic capacity of the
combined section of the aisle is not exceeded (about 1100 vehicles
per hour), they are mainly seen in large-capacity sta and airport
types buildings.
. Provided that the trac ow around the end is light, it might be
acceptable to reduce the width of the access-way. It is only a
matter of line painting.
. Eight more stalls per deck can be introduced along the end accessway (similar to HER 5).
Other layouts
Either of the other featured HER-type ramps works as well on the
building ends, it is more a matter of choice rather than any other
Circulation layouts
. Rapid access to and from all levels.
. The ow routes can be joined or separated.
. Good recirculation capability.
. The two-lane access-way enables the inow and outow routes to
behave almost with the dynamic eciency of a fully external ramp
. The end access-way can be reduced to two stalls in width for suitable
Down-owing trac on the ramps, turning left, can be in confrontation with out-owing and circulating trac on the parking decks,
turning right.
Although a straight, three-slope ramp system has been shown, any of
the other HER ramp series can be adapted equally as well.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of an inow ramp
at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably improve
dynamic eciency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly,
any particular oor.
. As shown, the ramp slopes are 10% approximately.
. Suitable for all usage categories where the dynamic capacity of the
combined section of the aisle is not exceeded (about 1100 vehicles
per hour), they are mainly seen in large-capacity sta and airport
types buildings.
Other layouts
Either of the other featured HER-type ramps works as well on the
building ends, it is more a matter of choice rather than any other
. A comparison with an HER 4 layout shows that, within the same
plan envelope, six more stalls can be accommodated on each level;
pedestrians have unobstructed access to all parts of the decks and
there is a 40 m reduction in the total length of perimeter walling
required on each deck level. Also, the ow routes are shorter, free
of parking stalls and, hence, will be more ecient.
Circulation layouts
Circulation layouts
. Both ow routes are contained in a single structure, which could
prove benecial in site utilisation and construction costs.
. Four stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation
. The vertical circulation routes are unobstructed by other trac,
except when joining or leaving the ramp system, resulting in a
dynamic capacity on the ramps of 1480 vehicles per hour.
Trac exiting the deck must cross the path of ramp trac climbing to
an upper level.
. The ability to observe approaching trac on the opposite lane is
limited by the ramp curvature.
. They are not a popular format with the parking public at the best of
times and rapidly become more unpopular if the diameter reduces
below the preferred minimum.
Unless appearance or site utilisation considerations are pre-eminent,
there is no advantage in choosing this format over other external
ramp types.
. Providing that trac drives on the correct side of the aisle and the
lanes are of an adequate width, a lane-dividing kerb is not considered
to be an essential feature: double yellow lines should suce.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of the inow
ramp at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably
improve dynamic eciency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly, any particular oor.
. Suitable for all car park usage categories where the collective capacity
of the exiting trac at the lowest level is not exceeded.
. The capacity of the exit barriers and external road system requires
careful consideration if trac is not to back up within the car park.
Other layouts
An ER 2 ramp system is a logical option and projects less distance
from the parking deck.
Circulation layouts
. Both ow routes can be conjoined or separated. They can be positioned at any convenient location around the car park.
. Four stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation
. The vertical circulation routes are unobstructed by other trac,
except when joining or leaving the ramp system, resulting in a
dynamic capacity on the ramps of 1480 vehicles per hour.
They are not a popular format with the parking public at the best of
times and rapidly become more unpopular if the diameter reduces
below the preferred minimum.
Unless appearance or site utilisation considerations are pre-eminent,
there is no advantage in choosing this format over rectangular external ramp types.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of the inow
ramp at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably
improve dynamic eciency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly, any particular oor.
. Suitable for all car park usage categories where the collective capacity
of the exiting trac at the lowest level is not exceeded.
. The capacity of the exit barriers and external road system requires
careful consideration if trac is not to back up within the car park.
Other layouts
An ER 1 ramp system is a logical option but the crossover condition
at the exit from each oor level renders it less ecient, dynamically.
Circulation layouts
. Both ow routes can be conjoined or separated. They can be positioned at any convenient location around the car park.
. Four stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation
. The vertical circulation routes are unobstructed by other trac,
except when joining or leaving the ramp system, resulting in a
dynamic capacity on the ramps of about 1500 vehicles per hour.
The projection from the side of the car park is some 10.000 m greater
than for a similar HER-type ramping system.
Shown with split levels for demonstration purposes, it is equally
adaptable to the other systems featured in the HER series.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of the inow
ramp at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably
improve dynamic eciency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly, any particular oor.
. Suitable for all car park usage categories where the collective capacity
of the exiting trac at the lowest level is not exceeded.
. The capacity of the exit barriers and external road system requires
careful consideration if trac is not to back up within the car park.
Other layouts
Layouts utilising three-ramp or VCM-type systems could be used to
similar eect.
Circulation layouts
. Four stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation
. The vertical circulation routes are unobstructed by other trac,
except when joining or leaving the ramp system, resulting in a
dynamic capacity on the ramps of 1480 vehicles per hour.
. The ramps can be combined on one side of the car park and that
could save some 5.000 m in overall width requirements, but this
will involve opposite direction trac crossing paths.
For each level climbed or descended, the going, at 8.5%, is 14 stall
widths per 2.900 m storey height. The length of the site, therefore, will
dictate the number of parking levels.
A variable message sign system, located at the head of the inow
ramp at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably
improve dynamic eciency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly, any particular oor.
. The projection from the side of the building can vary but the turning
dimension onto the parking deck must be considered.
. Suitable for all car park usage categories where the collective capacity
of the exiting trac at the lowest level is not exceeded.
. The capacity of the exit barriers and external road system requires
careful consideration if trac is not to back up within the car park.
Other layouts
There are no other external ramp systems that project as little from
the sides of a building.
