Pi Is 0022347613005842
Pi Is 0022347613005842
Pi Is 0022347613005842
Study design Ninety-four preterm infants (gestational age 32-36 weeks and birth weight >1500 g) randomized to
receive prebiotics (mixture of galacto-oligosaccharide and polydextrose 1:1), probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus
GG), or placebo during the first 2 months of life were followed up for 1 year. Infants were categorized based on the
extent of crying and irritability during the first 2 months of life, and their gut microbiota was investigated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (n = 66) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (n = 63).
Results A total of 27 of 94 infants (29%) infants were classified as excessive criers, significantly less frequently in
the prebiotic and the probiotic groups than in the placebo group (19% vs 19% vs 47%, respectively; P = .02). The
placebo group had a higher percentage of Clostridium histolyticum group bacteria in their stools than did the probiotic group (13.9% vs 8.9%, respectively; P = .05). There were no adverse events related to either supplementation.
Conclusions Early prebiotic and probiotic supplementation may alleviate symptoms associated with crying and
fussing in preterm infants. This original finding may offer new therapeutic and preventive measures for this common
disturbance in early life. (J Pediatr 2013;163:1272-7).
See editorial, p 1250
uring early infancy, balanced hostmicrobe interaction is essential for healthy intestinal and immunological development.1 Microbiological programming begins in utero and proceeds gradually during birth and infancy.2 The process is
determined by environmental influences such as mode of delivery, perinatal antibiotic exposure, mode of feeding, and
amount of skin-to-skin contact.3 Risk factors associated with perturbation of the compositional development of the gut microbiota tend to accumulate in infants born preterm. As a consequence, their encounter with beneficial bacteria is often delayed.
Thus far, deviations in gut microbiota composition in term infants have been associated with various inflammatory and functional gastrointestinal disorders such as colicky crying, cows milk allergy, infantile diarrhea, and even celiac disease.4 In such
clinical conditions, the use of probiotics (ie, live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health
benefit on the host) and prebiotics (ie, nondigestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and/or activity of the indigenous intestinal bacteria) provide promising tools to alleviate specific disorders
and hence enhance infant well-being.5,6
In preterm infants, one of the most promising targets of probiotic intervention
From the Department of Pediatrics, Turku University
is prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis, a devastating immunoinflammatory
Hospital; Department of Clinical Sciences, and
Functional Foods Forum, University of Turku, Turku,
intestinal disease often resulting in severe impairment.2 However, in everyday
life, much more frequent sources of frustration to parents of preterm infants
Supported by the Juho Vainio Foundation, the Pa
and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation, the Foundation for
are benign functional gastrointestinal disorders related to feeding, crying, and irPediatric Research, an EVO grant from Turku University
Hospital and Satakunta Central Hospital, and Mead
ritability. Data on the effects of prebiotic and probiotic interventions on the preJohnson Nutrition (covered the costs of the prebiotic and
probiotic products [prepared by Turku University Hospivention or treatment of these common problems are needed.
tal Pharmacy] and part of the salary for R.L.). The sponTo improve our understanding of the impact of prebiotics and probiotics
sors had no influence on the design or conduct of the
study, data management and analysis, writing of the
on preterm infant well-being and gut microbiota composition, we conducted a
report, or the decision to submit the manuscript for
Carbocyanine 3
Fluorescence in situ hybridization
Fluorescein isothiocyanate
Polymerase chain reaction
Quantitative polymerase chain reaction
This randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study
involved 94 infants who were recruited between days of life
1 and 3 in the Department of Pediatrics, Turku University
Hospital, between June 2008 and May 2011. To be eligible
for enrollment, infants had to meet the following criteria:
gestational age between 32 + 0 and 36 + 6 weeks, birth weight
>1500 g, and absence of any congenital defects in the gastrointestinal system or other defects preventing enteral nutrition. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of
the Hospital District of South-West Finland. Written
informed consent was obtained from the infants parents.
The participants were randomly assigned to 1 of the 3
study groups according to computer-generated block
randomization by an independent statistician (J.M.). To
avoid disproportionate numbers of patients in each group,
randomization was performed in blocks of 6 subjects.
