Marina Standards (10-Mar)
Marina Standards (10-Mar)
Marina Standards (10-Mar)
Description - Marinas offer services for the boating public including: wet and dry slip storage, dock facilities and
courtesy docks, sewage pump-out, and fuel docks. Marinas may provide services such as fueling, mechanical boat
repair, boat towing and chase services, and boat brokerage.
In general, the following definitions apply to these terms throughout the standards:
Adequate: As much as necessary for the intended duration of use
Appropriate: Suitable to the level of service or as specified in the operating plan
Clean: Free from dirt, marks, stains, or unwanted matter
Neat: Arranged in an orderly, tidy manner
Operational: In use or ready for use
Sufficient: Enough for the number of persons
Well-maintained: Kept in good order or condition
Standard A, B, C
Emergency Lighting/Exit Lights/Emergency Exits - Exit lights are on emergency circuits
19 A
and in operation at all times. Emergency exits and routes are marked and unobstructed.
Fire Extinguishers - Fire extinguishers are accessible, signed, and correctly located, with
20 A
operating instructions and current inspection tags.
Smoke Detectors - Operational single-station, hard-wired smoke detectors are present
21 and in compliance with NFPA standards. Battery-operated detectors are tested monthly A
and batteries are replaced at least yearly.
22 Fire Alarms and Pull Boxes - Fire alarms and pull boxes are visible and accessible. A
First Aid Kit - A first aid kit is available, stocked, marked, and staff can easily locate the
23 B
Boat Facilities
NPS Marina Standards 2017 (10-MAR) Page 2
Boat Ramp - Boat ramps are constructed with ribbed concrete or other non-slip
24 surfaces, adequately marked, and well-maintained. Launch preparations are conducted B
to avoid congestion at the ramp. Launch instructions and rules are posted.
Courtesy/Transient Docks - Courtesy docks are marked and conveniently located for
transient, dinghy dock, or boat ramp use. Docks are equipped with sufficient, well-
25 B
maintained cleats and access ladders. Signage is posted to indicate maximum tie up
Mooring Buoy Field - Buoy fields are adequately spaced and provide sufficient
26 anchorage for boats. Buoys and buoy lines are well-maintained. Buoy markings conform B
to applicable uniform federal or state waterway marking systems.
Hoists and Travel Lifts - Employees are trained on hoist and travel lift standard
operating procedures. Boat hoists and travel lifts are operational, well-maintained, and
27 appropriately sized. Hoists have an emergency cut off switch appropriately located and A
posted. An adequate area is available to provide for unencumbered hoisting, lifting, and
launching of vessels.
Dry Boat Storage - Dry boat storage areas are located away from guest service areas,
28 secure, appropriately screened, adequately sized, and orderly. A space identification B
system and records are maintained, and available on request.
Public Restrooms - Restrooms are clean, ventilated, illuminated, and well-maintained.
Restrooms have hot and cold running water. Toilets, sinks, and urinals are clean, free of
stains and chips, and operational. Toilet tissue and disposable towels or hand dryers are
29 B
available. Soap is provided in bulk dispensers. Women's or unisex restrooms have a
covered waste receptacle in every stall. The disposal containers are clean and emptied at
least daily. A cleaning inspection log is maintained and posted.
Shower Stalls - Shower stalls are clean, well-maintained, ventilated, and free of mold,
mildew, and hair. Shower floors are equipped with a non-slip, mildew-free, untorn mat
30 or constructed with non-skid surfaces or strips that are securely fastened. Mats are B
sanitized daily. Showers that are out of service have computer-generated signs posted
and are made operational as soon as possible.
Shower Enclosures - Shower curtains are of adequate length and width to fit the
enclosure and to prevent water from flowing onto the outer areas, as well as to assure
31 B
privacy. Shower curtains and enclosures are clean, free of mold and mildew, and well-
Water Supply - Water pressure and temperature remain constant and comfortable.