Circulation layouts
. The system is intended for use when a single-storey height of 5.400 m,
or greater, is required. One of the ow routes can then be inserted
between the other. This eects a reduction in the plan area when
compared with other external ramp layouts where the ow routes
are constructed side by side.
. The straight ramp element of the layout is less daunting to motorists
than similarly dimensioned circular ramp systems.
The entry and exit locations are not very exible and could cause
problems. To locate them side by side could involve increasing the
site width, locally, at ground level.
. Locating the entry and exit control barriers at the rst parking level
may well be the best solution for large-capacity car parks.
The main purpose of this ramp system is to gain access to a car park
located above a commercial or retail operation where an increased
storey height is required.
. Ramp width dimensions as little as 16.000 m between kerbs have been
noted without any apparent reduction in popularity but, generally,
the wider the better.
. It can be used to gain access to all of the parking decks, but it is to be
remembered that with normal storey heights only alternate parking
levels can be accessed on the way up.
. Suitable for all parking categories but another ramping system
should be adopted where more than one level of parking occurs.
. Within the body of the parking area, a vertical circulation system that
visits each level in turn will be preferable.
. An option is to carry on straight up but change to an HER system
above the rst parking deck level. The overall dimensions for the
ER 5 and the two HER ramps would need to be compatible for
the best structural eciency.
Other layouts
There are no other layouts that can operate to as high a standard
within the plan area of this system.
Circulation layouts
. An alternative to ER 5, this system is also intended for use when a
storey height of 5.400 m, or greater, is required. One of the ow
routes can then be inserted between the other, thereby eecting a
reduction in the plan area when compared with other, side-by-side,
circular ramp layouts.
The entry and exit locations are not very exible and could cause
problems. To locate them side by side could involve increasing the
site width, locally, at ground level.
. For large-capacity car parks, where a number of entry and exit
control barriers may be required, Locating them at the head of the
ramps, in the body of the car park may well be the only solution.
It operates in a similar fashion to an ER 5 ramp system and performs
the same function.
. If the site widths are restricted then a stadium-shaped ramp could
provide a better solution, but otherwise the choice of which ramp
system to adopt is mainly one of client choice based upon visual
. Measured on the ramp centre-line, a slope of 8.5%, for a 5.600 mstorey height produces a required going of 64.800 m. The minimum
overall ramp diameter, therefore, will need to be in the order of
25.000 m.
Alternative layouts
There are no other circular ramp layouts that can operate to as high a
standard within the plan area of this system.
Circulation layouts
8.1 Discussion
There are three basic occasions when car occupants and pedestrians
will require access to a re escape:
When the vehicle enters the car park and is being driven around to
nd a parking space.
When pedestrians are walking to and from the deck exit location.
When the vehicle is being driven out of the car park.
In addition there will be occasions when the car park sta will be
present, but their numbers are so small, relatively, that they can be
The maximum occupancy will relate to the peak trac ows, both in
and out. This information is usually available from the Trac Assessment that would normally accompany the planning application for a
new-build car park. In the absence of such information, an assessment
of the peak-hour trac ow can be taken as 65 to 70% of the total
capacity, i.e. for a 1000 space car park the peak ow over a one-hour
period will be between 650 to 700 vehicles.
It is reasonable to assume a maximum parking period of ve minutes
for an eciently designed layout (see Section 6.5) and another ve
minutes for pedestrians to exit the building: a total time of ten minutes.
The only people to exceed this time will be sta members and those very
few who are waiting in the vehicle for others to return. Using the
example of 700 vph, a ten-minute period results in 117 vehicles.
Using, also, the Building Regulation gure of two persons per vehicle,
the maximum total number of people present within the building
over any ten-minute period will be 234.
In the event of a re, when entering escape stairs without lobbies, it is
possible for one ight of stairs, on any particular level, to be put out of
action and this must be taken into account when calculating stair and
door opening widths. When lobbies are introduced all of the stair
cores can be counted. Stairs without lobbies are easier to enter, especially for disabled pedestrians, they take up less room but an extra
stair core is required.
From Table 7 of Approved Document B, it can be seen that, with three
suspended levels and three escape stairs without lobbies, stair ight
widths of 1000 mm will be adequate. For the main pedestrian stair
core, where there could be regular two-way pedestrian movements, a
ight width of 1200 mm is recommended. Landings must be of a
width no less than the ights they serve (see Fig. 8.2).
8.2.2 Vertical escape
Stair widths (source: B1, Vertical escape, Table 7)
levels 1000 mm 1100 mm 1200 mm 1300 mm 1400 mm 1500 mm 1600 mm 1700 mm 1800 mm
P 15n 15
50 50n
Minimum width
750 mm
850 mm
1050 mm
5 mm per person
1 Widths less than 1050 mm should not be interpolated.
2 5 mm/person does not apply to openings serving less than 220
The total journey time for each complete cycle, per pair, will be:
Travel time
Door time
Passenger movements
Total time
39.2/1.6 25 secs
6 10 60 secs
6 10 60 secs
145 secs
9.1 Discussion
Although the necessary number of stalls and their dimensions are well
documented, little comment has been made about the disposition of
stalls for disabled drivers within a car park. The required provision
for general public parking is up to 6% of capacity. This gure varies
dependent upon the use for which the car park is intended, but many
local authorities now insist on 6% regardless of the car parks function.
Some car parks have stalls spread around in ones and twos on a
number of deck levels, wherever there has been an extra width stall
available. This is a cynical solution to the requirements. It ignores
the special mobility problems of disabled people and is at odds with
current Disability Discrimination Act recommendations. There is
also a need to consider parking provision for disabled vehicles up to
2.6 m high. It is acceptable to provide external parking bays but if
that is not possible the ground parking level will have to be used. The
interior should be so designed that the increased headroom occurs
only locally and the vehicles can exit the facility without having to
drive through the whole of the ground parking level. It is unreasonable
to have to increase all of the ground-oor headroom just for a few
parking bays.
