Advances Autism PDF
Advances Autism PDF
Advances Autism PDF
1. Introduction
During the last decade, research on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has made tremendous
progress with regard to early identification and diagnosis. These advances were made possible
by a growing number of rigorous research studies with large sample sizes that utilized a
combination of: (1) retrospective parent report and home video studies [1], (2) prospective
studies of infant siblings of children with ASD [2], (3) population-wide studies of ASD
screening tools [3], and (4) studies on the early stability of diagnostic classifications [4].
Advances in best practices related to early identification are reflected in a 2006 policy statement
published by the American Academy of Pediatrics [5], and a corresponding set of clinical
practice guidelines [6]. According to these guidelines, it is recommended that Primary Care
Providers (PCPs; e.g., family physicians, pediatricians) administer formal screening tests
during every well-child visit scheduled at 18 and 24 months, independent of known risk factors
or reported concerns. Moreover, PCPs are urged to promptly refer children for Early Inter
vention1 services as soon as ASD is seriously considered.
Even though the age of first diagnosis has gradually decreased during the last decade [7],
population based studies reveal that most children with ASD continue to be diagnosed after
three years of age [8]. Given that a reliable diagnosis of ASD is possible by 24 months, and that
about 90% of parents whose children are later diagnosed with ASD express documented
concerns before age 2 [9], the gap between best practice guidelines and community imple
1 Throughout this chapter, we use capital letters when referring to the publicly funded Early Intervention system
2013 Siller et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
mentation is tangible. This chapter outlines a sequence of four connected activities aimed at
improving early identification of ASD and promoting successful referrals for Early Interven
tion services. For each step in the sequence, this chapter (1) describes the barriers that autism
advocates, families, and PCPs face, and (2) showcases novel educational approaches that aim
to promote families access to prompt and appropriate Early Intervention services.
Figure 1. A sequence of four connected activities aimed at improving early identification of ASD and promoting suc
cessful referrals for Early Intervention services.
Promoting Early Identification of Autism in the Primary Care Setting: Bridging the Gap Between What We Know and
What We Do
namely the predominance of negative and stigmatizing stories about ASD in the media and so
cial stigma that may vary across cultures. It is unclear whether stigma and negative stereo
types interfere with peoples ability to access accurate information, whether a lack of accurate
information promotes stigma and stereotypes, or whether the two are reciprocally linked.
In addition to being a key source of entertainment and news, mass media tends to perpetuate
stereotypes and social beliefs in a way that defines and maintains an existing social order [14].
Portrayals of ASD in film (e.g., Rainman, Whats Eating Gilbert Grape?), fiction (e.g., The Curious
Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [15]; Daniel Isnt Talking [16]), and non-fiction parent ac
counts of ASD (e.g., Real Boy: A True Story of Autism, Early Intervention, and Recovery [17]; Let Me
Hear Your Voice: A Familys Triumph Over Autism [18]) provide an index of the general increase
in ASD awareness. However, there is some disagreement as to whether these representations
have a positive or negative impact on awareness efforts [19, 20]. Claims of miracle cures for
ASD that victimize vulnerable families and contribute to unrealistic perceptions of the treata
bility of ASD are clearly harmful [21]. Jones and Harwood provided a content analysis of 1,228
articles about ASD published from 2002 to 2005 in the Australian media [20]. This analysis re
vealed some interesting patterns, including a limited amount of factual information in media
sources, and descriptions of people with ASD as either dangerous and uncontrollable or un
loved and poorly treated. Overall there was a predominance of negative stories about ASD in
cluding numerous references to the impact on families, difficulties with diagnosis, and
criminal cases. The authors submit that the implication of this type of coverage is likely a re
duction in peoples willingness to engage with individuals with ASD, creating barriers for so
cial and educational inclusion. Further research is needed to evaluate the impact of media
stereotypes of ASD on screening and early identification efforts.
Vast differences in attitudes and approaches to ASD have been reported for culturally and lin
guistically diverse groups. For example, it has been reported that families in Korea are hesi
tant to seek help for their childrens developmental problems, including ASD, because they are
seen as a mark of shame [22]. The effects of stigma have been evaluated for HIV/AIDS, mental
illness, ASD, tuberculosis, leprosy, and cancer [23]. Social stigma relating to a condition or dis
order can contribute to decreases in willingness to disclose disease status, health-seeking be
havior, quality of care received, and social support [24]. Stigma may also be inadvertently
perpetuated by healthcare professionals who maintain prejudice and negative stereotypes
about ASD and mental health conditions [25, 26]. Cultural interpretations of disability can of
ten be found in the context of religion. For example, a qualitative study indicated that Ortho
dox Jewish Israeli parents view their child with ASD as having a high spiritual status or
important religious mission [27]. In contrast, almost half of the Irish families interviewed by
Coulthard and Fitzgerald reported that having a child with ASD had prompted them to dis
tance themselves from religion [28]. Cultural perspectives may also influence families uptake
of services. For example, a general lack of trust in service providers has been described as one
factor related to African Americans underutilization of mental health services [29].
The most practical and often insurmountable barrier to effective awareness campaigns is that
of financial restriction. Incredible expense is associated with communicating a message to the
public, and campaigns with insufficient funding are often limited in their success. One study,
for example, reported that reliance on public service announcements often leads to suboptimal
time slots resulting in limitations in the delivery of the message to the intended audience [30].
Autism Speaks collaborated with the CDC and the Ad Council on the Learn the Signs. Act
Early. campaign, and initiated Light It Up Blue, a campaign to celebrate World Autism
Awareness Day. In conducting these and other awareness efforts, Autism Speaks spends more
than $15,000,000 annually [31].
2.2. Novel approaches to raising public awareness about autism
Bertrand and colleagues define health awareness campaigns as programs designed to com
municate educational messages to promote awareness and/or behavior change to a target
population through large-audience channels such as the Internet (websites and social net
working sites), television, radio, and print media (magazines, billboards, and posters) [32].
Support for the effectiveness of awareness campaigns are mixed with some associated with
positive behavior change [33], and others having little to no effect [34]. Further, recent events
demonstrate that negative awareness campaigns may be ineffective if they are perceived as
disturbing or offensive. In December 2007, the New York University Child Study Center
initiated an ASD awareness campaign in New York City that utilized advertisement notices
resembling ransom notes indicating that We have your son. We will make sure he will no
longer be able to care for himself or interact socially as long as he lives. Autism. The ads were
immediately met with significant backlash from the disability community as many families
and individuals with ASD called and emailed the center to report that the ads were offensive
and hurtful. It was suggested that ads such as this would contribute more to the spread of
stigma and fear than to improve awareness efforts, and as a result of this outcry the Child
Study Center cancelled the awareness campaign [35].
2.2.1. The Learn the signs. Act early. campaign
In 2004 the CDC launched an ongoing public health campaign entitled Learn the Signs. Act
Early (LSAE; [12]). The primary target audience for the campaign is parents of children aged
4 years or less, healthcare professionals (particularly pediatricians), and early educators,
including childcare providers and preschool teachers. Campaign objectives are to increase
awareness of developmental milestones and early warning signs, to increase knowledge about
the benefits of early action, to increase dialogue between parents and providers, and to increase
early action when developmental delay is suspected. Very effectively, this campaign incorpo
rated several key features considered crucial for promoting behavior change [36].
Using a theoretical framework to conceptualize and guide behavior change. The Transtheoretical
Model was used to plot where the target audiences were in terms of a) their awareness
and monitoring of developmental milestones, and b) acting early when a delay is first
Promoting Early Identification of Autism in the Primary Care Setting: Bridging the Gap Between What We Know and
What We Do
suspected [37]. This model assumes that the change of health-related behaviors is a multistage process where individuals move from precontemplation, to contemplation, to
preparation, to action, and finally to maintenance. Results from surveys and focus groups
revealed that, even though many parents were aware of ASD, they were not aware of
relevant developmental milestones, and did not believe that ASD was particularly
relevant to them (i.e., precontemplation stage). Healthcare professionals and early
childhood educators showed more awareness of relevant developmental milestones, but
reported that they did not routinely monitor these milestones or communicate concerns
with parents [36].
Creative message framing. One of the biggest challenges for public health campaigns is to
stand out in our societys very crowded information environment, so that the message of
the campaign gets sufficient exposure [36]. To increase the likelihood that the campaign
messages capture the target audiences attention, LSAE used a creative approach for
creating and delivering messages. For example, the resource kit for healthcare professio
nals featured a picture of a child with the background text, A 4-year-old child with autism
was once a 3-year-old child with autism, was once. Similarly, the TV public service
announcement was first aired in New Yorks Times Square, reaching more than 91 million
Creating a supportive environment to assist individuals with behavior change. To support the
target audiences transition from contemplation to action, LSAE developed several key
tools. For example, the campaign used familiar images such as a growth chart, but
modified it to encourage and support the tracking of emotional, cognitive, and social
development. Materials for physicians included fact sheets with milestones and red flag
warning signs by age as well as informational cards to encourage doctor-parent dialogue.
Incorporating process analysis and exposure assessment. The campaign organizers utilized
surveys and focus groups to understand the target audience (e.g., their knowledge, beliefs,
attitudes, and behaviors) and how best to reach them. In addition, focus groups were also
used to develop, test, and refine potential campaign concepts and accompanying images.
Results revealed that fear-based messages that focus on the severity of ASD quickly turned
parents away. Thus, instead of focusing on ASD, messages targeted the parents natural
and strong desire to monitor their childs growth and development. Finally, outcome
surveys indicate 34% of parents reported some familiarity with the LSAE campaign.
Significant changes in target parent behaviors were detected in that more parents knew of
the behaviors likely to be associated with ASD, the best time to get help for ASD, and the
developmental milestones their child should be reaching [38]. Similarly, substantially more
healthcare professionals believe that they have the resources necessary to educate parents
about monitoring child development, and fewer advocated a wait and see approach,
indicating that the marketing campaign was effective [39].
Promoting Early Identification of Autism in the Primary Care Setting: Bridging the Gap Between What We Know and
What We Do
study that aimed to identify toddlers with ASD, Robins [47] screened a total of 4,797 children,
identifying 21 children who were later diagnosed with ASD. Of those 21 children, only 4 were
previously red-flagged by the childs pediatrician.
3.2. Recommended and implemented screening practices
The use of general developmental screening instruments has been recommended by the AAP
since 2001 [48]. Current recommendations for identifying children with developmental
disabilities (not specifically ASD) suggest population-wide screening at 9, 18, and 30 months
[5]. Empirical information on the extent to which these recommendations have been imple
mented is limited. Two national surveys of AAP members completed in 2002 and 2009 indicate
that implementation has been slow [49, 50]. When asked about their screening practices, only
23.0% (2002) and 47.7% (2009) of physicians reported that they always or almost always
administer a formal screening tool. Since many healthcare professionals may administer
standard screening tools in a non-standard manner (e.g., by asking some but not other items)
or only administer these tools to patients considered high risk, these numbers likely overes
timate true implementation [51]. Researchers who asked parents to report on the screening
practices of their healthcare professionals found that less than 27% of parents of children
between 10 to 35 months recalled completing a developmental screening questionnaire within
the last 12 months [52]. Only two survey-based studies have evaluated the implementation of
ASD-specific screening instruments. In a 2004 survey of 255 pediatricians licensed in Maryland
and Delaware, dosReis and colleagues reported that only 8% of the respondents screened for
ASD [53]. In a 2007 survey of 51 pediatricians licensed in Alabama and Mississippi, Gillis
reported that 28% reported using ASD-specific screening instruments [54]. Importantly, only
one pediatrician reported routine screening for ASD at 18- or 24-months, suggesting that many
healthcare professionals administer ASD-specific screening tests only to children who are
considered high risk.
3.2.1. Barriers to successful screening in the primary care setting
Well-child visits are often the only routine, formalized, and longitudinal contact a child has
with a healthcare professional and thus is an ideal place to implement population-wide
screening. Given this widely acknowledged responsibility, it is striking that many practices
do not implement developmental and ASD-specific screening measures as recommended by
the AAP. In the following we will consider several key barriers that interfere with healthcare
professionals ability to implement effective screening practices.
without health insurance (M = 52.5%, SD = 3.8), lived below the poverty level (M = 62.8%, SD
= 2.4), lived with a single parent (M = 65.5%, SD = 2.7), was Hispanic or Black (M = 64.5%, SD
= 2.1, or M = 64.7%, SD = 2.9, respectively), or had parents without a high-school degree (M =
60.8%, SD = 3.1). Moreover, in terms of geography, the compliance ratio ranged between 90.9%
(SD = 5.0) in New England and 51.3% (SD = 3.4) in the West South Central Census division. To
account for this variability in parental compliance with the preventive pediatric care schedule,
practices may be able to screen about 30% more children by flexibly administering screening
measures during sick-visits, when necessary [56].
During the last decade, the AAP [5, 6, 57] has published three separate statements on the early
detection of developmental-behavioral problems. Recommended screenings include: (1)
screening for maternal postpartum depression (in the first year), (2) broad-band developmen
tal screening (at 9, 18, and 24/30 months), (3) ASD-specific screening (at 18 and 24 months), (4)
social-emotional screening (contingent upon abnormal developmental or ASD screeners), (5)
kindergarten readiness screening (at 4 years), and (6) mental health/psychological function
screening (age 5 years and thereafter). Implementing such a dense screening schedule in the
context of short well-child visits filled with competing priorities (e.g., vaccinations, medical
surveillance), and limited reimbursement options is often noted as a key challenge by health
care professionals [53].
Given that screening tools are being developed, revised, and evaluated on an ongoing basis,
the AAP practice guidelines do not recommend any particular ASD-specific screening instru
ment [6]. Instead, the AAP guidelines include a review of several potential measures, leaving it
up to the healthcare professional to select an instrument that fits the particular needs of their
practice. To date, the ASD-specific screening measure that has been adopted most widely in
primary care settings is the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT; [47, 58, 59].
The M-CHAT is a 23-item yes/no parent report screener for ASD. Screening positive (i.e., fail
ing) is defined as failing any three items, or any two of six critical items. Failed items are re
viewed with a follow-up interview, typically administered by phone a few weeks after the
screener is completed. Most of the research evaluating the efficacy of this measure has focused
on the positive predictive value (PPV), defined as the number of true positive cases divided by
number of cases that screened positive. Robins reported on the screening results of 4,797 tod
dlers (screened during their 15-, 18-, or 24-month well-child visits) [47]. The numbers of tod
dlers who failed the M-CHAT questionnaire, failed the M-CHAT follow-up interview, and
were eventually diagnosed with ASD, were 466, 61, and 21, respectively. Thus, if the results of
the follow-up interview were considered, the M-CHAT revealed a PPV of.57. However, with
out the follow-up interview, the PPV of the M-CHAT was as low as.06. These estimates are
consistent with data reported by Kleinman and colleagues [59], who reported PPVs of.65 and.
11, depending on whether the follow-up interview was or was not considered. Based on these
findings, at least three conclusions seem warranted: (1) without administering the follow-up
interview, the M-CHAT is likely to over-identify children by a factor of 17:1; (2) over-identifica
Promoting Early Identification of Autism in the Primary Care Setting: Bridging the Gap Between What We Know and
What We Do
tion can be dramatically reduced by administering the follow-up interview (3:1); (3) even
though the sensitivity of the M-CHAT has not been evaluated, comparisons to prevalence esti
mates of ASD suggest that the M-CHAT is likely to miss a considerable number of children [7].
Assuming current prevalence estimates (1:88), the sample reported by Roberts [47] likely in
cluded about 55 children with ASD. Even after considering participant attrition as a factor (i.e.,
families who did not complete the follow-up interview or diagnostic evaluations), the number
of children with ASD actually identified by the researchers (n = 21) is considerably lower than
would be expected.
The extent to which limited parent literacy interferes with the implementation of broad-band
developmental and ASD-specific screening measures has not been investigated. However, da
ta presented by Davis and colleagues suggest that limited parental literacy has the potential to
pose significant obstacles, particularly in the context of practices that primarily serve indigent
or immigrant communities [60, 61]. Based on a convenience sample of 396 parents from one
large medical center (i.e., Louisiana State University Medical Center, Shreveport, LA), 11% and
16% of parents showed a reading level below 4th and 7th grade, respectively. Limited parental
literacy may be an important factor in explaining missing data problems, reported across
many population-based screening studies. For example, Hix-Small and colleagues reported
that only about 54% of the administered screening questionnaires were completed and re
turned [44].
The successful implementation of effective screening practices requires more than educational
opportunities for individual staff members. Instead, what is needed is a context that supports
organizational restructuring [51, 62]. That is, practices need to develop, evaluate, and refine
office-wide implementation systems that divide responsibilities among staff members at
multiple levels. For example, the screening instrument may be distributed by a member of the
front desk staff, scored by a nurse, reviewed with the family by a provider, and possible
referrals may be coordinated by a social worker. Developing such an office-wide implemen
tation system requires an internal champion to lead the charge, a process for collecting data
to monitor progress, and a seamless integration with the clinics electronic medical record
system. In order to be sustainable, the implementation system also needs to be sufficiently
robust to be workable in the context of busy periods (e.g., the onset of the winter viral season)
and staff turnover.
3.2.2. Novel approaches to support autism-specific screening practices
Research suggests that traditional methods of education, including printed educational
materials and didactic, lecture-based continuing medical education (CME) sessions, have little
to no effect on the behavior of healthcare professionals [63, 64]. During recent years, several
alternative approaches to the traditional CME format have been suggested. These approaches
include specialized modules on ASD that are included as part of pediatric residency training
programs (e.g., CDC Autism Case Training) [65, 66], and academic detailing where a focused
training session on early identification of ASD is presented to the entire office staff of individual
practices [67]. In the following section, we will describe a third approach that has been used
widely to improve the delivery of high-quality healthcare, although it has yet to be imple
mented with a focus on improving early detection of children with ASD.
The Breakthrough Series Collaborative Model
The Breakthrough Series Collaborative Model (BSCM) has been developed by the Institute of
Healthcare Improvement (IHI, [68], and used successfully to improve the
delivery of preventive services by pediatric practices [69], follow-up to newborn hearing
screening [70], and child mental health service use [71]. In this model, several healthcare
provider teams partner with external experts to overcome specific barriers that impede the
delivery of high-quality care within their organization. Figure 2 presents the key elements of
a Breakthrough Series model.
The breakthrough series starts with the selection of a specific topic that is considered ripe for
improvement. Even though data on the efficacy of learning collaboratives to increase early
identification of ASD has not been published to date, we suggest that this would be a very
appropriate topic, (1) because of the high prevalence rates of ASD, and (2) because the existing
knowledge in this area is sound but not widely used. Once the topic is selected, a faculty team
is assembled that combines expertise in the subject area as well as an improvement advisor
who coaches teams on improvement methods. Organizations elect to join the collaborative
through an application process, appointing multi-disciplinary teams within the organization
(a champions committee). The multi-disciplinary teams from all organizations are then
brought together for Learning Sessions that combine the exchange of formal academic
Promoting Early Identification of Autism in the Primary Care Setting: Bridging the Gap Between What We Know and
What We Do
knowledge with practical voices from peers. In between the Learning Sessions, teams engage
in Action Periods during which they implement change in a cyclical fashion: a) teams develop
a PLAN to implement change, b) they DO the work to implement the chance, c) they STUDY
their progress by measuring clinical behaviors, and d) they ACT upon the results by refining
their approach (Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles of learning).
Parents also express dissatisfaction with the manner in which their childs pediatrician
discussed developmental concerns and/or delivered the ASD diagnosis. For example, parents
report dissatisfaction if a diagnosis is made but next steps and outcomes are not discussed [26].
Similarly, most parents of children with autism express a preference for receiving a clear ASD
label rather than hearing about their childs autism tendencies or trends [73]. This
preference for sincere, prompt, and honest information, even if this means that the physician
has to admit a level of uncertainty, can also be found in other medical conditions. For example,
cancer patients reported the highest levels of satisfaction and the lowest levels of anxiety when
they felt that their healthcare professional prepared them adequately for the diagnosis, when
they felt they were being told everything, when the word cancer was used, and when their
need to discuss life expectancy had been satisfied [76]. Importantly, high levels of trust in the
physician has been linked to high levels of adherence to recommended behavior change [77].
4.1. Barriers to successful communication between healthcare provider and parents
The AAP clinical practice guidelines recommend that once ASD is seriously considered (i.e.,
due to a failed ASD-screener or multiple risk factors) the parent is promptly educated about
ASD and referred for Early Intervention services. Research on the implementation of general
developmental screening suggests that referral rates for children who fail such screeners vary
tremendously across providers (M = 61%; range: 27% to 100%; [51]). Similarly, two descriptive
studies on early identification of ASD in the healthcare setting found that referral to a clinical
specialist (e.g., a developmental pediatrician) is the most likely response when autism is first
suspected [53, 54]. In the absence of a simultaneous referral to Early Intervention, referral to a
clinical specialist can significantly delay childrens access to services due to long waiting lists.
In addition, the preference for referring families only to a clinical specialist reveals that, even
in the presence of a failed ASD-screener, PCPs may often not feel ready to discuss autism with
the childs parents. The reasons why PCPs use their own clinical judgment or uncertainty to
override the results from a positive screening test are currently poorly understood [78]. This
being said, considering a possible ASD-specific referral requires a delicate balancing act
between the PCPs clinical judgment, tolerance for uncertainty, trust in screening tests,
expectations about parental reactions, self-efficacy with regard to giving bad news and
confidence in the available service system. In the following we will describe select components
of this tenuous balancing act, and discuss how each factor challenges the PCPs ability to
effectively communicate with parents about autism.
In a recent survey, PCPs reported feeling less competent providing care to children with ASD
compared to children with other neurodevelopmental disorders and chronic conditions [79].
As described above, research on early identification and intervention in ASD has evolved
rapidly during the last decade. Thus, PCPs may not always have access to the most current
information. For example, they may be unaware of recent advances in early diagnosis, they
may hold misconceptions about early red flags (e.g., they may erroneously assume that
children with ASD never show affectionate behaviors), or they may not be familiar or feel
passionate about the effectiveness of early intervention services [80].
Promoting Early Identification of Autism in the Primary Care Setting: Bridging the Gap Between What We Know and
What We Do
Available ASD-specific screening tests are far from perfect. As discussed above, if the M-CHAT
is administered without the follow-up interview, over-identification is likely to occur at a rate
of 17:1 [47]. Several authors have emphasized the utility of second-stage autism-specific
screeners in a referral setting to help prevent over-referral and effectively direct high-risk
children toward comprehensive ASD evaluations [61, 81, 82]. Even though the M-CHAT
follow-up interview has been developed to reduce the number of false positive screens, a
feasible process for implementing this interview in the context of childrens well-child visits
has not been developed. In the absence of an effective second-stage screening process, PCPs
may use their own clinical judgment to prevent over-referrals.
Even though timely referrals for a comprehensive ASD evaluation and Early Intervention
services are important first steps, not all parents choose to comply with their pediatricians
referrals and pursue further evaluations [51, 75, 83]. Importantly, parental compliance rates
with ASD-specific referrals tend to be lower in younger, and higher in older children. For
example, Pierce and colleagues showed that 40% of parents refused a comprehensive followup evaluation after failing the CSBS Infant Toddler Checklist at 12 months [3]. Similarly,
Pandey and colleagues reported that 37% of parents of younger children (16 to 23 months)
refused a referral for a comprehensive ASD evaluation after a failed M-CHAT follow-up
interview [84]. In older children (24 to 30 months), the refusal rate was only 21%. In making
decisions about a childs referrals, PCPs may gauge the likelihood of a parents compliance,
and thus be more reluctant to make ASD-specific referrals for younger than for older children.
ing bad news. A week after the intervention, fellows and nurses participated in another
mock clinical interview. Both interviews were then scored using a fidelity checklist to meas
ure skills taught during the intervention. Results indicated that fellows and nurses scored
higher on the post-intervention clinical interview when compared to the pre-intervention in
terview; qualitatively, they also reported that the intervention improved their communica
tion skills while delivering bad news. Similar research has demonstrated that improvements
in physician communication skills are associated with improved patient outcomes, includ
ing reductions in patient distress [88] and increases in patient satisfaction with the treating
physician [89].
Multi-media training materials on communicating with parents about failed ASD-screeners
Given the short history of ASD-specific screening, little research is currently available on
how to effectively communicate with parents about failed ASD-specific screening tests. In
recent years, at least two groups have developed multi-media training materials that sup
port PCPs in this area. As part of the Learn the Signs. Act Early. campaign, the CDC de
veloped an in-class curriculum for current and future healthcare professionals, often
presented in the context of hospital Grand Rounds (
[65]. As part of this curriculum, learners watch and discuss video examples on how to com
municate with parents about concerning screening results as well as various strategies for
delivering difficult news. Importantly, learners are also provided with information about
the stages of grief experienced by parents of children with disabilities. Similarly, as part of a
webcast series on the medical home, the Waisman Center of the University of WisconsinMadison developed a 10-minute webcast on sharing screening results with families (http://[90]. The webcast covers topics such as the importance
of developmental screening, understanding the difference between screening and diagnos
ing, and considering specific language to use when sharing concerns. It also discusses why
sharing screening results can be difficult, and shares specific steps to follow when sharing
screening results.
Promoting Early Identification of Autism in the Primary Care Setting: Bridging the Gap Between What We Know and
What We Do
As described above, King and colleagues collaborated with 17 primary care practices to im
plement the AAP policy statement on developmental surveillance and screening [51]. Al
though a referral-tracking system is not specifically addressed in this policy statement, King
and colleagues noted that more than half of the practices (9 out of 17) attempted to imple
ment such a system. Because most practices include multiple healthcare professionals, a
clinic-wide referral-tracking system is necessary to monitor which children had been refer
red and where they had been referred to. On the one hand, King reported that most clinics
found referral-tracking to be a time- and labor-intensive effort that was difficult to main
tain over the long-term (p. 357). On the other hand, clinics that were successful in imple
menting such a tracking system learned very quickly that many families didnt follow
through with the recommended referrals, enabling them to develop strategies for providing
additional reminders and supports. In addition, an effective referral-tracking system ena
bled the physicians to develop better communication with local referral resources and re
ceive more consistent feedback on the children they referred.
In determining eligibility for Early Intervention services, evaluations may cover multiple
areas of development, including (1) physical, including vision and hearing, (2) cognitive, (3)
communication, (4) social or emotional, and/or (5) adaptive. The developmental profile of
many toddlers with ASD is strikingly uneven with possible strengths in physical and cogni
tive development and specific delays in several social and communication milestones. Given
that ASD symptoms may be observed in the absence of global developmental delays, it is
important that the evaluation team is specifically charged with the task to rule out ASD. If
ASD symptoms are not specifically addressed during the evaluation, toddlers with ASD
who also have strengths in global development may be missed and as a result may not be
considered eligible for services.
5.2. Novel approaches to prevent delays between referral and onset of services
Several recent projects aiming to implement general developmental or autism-specific
screening in the primary care setting found it necessary to create a dedicated staff position, a
developmental or autism specialist, to provide second-stage screening services to prevent
over-referral, and/or information, support, resources and referrals to families identified with
developmental concerns [61, 104]. Other projects provided families with access to a develop
mental/autism specialist by creating a partnership with a local research group [3, 56]. Al
though this is a rather novel approach in the context of developmental and autism
screening, the idea of a patient navigation program has been popular in other medical fields
for several decades.
5.2.1. The patient navigation program
The American Cancer Society supported the nations first patient navigation program in 1990
at the Harlem Hospital Center. Founded by Dr. Harold Freeman, patient navigation originally
aimed to promote access to timely cancer diagnosis and treatment and to ensure coordinated
Promoting Early Identification of Autism in the Primary Care Setting: Bridging the Gap Between What We Know and
What We Do
services by assisting patients and their families to navigate through the healthcare delivery
system [105]. Ideally, patient navigators are familiar with the specific healthcare system
through which the patient must navigate, culturally attuned to the patient, and connected to
decision makers in the healthcare system. Patient navigation has the potential to improve the
continuity of care [106], promote compliance with recommended referrals by fostering trust
between patient and healthcare providers [107], and facilitate access to evaluations and
services in underserved populations by connecting them to resources most appropriate for
each patients individual needs [107]. Although a successful patient navigation program bears
significant promise for promoting early identification of ASD, such a program has not been
implemented to date.
6. Conclusion
During the last decade, research on early identification, diagnosis and intervention for toddlers
with ASD has made tremendous progress. Moreover, during recent years, the topic of
community implementation of best practice strategies has risen to the forefront. In order to
develop a sustainable service infrastructure for toddlers with ASD, systems for public
awareness, early identification, and early intervention need to be scaled up in tandem with
updated priorities in public policy and funding allocation. Eventually, efforts to increase early
identification of children with ASD will only be successful if identified children have access
to effective Early Intervention services.
Preparation of this manuscript was supported by a grant from The FAR Fund. The themes of
this chapter were informed by a public policy roundtable entitled Toddlers with Autism in
New York City, held at the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College in March
2011. Roundtable participants included: Peter H. Bell, Autism Speaks; Alice S. Carter, Univer
sity of Massachusetts at Boston; Susan L. Hyman, University of Rochester; Michael Ganz,
Harvard University; Barbara Kalmanson, ICDL Graduate School; Gary Mesibov, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Donna M. Noyes-Grosser, NYS Department of Health;
Marilyn Rubinstein, New York Presbyterian Hospital; Laura Slatkin, New York Center for
Autism; Wendy Stone, University of Washington; Fred R. Volkmar, Yale University; Amy
Wetherby, Florida State University. Information about the event is available online:
Author details
Michael Siller1*, Lindee Morgan2, Meghan Swanson3 and Emily Hotez4
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Chapter 2
1. Introduction
Autism occurs in every country of the world. However its prevalence varies greatly across
nations with higher rates being reported in more affluent, English speaking countries. The
lower rates in less developed countries have been attributed to a lack of knowledgeable per
sonnel in child assessment and diagnostic services and their slow response to parental con
cerns [1]. While this is certainly a major impediment to early identification, other social and
cultural factors may play a part. In particular, expectations of childrens development and
behaviours may mean that parents attach less significance to certain early indicators of Au
tism across different cultures [2]. If this were so, then screening and other assessment tools
developed in Western countries may not be sufficiently sensitive to detect early signs of Au
tism in other societies [3].
This chapter summarises the findings from two studies in Iran that identified the items that
best discriminated children who had a diagnosis of autism. In the first study, the Gilliam
Autism Rating Scale - Second edition GARS ll [4] was used. Comparisons are drawn be
tween three groups of children aged 3 to 16 years: those with a compared diagnosis of Au
tism; children with intellectual disabilities and those whose development was considered to
be normal.
The second study focussed on the Autism Diagnostic Interview- Revised (ADI-R) [5]. This
tool was developed for use by clinicians to assist in making a diagnosis of autism usually
after referral that follows from the use of a screening tool such as GARS. In all the perform
ance of 333 children (84%) with a confirmed diagnosis of Autism could be confirmed with
those of 64 (16%) who were not given this diagnosis although they had screened positive.
The findings from these two major studies together identify those indicators of autism that
appear to be more culturally specific to Iranian or similar cultures. However comparisons
are drawn with similar data from other countries to underline the universality of certain au
2013 Samadi and McConkey; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
tistic traits [6]. Nevertheless the implementation of tools for the identification of children
with autism has to be located within wider considerations; notably the education of parents
and professionals around indicators of atypical child development and the possible environ
mental influences on childrens behaviours.
60 per 10,000 in Sweden. However in London, a more thorough study reported a prevalence
rate of 38 9 per 10,000 for autistic disorders and for other ASDs at 77 2 per 10,000; giving a
total prevalence for all ASDs of 116 1 per 10,000 [18]. A regression analyses of the prevalence
studies found that the most significant influence on ASD rates was the diagnostic criteria
used, followed by the age of child when identified, the country of origin and urban/rural lo
cation of the sample [17].
These same factors may also account for the variation in prevalence rates that have been re
ported within countries even when ascertainment method, age group and reporting period
are similar. In the USA, the prevalence of all ASDs in eight year old children varied across
eleven sites from 42 per 10,000 in Florida to 121 per 10,000 in Arizona and Missouri [19]. Us
ing special education data on students with ASD, Coo at al., [20] reported a prevalence of
43.1 per 10,000 among 49 years school children in the British Colombia Province of Canada
whereas in Quebec it is reported at less than half this, at 21.6 per 10,000 [21].
One explanation for differences in the prevalence and identification of ASD across cultures
and regions is varying awareness of the criteria associated with a diagnosis of ASD [6]. More
specifically, it appears that differences may be more likely to arise cross culturally due to
various factors such as when a symptom is perceived, by whom, and what behaviour is
noticed first, as well as whether it is perceived as problematic ([2], p. 538). Moreover cul
tural attitudes regarding typical behaviours and what is perceived to be normal or abnormal
development for that culture would also have an impact on diagnosis of an ASD. Hence
children may be more or less susceptible to a diagnosis of an ASD dependent on the cultural
expectations of parents and indigenous professionals. Thus screening and other assessment
tools for autism developed in Western countries may not be sufficiently sensitive to detect
early signs of autism in other societies and could possibly underestimate the prevalence of
the condition [3].
4. Autism in Iran
The Islamic Republic of Iran, formerly known as Persia, is located in the Middle East. The
capital city is Tehran. Iranian society is distinct from other Islamic societies of the MiddleEast and Central Eurasia in terms of its long history of civilisation, its geographical location,
separate language (Persian) and religious denomination (Shia Muslim).
It is a vast country of 1.65 million sq km, extending in the north from the Caspian Sea to the
Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and Oman Sea in the south, and from Afghanistan and Paki
stan in the east to Iraq and Turkey in the west. Persians (51% population) are the largest eth
nic group in the Republic within the total population of 74.8 million. The main minorities
are Azeri (24%), Gilaki and Mazandarani (8%), and Kurds (7%). People are mainly Muslims
(89% Shia Muslims and 9% Sunni Muslims). Iran became an Islamic Republic in 1979 and is
divided into 31 provinces, each of which is headed by a governor-general appointed by the
Minister of the Interior.
Children with ASD will usually be diagnosed by medical doctors either privately or through
child and family clinics provided by voluntary organisations. State-funded special schools
are provided through the Iranian Special Education Organisation although many parents
may opt for private schooling. In addition, parents will arrange private therapy for their
children. For children more severely affected or with other conditions such as intellectual
disability, day centre placements are available through the Iranian State Welfare Organisa
tion. However, these services are only available in larger cities and probably only for more
affluent families. Provision for adult services is mostly through private or voluntary organi
sations that also rely heavily on parental fees.
Iran is one of the few countries that has a national screening programme for autism prior to
childrens entry to compulsory education at age 6. An analysis of data obtained on over 1.32
million children aged 5 years of age screened over a three-year period, yielded an overall
Iranian prevalence of 6.26 per 10,000 [1]. Although this rate is similar to that previously re
ported for certain European countries and for Hong Kong, it is much lower than those re
ported for Sweden, USA and England [29].
4.1. Indicators of autism in Iran
The main aim of the two studies reported in this chapter was to identify the most common
indicators of autism for Iranian parents whose children had been given a diagnosis of au
tism. As argued above, this investigation would identify items for use in screening tests that
would be culturally sensitive for an Iranian culture. However the initial pool of items would
be drawn from those behaviours that define autism internationally according to DSM-IV [7]
and ICHD-10 [30]. These were taken from two commonly used scales for autism the Gil
liam Rating Scale for Autism (GARS) and the Autism Diagnostic Interview revised (ADIR). Although developed in the USA and the UK respectively, they have been translated for
use in other countries.
The most common indicators of autism would be chosen as those that best discriminated
children with a diagnosis of autism from age peers who were normally developing; from
those who were considered to have an intellectual disability and from those who were ini
tially suspected of having autism but were not diagnosed as such following assessment.
The resulting set of indicators would have particular relevance for the development of fur
ther screening tools in Iran but these findings might have wider applicability to other Mus
lim cultures and non-Western societies.
4.2. Study 1: Screening for autism
The Gilliam Autism Rating Scale - Second edition GARS ll [4] was developed in the United
States of America and is based on DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for autism. It is widely used in
hospitals, school and clinics across the USA with good psychometric properties which sub
sequent evaluation studies have confirmed [40]. The main reservations concerning its use,
centre on the cut-off points that are taken to be indicative of autism. The consensus is that
these should be set at a lower level than recommended in the test manual [41].
This tool takes the form of a behaviour checklist developed for use with children and youth
aged 3 to 22 years. It consists of 42 items grouped into three subscales: Stereotyped Behav
iours, Communication, and Social Interaction which are combined into a standard score
called the Autism Index with higher scores indicative of ASD. A further 14 items contrib
ute data about the childs development during the first three years of life which are used to
supplement information about the childs current level of functioning. Reliability and validi
ty data for the English version of the test is available based on a normative sample of 1,107
individuals with ASD and 328 non-ASD persons and those with other developmental disa
bilities. Coefficients of reliability (internal consistency and test-retest) for the subscales and
Autism Index range from 0.80 to 0.90.
For the purpose of this study the first author translated the GARS II assessment tool from
English to Persian. The Iranian version was back-translated and reviewed for language clari
ty and appropriateness for use in Iranian culture. The tool was then pilot tested with 15 Ira
nian families with a child who had screened positive for ASD and included parents from
different socio-economic backgrounds. Five of the 42 questions were unclear to parents and
these items were reworded for greater clarity.
4.2.1. Recruiting samples
Three groups of children aged between 3 and 16 years were recruited: those who had been
given a diagnosis of autism; those diagnosed as having an intellectual disability and those
whose development was considered to be normal. Recruitment took place in four Provinces
of Iran in order to achieve a geographical spread.
Children with ASD in the age range 5 to 10 years generally received a confirmed diagnosis
from trained diagnosticians from the Iranian Special Education Organisation (see Samadi et
al [1] for further details) or were admitted to the ASD special schools based on being at high
risk of ASD which meant that they would be re-evaluated one year after their registration.
Other children with ASD above or below this age range, had received a confirmed diagnosis
from the paediatrician or neurologists based on DSM IV criteria.
All the children with an Intellectual Disability aged 5 to 16 had received an approved diag
nosis from ISEO and children under 5 received a confirmation of diagnosis from the paedia
trician based on their developmental assessments and clinical presentation (i.e. Down
Syndrome or other conditions associated with an intellectual disability).
Parents of children with ASD and ID were recruited from special schools (both public and
private) whereas parents of preschool children were recruited from mother and child clinics.
The normally developing sample were chosen from mother and child clinics, schools and
from membership of the Parents and Teachers Association which has branches in all the cit
ies in Iran.
4.2.2. Procedure
All parents were informed about the aims of the study initially through a written notifica
tion sent from the clinic or schools but these were repeated verbally when the first author
met the parents when their consent to participate was obtained. Parents of children with
ASD and children with ID were met individually, the written instructions for completing
the scales were explained to them and they were assisted to complete the ratings scales as
necessary. Also 30 parents of normally developing children in Alborz province were met
personally during eight days in two schools. The remainder of parents whose children were
developing normally were given the ratings scales at a group meeting and asked to return
them within two weeks and 97% did so.
4.2.3. Study participants
In all data was obtained on 532 children: 390 with autism; 55 intellectually disabled and 87
normally developing. Their mean age was 10.5 years (SD 3.1). However those with autism
were significantly older (mean age 10.9 yrs) than those in the other two groups (9.4 years).
As commonly found with autism; many more boys than girls were identified (81% v 19%);
The gender ratio for the children with ID was (49% male v 51% female) and normally devel
oping (64% male v 36% female).
The children were recruited from four provinces in Iran: Tehran (35%) Alborz (21%) Razavi
Khorasan (25%) and Western Azerbaijan (19%). Proportionately more children with ID came
from Tehran Province but children with autism and those developing normally came from
all four Provinces.
4.2.4. Item analysis
In seeking to identify the items that best discriminated the three groups from the 42 items
included in the GARS scale the items were arranged into those that the highest percentage
of children with autism displayed but with the least percentage of children with intellectual
disability and those who were developing normally. The top 16 items were then selected us
ing the following criteria:
Over one-third of children with ASD showed the behaviour AND
Normally developing children did not show the behaviour or it was shown by fewer than
12% of these children AND
The proportion of children with intellectual disability who showed the behaviour was
fewer than half of the proportion of children with a diagnosis of autism.
Our aim was to reflect the range of behaviours that can be indicative of the variation among
children with autism and yet maximised their distinctiveness.
Table 1 summarises the percentage of children within each group who were sometimes or
frequently observed to show these behaviours. These are ordered by those most commonly
seen in children with autism. The subscale from which the item came is also noted.
These 16 items were then tested for their scaling properties. The Chronbach alpha of internal
reliability was acceptably high at 0.89 (N=422).
A total score could be calculated for each child on these 16 items with a minimum score of 0
(all items scored as never or rarely seen) and a maximum of 16 (all items scored as some
times or frequently observed). Table 2 presents the summary statistics for the three groups
of children on this computed measure as well as for the total group. With this sample no
ceiling effects were present on the scale.
Social Interaction
obtain objects
Social Interaction
Social Interaction
Social Interaction
Social Interaction
Social Interaction
to refer to self)
5 secs or more
*Communication items are scored on N=422 for whom these items were rated; otherwise n=532.
Table 1. The percentage of Iranian children in each sample who were sometimes or frequently observed to show the
selected behaviours.
Type of development
Std. Deviation
Autism Spectrum
Intellectual Disability
Normally developing
Table 2. Mean, SDs, Median and range scores on 16 items for the three groups (N=422)
The between group differences were statistically significant (F=252.6; p<0.001) as was the
variation within each group as indicated by the Standard Deviations with normally devel
oping children showing the least variation and those with autism the most
Using the summary scores it was also possible to check if these indicators varied by age of
the child. The Pearson Product Moment correlation was small although significant r=0.138
(p<0.005) with older children having higher scores. As regards childs gender, boys had sig
nificantly higher scores than girls (Mean 6.46 v 4.72: F=11.06: p<0.005). Scores were also
higher when fathers were the sole informants (mean 7.69) compared to mothers (mean 5.56)
(F=4.98:p<0.01). Also those children residing in the Provinces of Tehran and Mashahd
(means 6.92 and 6.71) had higher scores than children in two other provinces Alborz (Mean
5.04) and Western Azarbayjan mean 4.61).
A regression analysis was then used to control for the inter-relationships among these var
iables and with the childrens grouping of autism, ID and normal development. Indeed it
was children with autism who had the highest Beta scores (=7.89: 95% Confidence Inter
val [CI] 7.25-8.49: t=24.91 p<0.001) and the effect of childs age and gender were not signif
icant. However children living in Tehran ( =1.53: CI 0.75-2.30: t=3.86 p<0.001) and
Mashahd Provinces (=1.45: CI 0.60-2.30: t=3.34 p<0.001) tended to score higher than in the
other two provinces.
Finally correlations were computed between the scores on the 16 items with the total scores
on the GARS ratings for the three subscales and the total score. All correlations were statisti
cally significant (p<0.001) but highest with the total score and social interaction subscale and
lowest with the communication subscale.
Correlations 16 items score with ...
Social Interactions
4.2.5. Conclusions
Based on the 42 items included in the GARS Scale, it was possible to identify 16 items based
on parental ratings that efficiently discriminated between children with autism and those
who were normally developing and those with intellectual disabilities. These items were
drawn in the main from the social interaction (N=7) and stereotyped behaviour subscales
(N=6) with fewer coming from the Communication domain (N=3). A further paper provides
further data on the utility of GARS with an Iranian population and on the sensitivity and
specificity of the 16 item as a screening tool [31].
4.3. Study 2: Diagnosing autism
In the second study the focus was in identifying the indictors that would distinguish chil
dren who were ultimately diagnosed with autism from those who were suspected of having
the condition but on further examination were thought not to have autism. To do this, we
accessed childrens assessments on the Autism Diagnostic Interview-revised (ADI-R). Al
though widely used by clinicians internationally, this tool has been criticised on the length
of time taken to administer and its focus on more severe forms of the condition [42]. Howev
er it was the tool chosen by the Iranian Special Education Organisation to assess children
who screened positive for autism in the national screening program.
ADI-R takes the form of a structured interview with parents and consists of 93 items ar
ranged in three functional domains: Language/Communication; Reciprocal Social Interac
tions and Restricted, Repetitive, and Stereotyped Behaviours and Interests. Items are scored
for the behaviour that the child has ever showed as well as those showed at present. It is the
latter items that were included in this study.
The Persian version ADI-R [32] had been standardised on a sample of 100 children with
ASD, 9 children with intellectual disability and 100 normally developing children. The sam
ple age range was from 4 to 14 and they were drawn from different provinces. A Chronbach
alpha of 0.85 (for present behaviours) was reported. The test retest reliability on a sample of
33 children (24 with autism and 9 ID) with a 4-6 week interval was 0.99 for items relating to
unusual social interaction, 0.99 for Language and Communication and 0.96 for Repetitive
and Stereotyped behaviours.
4.3.1. Procedure
The ADI-R assessments were obtained for 397 children who had screened positive for au
tism in the national screening programme for all six-years prior to school entry (see Samadi
et al.[1]). The ADI-R Persian version was administered by specialists from the Iranian Spe
cial Education Organisation in the form of structured interview with one or both parents
supplemented by observations of the child. Also included in this sample were older children
who had been admitted to schools for children with ASD, but who needed to be assessed to
reconfirm the diagnosis which may have been given by a professional other than those em
ployed by the Iranian Special Education Organisation or by means of other diagnostic tools.
Following the diagnostic interview, 333 children (84%) were confirmed in having autism; for
20 (5%) the diagnosis was uncertain and 44 (11%) were thought not to have autism. For the
purposes of this study the latter two groups were combined.
4.3.2. Study participants
Of the 397 children 80% were male and 20% female. Their mean age was 7.3 years (range 5
to 14 years). In all, 32% were only children and a further 43% had one sibling with 25% hav
ing two to six siblings. In 23 families (5.8%), there was another child with a developmental
disability although 30% of families reported having a person with mental or developmental
disabilities in the wider family circle.
The mean age of mothers was 35.4 years (range 24 to 53 yrs) and of fathers 40.8 years (range
25 to 77). Of the mothers, 120 (30.2%) had completed university education as had 147 fathers
(37%). A further 139 mothers (35%) and 123 fathers (31%) had completed high school. The
remaining 138 mothers (27.8%) and 127 fathers (32%) had been to middle or elementary
school. In 124 families (31%) the parents were related.
4.3.3. Item analysis
As in Study 1, the items relating the childrens present behaviours were arranged into those
that the highest percentage of children with autism displayed but with the least percentage
of children who were thought not to have autism. The top 13 items were then selected so as
to reflect the variation among children with autism but also discriminating those with the
condition from those unlikely to have it. The following criteria were applied to do this.
Over 50% of children with a diagnosis of ASD showed the behaviour AND
Fewer than 50% of those children not diagnosed as autism showed the behaviour AND
The percentage of autism children showing the behaviour was at least double the percent
age of those without autism.
The 13 items met these criteria are listed in Table 4. They are ordered by those most com
monly seen in children with autism. The sub-grouping is also noted.
One previous study in Iran had identified the indicators most commonly found in a sample
of 61 children (mean age 7 years) assessed clinically assessed as having autism [33]. They
were: stereotyped and repetitive behaviours; lack of make-believe play, failure to initiate
conversations, use of rituals, motor mannerisms, no spoken language, poor social reciprocity
and impaired peer relations. Most of these behaviours are reflected in this study.
The 13 items were tested for their scaling properties and the Chronbach alpha of internal re
liability was acceptably high at 0.866 (N=397).
A total score could be calculated for each child on these 14 items with a minimum score of 0
(all items scored as never or rarely seen) and a maximum of 14 (all items scored as ob
served). Table 5 presents the summary statistics for the two groups of children on this com
puted measure as well as for the total group. The differences on scores between the two
groups was significant (F=238.0 p<0.001).
Ref num
Communication 42
Communication 37
Repetitive Behaviours 69
Social Interaction 56
or weakly integrated.
Repetitive Behaviours 68
Table 4. The percentage of Iranian children in the two groups who were observed to show the selected behaviours
from the ADI-R.
Table 5. Mean, SDs, Median and range scores on 13 ADI-R items for the two groups
Using the summary scores it was also possible to check if these indicators varied by age of
the child. The Pearson Product Moment correlation was small although significant r=-0.162
indicating that younger children scored more highly on these 13 items (p<0.001).
However there were no statistically significant differences by childs gender, mothers age,
level of education, if the child had siblings, or if there was a another child with develop
mental problems in the family. This was further confirmed in a regression analysis to con
trol for inter-relationships among the possible predictor variables and with the childrens
diagnosis. It was children diagnosed with autism who had the highest Beta scores (=5.59:
95% Confidence Interval [CI] 4.57-6.40: t=15.57 p<0.001) but the childs age was also a sig
nificant additional variable ( =-0.20: CI 0.03-0.37: t=2.37, p<0.05) with younger children
scoring more highly irrespective of their diagnosis.
4.3.4. Conclusions
It was possible to identify 14 items on the ADI-R that could reasonably well discriminate be
tween those children who would receive a confirmed diagnosis of autism and those who did
not. However these items are also more likely to be found in younger children irrespective
of the diagnosis.
ADI-R items
him or her
Little or no coordination of eye gaze and vocalisations or
weakly integrated.
Uses the word I inappropriately e.g. does not say I to refer Mis-uses pronoun I and refers to self by name rather than
to self)
with pronoun.
Stares at hands, objects or items in the environment for at
least 5 secs
Smells or sniffs objects (e.g. toys, persons hand, hair)
humoured or entertained
no reciprocal smiling.
Table 6. Items common to GARS and ADI-R that best discriminated Iranian children with autism
interest by pointing
Shows no recognition that a person is present (i.e. looks through Special or circumscribed interests that can interfere
6. Discussion
These two studies had a number of strengths. Sizeable samples of children with autism were
recruited alongside those who were normally developing and those who had intellectual
disability or another form of developmental disorder. In both studies, the selected items dis
criminated effectively the children with autism. Also the studies were located in Iran; a
country on which relatively little published research exists. Equally there are some limita
tions that need to be acknowledged. No independent verification of the childs diagnosis of
autism was possible and reliance was placed on either parental reports or data held by the
ISEO. This issue may be of relevance also to children with ID in that some of them may have
undiagnosed autism. However even within developed countries, it would have been a cost
ly, not to say difficult undertaking, to obtain independent verification of diagnoses and even
more improbable in a country such as Iran.
A further limitation is that the first study was retrospective for parents in that their child
had already been diagnosed and hence their ratings on GARS may have been influenced by
the increased awareness they had about the indicators of autism which they may not have
had prior to the diagnosis. Hence it would be important to replicate the study on a prospec
tive basis especially with parents who had limited contact with professionals or with parents
who had lower levels of education. The latter recommendation arises from the finding in
Study 1 that parents from two provinces had significantly lower scores on the 16 items. In
these two provinces professional services are more limited with fewer parents availing of
higher education. These factors were also proposed as reasons for the variations in preva
lence rates of autism across Iran that has been previously reported [1].
Nevertheless it would be a major undertaking to repeat the study with an unselected popu
lation of children although the existence of the Iranian national screening programme for
autism on school entry makes this a possibility for five year olds. An alternative approach is
to consider the items identified in these studies as the basis for a referral tool [26]. For exam
ple, when concern is expressed about a child by parents or preschool educators, or if a child
is already experiencing problems, then these items might serve as a guide for primary health
or social care personnel to help them decide as to whether a referral should be made for
more specialist assessment for autism.
However the issue of identifying children with autism in other cultures has to be set within
a broader context than screening. First increased opportunities need to be provided to pa
rents - and to mothers especially for them to become more knowledgeable about child de
velopment and indicators of potential problems particularly those of relevance to their
culture. The desire for increased information about autism is a common request of parents
in different cultures [34]. Modern technology provides a cost-effective means for doing this.
Second, the beliefs, knowledge and skills of professions involved in diagnosing develop
mental problems will need to be expanded in relation to autism so that they can undertake
appropriate and thorough assessments of the children and devise relevant intervention pro
gramme for them and their families [35]. The development of an indigenous knowledge
Finally cross-cultural research in autism has much to contribute to our wider understanding
of this condition and of the factors that may ameliorate its impact on children and families.
An essential starting point is to have a common tool for use across countries that not only
defines the similarities in children who have the condition but is also sensitive to the cultur
al variations that may be inherent in its manifestation in varying cultures. These studies in
Iran are a contribution to that endeavour and provide a model as to how it could be realised.
Our sincere thanks to Miss Ameneh Mahmoodizadeh from the Iranian Special Education
Organisation for her assistance with Study 2.
Author details
Sayyed Ali Samadi and Roy McConkey
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected].
Centre for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Institute of Nursing Research, Uni
versity of Ulster, Newtownabbey, N. Ireland, UK
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Chapter 3
1. Introduction
Disabled persons live in every corner of the world and on all social levels. According to UN
estimations, disabilities are much more widespread than is believed: at least one in every 10
inhabitants of each country has a certain form of disability, totaling some 450 million people
around the world. [1] According to the 2001 census, Croatia had at that time 423 891 persons
with disabilities (10% of overall population) [2]. According to the Croatian Disabilities Reg
istry (the Registry), [3], Croatia has 518 081 disabled persons (ca. 12% of overall population).
As defined in the Act on the Croatian Disabilities Registry, disability is a limitation or reduc
tion (resulting from damaged health) the capacity to perform a certain physical activity or
psychological function normal for a person of a certain age, and refers to the abilities which
are manifested in complex activities and behaviors generally accepted as important compo
nents of everyday life [4]. Croatia has defined the collection of data on disabled persons in
the Act on the Croatian Disabilities Registry (Official Gazette No. 64/01). The Registry in
cludes data on the following types of physical and mental impairments: visual, hearing and
speech impairments, impairments of the locomotor, central and peripheral nervous systems,
other organs and organ systems, mental retardation, PDDs (autism), mental disorders, as
well as data on multiple impairments. PDDs (autism) have been separated as a special disa
bility category. The data on the above disorders is provided by expert evaluation bodies
within the education and social welfare system [4]. According to the references, PDD preva
lence has registered a continual rise. To illustrate, according to the CDC Report from Atlan
ta, USA, prevalence numbers 6.6 per 1000. [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. The data on individuals with PDDs
in Croatia is registered in the above Registry. However, due to a short history (since 2002),
the extent of the potential increase could not be determined.
2013 Benjak and Vuleti; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Prevalence of Pervasive Developmental Disorders Croatia in Comparison with Other Countries of the World
disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified [14]. Croatia ap
plies ICD-10 codes for PDD diagnoses.
ICD-10 (WHO, 1992)
F 84.0
Childhood autism
Autistic disorder
Atypical autism
F 84.2
Rett's syndrome
Retts disorder
Childhood disintegrative
F 84.4
Asperger's syndrome
Aspergers disorder
Total children in
age range
Criteria used
Age range
Total rate
per 10 000
Aarhus (Denmark)
46 500
Camberwell (UK)
34 700
Cambridgeshire (UK)
34 262
Vsterbotten (Sweden)
69 600
Gteborg1 (Sweden)
128 600
Gteborg2 (Sweden)
42 900
Gteborg3 (Sweden)
40 700
Rhne (France)
103 700
38 746
Nord-Trondelag (Norwey)
Northern Finland
152 732
Ireland East
549 255
The above data leads to the conclusion that the prevalence of autistic disorder in the last 50
years has increased as much as 15 times. Does that mean that the modern world is facing a
kind of an autism epidemic? Despite a series of studies conducted to establish a potential
cause of the same increase, and, by extension, possible etiology of the disorder, [26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38], many authors continue to believe that the prevalence of
autistic disorder in the 21st century remains as it was 50 years ago [13]. The same authors
argue that this increment is due to more precise diagnostics, changes in diagnostic criteria
and a greater sensitization of the public for the problems of autistic persons. This increase in
the prevalence of autism in the past decades was mostly registered in persons of preserved
intellectual capacity [39], which would argue that the prevalence in persons with typical au
tism has remained virtually unchanged.. At this moment it has still not been confirmed or
denied that various factors (pollutants, diet, etc.) have a certain effect on the incidence and
prevalence of autistic disorder but there is clear scientic evidence that no causal relationship
between vaccination and autism [40]. Consequently, no definitive causes of the incurred in
crease in the prevalence of the above disorder can still be determined [13].
Prevalence of Pervasive Developmental Disorders Croatia in Comparison with Other Countries of the World
der the three-sign category of F84. The onset of a systematic epidemiological monitoring of
data on PDDs goes back to the introduction of the Registry in 2002. The data on the above
disorders is provided by expert evaluation bodies within the education and social welfare
system. These expert evaluation bodies hire experts who are to thank for PDD diagnostics.
The Registry database, as up until 4 May 2012, contains data on 1109 persons with PDDs,
with the largest number of registered under the diagnosis F84.9 (Table 3).
Number of persons
F 84.0
Childhood autism
Atypical autism
F 84.2
Rett's syndrome
F 84.4
Asperger's syndrome
Table 3. View the number of registered people with pervasive developmental disorders in Croatia, according to ICD-10.
The prevalence of PDDs in the overall population of the Republic of Croatia is about 2-3/10 000,
while in children (population aged 0-18) ca. 1/1000, with three times higher incidence in boys.
In Register we see increase (2.6x) number of registrated person with ASD in last seven years
(304 registrated person until 01.01.2005. and 792 after that date). The largest number of persons
with PDDs, namely 759 (70%), belong to the 519 age group (Table 4). Primorsko goranska
county and City of Zagreb number the highest prevalence in childhood at just above 1/1000.
Age group
County of residence
45 11
13 13
0 2
Age group
County of residence
2 1
4 6
4 33
7 8
33 11 224 56 232
136 64 143 62 42 18 32
4. Conclusion
All the above leads to the conclusion that there is a difference between the registered prevalen
ces of PDDs in Croatia and other countries of the world. According to the last available CDC
data, global prevalence reaches 6.6 per 1000, while in Croatia the rate is ca. 1 in 1000 children
(0-18 age group). This great discrepancy, that is under registration of PDDs, could be ex
plained by numerous factors. One of them could be the phenomenon of diagnostic substitution,
which was encountered in the USA before 1990 until which time PDDs, as a diagnosis, could
not secure children the right to special education. In 1990 the passing of the individuals with
Disabilities Education Act was the culmination of a long tradition of state and federal acts pro
moting the closing of institutions and encouraging state governments to support families in
their effort to care for and raise their disabled children in their own homes. Autistic children,
especially children with comorbid mental retardation and behavior disorders, who, otherwise,
Prevalence of Pervasive Developmental Disorders Croatia in Comparison with Other Countries of the World
would have been institutionalized in the past, consequently, started attending local schools
and were included in the data on school prevalence. Before passing of the above Act, children
were labeled as having mental retardation, learning disabilities, speech or emotional disorders
in order to be granted the right to certain services. The prevalence of autism has, after passing
of the same act, experienced a continual growth. This could partly be ascribed to the method of
funding the education of autistic persons, as well as to granting rights to supplementary serv
ices (e.g. whole-year schooling), as defined by the legal amendment. The effects of these factors
on the existing estimations are controversial and illustrative of the reason why the educational
administrative data presented in some media-covered studies may affect the display of the
number of autistic persons [9]. Whether this phenomenon of diagnostic substitution currently
has occurred in Croatia cannot be established with certainty. A proof in favor of its existence
could be the fact that there are a total of 141 persons who have official decisions on special edu
cation with autism stated under item Orientation list. On the other hand, according to the same
decision on special education, 6961 pupils/high school students with unspecified disorders in
verbal communication, 3 888 pupils/students with mental retardation (whereof some 65%
have light retardation) and a surprising number of 7 219 with multiple impairments have a
right to special education in regular schools. Some 50% pupils/students who exercise the right
to special education lack the above item of Orientation list so as to escape stigmatization [3].
Each group potentially includes persons with PDDs. A more accurate prevalence of PDDs in
Croatia will be available after following the American example and introducing legal regula
tions to separate autism as a special disability category and granting corresponding rights to
persons with PDDs and their families. One should also be reminded of the need of continual
professional training of physicians, special education teachers, psychologists and other profes
sionals in new findings in the areas of diagnostics, therapy and rehabilitation of persons with
PDDs. By securing this, the advancement of legislation, diagnostics, IT system and the quality
of diagnosis recording, as well as sensitizing the public to equation of opportunities for per
sons with PDDs, will also contribute to advancing the epidemiology of the above disorders.
Author details
Tomislav Benjak1* and Gorka Vuleti2
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Croatian National Institute of Public Health
2 School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia
[1], accessed on 16 Januay 2009.
Prevalence of Pervasive Developmental Disorders Croatia in Comparison with Other Countries of the World
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Chapter 4
1. Introduction
The function of the gut microbiome and the bidirectional communication between the
gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the brain is increasingly recognized in health and disease and
disruption in its composition is not unique to the autistic pathology. However, the bidirectional
communication between the gut and the brain, the gut-brain/brain-gut axis in autism has
been relatively understudied. In general, this communication between gut and brain occurs
through a direct neuronal pathway via the vagus nerve, the hormonal pathway of several
hormones involved in the regulation of food intake, such as cholecystokinin (CCK), ghrelin,
leptin and insulin, and by the immunological signaling pathway involving cytokines. Recent
studies indicate that the vagus nerve is involved in immunomodulation as suggested by its
ability to attenuate the production of proinflammatory cytokines in experimental models of
inflammation (de Jonge and Ullola, 2007). Furthermore, the gut microbiome emerges as a major
player not only in the maturation of GIT tissue and the gut brain axis but also in brain
maturation, through its effect on both the immune and endocrine systems. Many toxins,
toxicants, infectious agents, diet or stress, affect an individuals gut microbiome, which may
be especially sensitive during the critical developmental period. Disruption of the developing
microbiome may have profound consequences on the developing gut-brain axis including the
brain as well as long-term effects on both the physical and psychological development.
This chapter attempts to bridge basic animal studies with clinical findings pertaining to the
brain-gut and gut microbiome in autism, and includes a discussion of various strategies in
managing autistic symptoms. The discussion also includes possible changes in the reward
2013 Sajdel-Sulkowska and Zabielski; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Gut Microbiome and Brain-Gut Axis in Autism Aberrant Development of Gut-Brain Communication
LPS exposure is one of the most acceptable models of infection; LPS is a sufficient trigger for
cytokine production. LPS administered to the pregnant mother are transferred to the fetus
through the placenta (Kohmura et al., 2000), and result in increased cytokines levels in the
amniotic fluid (Urakabo et al., 2001; Gayle et al., 2004) and the fetal brain (Urakabo et al., 2001).
Bacterial infection of lactating mothers also results in an increased level of cytokines in milk
(Bannerman et al., 2004). Pretreatment of suckling rats with LPS (10 mg/kg-day x 5 days the
dose which produces weak, transient signs of endotoxemia) results in reduced pancreatic
secretion and attenuates acute pancreatitis at adult age due to an increased concentration of
the antioxidative enzyme SO in the pancreatic tissue, and to the modulation of cytokines
production (Jaworek at al., 2007a, b). This late-effect of LPS is accompanied by dose-dependent
reduction of mRNA signal for CCK1 receptor on pancreatic acini as well as modified expres
sion of acinar pro-apoptotic heat shock protein-60 (HSP60) and Bax proteins (Jaworek et al.,
2007b, 2008). Early postnatal LPS exposure results in inceased expression of toll-like receptor
4 (TLR4) and caspase-3 and 9- proteins in the pancreatic tissue of adult rats (Bonior et al.,
2012). These studies clearly indicate that perinatal exposure to LPS may have long lasting
consequences on the GIT function, and as expected, though not studied in detail, on the braingut axis.
Perinatal maternal exposure of two strains of rats, SHR or SD rat dams to LPS (200 g/kg body
weight) resulted in increased rollover time, delayed startle, and decreased motor learning,
with the effects being both strain- and sex-specific. LPS challenge also resulted in a trend
towards an increase in cerebellar levels of 3-NT and a decrease in D2 activities in LPS-exposed
pups (Xu et al., submitted). Several genes were affected by LPS. Notably Type 2 deiodinase 2
(DIO2) and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression was significantly elevated,
while transthyretin (TTR) expression was decreased following LPS exposure. In vitro, acute
exposure of cerebellar cultures to LPS resulted in a decreased size of the dendritic area of
Purkinje cells. Our data thus demonstrate that perinatal infection impacts the developing
cerebellum in a sex- and strain-dependent manner via mechanisms involving oxidative stress,
enzymes involved in maintaining local TH homeostasis, and downstream gene expression.
Interestingly, gene changes observed in the brains of LPS-exposed rats were distinct from TMassociated gene effect suggesting that the underlying macromolecular mechanism may be
Perinatal LPS exposure could have a profound effect on the gut microbiome similar to the
effect of repeated treatment with antibiotics. Experiments in healthy mice have shown that
disrupting the normal balance of the gut microbiome with antibiotics caused changes in mice
behavior and was accompanied by changes in BDNF which has been linked to depression and
anxiety (Bercik et al., 2011; Neufeld et al., 2011). Perinatal LPS exposure most likely affects gut
motility as suggested by studies of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), where mild bacterial
overgrowth-associated motility disorder can be reversed by antimicrobials (Scarpignato and
Pelosini, 1999). Animal studies have also shown that stress can change the composition of the
microbiome, where the changes are associated with increased vulnerability to inflammatory
stimuli in the GIT. Could gut dysbiosis be induced by recurrent infections? We have observed
an increase in neurotrophin levels in the cerebella of rats exposed to LPS (Sajdel-Sulkowska et
al, unpublished observation) and brain region-specific changes in neurotrophin levels in ASD
(Sajdel-Sulkowska et al., 2011). Together these observations suggest that a bacterial infection
could trigger the gut microbiome to induce cytokine overproduction leading to an imbalance
of brain neurotrophins and contribute to developmental abnormalities.
Gut Microbiome and Brain-Gut Axis in Autism Aberrant Development of Gut-Brain Communication
form large size mobile vacuoles in the upper part of the cell enabling the transfer of intact
colostral molecules into the blood (Baintner 2002). Approximately two days after birth,
following substantial intake of colostral bioactive substances, the permeability of the gut
epithelium is dramatically reduced to macromolecules due to the rapid replacement of fetal
type enterocytes by adult type enterocytes, a phenomenon known as gut closure; the cell
replacement is made by a receptor-mediated apoptosis involving TGF-1 and TNF- as
mediators (Godlewski et al., 2005, Strzakowski et al., 2007). Consequently, adult type
enterocytes do not contain ACS and large vacuoles. Interestingly, in the gut of neonatal pigs
the cells undergoing apoptosis, which is followed by unzipping-zipping events markedly
disrupting epithelial cell continuity, are located on the entire length of the villi (Godlewski
et al., 2005; see also Fig. 1). In contrast, in adult animals the apoptotic cells are observed only
on the villi top, forming a so called extrusion zone. Therefore, in neonates there is a much
wider absorptive surface that is potentially subject to environmental stimuli as compared to
adults. Though, one population of fetal type enterocytes disappears within the first few days
after birth, there is still another population of fetal type enterocytes existing in the lower
small intestine, in piglets observed until approximately three weeks after birth. These
enterocytes are important for the intracellular digestion of nutrients by lysosomal en
zymes, and form digestive vacuoles as a result of non-selective macromolecule uptake. Their
massive loss in piglets is observed 2-3 weeks after birth. Nevertheless the protection by
intestinal mucus and colostral biologically active peptides and proteins, extensive apopto
sis and unzipping-zipping of a great number of epithelial cells at the same time may
potentially open epithelial gates for any xenobiotics and harmful bacteria, and thereby
facilitate their transfer into blood circulation.
Studies of preterm piglets and intrauterine growth retarded (IUGR) piglets demonstrated that
the gut barrier in both groups of animals is open for a longer time than in full-term-appropriate
weight piglets. Namely, the lower part of the small intestine of 28 day-old IUGR piglets still
contained fetal type enterocytes expressing digestive vacuoles indicating marked delay in gut
mucosa development (Mickiewicz et al. 2012 JPP). The gut epithelium continuity in IUGR and
preterm neonates is not as finely controlled as in control rats; abnormalities of the gut epithe
lium may facilitate exposure of the gut and in turn the whole organism to external factors or
xenobiotics. It is possible that gut permeability is altered in critically ill children and predispose
them to bacterial translocation via a mechanism that creates a hostile environment in the gut
and alters the gut microbiome favoring the growth of pathogens that promote bacterial
translocation (Papoff et al., 2012).
Recent studies indicate that the vagus nerve is involved in immunomodulation as suggested
by its ability to attenuate the production of proinflammatory cytokines in experimental models
of inflammation (de Jonge and Ullola, 2007). Furthermore, functional development of the
vagus nerve occurs at two stages with the neuronal population in the dorsal motor nucleus of
the vagus (DMNV) maturing ahead of the sensory neuron population of the vagal sensory
nucleus NTS (Islami et al., 2008). There appears to be an important link between the vagus
nerve and memory recall in infancy suggesting that social learning, modulated by autonomic
nervous system, may be jeopardized in preterm infants (Haley et al., 2010)
Fig. 1.
1. of
1. cells
of apoptotic
in Massive
the epithelium
of neonatal
Figure 1. Fig.
in the epithelium
of neonatal
apoptosis is evidenced
by scan piglets.
ning electron
(SEM) image
shortened microvilli,
several yet unzipped
between cells (SEM)
are present.
by scanning
image by
(SEM images generously supplied by dr. Tomasz Skrzypek, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland)
shortened microvilli, several yet unzipped spaces between cells are present.
(SEM images generously supplied by dr. Tomasz Skrzypek, Catholic University of
In conclusion,
Lublin, maturation
Poland) of the autonomic nervous system may be delayed in preterm and
IUGR animals. Furthermore, delayed development of the GIT in preterm and IUGR animals,
including longer gut permeability, facilitates the toxic effect of external factors including
bacterial translocation. Furthermore, the immature gut seemingly fails to stimulate the
development of the vagus nerve. Importantly, there is some evidence pointing to altered gut
permeability (leaky gut) in autism and possibly genetic predisposition to abnormalities in tight
junctions in ASD (White, 2003; de Magistris et al, 2010).
Gut Microbiome and Brain-Gut Axis in Autism Aberrant Development of Gut-Brain Communication
While much of this biodiversity remains unexplained, extrinsic factors such as diet, environ
ment, and early microbial exposure, and the intrinsic factors such as host genetics have been
implicated (Human Microbiome Project Consortium, 2012); our own studies (Sulkowski et al.,
2012) suggest that sex may play an important role. Diet-derived carbohydrates that are not
fully digested in the upper gut are metabolized by bacteria in the human large intestine. These
nondigestable carbohydrates influence microbial fermentation and total bacterial number in
the colon. Human milk, unlike milk of other mammalian species, contains high amounts of
oligosaccharides of yet unknown function, but one can speculate that dietary oligosaccharides
may play an important function in the development of the microbiome in human neonates.
Evidence exists that the amount and type of nondigestable carbohydrates influence the species
composition of the intestinal microbiome. Individual variation in the gut microbiome may, in
part reflect differences in dietary intake, but the response of the gut microbiome to dietary
change can also differ among individuals (Flint, 2012)
Furthermore, an outcome of the exposure to infectious microbes or their toxins is also influ
enced by both microbial and host genes. Some host genes encode defense mechanisms,
whereas others assist pathogen function. Extensive human diversity in cell lethality dependent
on toxin binding and uptake has been observed (Martchenko et al., 2012). Furthermore, there
is evidence that individuals may evolve their own specific microbiome (Clayton, 2012).
Results of our recent animal studies (Sulkowski et al, 2012; Khan et al, 2012, Xu et al, submitted;
see also Fig. 2) indicate that the sensitivity of the developing CNS to both environmental toxins
and infection, are both sex- and rat strain-dependent. It can be extrapolated that the sensitivity
of the human microbiome is also sex-dependent. Because of this individual variability in host
response it is not surprising that the results of human postmortem studies of ASD brains are
difficult to interpret.
5. Microbiome
The human GIT harbors a large number (1000 to 1150) of bacterial species and is involved in
maintaining homeostasis and well-being. Functions of this microbiome include the regulation
of the mucosal immune system, GIT motility, epithelial barrier regulation, gut secretion,
digestion and metabolism (Grenham et al., 2011). One of the main functions of gut microbes
is to extract nutrients from otherwise indigestible fibers (Tremaroli and Backhed, 2012). The
microbiome, absent at birth, is gradually colonized by facultative bacteria and anaerobic
bacteria (Grenham et al., 2011).
Several lines of evidence point to both brain-gut axis and gut microbiome abnormalities in
autism which are summarized in Fig 3. Children with ASD frequently present a variety of
gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, although some claim that the data supporting increased GI
symptomology in autistic children not to be rigorous enough (Erickson et al., 2005). The socalled bacterial theory of autism proposes the GIT symptoms are associated with changes
in microbial composition and that these changes could be involved in the pathogenesis or
progression of several childhood diseases including autism (Somma et al., 2010).
Fig. 2.
DIO2 Cirbp
DIO2 Cirbp
Figure 2. The effect of LPS exposure on cerebellar gene expression. Gene expression was measured by quantita
tive RT-PCR in cerebellar tissue of rat pups exposed perinatally to LPS (200g/kg BW) and was normalized to cyclophi
lin A. Panel A: males, PanelFigure
B: females.
as relative
gene expression
2. Data
of LPS
on (meanS.E.M.; *, p< 0.05; +, p<
0.1; Xu et al., submitted).
treatment and subsequently flourish. Desulfovibrio is an anaerobic bacillus that does not
produce spores and is resistant to some antibiotics such as cephalosporins used in treatment
of common childhood diseases such as ear infections (Finegold, 2011a). An increase in
Bacteroides, a decrease in Firmicutes with an overall increase in biodiversity has been observed
in IBD, celiac disease and autism (Iebba et al., 2011). An increase in Clostridium histolyticum, a
recognized toxin producer with systemic effects, has been observed in fecal samples of ASD
children (Parracho et al., 2005). A strong correlation of gastrointestinal symptoms with autism,
and a decrease in Bifidobacteria and increase in Lactobacilli, was observed in fecal samples of
ASD children (Adams et al., 2011). An association between high levels of intestinal, mucoepi
thelial-associated Sutterella species and GI disturbances has been detected in intestinal biopsy
samples in children with autism (Williams et al., 2012). This latter study may provide the most
accurate picture of the gut microbiome as the data were derived directly from the gut.
A response to oral treatment with vancomycin, not absorbed from the GI tract, in autism
suggests the importance of gut flora in a disease (Finegold, 2011a). Evidence suggests that
ASD may be associated with altered innate immune response; thus children with GI problems
may reflect inflammation as a reaction to an endotoxin produced by gut bacteria (Jyonou
chi et al, 2002).
Gut Microbiome and Brain-Gut Axis in Autism Aberrant Development of Gut-Brain Communication
*Normal range of social and
feeding behaviors
*Functional social- and foodreward center(s)
*Normal gastrointestinal
*Normal gut permeability and gut
*Normal level of cytokines
*Age-appropriate level of brain
*Balanced gut microbiome
*Altered social and feeding
*Altered function(s) of social and
food-reward center(s)??
*Gastrointestinal problems
*Increased gut permeability
leaky-gut; altered gut
*Increased levels of cytokines
*Altered levels of brain
*Increased biodiversity of
gutmicrobiome; dysbiosis
gut axis
Figure 3.Figure
Altered 3.
the brain gut and
axis inthe
F-R CTR, food
center. reward center; F-R CTR, food reward center.
Our most recent studies suggest altered expression of ghrelin, the activating enzyme (ghrelin
O-acyltransferase, GOAT) and the receptor in several brain areas of autistic children (SajdelSulkowska, unpublished observation). A decrease in ghrelin mRNA has been also observed
in the temporal gyrus of Alzheimer patients (Gahete et al., 2010) suggesting ghrelin may
contribute to the severity of AD pathology. Since we have measured the levels of ghrelin
mRNA, it can be assumed that the changes observed were due to the altered levels of brain
The majority of circulating ghrelin is synthesized by gastric mucosa X/A-like cells in response
to negative energy status. These cells are not typical endocrine cells since the oxyntic mucosa
cells produce HCl in the stomach lumen and ghrelin as a hormone. Ghrelin is the most potent
orexigenic peptide, and plays an important role in glucose metabolism and also in GIT
cytoprotection. In addition to its ability to stimulate appetite, ghrelin stimulates the release of
growth hormone release via the growth secretagogue, GHS-R1a receptor. Ghrelin O-acyl
transferase, GOAT, is the enzyme that activates ghrelin. The ghrelin/GHS-R/GOAT system
may play an important role in metabolic disorders in children (Lim and Korbonits, 2012). In
addition to the ghrelin of GIT origin, and the hypothalamus being the main source of brain
ghrelin, ghrelin has been detected in the midbrain, hindbrain, hippocampus, spinal cord and
several organs outside the brain. While the systemic endogenous ghrelin exerts a tonic
stimulating effect on hypothalamic CRH (Rucinski et al., 2012), its function in the brain includes
the modulation of membrane excitability, control of neurotransmitter release, neuronal gene
expression, and neuronal survival and proliferation (Ferrini et al., 2009).
It has been reported that ghrelin of GIT origin interacts with bacterial toxins (Tiaka et al.,
2011) and exerts a protective role in experimental colitis; is it possible that the ghrelin of brain
origin plays a protective role as well? If so, changes in the level of brain-derived ghrelin could
be detrimental to the developing brain.
6. Existing and emerging therapeutic strategies in autism targeting the gutbrain axis and gut microbiome: Role of individual microbes and dietary
amino acids in maintaining gut-brain homeostasis
Existing therapies targeting the gut microbiome include diet, antibiotics, and probiotics.
Dietary restriction, including the removal of dairy casein-containing products, wheat and
gluten sources, sugar, chocolate, preservatives, and food coloring have all been found to be
therapeutic in autism. Interestingly, dairy casein-containing products stimulate ghrelin (a
hunger hormone) and reduce CCK (a satiety agent) production in the periphery and in the
brain. Gastrointestinal problems in autism appear to respond to antimicrobial agents. Treat
ments targeting Candida, and probiotics have been used to reduce disbiosis and control gut
permeability (Kidd, 2002). Other strategies include the removal of heavy metals (including
mercury) by chelation and sulfur-sulphydryl repletion. Supplementation with dimethylgly
cine, vitamin B6, magnesium, vitamin B3, C, folic acid, calcium and zinc, cod liver, digestive
enzymes, all appear to be beneficial in a number of autistic children (Kidd, 2002). Immune
therapies, including pentoxifyllin, immunoglobulin, transfer factors and colostrums appear to
work in a limited number of cases,
The initial promising use of secretin, a triggering factor for digestion, in the treatment of autism
has been more recently disclaimed. In multiple randomized controlled trials secretin offered
no significant benefit (Krishnaswami et al., 2011; Williams et al., 2012).
Abnormalities in the primary pathway for carbohydrate digestion and transporters, involving
disaccharidases and hexose transporters, have been reported and found to be accompanied by
dysbiosis as evidenced by a decrease in Bactoroidetes and an increase in the ratio of Firmicutes
to Bacteroidetes (Williams et al., 2011). These abnormalities respond to probiotic and dietary
responses (Williams et al., 2011). Probiotic therapy appears to influence microbiome compo
sition, intestinal barrier function and mucosal immune responses (Critchfield et al., 2011).
There is evidence to support alterations of fecal microbiome in autism, and in the majority of
cases treatment with vancomycin, an antibiotic that targets gram positive anaerobes and is
minimally absorbed by the gut, can improve symptoms (Sandler et al., 2000).
Recently therapies targeting the gut microbiome are emerging as a viable strategy in the
treatment of CNS disorders (Forsythe et al., 2010). Preclinical studies of selected probiotics in
Gut Microbiome and Brain-Gut Axis in Autism Aberrant Development of Gut-Brain Communication
healthy volunteers (Messaoudi et al., 2011) provided encouraging results for further studies
exploring the concept of microbial targeting of the GIT under pathological conditions includ
ing autism. Individually tailored probiotic formulations, enriched in specific strains of gut
bacteria, could one day be used in treatments of ASD even as an adjuvant to other treatments.
2000). It seems logical to hypothesize that altered composition of the gut microbiome under a
leaky gut condition in autism interferes with the normal activity of the reward circuitry
including both social and feeding behavior, as illustrated in Fig. 3. In support of this hypothesis
are the neuroimaging, electrophysiological and neurochemical data suggesting a disruption
in reward seeking tendencies in ASD, and especially in social contexts (Kohls et al., 2012). It
has been proposed that this disruption is caused by abnormalities of the dopaminergicoxytocinergic wanting circuitry that includes the ventral striatum, amygdale, and the
ventromedial prefrontal cortex (Kohls et al., 2012). Indeed, Individuals with ASD are charac
terized by low responsiveness to social rewards (Dawson et al., 2005; Schultz, 2005; Neuhaus
et al, 2010). Recent studies of the left amygdala and orbito-frontal cortex, which are the main
components of the social brain, showed neuronal dysfunctions in these structures in autism
(Mori et al, 2012). Furthermore, brain levels of serotonin, the happy hormone are regulated
by gut bacteria as evidenced by studies involving germ-free animals (Clarke et al., 2012).
Abnormalities in blood serotonin levels are consistently altered in a subset of children with
It is also possible that the abnormalities in vagus nerve functions may further contribute to
social deficits in autism (Goetz et al., 2010). ). It is thus of interest (Ito and Craig, 2008) that
there is a possibility that the vicerosensory information is sent via the vagus nerve directly to
the reward centers. The vagus nerve is involved in our emotional responses and in feelings of
compassion as shown in vagal stimulation, suggesting that the social bond is related to the
gut-brain axis (Goetz et al., 2010). Studies utilizing single-photon emission tomography (SPET)
provide evidence for the limbic system-vagal nerve connection (Barnes et al., 2003). Vagotomy
was for decades a method of choice in treating a number of gastric diseases in adults; it would
be of interest to address it in context of autistic pathology.
Furthermore, the intestinal microbiome regulates the HPA during both development and
adulthood (Sudo et al., 2004) and plays an important role in the stress response. Activation of
the HPA axis involves the release of endogenous opioids which are components of the brain
reward system (Adam et al., 2007).
In humans, sensory factors, such as taste and smell, have an important role in reward-related
feeding (Rolls, 2011); gustatory, olfactory, visual and somatosensory aspects of food are
regulated by the orbitofrontal cortex. Environmental cues, as well as cognitive, reward, and
emotional factors play an important role in food intake which may override the homeostatic
requirements (Berthoud, 2006). Environmental cues regulate endocannabinoid and opioid
systems which play an important role in reward-related feeding and have wide receptor
distributions within the CNS (Cota et al., 2006). Hypothalamic endocannabinoids increase food
intake through a leptin-regulated mechanism. The nucleus accumbens is a key limbic pathway
and may be implicated in regulation of hedonistic and homeostatic feeding (Berthoud, 2006).
Dopamine appears to be associated with reward-related food intake and with behaviors
required to maintain feeding essential for survival (Di Marzo et al., 2001).
The neural circuit mediating reward-related behavior is a complex network that includes the
midbrain, substantia nigra, the amygdala, the ventral striatum, the ventromedial prefrontal
Gut Microbiome and Brain-Gut Axis in Autism Aberrant Development of Gut-Brain Communication
cortex and ventral anterior cingulated cortex with the central relay located in ventral striatum
(Kohls et al., 2012).
It is interesting, that the ventral striatum is associated with both social-reward and food-reward
circuitry (Adam et al., 2007). Although it is generally assumed that the two centers are separate,
the observation of altered sucrose preference and positive correlation with ventral striatum
dopamine levels under conditions of social isolation stress in perinatal rats lends support to
the speculation of inter-connectivity of the two centers (Brenes and Fornaguera, 2008).
9. Conclusions
The leaky gut during development may be potentially more vulnerable to environmental
insults than the normally developing GIT. Consequently, alterations in the gut microbiome
may play an important role in autistic pathology. Evidence is growing that points to an early
developmental abnormality in establishing GIT and innate microbial milieu. The gut micro
biome, regulated by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, may be further jeopardized by
recurrent infections and/or recurrent use of antibiotics. A developmentally abnormal gut
microbiome may in turn affect both the gut-brain axis and brain development and contribute
to the etiology of ASD. Abnormalities in the gut-brain axis may further lead to the aberrant
development of both the social and the food reward system(s) in autism. Future studies
targeting the gut-brain/brain-gut axis in autism and the gut microbiome are warranted, but
must take into consideration individual variation in gut microbiomes and intrinsic and
extrinsic sensitivities and sex. Results of these studies will likely contribute to our under
standing of ASD and advance new and viable therapies.
Author details
Elizabeth M. Sajdel-Sulkowska1* and Romuald Zabielski2
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Dept. Psychiatry Harvard Medical School and BWH, USA
2 DDept. Physiological Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
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Chapter 5
1. Introduction
A report published in the Lancet in 1998 described the case histories of 12 previously normal
children who developed symptoms of autism or inflammatory bowel disease after having
received the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine [1]. This paper formed the basis
for Andrew Wakefields subsequent claim to have identified a new type of gastrointestinal
disease, termed autistic enterocolitis. Despite never explicitly asserting a link between the
MMR vaccine and this supposedly new, regressive form of autism, the paper sparked a ma
jor health scare in the United Kingdom. It is probable that the uncertainty and controversy
surrounding the relationship between measles and autism contributed to the fact that in
2004/05, about 1.9 million school children and 300,000 pre-school children were recorded as
incompletely vaccinated against measles in England, including more than 800,000 children
completely unvaccinated. Based on this, approximately 1.3 million children aged 2-17 years
were susceptible to measles [2]. In 2006, a 13-year old boy, who had not received the MMR
vaccine, became the first person in the UK for 14 years to die of measles and as a result of
almost a decade of low MMR vaccination coverage across the UK, by 2008 the disease had
once again become endemic.
In 2010 the Lancet fully retracted the 1998 publication from the public record, stating that it
had become clear that several elements of the 1998 paper by Wakefield et al are incorrect,
contrary to the findings of an earlier investigation.The circumstances surrounding this pub
lication were subject to an extensive investigation and received a huge amount of publicity.
Wakefield was found guilty of serious professional misconduct over the way he carried out
his research and was struck off the medical register in 2010. A long statement released on 24
May 2010 includes the following key statements:
2013 Bustin; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In all the circumstances and taking into account the standard which might be expected
of a doctor practising in the same field of medicine in similar circumstances in or around
1996-1998, the Panel concluded that Dr Wakefields misconduct not only collectively
amounts to serious professional misconduct, over a timeframe from 1996 to 1999, but also,
when considered individually, constitutes multiple separate instances of serious profes
sional misconduct. Accordingly the Panel finds Dr Wakefield guilty of serious professio
nal misconduct and
Figure 1. The polymerase chain reaction, a method for copying the same stretch of DNA several million-fold. A. A PCR
reaction consists of double stranded DNA, two short DNA molecules (primers) whose sequence is complementary to
opposite strands of the DNA, a DNA synthesis enzyme (Taq polymerase) and four nucleotide building blocks
(dNTPs). The reaction mixture is heated to 95C to dissociate the sample DNA strands, then cooled to around 55C
to allow the two primers to bind to their targets on the individual strands. Next, Taq polymerase makes two new
strands of DNA at its optimal temperature of around 70C, using the original strands as templates, hence duplicating
the original DNA. This procedure is repeated many times, leading to more than one billion exact copies of the original
DNA segment. These can be detected by running the samples on a gel and staining with a DNA-binding dye. B. qPCR
obviates the need for gel electrophoresis by using fluorescence to detect copied DNA. The qPCR method used for the
detection of MeV uses a target-specific DNA molecule (probe) that has a fluorescent dye at one end (R) and a
quencher (Q) on the other. In the absence of target, the quencher prevents the dye from emitting light. In the pres
ence of target, the probe binds to its target and is degraded by the Taq polymerase. This separates the fluorescent
label and the quencher and so results in the emission of light. Both the PCR and light detection are automated and
detected in a single step by a dedicated instrument.
Accordingly the Panel has determined that Dr Wakefields name should be erased from
the medical register. The Panel concluded that it is the only sanction that is appropriate to
protect patients and is in the wider public interest, including the maintenance of public
trust and confidence in the profession and is proportionate to the serious and wide-rang
ing findings made against him [3].
There was far less publicity about the attempts to use molecular techniques to corroborate a
link between measles virus (MeV) and autistic enterocolitis. The major technique used
was the fluorescence-based real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), a ubiquitous techni
que used for the sensitive and specific detection of DNA (Figure 1).
The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate that the qPCR data claiming to detect MeV in
the intestine of autistic children are unreliable and meaningless because of
Absence of transparency: the key publication shows no data; hence an expert reader can
not evaluate the reliability of its conclusions
Unreliable techniques and protocols: analysis of the qPCR data was incorrect
Disregard for controls: obvious evidenceof extensive contamination was disregarded
Lack of reproducibility: the data could not be duplicated by several independent investi
The only conclusion possible is that the assays were detecting contaminating DNA. Since
MeV is an RNA-only virus and never exists in DNA form, these data must be ignored and it
it is my opinion that the authors should withdraw this publication from the peer-reviewed
Figure 2. MeV life cycle. The virus attaches to the surface of a host cell, the viral envelope fuses to the plasma mem
brane and the nucleocapsid is released into the cell. Negative-sense genomic RNA is transcribed into individual mes
senger RNAs as well as a full-length positive-sense RNA template, which is used to create negative-sense RNA. Viral
proteins are translated, assembled around the negative sense RNA and new viruses bud from the cells.
3. Timeline
3.1. April 2000
An Irish pathologist, John OLeary, reports scientific results in a series of children with au
tistic enterocolitis following an approach made by Andrew Wakefield before the US
Congress Committee on Government Reform [5]. He had compelling evidence in relation
to the presence of measles virus in children with autistic enterocolitis and could confirm
that his [Wakefields] hypothesis is correct. This statement was based on the detection of
MeV using the then rather novel reverse transcription (RT)-qPCR assay as well other meth
ods, in 24/25 children with autistic enterocolitis, compared to 1/15 control children.
OLeary also emphasised that he went to desperate lengths to prove the absence of con
tamination problems to outrule the possible generation of false positives. Importantly, he
stressed that nothing in [his] testimony should or must be construed as anti-vaccine; rather
it encourages safe vaccine strategies. This final qualification, although very clear, was bur
ied by the headline news of the link between MeV and autistic enterocolitis.
3.2. August 2000
A brief letter signed by JJ OLeary, V Uhlmann and AJ Wakefield appeared in the Lancet [6]. It
asserted that their data from molecular virological studies examining the role of measles vi
rus infection in children with autism and enterocolitis have been peer-reviewed, presented,
and published at four international scientific meetings. The letter contained references to oth
er publications, with reference 4 listing a publication by Uhlmann et al. entitled Identification
of measles virus genomes in ileo-colonic lymphoid hyperplasia in children as in press in the
Journal Laboratory Investigations. However, there is no record of such a publication.
3.3. April 2002
Speculation about a possible association between intestinal abnormalities in children with
developmental disorders and the MMR vaccine was encouraged by a publication that utilis
ed RT-qPCR assays to screen childrens intestinal biopsies for the presence of MeV [7]. A
comparison of terminal ileal samples from 70 normal controls and 91 children with a new
form of developmental disorder, ileocoloniclymphonodular hyperplasia, led to the claim
that whereas 75/91 of the affected children patients tested positive for MeV, only 5/70 con
trol patients did. The paper does not reveal whether the autistic children had been given the
MMR vaccination, but in the context of the source (Royal Free Hospital), authors (including
Wakefield), introduction (reference to Wakefields paper) and the discussion one is left with
the impression that they had. The prominently displayed take home message concludes
the data confirmed an association between the presence of measles virus and gut pathology
in children with developmental disorder. These results, if true, would constitute hard evi
dence linking MeV, gut pathology and autism and was indeed used to support the vaccina
tion/autism theory, even though the authors themselves never made that specific link.
identical analysis software, compared with those disclosed by the OLeary laboratory and
any differences were noted. Any ambiguous or discordant results and all results involving
negative controls were further investigated by scrutinising the raw data collected by the
qPCR instrument. This permitted a definitive resolution of all ambiguities. All disclosed op
erator sheets and laboratory notebook entries relevant to the RT-qPCR assay were red and
compared with the disclosed and the reanalysed data. Standard operating procedures were
examined and inconsistencies with actual procedures were noted.
Transparency of reporting
The purpose of publishing a paper in the peer-reviewed literature is to provide ade
quate information that allows any competent scientist to follow the published protocol
and reproduce the published data. Hence it is essential that detailed descriptions of the
methods used and of the results obtained are included. It is not acceptable to publish
summarised results only without any supporting, relevant data.
RNA was extracted from fresh frozen samples as well as formalin fixed, paraffin-em
bedded tissue (FFPE). However, there is no information on how the fresh samples were
frozen, how long they had been stored,what percentage of patient and control samples
were fresh frozen or FFPE and whether the same percentage was in each category. This
is essential, since it is well established that FFPE treatment modifies and destroys RNA,
or in Prof OLearys own words wax and fixation by itself breaks down RNA [5].
Hence it was well known at that time that RNA-derived data obtained from FFPE sam
ples must be analysed and interpreted with caution [12-14].
The RT-qPCR results are summarised without providing any actual data; a table simply
states that 70/91 children with gut pathology were positive for MeV, as against 4/70 in
the control group.
MeV copy numbers in the affected children are reported as ranging from 1 to 3x105 cop
ies of RNA/ng total RNA; no corresponding figure is provided for the four positive
samples from the control samples. There is also no indication of what the potential error
in those copy numbers might be.
Despite claims that the authors looked at two viral gene targets, they used only the data
from the F-gene, which were discordant with the H-gene results.
RNA was extracted from both fresh frozen and FFPE tissue samples and subjected to
RT-qPCR analysis. Two RNAs were targeted; a control mRNA specified by the GAPDH
gene and the MeV F-gene. As discussed earlier, since FFPE samples are characterised by
RNA degradation, the expectation is that the results obtained from the FFPE samples
should be different and, in terms of quantification, there should be less RNA present in
a FFPE sample. This is in fact the results the authors obtain for the control RNA, where
there was an approximately 4,000-fold reduction in RNA levels (Figure 3A). In contrast,
the results recorded for MeV RNA were the same regardless of its source (Figure 3B).
Figure 3. FFPE vs fresh samples. A. Effects of formalin fixation on control gene expression levels showing the differ
ence caused by the formalin fixation process. Due to the exponential nature of the PCR reaction, the difference be
tween the average quantification cycle recorded for fresh tissue and that for formalin-fixed tissue (25 vs 37) equates
to 212 or a 4,000-fold reduction of target. B. Absence of an effect of formalin fixation on MeV RNA, with the average
quantification cycles very similar.
Since any RNA present during formalin fixation would have been affected in an identical
manner, the obvious implication of these results is that whilst the control RNA was indeed
present prior to formalin fixation and so was degraded, the MeV target was not degraded
and entered the sample after formalin fixation. Consequently, no MeV RNA can have been
present in the tissue and the positive result must have been caused by a contaminant.
of their own SOP, the authors did not discard all samples where the control had been
negative. Instead, they reported positive MeV results from samples that contained RNA
as well as in autistic patient samples that had been negative for their control (Figure
4B). Since, these samples do not contain RNA by their own definition, their test must be
detecting a contaminant.
