Contactor Coils and Long Control Circuit Cable
Contactor Coils and Long Control Circuit Cable
Contactor Coils and Long Control Circuit Cable
In the last issue we spoke of contactor coil characteristics and how both high
and low voltage could cause coil burn-out. We also described how a typical
three-phase pump panel and a Franklin deluxe control box have both a main
power circuit and a separate control circuit.
In this issue we will discuss circumstances which can result in contactor coil
burn-out or the failure of the contactor to dropout (shut off the motor) even
though the control switch has opened. The Figure to the right shows a
contactor and control circuit for a single-phase unit, although this condition
could affect either a single- or three-phase contactor. Note that in the example
there is more than 300 feet of wire between the contactor and the control circuit
switch. Again the control switch could be a pressure switch, float switch, time
clock, or other control device(s).
There will always be some capacitance between the two wires in the control
circuit. With normal control circuit lengths, this capacitance causes negligible
voltage on the coil. However, if the length of the wire is long enough, this
voltage may exceed the coils sealing or must hold voltage rating and keep
the coil energized. The resultant coil voltage can also be either high or low
enough to cause coil burn-out (remember the contactor characteristics example
from the last issue). If the capacitance happens to be near a specific ratio to the
coils inductance, a phenomenon called series resonance can cause the coil
volts, or cable volts, or both, to exceed the line voltage. One test demonstrated
that 0.8 microfarad open-switch control cable capacitance created 420 volts
across the coil-with only 240 volts input! Specific tests conducted at Franklin
Electric have shown that cable capacitance of as little as 0.1 microfarad could
keep a contactor closed even though the control switch had opened. Tests have
also shown that as little as 0.2 microfarad could cause contactor coil burn-out.
The length of control circuit wire necessary to set up this type of capacitance will
vary from a few hundred to several thousand feet. Factors such as cable type,
cable size, and burial locations (wires side by side or separated) are some of the
factors contributing to this condition. In addition, different brands and types of
contactors are affected differently.
Also, keep in mind that these same symptoms may be caused by wiring
problems such as ground fault or shorts between the wires. With all power
removed and all control switches opened, if there is any continuity between the
two control circuit wires, the wires are shorted or connected together
somewhere. Continuity is always checked with the POWER OFF and generally
an ohmmeter is used. Always carefully troubleshoot the control circuit before
assuming the coil problems are caused by control cable capacitance. Shorted
connections can also be caused by a malfunctioning switch or timer. You should
also eliminate possible damage caused by mice, moles, fire-ants, or other
While there is no known one size fits all method of curing conditions of high
control cable capacitance, it can usually be solved by connecting either a
resistor or capacitor across the contactor coil. Franklin recommends that any
time there is more than 300 feet of cable between the contactor and the control
switch, a capacitor should be added across the contactor coil (Figure to the
right). The capacitor should be a continuous duty, AC capacitor, like the gray or
silver run capacitors used in Franklins larger control boxes. Note: Run
capacitors are available in both plastic and metal cases. If metal cased
capacitors are used, they must be grounded. Recommended ratings are
shown in the Figure below. The contactor Franklin uses typically has four (4)
quick-connect terminals located on the contactors coil. Two are used to supply
power to the coil and two are not used. Connect the new run capacitor to the
two empty terminals. Connecting a run capacitor to the coil terminals normally
assures drop-out and safe coil voltages with all cable lengths and contactor
models. Note: this run capacitor is an additional capacitor. You can not
use an existing control box run capacitor for both the motor power
circuit and the control circuit. Run capacitors are typically found inside
Franklins 1 through 15 Hp single-phase control boxes.