The requirements for pedestrian ramps are based upon places of
work and residence wherein disabled persons can spend many hours
per day. In such cases it is important that all consideration should be
given to minimise the problems of getting around. However, in car
parks, the only people remaining more than ve minutes after parking
their vehicle are employees, the very few waiting for the driver to return
and those with criminal intent. The others will have left to go about
their legitimate business.
The design criteria for dealing with persons with disabilities within
car parks are provided in BS 8300: 2001. The recommendations, however, do not adequately distinguish between dierent parking functions,
e.g. a hospital car park may well need to increase its provision for
disabled drivers as would areas with a high percentage of elderly
residents. Their location can also reduce the use, i.e. when constructed
on a steep hillside (see Fig. 3.11, Hillside Car Parks) or if ample onstreet parking is available for blue badge holders in the car parks
immediate vicinity. It is to be hoped that, eventually, car parks will
be recognised as a separate building type in this respect and treated
When located on oors other than the one that leads directly to the
main exit point, wheelchair users must use the lifts. In the event of
an electrical failure or mechanical breakdown they will either be
constrained to the oor on which they have parked, and have to
drive back out, or be unable to return to their vehicle.
Lift doors must be wide enough to accept wheelchairs and carers with
double-width prams (800 mm is adequate for wheelchair users but
1000 mm could be required to contend with some of the prams).
9.4 Access
10.1 Discussion
10.3 Motorcycle
10.4 Lockers
11 Security
11.1 Discussion
Security, or the lack of it within some car parks, is a major issue with the
parking public. The statistics indicate, however, that personal danger is
more perceived than actual. Feelings of insecurity can be engendered
when walking though a dimly lit car park late at night not dissimilar
to those developed when walking through, say, a dark street on a
dull evening. The actual danger is minimal, but the perceived danger
creates fears that, if not allayed, could result in the car park being
shunned by many motorists.
The advent of CCTV has seen a great leap forward in car park security.
However, it cannot see around bends or corners. Curvi-linear or circular
aisles are restricted in this respect. More curves mean more cameras,
more screens, more sta and more expense.
Feelings of security are also enhanced by a reduction of internal
vertical structure. Structures spanning clear over each bin are preferable to those where columns and shear walls are located adjacent to
the aisles, behind which potential felons can lurk. It has been proven,
by competitive construction over the years, that properly designed
clear-span structures are no more expensive to construct than those
with internal columns.
The Safer Car Parks scheme is promoted throughout the UK and
provides an award system for approved facilities with specialist
advice from police and other security experts. It recommends standards
to be achieved for the safety of motorists and pedestrians and includes
advice on the design of external landscaping to foil attempts at concealment by felons.
One of the major worries is for people to enter an enclosed stairwell and
be assaulted without being seen by others. Closed circuit television can
play a major role but the provision of glazed areas that enable any
potential attacker to be exposed to public gaze also helps. Wherever
there are areas where the public is vulnerable to attack, glazed doors,
windows or glass walls are desirable. There should be no hiding place
for anti-social behaviour. Vision panels in lift and lobby doors onto
decks should be provided and at a height that disabled pedestrians in
wheelchairs can see through.
What is to prevent a man from cross-dressing and driving into the car
park and what socially acceptable procedures can be implemented to
prevent this happening?
Most car parks are not dicult to enter by way of the open sides, or
re escape doors, or even hidden in someones vehicle.
The operator will become even more responsible for the safety of the
user. Construction, supervision and insurance costs will rise, to be
reected in increased parking charges.
Who, or what authority, is prepared to underwrite the cost of introducing such a scheme?
Will there be enough women drivers of a nervous disposition in any
one place to justify their introduction?
The location of such a car park advertises where women can be found
alone in the streets outside as they make their way to and from it. It
will become a focal point of attraction for those who prey on the
female sex.
Proposals for women-only car parks should be resisted.
12 Underground parking
12.1 Discussion
Underground parking
13 Lighting
13.1 Discussion
Car parks in the past have frequently been dull and dingy places that
created a sense of unease, especially in the minds of nervous pedestrians.
Current British Standards specify a much improved lighting standard
(see Fig. 13.1) with uniformity requirements that avoid the occurrence
of poorly lit areas. Higher lux levels are specied for entry and exit
and ramps. CCTV can operate with relatively poor light
13.2 Emergency
14 Signage
14.1 Discussion
Signs and notices should advise, direct, be easily understood and easily
recognisable. Even when travelling at low speeds in an enclosed area the
drivers workload can be relatively high and a proliferation of dicult
to read signs and notices only serves to confuse. Conversely, too few
directional signs can create a sense of unease. The best circulation
layouts are those where the need for signage is minimal.
To cater for drivers with little knowledge of English, where possible,
signs should be graphic and incorporate symbols readily found on the
public highway. One-o graphics should be reserved for commercial
branding or other site-specic uses (as shown on Fig. 14.1). Guidelines
should be consulted for pedestrians with sight problems, such as the use
of Braille and for disabled drivers, such as the positioning of lift
buttons, viewing panels, etc. There will also be a need to provide
signs for protection of liability, such as Dont leave valuables,
Dont ll petrol, and located so as not to conict with other direction
or advice signs.
To assist the motorist there should be a combination of deck
markings and overhead signs located at key changes of direction. In
one-way-ow layouts, signs over the trac aisles showing single
arrows in the direction of the trac ow and no entry symbols when
going in the wrong direction, should occur frequently. Pedestrians
need to identify the level they are on and then be directed towards
the principal access core. This can be helped by colour coding each
oor level and having oor level indicator signs immediately outside
the lift doors. If there is more than one access core then each should
be identied with a unique reference such as the street name onto
which it exits. Working on the basis that some motorists will be
unfamiliar with the car park, clear directions to the inow search
path will be required, together with advice as to whether the trac
aisles are one-way or two-way and preferably, indications of the
parking status in trac aisles adjacent to the main circulation route
(variable message signs).
