A10 8TechBrief PDF
A10 8TechBrief PDF
A10 8TechBrief PDF
ANSI/ASSE A10.8-2011
Scaffolding Safety Requirements
The new standard, Scaffolding Safety Requirements (ANSI/ASSE A10.8-2011), received final
ANSI approval on August 31, 2011 and will become effective on February 13, 2012.
The A10.8 standard establishes safety requirements for the construction, operation, maintenance
and use of scaffolds used in the construction, alteration, demolition and maintenance of buildings
and structures. It does not cover permanently installed suspended scaffold systems or aerial
Past versions of the A10.8 standard include:
Originally approved: 1969
Revised: 1977
Revised: 1988
Reaffirmed: 1997
Revised: 2001
Current: 2011
A10.8 Table of Contents
1. General
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Exceptions
1.4 Mandatory and Advisory Rules
1.5 Equivalent
2. Referenced Publications
2.1 American National Standards
2.2 Other Standards
2.3 Other Publications
3. Definitions
4. General Requirements for All Scaffolds
5. Platform Units and Platforms
5.1 General
5.2 Wood and Metal Planks
5.3 Scaffold Decks
5.4 Fabricated Platforms
Brace. A device that holds one scaffold member in a fixed position with respect to another
Bracket Form Scaffold. A wood or metal bracket that is attached to a wall form, and upon
which scaffold planks rest, for the purpose of providing an elevated working unit for those
engaged in erecting the wall form or placing concrete.
Bricklayers Square Scaffold. A scaffold composed of framed wood squares that support a unit
and that is limited to light and medium duty.
Building Face Roller. A guide roller designed to contact a portion of the outer face or wall
structure of the building.
Carpenters Bracket Scaffold. A scaffold consisting of wood or metal brackets supporting a
Catenary Scaffold. A platform unit carried on two horizontal and parallel wire ropes secured to
structural members or the equivalent.
Competent Person. One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the
surroundings or working conditions that are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous to employees,
and who has the authority to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate such hazards.
Control. A system governing starting, stopping, direction, acceleration, speed and retardation of
moving members.
Coupler. A device for clamping together component parts of tube and coupler scaffold.
Crossbraces. Two diagonal scaffold members joined at their center to form an X. Used
between frames or uprights or both.
Design Load. The maximum intended load; that is, the total of all loads, including the worker(s),
material and the equipment placed on the unit.
Double Pole Scaffold. A scaffold supported from the base by a double row of posts. This
scaffold is independent of support from the walls and is constructed of posts, runners, horizontal
platform bearers and diagonal bracing.
Electrical Ground. A conducting connection between an electrical circuit or equipment and the
earth, or some conducting body that serves in place of the earth.
Elevating Carriage. Movable assembly that supports a work and material platform.
Eye Splicing. A loop made in a wire rope around a formed thimble eye by fastening the end of
the rope back on to itself by hand-interweaving and serving.
Fabricated Platform (1-person). Fabricated platform unit of both extendable and fixed-length
types used for supporting one worker and limited material. These platforms are usually used with
ladder-type scaffolds (see Section 17).
Fabricated Platform (2-person). Fabricated platform unit used to support two workers and
limited material. These platform units are usually used with trestles, extension trestles, platforms,
stepladders or can be used with stirrups as part of a suspended scaffold, provided they are a
minimum of 20 inches wide.
Fabricated Platform (3-person). Fabricated platform unit used to support three workers and
limited material. These platforms are usually used with stirrups as part of a suspended scaffold or
as a scaffold runner board.
Fabricated Tubular Frame Scaffold. A system of tubular metal frames (panels) field erected
with bracing members.
Failure. The condition in which a component or assembly can no longer support the load. (Load
Fall Protection. A system designed to prevent or arrest a persons fall.
Float or Ship Scaffold. A scaffold hung from overhead supports by means of ropes and
consisting of a unit having diagonal bracing underneath. The scaffold rests upon and is securely
fastened to two parallel plank bearers at right angles to the span.
