Ultimaker 2 Assembly Manual V1.1

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The fast, easy to use, Open-source 3D printer

Assembly manual

English Version 1.02

Table of Contents

Assembly of the Frame


Assembly of XY-axle
B1. Sliderblocks
B2. XY-axes
B3. XY-motors


Assembly of Z-stage
C1. Z-stage
C2. Placing Z-stage in the frame
C3. Stabilize Z-stage


Assembly of the Material feeder


Assembly of the Display


Assembly of the Hot-end

F1. Hot end
F2. Connecting the fans
F3. Eliminate cables
F4. Placing printhead in frame


Assembly of the Electronics

G1. Install the electronics
G2. install the housing parts

A. Assembly of the Frame

Part Amount
1024 Limit Switch, Black Short Wire
LED Strip Cold White
1162 Limit Switch Blue Wire
Limit Switch Red Wire
1203 ISO 7380 M3x12
ISO 7380 M3x16 35x
DIN 962 Square Nut M3 A2
1220 Ball Bearing F688-2RA
Front Panel 1x
Back Panel 1x
Left Panel 1x
Right Panel 1x
Bottom Panel 1x
Top Panel 1x
Note: The amount of parts
is always times 1, except if
the amount indicates something different. Make sure
you have al the parts before
you start with the next step.

3. Put the Ball Bearings in the countersunk holes on the front,

left, right and backplate. Make sure you do not damage the
dibont and plexiglass plates. This is a total of 8 Bearings

1. Remove the protection foil from the dibond and plexiglas

2. Remove all material left over by the machine.

4. Use a rubber hammer or

use wooden plate between the
hammer and bearing to get the
bearing in place, make sure the
flanges flush with the plate.

5. Take 35x M3 square nuts and place

them in the T-slots of the front-back, top
and bottom plate. use pliers or tweezers
to make sure the nuts are fitted correctly
in the frame

6. Attaching the 3 endstops with 6x M3X12MM

(firm but not excessive

7. Red Endstop on the left

plate (thats plate with
the extra motor holes).
make sure the lip is facing
upwards (check photo)

8. The blue end stop on the top plate.

The lip pointing inwards.

9. The black Endstop

on the back plate on
the bottom of the plate. With the lip pointing
to the right.

12. The second part of the LED strip

goes on the top of the front plate,
start at the right and go to the top
left corner.

push between each LED

13. Make extra sure to

stick the LED strip very
firmly on the housing.
Otherwise, it can deattach at a later stage!

10. Turn the Front pannel around

so the T-slots are visible. Now
clean the back of the front pannel
with acetone or alcohol, so the
LED strip will stick better.

11. Install the LED strip in

the machine. Remove the
stickytape from the first LED
strip and start at the bottom
right of the plate. Then move
up wards until you reacht the
top right corner.

14. Attatch the Top and Bottom plate to the

back plate. Make sure all the T-slots are facing
inwards. Next ad the front plate and screw
everything together with M3x16mm screws.

16. Make sure all the cables are

guided through the holes in the
correct way. (use photos for
15. Place the Two sides on
the machine. Use 35 M3x16mm screws to secure
them into place.


B. Assembly of XY-axle

Note: The amount of parts

is always times 1, except if
the amount indicates something different. Make sure
you have al the parts before
you start with the next step.

partnr. Part Amount

1011 Y-linear Shaft 2x
1012 X-linear Shaft 2x
1056 Sintered Bushing 4x
Timing Pulley 5mm Shaft GT2
Timing Pulley 8mm Shaft GT2
Timing Pulley Double 8mm Shaft GT2
1168 Sliding Block Spring 4x
1176 Spacer 8.2x10x5 2x
1177 Spacer 8.2x10x10 5x
Spacer 8.2x10x25
1182 X,Y-motor 2x
1188 Timing Belt GT2 200 2x
1189 Timing Belt GT2 610 4x
1201 Washer Lage M3 8x
1207 ISO 7380 M3x25 8x
1211 Set Screw M4x4 12x
1241 Motor Spacer 2x
1255 Sliding Block 8x

B1. Sliderblocks

1.This photo shows all the parts needed for the sliderblocks

4. Put some tension on the

spring lace the timing belt
with the spring in the slider
block. The timing belt comes
out the slots on both sides of
the slider block

5. Click the two parts of the slider

block together. this is a one-way
mechanisme. Check if everything
is secure.