14.2 Directional
Direction arrows are a familiar symbol for deck markings and overhead
signs. Arrows painted on the decks are viewed obliquely and need to be
large and long. Most turns will be at right angles and the arrow sign
showing this should be clear and unequivocal. Where a large car park
incorporates a rapid inow route that can bypass full or trac congested decks, variable message signs will also be useful in advising
motorists to avoid the aisle ahead and take the rapid route to another
deck level. This will improve dynamic eciency and assist in reducing
driver frustration.
Motorists will also require directional arrows coupled with EXIT
signs when leaving the car park. Where a rapid and excluded outow
route is incorporated it should be clearly marked at each direction
change to avoid mixing with the inow route.
Pedestrians readily understand signs incorporating a walking man,
coupled with an arrow showing the direction of travel. It is also
common practice to provide a 1 m-wide painted strip on the deck
with the walking man graphic to one side of the trac aisle, leading
to the access core. Pedestrians are made to feel secure by this action, but
it should be borne in mind that the painted strip remains part of the
trac aisle and they are being channelled immediately behind the
parking bays. It renders them vulnerable to vehicles leaving their
parking bays, particularly when reversing. Children running ahead or
lagging behind their carers can be obscured from the drivers view
and are put at risk.
With right-angled parking and a one-way trac ow, pedestrians and
cars share a 6 m-wide aisle and have a reasonable aisle width to see and
be seen but, when angled parking is adopted, aisle widths, say, for 458
parking can reduce to 3.600 m and, in so doing, place vehicles and
pedestrians into close proximity.
Control signs, such as, no entry, permit parking only and authorised
disabled drivers only, and similar signs should be designed such that
they stand out clearly from the directional signs. Where signs have
highway-approved equivalents showing the maximum allowable
speed, give way, stop, no entry and similar, the highway designs
should be adopted so that drivers will more readily conform to them.
14.3 Information
14.4 Variable
message sign
14.5 Emergency
Fire escape and emergency exit signage must conform to BS 5266: Part
1 and be located in appropriate positions, together with additional
directional signs. They must be illuminated and incorporate rechargeable batteries that, in the event of a power failure at night, will
enable pedestrians to nd their way to a re escape.
15 Drainage
15.1 Discussion
Drain locations should be considered during the design process and not
added in as an afterthought. They should be inconspicuous, easy to
maintain and located where they cannot suer damage from vehicles
(see Fig. 15.1). When located where damage can occur, protective measures such as hoops or protective posts should not be located such that
they intrude into the parking stalls, especially where they reduce the
available width.
In the UK, drainage should be designed in accordance with BS 8301
and BS EN 12056. Exposed roof parking decks located directly over
shops, oces or other habitable areas should be designed for full
storm intensity (75 mm per hour) to ensure the system is capable of
coping with a ash ood, otherwise a lower intensity can be used
(50 mm per hour). Stair cores need special attention to ensure that
drainage falls do not channel water into them, particularly as mobility
regulations have negated the use of thresholds.
It should not be necessary to provide U-bends on outlets from the
upper parking decks. It should be sucient to provide this feature on
the lowest level only. Open-sided car parks have their gully outlets
vented to fresh air, even when they are within the perimeter of the
building. On the intermediate decks water occurs only intermittently,
allowing material on the underside of vehicles to drop o, be washed
towards the drains, where, if U-bends are incorporated, it solidies,
builds up and can, eventually, block them. Occasional maintenance,
if carried out, can overcome the problem, but U-bends are an
unnecessary feature.
Some authorities regulations require that the roof deck drainage be
separated from that on the intermediate decks. The incidence of petrol
and oil leaks is low at any time but it is argued that such leaks into the
drains from intermediate decks can be more concentrated than from a
weather-exposed roof deck, even though extended periods of dry
weather can occur. A petrol interceptor is required to intercept the
intermediate located drains before the system enters the main sewer
but if the roof drainage is to be separated it means that twice as
many down-pipes will be necessary.
Minimum drainage falls of 1.67% (1 in 60) are recommended on
exposed decks although 2% (1 in 50) are to be preferred to better
contend with structural deections. Where joints occur between decks
and are used for movement it is sometimes possible to leave them
open and provide a drain under to catch the rainwater. Proprietary
cast-in slot drains are, visually, less intrusive but can be dicult to
make watertight, especially if used in suspended slabs. On some
awkward shaped sites it is desirable to rotate part of the structure
through 908 or more. Unless carefully considered, this could lead to
problems in creating falls that are compatible at the change of direction.
Facilities for draining and washing-down decks should be provided
at each level and spaced such that the length of hosepipe to be used
can cover all of the deck area.
16.1 Discussion
The rst rule for re safety relates to the provision of adequate escape
routes for pedestrians. Unless otherwise agreed with the local re
ocer, the number and position of re escape stairs should be located
such that they comply with the maximum allowable pedestrian travel
distances, shown in Approved Document B of the Building Regulations.
Although cars parks are not specically referred to in Table 3, they are
usually classed as Purpose Group 7, i.e. storage and other nonresidential for intermediate decks and Purpose Group 27, plant
room or rooftop plant for top, exposed decks.
16.2 Escape
16.4 Fire-ghting
nowadays ensure that the occupants have been evacuated and then
leave the re to burn out, rather than risk the safety of their personnel,
unnecessarily, in ghting the re.
Dry-risers should be located in the escape stair cores with an external
inlet box provided at an appropriate level for re service vehicles and
outlet valves for hose connection at each oor level.
When the building is more than 18.000 m above, or 10.000 m below,
the re service vehicle access level, it should be provided with reghting lifts. Some re ocers have interpreted this Building Regulation
requirement as 18.000 m measured to the highest enclosed or coveredover deck level: open-deck roof parking being excluded from this
16.5 Sprinklers
The requirements for re escapes are provided in Sections 8.2 and 8.3
(see Figs 8.3 and 9.2).