Randomization was implemented with SAS software package
PROC PLAN (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina). To
ensure allocation concealment, a member of a group not
involved in the conduct or reporting of this study was
responsible for the packaging and labeling of the study products. Study personnel, staff in the neonatal ward, and parents
were blinded to the randomization. The study nurse allocated the next available product on entry to the trial, and
each patient received the study product directly from the
department. The code was revealed to the investigator once
recruitment, data collection, and analysis were completed.
The study data were collected on printed case record forms,
and the members of the research group entered the data. All
data were kept confidential.
Preterm infants were randomly assigned to receive orally a
prebiotic mixture (polydextrose [Danisco Sweeteners, Surrey, United Kingdom] and galacto-oligosaccharides [Friesland Foods Domo, Zwolle, Netherlands] 1:1; 600 mg/d in 1
dose from day 1 to day 30 and 600 mg twice daily from day
31 to day 60), probiotic (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
[ATCC 53103; Mead Johnson & Co, Evansville, Indiana]
109 colony-forming units/d in 1 dose from day 1 to day 30
and 109 colony-forming units twice daily from day 31 to 60
day), or placebo (microcrystalline cellulose and dextrose anhydrate [Chr. Hansen, Hoersholm, Denmark]). All study
products were prepared by the Turku University Hospital
Pharmacy. The products were identical in appearance, taste,
A total of 94 infants were eligible for inclusion and were equally
distributed between the intervention groups (Figure; available
at www.jpeds.com). All participants were white. The mean
(range) gestational age of the infants was 34.6 (32-36) weeks
and the mean (range) gestational weight was 2393 (15503965) g. Clinical characteristics were comparable among the
study groups (Table II). The 1-year study was completed by
68 of the 94 infants (72%) (Figure). At the age of 1 year, the
(n = 31)
(n = 31)
(n = 32)
16 (52)
19 (61)
23 (72)
Vaginal delivery
20 (65)
24 (77)
20 (63)
Apgar score at 5 min
8 (2)
8 (1)
8 (1)
Maternal peripartal antibiotic
6 (19)
10 (32)
10 (31)
Antibiotic treatment during the
20 (65)
18 (58)
17 (53)
first 2 mo of age
Exclusively breast-fed, mo*
1.3 (1.9)
1.6 (2.2)
1.9 (2.1)
7.2 (4.4)
5.9 (4.5)
Total duration of breast-feeding, 5.5 (3.3)
9873 (1083) 9717 (1415) 10 107 (1633)
Weight at age of 1 y, gz
75 (2)
75 (3)
76 (3)
Length at age of 1 y, cmz
Results are given as mean (SD) or as number (%) of subjects.
All clinical characteristics were comparable among the study groups (P > .05).
*n = 24 for prebiotic group, n = 22 for probiotic group, and n = 25 for placebo group.
n = 23 for prebiotic group, n = 21 for probiotic group, and n = 23 for placebo group.
zn = 22 for prebiotic group, n = 21 for probiotic group, and n = 23 for placebo group.
rtty et al
November 2013
Clostridium Histolyticum
Akkermansia muciniphila
(n = 45)
Excessive crier
(n = 21)
23.03 (21.54)
11.85 (10.99)
10.36 (5.01)
10.51 (4.23)
9.39 (3.79)
23.46 (22.07)
10.60 (5.97)
13.23 (6.61)
14.52 (5.5)
10.33 (4.53)
During the first weeks of life, irritability and crying of a preterm infant coincide with diverse maturational processes that
take place in the immature gastrointestinal tract in response
to massive antigen challenges by microbial colonization and
food intake. Consequently, infant crying has been related to
cows milk allergy and deviating compositional development
of the gut microbiota,4,12,13 and the principal attempts to
control irritability in full-term infants have focused on
various dietary supplementations such as prebiotics and probiotics.4,14-16 In the present study, specific prebiotics and
probiotics, administered during the first 2 months of life to
infants born preterm, not only were well tolerated, also in
terms of normal growth, but also concomitantly provided relief to their crying and fussing. The clinical benefit was paralleled by a lowering of the relative number of pathogenic
bacteria, C histolyticum, in stools.