32 Extreme fluctuations do not occur. Faucets are accurately marked and operational. B
Fixtures are appropriate, low flow, securely installed, and properly sealed/grouted.
Dressing Area and Clothes Storage - Lockers or clothes hooks (minimum 2 per stall) are
provided and located in close proximity to the shower stall. Lockers are clean and rust-
33 C
free, with working doors and hardware. Dressing area contains adequate seating as
Security - System for securing valuables is provided, or signs are posted stating that the
34 B
concessioner is not responsible for visitor's valuables.
Maintenance Area/Building
Building Structure - Maintenance buildings are well-maintained and surfaces are treated
to protect against deterioration. Roofs, gutters, and downspouts are well-maintained
40 B
and clear of obstructions. Rooftop ventilation and other systems are well-maintained
and operational.
Garbage and Trash/Recycling - Sufficient trash containers are conveniently located
throughout the maintenance area. Waste does not accumulate in trash containers to the
41 B
point of overflowing. Dumpster drain holes are plugged. All market available recyclable
products are collected and recycled.
Site Utilities, Equipment, and Delivery Area - Service areas and equipment are marked,
42 B
well-maintained, and screened from public view as much as possible.
43 Fences and Walls - Fences and walls are cleared of overgrowth and well-maintained. C
Organization - The maintenance area is neat, and tools and equipment are stored in an
44 B
orderly fashion.
Storage - Parts and supplies are stored neatly and securely. Parts are stored off the floor
45 on industrial shelves suitable for the weight of the parts and physical environment in B
which the shelves are used.
Floors - The maintenance area floor is free of clutter and tripping hazards such as
46 B
extension cords, power hoses, etc. Floor cracks are filled to prevent seepage.
Shop Lighting - Lighting is adequate to perform marina maintenance activities safely.
47 Fixed ceiling lighting and portable lights are clean and operational with no burned-out B
bulbs. Fluorescent light bulbs are contained in a clean protective cover.
Pest Control - Pests are managed in coordination with the designated NPS integrated
48 B
pest management coordinator and Risk and Environmental Management Plans.
Hazardous Materials - Hazardous materials are collected, stored, and disposed of in
49 compliance with state and federal laws, and in accordance with park-approved risk and A
environmental management plans.
Dock Facilities
Identification - Slips are clearly and uniformly marked by a permanently installed
55 number. Utility pedestals and dock boxes are numbered to match the slip. Mooring B
buoys are clearly and uniformly marked.
Cleats - Cleats are properly placed and secured to the dock for use at each slip. No loose
56 or missing cleats are evident. A sufficient number of properly sized cleats to secure the B
vessel are available.
Boat Bumpers/Rub Rails - Bumper materials are well-maintained. Cover materials are
57 free of tears and properly secured to the dock. Rub rails are acceptable. Fastening bolts B
and screws are recessed and do not extend beyond the rails.
Flotation System - Systems provide adequate flotation and are well-maintained.
58 Systems are sturdy and free of broken or uneven sections. Foam, if used, is A
encapsulated. Systems maintain docks level above the waterline.
Dock System - Fixed or floating dock systems are well-maintained. Winch system is
59 B
effective and docks are correctly aligned.
Dock/Decking - Decking is clean, free of unnecessary obstructions and tripping hazards
60 (e.g., pop-up screws, degraded wood), and well-maintained. Bull rail is well-maintained B
and sturdy enough to support visitor use.
Breakwater - Breakwater is visible, functional, well-maintained, and properly secured.
61 B
Exposed tire and ‘log jam’ breakwaters are acceptable. Foam, if used, is encapsulated.
Covered Areas - Covered structures are sturdy, appropriately sized, and well-
62 maintained. The structure is treated to prevent rust and mildew. Covers are free of B
leaks, and material is consistent throughout the marina.