17.1 Discussion
Parking free of charge in a structured car park is, very nearly, a thing of
the past. Ignoring the site value, the average cost per car space, for an
eciently designed new-build facility, is 7500 to 8500 at 2005 prices.
Add to that the running and stang costs, the rates, utility charges,
interest charges, an allowance for maintenance and a reasonable
prot margin, and it can be seen that 1 per hour is not an unreasonable
amount. Even so, it implies that every parking space will be used
eciently during the course of a week.
that the time booked is about to expire and are given the option of
purchasing more time.
Tag system used extensively on toll roads in Europe and now extending into car park use. An electronic tag is inserted into the windscreen
of the vehicle that can be read from cameras. It records the time of
entry and exit and bills are rendered accordingly. Drivers are not
required to take tickets on entry or when leaving; recognition of the
tag opens the barriers automatically. It is not in general use in the
UK as yet but is gaining interest. However, some provision must be
made for those who wish to enter the park and are not contributors
to the tag system (foreign visitors, rented or borrowed cars, occasional
drivers, etc.).
Fig. 17.2 A typical barrier layout with a two-way central control point opening directly onto a thoroughfare
vehicles per hour. If a tag system were to be adopted, the gures per
barrier will rise, possibly up to 1000 vehicles per hour.
In some town centre sites, where space is limited, a four barrier
requirement can be reduced to three by making the middle lane duodirectional, incorporating a barrier at each end, one of which is
raised dependent on the intensity of the trac ow in a particular direction. Where space is available, an additional barrier can be provided to
eliminate queuing problems caused by mechanical breakdowns that
occur from time to time (see Fig. 17.2).
18 Ventilation
18.1 Discussion
18.2 Natural
18.3 Mechanically
assisted natural
When the opening areas total less than 5%, but more than 2.5% of the
oor area, a mechanical ventilation method can be employed to boost
the movement of air (see Fig. 18.1). It should be capable of providing
three air changes per hour, at least. Smoke vents at ceiling level may
be also be used when assessing the available open area.
18.4 Mechanical
Six air changes per hour throughout the car park, increasing to ten
air changes per hour at exits, ramps and where vehicles are likely
to be queuing with their engines running.
Limiting the concentration of carbon monoxide particles to no more
than 50 parts per million averaged out over an eight-hour period and
100 parts per million for peak concentrations at ramps and enclosed
exits. This system also requires to be operated at ten air changes per
hour throughout the car park during re conditions. Occasionally,
this last requirement is relaxed when it forms part of an engineered
approach as discussed below.
The basic principle is that main extract fans provide the air change
rate within the car park while the sot-mounted fans control the air
direction. The internal environmental conditions are constantly monitored by the use of carbon monoxide and smoke control detectors.
The system can be designed to such an extent that deck areas in the
vicinity of a re can be kept free of smoke, thereby aiding access for
the re-ghting personnel.
19 Structure
19.1 Discussion
There are many excellent books on structural design, both in steel and
reinforced concrete, and it is not intended that this chapter should
attempt to emulate them. Car park structures, however, have several
features that render them dierent from other types of building. They
In many respects, they are more akin to bridge structures than they
are to urban buildings.
19.2 Construction
Reinforced concrete is the most popular construction form used for car
park structures, either cast in place or precast. Hybrid structures
comprising part in situ and part precast and/or pre-stressed occur
quite frequently, as does composite construction where in situ concrete
is bonded over a precast under-deck.
Structural steelwork is also used frequently, mainly as a framework
of columns and beams and also for resisting vehicle impact, but the
decks and internal walls are invariably constructed using concrete.
Steel-framed structures are, generally, a little lighter than concreteframed structures and re resistance is not a major problem.
Properly designed and constructed, concrete car parks can have a life
expectation exceeding 60 years. Car parks with structural-steel frames
can also last a similar length of time, but incur greater maintenance
costs if proper procedures are carried out. From an initial construction
viewpoint, there is little cost dierence between concrete and steel structures provided that both have been designed eciently. The choice
between construction forms is more a matter of personal preference
and maintenance requirements than anything else, although considerations such as irregularly shaped layouts, problems of access to the
construction site, construction programme and material transportation
problems could inuence the nal decision.
Other construction materials have been considered over the years,
such as timber frames and oors, and metal plate decking. Timber
deects and, under moving loads, it vibrates to a greater extent than
steel or concrete; it swells and shrinks with varying climatic conditions
that render eective waterproong of the joints more dicult; its re
resistance is poor and its resistance to abrasion and impact is low.
Metal plate decking is relatively light but its unsupported span is low; it
has a high resistance to abrasion but waterproong the numerous joint
runs is an expensive task and, unless it is securely xed down to the
supporting structure, it will move around, tearing the joints.
19.3 Joints
19.4 Perimeter
Concrete walling, either cast in situ or pre-cast is, generally, the most
resistant to deection under impact.
Horizontal steel beams bolted between columns can deect signicantly when impacted at the middle of the span. The longer the
beam, the greater will be the deection. The height to the centre of
the horizontal member is generally taken as 450 mm with a minimum
depth of 200 mm to cater for vehicle bumper height variations. They
are generally constructed with their anges vertical, the better to
resist horizontal impact forces.
Proprietary restraint systems can deect up to 400 mm, but the deck
must be suciently strong to resist the tearing out-forces exerted by
the steel uprights.
Steel meshwork and wire cables are capable of deecting up to
600 mm. They are simple to install on the intermediate oors but
the roof parking deck requires special attention. The design of the
barrier system should be such that impact deections do not open
up gaps along the deck edges large enough to become dangerous to
pedestrians. Suitable measures should also be taken to prevent
non-structural cladding from being disturbed.
Impact forces reduce as barrier deections increase and, in consequence, vehicle damage is reduced. Impacting a non-yielding concrete
wall at 10 mph can result in the vehicle being crushed by 100 mm or
19.5 Concrete
Finishes serve two functions: to make the car park safe and to augment
its appearance. With the exception of the tracked areas, surface nishes
to concrete should be fair faced and exposed corners chamfered.
