2011 IJCPD (Joint Toothbrushing)
2011 IJCPD (Joint Toothbrushing)
2011 IJCPD (Joint Toothbrushing)
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a joint tooth brushing program at an elementary school in Jakarta.
Methods: An intervention program to improve the oral health of elementary students was conducted over a 6-month period.
The program consisted of dental health education and daily indoor two-minute sessions of joint tooth brushing. We sampled
a total of 57 students from the first and second grades. Each one was interviewed and was subject to oral examinations before and after the program was implemented. Moreover, questionnaires were also administered to the teachers. Then they
were trained as an instructor for the program. These programs were conducted daily before the beginning of class.
Results: Significant changes in saliva pH and plaque pH scores was found for students. Moreover, teachers awareness of
dental healthcare also increased. Finally, teachers were actively engaged when acting as tooth brushing program instructors.
Conclusion: Teachers conducting daily, indoor, two-minute, joint tooth brushing programs could motivate students to maintain their oral health. This in turn leads to a decreased prevalence of dental caries among elementary school students.
The faculty of Dentistry in the Department of Preventive and
Public Health Dentistry at the University of Indonesia delivered
the dental health promotion and prevention programs to the dental students. The program was designed, consent and baseline
data were obtained, and the program of daily in-school tooth
brushing and in-class education was initiated. Essentially, a
health-promoting pilot school was established; both teachers
and children were engaged in the program. Oral health improved and the emergence of new knowledge and practices was
Table 1 shows that only 8 of 57 students had DMF-T scores
of 0. Meaning that only 14% of students did not have dental
caries. Forty-two students had DMF-T scores that ranged from
1 to 3. A majority of the sample (86%) exhibited decay, that is,
1 to 3 dental caries per person, and 86% of students had dental
caries. Moreover, Table 2 indicates that there were significant
changes (p0.001) from before to after the program was implemented with respect to both mean plaque pH scores and students behavior. In addition, there were only slight increases in
mean scores for saliva pH and for the buffering capacity of the
saliva. Table 3 highlights the significant mean score changes in
the knowledge, attitudes, actions and behaviors of the teachers
(p0.001) from before to after the implementation of the
six-month joint tooth brushing program.
Table 2. Mean scores before and after the tooth brushing program for
plaque pH, saliva pH, saliva buffering capacity and student behavior
pH of plaque
pH of saliva
Saliva buffering capacity
Students behavior
Dental caries is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases
in Indonesia. More than half of all cases are left untreated (2),
as demonstrated in this study by the low number of students who
did not have caries. This high prevalence of caries might be due
to a lack of dental health education or to poor awareness of oral
health maintenance (8). That said, frequent sugar consumption
and dental cleaning habits among children are also factors that
could affect their oral health status. Children generally like to
eat cariogenic foods such as candies and chocolates. Cariogenic
foods dissolve with saliva and stick to tooth surfaces as pellicle.
Ultimately, this pellicle forms dental plaque. Bacteria, especially Streptococcus mutans, the main etiology of dental caries,
will reproduce in the dental plaque. If tooth brushing is not conducted regularly, this dental plaque will become increasingly
mature and acidic. The acidic metabolic products of Streptococcus mutans will begin to abrade the dental enamel structure,
causing it to demineralize (9).
The initial data showed that the plaque pH mean score was almost in the critical range. This finding may have been a result
of improper tooth brushing habits. Dental plaque had formed,
matured and adhered to tooth surfaces longer than it should. The
increasing amounts of acidic products derived from the bacterias own metabolism generated lower plaque pH scores and
led to a higher risk of caries (10,11). However, after 6 months,
there were significant increases in plaque pH scores. This in turn
could have been caused by regular tooth brushing (12,13). The
habit of tooth brushing twice a day, after breakfast and before
bed, is important in preventing the maturation of dental plaque
on tooth surfaces, as plaque forms and matures within 24-48
hours. If students brush their teeth regularly, mature plaque
would be mechanically and continuously rubbed off, and only
immature plaque would remain on the tooth surface. This would
help maintain childrens scores within the normal range for plaque pH (14).
After the intervention, the scores for the saliva pH increased,
which may have been caused by the 6-month program. This in-
Table 3. Mean scores before and after the tooth brushing program for
teachers knowledge, attitudes, actions and behaviors
Teachers knowledge
Teachers attitudes
Teachers actions
Teachers behaviors
crease was not significant, and these scores may have been affected by the speed of saliva production. The age of the students
ranged between six and eight years old. At this point in a childs
growth and development, the salivary glands may not be fully
developed, and thus, there is a lower velocity of saliva production, which could in turn influence the saliva pH. Moreover,
the insignificant decrease in score for the buffering capacity of
the saliva suggests that it could not be affected by external
factors. Instead, the buffering capacity of saliva is likely affected by the velocity of saliva production, which varies between individuals (15). Therefore, the buffering capacity of saliva should not be used as a parameter for determining the success of the program.
Regarding the students maintenance of their oral health, we
witnessed significant improvements in their maintenance behavior, which may be the result of employing a program that
actively involves teachers, intensifying the behavior-changing
effects on students. The significant increase in students oral
health behaviors suggests that first and second grade students
between the ages of six and eight years old were able to adopt
new behaviors. At this stage, students are likely to believe the
new information offered by their teachers. Thus, it is likely that
they believed that regular tooth brushing conferred significant
benefits for which they were also in need. We suggest that
changes based on knowledge and interventions based positive
attitudes and actions are likely to result in long-term positive
oral health maintenance behaviors.
The results showed that the behaviors of teachers toward oral
health could be influenced by their knowledge, attitudes and
habits. There was a significant increase in the behavior scores
of teachers after the 6-month program was completed (p
0.05). This suggests that the teachers themselves had adopted
new behaviors. The process of changing behavior starts with old
behaviors but then proceeds through the following stages:
awareness, interest, desire, trial, adoption, satisfaction and
adoption of a new behavior. In light of this process, intraoral examinations were conducted and the teachers knowledge of
dental health education was assessed before the program began.
To evaluate the effectiveness of a joint tooth brushing program
at an elementary school in Jakarta. An intervention program to
improve the oral health of elementary students was conducted
over a 6-month period. The program consisted of dental health
education and daily indoor two-minute sessions of joint tooth
brushing. We sampled a total of 57 students from the first and
second grades. Each one was interviewed and was subject to oral examinations before and after the program was implemented.
Moreover, questionnaires were also administered to the teachers. Then they were trained as an instructor for the program.
These programs were conducted daily before the beginning of
1. A majority of the sample (86%) exhibited decay, that is, 1
to 3 dental caries per person, and 86% of students had dental
2. Indicates that there were significant changes (p0.001)
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by the Universitas Indonesia and the Indonesian Ministry of Education.
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