Our results support earlier demonstrations in term infants
on deviations in gut microbiota composition in colicky infants4,13,17,18-20 and clinical benefit from gut microbiota
modification with specific probiotics.4,14 We extend these
data in 3 respects: to infants born preterm, to specific microbial species, and to interventions with both probiotics and
In contrast to these previous studies, we chose to use questionnaires and interviews rather than cry diaries to identify
those infants who cry excessively. Because our participant
families were encountering extra stress due to the prematurity of their infant, we selected the former methods in the
hope of enhancing adherence to the study regimen. Indeed,
we consider our classification of infants into contented and
excessive criers reliable, because both parents and our
Effects of Early Prebiotic and Probiotic Supplementation on Development of Gut Microbiota and Fussing and
Crying in Preterm Infants: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
with polydextrose/galacto-oligosaccharide have been demonstrated to lessen abdominal discomfort, soften stools, and increase defecation frequency compared with placebo11,32-34
but not fussiness or gassiness in term infants.15,16 In our
study, stool frequency tended to be higher in the prebiotic
than in the probiotic or placebo groups, although the consistency of stools was comparable between the groups. Frequent
defecation may lessen abdominal distention and flatulence,
and thus constitute one of the possible reasons why the prebiotic intervention reduced infant irritability in our study.
In conclusion, breast-feeding is the first choice of nutrition
for all infants, especially preterm, because it constitutes a key
factor in the metabolic, immunological, and microbiological
programming of the infants health. However, the composition
of breast milk varies and reflects maternal health status and diet
and, consequently, influences the compositional development
of the gut microbiota in the offspring.2 The results presented
here suggest that redirecting the deviating colonization process
in the preterm infant gut microbiota by prebiotic and probiotic
supplementation may offer a safe and well-tolerated means to
optimize preterm infant well-being and to facilitate the
development of novel preventive and therapeutic options
against infant irritability and excessive crying. n
We would like to thank the families participating in our study, Jaakko
Matomaki, MSc, for statistical consultation, Robert MacGilleon, MA,
for language review of the manuscript, and Ulla-Maija Eriksson, RN,
and Anne Yrjana, RN, for help with the follow-up of participants.
Submitted for publication Mar 4, 2013; last revision received Apr 15, 2013;
accepted May 14, 2013.
1. Hooper LV, Littman DR, Macpherson AJ. Interactions between the microbiota and the immune system. Science 2012;336:1268-73.
2. Rautava S, Luoto R, Salminen S, Isolauri E. Microbial contact during
pregnancy, intestinal colonization and human disease. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012;9:565-76.
3. Berrington JE, Stewart CJ, Embleton ND, Cummings SP. Gut microbiota
in preterm infants: assessment and relevance to health and disease. Arch
Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2012 Sep 25. Epub ahead of print.
4. Savino F, Cordisco L, Tarasco V, Palumeri E, Calabrese R, Oggero R,
et al. Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 in infantile colic: a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Pediatrics 2010;126:e526-33.
5. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Health
Organization. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on
Evaluation of Health and Nutritional Properties of Probiotics in Food
Including Powder Milk with Live Lactic Acid Bacteria. Retrieved from
6. FAO. Prebiotics. Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/ag/agn/agns/files/
7. Collado MC, Isolauri E, Laitinen K, Salminen S. Distinct composition of
gut microbiota during pregnancy in overweight and normal-weight
women. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;88:894-9.
8. Kalliomaki M, Collado MC, Salminen S, Isolauri E. Early differences in
fecal microbiota composition in children may predict overweight. Am J
Clin Nutr 2008;87:534-8.
9. Rigottier-Gois L, Bourhis AG, Gramet G, Rochet V, Dore J. Fluorescent
hybridisation combined with flow cytometry and hybridisation of total
RNA to analyse the composition of microbial communities in human
faeces using 16S rRNA probes. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 2003;43:237-45.
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November 2013
29. Bakker-Zierikzee AM, Tol EA, Kroes H, Alles MS, Kok FJ, Bindels JG.
Faecal SIgA secretion in infants fed on pre- or probiotic infant formula.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2006;17:134-40.