Figure 4. Workflow according to the OLeary SOP. A. Following RNA extraction, only samples testing positive for
GAPDH should have been further analysed for two viral targets. Samples testing negative should have been discarded
and fresh RNA extractions attempted. B. MeV target detection from control+ve samples and control-ve samples show
ing that there is no difference in the quantification cycles.
Two tests accidentally omitted including the RT step before the PCR test. In the case of
the control, the results are as expected: the assay works significantly less well (Figure
5A). This is because Taq polymerase is very inefficient at making DNA from RNA. In
contrast, the four MeV samples tested give the same result, regardless, indicating that
the test is detecting DNA (Figure 5B). Since MeV does not exist as DNA, the test is not
detecting MeV but a DNA contaminant.
Figure 5. Absence of RT step. A. Control RNA: in the absence of the RT step (no RT), no amplification is observed (a Cq
of 40/45 equates by definition to no amplification). B. Measles RNA: in the absence of the RT step, amplification is
observed with Cqs in the same range as in the presence of the RT step (RT).
Figure 6. Inappropriate analysis. A. The data as reported by the OLeary laboratory. B. The re-analysed data showing
absence of amplification in well H2 (circled).
Figure 7. Contamination (1). A. The report submitted by the OLeary laboratory shows a single negative NTC (circled),
with well E4 next to the NTC not analysed, despite all other samples having been analysed in duplicate. B. A re-analysis
that includes well E4 shows that this well is contaminated (arrow) and generates a reading (circled), invalidating any
results from this run.
Figure 8A shows a similar situation, with all analyses except the NTC in well B11 car
ried out in duplicate. Again, these were the data disclosed to the investigation, and I
had to await the release of the raw data runs to be able to re-analyse those results. This
time, a re-analysis of the data including well B12 shows both tests gave positive results,
ie both negative controls reported contamination of the test (Figure 8B). The only con
clusion from these data can be that the data are unreliable.
Figure 8. Contamination (2). A. The report submitted by the OLeary laboratory shows a single negative NTC at B11,
with well B12 next to it not analysed, despite all other samples having been analysed in duplicate. B. A re-analysis that
includes well B12 shows that both NTCs are contaminated (circled), invalidating any results from this run.
There have been a number of studies attempting to reproduce the findings of the 2002 paper
[16-18]. All failed to do so; instead they provided strong evidence for contamination being
the cause of the positive findings. However, there were some technical differences between
the studies in the choice of tissue (intestine vs blood) or protocols (enzymes, qPCR chemis
tries). Therefore, whilst there was a strong suggestion that Prof OLearys laboratory was de
tecting contaminants, there was no proof. However, any lingering doubt evaporated with
the publication from a multi-centre group of authors that refuted any association between
persistent MeV RNA in the gut and autism[19]. Astonishingly, this publication includes the
two main authors of the Uhlmann paper, and despite publishing evidence that contradicts
their own, they have never retracted their original paper.
tion that the MIQE guidelines provide the basis for much-needed standardisation as well as
encourage the publication of essential information that should be accessible to reviewer and
6. Conclusions
This exhaustive analysis of the experimental RT-qPCR data generated by the OLeary labo
ratory demonstrates:
Lack of transparency and completeness of reporting
Persistent and widespread contamination
The contamination is caused by DNA
Inept data analysis
As a result, the conclusions put forward by this paper are entirely incorrect and there is no
evidence whatever for the presence either of MeV genomic RNA or mRNA in the GI tracts
of any of the patients investigated during the course of the studies reported by OLeary et al.
Instead, it is clear that the data support the opposite conclusion: there is no evidence for any
MeV being present in the majority of patients analysed. Unfortunately, the authors do not
report whether any the patients had received the MMR vaccination. However, assuming
that a significant proportion had done so, it is also clear that there is no link between the
MMR vaccine and the presence of MeV in the intestine of autistic children.
This work was carried out for the MMR vaccine litigation trial at the High Court of Justice in
London and at the US Vaccine court. The author acted as an expert witness and was paid by
the solicitors acting for the principal defendants SmithKline Beecham Plc and Smith Kline &
French Laboratories Ltd, Merck & Co Inc and Sanofi Pasteur MSD Ltd. The author also act
ed as an expert witness for the US Department of Justice and was paid.
Author details
Stephen A. Bustin
Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
Faculty of Health, Social Care & Education, Anglia Ruskin University, Bishop Hall Lane,
Chelmsford, UK
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Chapter 6
1. Introduction
Increasing levels of diagnosed cases of autism have alarmed parents and health officials,
but the cause has not been established. It has been hypothesized that vaccination itself,
or some component in vaccines, may be somehow related to the onset of autism in some
cases (Delong, 2011; Gallagher & Goodman, 2010). Researchers have sought to alleviate
such concerns. Although most studies report null effects, work continues to be published
that suggests some reason for concern (Hewiston et al., 2010). Some skepticism of the
safety of vaccines still exists, documented by scholars on either side of the issue (Austin,
Schandley & Palombo, 2010, Destafano, 2007). As it is, the topic of vaccine safety and
triggering of unintended outcomes is one of the most controversial topics in environmen
tal health and toxicology.
After initial safety studies, case- control designs are often employed to continue to investi
gate both side effects and efficacy of inoculation. Matching is a technique used to improve
signal to noise in research case-control designs. Matching cannot or should not be done
in a way that artificially increases the chance that within strata exposure is the same. This
happens when a matching variable is a strong predictor of exposure and is called over
matching. Here, we report a textbook case of overmatching within a widely cited article.
Focusing on the overmatching as a statistical concept, suggestions are made to standardize
when overmatching may have occurred. It is important for statisticians to note when a study
that fails to find an effect related to public health outcome has employed a design that
would be expected a priori to result in a lack of effect.
It has been noted that some children received exposure to mercury significantly in excess of
safety standards during the 1990s, before the level of thimerosal in vaccines was lowered
(Geier & Geier, 2006), this has been suggested to increase odds of various developmental
2013 DeSoto and Hitlan; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
disorders (Geier & Geier, 2006). The research by Price et al. (2010) spans the birth cohort
years that saw a decline in thimerosal exposure and reports that thimerosal exposure was
not associated with risk outcome of autism. Indeed, many studies have been published that
find no negative effect of vaccination on developmental outcomes whatsoever (Parker,
Schwartz, Todd, Pickering, 2004; see Destafano, 2007 for a review), indicating a lack of cause
and effect between vaccination and autism. Here, we suggest that a recent widely cited
study was flawed, and urge statisticians to carefully and critically review outcomes research
on high stakes topics. It should be noted and understood that a flaw in such a study does
not mean that vaccines cause autism, nor does it follow that one would properly assume
that the flaw leads to the conclusion that vaccination is not safe. Rather the weight of scien
tific research as a whole should be deferred to.
Conditional logistic regression (CLR) is a statistical technique used when the researchers
have matched cases with controls on various parameters (e.g., age, gender). CLR is the of
ten-used and appropriate way to analyze matched data sets (Rahman, Sakamoto & Fukui,
2003). To be clear, matching means that (as an example) for every case that is male and
aged 12, there is a control selected from a pool of possible controls that is also male and aged
12. If this were done, the researchers matched on age and gender. A variant is to have two
or three times the number of controls within each condition, or stratum. (Meaning for every
male case who is age 12, there are three controls who are male and age 12.) The matched
unit is called a stratum. When analyzing the data, CLR analyses are done within strata.
When matching is done, only conditions (strata) that have cases and control pairs that vary
on the risk factor contribute to the estimate of the effect of the risk factor (Miettinen, 1968).
In other words, if exposure level within strata is the same, CLR cannot estimate the effect.
As such, matching is a key design feature.
Matching cannot or should not be done in a way that artificially increases the chance that
within strata exposure is the same; this happens when a matching variable is a significant
predictor of exposure and is called overmatching.
Proper design can have important implications and researchers are appropriately cognizant
of the possible perils of failing to take enough care in considering the matching design. If
matching is used, researchers are wise to give explicit consideration to ensure that the prob
lem of overmatching is avoided when attempting to accurately estimate risk of an exposure
of interest (Sasieni and Castanon, 2009; Al-Taiar et al., 2009; Vidal et al., 2008; Agudo & Gon
zalez, 1999; Cullison et al., 2007). And this problem has long been known (see for example,
West, Schuman, Lyon, Robison & Allred, 1984). In their consensus paper on outcomes re
search, the American Thoracic Society noted that, Overmatching, matching for a variable
that is associated with the exposure but not the outcome, will reduce the statistical power of
the study, (p. 364). Improper matching cannot later be undone via analysis and the effect of
the matched variables cannot be checked, once matching has been done (Rubenfeld et al.,
1999). How could this happen? Usually, this arises when a researcher fails to realize he or
she is essentially matching on the exposure variable, and inadvertently the researcher
matches the effect out.
In this example, overmatching would happen if the researchers are looking for effects of ra
diation but fail to consider that while which power plant the worker is employed might
have some independent influence on disease risk (which is why it is matched), location
could also be a major determinant of radiation exposure. For example, imagine Plant L often
had radiation leaks, while Plant S had better safety. If one then matches on where one
works, all of the variance unique to a particular plant is matched out. In such a case, an ef
fect for radiation even if huge could be missed. It will be clear if one considers that this
would be like testing if radiation was related to cancer in Japanese nuclear power plant
workers after controlling for location with one of the locations being Fukishima (Figure 1). If
participants who developed cancer were matched on where they worked the researchers
may not detect any true health effects of the radiation exposure from the nuclear meltdown
at Fukushima compared to working at other plants that did not have a meltdown. The re
searchers would have matched out any effects associated with where they worked.
Figure 1. Overlapping variance: Illustration of Overmatching on Radiation Exposure; In this fictitious example, match
ing on the nuclear power plant of employment in the design of the study would be overmatching because it would
remove the largely overlapping variance associated with radiation due to the Fukishima leak, obscuring the effect
A now classic paper by Marsh, Hutton and Binks (2002) refers to a real research example
and is entitled, Removal of radiation dose response effects: an example of over-matching.
It details how a true effect can be missed if the researchers overmatch. According to the au
thors, If the exposure itself leads to the confounder or has equal status with it, then stratify
ing by the confounder will also stratify by the exposure, and the relation of the exposure to
the disease will be obscured. This is called over-matching and leads to biased estimates of
risk, (p. 1235). After previous work had suggested that radiation did predict leukemia, the
more recent case-control study failed to indicate any relation between radiation and leuke
mia. The matched factors in the new study that showed no increased for leukemia as a result
of radiation included: date of birth, gender, and date of entry. Date of entry was a meas
ure of what years the workers worked in the industry. The data was properly analyzed giv
en the matched design by conditional logistic regression, yet failed to find a known effect.
This prompted the study of the statistics used, with a focus on the matching process. It was
noted that some things are appropriate to match on, for example, gender. Because of the
underlying difference of the risks of leukemia between the sexes, being male versus female
affects the outcome, and it is important not to accidently have more males in the case group
as this would be a confound. On the other hand, Marsh et al. clearly showed that radiation
exposure varied by year, that is some years were higher than others and this was indeed a
major source of radiation variation (see figure 3, Marsh et al., 2001). The general decline in
median dose shows that dose and time are associated. The situation seems to be one where
dose is partially explained by date of entry, both being related to time; in sum, this seems
to have had the effect that workers in the same matched set have broadly similar recorded
doses. The apparent over-matching on date of entry has distorted the parameter estimate of
the risk of leukemia on cumulative dose by introducing matching (at least partially) on
dose, (Marsh et al., 2002).
What is the take home message of this classic report on the problem of overmatching?
When researchers match on a variable closely associated with the risk factor exposure,
then actual effects will not be-- and cannot be-- detected. This danger is written about by
various other authors as well. Richard Monson in his text, Occupational Epidemiology
notes over matching is a problem in case control studies. Monson emphasizes that
there should be no possibility that the factor is part of the causal pathway linking expo
sure and disease under study. (p. 41). If this is even remotely possible, Monsoon advis
es matching should not be done on that variable. Monson discussed an example where
overmatching resulted in underestimating the effect of estrogen use on endometrial can
cer. Here the matching was on a correlate of intrauterine bleeding, which in effect con
trolled for a symptom of the cancer itself.
Price et al. do not mention overmatching as a potential concern. The risk factor of interest is
thimerosal exposure via its inclusion in vaccine ingredients. There are two things that have a
systematic and predictable effect on how much thimerosal exposure a child would receive:
1) the vaccine schedule a child is born into/national recommendations, and 2) which manu
facturer a given provider is using for the vaccines (e.g. for the same years, Smith, Kline and
Beecham were using thimerosal in their HepB vaccine, while Merck did not).
Figure 2. Controlling for Birth Year is overmatching due to the overlap with Amount of Exposure; similar to the radia
tion risk for leukemia written about by Marsh, controlling for time is (at least partly) controlling for exposure, which
varies with birth year. The matching on birth year is matching on the exposure. This seems to have had the effect that
children in the same matched set have similar recorded exposures to thimerosal, removing much of the variance
Price et al. matched out both of these variations in exposure. This has the effect of ensuring
that the control group is nearly identical with the case group on the risk factor, which pre
vents its effect from being accurately measured. Considering cumulative exposure for the
first 7 months of life, the overall mean for the full data set is 102.88 micrograms/Hg and a
standard deviation of 42.2. The means for the cases and matched controls is 100.0 and 103.2
micrograms of Hg: this similarity (less than one tenth of the standard deviation) is forced by
the matching on the variables that define exposure. Birth year dictates which vaccine sched
ule a child is born under as well as which batch brands and formulations are available on
the market at a given time. Doctors within a practice will be using the same manufacturer
across children (vaccines are ordered in large batches room a given manufacturer; the Vac
cine Data Set used by Price et al. documents that the same providers use the same manufac
ture. Thus, this is a text book case of overmatching: variables were matched on that
essentially define exposure. It is well known that matching on a variable that is associated
only with exposure, not with disease, reduces statistical efficiency (Zondervan et al, 2002;
Rubenfeld et al., 1999; Day, Byar, & Green, 1980) and that care needs to be taken to avoid
this in a case-control research design.
Across the different years, the average cumulative exposure varies from 42.3 micrograms to
125.46 micrograms; while within the birth year stratas, the mean exposures do not vary by
more than 15 micrograms. Birth year is a variable that defines exposure due to changes in
recommendations regarding the vaccine schedule and changes in vaccine formulas that oc
curred at different times. The above panels suggest that variance within the matched varia
ble (year) is small compared to the variance between birth years: birth year is accounting for
much variance in thimerosal exposure.
Figure 3. The difference across birth years on the risk factor of interest
During the past decades, there have been three main exposure sources of thimerosal: DPT/
DTaP, then Hepatitis B and Hib vaccines, while flu shots are currently the primary source in
the USA today. The Hib/Hep B introductions came in during the late 1980s and early 1990s.
The recognition that the cumulative mercury burden may have been too high came in 1999,
and mercury levels dropped for most vaccines given to children in the USA. Some people
have raised concerns that the increase in autism is associated with the changes in thimerosal
exposure; that is, the increase in autism is thought to be a function of the increases in the
number and amount of mercury containing vaccines. Whether or not one finds this model
persuading, matching on birth year is questionable if the goal is to test the model that differ
ences in thimerosal exposure via vaccine schedule increase ASD risk since -- as most people
are aware -- birth year essentially dictates which vaccine guidelines a child is born into. It
could be that the authors intended to control for hypothesized changes in diagnostic criteria
trends across the six birth years. The problem is that diagnostic effects on risk is not meas
ured while birth year effects on exposure are clear.
Moreover, HMO is not known to be a significant predictor of the outcome of autism diagno
sis, so potential reasons to match on this variable are less clear. As Hansson and Khamis
(2008) write in their paper on matched-sample logistic regression, Generally, matching will
increase the efficiency of the study when the matching variable is a strong outcome determi
nant, but will actually reduce it when the matching variable is strongly related to the expo
sure variable (over-matching), (p.595-596). Meittinem (1969) states that, matching reflects
the notion that the probability P of response is related to M, (p. 340) meaning that when
one matches, one infers that the matching variable effects the probability of risk (here for au
tism). HMO / health care provider was a major determinant of thimerosal exposure, but we
are not aware of papers that identify HMO is an independent risk for autism. Thus, it
should not have been matched. What was needed was a design that compared persons with
different exposures. Studies with uniform developmental assessments of children with a
range of cumulative thimerosal exposures are needed, (Vertraeten et al., 2003). Here Price
et al., began with such a data set, but then matched on birth year and HMO, matching out
exposure differences and negating comparisons of different exposures (see Miettinen, 1969
for a mathematical discussion).
Figure 4. The apparent over-matching on HMO distorts the estimate of the risk of autism on thimerosol by introduc
ing matching on exposure. If one matches on provider, one is matching on the vaccine manufacturer. There are differ
ent manufacturers available, but a given provider will be using one or the other. This seems to have had the effect that
children in the same matched set have similar recorded exposures to thimerosal. Again, this removes this variance and
obscures the effect
The model Price et al. were trying to test was whether thimerosal exposure via the US
vaccination schedule was associated with any increased risk of autism. To do this, they
needed to compare persons with and without high levels of exposure. They did not do
this because due to the conditional logistic regression matched on both birth year and
HMO they have inadvertently made sure that cases were only compared to controls with
the same exposure. Because Price et al. did not mention the possibility of overmatching,
we assume this did not occur to the research team. We assume this was accidental, but
it does underscore the need to have a balanced research team that does not start with as
sumptions that might flaw the design. For example, assuming that the increase in autism
is only due to diagnostic changes would lead to controlling for birth year, which might
have been flagged by someone who does not share this assumption. It is harder to un
derstand why HMO would be matched. Overall, this is unfortunate because the question
of vaccine safety is high stakes. There are concerns that a proper test of the full vaccine
schedule has not been properly tested, and that the safety tests that exist have been de
signed by the vaccine industry itself. Such concerns about conflicts of interest may be
preventing otherwise willing parents to adhere to the full vaccine schedule. Vaccines
have been and will continue to be a huge benefit to humanity. But this paper is flawed.
Unfortunately, there is not an analytic fix for overmatching: it is design flaw.
ASD Risk
Figure 5. Which manufacturer a given provider used for the vaccines varied by HMO. Manufacturers differed in their
thimerosal use. For example, in 2002, Smith, Kline and Beecham were using thimerosal in their HepB vaccine, while
Merck did not. While the data set is careful to note manufacturer and Hg in the associated batch and manufacturer,
but CLR matching on HMO results in comparing cases to controls who had the same levels of exposure
The Price et al. research is an interesting case of overmatching that we think is of general
interest in the field of epidemiology. To avoid misunderstanding, we wish to state that this
research does not support the argument that vaccines or thimerosal in vaccines cause au
tism. It is however, uninformative to the question.
cent removed before testing should normally be small compared to the total. Further, the re
moval of this variance should only occur when there is authentic need: when the potential
matching variable is likely related to the outcome of interest via a path that is distinct from
the risk variable of interest in a case-control design.
As elaborated above, matching is appropriate only if the matching variable is a strong pre
dictor of the outcome of interest, but it is not appropriate when the matching variable is
strongly related to the exposure risk variable. We offer three suggestions to help objectively
identify, and thus avoid, the problem of overmatching.
Empirical Support. Before matching, first and foremost, researchers should locate studies
that suggest the potential match is likely correlated to the probability of the outcome occur
ing. These should be cited to support the need to match on that variable. If there is no reason
to think the matching variable relates to the outcome, there is no reason to match it.
Remaining Variance. Next, once the participants have been selected as a matched data set,
researchers can check to get an idea how much variance in the exposure variable is actually
accounted for by the matching variable M. If only a small amount of the variance is left after
the various matching, matching on the variable(s) cannot be justified and an unmatched or
lesser matched set of participants is called for. Specifically, a check to see if too much of the
total variance in the outcome of interest is matched out could be done by requesting Partial
Eta Squared. Partial Eta Squared represents the proportion of the total variance that is ex
plained by the between factor when an ANOVA is performed. Specifically, one can take the
extra step of analyzing the variance in the risk factor of interest (e.g., thimerosal exposure)
as a function of the matched variable (e.g., HMO or BirthYear). In this example, using thi
merosal exposure as the dependent variable, the total SS is 23507522. The SS associated with
the Birth Year is 1485471. This gives Partial Eta Squared =.456, meaning that about 46% of
the total variance in thimerosal exposure is fully explainable based on Year of Birth. When
one matches on this, only about half (54%) of the variance is left.
HMO, the other variable matched on, removed about 30% of the variance.
The percent that should be left would depend on the research question and causal assump
tions, but we suggest that if a matched variable is removing more than a fourth (25%) of the
variance (corresponding to a large effect size, Cohen, 1977), matching is unlikely to be war
ranted for this reason alone and welcome commentary on this benchmark proposal.
Relative relations. Finally, there are times when it could be proper to match on a variable
that accounts for variance in the risk factor being tested. A recent case coincidentally also
related to vaccines helps to illustrate this more. It had been pointed out that the enormous
benefits of the flu vaccine among the elderly appeared to far surpass even the effect that a
total eradicating of flu from the vaccinated population could account for (Jefferson, 2006).
After additional investigation, much of the original effect appears to be due to the tendency
for seriously ill and/or less healthy elderly persons not to have the flu shot. To be clear, most
of the flu vaccine effect on mortality was found to be due to health of the participants inde
pendent of the flu shot (Jackson et al., 2006). In this case, if this had been a case control de
sign, the risk factor would be flu vaccine and the probability outcome of interest would
hospitalization or death. In such a case control study, it would be proper to match on preex
isting health, even though one would find that health accounts for some of the variability in
getting or not getting the risk factor (flu vaccine). BUT: health would also relate to the mor
tality outcome, and even more strongly. It is this strong relationship that is key. If the varia
ble is more strongly related to the outcome this serves to justify matching.
To objectively quantify this, one needs to know how strongly M is related to the Risk Factor
R; and then how strongly M is related to the probability of response P. A problem is that
different types of data can make precise comparisons of effect size hard to judge.
Assume that M would be HMO, R would be mcg Thimerosal exposure, and P would be
ASD diagnosis. It would be desirable to compare the size of this relationship M to R
with the relationship of M to P. It would be ideal if one could simple compute correla
tions for M and R and for M and P. However, in most cases this would not work: the
scales are not all continual, and even if one were to employ a Spearman correlation, it
would not be apparent how to code something like HMO to insure a linear relationship.
What if HMO 2 was associated with an increase in thimerosal, and HMO 1 and 3 both
had low levels? This would result in a low correlation due to the curvilinear relation
ship, even IF much of the variance were in fact associated with HMO. On the other
hand, the relationship between HMO and thimerosal (M and R) can be checked via AN
OVA easily enough since R is continual and M is categorical. ANOVA would not work
for testing association between M and P because both M and P are both categorical in
this case. Chi Square would be appropriate. However, regardless of the correct hypoth
esis test, all hypothesis tests are in fact unified by the p value.
The p value is a function of the size of the effect and the sample size. Different types of stat
istical tests have different probability distributions, but the total area under the curve has a
constant meaning across tests. The percent of area covered means the same thing in any test,
regardless of the precise shape of the curve associated with a particular statistical test (corre
lation, ANOVA, Chi-square). A small p value could be due to a large effect, or it could be
due to a very small effect and a very large sample. It should be stated that when sample
sizes are similar, it will not be unduly affected by sample size differences. Since the sample
will be the same for testing M to P or testing M to R, we propose the p values are the most
readily available means to index the comparison.
Compute a measure for the relationship of M and P and the associated p value. (e.g., HMO
and ASD: X2 (2) = 1.59, p =.45 )
Compute a measure for the relationship of M and R and the associated p value. (e.g., HMO
and Thimerosal exposure: F (2,1090) = 237, p <.0001).
The p value in all cases should be smaller for the M to R relationship, compared to the M to
P relationship test. This will serve to demonstrate that even if the Matching variable does
bear some relationship to the risk factor for the outcome probability, there is clearly a stron
ger relationship to the outcome itself, thus objectively justifying the matching. (e.g., the p
value of.45 indicates no relationship exists between the matched variable and the outcome
of interest, while the p value <.0001 indicates that matched variable is related to the expo
sure variable being tested. It is well known that matching on a variable that is associated on
ly with exposure, not with disease, reduces statistical efficiency in a case control design
(Zondervan et al, 2002; Rubenfeld et al., 1999; Day, Byar, & Green, 1980), and this in essence,
defines the problem of overmatching).
To sum, variables such as birth year, HMO, age, gender, address should first and foremost
be matched if and only if there is a truly justifiable rationale to expect they have an inde
pendent causal pathway to the outcome; matching will increase he efficiency of the study
when the matching variable is a strong outcome determinant, but will actually reduce it
when the matching variable is strongly related to the exposure variable (over-matching),
(Hanson & Khamis, 2008, p.595-596). Second, if the majority of the variance in the risk factor
being tested is removed by matching, before the hypothesis is tested, extreme caution in re
porting a lack of effect is warranted. Finally, recalling that sample size will be held constant,
testing the relationships of M to R and P and comparing the p values can be used to justify
matching in the context of the matching variable removing variance relating to the risk fac
tor. We would propose that overmatching has and will continue to be a problem in matched
case control designs, but suggest that employing the three checks above will serve to lessen
deleterious effects associated with publishing overmatched results.
We welcome comments on these proposals.
This work was partially funded by a small grant awarded to the second author, Robert T.
Hitlan from Safeminds. We thank Safeminds for their support.
Author details
M. Catherine DeSoto and Robert T. Hitlan
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, USA
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Chapter 7
1. Introduction
There is consensus among investigators studying Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) that
the etiological basis involves environmental factors acting on the genetic susceptibility of the
individual [1-5]. Over 100 candidate genes that may contribute to ASD susceptibility have
been identified, and numerous environmental triggers have been suggested. Yet, the
cause of ASD eludes clear definition and most likely is, as in most diseases, multi-factorial.
However, several common immunological themes emerge from clinical and experimental
studies of ASD, including persistent neuroinflammation, immune dysregulation, or autoim
mune manifestations in many autistic children. Thus, in addition to genetic and environ
mental factors, there is compelling evidence that immune factors also play a role in ASD.
Abnormalities consistent with immune dysregulation, including abnormal or skewed T
helper (Th) cell subsets and cytokine profiles, decreased lymphocyte numbers, decreased T
cell mitogen responses, and an imbalance of serum immunoglobulin levels have been re
ported in children with ASD [6-11].
Recent results of transcriptomic analysis of autistic brains [5] provides strong evidence sup
porting a gene-environment etiology for ASD. These authors demonstrated consistent differ
ences in transcriptome organization in the cerebral cortex of autistic and normal brains, and
identified two discrete modules of co-expressed genes associated with autism. The first, a
neuronal module of 209 genes, was enriched for known autism susceptibility genes, and the
second module of 235 genes was enriched for immune genes and glial markers. Gene enrich
ment analysis showed that genes in the neuronal module were downregulated and enriched
2013 Ponzio et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
for gene ontology categories related to synaptic function, whereas the genes in the immuneglial module were upregulated, and showed enrichment for gene ontology categories impli
cated in immune and inflammatory responses. The finding of a genetic association for the
neuronal module genes, but a non-genetic association for the immune-glial module genes
strengthens the gene-environment etiology for ASD.
Compelling clinical data demonstrate that children of mothers exposed to certain infectious
organisms during pregnancy have significantly higher frequencies of neurological disorders
[12-21], including schizophrenia and ASD, the etiology of which have been linked to activa
tion of the maternal inflammatory/immune responses (reviewed in [9, 22]). Rodent studies
in which the maternal immune system is activated during pregnancy replicate these clinical
findings, and provide validated mouse models of ASD [14, 15, 19, 23-33]. We have used a
well-characterized prenatal mouse model to investigate questions related to the influence of
maternal immune stimulation during pregnancy as an environmental risk factor that affects
development of the brain and immune system in the offspring.
Injection of pregnant dams with polyclonal immune stimuli, [e.g., polyinosinic-polycytidylic
acid (poly(I:C), lipopolysaccharide (LPS)] or direct injection of the pro-inflammatory cyto
kines these polyclonal stimuli induce (e.g., IL-1, IL-2, IL-6) cause immune dysregulation and
behavioral abnormalities in their offspring in comparison to the offspring of pregnant dams
given a control [i.e., Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)] injection [30, 34-39]. The underlying
mechanisms that mediate these abnormalities have not been clearly defined, and are the fo
cus of ongoing studies by us and others. A unique and powerful advantage of this model is
the ability to examine subjects for the initiation and persistence of effects and mechanisms
over a continuum of time and development from the earliest embryonic stages through the
neonatal period and into adulthood.
While it is impossible for any animal model to completely replicate a human condition as
complex as ASD, the mouse model of maternal immune stimulation with poly(I:C) has been
recognized as an excellent prenatal model for numerous reasons presented in recent reviews
by Meyer and Feldon [40] and Patterson [41]. These include (i) face validity (resemblance to
the human symptoms) (ii) construct validity (similarity to the underlying causes of the dis
ease) and (iii) predictive validity (expected responses to treatments that are effective in the
human disease) [42]. Thus, offspring from poly(I:C)-injected dams exhibit behavioral
anomalies reminiscent of those seen in autistic and schizophrenic individuals. In addition to
their behavioral abnormalities, our studies show that as a result of in utero exposure to
products of maternal immune stimulation these offspring also exhibit a pro-inflammatory
phenotype that confers a vulnerability to develop immune-mediated pathology after birth
and into adulthood [43-45].
In this regard, the results obtained from our investigation of the poly(I:C) mouse model
have provided the scientific rationale for an ongoing translational research project to deter
mine if similar molecular pathogenic mechanisms are involved in a cohort of ASD children
who also exhibit diagnostic evidence of immune dysregulation [46]. Using DNA obtained
from the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE) database, we initiated a parallel study
to determine if there were polymorphisms in selected maternal cytokine genes that occurred
more frequently in mothers of these autistic children. Our results show that mothers of au
tistic children in this cohort have significant increases in pro-inflammatory cytokine gene
polymorphisms, thereby conferring the genetic capability to respond more vigorously to im
mune stimulation by producing the types and amounts of cytokines that promote inflamma
tory reactions. Thus, results obtained from our investigation of the experimental prenatal
mouse model of maternal immune stimulation during pregnancy have already shown bio
logical relevance in humans.
Th cell Type
Surface Markers
Signal Pathways
Inducing Cytokines
CD4; Tim-3
IFN-, IL-2
CD4; T1/ST2
IL-1, IL-6
CD4; CD25
IL-10, TGF-
The hypothesis we are investigating in the prenatal mouse model is that maternal immune
stimulation during pregnancy acts as a first hit that alters the developing immune system
in ways that result in more robust pro-inflammatory immune responses by offspring upon
subsequent (i.e. second hit) postnatal immune stimulation. Moreover, such fetal program
ming occurs in elements of both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Therefore, our
experiments investigate how maternal immune stimulation during pregnancy influences the
development and function of myeloid and lymphoid compartments of the immune system
beginning at the level of the progenitor cells, and progressing to functional outcomes in neo
nates and adult offspring. In the myeloid compartment, we are focusing on the functions of
Antigen Presenting Cells (APC), and on those innate immune elements that mediate acute
inflammatory responses. With respect to the adaptive immune system, we are focusing on
pro-inflammatory T helper (Th) cell subsets (Th1 and Th17) and anti-inflammatory Th cell
subsets [T regulatory (Treg) cells and Th2 cells]. To do this, we are using several well-charac
terized model systems to document the pro-inflammatory nature of the offspring of
poly(I:C)-injected vs. PBS-injected pregnant dams. The results of these studies are forming a
solid foundation to investigate how the pro-inflammatory phenotype exhibited by these off
spring also contributes to the etiology and neuroinflammation associated with ASD.
Th cell subsets are induced by different cytokines, use different cell signaling pathways, and
produce unique cytokine profiles mediated by cytokine-specific transcription factors (Table
1). Th17 and Treg cells are dependent on cytokines for their development, maintenance, and
function, and have been implicated in modulating the incidence and/or progression of vari
ous inflammatory and autoimmune phenomena, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [47],
Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) [48-50], Inflammatory Bowel Disease
(IBD) [51-53], diabetes [54, 55], and atherosclerosis [56, 57]. Thus far, however, little is
known about the involvement of proinflammatory Th1 and Th17 cells in autism, and how
Th cell subsets interact with microglial APC in the brain [58].
jected dams exhibit a pro-inflammatory phenotype in comparison to offspring of PBSinjected dams. In addition, however, T helper (Th) cells from offspring of immune poly(I:C)injected dams show a unique ability to preferentially differentiate to become proinflammatory Th17 cells.
Figures 2A and 2B show the significant increases in IL-6 at 2hr and 16hr after poly(I:C) injec
tion, and similar differences were also seen in levels of IL-1, IL-12, TNF-, and GM-CSF in
these samples [45, 60].
Figure 2. IL-6 levels in sera and amniotic fluids from B6 pregnant dams. Samples collected 2hrs after injection of
poly(I:C) or PBS were tested for IL-6 in sera (A) and amniotic fluids (B) using Luminex bead-based multiplex assay. Data
show mean SEM. (N=3-8; **p<0.01 using Tukeys HSD test )
In addition to testing sera and amniotic fluids from pregnant dams, we also analyze pheno
typic and functional characteristics of lymphoid cells from offspring. To avoid bias due to
litter effects [61], the number of subjects examined in our experiments not only reflects off
spring within a litter, but also offspring from multiple dams, so that the N in our studies
considers both the number of dams, as well as the number of offspring.
Use of immunologically nave pregnant dams: Immunologically nave mice are used by most in
vestigators in the standard prenatal model of immune stimulation during pregnancy. These
pregnant dams are injected with poly(I:C) on embryonic day 12 (E12), and control pregnant
dams are injected with PBS. The embryos and offspring from these dams are then used ex
perimentally to determine the influence of maternal immune stimulation on prenatal devel
opment and postnatal function. Since this model was originally developed to investigate
neurodevelopmental disorders, such as schizophrenia and autism, a majority of the studies
focus on the CNS and behavioral outcomes of offspring. These investigations have shown
that maternal immune stimulation during pregnancy with polyclonal stimuli [e.g., poly(I:C)
or LPS], infectious pathogens, or specific cytokines (e.g., IL-2 or IL-6) results in expression of
ASD-like behavioral manifestations, as well as structural or functional changes in cells in the
brain of the offspring [39-41, 61, 62].
However, in the prenatal models that use poly(I:C) as the immune stimulus, the type of
poly(I:C) (i.e., sodium or potassium salt), dose of poly(I:C) (2-20 mg/Kg), and time of in
jection during pregnancy (E9 through E18) can influence some of the parameters that
have been examined in these offspring, including open field exploration, sensorimotor
gating (e.g., prepulse inhibition of the startle response), and repetitive/perserverative be
havior ([63, 64]. It is thought that poly(I:C)-induced maternal cytokines are primarily re
sponsible for the abnormalities seen in offspring. However, downstream effects induced
by these maternal cytokines or trans-placental stimulation of fetal tissues by poly(I:C) it
self have not been completely ruled out.
Use of pregnant dams with immunological memory: In addition to the existing model using
immunologically nave dams, we also modified this mouse model of neurodevelopmental
disorders by using dams that possess immunological memory prior to mating [43, 44].
This experimental design more closely resembles the human scenario, where women pos
sess immunological memory resulting from immunizations and natural exposure to envi
ronmental antigens prior to pregnancy. Using dams with immunological memory yields a
more robust mouse prenatal model, which revealed outcomes in offspring that may be
significant not only in the etiology and/or pathogenesis of schizophrenia and autism, but
also in other disorders that are currently not being considered by use of these prenatal
mouse models.
In both of these models, we and others have previously shown that following injection
of poly(I:C), pregnant dams produce significantly higher levels of pro-inflammatory cyto
kines (e.g., IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, TNF-, and GM-CSF) than PBS-injected dams in sera as well
as amniotic fluids. Most of the studies involving structural/chemical changes and behav
ioral abnormalities that are observed after injection of poly(I:C) to pregnant dams have
been performed on adult offspring from immunologically nave pregnant dams. Recent
ly, Hsaio, et al. [65] observed alterations in the peripheral immune system of these off
spring. Our results indicate that the adult offspring of immunologically nave poly(I:C)injected pregnant dams also exhibit a more robust acute inflammatory response after
injection of the TLR2 ligand, zymosan [45, 60].
Figure 3. Enhanced production of Th17 cells in offspring poly(I:C)-injected (20mg/Kg) immune dams. Spleen
cells from 3wk old offspring of poly(I:C)- and PBS-injected dams were stimulated with 3ng/ml PMA and 100ng/ml ion
omycin for 16hr, the last 4hr of which were in the presence of 10ug/ml Brefeldin A to block cytokine secretion. Cells
were harvested, and stained with fluorochrome-conjugated mAbs to detect cell surface molecules and intracellular
cytokines by FACS analysis. The spleen cells analyzed in each of the panels were from offspring of PBS-injected immu
nologically nave dams (A); offspring of poly(I:C)-injected immunologically nave dams (B); offspring of PBS-injected
immune dams (C), and offspring of poly(I:C)-injected immune dams (D). Numbers in upper left quadrants are percen
tages of IL-17A+ (Th17) cells after gating on CD4+ cells. Results shown are representative of seven experiments com
paring 18 offspring from 12 different dams. Overall results of percentages of Th17 cells were: 15.17.8 in offspring
from immune poly(I:C)-injected dams vs. 0.80.5 in offspring from immune PBS-injected dams (p=0.05 using Tukeys
HSD test )
The offspring of poly(I:C)-injected (vs. PBS-injected) pregnant dams who possess immuno
logical memory prior to pregnancy exhibit a unique pro-inflammatory phenotype in which
there is preferential development of Th17 lymphocytes after T cell activation (Figure 3) [43,
44]. This preferential Th17 cell development is not seen at all in offspring of immunological
ly nave poly(I:C)-injected or PBS-injected pregnant dams. Given their role in immune-medi
ated disorders, it is likely that the potential to produce Th17 cells that we have discovered in
offspring of poly(I:C)-injected pregnant dams with immunological memory may also be an
important component in the neuroinflammatory pathogenesis of ASD-like changes that
have been observed in this prenatal mouse model. Thus, one hypothesis we have tested is
that the pro-inflammatory phenotype of offspring induced as a result of embryonic develop
ment in a pro-inflammatory cytokine environment in utero make them more susceptible
1.00 0.10
0.40 0.02*
Pregnant dams were analyzed for sickness behavior before and 2 and 24 hrs after poly(I:C) injection. All mice in a
group were analyzed by calculating a ratio, where each post injection sickness behavior score was divided by its preinjection score. The individual ratios were then used to calculate the means, standard errors, and significance values.
*p < 0.0001 (Tukeys HSD test).
Table 2. Sickness behavior scores of immune poly(I:C)- and PBS- injected pregnant dams
Figure 4. Source of cytokines in pregnant dams. Sera (N=6) and amniotic fluids (N=17) from IL-6 KO pregnant dams
were collected 24 hrs after injection of poly(I:C), and IL-6 levels determined by Luminex assay. (*p<0.0001 Tukeys HSD
Figure 5. Source of cytokines in offspring. Spleen cells from WT B6 (N=5) and spleen and placental cells from
poly(I:C)-injected IL-6 KO females (N=5) were cultured with/without PMA and Ionomycin (P/I). Supernatants were col
lected 24hrs later, and tested for the presence of IL-6 by Luminex assay. (*p<0.02; **p<0.01; Tukeys HSD test)
Regardless of source, however, since in utero exposure to the products of maternal immune
stimulation during pregnancy appear to be part of the underlying mechanisms responsible for
the changes observed in offspring, it is important to be sure that the pregnant dam responds to
the immune stimulus if their offspring are used for experiments. We have addressed this issue
by monitoring locomotor activity in a novel environment in every pregnant dam before, and at
2hrs and 16hrs after injection as a reliable, non-invasive measure of response to poly(I:C). We
opted to use this method in lieu of more invasive procedures that would jeopardize pregnancy
in these dams and/or add a level of stress that could influence the cytokine levels and/or fetal
development. As shown in Figure 6 and Table 2, there is a consistent and dramatic decrease in
activity (indicative of sickness behavior [71-74]) in poly(I:C)-injected pregnant dams at 2hrs
post injection that is not seen in PBS-injected dams. Moreover, sickness behavior at 2hrs post
poly(I:C) injection correlates very nicely with the increased levels of pro-inflammatory cyto
kines seen at 2hrs in the sera and amniotic fluids of pregnant dams (Figure 2). Activity scores
are measured in every pregnant dam, including those that are brought to term and give birth.
In this way, we are confident that the offspring used for subsequent in vivo and in vitro experi
ments to characterize phenotypic and functional immunological parameters were exposed in
utero to a pro-inflammatory cytokine milieu.
Figure 6. Sickness behavior scores in poly(I:C)-injected pregnant dams. Dams were tested before, and at 2hrs &
16hrs after poly(I:C) or PBS injection. Activity was monitored in a novel environment, and mice were given positive
scores for locomotion, rearing, grooming, sniffing, and negative scores for periods of inactivity. The data in this figure
show scores for 6 individual poly(I:C)-injected dams at the 3 time periods.
Effects of maternal immune stimulation on Toll-Like Receptors (TLR): We are also examining the
effects of poly(I:C) exposure during pregnancy on the expression and function of TLRs dur
ing fetal development and in neonates and adult offspring. TLRs are part of a larger family
of membrane bound cell surface and intracellular Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRR).
Eleven TLRs have been discovered in humans (TLRs 1-11), and 12 TLRs have been found in
mice (TLRs 1-12). First discovered in Drosophila [75], this family of molecules is very hetero
genous, complex, and highly conserved among species. Individual TLRs bind to particular
microbial products, such as LPS, peptidoglycan, lipoproteins, and flagellin on bacteria, as
well as viral fusion protein, unmethylated CpG motifs, double- and single-stranded RNAs
[76, 77]. TLR expression by cells of the innate and adaptive immune systems allows these
cells to recognize and respond to extracellular and intracellular microbial pathogens. Down
stream cell signaling pathways are initiated when ligands bind to TLRs, leading to activa
tion of different transcription factors (e.g., NF-B and others), which stimulate expression of
pro-inflammatory cytokine genes (e.g., IL-1, IL-6, TNF, interferons).
Thus, TLRs play an early and important role at the interface between the environment and
host tissues by initiating immune responses against pathogens. In addition to expression on
cells of the innate and adaptive immune systems, TLRs are also expressed in/on many cell
types in various other tissues of the body, including the placenta, embryonic brain, and
hematopoietic progenitor cells. In the context of our experimental model of maternal im
mune stimulation during pregnancy, how the maternal response to poly(I:C) (a TLR3 ago
nist) during pregnancy affects the normal expression and function of TLR3, as well as other
TLRs in the developing embryos and offspring is an important question that allows the de
sign of experiments that address underlying mechanisms.
Modulation and desensitization of TLR expression, as well as cross-talk among TLRs has
been shown in cells from humans and rodents. There is increasing evidence of TLR expres
sion during embryonic development in the placenta, fetal brain and hematopoietic stem
cells [78-81]. In this regard, we have obtained results indicating modulation of TLR expres
sion in 4wk old neonates from poly(I:C)-injected dams (Figure 7). Using pathway-focused
gene expression profiling qRT-PCR arrays, spleen cells from offspring of pregnant dams in
jected with the TLR3 agonist, poly(I:C), showed a 3.3 to 4.7 -fold increase in constitutive ex
pression levels of TLR2, 4 and 7 over those seen in age-matched control B6 offspring. In
contrast, expression levels of TLR3 and 9 were <2-fold greater than controls. These results
indicate that exposure to poly(I:C) (or poly(I:C)-induced cytokines) during fetal develop
ment results in altered TLR expression that persists after birth, consequences of which may
relate to differential immune responses to micro-organisms and auto-antigens. These data
also suggest that TLR modulation, desensitization, and cross-talk also occur when fetal tis
sues are exposed to TLR agonists in utero.
Figure 7. Altered constitutive expression of TLRs in offspring of poly(I:C)-injected dams. RNA was extracted di
rectly from unstimulated spleen cells of 4wk old offspring of poly(I:C)- and PBS-injected dams, and tested for expres
sion of TLRs using the RT2 Profiler PCR Array system. Data are expressed as fold-changes in gene expression for TLRs in
offspring of poly(I:C)-injected dams over PBS-injected dams. The results show >3-fold upregulation for TLR2, 4, and 7
and <2-fold increase for TLR3 and 9 in offspring of poly(I:C)- compared to PBS-injected dams.
Recent studies have shown expression of TLRs by neural progenitor cells (NPC), neurons
and glial cells in the adult brain, which may be important in the responses of these cells to
injury or infection [76, 82-88]. Studies of TLR expression in the developing rodent brain have
revealed that TLR3 appears as early as embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5) in mouse cortices, but de
clines over time. By contrast, TLR2 expression appears around E15.5 and increases with time
[70, 88]. Moreover, in standard in vitro neurosphere assays (used to assess developmental
potential of NPCs), both TLR2 and TLR3 activation appear to regulate NPC proliferation.
These studies raise questions regarding the expression of other TLRs during brain develop
ment, and how that expression pattern is altered when dams are exposed to TLR agonists,
such as poly(I:C), during pregnancy. The structural and/or functional abnormalities seen in
the brains of offspring from poly(I:C)-injected pregnant dams may correlate with alterations
of the normal patterns of TLR expression in the developing brain. Therefore, disruption of
the normal TLR expression pattern might be involved in the observed structural and/or
functional changes in the brain of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as
schizophrenia and autism.
Cell Marker
poly(I:C)-injected dams
Pregnant dams were injected at E12 and fetuses were obtained 24 hrs later. Fetal liver cells from individual fetuses
were analyzed by FACS for expression of markers that define HSCs and early common progenitor cells.
Table 3. Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Fetal Liver
TLR expression on hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs): As previously mentioned, maternal expo
sure to poly(I:C) during pregnancy induces production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, in
cluding significant increases in IL-6 in maternal circulation, amniotic fluid, placenta, and
fetal brain [51, 89-93]. Direct injection of IL-6 to pregnant dams also results in consequences
for the offspring, including structural abnormalities in the brain, as well as behavioral and
cognitive abnormalities [30, 34-36, 38]. However, IL-6 also affects the immune system; it is
an autocrine growth factor for thymic epithelial cells [94], stimulates fetal hematopoiesis
[95], and can alter the balance of Tregs and Th17 cells towards the pro-inflammatory Th17
phenotype [96-101]. Thus, IL-6 is a key player in the differentiation of cells in the immune
system, and may play a role in the immune dysregulation seen in ASD.
Recent studies have also revealed that HSCs not only respond to cytokine signaling to ini
tiate myelopoiesis and lymphopoiesis, but also can sense microbial pathogens directly via
TLR signaling [78]. Administration of nanomolar concentrations of the TLR4 agonist, LPS,
triggers emigration of monocytes from the BM into the bloodstream, indicating that circulat
ing levels of TLR ligands can also stimulate HSCs within hematopoietic tissues [102]. Addi
tionally, treatment of mice with TLR3 agonist poly(I:C) activates HSCs to proliferate [103].
Therefore, it is likely that in the prenatal model we are studying, HSCs are influenced not
only by the poly(I:C) induced cytokines elicited during pregnancy, but also by this TLR3 ag
onist as well. Therefore, we have examined placentas, fetal livers, and neonatal bone mar
row from poly(I:C)-injected (vs.PBS-injected) pregnant dams and offspring to characterize
the changes in HSCs, as well as lineage-specific progenitor cells. We examined cells from
these tissues for surface markers (Sca-1 and c-kit) that define HSCs, and the lineage-specific
progenitors for T cells (TCR, CD3), B cells (sIg, CD19), and myeloid cells (CD11b, CD11c).
An example of our results for HSCs in fetal liver is presented in Table 3. Pregnant dams were
injected at E12 with either PBS or poly(I:C), and fetuses were examined 24 hrs later. The data
show that in comparison to fetuses from PBS-injected dams, fetal livers from poly(I:C)-injected
dams had a 4- to 5-fold increase in the percentage of HSCs that were double-positive for Sca-1
and c-kit, and almost a 3-fold increase in the percentage of HSCs that expressed only Sca-1,
which are early Common Lymphoid Progenitors (CLP). By contrast, the percent of HSCs that
expressed only c-kit, which are early Common Myeloid Progenitors (CMP), was similar in all
fetal livers. These results are intriguing because they indicate hyper-proliferation of HSCs and
early CLP, which may forecast the preferential changes we have observed in mature T lympho
cytes in the adult offspring of poly(I:C)-injected dams [43-45, 60].
As shown in Table 4, the >2 fold increase in total Peritoneal Exudate Cell (PEC) count in the
zymosan-injected poly(I:C) offspring was significantly higher than the count recovered from
zymosan-injected PBS offspring. In contrast, there were no significant differences in absolute
PEC numbers in control PBS-injected adult poly(I:C) or PBS offspring. The peritoneal cellu
lar infiltrate in offspring injected with PBS was primarily mononuclear cells (monocytes and
lymphocytes) (Figure 8A). In contrast, the acute cellular inflammatory response in the peri
toneal cavity of zymosan-injected offspring was mostly neutrophils (Figure 8B).
Total PEC
Injected with
PBS-injected dams
0.8 0.3
IL-6 (pg/ml)
Peritoneal Fluid
4 0.6
15 7.9
1176 586
number (x106)
6.3 1.8
70.0 10
4.40 1.9
420 200
1.0 0.4
8 2.7
6 2.5
13.3 2.1**
81.0 6
10.8 2.0**
2692 514*
7808 1306*
Adult offspring from immunologically nave poly(I:C)-injected dams were injected i.p. with PBS (control) or zymosan.
Adult offspring from immunologically nave PBS-injected dams were also injected with PBS or zymosan for compari
son. Mice were euthanized at 4 hrs, and 2ml of cold PBS was used to flush their peritoneal contents. The number and
type of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) were determined by manual counting and FACS analysis, and sera and perito
neal fluids were analyzed for the presence of cytokines. N = 5-8, ** P=0.016 (students t-test). *P< 0.05 (students ttest)
Table 4. Zymosan-induced acute inflammatory responses in offspring
Figure 8. Acute inflammatory response in zymosan-injected adult offspring. Adult offspring from poly(I:C)-inject
ed non-immune dams were injected i.p. with 1 ml of zymosan suspension or PBS (control). Four hours after injection,
peritoneal cavities were flushed with ice cold PBS. Cytospin slides were made from peritoneal exudate cells, and
stained with Wrights/Giemsa stain. (A) PBS-injected offspring from poly(I:C)-injected non-immune dams at 630X. (B)
zymosan-injected offspring from poly(I:C)-injected non-immune dams at 630X.
The percentage of neutrophils in zymosan-injected offspring from PBS-injected and poly(I:C)injected offspring (Table 4) were similarly high (i.e., 70% and 81%, respectively). However, be
cause the total number of PEC recovered from zymosan-injected offspring from poly(I:C)injected (vs. PBS-injected) dams was significantly higher, the absolute number of neutrophils
from zymosan-injected offspring was also significantly greater in offspring from poly(I:C)-in
jected dams. Given the huge infiltration of neutrophils into the peritoneal cavity in zymosaninjected offspring, we also examined the bone marrow for evidence of increased myeloid
activity, and found evidence of increased myeloid activity in mice showing PEC counts in ex
cess of 10 x 106 cells. As also shown in Table 4, significantly higher levels of IL-6 were observed
in fluid obtained from the peritoneal cavity of zymosan-injected poly(I:C) offspring vs. PBS off
spring at 4 hrs after zymosan injection. Although not shown in the table, levels of TNF- and
IL-10 were also significantly higher in these zymosan-injected poly(I:C) offspring.
Results from the myocardial Ischemia/reperfusion model: Based on the results we obtained using
injection of zymosan to mimic the acute inflammatory response induced by an infectious or
ganism, we wished to determine if the offspring of immunologically nave poly(I:C)-injected
dams would also mount a more robust inflammatory responses to endogenous molecules
created by non-infectious tissue injury. The persistent neuroinflammation observed in
brains of individuals with autism and in rodents from experimental models of neurodeve
lopmental disorders may be triggered by such endogenous stimuli. For these experiments,
we selected a well-characterized cardiac model in which ischemia/reperfusion causes a
sterile inflammatory response. After an acute myocardial infarction, reperfusion (by
thrombolytic therapy or primary percutaneous intervention) is currently the most effective
strategy to minimize myocardial damage and improve clinical outcome [107]. Paradoxically,
restoring blood flow to the ischemic heart tissue can also induce injury a phenomenon
called myocardial reperfusion injury (R/I). The modes of myocardial cell injury and death
following myocardial R/I are apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis, and several underlying
mechanisms have been identified or proposed [108-112]. However, one well-studied cause
of myocardial R/I is the host inflammatory response that occurs during reperfusion. Despite
the fact that ischemia and reperfusion takes place in a sterile environment, activation of in
nate and adaptive immune responses occurs and contributes to injury (reviewed in [112]).
Contributing factors of reperfusion-induced inflammation include activation of Toll-like Re
ceptors (TLRs), complement activation, free radical generation, cytokine cascade initiated by
release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and chemokine upregulation [113-116]. The presence
of these immune mediators leads to recruitment of neutrophils to the ischemic myocardium,
which exert cytotoxic effects themselves by release of proteolytic enzymes. Another paradox
of myocardial reperfusion is that it may also significantly enhance a healing process. Studies
have shown that Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (MCP-1) is also induced in the in
farcted area, which may regulate myeloid cell recruitment, leading to accumulation of mac
rophages and mast cells that secrete angiogenesis-stimulating factors, which facilitate
myocardial repair [117, 118].
For these experiments, adult offspring of immunologically nave poly(I:C)-injected and PBSinjected dams were anesthetized, intubated and ventilated; the heart was exposed by a thor
acotomy through the 4th and 5th ribs, and a suture was passed under the left coronary
artery. The left coronary artery was occluded for a period of 20 min, and reperfusion applied
for 24 hrs. Reperfusion was achieved by removal of the occlusion, the thoracotomy incision
was closed, and mice were allowed to recover under monitoring in an incubator. After 24 hr
of reperfusion, mice were assessed for cardiac injury as previously described [119, 120].
As shown in Figure 9, significantly greater cardiac damage was observed in offspring from
immunologically nave poly(I:C)-injected dams than in offspring from control PBS-injected
dams. We are currently assessing the underlying mechanisms responsible for the difference
in levels of damage in experimental and control offspring. Myocardial I/R induces infiltra
tion of inflammatory cells, such as neutrophils that secrete cytokines/chemokines, including
IL-6 and TNF, which in turn contribute to cell death, fibrosis and reduced myocardial con
tractility [121]. Therefore, it is likely that similar underlying inflammatory mechanisms also
occur in the myocardial I/R model as those described above for the acute inflammation in
duced by zymosan. In the zymosan and myocardial I/R models, the response is measured
within hours of the immune stimulus. This indicates that elements of the innate immune
system are the primary mediators of the pathology, and suggest that modification of these
components has occurred as a result of maternal immune stimulation during pregnancy.
Figure 9. Cardiac damage in offspring of poly(I:C)-injected vs. PBS-injected immunologically nave pregnant
dams. Adult offspring from poly(I:C)-injected (Exp) and PBS-injected (Control) dams were subjected to cardiac ische
mia (20 min) and reperfusion (24 hrs), and assessed for cardiac damage (indicated by infarct size). Offspring from
poly(I:C)-injected dams exhibited significantly greater cardiac damage (p=0.011; students t-test) than control off
spring. (N = 8 mice/group; 8 weeks of age)
Figure 10. Frequency of mice showing clinical signs of EAE. Adult offspring of of poly(I:C)-injected dams with im
munological memory [vs. immunologically nave poly(I:C)-injected dams] were injected s.c. with MOG in CFA and i.p.
with pertussis toxin. Mice were scored for clinical signs of neurological impairment, and the percent of mice showing
clinical signs at the indicated times after immunization is shown in this figure.
These results are consistent with our hypothesis of fetal programming due to effects of ma
ternal immune stimulation during pregnancy, leading to increased susceptibility of off
spring to a second hit postnatal stimulus. This is likely due to an overall heightened
immune responsiveness to develop EAE by MOG-specific Th cells that preferentially differ
entiate to become Th17 cells in these pro-inflammatory mice and/or a lower antigen thresh
old for initiation of an immune response. Another contributing factor could be differential
responses of these pro-inflammatory offspring to TLR agonists on the mycobacteria in CFA
(TLR2) and pertussis toxin (TLR4) used as part of the MOG immunization protocol [130,
131]. Support for this possibility is shown in Figure 7, where offspring of poly(I:C)-injected
dams who possess immunological memory showed >3-fold higher expression of TLR2 and
TLR4 compared to controls.
Overall, our results are consistent with the concept of developmental programming of the
immune system [71, 132-136]. These changes persist into adulthood, and increase the vulner
ability of offspring from poly(I:C)-injected dams to develop immune-mediated diseases
when exposed to subsequent antigen specific, as well as antigen non-specific immune chal
lenges. There is considerable plasticity of the developing immune system, and maternal
stressors, such as immune stimulation during pregnancy, can modulate normal develop
ment [137]. Immune stimuli during the perinatal period of life can also act as a vulnerability
factor for later-life alterations of immune responsiveness [132]. Such fetal programming has
been described in relation to abnormalities of metabolism, growth, and behavior in offspring
[138-140], as well as in relation to allergic and autoimmune disorders [133-135, 141-143]. The
fetal programming of the developing immune system in this prenatal mouse model descri
bed herein is most likely mediated by cytokines and/or other inflammatory mediators pro
duced by immune stimulation in response to poly(I:C) given to the pregnant dam. However,
as we have previously shown, the sources of these products of immune stimulation are of
both maternal and fetal origin [44].
kines and T helper (Th) lymphocyte subsets. Our investigation of this mouse model has
also provided a scientific basis for an ongoing translational research project to determine
if similar molecular pathogenic mechanisms are involved in the cohort of ASD children
who also exhibit evidence of immune dysregulation. Thus, mothers of autistic children in
this cohort have polymorphisms in the same cytokine genes that promote inflammatory
reactions in our mouse model, and their children with autism and immune dysregula
tion inherit the maternal pro-inflammatory phenotype.
Convincing evidence from this model has shown that pro-inflammatory cytokines pro
duced by maternal immune stimulation during pregnancy induce changes in the devel
opment of the immune system and brain of offspring that result in similar
immunological and behavioral manifestations as those seen in individuals with ASD.
Therefore, our results are relevant to the concept of developmental programming of the
immune system. In utero exposure to these cytokines produces offspring that exhibit a
pro-inflammatory phenotype, which persists throughout the neonatal period and into
adulthood. Subsequently, upon postnatal exposure to agents that stimulate the immune
system, offspring that exhibit this phenotype mount a more robust immune response in
which pro-inflammatory immune elements (i.e., Th17 cells and cytokines) predominate.
Th17 cells have been shown to mediate immunopathology in numerous disorders that
model human diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease,
atherosclerosis, and diabetes. Our use of offspring that have Th cells with the potential
to preferentially differentiate into Th17 cells will also determine the contribution of Th17
cells to the etiology and pathogenesis of ASD.
The nature and timing of this second hit to the immune system may also be a critical de
termining factor in the manifestation of immune outcomes. Thus, if immune stimulation
occurs very early in life when organ systems, such as the brain, are still developing, it
may lead to neurodevelopmental disorders like ASD. Contrastingly, if the second hit oc
curs later in life, the outcome may be manifested as an autoimmune disorder. However,
possession of a pro-inflammatory phenotype as described in our model is not necessarily
a disadvantage. In certain clinical scenarios, such as malignancy or infection with patho
genic micro-organisms, a more robust immune response may provide survival advant
age. Indeed, our preliminary results in an infection model indicate that the offspring of
poly(I:C)-injected pregnant dams that exhibit a pro-inflammatory phenotype show in
creased survival time and lower pathogen burden than control offspring from PBS-inject
ed pregnant dams.
As with many other components of the immune system, the effector functions resulting
from developmental programming induced by maternal immune stimulation during preg
nancy have the potential to be a double-edged sword with outcomes that can be either detri
mental or beneficial. The future challenge in studying this prenatal model system will be to
sufficiently understand the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms to enable the de
sign of effective therapeutic interventions to inhibit outcomes that are harmful, and enhance
those that are beneficial.
Author details
Nicholas M. Ponzio1, Mili Mandal2, Stella Elkabes3, Pan Zhang4, Junichi Sadoshima5,
Sayantani Basak6, Peiyong Zhai7 and Robert Donnelly8
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey New Jersey Medical School and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences,
Newark, USA
2 Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Newark, USA
3 Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
New Jersey Medical School and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Newark, USA
4 Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey New Jersey Medical School, Newark, USA
5 Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry
of New Jersey New Jersey Medical School and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences,
Newark, USA
6 Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey New Jersey Medical School, Newark, USA
7 Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry
of New Jersey New Jersey Medical School, Newark, USA
8 Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey New Jersey Medical School and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences,
Newark, USA
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Chapter 8
1. Introduction
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have attracted public attention by its high prevalence,
elevated social cost and large impact on the family [1]. Since the first descriptions of au
tism made by Hans Asperger in 1938 [2] and by Leo Kanner in 1943 [3, 4], much discus
sion has focused in the search for the triggering points of autism and identifying risk
factors has become a high priority of scientists. Nevertheless, even after almost seventy
years since the first reports, the etiology of autism remains unknown and its molecular
basis is not well understood. Environmental factors (such as virus, bacteria, drugs, etc.)
known to increase the risk of autism have critical periods of action during embryogene
sis. Congenital syndromes are found in high rates in patients with autism including so
matic changes originated early in the first trimester [5].
The link between rubella and autism came from epidemic rubella in which the incidence of
autism diagnosis in prenatally exposed offspring was more than 10-fold higher than normal.
The study describes 243 children exposed to congenital rubella, where 25% presented mental
retardation, 15% had reactive behavior and 7% was included in the autism spectrum [6].
Valproic acid (VPA) has traditionally been prescribed for epilepsy, but is increasingly used for
psychiatric condition, such as bipolar disease by its modulation on GABA neurotransmission
[7]. Furthermore, it has been also shown to be associated with an increased prevalence of
autism. In fact, prospective and retrospective studies demonstrate that exposure to VPA during
pregnancy is associated with approximately three-fold increase in the rate of major anomalies
2013 Gottfried et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
and a possible set of dysmorphic features with decreased intrauterine growth [8, 9], charac
teristics of Fetal Valprotate Syndrome (FVS) described in item 3. Histone deacetylase (HDAC)
inhibition by VPA and changes in gene expression may explain part of the teratogenicity of
this drug. In utero exposure of rodents to VPA has been proposed to induce a phenotype with
behavioral characteristics reminiscent of those observed in ASD and provides a robust animal
model for social cognitive impairment understanding and a potential screen for the develop
ment of novel therapeutics for this condition [10]. Other possible explanations include either
the effect of VPA through the increase of fetal oxidative stress, affecting mainly the brain in
comparison to other fetal organs, or its inhibitory action on the folic acid mechanism [11]. In
agreement, it is possible to duplicate a number of anatomic and behavioral features charac
teristic of human cases by exposing rat embryos to a teratogenic agents at the time of neural
tube closure [12].
Thus, in utero exposure to VPA has been used as a reliable model to increase the understanding
of behavioral effects evaluated by specific tests as sociability, social preference and stereotypic
behavior, also observed in human patients [9, 13, 14]. The present chapter summarizes the
current knowledge on the relationship between in utero exposure to VPA in humans and in
autism-like animal model phenotypes, highlighting the importance of this model to the
neurobiology of autism studies.
2. Valproic acid
The compound VPA (Figure 1A) is a fatty acid synthesized in 1882 [15] as an analogue of valeric
acid, found naturally in valerian (Valeriana officinalis), used at that time as an organic solvent.
The chemical names to VPA and derivatives are shown in Table 1. Antiepileptic properties of
VPA, which is structurally unrelated to other antiepileptic drugs, were discovered by chance
in 1962, when the French researcher Pierre Eymard in a serendipity discovery observed the
anticonvulsant properties of VPA while using it as a vehicle for a number of other compounds
that were being screened for anti-seizure activity [16]. He found that it prevented pentylene
tetrazol-induced convulsions in rodents. Since then, it has also been used for migraine and
bipolar disorder. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved VPA in 1978 for
the treatment of seizure disorder and in 1986 approved its enteric-coated counterpart valproate
semisodium (Figure 1B) also named divalproex sodium (USA), for the same indication.
Valproate semisodium is a stable co-ordination compound comprised of sodium valproate
(Figure 1C) and valproic acid in a 1:1 molar relationship in an enteric coated form. An enteric
coating is a barrier applied to oral medication that controls the location in the digestive system
where it is absorbed. This compound dissociates to release valproate ions into the gastroin
testinal tract. Once in the blood, sodium valproate can be converted also in the acid form or
conjugated as valproate semisodium [17]. The acid form is currently used to quantify plasma
levels of all three.
Valproic Acid in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From an Environmental Risk Factor to a Reliable Animal Model
Valproic Acid
Sodium Valproate
Sodium 2-propylvalerate
Valproate semisodium
Valproate Pivoxil
Figure 1. The molecular structure of VPA and derivatives showed in ball and stick view. A. Valproic acid. B. Valproate
semisodium, C. Sodium valproate. In A is possible to compare both chemical and ball and stick structures (used also to
illustrate derivatives).
The therapeutic concentration of sodium valproate (the sodium salt of VPA) during chronic
oral treatment ranges from 40-100 mg/mL (280700 mmol/L) in plasma and from 627 mg/g
(42190 mmol/g) in brain [18]. From this point, to simplify the reading throughout the text, the
VPA abbreviation will be used when referring to valproic acid and derivatives.
The VPA is marketed under brand names including: Convulex (Pfizer-UK and Byk MadausSouth Africa), Depakene (Abbott Laboratories-USA, Brazil and Canada), Depakine (Sanofi
Aventis-France and Sanofi Synthelabo-Romania), Deprakine (Sanofi Aventis-Finland),
Encorate (Sun Pharmaceuticals-India), Epilim (Sanofi Synthelabo-Australia), Valcote (Abbot
The VPA effects of clinical importance include GABAergic activity increase, excitatory
neurotransmission decrease, and modification of monoamines [19]. The biochemical and
biological effects of VPA are summarized in Table 2.
Target of action
Biological effects
HDAC (inhibition)
GSK3 inhibitor
Beta-catenin-Ras-ERK-p21Cip/WAF1 pathway
PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway
Valproic Acid in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From an Environmental Risk Factor to a Reliable Animal Model
The classical autism was first reported to be one of the behavioral outcomes of VPA exposure
[41] through several case reports [12, 39, 45]. The first epidemiological study with drugs as
environmental risk factors of autism was described in 2000, with 57 offspring of women taking
anticonvulsants (see ref [46], summarized in Tables 3 and 4).
% of children
Insistence on routines
Hand flapping
No of children
Neural tube defect
Diastasis recti
1000 (0-40)
1500 (0-40)
1000 (0-40)
1500 (0-40)
700 (0-40)
800 (0-40)
1000 (0-40)
1700 (0-40)
1200 (0-40)
Fifty two children were ascertained through the Fetal Anticonvulsant Syndrome Association
(FACS) and five were referred to the Aberdeen Medical Genetics Service (AMGS). The number
of patients exposed in utero to each anticonvulsant alone was 34 (60%) to VPA, 4 (7%) to
carbamazepine, 4 (7%) to phenytoin, and 15 (26%) to more than one anticonvulsant. The
number of patients with behavioral problems was 46 (81%), with hyperactivity or poor
concentration was 22 (39%) and with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder 4 (7%).
Autistic features were present in 34 patients (60%).
[48, 49]
Rhesus monkey
Cardiac abnormalities
Behavioral abnormalities
Skeletal abnormalities
Table 5. Patterns of abnormal development across species after in utero exposure to VPA.
The use of animal models allows a wide range of research possibilities including the search
for etiologic clues, molecular targets, and biomarkers. The main aspects to take into account
in developing animal models, is (i) to reproduce a circumstance that would lead to a certain
condition, for example, inducing a genetic disease by manipulating a specific gene; (ii) to
induce similar patterns found in the studied condition, for example, observing the same
behavioral alterations found in a particular impairment; (iii) to observe if the model has
similarities to a human features when exposed to certain treatment [56]. The time of induction,
dosage of VPA and the way of administration in rodents are variable in the literature, as
demonstrated in Table 6. It is important to observe that in rats, 600 mg/Kg VPA at 12.5 days
of pregnancy is the most investigated due to similarities in the features of autism. Besides the
higher number of studies describing prenatal exposure to VPA, there are some protocols
reporting also postnatal exposure and behavioral features of autism [57, 58].
The diagnoses of autism take into account behavioral alterations in three main areas: sociabil
ity, communication and behavioral stereotypies and narrow range of interests. Therefore, a
consistent animal model must show similar behavioral abnormalities, which might indicate
common neural alterations.
Our group has administrated a single intraperitoneal injection of 600 mg/kg VPA in pregnant
rats at the embryonic day 12.5, observing variations in social memory, and flexibility to change
strategy [84]. Females were kept separate and with free access to their own litters. Somatic
aspects observed during the pups' development, included body weight, ear unfolding and eye
opening which were unchanged between groups. In three-chambered-apparatus test, used to
Valproic Acid in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From an Environmental Risk Factor to a Reliable Animal Model
Embryonic Day(s)
(mg/Kg VPA)
SC (400)
9, 12.5, 14.5
IP (500)
OA (800)
[62, 63]
12, 13, 14
IP (100)
IP (500)
SC (600)
[66, 67]
7, 9.5, 12, 15
IP (400)
8, 9, 10, 11
OA (800)
IP (600)
OA (800)
9, 11
AO (800)
[75, 76]
11, 12, 13
IP (200)
IP (500)
IP (350)
IP (400)
IP (600)
IP (600)
SC (350)
IP (350)
IP (500)
observe social memory, preferences and interests, the VPA group spent less time in the
presence of a stranger rat and more time in the presence of an object, indicating a reduced place
preference conditioned by conspecific and an increased preference for the object, revealing
sociability impairments. As adults, they showed inappropriate social approach to a stranger
rat, decreased preference for social novelty, apparently normal social recognition, no spatial
learning deficits and normal resistance to change on Morris water maze.
VPA (mg/kg)
Valproic Acid in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From an Environmental Risk Factor to a Reliable Animal Model
medial prefrontal cortex of rats exposed to VPA, with enhanced synaptic plasticity and shortand long-term fear memories [82].
Synaptic impairments were already described in autism, which may be related to neuroligins
alterations. Neuroligins are a family of proteins which play a central role in synaptic matura
tion and were affected in rats after in utero exposure to VPA. Neuroligin 3 mRNA expression
was decreased in the hippocampus, especially in cornu ammonis (CA1) and dentate gyrus [62].
Synaptic plasticity is influenced by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a factor that
modulates several neurochemical parameters. High levels of BDNF have been reported in the
blood of patients with autism [102]. BDNF acts through TrkB-mediated activation of various
signal transduction pathways, including pathways that involve PI3K, mitogen-activated
kinase (MAPK), and phospholipase C- [103]. Infusion of BDNF in the nucleus accumbens of
aged rats restored synaptic plasticity and improved cognition [104] and some environmental
factors, such social isolation, results in low levels of BDNF in the hippocampus of rats [105].
Animals exposed to VPA in utero display decreased cortical BDNF mRNA expression. It is
important to notice that altered levels of the transcript will not necessarily mean an altered
protein expression [63]. Diminished BDNF may lead to altered synaptic development; once it
is known that this neurotrophic factor is involved in development and function of serotonergic
neurons [106].
Several hypotheses have arisen to explain the social deficits in autism. One of these proposals
points an alteration in opioidergic mechanisms as a likely causative of behavioral impairments
in this disorder [107]. Opioid peptides are involved in stress responses and affective states,
and blockage of their receptors causes dysphoria in humans. Enkephalins are part of the opioid
family and are distributed in brain areas, like the striatum and the nucleus accumbens,
involved in processing emotional information, anxiety and fear. Exposure to VPA reduced
proenkephalin mRNA expression in both the core and shell of the nucleus accumbens and dorsal
striatum of rats concomitantly to anxious-like behavior [91].
The monoamine system is also altered in patients with autism and their relatives. It was
demonstrated that children with autism have increased 5-HT (serotonin) synthesis capacity
when compared to children with typical development [108]. Besides, it is widely known that
sleep disorders are common in autistic children [109]. Interestingly, increased levels of
serotonin was found in pre-frontal cortex of rats prenatally exposed to VPA in association with
disrupted sleep/awake rhythm. The elevated levels of 5-HT were found during light phase of
animals circadian rhythm [74]. It was proved that serotonergic neurons have a silent firing
rate during REM sleep [110], indicating that the sleep disturbance found in the animals may
be related to increased levels of 5-HT found in their prefrontal cortex. In addition, higher levels
of 5-HT were also reported in the left side of hippocampus and in blood from rats [111].
However, using the whole hippocampus, it was demonstrated 46% decrease in 5-HT levels
from rats exposed to VPA in utero [70].
Recently, we observed hippocampal reactive astrogliosis in the group of rats exposed in
utero to VPA (see ref [84]). After 15 postnatal days, hippocampal astrocytes were intensely
immunoreactive to the astroglial marker Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) (Figure 2).
Astrocytes are the major cell type in the central nerve system (CNS) and provide a variety of
critical supportive functions that maintain neuronal homeostasis, participating of the synapse
and the glutamatergic metabolism [112]. These cells become reactive in VPA group, charac
terized by up-regulation of GFAP and apparently show higher number of processes than the
control cells as demonstrated by the squares in A and B.
Seven Fresh-frozen post mortem tissues from individuals with autism and CSF from six living
autistic patients were investigated for cytokine protein profiling [113]. This study shows an
active neuroinflammatory process in the cerebral cortex, white matter, and notably in the
cerebellum. Immunocytochemical studies showed marked activation of microglia and
astroglia. The cytokine profiling indicated that the macrophage chemoattractant protein
(MCP)-1 and tumor growth factor-beta1, both derived from neuroglia were the most prevalent
cytokines in brain tissues. We presumed that microglia/macrophage-derived pro-inflamma
tory cytokines regulate the transition of astrocytes into reactive astrogliosis. Nevertheless, the
mechanisms which regulate the level of astroglial cell activity in the hippocampus from VPA
autism model need to be investigated.
Figure 2. Astrocyte immunoreactive to GFAP in hippocampus from rats. A. Representative image from control group,
B. Representative image from VPA group. Scale bar = 50 m
Glutamatergic excitatory synapses are the major type of synapses in the brain and it was found
that glutamate metabolism is altered in autistic CNS, particularly the glutamate receptors
AMPA, NMDA and mGluR5 [114]. In agreement, rats exposed in utero to VPA show impair
ments in excitatory/inhibitory brain balance [78]. In this context, impairment in excitatory and
inhibitory signaling during certain periods of development is proposed to be involved in the
autism pathophysiology [115].
Although social impairments are one of the most important features observed in autism,
patients present several other symptoms, including motor disturbances. Motor stereoty
pies are part of the so called autism triad of impairments, but hypotonia, motor apraxia,
Valproic Acid in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From an Environmental Risk Factor to a Reliable Animal Model
toe-walking, have already been reported [116]. Evaluation of motor cortex neurons of rats
exposed to VPA in utero showed no changes in length or volume of either basilar or api
cal dendrites, but presented greater dendritic arborization in comparison with controls.
This data indicates that pruning of neurons is abnormal in animals prenatally exposed to
VPA [95]. Evidence suggests that the same may happen in patients with autism, since
there are reports of increased brain weight in autopsy cases of autism [117]. However,
the involvement of the abnormal pruning in motor cortex neurons with motor disturban
ces in autism deserves further investigation. Individuals with autism are more likely to
present hearing deficits. In a study with a group of 199 children and adolescents, 3.5%
had profound bilateral hearing loss or deafness [118].
The superior olivary complex (SOC) plays different roles in hearing. It is located within the
lower brainstem and it is involved in encoding temporal features of sound and descending
modulation of the cochlear nucleus and cochlea for listening in background noise. Rats exposed
to VPA in utero showed reduced number of neurons and disrupted neuronal morphology in
the SOC. Neuronal cell bodies were smaller and more round, indicating that these anatomical
feature might have a role in the hearing difficulties that are a common in patients with autism
[87]. In a study with brains of patients with autism similar morphological alterations were
found, including soma size, shape and number of neurons in the SOC [119].
The cerebellum have been the focus of studies involving active and chronic neuroinflammatory
process in autistic patients, demonstrating the presence of proinflammatory chemokines such
as MCP-1 as well as antiinflammatory cytokines such as TGF-1 in this brain structure. These
findings support the idea that a chronic state of specific cytokine activation occurs in autism
[113]. Because neuroimmune responses are influenced by the genetic background of the host,
the role of neuroinflammation in the context of the genetic and other factors that determine
the autism phenotype remains an important issue to be investigated.
most representative animal model to which a research group may address its questions.
Considering that neuroimmune responses are influenced by the host, the role of possible
neuroinflammation triggered by environmental factors in utero followed by neuroglial
alterations in the litters remain an important issue to be investigated.
The present chapter summarizes findings obtained in rodents exposed in utero to VPA which
present important similarities to autism features, supporting it as a valuable experimental
model to study neurodevelopmental alterations induced by VPA as an environmental risk
Author details
Carmem Gottfried1*, Victorio Bambini-Junior1, Diego Baronio2, Geancarlo Zanatta1,
Roberta Bristot Silvestrin1, Tamara Vaccaro1 and Rudimar Riesgo2
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Translational Research Group in Autism Spectrum Disorders (GETEA), Brazil
2 Postgraduate Program in Biochemistry at Department of Biochemistry, Institute of
Healths Basic Science, Brazil
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Valproic Acid in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From an Environmental Risk Factor to a Reliable Animal Model
Valproic Acid in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From an Environmental Risk Factor to a Reliable Animal Model
Valproic Acid in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From an Environmental Risk Factor to a Reliable Animal Model
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Valproic Acid in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From an Environmental Risk Factor to a Reliable Animal Model
Chapter 9
1. Introduction
Solomon Veniaminovich Shereshevskii (1886-1958) was a man studied by psychologist
Aleksandr Romanovich Luria, who thought that Shereshevskiis (S) remarkable memory
caused a psychological syndrome with cognitive deficits; consequently, Luria not only
described Ss memory, but also other aspects of his life such as his synaesthesia, mental
imagery, preferences, strengths, weaknesses and personality [1]. Likewise, more recently
the phrase hyperthymestic syndrome (hyperthymesia) has been coined in order to de
scribe the case of a woman (AJ) whose autobiographical memory is extraordinary, but
she has said it is a burden [2]. On the other hand, Kanners clinical description of au
tistic disorder suggested that excellent rote memory might be involved in its aetiology
[3]. In addition, some authors have thought that S could have had an Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) [4,5]. So the question arises: if S could have had an ASD, then how
might his memory have given rise to such an ASD? For this reason, the present chapter
begins by reviewing the evidence for the diagnosis of autistic disorder in S using criteria
from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Re
vision (DSM-IV-TR) of the American Psychiatric Association [6] and from proposed crite
ria for its fifth edition [7], the chapter also compares his symptoms with those from a
famous case (DT) with Asperger syndrome [8,9]. It is concluded that S most likely had
autistic disorder. Next, I reviewed the literature to determine whether the assumption
that a superior memory may be the cause of autism symptoms would be acceptable or
not. However, the data seem to show that Ss job as a professional mnemonist was asso
ciated instead with a gradual decrease in the severity of some of his autism symptoms
[1], notwithstanding, there are great mnemonists without ASD [10,11]. Finally, an alterna
tive explanation regarding the possible relationship between superior memories and au
2013 Romero-Mungua; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
tism spectrum disorders is given by the mnesic imbalance theory, which posits that a
faulty procedural memory is replaced, in some of its functions, by a relatively preserved
declarative memory, resulting in all three diagnostic symptoms of autism [12].
darkness and negligence, whereas to him the word gis (Yiddish: to spill) assumed the mean
ings of sleeve and the reflection of a face in the polished surface of the samovar [1]. This is similar to
the phrases bread basket instead of home bakery, fifty five instead of grandmother, Annette and
Cecile in order to say red and blue, as well as the words Blum instead of a teller of truth and
hexagon instead of six, all which were spoken by children described by Leo Kanner, who has
always been considered as the first to clinically describe autistic disorder [3,27]. However, a
recent communication has suggested instead that Hans Asperger could have done so five
years earlier [28]. Furthermore, the pronominal reversal shown by S was not so typical of
autistic disorder, since he did refer to himself as he but did not show echolalia [1,14].
However, his pronominal reversal seems to be related to self-consciousness disturbance
shown by individuals with ASD [24].
In summary, there is evidence that S met items A2b and A2c, that is, two of the four items
from subcriterion A2, however, there are no data to establish whether S had a delay in spo
ken language with failure to compensate through gestures (item A2a), not to say that he had
a lack of varied and spontaneous social imitative or make-believe play (item A2d) [6],
though S always had problems with his ability to distinguish between his visual mental rep
resentations and the true word [1]; it is difficult, if not impossible, to develop make-believe
play without such an ability.
2.1.3. Impairment in behavioral flexibility
S had an encompassing preoccupation with an interest that was abnormal in intensity
and focus (item A3a), specifically, on very detailed and specific visual mental representa
tions. This unusual and circumscribed interest began in Ss early years, for instance,
when he was five years old he met a rebe (Yiddish: teacher) but S thought there was a
mistake, since that rebe in his visual mental representation was something white, whereas
the teacher was a swarthy man. Furthermore, his preoccupation on visual mental repre
sentations took up most of his time, for instance, when S read this sentence: N was
leaning up against a tree... he saw N (as a slim young man) standing near a big linden
tree with grass and woods all around... But then S continued reading: and was peering
into a into a shop window then he understood that N was not in a woods but on the
street; as a result, S needed to completely rebuild his visual mental representation. More
over, S was very anxious if he listened to words but their very detailed images did not
appear in his mind, for instance, with the word restaurant S needed to see its entrance,
people sitting inside, a Romanian orchestra tuning up, and a lot else, while with the
word airport a S would have seen all details such as the crowd and the police cordon.
Also, he did not admit that the words Mariya, Masha, Marusya and Mary (Russian var
iants of the same name) could all apply to the same woman because each word would
elicit visual mental representations, which were very distinct one from the other [1,6,14].
Apparently he showed an inflexible adherence to nonfunctional routines (item A3b). For
example, if S had to remember the phrase American Indian, then he needed to see a very
long rope across the ocean from a Russian street to America; these mental journeys were
made by him despite the fact that they made him feel exhausted, not by the amount of
data stored, but because S felt like he really had done those long journeys. Another time
he was asked to memorize a table whose numbers were arranged in a simple logical or
der: 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 etc. Then S produced visual mental representa
tions in which the number six could be represented by a man with a swollen foot and
the number seven by a man with a mustache. Later S remarked that if he had been
asked to memorize the letters of the alphabet arranged in a similar order, then he would
have proceeded with it in the same way because he would not have noticed such an ar
rangement [1]. Thus, the first example may be explained by executive dysfunction [22],
whereas the second may be explained by weak central coherence [21]. On the other
hand, his need of adherence to routines was not limited to his job as a professional mne
monist, for instance, when S participated in a lawsuit for which he practiced imagining
the judges table on the right, he entered the courtroom but the judge was sitting on the
left, thus, S lost his head and the case. The latter example may be explained by the mne
sic imbalance theory [12,29], which will be explained later.
Besides, S had a persistent preoccupation with parts of objects (item A3d) [6]. For instance,
although his synesthesia was present since childhood, even in adulthood he kept showing
much preoccupation because of the sensory experiences resulting from it. Thus, even when
S was talking with famous people, he would be so interested in their voices that he could
not follow what they said [1].
It can be concluded that S met items A3a, A3b and A3d from subcriterion A3, however,
there is insufficient information to determine whether S had stereotyped and repetitive
motor mannerisms (item A3c). So, one can claim that S fulfilled all the items required by
criterion A for the diagnosis of autistic disorder, such as is summarized in Table 1, al
though we cannot claim that S has had delays or abnormal functioning in social interac
tion, language or imaginative play prior to age 3 years (criterion B), but it appears that
he accomplished criterion C, in other words, he suffered neither Retts disorder nor
childhood disintegrative disorder [1,6].
item a
item b
item c
item d
1. Social interaction
2. Communicative capacity
3. Behavioral flexibility
Core triad
Table 1. Items from the triad of core symptoms for diagnosing autistic disorder: Each addition symbol (+) represents
an item met by Shereshevskii, whereas each subtraction symbol (-) represents an item for which there is insufficient
information to reach conclusions about it.
(PDDs), which includes Retts disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, Aspergers dis
order and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) [6],
however, according to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) the term ASD ex
cludes Retts disorder [7], although in a previous use of the term ASD also excludes
childhood disintegrative disorder [30]. On the other hand, the APA also proposes to stop
using these diagnostic categories and use the name ASD as a single diagnostic category
[7]. This proposal is based on the lack of reliability of the clinical distinctions among dis
orders [31], which is in accordance with the rejection of the assumption of normal early
language development in Aspergers disorder [32]. So, it has been suggested to continue
the use of the DSM-IV-TR and to regard all the PDDs, with the exception of Retts disor
der, as ASD [33]. However, a study found that only 25% of those diagnosed by DSM-IVTR with Aspergers disorder, 28% of those with Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not
Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) and 76% of those with autistic disorder met the pro
posed DSM-V criteria for ASD [34]. This supports the view that the PDD-NOS should
not be considered ASD because its diagnosis does not require compliance with the com
plete diagnostic triad of autism [35]. At first glance, one can assume that it is quite feasi
ble that if the proposed criteria require two symptoms instead of one on impairment in
behavioral flexibility (restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities)
any individuals who actually have diagnosis of some ASD will not meet these new crite
ria; in addition, at present the criteria regarding the impairments in social interaction
and communicative capacity are not require to be completely fulfilled. Consequently, the
question arises whether S can meet these new criteria just as he met the necessary items
from criterion A for the diagnosis of autistic disorder. To answer one might embed the
criteria from the DSM-IV-TR among those from the proposed DSM-V criteria and see if S
meets the criteria of the latter; thereby items A1c, A1d and A2b of the DSM-IV-TR are
integrated into subdomain A1 (social-emotional reciprocity) of the proposed DSM-V cri
teria, because, indeed, the lack of shared enjoyment (item A1c) evaluates another aspect
of the same symptom assessed by item A1d (socio-emotional reciprocity), and item A2b
(to initiate or sustain conversational interchange) does too. On the other hand, subdo
main A2 (nonverbal communication) includes item A2a (delay in spoken language) since
this is evaluated by a failure to compensate through gestures [14]. Besides, subdomain
A3 (deficits in relationships) contains the item on social imitative or make-believe play
(A2d) because of the importance of these behaviors in early relationships [6]. Further
more, stereotyped, repetitive or idiosyncratic language (item A2c) is integrated into sub
domain B1 (Behavioral stereotypies) and the verbal rituals are integrated into the
apparently inflexible adherence to nonfunctional routines according to the ADI-R [14]. Fi
nally, criterion B of the DSM-IV-TR which requires abnormal functioning in social inter
action, communication or play is replaced by criterion C in the proposed DSM-V criteria
which only requires symptoms in early childhood [6,7].
Using the above method, one can see that S completely met the criteria proposed in the
DSM-V for ASD, that is, the new criteria seem to confirm the diagnosis of ASD even more
strongly than the DSM-IV-TR (Table 2).
A: 1. Socialization / 2. Communication
1. Social-emotional reciprocity
1c 1d 2b
2. Nonverbal communication
1a 2a
3. Deficits in relationships
1b 2d
1. Behavioral stereotypies
2c 3c
2. Adherence to routines
Table 2. Comparison between the proposed DSM-V criteria for ASD and those from the DSM-IV-TR for autistic
disorder: all text in italics represents each criterion and item met by Shereshevskii.
2.3. Some shared features with a case of synesthesia and Asperger syndrome
Daniel Tammet (DT) is a British writer born in 1979, who was diagnosed with Asperger syn
drome (Aspergers disorder) by researcher Simon Baron-Cohen [8], so this paragraph does
not discuss his diagnosis but the characteristics he has in common with S. Indeed DT has
been named the modern-day Shereshevsky since he not only has an ASD but also phe
nomenal memory and synaesthesia. For instance, DT memorized and recited 22,514 digits of
pi and has an extraordinary ability to learn to speak new languages [9]; similary S had the
ability to memorize long chains of digits and reproduce several stanzas of The Divine Comedy
fifteen years after having read it and despite not knowing Italian. However, both S and DT
showed impaired face memory. Besides, with respect to synaesthesia, DT experiences num
bers as having shapes, colour, textures, as well as some words with colour, while S also had
synesthetic reactions whenever he heard tones, voices and speech sounds. Such reactions
were puffs of steam, splashes, colourful visual flashes, flavours and even bodily sensations
[1,9]. On the other hand, DT also has visual mental representations when he hears certain
phrases, for instance, with fragile peace he imagines a glass dove, whereas with election
triumph he sees the politician holding a trophy [9].
DT solved mathematical problems such as the following one through mental imagery:
There are twenty-seven people in a room and each shakes hands with everyone else. How
many handshakes are there all together? To solve this problem DT began imagining two
men inside a bubble [9]; similarly, S solved the following problem: A husband says to the
wife Give me 7 of your mushrooms and I will have twice as many as you! To which the
wife replies: No, give me 7 of yours and we will have the same amount. How many mush
rooms does each have? In order to solve this problem S imagined himself with them (hus
band and wife) [1]. On the other hand, DT has also used mental imagery in order to better
understand emotions. For instance, in order to empathize with someone who is sad, DT has
imagined himself "sitting in the dark hollowness of number 6" [9]; similarly, S used his men
tal imagery, for example, during a very difficult performance S could see someone smiling
in the audience, which was turned into an image of a sharp spire, so that he felt as if hed
been stabbed in the heart [1].
There are some differences between the symptoms from DT and S. Thus, whereas the neolo
gisms from S were created by simple associations, the neologisms of DT such as pramble
(to go out for a ramble with a baby in a pram) and biplets (twins) were created following
more complex rules such as in the last neologism: a bicycle has two wheels and a tricycle
three and three sisters might be a triplets. In other words, the neologisms from S were cre
ated through semantic or perceptual association, whereas those from DT were through mor
phological or syntactic analysis. DT has also shown impairment to initiate or sustain
conversational interchange and both DT and S recognized that they were verbose and that
this affected the conversations with others. DT also has difficulty understanding language,
but whereas S believed that the phrase the pressure is higher meant that the gas was
moved upward and consequently it could not dissolve in water [Luria], DT believed that the
phrase John is not tall, he is a giant meant something impossible, although the phrase is
not structurally different from the sentence John does not have ten dollars, he has twenty,
that is, it seems S had more problems in understanding the meaning of the words them
selves but DT only with whole sentences. DT has shown problems to understand phrases
such as he is not inexperienced in such things and likewise S could have had the same
problems since he said he could not understand the negation of the negation [1,9].
whereas, other authors have pointed out that it is only a subtype [12,36,38,39]. In addition, a
study in high functioning adults with ASD observed that memory for emotionally arousing
events was preserved over time [40], and this preservation is particularly important for
teaching new abilities to children with low functioning ASD [41].
The mnesic imbalance theory is supported by clinical studies that have shown bad proce
dural functioning [42-44], or good declarative functioning in individuals with ASD [45,46].
For instance, in a study utilizing the Serial Response Time Task (SRTT) with 10-element se
quences to evaluate procedural learning in children and adolescents with autistic disorder,
the results showed significant deficit in their procedural learning relative to Intellectual
Quotient (IQ)-matched controls [43]. In contrast, some studies have challenged this finding,
but it is important to note that all of these later studies had not use the same aforementioned
task but rather tasks with 4-element sequences or shorter, as well as other changes in the ap
plication of the tasks [47-49], while significant improvement has been found in this sort of
tasks in individuals with autistic disorder when the sequence length is short [50]. On the
other hand, this deficit in procedural learning of sequences might be related to the poor
short-term declarative memory shown on serial recall tasks in adults with ASD during a
study, because its experiments demonstrated that their poor performance was due to faulty
memory for the order of the items rather than because of memory deficit for the items them
selves [51]. In other words, the difficulties in procedural learning of unconscious algorithms
might lead to problems in learning explicit sequences, for instance, there are studies that
have found impairment in the delayed self-initiated execution of intentions at designated
events (called prospective memory), such as remembering to turn off the porch light at 11
pm or, to give a message to mom when she arrives [52-53].
Besides, a study utilizing a picture-naming task showed that boys with High Functioning
Autism (HFA) responded faster than control boys on lower-frequency words; then, its au
thors argued that the results support the notion of enhancement in declarative memory of
people with ASD [46]. This conclusion is based on the declarative/procedural model that as
sumes storage of grammar in procedural memory as well as of vocabulary in declarative
memory [38]. In addition, such a model is in accordance with a meta-analysis which found
that picture vocabulary tests are the peak of ability relative to verbal IQ in high functioning
individuals with ASD [54].
Furthermore, a study utilizing a composite measure as an index of procedural learning
showed significant negative correlation between procedural learning and autism symptoms
[42]. Moreover, in another study, a composite group that included children with autistic dis
order, both with non-functional verbal language and no spoken language, a significant posi
tive correlation was observed between autism symptoms and scores of an index of
declarative memory, which suggests that the imbalance between declarative and procedural
memory in ASD might be more important than the mere faulty procedural memory [44];
such an imbalance might contribute to a global cognitive imbalance. This assumption is in
accordance with results from a study in children with autism, which showed that those with
a lower verbal than nonverbal IQ profile showed greater social impairment than those with
out this profile; this result was independent of scores in verbal or full-scale IQ [55].
Nevertheless, the mnesic imbalance theory does not suggest that declarative memory has to
be above average in individuals with ASD; indeed, an impairment of episodic memory is in
accordance with this theory [12]. In addition, the mnesic imbalance theory suggests that al
though procedural learning is significantly lower relative to declarative learning in individ
uals with ASD, this procedural memory can be developed [12,50]. Anyway, in this theory
the imbalance between procedural and declarative memory is needed to account for the im
pairments in social interaction, communicative capacity and behavioral flexibility, as well as
for the islets of ability and neurobiological findings observed in people with ASD [12,56].
However, it is important note that there are several deficits in declarative memory in indi
viduals with ASD, but such deficits might be explained by overlap in the functioning of the
memories. For instance, S and DT showed impaired face memory [1,8], which might be due
to the difficulty to verbally describe all elements that make each face unique; consequently,
facial memory has to be implicitly acquired through perceptual categorization, which is a
type of procedural learning [57]. It is likely that some individuals with ASD see face learning
as a task that should be performed by conscious memorization of each element of the face,
which might explain the lack of developmental improvement in face learning that has been
observed in autism [58]. Besides, utilizing functional magnetic resonance imaging, a study
measured the activation over time of the amygdala in adults with ASD and the results
showed a delay in the decrease of amygdala activity relative to control adults, which could
be an action to improve face learning, since the participants with ASD had a reduction in the
number of errors during a second set of the task of facial memory [59], while another study
reported an association between increased amygdala activation and better facial memory in
healthy people [60]. Furthermore, in individuals with autistic disorder, a study showed defi
cit of their facial memory awareness, that is, when participants were asked to say how they
thought their performance in the task was, the answers did not correspond to reality [61].