Gangways/Bridges - Surfaces are non-slip, free of obstructions and tripping hazards, and
63 well-maintained. Railings are well-maintained and sturdy enough to support visitor use. B
Utility lines necessary to service slips are contained.
Hoses - Hoses are adequately sized for their intended use and are free of leaks. Hose
64 systems are consistent throughout the marina and are well-maintained. Hoses are coiled B
or orderly. Water hoses have backflow prevention devices.
Fuel Docks
Fuel Docks - Fuel docks are located in protected areas away from wave action
70 (particularly in areas with changing water levels). Stable platforms are provided for B
personal watercraft fueling. Fuel docks are clean and well-maintained.
Emergency Fuel Shutoff - Emergency shut off instructions are posted and accessible, and
71 A
shutoff valve is located in compliance with NFPA standards.
Fire Extinguishers - Fire extinguishers are accessible and located in compliance with
72 NFPA standards and local codes. Fire extinguishers are appropriately signed, with A
operating instructions and current inspection tags.
Fuel Dispensers - Dispensers, including nozzles and hoses, are operational and well-
maintained. Dispensers have functioning fire/shear valves, and hoses are equipped with
breakaway devices. Dispensers are locked when attendant is not on duty. Local, county,
73 A
and state regulatory certificates for weights and measures are current and posted. Pump
signs and decals are visible and well-maintained. Dispenser display screens are protected
against UV damage and vandalism.
74 Available Fuels - At a minimum, unleaded gasoline and outboard motor oil are available. C
Access - Access to fuel docks is clearly marked to facilitate vessel queuing in an adequate
75 B
space without adverse effect to pumping lines, other vessels, or resources.
Smoking Policy - Smoking is not permitted near the fuel dispensers, and signs are
76 A
posted. No smoking policy is enforced.
Dock Safety
Fire Suppression Systems - Fire suppression systems are operational, with current
83 A
inspection certificates.
Emergency Lighting - Emergency backup battery or generator lighting systems are
84 A
operational and well-maintained.
Slip Utility Connections – Electrical - Electrical outlets are marine-grade, hard wire
85 attached feeds with working covers and are connected to a working ground fault A
Slip Utility Connections – Water - Water lines are operational, with working spigots and
86 A
appropriately sized back flow preventers.
Security and Lighting - Adequate outside lighting is maintained throughout the marina
for night operations. After scheduled hours, lighting is reduced to provide security only
87 A
in the marina. Security system allowing access to slip areas is operational. Security
personnel are provided as required.
Lifesaving Devices - At least one USCG approved, throw-type flotation device (with at
88 least 60 feet of ¾-inch diameter rope attached or a reach pole) is accessible on the fuel A
dock and every 200 feet on other docks.
Accessibility - Facilities and services meet the requirements of the Americans with
91 Disabilities and Architectural Barriers Acts and all other applicable laws related to A
Reservation Services
Availability - Reservation services are available via telephone, mail, and fax during
92 B
business hours; and internet 24/7.
Knowledge of Slip Rental Staff - Reservation agents provide accurate information about
93 rates, slip rental policies and marina services, local attractions, access, etc. Matching B
information is available on the concessioner's website.
Property Management Information Systems - The slip reservation system is integrated
94 with the concessioner's property management information system, and provides C
comprehensive reporting capabilities.
Payment Methods - Credit cards are honored and include MasterCard, Visa, American
Express, and Discover. Debit cards and other payment methods (travelers’ checks,
95 B
personal checks, and gift cards) are accepted at the concessioner’s discretion or at the
direction of the Service.
Deposits - Rental deposits are no more than one month's dockage. For transient slips,
96 B
the rental deposit of one night’s stay is applied to the last night of the rental.
Cancellations - The slip rental cancellation and refund policy is clearly stated in the slip
97 B
rental agreement, and is approved by the park.
