Interpret Technical Drawing
Interpret Technical Drawing
Interpret Technical Drawing
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Conditions of Use:
Unit Resource Manual
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Manufacturing Skills Australia Courses.
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Unit Hours:
36 Hours
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Select correct
technical drawing
technical drawing
Symbols are
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Topic Program:
Unit hour unit and is divided into the following program.
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Conditions of Use: ....................................................................................... 3
Unit Resource Manual ............................................................................. 3
Manufacturing Skills Australia Courses ...................................................... 3
Feedback:................................................................................................... 4
Aims of the Competency Unit: ....................................................................... 5
Unit Hours: ................................................................................................. 5
Prerequisites: .............................................................................................. 5
Elements and Performance Criteria ................................................................ 6
Required Skills and Knowledge ...................................................................... 6
Topic Program:............................................................................................ 7
Contents: ................................................................................................... 8
Topic 1 Engineering Drawings: ...................................................................... 12
Required Skills: ......................................................................................... 12
Required Knowledge: ................................................................................. 12
1.1 Introduction: ....................................................................................... 12
1.2 Standards: .......................................................................................... 13
1.3 Development of the Drawing: ................................................................ 13
1.4 Types of Drawings: .............................................................................. 13
1.5 Freehand Sketch: ................................................................................. 14
1.6 Detail Drawing:.................................................................................... 15
1.7 Assembly Drawing: .............................................................................. 15
1.8 Pictorial: ............................................................................................. 16
Isometric: ................................................................................... 17
Oblique: ...................................................................................... 17
Axonometric: ............................................................................... 17
Perspective: ................................................................................ 18
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Name AS 1100 as the drawing standards setting out the basic principles of
technical drawing practice.
Identify the various types of drawings produced by drawing offices.
Required Knowledge:
1.1 Introduction:
Drawings are legal documents and are often referred to in a court of law therefore all
drawings MUST be correct BEFORE being released from the office for production or
A drawing is one method of presenting technical communication. Technical
communication is an advanced form of communication whereby people of the same trade
(profession) can convey messages to one another more accurately and precisely. To
achieve this, a technical language (and jargon), which is well standardized, is needed
(e.g. botanical names in Horticology and Latin for medical terminology, etc.).
Drawings have been used since the beginning of history for planning and producing art
objects, architectural designs and engineering works. Since the Industrial Revolution a
system for creating architectural and engineering drawings has evolved. While the pens,
pencils, tools and papers for creating drawings have changed, the basic forms for
presenting information have stayed the same. People producing technical drawings need
to be familiar with the standard ways of presenting design information.
The ability to read and understand information contained on drawings is essential to
perform most engineering-related jobs. Engineering drawings are the industry's means
of communicating detailed and accurate information on how to manufacture/fabricate,
assemble, troubleshoot, repair, and operate a piece of equipment or a system. To
understand how to "read" a drawing it is necessary to be familiar with the standard
conventions, rules, and basic symbols used on the various types of drawings. Before
learning how to read the actual "drawing," an understanding of the information contained
in the various non-drawing areas of a print is also necessary.
Draftspersons will inevitably be
different people for different reasons
as represented in Figure 1.1. In
some situations, communications
will be sufficiently taken care of by
use of plain text. However in other
situations, text alone may not
suffice and a more specialized form
of communication by a technical
engineering drawing may prove
irreplaceably useful.
Figure 1.1
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1.2 Standards:
Standardization is the process of formulating and applying rules for an orderly approach
to a specific activity for the benefit and with the cooperation of all concerned, and in
particular for the promotion of optimum overall economy taking due account of functional
conditions and safety requirements. (International Organization for Standardization).
ISO or International Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of
good quality. For business, they are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing
waste and errors and increasing productivity. A standard is a document that provides
requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to
ensure that the materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose.
In Australia, AS1100 Australian Drawing Standards sets out the basic principles of
technical drawing practice and covers:
The use of abbreviations.
Materials, sizes, and layout of drawing sheets.
The types and minimum thicknesses of lines to be used.
The requirements for distinct uniform letters, numerals and symbols.
Recommended scales and their application.
Methods of projection and of indicating the various views of an object.
Methods of sectioning.
Recommendations for dimensioning including size and geometrical tolerancing.
Conventions used for the representation of components and repetitive features of
Some the major industry disciplines include mechanical, automotive, architectural, civil
and aeronautical.
Concept Stage
Design/Detail Stage
Manufacture Stage
During the Design/Detail stage, the components and assemblies are constantly being
modified and redrawn or edited and passed between designer, detailer and engineer.