The faulty perceptual categorization might be enough to explain the significant preference
in individuals with ASD for utilizing an approach oriented to process parts rather than the
gestalt during the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) task [62]; this situation is equiva
lent to an increased number of elements, which might explain the difficulty for any individ
ual with ASD to memorize the ROCF despite their tendency to use visual mental
representations [26]. But the above mentioned deficit in facial memory awareness cannot be
explained only by poor perceptual categorization. Another study showed that, whereas in
typically developing adults the memory of actions is significantly better if the actions are
self-performed (enacted) than if only observed, in adults with Asperger syndrome is not the
case (Figure 1). These results were considered secondary to difficulties in encoding specific
motor and proprioceptive signals [63], but an alternative explanation might be that during
ones actions procedural knowledge is typically created and may aid declarative knowledge
during recall, whereas in people with ASD, impairment of procedural learning prevents the
appearance of such aid [12]. Consequently, if the latter explanation is used not only for mo
tor actions but also for mental actions, then one might have an account for the deficit in fa
cial memory awareness.
Impaired procedural memory is not only unable to aid declarative memory, but that declar
ative memory also has to replace faulty procedural memory in some of its functions, which
implies an overload for consciousness. This assumption is in accordance with a study that
showed that children with ASD, in comparison to the control group, had significant difficul
ty in divided attention (ability to simultaneously perform two independent tasks), which
was significantly related to everyday working memory [64].
The above findings are in accordance with a review of memory in ASD that pointed out a
deficit in episodic memory, but are not in accordance to its assumption of preserved memo
ry for non-social stimuli [65]. On the other hand, one must keep in mind that although there
are deficits in encoding and organization of episodic and autobiographical memory in peo
ple with ASD, their storage and retrieval are preserved [66,67].
Figure 1. Mean of correctly recalled items of the Free Recall Task of actions (Enacted and Observed) in Asperger and
Comparison groups: The bars represent means and the whiskers represent standard error (From Zalla et al., 2010).
use explicit (visual) mental representations in people with ASD to solve problems [12]. Simi
larly, a study of individuals with declarative memory deficits due to neurological damage
showed that creating mental imagery of events from a personal perspective may improve
episodic memory [69], therefore, people with ASD might try to improve their poor episodic
memory through mental imagery. In addition, another study found that mental imagery
was effective at enhancing the task of relearning after brain injury [70], so mental imagery
might be used against motor deficits secondary to faulty procedural memory [12]. Finally,
other study reported that understanding expressions (idioms) is associated with more so
phisticated and figurative mental images [71]; consequently, the creation of mental images
in people with ASD might be a small successful attempt in order to understand abstract
thinking as well as mental states of others, for example, mentalizing deficit in children with
autistic disorder was initially tested using the unexpected transfer test of false belief [20],
but both typically developing 3 year olds and children with autism significantly improve on
that test when they use thought bubbles, that is, visual representations of mental states
[72,73]. In addition, a review supports the Thinking in Pictures hypothesis, which posits
that a subset of individuals with ASD shows disposition towards using visual mental repre
sentations, although the authors of that theoretical proposal make the assumption that in
people with ASD, mental imagery creates difficulties for understanding [26]. In view of this
scenario, it is possible that neither his astounding memory nor his encompassing preoccupa
tion for very detailed and specific visual mental representations were the cause of the cogni
tive problems of S, but rather some other factor might be the cause of these three features in
S and such a factor might be the mnesic imbalance since procedural memory seems to be
required for the development of analogical inference, which is a sort of reasoning performed
primarily through unconscious algorithms that might be at the heart of abstract thinking
and verbal comprehension [74-76]. So, if it is difficult to perform reasoning through proce
dural memory then that might be tried through declarative memory using explicit (visual)
mental representations [12]. So, it is very likely that this was the reason why S often said I
can only understand what I can visualize [1].
It has been surmised that the mnemonist job could exacerbate autism symptoms in S [4].
However, the symptoms appear to have decreased precisely because of that job. For in
stance, the encompassing preoccupation with very detailed and specific visual mental repre
sentations that he did for his job was very exhausting, so S decided to make his visual
mental representations more and more simple; as a result, the word restaurant was no longer
represented by its entrance, people sitting inside, a Romanian orchestra tuning up, and a
lot else, but by an entrance way with a bit of something white showing from inside,
while with the word airport, S could see only a small segment of the Leningrad Highway.
This simplification of the visual mental representations allowed him to better understand
and to enjoy what he heard and read. Also, S showed a decrease of the apparently inflexible
adherence to nonfunctional routines, for example, if S heard the word America, he no longer
needed to do his mental journeys, but just to imagine Uncle Sam. In addition, S learned to
follow conversations and to understand when his behavior was not tactful [1]; similarly, a
man with autistic disorder named Peter Guthrie and another man with an ASD named Kim
Peek, who were used as models to create the character with autistic disorder in the movie
Rain Man also showed significant improvement in socialization and communication after
the increase in their public activity [77,78].
3.3. Relationship between great mnemonists and ASD
There are several cases of individuals with ASD that have been known for their astounding
memory, for example, Kim Peek learned more than 12,000 books and his encyclopedic
knowledge covering at least 15 interests such as world and American history, sports, mov
ies, geography, actors and actresses, literature and classical music. Peek as S had significant
difficulties with language comprehension, for instance, once when Peek was asked to lower
his voice he only slid lower into his chair [78,79]. Also, Peter Guthrie has an extraordinary
memory: he can say the day of the week for any date between past and future decades, has
memorized the Billboard record-sales charts and an extraordinary amount of data from al
manacs and newspapers; he reads, writes and pronounces English, Japanese, French, Arabic
and Spanish [77]. Moreover, a mental calculator described in his book the case of an elderly
man with ASD who could tell what day of the week any given date fell, because he remem
bered the day of the week and an event of dates that he had lived [80], while another author
described twins, John and Michael who also recalled a great amount of events from their
own life, but in addition, they could say the day of the week for any date in a period of
80,000 years [81]. It is interesting to note that although bad episodic memory in people with
ASD has been mentioned, these cases showed an extraordinary amount of autobiographic
remembrances, even S not only remembered the hundreds and thousands of series of num
bers, words or syllables, but also the whole scene in which the learning had initially been
carried out, so he said This was a series you gave me once when we were in your apart
ment... You were sitting at the table and I in the rocking chair... You were wearing a gray
suit and you looked at me like this... [1].
On the other hand, a woman named Jill Price (whose pseudonym in scientific literature is
AJ), remembers almost every day of her life since age 11. This feature is considered part of a
disorder for which the phrase hyperthymestic syndrome (hyperthymesia) has been coined
[2]. However, another author has considered the possibility that her hyperthymesia is only a
sort of obsessive compulsive disorder since she spends excessive amounts of time reliving
past events and although says this is a burden also says when I think of these things it is
kind of soothing [82]. On the other hand, S showed an apparent obsessed worry by his
memories when he said I both did and didn't want it to appear. However, this was a wor
ry about an apparent real-life problem, because S left his job as a journalist after meeting Lu
ria, then S became a professional mnemonist who performed on stage memory acts to
entertain audiences; he often gave several functions each evening and feared he began to
confuse the individual functions. Consequently, S tried to forget what he had memorized in
previous functions, but finally, he understood that memories only appear if he wanted it.
This latter situation was interpreted by Luria as S had learned to forget [1], but such as
sumption is inaccurate because it is different forget than to only remember when one wants
to. Thus, it is likely that S was finally able to answer the question Isnt it confusing to re
member so much? as the professional mnemonist without ASD Harry Lorayne, who acted
before S died and whose response was No! [83]; contrary to S, he had a very good empa
thy and extraordinary memory for faces, so he could memorize the name of 700 individuals
in only one function [10].
Hyperthymesia is also called Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM); an au
thor with HSAM (and without ASD) has claimed that this is not a disorder, but is almost
like therapy, in that it helps you to better understand yourself and predict how youll func
tion [84]. It has been suggested that studying cases of hyperthymesia may provide the basis
of potential future treatments for patients with memory disorders [85]. Furthermore, other
cases of superior memory studied by science are those individuals without ASD that have
set a Guinness World Record by memorizing thousands of digits of pi, for example, Rajan
Mahadevan, whose memory allowed him to recited 31,811 decimals of the mathematical
constant pi, shows his ability to recite a random sequence of over 40 digits seen by him at
the rate of a digit per second during a digit span test [86], whereas Hideaki Tomoyori, could
recite the first 40,000 digits of pi, had an average visual digit span of 8, but 10 in the auditory
digit span [87]; likewise, Chao Lu established the Guinness World Record at 67,890 decimals
of pi and could remember a mean of 8.83 digits during the visual digit span task [88], where
as Dominic OBrien (with at least six World Memory Championship titles), memorized a
random sequence of 74 digits in the auditory digit span task [11]. These data indicate that
the digit span tasks are not useful to show the superior memory of some individuals with
out ASD, such as Hideaki Tomoyori and Chao Lu. This situation does not seem to be differ
ent in people with ASD since DT, who was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and recited
22,514 digits of pi, had a mean of 11.5 digits on a visual digit span task [8]. In contrast, when
these individuals are allowed self-paced learning they can demonstrate their superior mem
ory; for instance, Tomoyori perfectly remembered the 25 digits from a 5 X 5 number matrix
studied for 233 seconds, that is, at a rate of 9.32 seconds per digit, whereas his control group
recalled only a mean of 18.30 digits of that matrix studied at an average of 395.6 seconds
(15.82 seconds per digit) [87]. Besides, Chao Lu also perfectly recalled all matrices, such as
one of 25 digits which he studied for 35 seconds (1.4 seconds per digit), whereas with a 7 X 7
number matrix he required 260 seconds (5.31 seconds per digit) and on a 9 X 9 matrix he
used 387 seconds (4.78 seconds per digit) [88]. Likewise, S also demonstrated his superior
memory through self-paced learning, for instance, he correctly recalled all 20 digits from ta
bles of numbers that he memorized in a mean of 37.5 seconds (1.8 seconds per digit), he
learned tables of 50 digits in 165 seconds (3.3 seconds per digit). He recalled the third verti
cal column of these later tables in 80 seconds, recalled the second vertical column in 25 sec
onds, which suggests that S did not memorize the tables as a mental photograph but as a
chain of data with a determined order [1]. This same pattern has been observed in Tomoyori
who also used mental imagery [87]. Indeed, according to the occipital activation that is ob
served in mnemonists with and without ASD, even if there is no success in the memorizing,
both groups use visual mental representations during recordings [89,90]. In addition, other
features of neurobiological similarity between people with ASD have been observed as well
as in those whose declarative memory has been significantly enhanced [56]. Even children
with Low Functioning Autism (LFA) may show qualitative similarity with the great mne
monists without ASD. For instance, some of them can learn to read whole sentences at pre
school age despite their very poor language comprehension [3,77,78,91], besides, the great
mnemonists can learn large amounts of text quickly [10,11]. Also the delayed echolalia in
children with LFA is a demonstration of good declarative memory [3,27]. On the other hand,
skills such as calendar calculation are common among the great mnemonists without ASD
and in some individuals with HFA or Asperger syndrome. Indeed DT, Kim Peek and Peter
Guthrie made calendar calculations [9,77,78]. To summarize, figure 2 illustrates the differen
ces and similarities between people whose declarative memory has been significantly en
hanced and that have an ASD regardless of whether or not they have an extraordinary
declarative memory.
Biological features
Decreased numbers of Purkinje cells, age changes in inferior olive,
increased packing and reduced size of cells in cerebral cortex,
changes in gray matter volume, increased activity in default mode network,
increased amygdala activation, increased hippocampal creatine and choline
Cognitive processing
Faulty procedural memory with relatively preserved declarative memory,
increased utilization of visual mental representations,
reading skills enhanced by good declarative memory
Behavioral manifestations
Completely fulfilled core triad of symptoms for diagnosing autistic disorder,
significant tendency to perform acts that demonstrate declarative knowledge
Figure 2. Shared characteristics between people with ASD and those whose declarative memory has been significant
ly enhanced (in blue text), and those only present in people with ASD (in red text). The blue arrows suggest a recipro
cal causal interaction among all shared characteristics, whereas one red arrow indicates unidirectional influence and
the other one bidirectional influence.
per se [93]. However, during the World Memory Championships the competitors currently
use mnemonic methods, not innate features as synaesthesia; one of these mnemonic meth
ods is the method of loci [94], which was used by S, who when he listened to a list of ob
jects to memorize he would distribute them along a street in his home town or the Gorky
Street visualized in his mind [1]. The method of loci is used by Buenos Aires waiters, who
memorize all the orders without written support [95].
Lorayne has pointed out that it is difficult to remember the abstract, he therefore recom
mends replacing it by tangible objects, for example, 7 might be represented by a flag, where
as 8 by an hourglass [10], while S used a man with a mustache to represent 7 and a very
stout woman to represent 8 [1]; OBrien said that 07 may become James Bond [11]. Finally, it
is very difficult to memorize meaningless words, but a solution is to convert those words
into intelligible images, for instance, the name Olczewsky was imagined by Lorayne as an
old man chewing, while he skied [83], while S visualized the word mavanasanava as his
landlady speaking (Polish: mwi = to speak) from the window, pointing into our guest
house (Russian: = our) and making a sign of negation (Latvian: nava = is not a) with
her other hand [1].
5. Conclusion
The astounding memory of Shereshevskii has been taken as a paradigmatic example of how
the development of a skill can affect the development of others. However, this chapter has
offered arguments against such a view and presented evidence that he had an ASD. In addi
tion, the relationship between memory and autism can be better understood if we reanalyze
the life of this extraordinary individual under the light of the mnesic imbalance theory.
The author would like to thank Edith Monroy for reviewing the language of the manuscript.
Author details
Miguel ngel Romero-Mungua
Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
Outpatient Service, Dr. Samuel Ramrez Moreno Psychiatric Hospital, Health Secretariat,
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Chapter 10
Genetic Evaluation of
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Eric C. Larsen, Catherine Croft Swanwick and
Sharmila Banerjee-Basu
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
While the genetic component of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has been clearly estab
lished from various lines of study, the multitude of genes and chromosomal loci associated
with ASD has made identification of the underlying molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis
difficult to resolve. A range of diverse methodologies and study types have identified both
rare and common genetic variants in ASD candidate genes and chromosomal loci. Moreover,
the recent development of high-throughput next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies
and the increasing usage of chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) has led to a significant
expansion in the number of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and copy number variants
(CNVs) potentially affecting one or more genes that have been identified in ASD individuals.
This, in turn, has given critical insight into the molecular and cellular processes that may be
preferentially targeted for disruption by genetic lesions in ASD patients.
However, it is important to note that there is no genetic test available for the diagnosis of ASD.
Rather, genetic testing is primarily aimed at identifying genetic variants potentially responsi
ble for disease pathogenesis in a given individual diagnosed with ASD. Furthermore, the
utility of NGS and CMA in genetic evaluation of ASD individuals is dependent on proper
interpretation and reporting of test results. In this chapter we will discuss 1) genetic testing
technologies currently available for the identification of genetic variation in ASD cases, 2) the
genes and genomic loci targeted by single nucleotide and copy number variants that have been
linked to ASD susceptibility, 3) the bioinformatics tools that enable researchers to process the
enormous amount of genetic data associated with ASD, and 4) challenges that exist in the
interpretation and reporting of genetic evaluation results in ASD cases.
2013 Larsen et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
of both false-positive and false-negative variants [11]; this is one of the many considerations
that must be taken into account in deciding which NGS technique to utilize.
Exome Report
Total # of genes
# of unique genes
# of overlapping genes
O'Roak 2011
Sanders 2012
O'Roak 2012
Neale 2012
Chahrour 2012
Iossifov 2012
Table 1. Six recent scientific articles describing rare genetic variants identified in ASD cases by next generation
sequencing (NGS) has led to a dramatic increase in the number of potential ASD candidate genes and further
illustrates the genetic heterogeneity of ASD. Overlapping genes are genes in which a rare variant was identified in
more than one exome report and are used as a measure of genetic heterogeneity.
Targeted gene Commercially
Whole exome
Available only in
research settings
majority of disease-
in non-coding regions
covering variants
Available only in
research settings
non-coding regions)
-Higher cost than whole
exome sequencing
Table 2. A summary of the benefits and drawbacks of the three types of next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques in
the genetic evaluation of ASD cases. Cost estimates of whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing in [14].
although the differences in cost betwen these two techniques have fallen from 10- to 20-fold
[13] to 4- to 5-fold [14].
2.2. Chromosomal microarray
Microscopically-visible chromosomal rearrangments have long been implicated in the onset
and pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders, includng ASD. Indeed, many of the most
strongly ASD-linked chromosomal deletions and duplications, collectively referred to as copy
number variants (CNVs), were discovered through the use of conventional cytogenetic
techniques such as G-banded karyotyping, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), and
microsatellite analysis. For example, duplications of chromosome 15q11-q13 were first
implicated in ASD in the mid-1990s by these methods [15-17]. Likewise, these methods
identified chromosomal rearrangments on the long arm of chromosome 22 in ASD cases [18,
19]. However, conventional cytogenetic techniques are impractical in the identification of copy
number variation throughout the human genome in large case cohorts. While G-banded
karyotyping is capable of detecting large chromosomal deletions and duplications (~1 Mb and
larger), it lacks the sensitivity to detect smaller CNVs. Alternatively, the use of techniques such
as FISH is generally limited to screen a particular chromosomal region, so while they are useful
for examining copy number variation in a genomic loci of interest in larger case populations,
they are impractical for the purposes of identifying deletions and duplications throughout the
In the last decade, technological and computational advances have allowed clinical geneticists
and researchers to detect submicroscopic chromosomal deletions and duplications throughout
the human genome in large case cohorts that would not be detected by traditional cytogenetic
techniques. Chromosomal microarray (CMA) is a term frequently used to include all types of
array-based whole genome copy number analyses, with the two most widely used being arraycomparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
arrays. CMA has been demonstrated to provide a higher diagnostic yield than G-banded
karyotyping (15-20% compared to ~3%) due to its ability to detect submicroscopic deletions
and duplications, and it has been proposed that CMA should replace conventional cytogenetic
techniques as a first-tier diagnostic tool for individuals with congential abnormalities and
developmental disorders, including ASD [20]. High-throughput genome-wide aCGH and SNP
arrays are now regularly used in the detection of CNVs in large ASD cohorts [1, 21-24].
aCGH and SNP arrays employ similar methodologies in the detection of CNVs (Figure 1). The
first step involves labeling the DNA of the ASD patient with a fluorophore, thereby creating
a test sample. The test sample is then mixed with an equal amount of DNA from a normal
reference sample that has been labeled with a different fluorophore. This mixed DNA sample
is added to a glass slide containing thousands of oligonucleotide probes corresponding to
different chromosomal regions that cover the human genome; in the case of SNP arrays, the
oligonucleotide probes are specific for common polymorphisms found in the general popu
lation. The sensitivity of CMA has been greatly increased in recent years by the development
of arrays employing a larger number of smaller oligonulceotide probes; in doing so, clinical
geneticists and researchers are able to detect even smaller copy number changes than before
without compromising genomic coverage. The test and reference DNA samples hybridize with
the probes on the slide, and the fluorescence intensities of the test and reference DNA can then
be measured. Following analysis with software that is typically specific for the platform being
used, one or more algorithms are used to call the CNV. The ratio between the two fluorescence
intensities is used to identify copy number changes. For example, if the test-to-reference ratio
is 1 (yellow in the example below), then there is no change in copy number at the chromosomal
region corresponding to a given probe, If the test-to-reference fluorescence ratio is > 1 for a
particular probe (green in the example below), then the ASD patient carries a duplication in
the chromosomal region corresponding to that probe. If the test-to-reference ratio is < 1 (red
in the example below), then the patient carries a deletion at that site of the genome.
Figure 1. Chromosomal microarray (CMA) analysis involves hybridization of differently labeled test and reference DNA
samples with oligonucleotide probes, followed by computerized analysis and identification of copy number variants
(CNVs) based on changes in fluorescence intensity ratio.
Despite the recommended use of CMA as a first-tier genetic evaluation tool in place of conven
tional cytogenetic techniques, it should be noted that aCGH is unable to detect balanced chro
mosomal rearrangments and other chromosomal abnormalities that have traditionally been
detected by karyotype analysis [25]. In addition to their traditional utilization in the detection
of risk-conferring common polymorphisms, SNP arrays have the added advantage of being
able to detect copy number neutral genetic variation such as uniparental disomy and long con
tiguous streteches of homozygosity (LCSH) that cannot be detected by aCGH [25, 26].
the Human Gene Module of the autism genetic database AutDB [27] has increased from 284
genes in September 2011 to 369 genes in June 2012. A large number of newer susceptibility
genes have been annotated from reports employing whole exome sequencing of ASD cases [2,
4, 7-10], illustrating the increasing usage of NGS techniques in the study of genetic variation
in ASD. In addition to the identification of novel ASD susceptibility genes, NGS techniques
have identified novel rare variants in previously identified ASD susceptibility genes. The
number of ASD-associated CNV loci has also increased significantly, with the CNV module
of AutDB expanding from 1034 CNV loci in September 2011 to 1173 loci in June 2012 (Figure
2). In this section we describe the genetic categories into which ASD susceptibility genes have
been classified, as well as describe recent studies that have yielded invaluable insight on the
functional profiles of ASD-associated genes and CNV loci.
Figure 2. The number of genes and CNV loci associated with ASD in the genetic database AutDB has increased over
the last four quarterly release dates.
compared to unaffected controls in genetic association studies, has led to significant increases
in the number of ASD-linked genes. While the majority of ASD-associated genes have been
linked to disease on the basis of genetic studies in human populations, a number of additional
ASD-linked genes have been identified by alternate methodologies, such as gene expression
studies in post-mortem brain tissue of ASD individuals.
ASD susceptibilty genes in the Human Gene Module of AutDB are defined into four distinct
1. Rare. This category features genes implicated in rare monogenic forms of non-syndromic
ASD. Rare allelic variants within this category include single nucleotide variants, small
insertions and deletions, chromosomal rearrangements such as translocations and inversions,
and monogenic submicroscopic deletions and duplications. Among the genes within this
category are CACNA1H and SHANK1.
2. Syndromic. Syndromic genes were among the first genes for which rare genetic variants
linked to autism were identifed. In addition to well-characterized syndromic genes such as
FMR1 (Fragile X syndrome), MECP2 (Rett syndrome), and CACNA1C (Timothy syndrome),
genes such as CHD7 and SLC9A6 fall into the syndromic category.
3. Association. This category includes genes in which small risk-conferring common poly
morphisms have been identified from genetic association studies in idiopathic ASD popula
tions. Among the genes within this category are MET and MTHFR.
4. Functional. This category includes functional candidate genes that have not yet been
experimentally linked to ASD by genetic studies. Among the genes in this category are BCL2
and PDE4B, whose inclusion is based on changes in gene expression in post-mortem brain
tissue of ASD subjects.
As shown in Figure 3, while the number of both rare and common ASD-associated variants in
the Human Gene module of AutDB has increased over the last four quarterly release dates,
the number of rare variants has increased at a much greater rate than the number of common
variants. The number of rare variants increased from 1141 in September 2011 to 1675 in June
2012, an increase of ~146%. In contrast, the number of common variants rose form 508 to 575
over the same span of time, an increase of only ~113%. This disparity between the addition of
rare and common variants to AutDB is in part due to the increased usage of NGS and CMA
and subsequent identification of rare ASD-associated variants in large ASD cohorts.
It should be noted that a given gene can fall under multiple genetic categories, depending on
the affected population under investigation and the type of study. For example, both rare
variants and risk-conferring common polymorphisms have been identified in the CNTNAP2
gene in ASD individuals across multiple studies [2, 29-31] However, in addition to its role as
an ASD susceptibility factor, recent studies suggest that rare variants in CNTNAP2 are
responsible for two additional syndromes: cortical dysplasia-focal epilepsy syndrome [32] and
Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome 1 [33]. Therefore, based on the combined evidence from all of these
aforementioned studies, CNTNAP2 is classified in AutDB as a syndromic gene, a rare gene,
and an association gene.
The classification of ASD-linked genes into genetic categories is a useful tool in assessing the
strength of the evidence for the connection of a given gene with ASD. Genes within the rare
and syndromic categories are generally considered to have the strongest link to ASD [34]. Due
to the frequent lack of replication in their association with ASD from one study to the next,
genes within the association category are considered to have a weaker link to ASD than genes
within the rare and syndromic categories. Genes within the functional category have no direct
documented connection to ASD and are therefore considered to be among the weakest ASD
candidate genes.
Figure 3. The number of rare and common ASD-associated variants in the Human Gene module of AutDB has in
creased over the last four quarterly release dates.
Recent large-scale ASD genetic studies have used a systems biology approach to translate ge
netic information into functional profiles that shed light on how genetic variation in ASD may
lead to disease onset and pathogenesis. Rare CNVs identified in large ASD cohorts have been
shown to be enriched for genes involved in cellular processes of relevance for ASD, including
cellular proliferation, projection, and motility, and GTPase/Ras signaling [1], neuronal cell ad
hesion and ubiquitin-mediated degradation [22], glycobiology [35], axon growth and path
finding [36], and synapse development, axon targeting, and neuron motility [37]. Gene
datasets from genome-wide association studies in ASD populations were demonstrated to be
enriched for Gene Ontology (GO) classifications for cellular processes including pyruvate me
tabolism, transcription factor activation, cell signaling and cell-cycle regulation [38]. A recent
report describing gene pathway analysis using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data
from the Autism Genetics Research Exchange (AGRE) identified cellular pathways such as cal
cium signaling, long-term depression and potentiation, and phosphotidylinositol signaling
that reached statistical significance in both Central European and Han Chinese populations
[39]. More recently, whole exome sequencing studies in large ASD cohorts have demonstrated
that proteins encoded by genes in which potentially disruptive de novo mutations were identi
fied showed a higher degree of connectivity among themselves and to previously identified
ASD genes based on protein-protein interaction network analysis [4, 8]. Another exome se
quencing study in ASD individuals found that many of the genes in which potentially disrup
tive variants were identified associated with the Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP),
the encoded product of the syndromic ASD gene FMR1 [10]. Taken together, these functional
maps suggest that specific cellular pathways and processes are preferentially targeted by ge
netic variation in ASD cases, and that association with the encoded products of well-character
ized ASD-linked genes offers evidence for pathogenic relevance.
Knowledge of ASD-associated genes can also be used to identify novel ASD candidate genes.
Following the construction of functional and expression profiles from a reference set of 84 rare
and syndromic ASD-linked genes, we generated a predictive map of novel ASD candidate
genes [40]. In total, 460 potential candidate genes were identified that overlapped both the
functional profile and the brain expression profile of the initial reference set. The power of this
predictive gene map was demonstrated by the capture of 18 pre-existing ASD-associated genes
that were not included in the reference gene dataset, with the remaining 442 genes serving as
novel ASD candidate genes. Since the publication of our predictive gene map, 12 of the novel
ASD candidate genes identified in [40] have been added to AutDB, demonstrating the
continued power of this analysis (manuscript in preparation).
4. Bioinformatics of ASD
With the rapid growth of genetic data obtained from ASD individuals, there has become a
critical need for databases specializing in the storage and assessment of this data. Here we
highlight several of the ASD-related genetics databases that are available to researchers.
4.1. AutDB
Our autism database AutDB ( is a webbased, searchable database of ASD candidate genes identified in genetic association stud
ies, genes linked to syndromic autism, and rare single gene mutations [27]. Evidence
regarding ASD candidate genes is systematically extracted from peer-reviewed, primary
scientific literature and manually curated by our researchers for inclusion in AutDB. To
provide high-resolution view of various components linked to ASD, we developed de
tailed annotation rules based on the biology of each data type and generated controlled
vocabulary for data representation. AutDB is widely used by individual laboratories in
the ASD research community, as well as by consortiums such as the Simons Foundation,
which licenses it as SFARI Gene.
AutDB is designed with a systems biology approach, integrating genetic information with
in the original Human Gene module to corresponding data in subsequent Animal Model,
Protein Interaction (PIN) and Copy Number Variant (CNV) modules. The Animal Model
module contains a comprehensive collection of mouse models linked to ASD [41]. While
the Animal Model module initially contained only genetic mouse models of ASD, it has
since been expanded to include induced mouse models of ASD in which a chemical or bi
ological agent linked to ASD has been administered. As core behavioral features of ASD
such as social interactions and communications can only be approximated in animal mod
els, the annotation strategy for this module includes four broad areas: 1) core behavioral
features of ASD, 2) ASD-related traits such as seizures and circadian rhythms that are her
itable and more easily quantified in animal models; 3) neuroanatomical features, and 4)
molecular profiles. To this end, we developed PhenoBase, a classification table for system
atically annotating models with controlled vocabulary containing 16 major categories and
>100 standardized phenotype terms. The PIN module of AutDB serves as a repository for
all known protein interactions of ASD candidate genes, documenting six major types of
direct interactions: 1) protein binding, 2) promoter binding, 3), RNA binding, 4) protein
modification, 5) direct regulation, and 6) autoregulation. Its content is envisioned to have
immediate application for network biology analysis of molecular pathways involved in
ASD pathogenesis. For the purposes of genetic evaluation of individuals with ASD,
knowledge of the protein interactions of ASD-associated genes can potentially aid in the
clinical assessment of novel ASD candidate genes based on their interactions, or lack
thereof, with known ASD-linked genes.
4.2. Gene scoring module of SFARI gene
As previously mentioned, AutDB is licensed to the Simons Foundation as SFARI Gene.
However, unlike AutDB, SFARI Gene includes a unique feature initiated by the Simons
Foundation called the Gene Scoring module ( The
Gene Scoring module is a web-based platform detailing the rank of ASD-associated genes in
the SFARI Gene Human Gene module [42]. With the increase in the number of genes linked
to ASD, a Gene Scoring initiative was launched to assess the ASD candidate genes based on a
set of standardized annotation rules. Following evaluation by an expert panel of advisors, the
gene assessment results are then integrated in the form of Gene Score Cards to display the
scores and the evidence in a graphical user interface for the ASD-linked gene. Recently, a
community-wide annotation functionality was incorporated into the Gene Scoring module,
allowing users to download the Gene Scoring dataset, score genes of their choice, and submit
their scores to SFARI for possible inclusion.
DECIPHER (Database of Chromosomal Imbalance and Phenotype in Humans Using Ensembl
Resources) ( is an interactive web-based database that incorpo
rates a suite of tools designed to aid in the interpretation of submicroscopic chromosomal
deletions and duplications [43]. Genetic and phenotypic information is publically available
not only for individuals diagnosed with idiopathic ASD, but also for individuals diagnosed
with a recognized microdeletion or microduplication syndrome in which a subset of affected
individuals also develop ASD.
4.4. AutismKB
AutismKB ( is a web-based, searchable database hosted by the
Center for Bioinformatics, Peking University [44]. AutismKB is an evidence-based knowledge
resource for ASD genetics containing information on genes, copy number variants, and linkage
regions associated with ASD. Analysis of the gene content in AutismKB is available for users
in the form of GO term enrichment analysis using the DAVID functional annotation tool and
pathway enrichment analysis. Much like the Gene Scoring Module of SFARI Gene (see section
4.2), the genes within AutismKB are scored.
4.5. Autism Chromosome Rearrangement Database
The Autism Chromosome Rearrangement Database ( is a webbased, searchable genetic database of chromosomal structural variation in ASD that is hosted
by The Centre for Applied Genomics at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada [21].
The content of this database, which is derived both from published research articles and inhouse experimental results, includes cytogenetic and microarray data from individuals with
4.6. Autism Genetic Database
The Autism Genetic Database ( is a web-based, searchable genetic
database developed by researchers at the University of Kansas [45]. In addition to ASDassociated genes and CNVs, this database also includes information on known non-coding
RNAs and chemically-induced fragile sites in the human genome.
Recent lines of evidence have placed non-coding RNAs under increased scrutiny with regards
to their potential pathogenic role in ASD. A number of small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) reside
within the ASD-associated 15q11-q13 region. A mouse model engineered to mimic duplication
of the 15q11-q13 region observed in ~1% of ASD cases exhibited overexpression of the snoRNA
MBII52 (the mouse ortholog of the human snoRNA HBII52), which could potentially alter
serotonergic signaling and contribute in part to the ASD-associated traits exhibited by these
mice [46]. More recently, it was discovered that a non-coding RNA is transcribed from a genepoor region of chromosome 5p14.1 identified in genome-wide association studies of ASD
cohorts [47]. Expression of the non-coding RNA, designated MSNP1AS, was shown to be
higher both in individuals carrying the ASD-associated T allele and in post-mortem brain
tissue of individuals with ASD.
Spontaneous breakage during DNA replication at rare chromosomal fragile sites may also play
a role in the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders such as ASD. The chromosomal fragile
site FRAXA has been implicated in fragile X syndrome, and other fragile sites have been
identified that associate with ASD, such as FRA2B, FRA6A, and FRA13A [48].
proach. In addition, the overall accuracy of the predictive classifier is likely too low to serve
as an effective diagnostic tool.
A number of guidelines have already been proposed to aid clinicians and clinical geneticists
in the interpretation and reporting of CNVs. With the increasing use of high resolution NGS
technologies, similar guidelines will likely be proposed for the interpretation and reporting of
single nucleotide variants (SNVs). Furthermore, tools and prioritization schema have also been
developed to aid clinicians in the interpretation of genetic testing results. Here we discuss in
greater detail the challenges in interpreting genetic screening results in ASD cases, the
strategies that have been proposed for the interpretation and reporting of screening results,
and the resources available to aid in that interpretation.
5.1. Challenges in the interpretation of ASD genetic screening results
5.1.1. Technical limitations of NGS and CMA
As previously mentioned, as the size of the sequenced target increases, so does the poten
tial number of false-positive and false-negative variants identified [11]. Such sequencing
artifacts are particularly problematic for the detection of spontaneous, or de novo variants,
as false-positive variants would appear to be de novo in origin when they are observed in
an offsprings genome but not in parental genomes. Furthermore, the source of DNA used
in sequencing studies can introduce sequencing artifacts. DNA from lymphoblastoid cell
lines from individuals to be genetically evaluated is a commonly used template for se
quencing; however, the creation and culturing of these cell lines can introduce genetic
changes that would appear as de novo variants when such cell lines are compared between
parents and offspring. In order to remove or reduce the possibility of artifactual results,
subsequent variant validation should be performed. In the case of single gene variants
identified by NGS, a more targeted sequencing approach limited to the gene or region of
interest would confirm the variant previously identified. In the case of CNVs identified by
NGS or CMA, a targeted detection method such as quantitative real-time PCR or FISH is
frequently used to confirm their discovery.
5.1.2. Genetic heterogeneity
While the genetic basis of many human diseases can be traced back to one or a few genes,
the genetic basis of complex neuropsychiatric disorders such as ASD has proven to be far
more complicated, with hundreds of genes and genomic loci associated with varying risks
of disease. The recent utilization of NGS and CMA approaches in genetic evaluation of
ASD cases has led to the detection of genetic variation not only in both existing and novel
susceptibility genes and genomic loci. However, the strength of evidence for many of
these novel candidate genes or genomic loci is minimal, and some degree of replication in
follow-up studies will be required to fully assess the relevance of many of these newlyidentified variants.
The sheer volume of genetic information generated by NGS and CMA not only leads to the
identification of potential genetic causes of a disease of interest, but also frequently leads to
the detection of other variants that are no directly related to the disease under investigation
but are related to other inherited human diseases. The extent to which these incidental findings
should be reported is a subject of some controversy, particularly in those situations in which
genetic predisposition to an adult-onset disease is discovered in a child being evaluated for
genetic causes of childhood developmental disorders. One such situation was described in a
recent news feature in Nature in which the family of a child who had undergone genetic testing
for developmental disability had to be informed that the child carried a genetic predisposition
to colon cancer after extensive debate between clinical geneticists and ethics reviewers as to
the extent to which such genetic information should be reported [53]. The degree to which
clinical geneticists should report incidental findings in research participants has been consid
ered by numerous authors [54-57], but as of yet there is not consensus. Many of these same
ethical concerns must be considered in the reporting of genetic evaluation results in individuals
with ASD.
Another consideration lies in the use of genetic evaluation to determine the recurrence risk in
the siblings of children with ASD and in family planning [50]. Given a recent estimate that the
recurrence rate of ASD in siblings may be as high as ~20% [58], the identification of inherited
variants that potentially impart susceptibility to ASD is of critical importance both in identi
fying at-risk siblings that have not yet begun to manifest symptoms of ASD and in making
informed decisions with regards to family planning.
5.3. Strategies for ASD genetic screening interpretation and reporting
The American College of Medicine Genetics released practice guidelines for the use of genetic
screening techniques in the evaluation of individuals with ASD in 2008 [59]. In the years that
have followed, additional practice guidleines and consensus statements discussing the use of
CMA in the genetic evaluation of ASD cases have been published [25, 26]. With its increasing
usage in the genetic evaluation of ASD cases, similar practice guidelines and consensus
statements regarding NGS will likely be forthcoming, and strategies for the interpretation of
NGS data in the evaluation of neurological diseases have recently been proposed [14]. In this
section we highlight some of the factors to consider in the interpretation of genetic screening
results in ASD cases.
5.3.1. Variant inheritance and segregation with ASD
One of the key determinants in the interpretation of ASD genetic screening results is the
mechanism of variant inheritance and how closely that variant segregates with ASD. Genetic
variation can either arise de novo or be transmitted from one or both parents. There has been
considerable interest in the ASD research community in the pathogenic relevance of de novo
variants, especially within the context of sporadic ASD cases.
As they have been subjected to less stringent evolutionary selection, de novo variants tend to
be more deleterious than inherited variants, making them excellent candidates for sporadi
cally-occurring disease [11]. An increased rate of de novo CNVs in sporadic cases compared to
familial cases has been reported [21, 60], and rare de novo CNVs at specific genomic loci were
found to associate with ASD in sporadic cases from the Simons Simplex Collection [24]. Exome
sequencing studies using ASD cohorts have reported an increased rate of de novo genedisrupting events (i.e. nonsense, splice-site, and frameshift mutations) in affected children
compared to their unaffected siblings [10].
Whereas ASD genetic research is increasingly focused on de novo genetic variation, it should
be remembered that the genetic basis of ASD was first established by studies demonstrating
the high heritability of the disease, a fact that illustrates the continued importance of identi
fying inherited genetic variation in ASD cases. A number of inherited single gene variants and
CNVs that segregate with disease in ASD families has been recently described [9, 61-64]; these
and other findings clearly demonstrate the importance of identifying inherited variants that
closely segregate with disease in affected families. It should be noted that determining the
extent of variant segregation in ASD families can be complicated by the phenotypic heteroge
neity that a given variant can cause from one affected family member to another. Furthermore,
a disease-causing variant may exclusively segregate with disease in males, even if the variant
does not reside on the X chromosome, as is the case with a SHANK1 mutation identified in a
four-generation ASD family [61]. Detailed family history and genetic evaluation of both
affected and unaffected family members is essential in determining the signficance of both de
novo and inherited variants in ASD cases.
5.3.2. Functional impact of variant
In addition to the mechanism of variant inheritance and variant segregation with disease,
another important consideration in interpretation of genetic screening results lies in the
functional impact of the variant. In many cases, especially with the use of high-throughput
screening technologies, variant function is predicted in silico. In the case of single gene
mutations, variation that results in disruption of gene function, such as nonsense mutations,
splice-site mutations, or frameshift mutations that introduce premature stop codons, are strong
genetic candidates, especially if such gene-disrupting variants are identified in a known ASD
suscepibility gene or a gene associated with an ASD-linked pathway. The interpretation of
missense mutations is more complicated and requires assessment of evolutionary conservation
using phyloP or Genomic Evolutionary Rate Profiling (GERP) conservation scores, as well as
scoring of the functional impact using Grantham or PolyPhen-2. However, as previously
mentioned [52], dependency on in silico predictions for variant function, even in well charac
terized ASD-linked genes, can lead to false conclusions. As such, experimental functional
assays are essential to accurately determine the impact of a given variant on gene expression
or function of the encoded gene product.
5.3.3. Clinical correlations of the variant with ASD
Another consideration in the interpretation of genetic screening results in ASD cases is the
degree of clinical correlation of a given variant with ASD. Hundreds of susceptibility genes
and CNV loci linked with ASD have been identified and catalogued in online genetic databases
such as AutDB, DECIPHER, and others. The identification of a novel, potentially pathogenic
variant in one of these known susceptibility genes or CNV loci would be strong evidence for
a causal role. To a lesser extent, a novel variant in a gene in an ASD-associated pathway or a
gene previously shown by gene expression studies to be differentially regulated in ASD tissue
would be a strong candidate. Another factor to consider is the frequency of a variant of interest
in healthy control populations; the absence or significantly reduced frequency of the variant
of interest in unaffected individuals would offer strong evidence for a causal role.
5.4. Resources for ASD genetic screening interpretation
A number of online resources are available to aid clinical geneticists in the interpretation of
genetic screening results in ASD individuals. Many of these resources are aimed at differen
tiating between rare, potentially ASD-specific variants and benign variants observed in the
general population. In this section we will describe some of these resources in greater detail.
5.4.1. Genetic variation in control populations
Differentiating between potentially pathogenic and benign genetic variants in ASD cases
requires knowledge of the degree of genetic variation that resides within seemingly unaffected
individuals in the general population. A number of online resources, several of which are
hosted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) [65], have been devel
oped to allow clinical geneticists to visualize genetic variation identified in the general
population. The genetic variation curated in these databases can range from single nucleotide
polymorphisms to chromosomal structural variation and has proven invaluable in assessing
the potential pathogenic relevance of novel genetic variants. dbSNP (database of single nucleotide polymorphisms)
dbSNP ( is a public domain database hosted by NCBI
collecting a range of polymorphic genetic variation, including single nucleotide polymor
phisms (SNPs), small-scale multi-base deletions or insertions (also called deletion insertion
polymorphisms or DIPs), and retroposable element insertions and microsatellite repeat
variations (also called short tandem repeats or STRs) [65]. 1,000 Genomes Project
The 1,000 Genomes Project ( is a consortium employing highthroughput NGS techniques for the purposes of characterizing over 95% of genetic variants
located in genomic regions accessible to sequencing and occurring at an allelic freuqency of
1% or higher in each of five major population groups [66]. dbVar (database of genomic structural variation)
dbVar ( is a searchable online database hosted by NCBI
containing genomic structual variation, defined by the database as inversions, balanced
translocations, and CNVs approximately 1 kb or larger in size, that has been observed in both
case and control populations [65]. Database of Genomic Variants
The Database of Genomic Variants (
is an curated online database hosted by the Centre for Applied Genomic that contains struc
tural variation, defined by the developers of the database as genomic alterations that involve
segments of DNA that are larger than 50bp, in control individuals [67]. Users can search the
database for genetic variants such as CNVs, insertions, inversions, and regions of uniparen
tal disomy, as well as download database contents.
5.4.2. Genotype-phenotype association
The dbGaP public repository ( was created by the Na
tional Institutes of Health for the purposes of collecting individual-level genotype and phe
notype data and associations between them [68]. The studies collected in dbGaP include
genome-wide association studies, sequencing and diagnostic assays, and associations be
tween genotype and non-clinical traits. Users can browse association results, utilize the Phe
notype-Genotype Integrator (PheGenI) to search for phenotypic traits linked to GWAS data,
and download data.
6. Conclusion
The development of lower-cost, high-throughput genome-wide genetic screening technolo
gies has revolutionized the field of genetic evaluation and now provides clinical geneticists
and researchers the opportunity to detect genetic variation in ASD individuals like never be
fore. In doing so, the evidence for previously identified genetic susceptibility factors will ex
pand, and novel ASD candidate genes and genomic loci will be identified, resulting in a
better understanding of the genetic basis of ASD. However, precautions must be taken to
ensure that genetic screening results are interpreted and reported properly.
The authors would like to thank the other members of MindSpec, Inc. (Ajay Kumar, M.S.,
Idan Menashe, Ph.D., Wayne Pereanu, Ph.D., Rainier Rodriguez, and Sue Spence), as well as
the Simons Foundation. AutDB is licensed to the Simons Foundation as SFARI Gene.
Author details
Eric C. Larsen, Catherine Croft Swanwick and Sharmila Banerjee-Basu
MindSpec, Inc., U.S.A.
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Chapter 11
1. Introduction
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are severe neurodevelopment disorders characterized by
impairment in social interaction and communication, and repetitive and stereotyped behav
iors. Motor deficits, aggressive behavior, abnormal sleep patterns, gastrointestinal problems,
epilepsy and intellectual disability are also observed. Manifestations are observed before
three years of age with early stimulation being recommended (Baird et al., 2006; Faras et al.,
2010; Bronsard et al., 2011; Miles, 2011; Angelidou et al., 2012). Due to the great phenotypic
variability of carriers and the subjectivity of the differential diagnostic criteria of "Pervasive
Developmental Disorders" (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), ASD is today consid
ered the most appropriate denomination. The general term, autism, is often used as a syno
nym for ASD.
ASD were described more than seven decades ago (Sanders, 2009) and many neurobiologi
cal changes have been illustrated in carriers, yet the diagnosis is still based on behavioral
aspects using diagnostic scales. However, even though there is a detailed checklist made
up of several scales, most are not translated and validated in different countries, which hin
ders standardized and efficacious diagnosis (Marteleto et al., 2008; Rapin & Goldman, 2008;
Sato et al., 2009; Biederman et al., 2010).
The prevalence of ASD varies by region, but it is believed to be around 1:150 individuals.
However, higher prevalences of up to 1:88 children have been described (Currenti, 2010; An
gelidou et al., 2012). The tentatives to explain such high prevalence rates involve changes in
diagnostic criteria, greater knowledge of the general population and the exposure of the ge
netic material of fetus to internal and external toxic agents (King & Bearman, 2009; Lintas &
Persico, 2009; Avchen et al., 2011).
2013 Fett-Conte et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Although many environmental factors are related to the pathogenesis of autism, such as the ru
bella virus whose disruptive effects in the brain may result in autistic behavior, the participa
tion of genetic components is certain. The estimated concordance rate for identical twins ranges
from 60 to 90%, while among dizygotic twins and non-twin siblings the rate is from 5 to 31%
(Bailey, et al., 1995; Rosenberg et al., 2009; Hallmayer et al., 2011). Based on studies of twins, her
itability was estimated to be between 60 and 80% (Geschwind, 2011; Hallmayer et al., 2011).
In up to 10% of ASD cases it is possible to identify etiological, genetic or environmental fac
tors (syndromic autism). Thus, in about 90% of the cases there is no known cause (non-syn
dromic autism). A multifactorial etiology can be assigned to these idiopathic cases after the
exclusion of environmental and genetic causes, and using specific evaluations (VeenstraVanderweele et al., 2004). Scientific discoveries until now have shown that there are multi
ple genetic factors (polygenes) involved in the predisposition to ASD which, associated with
an external trigger (environmental factor), would result in the behavioral framework for au
tism. However, these factors alone also result in changes in the brain that lead to autistic be
havior. Thus, the same factors may be present in two children with one having autism and
the other not. There is no doubt that science has elucidated many biological mysteries about
autism, yet for every issue clarified, another, even more complex, appears.
2. Environmental etiology
Prenatal or perinatal infections by viral agents such as rubella and cytomegalovirus, as well
as exposure to toxic agents, such as thalidomide, valproic acid and alcohol, are some of the
best-known environmental causes of ASD (Chess et al., 1978; Christianson et al., 1994).
Allergenic environmental factors and autoimmune problems during pregnancy may also
be involved in the etiology of autism. The presence of circulating maternal antibodies
against fetal brain proteins suggests the possibility of their transposition in the blood-brainbarrier. Studies have demonstrated the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the fetal
brain, such as TNF (tumor necrosis factor) which is preformed in maternal mast cells (Vojda
ni, 2008; Angelidou et al., 2012).
Even premature birth has been implicated as a cause of ASD. Babies from gestations of less
than 28 weeks have a high risk of neurological problems. A study in Atlanta, USA, showed
that children born in the 33rd gestational week have a greater risk for autistic characteristics
(Limperopoulos et al., 2008).
There is a link between oxidative stress and immune response (Viora et al., 2001). There are
suggestions that environmental factors trigger oxidative stress in individuals genetically
susceptible to autism, which would lead to losses in methylation and secondary neurologic
deficits (Dardeno et al., 2010). Increased levels of oxidative stress markers have already been
described in the cord blood of mothers who had premature births compared to those of
mothers who had full term births (Joshi et al., 2008).
Premature birth is associated with the formation of reactive oxygen species (Davis & Auten,
2010). Stress typically results in the release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) with
elevated levels of this hormone in plasma being associated with premature births (Warren et
al., 1992; Chrousos, 1995). CRH may stimulate the release of a cytokine, interleukin-6 (IL-6),
by mast cells, which are part of the immune system. IL-6, by injuring the blood-brain barrier
due to stress related to CRH and mast cells, increases its permeability (Esposito et al., 2001).
With the increased permeability, neurotoxic molecules can reach the brain and cause an in
flammatory process that contributes to the pathogenesis of ASD (Theoharides, 2008; Valent
et al., 2012). This process has suggested a new possibility for the etiology of ASD.
4. Genetic anticipation
Genetic anticipation studies are fundamental in the elucidation of inheritance mechanisms
for any genetically influenced condition, because, in addition to the clinical importance and
guidance in genetic counseling, these investigations can assist in the elucidation of the recur
rence risks in future generations (Constantino et al., 2010).
Following a promising approach in the investigation of complex disease etiologies, studies
on endophenotypes (intermediate phenotypes) may be used to direct the search for the
etiology of ASD (Weinberger et al., 2001). Manifestations related to autistic behavior are of
ten observed in varying degrees of severity in unaffected individuals of previous genera
tions in the same family, thereby characterizing the phenomenon of genetic anticipation in
ASD (Losh et al., 2008).
A Swedish study reported that the existence of individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar dis
order in the family is a risk factor for the occurrence of autism. The authors found an association
between schizophrenic parents or siblings with increased risk of ASD. Bipolar disorder also
proved to be a risk factor, but not as strong as schizophrenia (Sullivan et al., 2012).
Studies of autistic families have also shown a significant increase in the recurrence of ASD in
first-degree relatives of carriers. For example, siblings of individuals with ASD have a 22- to 25fold higher risk of having the disorder (Lauritsen et al., 2005; Abrahams & Geschwind, 2008).
There are significantly higher risks of ASD in offspring of parents with ASD and those with fam
ilial history of psychiatric problems. Depression and personality disorders have been reported
to be more common in mothers of children diagnosed with ASD than in mothers of children
with normal development (Daniels et al., 2008; Constantino et al., 2010). Even some non-affect
ed individuals of different generations in the same family may show subtle impairment in cog
nitive development, language changes or in social interaction; this is termed the broad autism
phenotype. This phenotypic diversity of autistic behavior and psychiatric manifestations in fam
ilies of the patients indicate that the genetic factors that influence ASD may be composed of dis
tinct elements that manifest differently between affected and non-affected family members
(Pickles et al., 2000; Szatmari et al., 2000; Goldberg et al., 2005).
In the molecular field, studies on genealogies with multiple affected family members and
studies on twins suggest that allelic variations are associated with increased susceptibility to
ASD and that there are etiological factors common to both ASD and milder autistic pheno
types (Lundstrom et al., 2010; Arking et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2009). Hence, epidemiological
studies have been developed with families in an attempt to clarify the relative proportions
of cases of autism and broad autism phenotypes in the population that might explain these
complex mechanisms of genetic transmission.
that may have toxic effects on brain development. An example is phenylketonuria, an autoso
mal recessive disorder that, if untreated, leads to excessively high levels of phenylalanine and
toxic metabolites, resulting in intellectual disabilities and ASD (Manzi et al., 2008).
Mitochondria are intracellular organelles that have the function of producing energy. In the
mitochondria ATP production, free oxygen radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are
produced and then normally removed from the cells by anti-oxidant enzymes. When the
production of ROS and free radicals exceeds the limit, oxidative stress occurs, that is, ROS
combine with lipids, nucleic acids and proteins in the cells leading to cell death by apoptosis
or necrosis. Since brain cells have limited antioxidant activity, a high lipid content and high
requirement for energy, it is more prone to the effects of oxidative stress. Some patients with
ASD and mutations in mitochondrial DNA have already been reported (Fillano et al., 2002;
Dhillon et al., 2011). The first study involving bioenergetic metabolism disorders in ASD
was directed by Coleman & Blass (1995), who reported lactic acidosis in four children with
autism. Later Lombard (1998) proposed that mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation can
cause abnormal brain metabolism in children with autism resulting in acidosis. A study by
Pons et al. (2004) described five children with ASD who had abnormal respiratory chain en
zyme activity, characterized by the A3243G mutation. Graf et al. (2000) described two broth
ers with autism associated with a mitochondrial DNA G8363A RNA(Lys) mutation.
All these diseases, in addition to peculiar and specific clinical signs and symptoms, have au
tism as a common manifestation. However, with so different genetic etiologies and proba
bly, the involvement of different interaction mechanisms, what do they have in common
that explains the autistic behavior? The autistic behavior is attributed to changes in neurode
velopment and all these diseases cause changes in the brain structure and/or functioning,
probably damaging cerebral areas that are linked to autistic symptoms.
In the clinical practice, the recognition of these conditions is fundamental, as it allows the
targeting of laboratory tests and assists in the initial breakdown of etiological heterogeneity
which categorizes specific cases of autism as syndromic or nonsyndromic. This definition is
important because of possible implications in the prognosis and recurrence risk (Miles, 2011;
Gurrieri, 2012).
6. Chromosomal alterations
Numerical and structural chromosomal alterations, visible by conventional cytogenetic tech
niques, occur in about 6 to 7% of ASD cases and have already been described in all autoso
mal and sex chromosomes. These findings justify karyotyping by GTG banding as part of
the etiological work-up protocol of carriers (Castermans et al., 2004; Shen et al., 2010).
Some human chromosomal aneuploidies are known to increase the risk for ASD; the most
common, as identified in studies of individuals with autism, are trisomy 21 (Down syn
drome), monosomy of chromosome X in women (Turner syndrome), uniparental X disomy
in men (Klinfelter syndrome), Y disomy and 45,X/46,XY mosaicism. Structural abnormalities
include 15q11-13 duplication and deletions of 2q37, 22q11.2 and 22q13.3 (Betancour, 2011).
Due to the high number of cases that have been described and the type of genes located in
them, the association of eight chromosomal regions is well established in autism including:
1q21, 7q11.23, 15q13, 15q11-13, 16p11.2, 17p11.2, 22q13.3 and 22q11.21. Rearrangements in
volving these regions are detected by classic cytogenetic techniques but it is recommended
that more sophisticated techniques, such as array comparative genomic hybridization (ar
ray-CGH), are used for their evaluation (Gillberg, 1998; Griswold et al., 2012).
As expected, unbalanced changes are more frequently found in dysmorphic individuals and
with delays in neuropsychomotor development due to the extent of damage because they
result in significant gains and losses of gene content. Balanced rearrangements, however, are
less frequent and can be related to mutations in DNA breakpoints. Some are so rare that it is
difficult and risky to consider them a cause of autism. However, some occur at high enough
frequencies to be considered risk factors for the disease. Identifying balanced changes is im
portant for genetic counseling, not only due to the etiologic implications, but also because
these changes may predispose descendants to unbalanced rearrangements (Carter, 2011;
Sherer & Dawson, 2011; Nowakowska et al., 2012).
However, chromosomic analysis detects only 3-5 megabase abnormalities. New technolo
gies using DNA or chromosomal microarrays can identify submicroscopic abnormalities.
Microdeletions and duplications, e.g., may be identified with microarrays in individuals
with ASD who previously had normal kariotype. Therefore, if cytogenetic analysis is nega
tive in clinically diagnosed ASD, molecular techniques are necessary.
7. Candidate genes
According to recent findings, some common mutations, epigenetic mechanisms, chromo
some alterations, rare single gene mutations, copy number variations (CNVs) and single nu
cleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) result in the autistic phenotype. Because of national and
international consortia, many linkage and genome-wide association studies have evolved
which elucidated candidate genes and susceptibility of genomic regions relevant to ASD. In
contrast to polygenic or complex genetic models for autism, suggested in the majority of cas
es, a few forms of ASD are known to be caused by single gene defects, such as in FRAXA
(Chiocchetti & Klauck, 2011; Dhillon et al., 2011).
According to a review by Betancour (2011) more than 100 candidate genes for autistic be
havior are also related to syndromic or nonsyndromic intellectual disabilities. Many are also
associated with epilepsy, with or without intellectual disabilities; this suggests that these
neurodevelopment disorders have risk factors in common with ASD.
Mutations in a single gene may be autosomal dominant, recessive or X-linked. Some, not al
ways related to syndromic cases, are highly penetrating and appear at sufficiently high fre
quencies to be considered monogenic causes of autism. Of the growing list, the most
important candidate genes are: NLGN3, NLGN4, SHANK2, SHANK3, NRXN1, NRXN3,
important to note that most of these act on neurotransmission in the central nervous system
(Sherer & Dawson, 2011).
There are reports of more than two hundred candidate genes in the literature. According to
Swanwick et al. (2011), they can be classified into four categories: 1) rare - genes involved in
rare monogenic forms of ASD. This type of allelic variant includes rare polymorphisms and
mutations directly related to ASD (NRXN1 and SHANK3); 2) syndromic - genes related to
syndromes with phenotypic manifestations in a significant subpopulation of carriers that in
clude autistic symptoms (FMR1 and MECP2); 3) association - genes with common polymor
phisms that confer a small, probably additive risk, for ASD, that were identified from
association studies derived from cases of unknown etiology (MET and GABRB1) and 4)
functional - genes with functions related to the biology of ASD that are not included in the
other categories (CASDP2 and ALOX5AP). Among these, the ones that belong to the first
two categories are the most strongly related to the pathogenesis of ASD (El-fishawy & State,
2010). There are indications that de novo point mutations occur in approximately 5 to 20% of
the cases (ORoak et al., 2011).
Persico and Bourgeron (2008) proposed that there are three main pathways involved in the
pathogenesis of ASD. The first entails genes that affect cell migration, the second disruptions of
the glutamate-GABA harmony and the third involves synaptic formation and maintenance and
dendritic morphology. All these pathways play a fundamental role in the central nervous sys
tem, particularly in the serotonergic process (Berkel et al., 2010; Durand et al., 2007).
Recent studies have given more support to evidence that a large subset of genes, involved in the
outgrowth and guidance of axons and dendrites, is implicated in the etiology of autism. How
ever, many studies are still needed in order to understand the role of isolated genes and gene re
gions in ASD and to identify the associations between them and to identify new candidate
genes that act within the molecular pathways (Hussman et al., 2011; Griswold et al., 2012).
But despite the large number of previously identified candidate genes, the number of pa
tients with changes in these genes does not reach 1% of the total cases, which further high
lights the extreme heterogeneity seen in the pathogenesis of ASD. The findings have led to a
paradigm shift in the concept of the genetic architecture of common neurodevelopmental
diseases, stressing the importance of individual patterns, rare mutations and overlapping in
genetic etiology. They have also converged on specific neurodevelopmental pathways, pro
viding insights into pathogenic mechanisms (Mitchell, 2011).
et al., 2012). The use of these molecular sequencing tools has also enabled the identification of
high frequencies of common variants in some genes, such as SNPs, in individuals with SD.
SNPs, causing about 50% of all currently known variations in genetic material, are the most nu
merous variants in the genome. Moreover, SNPs are considered genetic markers that can be
used to identify genes associated with complex diseases (Malhotra & Sebat, 2012).
Unlike CNVs, SNPs seem to be more penetrating in ASD. De novo SNPs, although less fre
quent, seem to have more deleterious effects and confer higher risk for autistic behavior
(Chahrour et al., 2012). Associations between some SNPs of mitochondrial and nuclear
genes and predisposition to ASD have been reported by several studies (Ramoz et al., 2004;
Silverman et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2009). Studies have shown SNPs in the GABRA2, GA
BRA3, GABRA4, SLC25A12, FOXP2, CNTNAP2, CNTNAP2 and BDNF genes (Li et al., 2005;
Segurado et al., 2005; Alrcon et al., 2008; Cheng et al., 2009; Scott-Van Zeeland et al., 2010;
Jiao et al.,2011). In the Genome-wide Association Studies (GWAS) involving 4305 individu
als with ASD and 6941 controls, strong association signals were revealed in six SNPs of two
genes encoding neuronal cell-adhesion molecules, cadherin 10 (CDH10) and cadherin 9
(CDH9). These findings were replicated in two independent cohorts and implicated neuro
nal cell-adhesion molecules in the pathogenesis of ASD (Wang et al., 2009).
It is possible that screening for SNPs may identify new biological mechanisms that are in
volved in predisposition to ASD. However, GWAS, although promising, has revealed few
common alleles and many results have still to be replicated (Ma et al., 2009; Manolio et al.,
2009; Klein et al., 2010). It is clear that SNPs may have variable expressions or reduced pene
trance. But, while it is apparent that rare variations can play an important role in the genetic
architecture of these diseases, the contribution of common variations to risk for ASD is less
clear (Jiao et al., 2011; Sherer & Dawson, 2011). Additionally, a strong Association between
SNPs in the 5p14.1 and 5p15.2 regions and ASD has also been reported (Wang et al., 2009).
However, the results of Stage 2 of the Autism Genome Project Genome-Wide Association
Study, which incremented 1301 ASD families to the investigation bringing the total to 2705
families analyzed (Stages 1 and 2), showed that no single SNP has a significant association
with ASD or selected phenotypes at the genome-wide level and concluded that common
variants affect the risk for ASD but their individual effects are modest (Anney et al., 2012).
These controversial results about the role of SNPs in the predisposition for ASD do not rule
out participation in the phenotype, but motivate the investigation of biological phenomenon
that would explain their participation. Probably a single SNP does not affect the risk, but
perhaps the additive effect of several SNPs, in specific combinations, with the participation
of environmental determinants cannot be discarded in etiologically complex diseases.
From another standpoint, the Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) approach is one of the most
suitable methods to find susceptibility of loci. This approach follows the assumption that
ASD occur as a continuum of severity, a position supported by findings of elevated levels of
ASD symptoms in parents and siblings of cases compared to controls, and variations in ASD
traits that have been found in the general population. One study to identify the loci that un
derlie ASD symptoms in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in
vestigated both the total level of ASD symptoms as well as scores of three ASD symptom
domains, thus taking into account potential differential genetic origins of different ASD
symptom domains. QTL linkage analyses for the different ASD domains were carried out
using 5407 SNPs spanning the entire genome. Findings suggest that some QTLs are ASD
specific, although the 15q QTL potentially has pleiotropic effects for ADHD and ASD (Nij
meijer et al., 2011). The genetic analysis of quantitative traits that are phenotypically linked,
such as in ASD and ADHD, can reduce the heterogeneity of diagnosis and indicate loci re
lated to susceptibility (Lu et al., 2011).
There is a QTL related to language delay located close to the 7q35-36 region. Interestingly
this region is mapped in the CNTNAP2 gene, a strong candidate for predisposition to autis
tic behavior; it is well known that communication abilities are qualitatively impaired in au
tistic individuals. The significant delay in language (age of first word) is observed in
about half of affected children (Alrcon et al., 2008). The relationship of SNPs in the
CNTNAP2 gene has already been described, as has the association of the gene and its SNPs
to language development delay in autistic and non-autistic individuals (Alrcon et al., 2008;
Arking et al., 2008; Tan et al., 2010; Stein et al., 2011; Whalley et al., 2011).
Additionally, the transcription factor encoded by the FOXP2 gene has already been linked to
the development of language. This factor binds to the promoter of the CNTNAP2 gene regu
lating its expression during development. There are reports of changes in the FOXP2 bind
ing site in patients with ASD, which suggests that a reduced expression of the CNTNAP2
gene may be the underlying etiology of one of the phenotypic characteristics of ASD (Vernes
et al., 2008; Poot, et al., 2009). In addition to these, it has been suggested that WNT2 and EN2
are related to language development in autism (Lin et al., 2012).
Promising results on the influence of genetic bases in neurobehavioral disorders have also
been obtained through studies on CNVs. All these emerging genetic technologies have
brought more valuable approaches to improve the understanding of the etiology of ASD.
Advances in the use of molecular biology tools have provided a promising manner to study
gene-gene and gene-environment relationships in disorders (Gurrieri, 2012; Li et al., 2012).
This combination of tools in the search for the etiology will reflect in the possibility of target
ing the diagnosis, prognosis, early interventions and genetic counseling. However, more da
ta and the reproducibility of findings are necessary to establish the genetic components of
these diseases.
genomic variation (as measured in nucleotides) are similar. Thus, in addition to 0.1% of ge
netic difference at the nucleotide sequence level, another 0.1% of genetic difference is appa
rent at the structural level (Malhotra & Sebat, 2012).
The rate of genome-wide nucleotide substitutions is estimated at 30100 per generation and
1 per exome. In contrast, the global rate of structural mutation events is lower: CNVs > 10
Kb in size occur at a rate of 0.010.02 per generation (Marshall et al., 2008; Conrad et al.,
2011; Levy et al., 2011; Sanders et al., 2011). Nucleotide substitutions probably account for
the majority of disease risk alleles, but based on sheer size and potential to impact genes (or
multiple genes), structural mutations are, on average, more pathogenic. Thus, CNVs, de novo
CNVs in particular, seem to be a class of variants that have large effect on disease risk (Mal
hotra & Sebat).
CNVs are gaining importance in the scenario of ASD. They represent a significant source of
genetic diversity and seem to significantly contribute to changed behavioral phenotypes (Se
bat et al., 2007; Rees et al., 2011). To have an idea, de novo CNVs have already been reported
to be three to five times more common in families of individuals with ASD than in controls,
and more often presenting the syndromic form of autism, that is, with the most severe phe
notypes (Miller et al., 2010; Pinto et al., 2010; Shen et al., 2010; Sanders et al., 2011). In fact,
CNVs, in particular de novo CNVs involving many genes, confer risk for ASD. However, al
though they are important in this respect, they rarely interrupt a single gene or have com
plete penetrance and many give a wide-ranging risk including risk for other problems such
as intellectual deficiency, epilepsy and schizophrenia (Geschwind, 2011; ORoak et al., 2011).
Up to 40% of CNVs in autism are inherited from apparently normal parents, consistent with
the suggestion of incomplete penetrance. Both de novo (non- inherited) or inherited CNVs
occur at the same locus in unrelated individuals, and some of them coincide with those seen
in other gene-related diseases associated with ASD, including developmental delay and in
tellectual deficiency (Cook & Scherer, 2008; Lee & Scherer, 2010). Thus, some apparently
have a pleiotropic effect.
De novo CNVs have been observed in from 7-10% of cases in simplex families, in 2-3% in
multiplex families and approximately 1% of normal controls. Rare de novo CNVs have al
ready been observed in 5.8-7.9% of carriers and in 1.7-1.9% of unaffected siblings in simplex
families (Levy et al., 2011; Sanders et al., 2011), while de novo mutations in coding regions
participate in < 20% of cases of ASD (Malhotra & Sebat, 2012). In addition, about 10% of
ASD cases with de novo CNVs have two or more CNVs (Sebat et al., 2007; Christian et al.,
2008; Marshall et al., 2008).
Many of the variations occur in gene regions that contain synaptic genes, and it seems that
some involve haploinsufficient regions or dominant inheritance. Others seem to express re
cessive forms as in the cases of the NHE926, PCDH10 and DLA1 genes identified in studies
of individuals with consanguineous parents. Other rare variations were found deleted in ho
mozygous (Bourgeron, 2009; Ramocki & Zoghbi, 2008; Morrow et al., 2010).
There are descriptions of de novo and inherited CNVs, sometimes in combination in a given
family, implicating many novel ASD genes such as SHANK2, SYNGAP1, DLGAP2 and the
established before glutamatergic transmission suggesting that GABA is the principal excita
tory transmitter during early development (Takayama & Inoue, 2004; Ben-Ari et al., 2007).
In multiplex families, i.e. those with more than one affected individual, different individuals
have similar microdeletions or microduplications and exhibit autistic, broad or normal phe
notypes (Fernandez et al., 2010; Kumar et al., 2008). The microduplication of 15q11-13,
which seems to have a major impact on the expression of ASD, is a good example of differ
ent effects in carriers. For example, Veltman et al. (2005) reported a female proband referred
for evaluation of a possible ASD. Genetic analyses indicated that the proband, her father
and one of her sisters, carried a paternally derived interstitial duplication involving
15q11-13. The proband showed evidence of ASD (PDD-NOS), borderline mental retardation,
mild hypotonia and joint laxity. Her father and her sister were of normal intelligence and
neither was thought to have an ASD, although speech/language difficulties and some autis
tic type behaviors were reported to have been present early in the development of the sister.
In studies of idiopathic cases, the most common change is the 16p11.2 microduplication/
microdeletion, comprising a region of around 600 Kb. Microduplication of 16p11.2 is present
in autistic and schizophrenic individuals but is also seen in normal individuals. This varia
tion is also observed in cases of ASD with and without dysmorphic signs (Fernandez et al.,
2010; Shinawi et al., 2010). Microdeletions of 16p11.2 seem to be more penetrating (around
100%) and are associated with the presence of major dysmorphic signs, while microduplica
tions have reduced penetrance (~50%) and are associated with minor dysmorphic signs (Ra
mocki & Zoghbi, 2008; Bourgeron, 2009; Fernandez et al., 2010).
One possible explanation for these cases, as already mentioned in previous sections, is that
probably there are other genetic components that are contributing to the disease in these
families that, depending on how they are associated in individuals, result in different phe
notypes (Griswold et al., 2012). But it is also very likely that different CNVs display different
penetrance depending on the sensitivity of the affected gene to dosage (number of copies),
the function of the gene and the affected region.
Endophenotypes (or intermediate phenotypes) are defined as heritable traits that form a
causal link between genes and observable symptoms. Brain based endophenotypes offer
several important advantages over clinical phenotypes in the search for pleiotropic genes in
ASD. They provide insight in the causal chains of action leading from gene to symptom ex
pression, they aid in forming etiologically more homogeneous subgroups of patients (Gould
& Gottesman, 2006).
In addition to the variability of simple and more complex genetic mechanisms proposed in
the expression of the ASD phenotype, environmental factors via epigenetic mechanisms
seem to be very important.
of twins seems to increase with advancing paternal age. It was suggested that this result
may be related to factors such as de novo mutations in germ lines, exposure to toxic agents
during life and epigenetic alterations (Lundstrom et al., 2010; Hultman et al., 2011). Advanc
ing maternal age was also reported as a risk factor for autism (Parner et al., 2012). However,
the explanations for these phenomena are still only speculative.
across many genes and are incompletely penetrant. The results support polygenic models in
which spontaneous coding mutations in any of a large number of genes increases risk by 5to 20-fold.
Iossifov et al. (2012) did not find significantly greater numbers of de novo missense muta
tions in ASD children versus unaffected, but gene-disrupting mutations (nonsense, splice
site and frameshifts) were twice as frequent in the first group. Based on this differential and
the number of recurrent and total targets of gene disruption they estimated between 350 and
400 autism susceptibility genes. Many of the genes are associated to the FMRP protein, rein
forcing links between autism and synaptic plasticity. They suggested that genes associated
to FMRP are especially targets of cognitive disorders that are dosage-sensitive.
Another aspect of exomes should also be considered. Mitochondria are cellular organelles
that function to control energy production necessary for brain development and activity. Al
though each individual is typically characterized by a single mitochondrial DNA type, the
fact is that each individual is a population of mitocondrial DNA genomes, and the presence
of multiple types within an individual is termed heteroplasmy. Although each individual is
typically characterized by a single mitocondrial DNA type, in fact to date, more than 400 mi
tochondrial mutations have been associated with human disease and most were observed in
heteroplasmic states, with pathogenic mutations coexisting with normal mitochondrial ge
nomes. This suggests that the heteroplasmic level is of particular interest, as the disease phe
notype becomes evident only when the percentage of mutant molecules exceeds a critical
threshold value. Although this value differs for different mutations and in different tissues,
it is usually in the range of 70%~90%. However, all the various techniques that have been
employed to detect heteroplasmy have disadvantages. WES allows rapid detection of not
only nuclear mutations but also mitochondrial mutations that also seem to be involved in
the etiology of ASD. In this context, Li et al. (2012) sequenced the mitochondrial genome of
131 healthy individuals of European ancestry. In 32 individuals they identified 37 hetero
plasmies at frequencies of 10% or higher at 34 different sites in the mitochondrial DNA indi
cating that variations commonly occur in mitochondrial DNA. These variations may impact
on energy levels and influence brain development and function. Next generation sequencing
should provide novel insights into genome-wide aspects of variation or heteroplasmy useful
in the study of human disorders including autism.
All these results show that there are a lot of regions/genes being identified by very advanced
methods, but no common etiology can be proposed. It is clear that whatever the proposed
model to explain ASD, all aspects such as environmental, oligogenic, de novo mutations,
polygenic, multifactorial, pleiotropic effects, combination of locus heterogeneity, heteroplas
my, among others, do not apply to all cases. Perhaps ASD emerge due to highly specific and
individual biological patterns. The possibility of distinguishing primary and secondary ef
fects will require a better understanding of the underlying biology and identification of the
association between genetic and environmental factors within the phenotypic context of
each family. The bottom line is that you must have a systemic view of the problem.
13. Conclusion
Knowledge about the biological mechanisms involved in the etiology of ASD has increased
significantly over the past three years. A genetic etiology of these disorders is certain, as cer
tain as is their complexity. An understanding of the genetic factors involved is crucial to es
tablish future intervention strategies. Although the current emphasis on deciphering ASD
has demonstrated the necessity of multidisciplinary approaches, clinical geneticists have an
important role in diagnosis and research of autism. The interpretation of this new genetic
data requires a set of skills. It is important to know how to get and to interpret genetic tests,
family pedigrees, to analyze dysmorphic, neurologic, and medical phenotypes, to interpret
heterogeneity, develop rational genetic models, and to design researchs.
Despite the numerous known or, at least, allegedly involved causes of predisposition for
ASD, the etiology is identified in a few cases (~ 10%) thereby highlighting the importance of
genetic testing in affected individuals. The discovery of an etiological agent in a given case
will, very probably, not interfere in treatment. However, this will reduce the distress of pa
rents by explaining the cause of the problem and clarify about the possibility of familial re
currence. On identifying the etiologic agent, genetic counseling can be better targeted. Thus,
a clinical-genetic evaluation of the patient is important as are the karyotypic analysis, molec
ular test for FRAXA, the investigation of inborn errors of metabolism, performing imaging
tests and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) for at least three hot
spots in ASD (15q11-13, 16p11.2 and 22q11.2). These are strategies available to better assess
the etiology ASD. Certainly, in the not too distant future, other more sophisticated genetic
research tools will be commercially available. The question that remains is whether the in
terpretation of results will accompany the speed of technical advances.
Financial support: Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP).
Author details
Agnes Cristina Fett-Conte1, Ana Luiza Bossolani-Martins2 and Patrcia Pereira-Nascimento2
1 Medical School FAMERP/FUNFARME, So Jos do Rio Preto, So Paulo, Brazil
2 IBILCE/UNESP, So Jos do Rio Preto, So Paulo, Brazil
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Chapter 12
1. Introduction
Many of the recent advances in autism research that have provided fundamental insight
into this condition have come from the application of genetic/genomic approaches; these
advances have been fomented by the advent of new technologies to interrogate the en
tire genome, such as array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) microarrays, transcriptome sequencing, and whole genome or
whole exome sequencing (WGS/WES) [1]. With the recent advancement of these technol
ogies over more traditional, lower-resolution technologies such as cytogenetic analysis,
came the ability to interrogate the entire genome at a high-resolution. With the improve
ment of next-generation sequencing technology, as well as the reduction in the cost of
this technique, WGS is becoming more commonplace in the search for novel diseasecausing variants in individual patients. Alternatively, many studies have utilized WES,
as it is less costly than sequencing the entire genome and coding simple nucleotide var
iants (SNVs) can often be more readily interpreted given knowledge provided by the ge
netic code. While the reduced cost and more readily interpretable variation have proven
to be distinct advantages of this method over whole-genome sequencing, it is well
known that many other variants in non-coding or regulatory regions can be pathogenic,
and they typically cannot be discerned by whole-exome sequencing, which requires a
targeted-capture step to enrich for and focus analysis on the coding sequences of all an
notated protein-coding genes [2, 3]. Furthermore, repetitive or G-C rich regions or highly
homologous sequences are often excluded by WES, and copy number variations (CNVs)
usually cannot be accurately called due to the use of PCR-based sample preparation
methods. Nonetheless, the utility of WGS/WES in individual patient diagnosis and man
agement has been demonstrated by several recent reports [4-6].
2013 Lacaria and Lupski; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Some of the first studies providing a high-resolution view of the entire genome have re
vealed that a large number of CNVs are present in the genomes of healthy individuals, and
that CNVs account for a greater proportion of the nucleotide variation between two given
individual genomes than can be attributed to SNVs [7-9]. These structural alterations can
reach up to several megabases in length, but a much higher frequency is observed for small
er (<1 kb) CNVs [2]. And, as one would expect, the likelihood of CNVs becoming pathogenic
rises when they have an increased size and/or occur in gene-dense regions of the genome
[8]. Traditionally, structural variation (CNV) was not considered to play a causative role in
autism or ASD. However, recent studies have revealed that not only single-gene alterations,
but also CNVs can lead to autism or ASD. In fact, it is now becoming increasingly evident
that CNVs account for a larger proportion of new autism diagnoses than single-gene disor
ders. Recurrent CNVs at specific genomic loci have been associated with autism, including
15q11-q13, 16p11.2, 17p11.2, 22q13.3, 7q11.23, and 2q37, among others [1, 10-16]. While sev
eral of these loci are associated with known Centers for Mendelian Genomics, numerous
CNVs have also been observed in idiopathic autism, underscoring the importance of these
structural variations in the future of all types of autism research [17].
The application of next-generation sequencing technology to evaluate CNVs has also re
cently been described in a report that utilized whole-transcriptome sequencing analysis
of the genomes of a cohort of patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) [18]. This
approach allows for the evaluation of CNVs and overcomes some of the problems asso
ciated with CNV-calling in WES. With several large-scale projects currently underway,
the future of next-generation sequencing and whole-genome analysis in the study of au
tism will most definitely provide many new insights into the etiology of this disease.
Currently, Autism Speaks is working in collaboration with the company BGI to gener
ate the largest database of sequenced genomes of individuals with ASD, a project
known as the Autism Genome 10K. Similarly, the National Institute of Mental Health
in the US has funded another large-scale Autism Genome Project. Mendelian/
syndromic forms of autism are also currently being studied by the Genomic Disorders
consortium in the US by WES.
Among the variants identified in the large-scale studies of patients with autism report
ed to date, many gene networks/pathways have been implicated, including genes for
neuronal adhesion [18, 19], ubiquitin degradation [19], chromatin remodelling [5, 20],
sodium channels [13], proteolysis [21], cytoskeletal organization [21], signal transduction
[18], neuropeptide signalling [18], neurogenesis/synaptogenesis [18], neuronal migration
[22], basic metabolism, and RNA splicing [22], among others. While these pathways
may seem diverse, repeated hits in these networks support the many genes, com
mon pathway hypothesis [22]. Importantly, although the biological function of ASD
susceptibility genes identified via these whole-genome studies do not appear to lie
within the same network, they likely converge to disrupt neuronal function in brain re
gions that support language, social cognition, and behavioral flexibility, resulting in the
phenotypes commonly associated with ASD [22].
Intellectual disability
Motor defects
Sleep disturbances
Pre-pulse inhibition
Acoustic startle
Hot plate test for nociception
Figure 1. Generating defined chromosome rearrangements. Defined endpoints of the desired interval for rear
rangement (A and B) are modified by gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells to allow for introduction of a loxP
site (blue triangle), a non-functional portion of the HPRT cassette [5 or 3), and a positive selectable marker (Neo or
Puro). The targeted ES cells are then transiently transfected with a vector expressing Cre recombinase, which facilitates
recombination between the loxP sites, resulting in either deletion (Df) or duplication (Dp) of the intervening region. In
this example, reconstitution of the Hprt cassette via recombination between loxP sites lying in a shared intron be
tween the two halves confers resistance to hypoxanthine aminopterin thymidine (HAT), which can be used to select
for the deletion event. Two positive selectable markers (Puro and Neo) identify the duplication event. A full explana
tion of this technology and more examples of chromosome recombineering are outlined by Mills et al [25].
ing platforms, have been utilized to detect and analyze CNVs in the genome and to investi
gate the mechanism by which these CNVs are generated [34]. CNVs can be formed by
several mechanisms, such as non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR), non-homolo
gous end joining (NHEJ), or fork stalling and template switching (FoSTeS) [35]. NAHR,
which is often mediated by low copy repeats (LCRs) with high (~95%) sequence similarity
flanking the rearranged region, is the most common mechanism by which recurrent CNVs
are created. Often this mechanism can result in recurrent genomic rearrangements that are
observed in multiple patients with the same disorder, as in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
type 1A, Prader-Willi syndrome, and Smith-Magenis Syndrome, among many others [32,
33]. The genomic architecture rendering genomic instability at three loci that are enriched
for LCRs are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. The genomic structure of loci associated with CNV-based ASD. (A) Chromosomes 15q11-13, (B)
16p11.2, and (C) 17p11.2, are enriched for LCRs, or segmental duplications (indicated by red arrows), which facilitate
non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR), resulting in the generation of CNVs (blue and red bars). This figure
was generated using the genome browser provided by UCSC (
[13]. The 16p11.2 locus is flanked by two directly repeated segmental duplications of ~145
kb, which mediate the NAHR that results in the loss or gain of ~600 kb intermediate region
containing ~27 protein-coding genes [9, 12, 40].
Interestingly, the microduplication of this region has also been linked to schizophrenia, sug
gesting the presence of an underlying biological link between these two disorders [41, 42].
This phenomenon also gives a potential genetic basis for the hypothesis of Crespi et al,
which states that autism and schizophrenia represent diametric disorders of the social brain
[43]. Thus, schizophrenia and autism might reflect mirror traits of the opposing extremes of
behavioral phenotypes reflecting evolution of the social brain [43]. The phenotypes caused
by CNV at the 16p11.2 locus are extremely heterogeneous, and, in addition to ASD, they
have been reported to include metabolic disorders [44-47], cardiac anomalies [40, 48], de
pressive disorder [49], speech delay [50], mental retardation [40, 51, 52], vertebral anomalies
[52], syringomyelia [53], abnormal head size [36], and epilepsy [36, 40], as well as other vari
ous congenital anomalies and behavioral abnormalities [44]. As the phenotypes of many
more patients harboring CNVs in this genomic region are delineated, the full phenotypic
spectrum associated with this locus will likely become more well-defined, and the critical
genomic interval and dosage-sensitive genes responsible for the phenotypes will be deter
mined. Indeed, a more recent study described a patient pedigree for a family with multiple
generations of autism or ASD that also carry a smaller-sized deletion within the common
deletion of 16p11.2, thereby reducing the critical interval for ASD to a 118 kb region con
taining only 5 genes: MVP, CDIPT1, SEZ6L2, ASPHD1, and KCTD13 [54]. To date, none of
these genes have been significantly associated with an elevated risk for ASD, which indi
cates that the situation is likely much more complex [37, 55]. Furthermore, correlation be
tween the phenotypes of patients harboring different- or similar-sized CNVs is confounded
by extreme heterogeneity and variability of symptoms. For example, a family with three af
fected members harboring identical 16p11.2 deletions was recently described to have mini
mal symptom overlap between family members [56]. Subsequent studies have aimed at
using model organisms to identify the key dosage-sensitive genes within this region that
give rise to the abnormal phenotypes [29, 57, 58]. Among these, chromosome-engineered
mouse models harboring reciprocal deletion or duplication of the mouse chromosome syn
tenic to human chromosome 16p11.2 have been generated to study the physiological and be
havioral phenotypes associated with these chromosome abnormalities [29].
age in four brain regions that may be relevant for autism, including the olfactory bulbs,
cortex, cerebellum, and brainstem [29].
In-cage neurobehavioral phenotypes were assessed in these mice to determine what, if any,
affect these CNVs had on autistic-like behaviors. As expected, deletion mice displayed the
most abnormal phenotypes, while duplication mice had fewer and milder symptoms. Inter
estingly, reciprocal phenotypes were sometimes observed for mice harboring reciprocal
CNVs. For example, the amount of time spent resting in the cage was lower in deletion mice
but higher in duplication mice relative to controls, indicating that 16p11.2 CNVs affect the
rate and timing of specific behaviors in a dosage-dependent manner. Deletion mice dis
played an abnormal ceiling-climbing behavior where they demonstrated marked stereotypic
and nonprogressive motor behaviors, similar to what is often observed in patients with au
tism or patients with lateral hypothalamic and nigrostriatal lesions in the brain. These ab
normal behaviors were accompanied by volumetric and morphological changes in several
brain regions, including the lateral hypothalamus. Importantly, the difference between dele
tion mice and duplication mice was greater than that between deletion mice and controls,
indicating that these effects are reciprocal or opposing in nature.
No significant abnormal social behavior was observed in these animal models in the 3chamber test for sociability, indicating either that these animals do not display social abnor
malities, or that further investigation into the social behavior of these animals is required.
Indeed, with the subtle nature of many social interactions in rodents, it is quite possible that
social abnormalities exist in these mice but have not yet been described. It is also distinctly
possible that the in-cage environment does not elicit a social deficit that might perhaps be
observed in the wild or natural environment of the animal. An extensive battery of tests for
social behavior will be required to rule out the possibility of further abnormalities.
Many of the genes mapped to the altered region have unknown function, and therefore,
unknown significance or contribution to the disease phenotype. In order to further delin
eate the function of the dosage-sensitive genes within the common duplication/deletion
region, zebrafish models were generated [57, 58]. The first study aimed to investigate the
diametric head size phenotypes linked to this locus, as in addition to ASD, deletion is
known to result in macrocephaly, and duplication gives rise to microcephaly [36, 57]. In
this study, zebrafish were utilized for an in vivo overexpression screen, which identified
the gene KCTD13 as the likely candidate for the neurodevelopmental phenotypes associ
ated with CNVs at 16p11.2. Interestingly, this gene was also one of the 5 genes found in
a minimal critical deletion interval for ASD [54]. Overexpression of this gene in zebrafish
resulted in microcephaly, while the reciprocal reduced expression of this locus by mor
pholino oligonucelotides resulted in macrocephaly, thereby mirroring the phenotypes
seen in humans harboring CNVs at this locus [57]. Further study revealed that the func
tion of this gene is likely conserved across species, and it is required to maintain the
proliferative status of cortical progenitor cells in mice [57]. Furthermore, this gene is af
fected in a complex genomic rearrangement identified in a patient with autism [57]. Tak
en together, these results indicate that KCTD13 is a likely candidate for further study of
the neurological phenotypes associated with CNV at this locus.
Another study was able to identify homologs of 21 of the known 16p11.2 human genes in
the zebrafish genome by family tree comparisons [58]. These genes were then targeted for
loss of function studies by injecting antisense morpholino oligonucleotides into early em
bryos [58]. Interestingly ~79% of the genes tested by this method were required for proper
brain, eye, or nervous system development, and two of the genes were determined to be
dosage-sensitive, with abnormal phenotypes present with a ~50% reduction in gene expres
sion [58]. The results of this study suggest that at least two genes, aldolase a (aldoaa) and ki
nesin family member 22 (kif22), are highly dosage-sensitive and are required for proper
brain function, making them likely candidates for future studies of the ASD associated with
CNV of this region [58].
These two studies indicate that while kctd13, kif22, and aldoaa are all potentially interesting
dosage-sensitive candidate genes, further investigation is needed to determine whether
these genes act together in a epistatic manner to contribute to the full neurological pheno
type, whether they modify each other via cis interactions, or whether other genes or genetic
elements in the 16p11.2 locus are also contributing to the phenotype. The current data,
which could not have been obtained without these important studies in model organisms,
cannot distinguish between these possibilities, but they provide a starting point for research
into the function of these genes and the molecular pathways underpinning the phenotypes
associated with 16p11.2 CNVs.
6. Duplication of 15q11-13
It has been estimated that up to ~5% of cases of ASD can be attributed to maternal duplica
tion of the genomic region reciprocal to the PWS-AS critical region on chromosome
15q11-13, making it one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities observed in pa
tients with ASD [10, 62]. Due to the presence of imprinting at this locus (discussed above),
parent-of-origin effects are seen, and, for interstitial duplications, maternal origin confers an
increased risk for clinical phenotypes. Paternal duplications are much less common, and do
not appear to lead to ASD, as familial cases have been described where a seemingly normal
carrier mother transmits a paternally-derived duplication to their child [63]. However, a
small number of subjects with paternal duplication of 15q11-13 and various clinical pheno
types have been described [64]. Phenotypes are dosage-sensitive at this locus; one extra ma
ternal copy of 15q11-13 results in partial autism penetrance, while two extra copies (caused
by idic15 or interstitial triplication) result in a much higher penetrance of autism as well as
additional phenotypes that are typically more severe than those seen in patients with dupli
cations [62]. In the case of triplications, parent-of-origin effects are no longer observed, and
both paternal and maternal duplications are associated with poor clinical outcomes [65].
This loss of parent-of-origin effects is interesting, and it may be an indication of the underly
ing mechanism that may give rise to a predisposition for these phenotypes. Many heteroge
neous and complex phenotypes can be associated with increased copy number of this region
including intellectual disability, apraxia, dyslexia, seizures, hypotonia, developmental de
lay, gait abnormalities, hyperactivity, schizophrenia, and ASD [66]. Patients with ASD due
to duplication of 15q11-13 also display several stereotypic and repetitive behaviors, includ
ing rocking, licking, and hand-flapping, among others, that are often directed towards sen
sory stimulation, suggesting that the underlying cause of these phenotypes may be due to a
disregulation of sensory inputs or signaling [63, 64].
Interestingly, recent post-mortem evaluation of the brains of patients harboring maternal
duplication of 15q11-13 suggested that accumulation and deposition of abnormal intracel
lular and extracellular amyloid protein (A) in the specific regions and neuron types
in the brains of patients with maternal duplication of 15q11-13 may underlie or contrib
ute to some of the neurobehavioral phenotypes associated with ASD [67]. However, fur
ther studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis. Several animal models for the CNVbased syndromes associated with chromosome 15q11-13 have been developed to facilitate
research into these disorders.
Both SMS and PTLS manifest a broad range of opposing or overlapping phenotypes. SMS is
characterized by multiple congenital anomalies, including otolaryngologic, ophthalmologic,
brain, cardiac, craniofacial, and renal abnormalities, as well as intellectual disability (ID),
brachydactyly, sleep disturbance, hearing impairment, obesity, scoliosis, and other neurobe
havioral abnormalities [84, 85]. Specifically, SMS patients display aggressive and self-injuri
ous behaviour, including polyembolokoilamania [84], as well as characteristic repetitive
behaviors, including autoamppexation or self-hugging, which is an identifying feature of
the disorder [86, 87]. More recently, SMS patients have also been described as meeting the
criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) [88].
The PTLS duplication was the first predicted reciprocal duplication to be described [89].
PTLS was identified and initially defined much later than SMS, ([89] versus Smith et al.
1986); as a result, fewer PTLS patients have been medically examined and fewer studies of
the clinical phenotypes are available in the literature. The clinical features that have been ob
served in patients with PTLS are distinct from those seen in SMS [15], although cognitive
and neurobehavioral abnormalities are present in both disorders. PTLS patients lack the
self-injurious behaviors, abnormal facies, and sleep disturbance, as well as some of the con
genital anomalies found in most individuals with SMS. The features observed in greater
than 90% of PTLS patients are developmental delay, neurobehavioral abnormalities, lan
guage impairment, cognitive impairment, poor feeding, hypotonia, and oropharyngeal dys
phasia [15, 90]. When evaluated by objective clinical assessment, the majority of PTLS
patients have autistic features such as decreased eye contact, atypicality, withdrawal, anxi
ety, and inattention, meeting criteria for a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) or
pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, and making ASD the most com
mon and consistent feature observed in PTLS. [14].
Most PTLS patients have no distinctive facial abnormalities but they can have a triangularshaped face. The other clinical features present in over half of patients include sleep apnea,
abnormal EEG, attention deficit, hypermetropia, and cardiovascular abnormalities [15].
These cardiovascular abnormalities can typically include both structural and conduction de
fects, such as atrial or ventricular septal defects, bicuspid aortic valve, dilated aortic root, di
lation of the pulmonary annulus, patent foramen ovale, or hypoplastic left heart [15, 91-93].
Upon molecular analysis, most [22 of 35] PTLS patients included in the first multidisci
plinary study were determined to carry a common recurrent 3.7 Mb duplication in
17p11.2 mediated by the same proximal and distal SMS-REPs which also mediate the re
ciprocal common recurrent SMS deletion [15]. Others have uncommon and sometimes
complex genomic rearrangements, all of which involve duplication in 17p11.2 [94]. The
smallest PTLS duplication identified to date occurred in a single patient and is 1.3 Mb in
size. This duplicated segment contains 14 genes, including both RAI1, the major contribu
ting gene for the reciprocal deletion causing SMS, as well as the steroid-metabolism reg
ulating gene, SREBP1. This patient demonstrates all typical PTLS phenotypes [94].
Whether, or to what extent, PTLS results from RAI1 gene over-dosage still remains to be
elucidated, although mouse studies (described below) have shown that it is likely re
sponsible for at least some of the symptoms [95].
Chromosome-engineered mouse models for ASD are ideal for the study of complex disease,
as they are mechanistically similar to human patients (targeted duplication/deletion synten
ic to human critical interval), they are polygenic (numerous genes are affected), the observed
phenotypes equate with common, clinically described features (neurobehavioral pheno
types, sleep disorder, etc), and they can be influenced by environmental factors. In addition,
autism is known to be highly variable, and it is suspected to be dependent on both genetic
and environmental factors, such as low birth weight and gestational age, prenatal exposure
to various agents, parental age at birth, diet, infection, xenobiotic and pesticide exposure,
among others [113]. Many of these environmental insults are amenable to study using
mouse models, as the interaction of these environmental factors with CNVs can be directly
tested in congenic mouse models to control for the effects of genetic background.
