Ronquillo vs. Roco-Easement of Right of Way: Facts
Ronquillo vs. Roco-Easement of Right of Way: Facts
Ronquillo vs. Roco-Easement of Right of Way: Facts
Petitioners parcel of land was connected to the Naga Market Place and Igualdad St. by an easement
of a right of way through the land of the Respondents, which they have been using for more than 20
years. On May 1953, however, respondents built a chapel right in the middle of the road, blocking
their usual path to the marketplace. One year after, by means of force, intimidation, and threats, the
owners (respondents) of the land where the easement was situated, planted wooden posts and
fenced with barbed wires the road, closing their right of way from their house to Igualdad St. and
Naga public market.
Whether or not the easement of a right of way may be acquired by prescription?
Art. 620 of the CC provides that only continuous and apparent easements may be acquired by
prescription. The easement of a right of way cannot be considered continuous because its use is at
intervals and is dependent on the acts of man.
Minority Opinion (including the ponente):
Easements of right of way may already be acquired by prescription, at least since the introduction
into this jurisdiction of the special law on prescription through the Old Code of Civil Procedure, Act
No. 190. Said law, particularly, Section 41 thereof, makes no distinction as to the real rights which
are subject to prescription, and there would appear to be no valid reason, at least to the writer of this
opinion, why the continued use of a path or a road or right of way by the party, specially by the
public, for ten years or more, not by mere tolerance of the owner of the land, but through adverse
use of it, cannot give said party a vested right to such right of way through prescription.
The uninterrupted and continuous enjoyment of a right of way necessary to constitute adverse
possession does not require the use thereof every day for the statutory period, but simply the
exercise of the right more or less frequently according to the nature of the use. (17 Am. Jur. 972)
"It is submitted that under Act No. 190, even discontinuous servitudes can be acquired by
prescription, provided it can be shown that the servitude was actual, open, public, continuous, under
a claim of title exclusive of any other right and adverse to all other claimants'."