Where it is intended to leave the decks exposed, the tracked areas
should incorporate a lightly brushed nish to provide skid resistance.
Tamped nishes should be avoided as they interfere with drainage
paths and make it dicult to push trolleys, prams and wheeled luggage
across the surface. Salt, also, can build up in the hollows resulting in
premature corrosion. Smooth surfaces have low skid resistance, cause
tyres to squeal when cornering and leave tyre marks where vehicles
change direction. A smooth surface nish should only be specied
where a protective surface coating is to be applied.
A tamped nish should be applied to ramps to improve skid resistance.
The direction of tamping should be parallel with the slope to prevent
water and salts from building up in the hollows.
19.6 Protective
19.7 Waterproong
19.8 Cambers
Although not strictly part of the initial car park design process, it
should be appreciated that oors and beams deect to varying amounts
dependent upon loading and stiness: shallow members deecting more
than deep members under the same loads.
Deections can be divided into two parts: elastic and plastic. Elastic
deection occurs when a member returns to its original position
after the removal of short-term loading and plastic deection occurs
where long-term loading, such as self-weight and other imposed
loads have to be carried permanently: also called creep, it develops
over an extended period of time and results in a permanent set in
the member.
Deections can be calculated but, if the following span/depth
ratios are adhered to, they should be acceptable unless extreme loads
are imposed:
Floors and beams that are simply supported will tend towards the
lower ratios and where continuous over supports they will tend towards
the higher ratios. The adoption of these ratios will, generally, limit
maximum eventual deections to no more than 0.4% of the span.
As an example, the allowable long-term mid-span deection on a
15.000 m-span beam could be 60 mm. If the oor slabs span 7.200 m
between the beams, their long-term mid-span deection could be
30 mm. If the members were laid at and without drainage falls,
ponding up to 90 mm deep could occur in the middle part of the
oor. An allowance for construction tolerances could see this gure
increasing to well over 100 mm. Gully outlets are generally located
adjacent to columns that remain at the high points and unless cambers
are built into the members and/or reasonable drainage falls adopted,
ponding may well be the result. It is recommended that cambers of
0.4% of the span be built into all load-bearing horizontal structural
members with spans exceeding 2400 m to avoid problems caused by
structural deection.
20 Appearance
20.1 Discussion
20.2 Appearance
Appendix A
Market share
British Parking Association (1970) Technical Note # 1: Metric Dimensions for Car
Parks 908 Parking. BPA, Haywards Heath.
British Parking Association (1980) Multi-storey Car Parks in Shopping Centres and
Oce Blocks. Report of a seminar in October. BPA, Haywards Heath.
British Standards Institution (1995) Code of Practice for Building Drainage
(declared obsolescent). BS 8301, London.
British Standards Institution (1996) Vehicle Parking Control Equipment. Specication for Pay-on-Foot Parking Control Equipment. BS 6571, London.
British Standards Institution (1999) Emergency Lighting. Code of Practice for the
Emergency Lighting of Premises Other than Cinemas and Certain Other Specied
Premises Used for Entertainment. BS 5266, London.
British Standards Institution (1999) Barriers in and About Buildings. Code of
Practice. BS 6180, London.
British Standards Institution (2000) Components for Smoke and Heat Control
Systems, Part 7 Ventilation requirements. BS 7346, London.
British Standards Institution (2001) Design of Buildings and Their Approaches to
Meet the Needs of Disabled People, Section 8.8.8 Pedestrian ramps. BS 8300,
Building Regulations (K1 Section 2 and Approved Documents B and F). HMSO,
Ellson, P. B. (1969) Parking: Dynamic Capacities of Car Parks, Report LR 221.
Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne.
Highway Code. HMSO, London.
Hill, J. D. and Shenton, D. (1985) Multi-storey Car Parks. British Steel Corporation, London.
Institution of Structural Engineers (2002) Design Recommendations for Multistorey and Underground Car Parks. IStructE, London.
Road Test Directory (2005) What Car? April.
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd (2005) Cars Sold in 2004.
SMMT, London.
decks (continued )
metal plate 196
surface abrasion 198
washing-down facilities 181
waterproong 1978
deections, structural 1989
aesthetics 200, 2012, 202
angled stalls, implications 3940, 39
briefs 45
existing 37
questionnaires 4
design and build projects 201
Design recommendations for multi-storey and
underground car parks (Des. Rec.) 1
ramps 16, 16
disabled parking stalls 162, 162
area per car space 31
length 9
width 9, 27
disabled drivers
see also disabled pedestrians
at and sloping decks 75
hillside car parks 161
separation of 163
sloping parking decks 59
taris for 163
disabled parking stalls 160
dimensions 162, 162
legal requirements 161
parameters 1612
random 162
numbers 161
supervision 162
disabled pedestrians
see also disabled drivers
re escapes 156, 183
lift buttons 177
ramps 15, 156
refuges for 154
viewing panels 177
double helix
interlocking, one-way-ow 68, 69
end connected 64, 65
side connected 72, 73, 86, 87
two-way-ow, end connected 66, 67
deck falls 181