Guardrail System. A rail system erected along the open sides and ends of platforms. The rail
system consists of a toprail and midrail and their supports.
Guy. A rope, chain or cable used to stabilize a vertical object.
Hoist. A device intended to be used to raise and lower a suspended scaffold. It may be either
manually operated or power-operated.
Horse Scaffold. A scaffold for light or medium duty that is composed of horses supporting a
Independent Pole Scaffold. See Double Pole Scaffold.
Interior Hung Scaffold. A scaffold suspended from the ceiling or roof structure.
Intermittent Tie-Ins. A means of stabilization whereby a scaffolds suspension ropes are
secured to permanently installed building anchors and which are located in vertical rows in close
proximity to the suspension ropes.
Ladder Jack Scaffold. A light-duty scaffold consisting of a platform supported by brackets
attached to single or extension ladders.
Lanyard. A flexible line to secure the wearer of a full body harness to a lifeline, trolley line or a
fixed anchor.
Lifeline. A line provided for direct or indirect attachment to a workers full body harness,
lanyard or deceleration device. Such lifelines may be horizontal or vertical in application.
Load Ratings. Maximum loadings for the following categories:
Heavy Duty. A term applying to a scaffold designed and constructed to carry a working load of
75 pounds per square foot (lb/ft2).
Medium Duty. A term applying to a scaffold designed and constructed to carry a working load
of 50 pounds per square foot, with weight of material in addition to workers.
Light Duty. A term applying to a scaffold designed and constructed to carry a working load of
25 pounds per square foot.
Special Duty. A term applying to a scaffold designed and constructed to carry specific types of
Manually Propelled Mobile Scaffold. A scaffold assembly supported by casters and moved
only manually.
Masons Adjustable Multiple-Point Suspension Scaffold. A scaffold having a continuous
platform supported by bearers suspended by wire rope hoists from overhead supports, so
arranged and operated as to permit the raising or lowering of the platform to the desired working
Material Platform. The platform area used for landing and stocking of materials.
Maximum Intended Load. The total load of all workers, equipment, tools and materials.
Midrail. A rail approximately midway between the toprail and platform of a guardrail system.
Mobile Work Stand. A prefabricated mobile scaffold that is designated to be used as a small,
highly portable interior scaffolding product. It is a standalone unit that is not intended to be
stacked to achieve greater standing/working heights. Platforms are prefabricated specifically for
the unit and are adjustable only within a fixed range of heights.
Modular Suspended Platform. A platform that consists of two or more platform sections that
are secured together to form a single platform. The platform sections may vary in length and may
be used with corner sections to accommodate a specific assembled length.
Multiple-Point Suspended Scaffold. A scaffold supported by more than two active wire ropes
from overhead supports so arranged and operated as to permit raising or lowering to desired
working position. Refer to the definition for Masons Adjustable Multiple-Point Suspension
Multiple-Level Suspended Scaffold. A series of units at various vertical levels so arranged that
they are supported by common stirrups. This system may be either two-point or multiple-point
Needle Beam Scaffold. A platform resting on two suspended bearers that is suspended by a line.
Open Sides and Ends. That portion of a scaffold platform unit that is not protected by a
guardrail system, crossbraces, vertical work surfaces or stirrups.
Operating Device. A push-button, lever or other manual device used to actuate a control.
Outrigger. A structural member of a supported beam.
Outrigger Beam. A structural member of a suspended or supported scaffold which provides
support for the scaffold by extending the scaffold point of attachment or support to a point out
and away from the structure or building
Outrigger Scaffold. A scaffold consisting of a platform supported by an outrigger or projecting
beyond the wall or face of the building or structure, the inboard ends of which are secured inside
of such building or structure.
Personal Fall Arrest System. An assembly of components and subsystems used to arrest a
person in a fall from a working height.
Plank. A wood board or fabricated component that serves as a platform unit. See Plank (Wood,
Sawn), Plank (Wood, Laminated) and Plank (Metal).
