Review of Literature

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ISSN - 2250-1991

Volume : 3 | Issue : 10 | Oct 2014

Research Paper


Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs): A



Arunkumar B

Research Scholar Department of Management Gulbarga University

NBFC are latest financial institutions which are meeting financial requirements of small and medium enterprises. They
disburse loans on the basis of hire purchase, mortgage, chits, etc. Many of the studies were already made and published
to explore the functions and working of NBFCs and evaluation of NBFCs in India. Few of the recent studies are reviewed in
the paper to find out the research gap in the NBFCs.

Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) constitute a heterogeneous lot of privately-owned, small-sized financial intermediaries which provide a variety of services including equipment leasing, hire purchase, loans, investments and chit fund
activities. These companies play an important role in providing
credit to the unorganized sector and to the small borrowers at
the local level.
NBFCs have turned out to be engines of growth and are integral part of the Indian financial system, enhancing competition and diversification in the financial sector, spreading risks
specifically at times of financial distress and have been increasingly recognized as complementary of banking system at competitive prices. The Banking sector has always been highly regulated, however simplified sanction procedures, flexibility and
timeliness in meeting the credit needs and low cost operations
resulted in the NBFCs getting an edge over banks in providing
funding. The research on the NBFCs is going in different parts
of the world to review the policies and functions of the NBFCs
in the world. To look into the changes and developments in
the structure, functions, regulations, progress, etc, many of
the studies were already made and a few latest studies are reviewed as under.
NBFCs: Review of Literature
Jafor Ali Akhan (2010) writes on Non-Banking Financial
Companies (NBFCs) in India.
The book discussed the financial system in India. It covers the financial intermediaries
including commercial banks, regional rural banks, cooperative
banks and Non-Banking Financial Companies in India. The
book is good source in getting information on businesses,
classification, management of assets, risk coverage, etc of the
NBFCs in India.
Shailendra Bhushan Sharma and Lokesh Goel (2012)
write on Functioning and Reforms in Non-Banking
Financial Companies in India. Non-Banking Financial
Companies do offer all sorts of banking services, such
as loans and credit facilities, retirement planning, money
markets, underwriting and merger activities. These companies play an important role in providing credit to the unorganized sector and to the small borrowers at the local
level. Hire purchase finance is by far the largest activity of
NBFCs. The rapid growth of NBFCs has led to a gradual
blurring of dividing lines between banks and NBFCs, with
the exception of the exclusive privilege that commercial
banks exercise in the issuance of cheques. This paper provides an exhaustive account of the functioning of and recent reforms pertaining to NBFCs in India.

Subina Syal and Menka Goswami (2012) writes on Financial Evaluation of Non-Banking Financial Institutions:
An Insightin Indian Journal of Applied Research. The
Indian financial system consists of the various financial institutions, financial instruments and the financial markets that
facilitate and ensure effective channelization of payment and
credit of funds from the potential investors of the economy.
Non-banking financial institutions in India are one of the major stakeholders of financial system and cater to the diversified
needs by providing specialized financial services like investment advisory, leasing, asset management, etc. Non-banking
financial sector in India has been a considerable growth in the
recent years. The aim of the present study is to analyze the
financial performance and growth of non-banking financial institutions in India in the last 5 years. The study is helpful for
the potential investors to get the knowledge about the financial performance of the non-banking financial institutions and
be helpful in taking effective long-term investment decisions.
Sornaganesh and Maria Navis Soris17 (2013) B A Fundamental Analysis of NBFCs in India in Outreach. The
study was made to analyze the performance of five NBFCs in
India. The annual reports of these companies are evaluated so
as to ascertain investments, loans disbursed, growth, return,
risk, etc. To sum up, the study is concluded that the NBFCs
are earning good margins on all the loans and their financial
efficiency is good.
Taxmanns (2013) published Statutory Guide for
Non-Banking Financial Companies is published by Taxmanns Publications, New Delhi. The book listed the laws
relating to Non-Banking Financial Companies. The rules and
laws governing the kinds of businesses undertaken by different types of NBFCs are also discussed.
Amit Kumar and Anshika Agarwal (2014) published a
paper entitled Latest Trends in Non-banking Financial
Institutions in Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. In Indian Economy, there are
two major Financial Institutions, one is banking and other is
Non-Banking. The Non-Banking Financial Institutions plays an
important role in our economy as they provide financial services on wide range, they also work to offer enhanced equity and risk-based products, along with this they also provide
short to long term finance to different sectors of the economy, and many other functions. This paper examines the latest
trends in Non-Banking Financial Institutions. This paper analyzes the growth and enhanced prosperity of financial institutions
in India.
Dash Saroj K, et al (2014) writes on Housing Loan Disbursement in India: Suggestive Metrics to Prevent Bad