gully outlets 1989
location 181
petrol interceptors 181
protection of 180
roofs 181
stair cores 181
ventilating 181
washing-down 181
driver frustration
complex designs 378
potential conict 49, 51, 129
stall searching 35, 73
dry-risers 154, 184
dynamic capacity
decks 289
entries 26
exits 26
ramps 278
dynamic eciency, angled stalls 29
eciency see circulation eciency; dynamic eciency;
static eciency
emergency signs 179
lighting 175, 179, 183
dynamic capacity 26
two-wheeled vehicles 165
environment, aesthetics 200, 2012, 202
ER 1 (full circular ramps/two-way-ow) 140, 141
alternatives to 141
ER 2 (full circular ramps/one-way-ow) 142, 143
as alternative 141
alternatives to 143
ER 3 (straight ramps/one-way-ow) 144, 145
alternatives to 145
ER 4 (storey height straight ramps) 146, 147
ER 5 (stadium-shaped interlocking ramps) 148, 149
ER 6 (circular interlocking ramps) 150, 151
exit barriers, ticket insertion 38
exit routes
dynamic capacity 26
rapid 36
emergency 183
ramps, headroom 15
two-wheeled vehicles 165
external ramps 138, 139
see also ER series
FIR 1 (one-way-ow/two-way ramps/right angles) 102,
104, 105
alternatives to 105
circulation eciency 35
static eciency 105
FIR 2 (one-way-ow/scissors ramps) 106, 107
alternatives to 107
static eciency 107
FIR 3 (one-way-ow/two-way ramps/parallel) 108,
alternatives to 109
static eciency 109
FIR 4 (one-way-ow/one-way ramps) 110, 111
alternatives to 111
static eciency 111
re alarms 183
re escapes
access to 1534
disabled pedestrians 156, 183
distances from 1556, 183
horizontal 155
routes to 183
stairs as 153, 1545
re ghting 182, 1834
lifts 184
smoke containment 184
sprinklers 184
re lobbies 1545, 154
re regulations, stairs as re escapes 153
re safety strategies 183
at decks
external ramps, capacity 31
internal ramps 103
aisle widths
minimum 13
reduced 11, 19
circular ramps 22, 24
preference for 8
ramp widths 201
one-way-ow types
see also one- and two-way-ow types
combined, three bins wide 50, 51
combined helix, side connected 82, 83
contra-ow rapid exit 56, 57
double helix
end connected 64, 65
side connected 72, 73, 86, 87
end ramps 95, 96
circular 114, 115
excluded outow 289, 29, 42, 46, 47
full circular ramps 142, 143
half spiral 130, 131
interlocking double helix 68, 69
internal ramps 92, 93
one-way ramps, separated 110, 111
rapid outow 44, 45
capacity 31
circulation eciency 35
scissors ramps 48, 49
at right angles 106, 107
single helix
internal ramps 88, 89
rapid outow 63, 64, 78, 79
straight ramps 132, 133, 144, 145
end located 134, 135, 136, 137
two-way ramps
at right angles 104, 105
parallel 108, 109
warped decks 100, 101
excluded rapid 46, 47
rapid 44, 45, 62, 63
overhead signage 176, 177
painting, light colours 175
parking stalls see stalls
partially sighted, guidelines 177
pay and display 187
pay stations, signs 178
by mobile phone 1878
on exit 186, 187
on foot 187
see also disabled pedestrians
access at and sloping decks 91
angled stalls 11
encumbered 26
re escapes
access to 1534, 183
distances from 1556, 183
stairs as 153, 1545
at and sloping decks 75
guard rails 197
lifts 153
ramps 16
gradients 24
layouts 156, 156
split-level decks 43
signage 1778
sloping decks 59
and vehicle ramps 15
kerb separation 245
petrol interceptors, drainage 181
plans, availability 178
powered two wheelers (PTW)
facilities for 164, 165
separate entries and exits 165
eects on decks 26
eects on stopping distances 27
ramps (pedestrian) 16
gradients 24
regulations 43
split-level decks 43
ramps (vehicle)
see also access ways
aisles, projections into 17
circular 22, 24
one-way-ow 142, 143
two-way-ow 140, 141
cross- 13, 14, 15
dynamic capacities 278
end 95, 97
circular 114, 115, 116, 117
exits, headroom 15
gradients 15
recommended 1617, 16, 18
ground clearance on 78
half external 126, 127
circular type 24, 150, 151
stadium type 24, 148, 149
internal 88, 89
internal cross- 91
manoeuvring envelopes 18, 19, 20
open-aspect 14
outer clearances 14, 15
pedestrians and vehicle 15
scissor-type 22, 23
scissors, one-way-ow types 48, 49, 106, 107
separated, one-way-ow types 110, 111
side-by-side 22
storey height 17, 18, 103, 105
one-way-ow 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 144,
storey height 146, 147
two-way, one-way-ow types 104, 105, 108,
and aisle entry eciency 21
angled stalls 21
one-way-ow 19, 201
turning circles 22, 23
two-way-ow 22
rapid exit routes 36, 78, 79
refuges, disabled pedestrians 154
reinforced concrete structures 195
nishes 197
life expectation 195
shrinkage joints 196
retail outlets
short stay car parks 26
supermarkets, lift requirements 1567
exposed decks 334, 1956
drainage 181
running costs, multi-storey car parks 187
Safer Car Parks scheme 169
sales, multi-storey car parks 23
scissor-type ramps 22, 23
one-way-ow (SLD 3) 48, 49
scissors ramps
one-way-ow types 48, 49
at right angles 106, 107
SD 1 (single helix/two-way-ow) 60, 61
as alternative 55, 63, 77, 97
alternatives to 61
congestion 61
static eciency 61
SD 2 (single helix/one-way-ow/rapid outow) 62, 63
alternatives to 63
static eciency 63
SD 3 (double helix/end connected/one-way-ow) 64, 65
as alternative 67, 69, 89, 101
alternatives to 65
static eciency 65
SD 4 (double helix/end connected/two-way-ow) 66, 67
as alternative 67, 69, 89
alternatives to 67
static eciency 67
SD 5 (interlocking double helix/one-way-ow) 58, 68, 69
as alternative 51, 53, 67, 89
static eciency 69
SD 6 (combined helix/side connected/one- and
two-way-ows) 70, 71
alternatives to 71
static eciency 71