The drawings once completed and passed, are forwarded to the workshops for
manufacture by the trades and production workers.
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Figure 1.2
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Figure 1.3
Figure 1.3 shows a detail drawing of the Plumber Block Base sketched in Figure 1.2.
Three views have been provided to describe the shape while all dimensions, surface
finish, general and geometric tolerances, and notations have been included on a
completed drawing sheet.
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Assembly drawings may show one, two or three views to describe the assembled
components; they must contain a Parts List (may also be called Material or Cutting List
depending on the engineering discipline), cross-referencing (in balloons or circles), and
General Notes pertaining to the assembly. The drawings normally show the over
dimensions and centre-to-centre distances for specific assemblies.
Figure 1.4
Figure 1.4 shows a completed assembly drawing with the Plumber Block Base, Plumber
Block Top and Bushes drawn in place and secured with the Hexagonal Head Screws.
Most designs are commenced with an assembly drawing and when the concept of the
design is finalised, the separate components can be broken out and detailed accordingly.
1.8 Pictorial:
Pictorial drawings are wrongly referred to as 3-D drawings. Pictorial drawings represent
the shape of an object to show the three principal dimensions (length, width and height);
it depicts the way people are used to viewing the object in everyday life but is drawn in
2-D. Characteristics of pictorial drawings are:
The shapes are easier to visualise and intersections of surfaces can be seen.
Used for advertising, technical and repair manuals, and for general information.
Pictorials can distort the lengths of lines and angles at corners; due the distortion
factor, pictorial drawings are rarely used for production drawings.
Pictorial drawings are 2-D drawings where the length along the Z-axis is 0 (zero).
The majority of pictorial drawings are produced as Isometric, Oblique, Axonometric or
Perspective drawings.
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Figure 1.5
1.8.2 Oblique:
Oblique drawings are also designed to show a three dimensional view of an object. The
widths of the object are drawn as horizontal lines, but the depth is drawn back at a 45
angle. Three types of oblique drawings can be used to depict the object, normal, cavalier
and cabinet obliques.
Cavalier drawings display the depth using the full measurement.
Normal drawings display the depth using of the measurement.
Cabinet drawings display the depth using of the measurement.
Circles are easier to draw in oblique as the circles can be drawn using a compass.
Of the three images above only Figure 1.7 - Normal appears similar to the real-life object
when viewed in oblique, Figure 1.6 - Cavalier appears too elongated while Figure 1.8 Cabinet is too short or stubby.
1.8.3 Axonometric:
Figure 1.9
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Perspective excels over all other types of projection in the pictorial representation of
objects because it more closely approximates the view obtained by the human eye.
Geometrically, a photograph is in perspective because the camera captures the same
data an eye sees. Perspective is an important tool to designers, architects and engineers
however is seldom used apart from architectural applications.
The elements required to produce perspective drawings can become quite daunting;
these elements include Picture Planes, Station Points, Left & Right Vanishing Points and
Horizon Plane.
Three types of perspective drawings are available, One-point, Two-point and Three point
Perspective. One-Point Perspective:
In one-point perspective, the object is placed so that two sets of its principal edges are
parallel to the Picture Plane, and the third set is perpendicular to the Picture Plane. The
third set of parallel lines will converge toward a single vanishing point in perspective. Two-Point Perspective:
In two-point perspective, the object is placed so that one set of parallel edges is vertical
and has no vanishing point, while the other two sets each have vanishing points. Twopoint perspective is the most common type used and is especially suitable for displaying
houses and large engineering structures. Three-Point Perspective:
In three-point perspective, the object is placed so that none of its principal edges are
parallel to the Picture Plane, therefore, each of the three sets of parallel edges will have a
separate Vanishing Point. The Picture Plane is assumed approximately perpendicular to
the centreline of the cone of rays.
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Figure 1.13
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Ceiling Fan
Electric Bell
Electric Buzzer
Cable Codes:
Electric Power
Data Circuit
Video Circuit
Audio Circuit
Street Lighting
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Indicating Instruments:
Frequency Meter
Contacts for Switches & Relays:
Make Contact
Break Contact
Circuit Breaker
Make Contactor
Break Contactor
Diode Devices:
General Symbol Preferred
Tunnel Diode
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Protective Earth
Earth Connection
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Alternating Current
Conductor or Group of
Positive Polarity
Negative Polarity
Flexible Conductor
Unconnected Cable or
Unconnected Cable or
Conductor Especially Insulated
Two Conductors
Three Conductors
n Conductors
Envelope (Tank)
Boundary Line
Permanent Magnet
Photoelectric Cathode
Brush on Slip-Ring
Brush on Communicator
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