Molecular analysis of these mouse models, as well as patient samples, can also be utilized to
dissect the role of specific genes or CNVs responsible for the susceptibility to the influence
of environmental factors in these autism-related syndromes. Most importantly, the results of
these types of studies can provide useful insights as to how genes/CNVs can interact with
environmental factors in the context of complex human diseases; this may lead to strategies
to alleviate symptoms of not only rare genomic disorders, but also more common idiopathic
forms of autism or ASD. Furthermore, these models represent an important resource for fu
ture studies of the pathomechanisms underlying ASD, as well as potential treatments for
ASD. They may also foster further investigation into the genomic basis of autism and com
plex behavior, as well the underlying genetic mechanisms leading to these pathogenic
CNVs. In studying CNV-based models for complex genomic disorders and ASD, we have
come to realize that the ideal animal models of ASD should not only phenocopy relevant
human symptoms, but the phenotypes should also be based on similar underlying physio
logical and genetic mechanisms.
Author details
Melanie Lacaria1 and James R. Lupski1,2
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX,
2 Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, and Texas Childrens Hospital,
Houston, TX, USA
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Chapter 13
1. Introduction
The field of genetics has made considerable scientific progress in the past several years
and continues to evolve at a rapid pace. This progress parallels developments in genom
ic technology, where instrumentation and methodology are becoming increasingly so
phisticated and cost-effective. Here, we review recent developments in understanding
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from a genomics perspective. A large catalog of com
mon and rare variants has now been associated with ASD, and we are beginning to see
some of these discoveries translate into pharmacogenomic intervention. This review pro
vides an overview of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and common genetic var
iants, followed by an overview of the status of rare variant research, which have risen to
prominence with the proliferation of next-generation sequencing and techniques for iden
tifying copy number variants. While these approaches need not be mutually exclusive,
they provide a useful structure for organizing relevant genetic factors. Although there is
much work to be done before these discoveries will enter the clinic, the past decade has
seen us make major inroads in elucidating the causes of ASD and making tentative steps
towards developing treatments.
1.1. Defining the autism phenotype
Autism is known to be highly heterogeneous, and this phenomenon has made definitions of
the phenotype somewhat problematic. The American Psychiatric Association recently pro
posed revisions to its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM-5) cri
teria for ASD (see Wing et al., 2011) [1], acknowledging the long-observed overlap between
social and communication dimensions (previously separate). Thus, ASD will be defined by
1) persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across contexts, and 2)
restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. These should impair every
2013 Connolly and Hakonarson; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
day functioning, not be accounted for by general developmental delays, and be present from
early childhood.
For large-scale genome analyses, DSM criteria have been considered insufficiently precise,
and cases are often selected using scores from the Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R) [2],
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) [3], and/or Social Responsiveness Scale
(SRS) [4]. These instruments offer a more robust psychometric platform, and cases defined
as autism are required to meet strict threshold criteria (e.g. all sub-dimensions of the ADIR and ADOS). Individuals not quite meeting these criteria may be subsumed under the
broader autism phenotype, which also typically includes Asperger syndrome, childhood
disintegrative disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified. A di
agnosis of Rett syndromewhich has a reportedly distinct pathophysiology, clinical course,
and diagnostic strategy (Levy, Mandell & Schultz, 2009) [5] and will likely be removed in
the impending publication of DSM-Vis typically exclusionary. Intellectual impairment,
which is often co-morbid with ASD (Dawson et al., 2007; Blte et al., 2009) [6,7] is not an ex
clusionary criterion, but is co-varied in statistical analyses. Given the broad range of IQ tests
and their associated psychometric properties, this requires considerable finesse.
Standardization of diagnostic criteria has facilitated the accumulation of large ASD samplesets, where institutions can share (de-identified) data. In this vein, initiatives such as the Au
tism Genome Project include data from several thousand ASD individuals, greatly
increasing statistical power of relevant analyses.
1.2. Heritability of ASD
Although Skuse (2007) [8] cautions that heritability estimates of ASD may have been skewed
by the co-inheritance of (low) intelligence or other variables, there is little doubt that genetic
factors play a key role in autism. In the most widely-cited twin study, Bailey et al. (1995) [9]
report that monozygotic twins are 92% concordant on a broad spectrum of cognitive or so
cial abnormalities, compared with only 10% for dizygotic twins. Parents and siblings of indi
viduals with ASD often exhibit subsyndromal levels of impairment (Piven et al., 1997) [10],
and having an affected sibling is the single biggest risk factor for developing an ASD. In an
analysis of 943,664 Danish children (Lauritsen et al., 2005) [11], the strongest predictors of
autism were siblings with ASD, who conferred a 22-fold increased risk, while Fombonne
(2005) [12] suggested that this risk may be even greater.
1.3. Early genetic studies insights from Rett syndrome and Fragile X
Early efforts to identify the genetic causes of ASD utilized linkage and association ap
proaches. Linkage studies, more prominent in the 1980s and 1990s, typically focus on fami
lies or larger pedigrees and are well powered to identify rarer genetic variants. The most
common linkage approach is the affected sib-pair design (see ORoak & State, 2008) [13],
which examines the transmission of genomic segments through generations. Linkage stud
ies helped define the locus containing FMR1, which is mutated in fragile X syndrome (e.g.
Richards et al., 1991) [14], Approximately 30% of children with fragile X syndrome meet cri
teria for autism (Rogers et al., 2001; Harris et al., 2008) [15,16]. Similarly, linkage studies have
been important to identifying MECP2 as the major cause of Rett syndrome (e.g. Curtis et al.,
1993) [17].
Association studies take a different approach. Rather than track transmission of specific ge
nomic regions through generations, association studies scan the breadth of the genome.
Here, the goal is to determine post-hoc whether identified variants are more or less common
in affected individuals. Early association studies (i.e. pre HapMap) were complementary
with the linkage approach, and in many designs, linkage primed target loci for this more
fine-grained analysis.
These early insights have played an important role in shaping our current understanding of
ASD. Functional studies of FMR1 and MECP2 have highlighted the importance of synaptic
dysfunction (Ramocki & Zoghbi, 2008) [18] as a unifying factor that could extend into the
more common forms of autism and, as discussed below, remain highly relevant to our un
derstanding of the broader ASD phenotype.
(r2>0.98). Using resequencing to compare relevant genotypes, they identified highly signifi
cant differences in MSNP1AS expression. Thus, the T/T genotype at rs7704909 corresponded
to a 23.3 fold increase in MSNP1AS RNA compared to the C/C genotype. For the rs4307059,
the T/T versus C/C genotype corresponded to a 22.0-fold increase in MSNP1A expression.
For rs12518194, the A/A versus G/G genotype corresponded to a 10.8 fold increase in
MSNP1A expression. Again, there was no evidence of increased/decreased expression dif
ferences for CDH9 or CDH10 in relation to genotype or case/control status.
Figure 1. Genome-wide association results at the 5p14.1 region. a, A Manhattan plot shows the log10(p values) of
SNPs from their combined association analysis. b, The 5p14.1 region in the UCSC Genome Browser, with conserved
genomic elements in the PhastCons track. c, Genotyped (diamonds) and imputed (grey circles) SNPs are plotted with
their combined p values. Genotyped SNPs are colored on the basis of their correlation with rs4307059 (red: r2 0.5;
yellow: 0.2 r2 < 0.5; white: r2 < 0.2). Estimated recombination rates from HapMap are plotted to reflect local linkage
disequilibrium. Adapted from Wang et al., 2009 [21]. Reprinted with permission from Nature Publishing Group.
Although Western blot analyses did not identify significant differences in moesin protein
levels between cases and controls, overexpressing MSNP1AS in human cell lines was shown
to significantly reduce levels of the moesin protein. The authors speculated that relevant al
terations in moesin may occur only during specific development landmarks, which may im
pact neurodevelopment. This would explain why moesin levels are not elevated in the ASD
samples per se, in spite of the marked differences in MSNP1AS expression. Further work is
needed to confirm this hypothesis, and quantification of moesin protein levels at key devel
opmental stages would certainly contribute in this respect.
Taken as a whole, these results provide compelling support for 5p14.1 as a risk locus for
ASD. Although sample sizes for some analyses were small (10 ASD-control pairs for post
mortem studies), this quite rigorous series of experiments draws a clear path from GWAS
result through functional validation. As such, these results help allay criticism of the GWAS
approach as a means of candidate discovery. Thus, a 2010 review by McClellan and King
(2010) [27] singled out the 5p14.1 locus as an example of the perils of cryptic population
stratification. These comments seemed somewhat misguided in the light of rigorous meth
odologies developed by the GWAS community for controlling stratification (e.g. EigenStrat)
[28], replication [22, 23], and now functional validation by the Kerin et al. group [26].
Similarly, replication/validation of the 5p14.1 locus provides an important demonstration of
the legitimacy of associations in intergenic regions. Again, McClellan and King had disput
ed the utility of such results, questioning how genome-wide association studies come to be
populated by risk variants with no known function? It is important to emphasize that the
GWAS approach typically does not tag the disease variant, but rather its approximate loca
tionthrough linkage disequilibrium, this is typically 100kb or less. Moreover, as in the
Kerin et al. paper, the significant SNP may be tagging an intergenic regulatory element,
which has functional consequences far beyond the associated region, in this case the MSN
locus on the X-chromosome.
Finally, these expression analyses provide a reminder about the capabilities of different ge
nomic technologies. In the past twelve months, a number of high-profile next-generation se
quencing (NGS) studies have been able to examine genomic correlates of ASD with
unprecedented resolution. These types of studiesreviewed in greater depth belowhave
been interpreted as the future of ASD genetics and, to a large extent, this may be true. How
ever, we note that DNA sequencing in the 5p14.1 region would not have identified the noncoding RNA at this locus. Thus, although NGS platforms used for RNA-sequencing are
becoming increasingly sophisticated (Ozsolak & Milos, 2011) [29], microarray studies retain
a place in guiding genomic discovery.
2.2. Other replicated common variants from candidate gene studies
A number of other common variants from candidate gene studies have been proposed as
ASD risk factors. These include Contactin Associated Protein 2 (CNTNAP2), located on chro
mosome 7q35, which has been identified as a candidate for the age at first word endopheno
type (Alarcn et al., 2002) [30]. A follow-up by the same group (Alarcn et al., 2008) [31]
using linkage, association, and gene-expression analyses, found CNTNAP2 to be the only
autism-susceptibility gene to reach significance across all approaches. An independent link
age analysis by Arking et al. (2008) [32] also highlighted CNTNAP2 as a significant ASD can
didate gene. CNTNAP2 is part of the neurexin family, which have repeatedly been
associated with autism (see below). Interestingly, Vernes et al. (2008) [33] showed that
2011). In recent years, we have seen an increased emphasis on the former, which is reflected
in an upsurge in the number of copy number variation (CNV) and NGS studies.
system operates at pre- and post-synapses, whose functions includes regulating neurotrans
mitter release, recycling synaptic vesicles in pre-synaptic terminals, and modulating changes
in dendritic spines and post-synaptic density (Yi & Ehlers, 2005) [60]. As well as implicating
an ASD-ubiquitination network, we also identified a second pathway involving NRXN1,
CNTN4, NLGN1, and ASTN2. Genes in this group mediate neuronal cell-adhesion, and con
tribute to neurodevelopment by facilitating axon guidance, synapse formation and plastici
ty, and neuronglial interactions. We also note that ubiquitins are involved in recycling celladhesion molecules, which is a possible mechanism by which these two networks are cross
In a similar approach, Pinto et al. (2010) [50] further confirmed the importance of rare CNVs
as causal factors for ASD. The group did not observe a significant difference between cases
and controls in terms of raw number of CNVs or estimated CNV size. However, the number
of CNVs in genic regions was significantly greater in ASD cases. Again, loci enriched for
CNVs include a number of genes known to be important for neurodevelopment and synap
tic plasticity, such as SHANK2, SYNGAP1, and DLGAP2. Between 5.5% and 5.7% of ASD
cases have at least one de novo CNV, further confirming the significance of de novo genetic
events as risk factors for autism. Similar to the Glessner study, the Pinto group mapped
CNVs to a series of networks involved in the development and regulation of the central
nervous system functions. Implicated networks include neuronal cell adhesion, GTPase reg
ulation (important for signal transduction and biosynthesis), and GTPase/Ras signaling, also
involved in ubiquitination.
Finally, Gai et al. (2011) [61] took a slightly different approach, focusing exclusively on inher
ited CNVs. While underlying loci were not necessarily common to those identified by the
Glessner and Pinto groups, enrichment in pathways involving central nervous system de
velopment, synaptic functions and neuronal signaling processes was again confirmed. The
Gai et al. study also emphasized the role of glutamate-mediated neuronal signals in ASD.
Collectively, these CNV studies suggest that certain hotspots on the genome are particularly
vulnerable to ASD, which include loci on chromosomes 1q21, 3p26, 15q11-q13, 16p11, and
22q11. These hotspots are part of large gene networks that are important to neural signaling
and neurodevelopment and have additionally been associated with other neuropsychiatric
disorders. In particular, a number of CNV studies in schizophrenia have highlighted struc
tural mutations incorporating chromosomes 1q21, 15q13, and 22q11 (e.g. Glessner et al.,
2010) [62], which are significantly enriched in cases versus controls, with NRXN1 being a
standout in this regard. From a phenotype perspective, autism and schizophrenia seem very
different, both in behavioral manifestation and age of onset, and it may seem counter-intui
tive that associated loci should overlap. Some authors have addressed this peculiarity by
proposing that schizophrenia and autism may in fact be different poles of the same spec
trum. Thus, Crespi and Braddock (2008) [63] suggest that social cognition is underdeveloped
in ASD and over-developed in the psychotic spectrum, with a similar polarization of lan
guage and behavioral phenotypes. Although speculative, this hypothesis has gained some
traction. In the next several years, genomic, imaging, and model-systems approaches will
likely shed further light on the relationship between autism, schizophrenia and other neuro
psychiatric disorders.
3.2. Sequencing familial forms of ASD
To this point, we have focused primarily on the complex interactions of polygenic networks
as the major cause of ASD. However, this is not exclusively the case. Paralleling the recent
spate of CNV studies is a renewed focus on rare disorders. These include familial forms of
complex diseases that are potentially monogenic or with less complex inheritance pattern.
At the outset of this chapter, we emphasized the overlap with fragile X syndrome, where
one third of cases are co-morbid for ASD. As mentioned, fragile X is caused by a failure to
express the protein coded by FMR1. However, mutations in FMR1 do not always result in
fragile X and can result in a phenotype more representative of ASD. Thus, Muhle et al. (2004)
[64] found that 7-8% of idiopathic ASD cases may have mutations at the FMR1 locus. Like
wise, although mutations in MECP2 are the common cause of Rett syndrome, certain muta
tions at the same locus have been associated with idiopathic autism (Carney et al. (2003).
X-linked genes encoding neurologins NLGN3, NLGN4 and SHANK3 (a neuroligin binding
partner) are other prominent examples of distinct rare genetic causes. A parallel can be
drawn between these studies and studies of mental retardation and epilepsy, which include
many rare syndromes that collectively account for a substantial proportion of the two disor
ders (Morrow et al., 2008). Indeed it is perhaps more than coincidence that autism is heavily
co-morbid with these two conditions, with ~40% of ASD cases meeting diagnostic criteria for
mental retardation and epilepsy respectively (Blte et al., 2009; Danielsson et al., 2005) [7,65].
It is also noteworthy that many of these monogenic-related genes are also major players in
neurodevelopment and synapse activity. Other prominent examples include TSC1, TSC2
(Osborne et al., 1991; Franz, 1998) [66, 67], NF1, and UBE3A (see Morrow et al., 2008) [68].
The identification of monogenic or possibly oligogenic autisms is likely to accelerate in
the next several years as NGS becomes more widely available. In our group, we recently
encountered a family of two parents, six healthy siblings, and two siblings with severe
autism suggestive of autosomal recessive inheritance. Unsuccessful attempts using link
age and CNV approaches failed to identify a causal locus, but whole-exome sequencing
at 20x coverage identified four genes, including one with a non-synonymous SNP in the
protocadherin alpha 4 isoform1 precursor (PCDHA4) gene, which presents a strong can
didate gene, currently under validation. Protocadherins are part of the cadherin family
that facilitates neuronal cell adhesion and this discovery is consistent with the functional
properties of the PCDH family.
Known syndromes with ASD features include fragile X, neurofibromatosis type 1, down
syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis (which confers a 100-fold increased risk for
ASD Li et al. (2005) [69], Angelman, Prader-Willi and related 15q syndromes, and at least
several dozen others (see Zafeiriou et al., 2007, for a comprehensive review) [70]. Table 1
from Volkmar et al. (2005) [71] lists the most commonly associated syndromes with median
rate and range. It is likely that many more unidentified rare syndromes with Mendelian
causes have ASD phenotypes. As of September 2012, the Online Mendelian Inheritance in
Man (OMIM) database listed over 7,000 known or suspected Mendelian diseases (MD), with
~3,500 (~50%) of these having an identified molecular basis (
entry). Since OMIM derives its data from published data, these figures likely under-repre
sent rare disorders, which may go unreported. As such, there may be several times more
Mendelian disorders that have no defined genetic etiology to date. Given the large-represen
tation of autism phenotypes in known syndromes, we can assume a similar trend in unre
ported ASD syndromes.
The proportion of ASD accounted for by rare variants remains to be determined. Irrespec
tive, as with many other aspects of scientific inquiry, the study of these events will continue
to play an important role in explicating the pathogenesis of ASD. El-Fishawy and State
(2010) [72] point to hypercholesterolemia and hypertension (Brown, 1974; Lifton et al., 2001)
[73,74] as examples where rare mutations have been successful in driving a molecular un
derstanding of the disease as opposed to identifying risk factors in the general population.
Rare mutations, particularly when they are Mendelian, carry large effects and are typically
located in genic regions. These characteristics make the resolution of underlying networks
distinctly less complex and, moreover, are amenable to modeling in other systems.
Recent groundbreaking studies by Marchetto et al. (2010) [75] and Muotri et al. (2010) [76],
who created a cell culture model of Rett syndrome, are potentially exciting developments in
this regard. Here, the researchers used skin biopsies from four Rett syndrome patients, each
carrying a different MECP2 mutation, to culture induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Once
the iPS cells developed into neurons, they showed a decreased number of neurons and den
dritic spines, consistent with neurodevelopmental disruptions. Intervention with insulinlike growth factor 1 (IGF1), which is known to regulate neurodevelopment, was
subsequently shown to reverse Rett-like symptoms in a mouse model of the disease. This
innovative approach is an exciting model of how rare gene approaches can stimulate our
understanding of the pathophysiology and potential reversibility of ASD.
Number of Studies
Median Rate
Range %
Tuberous sclerosis
Fragile X
Down syndrome
Neurofibromatosis 1
Table 1. Associated disorders and their rate in autism (from Volkmar et al., 2005 in Zafeiriou et al. 2007) [70,71]
lectively, these papers suggest that several hundred or more genes may be considered
autism candidates, and again highlight the staggering complexity of the phenotype.
ORoak et al. (2012) [77] sequenced 677 individual exomes from 209 families primarily
from the Simons Simplex Collection [78]. In 189 new probands, they validated 120 severely
disruptive de novo mutations, 39% of which occur in a highly interconnected b-catenin/chro
matin remodeling protein network. The group observed a strong paternal bias (41:10) in the
rate of de novo mutations, which supports the hypothesis that the germline mutation rate in
coding regions is markedly more prominent among males. These de novo events were more
common in older fathers, marking paternal age as a significant risk factor for ASD.
Among the identified de novo loci, 62 were identified as top candidate mutations based on
severity and/or supporting evidence from the literature. Interestingly, probands with these
mutations were broadly distributed in terms of IQ score, with only a modest (non-signifi
cant) association with intellectual impairment. Recurrent protein-disruptive mutations were
identified in two genes: netrin G1 (NTNG1) and chromodomain helicase DNA binding pro
tein 8 (CHD8). NTNG1 is known to play a role in axon guidance and dendritic organization
(Nishimura-Akiyoshi et al., 2007) [79]. CHD8 regulates -catenin and p53 signaling, and has
not previously been associated with ASD. This gene was emphasized as particularly note
worthy, after follow-up protein-protein interaction (PPI) analyses, showed that -catenin
and p53 signaling may be features of an ASD-relevant network. In total 49 of proteins in the
PPI network were highly interconnected, with a number of underlying genes also previous
ly associated with neurodevelopment.
Neale et al. (2012) [80] exome-sequenced 175 trios and also focused on de novo mutations. As
per the ORoak study, there was a correlation between paternal age and de novo events for
offspring (P<0.0001), and also for maternal age (P=0.000365). Across the sample set, the
group observed 161 point mutations, of which 101 were missense, 50 silent, and 10 non
sense. Two conserved splice site rare single nucleotide variants and six frameshift inser
tions/deletions (indels) were also observed. Three genes were found to harbor two de novo
mutations: BRCA2 (two missense), FAT1 (two missense) and KCNMA1 (one missense, one
The group next performed PPI analyses to determine whether interactions between genes
associated with de novo mutations, as well as existing ASD candidates, was of etiological im
portance. This pathway approach, which additionally incorporated data from Sanders et al.
study (below) [81], found that the distribution of functional de novo mutations is not ran
dom. The average distance for non-synonymous variants was significantly larger for con
trols versus cases (3.78 vs. 3.66; P=.033). This suggests that a proportion of these de novo
events contribute to autism. A model whereby de novo variants in up to 20% of cases, confer
a 10- to 20-fold increased risk was supported.
In the third of these Nature papers, Sanders et al. (2012) [81] performed exome sequencing
on 238 families, including 200 quartets (parents, 1 affected and 1 unaffected sibling) from the
Simons Simplex Collection [78]. Comparing de novo non-synonymous single nucleotide var
iants (SNVs) between affected and unaffected siblings, the group observed a significantly
(P=.01) higher proportion among the probands (125 total) versus their unaffected sibling (87
total). From simulations, the authors concluded that two or more de novo nonsense/splicesite mutations should be considered significant. The gene sodium channel, voltage-gated,
type II, subunit gene (SCN2A) was the only such gene with two ASD individuals found
to harbor relevant nonsense mutations. Mutations in SCN2A have been associated with epi
lepsy (Kamiya et al., 2004; Ogiwara et al., 2009) [82, 83] and idiopathic ASD in multiplex fam
ilies (Weiss et al., 2003) [84]. Neither of the probands has a history of seizures.
Combining the exomes from their study with those from ORoak et al. (n for probands =
414), the groups identified two additional genes that each contained two loss-of-function
mutations: the katanin p60 subunit A-like 2 (KATNAL2) and chromodomain helicase DNA
binding protein 8 (CHD8). ORoak et al. also evaluated these three novel candidates using
exome sequencing on 935 cases and 870 controls. Three additional loss-of-function muta
tions each were observed in KATNAL2 and CHD8 in individuals with ASD, while none were
identified in controls.
It is important to note, however, that for de novo events in general, there was no evidence to
support the hypothesis that multiple events in any individual conferred an increased risk of
ASD. As such, the two de novo hit hypothesis is not supported.
In a fourth independent exome sequencing study involving 343 families from the Simons
Simplex Collection Iossifov et al. (2012) [85] also reported a relatively equal distribution of de
novo mutations in cases and controls. Again however, loss-of-function mutationsnonsense,
splice site, and frame shiftswere more common in individuals with ASD (59 versus 28). Of
the 59 likely gene disruptions (LGD) in ASD cases, none occurred more than once, al
though twoNRXN1 and PHF2had been identified in a previous CNV study by the same
group (Gilman et al, 2011) [86]. Intriguingly, the 59-strong LGD shared considerable overlap
with a set of 842 proteins that interact with the fragile X protein, FMRP. In total, 14 of the 59
appeared on the FMRP list (P=.006). Furthermore, 13 of 72 CNV candidates from the groups
previous CNV paper were also on the list (P=.0004), meaning 26 of the combined 129 total
were FMRP-related (P<1x10-13).
The authors subsequently screened for de novo mutations in upstream targets of FMR1. One
was identified a deletion in GRM5 that removes a single amino acid and causes an addi
tional substitution at the same site. GRM5 encodes the glutamate receptor mGluR5 (Bear et
al, 2004) [87] and, as noted below, mGluR5 antagonists are currently in clinical trial (Jacque
mont et al., 2011) [88] having indicated success in mouse models (Dlen et al., 2007) [89]. Fur
ther elucidating the relationship between FMR1/FRMRP and these ASD candidates is clearly
an important next step in maximizing the impact of these findings. These are discussed fur
ther in the section below.
Collectively, all four of these exome sequencing studies converge upon the conclusion that
ASD is highly heterogeneous, with several hundred or more loci potential risk variants. Sim
ulations by the Neale et al. group confirm the statistical implausibility that hundreds of var
iants with high penetrance are possible, and a model where de novo variants in up to 20% of
cases, confer ~10- to 20-fold increased risk is supported. The studies also converge on the
conclusion that paternal age (and possibly maternal age) is a significant ASD risk factor, but
the frequency and size of de novo mutations per se is not. Evidence for three candidate genes
CHD8, KATNAL2, and SCN2Awould seem quite strong, though further functional stud
ies are needed to help define pathogenesis. Perhaps most exciting is the association between
GRM5 and existing/novel candidates. As we have learned from GWAS, larger sample sets
are clearly needed to fully harness the power of NGS in relation to such a complex pheno
type. While these studies have been important in proposing novel candidates and confirm
ing existing hypotheses of ASD, we await with anticipation results from the sequencing of
all 2,648 families from the Simon Simplex Collection.
4. Toward a treatment?
Ultimately, the primary goal of genome research should be to propose targets for interven
tion. As mentioned above, a number of translational studies have begun to probe the metab
otropic glutamate receptor, mGluR5, as a potential target for fragile X syndrome treatment.
These studies have a theoretical basis in the hypothesis that protein-synthesis-dependent
functions of metabotropic receptors are exaggerated in fragile X syndrome (Bear, Huber &
Warren, 2004) [87]. Thus, the fragile X protein, FMRP, is thought to work in functional oppo
sition to mGluR5 (and mGluR1). Where FMRP is absent, mGluR-dependent protein synthe
sis becomes over-activated, resulting in neurological and behavioral abnormalities.
Dlen et al. (2007) [89] crossed Fmr1 mutant with Grm5 mutant to produce Fmr1 knockouts
who also had a selective reduction in mGluR5 expression. They found that a 50% reduction
in mGluR5 gene dosage rescued a range of deficits in Fmr1 mutants. Relevant measures in
cluded protein synthesis in hippocampus, density of dendritic spines (layer 3 pyramidal
neurons), visual responsiveness, and cognitive performance (inhibitory avoidance a hippo
campus-dependent memory). This provides confirmation that mGluR5 and FMRP are func
tionally oppositional. Moreover, it suggests possible pharmacological avenues by which this
genetic disease may be treated.
A range of translational studies have begun to target this pathway. These include efforts to
inhibit the activity of individual mGluR5 (Jacquemont et al., 2011; Berry-Kravis et al., 2009)
[88,90], and FMRP-regulated proteins (Paribello et al., 2010) [91], NMDA (Wei et al., 2012)
[92], and GSK3 (lithium, Berry-Kravis et al., 2008) [93], which have shown promise in open
label and (in some instances) clinical trials (see Berry-Kravis et al., 2011 for review) [94].
Moreover, these compounds may have clinical application to the broader ASD phenotype.
Silverman et al. (2012) [95] recently reported that the mGluR5 antagonist, GRN-529, de
creased ASD-related symptoms of autism in two different mouse models of the disease (re
petitive grooming/repetitive jumping). In addition to the Iossifov et al. (2012) [85]
sequencing study discussed above, Kelleher et al. (2012) [96] recently showed that idiopathic
autism cases may have higher burden of mGluR5 variants. The group found that in 209 idio
pathic cases, there was significant enrichment for rare functional variants in the mGluR5
pathwaynamely the genes TSC1, TSC2 and SHANK3, and HOMER1relative to controls
(n=300). It is likely that drugs targeting the mGluR5 pathway, if/when approved for fragile X
syndrome, will lead to human clinical trials for ASD. This translational approach which
delineates a direct route from gene discovery, through functional validation to treatment, is
clearly the blueprint by which genome research can have tangible clinical impact.
5. Conclusions
ASD are clearly highly heritable disorders and advances in gene-finding technology in the
past decade have rapidly accelerated gene discovery. As is typically the case, successive de
velopments have made the problem more complex such that there are huge numbers of can
didate genes, most of which remain to be replicated. In spite of this complexity, we can
observe a number of patterns beginning to unfold 1) the relative scarcity of causal common
variants, 2) the growing list of causal rare variants, and 3) the emergence of monogenic dis
orders with primary and secondary ASD phenotypes.
The monogenic autisms are particularly interesting from a treatment perspective, as they
provide a mechanism for studying ASD phenotypes in model systems and are an obvious
target for drug intervention. They are also amenable to clinical testing and the decreasing
cost of research technologies means that this capacity is more widely available to clinicians.
In fact, as the resolution of clinical instruments becomes more sophisticated, it is likely that
the clinic will become a primary workplace for syndromic discovery.
A key requirement in driving gene discovery is the necessity of high-quality phenotype da
ta. ASDs are notoriously heterogeneous, and are fractionated in terms of symptoms and tra
jectory. Mandy & Skuse (2008) [97] reviewed seven factor analysis studies of ASD
symptoms, and found that all but one dissociated social and non-social factors. In a nonclinical sample of 3,000 twin pairs, Happ et al. (2006) [98] examined autistic-like traits and
found consistently low correlations (r = 0.1-0.4) between each of the core deficits on the au
tism spectrum. Endophenotypes, sub-components or sub-processes of the broader pheno
type, may provide a productive avenue to disentangling some of this complexity. By
filtering out all but a few discrete measures, we can theoretically increase the signal-to-noise
ratio in genotype-phenotype associations. A number of endophenotypes for ASD have been
associated with disease genes, including head circumference (associated with the HOXA1
A218G polymorphism, Conciatori et al., 2004) [99]; age at first word (associated with a quan
titative trait locus on 7q35, Alarcn et al. 2005) [100]; delayed magnetoencephalography
evoked responses to auditory stimuli (Roberts et al., 2010) [101]; and enhanced perception
(Mottron et al., 2006) [102]. The endophenotype approach is arguably more consistent with
rare-/mono-genic discovery, where a mutated network may not yield a diagnosis of autism
per se, but nevertheless cause associated abnormalities. Note, this approach does not dimin
ish the pleiotropic effects of genes involved in neurodevelopment, and only serves to make
the point that the relevant genotype may associate with some but not all ASD features.
The converse, of course, is also true, as a large number of candidate genes contribute to the
majority of known ASD. With ~80% of genes expressed in the brain it is likely that this num
ber will continue to grow, and here again careful phenotyping is critical to identifying func
tional consequences. Ultimately, the primary goal is not to determine the frequency of
variation/mutation in cases versus controls, but to determine the pathway(s) and gene net
works that lead to pathology. We will also need to identify other major biological players
such as epigenetic factors, RNA regulatory elements, and environmental exposures, which
are critical components of the ASD equation. While daunting, the elucidation of these ele
ments will doubtlessly take us closer to developing effective treatments for ASD. Given the
current rate of progress, we have cause for cautious optimism in this regard.
Author details
John J. Connolly1 and Hakon Hakonarson1,2
1 Center for Applied Genomics, The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, USA
2 Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia,
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Chapter 14
1. Introduction
Autism is a behaviourally defined developmental disorder characterised by impairments in
social communication, restricted interests and repetitive behaviours [1]. Abnormalities in these
three developmental areas tend to cluster together in affected individuals. In DSM-IV, Autism
is part of a larger continuum of disorders collectively called Pervasive Developmental Disor
ders. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) refer to Autism, Pervasive developmental disorder,
not otherwise specified, and Asperger syndrome. All individuals with ASDs have qualitative
abnormalities of social development in combination with disorders of communication and/or
stereotyped repetitive interests and behaviors. The social skills that develop naturally in typ
ically-developing children do not do so in children with ASD. In addition, there are several
behaviors and co-morbid symptoms that relate to each of the three classical impairments. Re
cent studies have reported rates of co-occurring intellectual disability in the range of 25-50%.
Neither developmental delay nor cognitive impairment are required for an ASD diagnosis.
Fombonne and colleagues recently estimated the prevalence of strictlydefined autism at ap
proximately 15-20 per 10,000 people [2]. When the definition of autism is relaxed to include
Autism Spectrum Disorders, the prevalence estimated expands to approximately 60 in in
10,000 children [2, 3].
Little is known of the biological basis of ASD and the future development of rational knowl
edge based treatments will depend on a comprehensive understanding of innate biological
predisposition and its interaction with environmental factors. The identification and charac
terisation of the genetic variation and genes involved in ASD is a route towards this goal. This
chapter outlines the various approaches that have been applied to this task, in the context of
rapidly evolving technology and human genome resources, and summarises the state of
2013 Gill et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
knowledge at this time, anticipating future developments, and outlining the implications for
clinical management.
apart. Linkage studies take advantage of this non-random assortment of genetic variation. A
linkage study calculates whether a known genetic variant and a disease mutation (represented
by the disease trait) are linked and if so, roughly localises the causative mutation. Following
the successes of using these approaches in the discovery of multiple loci implicate in Mendelian
disorders, researchers were encouraged to apply linkage methodology to more complex traits,
such as ASD where Mendelian principles may apply, at least in a proportion of families. How
ever, in ASD, only a few scans have highlighted loci with significant linkage, highlighting loci
including chromosome 7q, 2q and 3q.
In 1998, the International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium (IMGSAC) [10] re
ported modest evidence for linkage. This included significant linkage arising on chromosome
7q32-q34. Supplemented analyses of IMGSAC families provided additional support for link
age at 7q22, 16p13, and 2q31 [11, 12]. The long arm of chromosome 7 has received particular
attention with additional support reported for 7q21 [13], 7q22 [14], 7q31 [15, 16], 7q32 [17] and
7q36 [16].
Few individual families exist where ASD segregates in an obvious Mendelian fashion that is
large enough to provide significant evidence for linkage by themselves. Most linkage studies
required the assumption that a significant proportion of the families in the sample might be
linked to a given locus and few were sufficiently large to accommodate even modest locus
heterogeneity. Under a common disorder - common variant model, multiply affected families
will occur but linkage methods would be considerably underpowered. The effects of DNA
variation with low penetrance are more easily identified using a genetic association study
design in a sample of cases drawn from a population.
Fine-mapping and candidate gene association studies at implicated regions on 7q have impli
cated a number of potential susceptibility genes including RELN, MET, CNTNAP2 and EN2.
Persico and colleagues [18] studied five DNA variants or polymorphisms across the RELN
gene locus, including a GGC repeat variant located close to the RELN gene translation initiator
codon. Located at 7q22, RELN encodes an extracellular matrix protein Reelin, which plays a
pivotal role in the development of laminar structures including cerebral cortex, cerebellum
and hippocampus. Using a genetic association approach, Persico and colleagues identified a
nominally significant association with this 5-UTR GCC-triplet-repeat polymorphism [18].
This finding was further supported by some studies [19-25] but not others [26-31]. MET, located
at 7q31 received considerable attention following a high-profile association reported by Camp
bell and colleagues. The MET gene encodes a protein involved in MET (Mesenchymal epithelial
transition factor) receptor tyrosine kinase signalling which has been implicated in brain growth
and maturation offering biological plausibility to its candidature. As with other candidate
genes in ASD, the original findings have been supported in some [32], but not other studies
[33] [34]. A similar scenario played out for the EN2 homeobox gene located at 7q36 [35, 36].
Arking and colleagues [37] observed an association at CNTNAP2 in the NIHM/AGRE collec
tion. The main association observed was for rs7794745 located in intron 2 of the gene (Discovery
P = 0.00002, Validation P = 0.005). The CNTNAP2 (7q35) gene encodes the contactin-associated
protein-like 2 protein, which is a member of the neurexin family and thought to play a role in
axonal differentiation and guidance. Li and colleagues also found mild support for CNTNAP2
where they observed a weak association with a haplotype containing the SNP rs7794745 [38].
More recently, a large GWAS of 2705 families identified a strong association for the SNP
rs1718101 in the CNTNAP2 gene with a subset of individuals without intellectual disability
and of European ancestry (P = 7.78 x 10-9) [39].
The Paris Autism Research International Sibpair (PARIS) study [15], that supported the find
ings on 7q, noted additional loci at 2q31-q32, 16p13 and 19p13, that overlapped to some extent
with regions identified in the IMGSAC analyses. Fine mapping of the 2q31-q32 led to addi
tional evidence implicating the genes SLC25A12, STK39 and ITGA4 as putative risk genes for
ASD. As with most candidate genes examined in small samples, these associations were vali
dated by some [40-42] but not all studies [43-46]. The positional candidature of the 2q31-q32
was further supported by a case study of a young Irish male with high-functioning autism
with a complex translocation traversing chromosome 2q32 (46,XY,t(9;2)(q31.1;q32.2q31.3))
[47]. Fine mapping and mutation analysis identified an association with a polymorphism
within the splice donor sequence of exon 16 of the ITGA4 gene and ASD (rs12690517; P = 0.008)
In a study of Finnish families, Auranen and colleagues [49, 50], who included individuals with
autism, infantile autism, Asperger syndrome (AS) and developmental dysphasia reported a
significant linkage to 3q25-q27. This was supported by suggestive evidence at 3q25-q27 in a study
of AS also in the Finnish population [51] as well as linkage at 3q25-q27 in a single large extended
Utah pedigree of Northern European ancestry [52].
Interestingly, the advent of large collaborative studies by the Autism Genome Research
Exchange (AGRE), the Autism Genome Project (AGP) and the National Institute of Men
tal Health (NIMH) has not yielded stronger evidence in favour of specific loci. Liu and
colleagues using data from 110 multiplex families from the AGRE collection [16] ob
served only suggestive linkage on chromosomes 5p13, Xq26-qtel, and 19q12 alongside
modest support for previously reported linkage on 7q (7q31 and 7q36) and 16p13. A fol
low-up analysis including 235 additional AGRE multiplex families was again limited to
only suggestive loci at chromosomes 17q11, 5p13, 11p11-p13, 4q21-q22 and 8q24 [53]. In a
much larger collection of 1168 multiply-affected families from the AGP (including fami
lies previously included in the AGRE, CPEA, IMGSAC, PARIS and Seaver linkage stud
ies), Szatmari and colleagues identified suggestive linkage to chromosome 11p12-p13 and
a large region on chromosome 15q23-q25 [14]. Of the regions that were featured promi
nently in previous linkage analyses, there was only modest support for previously high
lighted linkage regions on chromosome 2q31 (female autism-probands) and 7q22 (male
ASD-probands) from families of European ancestry [14]. A similarly large linkage study
of 1031 families, including 1553 affected offspring, Weiss and colleagues identified sug
gestive linkage at 6p27 and significant linkage at 20p13 [54].
Early association studies examined whether specific variation in genes was associated with
the disease and focused on candidate loci identified from linkage and cytogenetic studies (po
sitional candidate genes) as well as in genes within biological processes that we perceived as
having a role in ASD. In the mid-1990s Risch and Merikangas [55] demonstrated that where
genetic variants have only small effect on risk the association study is a more powerful ap
proach than linkage to identify genetic risk. However, the transition from candidate gene to
genome-wide association studies was not realised until technological advances firstly enriched
the maps of common variation across the genome and secondly enabled the interrogation of
these variants en masse as part of genome-wide SNP arrays.
Wang and colleagues [56] performed one of the first GWAS on individuals in European an
cestry individuals from the AGRE collection, the Autism Case Control Collection and unaf
fected controls from the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia control collection. Neither familybased nor case-control analysis alone yielded genome-wide significant findings. However, in
a combined analyses the authors identified genome-wide significant association on chromo
some 5p14.1 (rs4307059; P =3.4 x 10-8) and a number of additional association signals on chro
mosome 13q33.3, 14q21.1 and Xp22.32. The 5p14.1 association was validated in the
Collaborative Autism Project (CAP) and Centre for Autism Research and Treatment (CART)
study. The authors found a modest to strong replication of the association signal on chromo
some 5p14.1. In a reciprocal study with the CAP and CART study as the discovery sample
followed by validation using the AGRE dataset was published in parallel by Ma and colleagues
[57]. The authors examined approximately 500k SNPs, more than in the Wang report and albeit
not genome-wide significant, they retained the association signal on chromosome 5p14.1.
A second independent GWAS was reported by Weiss and colleagues [54]. In the initial scan
the authors did not find any GW-significant associations. However, as with the previous
GWAS, additional supplementation of their family-based studies with a case-control set de
rived from 90 probands without parental data garnered some additional signal for the top hits.
A replication consortium of greater than 2000 trios was genotyped for 45 SNPs across all of
the top associated regions. The only marker that showed evidence of replication resides on the
short arm of chromosome 5 at 5p15. Although, like Ma and colleagues, this report has consid
erable overlap with the AGRE families reported by Wang and colleagues, the authors did not
observe strong association at 5p14.1. The chromosome 5p association lies in close proximity
to TAS2R1. The TAS2R1 gene encodes a G-protein coupled receptor that is involved in bitter
taste recognition. The authors highlight a more biologically plausible ASD candidate gene
approximately 80 Kb telomeric, SEMA5A. SEMA5A encodes a gene important in axonal guid
ance and has been shown to be down regulated in the occipital lobe cortex, lymphoblast cell
lines and lymphocytes from individuals with autism.
Two additional GWAS followed by the Autism Genome Project (AGP) [39, 58]. In the first
report of 1369 families, Anney and colleagues identified a single GW-significant finding on
chromosome 20 at position 20p12 within the MACROD2 (MACRO-domain containing 2) gene
locus (rs4141463; P = 2.1 x 10-8; OR = 0.56). Weak statistical support was observed for MAC
ROD2 in an AGRE validation sample, albeit showing the same direction of effect for the risk
allele. In a follow-up study using an additional 1301 families the authors showed little if any
signal of association (rs4141463; P = 0.206, OR=0.91). In a combined analyses the association at
MACROD2 was less compelling (rs4141463; P = 1.2 x 10-6; OR=0.77). The role of MACROD2 is
largely unknown although structural variation in this gene and specifically the region har
bouring the ASD association signal have been implicated in schizophrenia [59, 60] and epilepsy
[61]. However, this same region has been identified as a hotspot for deletions in the genome
identified as a region of large rare deletions [62]. MACROD-like proteins are highly conserved
across evolutionary time, which may indicate an essential role. The MACRO-domain is an
ADP-ribose binding module [63] and has been implicated in the ADP-ribosylation of proteins,
an important post-translational modification that occurs in a variety of biological processes
such as DNA repair [64], heterochromatin formation, histone modification and sirtuin biology
[65-67] as well as long-term memory formation [68]. The association signal observed at
rs4141463, albeit tagged to the MACROD2 gene, resides in an intronic region near an intragenic
non-protein-coding-RNA, NCRNA00186 (MACROD2-AS1). Two MACROD2-AS1 transcripts
have been reported of 673bp and 1230bp in length, located on the reverse strand between exon
5 and 6 of MACROD2. Anti-sense RNAs typically interact with mRNA, resulting in transcrip
tional or post-transcriptional effects and have been linked to brain development and plasticity
[69]. However, unlike MSNP1AS described for the 5p14.1 association observed by Wang and
colleagues, a function for this non-coding RNA has not yet been reported.
The strongest association signal observed by the AGP combined analyses was rs1718101 (P =
7.8 x 10-9; OR=2.13 (1.63-2.80)), a SNP within the CNTNAP2 gene which was previously impli
cated in ASD through linkage analyses. This association was observed in a secondary analysis
which was restricted to ASD individuals of European ancestry with a higher IQ. Anney and
colleagues suggest that with the current data few if any common variants have an impact on
risk exceeding (an effect size of) 1.2 (or below its inverse). In an attempt to seek evidence for
or against common variants having an impact on risk, the authors constructed an allele-score.
The allele-score method, as previously described by Purcell and colleagues [70], calculates a
score for each individual based on number of risk associated alleles that the individual pos
sesses. This score is then used to either calculate the predictive value of the score between cases
and controls or estimate the amount of variance that this score predicts for the disease. Allelescores derived from the transmission of common alleles from the families described in the AGP
stage 1 GWAS [58] could significantly predict case-status in the independent Stage 2 sample.
The authors concluded however that despite the limited findings for individual loci from
GWAS studies to date, en masse the top results exert a detectable impact suggesting that as the
sample sizes increase, additional significant loci will emerge. Putting together samples of the
size seen in successful GWAS studies in other disorders (n>20,000) is challenging for a disorder
with a complex phenotype such as ASD.
5p14, 5p15, multiple locations on chromosome 7, 11q25, 15q11-q13, 16q22.3, 17p11.2, 18q21.1,
18q23, 22q11.2, 22q13.3 and Xp22.2p22.3.
Many studies have converged on particular chromosomal abnormalities in autism, the most
common of which are maternally inherited duplications at 15q11-13. These duplications are
found in as many as 13% of patients diagnosed with autism.
Another relatively common chromosomal variant is the 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome, or
velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) that occurs in ~1/4000 live births. This syndrome is also
identified in the context of learning disability or in schizophrenia and has a complex pheno
typic expression affecting multiple organs. The physical features include a typical facial ap
pearance, (long face, narrow palpebral fissures, flattened malar eminences, prominent nose
and small mouth); anatomical and/or functional abnormalities of the palatal shelves such as
cleft palate and velopharyngeal insufficiency; lymphoid tissue hypoplasia and heart defects.
A wide range of childhood onset developmental symptoms and disorders are described in
association with the VCFS mutation [74] including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder, phobias, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and
autism spectrum disorders.
10-5, a rate that is considerably more frequent than point mutations [76]. This high mutation
rate, coupled with reduced fecundity in some carriers, and the fact that comparatively, they
affect a larger proportion of the genome, make CNVs a potentially important source of new
and recent mutation in neurodevelopmental disorders.
6. CNVs in autism
As discussed above, autism is a phenotypic feature of many genomic disorders. Betancur [77],
in her review, lists 103 disease genes and 44 genomic loci where autism or autistic like behaviors
have been described. ASD is diagnosed in ~30% of males with Fragile X syndrome and in
reverse, Fragile X mutations are found in as many as 78% of individuals with ASD [78]. Sim
ilarly, mutations in MECP2, the Rett Syndrome gene, have been found among cases of autism
that do not have the classical Rett phenotype and autism patients have an increased risk for
neurofibromatosis and other rare monogenic diseases like tuberous sclerosis and Jouberts
Syndrome, again inversely patients with these disorders have an increased risk for having
autism [79, 80].
The genes and loci listed in the Betancur study are all causally implicated in learning
disability (LD), indicating that these two neurodevelopmental disorders share some ge
netic risk factors. Early use of aCGH in non-syndromic autism suggested the method
had promise in detecting hitherto unrecognized CNVs. For example Jacquemont et al
[81] identified 6 deletions and 2 duplications in 29 patients presenting with syndromic
ASD where previous high resolution karyotyping was reported as normal. Another
study showing the potential for CNV analysis was a large linkage study [14] using a
10k SNP array where intensity data was used to determine copy number. The authors
highlight some individual findings including a family with two sisters with ASD, both
of whom had a ~300kb deletion on Ch. 2p16 that included the coding exons of the neu
rexin 1 gene (NRXN1). A second finding was a recurrent 1.1Mb duplication at Ch. 1q2.1
in four affected individuals from three families, a third was a ~900kb de novo duplica
tion at 17p12 in an affected sib-pair, and with the same region appearing as a maternal
ly inherited deletion in two male siblings, with a paternally inherited deletion in a
further female. Duplications in this region cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A (CMT1A) and
hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies when deleted, and overlapping deletions
are seen in Smith-Magenis syndrome that includes autism symptoms in many cases [82].
A key development was the report of de novo copy number variants in autism [83] using
aCGH. These authors showed that individually rare CNVs, and in particular ones that affect
neurodevelopmental genes, were enriched in cases. They further suggested that the rate of de
novo CNVs differed between simplex cases, where they occurred in 10% of families in the
sample, and familial cases where they occurred in 3% of families, suggesting that sporadic and
familial cases of ASD might have different underlying genetic mechanisms, although not all
studies since then have found this distinction. Several studies of CNVs in large autism case
and family series have followed. Marshall et al. [84] examined 427 ASD families using a 500k
SNP array and karyotyping by standard clinical diagnostic method. A de novo rate of 7.1%
and 2.0% in simplex and multiplex families respectively was observed, supporting the previ
ous findings [83]. Families occasionally showed more than a single de-novo event where both
may combine to produce risk. A further set of loci were identified in two or more unrelated
families, increasing the evidence supporting a pathogenic role. As with the LD literature, at
some loci, both deletions and duplication were found suggesting a more complex mechanism
than simple over or under-expression of gene products. Of the 196 inherited CNVs confirmed
experimentally, 90 were of maternal and 106 of paternal origin. The authors list numerous
potential ASD candidate genes where a structural change was either de-novo, found in two or
more unrelated ASD cases, or, in the case of the X-chromosome, transmitted from an unaffected
mother. Given their rarity, very few individual CNVs in this study provided statistical evi
dence to support their role in autism. For example, 4 CNVs from 427 cases were found at the
DPP6 a subunit that affects the function of Kv4.2 channels at the same site of expression as
SHANK3 and NLGN gene products. Only one similar CNV was found in 1652 controls (Fisch
ers exact test p = 0.016). In keeping with previous cytogenetic findings and the emerging
overlap in disorders involved, CNVs were found in ASD cases that involved known loci or
genes in disorders such as Waardenburg Type IIa, Speech and language disorder, learning
disability and VCFS. A further study [85] found a total of 51 CNVs in 46 cases and not in the
controls. 42 of these were familial and 9 de novo with recurrence in two or more cases at three
loci. In total, case specific CNVs were found in 11.6% of cases, although, in keeping with the
Marshall et al [84] study, none were individually associated with case status with the majority
being observed in only a single case. Pinto et al [86] compared CNVs in 996 ASD cases of
European ancestry to 1,287 matched controls, using the Illumina 1M SNP array. Cases were
found to carry a higher global burden of rare, genic CNVs, especially so for loci previously
implicated in either ASD and/or intellectual disability. Nearly 6% of the cases had de-novo
mutations with some having two or more events. Novel candidate genes were identified that
were de-novo in cases and not controls, including SHANK2, SYNGAP1 and DLGAP2. In keep
ing with previous studies only one novel CNV (maternally inherited X-linked deletions at
PTCHD1) occurred statistically more frequently in cases compared to controls (7 vs 0). PTCHD1
involvement in autism and LD was further extended and confirmed in a focused examination
of the PTCHD1 locus in cohorts of autism and LD cases and extending the study of CNVs to
sequence data, identifying additional maternally inherited missense mutations in 8 probands
not seen in controls [87]. In the Pinto et al study[86], certain gene sets were found to be enriched
for case deletions but not duplications. These included sets involved in cell and neuronal de
velopment, projection, motility and proliferation; GTPase/Ras signaling known to be involved
in regulating dendrite and spine plasticity; and kinase activity/regulation. There was addi
tional overlap with gene sets thought to be involved in LD including microtubule cytoskeleton,
glycosylation and CNS development/adhesion. More recently, Salyakina and colleagues [88]
have shown the value of extended multiply affected families in a CNV study of 42 families.
They found 5 deletions and 7 duplications that co-segregated with ASD, two overlapping with
known autism CNVs on 7p21.3 and 15q24.1 and two near regions on 3p26.3 and 12q24.32
previously associated with schizophrenia.
As the resolution of the probe arrays improves, smaller CNVs will be detected, and the boun
daries of previously identified CNVs will become more refined [89]. Nord et al. [90], examined
genomic DNA of 41 children with autism and 367 healthy controls for rare CNVs using a very
high-resolution aCGH platform. They found that cases were more likely than controls to have
CNVs as small as ~10kb, likely to affect genes involved in transcription, nervous system de
velopment, and receptor activity. They found that expression of CNTNAP2, ZNF214, PRODH
and ARID1B genes affected by CNVs were decreased in probands compared with controls
suggesting reduced expression as a potentially aetiological factor during development.
Larger samples, particularly those based on families, will also enable the improved estimation
of the overall effects of de-novo mutations and the assessment of rare recurrent events as
disease associated mutations [91]. These authors studied 1124 autism families containing pro
bands, unaffected parents and an unaffected sibling using the Illumina 1M SNP array. In a
related paper [92] they were able to confirm de novo CNVs identified using the SNP array
with those detected using a Nimblegen 2.1M aCGH platform. A combined total of 58 rare de
novo CNVs were identified across the two studies with each array type identifying 95% of the
total. However, the sensitivity for smaller CNVs was low for both arrays. Overall, the burden
of rare de novo CNVs in the Sanders et al [91] study was greater in probands than in siblings
for total number, size and gene content. Using the rate in siblings as a control to evaluate
findings in the cases, there was strong individual statistical support for recurrent de novo
duplications at 7q11.23, the locus at which deletions cause Williams-Beuren syndrome; dele
tions at 16p11.2 and duplications at 16p11.2. In addition the authors observed 8 loci at which
rare transmitted CNVs, present only in probands, overlapped with one of the 51 regions in
probands containing one or more rare de novo CNVs. However, the rare transmitted CNVs
were not more likely to be in cases than in unaffected siblings, even when subdivided into
genic, exonic, brain-expressed or previously identified as ASD related. This suggested that the
excess burden in their sample was due to rare de novo events, although when the gene sets
were applied to gene pathway analysis, more pathways showed enrichment in the case set
compared to the sibling set. To date, the number of definitive replicated findings for ASD from
all studies has been small, with the data suggesting an extreme heterogeneity model with no
single risk variant occurring in more than 1% of cases.
lopmental disorder. In this study, individuals with childhood developmental delay are en
riched approximately fourfold for a rare 520-kb 16p12 deletion. In nearly all cases examined
(22/23), the deletion was inherited. Thus, 16p12 deletions appear to be an example of inherited
predisposition to neurodevelopmental disorder with dominant transmission. However, these
individuals were more likely to carry a second large (>500 kb) CNV compared to matched
controls, and clinical features of those with a second large CNV were typically more severe
than those with the 16p12 deletion alone. Itsara et al. [95] suggest that multiply affected autism
pedigrees segregate an existing inherited mutation of low penetrance which by itself is rarely
sufficient to cause disease. Secondary mutations, such as de-novo mutations are required to
manifest as disorder. Whether or not these second hits are disease specific remains to be ex
amined. The authors propose that the excess of de novo CNVs among cases may be due to a
depletion of second-hits in the unaffected sibling due to the initial low penetrant mutation
segregating in the family. The abundance of inherited low penetrance mutations and the high
rate of de novo CNVs in the population enable multiple cases to appear within families with
apparently unusual patterns of inheritance.
channel, voltage-gated, type II, alpha subunit). Despite the early caution regarding the number
of de novo events observed per gene, the burgeoning evidence from focused re-sequencing of
these suggests that other families with ASD have damaging loss-of-function mutation in these
Author details
Michael Gill, Graham Kenny and Richard Anney
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
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Chapter 14
1. Introduction
Autism is a behaviourally defined developmental disorder characterised by impairments in
social communication, restricted interests and repetitive behaviours [1]. Abnormalities in these
three developmental areas tend to cluster together in affected individuals. In DSM-IV, Autism
is part of a larger continuum of disorders collectively called Pervasive Developmental Disor
ders. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) refer to Autism, Pervasive developmental disorder,
not otherwise specified, and Asperger syndrome. All individuals with ASDs have qualitative
abnormalities of social development in combination with disorders of communication and/or
stereotyped repetitive interests and behaviors. The social skills that develop naturally in typ
ically-developing children do not do so in children with ASD. In addition, there are several
behaviors and co-morbid symptoms that relate to each of the three classical impairments. Re
cent studies have reported rates of co-occurring intellectual disability in the range of 25-50%.
Neither developmental delay nor cognitive impairment are required for an ASD diagnosis.
Fombonne and colleagues recently estimated the prevalence of strictlydefined autism at ap
proximately 15-20 per 10,000 people [2]. When the definition of autism is relaxed to include
Autism Spectrum Disorders, the prevalence estimated expands to approximately 60 in in
10,000 children [2, 3].
Little is known of the biological basis of ASD and the future development of rational knowl
edge based treatments will depend on a comprehensive understanding of innate biological
predisposition and its interaction with environmental factors. The identification and charac
terisation of the genetic variation and genes involved in ASD is a route towards this goal. This
chapter outlines the various approaches that have been applied to this task, in the context of
rapidly evolving technology and human genome resources, and summarises the state of
2013 Gill et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
knowledge at this time, anticipating future developments, and outlining the implications for
clinical management.
apart. Linkage studies take advantage of this non-random assortment of genetic variation. A
linkage study calculates whether a known genetic variant and a disease mutation (represented
by the disease trait) are linked and if so, roughly localises the causative mutation. Following
the successes of using these approaches in the discovery of multiple loci implicate in Mendelian
disorders, researchers were encouraged to apply linkage methodology to more complex traits,
such as ASD where Mendelian principles may apply, at least in a proportion of families. How
ever, in ASD, only a few scans have highlighted loci with significant linkage, highlighting loci
including chromosome 7q, 2q and 3q.
In 1998, the International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium (IMGSAC) [10] re
ported modest evidence for linkage. This included significant linkage arising on chromosome
7q32-q34. Supplemented analyses of IMGSAC families provided additional support for link
age at 7q22, 16p13, and 2q31 [11, 12]. The long arm of chromosome 7 has received particular
attention with additional support reported for 7q21 [13], 7q22 [14], 7q31 [15, 16], 7q32 [17] and
7q36 [16].
Few individual families exist where ASD segregates in an obvious Mendelian fashion that is
large enough to provide significant evidence for linkage by themselves. Most linkage studies
required the assumption that a significant proportion of the families in the sample might be
linked to a given locus and few were sufficiently large to accommodate even modest locus
heterogeneity. Under a common disorder - common variant model, multiply affected families
will occur but linkage methods would be considerably underpowered. The effects of DNA
variation with low penetrance are more easily identified using a genetic association study
design in a sample of cases drawn from a population.
Fine-mapping and candidate gene association studies at implicated regions on 7q have impli
cated a number of potential susceptibility genes including RELN, MET, CNTNAP2 and EN2.
Persico and colleagues [18] studied five DNA variants or polymorphisms across the RELN
gene locus, including a GGC repeat variant located close to the RELN gene translation initiator
codon. Located at 7q22, RELN encodes an extracellular matrix protein Reelin, which plays a
pivotal role in the development of laminar structures including cerebral cortex, cerebellum
and hippocampus. Using a genetic association approach, Persico and colleagues identified a
nominally significant association with this 5-UTR GCC-triplet-repeat polymorphism [18].
This finding was further supported by some studies [19-25] but not others [26-31]. MET, located
at 7q31 received considerable attention following a high-profile association reported by Camp
bell and colleagues. The MET gene encodes a protein involved in MET (Mesenchymal epithelial
transition factor) receptor tyrosine kinase signalling which has been implicated in brain growth
and maturation offering biological plausibility to its candidature. As with other candidate
genes in ASD, the original findings have been supported in some [32], but not other studies
[33] [34]. A similar scenario played out for the EN2 homeobox gene located at 7q36 [35, 36].
Arking and colleagues [37] observed an association at CNTNAP2 in the NIHM/AGRE collec
tion. The main association observed was for rs7794745 located in intron 2 of the gene (Discovery
P = 0.00002, Validation P = 0.005). The CNTNAP2 (7q35) gene encodes the contactin-associated
protein-like 2 protein, which is a member of the neurexin family and thought to play a role in
axonal differentiation and guidance. Li and colleagues also found mild support for CNTNAP2
where they observed a weak association with a haplotype containing the SNP rs7794745 [38].
More recently, a large GWAS of 2705 families identified a strong association for the SNP
rs1718101 in the CNTNAP2 gene with a subset of individuals without intellectual disability
and of European ancestry (P = 7.78 x 10-9) [39].
The Paris Autism Research International Sibpair (PARIS) study [15], that supported the find
ings on 7q, noted additional loci at 2q31-q32, 16p13 and 19p13, that overlapped to some extent
with regions identified in the IMGSAC analyses. Fine mapping of the 2q31-q32 led to addi
tional evidence implicating the genes SLC25A12, STK39 and ITGA4 as putative risk genes for
ASD. As with most candidate genes examined in small samples, these associations were vali
dated by some [40-42] but not all studies [43-46]. The positional candidature of the 2q31-q32
was further supported by a case study of a young Irish male with high-functioning autism
with a complex translocation traversing chromosome 2q32 (46,XY,t(9;2)(q31.1;q32.2q31.3))
[47]. Fine mapping and mutation analysis identified an association with a polymorphism
within the splice donor sequence of exon 16 of the ITGA4 gene and ASD (rs12690517; P = 0.008)
In a study of Finnish families, Auranen and colleagues [49, 50], who included individuals with
autism, infantile autism, Asperger syndrome (AS) and developmental dysphasia reported a
significant linkage to 3q25-q27. This was supported by suggestive evidence at 3q25-q27 in a study
of AS also in the Finnish population [51] as well as linkage at 3q25-q27 in a single large extended
Utah pedigree of Northern European ancestry [52].
Interestingly, the advent of large collaborative studies by the Autism Genome Research
Exchange (AGRE), the Autism Genome Project (AGP) and the National Institute of Men
tal Health (NIMH) has not yielded stronger evidence in favour of specific loci. Liu and
colleagues using data from 110 multiplex families from the AGRE collection [16] ob
served only suggestive linkage on chromosomes 5p13, Xq26-qtel, and 19q12 alongside
modest support for previously reported linkage on 7q (7q31 and 7q36) and 16p13. A fol
low-up analysis including 235 additional AGRE multiplex families was again limited to
only suggestive loci at chromosomes 17q11, 5p13, 11p11-p13, 4q21-q22 and 8q24 [53]. In a
much larger collection of 1168 multiply-affected families from the AGP (including fami
lies previously included in the AGRE, CPEA, IMGSAC, PARIS and Seaver linkage stud
ies), Szatmari and colleagues identified suggestive linkage to chromosome 11p12-p13 and
a large region on chromosome 15q23-q25 [14]. Of the regions that were featured promi
nently in previous linkage analyses, there was only modest support for previously high
lighted linkage regions on chromosome 2q31 (female autism-probands) and 7q22 (male
ASD-probands) from families of European ancestry [14]. A similarly large linkage study
of 1031 families, including 1553 affected offspring, Weiss and colleagues identified sug
gestive linkage at 6p27 and significant linkage at 20p13 [54].
Early association studies examined whether specific variation in genes was associated with
the disease and focused on candidate loci identified from linkage and cytogenetic studies (po
sitional candidate genes) as well as in genes within biological processes that we perceived as
having a role in ASD. In the mid-1990s Risch and Merikangas [55] demonstrated that where
genetic variants have only small effect on risk the association study is a more powerful ap
proach than linkage to identify genetic risk. However, the transition from candidate gene to
genome-wide association studies was not realised until technological advances firstly enriched
the maps of common variation across the genome and secondly enabled the interrogation of
these variants en masse as part of genome-wide SNP arrays.
Wang and colleagues [56] performed one of the first GWAS on individuals in European an
cestry individuals from the AGRE collection, the Autism Case Control Collection and unaf
fected controls from the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia control collection. Neither familybased nor case-control analysis alone yielded genome-wide significant findings. However, in
a combined analyses the authors identified genome-wide significant association on chromo
some 5p14.1 (rs4307059; P =3.4 x 10-8) and a number of additional association signals on chro
mosome 13q33.3, 14q21.1 and Xp22.32. The 5p14.1 association was validated in the
Collaborative Autism Project (CAP) and Centre for Autism Research and Treatment (CART)
study. The authors found a modest to strong replication of the association signal on chromo
some 5p14.1. In a reciprocal study with the CAP and CART study as the discovery sample
followed by validation using the AGRE dataset was published in parallel by Ma and colleagues
[57]. The authors examined approximately 500k SNPs, more than in the Wang report and albeit
not genome-wide significant, they retained the association signal on chromosome 5p14.1.
A second independent GWAS was reported by Weiss and colleagues [54]. In the initial scan
the authors did not find any GW-significant associations. However, as with the previous
GWAS, additional supplementation of their family-based studies with a case-control set de
rived from 90 probands without parental data garnered some additional signal for the top hits.
A replication consortium of greater than 2000 trios was genotyped for 45 SNPs across all of
the top associated regions. The only marker that showed evidence of replication resides on the
short arm of chromosome 5 at 5p15. Although, like Ma and colleagues, this report has consid
erable overlap with the AGRE families reported by Wang and colleagues, the authors did not
observe strong association at 5p14.1. The chromosome 5p association lies in close proximity
to TAS2R1. The TAS2R1 gene encodes a G-protein coupled receptor that is involved in bitter
taste recognition. The authors highlight a more biologically plausible ASD candidate gene
approximately 80 Kb telomeric, SEMA5A. SEMA5A encodes a gene important in axonal guid
ance and has been shown to be down regulated in the occipital lobe cortex, lymphoblast cell
lines and lymphocytes from individuals with autism.
Two additional GWAS followed by the Autism Genome Project (AGP) [39, 58]. In the first
report of 1369 families, Anney and colleagues identified a single GW-significant finding on
chromosome 20 at position 20p12 within the MACROD2 (MACRO-domain containing 2) gene
locus (rs4141463; P = 2.1 x 10-8; OR = 0.56). Weak statistical support was observed for MAC
ROD2 in an AGRE validation sample, albeit showing the same direction of effect for the risk
allele. In a follow-up study using an additional 1301 families the authors showed little if any
signal of association (rs4141463; P = 0.206, OR=0.91). In a combined analyses the association at
MACROD2 was less compelling (rs4141463; P = 1.2 x 10-6; OR=0.77). The role of MACROD2 is
largely unknown although structural variation in this gene and specifically the region har
bouring the ASD association signal have been implicated in schizophrenia [59, 60] and epilepsy
[61]. However, this same region has been identified as a hotspot for deletions in the genome
identified as a region of large rare deletions [62]. MACROD-like proteins are highly conserved
across evolutionary time, which may indicate an essential role. The MACRO-domain is an
ADP-ribose binding module [63] and has been implicated in the ADP-ribosylation of proteins,
an important post-translational modification that occurs in a variety of biological processes
such as DNA repair [64], heterochromatin formation, histone modification and sirtuin biology
[65-67] as well as long-term memory formation [68]. The association signal observed at
rs4141463, albeit tagged to the MACROD2 gene, resides in an intronic region near an intragenic
non-protein-coding-RNA, NCRNA00186 (MACROD2-AS1). Two MACROD2-AS1 transcripts
have been reported of 673bp and 1230bp in length, located on the reverse strand between exon
5 and 6 of MACROD2. Anti-sense RNAs typically interact with mRNA, resulting in transcrip
tional or post-transcriptional effects and have been linked to brain development and plasticity
[69]. However, unlike MSNP1AS described for the 5p14.1 association observed by Wang and
colleagues, a function for this non-coding RNA has not yet been reported.
The strongest association signal observed by the AGP combined analyses was rs1718101 (P =
7.8 x 10-9; OR=2.13 (1.63-2.80)), a SNP within the CNTNAP2 gene which was previously impli
cated in ASD through linkage analyses. This association was observed in a secondary analysis
which was restricted to ASD individuals of European ancestry with a higher IQ. Anney and
colleagues suggest that with the current data few if any common variants have an impact on
risk exceeding (an effect size of) 1.2 (or below its inverse). In an attempt to seek evidence for
or against common variants having an impact on risk, the authors constructed an allele-score.
The allele-score method, as previously described by Purcell and colleagues [70], calculates a
score for each individual based on number of risk associated alleles that the individual pos
sesses. This score is then used to either calculate the predictive value of the score between cases
and controls or estimate the amount of variance that this score predicts for the disease. Allelescores derived from the transmission of common alleles from the families described in the AGP
stage 1 GWAS [58] could significantly predict case-status in the independent Stage 2 sample.
The authors concluded however that despite the limited findings for individual loci from
GWAS studies to date, en masse the top results exert a detectable impact suggesting that as the
sample sizes increase, additional significant loci will emerge. Putting together samples of the
size seen in successful GWAS studies in other disorders (n>20,000) is challenging for a disorder
with a complex phenotype such as ASD.
5p14, 5p15, multiple locations on chromosome 7, 11q25, 15q11-q13, 16q22.3, 17p11.2, 18q21.1,
18q23, 22q11.2, 22q13.3 and Xp22.2p22.3.
Many studies have converged on particular chromosomal abnormalities in autism, the most
common of which are maternally inherited duplications at 15q11-13. These duplications are
found in as many as 13% of patients diagnosed with autism.
Another relatively common chromosomal variant is the 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome, or
velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) that occurs in ~1/4000 live births. This syndrome is also
identified in the context of learning disability or in schizophrenia and has a complex pheno
typic expression affecting multiple organs. The physical features include a typical facial ap
pearance, (long face, narrow palpebral fissures, flattened malar eminences, prominent nose
and small mouth); anatomical and/or functional abnormalities of the palatal shelves such as
cleft palate and velopharyngeal insufficiency; lymphoid tissue hypoplasia and heart defects.
A wide range of childhood onset developmental symptoms and disorders are described in
association with the VCFS mutation [74] including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder, phobias, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and
autism spectrum disorders.
10-5, a rate that is considerably more frequent than point mutations [76]. This high mutation
rate, coupled with reduced fecundity in some carriers, and the fact that comparatively, they
affect a larger proportion of the genome, make CNVs a potentially important source of new
and recent mutation in neurodevelopmental disorders.
6. CNVs in autism
As discussed above, autism is a phenotypic feature of many genomic disorders. Betancur [77],
in her review, lists 103 disease genes and 44 genomic loci where autism or autistic like behaviors
have been described. ASD is diagnosed in ~30% of males with Fragile X syndrome and in
reverse, Fragile X mutations are found in as many as 78% of individuals with ASD [78]. Sim
ilarly, mutations in MECP2, the Rett Syndrome gene, have been found among cases of autism
that do not have the classical Rett phenotype and autism patients have an increased risk for
neurofibromatosis and other rare monogenic diseases like tuberous sclerosis and Jouberts
Syndrome, again inversely patients with these disorders have an increased risk for having
autism [79, 80].
The genes and loci listed in the Betancur study are all causally implicated in learning
disability (LD), indicating that these two neurodevelopmental disorders share some ge
netic risk factors. Early use of aCGH in non-syndromic autism suggested the method
had promise in detecting hitherto unrecognized CNVs. For example Jacquemont et al
[81] identified 6 deletions and 2 duplications in 29 patients presenting with syndromic
ASD where previous high resolution karyotyping was reported as normal. Another
study showing the potential for CNV analysis was a large linkage study [14] using a
10k SNP array where intensity data was used to determine copy number. The authors
highlight some individual findings including a family with two sisters with ASD, both
of whom had a ~300kb deletion on Ch. 2p16 that included the coding exons of the neu
rexin 1 gene (NRXN1). A second finding was a recurrent 1.1Mb duplication at Ch. 1q2.1
in four affected individuals from three families, a third was a ~900kb de novo duplica
tion at 17p12 in an affected sib-pair, and with the same region appearing as a maternal
ly inherited deletion in two male siblings, with a paternally inherited deletion in a
further female. Duplications in this region cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A (CMT1A) and
hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies when deleted, and overlapping deletions
are seen in Smith-Magenis syndrome that includes autism symptoms in many cases [82].
A key development was the report of de novo copy number variants in autism [83] using
aCGH. These authors showed that individually rare CNVs, and in particular ones that affect
neurodevelopmental genes, were enriched in cases. They further suggested that the rate of de
novo CNVs differed between simplex cases, where they occurred in 10% of families in the
sample, and familial cases where they occurred in 3% of families, suggesting that sporadic and
familial cases of ASD might have different underlying genetic mechanisms, although not all
studies since then have found this distinction. Several studies of CNVs in large autism case
and family series have followed. Marshall et al. [84] examined 427 ASD families using a 500k
SNP array and karyotyping by standard clinical diagnostic method. A de novo rate of 7.1%
and 2.0% in simplex and multiplex families respectively was observed, supporting the previ
ous findings [83]. Families occasionally showed more than a single de-novo event where both
may combine to produce risk. A further set of loci were identified in two or more unrelated
families, increasing the evidence supporting a pathogenic role. As with the LD literature, at
some loci, both deletions and duplication were found suggesting a more complex mechanism
than simple over or under-expression of gene products. Of the 196 inherited CNVs confirmed
experimentally, 90 were of maternal and 106 of paternal origin. The authors list numerous
potential ASD candidate genes where a structural change was either de-novo, found in two or
more unrelated ASD cases, or, in the case of the X-chromosome, transmitted from an unaffected
mother. Given their rarity, very few individual CNVs in this study provided statistical evi
dence to support their role in autism. For example, 4 CNVs from 427 cases were found at the
DPP6 a subunit that affects the function of Kv4.2 channels at the same site of expression as
SHANK3 and NLGN gene products. Only one similar CNV was found in 1652 controls (Fisch
ers exact test p = 0.016). In keeping with previous cytogenetic findings and the emerging
overlap in disorders involved, CNVs were found in ASD cases that involved known loci or
genes in disorders such as Waardenburg Type IIa, Speech and language disorder, learning
disability and VCFS. A further study [85] found a total of 51 CNVs in 46 cases and not in the
controls. 42 of these were familial and 9 de novo with recurrence in two or more cases at three
loci. In total, case specific CNVs were found in 11.6% of cases, although, in keeping with the
Marshall et al [84] study, none were individually associated with case status with the majority
being observed in only a single case. Pinto et al [86] compared CNVs in 996 ASD cases of
European ancestry to 1,287 matched controls, using the Illumina 1M SNP array. Cases were
found to carry a higher global burden of rare, genic CNVs, especially so for loci previously
implicated in either ASD and/or intellectual disability. Nearly 6% of the cases had de-novo
mutations with some having two or more events. Novel candidate genes were identified that
were de-novo in cases and not controls, including SHANK2, SYNGAP1 and DLGAP2. In keep
ing with previous studies only one novel CNV (maternally inherited X-linked deletions at
PTCHD1) occurred statistically more frequently in cases compared to controls (7 vs 0). PTCHD1
involvement in autism and LD was further extended and confirmed in a focused examination
of the PTCHD1 locus in cohorts of autism and LD cases and extending the study of CNVs to
sequence data, identifying additional maternally inherited missense mutations in 8 probands
not seen in controls [87]. In the Pinto et al study[86], certain gene sets were found to be enriched
for case deletions but not duplications. These included sets involved in cell and neuronal de
velopment, projection, motility and proliferation; GTPase/Ras signaling known to be involved
in regulating dendrite and spine plasticity; and kinase activity/regulation. There was addi
tional overlap with gene sets thought to be involved in LD including microtubule cytoskeleton,
glycosylation and CNS development/adhesion. More recently, Salyakina and colleagues [88]
have shown the value of extended multiply affected families in a CNV study of 42 families.
They found 5 deletions and 7 duplications that co-segregated with ASD, two overlapping with
known autism CNVs on 7p21.3 and 15q24.1 and two near regions on 3p26.3 and 12q24.32
previously associated with schizophrenia.
As the resolution of the probe arrays improves, smaller CNVs will be detected, and the boun
daries of previously identified CNVs will become more refined [89]. Nord et al. [90], examined
genomic DNA of 41 children with autism and 367 healthy controls for rare CNVs using a very
high-resolution aCGH platform. They found that cases were more likely than controls to have
CNVs as small as ~10kb, likely to affect genes involved in transcription, nervous system de
velopment, and receptor activity. They found that expression of CNTNAP2, ZNF214, PRODH
and ARID1B genes affected by CNVs were decreased in probands compared with controls
suggesting reduced expression as a potentially aetiological factor during development.
Larger samples, particularly those based on families, will also enable the improved estimation
of the overall effects of de-novo mutations and the assessment of rare recurrent events as
disease associated mutations [91]. These authors studied 1124 autism families containing pro
bands, unaffected parents and an unaffected sibling using the Illumina 1M SNP array. In a
related paper [92] they were able to confirm de novo CNVs identified using the SNP array
with those detected using a Nimblegen 2.1M aCGH platform. A combined total of 58 rare de
novo CNVs were identified across the two studies with each array type identifying 95% of the
total. However, the sensitivity for smaller CNVs was low for both arrays. Overall, the burden
of rare de novo CNVs in the Sanders et al [91] study was greater in probands than in siblings
for total number, size and gene content. Using the rate in siblings as a control to evaluate
findings in the cases, there was strong individual statistical support for recurrent de novo
duplications at 7q11.23, the locus at which deletions cause Williams-Beuren syndrome; dele
tions at 16p11.2 and duplications at 16p11.2. In addition the authors observed 8 loci at which
rare transmitted CNVs, present only in probands, overlapped with one of the 51 regions in
probands containing one or more rare de novo CNVs. However, the rare transmitted CNVs
were not more likely to be in cases than in unaffected siblings, even when subdivided into
genic, exonic, brain-expressed or previously identified as ASD related. This suggested that the
excess burden in their sample was due to rare de novo events, although when the gene sets
were applied to gene pathway analysis, more pathways showed enrichment in the case set
compared to the sibling set. To date, the number of definitive replicated findings for ASD from
all studies has been small, with the data suggesting an extreme heterogeneity model with no
single risk variant occurring in more than 1% of cases.
lopmental disorder. In this study, individuals with childhood developmental delay are en
riched approximately fourfold for a rare 520-kb 16p12 deletion. In nearly all cases examined
(22/23), the deletion was inherited. Thus, 16p12 deletions appear to be an example of inherited
predisposition to neurodevelopmental disorder with dominant transmission. However, these
individuals were more likely to carry a second large (>500 kb) CNV compared to matched
controls, and clinical features of those with a second large CNV were typically more severe
than those with the 16p12 deletion alone. Itsara et al. [95] suggest that multiply affected autism
pedigrees segregate an existing inherited mutation of low penetrance which by itself is rarely
sufficient to cause disease. Secondary mutations, such as de-novo mutations are required to
manifest as disorder. Whether or not these second hits are disease specific remains to be ex
amined. The authors propose that the excess of de novo CNVs among cases may be due to a
depletion of second-hits in the unaffected sibling due to the initial low penetrant mutation
segregating in the family. The abundance of inherited low penetrance mutations and the high
rate of de novo CNVs in the population enable multiple cases to appear within families with
apparently unusual patterns of inheritance.
channel, voltage-gated, type II, alpha subunit). Despite the early caution regarding the number
of de novo events observed per gene, the burgeoning evidence from focused re-sequencing of
these suggests that other families with ASD have damaging loss-of-function mutation in these
Author details
Michael Gill, Graham Kenny and Richard Anney
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
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Chapter 15
1. Introduction
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, and
verbal and nonverbal communication as well as limited and repetitive behaviours. Although
symptomatology of autism may be noticed around early months, diagnosis generally occurs
around 24-36 months, however in some cases diagnosis may be delayed to adulthood [1].
Since behavioural symptoms and the degree of functional impairment are variable, the au
tistic disorder is described as a heterogenous symptom cluster of varying etiological and
pathological basis [2]. Described as a multifactorial disorder created by interaction of neuro
logic, immunologic, environmental, and genetic factors, autistic disorder has no definite
cause [3, 4]. In many cases in whom the etiology remains unclear are diagnosed as idiopath
ic autism or non-syndromic autism [5, 6]. Seventy percent of cases with idiopathic autism
have basic symptoms without physical abnormalities whereas 30% have complex autism in
which dysmorphic features are detected such as microcephaly and/or structural brain mal
formations [7]. Autism is associated with other syndromes such as Fragile X syndrome,
Down Syndrome, and tuberosclerosis in 5-25% of the cases ([8, 9]. Although phenotypic het
erogeneity is the biggest challenge for research efforts directed to identify autism etiology
[10], currently it is widely accepted that environmental and genetic factors play essential
role in genesis of autistic disorder thanks to a recent advance in research techniques related
to biological factors and widespread studies in this field [11, 12].
2. Genetics
Autistic disorder is a multifactorial genetic disorder not following classical Mendelian inher
itance. Impairment in social interaction and verbal communication as well as genetic differ
entiation in rigid-repetitive behaviours indicates that different features in autistic disorder
2013 Guney and Iseri; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
may be caused by different genes associated with distinct brain regions and be related to
cognitive impairment and functional abnormalities [13].
Genetic studies in the field of autistic disorder have mainly focused on molecular genetic
studies, assessment of chromosomal abnormalities, twin studies and family studies. In fami
lies having an autistic child the recurrence rate has been reported as 3-8% [14, 15, 16]. The
studies on twins and adopted children are important in identifying the actual importance of
genetic factors. Concordance among twins enables to measure heritability, and thus to as
sess what percentage of the phenotype is affected by genetic factors. Monozygotic (identical)
twins share 100% of the genetic material whereas dizygotic (fraternal) twins share 50% of
the genetic material. Monozygotic twins higher rate of concordance compared to dizygotic
twins may be used for calculation of heritability. Twin studies generally showed a higher
concordance rate for monozygotic twins compared to dizygotic twins. The concordance rate
of monozygotic twins is at least 60% when diagnostic criteria for autism (DSM-IV) are used
whereas the number is as high as 71% for autism spectrum and 92% for a broader spectrum
of verbal/social interaction disorders [11, 12, 16, 17]. On the other hand, the concordance rate
of dizygotic twins has been reported as 1-30% [9, 17-20]. Twin studies demonstrated an
average autism inheritance of 90% [21]. On the basis of these studies autism is considered to
be among the most inherited psychiatric diseases [22, 23].
Although autism has a high inheritance rate, its mode of inheritance remains unclear. Multigene interactions and multiple loci are believed to play role in genetic susceptibility to the dis
ease [24]. There are 3 basic approaches in this area: 1) in whole genome scanning method, it is
aimed to predict the localization of a disease, about chromosomal localization of which we
have no preliminary information, by starting from common genetic determinants in a com
munity composed of multiplex families (families with more than one involved member). 2) cy
togenetic studies guide molecular studies by showing inherited or de novo chromosomal
anomalies in involved persons or families. 3) candidate gene studies examine the relationship
of genes known to affect brain development in associated regions or alternatively, a selected
precursor gene considered to hypothetically contribute to autism pathogenesis.
It has been demonstrated that structural chromosomal variations comprising also copy
number variations play an important role in etiology of autism. De novo copy number varia
tions have been identified in 7-10% of sporadic autism cases [25, 26].
In studies employing genome scanning method to reveal genetic etiology of autism, cogent
evidence for an association with chromosomes 2, 7, 1, and 17, especially long arm of chro
mosomes 2 (2q) and 7 (7q) has been obtained. Other chromosomes less associated with au
tism are chromosomes 1, 9, 13, 15, 19, 22, and X chromosome [14, 16, 27]. Although a lot of
genomic regions have been explored for etiology, consistent results for a limited number of
regions such as 7q11, 7q31, 22q11 have been obtained [16, 28, 29]. Particularly 15q11-q13 re
gion on chromosome 15 has been widely related to autism. It has been suggested that dupli
cations in this region of chromosome 15 may contribute to autism development. There exist
in this area a series of potential candidate genes containing gamma aminobutyric acid A
(GABAA) receptor gene complex [30]. These duplications inherited maternally have been re
ported to be present in 1-3% of individuals with idiopathic autism [31, 32].
Another region related to autism is a deletion region located on chromosome 16p11. This re
gion has also been demonstrated to be in relationship with Asperger Syndrome, mental re
tardation, and developmental abnormalities [33, 34].
It has been showed that, in individuals with autism, there is a significant increase in the fre
quency of allelic variations of HOXA1 gene (7p15). HOXA1 and HOXB1, which have a criti
cal role for development of fetal caudal medullary structures, are only expressed at the third
week following fertilization, a period when neural tube is formed, and they appear to be
partly associated with development of superior olivary, facial and abducens nuclei. It has
been suggested that HOXA1 has a role in autism tendency and is associated with early
phase of brain stem development in autism etiology [16, 35]. On the other hand, there are
studies where no significant association with HOXA1 gene variants and autism could be
demonstrated [36, 37].
Engrailed-2 (EN-2) which is the human homologue of drosophila engrailed gene and located
on the long arm of Chromosome 7 (7q36) is a homeobox gene having a critical role in mid
brain and cerebellar development. Temporal and spatial pattern of engrailed gene expres
sion occurs simultaneously with the development of cerebellar precursor cells. Thus, it has
been suggested to be important to determine correct cell number in cerebellum [38]. Petit
and his colleagues (1995) reported a significant association between Pvull polymorphism at
the 5 region of EN-2 gene and autism [39]. However, this association could not be con
firmed in a later family study [40].
MET oncogene coding pleiotropic MET receptor thyrosine kinase is located on the long arm
of Chromosome 7. MET signalization has a role in neocortex and cerebellar growth and ma
turation, and immune functions. MET gene and its ligand, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF),
have been related to autism. Studies conducted by Campbell and his colleagues ([41,42]
showed that C allele in the promoter region of MET gene decreases MET promoter activity
by two fold and decreased MET gene expression is associated with autism tendency.
Another gene on Chromosome 7 is CNTNAP2 (contactin-associated-protein-like 2) gene.
CNTNAP2 gene has been associated in various studies with autism, language delay, and
epilepsy [43-45].
FOXP2 (forkhead box P2), a forkhead transcription factor gene, is a member of family fork
head known as the key regulators of embryogenesis; it encodes a transcription factor con
taining polyglutamine and is associated with development of lingual functions. In a study in
Chinese society, FOXP2 gene located in the 7q31 region was linked with autism pathogene
sis [46]. However, other studies did not replicate these findings [47, 48].
Another gene investigated for autism relationship is Wingless-Int (Wnt2) gene located on
the long arm of Chromosome 7 (7q31-33). Wnt genes encode glycoproteins rich in cysteine,
which regulate various cellular movements during the embryonic development [49]. It has
been shown that Wnt has a role in regulation of activity-dependent dendritic branching in
hippocampal pyramidal neurons [50]. Wnt2 gene was linked with autism in a study by Was
sink and his colleagues [51].
Reelin is an important extracellular matrix glycoprotein that has an important role in devel
opment of neuronal migration, lamination, and connection during embryonic brain develop
ment and is associated with a signal pathway forming the basis of neuro-conduction,
memory formation, and synaptic plasticity [52]. It is responsible for lamination in embryonic
period whereas it has a role in cell signalization and synaptic plasticity in adulthood period
[53]. Decrease in reelin expression has been associated with autism. RELN gene, which is lo
cated in 7q22 region and encodes reelin protein which is important in neurodevelopment,
involves a polymorphic GGC repeat in 5 region. Long GGC alleles of RELN gene cause
blunt gene expression; therefore, they are considered to be linked with autism [52]. There
are studies reporting a significant relationship between RELN alleles with larger numbers of
CGG repeats and autism [52, 54] while there are also negative studies in terms of such a rela
tionship [55]. Besides the genetic complexity in the etiopathogenesis of this disorder, nonreplication of the results of different studies should also be taken into consideration.
Neuroligins are cellular adhesion molecules located at the postsynaptic side of the synapse.
Neuroligins and neuroxins, neuronal cell surface proteins, form an asymmetrical intercellular
connection by adhering to each other. Interaction of neuroligins with beta neuroxins forms
functional synapses [56]. Neuroligin family is composed of 5 members, i.e. NLGN1, NLGN2,
NLGN3, NLGN4, and NLGN4Y. Although all of the neuroligin family is linked with autism
spectrum disorder [57], the most robust evidence comes from NLGN3 (Xq13) and NLGN4
(Xp22.3) genes. Jamain and colleagues [58] found that mutations in NLGN3 and NLGN4, two
X-linked neuroligin genes, are associated with autism spectrum disorders [58]. Following this,
it has been demonstrated that a 2-base-pair deletion in NLGN4 gene causes premature stop co
don in mental-retarded men with or without autism. This finding indicates that NLGN4 gene is
not only associated with autism, but also with mental retardation [59]. Since mutations in neu
roligin genes impair the functions of synaptic cell adhesion molecules, they are considered to
be related with autism and neurodevelopmental defects in mental retardation [60]. Since neu
roligins are abundant particularly in excitatory synapses, a defect in synaptogenesis has been
suggested to result in derangement in cognitive development and communication [59]. None
theless, some other studies revealed negative results [61].
Genetic studies examining the relationship of neuroxins, the connection partners of neuroli
gins, with autism revealed that a mutation in neuroxin 1beta gene results in autism susceptibil
ity [62]. Structural variants of neuroxin 1alpha gene have also been linked with autism [63].
Another protein adhering to neuroligins is SHANK3. Some forms of autism are considered
to stem from a single gene, and particularly from a rare allele having a major effect. Doctor
Joseph Buxbaum has reported that one of these genes is SHANK3 gene located on Chromo
some 22 (22q13) which is responsible for 1% of autism and some forms of mental retarda
tion, microcephaly, and delay in expressive language [34]. SHANK proteins are believed to
be the primary regulator of postsynaptic density thanks to their ability to form multimeric
complexes with postsynaptic receptors, signal molecules, and cellular skeleton proteins
found in dendritic spikes. Postsynaptic density is the measurement of how synapses are
linked to each other. A mutation in SHANK3 gene has been reported to be related with au
tism spectrum disorders [64]. Role of various mutations in Neuroligin/neuroxin/SHANK3
complex in development of autism spectrum disorders provide potential evidence for syn
aptic alterations in etiology of the disorder.
A large-scale study by Wang and his colleagues [65] revealed a significant relationship be
tween a single nucleotide polymorphism located in the 5p14.1 region and autism spectrum
disorders. The associated single nucleotide polymorphism is located in a region placed be
tween cadherin 10 (CDH 10) and cadherin 9 (CDH 9) genes. CDH 9 and CDH 10 encode
type II classic cadherins of the cadherin family, which are transmembraneous glycoprotiens
responsible for calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion. This finding shows the role of neuro
nal cellular adhesion molecules in autism pathogenesis [65].
Neurotrophins have many functions such as neuronal survival, target innervation, and synap
togenesis in development of peripheral and central nervous system. Neurotrophins exert their
biologic functions by binding to a Trk tyrosine kinase receptor which is a high-affinity recep
tor. Neurotrophin family has 4 members. These are nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 and neurotrophin-4. BDNF is the most important
member of neurotrophin family. BDNF has many roles in neuronal differentiation such as neu
ronal survival, dendritic and axonal growth/branching, synapse formation, and neuronal plas
ticity [66, 67]. Various studies have investigated the relationship between BDNF gene and
autism. Nishimura and colleagues [68] detected an increase in BDNF expression in autistic in
dividuals. Subsequent studies confirmed the potential role of BDNF gene mutations in autism
pathogenesis [69]. A recent study in which serum BDNF levels significantly increased in autis
tic children found no significant impact of genetic variations of BDNF gene on autism risk;
however, a significant relationship between neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 2
(NTRK2) and autism was reported [70]. A large-scale study on patients diagnosed with autism
spectrum disorder and mental retardation without autism diagnoses showed that, when com
pared to control group, autism spectrum disorders and mental retardation had a significant in
crease in serum neurotrophin 4 and BDNF (both are Trk B ligands) [71, 72]. On the other hand,
no changes were observed in NGF (trk A ligand) and neurotrophin 3 (Trk C ligand) levels. In
light of these findings, it has been suggested that trkB ligands may be overexpressed or secret
ed in central nervous system of autistic or mental retarded children during infantile period. It
has also been suggested that the effect of BDNF and neurotrophin- 4 on activity-dependent
dendritic growth and branching [66] may be related to early and transient brain development
seen in autistic infants [67, 73]. This increase in BDNF expression and/or secretion was suggest
ed to be linked with the role of Metil-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) gene in BDNF transcrip
tion [74]. A mutation in MeCP2 gene encoding a protein functioning as a general
transcriptional receptor is responsible for Rett Syndrome. It has been shown that MeCP2 selec
tively bind to BDNF promoter III and suppresses BDNF gene expression. MeCP2 has an impor
tant role in regulation of neuronal activity [75]. It has been suggested that MeCP2 mutations
located on Xq28 locus may be a risk factor for autism by affecting BDNF expression and den
dritic differentiation in cortex. In a study investigating MeCP2 gene mutation in autistic indi
viduals for that purpose, 2 girls exhibited de novo mutations [67, 76].
Another gene linked with autism is the Fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene encoding
Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). FMR1 is associated with autism secondary to
Fragile X syndrome [28]. However, fragile X mutations may be found in 7-8% idiopathic au
tism patients [77]. FMRP is a selective RNA-binding protein; it transports RNAs to dendrites
and regulates local translation of synaptic mRNAs as a response to activation of metabotropic
glutamate receptors. This protein is considered to have a role in synaptic plasticity and devel
opment of synaptic connections between neural cells. Impaired mRNA translation in the ab
sence of FMRP leads to an alteration in protein-synthesis-dependent plasticity [28, 78].
Autism risk is higher than general population in neurofibromatosis, tuberosclerosis, or Cow
den Syndrome, a rare syndrome which is characterized by multiple tumor-like growths
called hamartomas and affects the intellectual abilities. These diseases develop due to domi
nant mutations in tumor suppressor genes NF1, TSC1/TSC2, and PTEN. Mutations in these
autism-associated genes affect synaptic protein level by impairing cellular translation. Alter
ations in protein level results in abnormal synaptic functions [28].
Angelman syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome mainly develop due to genetic deletions in
15q11-q13 locus or disomy (condition where two copies of a chromosome comes from a sin
gle parent) belonging to a single parent [79]. Deficiencies in paternal genes cause PraderWilli syndrome; Angelman Syndrome which is more commonly associated with autism may
be caused by deletion or mutation in maternal ubiquitin protein ligase gene UBE3A or
ATP10C [80, 81]. Other rare single gene defects associated with autism are found in Wil
liams Syndrome, Sotos Syndrome, hipomelanozis Ito, and Moebius Syndrome [82-85].
Since serotonin reuptake inhibitors have favourable effects on rituals and routines in autistic
individuals and serotonin transporter gene has important role in serotonergic neurotrans
mission, serotonin transport gene has been investigated as candidate gene in autism. One of
the polymorphisms examined in this gene is the one that is formed by long (L) and short (S)
alleles owing to different number of insertion/deletion repeats of a 44-base-pair sequence in
the transcriptional control region. Cook and his colleagues [86] reported a significant rela
tionship between autism and short allele while Klauck and his colleagues [87] revealed a
significant relationship between autism and long allele. A subsequent study did not dupli
cate these findings [88]. A different polymorphism investigated at the serotonin transport
gene is the variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism due to repeat of a 17base-pair region at 2nd intron of the gene 9,10, and 12 times. This polymorphism could not
be related to autism [89]. Evidence has been accumulated on the relationship of many sero
tonin genes, notably serotonin receptor (HTR) 1B, HTR2A, HTR3A, and HTR5A, with au
tism [90-93].
Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter associated with cognitive functions such
as memory and learning. Autism has been hypothesized as a hypoglutamatergic disorder by
virtue of neuroanatomic studies and the similarities glutamate antagonists generate in
healthy persons [94]. It has been demonstrated in genome scanning studies that one of the
candidate regions for autism is 6q21 region [95]. This region contains glutamate receptor 6
(GluR6) gene. A study by Jamain and his colleagues [96] found a significant relationship be
tween GluR6 gene and autism. It has been thought that GluR6 dysfunction may contribute
the deterioration of communication and learning process in autism and any dysregulation of
GluR expression may be related to an increase in the rate of epileptic disorder in autistic
children [96]. Other glutamatergic receptor genes associated with autism are metabotropic
GluR8 and GRIN2A (glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl-D-aspartate 2A) [97, 98].