2. Place the timing belt around the spring, so the teeth are to the outside.
3. Put the two parts of the sliding
block next to each other and put
a brass bushing in one of the two
(identical parts).

6. Repeat this procedure four times,

this will result in 4
assembled sliding


B2. XY-Assen

7. Screw a setscrews in all the 8 axes pulleys (with the

8mm holes) and in the double 8mm pulley setscrews:
8x M4x4mm. Doing this now is much easier than later
on in the build.

10. Next is the assembled slider block.

This is followed by a further pulley, and
finally again a 10 mm spacer. Check if its
correct using the photo

8. Slide one of the short axes through the

hole at the front left of the machine.

9. Then slide a 10 mm spacer around it and

then a pulley. The wide side of the pulley
has to face towards the frame.


11. Take two of the assembled slider mechanisms and

place one around each of the pulleys. Make sure the
hole for axes to pass through is underneath the timing

12. Slide the further axle through

the plate until it is exactly flush
with the outside of the housing.


13. Take the other short axes and slide it

through the hole back of the left pannel. Then
take the dubble pulley and place it on the axle.

15. The dubble pulley is followed by

an assembled sliderblock and then
another pulley.

16. Put the right timing belt around the

pulley on the back axle. Then slide the
10mm spacer around the axle. Now slide
the axes through the frame until it is flush
with the side.

14. Place the sort timing belt on the dubble

pulley. Make sure its on the side closest to
the frame. this short belt will attatch to the
motor later on in the process. Now take the
long belt from the left sliderblock and place
it around the pulley.


20. This is followed by a pulley and another 10mm slider block.

17. The next shaft that we are going to

assemble, is the axle of the back left.

18. Slide a 25 mm bushing around the axle, it

is followed by a pulley.

21. Attach the timing belt on the right axle

of the pulley and insert the shaft through the
housing, so that it is flush with the frame

19. Place the timing belt attachted to the

front left axle around the pulley. Insert the
axle through the hanging slider block.

22. Insert the last axle on the right

back through the housing.

23. You start with a pulley with the

narrow facing the frame. This is different from all the other pulleys. Put a
small timing belt around the pulley

24. Then slide a 10mm spacer on to the shaft.

25. Followed by a pulley. With the

broad side facing the frame. and
the slideblock

26. Slide the last 5 mm spacer to the shaft and

attach the timing belt on the right side of the front
axle. Also slide the shaft through the housing until
it is flush with this. When the gantrey is put together all the screws can be tightend down firmly


B3. XY-motoren

27. These are the nessacery parts to

secure the motors. Make sure that you
take the two with the shorter axels

30. Attatch the small timingbelt

around the pulley. Next make sure
the motor wires are guided around
the little hook at the bottom of the
motorspacer. do this before you
attach the spacer to the frame of
the machine.

28. Secure the two pulleys

with the 5mm hole on the
motors with the M4x4 slugs.
the end of the pulley has to
be flush with the axle. make
sure you screw them tight
29. The wide side of the pulley
has to face away from the motor


32. guide all the cables, both those of

the motors aswell as the endstop ones
down throught the hole in the bottom
o f the frame.
31. Attatch the motors with 8 M3x25mm screws.Use 8 M3 Washers
between the screwhead and the
frame. Start with the top two screws
to make it easier to position the