Registration Services
Hours of Operation - Facilities and services are operated and provided in accordance
98 with posted hours of operation. Hours of operation are prominently displayed at each B
Check-In/Out - Transient check-in/out is completed in a friendly and professional
manner. The slip rental staff confirms slip type and length, duration of stay, departure
date and check-out time, and method of payment. Slip rental staff also identifies any
99 B
extra charges (utility add-ons, donations to friends, groups, and associations, etc.).
Comment cards or the concessioner’s comments website are included in the check-out
Park Orientation Material - Park-specific materials are available (brochures, marina and
park maps, newsletters, and special notices). Additional information is available about
100 C
the area (local businesses, places of interest by land and by boat, major highways,
airports, restaurants, etc.).
Slip Management
Marina Management - A diagram of the marina, including the location of all slips and
109 supporting facilities, is prominently displayed, readable, and accurate. The master of the C
marina diagram is updated as necessary.
Maximum Boat Size - Boats do not exceed slip capacity. Length and beam
110 B
measurements include all temporary and permanent appurtenances.
Occupant Management (Permanent) - Accurate and current records are maintained.
Slip records include slip number and location, slip dimensions, and utilities. Slip renter
records include boat owner’s name, address, contact information, and authorized users.
111 Boat records include boat name, hull identification number, model, year made, B
manufacturer, color, type, registration number and state, and boat insurance
information. Park-approved rental agreements, conforming to applicable legal
requirements, are executed for each slip rental.
Occupant Management (Transient) - Rental agreements include renter’s name and
contact information, authorized users, and boat identification details. Slips are checked
and cleared of all lines and articles left by previous occupants. Welcome Aboard
packages include slip number and location, slip dimensions, utilities available, and
112 B
marina rules and regulations. The transient renter is provided with a head lock key or
combination, and staff is available to assist transient renters with docking. Park-
approved rental agreements, conforming to applicable legal requirements, are executed
for each slip rental.
113 Quiet Hours - Quiet hours are enforced. B
Fuel Dispensing
Sales Operations - Only employees trained on standard operating procedures for fuel
117 A
dock operations dispense fuel.
Emergency Action/Response Plan - Park-approved fuel dock emergency response plan is
118 A
accessible. Staff is trained in emergency response plans.
Oil and Fuel Spills - Park-approved Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC)
119 A
plan procedures are followed. Spills are cleaned up promptly. Staff is trained in SPCC.
Marina Safety
Marine Radio - Marina is equipped with licensed operational business band or VHF
marine radio, with back up available. Staff is trained in radio use and communication
122 A
protocols, and carries operational VHF marine radio units. Communication protocols are
approved by the park.
Emergency Frequency and Protocol - A port operations frequency is maintained with a
123 A
specific transmission channel and call sign.
Incident Reporting - Park-approved incident reports are completed and records are
124 B
maintained. Required incidents are immediately reported to the park.
After Dark Procedures - Staff completes security rounds by walking all docks and
support facilities. A security log noting any suspicious activities is maintained. Staff
125 B
checks that gates, storage areas, and fuel areas are secure and/or locked. If not locked,
the marina is patrolled 24/7 during the operating season.
Staffing Levels - Facilities and services are sufficiently staffed to prevent avoidable
126 A
delays in service.
Approved Rates - Rates and other customer charges do not exceed those approved by
132 A
the superintendent.
Ranking Definitions
Major: First Priority (A) conditions or practices create or have the potential to exert a significant impairment to visitor or
employee health and safety, park resources, visitor services or visitor enjoyment, Concession Facilities, or associated personal
Moderate: Second Priority (B) conditions or practices create or have the potential to exert a moderate impairment to visitor
or employee health and safety, park resources, visitor services or visitor enjoyment, Concession Facilities, or associated
personal property.
Minor: Third Priority (C) conditions or practices create or have a potential to exert a minor impairment to visitor or employee
health and safety, park resources, visitor services or visitor enjoyment, Concession Facilities, or associated personal property.