Volume : 3 | Issue : 10 | Oct 2014

Debts in International Journal of Management, IT and

Engineering. Non-Banking Financial Corporation (NBFC) in
each of the countries involved in the business of lending mortgage loans took stock of their policies and terms & conditions
while disbursement of loans. Critics and some experts might
argue that given the technologically advanced systems in
place to do credit scoring, it is enough to have certain set of
quantitative parameters to do a check. The parameters, which
are discussed in the credit scoring software, are primarily
quantitative parameters and some qualitative features whose
measurements are also quantified.
Naresh Makhijani (2014) writes on Non-Banking Finance
Companies: Time to Introspect in Analytique. Over the
last few years the Non Banking Finance Companies (NBFC)
sector has gained significant advantages over the banking
system in supplying credit under-served and unbanked areas given their reach and niche business model. However, off
late the Reserve Bank of India has introduced and suggested
various changes in the existing regulatory norms governing
NBFCs with a view to bring NBFCs regulations at par with the
banks. The ongoing and proposed regulatory changes for the
NBFCs in terms of increased capital adequacy, tougher provision norms, removal from priority sector status and changes in
securitization guidelines could bring down the profitability and
growth of the NBFC sector. NBFCs will need to introspect and
rethink their business models as they will now not only have
to combat stringent regulatory norms but also have to face
the challenge of rising cost of funds, scare capital and direct
competition from banks.
Ravi Puliani and Mahesh Puliani (2014) writes a book entitled Manual of Non-Banking Financial Companies. The
book discussed the glossary of terms that are used in banking
operations and non-banking activities. The book covers the
circulars and directions issued by Reserve Bank of India from
time to time to control, manage and regulate the business of
Shail Shakya (2014) published a working paper entitled
Regulation of Non-banking Financial Companies in India: Some Visions & Revisions. Non-Banking Financial
Companies are pioneer in their cash deployment, accessibility to the markets and others to count. NBFCs are known for
their higher risk taking capacity than the banks. Despite being an institution of attraction for the investors, NBFCs have
played a significant role in the financial system. Many specialized services such as factoring, venture capital finance, and
financing road transport were championed by these institutions. NBFC sector has more significantly seen a fair degree

ISSN - 2250-1991

of consolidation, leading to the emergence of large companies with diversified activities. However, the recent financial
crisis has highlighted the importance of widening the focus
of NBFC regulations to take particular account of risks arising
from the regulatory gaps, from arbitrage opportunities and
from inter-connectedness of various activities and entities associated with the financial system. The regulatory regime is
lighter and different than the banks. The steady increase in
bank credit to NBFCs over the recent years means that the
possibility of risks being transferred from more lightly regulated NBFC sector to the banking sector in India cant be ruled
Thilakam and Saravanan (2014) writes on CAMEL Analysis of NBFCs in Tamil Nadu in International Journal of
Business and Administration Research Review. Financial
intermediation is a crucial function of Banks, Non Banking
financial companies (NBFCs) and Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) the post reform period in India is characterized by phenomenal growth of NBFCs complementing the
role of banks in mobilizing funds and making it available for
investment purposes. During the last decade NBFCs have undergone wide volatility and change as an industry and have
been witnessing considerable business upheaval over the last
decade because of market dynamics, public sentiments and
regulatory environment. To evaluate the soundness of NBFCs
in Tamil Nadu over a decade, the authors made an attempt of
CAMEL criteria for analysis of selected Companies. Based on
findings the suggestions were offered to overcome the difficulties face by selected NBFCs in their development.
To conclude, the NBFCs are playing significant role in meeting
financial requirements of the medium sized and small sized
industries and development of Indian economy indirectly. On
the other hand, policies of NBFCs are also providing investment security for the investors. It is highlighted that due to
the regulations of the Reserve Bank of India, still the NBFCs
are not extending more credit. It is suggested to the NBFC
credit policy to reduce rate of interests, which helps to small
enterprises to get loans for their different capital requirements. The review made above shows that the research in
NBFCs is not so progressive as many of the published research
papers shows only basics of the NBFCs and still it is essential
to study the evaluate the performance of NBFCs in India.

1. Amit Kumar and Anshika Agarwal, Latest Trends in Non-banking Financial Institutions, Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1,
January 2014, pp. 225-235. | 2. Dash Saroj K, et al, Housing Loan Disbursement in India: Suggestive Metrics to Prevent Bad Debts, International Journal of Managment,
IT and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2014, pp. 254-261. | 3. Jafor Ali Akhan, Non-Banking Financial Companies in India: Functioning and Reforms, New Delhi, New Century
Publications, 2010. | 4. Naresh Makhijani, Non-Banking Finance Companies: Time to Introspect, Analytique, Vol. 9 & 10, No. 2, April-June 2014, pp. 34-36. | 5. Ravi Puliani
and Mahesh Puliani, Manual of Non-Banking Financial Companies, New Delhi, Bharat Law House, 2014. | 6. Shailendra Bhushan Sharma and Lokesh Goel, Functioning
and Reforms in Non-Banking Financial Companies in India, IN: Inclusive Growth and Innovative Practices in Management, edited by Arvind Singh, Proceedings of the National Seminar, Ghaziabad, Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, 15th April 2012, pp.21-25. | 7. Shail Shakya, Regulation of Non-banking Financial Companies in India:
Some Visions & Revisions, 2014, . | 8. Sornaganesh, V and Maria Navis Soris, N, A Fundamental Analysis of NBFCs in India, Outreach: A
Multi-Disciplinary Refereed Journal, Vol. 6, 2013, pp. 119-125. | 9. Subina Syal and Menka Goswami, Financial Evaluation of Non-Banking Financial Institutions: An Insight,
Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2012, pp. 69-71. | 10. Taxmanns Statutory Guide for Non-Banking Financial Companies, New Delhi, Taxmann
Publications (P) Ltd, 2013. | 11. Thilakam, C and Saravanan, M, CAMEL Analysis of NBFCs in Tamil Nadu, International Journal of Business and Administration Research
Review, Vol. 2, No. 4, January-March 2014, pp. 226-232. |


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