Gama aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the major inhibitor neurotransmitter in the brain. GABAA
receptors are formed by different homologous subunits. Among GABA receptor subunit genes,
GABRA4 with 4p12 location has been shown to play a role in etiology of autism and increases au
tism risk by interaction with GABRB1 [99]. Other genes associated with autism in some other
studies are GABRG3, GABRA5, GABRB3 located on 15q11-q13, and GABRA2 located on 4p
[100-102]. Contrary to these findings, there are other studies with negative results in terms of the
relationship between GABA receptor genes and autism in various ethnic groups [103].
Proenkephalin, prodinorphine of opioid metabolism; tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamin beta
hydroxylase (DBH), D2, D3, and D5 dopamin receptors, monoaminooxidase A (MAOA) and
B genes of monoaminergic system have no major role in etiology of autism shown in studies
[104, 105]. However, a recent study revealed a significant relationship between MAOA gene
and autism [106].
Mutations detected in autism in conjunction with all other genetic factors explored so far
have been reported to explain no more than 20% of cases with autism spectrum disorder.
Thus, a gene-dosage model has been proposed according to which the susceptibility for au
tism is determined by the sum of effects of threshold genetic and non-genetic factors [107,
108]. For autism etiology, it has been suggested that the detected chromosomal abnormali
ties in combination with other undetected loci cause autism. It has been considered that the
inconsistencies between the results of the studies aimed to determine the role of genetic fac
tors may be the product of genetic heterogeneity, clinical heterogeneity, and sample size and
ethnic differences among different studies [109].
portant for social cognitive function. Therefore, it has been suggested that damage in orbito
frontal region may cause main deficits in autism that underlies inadequate responses to
other peoples mental status and that impairs self-organization of social-emotional behav
iours [137, 138]. Prenatal stress may impair brain development by many mechanisms includ
ing: a) fetal hypoxia due to reducing of uterine and placental circulation, b) impairment of
hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal axis by stimulation of secretion of maternal stress hor
mones that can cross placenta, c) generation of pregnancy and birth complications, d) epige
netic effects on expression of stress response-related genes [137].
It has been reported that exposure of environmental stress factors at 21-32nd weeks with a
prominent peak at 25-28th weeks is associated with an increase in possibility of development
of autism [134]. When data regarding progressively worsening developmental process are
considered [139], it has been argued that postnatal environmental exposures in genetically
susceptible children may be etiologically important [140]. Expression and the impact of
many genes is influenced by environmental factors. Thus, the effect of environmental factors
in etiology of autism is believed to be indirect by influencing genetic functions [140, 141].
4. Conclusion
In line with studies aimed to understand the neurobiology of autism, the presence of altera
tions in regional brain anatomy and functional neuronal communicative network has been
currently proved. The main role among factors underlying abnormal brain development be
longs to genetic factors. Evidence regarding that autism is a primarily genetic disorder is
progressively increasing. Although environmental factors alone can explain a few cases,
they are believed to increase autism risk by interacting with genetic susceptibility. Although
data collected so far contribute to the ever-increasing body of knowledge about neurobiolo
gy of autism, they do not influence diagnosis and treatment of autism. Use of these data is
aimed in future in differentiation of autism from other neurodevelopmental disorders and
in diagnostic and therapeutic processes.
Author details
Esra Guney1* and Elvan Iseri2
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Ankara Pediatric & Pediatric Hematology Oncology Training and Research Hospital,
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, Ankara, Turkey
2 Gazi University Medical Faculty, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, Ankara,
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Chapter 16
1. Introduction
Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder. It is characterized by social isolation,
language deficits and repetitive or stereotyped behaviors. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
has received a great deal of attention in the recent years not only due to the increasing rate
of affected children but also because of the social and economical impact of the disorder on
their families. Various studies and researches have been proposed to deal with and tackle
the ASD. They can be divided into three categories as follows.
The basis and causes of the disorder. Different hypotheses have been proposed in an at
tempt to determine and discover the originality of autism. Genetic risk factors repre
sented by abnormal chromosomal variations and rearrangements, and non-genetic
factors represented by environmental agents that have been claimed to contribute to
ASD, such as exposure of children to vaccines, infection, certain foods or heavy metals.
The methodologies and techniques for characterizing and diagnosing the disorder. Sev
eral instrumental diagnostic protocols are commonly used in autism research such as
the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and the Autism Diagnostic Observa
tion Schedule (ADOS). The advances in neuro-imaging techniques such as the function
al-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (f-MRI) have allowed scientists to model the structural
and functional differences in the human brain tissues of the individuals with ASD. The
clinical genetics evaluation provide reliable alternative to the interview-based protocols
and screening approaches. It allows geneticists to link an estimate of approximately
40% of the cases to genetic contributors.
The treatments and therapies of autistic patients. The available approaches for treat
ments include applied behavior analysis (ABA), developmental models, structured
2013 Alqallaf et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
teaching, speech and language therapy and social skills therapy. When behavioral treat
ment fails, many medications are used to treat ASD symptoms.
Figure 1 demonstrates the interaction of the autism spectrum disorders researches and studies.
Figure 1. A puzzle-like representation of the interaction process of the researches and studies for autism spectrum
The advancements of the technologies in the field of genetics provide the opportunities for
researchers and scientists to explore in depth the biological information and to convert it in
to meaningful biological knowledge through computational-based models.
In this chapter, we will investigate the genetics origins of autism and demonstrate the latest
techniques and technologies available for diagnosing the complex disorder. We will also
propose a robust approach for detecting and identifying the targeted disorder based upon the
advantages and strengths of the publically available and commercial approaches while avoid
ing their weaknesses. The proposed approach is divided into two steps. The preprocessing
step is a feature-extraction method used to clearly map and detect the genetic variations and
structural rearrangements followed by a statistical-based model as feature-selection to evalu
ate and measure the statistical and biological significance of the predicted variations. The
classification step is to discover the relationship among the tested samples into groups and/or
subgroups, and to provide insight into the complex pattern of the genome.
The results suggest that autism is associated with an increased amount of alterations in un
stable segments of the genome. The experimental results also show that using high-resolu
tion custom-tiled samples improve the accuracy of our proposed approach in determining
previously reported and new genetic contributors that warrant investigation.
This chapter aims at utilizing research to bring benefits to individuals and families affected
by autism spectrum disorders and to improve the quality of their life. And this can be done
by clear mapping and identifying the biomarkers associated with ASD at the early child
hood stages which are essential to provide better treatments and therapies. Finally, the pro
posed approach presented in this chapter is broadly applicable to case-control studies of
genetic diseases beyond the ASD.
The chapter is organized as follows. In section 2, we demonstrate the genetic data generat
ing techniques, data modeling and chromosomal variations that are associated with the tar
geted disorder, ASD. Section 3 is devoted for the methods used to analyze the genetic data
trying to discover the variant regions along the genome and to identify the tested samples.
In section 4, we apply molecular test to evaluate the predictive power of the proposed ap
proach. Finally, discussion and conclusion based on the results are presented in section 5.
2. Genetic data
2.1. Genomic structural variations and ASD susceptibility
Genetic alterations in the form of chromosomal rearrangements are genomic structural var
iations that lead to changes in the DNA copy number such as duplications and deletions of
the DNA copies. However, copy number changes do not include other genomic structural
variations such as inversions, insertions and reciprocal translocations. Figure 2 demonstrates
different types of chromosomal rearrangements.
Rare Variants
Mendelian Syndromes
Chromosome region
Joubert syndrome
Cowden disease*
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
Timothy syndrome
Angelman syndrome
Fragile X syndrome
Rett syndrome
Recessive ID
Common Alleles
ASD, Diabetes II
Table 1. Chromosomal regions and genes that are implicated in risk for ASD, and associated genetic disorders and
syndroms [68& 69].Abbreviations: LTD, long-term depression; LTP, long-term potentiation; PPI, prepulse inhibition; E/I,
excitatory/inhibitory; PSD, postsynaptic density; ASD, autism spectrum disorders; SCZ, schizophrenia; ADHD, attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder; ID, intellectual disability; XLID, X-linked intellectual disability; LIS, lissencephaly; EPI,
epilepsy; OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder; TS, Tourette syndrome; SLI, speech and language impairment; USV,
ultrasonic vocalization; TF, transcription factor; ECM, extracellular matrix; GPCR, G-protein-coupled receptor;BPAD,
Bipolar affective disorder. *A rare autosomal dominant inherited disorder characterized by multiple tumor-like
growths, increased risk of certain forms of cancer, and diverse clinical features including neurologic features such as
autism and Lhermitte Duclos disease [39& 40].** A genetic syndrome caused by disruption of the SHANK3 gene which
codes for the shank3 protein. The protein most important role is in the brain. It is involved in processes crucial for
learning and memory. It also has an important role in brain development. It is also known as 22q13.3 deletion
syndrome and is highly associated with autism.Human (Homo sapiens) Genome Browser Gateway, http://
A set of chromosomal regions and genes that are implicated with ASD are listed in Table
1. Some of the regions are associated with known Mendelian syndromes. In some individ
uals affected with these syndromes, ASD occurs as a secondary diagnosis. In other re
gions and genes, genetic variations causing ASD include a wide range of possibilities each
with very low frequency among the cases (rare variants). In some cases the rare variants
are found only once in the population. In contrast to rare variants we see that in other
chromosomal regions and genes only few common genetic variations (common alleles)
account for ASD susceptibility.
2.2. Data Generating
Figure 3 illustrates the process of generating DNA copy number data using Microarraybased comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) technology.
Figure 3. Principles of the aCGH technology. (a) DNA from the sample to be tested and reference DNA are labeled
with a green uorescence dye (Cy3) and red (Cy5), respectively, and competitively co-hybridized to an array containing
genomic DNA targets that have been spotted on a glass slide. The resulting ratio of the uorescence intensities is pro
portional to the ratio of the copy numbers of DNA sequences in the test and reference genomes measured in a loga
rithmic scale. (b) The slides are scanned using a specic microarray scanner shown in (c). (d) The output of the
scanning process is the ratio of the fluorescence intensities for each spot represented as a point in the relative copy
number profile [66].
Figure 4. Graphical representation of the generated data using aCGH technology. The red stars represent the raw da
ta as described in (1). The grey solid line represents the true value of 4 variant segments that need to be estimated
with intensity levels Ai measured in log2(ratio) and bounded by the breakpoints n i-1 and n i, respectively.
According to the data description and properties generated by microarray technology, the
DCN cell line can be approximated as a one-dimensional piecewise constant (PWC) discretetime signal contaminated with some error. A good model of the genetic data generated by
the aCGH technology can be model as follows.
y[n] = x[n] + e n ,
n = 1, 2, ..., N .
where y[n] is the contaminated genetic signal and x[n] is the true value of the genetic varia
tion to be estimated at genomic location n of the length N. n is assumed to be modeled as
additive wihte Gaussian noise with zero mean and some variance 2.
As described in (1), Figure 4 illustrates the genetic data in the form of DNA copy number
generated by aCGH technology where 4 variant segements are presented with different in
tensity levels.
3. Methods
3.1. Data Filtering
Although the recent advantecment in microarray technologies and sequencing now make it
easy to measure the genetic variations with high-resolution through scanning large number
of samples, small changes, particularly at the low copy repeat (LCRs) regions, remain diffi
cult to detect due to different noise conditions. Thus, the challenging problem is to differen
tiate between the true biological signaling and the noise measurements.
Various methods have been proposed as preprocessing techniques to tackle this problem.
These methods have been motivated by either well-known signal processing techniques or
statistical-based models.
O(N log N)
O(N log N)
Table 2. Comparison based on the computational complexity of the proposed denoising techniques.
In Table 2, we present a comparison study based on the computational cost of the most re
cent and successful approaches. As can be noticed that the smoothing techniques are well
suited to process very large amount of data such as the genetic signals compared to the stat
istical-based models. However, these techniques include important features such as the var
iant regions boundaries in the smoothing process.
Here we present our previously proposed method (Alqallaf et al., 2007), Sigma filter (SF). It
is a nonlinear method used as a feature extraction to detect the variant segments edges and
to smooth the rest of the genetic data. The filter is conceptually simple but effective noise
smoothing algorithm. Based on the assumption of the aCGH data modeling, the SF algo
rithm is well suited to denoise the tested samples before further analysis. SF algorithm is
motivated by the sigma probability of the Gaussian distribution, and it smooths the noise by
averaging only those neighborhood variant segments which have the intensities within a
fixed sigma range of the center data point. Consequently, variant segmets edges are pre
served, and subtle details are retained.
3.2. Statistical significance
Few studies in the literature have addressed the power of class discovery of the recurrent
copy number variations (CNVs) across multiple samples of the genetic data [52& 53]. How
ever, they did not consider denoising the data prior to applying the statistical analysis.
To reduce the dimensionality of the detected variant regions, we apply a simple statisticalbased approach to measure the significance of the candidate gemonic regions. The approach
is based on the frequency difference between the case and control samples at each gemonic
location. It is used as a feature selection algorithm to select a small subset of variant seg
ments as features for classification. Figure 5 is an illustration of three RCVNs with different
sizes of filtered DCN data for multiple samples of normal control (C i) and autistic (A i) indi
viduals, respectively. After selecting the informative segments of the genome, we then ap
plied comparative classification algorithms on the reduced data.
Figure 5. Schematic representation of 3 recurrent copy number variant segments (RCNVs) with different lengths. The
x-axis represents the genomic position and the y-axis represents the indices of the samples, Ci is for normal-control
samples and A i is for autistic samples, respectively. The vertical dashed lines represent the RCNVs boundaries. The dark
red and dark blue bars represent duplication and deletion for the corresponding chromosomal regions.
cation or decision making, based on a previously provided data. Classifiers ability to spot
trends and relationships in large data sets makes it well suited for many applications. In the
field of medicine classifiers can be used to classify accurately diseases, genes, tumors, and
other medical phenomena [54; 55; 56; 57; 58; 59& 60]. Although some attempts were made to
use classifiers in genetics [61]. Our attempt is to use three comparative classifiers, namely, kNearest Neighbor, Neural Network, and Support Vector Machine, to help in diagnosing pa
tients with ASD.
The leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) is applied to evaluate the proposed classifiers
by measuring the classification performance to accurately identify the association between
the tested samples and the targeted disorder, ASD. The LOOCV involves using a single var
iant segment from the original sample as the validation data, and the remaining segments as
the training data. This is repeated such that each variant segment in the sample is used once
as the validation data.
3.3.1. k-Nearest Neighbor Classier
The k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) classier [64] is a well known nonparametric classier. To
classify a new input x, the k nearest neighbors are retrieved from the training data. The in
put x is then labeled with the majority class label corresponding to the k nearest neighbors.
For the k-NN classier, we used the Euclidean distance as the distance metric, and the best k
between 1 and 10 was found by performing LOOCV on the training data.
3.3.2. Neural Network
Neural networks are another type of classifier or mathematical models used for classifica
tion, regression or decision making. Their structure is inspired by the human neural system
and brain. It consists of many neurons, interconnected at different stages. The direction of
flow of information is usually from the input stage to the output stage. Each neuron has an
input and an output, where an activation function converts a neurons input to its output.
The output of each neuron is connected to the next stage through a weighted connection. A
learning function determines the value of the weights of all the connections. The weights are
updated based on a mathematical function that relates the network together. Therefore, a
neural network is considered as an adaptive network that changes its structure during the
learning or training phase, based on mathematical functions that relate input data to the cor
responding class labels. The sum of all neurons at the different layers and the weighted in
terconnections make up a complex network that is commonly referred to as a black box.
Before its use to classify a test sample, the neural network is trained on a given data set with
known classes or labels. During the training phase the weights are updated to minimize the
output error. The selected value of the minimum acceptable error determines when the
training stops. For a difficult data where it is impossible to reach the set minimum error, the
maximum number of epochs is used as criteria for stopping the training process.
Figure 6. Comparison study of the performance of the three tested classifiers. The x-axis represents the number of
segments and the y-axis represents the percentage average LOOCV accuracy.
Figure 6 illustrates the LOOCV classication accuracies using the tested classifiers, k-NN,
NN, and SVM. The x-axis is associated with the number of selected top-ranked variant seg
ments and the y-axis shows the average LOOCV accuracy.
Quantitative PCR is an indispensable tool for researchers in various fields including funda
mental biology, molecular diagnostics, biotechnology, and forensic sciences. Critical points
and limitations of qPCR-based assays must be considered to increase the reliability of the
obtained data. For the detection of qPCR four technologies are commonly used all of which
are based on the measurement of fluorescence during the PCR. One principle is based on
intercalation of double-stranded DNA-binding dyes (simplest and cheapest). The other
three principles are based on the introduction of an additional fluorescence-labeled oligonu
cleotide (probe). Detectable fluorescence are only released either after cleavage of the probe
(hydrolysis probes) or during hybridization of one (molecular beacon) or two (hybridization
probes) oligonucleotides to the amplicon. The introduction of an additional probe increases
the specificity of the quantified PCR product and allows the development of multiplex reac
tions. Other technologies have been described for the detection of qPCR [63].
The qPCR method quickly became the first choice when it comes to quantitative analysis of
nucleic acid because of many reasons. It is highly sensitive and it allows the detection of less
than five copies (one copy in some cases) of a target sequence. It has good reproducibility. In
addition, it has broad dynamic quantification range, at least 5 log units. It is also easy to use
and has reasonable good value for money (low consumable and instrumentation costs).
For the purpose of this chapter, we are focusing on one of the many applications of qPCR,
which is indispensable for research and diagnostics, the genetic variations.
Table 3. Representation of the number of events (CNVs) detected by the circular binary segmentation (CBS) and
sigma filtering methods, respectively, for 22 qPCR confirmed CNVs.
Table 3 shows that the number of qPCR-confirmed CNVs detected by the sigma filtering
(SF) method is considerably higher than those detected using the circular binary segmenta
tion (CBS), ranging from 4.5% to 36% more for 4 different array experiments. The results
show that applying the averaging window of 2Kb allow the algorithms to be well suited for
detecting variations in high-density microarray data, especially at the LCR-rich regions.
5. Conclusion
The etiology of Autism spectrum disorders involves genetic and environmental risk factors.
In this chapter, we have discussed the genetics basis of the complex disorder, autism. With
the recent advances in the new screening technologies to investigate the entire genome such
as array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and whole genome sequencing, pro
vide the opportunities insight into the pattern of the genetic variations and reveal their roles
in the genetic diseases. In this study, we have demonstrated an overview for the analysis of
genetic variations in the form of DNA copy number changes and their association with au
tism susceptibility.
Through mathematical-based models and computational-based approaches, we analyze the
genetic data trying to discover and identify the relationship between the structural chromoso
mal rearrangements along the genome and the targeted disorder, ASD. In conclusion, the results
show strong evidence that the genetic variations contribute in the complex disorder, autism.
Author details
Abdullah K. Alqallaf1*, Fuad M. Alkoot2 and Mashel S. Aldabbous3
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait Uni
versity, Kuwait
2 The Higher Institute of Telecommunication and Navigation, Public Authority for Applied
Education and Training, Kuwait
3 Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science, Kuwait University, Kuwait
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Chapter 17
1. Introduction
Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have a higher risk of suffering from several
other conditions. In this chapter I review the extent to which autistic individuals can also expe
rience a range of other difficulties, but my focus will be on the common neurodevelopmental
disorders. The most common of these include dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), dyspraxia, specific language impairment, and dyscalculia. There is considerable
symptom overlap in particular between ADHD and dyslexia, and like autism both are descri
bed as developmental disorders by psychiatric classification systems (American Psychiatric
Association, 2000; World Health Organization., 1992). Overlapping conditions are termed comorbidity by medical practitioners. Co-morbidity may reflect the greater difficulties experi
enced by children with a combination of deficits. Sometimes it is apparent that many children
with a developmental disorder could be classified in several ways. Here I will firstly examine
the research evidence that examines how often symptoms of dyslexia and ADHD occur in the
population of autistic children, and second, review the various theories that have tried to ex
plain why such co-occurring difficulties are so common.
Comorbidity, a term used in medical literature to mean a dual diagnosis, or multiple diag
noses, can reflect an inability to supply a single diagnosis that accounts for all symptoms.
Children with ASD have been shown to have higher rates of epilepsy, with 30% of cases
having epilepsy comorbid (Danielsson, Gillberg, Billstedt, Gillberg, & Olsson, 2005). Other
conditions that are commonly co-morbid with ASD include hearing impairment (Kielinen,
Rantala, Timonen, Linna, & Moilanen, 2004) mental health and behavioural problems (Brad
ley, Summers, Wood, & Bryson, 2004), including anxiety, and depression (Evans, Canavera,
2013 Russell and Pavelka; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Kleinpeter, Maccubbin, & Taga, 2005). It has also been shown that parents of autistic chil
dren are twice as likely themselves to have suffered from psychiatric illness than parents of
non-autistic children (Daniels et al., 2008).
Most of these problems are distinct from those examined in this chapter: the common devel
opmental disorders of childhood which are also found to co-occur with autism, particularly
ADHD and dyslexia.
Before reviewing the evidence that suggests many children share difficulties symptomatic of
these conditions, and the theories of why this may be, I will briefly describe how dyslexia
and ADHD manifest themselves.
2. Dyslexia
Dyslexia is conceptualized by both educational bodies and the psychiatric classification sys
tems as a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent
word reading and spelling. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological
awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed. Dyslexia is developmental delay in
literacy and generally slow and inaccurate reading and spelling. The definition of dyslexia has
changed over time, and such changes have often been based on the research identifying a range
of associated difficulties that occur with dyslexia. Estimates of the prevalence of dyslexia have
been complicated because dyslexia cut-offs are contested (Coltheart & Jackson, 1998) and dys
lexia manifests itself differently in various languages according to levels of phonic regularity
(Miles, 2004). Research over the last 40 years has focused on phonological skills. These are the
reading and de-coding skills used when breaking down language into its component sounds
and reassembling the parts in order to read or to spell a word.
Like autism, dyslexic difficulties are considered to exist in a continuum throughout the general
population (Fawcett, 2012). There is much interest in the association of cognitive ability with
changing symptom profiles and diagnosis. The definition of dyslexia is in flux, and has been re
cently redefined by many national bodies, for example in the UK, the British Psychological So
ciety, focusing on literacy learning at the 'word level' without attainment discrepancy:
Dyslexia is evident when accurate and fluent word reading and/or spelling develops very incompletely or with great
difficulty (British Psychological Society, 1999)
This definition implies that the problem is severe and persistent despite appropriate learn
ing opportunities. This UK definition differs from the ICD-10 diagnosis of developmental
dyslexia or Specific Reading Disorder, which requires a discrepancy between actual read
ing ability and the reading ability predicted by a childs IQ. So an intellectual disability,
(generally considered IQ below 70) can co-occur with the British Psychological Society defi
nition of dyslexia. This new definition includes the so called garden variety dyslexic chil
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
dren who have difficulties with reading and spelling as well as other generalized intellectual
disabilities. The implications of including this group as dyslexic mean that more children
with an intellectual disability would also be classified as dyslexic. As ASD includes a large
group with intellectual disability the extension is likely to increase the number of children
who may be classified as having both conditions. This is important as the clinical and educa
tion label may determine the interventions a particular child receives.
In addition to these characteristics, dyslexic children may experience visual and auditory
processing difficulties, similar to hyper or hypo sensitivity often associated with ASD. Like
the islets of ability seen in many children with ASD, some dyslexic children may also have
strengths in particular areas, such as design, logic, and creative skills.
ADHD is known as Hyperkinetic Disorder in ICD-10; there are three subtypes of ADHD
according the DSM. In the first, a child will primarily have problems with attention which
may manifest as an inability to remain on task for long periods, lack of response to instruc
tion or distractibility. In the second sub-type, symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity
dominate, which is characterized by wriggling, squirming, being unable to sit still, inter
rupting and finding it difficult to wait. Children may also be climbing in inappropriate sit
uations and always on the move when free to do so. The third sub-type is simply the coexistence of both attention problems and hyperactivity, with each behavior occurring
infrequently alone and symptoms starting before seven years of age.
According to ICD-10, eventually, assessment instruments should develop to the point where
it is possible to take a quantitative cut-off score to assess ADHD. Like dyslexia and autism,
the symptoms are behavioural in nature, and are part of a continuously distributed pattern
that extends into the population at large.
The persistence of ADHD symptoms is not so marked as for autism. Around 70 to 50 per
cent of those individuals diagnosed in childhood do not continue to have symptoms into
adulthood (Elia, Ambrosini, & Rapoport, 1999). There is evidence suggesting to some extent
symptoms of ADHD are expressed in reaction to home (Mulligan et al. 2011) and other envi
ronmental contexts. Individuals with ADHD also tend to develop coping mechanisms to
compensate for some or all of their impairments. ADHD is diagnosed more often in boys
with the reported ratio varying from 2:1 to 4:1 (Dulcan, 1997; Kessler et al., 2005) though
some studies suggest this may be partially due to referral bias where teachers are more like
ly to refer boys than girls (Sciutto, Nolfi, & Bluhm, 2004). Treatments for ADHD involve a
combination of medication, usually methyphenidates which are well established in improv
ing symptoms of inattention, and behavioral intervention in education and at home. The is
sue of girls being overlooked on identification is a common thread for research in dyslexia,
ADHD and autism. Our own results suggest there is some evidence to back up the claim
that boys with ASD symptoms are given the diagnosis more frequently than girls with
equivalent ASD symptoms (Russell, Steer, & Golding, 2011). This may be because the disor
ders tend to be conceptualized as male leading to referral bias.
Because ASD, Dyslexia and ADHD are all behaviorally defined, so symptoms are behaviours.
All three conditions are conceived as particular behaviours along a spectrum, where traits have
a continuous distribution and extend into the general (non-disordered) population. An arbitra
ry cut off point determines who is considered to be within the various categories and who is
not. The clinician giving a diagnosis will be responsible for judging where this cut off may
come, guided by diagnostic criteria and standards within disciplines as well as perceived im
plications: the benfits versus any possible risks of assigning a diagnosis. This is perhaps best es
tablished for autism: Constantino and Todd (2003) measured autistic traits in a large
community sample, and found no jump in the threshold of autistic behaviours between nor
mal individuals and those with an autism spectrum diagnosis, rather they found a continuous
distribution. These findings concurred with those in a Scandinavian study (Posserud, Lunder
vold, & Gillberg, 2006). One of our own studies has likewise shown that autistic traits do ex
tend into the subclinical population (Figure 1). As with dyslexia and ADHD, there is not a
sharp line separating severity in those with a diagnosis from less severe traits in those without
(London, 2007). In both dyslexia, ADHD and the autism spectrum, some children have more
severe difficulties than others, and the symptoms extend into the population of children (and
adults) as a whole. For dyslexia, there are many people who may have mild dyslexic difficul
ties but perhaps might not qualify as dyslexic. For autism spectrum disorders, many people
without an autism diagnosis do have autistic-type behaviours but the severity and frequency
of those behavioural symptoms is less severe than in those deemed to qualify for a diagnosis.
Figure 1. The distribution of an ASD composite trait in the general population from Russell et al.(2012)
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
The imposition of a cut off between normality and abnormality is therefore an arbitrary but
convenient way of converting a dimension into a category as Goodman and Scott (1997, p.
23) point out.
Figure 2. The rising prevalence of autism spectrum disorders over 50 years. (Data from Autism Speaks and CDC, USA)
Recent trends have made categorical diagnosis an integral part of everyday clinical and re
search practice (Sonuga-Barke & Halperin, 2010). Christopher Gillberg (2010) points out that
clinicians have become focused on dichotomous categories of disorder and that clinics have
become increasingly specialized and overlook difficulties not within their immediate juris
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
diction. Gillberg has argued that co-existence of disorders is the rule rather than the excep
tion in child psychiatry and developmental medicine. He has coined the acronym ESSENCE
(referring to Early Symptomatic Syndromes Eliciting
Neurodevelopmental Clinical Examinations). This describes cases where a combination of
symptoms including inattention, hyperactivity, social and reading difficulties are observed.
Major problems in at least one ESSENCE domain before age 5 years often signal major prob
lems in the same or overlapping domains years later.
To summarize, although ADHD and ASD are separate and recognizable, there is good evi
dence that these conditions co-occur, constituting an amalgam of problems.
It is not just that ASD is co-morbid with dyslexia and ADHD. Other studies have noted high
comorbidity with other developmental disorders. Dyspraxia and dyscalculia and conditions
with shared symptoms such as specific language impairment are frequently comorbid with
autism. Also dyslexia and ADHD themselves co-occur Willcutt and colleagues (Willcutt,
Doyle, Nigg, Faraone, & Pennington, 2005) showed that 40% of a sample of twins with ei
ther dyslexia or ADHD was co-morbid for the other disorder. Reading difficulties were
measured with both rating scale and an objective task in a study by Cheung et al. (2012) and
correlations were observed among ADHD, reading difficulties and IQ. Over half, (53%-72%)
of the overlapping familial influences between ADHD and reading difficulties were not
shared with IQ. In a school based study Kadesj and colleagues found 40% of children with
ADHD showed reading problems and 29% writing problems (2005).
Overall, the literature suggests, there is good evidence to suggest that some children do suf
fer from symptoms of both dyslexia and ASD, although this is not so well established, and
does not occur so frequently as co-morbidity between ADHD and ASD.
7. Genetic explanations
One of the most persuasive explanations is that a genetic predisposition may lead to abnor
mal neurological development, which in turn may manifest in various different aberrant be
haviors and developmental delays. As autism, ADHD and dyslexia and other
developmental conditions are all highly heritable, so they all have a large genetic compo
nent, the theory seems plausible. The same genetic anomaly may lead to several disorders or
psychiatric conditions. In other words one genotype may lead to several (related) pheno
types. This is known as pleiotropy. Researchers have suggested that co-occurrence of au
tism and ADHD (and other developmental disorders) may reflect such common genetic
causes (Reierson et al, 2008). In this model, the origins of both sets of difficulties are due to
common genetic anomalies that predispose children to delayed or atypical neurological de
velopment. Certainly, specific genetic anomalies have been associated with a range of psy
chopathologies in adulthood. However, the genetic picture is complex and exact pathways
are not established. It is estimated there are more than a thousand gene variations which
could disrupt brain development enough to result in social delays (Sanders et al., 2012).
Such a genetic predisposition is almost certainly complex and multi factorial. So far, over
100 candidate genes have been associated with ASD, most of which encode proteins in
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
volved in neural development, but exact mutations within the candidate genes have yet to
be identified (Freitag, 2007). Furthermore, different individuals may have mutations in dif
ferent sets of genes and most of the discovered gene variations are likely to have a low pene
trance, thus not all carriers will develop the disorder. There may be interactions among
mutations in several genes, e.g. between regulatory genes and coding regions, or between
the environment and mutated genes, altering their expression. The effect of a mutation or
deletion can depend on processes relating to gene expression and regulation as well as the
subsequent effects on the expression of other genes.
The advent of genomics and the emphasis placed on this has led to much research to identi
fy genetic predispositions to ASD. The field of psychiatry as a whole has been geneticised
according to some social theorists. This refers to the potential reclassification of psychiatric
conditions in the light of findings from molecular biology. For example, a particular sub-cat
egory of DSM-IV schizophrenia has been linked to a substitution of a single base in the se
quence of DNA of a particular gene localised to a precise place on a particular chromosome,
leading to a substitution of one amino-acid for another in an enzyme involved in neuro
transmission. Hedgecoe (2001) provides a discussion of the geneticisation of schizophrenia.
The debate as to whether the old psychiatric systems of classification should be overhauled
in the light of new genomic knowledge which illuminates genetic aetiologies is ongoing
(Ericson & Doyle, 2003).
8. Gene-environment interactions
A second theory is that an environmental insult or a stressful event in the life of the fetus or
in a young childs life, may trigger a genetic predisposition to be expressed. Thus this consti
tutes a gene- environmental interaction theory. An example might be the high testosterone
levels in the womb that have been observed in some studies. Baron-Cohens Cambridge
group, for example, has carried out work that has suggested high levels of fetal testosterone
may be linked to the development of autistic traits (Ingudomnukul, Baron-Cohen, Wheel
wright, & Knickmeyer, 2007). According to the gene-environment explanation, the elevated
testosterone might lead to the differential expression of genes controlling the neurological
development of the child. Another example that has been quite widely publicized concerns
Omega 3 fatty acids. These have been implicated by Richardson (2006), who has argued that
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, developmental coordination disorder
(dyspraxia) and conditions on the autism spectrum may all share common origins triggered
by problems with phospholipid (fatty acid) metabolism. However this is just one genetic /
environmental explanation for co-occurrence that vies with several others, and the available
evidence is subject to interpretation.
In the majority of cases, the gene-environment hypothesis seems highly plausible. It may
be that autism and co-occurring developmental conditions may all be caused by a genet
ic predisposition which is triggered by an early environmental influence (Trottier, Srivas
tava, & Walker, 1999).
Many environmental factors have been implicated in ASD but the effect of each is poorly
established. After the well publicized paper that linked autism to the MMR vaccination, re
search has repeatedly refuted a link between the MMR jab and ASD (Rutter, 2005). Deykin
and MacMahon (1979) found increased risk due to exposure to, and clinical illness from,
common viral illnesses in the first 18 months of life. In this study, mumps, chickenpox, fever
of unknown origin, and ear infections were all significantly associated with ASD risk. Epide
miological studies have shown there is a higher rate of adverse prenatal and postnatal
events in children with ASD than in the general population (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2002).
Newschaffer and colleagues (2007) review named associated obstetric conditions that in
cluded low birth weight, gestation duration, and caesarean section. It is possible that such
an underlying cause partially could explain both autism and the associated conditions (Ko
levzon, Gross, & Reichenberg, 2007). There is evidence to suggest adverse prenatal and peri
natal events are also associated with ADHD and cognitive development. Some studies have
suggested that the risk of autism may be increased with advancing maternal age (Bolton et
al., 1997). Paternal age too has frequently (but not always) associated with autism. There are
more mutations in the gametes of older men, and this higher rate of mutation in the genetic
material from the paternal side may explain the higher levels of neurodevelopmental disa
bilities in their offspring. An alternative explanation is that fathers who themselves have au
tistic traits are less likely to have children young. Using anticonvulsants during pregnancy
also appears to increase the risk of ASD (Moore et al., 2000). These drugs are used to combat
epilepsy which is commonly often comorbid with ASD. Parental occupational exposure to
chemicals during the preconception period has also been higher in ASD families than con
trols in some studies (Felicetti, 1981).
Environmental risk factors have received widespread media coverage within the last few
years, perhaps because of the strong degree of public concern (Russell & Kelly, 2011). In
most health and disease categories, a secondary function of diagnosis is to group together
people who have a common aetiology. However, the specific effects of genetic factors and
environmental risk factors that might play a part in abnormal neural development are large
ly unresolved. Goodman and Scott (1997) stress that current understanding of aetiology for
childhood developmental conditions will probably look ridiculously simplistic or misguid
ed in years to come. Despite, or perhaps because of, the uncertainty, there is an underlying
concern among people involved with children who are diagnosed with developmental con
ditions that environmental influences may be partially to blame for rising incidence. Novel
prenatal and perinatal medical practices, changing diet, shifting family structures and child
hood social activities have all been the subject of lay theories to explain rising prevalence not
just of ASD, but developmental disorders in childhood more generally, including ADHD
and dyslexia (Russell & Kelly, 2011).
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
a coherent picture of the world, allowing them to see the bigger picture. In central coher
ence theory, the failure to appreciate the whole accounts for the piecemeal way in which
people with ASD acquire knowledge. People with ASD may also show relative strengths in
some areas, known as islets of ability; and this accounts for savant skills. Related to central
coherence is the theory that autistic behaviours are due to interference in executive function
(Hill, 2004). Executive functions coordinate the flow of information processing in the brain
and are the mechanisms of transferring attention from one thing to another flexibly and
easily. They allow people to plan strategically, solve problems and set objectives. Their ab
sence means autistic people show an inability to plan and attain overarching goals. This
manifests as easily distractible behaviour and reliance on routines. Such psychological theo
ries of ASD are useful models but have also been subject to criticism. Bailey and Parr (2003)
describe such theories of psychological mechanisms as narrow cognitive conceptualisa
tions (p. 27), because they cannot accommodate the presence of sub-clinical autistic traits in
the general population.
These theories seem very distinct from some psychological theories that explain dyslexic
type and attention and hyperactive difficulties. The exception to this is that, deficits in exec
utive function have been suggested as causal for ADHD, as they affect both cognitive and
motivational systems (Willcutt et al., 2005). Frith and Happ (1998) focusing on dyslexia and
autism, argue that psychological mechanisms could act as gateways to impairment in other
domains. These downstream developmental effects have not yet been fully considered, they
suggest. Although they focus on autism and dyslexia, ADHD and other developmental dis
orders could easily be included in their model. As they point out, both dyslexia and autism
have genetic origins, an anatomical basis and extremely variable behavioral manifestations.
Their idea is that in addition to the genetic and anatomical origins, an additional develop
mental pathway may contribute to later difficulties. They argue that specific impairments
seen in dyslexia or autism (such as dyslexic phonological or autistic mentalising difficulties)
may have a gatekeeping function and subsequently lead to difficulties in other areas. Thus
impairments in domain-specific functions may have wide ranging developmental effects.
The idea put simply is that during development, one behavior exacerbates problems in oth
er domains. It is perhaps easier to understand given a few concrete examples. Frith and
Happ suggest that the core autistic difficulty of social engagement may lead to missed op
portunities for learning, including learning vocabulary. This may effect language acquisition
and in turn the development of language based skills evident in dyslexia. An easier pathway
to understand might be via gatekeeping function of inattention. If a child is inattentive (a
core symptom of ADHD) then the likelihood is they may struggle to focus on learning to
read. Hence difficulties symptomatic of dyslexia may be expected. Conversely perhaps read
ing difficulties are primary, in which case inattention might come from frustration and in
ability to deal with task demands. This direction of causality seems likely in the sub-group
of ADHD children whose problems only appear at school, and who are more likely than
other groups to show reading problems according to Taylor (2011). Furthermore, an inatten
tive child may find it difficult to socialize normally, and may have difficulties following in
struction. This may lead to the impairment in social skills symptomatic of autism.
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
In a similar way, it is possible to theorize that each domain of behavioural impairment in the
triad for autism might lead to another. In a review of evidence for single genetic or cognitive
causes for autism, Happ, Ronald, and Plomin (2006) note that twin studies suggest combi
nations of largely non-overlapping genes act on each area of impairment. Their own study
found only modest correlations between the three domains of behavioural traits in the triad
(namely deficits in social skills and communication and stereotyped behaviour or restricted
interests). In the general population, correlations ranged from 0.1- 0.4 for the relationship of
each domain to the other. This evidence shows that the three types of autistic traits may be
clustered or linked or co-inherited, but with a weak association. These low correlations
could be attributed to developmental pathways factors as well as genetic links. Such residu
al downstream developmental effects are easy to conceptualise. If a young boy is very aso
cial for example, then his communication skills will not be practised with peers, so he is
unlikely to develop as quickly in measures of communication as a more sociable child. The
weak correlation between repetitive behaviours is harder to explain. Speculation is possible:
repetitive behaviours have been shown to have both self-stimulatory as well as calming
functions (Turner, 1999). Repetitive behaviours can therefore be interpreted as responses to
unwanted stimuli, e.g. social stimuli with which autistic people have difficulty. Williams
(1994) has given a first person account of use of repetitive behaviours to ameliorate the
stress of social situations. Conversely, the need for stimulatory repetitive behaviours, con
centrating on drawing lines or circles for example, may interfere with social opportunities.
Weak associations do not confirm or deny genetic co-inheritance. Developmental pathways
where one type of behaviour leads to another may also provide a partial explanation.
In a different but related developmental scenario, Cheslack-Postava and Jordan Young
(2012) suggest that a childs upbringing is highly gendered, and proposed a gendered em
bodiment model for autism. They cite numerous studies illustrating that the nature of pa
renting in particular depends on the gender of the child. This they use to describe a
gendered theory of development of autism, although the model could also explain the large
predominance of boys with other developmental disorders. Cooper (2001) suggests boys are
socialized to encourage competition and activity thus a conflict between passivity required
at western schools and masculine identity is generated. Some behaviours associated with
ADHD when used excessively in school environments, climbing trees for example, are en
couraged more often in boys than girls. Cheslack-Postava and Jordan Young suggest such
gendered social processes interact with biology to promote certain disordered behaviours.
This they call the pervasive developmental environment.
As well as downstream developmental models, some theorists have suggested one cognitive
deficit may underlie several symptomatic behaviours. Although the cognitive/psychological
theories of dyslexia and autism seem quite distinct, some research does suggest children
with both ADHD and dyslexic difficulties show a distinctive deficit in rapid naming speed,
so it may that processing speed underlies the link (Bental & Tirosh, 2007).
A second example is provided by executive function which is impaired in both autism and
ADHD (Willcutt et al, 2005). According to some models, an underlying impairment in execu
tive function prevents children from coordinating information processing in the brain, and
prevents the transfer attention from one thing to another. It is easy to understand how this ab
sence may translate into symptoms of either autism, due to inability to plan with strategic over
arching vision, and hence reliance on routines, or as inattention and distractibility
symptomatic of ADHD. Executive functions are neuropsychological processes needed to sus
tain problem-solving toward a goal. Executive functions allow a resolution of conflict when
two responses are simultaneously called for by stimuli. In the laboratory, the Stroop task is an
example. The conflicting combination of a word like red written in green ink creates conflict
when the task is to say the color of the ink (green), due to the overlearned reading response that
automatically elicits the response based on the meaning of the word (red). Executive function
allows for the inhibition of the overlearned response and the execution of a response that is
more appropriate given the context. Research has confirmed the involvement of deficits in ex
ecutive functions that are essential for effective self-regulation in people with ADHD. The
mental processes most often listed as being part of the notion of executive function are quite di
verse so there is no standardized definition. They include: inhibition, resistance to distraction,
self-awareness, working memory, emotional self-control, and even self-motivation. Bramham
and colleagues (2009) found that both adults with ASD and ADHD had impaired executive
function, although they did have distinctive profiles. Nyden and colleagues found that chil
dren with Aspergers Syndrome and dyslexia did not differ in tests of executive function: they
could not establish any test of executive function that captured the differences in these disor
ders (1999).
Russell Barkley (2012) conceptualizes executive control as the methods of self-regulation. He
writes entertainingly on how a person might use executive functions to resist the temptation
to buy a tempting pastry from a shop:
avert your eyes from the counter, walk to a different section of the shop away from the tempting goodies, engage
yourself in mental conversation about why you need to not buy those products, and even visualize an image of the
new slenderer version of yourself you expect to achieve in the near future. All of these are self-directed actions you are
using to try and alter the likelihood of giving into temptation and therefore increase your chances of meeting your goal
of weight loss this month. This situation calls upon a number of distinct yet interacting mental abilities to successfully
negotiate the situation. You have to be aware that a dilemma has arisen when you walked into the shop (self-aware
ness), you have to restrain your urge to order the pastry to go with the coffee you have ordered (inhibition), you redirected your attention away from the tempting objects (executive attention or attentional management), you spoke to
yourself using your minds voice (verbal self-instruction or working memory), and you visualized an image of your
goal and what you would look like when you successfully attain it (nonverbal working memory, or visual imagery).
You may also have found yourself thinking about various other ways you could have coped effectively with these
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
temptations (problem-solving), and may have even used words of encouragement toward yourself to enhance the like
lihood that you would follow your plan (self-motivation).
Barkley explains that these and other mental activities are usually included in the under
standing of human self-regulation, and it is difficulties in these areas (which are processes in
executive function) that may lead to ADHD. Children with ADHD are distractible and selfregulation, the ability to override incoming stimuli, to see the bigger picture and lack the
ability to see the consequences of their future actions. Children with ASD have difficulties
transferring attention from one thing to another because they also lack overview (and impli
cations of their actions in the future).
Gooch, Snowling and Hulme (2011) note that deficits in time perception (the ability to judge
the length of time intervals) have been found in children with both dyslexia and ADHD.
These researchers found children with comorbid dyslexia and attention problems performed
poorly on measures of executive function as well as on phonological tasks. However, their
results were interpreted as the effect of independent underlying cognitive causes. Although
deficits in duration discrimination were associated with both dyslexia and attention prob
lems, they concluded the results supported the claim that the two disorders are products of
different cognitive defects originating from shared genes with pleiotropic effects.
Developmental models explain comorbidity of developmental disorders by shared cognitive
deficits, either as gateways as in Frith and Happs (1998) model, where one difficulty leads
to another later in life, or as underlying shared deficits, for example impaired executive
function causing both autism and ADHD. The alternative model suggests that cognitive dif
ficulties associated with each disorder are distinct, but multiple cognitive deficits arise from
similar genetic/environmental origins. All these theories have some empirical support.
Thus for co-occurring symptoms it is difficult to differentiate between disorders and the
likelihood that a co-morbid disorder will be missed is increased. This emphasizes the need
for assessment in multiple settings and reassessment over time.
One of the most compelling cross cultural descriptions of how autism is regarded across
various cultures was the book Unstrange Minds. Written by the anthropologist Roy Grinker
(2008), Grinker explains how the category of ASD is contingent on the culture through
which it is expressed- the condition is associated with differing levels of stigma in different
cultures. In the US, several studies have also shown that clinicians may diagnose ASD when
resources are targeted at the diagnosis, whereas previously, under other circumstances, they
may have diagnosed another category of childhood disorder. Paul Shattuck has written
about the extent to which increases in the administrative prevalence of autism have been as
sociated with corresponding decreases in the use of other diagnostic categories, mental re
tardation and learning disabilities (2006). This process of diagnostic substitution he argues,
may partially explain the rise in prevalence in autism in the US.
Our own work suggests that since the 1980s, the recorded prevalence of both ASD and
ADHD in the UK has increased dramatically. We examined data from both the Millennium
Cohort Study, (the large cohort of around 19,000 children who have been followed from
their birth through to seven years old and beyond), and another cohort, called the British
Cohort Study, where children were born thirty years previously. Both cohorts were repre
sentative of the UK as a whole, and medical reports of both ASD and ADHD were given
when children were age seven for in 2007-9 and ten in 1980. The results from 2007 contrast
ed with the 1980 sample at age 10. Only 11 children in the 1970 British Cohort Study were
reported as having ADHD in their medical exam, giving an estimated prevalence of 0.083%.
The autism diagnosis was rarely used with just 3 children assigned the label; 0.023% of chil
dren. A number of other child psychiatric diagnoses were available and many of these were
diagnosed during the medical exams. Details of these alternative labels are given in Table 1.
N of children
Autism (299.0/1/8/9)
(1 autism co-morbid)
Other specified delays in
development (318)
(1 ADHD co-morbid)
(1 ADHD co-morbid)
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
1980 Diagnosis (ICD 9 codes)
Unspecified delays in development
N of children
(1 ADHD co-morbid)
Table 1. Named conditions using ICD-9 categories for 10 year old children in 1980 (n=13201).
Among the 14,043 children in the 2007 cohort, 209 (1.49%) were reported to have ASD, and
180 (1.28%) were reported having been given an ADHD diagnosis by a clinician (unweight
ed figures). There was disproportional stratification in the Millennium Cohort, meaning that
all analyses were weighted to account for the clustering and over-inclusion of participants
from disadvantaged areas. After weighting, 1.7 % of children were reported as having an
ASD (95% CI, 1.4-1.99). 1.3% of these were boys, and 0.25% girls, giving boy girl ratio of ap
prox 5:1 for ASD. Surprisingly, the figure for ADHD was lower. After weighting, 1.4% of the
population were reported as having ADHD (95% CI, 1.2-1.7). Of these, 2.3% were boys and
0.25% girls, giving a gender ratio of approximately of 1 girl to every 4 boys with ADHD.
One interpretation of the historical shift is that diagnostic substitution has occurred: children
with similar symptoms in 1980 may have been more likely to receive generalised labels of
delays in learning & development than ASD or ADHD. So changing diagnostic practice,
cultural factors and context may do much to explain both co-morbidity and rising preva
lence. The steep rise in children assigned these diagnoses cannot be totally explained by the
substitution mechanism- twice as many children were given either ASD or ADHD diagno
ses in 2009 as the total number diagnosed with any type of developmental disorder in 1980.
Context also has a big part to play in the identification of difficulties, in terms of what is con
sidered to be disordered. Social constructionists have also pointed out that the conceptuali
zation of difficulties associated with both dyslexia and ASD as disorders is itself a product
of social and cultural standards, and of course the definition of each disorder has changed
over time. This has prompted calls for the term autism spectrum conditions to replace au
tism spectrum disorders (2009). Our own analysis of the Millennium Cohort has shown a
strong association between ADHD and poverty, reflecting findings from US studies which
have also found differing levels of ADHD amongst various ethnic groups- Hispanic children
were more likely to be identified with ADHD in a study by Akinbami et al. (2011). It is un
clear whether this is entirely due to greater awareness and access to health care in some
groups, differential reporting about the same level of difficulties between ethnic groups or
whether children in different groups have truly varying symptom levels (Boyle et al., 2011).
A study by Cuccaro et al. (1996) showed the nature of diagnosis of developmental disorders
varied according to the socio-economic status of the childs family; autism was more likely
to be identified in children of higher income families, although no biases of SES were found
for identification with ADHD. Cooper (2001) points out that the behaviour symptomatic of
ADHD becomes problematic where high value is placed on ability to remain sedentary and
sustain attention on tasks, in other words, in schools. Hulme and Snowling (2009) describe
how differences of this nature must therefore be thought of as both biological and as a prod
uct of the social and environmental world.
12. Conclusion
Two conclusions can be drawn. First, co-morbidities between developmental disorders are
common, and second, the causes of these overlapping difficulties are likely to be complex,
multifactorial and interacting. Firstly, the high overlap between symptoms of different de
velopmental disorders has been identified in a number of studies and there is an interna
tional consensus on this overlap. Studies from Canada, the UK, USA and Scandinavia all
show how hard it is provide an unequivocal diagnosis, leading to the quote from Kaplan
and her colleagues (2001) in developmental disorders co-morbidity is the rule, not the exception.
This was informed by the groups work studying a population-based sample of 179 children
receiving special support in Calgary: If the children met the dyslexia criteria, there was a
51.6% chance of having another disorder. If the children met the ADHD criteria there was an
80.4% chance of having another disorder. They criticize the term comorbidity, as it implies
unsubstantiated presumption of independent aetiologies. The authors argue that discrete
categories do not exist in real life.
Secondly, in considering the reasons for co-morbidities, a complex bio-psycho-social model
is required that leads to symptoms that may result in diagnosis. The nature of the diagnosis
itself may depend on social context as well as an individual childs behaviour. A hint of this
complexity is achieved in Figure 3, which is a schematic diagram of various potential causal
pathways. It is plausible that the same underlying genetic or neurological mechanisms may
underlie co-occurrence of dyslexia, ADHD and ASD. The reverse pathways are not at first so
obvious. But recent advances in systems biology have shown that the environment of the
cell affects gene expression and protein synthesis at molecular levels. Thus environmental
influences can alter core biology: for example Mack and Mack (1992) describe how tweak
ing rats whiskers changes gene expression in the sensory cortex. In systems theory, genetic
influences are conceptualised more like a set of piano keys on which notes may be played or
not played, played slowly or quickly, and there is enormous variation in the music pro
duced even with the same basic set of keys. So the cellular environment can affect genetic
expression. A simplified model underlying much behaviour genetics research envisages a
direct linear relationship between individual genes and behaviours. The reality is likely to
be far more complex with gene networks and multiple environmental factors impacting
brain development and function, which in turn will influence behaviour (Hamer, 2002). Kar
miloff-Smith (2007) emphasizes how learning and experience effects gene expression in hu
mans. Such scholars demonstrate that the social can affect the biological as well as the more
intuitive path of genetic origin leading to neurological development leading to aberrant be
haviour. Diagnosis itself may influence behaviour too, through differential treatment and in
terventions. Thus the pervasive developmental environment is composed of many related
factors, environmental stresses, and genetic predispositions, and the social contexts all of
which may interact to produce developmental outcomes that themselves may contribute to
predicting ongoing child development.
Snowling (2012) suggests a new dimensional classification of disorder, where deficits in dif
ferent components of learning are seen as additive, impacting on the potential for remedia
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
tion, rather than classing children into dichotomous disorder categories. Taylor (2011)
notes that for many children, it is better to think of changes in cognitive style, learning and
motivation rather than symptoms. Both conclude that it is important to examine children for
evidence of co-occurring disorders, and not simply continue to examine the areas which we
expect to be impaired according to categorization. The practical application of assessing chil
dren for a range of difficulties is that children will be best helped not by any all encompass
ing diagnosis, but by individual analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. Future research
may be wise to focus on the individual profiles of children across a broad range of areas,
looking at the unique strengths, as well as the weaknesses of the individual children, so that
parents and educators may adapt their support accordingly, regardless of the diagnostic la
bel a child receives.
Author details
Ginny Russell1 and Zsuzsa Pavelka2
1 University of Exeter Medical School, ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society, UK
2 University of Milan, Italy
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Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
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Chapter 17
1. Introduction
Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have a higher risk of suffering from several
other conditions. In this chapter I review the extent to which autistic individuals can also expe
rience a range of other difficulties, but my focus will be on the common neurodevelopmental
disorders. The most common of these include dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), dyspraxia, specific language impairment, and dyscalculia. There is considerable
symptom overlap in particular between ADHD and dyslexia, and like autism both are descri
bed as developmental disorders by psychiatric classification systems (American Psychiatric
Association, 2000; World Health Organization., 1992). Overlapping conditions are termed comorbidity by medical practitioners. Co-morbidity may reflect the greater difficulties experi
enced by children with a combination of deficits. Sometimes it is apparent that many children
with a developmental disorder could be classified in several ways. Here I will firstly examine
the research evidence that examines how often symptoms of dyslexia and ADHD occur in the
population of autistic children, and second, review the various theories that have tried to ex
plain why such co-occurring difficulties are so common.
Comorbidity, a term used in medical literature to mean a dual diagnosis, or multiple diag
noses, can reflect an inability to supply a single diagnosis that accounts for all symptoms.
Children with ASD have been shown to have higher rates of epilepsy, with 30% of cases
having epilepsy comorbid (Danielsson, Gillberg, Billstedt, Gillberg, & Olsson, 2005). Other
conditions that are commonly co-morbid with ASD include hearing impairment (Kielinen,
Rantala, Timonen, Linna, & Moilanen, 2004) mental health and behavioural problems (Brad
ley, Summers, Wood, & Bryson, 2004), including anxiety, and depression (Evans, Canavera,
2013 Russell and Pavelka; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Kleinpeter, Maccubbin, & Taga, 2005). It has also been shown that parents of autistic chil
dren are twice as likely themselves to have suffered from psychiatric illness than parents of
non-autistic children (Daniels et al., 2008).
Most of these problems are distinct from those examined in this chapter: the common devel
opmental disorders of childhood which are also found to co-occur with autism, particularly
ADHD and dyslexia.
Before reviewing the evidence that suggests many children share difficulties symptomatic of
these conditions, and the theories of why this may be, I will briefly describe how dyslexia
and ADHD manifest themselves.
2. Dyslexia
Dyslexia is conceptualized by both educational bodies and the psychiatric classification sys
tems as a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent
word reading and spelling. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological
awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed. Dyslexia is developmental delay in
literacy and generally slow and inaccurate reading and spelling. The definition of dyslexia has
changed over time, and such changes have often been based on the research identifying a range
of associated difficulties that occur with dyslexia. Estimates of the prevalence of dyslexia have
been complicated because dyslexia cut-offs are contested (Coltheart & Jackson, 1998) and dys
lexia manifests itself differently in various languages according to levels of phonic regularity
(Miles, 2004). Research over the last 40 years has focused on phonological skills. These are the
reading and de-coding skills used when breaking down language into its component sounds
and reassembling the parts in order to read or to spell a word.
Like autism, dyslexic difficulties are considered to exist in a continuum throughout the general
population (Fawcett, 2012). There is much interest in the association of cognitive ability with
changing symptom profiles and diagnosis. The definition of dyslexia is in flux, and has been re
cently redefined by many national bodies, for example in the UK, the British Psychological So
ciety, focusing on literacy learning at the 'word level' without attainment discrepancy:
Dyslexia is evident when accurate and fluent word reading and/or spelling develops very incompletely or with great
difficulty (British Psychological Society, 1999)
This definition implies that the problem is severe and persistent despite appropriate learn
ing opportunities. This UK definition differs from the ICD-10 diagnosis of developmental
dyslexia or Specific Reading Disorder, which requires a discrepancy between actual read
ing ability and the reading ability predicted by a childs IQ. So an intellectual disability,
(generally considered IQ below 70) can co-occur with the British Psychological Society defi
nition of dyslexia. This new definition includes the so called garden variety dyslexic chil
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
dren who have difficulties with reading and spelling as well as other generalized intellectual
disabilities. The implications of including this group as dyslexic mean that more children
with an intellectual disability would also be classified as dyslexic. As ASD includes a large
group with intellectual disability the extension is likely to increase the number of children
who may be classified as having both conditions. This is important as the clinical and educa
tion label may determine the interventions a particular child receives.
In addition to these characteristics, dyslexic children may experience visual and auditory
processing difficulties, similar to hyper or hypo sensitivity often associated with ASD. Like
the islets of ability seen in many children with ASD, some dyslexic children may also have
strengths in particular areas, such as design, logic, and creative skills.
ADHD is known as Hyperkinetic Disorder in ICD-10; there are three subtypes of ADHD
according the DSM. In the first, a child will primarily have problems with attention which
may manifest as an inability to remain on task for long periods, lack of response to instruc
tion or distractibility. In the second sub-type, symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity
dominate, which is characterized by wriggling, squirming, being unable to sit still, inter
rupting and finding it difficult to wait. Children may also be climbing in inappropriate sit
uations and always on the move when free to do so. The third sub-type is simply the coexistence of both attention problems and hyperactivity, with each behavior occurring
infrequently alone and symptoms starting before seven years of age.
According to ICD-10, eventually, assessment instruments should develop to the point where
it is possible to take a quantitative cut-off score to assess ADHD. Like dyslexia and autism,
the symptoms are behavioural in nature, and are part of a continuously distributed pattern
that extends into the population at large.
The persistence of ADHD symptoms is not so marked as for autism. Around 70 to 50 per
cent of those individuals diagnosed in childhood do not continue to have symptoms into
adulthood (Elia, Ambrosini, & Rapoport, 1999). There is evidence suggesting to some extent
symptoms of ADHD are expressed in reaction to home (Mulligan et al. 2011) and other envi
ronmental contexts. Individuals with ADHD also tend to develop coping mechanisms to
compensate for some or all of their impairments. ADHD is diagnosed more often in boys
with the reported ratio varying from 2:1 to 4:1 (Dulcan, 1997; Kessler et al., 2005) though
some studies suggest this may be partially due to referral bias where teachers are more like
ly to refer boys than girls (Sciutto, Nolfi, & Bluhm, 2004). Treatments for ADHD involve a
combination of medication, usually methyphenidates which are well established in improv
ing symptoms of inattention, and behavioral intervention in education and at home. The is
sue of girls being overlooked on identification is a common thread for research in dyslexia,
ADHD and autism. Our own results suggest there is some evidence to back up the claim
that boys with ASD symptoms are given the diagnosis more frequently than girls with
equivalent ASD symptoms (Russell, Steer, & Golding, 2011). This may be because the disor
ders tend to be conceptualized as male leading to referral bias.
Because ASD, Dyslexia and ADHD are all behaviorally defined, so symptoms are behaviours.
All three conditions are conceived as particular behaviours along a spectrum, where traits have
a continuous distribution and extend into the general (non-disordered) population. An arbitra
ry cut off point determines who is considered to be within the various categories and who is
not. The clinician giving a diagnosis will be responsible for judging where this cut off may
come, guided by diagnostic criteria and standards within disciplines as well as perceived im
plications: the benfits versus any possible risks of assigning a diagnosis. This is perhaps best es
tablished for autism: Constantino and Todd (2003) measured autistic traits in a large
community sample, and found no jump in the threshold of autistic behaviours between nor
mal individuals and those with an autism spectrum diagnosis, rather they found a continuous
distribution. These findings concurred with those in a Scandinavian study (Posserud, Lunder
vold, & Gillberg, 2006). One of our own studies has likewise shown that autistic traits do ex
tend into the subclinical population (Figure 1). As with dyslexia and ADHD, there is not a
sharp line separating severity in those with a diagnosis from less severe traits in those without
(London, 2007). In both dyslexia, ADHD and the autism spectrum, some children have more
severe difficulties than others, and the symptoms extend into the population of children (and
adults) as a whole. For dyslexia, there are many people who may have mild dyslexic difficul
ties but perhaps might not qualify as dyslexic. For autism spectrum disorders, many people
without an autism diagnosis do have autistic-type behaviours but the severity and frequency
of those behavioural symptoms is less severe than in those deemed to qualify for a diagnosis.
Figure 1. The distribution of an ASD composite trait in the general population from Russell et al.(2012)
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
The imposition of a cut off between normality and abnormality is therefore an arbitrary but
convenient way of converting a dimension into a category as Goodman and Scott (1997, p.
23) point out.
Figure 2. The rising prevalence of autism spectrum disorders over 50 years. (Data from Autism Speaks and CDC, USA)
Recent trends have made categorical diagnosis an integral part of everyday clinical and re
search practice (Sonuga-Barke & Halperin, 2010). Christopher Gillberg (2010) points out that
clinicians have become focused on dichotomous categories of disorder and that clinics have
become increasingly specialized and overlook difficulties not within their immediate juris
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
diction. Gillberg has argued that co-existence of disorders is the rule rather than the excep
tion in child psychiatry and developmental medicine. He has coined the acronym ESSENCE
(referring to Early Symptomatic Syndromes Eliciting
Neurodevelopmental Clinical Examinations). This describes cases where a combination of
symptoms including inattention, hyperactivity, social and reading difficulties are observed.
Major problems in at least one ESSENCE domain before age 5 years often signal major prob
lems in the same or overlapping domains years later.
To summarize, although ADHD and ASD are separate and recognizable, there is good evi
dence that these conditions co-occur, constituting an amalgam of problems.
It is not just that ASD is co-morbid with dyslexia and ADHD. Other studies have noted high
comorbidity with other developmental disorders. Dyspraxia and dyscalculia and conditions
with shared symptoms such as specific language impairment are frequently comorbid with
autism. Also dyslexia and ADHD themselves co-occur Willcutt and colleagues (Willcutt,
Doyle, Nigg, Faraone, & Pennington, 2005) showed that 40% of a sample of twins with ei
ther dyslexia or ADHD was co-morbid for the other disorder. Reading difficulties were
measured with both rating scale and an objective task in a study by Cheung et al. (2012) and
correlations were observed among ADHD, reading difficulties and IQ. Over half, (53%-72%)
of the overlapping familial influences between ADHD and reading difficulties were not
shared with IQ. In a school based study Kadesj and colleagues found 40% of children with
ADHD showed reading problems and 29% writing problems (2005).
Overall, the literature suggests, there is good evidence to suggest that some children do suf
fer from symptoms of both dyslexia and ASD, although this is not so well established, and
does not occur so frequently as co-morbidity between ADHD and ASD.
7. Genetic explanations
One of the most persuasive explanations is that a genetic predisposition may lead to abnor
mal neurological development, which in turn may manifest in various different aberrant be
haviors and developmental delays. As autism, ADHD and dyslexia and other
developmental conditions are all highly heritable, so they all have a large genetic compo
nent, the theory seems plausible. The same genetic anomaly may lead to several disorders or
psychiatric conditions. In other words one genotype may lead to several (related) pheno
types. This is known as pleiotropy. Researchers have suggested that co-occurrence of au
tism and ADHD (and other developmental disorders) may reflect such common genetic
causes (Reierson et al, 2008). In this model, the origins of both sets of difficulties are due to
common genetic anomalies that predispose children to delayed or atypical neurological de
velopment. Certainly, specific genetic anomalies have been associated with a range of psy
chopathologies in adulthood. However, the genetic picture is complex and exact pathways
are not established. It is estimated there are more than a thousand gene variations which
could disrupt brain development enough to result in social delays (Sanders et al., 2012).
Such a genetic predisposition is almost certainly complex and multi factorial. So far, over
100 candidate genes have been associated with ASD, most of which encode proteins in
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
volved in neural development, but exact mutations within the candidate genes have yet to
be identified (Freitag, 2007). Furthermore, different individuals may have mutations in dif
ferent sets of genes and most of the discovered gene variations are likely to have a low pene
trance, thus not all carriers will develop the disorder. There may be interactions among
mutations in several genes, e.g. between regulatory genes and coding regions, or between
the environment and mutated genes, altering their expression. The effect of a mutation or
deletion can depend on processes relating to gene expression and regulation as well as the
subsequent effects on the expression of other genes.
The advent of genomics and the emphasis placed on this has led to much research to identi
fy genetic predispositions to ASD. The field of psychiatry as a whole has been geneticised
according to some social theorists. This refers to the potential reclassification of psychiatric
conditions in the light of findings from molecular biology. For example, a particular sub-cat
egory of DSM-IV schizophrenia has been linked to a substitution of a single base in the se
quence of DNA of a particular gene localised to a precise place on a particular chromosome,
leading to a substitution of one amino-acid for another in an enzyme involved in neuro
transmission. Hedgecoe (2001) provides a discussion of the geneticisation of schizophrenia.
The debate as to whether the old psychiatric systems of classification should be overhauled
in the light of new genomic knowledge which illuminates genetic aetiologies is ongoing
(Ericson & Doyle, 2003).
8. Gene-environment interactions
A second theory is that an environmental insult or a stressful event in the life of the fetus or
in a young childs life, may trigger a genetic predisposition to be expressed. Thus this consti
tutes a gene- environmental interaction theory. An example might be the high testosterone
levels in the womb that have been observed in some studies. Baron-Cohens Cambridge
group, for example, has carried out work that has suggested high levels of fetal testosterone
may be linked to the development of autistic traits (Ingudomnukul, Baron-Cohen, Wheel
wright, & Knickmeyer, 2007). According to the gene-environment explanation, the elevated
testosterone might lead to the differential expression of genes controlling the neurological
development of the child. Another example that has been quite widely publicized concerns
Omega 3 fatty acids. These have been implicated by Richardson (2006), who has argued that
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, developmental coordination disorder
(dyspraxia) and conditions on the autism spectrum may all share common origins triggered
by problems with phospholipid (fatty acid) metabolism. However this is just one genetic /
environmental explanation for co-occurrence that vies with several others, and the available
evidence is subject to interpretation.
In the majority of cases, the gene-environment hypothesis seems highly plausible. It may
be that autism and co-occurring developmental conditions may all be caused by a genet
ic predisposition which is triggered by an early environmental influence (Trottier, Srivas
tava, & Walker, 1999).
Many environmental factors have been implicated in ASD but the effect of each is poorly
established. After the well publicized paper that linked autism to the MMR vaccination, re
search has repeatedly refuted a link between the MMR jab and ASD (Rutter, 2005). Deykin
and MacMahon (1979) found increased risk due to exposure to, and clinical illness from,
common viral illnesses in the first 18 months of life. In this study, mumps, chickenpox, fever
of unknown origin, and ear infections were all significantly associated with ASD risk. Epide
miological studies have shown there is a higher rate of adverse prenatal and postnatal
events in children with ASD than in the general population (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2002).
Newschaffer and colleagues (2007) review named associated obstetric conditions that in
cluded low birth weight, gestation duration, and caesarean section. It is possible that such
an underlying cause partially could explain both autism and the associated conditions (Ko
levzon, Gross, & Reichenberg, 2007). There is evidence to suggest adverse prenatal and peri
natal events are also associated with ADHD and cognitive development. Some studies have
suggested that the risk of autism may be increased with advancing maternal age (Bolton et
al., 1997). Paternal age too has frequently (but not always) associated with autism. There are
more mutations in the gametes of older men, and this higher rate of mutation in the genetic
material from the paternal side may explain the higher levels of neurodevelopmental disa
bilities in their offspring. An alternative explanation is that fathers who themselves have au
tistic traits are less likely to have children young. Using anticonvulsants during pregnancy
also appears to increase the risk of ASD (Moore et al., 2000). These drugs are used to combat
epilepsy which is commonly often comorbid with ASD. Parental occupational exposure to
chemicals during the preconception period has also been higher in ASD families than con
trols in some studies (Felicetti, 1981).
Environmental risk factors have received widespread media coverage within the last few
years, perhaps because of the strong degree of public concern (Russell & Kelly, 2011). In
most health and disease categories, a secondary function of diagnosis is to group together
people who have a common aetiology. However, the specific effects of genetic factors and
environmental risk factors that might play a part in abnormal neural development are large
ly unresolved. Goodman and Scott (1997) stress that current understanding of aetiology for
childhood developmental conditions will probably look ridiculously simplistic or misguid
ed in years to come. Despite, or perhaps because of, the uncertainty, there is an underlying
concern among people involved with children who are diagnosed with developmental con
ditions that environmental influences may be partially to blame for rising incidence. Novel
prenatal and perinatal medical practices, changing diet, shifting family structures and child
hood social activities have all been the subject of lay theories to explain rising prevalence not
just of ASD, but developmental disorders in childhood more generally, including ADHD
and dyslexia (Russell & Kelly, 2011).
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
a coherent picture of the world, allowing them to see the bigger picture. In central coher
ence theory, the failure to appreciate the whole accounts for the piecemeal way in which
people with ASD acquire knowledge. People with ASD may also show relative strengths in
some areas, known as islets of ability; and this accounts for savant skills. Related to central
coherence is the theory that autistic behaviours are due to interference in executive function
(Hill, 2004). Executive functions coordinate the flow of information processing in the brain
and are the mechanisms of transferring attention from one thing to another flexibly and
easily. They allow people to plan strategically, solve problems and set objectives. Their ab
sence means autistic people show an inability to plan and attain overarching goals. This
manifests as easily distractible behaviour and reliance on routines. Such psychological theo
ries of ASD are useful models but have also been subject to criticism. Bailey and Parr (2003)
describe such theories of psychological mechanisms as narrow cognitive conceptualisa
tions (p. 27), because they cannot accommodate the presence of sub-clinical autistic traits in
the general population.
These theories seem very distinct from some psychological theories that explain dyslexic
type and attention and hyperactive difficulties. The exception to this is that, deficits in exec
utive function have been suggested as causal for ADHD, as they affect both cognitive and
motivational systems (Willcutt et al., 2005). Frith and Happ (1998) focusing on dyslexia and
autism, argue that psychological mechanisms could act as gateways to impairment in other
domains. These downstream developmental effects have not yet been fully considered, they
suggest. Although they focus on autism and dyslexia, ADHD and other developmental dis
orders could easily be included in their model. As they point out, both dyslexia and autism
have genetic origins, an anatomical basis and extremely variable behavioral manifestations.
Their idea is that in addition to the genetic and anatomical origins, an additional develop
mental pathway may contribute to later difficulties. They argue that specific impairments
seen in dyslexia or autism (such as dyslexic phonological or autistic mentalising difficulties)
may have a gatekeeping function and subsequently lead to difficulties in other areas. Thus
impairments in domain-specific functions may have wide ranging developmental effects.
The idea put simply is that during development, one behavior exacerbates problems in oth
er domains. It is perhaps easier to understand given a few concrete examples. Frith and
Happ suggest that the core autistic difficulty of social engagement may lead to missed op
portunities for learning, including learning vocabulary. This may effect language acquisition
and in turn the development of language based skills evident in dyslexia. An easier pathway
to understand might be via gatekeeping function of inattention. If a child is inattentive (a
core symptom of ADHD) then the likelihood is they may struggle to focus on learning to
read. Hence difficulties symptomatic of dyslexia may be expected. Conversely perhaps read
ing difficulties are primary, in which case inattention might come from frustration and in
ability to deal with task demands. This direction of causality seems likely in the sub-group
of ADHD children whose problems only appear at school, and who are more likely than
other groups to show reading problems according to Taylor (2011). Furthermore, an inatten
tive child may find it difficult to socialize normally, and may have difficulties following in
struction. This may lead to the impairment in social skills symptomatic of autism.
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
In a similar way, it is possible to theorize that each domain of behavioural impairment in the
triad for autism might lead to another. In a review of evidence for single genetic or cognitive
causes for autism, Happ, Ronald, and Plomin (2006) note that twin studies suggest combi
nations of largely non-overlapping genes act on each area of impairment. Their own study
found only modest correlations between the three domains of behavioural traits in the triad
(namely deficits in social skills and communication and stereotyped behaviour or restricted
interests). In the general population, correlations ranged from 0.1- 0.4 for the relationship of
each domain to the other. This evidence shows that the three types of autistic traits may be
clustered or linked or co-inherited, but with a weak association. These low correlations
could be attributed to developmental pathways factors as well as genetic links. Such residu
al downstream developmental effects are easy to conceptualise. If a young boy is very aso
cial for example, then his communication skills will not be practised with peers, so he is
unlikely to develop as quickly in measures of communication as a more sociable child. The
weak correlation between repetitive behaviours is harder to explain. Speculation is possible:
repetitive behaviours have been shown to have both self-stimulatory as well as calming
functions (Turner, 1999). Repetitive behaviours can therefore be interpreted as responses to
unwanted stimuli, e.g. social stimuli with which autistic people have difficulty. Williams
(1994) has given a first person account of use of repetitive behaviours to ameliorate the
stress of social situations. Conversely, the need for stimulatory repetitive behaviours, con
centrating on drawing lines or circles for example, may interfere with social opportunities.
Weak associations do not confirm or deny genetic co-inheritance. Developmental pathways
where one type of behaviour leads to another may also provide a partial explanation.
In a different but related developmental scenario, Cheslack-Postava and Jordan Young
(2012) suggest that a childs upbringing is highly gendered, and proposed a gendered em
bodiment model for autism. They cite numerous studies illustrating that the nature of pa
renting in particular depends on the gender of the child. This they use to describe a
gendered theory of development of autism, although the model could also explain the large
predominance of boys with other developmental disorders. Cooper (2001) suggests boys are
socialized to encourage competition and activity thus a conflict between passivity required
at western schools and masculine identity is generated. Some behaviours associated with
ADHD when used excessively in school environments, climbing trees for example, are en
couraged more often in boys than girls. Cheslack-Postava and Jordan Young suggest such
gendered social processes interact with biology to promote certain disordered behaviours.
This they call the pervasive developmental environment.
As well as downstream developmental models, some theorists have suggested one cognitive
deficit may underlie several symptomatic behaviours. Although the cognitive/psychological
theories of dyslexia and autism seem quite distinct, some research does suggest children
with both ADHD and dyslexic difficulties show a distinctive deficit in rapid naming speed,
so it may that processing speed underlies the link (Bental & Tirosh, 2007).
A second example is provided by executive function which is impaired in both autism and
ADHD (Willcutt et al, 2005). According to some models, an underlying impairment in execu
tive function prevents children from coordinating information processing in the brain, and
prevents the transfer attention from one thing to another. It is easy to understand how this ab
sence may translate into symptoms of either autism, due to inability to plan with strategic over
arching vision, and hence reliance on routines, or as inattention and distractibility
symptomatic of ADHD. Executive functions are neuropsychological processes needed to sus
tain problem-solving toward a goal. Executive functions allow a resolution of conflict when
two responses are simultaneously called for by stimuli. In the laboratory, the Stroop task is an
example. The conflicting combination of a word like red written in green ink creates conflict
when the task is to say the color of the ink (green), due to the overlearned reading response that
automatically elicits the response based on the meaning of the word (red). Executive function
allows for the inhibition of the overlearned response and the execution of a response that is
more appropriate given the context. Research has confirmed the involvement of deficits in ex
ecutive functions that are essential for effective self-regulation in people with ADHD. The
mental processes most often listed as being part of the notion of executive function are quite di
verse so there is no standardized definition. They include: inhibition, resistance to distraction,
self-awareness, working memory, emotional self-control, and even self-motivation. Bramham
and colleagues (2009) found that both adults with ASD and ADHD had impaired executive
function, although they did have distinctive profiles. Nyden and colleagues found that chil
dren with Aspergers Syndrome and dyslexia did not differ in tests of executive function: they
could not establish any test of executive function that captured the differences in these disor
ders (1999).
Russell Barkley (2012) conceptualizes executive control as the methods of self-regulation. He
writes entertainingly on how a person might use executive functions to resist the temptation
to buy a tempting pastry from a shop:
avert your eyes from the counter, walk to a different section of the shop away from the tempting goodies, engage
yourself in mental conversation about why you need to not buy those products, and even visualize an image of the
new slenderer version of yourself you expect to achieve in the near future. All of these are self-directed actions you are
using to try and alter the likelihood of giving into temptation and therefore increase your chances of meeting your goal
of weight loss this month. This situation calls upon a number of distinct yet interacting mental abilities to successfully
negotiate the situation. You have to be aware that a dilemma has arisen when you walked into the shop (self-aware
ness), you have to restrain your urge to order the pastry to go with the coffee you have ordered (inhibition), you redirected your attention away from the tempting objects (executive attention or attentional management), you spoke to
yourself using your minds voice (verbal self-instruction or working memory), and you visualized an image of your
goal and what you would look like when you successfully attain it (nonverbal working memory, or visual imagery).
You may also have found yourself thinking about various other ways you could have coped effectively with these
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
temptations (problem-solving), and may have even used words of encouragement toward yourself to enhance the like
lihood that you would follow your plan (self-motivation).
Barkley explains that these and other mental activities are usually included in the under
standing of human self-regulation, and it is difficulties in these areas (which are processes in
executive function) that may lead to ADHD. Children with ADHD are distractible and selfregulation, the ability to override incoming stimuli, to see the bigger picture and lack the
ability to see the consequences of their future actions. Children with ASD have difficulties
transferring attention from one thing to another because they also lack overview (and impli
cations of their actions in the future).
Gooch, Snowling and Hulme (2011) note that deficits in time perception (the ability to judge
the length of time intervals) have been found in children with both dyslexia and ADHD.
These researchers found children with comorbid dyslexia and attention problems performed
poorly on measures of executive function as well as on phonological tasks. However, their
results were interpreted as the effect of independent underlying cognitive causes. Although
deficits in duration discrimination were associated with both dyslexia and attention prob
lems, they concluded the results supported the claim that the two disorders are products of
different cognitive defects originating from shared genes with pleiotropic effects.
Developmental models explain comorbidity of developmental disorders by shared cognitive
deficits, either as gateways as in Frith and Happs (1998) model, where one difficulty leads
to another later in life, or as underlying shared deficits, for example impaired executive
function causing both autism and ADHD. The alternative model suggests that cognitive dif
ficulties associated with each disorder are distinct, but multiple cognitive deficits arise from
similar genetic/environmental origins. All these theories have some empirical support.
Thus for co-occurring symptoms it is difficult to differentiate between disorders and the
likelihood that a co-morbid disorder will be missed is increased. This emphasizes the need
for assessment in multiple settings and reassessment over time.
One of the most compelling cross cultural descriptions of how autism is regarded across
various cultures was the book Unstrange Minds. Written by the anthropologist Roy Grinker
(2008), Grinker explains how the category of ASD is contingent on the culture through
which it is expressed- the condition is associated with differing levels of stigma in different
cultures. In the US, several studies have also shown that clinicians may diagnose ASD when
resources are targeted at the diagnosis, whereas previously, under other circumstances, they
may have diagnosed another category of childhood disorder. Paul Shattuck has written
about the extent to which increases in the administrative prevalence of autism have been as
sociated with corresponding decreases in the use of other diagnostic categories, mental re
tardation and learning disabilities (2006). This process of diagnostic substitution he argues,
may partially explain the rise in prevalence in autism in the US.
Our own work suggests that since the 1980s, the recorded prevalence of both ASD and
ADHD in the UK has increased dramatically. We examined data from both the Millennium
Cohort Study, (the large cohort of around 19,000 children who have been followed from
their birth through to seven years old and beyond), and another cohort, called the British
Cohort Study, where children were born thirty years previously. Both cohorts were repre
sentative of the UK as a whole, and medical reports of both ASD and ADHD were given
when children were age seven for in 2007-9 and ten in 1980. The results from 2007 contrast
ed with the 1980 sample at age 10. Only 11 children in the 1970 British Cohort Study were
reported as having ADHD in their medical exam, giving an estimated prevalence of 0.083%.
The autism diagnosis was rarely used with just 3 children assigned the label; 0.023% of chil
dren. A number of other child psychiatric diagnoses were available and many of these were
diagnosed during the medical exams. Details of these alternative labels are given in Table 1.
N of children
Autism (299.0/1/8/9)
(1 autism co-morbid)
Other specified delays in
development (318)
(1 ADHD co-morbid)
(1 ADHD co-morbid)
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
1980 Diagnosis (ICD 9 codes)
Unspecified delays in development
N of children
(1 ADHD co-morbid)
Table 1. Named conditions using ICD-9 categories for 10 year old children in 1980 (n=13201).
Among the 14,043 children in the 2007 cohort, 209 (1.49%) were reported to have ASD, and
180 (1.28%) were reported having been given an ADHD diagnosis by a clinician (unweight
ed figures). There was disproportional stratification in the Millennium Cohort, meaning that
all analyses were weighted to account for the clustering and over-inclusion of participants
from disadvantaged areas. After weighting, 1.7 % of children were reported as having an
ASD (95% CI, 1.4-1.99). 1.3% of these were boys, and 0.25% girls, giving boy girl ratio of ap
prox 5:1 for ASD. Surprisingly, the figure for ADHD was lower. After weighting, 1.4% of the
population were reported as having ADHD (95% CI, 1.2-1.7). Of these, 2.3% were boys and
0.25% girls, giving a gender ratio of approximately of 1 girl to every 4 boys with ADHD.
One interpretation of the historical shift is that diagnostic substitution has occurred: children
with similar symptoms in 1980 may have been more likely to receive generalised labels of
delays in learning & development than ASD or ADHD. So changing diagnostic practice,
cultural factors and context may do much to explain both co-morbidity and rising preva
lence. The steep rise in children assigned these diagnoses cannot be totally explained by the
substitution mechanism- twice as many children were given either ASD or ADHD diagno
ses in 2009 as the total number diagnosed with any type of developmental disorder in 1980.
Context also has a big part to play in the identification of difficulties, in terms of what is con
sidered to be disordered. Social constructionists have also pointed out that the conceptuali
zation of difficulties associated with both dyslexia and ASD as disorders is itself a product
of social and cultural standards, and of course the definition of each disorder has changed
over time. This has prompted calls for the term autism spectrum conditions to replace au
tism spectrum disorders (2009). Our own analysis of the Millennium Cohort has shown a
strong association between ADHD and poverty, reflecting findings from US studies which
have also found differing levels of ADHD amongst various ethnic groups- Hispanic children
were more likely to be identified with ADHD in a study by Akinbami et al. (2011). It is un
clear whether this is entirely due to greater awareness and access to health care in some
groups, differential reporting about the same level of difficulties between ethnic groups or
whether children in different groups have truly varying symptom levels (Boyle et al., 2011).
A study by Cuccaro et al. (1996) showed the nature of diagnosis of developmental disorders
varied according to the socio-economic status of the childs family; autism was more likely
to be identified in children of higher income families, although no biases of SES were found
for identification with ADHD. Cooper (2001) points out that the behaviour symptomatic of
ADHD becomes problematic where high value is placed on ability to remain sedentary and
sustain attention on tasks, in other words, in schools. Hulme and Snowling (2009) describe
how differences of this nature must therefore be thought of as both biological and as a prod
uct of the social and environmental world.
12. Conclusion
Two conclusions can be drawn. First, co-morbidities between developmental disorders are
common, and second, the causes of these overlapping difficulties are likely to be complex,
multifactorial and interacting. Firstly, the high overlap between symptoms of different de
velopmental disorders has been identified in a number of studies and there is an interna
tional consensus on this overlap. Studies from Canada, the UK, USA and Scandinavia all
show how hard it is provide an unequivocal diagnosis, leading to the quote from Kaplan
and her colleagues (2001) in developmental disorders co-morbidity is the rule, not the exception.
This was informed by the groups work studying a population-based sample of 179 children
receiving special support in Calgary: If the children met the dyslexia criteria, there was a
51.6% chance of having another disorder. If the children met the ADHD criteria there was an
80.4% chance of having another disorder. They criticize the term comorbidity, as it implies
unsubstantiated presumption of independent aetiologies. The authors argue that discrete
categories do not exist in real life.
Secondly, in considering the reasons for co-morbidities, a complex bio-psycho-social model
is required that leads to symptoms that may result in diagnosis. The nature of the diagnosis
itself may depend on social context as well as an individual childs behaviour. A hint of this
complexity is achieved in Figure 3, which is a schematic diagram of various potential causal
pathways. It is plausible that the same underlying genetic or neurological mechanisms may
underlie co-occurrence of dyslexia, ADHD and ASD. The reverse pathways are not at first so
obvious. But recent advances in systems biology have shown that the environment of the
cell affects gene expression and protein synthesis at molecular levels. Thus environmental
influences can alter core biology: for example Mack and Mack (1992) describe how tweak
ing rats whiskers changes gene expression in the sensory cortex. In systems theory, genetic
influences are conceptualised more like a set of piano keys on which notes may be played or
not played, played slowly or quickly, and there is enormous variation in the music pro
duced even with the same basic set of keys. So the cellular environment can affect genetic
expression. A simplified model underlying much behaviour genetics research envisages a
direct linear relationship between individual genes and behaviours. The reality is likely to
be far more complex with gene networks and multiple environmental factors impacting
brain development and function, which in turn will influence behaviour (Hamer, 2002). Kar
miloff-Smith (2007) emphasizes how learning and experience effects gene expression in hu
mans. Such scholars demonstrate that the social can affect the biological as well as the more
intuitive path of genetic origin leading to neurological development leading to aberrant be
haviour. Diagnosis itself may influence behaviour too, through differential treatment and in
terventions. Thus the pervasive developmental environment is composed of many related
factors, environmental stresses, and genetic predispositions, and the social contexts all of
which may interact to produce developmental outcomes that themselves may contribute to
predicting ongoing child development.
Snowling (2012) suggests a new dimensional classification of disorder, where deficits in dif
ferent components of learning are seen as additive, impacting on the potential for remedia
Co-Occurrence of Developmental Disorders: Children Who Share Symptoms of Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
tion, rather than classing children into dichotomous disorder categories. Taylor (2011)
notes that for many children, it is better to think of changes in cognitive style, learning and
motivation rather than symptoms. Both conclude that it is important to examine children for
evidence of co-occurring disorders, and not simply continue to examine the areas which we
expect to be impaired according to categorization. The practical application of assessing chil
dren for a range of difficulties is that children will be best helped not by any all encompass
ing diagnosis, but by individual analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. Future research
may be wise to focus on the individual profiles of children across a broad range of areas,
looking at the unique strengths, as well as the weaknesses of the individual children, so that
parents and educators may adapt their support accordingly, regardless of the diagnostic la
bel a child receives.
Author details
Ginny Russell1 and Zsuzsa Pavelka2
1 University of Exeter Medical School, ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society, UK
2 University of Milan, Italy
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Adolescent Psychiatry, 41(5), 5729.
Chapter 18
Pre-Existing Differences in
Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
Jenny Fairthorne, Amanda Langridge,
Jenny Bourke and Helen Leonard
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
The autism spectrum disorders (ASD) represent a group of severe and chronic neuro-devel
opmental disorders often simply referred to as autism. [1] Using the criteria provided by the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, ASD are diagnosed by
impairments within the three strands of DSM-4: social interaction, communication and repetitive
behaviours or interests. [2] The aetiology of autism is complex. [3] Research has implicated a
strong genetic basis [4-7] involving multiple genes [5, 7, 8] and possible gene-environment
interactions. [9-13] Advances in chromosomal microarray analysis and gene sequencing
technologies have improved diagnoses and suggest that aetiologies of ASD will continue to
be uncovered. [9] In addition, a child presenting with autistic symptoms may be found to have
a certain genetic mutation which accounts for their true underlying biological diagnosis. For
example, a diagnosis of Rett syndrome would be confirmed when a girl with ASD and
intellectual disability was found to have a mutation of the MECP2 gene on the X-chromosome.
[14] Children with ASD and intellectual disability have been found to have an expansion of
the FMR1 gene confirming a diagnosis of Fragile X syndrome. [15]
Autism and intellectual disability commonly coexist with 30-80% of persons with ASD
reported as also having ID. [16, 17] Currently, the relationship between ASD and comorbid ID
is poorly understood. [18] However, it is known that phenotypically, persons with these
disorders can be grouped into the three categories of ASD without ID, ASD with ID and ID
only. [18] Intellectual disability (ID) is characterized by an intelligence quotient (IQ) of less
than 70 which is associated with limitations in at least two areas of adaptive skill and which
2013 Fairthorne et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
is manifest before 18 years. [19] The level of ID is generally grouped into the five levels of mild,
moderate, severe, profound and unspecified by IQ score. In research it is common to stratify
ID to the following three levels defined by the American Psychiatric Association [2] (Table 1).
Descriptor/level of ID
IQ score
Mild or moderate ID
35-40 up to 69 points
Severe or profound ID
Unspecified ID
< 70*
*Here the person has been assessed as having ID but has not been assessed adequately to determine the level.
Table 1. Levels of intellectual disability
In terms of aetiology, ID can be broadly divided into cases of known biomedical cause and
those of unknown cause. The biomedical causes may be divided into genetic and non-genetic
causes. Further subdivisions are given in Figure 1.
In addition to genetic and non-genetic causes of ASD and ID, relationships with sociodemographic factors such as a mothers education, [20, 21] immigration, [17, 22] and ethnicity,
[23] have also been identified. Other reported associations involve aspects of a mothers health
including physical characteristics [24] physical [25, 26] and mental health [27, 28] and health
behaviours. [29, 30]
It has also been reported that milder autistic traits are present in other family members of
individuals diagnosed with ASD. This phenomenon has been coined the Broad Autism
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
Phenotype [31] and includes qualitatively similar, but milder traits in areas such as language,
personality and social behaviour. Some researchers believe that identification of the Broad
Autism Phenotype in family members might provide a complementary strategy for detecting
genes which contribute to the likelihood of ASD. [32, 33] When comparing family members of
a child with ASD to persons from the general population, subtle differences within the Broad
Autism Phenotype could be associated with specific brain regions, particular neural pathways,
and ultimately with particular genes. [33]
The above factors have been used as guides in choosing terms for our literature search to
examine pre-existing characteristics of mothers of children with autism and mothers of
children with intellectual disability of unknown cause. Inherent characteristics of mothers of
children with a specific disability could be associated with the genetic, environmental or
genetic-environmental aetiology of their childs condition. It is therefore important to separate
pre-existing factors, particularly in relation to mental health, from morbidities such as
depression [34] which might develop due to the more intense demands of caring for a child
with ASD and/or ID.
The aim of this study is to review research on the pre-existing characteristics which differen
tiate mothers of children with ASD and/or ID of unknown cause from each other and from
mothers of children without these disabilities. Such an investigation may help to further clarify
the determinants of ASD and/or ID including the role of genetic and modifiable risk factors.
Improving our understanding of the genetic and environmental causes of ASD and ID may
reduce the future burden of these disabilities [35] by hastening the development of effective
prevention and treatment strategies.
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
found that children from higher income families were more likely to have a diagnosis of ASD.
Similarly, others using family income as a marker for SES, found a significant association
between high family SES and ASD in the offspring. [47] Further analyses, using the dual
markers of high family income and high maternal education, found a particular association
between high SES and ASD without ID. [47] Using population data and deriving SES from
mothers place of residence at time of the childs birth, Australian researchers also found that
ASD, ASD with ID and particularly ASD without ID were associated with higher SES. [17]
The overall association between high SES and ASD without ID could result from the increased
empowerment of parents of high SES to pursue a diagnosis where their children have a milder
variant of ASD. [49] In families of low SES, higher functioning children with autistic traits
might be informally labelled by family and contemporaries as unusual, difficult or emotionally
damaged. In a comparable way, lower functioning children with autistic traits might be
formally or informally given a diagnosis of ID. Others have suggested that children of lower
SES parents might be more likely to be diagnosed at a later age than those of higher SES and
hence not be included in studies of ASD and SES with lower ages of cut-off. [49]
Further evidence of the possible social contributions to the likelihood of an ASD diagnosis was
found in a large multi-based national study in the US. [39] Undiagnosed children who met the
criteria for ASD had a lower SES than children who had been previously diagnosed. [39] Arealevel SES indicators derived from census data were used in another study where the research
ers elucidated that increasing SES and the increasing prevalence of ASD were associated in a
dose-response fashion. [39]
King et al. [41] provided evidence that an interaction of social factors was affecting the
likelihood of an ASD diagnosis. They examined factors influencing the likelihood of an ASD
diagnosis using data on around five million births in Californian cohorts from 1992 to 2000.
They found that an interaction between high and low level SES measures influenced the
likelihood of an ASD diagnosis. Medi-Cal is a program providing medical assistance to the
needy in California and these researchers used family use of Medi-Cal as a binary measure of
SES. Property values in the area of a mothers residence were also used as a measure of SES.
These researchers reported that children whose families were enrolled with Medi-Cal births
and living in wealthier neighbourhoods were two and a half times more likely to receive a
diagnosis of ASD than their counterparts living in poorer areas. [41] This could indicate that
for parents of limited resources, living in a higher SES neighbourhood had benefits in terms
of the likelihood of their child being diagnosed with ASD. Possibly, this results from the
parents increased access to support persons such as paediatricians and child health nurses
and to educational programs such as parent classes and interventions for children, compared
to that of similar parents in less affluent areas.
In contrast, a Danish study accessing linked population data, used maternal education and
parental wealth as a measure of SES and found no association between SES and ASD diagnosis.
[42] In neighbouring Sweden, a population-based study published in 2012, used low income,
manual occupation and less education as measures of low SES. The researchers concluded that
low, not high SES, was a risk factor for ASD. [43] There may be a number of reasons for the
differing findings of these studies. The universal health-care and routine screenings offered in
Denmark and Sweden may eliminate the ascertainment bias associated with high SES which
may exist in other Western countries. [43]
By comparison with ASD, low SES was often identified as a risk factor for ID [21, 44-46, 48]
and especially mild or moderate ID. [17, 20, 48] One of these studies was a cross-sectional study
of over five million children. [48] It concluded that children with mild or moderate ID had an
increased risk of exposure to social conditions which were detrimental to their development.
[48] Another study examined SES and ID prevalence in the 1966 and 1985-6 Finnish birth
cohorts. [46] The researchers concluded that the association of low SES with ID was present in
both cohorts. Plausible hypotheses for this persisting association are that there had been no
improvements in antenatal and obstetric care in those of lower SES over the twenty years in
question or, alternatively, there is a prominent genetic involvement in the aetiology of ID.