33. Repeat this entire procedure for the other motor.


C. Assembly of the Z-stage

partnr. Part Amount
1152 Table Spring D2150 3x
Print Table Base Plate
Print Table Glass
Print Table Heated Bed
1156 Z-shaft Cap Bottom 2x
Print Table Back Cover
Z-motor With Trapezoidal Lead Screw
1169 Z-linear Shaft 2x
Square Flanged Linear Bearing LMK12LUU 2x
Heated Bed Cable
Trapezoidal Lead Nut
1200 ISO 7380 M3x8 4x
1202 ISO 7380 M3x10 14x
1204 ISO 7380 M3x16 2x
1206 ISO 7380 M3x20 4x
DIN 962 Square Nut M3 A2
ISO 7040 nut M3 Prev. Torque A2
ISO 10642 M3x8 A2
ISO 10642 M3x20 A2
ISO 10642 M4x10 A2
Heated Bed Cable Clip
Print Table Mounting Aid
Build Platform Glass Retainer Back
1257 Knurled Nut Platform 3x
1288 Washer M6 3x
Key Wrench T2.5

Note: The amount of parts is always times 1, except if the

amount indicates something different. Make sure you have
al the parts before you start with the next step.


C1. Z-stage

1. Make sure all plastic has been removed from the small dibond plate.

3. To make sure the fitting of the bearings

is correct. Testfit the bearings in the holes
and make sure the fitting is correct by
turning them fron left to right .

2. Remove all jagged particles that have been left by milling.

4. Place two nuts in the 2 T-slots of this Dibont plate.


5. To build the heated bed. You need these


6. The top of the stainless steel ring comes in contact with

the aluminum and therefore should be greased with copper

7. Place the greased ring on the

adjustment screw.

8. Now remove all the foil from the aluminum plate.


9. position the aluminium plate in such a way

that the notch is on the right side of the middle

10. Insert the adjustment screws with washers

from the bottom through the base plate.

11. Place them in the 3 appropriate holes.

12. Place the spring on part of the adjustmentscrew sticking out of the aluminium plate


12.1. Dont forget to screw

the cable into the heated bed
orientated as in this image.

14. Place the heated bed on the

base plate and place a glass retainer on both corners between
the heater and the spring
13. The glass retainers are screwd into
place by 4x M3x8mm screws and 4x
lock nuts.

15. Screw it down with 3x M3x20 countersunk screws.


16. Slide the glass in the rear two

glass retainers. Click the two
front glasretainers onto the glass,
so the glass is secure.


17. Attach the cable guide on

the heated bed with 2xM3x10
mm screws.


18. Attach the trapezoidal nut

screws on the base plate and
insert the 4x M3x10 screws
from the bottom

19. Attach the flange bearings loosely to the base

plate with 8xM4x10mm. the
bearings need to be able to
move a little bit and will be
tightened at a later stage.


20. Screw a M3x20 screw in this hole

from the top. This will act as Endstop.

21. Put 4xM3 locknut into

the two cover plates.


C2. Install Z-stage in the frame

22. Remove any jagged bits left in

the milled hole in the top plate.

23. Insert the shafts in the bottom

of the frame. Dont slide the axles
all the way to the top


25. Fold the small Dibond

plate at an angle of 90 degrees, please note this can
be done only once.

24. Put the build platform in the

fram and insert the 12mm axle
through the build platform . Put
something (a piece of paper)
between the screw and the
frame to prevent scratches.

26. Slide the Dibond plate

over the axes as follows.


29. Make sure the end is flush with the frame

27. Remove any dirt into the milled hole in

the top plate and slide the axle all the way
to the top.
28. Make sure the shaft is flush with the
frame, if this does not work then check
whether there is debris in the opposite hole.
if not, use a wooden plate and a hammer to
gently tap it into place.

30. Install the covers for the axes from the inside
of the housing. The notches fall into the milled
holes in the bottom plate. Fix it into place with
4xM3x10mm screws. There cant be any gap between the black cover plate and the housing.


31. Make sure that both cover

plates are attached as in the picture

32. Place the Z-motor through the bottom plate and the Z table

33. Put the cable from

the motor / ends stops
behind the z-motor
through the milled slot.
Then press the Z motor in
place so it fits securely.


34. Now screw the

Z motor from inside
using 4x 10m3 bolts.

Lift nu
37. Zet
met place
en tape voor
in de
bovenkant vast, dit
vermakkelijkt je werken
in de volgende stap.

35. Put the frame with

Z-table upright and
tape the Dibond plate
on the top edge, this
simplifies your work in
the next step.

37. Let the Z-table down

again and make sure it
is exactly on top of the
calibration plugs


C3. Stabilize z-stage

38. Turn 1 of the 8 bolts that

hold the bearing on the Z-table. Then wiggle the Z-table
and up and down so that the
bearing can turn into the best

39. Repeat until you have all

had the 4 bolts.

40. Repeat until you have all had

the 4 bolts for the other bearing


41. Then push the Dibond cap

on the Z-table so it falls on
the bearings, press it firmly
so that the bearings are in
firmly into place

42. Then lock it in place with

2 x 16 mm bolts m3 inserted
from the bottom.

43. The heated bed cable

is guided by giving it an
extra loop through the
plate in the bottom. this
way, he can not get caught underneath the bed..


D. Assembly of the Material feeder

partnr. Part Amount
1021 Ball Bearing 688-2RS 1x
1069 Tube Coupling Collet 1x
1143 Feeder Spring D2110 1x
1158 Reel Holder 1x
1179 Feeder Motor 1x
1201 Washer Large M3 4x
1206 ISO 7380 M3x20 1x
1207 ISO 7380 M3x25 4x
1209 Nut M3 1x
1212 Set screw M3x3
1258 Feeder Part A 1x
1259 Feeder Part B 1x
1260 Feeder Lever A 1x
1261 Feeder Lever B 1x
1263 Feeder Knurled wheel 1x
1264 Feeder Nut Holder 1x
1400 Key Wrench T1.5 1x

Note: The amount of parts is always times 1, except if the

amount indicates something different. Make sure you have
al the parts before you start with the next step.


1. Screw the M3 socket screw

in the sleeve.

2. put the sleeve on the end

of the motor, with the screw
towards the end then screw
this very firmly. Make sure
that the top of the sleve and
the axle are flush.

3. Press the two parts of the

lever to each other, with the 8
mm the bearing in between


4. Put the lever in the

housing. Add a little green
grease between the two
parts of the lever and axle.
As a result, he turns slightly

5. Place a hex nut in the

t-part and screw in M3x20


6. Place the T-piece in the

housing in such a way, that
the screw pointing towards
the outside.

8. Place the tube coupler

7. Attach the spring between the t-piece and the

lever. Sometimes it is more
convenient to combine the
spring and the t-piece and
then place the combined
parts in the extruder.


9. Close it by placing the other half on the extruder

10. Place The feeder

motor is on the inside of the housing
and the direct drive
to the outside of the
back plate.

11. The slide in direct

drive should point
to the side of the


E. Assembly of the display

partnr. Part Amount
Double Flat Cable 10 Wire
1202 ISO 7380 M3x10 3x
1204 ISO 7380 M3x16 4x
ISO 7040 Nut M3 Prev. torque A2
1244 Knob Front 1x
1245 Knob Housing 1x
1247 Display 1x
1249 Ulticontroller Board 1x
Ulticontroller Electronics Cover
1287 Washer M7 1x
DIN 13-4 Ring M7

Note: The amount of parts is always times 1, except if the

amount indicates something different. Make sure you have
al the parts before you start with the next step.


1. Connect the display to the electronics as follows.

2. Slide the black latch open (towards the edge of the Ulticontroller).

3. Place the end of the flat

yellow cable inside (connectors down). Make sure that
the cable is the flush into the


4. Push the lever back. Check whether

the flat yellow cable is still sits straight in
the lock. Next remove the protective film
from the display.

5. You can now carefully mount the

display in the opening by sliding it
in. Make sure that you do not put
(mechanical) tension on the flat
yellow cable! The Ulticontroller can
be screwed from the inside of the
housing with 4x M3x16mm screws


6. Mount of the 4 bolts , from the inside of the machine.

7. Slide the buttoncasing in the framehole in the front of the frame. the oval
hole should be orientated upward .

8. Slide the housing over knob and install the nut

and tighten up.


9. Connect the large flat cables. (Mark the two

ends that are still hanging loose with Exp 1 and
Exp 2. (Corresponding to the appropriate output
of the electronics)

10. Put the flat cable diagonally across the electronics,

so it is better orientated to
move out of the housing.
Make sure you dont fold
the cables!

12. Then mount the cover with 2x M12

bolts and matching lock nuts. Flat cable should come out on one side.

11. The cover of the display electronics

has two flaps. These hold the display
pressed against the front plate. Slide
the tabs along the display inside. Then
insert the front pins in first and then the
bottom pins.


13. Finally push the button itself in

the housing on the shaft.


F. Assembly of the hot end

partnr. Part Amount
1065 Linear Bearing LM6LUU 2x
Tube Coupling Collet
1071 Clamp Clip 2x
Print Head Thumb screw
Print Head Shaft X
Print Head Shaft Y 1185 PT100B sensor
Print Head Cable
1200 ISO 7380 M3x8 4x
Bowden Tube
Heater Cartridge 24V 25 W
Braided Sleeve
1281 Clip 5x
Integrated nozzle heater block 3mm filament
Hot end holder bottom
Hot end holder top
Cooling Rib Hot End
PTFE Isolator Coupler 3.2 mm
Hot end Isolator
Spring D2000
Model Cooling Fan 12VDC 0.1A
Print Head Top
Print Head Middle
Print Head Bottom
Dual Fan bracket
Hot-End Cooling Fan 5VDC 0.08A
1348 ISO 7380 M3x4 4x
ISO 4762 M2,5x10
Set Screw M3x14

Note: The amount of parts is always times 1, except if the

amount indicates something different. Make sure you have
al the parts before you start with the next step.


3. Take the metal part without the

notches .This is the lower part of the
hot-end. Screw the adapter on it with
2x M3x8 screws

F1. Hot end

1. Make sure you have the signal

cable, Pt100 and the heater cartridge
with the tops taped together. now
slide the braided sleeve around it.
and you can remove the tape again.

2. These are the components required for the hot-end


4. Lubricate the left hole (the

orientation) with copper grease. This is to prevent corrosion between aluminum and
stainless steel

5. Attach the Teflon insulator

coupler, the hot-end insulator and
spring together. Place it on the
hole which you just lubricated the
copper grease.


6. Then place the Top Plate of

the Hot-end (with the notches
around the holes) on top. squeeze it together so you get to the
upper two screwholes and screw
it together with 2x M3x8 screws.

7. Parts hot end fan.

8. Screw the hot-end

cooling fan 5vDC onto the
back of the hot-end with
2xm2,5x10mm screws. position the fan in such a way
that the sticker is facing
the aluminium.


9. Place the 2 Linear Bearings

in the plastic casing in the
following fashion.

10. Snap the parts together. these

are supposed to go together
without any efford.


11. Guide the printhead cable

with the braided sleeve and
the Cartridgeheater and
PT100 through the plasic
casing. making sure the signal cable still sits above the

12. Slide the cartridge

heater and the PT100
into the nozzle

12. Now insert the

M3x14mm slug into the
messing heater block


F2. bevestigen van de fans

13. Parts for the Printhead fan.

14. Attatch the fans to the

fanduct with the philipsheads


15. Guide the 2 fancables up through

the housing and attach them to the
printhead cable.

16. Attach the 2 fancables from the

fanduct to the green and yellow wires. and the fanduct from the hotend
to the pink blue cable

17. Attatch the nozzle

to the aluminium


18. Now turn the

hot-end isolater until
the teflon isolator
part creates a gap of
at least 1 mm and the
bottom of the hotend isolater is just not
touching the messing

1 mm


19. Attatch the fanduct to the alluminium frame with 4x

M3x4 screws

20. Place the 4

thumbscrews in the
plastic frame. and
tighten them down.


F3. kabels wegwerken

21. Make sure that the cables are not

touching the fans and are not stuck
between the housing. Now completely screw down the thumbscres

22. Make sure all the connectors are connected.


23. Guide the Braided sleeve around the

connectors and into the top of the frame.
so u dont see anything sticking out.


F4. Printhead bevestingen in frame

24. Take the X and Y axes and

Put the X axis through bearing
in the plastic Printhead housing.

25. To prevent the axes

from bending, move
the sliderblocks all the
way to the side of the
machine. Make sure you
apply pressure to the sliderblock instead of the
supporting axes. Then
carefully click them in
place. do the same thing
for the Y axis. move it
to the side, support it
and carefully click it into


26. Take the other side of the

bowdentube (the side with the
tape) and attach it to the direct
drive. secure everything with the
red clamp.


26. Attach the 5 clips between the

bowdentube and the braided sleeve.
so they run parralel together. The
braided sleve is supposed to be
underneath the bowden tube.

27. Guide the cables through the

frame and underneath the feeder
downwards until they reach the


G. Assembly of the electronics

partnr. Part Amount
xxxx Mainboard v2.1 1x
Mainboard electronics cover
xxxx Spacers 3.2x6x10mm 8x
xxxx jumper 2x
xxxx cable cover 2x
xxxx ISO 7380 m3x8 2x
xxxx ISO 7380 m3x12 2x
xxxx ISO 7380 m3x30 4x
ISO 7040 Nut m3 pin torq

Note: The amount of parts is always times 1, except if the

amount indicates something different. Make sure you have
al the parts before you start with the next step.


1. Attach the heated-bed cable to

the electronics on the therminal
marked Heated Bed.

2. Attatch the White heater cables to therminal heater 1.


3. Attach the Hot-end Fan to the connector

in the middle of the electronics.

5. Now from the inside put the

4xM3x30mm screws through the
bottom plate. these will be used to
secure the electronics.

4. Check if the jumpers are attached

at the SAFETY1 en SAFETY2. if not,
attach them.

7. Attach the X,Y and Z motor cables to

the corresponding connectors on the
Electronics board. The extruder motor
cable connects at the E1 connector.

6. Het electronica Mainboard attaches to

the bottom. attach the electonics with
4xM3x25mm screws.
8. Attach the endstop cables to the main
board. The red cable connects at Y-stop ,
the blue one at X-stop and the black one
connects at Z-stop.


9. The brown and white connector

ot the heatedbed cable is the PT100,
Connect it to Temp 3. The silver sleeved
cable is the printhead PT100, connect
this to Temp 1.

10. The flatcables from the display

can now be connected to the electronics. Follow the numbers you put
on the cable a couple of steps back.

10. Bevestig de Ledstrip connector in LED PWM

11. The Yellow/green

connector attaches to
the port marked Fan
- The brown/white connector is not used at the


G1. Plaatsen van kappen

12. Now slide the

electronics coverplate into place. start
witht the pins that
fit in the back plate
and then the pins
that fit in the bottom
plate. Secure it with
2xM3x12 mm screws
and 2x M3 locknuts.


13. Push the bed all the way

down by pressing just in front
of the Ultimaker 2 logo.

14. Attach both the

motor covers by
placing them in the
corners and placing
the pins in the correct

16. Make sure the

Heated-bed cable is
twisted when placing
the motor covers.
this is to prevent the
cable from getting
caught underneath
the bed

15. secure them with

2xM3x8mm screws on
the side and the back
of the machine.


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