Ucla Math 174E

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Syllabus for MATH 174E

Mathematics of Finance for Mathematics/Economics Students

Department of Mathematics, UCLA
Spring Quarter 2014
Lecture: MWF: 13:00-13:50, GEOLOGY 6704
Discussion Session: Tuesday, 13:00-13:50, GEOLOGY 6704
Instructor: Mihai Cucuringu Email:
Office Hours:

MS 7310
[email protected]
Monday 5-6:30 pm, Wednesday 5-6:30 pm

Teaching Assistant: Changyong Yin Email:
Office Hours:

MS 3905
[email protected]
Thursday 4-5:00 pm, Friday 4-5:00 pm

Prerequisites: Courses 33A, 170A (or Statistics 100A), Economics 11. Not open for credit to students
with credit for Statistics C183.
Textbook: We will follow closely Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (8th Ed.), by John C. Hull.
See the end of the syllabus for a tentative list of chapters/topics to be covered.
Homework: The following rules apply to homework:
Homework will be assigned on a weekly basis, with problems taken from the textbook. It is crucial
that you do the homework if you want to understand the material taught in class. Furthermore,
the midterms and final exam problems will be very similar to the homework problems.
Due date: Homework must be handed in at the end of the lecture on Monday, and will be
returned graded in the discussion session from the following week. The only exception to this rule
is the homework due on Wednesday, May 28, since Monday, May 26 is a holiday (Memorial Day).
Write-up: You must always justify your solution to each homework problem. Correct final answers
without a correct or incomplete justification will receive zero or very few points.
Group work: It is ok to work together on the homework, in groups of size at most 5. However,
when it comes time for you to write up the solutions, I expect you to do this on your own. It would
be best for your own understanding if you put aside your notes from the discussions with your
classmates and write up the solutions entirely from scratch. Working together on the exams is, of
course, expressly forbidden.
Submission format: Please attach the cover page (found at the end of this syllabus) as the first
page to each and every homework assignment you hand in. It is fine if you handwrite you own
version of this cover page.
Material covered: Homework collected on a given Monday will cover the material taught in the
(usually 3) lectures before (and including) the Monday of the previous week. In other words, you
will always have one week between the last lecture covered by the homework, and the time when
you submit your homework.

Dropping of lowest grades: The lowest 2 homework grades will be dropped when calculating
the average of your homework grade.
Midterm 1: Wednesday, April 30. Location: GEOLOGY 6704
Midterm 2: Friday, May 23. Location: GEOLOGY 6704
Final exam: Thursday, June 12, 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM. Location: TBD
The midterms and final exam are all in class, and closed book. Please bring your photo ID to the
exams. On the exams, you should show whatever work you use to get your answers. For all the
exams, you are allowed to bring a calculator and a cheat sheet, of size 1/4 of a regular page (8.5 by
11 inch or 216 by 279 mm), and you may use both sides.
Makeup or alternate exams and late homework submission: Neither late homework submissions
nor alternate times for the midterms shall be accommodated. An alternate time for the final exam will
be allowed only for religious reasons. Please consult the Policy on Alternate Examination Dates section
at the following link
Final letter grade:
Your final grade is calculated from the average homework grade (scaled to the range 0-100),
midterms and final exam as a weighted average with the following weights:
Midterm 1
Midterm 2
Final Exam


The numeric cut-offs for computing the final letter grade will take into account the overall performance of the class. There will be a curve with proportions of the various grades comparable to
those of most upper division math courses.
As a rule of thumb, you should only appeal on correctness, and not on the amount of partial credit
you received.
Appeals for the midterms must be submitted to the instructor within one week of the exam grading.
Note: a randomly chosen sample of the homework and midterms will be photocopied and kept by
the course staff to prevent any sudden mysterious changes/additions to the work, after it has been
returned graded. This randomly chosen sample will be significantly larger for the midterms than
for the homework.
The final exams are not returned, and any appeals must be submitted to the instructor within two
weeks of the exam grading.

A tentative list of chapters/topics includes:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Mechanics of futures markets
Chapter 3: Hedging strategies using futures
Chapter 4: Interest rates
Chapter 5: Determination of forward and futures prices
Chapter 9 Mechanics of options markets
Chapter 10: Properties of Stock Options
Chapter 11: Trading strategies involving options
Chapter 12: Binomial trees
Chapter 13: Wiener processes and Ito s lemma
Chapter 14: The Black-Scholes-Merton model
Chapter 16: Options on Stock Indices and Currencies
Chapter 18: The Greek letters
Chapter 19: Volatility smiles
Chapter 20: Basic numerical procedures
Chapter 21: Value at Risk
Time permitting, additional topics will be considered.
Please install the DerivaGem Excel CD Package, which will occasionally be used in lectures and on the

MATH 174E Mathematics of Finance

Homework Cover Page
Spring 2014

Homework #
Last name
First name
Student ID

Worked with (list at most 4 full names):


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