Another, is that the higher risk of exposure to a developmentally unfavourable environment
has persisted over the 20 year interval in the children of mothers of lower SES. [48]
In total, ten studies [20, 21, 23, 41, 45, 47, 50-53] used education alone as a measure of SES. All
four of the studies investigating ASD reported positive associations between high maternal
education and the risk of ASD in the offspring. Three of these studies were from California
and each reported that parents of children with ASD were more educated than the general
population. [21, 41, 50] The fourth reported that mothers with more than 16 years education
were more than twice as likely to have a child with ASD without ID than mothers of a child
with only 12 years education. [47] The relationship was reversed with maternal education and
ID where all research ascertained a negative association between high maternal education and
the risk of ID in the offspring. For instance, with children with unspecified ID [20, 21, 23, 45,
51, 53] and developmental delay without ASD [24](which may include those with known
genetic syndromes), seven studies concluded that their mothers were of a lower educational
status. One of these, a population study, established that mothers of children with ID were less
likely to have more than 13 years of education. [23]
The association of maternal education with varying levels of ID has been investigated includ
ing for severe ID and on the basis that risk factors for Down syndrome differed from those of
other forms of ID, children with Down syndrome were excluded. Mothers of children with
severe ID were found to be more likely to have a lower educational status than mothers in the
general population. [52] Comparable results were found for mothers of children with mild or
moderate ID [20, 21] of unknown cause. These mothers had increased odds of a lower
educational status than mothers in the general population. One of these studies used Califor
nian service agency records and a sample of more than 27 000 mothers of children with mild
or moderate ID or severe or profound ID. [21] Less maternal education was also associated
with an increased risk of severe or profound ID in the offspring.
3.2. Marital status
Four papers, describing five studies, examined marital status in relation to the odds of ASD
and/or ID. [17, 20, 46, 54] At the time of their childs birth, it is uncertain whether a womans
marital status is associated with her odds of a child with ASD. However, mothers of children
with ID were more likely to be without partners.
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
In Australia, a retrospective cohort study, using linked health registries assessed marital status
in terms of living with a partner. They reported that at their childs birth, women living with
a partner were 35% more likely to have a child with ASD and particularly ASD with ID. [17]
On the other hand, a similar Canadian study found that mothers not living with a partner at
the time of their childs birth were 19% more likely to have a child with ASD than those mothers
who were living with a partner. [54]
With ID, women without a partner had increased odds of having a child with ID [17] and
particularly mild or moderate ID. [20] Similarly, a cohort study using UK data, concluded that
compared to typically developing children, those with early cognitive delay were less likely
to have their biological parents living together during the first five years of their lives compared
to families with a typically developing child. [55] However, in Finland, the negative association
between living with a partner and the odds of ID in the offspring, present in a 1966 birth cohort,
was absent in the 1985-6 cohort. [46] The reduction of the association in the second cohort may
have been a reflection of the improved SES of single mothers over the 20 year period.
3.3. Parental age
In most studies, increasing maternal age, sometimes along with increasing paternal age, was
associated with ASD. A minority of studies found relationships only with paternal age or found
no association with either maternal or paternal age. Contrasting results were reported with ID
where teenage mothers were more likely to have children with mild or moderate ID were older
mothers and particularly likely to have children with severe or profound ID. Socio-demo
graphic and biological explanations are offered.
All ten studies investigating the association of maternal age with the prevalence of ASD found
that advanced maternal age was associated with an increasing prevalence of ASD [17, 29, 47,
56-61] and sometimes ASD without ID. [17, 47] Four of these studies, reported an additional
association with paternal age. [17, 56, 58, 61] For instance, a population-based study using data
from multiple sites throughout the US, found associations with both maternal and paternal
age after adjustment for the other parent's age, birth order and maternal education. [58]
Five of the cited studies specifically reported an association between paternal but not maternal
age and ASD in the offspring. [58, 62-65] One of these studies was a small Japanese case-control
study of 84 father-child dyads. The researchers reported that advanced parental age was
associated with nearly twice the risk of ASD without ID. [65] Another was a population-based
Israeli cohort study which used data from a medical registry. [63] The remaining studies used
population data from Sweden and another, population data from Denmark. [62, 64] After an
adjustment for maternal age, the Swedish researchers identified a linear association of
increasing paternal age and the risk of ASD. These researchers commented that if no adjust
ment was made for paternal age it would appear as though maternal age, rather than paternal
was the risk factor for ASD. They added that paternal age could be a risk factor as generally
the male was considered to be the origin of new mutations in the gene pool and their produc
tion increased with age. [62]
By comparison, three studies from Northern Europe, and UK identified that neither of
advancing maternal nor advancing paternal age was a risk factor for ASD. [42, 43, 66] One of
the studies from Denmark and another from Sweden used linked data from national registries.
[42, 43] The third was a much smaller UK study of around 5 000 participants and parents
provided data by completing self-reports. As with broader measures of SES, the results from
Denmark and Sweden might reflect the model of health service provision in Scandinavia.
Moreover, there is evidence that children with ASD are diagnosed later in younger mothers.
[67] Thus there may be a bias of ascertainment in some studies where younger children are
included. In the UK study, [66] younger mothers may been included more often since they
were recruited when pregnant. Further, a diagnosis of ASD was not required for their child
but instead, a parent completed the Social and Communication Disorders Checklist. In other
studies from the US, [41, 47, 58, 59] Canada [29] and Australia, [17, 57] ASD may be underascertained in the children of younger parents, possibly as a result of their lesser confidence
to be pro-active in the diagnostic process.
Maternal age had a dual association with ID of unknown cause. Firstly, teenage mothers were
more likely to have children with mild or moderate ID. [17, 20, 21] Secondly, older women
were more likely to have children with severe or profound ID. [21, 68] The results of a Finnish
cohort study which investigated ID of both known and unknown cause [46] was discounted
because of the inclusion of ID of known cause. With Down syndrome, the most common cause
of ID, it is known that the risk increases very abruptly with advancing maternal age. [69] This
might explain the researchers finding of an association between increased maternal age and
ID in the offspring seen in the 1966 birth cohort. [46] The finding that the association no longer
existed in 1985-6 cohort may have been because of the introduction or increased uptake of
prenatal screening for Down syndrome.
The association of parental and particularly maternal age with ASD and/or ID suggests that
both social and biological forces are operating. Younger parents may find a diagnosis of ASD
more difficult to obtain for their children because of inexperience and navigational require
ments of local systems. Thus, some of the ID diagnoses of their children may be undiagnosed
cases of ASD. Further, the excess of older mothers of children with ASD and to a lesser extent
ID may result from increased de novo mutations in older women and their partners [70] or the
increase of epigenetic mechanisms which are associated with ageing. [71]
3.4. Parity
Parity describes the number of live-born children and stillbirths at more than 20 weeks
gestation of a woman. [72] Two strong relationships of low parity with ASD and high parity
with ID have been demonstrated in the majority of studies.
In women of lower parity, the risks of ASD, [29, 41, 73] ASD with ID [17] and ASD without ID
[17, 74] were found to be increased in a number of studies. One of these was a Canadian cohort
study using linked data-bases and with nearly 1 000 case mothers. [29] The authors identified
that nulliparous women (that is women having their first child) were at the greatest risk of
having a child with ASD. Moreover, a national, population-based study in the US reported
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
that older nulliparous women with older partners were around three times more likely to have
a child with ASD. [58]
However, two studies found other associations between parity and the risk of ASD. The first,
a Danish case-control study nested in population data, found no association. [42] The second,
a prospective cohort study using linked health data of more than 110 000 mothers in the US,
asserted that mothers of parity greater than two were more likely to have a child with ASD
than other mothers. [25] Possibly, socio-demographic factors were also operating in this
circumstance. In relation to SES and the odds of ASD, it is possible once again that the disparate
findings of this same Danish study may have been due to less ascertainment bias which set
them apart from other studies in the area. [42] The second study involved nearly 120 000 nurses
who were followed via their completion of mailed questionnaires over sixteen years. [25]
Hence, all mothers were educated and due to their involvement with nursing, could be
expected, on average, to have more knowledge of ASD than other mothers. Further, parity was
assessed as a binary variable with the two values of greater than two and less than or equal to
two. Commonly, other studies have defined parity as either a continuous variable or one with
more than two possible values and this difference might account for variations in study
Mothers of higher parity had increased odds of having a child with mild or moderate ID. [17,
20, 21] One of the research groups concluded that fourth or subsequent children had an
increased risk of mild-moderate ID. [20] A Finnish study of two birth cohorts, twenty years
apart, found that high parity persisted as a risk factor for ID over time. [46] A large cohort
study compared the parity of the mothers of Californian children with ID to the parity of
mothers of typically developing children born between 1987 and 1994. [21] These researchers
reported that mothers of parity of three or more were 30-50% more likely to have a child with
mild or moderate ID or unspecified ID. [21] Both this study and another Californian study
reported that mothers of children with severe or profound ID had an elevated but not
significantly increased parity compared to mothers of typically developing children. [21, 52]
3.5. Summary
Socio-demographic factors often operate quite differently for ASD and ID. For example, high
parental SES was positively associated with the risk of ASD and negatively associated with
the risk of ID in the offspring. Marital status, as defined by living with a partner, has different
associations. At the time of their childs birth, there was no consistent association of marital
status with mothers of a child with ASD compared to the mothers of typically developing
children. On the other hand, mothers of a child with ID were less likely to be living with a
partner than mothers of typically developing children. Parity appeared to have reverse
associations for ASD and ID. Compared to mothers of typically developing children, mothers
of low parity were more likely to have a child with ASD and mothers of high parity were more
likely to have a child with ID. Similar patterns exist for maternal age. Mothers of an advanced
age were more likely to have a child with ASD than mothers of typically developing children.
In contrast, mothers of a younger age were more likely to have a child with ID than mothers
of typically developing children. However, an additional association exists with older mothers
being also more likely to have a child with severe ID.
An under-ascertainment of ASD due to social factors and, to a lesser extent an over-ascertain
ment of ID could be contributing to the socioeconomic effects seen with ASD and ID. For
instance, in terms of the severity of ASD, researchers in California, with birth cohorts from
1992 to 2000, divided the children with ASD into two groups of equal size where the less severe
group comprised children in the top 50% of cases according to level of functioning and the
most severe group was the lower 50%. [41] They found that the children from the less severe
group were more often found in neighbourhoods which housed wealthier and more educated
individuals. Conversely, the same researchers reported that where low SES was measured by
a Medi-Cal payment for the birth, the ratio of more severe to less severe cases was always
greater than one. The researchers interpretation was that the most difficult to diagnose cases
of ASD, that is the less severely affected, were under-ascertained in lower SES populations. [41]
The association of high SES with ASD also might be compounded by some of the characteristics
known to be related to mothers of children with ASD. Older women with the support of a
partner and with fewer children would seem more likely to achieve a more complex diagnosis
requiring more assessments for their child than younger single mothers. Socio-demographic
associations with ASD in most Western countries do not appear to operate as strongly and
might even be absent in some Northern European countries. This might be due to a different
social welfare structure in this region and specifically related to the universal screening for
developmental disability. In addition to these and other social factors which could bias
ascertainment, biological factors may be operating with older parents.
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
ASD than other immigrant mothers. [57] A Western Australian study, using linked population
data, also found that immigrant mothers from South-East or North-East Asia were at increased
risk of having a child with ASD with ID. [17] A similar situation was described in Sweden
where immigrant mothers from East Asia were more than three times as likely to have a child
with ASD. [76]
Black immigrant mothers and immigrant mothers from developing countries were also found
to be more likely to have a child with ASD compared to other immigrant mothers. One study
from the UK [75] and another from Sweden [76] reported that black immigrant mothers [75]
and immigrant mothers from sub-Saharan Africa [76] were much more likely to have a child
with ASD compared to non-immigrant mothers. Further, a small Swedish case-control study
compared the prevalence of autistic disorder and pervasive development disorder not
otherwise specified (PDDNOS) in black African children with at least one parent born in Somali
to the prevalence in children without a Somali background. [77] The researchers reported that
these 17 black mothers were from three to four times more likely to have a child with ASD
compared to the mothers without a Somali background. [77]
There is evidence that the intensity of the mothers skin colour is related to her risk of having
a child with ASD. A Swedish study compared the risk of ASD in the children of immigrants
from each of North, East and other parts of Africa. [22] The mothers from North Africa were
predominantly Moroccan and hence were probably fairer than the other two groups of
mothers. For example, the East African group was predominantly from Somalia and Ethiopia
while the ethnicity of the group from other parts of Africa was not described. The risk of ASD
in the North African group was elevated (1.5) but not significantly higher than that of nonimmigrant parents. On the other hand, the risk in the East African mothers and mothers from
other parts of Africa of having a child with ASD was 1.9 and 3.5. [22]
Immigrant mothers from distant countries and those who emigrated during pregnancy were
more likely to have a child with ASD than other immigrant mothers. For instance, researchers
from the UK and Denmark found that immigrant mothers born outside of Europe were more
likely to have a child with ASD. [62, 75] Similarly, a Swedish study found that immigrant
mothers who were not from either of the US or Europe were nearly three times as likely to
have a child with ASD compared to mothers from Nordic countries. [30] Another Swedish
study ascertained that immigrant mothers who emigrated during pregnancy were even more
likely to have a child with ASD than mothers who emigrated at other times. [22]
There is evidence that immigrant mothers are at different risks of ASD without ID and ASD
with ID. Two Swedish studies found that immigrant mothers, excepting those from neigh
bouring Northern Europe, were less likely to have a child with ASD without ID [22] and
Asperger syndrome [76] compared to non-immigrant mothers. One of these studies, along
with an Australian study, reported that immigrant mothers were more likely to have a child
with ASD with ID. [17, 22] In addition, the Swedish study found that the African immigrant
mothers were more likely to have a child with ASD with ID compared to non-immigrant
mothers. [22] Similar results were found in a small Swedish case-control study, where all
seventeen of the Somali children with autism presented with ASD with ID. [77]
Another group of researchers reported that certain immigrant mothers were less likely to have
a child with ASD than non-immigrant mothers. The US study conducted a national telephone
survey which chose respondents who resided with their biological child and the childs other
parent. [78] These researchers reported that non-immigrant Hispanic children had about twice
the prevalence of ASD of immigrant Hispanic children. [78] These results were at variance to
those in the previous studies of immigrant mothers. The lower likelihood of ASD in immigrant
Hispanics compared to non-immigrant Hispanics could be explained by the relative ease of
access of Mexican Hispanics to the US. With many countries, immigrants must meet stringent
criteria prior to entry and some of these relate to the health of their offspring, their age, wealth,
education and occupation. However, Mexican Hispanics would be less likely to experience the
same stress, climatic change and exposure to new infections as most other immigrants groups.
Moreover, immigrant parents from some of the other studies have usually relocated from more
distant locations. For example, one reported findings which related to immigrants from Somali
to Sweden, [77] another to non-European immigrants to Britain [75] and another to immigrants
to the isolated continent of Australia. [57]
Overall, immigrant mothers and particularly black or Asian immigrant mothers, mothers from
distant, developing countries and those who travelled while pregnant were at a higher risk of
having a child with ASD. The mothers at highest risk of a child with ASD were from groups
who would be expected to experience the most stress. For example, those relocating from a
developing country and those pregnant at the time might be expected to experience higher
stress than mothers who are relocating from a developed country or are not pregnant. This
stress, along with the environmental changes associated with immigration, may have specific
and negative effects on the developing fetal central nervous system. [22]
The risk of immigrant mothers having a child with ASD might be further exacerbated by an
increased exposure to novel viruses [75] and intrauterine infections. [57] Other hypotheses to
explain this association relate to low vitamin D levels [75, 79] and these have been further
fuelled by animal studies. One study of rat pups with gross vitamin D deficiencies reported
that they had structural brain abnormalities which were similar to those in children with ASD.
[80] Furthermore, ASD was particularly common in black or Asian immigrant women and
darker women more often have a vitamin D deficiency. [80] Generally, immigrant mothers are
more likely to have a child with ASD with ID and less likely to have a child with ASD without
ID. This may indicate different aetiologies for these subgroups.
Along with these biologicallybased hypotheses, social factors may affect the likelihood of
an immigrant mother having a child diagnosed with one of ASD, ASD with ID or ASD
without ID. For instance, a diagnosis of ASD without ID would be particularly difficult
where the childs parents were in an unfamiliar country, with a different language and
where unusual behaviours might be explained by cultural differences. [22] In Australia,
excluding the relatively small group of refugees, and in the US, Asian immigrants and
their children are more often of a higher SES than other immigrant mothers. [81, 82] This
might explain why the association with ASD was greater in this group than in other
immigrant groups.
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
The higher rates of ID and the lower rates of ASD found in most ethnic minority and particu
larly indigenous communities may relate to the differing gene frequencies of these groups
from the general population. However, differences could be exacerbated by environmental
factors such as maternal alcohol consumption [85] without this being specifically identified as
an aetiological factor. [86] Another consideration could be that marginalized groups are less
empowered than others to pursue a diagnosis of ASD in contrast to a diagnosis of ID and that
the infrastructures established for diagnostic assessment do not meet their needs. This second
factor may also account for the lower prevalence of ASD and higher prevalence of ID with
respect to the Australian Aboriginal community. [87]
In two Californian studies, contrasting findings were found for the previously described
associations of ethnicity with ASD. Firstly, a cohort study found that Hispanic mothers were
no less likely to have a child with ASD with ID than white mothers. [52] The same study also
reported that Californian black mothers were more than five times as likely to have a child
with ASD with ID as white mothers. [52] Furthermore, Californian Asian mothers were almost
four times as likely to have a child with ASD with ID as white mothers. [52] Again, this may
be a reflection of the higher proportion of immigrants in these groups. A second explanation
in relation to the Asian mothers could be the fact that Asian mothers in US tend to have a
higher SES than most other ethnic mothers. The second of the two Californian studies reported
that Asian mothers giving birth in California were 30% less likely to have a child with mild or
moderate ID. [21] This may also be a reflection of their higher SES.
4.3. Summary
Generally, immigrant mothers, and especially black and Asian immigrant mothers, were more
likely to have a child with ASD compared to non-immigrant mothers. Furthermore, immigrant
mothers were more likely to have a child with ASD with ID and less likely to have a child with
ASD without ID compared to non-immigrant mothers. Immigrant mothers from distant or
developing countries and mothers who emigrated when they were pregnant were even more
likely to have a child with ASD. By contrast, in the US, Hispanic immigrant mothers were less
likely to have a child with ASD than non-immigrant Hispanic mothers. Furthermore, nonimmigrant mothers and particularly Aboriginal mothers were more likely to have a child with
ID and especially mild or moderate ID than mothers who were not ethnic.
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
64, 89] or personality [62, 89, 90] disorder than mothers of typically developing children.
Further, parents of a child with ASD were more likely to have increased rates of disorders
which were related to affective disorder, [42] obsessive compulsive disorder, [27] anxiety, [27]
paranoia, [27] and somatization [27] than the parents of typically developing children. One of
these studies was conducted by a Californian team and recruited 269 parents of children with
ASD via an existing university research program and control parents of typically developing
children who were students (or their contacts) at the university. Self-reported mental health
measures were obtained via questionnaire. [27] Other reported associations with parents of a
child with ASD were increased rates of schizophrenia, [42, 89, 91] psychosis [42] and depres
sion, [27, 64, 89] compared to the parents of typically developing children. Mothers of a child
with ASD were more likely to have had pregnancies complicated by depression [92, 93] than
mothers of typically developing children. Another research group explored mental health by
comparing the rates of mental disorders in parents of people with ASD to those in parents of
people with Down syndrome. [94] Parents of a child with ASD were more likely to have had
an anxiety disorder than the parents of children with Down syndrome.
Studies have most commonly investigated the mental health of mothers of children with
disabilities rather than the developmental outcomes in children born to mothers with mental
health diagnoses. In one case-control study, the latter approach was employed and linked data
from population-based registries was used to compare the likelihood of ASD with ID or ID in
the children of more than 3 000 mothers with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or unipolar major
depression to the likelihood of these disorders in control mothers. Of these, around 1 300
mothers had bipolar disorder and these were assessed as nearly ten times more likely to have
a child with ASD with ID than mothers without these disorders. [95] However, there were only
four children with a mother with pre-existing bipolar disorder so these large odds are
associated with particularly wide confidence intervals and only just reached significance.
The same study found that children of mothers with either schizophrenia, unipolar major
depression or bipolar disorder or a combination of these disorders were about three times as
likely to have a child with ID as mothers without these disorders. [95] Furthermore, mothers
with ID themselves were more likely to have a child with ID compared to mothers with no
history of psychiatric disorder or ID. [95]
5.2. Personality traits
Personality traits have been more often identified in the parents of children with ASD. For
instance, parents of children with ASD were more likely to manifest a range of subtle autisticlike characteristics than parents of typically developing children. These characteristics have
been grouped together as the Broad Autism Phenotype and include social cognition deficits,
such as reasoning about the emotions of others, [96] autistic-like traits, [97] and impaired
aspects of executive function. [98, 99]
A questionnaire entitled the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) [100] was designed to assess the
Broad Autism Phenotype in the five domains of social skills, communication, attention to
detail, attention switching and imagination. [101] Researchers from the UK conducted a casecontrol study comprising parents of children with and without ASD from more than 1 500
families. Parents of children with ASD were more likely to exhibit autistic-like traits in all
domains except that of attention to detail [102] than parents of typically developing children.
Furthermore, these researchers and others found that a Broad Autism Phenotype occurred
more commonly in parents of children with simplex ASD [97, 102] (where only one family
member has ASD) and multiplex ASD [100, 103] (where more than one family member has
ASD) than in parents of typically developing children. A dose-response effect was also
described with parents in multiplex ASD families expressing a Broad Autism Phenotype
significantly more often than parents in simplex ASD families. [32]
Some factors associated with maternal mental health may have a deleterious effect on the fetus
and increase the likelihood of a child developing ASD or ID. For example, mothers with
schizophrenia may remain on antipsychotic drugs during their pregnancies and these drugs,
perhaps along with lower levels of maternal self-care (such as diet and medical care) and
genetic factors related to the disease may adversely affect the development in the fetus. The
milder autistic features in the parents of children with ASD might also be attributable to genetic
factors associated with ASD. [33] In their affected children, these factors, along with additional
genetic factors from the other parent, may sometimes produce the clinical phenotype of ASD.
5.3. Physical characteristics
Here are a group of diverse findings pertaining to the physical attributes of the mothers of
interest. One study identified that mothers of children with ASD were significantly taller,
particularly those of children with ASD without ID compared to the mothers of typically
developing children. [17] This study population comprised more than 300 000 mothers and
the mean heights of mothers of children with ASD with ID and mothers of children with ASD
without ID were 164.3 and 164.9 cm. These means were significantly higher than the mean of
the mothers of typically developing children (163.4cm). Another study found that mothers of
children with ASD were both taller and heavier than mothers of typically developing children.
[93] Similarly, a Canadian population study found that among non-smoking women, taller
and heavier women were more likely to have a child with ASD compared to the mothers of
typically developing children. [29]
Compared to the mothers of children with ASD, differing associations between maternal
height and the mothers of children with ID were identified. Using population data, researchers
identified that shorter women and those of medium height were more likely to have a child
with mild or moderate ID than other mothers. [20] Further, the shortest group of women were
more likely to have a child with severe or profound ID than other women. [20] Others found
that mothers of children with mild or moderate ID, with a mean height of 162.1 cm were
significantly shorter then than the mothers of typically developing children whose mean was
164.3 cm. However, the mothers of children with severe or profound ID were not significantly
shorter than the mothers of typically developing children. [17] However, associations have
also been described between SES and height, [104] and so the observed height differences
between the mothers of children with ASD and ID may be a reflection of the different mean
SES of these groups.
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
the presence of all of the characteristic physical features required for FAS. [110] Studies from
Sweden and the US attributed between 2-10% of mild or moderate ID to FAS or FASD. [111,
112] While the US study considered that a further 3% of severe or profound ID was caused by
FAS or FASD. [112]
In a Western Australian record linkage study heavy prenatal alcohol exposure was found to
be an important cause, accounting for 2.5% of non-genetic intellectual disability. [85] Underascertainment, particularly of FASD, may result from non-disclosure of alcohol consumption
during pregnancy due to the associated stigma. [113] In addition, perhaps due to inadequate
training, [114] clinicians may lack awareness and confidence in making this diagnosis. [113]
Also, clinicians may be concerned at the psychological effect on the mother of a FASD diagnosis
and may not pursue this in situations where it is not conclusive or they feel it would not be
beneficial to the mother or child.
Large cohort studies and linked data have provided researchers with the opportunity to
study whole populations of mothers and their children with and without ASD and/or ID.
Data can also be adjusted for a range of possible confounders such as SES and age. This
enables the identification of new risk factors for ASD and/or ID and the elimination of
others. For example, the association of smoking during pregnancy with ASD and/or ID in
the offspring has weakened in the most recent studies using linked population data.
Persisting associations are an increased risk of Asperger syndrome or PDD-NOS in mothers
who smoked during pregnancy and an increased risk of ID in the male children of mothers
who smoked heavily during pregnancy. Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy
remains a risk factor for ID.
The remaining associations of maternal smoking with ASD and ID in the offspring could result
from the effect of this exposure on overall fetal development and particularly growth restric
tion, [115, 116] preterm birth [115] and low birth-weight [117] Moreover, sub-optimal fetal
growth has been associated with mild or moderate ID in Caucasian children. [118] The
association of maternal alcohol consumption with ID might be due the multiple effects of
alcohol on the fetus and placenta. [119] For example, alcohol can induce oxidative stress in
placental villous tissue. Other demonstrated effects are an increase in neural tube defects and
increased heart rate and cortisol levels in the exposed infant.
5.5. Physical health
The research literature has provided evidence that maternal physical health, both prior to and
during pregnancy is related to the likelihood of a mother having a child with ASD and/or ID.
Various pre-existing conditions in the mother and related or unrelated complications of her
pregnancy increase the likelihood of a mother having a child with ASD and/or ID compared
to mothers who do not have the condition.
Pre-pregnancy obesity is an example of a condition which increases the likelihood of a
woman having a child with ASD and/or ID. Obese women were more likely to have a
child with ASD, [24, 54, 120] or ID [24, 46] than women who were not obese. One of these
studies was a Finnish study which used linked data from the birth cohorts of 1966 and
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
1985-6 and included around 250 mothers of children with ID in each of the cohorts. [46]
In both cohorts, mothers with obesity prior to their pregnancies were more likely to have
a child with ID than women without pre-pregnancy obesity. However, the association of
ID with pre-pregnancy obesity was an increasing risk reflected in the greater odds in the
latter cohort(2.4) compared with the original cohort(1.8). [46] Another of the research
groups reported that women with an early age of menarche were more likely to have a
child with ASD than other women. [120] Early menarche, along with pre-pregnancy
obesity, could indicate the possibility of maternal hormonal involvement in the risk of ASD
and ID. [120] Then again, the relationship with ID may be resulting from confounding by
the association between socioeconomic disadvantage and obesity in highly developed
countries. [121] In the light of the increasing prevalence of obesity in these countries, these
associations with ASD and ID are an important future research direction. [122]
Women with an auto-immune disorder or anomalies of the immune system were more likely
to have a child with ASD and/or ID than women who did not. [25, 26, 123] Furthermore, the
majority of associations in this area were with ASD rather than ID. For example, in a casecontrol study using linked data with more than 1 200 cases, mothers with an auto-immune
disorder were 60% more likely to have a child with ASD than mothers without an auto-immune
disorder. [26] These findings were supported by a small case-control study of 61 mothers of
children with ASD. [123] Other studies have found that women with a particular auto-immune
disease were more likely to have a child with ASD than women who did not have the disease.
For instance, a case-control study with 407 cases found that women with psoriasis were more
likely to have a child with ASD than mothers without this disorder. [124] Another research
group used linked population data with more than 3 000 mothers of a child with ASD and
nearly 700 000 control mothers. They reported that women with rheumatoid arthritis or celiac
disease were more likely to have a child with ASD than mothers who did not have one of these
disorders. [125]
One study found that women with pre-existing diabetes were more likely to have a child
with ASD than women without pre-existing diabetes [29] However, a study used linked
data from the national birth and inpatient registries and reported that women with preexisting diabetes were no more likely to have a child with ASD than other mothers. [30]
In relation to ID, a group of US researchers investigated a possible association with diabetes
by comparing more than 160 000 mother-child dyads. The researchers identified that
mothers with pre-existing diabetes were more than 10% more likely to have a child with
ID. [126] Diabetes during pregnancy was also associated with both ASD and ID. For
instance, two studies found that mothers with diabetes during pregnancy were more likely
to have a child with ASD [25] and ASD with ID [127] than mothers without the disor
der. The first of these was a Canadian population study which included nearly 800 cases
of ASD and more than 66 000 births. Mothers who developed gestational diabetes were
associated with a 76% increased risk of ASD compared to women who did not develop
the condition. [25] The second was an Australian population study which found that
mothers who had diabetes during pregnancy were nearly three times as likely to have a
child with ASD with ID than mothers without diabetes. [127] More attenuated results were
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
during pregnancy were 60% more likely to have a child with ASD than other mothers. In
contrast, a large cohort study of more than 650 000 nurses found that mothers with hyperten
sion during pregnancy were no more likely to have a child with ASD than mothers without
with hypertension during pregnancy. [25] Possibly, these nurses, with their increased medical
knowledge, sought treatment before their blood pressure reached a level which would have
been damaging to the unborn child.
Hypertension and oedema are two common symptoms of pre-eclampsia or toxaemia [132]
which is a condition occurring in about 8% of first pregnancies. [133] Women who experience
this condition, along with those who suffer oedema, were more likely to have a child with ASD
and/or ID. Three groups of researchers found that women with pre-eclampsia [25, 29, 134] and
those suffering oedema [92] during their pregnancies were more likely to have a child with
ASD than women without these conditions during their pregnancies. In contrast, a much
smaller case-control study, found that woman with pre-eclampsia had reduced (though not
significantly so) likelihood of a child with ASD. [60] Pre-eclampsia was also associated with
ID. [135] This association was found by researchers in a population-based, retrospective cohort
study in South Carolina. Here, women who suffered pre-eclampsia were nearly 60% more
likely to have a child with ID.
Associations of maternal epilepsy have been demonstrated with both ASD and ID. Women
who experienced epilepsy during pregnancy were more likely to have a child with ASD with
ID [127] or mild or moderate ID. [127] These Australian researchers conducted a retrospective
cohort study of nearly 3 000 mothers of children with ASD and/or ID of unknown cause and
around 237 000 mothers of typically developing children using linked population data from
medical registries. They established that mothers with epilepsy during pregnancy were more
than four and a half times as likely to have a child with ASD with ID [127] and more than three
and a half times as likely to have a child with mild or moderate ID compared to mothers
without epilepsy during their pregnancies. [127] A case-control study in US had only 61 control
mothers of a child with ASD. [123] Here, mothers who had experienced seizure prior to their
pregnancies were nearly six times as likely to have a child with ASD. However, possibly due
to the small size of the study, results did not reach significance.
In addition to epilepsy, mothers who experienced a range of other conditions during pregnancy
were found to be more likely to have a child with ASD than other mothers. Overall, health issues
during pregnancy were associated with a higher risk of ASD. Researchers reported that women
who had allergies, [124] asthma, [124] bleeding, [30] or high body temperature [93] during their
pregnancies were more likely to have a child with ASD than women who had not experienced
these conditions during their pregnancies. Asthma during pregnancy was also associated with
ID, with pregnant women with asthma being more likely to have a child with mild or moderate
ID than mothers without this condition during pregnancy. [127]
Other conditions during pregnancy have been associated with ID. For instance, an Australian
population study found that women who had renal or urinary conditions during pregnancy were
more than twice as likely to have a child with mild or moderate ID as women without these
conditions during pregnancy. [127] Furthermore, women who suffered anaemia during their
pregnancies were more than five times as likely to have a child with severe or profound ID than
women without anaemia during pregnancy. [127] Two research groups ascertained that
infections during pregnancy were associated with ASD. They found that women whose pregnan
cies were complicated by urinary tract infection, [93] or any bacterial or viral infection [93, 136]
were more likely to have a child with ASD than mothers who did not experience an infection.
Infections during pregnancy were also associated with ID. For example, one study reported
that mothers who suffered trichomoniasis during pregnancy were more likely to have a child
with ID than mothers without this condition during pregnancy. [137] A cohort study used
Medicaid claims and linked infant records to investigate the association of treated and
untreated urinary tract infections during pregnancy with later ID in the child. [138] The
researchers reported that pregnant women with untreated urinary tract infections were 30%
more likely to have a child with ID than pregnant women without these infections. Moreover,
mothers with untreated urinary tract infections were 22% more likely to have a child with ID
than mothers with antibiotic treated urinary tract infections. [138]
There is always a risk that the use of certain medications during pregnancy may have adverse
effects on a developing fetus. This use is likely to be related to a womans health and the
decision to use a particular medication at this time must be difficult. Sometimes, medications
initially considered safe have been later implicated to adversely affect the future health of the
unborn child. For instance, six studies found that the children of mothers who used antidepressants, [64, 139] anti-convulsants, [140] psycho-active drugs, [64] prescribed medications
[54, 93] and medications generally [141] had a higher risk of a child with ASD. One of these
was a population-based case-control study in Stockholm. [64] Using registry data, the re
searchers assessed that mothers who took psycho-active drugs or anti-depressants during their
pregnancies were more than four times as likely to have a child with ASD.
It is also possible that the increased use of prescribed medications in mothers of children with
ASD may have resulted from a bias in data collection. In one of the studies which found an
increased use of prescribed medications, case mothers were recruited via their response to an
advertisement in a support agency newsletter or via their membership of a support agency.
[93] Each of these methods might have resulted in a bias in the direction of a high SES. This,
in turn, may have produced an increased use of prescribed medications in the case mothers.
On the other hand, the study which found an increased use of medications generally was a
population study using medical registries. [141] The reported associations are likely to be
mediated by a complex interaction of factors. For instance, in addition to possible SES bias,
there could be a genetic association such as the familial link of depressive disorders or epilepsy
with ASD. Another possibility is an environmental effect which results from the physiological
impact of maternal medication use on the uterine environment.
5.6. Summary
Before the birth of their affected children, certain socio-demographic, health and physical
attributes differentiate mothers of children with ASD and/or ID from those of mothers in the
general population. Further, these attributes often vary by the disability group of their child.
In Tables 2 to 4, these differences are grouped into categories according to their associations
with groups of mothers. An examination of Table 2 shows that with socio-demographic factors,
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
the relationships with ASD and ID are most often reversed. High SES was most often associated
with the ASD groups of mothers and low SES, most often associated with ID.
Different associations of marital status were found with each of ASD and ID. With ASD, the
only two studies found in the area had opposing results. With all but one study, single mothers
were at increased risk of unspecified ID and mild or moderate ID, compared to women who
were living with a partner.
In the majority of the studies, increased maternal age, along with increased paternal and
parental age, were associated with ASD and ASD without ID. With ID, two associations
emerged. Younger mothers had an increased risk of bearing a child with mild or moderate ID.
But severe or profound ID was associated with increased maternal age.
Lower parity had a consistent positive association with ASD in most studies. With mild or
moderate ID and unspecified ID, the relationship was reversed and the association was with
greater parity. However, with severe or profound ID, there was no association.
In Table 3, the associations with immigrant status and ethnicity are summarized. Most often,
immigrant mothers are more likely to have a child with ASD or ASD with ID than nonimmigrant mothers. On the other hand, ASD without ID was associated with non-immigrants,
excepting those immigrants from nearby countries. The Mexican/Hispanic immigrant mothers
in the US were a separate group since these mothers were less likely to have a child with ASD
than Mexican/Hispanic non-immigrant mothers.
With ethnicity, the associations differed from those with immigrant status, in spite of the overlap
between the groups. Except for Asian and black mothers, mothers from ethnic minority groups
were at a lower risk of children with ASD compared to Caucasian mothers. With the exception of
Asian mothers, the relationship with ID was reversed since mothers from ethnic minority groups,
and particularly Aboriginal mothers, were at an increased risk of a child with ID.
Table 4 shows the many associations of health and behavioural traits with ASD and highlights
the quite small proportion common to both ASD and ID. With mental health, ten research
groups reported associations with ASD. Contrastingly, only one study found an association
with the mothers of children with ID. Autistic-like traits were associated only with the parents
of children with ASD.
As with other socio-demographic factors, ASD and ID had an overall reverse association with
height. Taller and heavier women were more likely to have offspring with ASD and shorter
women to have offspring with ID. The associations with maternal smoking during pregnancy
were minimal. Excessive alcohol consumption during pregnancy was only associated with
offspring with ID. Obesity though was associated with both ASD and ID.
Both ASD and ID had associations with immune function, though the association with ASD
was broader. Both pre-existing diabetes and diabetes during pregnancy were associated with
ASD and/or ID. Further, abnormal levels of cytokines during pregnancy were also associated
with each of ASD and ID. Other associations were with only ASD and were auto-immune
disorder generally, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease and maternal fetal brain
Seven studies associated hypertension, oedema and pre-eclampsia with ASD whereas only
one study associated pre-eclampsia with ID. Epilepsy and asthma had associations with both
of ASD and ID but no other associations during pregnancy were common to both disorders.
Medication use during pregnancy was only found to be associated with ASD.
ASD without
Undifferentiated ASD
Unspecified ID
Severe ID
+veassoc [17,39-41,47]
-veassoc [20,21]
No assoc[42]
Education as a
Mild ID
In Denmark &
ASD with
+veassoc [47]
+veassoc [21,41,50]
measure of SES
-veassoc (DD)[24]
Marital status
+veassoc [17]
at childs birth
-veassoc [54]
-veassoc [20]
-veassoc (early
(Women with
cognitive delay )
Age Maternal
Paternal &
No assoc [46]
+veassoc [17,56,58,61]
Only paternal
+veassoc [65]
Maternal &
+veassoc [58,62-65]
No assoc [42,43,66]
Sweden & UK)
Lower parity
+veassoc [29,41,73]
-veassoc [25]
-veassoc [21,46]
No assoc
No assoc [42]
Age & lower
+veassoc [58]
ASD, autism spectrum disorder; ID, intellectual disability; Mild ID, Mild or moderate ID; Severe ID, Severe or profound ID;
SES, socio-economic status; +ve, positive; -ve, negative; assoc, association.
Table 2. Associations of socio-demographic factors in the mothers of children with ASD and/or ID
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
ASD without ID
Undifferentiated ASD
ASD with ID
Mild ID
+veassoc [17,22]
Severe ID
(Immigrant vs
-veassoc (except
+veassoc in
other North
-veassoc immigrant
Hispanic vs non-immigrant
Hispanics [78]
immigrants in
California [52]
-veassoc for
[17,57]+veassoc in East
Asians in Aus&
US [17,20]
-veassoc in Hispanics
+veassoc in
+veassoc in
Caucasian vs
-veassoc in Aboriginals
No assoc in Hispanics
-veassoc in
Asians [21]
ASD, autism spectrum disorder; ID, intellectual disability; Mild ID, Mild or moderate ID; Severe ID, Severe or profound ID;
+ve, positive; -ve, negative;assoc, association; SE, south eastern; NE, north eastern; Aus, Australia; NHW, non-Hispanic
Table 3. Associations of immigrant status and ethnicity in the mothers of children with ASD and/or ID
Undifferentiated ASD
Schizophrenia [42,89,91]
Schizophrenia [95] or
Depression [27,64,89]
[Asperger syndrome]
[ASD with ID]
Mental health
ID in mother [95]
[17 [17]Taller[ASD
syndrome] [76]
Physical health
Obesity [24,54,120]
Obesity [24,46]
Early menarche[120]
Diabetes during
ID] [127]
Any auto-immune disorder, [256,26,123]
psoriasis,[124] & rheumatoid arthritis[125]
celiac disease, [125] &fetal brain antibodies
ASD, autism spectrum disorder; ID, intellectual disability; Mild ID, mild or moderate ID; Severe ID, severe or profound ID;
UTI, urinary tract infection,
Table 4. Associations of mental health, personality traits, physical characteristics, health behaviours and physical
health in the mothers of children with ASD and/or ID
Pre-Existing Differences in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Review
with ID]
Hypertension[24,30,54] Oedema[92]
Other areas
Epilepsy[ASD with ID)
Epilepsy(Mild ID)[127]
Allergies,[124] bleeding,[30] & high
[127]Trichomoniasis[137] &
untreated UTI[138]
Asthma [124]
prescribed[54,93] & other
medications[141] Anticonvulsants[140] &
psycho-active drugs[64]
ASD, autism spectrum disorder; ID, intellectual disability; Mild ID, mild or moderate ID; Severe ID, severe or profound ID;
UTI, urinary tract infection.
Table 5. Associations of health during pregnancy in the mothers of children with ASD and/or ID
6. Conclusion
This chapter provides a review of the research pertaining to the pre-existing characteristics
of mothers of a child with ASD and/or ID. Some consistent and enduring associations have
emerged across the published reports. With socio-demographic factors, these are the con
trasting associations of maternal education, age, immigrant status and ethnicity with ASD
and ID. With maternal health; aspects of mental health, personality traits, immune function
and the use of medication during pregnancy have stronger associations with the mothers of
children with ASD than ID. Some of these differences may be reflections of distinct aetiolo
gies for ASD and/or ID of unknown cause and provide directions for future research. As
such, primary and secondary prevention strategies may be refined and/or developed which
will contribute to lower prevalence, reduced levels of severity and better outcomes for af
fected children.
Author details
Jenny Fairthorne*, Amanda Langridge, Jenny Bourke and Helen Leonard*
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
Centre for Child Health, University of Western Australia, Australia
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Chapter 20
1. Introduction
The teratogenic effect of alcohol was first observed by paediatrician Paul Lemoine in Nantes,
France in 1968, when he linked facial dysmorphic and growth features with maternal use of
alcohol (wine) in pregnancy. His initial series was 127 infants. Subsequently the syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome was defined in 2 classic papers in 1973 by David smith and Ken Jones
in Seattle. Their initial case series were 8 patients. The recognition that prenatal alcohol
exposure did not just cause dysmorphic facial features and growth delay was made by Sterling
Clarren in Seattle in 1978 with the introduction of the term Fetal Alcohol Effect ( FAE) to
describe children with alcohol exposure but no facial features. This descriptive clinical term
was changed to Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND) by the Institute of
Medicine in 1996.
2013 OMalley and Rich; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Clinical Implications of a Link between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism or Aspergers
teratogenic effects of alcohol. Thus, the clinical relevance of both ARBD and the facial features
in FAS is that of biomarkers for heavy binge exposure early in pregnancy and sometimes,
but not always, may predict a worse neurodevelopmental prognosis (Riley and McGee, 2005,
Coles et al 2011). Since both FAS and ARND have neurodevelopmental (CNS) involvement,
essentially ARND is FAS without the characteristic facial features. (Rich& OMalley 2012).
A. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), a specific dysmorphic phenotype, requires documentation of all of the
following clinical features.
may or may not have a clear history of documented maternal alcohol use in pregnancy;
dysmorphic facial features based on racial norms (including all of the following: small palpebral fissures at or
below 10th percentile, smooth philtrum, thin vermillion border) this requires a clinical dysmorphologist with
an understanding of FAS diagnosis;
growth problems: confirmed prenatal or postnatal height or weight, or both, at or below the 10th percentile,
documented at any one point in time (adjusted for age, sex, gestational age, and race or ethnicity).
Central Nervous System (CNS) abnormalities:
I. Structural:
A. Head circumference (OFC) at or below the 10th percentile adjusted for age and sex.
B. Clinically significant brain abnormalities observable through imaging.
II. Neurological problems not due to a postnatal insult or fever, or other soft neurological signs outside normal
III. Functional Performance substantially below that expected for an individuals age, schooling, or
circumstances, as evidenced by:
A. Global cognitive or intellectual deficits representing multiple domains of deficit (or significant
developmental delay in younger children) with performance below the 3rd percentile (2 standard deviations
below the mean for standardized testing) or
B. Functional deficits below the 16th percentile (1 standard deviation below the mean for standardized testing)
in at least three of the following domains:
1. cognitive or developmental deficits or discrepancies
2. executive functioning deficits
3. motor functioning delays
4. problems with attention or hyperactivity
5. social skills
6. other clinically relevant neurodevelopmental issues (i.e., sensory problems, pragmatic language
problems, memory deficits, etc.)
B. Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND) is a non-dysmorphic condition with the following
must have a documented history of maternal alcohol use during pregnancy;
Among both phenotypes, FAS is the less common condition, accounting for only 20-25% of
the affected infants and children exposed to all levels of alcohol exposure. By comparison, nondysmorphic ARND is the more common clinical presentation of affected infants and children,
accounting for 75 to 80% of affected infants exposed to all levels of alcohol in pregnancy. While
maternal alcohol use is the leading known preventable cause of mental retardation and birth
defects, only 20-25% of patients with either dysmorphic FAS or nondysmorphic ARND have
a total IQ below 70. In other words, 75 to 80% of patients with FASD are estimated to have a
developmental disability or other CNS impairment (acquired brain injury) but are not mentally
retarded (Streissguth et al., 1996; Mukarjee et al., 2006). Hence FASD (FAS and ARND) are
NOT mental retardation conditions, but are complex neurodevelopmental disorders with
Clinical Implications of a Link between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism or Aspergers
initial developmental, cognitive, and neurobehavioral outcomes, and higher lifetime risk of
psychiatric co-morbidities and substance use disorders.
The dysmorphic facial appearance of an individual is much less an impact than the complex
behaviors, psychopathology and developmental disability caused by alcohols neurotoxicity.
Thus, an individuals level of functioning is affected more by behavioral functioning, intellect,
cognitive and communication abilities, executive functioning, temperament, social related
ness, emotional regulation, and performance than what his or her face looks like. FAS, the
dysmorphic presentation of ARND, is in fact a protective factor for what Ann Streissguth called
secondary disabilities of FASD ( Streissguth et al 1996).
Neuroimaging studies suggest that alcohol exposure may be specific rather than global in its
teratogenicity, including specific vulnerability in the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and corpus
callosum. As well, studies have shown deficits in cognitive functions such as learning and
memory, visual-spatial functioning, executive functioning, attention, sequencing, processing
and motor control. (Mattson et al 2011) These functional birth defects are evidenced by
impairment in the brain and central nervous system. Riley and colleagues have shown that
functional birth defects are present in children with moderate to heavy prenatal alcohol
exposure, even in absence of characteristic (dysmorphic) facial features (Bookstein et al 2001,
Riley and McGee, 2005, Coles et al 2011).
It is a critical issue in clinical diagnosis of FASD to understand that the severity of the acquired
brain injury is not always correlated with the presence of facial dysmorphology (and FAS facial
features commonly change significantly in adolescence and adulthood). Therefore facial
features are minimally useful to assess and treat neurocognitive and neurobehavioral deficits
associated with prenatal alcohol exposure. (Streissguth, et al., 1991; Steinhausen, et al., 1993,
Nowick Brown et al 2011, Kodituwakku et al 2011, OMalley 2011, Rich & OMalley 2012).
The first 30 to 40 years of research in FASD has been driven by animal teratology and the
pursuit of minute changes in facial dysmorphology as biological markers for the level of
prenatal alcohol exposure. Nevertheless, it is becoming quite clear that it is the central nervous
system brain dysfunction that is the kernel of the problem and the guide to diagnostic
understanding and management. It is not the face that tells the clinician about the underlying
brain dysfunction but the complex mixture of developmental disability and psychiatric
disorder. FASD, whether dysmorphic FAS or non dysmorphic ARND are developmental
psychiatric disorders which, as Susan Rich and Kieran OMalley describe in their 2012 paper.
These conditions can present a neurodevelopmental mixture of mood dysregulation and
autonomic arousal with language and social skills deficits, cognitive and executive decision
making dysfunctions and multisensory functional and perceptual deficits
2.1. The link between FASD and autism or Aspergers disorder
As far back as 1990, child neuropsychologist Jo Nanson in Saskatoon, Canada, described 6
cases of FAS with autism. As well, the interest in prenatal risk factors contributing to autism
has been pursued by a number of authors and this potential aetiological link was published
in 1991 by International autism researcher Cathy Lord and colleagues. More recently, since
2009-2010, adult psychiatrist in London, Raja Mukarjee, has painstakingly clinically analysed
the clinical presentation of Autistic Spectrum Disorder in patients with FASD.
In the international paediatric and child psychiatric field the last 5 years have brought a wealth
of clinical case descriptions and case studies indicating the presence of ADHD co-morbidly
with PDD or Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Clinicians and researchers such as Professor Jeremy
Turk in the UK have commented on as much as a 25-30% co-morbid link between ADHD and
PDD/ASD. Furthermore the complexity of diagnostic issues within FASD have been recently
illustrated in a 2011 on line book chapter by Natalie Novick Brown, Kieran OMalley and Ann
Streissguth in which the developmental psychiatric presentations of FASD were shown to
include sometimes unrecognized Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Aspergers Disorder.
2.2. Aetiological theories postulated for this link
It is important to place the possible link between prenatal alcohol exposure and Autism
spectrum disorder or Aspergers Disorder in a historical context. Environmental agents,
diseases and postnatal interventions have had, it is fair to say, a rather mixed and controversial
past, as recently pointed out by Cathy Lord, So Hyun K im and Adriana Dimartino in 2011.
Although as far back as 1971 American child psychiatrist Stella Chesss case review of rubella
and thalidomide cases implicated these prenatal infectious and medication exposures as
aetiological, the series were small. European researchers Gilberg and Gilberg in 1983 have
more rigorously identified a cluster of adverse prenatal complications which may contribute
to a clinical presentation of Autism Spectrum disorder in early childhood.
However the most studied, but as well the most problematic, was the potential association
between MMR vaccine and Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is not the remit of the chapter to
completely review this, ultimately, false trail. Nevertheless it offers a salutary lesson in the
emotional reactions that possible environmental agents or interventions can elicit to the public
at large, but also the medical profession.
Alcohol has been in society for ever and the acknowledgement of prenatal alcohol and its
tertatogenic effect is still relatively a new phenomenon. So it is prudent to not scaremonger,
but scientifically and clinically carefully piece out the veracity of this possible link.
The science of alcohol teratology continues to advance in leaps and bounds and one of the core
findings has been the effect of prenatal alcohol on the dynamic balance of the developing
neurotransmitters. In parallel with the more focused autism research on the role of serotoni
nergic neurotransmitters has been the identified effect of alcohol on the embryological
serotoninergic neurotransmitter system. This research branches into the study of the serotonin
transporter gene, by groups such as Bonnin et al in 2011, but again parallel work on epigenetics
in alcohol has begun to unravel probable trans-generational shifts in genetic transcription
through effects on DNA methylation (Haycock 2009).
Another strand of research in alcohol teratogenesis has been identifying brain areas a more
sensitive to alcohol damage. Areas such as the corpus callosum, hippocampus, prefrontal
cortex, temporal lobe collectively and individually contribute to a clinical presentation of social
Clinical Implications of a Link between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism or Aspergers
The psychological deficit in the child must be present before the onset of the disorder and
so very early in development.
Be specific to autism
2.4. Clinical presentations of Aspergers disorder or autism spectrum disorder with FASD
This is the arena where the divergence between the classic presentations of Autism Spectrum
Disorder and Aspergers Disorder are seen, and offer a way to untangle the different aetiolog
ical routes to these syndromes.
FASD begin at birth and can be seen in infancy. The Mental Health Classification system, Zero
to three (DC 0-3R, 2005) has a diagnostic category of Regulatory Disorders which aptly
describes the immediate clinical presentations of Dysmorphic FAS or non dysmorphic ARND.
It is the category of Regulatory Disorder, underresponsive type which is the harbinger of
autism Spectrum Disorder or Aspergers Disorder diagnoses in early child hood.So the classic
time presentation of Autism Spectrum Disorder or Aspergers Disorder is different in the FASD
The stereotypic movements, flapping, posturing are less commonly part of the FASD presen
tation. However they present more commonly a Developmental Co-ordination Disorder which
is diagnosed often Dyspraxia in countries such as Ireland.
The essence of the overlapping clinical presentations comes in the expressive and receptive
language area. The qualitative impairments in social awareness, social cognition, social
communication are not uncommonly very hard to differentiate whether using clinical
assessment by an experienced child psychiatrist or psychologist or using standardized
instruments such as ADOS among others. In many countries the ambivalence to accept the
true prevalence of FASD( ! in 100 live births) leads school systems and physicians to hide
many FASD patients under a Autism Spectrum Disorder or Aspergers Disorder diagnosis
because of the expediency of receiving school learning disability services. This is slowly
changing, pioneered in countries such as Canada and the USA. Now the UK are acknowledg
ing that FASD are the current biggest challenge for teaching as these pupils display complex
learning disabilities with co morbid psychiatric disorders for which there is no regular
curriculum ( Professor Barry Carpenter UK, 2012).
This chapter will include psychiatric clinical analysis of patients with FASD who present
autism spectrum Disorder or Aspergers Disorder features. with formal cognitive testing done
and not uncommonly differing autism assessments which have proved equivocal. The comorbid ADHD is a more frequent issue in the FASD population and this has critical importance
in both understanding and management. For example a successful medication treatment of
pervasive distractibility visual and auditory can have a positive effect on the childs social
functioning as he/she can now attend sufficiently to read faces and verbal and non verbal cues.
Medication is a change in the FASD patients who present with Autism spectrum disorder or
Aspergers Disorder features. The more commonly accepted efficacy of SSRI does not neces
sarily hold true for FASD children or adolescents with and can lead to unmasking a bipolar
diathesis, or in older patients contributing to Extra pyramidal symptoms.. This is especially a
problem in Ireland which has a high prevalence of Affective Disorder which is quite common
in the mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy and so this genetic vulnerability can be
brought forth by too aggressive use of SSRI for that autism or Aspergers Disorder. As well the
psychostimulants can lead to an over focus in the FASD/ ASD group with increased persev
eration which can become a source of severe rage if challenged. As well the psychostimulants
are more likely to run the risk of bringing a schizoid change in the patient. Atypical agents
such as risperidone with its differential effect on 5HT receptor can also prove problematic in
management of Autism or Aspergers with a prenatal alcohol exposure history. In this case the
longer and prolonged use of the medicine can make the clinical situation worse by unmasking
an affective instability. (Rich & OMalley 2012)
Seizure disorders can be related to prenatal alcohol exposure and the effect of alcohol on the
GABA ergic system is one hypothesis. (Daniel Bonthius et al 1992, OMalley and Barr
1998).unexplained explosive episodes, rage attacks in FASD patients with autism Spectrum
disorder or Aspergers Disorder may have origins in seizure disorders which are not related
to the lower level of cognitive functioning or IQ as is the accepted rule.
Clinical Implications of a Link between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism or Aspergers
Little comment is made on the family stress in this complex mix population but a family centred
therapeutic approach is the kernel of management and Identity issues have a completely
different resonance in an adolescent who is bright, has ARND, Aspergers disorder and is trying
to cope with the early loss of a birth mother to cirrhosis of the liver at 36 when her/she is aware
that the ARND has its roots in the birth mothers drinking during pregnancy. In Ireland the 3/
4 generations of families with FASD creates a transgenerational challenge to unraveling
disorganized parenting from disconnected parenting due to fundamental social communica
tion disorders. (Cummings et al 2000)
Recent international guidelines have included FASD among the environmentally-induced
neurodevelopmental disorders. (Sage Handbook of Developmental Disorders, 2011) Such a
neurodevelopmental diagnostic framework for children and adolescents with FASD improves
outcome and prognosis in many cases, notably for those with persistent aggressive and
antisocial behaviors. Neither the dysmorphic, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) nor the nondysmorphic,Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND) condition is currently
diagnosable as an Axis I disorder.
Therefore Susan Rich and Kieran OMalley, 2012, have recently proposed an alternative
psychiatric formulation based on a neurodevelopmental model. This was suggested in order
to improve clinical understanding and treatment of these complex developmental psychiatric
patients. Such a paradigm shift would better identify the large numbers of children who fall
through the cracks in diagnostic coding, becoming stuck in a revolving door through psychi
atric hospitals and institutions. (Brown et al 2011).
These complex cognitive and psychiatric deficits often predispose affected individuals to a
high degree of sensitivity to medications, increased risk of overmedication, treatment with
medication combinations, susceptibility to changes in dosing regimens, and paradoxical
responses to certain drugs.
Increasing clinical experience in using a neurodevelopmental formulation (compared to the
traditional multi-axial system) to guide the measured, educated use of psychotropics for
treatment of FASD can facilitate dramatic improvements in functioning of this challenging
Early and/or multidisciplinary intervention and treatment can prevent or minimize disruptive
and risky behaviors, reduce academic failure, improve placement outcomes and reduce
chronic involvement in the legal and probation system. ( OMalley 2011b, Rich & OMalley
exist in a range of severity, all cases of individuals with FAS have some degree of ARND. The
following neurodevelopmental domains have been found to be disrupted in clinical psychi
atric cases of both FAS and ARND (Figure 1). As indicated in the diagram, prenatal alcohol
exposure can lead to mood dysregulation and autonomic arousal, cognitive and executive
dysfunctions, language and social skills deficits, and multi-sensory functional and perceptual
deficits. Some individuals can have one or more domains of impairment, as indicated by the
overlapping areas in the Venn diagram. (Rich et al 2009, Solomon et al 2009, Rich & OMalley
Clinical Implications of a Link between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism or Aspergers
Self care is another area of concern. able to care for oneself (e.g., hygiene, meal preparation,
scheduling appointments), manage a household (take on responsibilities for chores, balance a
checkbook, etc.) and perform other activities of daily living may be limited depending on the
extent of a persons ARND.
Time, homework and money management difficulties lead to multitudes of practical daily
living problems. Children with ARND are seen as willful, lazy and showing clear oppositional
defiant features. The level of IQ does not offer a guide to these cognitive issues and often can
suggest a greater capability than is possible. Children with ARND not uncommonly present
a mixture of autistic features with ADHD and so are doubly challenged. Medication can have
a vital role in this group as they are misunderstood as having faulty theory of mind deficits,
whereas their distractibility and lack of focus makes them unable to fully participate in social
It is more common sense in the later grades/years in school to guide the student towards a
vocational training certificate rather than a diploma/ A level, Leaving Certificate track and to
master the basic life skills to be productive, employed in a semi-skilled trade (e.g., construction
worker, brick mason, landscape worker, plumbers assistant, etc.). However, for many
individuals with a higher degree of functioning and with appropriate academic/examination
support it may not be unreasonable to expect completion of secondary/ high school and even
the entering of a two or four year college or university programme. This is especially true for
FAS or ARND patients with an autistic profile and average or above average intellectual
On the other hand, more cognitively impaired patients with FAS or ARND may have frequent
rudimentary behaviors (skin picking, pica, compulsive self harm or inappropriate/selfstimulating sexual behaviors). These can be a primitive expression of emotional distress, not
unlike non verbal autistic children. The central alexithymia, (inability to understand others
feelings or have words for ones own feelings) irrespective of IQ level is a fundamental clinical
construct in FASD.(Greene et al 1991)
3.2. Language and social skills deficits
The traditional view of language deficits come from the wealth of studies in expressive/
articulation problems and the more complicated so called receptive language problems where
the person has fundamental problems in the processing of language. this latter deficits was
described by wernicke as long ago as 1874 in his classic treatise on sensory aphasia. It is in this
area that patients withFASD truly show their autistic type clinical features. misuse of language
integral to social cognition and communication are quite common problems in adolescents or
young adults with ARND. It is important to understand that prenatal alcohol-induced organic
brain damage underpins the language deficits. At times, these patients are misdiagnosed with
Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Aspergers Disorder. The term social language disorder better
fits this population. This does not preclude the fact that medication may engender a positive
effect on language functioning, and specifically social communication. Individuals with
ARND suffer from indiscriminate or immature behaviors (e.g., telling inappropriate jokes in
the classroom or workplace, blurting out what they think of a person even if it is quite
Clinical Implications of a Link between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism or Aspergers
insulting /silly or negative). These behavior problems range from silly or irritating socially
inappropriate behaviors to overtly aggressive and sometimes risky behaviors. Severe social
functioning problems may result in lack of long term friendships, being labeled by peers as
weird or odd, and/or appearing withdrawn, socially-isolated, and avoidant. At times,
ARND may lead to socially indiscriminate behaviors (i.e., individuals engaging in early or
promiscuous sexual activity, gang membership, and peer pressure).
The clinical understanding of the effect of pseudo word decoding and alexithymia in man
agement and understanding is critical to the psychiatrist, psychologist and educator. These
children and adolescents can be seen in an autistic or defiant light but have specific decoding
struggles which effect their receptive).
Case Examples: Two female adolescents with ARND were diagnosed with Autism and
Atypical Autism respectively after fulfilling the ADOS criteria. However both had clear
documented history of prenatal alcohol exposure. One normal I.Q. I4 year old girl with
Atypical Autism had a clinical presentation of ASD and ADD and deteriorated with psychos
timulant medication which markedly increased her perseveration. She responded to low dose
liquid fluoxetine, and as her attention problems, especially visual, ameliorated, so her autistic
features deceased. The other girl 15 years old, with moderate intellectual functioning, had very
debilitating social anxiety triggered by oversensitivity to facial cues. She eventually settled for
a while with a GABA ergic agent.( Lyrica, pregabulin), but now needs a specialized therapeutic
community placement. She had a history of many unexplained physical problems which were
Alcohol Related Birth Defects.
3.3. Multi-sensory functional and perceptual deficits
Sensory integration issues, including hypo or hypersensitivities to noise, touch, proprioceptive
stimuli, smells, tastes, and light may all be seen in children prenatally exposed to alcohol. This
may lead to infants and toddlers seeming to be easily agitated, over-stimulated, and overaroused. Adolescents and adults may cope by avoiding or over-reacting in situations or
environments which provoke their sensitivities. Adolescents or adults who misread or
misunderstand social cues may result in paranoid behaviors, such as over-reactions to the tone
of someones voice or an otherwise harmless look in their direction.
Prenatal alcohol exposure can have very disabling outcomes for alcohol-exposed children and
their families due to the interaction between psychosocial risk factors (Mukarjee et al, 2006),
cognitive deficits, and neuropsychiatric sequelae ( OMalley 2011b). In addition to a higher
prevalence of chronic exposure to domestic violence, neglect, child abuse, adjudicated youth
have higher rates of psychiatric illness, learning disabilities, and academic failure.
The sensory functional and perceptual deficits are commonly hidden and included in a
generic autistic diagnosis frame. However they are fundamental to understanding the
acquired brain damage caused by alcohol, which pervades brain structures, neurotransmitters
and electrophysiology (Hagerman 1999, OMalley 2008, OMalley & Mukarjee 2010).
Case example: A 21 year old previously adopted male Caucasian patient presented with a long
history of autism and psychotic features. He had been hospitalized a number of times and had
need restraint because of his reactivity to the environment. He had not responded to high doses
of SSRIs (which produced increased suicidality thoughts), and atypical, especially risperidone
which made him more affectively unmanageable. When he was assessed in the community
his clear history of sensory reactivity to tactile, olfactory, gustatory, visual and auditory stimuli
was unraveled as was his history of significant prenatal alcohol exposure. Which had been
ignored in previous assessments. A combined multi-modal approach addressing his sensory
reactivity combined with low dose buspirione was much more effective and he did not need
psychiatric hospitalization. As well he did not present any facial features as adult or as a young
child. He had been labeled as having unusual paranoid features but these were really his
correct sensitivity to what he perceived as a hostile challenging environment. His adoptive
parents recounted many stories of his oversensitivity to noise, light,fabrics food when he was
growing op and just saw him as over fussy.
Clinical Implications of a Link between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism or Aspergers
Infants and toddlers with FASD can present with Regulatory Disorder Type I, II, or III (DC
Zero to 3, 2005). Autistic behaviors have been noted in both younger children as well as school
age children prenatally exposed to alcohol (Streissguth et al, 1996; Streissguth & OMalley,
2000, Mukarjee et al 2012).
You could build a case that nearly all disorders developing during childhood listed in the DSM
IV-TR may be induced by exposure to alcohol in utero. Co-morbidities of FASD include other
behavioral, mood, anxiety, and conduct problems. The link between ADHD and FASD is
finding more universal acceptance and the link between autism and Aspergers disorder and
FASD will not be far behind. (OMalley 2011a).The lifetime prevalence of mental health or
psychiatric disorders in individuals with FASD is as high as 90% (Streissguth et al 1996, HHS,
2000), highlighting the importance of correct diagnosis and clinical management. Accurate,
informed diagnosis is critical in psychiatry to avoid over-medication or inappropriate treat
ment, leading to worsening of symptoms and poor outcomes.
The current standard of care or treatment as usual for individuals with FASD is inadequate
due to lack of diagnostic clarity, lack of accepted psychiatric treatment protocols, and further
complicated by the presence of Alcohol Related Birth Defects (ARBD) which are multisystem
organ involvement (i.e., seizure disorders; renal, eye, cardiac, g.i. problems and skeletal).
Early accurate diagnosis and intervention may be effective in preventing the development of
secondary disabilities (i.e., academic or school failure, conduct disorders and antisocial
behaviours leading to legal problems, sexually inappropriate behaviours, lack of steady
employment and housing).
4.2. The utilization of a neurodevelopmental formulation
The utilization of a neurodevelopmental formulation can guide the development of effective
multiisystem and multimodal intervention strategies, including appropriate psychopharma
cologic management (OMalley 2008).
Thus, shifting diagnostic paradigms in children with prenatal alcohol exposure to the
dysmorphic (FAS) and non-dysmorphic (ARND) phenotypic expression of in utero
alcohol exposure would allow psychiatrists, pediatricians, and other medical professio
nals to have a richer, clearer and more holistic interpretation and understanding of the
wide range of neurocognitive, neurobehavioral, and neuropsychiatric disorders affecting
the individual rather than simply the degree of facial dysmorphology.
The interaction of the childhood experience on the expressed FASD phenotype cannot be
overlooked. Therefore, the neurodevelopmental biological vulnerability profile of FASD
during infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, and adolescence predisposes an individual to adverse
Deficits in emotional regulation and mood, implicit ability to comprehend the nuances of
social situations, auditory or visual information processing, functional working memory,
and/or other executive functions put individuals at risk for further psychopathology in
the face of environmental stressors. These neurodevelopmental (CNS) and psychiatric
sequellae persist through the life course and may progress to worsening conditions with
devastating outcomes and poor prognosis (Streissguth and OMalley, 2000, Rich &
OMalley 2012).
A neurodevelopmental formulation provides the best option for clinical understanding of these types of FASD complex cases, but
especially if autistic features are the presentation, and the patient has borderline or low intellectual function or a marked split ( 12-15
points) between verbal and performance I.Q. (OMalley 2008, Chapter 1)
Clinical Implications of a Link between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism or Aspergers
tions of FAS and ARND (Fitzgerald M, 2010). Clinicians using a neurodevelopmental approach
will have more success in understanding and treatment of FASD.
Multi-modal treatment can improve the developmental, social, academic, and mental health
trajectory of these children (OMalley 2008, Nowick Brown et al 2011). Brain organization and
function is affected in many individuals with FASD/ARND and can be enhanced by appro
priate multi-modal treatment strategies.
As with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, FASD diagnosis and treatment involves early interven
tion with a multimodal team approach (genetics, developmental pediatrics, psychologists,
psychiatrists, PT/OT, speech, special education) (OMalley 2008, 2011b, Kodituwakku et al
A capacity for consequential thinking is a key requirement for decisional capacity. This is
an expectation for adolescents or young adults in the school, work legal system, who have
been involved in antisocial and/or violent acts. Unfortunately, due to the neurocognitive
deficits associated with ARND, these individuals are often mentally and emotionally discon
nected from the consequences of their actions, misread social cues, are easily frustrated and
provoked, and are unable to navigate logical decision making. So called high functioning
autistic patients fit this neurocognitive profile and have the added challenge of unexpected
response to medication because of unrecognized brain damage (Coles et al 2009, Kodituwakku
et al 2011, Hosenbucus et al 2012).
4.4. The specific use of medication in FASD with or without autistic features
Clinical experience has shown that proper medication combined with comprehensive, early
intervention services will improve their neurodevelopmental and psychiatric outcomes. To
that end, psychotropic medication can be viewed as an integral part of multi-modal manage
ment program for dysmorphic and non-dysmorphic ARND (FAS Diagnosis, 2005; Byrne
2008, Coles 2009; Novick Brown, et al., 2011).
4.4.1. Off Label or off license use of psychopharmaceuticals in patients with FASD
No National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), NICE (UK), or industry-sponsored studies
exist on the safety and efficacy of medication in children, adolescents, or adults with FASD,
so this continues to be a barrier to measured and safe treatment for all individuals.
There is literature on the pharmacological management of ADHD, Autism, Fragile X, aggres
sion and addictive disorders (Hagerman 1999, Lee et al 2001, Glancy et al 2002 a, b, Vocci et al
2005, Turk 2012), which is often mis-extrapolated to apply to individuals with FASD. Since
there is no definitive diagnosis in the current DSM-IV TR for FASD outside of 760.71 (which
is embedded in the ICD-9 codes in the Appendices under both FAS and toxic exposure to
alcohol in utero), no impetus exists for large scale clinical trials in psychiatric and mental
health research. Such controlled clinical studies are needed to determine best practices, or
even smaller studies to determine safety and efficacy, or to gain FDA or NICE guideline
approval for use of the medications in this unique neurodevelopmental psychiatric patient
population (Turk 2009). Presently, there currently are no FDA, AACAP, APA guidelines for
medication usage in adolescents or young adults with FASD who present with neuropsychi
atric disorders. Therefore, all medications are used off label or off license in this population.
Overt seizure disorders and irritability of the brain (associated with random and
triggered electrical discharges) may be present due to neuro-anatomical changes in
the ARND brain. Therefore, safety issues related to decreased seizure threshold for
certain medications should be considered prior to treatment of this population.
(OMalley & Barr 1998, Hagerman 1999,Bonthius et al 2001
Therefore, caution in use of medications should be given due to the unique vulner
ability of these patients for severe and catastrophic side effects of certain medications
due to:
differential or paradoxical medication response ;
prenatal alcohol-induced neurochemical or structural CNS changes (i.e., acquired
brain injury);
complications related to multisystem organ involvement (absorption, metabolic or
elimination problems related to kidney, gastro-intestinal or liver problems related
to ARBD);
an increased incidence of seizure disorders in this population (i.e., lower seizure
thresh hold);
overall greater risk of side effects from multiple drug combinations, higher doses
of medications, and sensitivity to psychopharmaceuticals.
Clinical Implications of a Link between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism or Aspergers
At the same time, given that individuals with FASD may have deficiencies and/or differences
in neurotransmitter systems such as serotonin and dopamine, low doses of sertraline and
fluoxetine have proven anecdotally beneficial for some patients
Adolescents and young adults with ARND and co-occurring seizure disorders have
a prenatally kindled organic brain dysfunction as a result of alcohol-induced damage
to the corpus callosum, cerebellum or hippocampus. There is anecdotal clinical
evidence that antiepileptics (i.e., carbamazepine, valproic acid, lamotrigine, neuro
ntion) can be effective in preventing this kindling effect. The prenatal effects of alcohol
can also result in a change in the balance of the developing neurotransmitters. Animal
research has shown that prenatal alcohol can induce decrease in inhibitory neuro
transmitter GABA in the hippocampus, and this neurochemical imbalance can
underpin development of seizures (Hannigan et al 1996, Riley et al 2006). The effects
of antiepileptics should be weighed carefully since some medications for seizures
may also increase anxiety, affective/mood liability, and reduce learning and cogni
4.4.5. The future for medication use in FASD including those with common presentations of ADHD,
mood disorders and/or autism
There is a need for scientific testing and evaluation of new clinical instruments which
combine cognitive, language, and behavioral response as the gold standard for
assessing medication efficacy and safety in patients with FASD. Currently there are
no validated clinical instruments to evaluate the developmental, cognitive, language
and behavioral response of a patient with FAS or ARND to psychotropic medication.
There is a non-specific neuropsychiatric rating scale, but most drug rating scales (with
the exception of those used in Alzheimers disorder) evaluate clinical symptoms
related to psychiatric disorder (i.e., Connors Questionnaire, Beck Depression
Inventory, Hamilton Rating Scale, CBCL).
It is long recognized that the use of multiple psychotropic medications is a risk for
toxicity and acute confusional state, even in absence of underlying neurocognitive
problems. The mechanism of multidrug interaction leading to toxicity relates to
individual drugs competing for absorption through the liver cytochrome P450 2D6
enzyme system. In turn, certain medication blood levels increase (i.e., paroxetine is
well known to increase blood levels of other psychotropic medications). In a recent
lecture at the First European Conference on FASD in Rolduc, Holland (Nov 3rd to
5th 2010), Ken Warren, Acting Director of NIAAA, mentioned concern about medi
cation interactions, but no data was given or studies forthcoming.
Clinical Implications of a Link between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism or Aspergers
5. Discussion
This chapter has attempted to highlight the overlapping clinic al presentations of patients with
FASD, whether dysmorphic FAS or non dysmorphic ARND. Autism and Aspergers Disorder
probably rank next to ADHD as the commonest clinical phenotype of FASD.
The lack of DSM or ICD Axis I codes for these individuals means that treating psychiatrists do
not usually identify either disorder (dysmorphic or nondysmorphic conditions related to
prenatal alcohol exposure as aetiological factors to be considered in diagnosis. The organic
brain hypothesis will then inform management at many levels.
Nevertheless, the arrival of DSM V will hopefully herald new diagnostic categories which will
capture more correctly some of these patients with FASD who show what are deemed ;autistic
features. Two proposed diagnostic categories, Social Communication Disorder and Alcohol
Related Neurobiological Disorder are in serious consideration. It is hoped that Alcohol Related
Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND), already well recognized, will replace the new
category it more correctly captures the essence of the developmental psychiatric disorder
(DSM 5 Symposium 2012).
Currently the generic treatment as usual prevents individuals with FASD from receiving
appropriate multisystem and multimodal services, and further results in predictably poor
outcomes for affected individuals and ultimately costly consequences for communities.
Brain imaging such as MRI, fMRI or SPECT scans studies may begin to map more specific areas
of brain dysfunction related to prenatal alcohol exposure and psychiatric clinical presentation
(Riley, et al 2005, Kodituwakku et al 2011, Coles et al 2011). Historically our scientific knowl
edge of damaged or diseased brain structure associated with infections such as syphilis, AIDS
or lesions associated with cerebrovascular accidents has informed our diagnostic accuracy and
informed treatment progress. Therefore it is not unrealistic to expect that correlations between
the structural and functional deficits in individuals exposed at certain points during pregnancy
could dramatically improve our understanding of brain function.
Finally, the ability to distinguish FASD with an autistic clinical presentation from a geneticallyacquired or non-organic cause of this neurodevelopmental condition. This aetiological
knowledge ultimately better describes the pathophysiology and neuropsychiatric phenomen
ology of the patients clinical diagnosis. The neurodevelopmental clinical frame expands the
clinicians understanding that the autistic presentation is actually a phenotype form of this
specific acquired brain injury, The prenatal alcohol exposure creates a chemical, structural,
and even electrical CNS environment that is hard wired very different from the other
aetiological pathways for autism. The child or adolescent psychiatrist (ideally trained in
developmental psychiatry) has a long recognized central role as the case supervisor for
patients with patients with FASD, and is in the better position to manage the unfolding and
clarification of the neurodevelopmental formulation, differential diagnosis, psychiatric comorbidities, and psychopharmacology. Increased understanding of these complex patients
through a neurodevelopment formulation, unraveling such issues as the hidden aetiology to
the autism presentation will improve holistic clinical outcomes including the appropriate,
targeted use of medication by the treating child/adolescent psychiatrists.
Author details
Kieran D. OMalley1 and Susan D. Rich2
1 Charlemont Clinic/ Our Ladys Childrens Hospital Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland
2 , USA
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Chapter 22
1. Introduction
It is well known that autism is a complex, currently incurable disorder with an unclear etiol
ogy, and that individuals with autism typically have normal life expectancies which require
parents, and later siblings, to provide varying levels of lifelong care. Because of the complex
ity of the disease, it is critically important to help families understand the disorder, manage
stress, and sift through information that frequently includes erroneous media views and un
substantiated claims of treatment efficacy. This chapter will help families and advising pro
fessionals by providing them with an overview of several topics: first, the common reactions
and beliefs about autism and individuals with autism that are held by family members; sec
ond, the family-centered as well as complementary and alternative treatment approaches
that are currently available; and finally, the best recommendations for helping families
adapt to an autism diagnosis and maintain healthy functioning as caregiversall while
planning for, and addressing the lifelong needs of, individuals with autism.
2013 Elder; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
grieving that can be characterized using Elizabeth Kbler-Rosss five stages of griefDenial,
Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance (DABDA)they eventually arrive at a
new normal with family harmony reestablished [1].
The first stage of grieving, denial, is common in parents of children with autism, and
can persist even after a child receives a diagnosis. Because fathers are typically less in
volved in day-to-day care than mothers, they may experience denial more intensely due
to fewer opportunities to observe the symptoms. For example, a father may be more
likely to say, he doesnt have autism; hes just quiet, which is supported by stories of
other family members who were also late to develop yet still turned out fine. How
ever, as the symptoms of autism become more conspicuous, caregivers notice differences
between their child and other, typically developing children whom they encounter in
playgrounds, preschools, and family gatherings. Frequently, it is extended family mem
bers who identify the autistic symptoms, share their concerns with the primary caregiv
ers and try to convince the caretakers to seek further assessment and follow up as
needed. This action is critical to accurate and timely diagnosis, early intervention (< age
3), and improved prognosis for overall quality of life.
The next stage, anger, may result in family members asking Why us? or Why did this
have to happen to him? During this time, family tension is high and anger may also be ex
pressed toward intervening professionals, especially if there has been a prior lack of, or slow
responsiveness to, parental concerns. For example, one parent stated, That pediatrician
should have listened to me when I expressed concern about David not speaking at four
years old; instead, he told me not to worry about it. This failure to identify the signs sooner
can lead to destructive self-blame, resulting in self-talk such as, If only I had recognized the
signs sooner or I knew we should have sought other opinionscomments that may be
responded to with active listening (e.g. You sound as though you are experiencing a lot of
regret) and nonjudgmental advice (e.g. Many parents struggle at this time. What is impor
tant is that you are seeking the necessary assistance now.) In addition to self-blame related
to behavior, it is also common in this stage for parents to evaluate their genealogy to deter
mine who was genetically responsible for the disorder. Unfortunately, there is no conclusive
genetic test for autism and while genetics likely plays a role, environmental factors may also
contribute to its development.
The third stage, bargaining, can place families at great risk because it involves frantically
seeking ways to reverse the diagnosis even if those ways are implausible. For example, it is
common for parents to directly bargain with a higher power (e.g. If you cure my child, I
will be a better parent) or indirectly, with a lesser power such as the health care profession
(e.g. If I find the right doctor or medication, my child will be cured). As they desperately
seek a magic bullet, parents may interrogate health care providers about the most useful
medications despite the fact that no single medication is effective for all symptoms. In addi
tion, parents may surf the Internet and read testimonials regarding treatments that are not
empirically sound; consequently, well-informed professionals need to advise families
against these treatments as some are risky and can lead to financial burden. (The most com
mon treatment approaches will be described later in this chapter.)
The fourth stage, depression, can take many forms. Parents may at times feel over
whelmed and powerless in their ability to facilitate their childs development or ameliorate
difficult, disruptive behaviors such as severe tantrums or self-abuse. Indeed, negative be
haviors may intensify to such a degree that families curtail their usual plans or avoid a de
sired activity all together, leading to feelings of hopelessness that is expressed in statements
such as, I cant do anything right or why bother. In addition, because many children
with autism have sleep disturbances (e.g., difficulty falling asleep; waking up and becoming
active in the middle of the night), parents must be vigilant at night, causing exhaustion and
sometimes even deeper depression. At this point, it is important for caregivers to recognize
that they may need professional help such as counseling or prescribed medications in order
to optimally provide for their child and family.
Many families who advance to acceptance, the final stage, describe having gained spiritual
strength, which helped them maintain hopean essential ingredient to successful griev
ing. In this stage, families recognize that there is no instant cure for their childs autism, but
there are credible interventions that can help. Ultimately, families discover that they can be
powerful advocates for their children, and after receiving proper education, can implement
home interventions that positively affect the family unit and even improve their childs con
dition. Once they gain confidence in these new approaches, they can serve other families
struggling through the grieving process by contributing empathy and wisdom to local fami
ly support group meetings. Because grieving is rarely a linear process, these meetings can
also help families as they revisit earlier stages by limiting the time they spend in previous
ones, thus facilitating a more permanent acceptance.
[11]. However, there is a need to closely examine the individual parent-training intervention
components thought to be linked with these core constructs to determine which components
are most effective for a particular child. This would allow researchers to better identify the
most convenient and efficient means of teaching these constructs and related intervention
3.2. Research development in parent training
The author and co-investigators have been following a systematic sequence of research that
began in the early 1980s with the development of a play-based, in-home intervention that
was initially tested in-depth, over 8-12 weeks, with four mother-child dyads using intrasub
ject (single subject experimental) methodology [12]. In this initial study, Elder found that
mothers figure prominently as recipients of training and other interventions and that even
when the focus was on the dyad, mothers took over and fathers stayed in the back
ground, with inadequate diffusion of new learning through the mothers. This lack of father
involvement piqued the interest of Elders research team, who collaborated on new studies
directed at fathers. Although a systematic review of the literature revealed only three inter
vention studies that included fathers, evidence indicated that fathers interaction styles dif
fered from mothers, possibly resulting in unique contributions to their childs social and
language development [13].
Building on Lambs (1987) seminal work related to fathers and their influence on child de
velopment, Elder et al. developed and tested a Father Directed In-Home Training (FDIT) in
tervention with a total of 36 father-child and mother-child dyads under controlled
conditions in two NIH/NINR-funded studies [7, 8]. The study was designed so that data
from individual training components could be analyzed rather than an entire intervention
package. These training components were based on the theoretical constructs in social inter
action theory and characterized by the broad concept of social turn-taking. Because the
team had previously observed many fathers sitting passively or aggressively directing inter
actions and not allowing their child time to respond, the research team created four inter
vention components: (a) following the childs lead (FCL), which involved allowing the child
with autism to direct play, (b) imitating/animating (I/A), which entailed attending to and
imitating the ADS child's sounds and/or actions in an animated manner, (c) expectant wait
ing (E/W), which required signaling the child and waiting for a response, and (d) comment
ing on the child (CC), which emphasized remarking on the childs actions at appropriate
times during play [12]. Fathers were instructed to watch videotaped examples and read
written directions about integrating these components into play sessions. After mastering
the skills, fathers taught mothers the same techniques using the research teams educational
approach, resulting in both parents reporting that training had helped them relax during the
in-home play sessions.
After the intervention, fathers significantly increased their use of the skills taught and chil
dren with autism responded with greatly increased initiating rates as well as frequencies of
child non-speech vocalizations. In follow-up interviews, fathers revealed that the training
had enhanced their paternal role and the quality of overall family functioning [14]. (Details
of these studies can be found in published articles [7, 8]).
3.3. Including siblings
Most children with autism have difficulty with inconsistency as evidenced by their strong
adherence to routines and rituals. Therefore, it may be difficult, perhaps even impossible,
for these children to effectively modify their interactions if family members are not consis
tent in their approach. Furthermore, incongruence within the family can distress children
with autism, who may express their feelings by engaging in a variety of aberrant behaviors
such as tantrums, aggression, and other behavioral expressions of frustration. Present re
search indicates that training non-affected, typically developing siblings, or other individu
als who have ongoing contact with the child with autism, could be beneficial. However,
little is known about the effects of training siblings to use theoretically-derived strategies
such as those Elder and others have implemented with parents. Also unknown is the effect
that training typically developing siblings might have on their own behavior, anxiety, and
overall quality of life. Although it seems likely that training would positively affect them,
training effects on siblings should be addressed in clinical trials.
In a search of the literature related to non-affected, typically developing (TD) siblings of
children with autism, few studies are found describing these children, their relationship
with their sibling with autism, or what effect having a sibling with autism has on them
[15]. Of the extant reports, the findings are inconsistent, making it difficult to character
ize the siblings, identify those who are vulnerable to poor adjustment outcomes, or de
velop interventions that benefit both the sibling and the entire family [15]. It is clear,
however, from both the literature and clinical experience, that TD siblings are often
faced with unique challenges related to their affected siblings autism. Also, because chil
dren with ADS rarely have physical disfigurement, it is often difficult for those who are
not familiar with autism to understand why these children act the way they do; this, in
turn, adds to the stress that TD siblings and the family experience [16-18]. Initial find
ings are promising because they show that when TD siblings care for their ADS siblings
early in life, this can positively affect not only the child with autism but also the inter
vening sibling [19-22]. This clearly indicates that training and evaluating siblings is an
area of research with enormous potential and clinical relevance.
Another important consideration that lends support for training siblings is evidence that
children with autism learn best in naturalistic environments such as their homes. In a classic
work, Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968) state that skills taught to children in one setting cannot
be expected to generalize to other settings without planned, systematic implementation. In
fact, these researchers assert that no deliberate behavior changes, particularly related to lan
guage acquisition and socialization, should be made that are not reinforced regularly in the
childs primary environment; otherwise, trainers must continue to intervene to maintain the
behavior change [23]. If one ascribes to this view, clinic-taught interventions cannot be ex
pected to generalize well to home settings unless: (a) the trainer is always present (an im
practical and costly idea), (b) family members are taught to assist with generalization, or (c)
ideally, intervening family members and children with autism are trained in familiar home
environments where naturally reinforcing (caregiving) activities are more likely to occur. Al
so, children with autism are more likely to exhibit abnormal language in unfamiliar settings
than at home [11]. For these reasons, it is important that AD children acquire communica
tion skills in naturalistic settings where they are most likely to encounter interactions and
opportunities to utilize communication skills that are similar to the contexts of their daily
routines [11].
higher stress levels than fathers [31, 37-40]. However, in two other studies comparing moth
ers and fathers stress levels, no differences were found [32, 41]. The author and team also
found that both mothers and fathers scored very high, over the 90th percentile on the Parent
ing Stress Index pre-intervention with no statistical significance between the mothers and
fathers scores [14].
In 2008, Davis and Carter provided more insight regarding how mothers and fathers may
react to their childs autism. They noted that although mothers had a higher rate of stress
and depression, fathers reported more difficulty interacting with the children. In addition,
mothers were more involved with everyday activities and thus, more often affected by their
childs inability to perform activities of daily living and self-regulate emotions. In contrast,
fathers reacted more to overt behaviors such as tantrums, aggression, and/or loud/peculiar
vocalizations, which are particularly difficult to manage and can be embarrassing in public
settings. Because the core disability associated with autism is social, it can be stressful for
parents to deal with a child who may not like to be held, will not respond to their affection,
or even make eye contact.
Although only a few studies have explored effects of child intervention on changes in paren
tal stress levels, [14, 28, 42, 43] results are promising. Parent involvement that results in im
proved child outcomes can empower parents and lower stress in both mothers and fathers.
Also, it is important to consider that although fathers may not appear to be as overtly
stressed as mothers, there is evidence that they also experience high levels of stress; there
fore, interventions should include both mothers and fathers. Finally, although little is
known about stress in siblings, it is likely that their stress is also high and that they could
benefit from being included in an intervention.
published, randomized clinical trial that evaluated the effects of the popular Gluten-Free,
Casein-Free diet on individuals with autism, and subsequently recommend directions for
future research.
6.2. Dietary intervention and nutritional supplements in autism
Increasingly, parents are using alternative treatments, such as dietary interventions or sup
plements, which they learn about from internet sites or anecdotal reports from other pa
rents. Perhaps the most well-known dietary intervention is the gluten-free casein-free
(GFCF) diet that restricts consumption of wheat and dairy products, and which adherents
claim can cure autism [45]. This diet is so popular that a person can simply type, GFCF
and autism into Googles search engine, and hundreds of sites appearfrom the GlutenFree Trading Co. to GFCF Diet Success Stories with endorsements such as the following:
Three weeks ago, I decided to give it [GFCF diet] a try. After three days without dairy,
Wow! Suddenly we had an alert child! He was talking more, making sense of the world, and
engaging with us! When I phased out wheat and gluten, he got even better. He is happier;
his behavior is better; his muscle tone seems to be improving; his eye contact is great; he is
speaking like a normal 4 year old! [46] Although testimonies like these abound on the In
ternet, there is limited empirical data to support the claims, resulting in a lack of data that
health care providers can use to effectively guide parents in making informed decisions.
This dietary intervention, which has clearly raced ahead of science, poses health risks as
well as financial and social drawbacks. While it is less costly than when it was originally in
troduced, the GFCF diet can still add financial strain to families and may even compromise
nutritional health (e.g., insufficient calcium) in children with autism who already have re
stricted food repertoires. There are also social costs to the children, who cannot eat foods un
less they are prepared at home, ruling out the possibility of eating cake, for example, at a
birthday party. Similarly, families experience a social cost because they have to prepare dual
meals plans that often consist of time-consuming recipes. Thus, unless families have addi
tional financial or social assistance, the GFCF diet can represent a significant burden to a
family already struggling with caring for a child with autism.
Despite the continuing popularity of this diet, only five controlled studies have been pub
lished since 1999. Three of these studiesKnivsberg [47], Whiteley [48], and Johnson[49]
were not double-blind. That is, parents not only knew when their children were receiving
the GFCF diet but were also responsible for implementing it. Of these three single blind
studies, Knivsberg [47] and Whiteley [48] reported positive findings but have been criticized
for their reliance on reports from parents who were not blinded to the dietary intervention.
However, it should be noted that Knivsberg [47] conducted a year-long study and some pro
ponents of the GFCF diet suggest that the short duration of other clinical trials may have
been responsible for the insignificant findings.
The other two studies were double blind randomized control trials. In the first study, Elder
[50] partnered with researchers and staff at the University of Floridas (UF) General Clinical
Research Center [now part of UFs Clinical Translational Science Institute Research (CTSI)]
to conduct the first double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial of the GFCF diet that was
published in The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2006). The researchers evalu
ated the effects of the GFCF diet on: (a) autistic symptoms as measured by the Childhood
Autism Rating Scale (CARS), Ecological Communication Orientation Scale (ECOS), and be
havioral frequencies of child social and language behaviors, and (b) urinary peptide levels
of gluten and casein. After videotaping the participating 13 children, aged 2 to 16 years, dur
ing in-home play sessions for 15 minutes before the diets introduction, at the end of the first
6-week period, and at the completion of the 12-week protocol, Elder [50] found that group
analysis showed no significant differences in any of the outcomes measured or urinary pep
tide levels of gluten and casein. Even when they were told that the findings were insignifi
cant, parents of nine children kept the children on the diet, indicating that a strong parent
placebo effect may exist and be responsible for perpetuating the diets popularity.
In the second study by Hyman [51], children were given the GFCF diet and provided with
food challenges; that is, snacks that contained gluten or casein, and which were disguised so
that the participants could not identify if the snacks were GFCF. As in the other clinical tri
als, these investigators used a variety of well-established outcome measures but like Elder
[50], found no significant differences or empirical support for the diet. Despite the insignifi
cant findings, the GFCF diet continues to be popular with parents, leading to the authors
published recommendations about how to properly advise families regarding diet: first, pa
rents may use the GFCF diet as long as the child does not have a severely restricted food
repertoire that could lead to a nutritional deficiency; and second, the family has the social
and financial resources to continue the diet [7].
Similar to dietary interventions, nutritional supplements are frequently used by parents to
to treat their childs symptoms although there is little sound empirical evidence to support
their efficacy in autism. Vitamins C, D, and the B vitamins are generally known to improve
immunity, brain function, and overall nervous system activity [52-55]. As a result, they are
often included in special autism supplements, which are specifically blended to treat au
tism-related symptoms. Other supplements that are frequently used include probiotics and
digestive enzymes, which may help treat gastrointestinal problems such as acid reflux and
constipation, and melatonin, a natural sleep aid that may help reduce nighttime sleep dis
turbances [56]. Finally, Omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to enhance neurologi
cal health in the general population, are currently being evaluated in several clinical trials
for the treatment of autism [57]. Despite the lack of empirical support for these supplements,
most are generally considered harmless if administered in age-appropriate doses.
6.3. Other approaches
Because of speculation that oxygen flow to the brain is reduced in children with autism,
hyperbaric treatments, in which individuals with autism are placed in a chamber and ex
posed to very high oxygen levels, have become popular. In 2009, the US ABC news network
broadcast a story, The Search for a Cure describing preliminary results from a trial by Dr.
Daniel A. Rossignol, himself a father of two children with autism. He and his colleagues
evaluated hyperbaric treatment in 56 children with varying degrees of autism ranging in age
from 2 to 7 years [58, 59]. Reports were positive, indicating that 30 percent of the children
who received the treatment had greatly increased functioning, while only 8 percent in the
control group did. In response to this study, Paul Ott, a M.D., autism expert, and author of
Autisms False Prophets commented on the questionable efficacy of the treatment and empha
size its potential to financially drain families [60]. For example, a one-hour treatment can
cost $100 to $900, and generally at least 40 are recommended. Despite his warning, however,
the ABC report concluded on an approving note by stating, While its positive effects re
main unclear, hyperbaric chamber therapy does not present the dangers that other therapies
do, thus encouraging parents to consider using an unproven and expensive treatment.
Although hyperbaric treatments are one of the latest alternative therapies to become popu
lar in the autism community, parents have long used other unsubstantiated, pharmaceutical
approaches. For example, antibiotics have often been prescribed for children with autism
who have frequent respiratory or gastrointestinal infections; similarly, antifungal agents,
such as nystatin and fluconazole, have been prescribed for children who suffer from an
overgrowth of gastrointestinal yeast (e.g. Candida) [61]. In both situations, the medications
are prescribed due to the erroneous belief that an infection or imbalance is the root cause
of the disorder. Other speculative treatments include the intravenous administration of se
cretin, a gastrointestinal hormone, and immunoglobulin-G, an immune system antibody,
which are popular because of a few, uncontrolled studies that demonstrated improvement
[62]. Despite their questionable efficacyseveral gold standard clinical trials have invalidat
ed the use of secretinalternative treatments are high in demand, generating countless arti
cles on the Internet, and sparking heated discussion on autism message boards [63]. This
prevailing popularity, which shows no sign of slowing in the future, is a testament to the
struggle many parents experience in caring for a child with autism.
Another popular, yet more controversial treatment is chelation therapy, which removes
mercuryan alleged contributor to autismfrom the body. When using this therapy, pa
rents typically have a medical doctor treat their child for lead poisoning or they may also
buy unregulated chelation agents from Internet sites. Unlike hyperbaric treatment and other
interventions that are intended to complement evidence-based treatments, advocates of che
lation therapy espouse it as a cure. Yet, to date, there is no proven link between mercury
exposure and autism [64]. Joecker, a researcher from the Mayo Clinic warns that not only is
chelation therapys efficacy unproven, but also that it can be associated with serious side ef
fects, including potentially deadly liver and kidney damage and as a result should be assid
uously avoided [65].