SD 7 (double helix/side connected/one-way-ows) 72,
alternatives to 73
static eciency 73
SD 8 (double helix/side connected/one-way-ows) 72, 73
alternatives to 73
static eciency 73
inecient 51, 53, 81, 83
trac congestion 73, 81
CCTV 168, 16970
car park shapes 170
optimum monitoring 16970
presence of 169
lighting 169
motorcycle parking 166
music as aid 169
public perceptions 169, 170, 175
women-only car parks 170
short stay car parks 9
capacities 31
large-capacity 45
lift requirements 1567
lifts 153, 157
recommendations for
combined at and sloping decks 93, 97
sloping decks 61, 73
split-level decks 47, 57
retail outlets 26
side-by-side ramps 22
control 178
deck levels, indications 176, 178
deck markings, directional 177
emergency 179
lighting 175
headroom 25
overhead 176, 177
pay stations 178
pedestrians 1778
schedule 179
variable message 34, 67, 81, 89, 115, 1789
single helix
internal ramps 88, 89
rapid outow 62, 63, 78, 79
at and sloping decks 76, 77
sloping decks 60, 61
SLD 1 (one-way-ow/rapid outow) 44, 45
as alternative 47, 57
alternatives to 45
capacity 31, 45
circulation eciency 35, 45
static eciency 45
SLD 2 (one-way-ow/excluded outow)
as alternative
to FSD series 89
to SD series 65, 67, 71, 73
to SLD series 45
to VCM series 95
alternatives to 47
static eciency 47
SLD 3 (one-way-ow/scissors ramps) 48, 49
as alternative 81, 85, 93
alternatives to 49
capacity 31
static eciency 49
SLD 4 (combined one-way-ows, three stalls wide)
50, 51
alternatives to 51
circulation eciency 51
SLD 5 (combined one- and two-way-ows, 3 bins
wide) 52, 53
as alternative 83
alternatives to 53
static eciency 53
SLD 6 (two-way-ow/combined ramps) 54, 55
as alternative 49, 61, 77
alternatives to 55
static eciency 55
SLD 7 (one-way-ow/contra-ow exit) 56, 57
as alternative 97, 99
alternatives to 57
static eciency 57
sloping parking decks (SD)
see also SD series
denition 59
disabled drivers 59
parking gradients 59
pedestrian considerations 59
control 184, 192
detectors 192
speed limits, imposition of 27
split-level decks (SLD)
see also SLD type series
advantages 43
pedestrian ramps in 43
popularity 43
sports utility vehicles (SUV) 6
sprinklers 184
sta parking see tidal car parks
cores, drainage 181
as re escapes
re lobbies 1545, 154
re regulations 153
widths 155
see also angled stalls; disabled parking stalls; parking
access, manoeuvring envelopes 18, 19, 20
area per car space 31
length 9
width 9, 27
driver searches 35
dynamic capacity 27
obstructions between 910
rectangle 6, 9
inecient 51, 53, 81, 83
trac congestion 73, 81
static eciency 301
standard design vehicles (SDV)
see also vehicles
95factor 6, 10
departures from 6, 7
ground clearance 78, 10
height 6, 10
length 6, 10
turning diameters 8, 10
wheelbase 7, 10
width 6, 10
static eciency
denition 30
external bins 30
internal bins 31
single bins 30
two-bin layout 30
steelwork 195
coatings 197
storey height ramps 17, 18, 103, 105
alternative materials 195
deections 1989
reinforced concrete 195
nishes 197
life expectation 195
shrinkage joints 196
steelwork 195
coatings 197
supermarkets, lift requirements 1567
surveillance see CCTV; lighting; security
swept paths, turning circles 22, 23
tag systems of payment 188
taris see control systems
temperature dierences, exposed decks 196
tidal car parks 9, 49
capacities 32
with ow reversal 69
lifts 157
recommendations for
at and sloping decks 97
sloping decks 61, 63, 65, 69
split level decks 49, 55, 57
two-way-ow, ramps 212
top decks see decks, exposed
turning circles
circular ramp systems 139
minimum dimension layouts 113
standard design vehicles 8, 10
swept paths 22, 23
two-bin layout, static eciency 30
aisle widths
minimum 13
reduced 12
circular decks 126, 127
circular ramps 24
end 116, 117
full 140, 141, 142, 143
trac congestion 61
vehicles crossing 267
two-way-ow types
see also one-and two-way-ow types
with combined ramps 54, 55
double helix, end connected 66, 67
single end ramp 96, 97
single helix, sloping decks 60, 61
underground parking 172
constraints 173
eciency 173
minimum dimension layouts 112, 113
ventilation 190, 1912
uninhabited layouts, denition 33
USA, high level parking 33, 34
user-friendly car parks 2, 379
user-unfriendly car parks 125
variable message signs 34, 67, 81, 89, 115, 1789
VCM 1 (one-way-ow/internal ramps) 90, 92, 93
as alternative
to FIR series 105, 107, 109, 111
to FSD series 81, 83, 85, 89
to SD series 65, 67, 71, 73
to SLD series 45, 47, 51, 53, 57
to WPD series 101
within VCM series 95, 99
alternatives to 93
capacity 31
static eciency 93
VCM 2 (one-way-ow/end ramps) 94, 95
as alternative
to FSD series 85, 89
to SD series 65, 67, 71, 73
to SLD series 57
within VCM series 93, 99
alternatives to 95
static eciency 95
VCM 3 (two-way-ow/single ramp) 96, 97
as alternative 49, 55, 61, 77
alternatives to 97
static eciency 97
VCM 4 (one- and two-way-ow/single ramp) 98, 99
as alternative 57, 61
alternatives to 99
static eciency 99
see also standard design vehicles
camper vans 6
four-wheel drive 6
in multi-storey car parks 7
stretched 7
new registrations by type 203
sports utility 6
air change rates 192
fans 190, 1912
natural 191
underground parking 190, 1912
viewing panels, for disabled pedestrians 177
warped parking decks 91
see also WPD series
washing-down facilities, decks 181
waterproong decks 1978
wheelbase, standard design vehicles 7, 10
aisles 1011
minimum 13
parking stalls 9
stairs 155
standard design vehicles 6, 10
women-only car parks 170
WPD 1 (warped deck/one-way-ow) 100, 101
alternatives to 101
static eciency 101