Plank (Metal). A metal platform unit sized to support one or more workers or uniformly
distributed loads. Metal planks would be of similar dimensions as wood planks.
Plank (Wood, Laminated). A platform unit of glue-laminated wood whose method of
manufacture and assigned design values contemplate flat use in a scaffolding application. The
two types of laminated wood used in scaffold applications are laminated veneer lumber (LVL)
and laminated-edge glued lumber (LEG).
Plank (Wood, Sawn). A board of sawn lumber whose grading rules and assigned design values
contemplate flat use in a scaffolding application. The plank shall be sized to support one or more
workers and materials.
Platform. A general term for an elevated work surface composed of one or more platform units.
Platform Unit. A general term for individual components (planks, scaffold decks or fabricated
platforms) that comprise the platform of a scaffold. A platform unit can either stand alone or be
used in conjunction with another to form a platform.
Prefabricated Mobile Scaffold. A mobile scaffold system that is manufactured and shipped
with all necessary components, with the sole purpose of being used as a mobile scaffold.
Primary Brake. A brake used to stop the hoist and its load under normal operating conditions.
Prime Mover. The motor of a hoist.
Pump Jack Scaffold. A scaffold consisting of vertical poles, platform planking and movable
platform brackets that travel on the vertical poles.
Putlog (Truss). A fabricated lattice member designed to carry a concentrated or uniform load.
Qualified Person. One who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional
standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training or experience has successfully demonstrated
the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work or the project.
Rated Load. The manufacturers recommended maximum load.
Roller Bumper. See Building Face Roller.
Roof Hook. An anchoring means used to attach the suspension system employed in a two-point
swing scaffold or a single-point cage or boatswains' chair to a building or structure.
Rope Fall. A block and tackle device used to raise and lower a suspended scaffold.
Runner. A horizontal scaffold member that forms a tie between posts and may also support a
Safety Device. An automatically actuated mechanism to prevent uncontrolled platform descent.
Safety Factor. The ratio of the ultimate breaking strength of a member or piece of material or
equipment to the design load when in use.
Safety Screen. A wire or plastic screening that protects the workers and passers-by below from
dropped items.
Scaffold. A temporary elevated or suspended work unit and its supporting structure used for
supporting worker(s) or materials, or both.
Scaffold Deck. A platform unit designed and constructed to carry at least one person. Scaffold
decks are equipped with end hooks that engage the scaffold bearer. Scaffold decks are generally
rated for uniformly distributed loads.
Screwjack. A leveling device or jack composed of a threaded screw and an adjustable handle
used for the vertical adjustment.
Secondary Brake. A brake that is intended to stop the descent of suspended scaffolds under
emergency conditions only.
Sill. A footing (usually wood) which distributes the vertical loads to the ground or slab below.
Single-Point Suspension Scaffold. A scaffold supported by a single wire rope from an overhead
support so arranged and operated as to permit the raising or lowering of the platform to desired
working position.
Single Pole Scaffold. A unit resting on bearers or cross beams. The outside ends of this unit are
supported on runners secured to a single row of posts or uprights, and the inner ends of this unit
are supported on or in a wall.
Special-Purpose Scaffold Deck or Fabricated Platform. A platform unit that represents either
a modification or a combination of design or construction features in one of the general types of
scaffold decks or fabricated platforms previously defined.
Stage. See Fabricated Platform (2-person) and Fabricated Platform (3-person).
Static Line. See Trolley Line.
Stirrup. A device that connects the hoist mechanism to the suspended platform.
Stone Setters Adjustable Multiple-Point Suspension Scaffold. A swinging-type scaffold
having a unit supported by putlogs that is suspended at four points so as to permit the raising or
lowering of the unit to the desired working position by the use of hoists.
Suspended Scaffold.
Manual. A manually operated scaffold suspended by rope from an overhead supporting system
so arranged and operated as to permit raising or lowering to desired working positions.