In addition to the special education and pharmacological interventions that may be necessa
ry, traditional treatment approaches include providing a child with speech, behavioral, oc
cupational, and physical therapy as indicated in some cases. Although public schools in the
United States are required by law to provide such services, the frequency, type, and quality
of these services vary considerably. Consequently, parents need to actively participate in
meetings where Individualized Educational Plans (IEP), or the equivalent, are developed to
specifically address a childs behavioral or learning needs. Furthermore, parents should
maintain close contact with educational personnel to help evaluate their childrens progress
and determine the future direction of treatment.
If the future direction includes medications, parents must carefully analyze the costs and
benefits by questioning their health care provider regarding possible improvements and
side effects. Although medications do not cure autism, sometimes they can alleviate behav
ioral symptoms that distress the child and interfere with therapeutic efforts such as inten
sive education and socialization [66-68]. These behavioral symptoms include hyperactivity,
self-injury, aggression, compulsions (repetitive behaviors), mood lability, anxiety, and sleep
disturbances [69].
In addition to medication, parents may consider using a behavioral intervention, which re
searchers have refined over time and developed into a highly successful treatment ap
proach. In particular, two comprehensive behavioral early interventionsLovaas Model
based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and the Early Start Denver Modelhave been
shown to be helpful in improving symptoms related to autism [70, 71]. Mounting evidence
also supports the use of other commonly used therapies such as Floortime, Pivotal Response
Therapy and Verbal Behavior Therapy [72-74]. For up-to-date information regarding behav
ioral interventions, visit the website for Autism Speaks, an internationally recognized organ
ization within the autism community, at
treatment. By visiting this site, parents will learn about the many valid treatments available
that are safe, effective, and capable of producing a better quality of life for children with au
tism and their families.
studies that may utilize intrasubject methodology to provide in-depth information about in
dividual responses over time, (b) manualize the intervention and pilot-test it with larger
numbers of participants, (c) conduct clinical trials to test the efficacy under controlled condi
tions, and (d) conduct effectiveness studies to evaluate outcomes in community settings.
The author and team have been following a developmental sequence that is consistent with
that of the NIMH work group and especially part of the final stepevaluating outcomes in
community settings. Delivering the training to all family members including siblings, and
providing training interventions using state of the art internet technology would greatly ex
pand our ability to deliver comprehensive family-centered training in the community, and
produce significant gains that would improve the quality of life for individuals with autism
and their families.
Author details
Jennifer Elder
Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
University of Florida College of Nursing, Gainesville, Florida, USA
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Chapter 23
1. Introduction
When mental health professionals and parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
start working together, they bring into this relationship their own personal needs, concerns,
priorities and responsibilities, which must be taken into consideration in order to create a
mutually satisfactory and functional partnership. A partner is a person that one works with
in order to achieve a common goal through shared decision-making and risk-taking. Some
partnerships last for a short period of time and include casual encounters, while others last
long and evolve through numerous official and unofficial encounters [1]. For a partnership
model to work, all involved parties must understand how they feel about each other [2] and
to recognize that family operates as a system. When parents and mental health professionals
disagree, it is essential to resolve any conflict timely in order to avoid serious confrontations
or even legal litigations [3].
Minuchin [4] was the first who introduced the theory of family systems and stated that
individuals affect the context where they live and are in turn affected by it through a
series of repeated interactions. So, whatever affects one family member affects the whole
family in direct or indirect ways. Elman [5] describes families as the mobile that hangs
over a babys crib, with the pressure exerted on one end causing movement throughout.
The relationships between family subsystems (spouses, parents and children, and sib
lings) determine the balance of the entire family [6] and interventions at any subsystem
must aim to preserve this balance. For example, an intervention aiming at fostering the
mother-child bond could affect the mothers relationship with her husband or her other
children if the necessary actions are not taken. Family subsystems describe the interac
2013 Kalyva; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
tions within the family context, whereas cohesion and adaptability describe the way in
which family members interact.
Cohesion is inherent to the notions of engagement and disengagement. Some families with
high levels of engagement do not have clear boundaries between the subsystems, are overly
engaged in the therapeutic process and overprotective [4] and as a result do not allow the
individual with autism spectrum disorders to develop a sense of autonomy. On the other
hand, families with extremely low levels of engagement adopt rigid boundaries and do not
interact with the child sufficiently. So, the child with autism spectrum disorders is left free,
but without experiencing the necessary love and support. The degree to which a family ad
justs to the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders depends to a large extent on the pre-ex
isting family cohesion and stability, while the disruption of family cohesion due to the birth
of a child with autism spectrum disorders can lead to increased stress [7]. In order to deal
with stress, families employ either internal coping strategies that include passive evaluation
or active reframing or external coping strategies through social and spiritual support [8].
Adaptability refers to the familys ability to change its functioning when a stressful event
occurs [9]. Family adaptability depends on the severity of autism spectrum disorders, as
well as on the accumulation of the demands made on parents [10]. Rigid families do not
change to face the stress, while chaotic families become unstable and face changes incon
sistently. The families that do not manage to adapt successfully are at risk of becoming
isolated and dysfunctional [11]. According to family systems theory the disruption of
communication among family members is a sign of dysfunction of the whole system and
not of a specific individual. Therefore, mental health professionals should aim at chang
ing interaction patterns and not just individuals, without incriminating anyone. Many
family members tend to blame the individual with autism spectrum disorders for the dif
ficulties that they experience, but with the appropriate guidance they perceive that mis
communication is often to blame [12].
Most studies conducted with families of individuals with disabilities are based on the as
sumption that families are homogeneous [13], but there are many features that differentiate
families between them. For example, unemployed parents of a child with autism spectrum
disorders have access to different resources than high-income parents [1]. Moreover, single
mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders experience heightened stress, since they
lack the practical, financial and moral support of their partner [14]. Cultural and contextual
factors can also affect the ways that families cope with disabilities. First generation Ameri
cans with Chinese origin are afraid that their children with autism spectrum disorders will
be stigmatized if they use sign language or other alternative forms of communication [15].
Parental reactions to their childs disorders must be viewed and interpreted within the so
cial, historical, and ecosystemic context of every family [16]. Parents initially experience a
stage of shock [17], which is followed by a range of reactions that could eventually lead
through consecutive reorganizations to adjustment to reality [18]. However, many parents
regress to previous stages when they realize that their children with autism spectrum disor
ders face difficulties that will not disappear and that they need constant care. In order to
support parents of children with autism spectrum disorders, mental health professionals
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
must know the characteristics of the disorder and set realistic goals both for children with
autism spectrum disorders and their families [19].
Many researchers have established that parents of children with disabilities and mental
health professionals must cooperate in order to design and implement an effective therapeu
tic process [20-23]. Therefore, parental involvement in the planning of proper therapeutic in
tervention for children with autism spectrum disorders was the primary target of many
programs since the beginning of the 1980s [24]. Parents have been treated as partners, con
sultants, advocates, and supporters by the mental health professionals who offer these serv
ices. Parents often seek to work together with mental health professionals as they try to help
their children overcome the difficulties that they face [25-26]. So, empowering the coopera
tion between parents and mental health professionals has been a cornerstone for many con
temporary care systems for individuals with disabilities [27]. In order to achieve this
empowerment, it is important to increase parental autonomy and engagement in decisionmaking regarding the therapeutic goals [28].
It is expected that the cooperation between parents and mental health professionals will
result to better services for the children with disabilities, since the knowledge and the ex
perience that each person brings into this relationship are unique [29]. The problem is
that many mental health professionals cannot treat parents as equal partners in this proc
ess [30]. Through their training, mental health professionals develop an area of expertise
that places them almost automatically at the role of the expert. Sharing responsibility
with parents, without having a clear hierarchy, creates a new structure that is opposite
to the traditional nature of the relationship between parents and mental health professio
nals. However, the position and the authority of the mental health professionals have
been challenged and transformed according to contemporary political and theoretical
models, as can be seen below:
1.1. Professional as experts
This is the traditional cooperation model that is prominent in doctor-patient relation
ships, where the professionals use their position and their knowledge to decide what
will happen. Parental participation is of secondary importance and compliance with the
professionals suggestions is self-evident. Parents are informed about the decisions that
were taken without being allowed to express their opinions, feelings, needs, or wishes.
Children are treated as the passive recipients of a therapy, while parents are thought not
to have the time, the disposition, the skill or the knowledge to help their children. This
relationship is very bureaucratic and rigid, because it disadvantages parents by making
them dependent on the professional [31]. Moreover, when mental health professionals do
not engage parents actively in their childs treatment there may be a disagreement be
tween the therapeutic goals they set [31-32]. The exclusion of parents from the therapeu
tic process has been highly criticized since the beginning of the 1970s, since the
relationship between parents and mental health professionals becomes impersonal and
the sense of trust is lost [33]. Therefore, parents started gradually being involved in the
therapeutic process [34] and a lot of emphasis was placed on this involvement [35]. It
should be pointed out, that even though this kind of relationship is outdated, there are
still mental health professionals who impose themselves on parents.
1.2. The transitional relationship
Mental health professionals started treating parents as co-therapists and realizing that the
house can be used as a learning setting. They shared and transfered their skills to pa
rents to help them become more able, more confident, and more skilled. Parents partici
pate as co-teachers or co-trainers or co-therapists [18]. Mental health professionals
have to adapt their methods in order to incorporate and to support their cooperation
with parents. So, they have to discover ways to communicate with parents and to en
gage them in the therapeutic process. Parents who cooperate with mental health profes
sionals become more able, more knowledgeable and more assertive [36]. The main
drawback of this model is the underlying assumption that all parents have the motive
(and are able) to use this professional knowledge to help their child. It ignores the differ
ences that exist in parenting styles, family relationships, family resources, family values
and cultural contexts. For example, some parents may not feel comfortable acting as
teachers of their children [37]. Many interventions have focused solely on mothers and
have left out fathers creating disruption to the family system. This relationship is not tru
ly cooperative, since mental health professionals make the basic decisions and are still in
control [31].
1.3. Parent as consumers
The consumer model [31] stated that parents should have new rights and be given part
of the control. Parents are viewed as consumers, who have the right to choose the appro
priate services and interventions for their children. It is the first time that mental health
professionals recognize that parents possess specialized knowledge that they lack. Pa
rents use their knowledge to decide what they want and what they need for their child.
Mental health professionals guide parents to make more effective and appropriate deci
sions. Parents may choose not to attend some of the suggested services that they do not
consider suitable. Decision-making is reached after mutual exchange of ideas and with
mutual respect. The objective is to reach a mutual agreement on the treatment that the
child will follow. This model can be quite effective in various intervention settings [38].
The cooperation is very important, since parents have a greater sense of control. The
services that adopt this model must be very flexible to provide individualized support
[39]. This model presupposes that parents are capable to express and to assert their
needs and the needs of their children. However, some parents cannot prioritize their
needs or assume the responsibility of making important decisions. The concept of pa
rents as consumers who share resources may not be very realistic in a restrictive finan
cial context that offers minimal services. In this case the consumers do not necessarily
buy the best services and many parents cannot afford the increased financial demands of
the most effective therapies. This model is similar to counseling that is offered to parents
to help them resolve some personal issues.
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
Either parents or mental health professionals do not have the intention or the skill to
work with each other and to enter a cooperative relationship. Personal experiences may
decrease the likelihood to cooperate [1].
Either parents or mental health professionals make all decisions and are not willing to
share responsibility [41].
If the interests, the views, the priorities and the values of parents and mental health
professionals are contradictory, then their relationship may become competitive even
if they apply various conflict resolution strategies.
Some organizations are eager to engage parents in the therapeutic process not because they
recognize parental rights but because of staff shortage or scarce financial resources [36]. Pa
rents should be involved in decision-making regarding their children because mental health
professionals need their cooperation to do their job properly. Parents will also have a chance
to establish and generalize at home the skills that their children have mastered [38]. In order
for parents and especially mothers to function as therapists, they must devote a lot of
time to meeting with mental health professionals to receive the proper training [42]. Parents
of children with disabilities need guidance and support to be effective in their role [43-45];
otherwise, they will loose their self-esteem and become ineffective [46].
For the negotiation model to work, it has to operate at five different levels: personal, in
terpersonal, organizational, institutional, and ideological [40]. The sense of cooperation
encourages the productive combination of knowledge, skills, and sensitivities from both
parents and mental health professionals. The six elements that characterize a cooperative
relationship and differentiate it from other types of relationships are [47]: a) cooperation
is optional; b) cooperation demands equity among the participants; c) cooperation is
based on mutual goals; d) cooperation depends on shared responsibility and decisionmaking; e) people who cooperate share their resources; and f) people who cooperate are
equally responsible for the outcome.
Within this model, mental health professionals should have a clearly defined relationship
with parents that has four predetermined goals [48]: a) include parents in decision-making
about their child; b) train parents to participate in decision-making about their child; c) help
parents therapeutically to deal with some issues that stop them from functioning more effec
tively; and d) render parents capable to work effectively and meaningfully with their child
through empowerment.
The negotiation model has many functioning aspects that facilitate the development of a co
operative relationship between parents and mental health professionals, since it is develop
mental and parents are not viewed as static agents. They are encouraged to develop and
improve their skills to become more effective and to work on their personal issues. In order
to meet with the demands of this new role, mental health professionals are often called to
take on multiple roles and to become more flexible. They may need to act as mediators be
tween the parents and other agents, as well as to fight for the rights of the parents and their
children with disabilities especially in times of financial and moral crisis.
1.6. How do parents feel about mental health professionals?
Individuals with autism spectrum disorders depend on their families for daily care and sup
port that are essential for the successful implementation of any therapeutic intervention [49].
Therefore, it has been acknowledged that the needs of all the family members should be tak
en into consideration when designing an intervention [50]. Many highly recommended
treatments for autism spectrum disorders [see 49, for more information] such as Applied
Behavioral Analysis [51], TEACCH [52] and Portage [53] stress the importance of active
parental participation in the therapeutic process, which results from the proper cooperation
with mental health professionals. However, many parents claim that their participation in
their childrens therapy is minimal and restrained to six-monthly briefing meetings, while
they are not informed that they could be more actively involved in the treatment process
[54]. Parents must be treated as partners during the planning, implementation, and evalua
tion of the therapeutic approach and not just as observers or clients [55].
Many parents complain because they have to wait a long time to diagnose their children
with autism spectrum disorders and they need to visit up to four different mental health
professionals [54]. In a small scale study where parents of 25 children with autism spectrum
disorders were interviewed, it was found that these parents have to take their children to
different therapeutic settings, which is extremely time consuming. They work together with
an average of six mental health professionals for a total of approximately 37 hours per week
[56]. Since parents are often exposed to many diverse opinions and suggestions expressed
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
by mental health professionals, they end up being confused and they need guidance to
make the right choices and decisions [1]. Therefore, mental health professionals who work
therapeutically with the parents of children with autism spectrum disorders should assume
also a counseling role [57].
Parents need to be extremely persistent in order to ensure the services and the provi
sions that are necessary for their children with autism spectrum disorders [58-59]. Pa
rents started questioning the power of mental health professionals when they formed
groups to fight for their rights. An extreme example of disappointment with mental
health professionals was the creation of a centre of counseling and support for the pa
rents of children with special needs that was created by parents and to which mental
health professionals had no access [2]. The parents who founded this centre stressed that
it provided them with the opportunity to talk and to share their experiences giving
them, thus, the strength to deal with their daily problems.
Despite the fact that parents were overall satisfied with the mental health professionals they
had worked with in the past, they generally felt that they had to fight in order to access the
services that their children needed. They reported that many mental health professionals
failed to communicate with each other and with the parents and this created a heightened
sense of dissatisfaction. This was due to the fact that most children were monitored simulta
neously by several mental health professionals who seemed to work in isolation without
sharing information and common therapeutic goals. Furthermore, many parents supported
that the services they received did not suffice to address their childrens multiple and com
plex needs [3]. Moreover, some parents claim that they are tired of being accused for the
problems that their children face [60] and that constant criticism does not help them become
better and more effective parents. Paradoxically, although some mental health professionals
view mothers as guilty, they involve them at the same time in their childrens therapy [61].
Crawford and Simonoff [62] studied the attitudes of parents of children attending schools
for emotional and behavioral disorders. Many parents believed that they felt stigmatized
and isolated because of the problems that their children were facing. Although the stigma
accompanying mental health problems or other disorders, such as autism spectrum disor
ders is well recognized, there is limited research on the topic. Parents feel lonely and with
out any support, but they hesitate to share their concerns with others, because they are
afraid that they will be further stigmatized and held responsible for their childrens prob
lems. So, it is not surprising that parents were excited to meet with other parents who face
similar problems and can offer them valuable support.
Parents of children with special needs are often dissatisfied with the way that mental health
professionals behave and with the attitudes that they express. However, most relevant re
search has not studied the actual interaction between parents and mental health professio
nals, but they are based on parental anecdotal evidence that is usually negative [63-64]. If
the behaviors that parents report are accurate, then they constitute a breach of the professio
nal code of ethics [65] and should be seriously taken into consideration. On the other hand,
many parents appreciate that mental health professionals try to understand the family dy
namics and to address the individual needs of every family member [66] and there are also
quite a few parents who mention that mental health professionals have done their best to
help them and their children with autism spectrum disorders [54].
The mental health professionals who interact with children with autism spectrum disorders
and their families come from different educational and theoretical backgrounds, as well as
from different disciplines: specialized professionals (such as psychologists, speech thera
pists, and social workers), doctors, teachers or students. Despite the fact that the contribu
tion of mental health professionals to the planning and effectiveness of the treatment has
been widely acknowledged, more research is needed on identifying how they deal with
practical problems that arise during the course of their interactions with parents of children
with autism spectrum disorders. The role of mental health professionals and therapists has
been approached primarily by the psychoanalytic perspective and most studies have fo
cused only on the role of the teacher of children with autism spectrum disorders.
1.7. How do mental health professionals feel about parents?
The beliefs and the assumptions that mental health professionals hold regarding parental
contribution to the appearance and maintenance of their childrens problematic behaviors
and disorders greatly affect their choice of offered therapies and the intervention strategies
that they use when interacting with the specific families [67]. Even the term professional
has been controversial, since some refer to the traditional definition of professional (e.g.,
doctors, lawyers, architects, university professors), while others use this term to refer to
most working people (e.g., nurses, social workers, and teachers) [68]. The term mental
health professionals is now used to include all the educated people who have received the
appropriate training to work with individuals with disabilities. It is used to make the dis
tinction between trained staff and volunteers, carers, or untrained helping staff who work
with individuals with disabilities.
There are different sources of socially acceptable power for mental health professionals
[69]: physical power, power to provide resources, power of profession, power of specializa
tion and personal power. For many years now, the role of mental health professionals is pre
determined to provide them with the power and the right to use their knowledge and their
experience as they wish. They have resources at their disposal that they can share with chil
dren with disabilities and their families, as well as the specialized knowledge that they have
acquired through their training. Mental health professionals are usually considered experts,
since they are knowledgeable about an area or a topic. In case that some parents disagree or
refuse to cooperate with mental health professionals, the latter have the right to stop provid
ing their services. Mental health professionals can have considerable power and so many pa
rents treat them with respect.
The attitudes and perceptions of mental health professionals regarding their relation with
the parents of children with disabilities have not been adequately researched [70]. Smets [71]
explored staff attitudes regarding parental involvement in a service for individuals with in
tellectual disabilities and found that staff believed that parents were either unaware or indif
ferent to their childrens problems. Staff believed that parents were limited to the role of the
external observer and they were happy to defer the responsibility of caring for their child to
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
another person. However, the researcher stressed that the perception of the staff did not cor
respond to reality and to the actual needs of the families of the service users.
Some mental health professionals recognize the importance of working together with the
parents, but they claim that they are not adequately trained or prepared to do so and they
receive no support from their services [72-74]. To address this issue, it is important to better
understand the skills and the behaviors that mental health professionals need in order to
learn how to cooperate with parents [75-76]. Interpersonal skills, such as sensitivity towards
the parents, clarity and respect are usually highly appreciated by parents who work togeth
er with mental health professionals in early intervention settings [77].
1.8. Cooperation between parents and mental health professionals
Cooperation is a term that was recently introduced to literature looking at the relationship
between parents and mental health professionals, but is quite difficult to accomplish in prac
tice given that it means different things to different people. Cooperation can be viewed as
basic principle or theoretical viewpoint that is based on fundamental power exchange [78].
However, there are many organizational, geographical or financial obstacles in the coopera
tion between different groups of mental health professionals or between mental health pro
fessionals and service users that is, parents of children with disabilities [79-81]. The
potential cooperation between mental health professionals and parents is based mainly on
the anticipation that there will be an increase in the number and quality of offered services.
However, many mental health professionals feel threatened when they have to choose who
will have access to each service, especially when the choices are limited [82].
The cooperation between parents and mental health professionals is not just desirable
but also mandatory, since it is enforced by law in many countries [20, 83]. It has been
widely accepted that a healthy cooperative relationship between parents and mental
health professionals can lead to timely conflict resolution and benefit children with disa
bilities [84-85]. This cooperation is even more vital in early intervention programs, which
are family-centered [86] and through parental empowerment [87] there is a greater sense
of parental accomplishment [88].
Most relevant studies show that parents and mental health professionals are familiar
with cooperative relationships through their interpersonal experiences [89-90]. Functional
cooperative relationships are characterized by trust, respect, communication and shared
vision that are essential to make decisions that will lead to increased communication
[91], inclusion [92], and appropriate service provision for children with disabilities [93].
Some research also shows that teachers prefer to have a closer and more meaningful re
lationship with parents of children with disabilities [94]. The existence of supportive rela
tionships among parents and mental health professionals is the most important
determinant of a successful cooperative relationship [75].
Despite the existing legislations in some European countries and the wishes of both pa
rents and mental health professionals, it is often extremely difficult to create successful
and functional cooperative relationships [95-96]. For example, in the context of family-
centered early intervention cooperation remains an utopia [86]. Although mental health
professionals seem to favor cooperative relationships with parents, research shows that
there is a big gap between theory and practice [97]. Relevant studies [98] that were con
ducted using either focus groups or interviews and questionnaires showed that the basic
problem is that mental health professionals do not treat parents as equal partners and
continue to maintain control. So, the failure to establish cooperative relationships is due
to the fact that that there are no trusting and empowering relationships between parents
and mental health professionals [11, 99].
This failure to create cooperative relationships could also be caused by the inadequate defi
nition of cooperation [100] that hinders the quest for a common goal through functional in
teractions [101-103]. There are six factors that are essential for the establishment of a
cooperative relationship between parents of children with disabilities and mental health
professionals and form the basis of the partnership protocol that will be presented later on
in the chapter [104]. These factors are:
commitment: mental health professionals should not view what they do as a simple job
that pays for their expenses and treat children with disabilities just as another client or
case that is filed. They must value the individual and pay attention to the relationship
with the whole family of the child with disabilities. It is noteworthy that some parents
thought that mental health professionals should greet them if they meet somewhere in
public as a sign of respect and professional commitment. Many mental health professio
nals recognized the importance of commitment and argued that they often have to deal
with parents who do not want to be involved with the therapeutic process or get in
volved in decision-making regarding their child. However, this should not stop them
from making the effort to work closely with the parents.
equity: mental health professionals must make conscious efforts to empower the fami
lies that they work with, recognizing the importance of parental knowledge instead of
devaluing it. Parents should be encouraged to express their opinions and to be fully en
gaged in decision-making in the context of a constructive exchange of ideas. Attention
is needed to keep the very thin line between empowering the parents and giving them
too much independence that could jeopardize the therapeutic process.
skills: parents tend to admire the mental health professionals who make the difference
by offering practical help both to them and to their children with disabilities and who
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
are skilled and well trained. Mental health professionals should have high expectations
from the children that they work with if they are going to try hard to make some prog
ress and reach the goals that they have set. Parents appreciate the mental health profes
sionals who have the strength and the will to be constantly updated about the new
developments in their areas of expertise. Most mental health professionals referred to
the skills that they expect from their colleagues but not from parents (this partly reflects
their lack of trust in a cooperative relationship with the parents).
trust: this term has three different meanings according to the context where it is used. It
means reliability in the sense that mental health professionals should honor their prom
ises any way they can. It is equal to security, in the sense that parents need to feel that
their children with disabilities are safe both physically and emotionally when in the
company of mental health professionals. The third dimension of trust is the discretion
that mental health professionals should possess regarding the information that they
share with colleagues about a child.
respect: a sign of respect is that mental health professionals treat the child with disabili
ties as a human being and not as a label or a diagnosis, that they are polite, considerate,
punctual, and up-to-date with recent developments in the field. Several parents men
tioned that these simple rules of courtesy and proper behavior are often overlooked in
daily encounters. Many mental health professionals admit that the lack of respect to pa
rents can cause severe damage to the therapeutic relationship.
It is interesting to note that parents and mental health professionals seem to agree on
what they think constitutes a desirable and proper cooperative relationship. They may
differ in the importance that they place on each factor and in whether they identify it as
essential or not for the success of the cooperation. Both sides recognize that for a cooper
ative relationship to work, both parents and mental health professionals should do their
best keeping in mind the interests of the child with disabilities. This study [104] empha
sizes that it is imperative to conduct further research to create guidelines to delineate the
relationship between parents and mental health professionals, rendering it thus more sat
isfactory and more effective. This is the aim of the present study that aspires through the
use of a partnership protocol to delineate the relationship between parents of children
with autism spectrum disorders and mental health professionals a need that was iden
tified also by other researchers [16, 105].
Because of the heterogeneity of the symptoms and characteristics of autism spectrum disor
ders, the diagnosis usually does not provide useful suggestions for the appropriate treat
ment [106]. Successful therapeutic interventions develop when parents and mental health
professionals work together as a coordinated and cooperative team [107]. In order to deal
with the needs of children with autism spectrum disorders and their families the program
COMPASS was created [54], which aims at the cooperation between staff and parents to de
sign the most appropriate therapeutic intervention for each child. The greatest challenge
that mental health professionals who work with the families of children with autism spec
trum disorders have to face is to ensure that these children attend the therapeutic interven
tions that best suit their unique and complicated needs [108]. Parental attitudes and parental
satisfaction are widely used as indications of the success of early intervention programs
[109]. Since parents are the ones caring for their children with autism spectrum disorders,
their views should be seriously taken into consideration by mental health professionals. Pa
rental concerns and preferences can be used to improve offered services, while parental sat
isfaction can be translated into a measure of success of a therapeutic intervention [110].
The interaction between parents of children with autism spectrum disorders and mental
health professionals is crucial in special needs education because of the high incidence of au
tism spectrum disorders in the school population and the lack of resources [111-112]. How
ever, this interaction is often fragmentary and characterized by confusion, disappointment,
and tension that result to low levels of cooperation and decreased quality of service provi
sion to the child with autism spectrum disorders [111].
The relationship between parents of children with autism spectrum disorders and teachers
is also worth exploring [113-114], especially given that many children with autism spectrum
disorders have communication deficits and cannot express themselves and their needs
[115-116]. Research so far suggests that trust is built almost exclusively on personal interac
tions, encounters, and exchanges. Every encounter between parents and teachers turns into
an opportunity to expand and to strengthen the bonds of trust between the interested par
ties. Of course, if parents suspect that teachers are not worthy of their trust, then the bonds
that are created are very fragile. Many parents seek to create a strong bond with their childs
teachers, because they believe that this will benefit their child [11, 117]. In order to build up
their trust, both parents and teachers should state clearly and openly their expectations from
this relationship in an effort to minimize misunderstandings [118].
Mental health professionals often have to announce bad news to parents regarding their
childs diagnosis and prognosis, which cause drastic and often negative changes in their
lives [119-120]. Since parents have the unquestionable right to know the truth about their
childs condition, the question is not whether the mental health professionals will share the
news but how they will do it [120]. Many mental health professionals have been criticized
for the abrupt way in which they communicate upsetting news to the parents [46] and the
detrimental effects this can have on the parents is a matter of great concern [121]. However,
if the briefing is done properly, then this can be extremely useful for them, since they will be
able to understand their childs needs and design the appropriate treatment plan [122].
Despite the significant increase in knowledge about the causes and course of autism spec
trum disorders [123] and the appreciation of the importance or early diagnosis [124], there
have been no noteworthy changes in the information that parents receive in their first con
tact with mental health professionals. Some studies [125-126] have looked at the interaction
between parents and mental health professionals during the dissemination of the assess
ment conclusions. It was found that mental health professionals are aware of the dilemma of
delivering upsetting news and seek the active participation of the parents in a joint articula
tion of the problem. Some mental health professionals ask parents first to express their opin
ions about their childs problems and then they share the diagnosis to corroborate the
parents perspective [127]. Other mental health professionals present a series of related gen
eral and specific symptoms that lead to a specific diagnosis and then allow parents to state
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
the final diagnosis [126]. Usually, mental health professionals try to bridge the gap between
their views and parental views by modifying the diagnostic label, so as to comply with pa
rental wishes and to balance the levels of optimism and pessimism [125].
Parental satisfaction is an important element for the evaluation of the services that are of
fered to children with disabilities and their families [128] and can be related to other family
variables, such as stress or depression [129], increased empowerment [130] or increased
school involvement [131]. Some qualitative studies have shown that parents who are not sat
isfied with their relationship with mental health professionals experience stress and do not
feel welcome in the decision-making process regarding their children [59]. There are also
some documented cases of parents who were so unsatisfied with the early intervention pro
grams their children attended that they removed them from the program [132]. On the other
hand, there are many qualitative studies of families that come from different cultural back
grounds and report that parents who are satisfied with the services provided to their chil
dren tend to engage more in their training [133].
Research on parental satisfaction asks parents to evaluate the quantity or the quality of the
services that their children receive, as well as the nature of their relationship with mental
health professionals [128, 131]. However, there is still a basic gap in identifying a widely ac
cepted definition of parental satisfaction and which intervention model can be implemented
to increase this satisfaction [77]. In a survey of satisfaction among 290 parents of children
with autism spectrum disorders [134], it was found that most individualized educational
plans were not developed in cooperation with mental health professionals, they did not re
flect the views and the concerns of the family and they were not successfully coordinated by
the many different people who run the services. In another similar study [108] it was report
ed that most of the 539 parents had difficulty finding about the available services and ac
cessing them. They also claimed that they were not given any choice, that they had to fight
for what they wanted and that ultimately the received services differed greatly from what
they had originally asked for. Finally, more than half of the parents who participated in an
other study [135] complained that they were not fully informed about the available services
or the structural changes that were taking place in different agencies and that they were un
happy with their cooperation with mental health professionals. All these problems seem to
be even more prominent for the families of children with autism spectrum disorders who
have to interact with various mental health professionals, such as pediatricians, psycholo
gists, speech therapists and many others [136].
1.9. The present study
The concept of boundaries is inherent in human relations and cooperation and represents
the rules and limitations that can create a sense of safety [137]. In strictly professional rela
tionships the involved parties have a clearly defined role that they hesitate to deviate from.
However, in many mental health services professionals may fulfill various practical, infor
mative, and emotional needs of the individuals who use these services and their families
[105]. Despite the fact that the codes of ethics of different professional bodies offer guide
lines for the behaviors that protect mental health professionals against extreme cases of con
flict of interest or client exploitation for own purposes, there are no guidelines for the
delineation of daily interactions between mental health professionals and service users [138].
The code of ethics in special needs education does not address sufficiently the boundaries in
relationships between mental health professionals and parents of children with disabilities
[105] and this can hinder the establishment of a cooperative relationship between them [11].
So, it is imperative to create a form for the negotiation of the boundaries in daily interactions
between parents and mental health professionals in order to make decisions about how,
when and why the involved parties will interact [105]. This is how the partnership protocol
that will be presented in this chapter was created on the basis of the codes of ethics of the
British Psychological Society [139], the American Psychological Association [140], and the
Health and Care Practitioners Council [141]. The aim of this study was to explore whether
this partnership protocol could change the perceptions of parents of children with autism
spectrum disorders and mental health professionals about their relationship. More specifi
cally, it was hypothesized that parents of children with autism spectrum disorders would
hold more positive attitudes about mental health professionals after the implementation of
the partnership protocol. Mental health professionals would also express more positive atti
tudes towards the parents of autism spectrum disorders after the implementation of the
partnership protocol.
2. Methods
2.1. Participants
The participants of this study were 40 mental health professionals working in the private sector
with children with autism spectrum disorders and their families (18 men and 22 women): 5
psychiatrists, 10 speech therapists, 12 occupational therapists, 7 psychologists and 6 special ed
ucators. Their age ranged from 26 to 55 years old (mean age = 42 years and 2 months) and they
have been working with children with disabilities from 3 to 30 years (mean years of professio
nal experience = 17 years). The mean time that they have been working therapeutically with a
child with autism spectrum disorders was 2 hours per week. Forty mothers and fathers of chil
dren with autism spectrum disorders from Northern Greece also took part in the study. There
were 33 mothers and 7 fathers, aged 29 to 42 years old (mean age = 34 years and 7 months). Ten
mothers were housewives, 17 were private employees, 9 were public employees, and 4 were
self-employed. One quarter of the parents had one child, 24 had two children and 6 had three
children. Most parents lived with their spouses, while 4 mothers were divorced and raised
their children alone. All the parents had a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders
from a public child psychiatric or child developmental clinic. The mean age of their childs di
agnosis was 4 years and 8 months. Out of the 40 children with autism spectrum disorders there
were 7 girls and 33 boys and their age ranged from 3.5 to 14 years old. Ten children attended
special schools, 22 attended inclusion classes and the remaining 8 were in mainstream schools.
The parents were in contact with more than 5 mental health professionals from the time they
started seeking for a diagnosis and visited someone to help their children with autism spec
trum disorders for an average of 5 years and 3.5 hours per week.
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
2.2. Measures
2.2.1. Partnership protocol
The partnership protocol (please see Appendix) is a document that aims to delineate the re
lationship between mental health professionals and the parents of children with autism
spectrum disorders. It defines partnership as a functional relationship characterized by a
common goal, mutual respect and desire for negotiation. The protocol is two pages long in
order to be handy and to offer condensed information in the 11 following areas: 1) coopera
tion between parents and professionals, 2) negotiation of boundaries in parent-professional
relationship, 3) parental expectations/feelings/needs, 4) parental accuracy and reporting of
knowledge, 5) parental understanding of their childs condition, 6) parental participation in
decision-making, 7) parents as therapists, 8) parental briefing, 9) disclosure of information to
parents or third parties, 10) family discord and 11) negotiation of parent-professional disa
greement. The partnership protocol was piloted with five parents and seven mental health
2.2.2. Parent measures
The parents completed a brief questionnaire at baseline, which included the following infor
mation: gender, age, educational level, profession, number of children, age of child with au
tism spectrum disorders, gender of child with autism spectrum disorders, age of diagnosis
of child with autism spectrum disorders, agency of diagnosis of the child with autism spec
trum disorders, years of cooperation with mental health professionals, weekly contact fre
quency with mental health professionals and number of mental health professionals with
whom they have cooperated so far. Then, parents were asked to define the relationship be
tween parents and mental health professionals; to specify what they expect from coopera
tive mental health professionals; to mention the problems that they face from uncooperative
mental health professionals; to describe what they do in case of disagreement with mental
health professionals; to define negotiation and to judge if it is necessary for a successful ther
apeutic relationship; and to document the three advantages and the three disadvantages of
their relationship with mental health professionals.
Parents were asked after the intervention to state whether the protocol was useful or not jus
tifying their answers; whether any points needed further clarification; which were the most
important points of the protocol; how often they used it; if it helped them define the nature
of the relationship that they had with the mental health professionals; what happened in
case of disagreement with mental health professionals; whether the protocol helped them re
solve any disagreement with mental health professionals; and whether anything had
changed in their relationship with mental health professionals.
In order to measure parental views about mental health professionals, the Helping Behavior
Checklist (CBCL) [142] was used, since it was based on the codes of ethics of six internation
al organizations of mental health professionals. The first part, which was used in this study,
consists of 16 statements that parents have to rate on a 4-point scale (where 1 = almost al
ways true and 4 = almost never true), such as the mental health professional clearly ex
plained to me what I had to do to help my child, the mental health professional did not
involve me in any decision-making regarding my childs therapy and the mental health
professional held me responsible for my childs problems. Scores are reversed in some
items and the total score for the scale varies from 16 to 64. This questionnaire is highly corre
lated to parental satisfaction about their childs progress since they started working with the
specific mental health professional. Test-retest reliability varies from 0.48 to 0.89 for a period
of 2-3 weeks [142]. The Cronbach of the scale for this study was high = 0.89 and deemed
2.2.3. Mental health professionals measures
The mental health professionals filled in a brief questionnaire at baseline with demographic in
formation: age, gender, profession, years of professional experience, as well as weekly frequen
cy of sessions with children with autism spectrum disorders. Then they were asked to define
the relationship between parents and mental health professionals and what they expect from
cooperative parents; to mention the problems that they face from uncooperative parents; to
state whether their cooperation with parents is necessary for successful intervention; to de
scribe what they do in case of disagreement with parents; to define the concept of negotiation
and to judge if it is necessary for a successful therapeutic relationship; and to document the
three advantages and the three disadvantages of their relationship with parents.
Mental health professionals were asked after the intervention to state whether the protocol
was useful or not justifying their answers; whether any points needed further clarification;
which were the most important points of the protocol; how often they used it; if it helped
them define the nature of the relationship that they had with parents; what happened in
case of disagreement with parents; whether the protocol helped them resolve any disagree
ment with parents; and whether anything had changed in their relationship with parents.
The views of mental health professionals about the parents of children with autism spec
trum disorders they worked with were measured using Providers Beliefs About Parents Ques
tionnaire (PBAP) [143], which is based on some concerns that parents expressed about the
attitudes or the behaviors of some mental health professionals who worked with their chil
dren with disabilities. It consists of 37 statements that mental health professionals have to
rate on a 4-point scale (where 1 = completely disagree and 4 = completely agree). There are 5
subscales: a) parental incrimination, which consists of nine statements, such as the most
common cause of severe emotional disorder in children is their parents behavior or the
most common cause of emotional problems in children is their parents emotional inadequa
cy; b) necessity of informing parents, which consists of ten statements, such as it is usu
ally advisable to offer parent unlimited access to their childs files or all parents must be
informed on how exactly a therapy is expected to help their child; c) recognition of paren
tal status, which consists of seven statements, such as parents of children in need of men
tal health services are usually emotionally involved to such an extent, that they do not
accurately report their childs behavior or parents possess special knowledge that mental
health professionals lack; d) attitudes towards drug use, which consists of six statements,
such as drugs usually help to deal with autism or the possible merit of drug therapy
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
should be taken into consideration in most cases of autism; and e) providing guidance to
parents, which consists of four statements, such as it is not usually recommended to in
form parents about what they can do exactly to help their child or it is therapeutically ac
ceptable to brief parents directly about what they should do to help their child with autism.
Scoring is reversed for some statements and the total score varies from 37 to 148. External
validity ranges from 0.60 to 0.87 for each subscale [143] and test-retest reliability for the
whole scale is 0.89 for a period of 2-3 weeks. Cronbach for this study was very high for the
whole scale ( = 0.93) and is deemed extremely satisfactory.
2.3. Procedure
The researcher approached mental health professionals who were working privately with
children with autism spectrum disorders in Northern Greece and briefed them about the
study. She identified potential participants from the professional phone book and the lists of
professional bodies in the area and then randomly pulled 100 papers with names from a
container. She contacted them and 68 expressed an initial interest in the study, while 45
ended up agreeing to participate. The next step was to ask these mental health professionals
to draw a list with the children with autism spectrum disorders they were working with at
that time and the researcher randomly selected one family. The mental health professionals
were given the task to brief the families and in case the parents expressed an interest the re
searcher met with them as well. There were some families who did not want to participate
in the study, so another family was selected in their place until every mental health profes
sional was matched to a family of a child with autism spectrum disorders. The parent from
each family who participated was the one who was more in charge of the childs therapy
and was in more frequent and direct contact with the mental health professional. This was
deemed essential in order to follow the partnership protocol and to explore its effectiveness.
Before the beginning of the intervention the researcher informed the participants that they
could withdraw at any time without penalty and that all the information that they provided
would be confidential. Then, she gave out the baseline questionnaires that were filled out
individually in the office of the mental health professionals and in the presence of the re
searcher. The next step was to present the partnership protocol to the participants in detail,
to go through it with them and to answer any questions they might have. The intervention
started when all participants reassured the researcher that they had fully understood the
content of the partnership protocol and it lasted for six months. During this time the re
searcher called the participants monthly to check the progress of the data collection and to
ask if there were any issues that needed to be addressed. Meanwhile, five parents discontin
ued the intervention at different points due to time restraints (one parent), health problems
(two parents), or because they stopped taking their child to the particular mental health pro
fessional. So, the researcher asked the corresponding mental health professionals to stop us
ing the protocol and the final number of participants was decreased to 40 parents of children
with autism spectrum disorders and 40 mental health professionals.
Data collection was completed after a series of face-to-face meetings with every participant,
who was asked after the intervention to fill in the same questionnaire as in baseline and to
answer some additional questions about the protocol. The answers of the participants in the
open-ended questions were explored with thematic analysis, which led to the categories that
are presented. A second rater with experience with this type of analysis looked at approxi
mately half of the data and the interrater reliability was extremely satisfactory (95.7%).
3. Results
Data analysis revealed that after the intervention parents of children with autism spectrum
disorders were more satisfied with their cooperation with mental health professionals. Fol
lowing the implementation of the partnership protocol mental health professionals tended
to blame parents less for their childrens problems, gave them more information about their
childrens situation and directions on how they should behave, while they also recognized
more their parental status.
3.1. Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
3.1.1. Baseline data
The characteristics of a satisfactory cooperative relationship between parents and mental
health professionals according to parents were: honesty, mutual briefing, mutual trust and
setting common goals. Parents believed that cooperative mental health professionals pro
vide constant briefing on the childs progress (90%); implement the therapy with consistency
(68%); are honest with parents (49%); recognize parental skills (40%); understand parental
wishes and problems (35%); and really want to help (10%). Uncooperative mental health
professionals, on the other hand, do not brief parents about their childs progress (88%); do
not implement the therapy consistently (73%); are dishonest with parents (50%); do not un
derstand parental wishes and aspirations (43%); withhold information related to the therapy
(23%); and are not knowledgeable about autism spectrum disorders (20%).
The vast majority of the parents (88%) thought that it is essential to cooperate with mental
health professionals in order for the therapy to succeed and approximately 75% reported
that they should actively participate in their childs therapy. The rest of the parents consid
ered that nothing can be done to alter the predetermined course that their children with au
tism spectrum disorders will follow. When a disagreement occurred with mental health
professionals, most parents insisted and discussed with them when they believe that they
were right, while they backed down when they were not certain. Parents defined negotia
tion as: clear expression of views from both sides; understanding with the childs progress
as a common goal; arrangement of a time frame for the accomplishment of some results; and
expression of realistic expectation from both parties. Indeed, almost 2/3 of parents (68%) re
ported that negotiation is essential for a successful therapeutic relationship. The advantages
and the disadvantages that parents identified in their relationships with mental health pro
fessionals are presented in Tables 1 and 2 respectively.
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
Table 1. Advantages of Working with Mental Health Professionals According to the Parents of Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Table 2. Disadvantages of Working with Mental Health Professionals According to the Parents of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorders
sionals took parental needs and expectations into account (19%); parents learned how to act
as therapists for their children at home (13%); a time frame was set for the therapy (9%); and
mental health professionals did not treat parents just as an income source (3%).
3.1.3. The attitudes of parents of children with autism spectrum disorders towards mental health
Paired-samples t-test was use to compare differences in parental attitudes towards mental
health professionals before and after the implementation of the partnership protocol. Before
the intervention ( = 31.95, SD = 8.64) parents expressed statistically significant less positive
attitudes towards mental health professionals (t(1, 39) = 107.25, p < 0.001, 2 = 0.73) than after
the intervention ( = 28.65, SD = 7.67).
3.2. Mental health professionals
3.2.1. Baseline data
The characteristics of a satisfactory cooperative relationship between parents and mental
health professionals according to mental health professionals were: the exchange of ideas
about the child, shared decision-making, mutual trust and respect, will to negotiate, and fre
quent contact. Mental health professionals believed that cooperative parents provide accu
rate information about their children (78%); follow their advise (68%); are honest about their
childs condition (50%); are interested to learn more about their child (43%); do not have un
reasonable expectations for their childs progress (42%); and actively participate in their
childs treatment. Uncooperative parents, on the other hand, provide inaccurate information
about their children (80%); question the mental health professional (60%); do not understand
their childs condition (53%); do not keep certain agreements (45%); have irrational demands
for their childs progress (38%); do not participate in their childs therapy (25%); and do not
behave consistently (20%).
The vast majority of mental health professionals (93%) claimed that it is necessary to cooper
ate with parents for the success of the therapeutic intervention, since parents: possess valua
ble knowledge about their child that can be used in therapy, can complement the therapists
work and spend a lot of time with the child. In order to ensure parental cooperation, mental
health professionals make parents feel more comfortable; brief them regularly about their
childs progress; show sensitivity to the childs problems; express positive attitudes towards
the child and the parents; promote parental beliefs that their child can improve with the
proper therapy and support; take parental needs and wishes into account; engage parents in
decision-making; gain parental trust; and try to specialize in autism spectrum disorders.
When mental health professionals disagree with parents, they tend usually to have an open
and honest discussion with them, to engage them in decision-making, to be discrete, and to
present their arguments. They may even resort to another mental health professional and in
the end they make the final decisions if they cannot reach an agreement with the parents.
Mental health professionals defined negotiation as exchange of ideas with the childs inter
est in mind, defining the boundaries of the cooperation, determining the expectations from
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
the therapy, setting mutual goals, discussing new possibilities, and compromising, if neces
sary. The advantages and the disadvantages that mental health professionals identified in
their relationships with parents are presented in Tables 3 and 4 respectively.
Table 3. Advantages of Working with Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders According to Mental
Health Professionals
2. Emotional overload
6. Unwillingness to cooperate
13. Crossing the boundaries (e.g., calling in the middle of the night)
Table 4. Disadvantages of Working with Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders According to Mental
Health Professionals
ed that the protocol is not useful because it is binding and parents who are not educated
cannot understand it. Some mental health professionals said that the protocol should clarify
how much time mental health professionals should devote to parents, what happens when
parents do not follow the protocol, and for which third parties mental health professionals
should get the consent of the parents before they disclose information about their children.
The most important points of the partnership protocol were: the negotiation of the bounda
ries of the relationship between parents and mental health professionals, the clarification of
the roles of both sides, and the emphasis placed on active parental involvement in their
childs therapy. Mental health professionals referred to the protocol every time there was a
disagreement with parents. The changes that mental health professionals observed in their
relationship with parents after the implementation of the protocol were: parental expecta
tions became more relevant to the childs condition (93%); parents realized that the whole
family should be part of the therapy (80%); initial tensions were normalized (75%); parents
felt that their expectations and emotions were taken into account (65%); parents were more
committed to the therapy (58%); parents were more open to new suggestions and treatments
for their child (35%); parents made less calls of hypothetical crises (23%).
3.2.3. The attitudes of mental health professionals towards parents of children with autism spectrum
Analysis with MANOVA revealed that there was a statistically significant change in four
out of the five subscales that measured the attitudes of mental health professionals towards
the parents of children with autism spectrum disorders, even after being controlled for age,
gender, and years of professional experience. More specifically, there were statistically sig
nificant changes in parental incrimination (F(1, 39) = 5.56, p < 0.05, 2 = 0.12); necessity of in
forming parents (F(1, 39) = 5.03, p < 0.05, 2 = 0.11); recognition of parental status (F(1, 39) = 4.83, p
< 0.05, 2 = 0.10); and providing guidance to parents (F(1, 39) = 5.35, p < 0.05, 2 = 0.12). There
was no statistically significant difference in the attitudes that mental health professionals ex
pressed towards drug use before and after the intervention (F(1, 39) = 0.96, p > 0.05, 2 = 002).
Means and standard deviations are presented in Table 5.
Parental incrimination
26.69 (3.54)
22.24 (3.44)
14.15 (3.24)
17.93 (2.74)
14.06 (2.52)
19 (2.04)
6.11 (2.18)
8.41 (1.54)
3.25 (1.07)
8.17 (2.34)
* < 0.05
Table 5. Means and Standard Deviations of the Attitudes of Mental Health Professionals Towards Parents of Children
with Autism Spectrum Disorders Before and After the Intervention
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
4. Discussion
The research hypotheses were confirmed, since both parents of children with autism spec
trum disorders and mental health professionals expressed more positive attitudes about
each other after the implementation of the partnership protocol. Most participants felt that
the partnership protocol was particularly useful and they also identified some points that
could be further clarified, while they also pointed out the exact nature of the changes that
they have observed in their interactions.
4.1. The attitudes of parents of children with autism spectrum disorders towards mental
health professionals
Most parents of children with autism spectrum disorders believed from the beginning that it
was imperative to work together with mental health professionals in order to enhance their
childs progress, while the rest believed that their childs progress was predetermined and
there was nothing they could do to change that. Parents define a cooperative relationship as
a relationship that is characterized by honesty, mutual briefing, mutual trust, and setting
common goals [27]. The information that parents receive from mental health professionals is
more important to them than sympathy or psychological support [144-145].
Parents describe cooperative mental health professionals as constant providers of update
regarding their childs progress, consistent, honest, understanding, willing to help, and
aware that parents possess certain skills. So, the parents in this study have identified es
sentially the defining characteristics of cooperative relationships [77]. Parents cannot co
operate with mental health professionals who do not brief them, are inconsistent and
insincere, ignore them, withhold information and are not well trained in agreement
with other research [24, 28, 117].
The implementation of the partnership protocol helped the parents of children with autism
spectrum disorders to redefine their cooperative relationship with mental health professio
nals. They learned to function as therapists at home, facilitating thus the therapeutic process
[25-26]. They received emotional support from mental health professionals and they set a
time frame for some therapeutic goals, which could help them feel less stressed [146]. Most
parents reported that after the intervention mental health professionals treated them as
more equals, briefed them about their childs progress, engaged them more actively in the
therapeutic process, and took their feelings and opinions into consideration. This change
may be due to the fact that a trusting relationship was created through the protocol, which
helped the parents express themselves more freely and become more assertive. Trust is im
perative for the creation of a constructive cooperative relationship between mental health
professionals and parents of children with disabilities [104]. Many parents actively seek to
create this bond of trust, since they feel that it will benefit their child [11, 117].
An additional change that was reported by the parents of children with autism spectrum
disorders was that the mental health professionals started briefing them more about the
ways in which the proposed therapy will help their child and encouraged them to get ac
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
their training and by the social representations that they hold about parents of children
with autism spectrum disorders [152], as well as by cultural and social factors [18].
Almost all the mental health professionals believed that their cooperation with the parents
of children with autism spectrum disorders was essential to the successful course of the
therapy [86, 128], since they bring their own knowledge and experience into the therapeutic
process [29]. Therefore, they claimed that in order to ensure this cooperation they try to earn
parental trust and to make them feel comfortable, while taking into account their needs and
wishes. By briefing parents about their childs progress, they engage them more actively in
decision-making regarding the treatment course [93]. However, it is worth mentioning that
at the beginning of the study parents complained that mental health professionals do not try
enough to cooperate with them. This could be due to a wider communication problem that
has been documented also in other studies, since good intentions alone are not enough to
establish cooperation [86, 94]. Finally, mental health professionals claimed that they tried to
increase their knowledge through training in order to be able to better deal with the prob
lems of children with autism spectrum disorders. This needs to be done if mental health pro
fessionals are to design an intervention that is based on the childs needs and skills and is
more likely to be successful [49].
Mental health professionals define cooperation as a relationship that is characterized by ex
change of views about the child, shared decision-making, mutual trust and respect, desire to
resolve disagreement, frequent contact and discussion on equal terms (there is no expert)
[15, 59, 89, 93]. This definition that they provided includes some of the key characteristics of
the negotiation model [40].
Parents should provide accurate information about their child that is essential for the es
tablishment of a cooperative relationship with mental health professionals [77]. Other
wise, mental health professionals have to waste a lot of valuable time and resources to
find out what they need to design an effective intervention [1]. Parents who are unaware
of their childs actual condition may place irrational demands on both their child and
mental health professionals and fail to keep agreements and deadlines, jeopardizing their
childs progress [111]. Finally, there are some parents who question the training of men
tal health professionals and their suitability to work with their child, but may continue
to cooperate because they have no other options or because they believe they can moti
vate the mental health professional [11, 99].
Mental health professionals noted that after the implementation of the partnership protocol
parents started to have more realistic expectations that made them realize the importance of
engaging the whole family in the therapeutic process [54]. Parents understood that they
have to follow the advice of mental health professionals to help their children and became
more open to new treatment suggestions [104]. These behaviors are indicative of greater
trust for the mental health professionals, who need initially to recognize the shock that pa
rents experience [17] and to help them reach the stage of full acceptance [16]. Parents also
seemed to have responded positively to the efforts made by mental health professionals to
take their feelings and views into account when designing the intervention [75]. Finally,
mental health professionals reported that the parents were better able to judge when they
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
The mental health professionals were working in the private sector and so they might
be more willing to follow the protocol in order to keep their clients things could be
different if they worked in a public setting.
The mental health professionals who agreed to participate in the study might have been
the ones who work better with parents, and the parents who participated might have
been the ones who were happy with mental health professionals to begin with. Howev
er, analysis showed that all the participants identified some problems at baseline.
Some confounding variables, such as the training of mental health professionals or the
educational level of the parents were not taken into consideration when analyzing the
findings. For example, it was found that single mothers of children with autism spec
trum disorders experience more stress than married mothers [14].
Despite the fact that the participants were reassured that data would be kept confiden
tial, they might be skeptical about expressing very negative attitudes [155].
There was no official follow-up, although the researcher had informal contacts with the
participants and was informed that many of them continued to follow the partnership
protocol after the six-month period.
There are many other factors that could have affected the collaboration between parents
of children with autism spectrum disorders and mental health professionals that are re
lated to external factors (e.g., financial crisis), internal factors (e.g., depressive mood) or
child-specific factors (e.g., severity of the autism spectrum disorders) that were not ex
amined in the present study and could inform further research.
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
5. Conclusion
This study confirmed the findings of previous international research regarding the prob
lematic relationships between mental health professionals and the parents of children
with disabilities. It was found that Greek mental health professionals are troubled by the
parents demands and their unwillingness to actively engage in their childs treatment.
Greek parents of children with autism spectrum disorders claim that mental health pro
fessionals are not interested in involving them in decision-making regarding their childs
therapy. Similar complaints have been expressed in other studies that have explored the
relationship between mental health professionals and parents of children with autism
spectrum disorders [77, 104, 147].
Despite the fact that the difficulties that were documented in this study have been identified
a long time ago and in several contexts, there has been no published coordinated effort to
resolve them. This partnership protocol was based on the codes of ethics of international or
ganizations of mental health professionals, it is written in simple language and it was con
sidered to be useful by most participants. The implementation of the partnership protocol
helped mental health professionals and parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
to define their interpersonal relationship and to overcome many of the difficulties and the
problems that they had identified at the beginning of their cooperation. They started to com
municate more honestly, to respect each other more and to resolve their conflicts more effec
tively. Even though these findings are encouraging, more longitudinal studies with varied
participants are needed to explore further the effectiveness of the partnership protocol.
I would like to thank all the participants and Dr Angeliki Gena who was the primary super
visor of my second PhD that is the basis of this research. I extend my gratitude also to my
family and especially my husband and colleague Vlastaris Tsakiris for his constant support
throughout this lengthy process.
Parent-Professional Partnership Protocol
When professionals and parents of children with autism come together for the first time,
they bring with them their own worries, concerns, priorities, and responsibilities, which
must be woven together into a relationship that could be characterized as a partnership. The
roles of the parent and the professional impose certain rights and duties, obligations and an
ticipated behaviours, as well as expectations. It is extremely difficult to define the exact na
ture of this partnership, since every parent and every family has its own idiosyncrasies and
each professional possesses unique characteristics and ways of working and relating. The
aim of the present document is to provide some guidelines that could be adopted and im
plemented by both interested parties in an attempt to define their partnership and it is based
on the principles of the negotiating model. The negotiating model defines partnership as a
working relationship that is characterized by a shared sense of purpose, mutual respect and
the willingness to negotiate.
Cooperation between parents and professionals
Professionals need parental cooperation in order to be able to do their job effectively. Pa
rents should recognize that professionals have specialist knowledge and abilities, but they
cannot substitute the role of the caregiver. Since both parents and professionals are interest
ed in the childs progress, they need to cooperate to achieve the best results.
Negotiation of boundaries in parent-professional relationship
Parents and professionals should clarify and negotiate the nature and the limits of their part
nership. It would be advisable to make a contract that is not formal or legally binding. It just
sets out mutual expectations and intended behaviours. Depending on the situation it may be
appropriate to put this in writing and each party should retain their own copy. It is advisa
ble to repeat this process at later stages according to the progress of the child. Parents
should refrain from contacting the professional on a regular basis about things that do not
concern the child with autism and professionals should be punctual and fulfil their obliga
tions towards the family and the child.
Parental expectations/feelings/needs
Professionals should identify and evaluate the needs of the family, which cannot be separat
ed from the needs of the child. The child has a relationship with all the other family mem
bers and the relationships within the family have an interactive effect with each other.
Parents should verbalise and express their urging needs to professionals so that a solution
can be sought. These expectations, feelings, and needs should be incorporated into the treat
ment when the professional believes that is plausible and suitable.
Parental accuracy and reporting of knowledge
Parents possess a unique and special knowledge and understanding about their child that is
valuable for the design of a better intervention. The home is the best available place to con
solidate the knowledge that the child acquires and it can also offer multiple opportunities
for learning. Parents should be honest with professionals and try to overcome the difficulty
they may experience to talk publicly about the condition and the difficulties of their child. If
the professional is misled or told half the truth, it is very likely that the suggested treatment
will not be the appropriate one.
Parental understanding of their childs condition
Professionals should use simple language when talking to parents, since they do not have
expert knowledge that allows them to familiarise themselves with terms used among profes
sionals. Parents should also express their queries and seek to clarify any misconceptions or
Collaboration Between Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Health Professionals
worries they might have. If parents believe that they are not being listened to, they should
make sure that the attitude of the professional changes. Professionals must not focus on the
child alone, but they should advise parents on how to care for their child with autism. Even
if parents have other children, they may need some practical assistance and tips on how to
overcome some of the issues that arise due to the difficulties faced by their child. It is the
parents responsibility to inform professionals on the areas where they believe they need
more help and support.
Parental participation in decision-making
Professionals should allow parents to be more involved in activities and decisions regarding
the education and care of their child. For example, professionals should not make drastic
changes in the treatment that they follow before consulting with the parents. This is a good
way to ensure cooperation and to minimise conflicts in parent-professional relationship. Pa
rents will be able to make an informed choice regarding the future of their own child. There
fore, a common purpose or shared concern or mutual interest should be established in order
for the relationship between the interested parties to be productive. Both parents and profes
sionals should be involved in brainstorming regarding potential ideas, plans, or actions that
could enhance the development of the child. Parents should make an effort to follow and
understand the progress of their child in order to be able to make a decision. This could in
clude reading books, notes, or reports regarding the condition of their child and the treat
ment that is implemented.
Parents as therapists
Professionals may train parents to use some behavioral techniques that will allow them to
teach their child, complementing thus and supporting the work of professionals. If parents
feel confident enough, they may want to assume an active role in furthering their childs
learning. However, professionals should be aware that parents may not have enough time
to be actively involved in the education of their child if they have a full-time job or other
children to look after. Therefore, at the beginning of the partnership professionals and pa
rents should reach an agreement on the amount of time that parents can spend with their
child on a weekly basis. Professionals should encourage each member of the family to con
tribute to the treatment of the child with autism, which may need special assistance to par
ticipate in family outings and activities. This can be achieved by encouraging parents to
communicate with each other and express openly their concerns and needs.
Parental briefing
Professionals should inform parents from the beginning about the cost of the treatment, seek
their consent when contemplating the acquisition of new material, and brief them about the
progress of their child, even if the news are not particularly encouraging or reassuring. It
would be a good idea for professionals to keep notes of the meeting with the parents, so that
they can refer to them in the future and keep track of the progress of their child.
Disclosure of information to parents or third parties
Professionals could verbally inform parents about the progress of their child but access to
records may be prohibited due to legal issues related to their confidentiality professionals
are called to make individual decisions according to each situation. Parents who advocate
their right to have access to the records should be equally responsible in their own record
keeping. Professionals should inform parents of any other professionals with whom they
discuss the case of their child and elicit their consent before doing so.
Family discord
In case of disagreement between the parents regarding the treatment of their child, profes
sionals should stay neutral and avoid making alliances with one parent or colluding consis
tently with one parents preferences. If professionals believe that there are many pressing
issues among the family members, they should encourage them to see a counsellor. Parents
should realize that professionals working with their child may not have the necessary
knowledge and training to deal with these issues.
Negotiation of parent-professional disagreement
When a disagreement arises, both parents and professionals should try to resolve it. They
must express their opinions and feelings openly, keeping in mind that they have the childs
best interest in mind. If it is impossible to resolve the disagreement, it might be advisable to
discontinue the partnership.
Author details
Efrosini Kalyva
Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
Psychology Department, The International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, CITY
College, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Chapter 24
1. Introduction
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder characterised and diagnosed
by behavioural symptoms that mark impairments in social and communication behaviour
along with a restricted range of activities and interests. ASD is considered a heterogeneous
and complex disorder impacting many areas of development including intellectual, commu
nication, social, emotional, and adaptive (Makrygianni & Reed, 2010). This disorder can
present considerable challenges to both the individual and their family across their lifespan.
A myriad of intervention approaches have been highlighted to treat this condition. Some in
clude therapies that have been developed by parents independent of any particular discipline
(e.g., Son-Rise Program and Hanen). Others are based on biological approaches (e.g., special
and restricted diets, secretin) or alternative medicine (e.g., homeopathy, chelation therapy).
Some more prevalent treatment approaches are available and differ in their etiological, meth
odological and philosophical interpretation of ASD. These include for example, Applied Be
haviour Analysis (ABA; sometimes referred to as behaviour therapy), Treatment and
Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), Picture
Exchange Communication System (PECS), sensory integration therapy, occupational therapy,
music therapy, auditory integration therapy and speech therapy. Despite the considerable
number of various treatment approaches to ASD available to parents and professionals, the
majority of empirical support relating to many of these programs remains at the level of de
scription (Makrygianni & Reed, 2010; Matson & Smith, 2008), and for many of these proposed
interventions there is limited or no evidence provided to demonstrate any effective outcomes
with their use (Metz, Mulick, & Butter, 2005; Mulloy et al. 2010; Lang et al. 2012).
Despite the many debates that exist amongst researchers and practitioners with regard to effi
cacy of intervention approaches, one consensual fact that is recognised across the board is that
2013 Healy and Lydon; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
early intervention is the best response to the treatment of ASD. Providing treatment of symp
toms immediately will result in more favourable treatment outcomes (Dawson, 2008; Howlin,
Magiati & Charmin, 2009; Reichow & Wolery, 2009). Many have argued that this early inter
vention will allow greater opportunities for a young child to move towards a more typical de
velopmental trajectory because of malleability or plasticity of the developing young brain (see
for example Dawson 2008). From a learning theory account, teaching new behaviour or re
placement behaviour to a very young child presenting with behavioural deficits or excesses,
will result in desirable consequences that impacts behavioural repertoires and learning history
from the outset. In this way early intervention for the condition may affect the onset of addi
tional secondary problem behaviours which are often not seen at diagnosis. As such these may
be minimised or even prevented (Mundy, Sullivan & Mastergeorge, 2009).
While a consensus that early intervention for ASD exists amongst researchers in this field,
many argue that the actual approach applied during this critical period may be pivotal in
producing the greatest outcomes and ensuring the best chance of attaining a typical devel
opmental trajectory. Over the past four decades, interventions based on the science of ABA
have been thoroughly evaluated and shown to produce effective outcomes in targeting
many of the challenges presented within this condition. Moreover, behavioural interven
tions drawn from this science can produce substantial gains in cognitive, adaptive and social
behaviours in this population (Dillenberger, 2011). Indeed, this approach is internationally
recognised as the most effective basis for treatment for children with ASD (Larsson, 2005).
Improving the core symptoms of ASD is a common goal for parents and professionals. Re
ports of large improvements in this condition have been documented. For example Smith
(1999) provided a summary of published peer-reviewed studies involving seven independ
ent groups of researchers documenting dramatic gains when early intervention was applied.
Importantly however, in all studies reviewed, interventions were underpinned by ABA
methodology and theory and were intensive involving a range of 15 to 40 hours per week
across studies. This approach to autism treatment, known as Early Intensive Behavioural In
tervention (EIBI) has generated much discussion and excitement, and continues to gather
momentum impressing on policy makers the urgency of effective and substantiated provi
sion for individuals and families affected by the condition.
Studies on EIBI have reported the following gains: (1) average increases of approximately 20
points in IQ (e.g., Harris, Handleman, Gordon, Kristoff, & Fuentes, 1991; Lovaas, 1987;
Sheinkopf & Siegal, 1998) (2) increases in standardised test scores (Anderson, Avery, DiPie
tro, Edwards, & Christian, 1987; Birnbrauer & Leach, 1993; Hoyson, Jamison, & Strain, 1984;
McEachin, Smith, & Lovaas, 1993; Strauss et al. 2012), (3) increased gains in adaptive behav
iour (Eldevik et al., 2012; Strauss et al., 2012); (4) improved language scores (Eldevik et al.,
2012; Strauss et al. 2012); (5) the need for less supports in school (Fenske, Zalenski, Krantz, &
McClannahan, 1985; Lovaas, 1987), (6) reduced autism symptomotology (Eikeseth et al,.
2012) and (7) decreased challenging behaviour (Fava et al., 2012). Dillenberger (2011) refers
to the increasing evidence of clinical, social and financial efficiency of intensive behavioural
intervention in autism treatment which has resulted in legally enshrining such interven
tion in North America. For example, the Autism Treatment Acceleration Act (2010) requires
that health insurers cover the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders, includ
ing access to ABA therapy.
the EIBI program should be initiated as early as 2 years and before the age of four;
intensive delivery of the program involving a minimum of 25 hours per week for at
least two years;
the curricula and their implementation should show sensitivity to typical developmen
tal sequences;
generalisation strategies should be incorporated to ensure new skills are practiced and
demonstrated in novel environments outside those in which they were taught;
use of supportive and empirically validated teaching strategies and data-driven deci
sion protocols (notably those of Applied Behaviour Analysis);
behaviour change. The careful selection and application of these procedures to treat the be
havioural symptoms of autism delivered within the scientific framework of ABA (outlined
in Baer, Wolf & Risley, 1968; 1987) is what defines an EIBI approach. It is critical to recognise
how ABA and EIBI are interwoven because the science of ABA and the various behaviour
change strategies therein, have a very long history of substantiated documentation (see for
example Matson, Benavidez, Compton, Paclawskyj, & Baglio, 1996, who reviewed behavior
ally based treatments for autism over a 16-year span).
3. History of EIBI
The history of this early intervention approach to autism has been well documented over
the last three decades. For example, Matson and Smith (2008) trace the origins of this ap
proach in autism treatment to what they refer to as a seminal paper (p.61) published as
early as 1973 by Lovaas, Koegel, Simmons, and Long (1973). Matson and Smith argue that
this paper demonstrated a visionary conceptual framework for early intervention with ASD.
The true significance of the study was the authors efforts to formulate an overarching treatment of children with autism on a
multitude of behaviours including self-stimulation/stereotypies, echolalia, appropriate verbal behaviour, social behaviour, appropri
ate play, intelligence quotient (IQ), and adaptive behaviour (Matson & Smith, 2008, pp. 61-62).
Trends in EIBI, to this day, are based on this original template involving the delivery of idio
syncratic treatment packages constituting evidence-based behavioural interventions to tar
get core symptoms as well as expansive groups of behaviours. Numerous studies have been
published since this seminal paper in 1973 examining EIBI outcomes in autism. One of the
most distinguished and considered published papers which resulted in the acclamation of
EIBI involved that of Lovaas (1987). This well-reviewed study which reported an average
difference of 31 points on IQ test scores between the ASD treatment group and control
group, and classified nine of 19 (47%) participants as having achieved recovery (defined as
post-intervention IQ in the normal range). To this current day, the findings of this study
have caused much debate among researchers with criticisms focusing on particular meth
odological limitations (see for example, Gresham and MacMillan 1998; Short & Mesibov,
1989). We will return to this study in a later section.
To date, a substantial number of studies have been conducted and published to demonstrate
the effectiveness of EIBI in autism treatment. Moreover, six illustrative review papers and
one mega-analysis (a combination of all of the data into one single analysis) have been
published (see below), each providing somewhat varying angles in exploring the outcomes.
Steady growing rates of publications on the findings of EIBI in autism have been evidenced
and concise descriptions of methodology have appeared to improve in most recent years,
particularly with respect to the inclusion of controlno treatment groups and random as
signment of participants across experimental conditions.
The current chapter will provide a synopsis of EIBI studies published between 1987-2012.
Systematic searches were conducted using the following databases: Scopus, Psychology &
Behavioral Sciences Collection, and PsycINFO
The searches were carried out using the terms early intensive behavioural intervention
AND autism, and intensive behavioural intervention AND autism. The inclusion criteria
were largely in line with those of Reichow (2012). Studies were reviewed if they included a
treatment group who received EIBI and an alternate-treatment control group who received
either no treatment, a different treatment or EIBI provided at different intensity levels. Only
studies including children with ASD were reviewed. Each study was required to involve
original research that was written in English and published in a peer reviewed journal. In
the interest of clarity we grouped published investigations under the following headings:
Studies published before 2000 (4 studies), studies published from 2000-2010 (12 studies) and
studies published between 2011-2012 (5 studies). We provide a summary of factors associat
ed with each published paper including intake characteristics of participants, outcome
measures employed, specific treatment characteristics and group differences following inter
vention. The following sections provide a synopsis of all studies identified.
Intake Characteristics
Treatment Characteristics
M, F
Lovaas et al.
47% of the Tx
functioning as
compared to
2% of the C
Birnbauer &
Leach (1993)
Smith et al.
Mean IQ
increased by 8
Speech; Behaviour
points in the Tx
group, but
decreased by 3
points in the C
group. The Tx
group also
more progress
with their
Sheinkopf &
The Tx group
Siegel (1998)
Functioning; DSM
presented with
higher IQ
severity was
lower in the Tx
Table 1. Summary of EIBI studies Pre-2000, M, F (male, female), VABS (Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale), EL
(Expressive Language), RL (Receptive Language)
Magiati et al. (2007) conducted a prospective comparison of 28 children who received 32.4
hours EIBI each week and 16 children who received 25.6 hours of autism-specific nursery pro
vision each week. The EIBI group received parent-delivered intervention with training and su
pervision provided by clinicians. At follow-up, both groups achieved similar outcomes
although the EIBI group scored significantly higher on the VABS Daily Living Skills subscale.
Eldevik et al. (2006) retrospectively compared the outcomes of 13 children receiving EIBI
and 15 children receiving eclectic intervention. The EIBI group typically received 12.5
hours of intervention each week. Parent training was also provided to increase maintenance
and generalisation of skills. The control group received 12 hours of intervention each week.
The EIBI group outperformed the control group on measures of IQ, language functioning,
and communication at the follow-up. They also presented with less symptoms of pathology
than children in the control group.
Eikeseth et al. (2007) compared the outcomes of 13 children who received 28 hours of EIBI
weekly with 12 children who received 29.1 hours of eclectic intervention each week. At
follow-up, the children who had received EIBI showed significantly greater improvements
in IQ, adaptive functioning, and presented with less social and behaviour problems.
Cohen et al. (2006) compared the outcomes of 21 children receiving 35-40 hours of EIBI per
week to a control group of 21 children receiving eclectic interventions. Parents imple
menting EIBI received training so that they could use behavioural techniques in the home
setting. Following the treatment phase, the EIBI group achieved significantly higher scores
on measures of IQ, adaptive functioning, and receptive language. 17 children from the EIBI
group transitioned to mainstream education settings as compared to 1 child from the control
Sallows and Graupner (2005) compared the effects of clinic-directed EIBI and parent-direct
ed EIBI. This study was the only study we found in our search that directly compared the
mode of EIBI delivery. All others either employed an alternate treatment comparison or a
control-no treatment comparison. The 13 children in the clinic-directed EIBI group received
an average of 37.6 hours of intervention weekly while the10 children in the parent-directed
EIBI group typically received 31.6 hours of intervention. Both groups received a UCLAbased intervention (often referred to Lovaas therapy based on the original study in 1987).
The groups made similar gains on outcome measures suggesting that the less costly parentdirected intervention was equally effective. It was found that 48% of participants showed
rapid learning, achieved normal scores on outcome measures, and, at follow-up, were suc
ceeding in mainstream classrooms. Pre-treatment imitation, language, daily living skills,
and socialization were found to be predictive of outcome.
Howard et al. (2005) compared the effects of EIBI, intensive eclectic intervention, and low-in
tensity eclectic intervention. The 29 children assigned to the EIBI group received 25-40 hours
of EIBI each week and their parents received training so that teaching could extend to the home
setting. The 16 children in the intensive eclectic intervention group received 25-30 hours of
intervention each week, while the 16 children in the low-intensity eclectic group received 15
hours of intervention each week. The EIBI group achieved significantly higher scores on meas
ures of intellectual functioning, visual spatial skills, language functioning and adaptive func
tioning. The outcomes of the two eclectic control groups did not differ.
Intake Characteristics
Outcome Measures
M, F
Smith et al.
12, 3
11, 2
Treatment Characteristics
The Tx group
Functioning; Visual-
made significantly
Spatial Skills;
greater gains in
IQ, visual-spatial
skills, and
development. The
Tx group tended
to make greater
Achievement; Class
achievements and
Placement; Progress
to be in less
in Treatment; Parent
Eikeseth et al
8, 5
11, 1
Functioning; Visual-
The Tx group
Spatial Skills;
measures, except
the VABS
subscale and the
daily living
subscale. Children
in the Tx group
had significantly
fewer disruptive
behaviours than
the C group at
Howard et al.
25, 4
13, 3
16, 0
The outcomes of
Functioning; Visual-
Spatial Skills;
differ. The Tx
group performed
better on all
measures, except
motor skills than
the C groups.
Intake Characteristics
Outcome Measures
M, F
11, 2
Treatment Characteristics
Sallows &
Both Tx groups
similarly on all
Functioning; Social
Cohen et al.
18, 3
The Tx group
17, 4
Functioning; Visual-
made significantly
Spatial Skills;
greater gains in
IQ, receptive
language, and
functioning. 17
Tx group were
included in
education settings
as compared to 1
child in the C
Eldevik et al.
10, 3
14, 1
The Tx group
outperformed the
C group on
Functioning; Visual
Spatial Skills;
Pathology; Degree
functioning, and
of Intellectual
subscale of the
VABS. The Tx
group also
significantly less
pathology at the
Intake Characteristics
Outcome Measures
M, F
Eikeseth et al.
8, 5
11, 1
Treatment Characteristics
The Tx group
improvements in
IQ, adaptive
functioning, social
behaviour, and
Magiati et al.
27, 1
2.2 (r)
4.9 (r)
Visual-Spatial Skills;
12, 4
1.7 (r)
2.9 (r)
Both groups
However, the Tx
group achieved
Functioning; Play
Skills; Autism
higher scores on
Reed et al.
14, 0
The Tx group
13, 0
made significantly
greater gains on
functioning and
although the C
group did show
improvements on
Reed et al.
11, 1
Those in the Tx
18, 2
group made
Intake Characteristics
M, F
Outcome Measures
Treatment Characteristics
the portage
group on
functioning and
Comorbid Problems
made greater
gains than both C
groups on
Remington et
114.8 (r)
al. (2007)
113.6 (r)
The Tx group
greater increases
in mental age,
Nonverbal Social
Parental Wellbeing
functioning, and
positive social
43, 1
et al. (2008)
23, 14
Functioning; Autism
The Tx group
made significantly
Symptomatology (Tx
greater gains in IQ
group only)
Table 2. Summary of EIBI studies 2000-2010, M, F (male, female), VABS (Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale), EL
(Expressive Language), RL (Receptive Language), (r) (raw scores)
Eikeseth et al. (2002) compared the outcomes of EIBI and eclectic treatment for children
with autism after one year of intervention. The 13 children in the EIBI group received an
average of 28 hours of intervention each week in a school setting. Parents were trained for a
minimum of four hours each week for three months so that they were able to extend their
childs treatment to the home setting. Children in the eclectic group received an average
of 29.1 hours of intervention each week. Following treatment, the EIBI group outperformed
the control group on measures of intellectual functioning, visual-spatial skills, and language
functioning. They also engaged in fewer disruptive behaviours than the eclectic group.
However, the eclectic group showed significantly greater increases in adaptive function
ing than the EIBI group.
Smith et al. (2000) evaluated the outcomes of children with autism or pervasive develop
mental disorder not otherwise specified who were assigned to an EIBI group or parentdelivered behavioural intervention group. The 15 children in the EIBI group received, on
average, 24.5 hours of intervention each week delivered by trained student therapists
while parents were included in five hours of teaching each week. The 13 children in the
parent-delivered behaviour received 15-20 hours of intervention each week. Their parents
received bi-weekly training for 3-9 months and a minimum of one hour of supervision
each week. At the end of the treatment phase, the EIBI group performed significantly
better than the parent-trained group on measures of intellectual functioning, visual-spa
tial skills, language, and academic functioning. The groups did not differ on measures of
adaptive functioning or challenging behaviours. Children with pervasive developmental
disorder not otherwise specified tended to respond better to treatment than children
with autism.
Intake Characteristics
M, F
Treatment Characteristics
Group Differences
Fava et al.
Tx group showed
significant changes
in autism severity,
adaptive behaviour
VABS socialization
subscale), and on
symptomatology. A
significant decrease
Parental Stress
in challenging
behaviours was also
observed. The C
group showed
significant changes
on all subscales of
the VABS. Parents
of children in the C
group reported
significantly less
Eikeseth et
al. 2012
29, 6
20, 4
Tx group scored
significantly higher
on all VABS
subscales. The Tx
group showed
reductions in autism
Eldevik et
al. (2012)
25, 6
8, 4
functioning and
adaptive behaviour.
Flanagan et
al. 2012
69, 10
significantly more
Intake Characteristics
M, F
Treatment Characteristics
Group Differences
53, 10
subscales. They
significantly higher
IQ scores and
scored significantly
lower on a measure
of autism
Strauss et
al. 2012
22, 2
19, 1
Tx group showed
significantly greater
gains in intellectual
language, and
social interactions.
They showed
significantly greater
reductions in autism
Parental Stress
and challenging
behaviour. Both
groups made
significant gains in
receptive language
and adaptive
behaviour. Parents
in the Tx group
were significantly
more stressed.
Table 3. Summary of EIBI studies between2011-2012, M, F (male, female), VABS (Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale),
EL (Expressive Language), RL (Receptive Language)
Eikeseth et al. (2012) examined the outcomes of 35 children receiving EIBI and 24 children
receiving TAU after one year of treatment. Children in the EIBI group received 23 hours of
intervention per week, on average, and parent training was provided. Children in the
eclectic group were attending special education settings where teachers incorporated a va
riety of interventions. The children in the EIBI group made significantly greater gains in
adaptive functioning. They also demonstrated reduced autism symptomatology.
Fava et al. (2011) compared the outcomes of 12 children receiving EIBI and 10 children re
ceiving eclectic intervention after six months of treatment. EIBI was delivered by trained
therapists, in a clinic-based setting, and by intensively trained and supervised parents, in a
home-based setting, with children receiving 14 hours per week on average. Children in the
eclectic group typically received approximately 12 hours per week. After six months of in
tervention, the EIBI group showed significantly greater increases in intellectual functioning,
and significantly greater decreases in autism symptomatology and challenging behaviour.
Both groups, however, showed significant gains in adaptive functioning. Parents in the
eclectic group showed significant reductions in stress over the course of treatment while
no changes in parental stress were observed for the EIBI group.
7. Challenges to EIBI
Ongoing analysis of the outcomes of EIBI in comparison to other treatment programs is
clearly continuing to capture the interest of many researchers with five studies alone dem
onstrating outcomes between 2011 and 2012. Indeed, given the growing international recog
nition of EIBI as the recommended approach to autism intervention, this ongoing
investigation and demonstration of effects is vital. Such demonstrations and continuous rig
or in testing this approach with children with autism diagnoses, substantiates the view that
intensive early intervention using the scientific precision of behaviour analysis, can be a
very powerful intervention (Howlin, 2010; Granpeesheh, Tarbox & Dixon, 2009).
However, despite publication of the numerous studies outlined above, criticism of meth
odological stringency and dependent variables analysed within and across them, has
been documented.
Remarkably, despite thousands of ABA-EIBI studies on specific core deficits, and related challenging behaviours and skills, and
EIBI studies as well, some researchers still question the efficacy of these methods (Matson, Tureck, Turygin, Beighley &
Rieske, 2012, p.1413).
One of the most pronounced criticisms of EIBI research for some time is that large multi-ele
ment randomized clinical trials are required to provide a definitive scientific demonstration of
its effectiveness in autism treatment (Spreckley & Boyd, 2009). We, and others, (e.g., Keenan &
Dillenberger, 2011; Matson et al. 2012) do not support this view and we encourage the reader to
examine an excellent rebuttal of the reasons that the gold standard, randomized controlled tri
al in research evaluation, is in actual fact inappropriate for the design and evaluation of indi
vidualised treatment protocols (see Keenan &Dillenberger, 2011 for a thorough analysis).
One criticism presented in relation to the overall interpretation of the studies outlined in this
chapter involves the issue that large idiosyncratic differences occur across children diag
nosed with autism. Because of the extensive discrepant features and their expression across
the condition, Howlin (2010) stresses the need to determine which components of the inter
vention work best for specific individuals and under what set of circumstances. Smith et al.
(2010) also suggest that ongoing research is necessary in identifying key moderating varia
bles in EIBI outcomes. Specifically, they pose the question of what are the most effective
components, and the amount of such components, in producing marked changes in core au
tism symptoms and additional problems. Other researchers have also emphasised this point
(Alessandri, Thorp, Mundy, & Tuchman, 2005; Granpeesheh et al. (2009). For some, deter
mining predictor variables such as personal characteristics affecting outcomes has been a fo
cus. For example, Itzchak and Zachor (2009) demonstrated that the presence of an
intellectual disability and significantly delayed adaptive skills in young children with au
tism was a major risk factor and a predictor of weaker outcomes for EIBI. They also showed
that children who were 30 months of age or younger responded significantly better to early
intervention. A more recent study by Perry et al. (2011) showed that variables including
younger age and higher intellectual functioning at onset of intervention were predictors of
greater positive effects. Not surprisingly, Perry et al. (2011) also found that duration of inter
vention was a predictor of positive outcomes for young children undergoing EIBI- the lon
ger the child participated in the intervention, the better the outcome.
While EIBI programs provide strong adherence to the framework and foundational princi
ples of learning within ABA, some investigators have followed a particular "brand name"
approach (Healy, Leader & Reed, 2010). There are a number of different ABA approaches
that have been outlined in a variety of sources (some examples include: Greer, Keohane &
Healy, 2002; Koegel & Koegel, 2006; Lovaas, 1981; Lovaas & Smith, 1989; Sundberg & Mi
chael, 2001). Often this branding can lead to obfuscation for the reader in interpreting
what type of EIBI/ABA program is best. However, these approaches are all built on the
same bedrock sharing important common features- intensity in program delivery (up to 40
hours weekly for at least three years), one-to-one teaching where the individual requires
such intensive instruction, and discrete-trial reinforcement-based methods (in both massed
trial formats and natural environmental teaching opportunities) incorporated within the sci
entific stringency of a behaviour analytic framework (Matson et al. 2012).
Magiati and Howlin (2001) have argued that many of the EIBI studies employ different
measurements across participants and at baseline and follow up thereby compromising
interpretation and reliability. For example, Eikeseth et al. (2002) and Howard et al. (2005)
did not use the same tests at baseline and at follow up phases. Inconsistencies in partici
pant characteristics across groups (lack of matching: (e.g., Eldevik, Eikeseth, Jahr, &
Smith, 2006; Fenske, Zalenski, Krantz, & McClannahan, 1985) have also been critiqued
within the studies. In addition, different investigators examined various settings for EIBIsome were clinic-based (Ben-Itzchak et al., 2007; Eldevik et al., 2006) others were com
munity-based (Cohen et al., 2006; Eikeseth et al. 2002; Eikeseth et al., 2007; Eikeseth et
al., 2012; Eldevik et al., 2012; Flanagan et al., 2012; Howard et al. 2005; Magiati et al.,
2007), while others were home-based (Reed et al., 2007a; Reed et al., 2007b; Remington et
al., 2007; Sheinkopf & Siegel, 1998;Smith et al., 2000). This variation in measures/settings
across studies may provide challenges in the generalisation of intervention outcomes to
different environments (Mudford et al., 2009).
However, we believe that it is critical to be able to assess the effectiveness of EIBI across par
ticipants who may reflect different tracts on the spectrum i.e., those with more severe core
autism symptoms, presence of challenging behaviours, less linguistically able; impaired IQ;
co-morbid or co-occurring problems etc. In this sense it appears important to utilise a wide
range of instruments in the assessment procedure, not only to examine autism severity but
also measures of intellectual functioning, adaptive behaviour, challenging behaviour, comorbid psychopathology and educational functioning.
Treatment integrity including initial training of therapists and parents along with continual
supervision is often not reported in studies yet many authors have written on the impor
tance of adherence to the scientific rigor of ABA (Symes, Remington, Brown & Hastings,
2006). While many of the studies reviewed referred to training either for therapists or pa
rents, detail on the fidelity of treatment delivery was not measured. Where some have inves
tigated adherence to strict training protocols, highly effective outcomes can be demonstrated
using EIBI (see McGarrell, Healy, Leader, OConnor & Kenny, 2009).
Critiques of the initial results reported by Lovaas (1987) concerning the effectiveness of EIBI
were dominant amongst the most vociferous arbiters, especially given that exact replication
of such results is not evident to date. Indeed, this is one of the greatest challenges faced by
many EIBI researchers. The children undergoing EIBI treatment in the Lovaas study made
remarkable gains of up to 30 IQ points and were not noticeably different from neuro typical
developing children after 3 years of the intervention. Replications of this original study have
certainly attempted to address the methodological criticisms by incorporating more rigorous
experimental design including random assignment to groups (Sallows and Graupner 2005;
Smith et al. 2000). However, studies to date have yet to achieve the extent of the outcomes
reported by Lovaas (1987).
It is clear that over time the methodological criticisms of the earlier studies have been ad
dressed by more recent investigators. Some of the recent published studies have employed
larger small sample sizes, comparison groups, random assignment of the children to groups,
matched characteristics across groups and standardising measures used for assessment be
tween and within children (e.g., Flanagan et al., 2012)
Certainly, consistency in measures at baseline and follow-up has improved with most of the
studies published between 2011-2012 implementing the same measures at entry and output
for the majority of variables measured (Eikeseth, et al., 2012, Eldevik, et al, 2012; Fava et al.,
2011; Flanagan et al., 2012; Strauss et al., 2012). Furthermore, it is worth noting that most re
cent studies on EIBI are employing a more extensive battery of measures to assess the effects
of EIBI- in addition to IQ and adaptive behaviour which was the focus of earlier research.
For example, Fava et al. (2011) and Strauss et al. (2012) measured autism symptomatology,
language functioning, challenging behaviour, comorbid psychopathology, and parental
stress as outcomes of EIBI. Eikeseth et al. (2012) and Flanagan et al. (2012) also examined au
tism symptomatology as a dependent variable. This focus on increasing evaluation of treat
ment outcomes is a welcome development in EIBI research. Examining the impact of EIBI on
the core symptoms of autism, challenging behaviours and comorbid psychopathology pro
vides an exciting avenue for future research.
While some authors have provided criticism in response to their interpretation of the EIBI
outcome studies summarised within this chapter (e.g., Shea, 2004), others have acknowl
edged the long-term effects of such an intervention resulting from the best empirically vali
dated interventions (e.g., Granpeesheh, Tarbox & Dixon, 2009).
Prior to 2009 six EIBI descriptive review papers were published each analysing meth
odologies, variables and outcomes from different perspectives (e.g., Eikeseth 2009;
Granpeesheh et al. 2009; Howlin, Magiati & Charman, 2009; Matson and Smith 2008;
Reichow & Wolery, 2009; Rogers and Vismara, 2008). As well as these research re
views, Eldevik et al. (2010) gathered individual participant data from 16 group design
studies on behavioural intervention for children with autism, resulting in individual
participant data for 309 participants in an EIBI group, 39 participants in an alternate
treatment comparison group, and 105 in a control group-no treatment group. Their
analysis revealed that more children who underwent behavioral intervention achieved
significantly greater change in IQ and adaptive behaviour compared with the compari
son and control groups (see Eldevik et al. 2010). We encourage the reader to examine
these papers in order to discern the conventional acclaim of EIBI as an acknowledged
intervention for ASD.
More importantly, since 2009 EIBI research for young children with ASD has been subject to
six meta-analytic reviews (Eldevik et al. 2009; Makrygianni and Reed 2010; Reichow and
Wolery 2009; Peters-Scheffer, Didden, Korzilius & Sturmey, 2011; Spreckley and Boyd 2009;
Virues-Ortega, 2010). A meta-analysis is a particular type of statistical method for integrat
ing results from many individual studies. This type of statistic can be useful for obtaining an
overall estimate of whether or not an intervention is effective and, if so, what the size of the
benefits are (i.e., the effect size). The overwhelming findings from five of the six meta-analy
ses conducted between 2009 to 2012 (Eldevik et al. 2009; Makrygianni and Reed 2010; PetersScheffer et al., 2011; Reichow & Wolery 2009; Virues-Ortega 2010) concluded that EIBI was
an effective intervention strategy for many children with ASD, accelerating development,
improving IQ and adaptive skills compared to those receiving no intervention or alternate
diverse standard care treatments.
Most recently, Reichow (2012) presented an overview of the five meta-analyses on EIBI for
young children with ASD. He concluded that the collective and accumulating evidence sup
porting EIBI from meta-analytic studies cannot be dismissed. Reichows impressive dissec
tion of the investigations of EIBI to date achieves the following assertion:
Furthermore, the current evidence on the effectiveness of EIBI meets the threshold and criteria for the highest levels of evidencebased treatments across definitions Collectively, EIBI is the comprehensive treatment model for individuals with ASDs with the
greatest amount of empirical support and should be given strong consideration when deciding deciding treatment options for
young children with ASDs (Reichow, 2012, p. 518.)
in Ontario, Canada, an estimated annual CA$ 45 million can be saved if EIBI is made
available to all children diagnosed with ASD (see Motiwala et al., 2006);
in Texas, USA, a total of US$ 208,500 per child is saved by the education system
through the use of EIBI (see Chasson, Harris & Neely (2007);
and in Pennsylvania, USA, average savings per child are estimated even higher to range
from US$ 274,700 to US$ 282,690 (see also Chasson, Harris & Neely (2007).
Based on these cost-saving analyses increasing change has been shown in policy regard
ing the role of EIBI in early intervention. For example, the state of Ontario in Canada,
has legislated to make EIBI services available for all children diagnosed with ASD (Perry
& Condillac, 2003). In the USA, 32 States have passed legislation to ensure that ABAbased interventions are either state-funded or provided through medical insurance com
panies (Dillenberger, 2011; Market Watch, 2012). It remains to be seen whether
government policy in the United Kingdom or Ireland will catch up with that of Canada
and the USA and provide government funded EIBI once children are deemed at risk for
or indeed presenting with this condition. Interestingly, the use of trained volunteers to
deliver EIBI has been shown to produce effective outcomes (Birnbrauer & Leach, 1993)
and may be an option for some parents/services to consider when cost is an issue. Many
university students who train on third level post-graduate programmes in Applied Be
haviour Analysis could make strong contributions in a voluntary capacity, to EIBI in au
tism treatment, as part of their ongoing accreditation process as Board Certified
Behaviour Analysts with the international certification body (Behaviour Analyst Certifica
tion Board). Alternatively providing parents of children with autism with training in
behavioural interventions (demonstrated by Sallows and Graupner, 2005) can result in
cost-saving and important positive outcomes for children with autism.
intervention for young children with autism. We believe that this paper provides an excel
lent summary of the criticisms provided on EIBI and we will highlight these here. Firstly,
many of the studies providing analysis of EIBI outcomes fail to report the severity of ASD
across participants and groups. This makes it difficult to decipher which children will show
greatest susceptibility to the intervention. Those with greater severity of symptoms may
show slower progress or less gains. It has been reported that a milder degree of autism is
related to better prognosis (e.g., Bartak & Rutter, 1976) and therefore it is essential that varia
bles at intervention onset include such a measure. Secondly, Matson and Smith (2008) high
light the fact that researchers often do not take into account the additional, co-morbid,
problems that present with autism (e.g., ADHD symptoms or anxiety disorders). Psychopa
thological problems can co-occur with the condition and may exacerbate the challenges and
deficits for many children. The impact this can have on treatment susceptibility is underre
ported and often not addressed in treatment research. For example, only two studies in our
review provided outcome measures of co-morbid psychopathology (Birnbrauer & Leach,
1993; Fava, 2011). Matson and Smith (2008) provide a strong argument for the assessment of
psychopathology before, during, and after EIBI, to determine ongoing changes in child pro
files or to address any required adjustments to the delivery of EIBI (e.g., increasing or de
creasing the duration of intervention, removing skills acquisition teaching from artificial
environments, less emphasis on massed trial instruction etc.). Perhaps not enough attention
has been given to these issues in EIBI research. The young age of onset of EIBI and the inten
sity of the intervention may have undesired side effects such as anxiety, stress, burn out
or indeed refusal to participate. Other controversial issues involving EIBI include parent and
sibling involvement which can often induce stress and family strain when highly intensive
intervention is provided within the family home. The negative side effects of this kind of in
tensive intervention certainly warrant separate analysis.
Unfortunately, like any professional practice or therapeutic intervention, there will be those
who claim to provide EIBI without adhering to the scientific demonstrations of what is, and
is not, effective within an intervention protocol. We have heard of anecdotal accounts of the
applications of behavioural interventions in autism treatment that are outdated and often
lack individualisation. Treatment fidelity is often a major problem in the field and often au
thors fail to demonstrate or report adherence to effective and current practice in many of the
published studies on EIBI. Such problems can lend support to a negative view of the use of
EIBI with young children with autism diagnoses.
