1 Baire's Theorem and Its Applications
1 Baire's Theorem and Its Applications
1 Baire's Theorem and Its Applications
The completeness of Banach space is frequently exploited. It depends on the following theorem about complete metric spaces, which in itself has many applications
in several parts of mathematics. It implies two of three most important theorems
which makes a Banach spaces useful tools in analysis, the Banach-Steinhaus theorem
and the open mapping theorem. The third is the Hanh-Banach extension theorem, in
which completeness plays no role.
1. Baires Theorem
Theorem 1.1. (Baires Theorem) If X is a complete metric space, the intersection
of every countable collection of dense open subsets of X is dense in X.
Proof. Suppose V1 , V2 , V
T3 , ... are dense and open in X. Let W be any open set in X.
We have to show that Vn has a point in W if W 6= .
Let be a metric in X; let us write
B(x, r) = {y X : (x, y) < r}
r) be the closure of B(x, r).
and let B(x,
Since V1 is dense, W V1 is a nonempty set, and we can therefore find x1 and r1
such that
1 , r1 ) W V1 and 0 < r1 < 1.
If n 2 and xn1 and rn1 are chosen, the denseness of Vn shows that Vn
B(xn1 , rn1 ) is not empty, and we can therefore find xn and rn such that
n , rn ) Vn B(xn1 , rn1 ) and 0 < rn < 1 .
By induction, this process produce a sequence {xn } in X. If i > n and j > n, the
construction shows that xi and xj both lie in B(xn , rn ), so that (xi , xj ) < 2rn < n2 ,
and hence {xn } is a Cauchy sequence. Since X is complete, there is a point x X
such that x = lim xn .
n , rn ) if j > n, it follows that x lies in each
Since xj lies in the closed set B(X
n , rn ), and therefore x lies in each Vn and W. This completes the proof
Corollary 1.2. In a complete metric space, the intersection of any countable collection of dense G is again a dense G .
Proof. This follows from the theorem, since every G is the intersection of a countable
collection of open sets, and since the union of countably many countable sets is
Any countable union of nowhere dense sets is called a set of the first category;
all other subsets of X are of the second category. Theorem 1.1 is equivalent to the
statement that no complete metric space is of the first category. To see this, just take
complements in the statement of Theorem 1.1.
It is simple to see that any subset of a set of first category is of first category. Also,
the union of any countable family of first category is of first category. However, the
closure of a set of first category is not in general of first category. In fact, the closure
of a linear set A is of first category if and only if A is nowhere dense. It is follows
that if X is a complete metric space and X = E (X/E) where E is of first category
then X/E is of second category.
Example 1.4. (Liouville numbers) A real number z is called algebraic if it satisfies
some equation of the form
a0 + a1 z + ... + an z n = 0.
Any real number that is not algebraic is called transcendental.
A real number x is called Liouville number if x is irrational and has the property
that for each positive integer n there exist integers p and q such that
| x |< n and q > 1.
For example, x =
1 1/10 is a Liouville number.(Take q = 10
It is true that every Liouville number is transcendental. If we shall try to examine
the set E of Liouville numbers, then well understand that by using the Theorem 1.1
E is of second category. The full proof we can find in [2].
The geometric meaning of following theorem is: Either there is a ball B in Y (with
radius M and center 0) such that every maps the unit ball of X into B, or there
exists x X (in fact, a whole dense G of them) such that no ball in Y contains x
for all .
Example 2.3. (Fourier series convergence problem) Is it true for every f
C(T ) that the Fourier series of f convergence to f (x) at every point x?
Let us recall that the n-th partial sum of the Fourier series of f at the point x is
given by
sn (f ; x) = 2
f (t)Dn (x t)dt, (n = 0, 1, 2, ...),
Dn (t) =
eikt .
for every f C(T ) and for every real x. It is true that the partial sums do converge
to f in the L2 norm, and therefore Theorem ?? implies that each f L2 (T) [hence
also each f C(T )] is the pointwise limit a.e. of some subsequence of the full sequence
of the partial sums. But the does not answer the present question.
The Banach-Steinhaus theorem answers the question negatively. The full proof
exists in [3]
Example 2.4. Some important standard applications of Banach-Steinhaus theorem.
For example the following: Let C be a weak-star compact subset in the dual V of a
Banach space V . Prove that C is norm-bounded.
3. The Open Mapping Theorem
Theorem 3.1. (open mapping theorem) Let U and V be the open unit balls of the
Banach space X and Y. To every bounded linear transformation of X onto Y there
corresponds a > 0 so that
(U ) V.
The symbol V stands for the set {y : y Y }, i.e., the set of all y Y with
k y k< .
It follows from theorem conditions and the linearity of that the image of every
open ball in X, with center x0 , say, contains an open ball in Y with center at x0 .
Hence the image of every open set is open. This explain the name of the theorem.
Proof. Given y Y, there exists an x X such that x = y; if k x k< k, it follows
that y (kU ). Hence Y is the union of the sets (kU ), for k = 1, 2, 3, ... Since Y
is complete, the Baire theorem implies that there is a nonempty open set W in the
closure of some (kU ). This means that every point of W is the limit of a sequence
{xi }, where xi kU ; from now on, k and W are fixed.
Choose y0 W, and choose > 0 so that y0 + y W if k y k< . For any such y
there are sequence {xi }, {xi } in kU such that
(2) xi y0 , xi y0 + y, (i ).