Powered. A power-operated scaffold suspended by wire rope from an overhead supporting
system so arranged and operated as to permit raising or lowering to desired working positions.
Swing. See Two-Point Suspension Scaffold (Swing Scaffold).
Swaged Fitting. A metal sleeve that is cold-formed onto the wire rope.
System Scaffold. A scaffold consisting of posts with fixed connection points that accept runners,
bearers and diagonals that can be interconnected at predetermined levels.
Tested Design. Load tested to demonstrate that it can support the required load including
appropriate safety factor.
Tie. A device used between scaffold component and the building or structure to enhance lateral
Tieback. An attachment from an anchorage to a supporting device.
Toeboard. A barrier secured along the sides and the ends of a platform unit to guard against the
falling of material, tools and other loose objects.
Toprail. The uppermost horizontal rail of a guardrail system.
Traction Drum or Sheave Hoist. A device that does not accumulate the suspension rope, but is
designed to climb the rope by the application of a friction force between the rope and the drum or
Trolley Line. A horizontal wire rope attached to scaffold, stirrups, secondary brakes or
secondary wire ropes to which a lanyard is to be attached.
Tube and Coupler Scaffold. A scaffold system consisting of tubing that serves as posts,
bearers, braces, ties and runners; a base supporting the posts; and special couplers that serve to
connect the uprights and to join the various members.
Two-Point Suspension Scaffold (Swing Scaffold). A scaffold, the platform of which is
supported by hangers (stirrups) at two points, and that is suspended from overhead supports so as
to permit the raising or lowering of the platform to the desired working position by tackle or
hoisting machines.
Vertical Pickup. A device used to control sag in the catenary scaffolds wire rope.
Weatherproof. Equipment so constructed or protected that exposure to the weather will not
interfere with its operation.
Winding Drum. A drum that accumulates the suspension rope usually in more than one layer on
the surface of the drum.
Window Jack Scaffold. A scaffold, the platform of which is supported by a bracket, that
projects through a window opening.
Wire Rope Clip. A reusable wire rope fastener.
Working Load. Load imposed by persons, materials and equipment.
Work Platform. A separate plat-form on adjustable scaffolds located adjacent to the work area
used exclusively by workers.
Zinced Fastenings. The method of providing wire rope attachments in which the ends of the
wire strands are bent back and are held in a tapered socket by means of poured molten zinc.
Links and Recognition Examples
Safeguarding: Are ANSI Standards Really Voluntary?
ASSE Position Statement on Consensus Standards
Whats the Difference Between an OSHA Rule and an ANSI Standard?
American National Standards Institute
The link below shows that scaffolding continues to be one of the top most frequently cited
standards following inspections of worksites by federal OSHA. ASSE gets significant numbers
of calls from members and SH&E professionals each year asking about scaffolding and citations
by OSHA:
In addition, during this past year, we have had more than 200 inquiries from ASSE members
addressing the use of scaffolding products imported into the U.S. from other countries. Below is
a letter of interpretation issued by OSHA in 2001 addressing some aspects of this issue:
Below are some specific examples of recognition and use of ANSI/ASSE A10.8 at the federal,
state, and international levels. This does not begin to get into the number of times A10.8 is
referenced in contracts and work agreements.
OSHA Use of A10.8 via the General Duty Clause
Inspection Citation Issuance Report ID Category
1 312925316 01001 02/18/2011 0626700 Falling
2 309850402 01001 08/23/2007 0257210 Falling
3 309620334 01003A 03/07/2007 0418100 Struck By
4 309620334 01003B 03/07/2007 0418100 Falling
5 309085520 01001
6 307594440 01001
7 305156994 02001
Establishment Name
Gulf Greyhound Park
Spensieri Painting Llc
Horton Homes, Inc.
Horton Homes, Inc.
F&C Dynamic
Construction Inc
Louisiana Stucco &
Masonry Llc
One Source Building
Services, Inc.