30. Claud EC, Walker WA. Hypothesis: inappropriate colonization of the
premature intestine can cause neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis. FASEB
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31. Tuovinen E, Keto J, Nikkila J, Matto J, Lahteenmaki K. Cytokine
response of human mononuclear cells induced by intestinal Clostridium
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32. Costabile A, Fava F, Roytio H, Forssten SD, Olli K, Klievink J, et al.
Impact of polydextrose on the faecal microbiota: a double-blind, cross-
ifty years ago, it must have been such an exciting time for researchers in the field of lung biology! Surfactant, a novel
surface active material in the lung, had just been discovered. Avery and Meads observation1 that preterm infants
afflicted with hyaline membrane disease lacked surfactant had spurred excitement around a potential remedy for this
deadly disease. Yet, vexing questions remained: Where is surfactant made? How does it reach amniotic fluid? What
kind of fluid fills fetal lungs, and where does it come from?
Fifty years ago, Adams et al also made the astute observation that certain characteristics of fetal lung fluid point to an
active secretory process. They directed our attention to its low pH, low protein, low bicarbonate, and high chloride
content; they also used the Gibbs-Donnan equation to make a strong case for an active secretory process, pointing
to a big disparity in sodium and chloride ratios between the tracheal fluid and plasma. Years later, a Na-K-2Cl cotransport mechanism was found to be the primary source of fetal lung fluid secretion, a process that is readily suppressed by
diuretics such as bumetanide.
Yet, the question of how the fetus reverses this process at birth and clears a large amount of lung fluid had to wait
until 1994 for a definitive answer, when Hummer et al2 showed that mice pups lacking a key epithelial sodium channel
(ENaC) died within the first day or 2 of life, all from an inability to clear lung fluid. The subsequent cloning of ENaC
allowed studies of its regulation by key endogenous hormones such as catecholamines and glucocorticoids. We now
have a better understanding of how the alveolar surface fluid layer is regulated, balancing secretory forces (to which
Adams et al eluded 50 years ago) and fluid absorption by ENaC and its related ion channels. Therapeutic interventions
based on translation of this knowledge are currently in use or under investigation for conditions such as high-altitude
pulmonary edema, cystic fibrosis, and respiratory distress in the newborn. The calf lung extract first introduced by
Dr Fujiwara as a surfactant is still in use today. We have come a long way!
Lucky Jain, MD
1. Avery ME, Mead J. Surface properties in relation to atelectasis and hyaline membrane disease. AMA J Dis Child 1959;97:517.
2. Hummler E, Barker P, Gatzy J, Beermann F, Verdumo C, Schmidt A, et al. Early death due to defective neonatal lung liquid clearance in
alpha-ENaC-deficient mice. Nat Genet 1996;12:325-8.
Effects of Early Prebiotic and Probiotic Supplementation on Development of Gut Microbiota and Fussing and
Crying in Preterm Infants: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Sequence from 50 to 30
Hybridization temperature
EUB 338
Bif 164
Bac 303
Chis 150
Lab 158
Muc 1437
Total bacteria
Clostridium histolyticum
Akkermancia muciniphila
50 C
50 C
45 C
50 C
45 C
50 C
rtty et al
November 2013
Table IV. Proportion of different bacterium count to total bacterial count by FISH at the age of 1 month in placebo,
probiotic, and prebiotic groups
Prebiotic (n = 25)
Probiotic (n = 19)
Placebo (n = 22)
C histolyticum
Akkermansia muciniphila
18.26 (18.24)
14.46 (13.87)
10.46 (5.15)
11.67 (5.51)
9.73 (3.86)
30.56 (26.76)
9.75 (5.96)
8.90 (2.92)
10.83 (4.48)
8.66 (2.80)
22.78 (19.50)
9.50 (4.89)
13.88 (6.81)
12.37 (4.74)
10.41 (4.90)
Effects of Early Prebiotic and Probiotic Supplementation on Development of Gut Microbiota and Fussing and
Crying in Preterm Infants: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial