About Brain Tumor: Maecenas

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brain is one of the most complex and

magnificent organs in the human body.
Our brain gives us awareness of
ourselves and of our environment,
processing a constant stream of sensory
data. It controls our muscle movements,
the secretions of our glands, and even
our breathing and internal temperature.
Every creative thought, feeling, and plan
is developed by our brain. The brains
neurons record the memory of every
event in our lives.


1. Remember tostay physically active. Just as a

"heart smart" diet helps protect the brain,
heart-strengthening aerobic exercise improves
memory and even lowers the risk of dementia.
A National Institute on aging -funded study
this year showed that moderate aerobic exercise
can actually increase the size of the area of the
brain involved in memory formation. Indeed,
according to a study by University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee researcher J. Carson
Smith, "If you are at genetic risk for
Alzheimer's disease, the benefits of exercise to
your brain function might be even greater than
for those who do not have that genetic risk."
Talk to your healthcare provider about an
exercise program that is right for you.

1234 Main Street, Anytown, State ZIP

(123) 456-7890

A brain tumor is a collection (or mass) of

abnormal cells in the brain. The skull is very
rigid and the brain is enclosed, so any growth
inside such a restricted space can cause
problems. Brain tumors can be cancerous
(malignant) or non-cancerous (benign)

Stair of Cerebral Palsy diagnosis and recovery

system is one of the most advanced
techniques in treating and diagnosing
cerebral issues in 21st century. It takes
aection directly through the skull onto cells
through ZD magnetic cranial brain
stereotactic system under the action of the
drug ion in order to improve the blood
supply, oxygen supply of brain tissue and the
permeability of the nerve cell as well as
improve the metabolic environment, repair
the damaged brain cells. Moreover, it can
help to restructure on structure and function
of the central nervous after injury, to
stimulate the ability of regenerating by
themselves of the existing brain cells in
patient brain, to ensure the neurotransmitter
signals conduct normally to various parts of
the body, recovering intelligence, language,
action, hearing and vision go back to a normal

Cerebrum. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and makes up 85% of the brains
weight.There are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the brain.
The cerebral cortex grows thicker as you learn to use it.If your brain loses blood for 8 to
10 seconds, you will lose consciousness
Brain death. The brain can live for 4 to 6 minutes without oxygen, and then it begins to
die. No oxygen for 5 to 10 minutes will result in permanent brain damage.
There is a class of people known as supertasters who not only have more taste buds on the
tongue, but whose brain is more sensitive to the tastes of foods and drinks. In fact, they
can detect some flavors that others cannot
Some people are much more sensitive to cold and actually feel pain associated with cold.
Research as shown that the reason is due to certain channels that send cold information to
the brain
Every time you recall a memory or have a new thought, you are creating a new connection
in your brain. Insulin works to regulate blood-sugar in the body, but recently, scientists
have discovered that its presence in the brain also helps promote memory.Dreams are
more than just visual images, and blind people do dream. Whether or not they dream in
pictures depends on if they were born blind or lost their vision later.

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