An analysis of changes in adaptive functioning of young children has become an added fo
cus of EIBI studies in more recent years. Traditionally, studies tended to focus on changes in
intellectual and social functioning and language and communication abilities. Some authors
have criticised EIBI for overly focusing on cognitive skills with 1:1 teacher/student ratios
and a focus on desk-top instruction and intensive drills (e.g., Shea, 2004). Increasingly, EI
BI curricula and instructional protocols have grown to ensure inclusion of adaptive skills
teaching and acquisition of novel skills in natural environments. Studies evaluating out
comes of EIBI have also focused more on adaptive functioning changes as a result of the in
tervention. In 2002, Eikseth et al. reported greater increases in adaptive functioning in a
group of young children who received eclectic intervention than those receiving EIBI. Fur
thermore, Fava et al. (2011) and Strauss et al. (2012) showed that both groups receiving EIBI
and eclectic intervention showed significant gains in adaptive functioning. Two more re
cent studies by Eldevik et al.(2012) and Eikseth et al., (2012) reported the opposite findings
to Eikseth et al. (2002) in relation to adaptive functioning when comparing both interven
Another variable that has been increasingly analysed in early intervention autism research
includes parental stress. Interestingly, two comparison studies (Fava et al., 2011; Strauss et
al., 2012) showed significant reductions in parental stress for those parents whose children
were receiving eclectic intervention. The same effect was not shown for parents of chil
dren receiving EIBI. This is another important area of analysis particularly in light of the de
mands that EIBI places on parents and family.
11. Conclusion
EIBI as an approach to autism treatment is one of the most intensively analysed interven
tions in paediatric clinical psychology (Matson & Smith, 2008).
Substantial objective evidence for EIBI has been demonstrated at an experimental, descrip
tive and meta-analytic level of analysis (Reichow, 2012). We support the contention of many
authors in the field of autism treatment, that EIBI prevails by adhering to a principle of evi
dence-based practice, incorporating standardised objective measurement of outcomes along
with implementation of robust experimental design. This robust demonstration of effective
ness is driving policy change on the international stage and some authors (e.g., Dawson,
2008) suggest that one of the most important goals of investigations in the domains of au
tism and behaviour analysis research, is to become more effective communicators of scientif
ic findings to the general public/government bodies/advocacy groups/related professionals,
not only to harvest their support, but to ensure the dissemination of accurate and effective
intervention to so many who require it.
Author details
Olive Healy and Sinad Lydon
National University of Ireland, Galway
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Chapter 25
1. Introduction
Feeding issues are prevalent in young children. Feeding will be defined here as the process of in
gesting food and drink in social environments where such activities take place. Estimates of
problems may range from 13 to 50% in typically developing children, but may be as high as 80%
in children with developmental disabilities [1-7]. In 1 to 10% of these children problems may be
come chronic and may affect their health and development [1, 8]. Anatomical, metabolic, gastro
intestinal, motor or sensory problems may be the cause of or may contribute to some of these
feeding problems [8]. A global medical assessment is necessary when feeding problems persist,
because some medical symptoms may not be recognized as associated with feeding at first sight,
such as asthma. Even if the association remains unclear, a high prevalence of asthmatic children,
particularly with nocturnal asthma, have gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) [9]. Both feeding and
eating, the processing of food and drink in the mouth and swallowing, are also known as activi
ties of daily living (ADL) and studies examining the specific problems of children with Autism
Spectrum Disorders (ASD), found that 46 to 89% have feeding problems [10-18].
While these studies are important to determine the nature and extent of such problems, re
sults have to be interpreted with caution. First, small and heterogeneous sample sizes do not
permit generalization to the entire population of children with ASD. There is also no consen
sus regarding the terminology and definitions used to describe these problems, i.e. feeding
problem, eating problem, food refusal, selective/picky eating, mealtime problems, etc Fur
thermore, authors use different instruments to measure these problems. Caregiver question
naires are the most commonly used tools for this purpose; however, their psychometric
properties are not well established. Further, observational studies of these subjects eating
skills or self-reports from them are lacking. This makes it difficult to compare studies or to
replicate their results.
2013 Nadon et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Despite these methodological limitations, it is clear that feeding problems constitute a fre
quent and significant preoccupation for many parents of children with ASD [18]. In support
of such concerns, some studies found that children with ASD are more susceptible to feed
ing problems than children with other developmental disabilities [19-23]. There is as yet no
defined etiology for feeding problems in children with ASD neither is there for the pediatric
population in general. Significant associations have been found between oral-motor, gastro
intestinal and sensory problems in children with ASD [19, 24-26]. According to Skinner [27],
individuals responses to environmental stimuli shape their behaviors and this interaction
constitutes the foundation for learning. When feeding is described as a struggle in the family
environment, behavioral approaches such as escape extinction and positive reinforcement
are used by professionals and gradually assumed by the caregiver. However, feeding prob
lems may also arise from a limited ability to communicate or from poor social and cognitive
skills. Eating skills and mealtime manners are learned by observation and imitation, yet
these associations have not been correlated with ASD. More recent studies have found simi
larities between anorexia nervosa (AN) and ASD, on the basis of global processing deficits,
inflexible style of thinking, communication difficulties and impairment of interpersonal
functioning and social interactions [28-30]. Hence, treatment approaches used for AN might
also be suitable for ASD.
Considering the impact feeding problems can have on childrens health, the stress experi
enced by parents, as well as the impact on social participation of child and family, it will be
crucial to continue documenting feeding problems in this group, to better understand them
and thereby, offer better treatment. Similarly, it will be just as important to provide profes
sionals with better guidelines to evaluate feeding problems, as well as to appreciate the con
sequences they have on family function.
2. Essentials of diagnosis
The severity of pediatric feeding problems can range from mild to severe. Despite this wide
range, there are no clear indicators to determine which problems will be transient and those
that will persist over the long term and may have an impact on childrens health [1]. The
DSM-IV-TR, a classification for psychiatric disorders, describes criteria for feeding disorder of
infancy and early childhood; however, this particular diagnosis is rarely used in research or
clinical practice. There are several reasons for this. A majority of the children who are refer
red for feeding problems, in general, do not meet all of the criteria outlined in the DSM-IVTR (Table 1) [7, 31]. For example, children do not qualify even if they have severe feeding
problems but normal weight (e.g. eating foods of poor nutritional value; eating only purees
or being tube fed) [7]. It is also not clear which medical or mental conditions, including ASD,
would exclude a child from a diagnosis of feeding disorder of infancy and early childhood. Other
diagnostic classifications and screening criteria appear promising. These are: Feeding Behav
ior Disorder [32, 33], Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder [34] and Feeding Disorder [35-37],
the Wolfson Diagnostic Criteria [38] and the framework proposed by Davies et al.[39].
Criterion A. Feeding disturbance as manifested by persistent failure to eat adequately with significant failure to gain
weight or significant loss of weight over at least 1 month.
Criterion B. The disturbance is not due to an associated gastrointestinal or other general medical condition (e.g.
esophageal reflux).
Criterion C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Rumination Disorder) or by
lack of available food.
Criterion D. The onset is before age 6 years.
Table 1. Diagnostic Criteria for Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood from the DSM-IV-TR [31]
tensities of these aversive reactions may lead to food refusals that may get generalized to
foods with similar characteristics or to all new foods. Some children are so sensitive to the
sensory characteristics of the rejected food that they will not eat any other food that comes
in contact with the refused food, or refuse that certain foods be placed in their line of vision,
or refuse to eat when others, seated next to them, eat a food that has been rejected or it may
trigger an aversive reaction (Figure 1). What distinguishes Sensory Food Aversions from nor
mal food preferences is the degree of severity of the food refusal and the presence of nutri
tional deficiencies or oral-motor delays arising from a lack of exposure to more demanding
food textures [33]. Some studies have shown a significant relationship between food selec
tivity or mealtime problems and problems with sensory modulation [26, 40].
Figure 1. Children learn about food through exploration with their senses
feeding problem, this study showed that these motor behaviors were associated with tactile
sensitivity but independent of mental retardation, attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity
that is often present in these children [13]. These oral-motor problems are often overlooked,
because it is generally a small group when compared to the whole population of children
with ASD. However, careful evaluation may be particularly helpful for this group of chil
dren, because specific treatments exist, and have been shown to be effective for other neuro
logically based feeding problems [41].
Anticipatory behavior is an early indicator of social engagement. Kanner [69] noted that in
fants who later were described as autistic did not reach out to an adult who was engaged
in picking them up. Brisson and colleagues [70] made use of this characteristic by studying
anticipatory behavior associated with feeding. The authors performed a retrospective re
view of home movies of infants, 3 to 6 months of age, who were later diagnosed with au
tism, expecting that they would perform poorly on opening their mouth (the anticipatory
behavior) in response to an approaching spoon. Results were compared to an age matched
typically developing group. While typically developing children, as a group, achieved 79%
correct responses, only 46% of the children with autism did so. There was a clear learning
curve in both groups, with younger infants showing fewer mouth opening responses than
the older ones, and a larger proportion of typically developing infants opening their mouth
to an approaching spoon than did infants with autism. These results are consistent with pa
rent descriptions that infants were easily distracted when feeding, right from birth, and this
behavior may indeed become an early diagnostic indicator, in conjunction with other behav
iors that characterize the ASDs.
3. Evaluation
Feeding at mealtimes occurs as the result of the interaction between a childs body functions
and structures, his health condition and some contextual factors (i.e. environmental factors
as well as personal factors). An illustration of these interactions, using the model of the In
ternational Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is illustrated in Figure
2. The complexity of these interactions may be the reason why many investigators devel
oped their own assessment tool, because existing ones did not adequately cover the domains
to meet the authors needs [71]. To have a complete picture of a childs problems, it is neces
sary to combine various methods of evaluation and to collaborate with professionals who
have different domains of expertise.
There are a number of methods and feeding assessments, with varying content as well as
different psychometric properties (e.g. caregiver questionnaires, interviews, child observa
tions). The following review will be selective and is not intended to be exhaustive. For a
more complete review the reader is referred to Nadon et al. [71] and Seiverling, Williams
and Sturmey [72]. Other evaluations may be performed using standardized assessments if
the childs condition suggests additional problems.
Figure 2. Adapted from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
frustration, food amount demandingness, and food type demandingness, for which sub
scales were computed. The Feeding Demands Questionnaire showed acceptable internal
consistency (.70 to.86). The authors concluded that different demand beliefs influence differ
ent feeding practices.
About Your Childs Eating (AYCE) [81] was developed to document positive mealtime envi
ronment, parent aversion to mealtime and child resistance to eating in a sample of typically
developing and a group of chronically ill children, aged 8 to 16 years. The AYCE is scored
on a Likert scale from never to nearly every time describing the frequency of the
childs mealtime behaviors, the caregivers interaction with the child and the caregivers re
action to the meal. While the constructs evaluated would seem to be similar in a group of
younger children, validity for the ASD diagnostic group remains to be determined. The
AYCE internal consistency is -.24 for child resistance, positive mealtime environment.55,
and parent aversion -.37. There is also evidence for convergent validity with the Family Envi
ronment measure. Other psychometric properties still need to be developed.
The Eating Profile [13] covers eleven domains (145 items): 1) dietary history of the child, 2) child
health, 3) family dietary history, 4) mealtime behaviors of the child, 5) food preferences, 6) au
tonomy with respect to eating, 7) behaviors outside of mealtimes, 8) impact on daily life, 9)
strategies used to resolve difficulties encountered at mealtimes, 10) communication abilities of
the child and 11) socio-economic factors of the family. The psychometric properties of this
questionnaire have been studied to a limited degree [13, 82]. It was used to compare sibling
mealtime behavior (ASD vs typically developing) in the same family. It showed that although
typically developing children also had some mealtime problems (mean of 5.0), children in the
same social and physical environment but with ASD, had significantly more such problems
(mean of 13.0) than their siblings. Lack of variety of foods, i.e. less than 20 items, an inadequate
number of meals, not eating at the table, or not staying seated during the meal, as well as show
ing some oral-motor deficits were the most significant differences between the two groups [13].
Even after developmentally related behaviors were excluded the difference between the num
ber of mealtime problems in the two groups persisted. These results suggest that the impact of
the diagnosis on mealtime behavior is greater than that of the environment.
3.3. Nutritional assessments
The Youth/Adolescent Questionnaire (YAQ) [83] is a self-report inventory for food frequency
with 148 items to determine the nutritional intake of 9 to 18 year-olds and the average food
serving frequency of six food groups. It provides an estimate of the average serving frequen
cy per day for 6 food groups as well as the average intake over one year. In a validation
study a correlation of.54 was achieved between the YAQ and 24-hour food recall interviews
[83]. Test-retest reliability ranged from.26 to.58 for nutrients and from.39 to.57 for food
groups. A modified version of the YAQ was used with children with ASD to quantify food
refusal and food selectivity (i.e. High-Frequency Single Food Intake) on a daily basis [64].
Although food frequency questionnaires are known to commonly over-report dietary intake
[84], they are useful to analyze childrens preferences as it is required when using graduated
exposure therapies.
Food records are routinely used by nutritionists to measure energy intake. A systematic
review [84] suggests that the 24-hour multiple pass recall conducted over at least a 3-day
period that includes weekdays and weekend days, using parents as reporters is the most
accurate method for children aged 4 to 11 years and that weighted food records provid
ed the best estimates of Estimated Intake for younger children aged 0.5 to 4 years. Cor
nish [54] used a three day food record to study a small group of children with ASD,
aged 3 to 16 years where 8 had followed a gluten and/or casein free diet for various
lengths (1 to 6 months) and 29 consumed a regular diet. Caregivers filled out a 3-day di
ary of all foods and drinks consumed. Nutrient intakes in 12 children were lower than
recommended in Lower Reference Nutrient Intake for zinc, calcium, iron, vitamin A, B12
and riboflavin in the regular diet group and in 4 for zinc and calcium in the diet group
although these differences were not statistically significant between the 2 groups. The
median daily energy intake was 93% of Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) in both
groups, and did not differ in the contribution of proteins, fats, or carbohydrates. Fruit
and vegetable intake was higher and consumption of starches was lower in the diet
group. The author notes that parents who followed the exclusion diet found that it iso
lated the family socially, food substitutes were difficult to find and costly, meals re
quired longer preparation time, and it was very difficult for the child to make the
change to the new diet.
3.4. Direct observations
Observation of the childs mealtime routine in his familiar environment provides insight
into the familys daily life and the accommodations made for coping with problems [74].
The family may be so enmeshed in this routine that it does not always realize how it
has adapted to the childs problem and to what extent the childs behavior or the envi
ronmental setting may contribute to the maintenance of problems. By making several vis
its to the home and by changing different variables (person, environment, social
demands, sensory stimuli, liked vs non-liked foods) the observer gets a clearer picture
of the situation. If possible the evaluator should have a discussion with the child regard
ing his global understanding of eating and his recognition of any problems. If a home
visit is not possible, the parent/caregiver should come to the clinic and bring some of the
childs liked and non-liked foods. Familiar plates or utensils can also be brought. Evalua
tion will then focus on oral-motor skills, reaction to foods, intensity of food aversions,
and acceptability of food modifications. A systematic presentation of foods was used by
Ahearn et al. [10] for children with ASD. However, a major criticism with this type of
evaluation is that it does not measure the severity or the problem experienced in the
home, because the context is far from what the child is used to. It is more likely measur
ing the childs reaction to novelty or the influence of different contexts.
The Multidisciplinary Feeding Profile (MFP) was developed by Kenny and collaborators
[85] with a group of 18 children, 6 to 18 years of age, who had neurological disabilities
and were dependent feeders. The evaluation is divided into six sections covering: I)
Physical/Neurological factors such as posture, tone and reflex activity, 2) Oral-Facial
Structure, consisting of an evaluation of the face and mouth at rest to identify variations
from normal, using surface anatomy exclusively, 3) Oral-Facial Sensory Inputs: a subjec
tive evaluation of sensory and reflex motor activity produced by stimulation of selected
cranial nerves, 4) Oral-Facial Motor Function: a series of voluntary oral facial postures
such as puckering the lips or deviating the jaw to the right or left, 5) Ventilation/Phona
tion: a subjective evaluation of breathing and sound production and 6) Functional Feed
ing Assessment: an evaluation of oral-motor skills during specific feeding tasks
examining spoon feeding, biting, chewing, cup- and straw drinking and swallowing.
Overall rater agreement, among 3 raters, was 0.83, and overall rater consistency was
0.90. Other psychometric properties such as validity, item consistency and test-retest reli
ability still need to be determined. As well, examination of the suitability for the popula
tion with ASD will be needed.
The Schedule of Oral-Motor Assessment (SOMA) by Reilly et al. [86] measures the oral-motor
and feeding skills of children 8 to 24 months of age. A sample of 127 children constituted the
original sample, 90% were typically developing and 10% were children with cerebral palsy.
Differently textured foods and liquids are offered to the child in a pre-determined order: liq
uid, puree, semi-solids, solids, biscuits and dried fruit and scored in 6 sections. Scores are
based on the quality of oral-motor, mandible, lip and tongue movements. Inter-rater reliabil
ity was 0.75 and internal consistency 0.85 [87]. The predictive validity was > 95% and sensi
tivity >.85 [88]. The age range of the SOMA makes it particularly attractive for use with
young children because of the benefits of early intervention [41]. While a diagnosis of ASD
may only be confirmed by two years or later, feeding problems are often recognized by pa
rents from the first year. Treatment of feeding problems is not dependent on the diagnosis
of ASD. Therefore, early intervention may prevent aggravation of feeding problems with
time when not treated promptly.
4. Treatment
Treatment must take the complete evaluation into account, including the interaction of the
person with his familiar environment. Feeding cannot be treated as an isolated problem and
the strategies employed should not be limited to mealtimes only. To illustrate: the stress a
child experiences during mealtime may decrease his appetite or decrease his tolerance for
tactile or olfactory stimuli. Also, if functional analysis reveals environmental contributions
to the feeding problems, like inappropriate parental strategies to cope with behavioral issues
during mealtime, treatment needs to include these routines as well.
Whether the treatment approach will be interdisciplinary or trans-disciplinary [19, 89]
collaboration between different professionals is desirable, given the complex nature of
feeding problems and the many factors to be considered [21, 39, 90, 91]. The degree of
involvement may vary, depending on the expertise of the individuals involved, the etiol
ogy of the problem to be addressed or the relationship the professionals have with the
parents [89, 90].
In food fading a similar approach is used. The intensity of the taste or texture is decreased by
mixing the new food with something that the child likes. For instance, one can mix a tea
spoon of home-made applesauce in a cup of commercial applesauce. If the child tolerates it,
one can add a second teaspoonful at the next meal, and so on. If the child reacts mostly to
visual changes he may be a good candidate for this particular approach.
Antecedent manipulation aims likewise at modifying the characteristics of a novel food or its
presentation (e.g. texture, bite size, utensil, etc.), to make it more acceptable to the child and
to fit the oral-motor skills of the child [8].
Escape extinction is used when the functional analysis shows that problem behaviors during
a meal result in avoidance of encountering or having to eat a certain food. Physical guidance
and non-withdrawal of the spoon are the general methods used for this situation [15]. The
spoon is presented to the child and kept near his mouth until the food is accepted. Physical
guidance consists of exerting slight pressure on the chin, to elicit opening of the mouth. Bad
behavior is ignored. This approach is very difficult to accept for parents because it can be
very taxing emotionally for both parent and child. Professional supervision is strongly rec
ommended, to prevent post-traumatic feeding problems or adverse effects on the parentchild relationship. We do not recommend using this approach on a long-term basis but
rather for specific identified behavioral problems.
4.4. Treatment based on the theory of sensory integration
Sensory modulation describes a component of the theory of sensory integration [99]. It is de
fined as the ability of adjusting responses to the degree, nature, or intensity of the sensory
environment [100]. Sensory modulation disorders (SMD) describe responses that are incon
sistent, inflexible and fail to meet the demands and expectations of the environment or a
task [100, 101]. One or more sensory systems may be involved, such as touch, vision, hear
ing, proprioception, vestibular, smell and taste. According to Miller et al. [101], there are
three subtypes of SMD; over-responsivity, under-responsivity, and seeking/craving. Chil
dren who are over-responsive react to sensory input more rapidly, and with greater intensi
ty and duration than the majority of their peers [101]. Over-responsivity can lead to
avoidance or aggressive behavior, to escape discomfort caused by sensory input. Tactile de
fensiveness is part of this subtype and is probably the most documented SMD [40, 99, 100,
102-104]. Under-responsivity describes slower, less intense responses to sensory stimuli
[101]. Children in this subtype are difficult to engage, they seem lethargic and lack the inner
drive to explore their environment or initiate social contact. Sensory seeking/craving is de
fined as an intense, insatiable desire for sensory input [100]. Available inputs are not
enough for children in this subcategory. They need input of greater intensity. They may take
risks and engage in socially unacceptable behaviors, and may have unusual olfactory or gus
tatory preferences.
People, in general, react differently to intrinsic (e.g. hunger, pain) or extrinsic (e.g. texture,
taste of food) sensations. Reaction thresholds and sensory preferences are part of each indi
viduals unique characteristics. However, these are not easy to measure objectively. Some in
vestigators do measure them, but their tools are not readily available to the clinician [105].
In Food Chaining [76], the childs food preferences are analyzed in detail to establish a
point of departure from which professionals can enlarge the childs food repertoire (Table
4). No studies were found to support the effectiveness of this approach for children with
ASD [112]. Nevertheless, it is currently in use in North American clinical environments and
several documents addressed to parents and professionals mention it [76, 110, 113]. Hier
archical exposure, based on proximity, associated with individualized positive reinforce
ment showed promising results for some children with ASD [98]. Validation is needed with
a more representative sample of the ASD population [98]. Graduated exposure may be used
in combination with other approaches, mentioned earlier, to determine which foods may be
easier to introduce first, to structure the progression of treatment, and to ensure that treat
ment does not progress too rapidly. Some use these strategies in combination with other
trans-disciplinary interventions in group therapies as a means of exploring foods through
games [111, 114]. This may be an interesting approach for children who have good symbolic
play and imitation skills. Other authors have used graduated exposure with more cognitivebehavioral methods, such as in a competition table or a diary to describe the childs prog
ress, or with positive reinforcement or strategies to decrease stress [115]. All children in this
last study were 7 years old or older. Some had autistic features, but none had a definitive
diagnosis of autism. A self/auto-evaluation scale for the child who has fair insight, as well as
an observation scale, are suggested by the authors of Food Chaining to rate reactions when
exposed to a new food [76].
4.6. Cognitive approach
Sensory hypersensitivities are very prevalent in ASD [56, 116, 117]. Baron-Cohen et al. [50]
suggest that excellent attention to detail observed in ASD results from this sensory hyper
sensitivity and that it leads to hyper-systemizing, an exceptional capacity to recognize re
peating patterns in stimuli; i.e. recognition of the rules that define a system. This theory
explains savantism as well as non-social features of autism, like narrow interests, or re
sistance to change. When applied to feeding, some food selectivity or illogical rules, like
wanting food prepared exactly the same way every day, may be the expression of a
strong systemizing capacity; i.e. sameness helps the child build concepts. According to
Baron-Cohen et al. [50] a concept is a system and helps to define what items to include as
members of the system. Therefore, a childs concept of French fries may rely on visual
systemizing (i.e. visual properties of the food are used to categorize: homogeneous light
brown, thin and long, in a specific container), or alternatively on social/environmental sys
temizing (i.e. categorizing according to who is present or when it is eaten: French fries
are eaten after swimming class, at McDonalds, with dad). Because the child with ASD is
also hypersensitive, a minor change in cooking duration, a different tablemat, is immedi
ately detected and the presence of this new feature (often more than one, considering all
the variations possible during mealtime) may no longer allow the child to include the
new food in his concept of French fries. This interpretation of autism-related feeding
problems could explain amelioration of feeding problems as children with ASD get older,
as well as miraculously resolved feeding problems observed sometimes in clinic or re
ported by parents. When the child understands and has a better global conceptualization
of food and mealtime situations, his feeding issues may resolve very rapidly. Other ap
proaches such as sensory integration and graduated exposure may be complementary, be
cause the first addresses sensory hypersensitivity, which leads to hyper-systemization,
and the second supports how changes can be introduced. According to Baron-Cohen et al.
[50], changing one variant at a time is better to support the child in building general con
cepts. Another avenue may be inspired by cognitive remediation therapy used for chil
dren and adolescents with anorexia nervosa but it would have to be adapted to ASD, and
maybe also focus more on food concepts and feeding situations [118].
Developing a teaching method to learn global concepts of food and eating specific to ASD
may be needed. Baron-Cohen et al. [119] found an autism-friendly way to teach emotions
to children with ASD which may potentially be adapted to the feeding domain. Eating and
the socialization associated with it, touches a spectrum of emotions. Children with ASD
seem to only recognize like vs dislike and not the broader spectrum of tolerate, appreciate,
enjoy, love, or crave. Understanding these may also help them to explore and eat a larger
number of foods.
4.7. Adaptation of commonly used tools/approaches to ASD
To achieve acceptable table manners, Social Storiestm [120] may be used to describe a meal
time situation, a skill or a food concept, that includes expected table manners, and aims at
helping the individual with ASD better understand social expectations at mealtimes. A So
cial Storytm may be illustrated such that it explains to the child how meals are set up, why
one has to eat, or even to explain what table manners are and what is expected at home or
outside the home (i.e. formal and informal rules). This type of intervention was shown to be
effective in a young boy with Asperger syndrome, for decreasing unacceptable table man
ners, such as spilling food and increasing desirable behaviors such as mouth wiping [121].
The TEACCH approach seeks to promote understanding and independence by adapting the
environment to better fit the learning style of children with ASD [122]. Visual supports used
in TEACCH to enhance predictability and understanding of a task would also be appropri
ate for eating. For example, one would place only a tiny amount of a new food on the childs
plate, if the goal is only to taste the food. To help the child understand the sequence of the
meal, one could place a visual sequence next to the plate, to illustrate what he is expected to
do, how/when the meal will end and what will happen after the meal (e.g. sit at the table eat foods on your plate - drink beverage from your glass - wipe your hands - return to play).
Use of alternative and augmentative communication such as the Picture Exchange Communi
cation System (PECS) [123] may enhance communication and understanding of social set
tings between the child and members of the family at mealtimes.
5. Discussion
Much progress has been made in our ability to discriminate between constellations of ap
parently similar feeding behaviors, and thereby establish differential diagnoses for chil
dren with ASD and feeding problems [33-35, 38, 39]. However, each new insight gained
seems to beg new questions that call for an answer. The evaluation and treatment for
these feeding problems has experienced a similar evolution. We will discuss these in the
same order as the chapter has been presented so far, starting with diagnoses, followed by
evaluation and treatment.
5.1. Differential diagnoses
One of the basic needs for the classification of a problem is the use of a nomenclature that is
understood and used consistently by the professionals who work in the same domain. There
is still no universal consensus what defines a feeding problem, eating problem, food refusal,
selective/picky eating, mealtime problems etc., in terms of their characteristics, duration,
and severity. It may be the source of confusion and disagreement in the interpretation of re
sults from research. Therefore, such a classification would do much to advance the field, by
minimizing the need for defining terms by individual investigators in the course of their
work. Consensus building of this type is usually called upon by nationally recognized pro
fessional organizations which in the case of feeding problems will need to ensure that as
broad a spectrum of professionals is represented in the discussions and formulation of such
a classification of this complex topic.
Several classification systems are currently in use. These may contribute to some of the in
consistencies of results, but each makes a unique contribution, and so, a comparison may be
helpful to conclude the discussion on differential diagnoses. The DC: 0-3R [32], the proposed
DSM-V [34] and Dovey et al. [35] classifications have several advantages over the current
DSM-IV-TR classification. These are the addition of the constructs of appetite, self-regula
tion, and the sensory and post-traumatic feeding problems. Despite these advances, there
will always be children who will not exactly fit these new definitions. It must also be noted
that the authors of these classifications do not exclude the possibility that a child may
present with more than one diagnosis at a time. Nonetheless, there are still gaps. For exam
ple, much attention has been paid to nutritional deficiencies and weight loss, whereas nor
mal weight gain or over-weight due to hyper-caloric diets associated with high hedonic
value from sugars, fats and salt are not yet covered. These diets are quickly becoming an
important societal problem. Certain symptoms and diagnostic criteria sometimes overlap
and standardized tools are not yet available, especially for sensory food aversions [124]. The
recognition of sensory based feeding problems is new and studies will be needed to validate
criteria for sensory based food aversions. It is also not yet clear whether some of these feed
ing problems are specific to the population with ASD, if they are an associated condition or
a learned behavior complicated by their diagnosis.
5.2. Evaluation
In the section on evaluation we noted that the age ranges of evaluations vary from infancy
to late adolescence. New assessments may be needed if the age range for a particular do
main is not yet available. While a diagnosis of ASD is often not confirmed until a child is 3
to 4 years old, feeding problems are prevalent and often come to attention in infancy [70].
Treatment of a feeding problem does not depend on a diagnosis of ASD. Therefore, it can be
dealt with as early as it comes to attention. Such an approach may prevent the serious longterm consequences in terms of weight gain and brain development [46]. Whether early feed
ing behaviors may become predictors for a diagnosis of ASD will need further study.
However, inclusion of feeding evaluation at the time of the diagnostic work-up is highly rec
ommended for the many reasons that have been stated throughout this chapter.
We proposed the International Classification of Functioning (ICF; WHO) as the model for eval
uation, in order to ensure that the interactions between the childs body functions and struc
tures, his health condition, and some contextual factors (i.e. environmental as well as
personal factors) will be included in the global evaluation. As of this writing no standar
dized evaluation exists that covers all domains of this model. Some evaluations may cover
some domains, e.g. activity/participation and environment, or personal factors and activity/
participation and so, feeding assessments based on all domains have to be accomplished by
using several evaluations that in combination cover these domains. Another problem is that
some of these evaluations have been developed for typically developing children or children
with other diagnoses, and will need to be validated for children with ASD. As stated in the
discussion of differential diagnoses, collaboration by an interdisciplinary team to develop a
tool comprising all three domains would move the field forward substantially.
Many of the evaluation tools reviewed above are questionnaires and may have satisfacto
ry psychometric properties [73, 77, 78], while others have only limited psychometric prop
erties [13, 85] and need further development. Questionnaires offer the advantage of
describing the childs usual abilities. These behaviors are described by a person who is fa
miliar with the child, usually a parent or teacher, and reflects the observers perception of
the childs performance. Direct observations of the childs performance in his familiar en
vironment are still lacking. This constitutes a significant gap in the treating professionals
knowledge, because the treatment plan will be based on results obtained from a question
naire or from contexts unfamiliar to the child.
Evaluation of childrens nutritional state is based on caloric and nutrient sufficiency of the
diet. These are commonly evaluated by food frequency questionnaires, and by 1, or 3-day
food records [84]. Food intake is very individual, depending on the childs age and activi
ty level, as well as the cultural environment of the family unit. To judge intake adequacy,
results are compared to established national standards such as Estimated Average Require
ments, or National Recommended Intake Standards (NRIS). Evaluation of nutrient adequacy
rent could not tell, but it upset the family considerably. Therefore, the definition of what
is normal or abnormal at different stages of development has not yet been adequately de
fined. Despite the extensive use of behavioral and sensory integration techniques in the clin
ical environment, research using appropriate controls is still lacking to corroborate results
from anecdotal reports [8]. Most of the behavioral approaches are patient centered and so,
may not take the whole family unit into account. This point has been particularly empha
sized by Davies et al. [39]. With an activity that is so family/culture centered as mealtimes
are, a further challenge will be to integrate the family into our treatment approaches.
6. Conclusion
This literature review has illustrated how common feeding problems are in children with
ASD. However, it is not yet definitively established whether these problems are different
from the general pediatric population. There is no consensus yet on the terminology to be
used to describe these problems, on evaluation methods, and use of different diagnostic
classification systems. This makes comparisons of different studies very difficult at present.
Some feeding problems are similar to the sensory problems described in the DC: 0-3R. This
would justify the use of the sensory integration approach, as well as hierarchic desensitiza
tion in the treatment of children with ASD and feeding problems. Updating guidelines for
diagnoses and clinical practice will contribute to knowledge translation from research to
general practice. Preventive approaches, and teaching parents how to handle feeding prob
lems also seems promising. Further research is needed to support these beginnings.
Author details
Genevive Nadon1, Debbie Feldman1 and Erika Gisel1,2
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Universit de Montral and Center for Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Research, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada
2 Faculty of Medicine, School of Physical & Occupational Therapy, McGill University, Canada
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Chapter 26
1. Introduction
The terms Autism and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) can be interchangeable in the clinical
setting, and have been used to describe one of the most intriguing neurobehavioral syndromes,
that include the so-called triad of Wing: problems in communication, social skills, and
restrict repertoire of interests. However, it is somewhat difficult to precisely define autism,
because of the imprecise boundaries between different kinds of ASD as well as the fact that
there is no biological marker to date (Gottfried and Riesgo 2011).
By definition, in autism the social deficits are characterized by lack of interest in spontaneously
sharing feelings, different levels of communication deficits, difficulties in imaginative plays,
restrictive repertoire of interests, non-functional routine fixations, as well as stereotypies and
other motor alterations, such as flapping with hands, circular movements and others (Nikolov,
Jonker, and Scahill 2006; Gadia, Tuchman, and Rotta 2004).
While the criteria of the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth
Edition) are not yet published, we still have to use the older version. According with the
DSMIV criteria, there are five clinical situations that could be encompassed by the term
PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorders) or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) with the
same meaning of PDD or autism (Association 2002).
Although it will change in the near future, the five current clinical ASD diagnosis admitted by
DSM-IV-TR (Gadia et al., 2004) are: a) Autistic Disorder; b) Asperger Disorder (AD); c) Rett
Disorder; d) Childhood Disintegrative Disorder; e) PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental
Disorder Not Otherwise Specified).
2013 Riesgo et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
According with DSM-IV-TR, and in agreement with previous epidemiological data, our group
found that the most prevalent ASD is the PDD-NOS, followed by Autistic Disorder, and then
by Asperger Disorder. Accordingly, the Rett Disorder and the Childhood Disintegrative
Disorder for sure are less frequently seen in the clinical practice (Longo et al. 2009).
The increasing levels of prevalence in ASD probably is due to several reasons, such as the
changes in diagnostic criteria, the high level of awareness, the underestimation of former data,
the massive information exchange regarding ASD, the public strategies, etc. The first descrip
tion of autism was made by Hans Asperger, in 1938. In 1943, when Leo Kanner described a
sample with 11 children, autism was a rare condition affecting not more than 4 in 10.000
children (Kanner 1943).
However, childhood autism is much more frequent and is identified in at least one in each 100
children nowadays. For instance, a recent paper describes prevalence of 2.6% of ASD in
children aging from seven to twelve years of age (Kim et al. 2011).
Autism and ASD certainly have different kinds of approaches. These neurobehavioral
syndromes can be addressed, for example, both from the clinical and from the experimental
field. To our knowledge, at least in the academic environment, the best approach could be the
translational type because it made us able to rapidly build a bridge between the experimental
and the clinical field (Gottfried and Riesgo 2011).
Obviously, the earlier results usually came from the experimental research for several reasons.
In general, the time spent in each one experiment can be shorter compared to clinical research;
the environmental variables can be in part controlled, etc. By the other side, clinical research
can be more time consuming and potentially more complicated to be performed. There is no
doubt that both approaches are not mutually exclusive. Actually they are complementary.
Strictly speaking from the clinical perspective in autism, we can divide the clinical approach
into two basic and complementary issues. The first one is the general management, including
the confirmation of the correct diagnosis, the determination of the intensity of the compromise,
and the evaluation of intensity level of eventual core behavioral symptoms. The last one
encompasses several treatment options, which includes psychopharmacotherapy and differ
ent types of non-medical treatments.
As the first cases of autism were described in the early 40s, now we have adults with ASD. That
is the reason to keep in mind how ASD symptoms usually change during lifetime. As time pass,
different symptoms change differently and it is crucial to clinicians to know these differences.
In this context, the present chapter aimed to review (i) the general management of ASD from
the clinical perspective; (ii) the lifetime changes in ASD symptoms; and (iii) the evidence-based
treatment options.
diagnosis confirmation, the best initial approach could be done by an interdisciplinary team
including professionals coming from medicine, psychology and social sciences.
Obviously, before initiating any kind of intervention, several steps must be done as follows.
First of all, the final diagnosis must be confirmed by a careful anamnesis as well doublechecked using the DSM-IV criteria as well as a reliable clinical instrument such as Autism
Diagnosis Interview-Revised (ADI-R) (Becker et al. 2012). The ADI-R is frequently used as a
gold standard instrument for publication purposes, but it is problematic in the clinical practice
for several reasons, such as it can miss same ASD cases as well as it need at least two hours to
be completed. Then, the intensity of the ASD could be defined both from the clinical perspec
tive and by one instrument such as CARS (Pereira, Riesgo, and Wagner 2008). Another critical
issue is to delimitate if there is any associated mental disability and its degree of intensity. As
clinicians, we know the prognostic importance of an unaffected intelligence in ASD patients.
The second step includes the definition of the parents doubts, fears, and degree of awareness.
Usually, after diagnosis confirmation, parents became stressed. Not infrequently they go to
internet in order to search every kind of available information regarding autism. Because some
information coming from internet can be inaccurate, at this point, it is very important to clarify
which are the evidence-based types of therapies to date.
The third step could be the delimitation of environmental variables that needs to be addressed,
starting from the home and family. Neighborhood and school needs to be evaluated both in
terms of potential stressors and also because they can facilitates choosing a given type of
therapy on an individual basis.
The next step is done by the identification of the target behaviors needing treatment. After core
symptoms definition in each case, the different professional specialties that need to be involved
are selected. In general, the team includes a physician specialized in ASD patients as well as
one speech therapist and others professionals arising from health care and/or education with
experience in children with ASD.
When the issue is childhood autism symptoms, there are no major problems in terms of
information, because of most of the available publications are directed to pediatric patients.
As a consequence, adult ASD symptoms are less frequently accessed in the available literature.
Researchers had noted that the prevalence of adult ASD may be underestimating and most of
these patients reach adulthood without any diagnosis or treatment. This is especially true to
patients with Asperger. (Szatmari et al. 1995; Arora et al. 2011).
More recently, an increasing interest is observed in prevalence and clinical presentation of
ASD in adults. The few available prospective studies indicate a diagnostic stability through
life (Billstedt, Gillberg, and Gillberg 2005), and near of 80% of individuals with ASD diagnosed
in childhood continues to present scores within this spectrum during adolescence and
adulthood (Rutter, Greenfeld, and Lockyer 1967).
It is important to mention the difficulties in making diagnosis of ASD in adult patients,
because many of them have no information regarding their first years of life. If the diag
nosis of ASD is hard to be made in adults, then the prognosis is equally affected. The
prognostic studies in adults with ASD had includes patients with very different levels of
cognitive, linguistic, social, and behavioral functioning (Howlin et al. 2004). Additionally,
most of available the prognostic studies in adult ASD use small samples, which make
impossible to obtain definitive conclusions.
Where searching literature regarding how ASD symptoms change during lifetime, a paucity
of published information is promptly identified. Although the lack of publications, at least two
different timelines could be identified in ASD patients: a) how ASD core symptoms change as
time pass; b) how ASD-associated symptoms change with time.
3.1. How ASD core symptoms change during lifetime
The three core symptoms of ASD, the so-called triad of Wing are the following: social deficits,
communication deficits, and restrict and repetitive behavior.
The social deficits persist as an important problem in adolescence and adult age and usually
are accessed by the Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI) and also by the Vineland Adaptive
Behavior Scale (VABS). Our group translated into Brazilian Portuguese the ADI-R, considered
the gold-standard in autism diagnosis and is extremely useful identifying social deficits
(Becker et al. 2012). One study found that only 16.7% of adults with autism presented high
scores in social domain of VABS. Additionally, more than half of patients had no social contact
at all and one third showed strange social contact (Howlin, Mawhood, and Rutter 2000). In
general, social deficits do not improve significantly as time pass.
The communication skills tend to improve. As a group, ASD patients tend to keep al
most unchanged the idiosyncratic use of language as well as the inappropriate patterns
of communication in adulthood. More recent research had shown that more than half of
ASD patients present language below the level of ten years of age, when adults. When
comparing ASD versus AD patients with similar age and cognition, it is identified a
slight superiority in language skills in the AD patient group (Mawhood, Howlin, and
Rutter 2000; Howlin et al. 2004).
The restrictive repertoire of activities and interests do not change in intensity as long as time
passes, but certainly the type of interest do change during lifetime. Only few studies address
the restrictive repertoire of interests. According with Rutter and colleagues (1967), in a cohort
study, although some improvement was identified, all of patients with repetitive behaviors
during infancy continued presenting it 10 years later, with a trend to increasing frequency and
intensity of such symptoms (Rutter, Greenfeld, and Lockyer 1967). Subsequent research
showed that near of 90% of adolescents and adults with autism persisted with restrictive
repertoire of activities and interests (Seltzer et al. 2003; Howlin et al. 2004).
Another recurrent preoccupation in ASD follow up is regarding the Intellectual Quotient (IQ).
Although some studies revealed lifelong IQ stability, it seem to have a performance IQ decline
and a verbal IQ increase as time pass. In reality, there is a paucity of studies regarding IQ
changes lifelong in ASD patients. In patients with verbal and performance IQ above 70, these
changes seem to be less intense (Howlin et al. 2004).
Core symptom
Social deficits
In adolescence
In adulthood
Restrict repetitive
The second more frequent psychiatric disorder in ASD patients is probably bipolar disorder
(Howlin, Mawhood, and Rutter 2000). Young ASD children experience more difficulties in
mood stabilization. In addition, moods changes occur more rapidly in children when com
pared with adults. As a result, in very young ASD children the humor can change almost
The prevalence of bipolar disorders as a whole can reach up to 33% in ASD patients (Abramson
et al. 1992). Obsessive and compulsive symptoms are frequently identified in ASD, although
is difficult to distinguish the pure obsessive-compulsive disorder from bizarre concerns
common in patients with autism (Howlin, Mawhood, and Rutter 2000).
Adults with Asperger disorder can experience occasional episodes of psychosis, such as
persecutory ideas, auditory hallucinations, paranoid idea or delusional thoughts. But schizo
phrenia is not common and must remain as a differential diagnosis (Howlin, Mawhood, and
Rutter 2000). The abovementioned episodes of psychosis can be identified in up to 15% of
Asperger patients after adolescence (Hofvander et al. 2009).
Hyperactivity is a frequent symptom in children with ASD, is more prevalent in boys than in
girls, and can decrease as time passes. Although the concomitant aggressiveness itself usually
decrease with aging, the consequences of aggressiveness can be worse with age increasing in
patients with autism because of their increase of muscle strength. An overlap between ADHD
and ASD is relatively common in childhood, but this association is rarely described in
manuscripts with ASD adults (Stahlberg et al. 2004).
3.3. Prognosis for ASD patients in adulthood
Although there are no doubts regarding a substantial improvement in the management of
autism in the last three decades, unfortunately even nowadays a minority of adults with autism
is able to work, to live independently, as well to develop appropriate social skills. Most of these
patients still live with their parents or other caregivers (Howlin et al. 2004).
It is known by far that the most important prognostic value is defined by the cognitive
functioning in childhood. In this sense, the clinical problem eventually is to access intelligence
in non-verbal ASD children. According with literature, children with autism and IQ above 70
had better global prognosis in adulthood (Howlin et al. 2004).
The ability to acquire functional language until the age of six years is also another prognostic
landmark (Howlin et al. 2004). Better language and more preserved cognition are the two
probably reasons to explain the best prognosis in Asperger disorder when compared with
classical forms of autism.
sion, etc. Actually, medication is frequently required to decrease the noise surrounding
autism, including a wide range of maladaptive behaviors and/or associated problems
(Benvenuto et al. 2012). To our knowledge, psychopharmacotherapy can eventually improve
adhesion to non-medical treatment of ASD patients (Gottfried and Riesgo 2011).
In our experience, we usually identify 2-5 ASD associated symptoms and/or diagnosis,
including epilepsy. We have found disruptive behavior more frequently in ASD patients with
cognitive impairment, as well as symptoms related with depression and/or anxiety in pre
served intelligence ASD children (Gottfried and Riesgo 2011). Other related symptoms are:
aggression, self-injury, impulsivity, decreased attention, anxiety, depression, and sleep
disruption, among others.
Because ASD are chronic and markedly impairing situations in many cases, there is justifiably
a high desire for effective treatments. By the other side, it is important to mention that there is
a paucity of well conducted evidence-based studies of medications used in ASD patients. Not
infrequently, this desire leads to premature enthusiasm for agents and interventions that
appear promising in early reports but later do not withstand the rigor of randomized controlled
trial (RTC).
Another critical issue is the co-occurrence of epilepsy in ASD patients which is almost twenty
times more frequent when ASD patients are compared with children with typical develop
ment. The management of combined epilepsy can represent a challenge for clinicians. Several
anti-epileptic drugs can determine an exacerbation of behavioral symptoms, and some
psychotropic medications used in ASD patients may lower the seizure threshold (Benvenuto
et al. 2012). In our experience, risperidone can be safely used up to 3mg/Kg/day, and higher
doses can lead to seizures in susceptible patients. That is the reason why we prefer to perform
an electroencephalogram before using psychoactive drugs in ASD children (Gottfried and
Riesgo 2011). Therefore, its mandatory to search a treatment strategy with the minor negative
impact on this subgroup of patients
It should be noted that most psychotropic use in ASD is actually off-label, as currently
there are only two medications approved for use in ASD children by the FDA (Food and
Drug Administration). These drugs are risperidone and aripiprazole, which are effective
to associated behaviors, but not to autism itself. The general principles for the pharmaco
therapy in ASD are similar to the used in other neuropsychiatric conditions (Weinssman
and Bridgemohan 2012).
In summary, the use of psychotropic medications, alone or in combination, should follow some
guidelines, such as: be focused on specific targets, be used at the minimum effective dosage,
as well as be used for short period of time (Benvenuto et al. 2012). Ideally, medications should
be initiated only after behavioral and educational interventions are in place.
4.1. Disruptive behaviors
Disruptive behaviors in ASD children may include irritability, aggression, explosive outbursts
(tantrums), and/or self-injury. These symptoms can be identified in almost two thirds of ASD
patients and certainly have the biggest impact on the care of affected individuals, as well as
marked distress for their families (Benvenuto et al. 2012; Kanne and Mazurek 2011). Although
behavioral and environmental approaches are recommended as the initial treatment, more
severe or even dangerous behaviors usually result in requests for urgent pharmacologic
intervention (Kaplan and McCracken 2012; Weinssman and Bridgemohan 2012). In our
experience, this type of symptoms is more frequently found in intelligence disabled ASD
patients (Gottfried and Riesgo 2011).
In the past, conventional neuroleptic agents such as haloperidol have been used in disruptive
behaviors of autistic patients (Benvenuto et al. 2012; Miral et al. 2008; Kaplan and McCracken
2012). Our group showed that risperidone is superior when compared with haloperidol in one
experimental research using hippocampal cells (Quincozes-Santos et al. 2010). Additionally,
in the clinical research, at least one study proved that risperidone is more effective than
haloperidol in ASD patients (Miral et al. 2008). There are two RTC suggesting that haloperidol
is effective in disruptive behaviors of ASD children (Campbell et al. 1982; Miral et al. 2008),
but sedation and other side effects including dyskinesia and extrapyramidal symptoms limits
its use (Weinssman and Bridgemohan 2012).
As a result, to date atypical antipsychotic seem to be more helpful in treatment of disruptive
behaviors. Currently, risperidone and aripiprazole are the only second-generation antipsy
chotic drugs that have shown to decrease disruptive behaviors in large-scale, controlled,
double-blind studies (Benvenuto et al. 2012; Kaplan and McCracken 2012; Weinssman and
Bridgemohan 2012).
Before the approval by FDA in 2006, risperidone was carefully studied by the NIMH Research
Units on Pediatric Psychopharmacology (RUPP) Autism Network. A multiphasic trial
comparing risperidone with placebo was performed by RUPP for the treatment of aggressive
behaviors in patients aged 5 to 17 years with ASD. There was an initial double-blind, 8-week
RCT study (McCracken et al. 2002).
The studies found that risperidone, in mean doses of 2,08mg/d, was effective for reducing
moderate to severe tantrums, aggression, and self-injurious behavior in children with autism.
There wasnt evidence of side effects such as dyskinesia or dystonia. However, the observed
weight gain of 5,6kg for the risperidone group was more than twice the expected weight gain
over a 6-month period (McCracken et al. 2002; Kaplan and McCracken 2012).
Risperidone was approved by the FDA in 2006 for the treatment of disruptive symptoms in
children and adolescents aged from 5 to 16 years with autism, with a maximum recommended
dose of 3 mg/d. In our experience, risperidone was initially used in dose up to 6 mg/d. As time
pass, we noted that if no response was obtained with 3mg/d, no more increments were useful.
Coincidentally, this daily regimen seems to be the seizure threshold in susceptible patients
(Gottfried and Riesgo 2011).
Aripiprazole was approved by the FDA for the treatment of disruptive behavior in ASD
patients aged 6 to 17 years in 2009. Two large controlled studies documented the short-term
efficacy of aripiprazole at 5, 10 or 15 mg/d for severe aggression and irritability in young
subjects with autistic disorder. The most commonly reported adverse events were drowsiness
and weight gain, with extrapyramidal symptoms mostly in the fixed-dose study, but these
events rarely led to treatment discontinuation (Marcus et al. 2009; Owen et al. 2009). Aripi
prazole dosing and response can vary considerably; the usual recommended clinical dose for
maintenance is between 5 and 15 mg/d (Kaplan and McCracken 2012).
Other atypical antipsychotics lack large-scale controlled studies. Small open-label reports
suggest variable benefits of olanzapine (Potenza et al. 1999), clozapine (Beherec et al. 2011),
and ziprasidone (Malone et al. 2007), which have possible support, versus quetiapine, which
has not appeared to be beneficial. Other medications of different classes have been used, such
as alpha-2 agonists, mood stabilizers, beta blockers, SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors), all of them without evidence-based studies of efficacy in disruptive behavior to
date (Weinssman and Bridgemohan 2012).
Probably due the co-occurrence of epilepsy in ASD, the use of some antiepileptic drugs has
been used in the management of maladaptive behaviors (Gottfried and Riesgo 2011). Dival
proex sodium has been demonstrated to be efficient not only in decreasing irritability/
aggression, but also in improving of repetitive behaviors, social relatedness and mood
instability (Hollander et al. 2006; Hollander et al. 2010).
Adjunctive topiramate therapies can decrease irritability, hyperactivity and inattention
(Hardan, Jou, and Handen 2004; Mazzone and Ruta 2006). Moreover, the combination of
topiramate with risperidone has been proved superior to risperidone monotherapy in
reducing irritability and severe disruptive symptoms (Rezaei et al. 2010). In our experience,
this specific combination would be helpful in preventing or at least decreasing the weight gain
due to risperidone usage in ASD patients.
Although preliminary data of open-label studies showed that levetiracetam may reduce
hyperactivity, impulsivity, mood instability and aggression in autistic children, a RCT suggest
that levetiracetam does not improve behavioral disturbances of ASD (Weinssman and
Bridgemohan 2012), as well lamotrigine (Belsito et al. 2001).
4.2. Hyperactivity and inattention symptoms
These symptoms are frequently identified in ASD patients. Inattention, hyperactivity and
impulsivity may be related to comorbid ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and/
or to baseline anxiety of these children (Murray 2010; Rommelse et al. 2010; Benvenuto et al.
2012) Weinssman & Bridgemohan, 2012). It is known that children with ASD and ADHD have
more clinical impairments than children with ASD alone (Gadow, DeVincent, and Pomeroy
2006; Kaplan and McCracken 2012).
The potentially useful drugs for inattention and hyperactivity in ASD could be stimulants,
alpha-2 adrenergic agonists, atypical antipsychotics as well as anticonvulsant mood stabilizers.
To date, there is strong evidence that both stimulants and risperidone are effective for
hyperactivity. If the inattention and/or hyperactivity behaviors are due to anxiety, SSRI may
be a useful choice (Weinssman and Bridgemohan 2012).
Psychoestimulants and other medications used in typically developing children with
ADHD have been evaluated as a therapeutic option for treatment of ADHD symptoms
in patients with ASD. The largest trial undertaken by RUPP Autism Network has dem
onstrated that methylphenidate (MPH) was reasonably efficacious in patient with both
ASD and ADHD (RUPP 2005). Convergent evidence from different studies confirms a
positive effect on social behaviors (joint attention, response to bids for joint attention,
self-regulation, and regulated affective sate), hyperactivity, inattention and impulsiveness
(Di Martino et al. 2004; Jahromi et al. 2009). However, response rate to MPH is lower in
ASD children compared with children with ADHD without ASD (Weinssman and
Bridgemohan 2012). In ASD children, MPH should be started at the lowest dosage ant ti
trated slowly because of these patients are more prone to experience side effects.
As the same observed with MPH, atomoxetine has initially demonstrated a lower efficacy in
ASD patients with ADHD than in ADHD children without autism (Posey et al. 2007; Charnsil
2011). Nevertheless, more recent studies showed significant reductions in ADHD symptoms
in high-functioning ASD boys (Zeiner, Gjevik, and Weidle 2011).
Regarding the use of antipsychotic drugs in inattentive/hyperactive ASD patients, secondary
analyses from large RTCs demonstrated that risperidone and aripiprazole are associated with
large reduction of hyperactivity in children with ASD (McCracken et al. 2002; Owen et al.
2009; Weinssman and Bridgemohan 2012).
Despite the small number of RCT, another option is the use of alpha-2 agonists drugs in
ASD children with inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The use of guanfacine in
autistic children has showed modest improvement in the domains of hyperactivity, inat
tention, insomnia, and tics (Scahill et al. 2006; Handen, Sahl, and Hardan 2008; Weinss
man and Bridgemohan 2012). Clonidine is effective in reducing sleep disorders of
children with ASD, with a consequent daily improvement of attention deficits, hyperac
tivity, mood instability and aggressiveness (Jaselskis et al. 1992; Ming et al. 2008). How
ever, only two RCT have been conducted for this class of agent (Weinssman and
Bridgemohan 2012).
4.3. Stereotypy and repetitive behaviors
One of the core symptoms in ASD children is perseverative or repetitive behaviors usually
associated with difficulties in change interests, which can interfere in the quality of life of
patients and parents. Stereotypies and repetitive behaviors are not unique to ASD and can be
found in other developmental disorders, although clinicians and researchers agree that these
tend to be more frequent in ASD (Kaplan & McCracken, 2012; Leekam et al., 2011). By the other
hand, difficulties in changing interests, in the context of a developmental disorder, is one of
the hallmarks of autism.
Before use of medication, behavioral therapies should be performed. In our experience, poor
cognitive performance can be one of the limitations to behavioral therapy. If the child is
mentally disabled, the non-medical approach can be unsuccessful. In this situation, when these
symptoms are intense enough to cause impairments to academic performance and/or inter
personal relationships, pharmacologic treatment is often considered.
Because of the similarity of this cluster of autistic symptoms to anxiety as well as other
serotonin-related disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder has led clinicians to use and
researchers to investigate the efficacy of SSRI in the treatment of repetitive behaviors and
rigidity. Other possibilities in terms of medication include clomipramine, atypical antipsy
chotics and valproate (Weinssman & Bridgemohan, 2012).
To date, although the lack of high quality evidence that SSRI are effective to stereotypy and
repetitive behaviors, we still use this class of medication in clinical practice. In a meta-analysis
of published trials with different classes of antidepressants, including SSRI and tricyclic
antidepressants, the small benefit of these drugs on repetitive behavior disappeared after
statistical adjustment (Carrasco et al., 2012).
Other types of SSRI were tested in ASD children with stereotypy and repetitive behaviors, for
example: fluvoxamine, sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram and escitalopram. There is one
unpublished trial of fluvoxamine, which was poorly tolerated by children (McDougle et al.,
1996). There are no RCT of sertraline and paroxetine in ASD children (Weinssman & Bridge
mohan, 2012). The largest published trial of citalopram (mean dose 16mg/d) found no effect
at all on repetitive or compulsive behavior but found a possible effect on challenging behaviors
(King et al., 2009). Others RCT didnt show strengths of evidence for effect of citalopram or
escitalopram to reduce repetitive or challenging behavior (McPheeters et al., 2011).
Concerning antipsychotic drugs, in the RUPP studies, stereotypies and repetitive behaviors
were examined as secondary outcomes and then risperidone achieved levels of statistical
significance in reduction of repetitive behavior (McDougle et al., 2005). Similarly, aripiprazole
studies showed that the agent significantly improved repetitive behaviors over placebo
(Marcus et al., 2009; Owen et al., 2009).
There is only one small RCT which shows the efficacy of valproate in repetitive behaviors of
ASD children (Hollander et al., 2006). Our group avoids the usage of valproate in such
symptoms. In summary, from the clinical point of view, it is hard to improve stereotypy and
repetitive behaviors with pharmacotherapy. As a matter of fact, sometimes these symptoms
can be more uncomfortable to parents than patients.
4.4. Mood instability
In clinical practice, mood instability is more difficult to control in ASD patients compared with
typically developed children (Gottfried & Riesgo, 2011). Different drugs have been used,
including antipsychotics, SSRI, and lithium. The problem is that none of these medications
have been studied with RCT specifically for mood regulation in ASD pediatric patients
(Weinssman & Bridgemohan, 2012).
If mood lability is associated with disruptive behavior, the best choice could be atypical
antipsychotics. If this symptom is associated with depression and or anxiety, the use of
SSRI could be considered. It is important to remember the higher possibilities of behavio
ral activation in ASD patients after SSRI use, leading to hypomaniac states in susceptible
Level of evidence
Valproic acid
Crossover RCT
Crossover RCT
Repetitive behavior
Valproic acid
Sleep disorders
*FDA-approved medications for ASD children; **Secondary analysis; RCT = randomized controlled trials
Table 2. Psychopharmacological treatment in ASD patients
There is consensual that behavioral therapy must be intensive with at least 25 hours per
week, all year long. There are two main types of behavioral treatments: interventionists
and non-interventionists. Among the first group of available therapies, there are three
principal methods: a) Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA); b) Treatment and Educational of
Autistic and related Communication-handicapped Children (TEACCH); c) developmen
tal/relationship-based therapy (Floortime). Some of these strategies use combinations of
different models and are denominated integrative models. To date, there is no evidence
that integrative models are better than the original models (Weinssman & Bridgemohan,
2012). By the other side, one example of non-interventionist behavioral therapy is the
Picture Exchange Charts System (PECS).
5.1.1. ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)
Aims to teach the absent child skills through the introduction of these skills in stages. Usually,
each one of the skills is individually showed, presenting it coupled with an indication or
instruction. When necessary, any support that is offered should be removed as soon as
possible. (Ospina et al., 2008; Warren et al., 2011). In the clinical setting, we have identified
problems in terms of improvement from the classroom as well as a trend to overestimate the
efficacy of ABA.
5.1.2. Treatment and Educational of Autistic and related Communication-handicapped Children
Use structured activities and environment to help ASD patients to improve compromised area.
The model is adapted to each one child and addresses environment organization as well as
predicable routines in order to adapt the environment to make it easier for the child to
understand it, and understand what is expected of her. TEACCH programs are usually given
in a classroom, but can also be made at home. Parents work with professionals as co-therapists
for techniques that can be continued at home. It is used by psychologists, special education
teachers, speech therapists and trained professionals (Myers & Johnson, 2007).
5.1.3. Floortime
The main objective is to teach fundamental skills expected to the level of development which
were not acquired in a given ASD patient age, but to date the efficacy evidences are still
inconclusive (Ospina et al., 2008). Our group is conducting an evidence-based research to find
out if this treatment is reliable.
5.1.4. Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
This non-interventionist behavioral therapy enables non-verbal children to communicate
by using figures. PECS can be used at home, in the classroom or in several others envi
ronments (Bondy & Frost, 2001). A meta-analysis showed that PECS is a promising inter
vention (Ganz et al., 2012).
Interventional Models
Denver model
Specific behaviors
Well established
Promising results
Parental role
Well established
Insufficient evidence to recommend one over
Integrative Models
Promising results
Focal behavior intervention
Parent-mediated intervention
Inconsistent results
Inconsistent results
Little research
a comprehensive RCT been done testing the efficacy of music therapy in ASD patients
(Geretsegger et al., 2012).
5.2.2. CAM with little evidence
This group of therapies may include the use of carnitine, ocytocin, vitamin C, tetrahydrobiop
terin, adrenergic alfa-2 agonists, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, immune-modulatory treatment,
and anti-inflammatory treatment (Rossignol 2009). Caution is needed with the hyperbaric
oxygen therapy because of the potential adverse effects, such as barotrauma, reversible
myopia, oxygen toxicity, and seizures (Weinssman & Bridgemohan, 2012).
5.2.3. CAM with no proved efficacy to date
Several of the proposed CAM for ASD had no proved efficacy to date, for example: use of
carnosine, multi-vitamin and mineral complexes, piracetam, omega-3 fatty acids, selective
diets, vitamin B6, magnesium, chelation, cyproheptadine, glutamate antagonists, acupunc
ture, auditory integration training, massage, neuro-feedback, and others (Rossignol, 2009).
Author details
Rudimar Riesgo1,2, Carmem Gottfried1,3 and Michele Becker1,2
1 Translational Research Group in Autism, (UFRGS) Federal University of Rio Grande do
Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
2 Child Neurology Unit, HCPA (Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre), UFRGS, Porto Alegre,
RS, Brazil
3 Neuroglial Plasticity Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, Postgraduate Program of
Biochemistry, Institute of Basic Health Sciences, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
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Chapter 27
1. Introduction
Human language is a system of linguistic symbols acquired through a long ontological process
of cultural learning [1]. It serves two functional aspects, communication and cognition [2]. The
communicative function of language emerges in the indicative function and allows the
establishment of the communication process through choice and combination of symbols [2],
whereas, the cognitive function of language allows the representation of beliefs and intentions
through linguistic symbols; thus, acts on ones own mental states and that of others [1]. Our
view of autism and the way it affect communication is discussed along those lines.
As our conception of language development, it is assumed that communicating is more
than speaking. Communicating means skillfully using a powerful tool of mediation1:hu
man language. In addition, human language is taken here with all its possible modes of
expression, including verbal and non-verbal symbols. Communication is neither regarded
as a linear process of direct use of a symbolic system (language) nor as a process of lan
guage acquisition of grammatical and phonetic items. The complex process behind lan
guage acquisition includes social, cultural, historical, and intersubjective dimensions and
is interactional in essence. Interaction, the fuel for development, occurs within scenes of
joint attention, in which interacting agents intentionally use linguistic symbols to express
intentions, beliefs and representations from their own perspective in several ways [3].
These are the premises underlying our research.
1 From a sociohistorical perspective, mediation is regarded as a scene of joint attention [1] between two or more
subjects intentionally using tools and signs (such as language) to promote a process of appropriation with
differentiated responsibility and competence among participants.
2013 Passerino and Bez; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Human primates natural trend to understand others as intentional agents with goals and
perceptions is the basis for the engagement in collaborative activities and joint attention [1].
Different from other primates, humans have developed a specific capacity to share attention
and establish a unique type of social interaction. Hence, scenes of joint attention constitute
social interactional processes in which: 1) agents are reciprocally responsible; 2) there is a
shared goal, that is, each partner is aware of the goal to be achieved together; and, 3) partici
pants coordinate their plans of action and intentions mutually so that each participant can
anticipate the roles in the interaction and potentially help others with their role if necessary2 [4].
Scenes of joint attention contribute with the locus for the negotiation needed for the construc
tion of intersubjective and perspectivated meanings [1]. This is what characterizes the process
of communication as a relational and systemic phenomenon. Subjects are actively involved in
interaction with a particular dynamics of implicit or explicit rules over which none of the
subjects have complete control.
Such intersubjective and perspectivated construction of meanings reveals the uniqueness of
human language as, upon the specific use of a particular linguistic symbol, it carries a local,
historical and social meaning jointly constructed. This is also to say that in each interaction,
participants quickly update possible meanings.
By extension, learning a language is a process situated relationally, historically and culturally.
In each interactional process where two individuals engage, there is an intersubjective
reconstruction of the perspectives of the others in the representation of their own intentions
and beliefs, which requires interacting individuals to select, filter and reconfigure symbols,
according to the context, intentions, beliefs and mental representations of co-participants in
the communication process.
Communication implies reorganization and coordination of social, cultural and mental
representations of subjects in interaction. It is precisely by means of linguistic symbols, namely
signs, that it is possible to build and share meanings. That dialectical dimension of the use/
understanding/acquisition of a sign is a feature of the linguistic symbol which always involves
two dimensions, language and thought. As a consequence, the attainment of a linguistic
symbol constitutes a real and complex act of thought, represented by the word. It is not simply
acquired by memorization or association [2].
Language acquisition is realized through the use of the symbol in actions of mediation (triadic)
by which participants negotiate and construct meaning in an intersubjective way, because "[...]
the meaning of a word is given through the process of verbal and social interaction with adults.
Children do not build their own concepts freely. They derive them through the process of
understanding the speech of others " [5] (p. 121). It is precisely within those triadic scenes,
called joint attention scenes [1], that the interlocutors share some Aspect of their context3 and
where intersubjectivity occurs [4]. It is also important to note that interlocutors may reach
different levels intersubjectivity depending on the extent of their exchanges [5, 6].
2 Especially in interactions between subjects with different levels of experience or knowledge about the situation.
3 The context refers to the way objects and events are represented and meant in a situation [6].
Building an Alternative Communication System for Literacy of Children with Autism (SCALA) with Context-Centered
Design of Usage
and instrumental gestures. Besides that, other studies have established that children with
autism face difficulties when it comes to using time and space pragmatic markers [11, 12],
expressing mental states [13, 14], using adequate expressions and gestures [15], organizing
more complex and if-so statements [16].
As for stories and narratives, the greatest difficulty for children with autism seems to lie in the
ability to follow a narrative with multiple characters and organize each characters specific
traits and personality. It is also hard for them to follow a characters way of thinking and to
put themselves into the characters position [9, 10, 17, 18].
Such deficits in symbolization affect communication because it requires an active use of
symbols for representation, especially, when situations involve more abstract elements such
as feelings and emotions. Narratives demand the narrator to organize information for a
potential listener and to select relevant aspects from the listeners perspective. Researchers
have tried to explain such deficits for understanding narratives through the Theory of Mind
[11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20]. In those researches, it is hypothesized that people with autism fail to
read other peoples state of minds and understand their intentions, beliefs and emotions.
From another perspective, problems in communication could be associated with joint attention
[1] or mutual imitation [21]. A recent research, consistent with previous studies, has focused
adults diagnosed with high functioning autism or Aspergers syndrome [22]. It has not found
deviation in phonology and syntax or deficits in the subjects ability to understand and extract
the plot of narratives. There was significant difference in the use of referents, though. As a
consequence, narratives have been less coherent and less organized. Just as in [9], the research
has identified pronominal inconsistencies, preference for simple and unbound sentences,
disregard for the relationship of a specific event with what happened previously, and limited
use of time expressions.
In another research [22], however, subjects are able to apprehend the structure of the story and
follow the main plot as they mention all the relevant events of the narrative. Such outcome
confirms that adults diagnosed with high functioning autism or Aspergers syndrome do not
present difficulties with morphosyntactic aspects but rather a limited perception of a charac
ters intentions and inner states in the story, that is, in pragmatics of communication.
Other study, aiming at the identification of the symbolic understanding of images with three
children aged 7 to 9 years old [23], has shown it is possible to use functional communication
successfully. In that study, non-verbal children not employing any type of visual/symbolic
communication previously have undergone a process of systematic visual literacy consisting
of understanding family, people, actions and sequences. Each category has been composed by
a set of 10 symbols (or photographs); and, after nine weeks the proposal of intervention has
shown positive results as children begin using the images to communicate requests, define
tasks and other communicative activities. Such research adds to other of the kind focusing
functional communication in autism [24].
Functional communication has started in the 90s with the Picture Exchange Communication
System (PECS). PECS is an Alternative Communication (AC) system with a behavioral
methodology for children with social communication deficits. Its main goal is to teach
Building an Alternative Communication System for Literacy of Children with Autism (SCALA) with Context-Centered
Design of Usage
Building an Alternative Communication System for Literacy of Children with Autism (SCALA) with Context-Centered
Design of Usage
Other positive outcomes of the studies above include gains in communication and moti
vation. Such correlations are often observed in a structured and communicative environ
ment supported by technology and organized for interventions with subjects with autism
[27]. Even when more guided [38] or more flexible [45] softwares are employed, results
are productive. Such outcome could be traced back to the pedagogical strategy adopted
by the teacher, who acts as a more experienced partner because the use of computers,
particularly in virtual learning environments designed to adapt to the subjects interests
and needs, becomes relevant and important tools of mediation as advocated under a so
ciohistorical conception [3].
Once strategies are added to the flexibility, adaptation and complexification processes inherent
to digital technologies, they help to promote sociocognitive development of participants.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to establish strategies for different learning environments,
learning situations and subjects in interaction so that the introduction of technology can
contribute with its qualitative differential for the enhancement of social interaction of subjects
with autism [46]. In doing so, researches corroborate that the use of technologies can help
people with autism communicate and interact [47].
Mobile devices also represent a possibility for the use of applications to assist users as well.
Their utility extends into day by day activities as they are easy to handle, can be used in
different places and allow connectivity to other devices. Connectivity in particular can be quite
useful to enable communication and learning in groups and, as a consequence, can help foster
the integration of subjects in their social environment [48].
On sociability, a recent study with high functioning autism and Aspergers syndrome
adults users of online social networks has found that the structuring features of comput
er-mediated communication (CMC) help and promote their participation in social interac
tional processes [49]. Similar results have been identified in a study focusing chat room
interaction [27]. In addition, a research by [50] highlights that engagement in mediated
communication may not only foster participation, but also enhance learning of social
rules of turn taking and dialog maintenance when supported by intelligent computation
al systems. Despite the likely advantages of CMC, it is important to consider its poten
tial limitations and complications when it intensifies problems associated with trust,
secrecy, inflexibility and perspectivation [51].
Turn-taking, which underlies unstructured social talk, poses a challenge which can be even
greater if some sensorial hypersensibility (to lights, sounds, smell and touch) is associated with
the syndrome. In those cases, communication controlled by a computational device may play
a role in the maintenance of social relationship and management of feelings of loneliness and
depression [52].
Adults with Aspergers may reveal intense isolation and difficulties to initiate social in
teraction [53]. They often lack a model of behavior socially acceptable and, as a result,
may behave in a way that impacts their communication with other people negatively.
Hence, alternative means of communication, like CMC, and other platforms easily availa
ble such as Orkut, Facebook, and other social networks, can be useful for the promotion
of interaction of people with autism [27, 49, 50].
CMC offers users with autism control over their environment as well as over problems
with prosody and intonation [49]. A study developed by e-mail with adults with Asperg
ers Syndrome has found that visual anonymity, time flexibility and the permanence al
lowed by the internet help diminish the social and emotional pressures of interpersonal
communication as well as the cognitive complexity of the processes involved [49]. In par
ticular, the authors state that online communities provide a space for interchanges and
talks for people with similar interests or problems, so people with autism do benefit from
those possibilities and structuring characteristics of CMC. In their study, 16 adults with
high functioning autism or Aspergers syndrome have been interviewed on their daily ac
tivities and participation in social networks and attested that CMC tends to be beneficial
for the initiation of social interactions more than half of the interviewees participated in
some type of social network. However, limitations and drawbacks in the interactions in
social networks have been reported as well, which often refer to initiation of contact,
maintenance of interaction for long periods and issues of security and trust. As a result,
those users seek to interact with people already known from other spaces6.
In spite of the benefits reported in studies, few address AC in technological systems with nonverbal subjects with autism. We know that communication with subjects with autism can
resemble the Tower of Babel and challenges are greater when subjects are non-verbal7. In
this case, we are in a rather complex situation which requires the adoption of strategies and
resources to climb up the tower. In the researches presented here, we notice that the use of
technology is promising for the processes of communication and interaction. That brings us
to some important questions: is it possible to identify the same benefits when allying the
potential of CMC with AC? And, if so, how to use AC with mobile devices with non-verbal
children with autism?
In this specific research node (AC, technology and autism), there are few studies on mobile
devices for AC that focus people with the syndrome. In the literature review, in addition to
the work of our research group, we found a research with the system Sc@ut [47]. Sc@ut is an
AC system adapted to be a communicator for Pocket PC and Nintendo DS. According to the
authors, the use of the system in groups of children with autism has shown an improvement
in the behavior of subjects in oral language. With some subjects, the models of communication
provided by the system were used to train social skills and daily life activities8 [48]. The studies
developed by our research group are reported in the following session.
6 This is typical within other social groups investigated. In general, confidence is stronger and more consistent
among stigmatized group minorities [54].
7 Researches point out that a third of children with autism are non-verbal. Such proportion fells to 14 to 20% when they
receive early intervention [55].
8 Another product under development by [47] is a platform for the creation of pedagogic activities for Ipad and Iphone.
Activities are diverse including navigation, association, memory games, puzzles, sequencing, visual and aural perception,
vocabulary, visuo-spatial coordination, among others. However, this product (Picaa) has not been tested with children
with autism yet.
Building an Alternative Communication System for Literacy of Children with Autism (SCALA) with Context-Centered
Design of Usage
project into the future [57]. As ethnographic research is strongly based on discourse, therefore,
discourse itself is a powerful informant. Because discourse is imbued with subjectivity, a report
of memories and expectations, it may be argued that it does not provide a wholly truthful
account. However, as subjectivity is an important aspect within the sociohistorical research,
triangulation of the data is adopted as a regulating mechanism [58].
The configuration of contexts underlies sociohistorical research. The nature of contexts is a
discursive one, in which language emerges and allows us to analyze various elements: persons,
situations, cultural practices and mediating actions within those practices (Figure 1) in relation
to time. Thus, context cannot be regarded as a static element as it plays a role in the interaction
too. Besides the agents (people) subject A1, subject A2 , overlapping contexts need to be
included in the analysis of contexts of use.
The overview of contexts constitutes the macro level of investigation necessary to deepen the
understanding of the phenomenon of communication within educational spaces. In the micro
level, triads (subject-mediator, non-verbal subject and mediating actions) represent the starting
point for the understanding of the processes of mediation with technologies. Such methodo
logical perspective supports the development of technological resources (for instance, SCALA)
in a differentiated way, that is, different from traditional processes of development and
different from processes based on UCD, which involve users in the process of development
and take their needs, expectations and experiences into consideration.
In SCALA, there is not a single model of user but a diverse range of agents involved with many
peculiarities that differ in expectations and experiences, this is why we propose a broader view.
We are not only interested in the user, as in the UCD, but in the peculiarities and specificities
of the various agents in interaction as well. Our focus encompasses the action implied in the
interaction, the cultural practices in which agents and technological resources are embedded.
Besides UCD, another proposal is the Activity-Centered Design (ACD). ACD focuses the
activity that is performed and, as in the UCD, tries to create a model of activity. Considering
that literacy practices cannot be thought of as an activity but as a set of practices that vary
across different situations, we propose a Context-Centered Design (CCD). In this sort of
development, differentiated sociohistorical contexts provide the guidelines to orient system
development. In other words, what people do in different contexts, with different objectives
and scenarios is what guides this project development. Figure 1 shows a scheme of CCD.
Three multi-case researches underlie SCALA developed. The first research allowed us to
identify mediation strategies and validate the methodological proposal for intervention with
communication with children with ASD [33]. The second case study was concerned with the
interaction and intervention with a child aged 5-6 diagnosed with ASD and presenting defi
cits in communication. This case study was a follow-up to the previous one and derived
strategies for the development of communication with the use of a first prototype in this
phase [35]. Interventions allowed a broader understanding of the process of use implemen
tation of AC with children with autism, and provided input on how a tool for such purpose
should be developed.
Building an Alternative Communication System for Literacy of Children with Autism (SCALA) with Context-Centered
Design of Usage
Micro level
F = Family Context
E = School Context
L = Lab Context S = Subject
Contexts (Time)
o Present
o Lived
o Historical
o Future
Interaction (teacher/
Three multi-case researches underlie SCALA developed. The first research allowed us to identify mediation strategies and valid
like touch screens
the adaptation
of the sizewith
of children
the figures
the methodological
proposal for
with communication
with ASD
[33]. other
The second case study w
with the contributed
interaction andtointervention
a childofaged
5-6 diagnosed
ASD now
and presenting deficits
aspects, have
the second
A new with
communication. This case study was a follow-up to the previous one and derived strategies for the development of communicat
considering mobile devices and fast connection with the internet is under development
with the use of a first prototype in this phase [35]. Interventions allowed a broader understanding of the process of
and has been
by the
from be developed.
of AC
with children
and provided
input involving
on how a toolthree
for such
purpose should
three different cultural contexts. From the family context, the study took into consideration
Requirements, like touch screens and the adaptation of the size of the figures among other aspects, have significantly contributed
daily interactions,
hygiene, leisure time, among other information. Besides family, other
the second version of SCALA. A new version, now considering mobile devices and fast connection with the internet is un
contexts include
and laboratory.
to investigate
development (2011-2012)
and has beenThe
by the of
subjects from three different cultu
From the
the study with
took into
with peers
by family
3 children
in the daily
social space
at time, among ot
information. Besides family, other contexts include school and laboratory. The proposal of the controlled context is to investig
present time.
interaction with peers by inserting 3 children with autism in the same social space and at present time.
[32, 34, 59, 60]. On the other hand, research trajectory involves several investigation projects developed by the research group
different spaces and moments, with points of intersection and team consolidation through regular meetings to keep investigat
teachers as mediators of educative practices and count on the intense participation of family
to use and adapt those strategies and resources [32, 34, 59, 60]. On the other hand, research
trajectory involves several investigation projects developed by the research group in different
spaces and moments, with points of intersection and team consolidation through regular
meetings to keep investigation on track. Spiral development starts from a deep analysis of
existing systems9 adding to the results of the multi-case researches, which gradually informs
the construction of requirements for the system and is constantly adjusted.
From a technological standpoint SCALA has as its main features, a module for building
communication boards, a module for the construction of stories, and a module for free
communication. It also encompasses common application features such as the ability to import
files, edit sounds, save, export, and manage the various files generated by the system (Figure
2). The menu on the left to the user presents the categories of images that can be used with all
the three modules and the horizontal menu bar displays the features.
From a predefined layout one can fill each card by clicking on the categories of images. Each
image has a caption pattern which can be edited. For each card it is possible to record sounds
and hear them. If the user does not want to record a sound, a speech synthesizer will read the
caption (otherwise, the sound recorded by the user will be supplied).
In addition to the existing images in the system, it is possible to add personal images allowing
customization and adaptation to the sociohistorical context of the user. Finally, the last feature
designed was the animation of actions. This feature was introduced as empirical studies have
shown evidence that animated actions may be more suitable to forge understanding of
metaphorical and symbolic elements with autism [46, 61, 62].
SCALA is currently available for two platforms (web e android), which allows its use with
mobile devices. In the next session, some preliminary results are presented.
Figure 2. Board and Story modules in the version for Android for tablets
9 The main softwares available in the market have been explored, for example, Amplisoft, Boardmaker,and other free
systems whose traits concerning interaction and narrative building were relevant to think about the systems require
ments. A complete synthesis of such assessment was developed by [35] as part of her masters research.
Building an Alternative Communication System for Literacy of Children with Autism (SCALA) with Context-Centered
Design of Usage
Case 1
Boy, 3.10 y.o., living with his parents and two older sisters; attends nursery (level 3) school in
the afternoon.
Some abnormality in his development was noticed at the age of 1.3 y. o. as he did not show
any vocabulary. ASD was diagnosed at the age of 1.9 by a team of professionals (pediatrician,
neuropsychologist and a psychiatrist).
Makes some sounds, makes meaningful facial expressions (looks) to pay attention, when he
is called, to get to know the environment and closes his eyes in protest. He smiles to
demonstrate satisfaction and joy and cries, grumbles and mumbles to show contrariety.
Body expressions involve pointing and touching what he wants with his finger and waving.
Is starting AC with speech therapist.
Communicates spontaneously through gestures in order to have his wishes realized.
Does not present stereotyped behavior.
Does not react contradictorily in the presence of people who are strange to him.
Is fascinated by lights, fans, drains and objects that spin. Appreciates looking at the mirror.
Use communicative gestures through meaningful facial and bodily expressions.
Can hold a pencil, paints with some limitation, scribbles.
Uses his index finger to point at things he wants.
Can eat with independence and can put on shoes without shoelaces.
Building an Alternative Communication System for Literacy of Children with Autism (SCALA) with Context-Centered
Design of Usage
Case 1
Boy, 3.10 y.o., living with his parents and two older sisters; attends nursery (level 3) school in
the afternoon.
Some abnormality in his development was noticed at the age of 1.3 y. o. as he did not show
any vocabulary. ASD was diagnosed at the age of 1.9 by a team of professionals (pediatrician,
neuropsychologist and a psychiatrist).
Is in the process of toilet training and learning to dress and undress with independence.
Case 2
Boy, 4.2 y.o. lives with parents and a brother. Some abnormality in his development was
noticed at the age of 2.3 y.o.. ASD was diagnosed at the age of 2.3 by a neuropediatrician
and psychologist. Attends nursery school in the afternoon.
Presents some language delay. It is difficult to understand what he says. Uses a proper
language. Understands speech but does not engage in turn taking.
Facial expressions are observed when he is upset, cries and grumbles to show contrariety.
Does not sustain visual contact. Knocks his head to call attention or squeezes his arms and
legs. Moves his hands and fingers in a strange way.
To get what he wants, uses other peoples arm or hand. Pointing is not part of his routine.
Has difficulty in sitting still or remaining in an activity.
Likes to scribbles, but with no apparent meaning.
Does not use any form of alternative communication.
Social interaction and Resists to be touched. Contact is accepted only by family members.
Case 3
Boy, 3.5 y.o. lives with parents. Some abnormality in his development was noticed at the
age of 1.3 y.o.., neurologist attested ASD. Uses anti-psychotic (Resperidal) and anticonvulsive medication. Attends nursery school in the afternoon..
Case 1
Boy, 3.10 y.o., living with his parents and two older sisters; attends nursery (level 3) school in
the afternoon.
Some abnormality in his development was noticed at the age of 1.3 y. o. as he did not show
any vocabulary. ASD was diagnosed at the age of 1.9 by a team of professionals (pediatrician,
neuropsychologist and a psychiatrist).
Social interaction and Does not accept physical contact and does not make eye contact.
Loud noises call his attention, shows fascination for lights, interest in small details of
Keeps a fixed and strange look at his fingers and hands.
Often puts objects in his mouth.
Faces difficulty to run, jump, climb and go down the stairs.
Exaggerated attachment and attraction to certain objects, likes to spin them and does not
use games properly.
Changes in routine are not well accepted. Sometimes he is too active and other times too
passive. Is afraid of wide spaces and symmetric floor.
As can be noticed, only one of the subjects used the pointing function. Due to that, initial
sessions focused on actions to make that gesture meaningful. SCALA software was used in
two versions with symbols and boards with tablets. In the beginning, there was a great need
to associate concrete material with the symbols in the boards and, afterwards, the gesture of
pointing emerged with the fascination for the tablet technology.
The subject from case 2 accepts to be touched and soon learns to point. He also increases
lateral visual contact. Although we accomplished only a few instances of mediation, he
started interacting with the technological tool and increased attention span through the
observation of details. On its turn, subject 1 improves pointing and eye contact and starts
participating in scenes of joint attention in response to the employed mediating actions
(mediator-subject-object). He soon shows great autonomy in dealing with the tablet. At
last, subject 3 required more time to accept some physical contact and to fix his eyes on
the activities proposed. Pointing was initially motivated by the sound produced by this
touch on the screen.
Together with SCALA, several free applications have been tried with the children (Figure 4).
Applications were picked according to the profile of each of the subjects and that was important
to promote the appropriation and understanding of the technology, as seen in Figure 5, along
with the use of AC boards (Figure 6).
Building an Alternative Communication System for Literacy of Children with Autism (SCALA) with Context-Centered
Design of Usage
With the use of tablets, we could notice attention spans increased for all the subjects. Speech
was also prompted in all mediations. So, subjects range of vocabulary has increased. Subject
1 showed easiness with the technology and the participation as an intentional agent in
mediated actions. He is currently producing more words with two syllables and participating
in scenes of joint attention in the mediations with other subjects.
Although subject 2 demonstrates he prefers to interact with the equipment on his own, he also
starts participating in scenes of joint attention in the mediated actions. In some few instances,
he initiates interactions with the other subjects spontaneously. It is possible to notice the
verbalization of some isolated words and that he accepts being touched and demonstrates
affection through hugs and kisses.
Subject 3, through mediating actions accepts touch and demonstrates affection through kisses
and hugs. Aggression is only expressed when he feels some pain. His interactions with the
object increase and he starts participating in some mediating actions with the researcher. Only
one word was said after great insistence, but the symbols of alternative communication start
being understood, which is likely to contribute to his way of communication soon.
Figure 6. the use of SCALA with subjects with autism in the tablet and a board with symbols
The first image of Figure 3 shows one of the subjects interacting with AC software SCALA.
The second shows a board constructed with the software and meant to be used in the mediated
actions. The third image is a board adopting low-technology with printed material.
Apart from the work in the laboratory, mothers were asked to use alternative communication
at home. As needs came up, mothers turned to us and together we constructed boards. A tablet
was purchased by two families (subjects 1 and 2), so the children started using it in family
contexts too. As for schools, the teachers of subjects 1 and 2 have requested some boards to
use in that environment too, but we perceived a lack of understanding about how to integrate
AC in the school context. Therefore, we are providing two training courses, for teachers and
assistants and for the school team.
The results referred here are preliminary as the project stretches until 2013. However, they are
consistent with previous research [27, 33, 50, 63] showing relevant outcomes for the social and
Building an Alternative Communication System for Literacy of Children with Autism (SCALA) with Context-Centered
Design of Usage
cognitive development of subjects with autism through the use of digital learning environment
as instruments of mediation. Just as the present study, they have also adopted a sociohistorical
view where mediating actions widen the level of development through the use of symbols and
tools in a way that the zone of proximal development is adjusted until internalization of
concepts is complete.
In fact, we can consider the significant improvement in both social interaction and cognitive
development of subjects with autism with the introduction of technology from a sociohistorical
perspective as it allows more flexible adaptive and abstraction processes with increasing levels
of complexity.
7. Conclusion
To sum up, it is important to highlight that developing assistive technology for alternative
communication as proposed in this chapter, that is with Context-Centered Design, implicates
a multidimensional process involving technological innovations, pedagogic mediation,
cultural practices and contexts, as well as, specific formations pervaded by critical analysis to
favor the creation of new technologies with differentiated theoretical and methodological
The introduction of alternative communication can go far beyond the specialized spaces in the
scope of Health and Education, such as the rooms of multifunctional resources12, for instance.
For those who need it, alternative communication is a tool to be used in varied social spaces
and systematically in daily life.
We would like to thank
CAPES (Coordination for higher Education Staff Development), which through PROESP
(Special Education Support Program), has funded graduate students involved in this
CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development) for research
scholarships to undergraduate students and grants to research professors;
FAPERGS (Foundation of Research Support of Rio Grande do Sul) for the financial support
through through the Edict Pesquisador Gacho 2009 that funded the development of phases
II and III of SCALA Project; and
12 Rooms of multifunctional resources are equipped with diverse assistive technologies applications that are distributed
by the Ministry of Education to regular public schools that serve students with disabilities or special needs through a
specialized educational support outside school hours.
PROPESQ/UFRGS (Research Dean Office of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) for
the infrastructure and financial support to SCALA project.
Project funded by CAPES and FAPERGS. Article developed from researches funded by CAPES
(PROESP program), CNPq (Grant for Productivity in Technological Development and
Innovative Extension) and FAPERGS (Gaucho Researcher Edict 2010).
Author details
Liliana Maria Passerino1 and Maria Rosangela Bez2
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Graduate Program in Education (PPGEDU) and Computer Science and Education (PGIE)
and the Interdisciplinary Center of Technologies in Education - CINTED/UFRGS, Computer
Science and Education, Brazil
2 Interdisciplinary Center of Technologies in Education - CINTED/UFRGS, Brazil
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Building an Alternative Communication System for Literacy of Children with Autism (SCALA) with Context-Centered
Design of Usage
Chapter 29
1. Introduction
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects a childs perception of the world and
how the child learns from his or her experiences. Even among the most complex disabili
ties, autism remains an enigma. Autism is the frequently occurring form of a group of
disorders known as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The term Autism Spectrum Dis
orders (ASD) covers diagnostic labels which include Autistic Disorder, High Functioning
Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS).
Autism Society of America [1] defines autism as a complex developmental disability that
typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disor
der that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of
social interaction and communication skills. Autism has also been defined as a neurological
disorder characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction and communication as
well as the presence of restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behaviors, interests
and activities [2]. Children with ASD share the social and communicative symptoms which
are the core of autism, but they vary in severity of symptoms and in level of functioning.
The first three years of life are critical to a child's development. Parents take their child
to the pediatrician, during this period for general health check up, screening and vacci
nations. Although child with autism can be screened by 18 months by a pediatrician, pa
rents often are the first ones to suspect behavioral deviations in their child. The mean
age for such screening is approximately 15 months and in some cases it can be as early
as 11 months [3]. According to the parents, children manifest patterns of extreme reactiv
ity, either by getting upset when new stimulus is shown or by completely ignoring it.
The infants often fail to copy verbal behavior of others and do not babble by 12 months.
2013 Lal and Chhabria; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Research reports a significant difference between age-matched infants with autism and
typically developing infants with respect to visual attention to social stimuli, smile fre
quency, vocalization, object exploration engagement, facial expression, use of convention
al gesture, and pointing to indicate interest [4].
Identifying autism in toddlers is a recent practice. A large number of children have been di
agnosed reliably at 2 years. Professionals can now predict autism from the behaviors ob
served in a child younger than 2 years. Providing therapeutic intervention at this age would
improve developmental and adaptive outcomes. The global trend in early intervention of
autism is to provide training to parents so they can help the children develop in key areas of
social responsiveness, attention skills, early communication skills, and interactive behavior.
age of 3 to 4, mental state understanding in individuals within the autism spectrum often
continues to be conspicuously absent throughout the lifespan and leads to significant so
cial and communicative challenges.
Play Behavior: Play is considered a key social behavior. Children play, regardless of age,
so this is a behavior that is typically found in the behavioral repertoires of all children. To
teach play to children with autism is to teach them skills that other typically developing
children have and give them a common ground, a common language to engage with oth
ers. Play phases occur in developmental stages that typically developing children go
through, so play is not only for fun, but for a purpose. Children learn about social interac
tion and language through play. As children with autism have trouble in symbol use and
joint attention, understanding anothers perspective, participating in pretend play and us
ing imitative skills are difficult for many of them. They are more self-centered than self
ish. When involved in joint play, there can be a tendency to impose or dictate the activity.
Social contact is tolerated as long as other children play their game according to their
rules. Children with ASD play in a bubble and can resent other children intruding into
their activity. They prefer to be left alone and continue their activity uninterrupted. There
is a strong preference to interact with adults who are far more interesting, knowledgeable
and more tolerant and accommodating to their lack of social awareness. It is often hard
for them to enter into play with other children, maintain that play, and be appropriate.
The children do not see themselves as members of a particular group and follow own in
terest rather than that of other children in the group. In fact, while other children have
mastered the rules of simple childhood games, these children may not understand what is
expected of them in team sports. They are often not interested in competitive sports or
team games. Even understanding basic turn-taking may elude them. Most of them are un
able to comprehend how or why one would have a sense of satisfaction in knowing that
ones opponents felt inferior.
Comprehending Emotions: Inability to empathize with people may be misinterpreted as a
complete lack of the ability to care for others. It is more often a lack of understanding of
emotions. The child is either confused by the emotions of others or has difficulty express
ing own feelings. The child does not display the anticipated range and depth of facial ex
pression. As interaction continues, one is aware that the child is not recognizing or
responding to changes in the other persons facial expression or body language. Hands
may be moved to describe graphically what to do with objects or express anger or frustra
tion, but gestures or body language based on an appreciation of another persons
thoughts and feelings- e.g. embarrassment, consolation or pride- are conspicuously di
minished or absent [7]. Subtle clues may not be recognized by a child with Aspergers
Syndrome. The child can then be confused and offended when criticized for not comply
ing with the signals of hidden intention. Not only are there problems with the under
standing of the emotional expressions of others, but the childs own expression of
emotions are unusual, and tend to lack subtlety and precision. A complete stranger may
be given a kiss on the lips, or distress is expressed quite out of proportion to the situation.
Sometimes they cannot express their anger appropriately. When they are anxious or
stressed, they may not be able to let others know how they are feeling and may react vio
lently or aggressively. Additionally, appropriate social interaction in autism is hampered
by a tendency to become fascinated by special interest that dominates the childs time and
conversation, and the imposition of routines that must be completed. The interest is a soli
tary pursuit and not that evinced by age peers. A lack of completion of the activity in a
routine can lead to distress and anxiety. Researches indicate that insistence on completing
an activity in a particular way may be the childs attempt to find patterns and look for
rules and organization within environment [8]. Once a pattern has emerged it must be
maintained. Thus, establishment of a routine ensures that there is no opportunity for
change. As social situations are inherently dynamic, this adherence to routine and limited
interest deeply impacts the child's ability to be socially active in appropriate manner.
3. Early intervention
Early intervention (EI) is a system of services provided to children who are disabled, have
delayed development or are at risk of delayed development, from birth until about five
years of age. To help children with autism it is essential to focus on the earliest years of de
velopment, since this is a critically important time for early learning which powerfully af
fects the childs future life course.
Early intervention, also known as early childhood education, provides a support system for
children with developmental disabilities and their families. Early intervention may start as
soon as it is evident that the child has a developmental disability or is at risk of acquiring it.
The early intervention services ensure that infants and pre-school children develop the core
skills in physical, cognitive, communication, socio-emotional and self help domains. Early
intervention (EI) services are coordinated so that they enable child's growth and develop
ment and support families during the critical early years. For the family, such services help
in overcoming the feelings of isolation, stress and frustration, and reduce the cost of provid
ing for special education, rehabilitation and health care needs of the child. EI services follow
a multidisciplinary approach, with a variety of therapists and teachers working in collabora
tion to improve the child's prognosis in every area of development.
To help children with autism it is essential to focus on the earliest years of development,
since this is a critically important time for early learning which powerfully affects the childs
future life course. The children are actively engaged in an instructional program three to
five times a week, through the year. It involves planned intervention organized around rela
tively brief periods of time for the very young children so that they may receive sufficient
adult attention. Since children with autism find it difficult to work in large groups, the EI
services for them should follow a structured program of one-on-one training or training in
small groups to help attain individual goals.
EI is the most dynamic and critical period in the treatment of autism for one very simple
reason: the younger they are, the more 'elastic' their brains are [9]. Recognizing and diagnos
ing autism before pre-school age has been uncommon until the last few years. But increas
ingly autism is being identified very early in development. It has been shown that diagnosis
can be valid and reliable at 2 years of age, and signs can be recognizable and predictive of
autism even from early in the second year of life. In future it is likely that autism will be
diagnosed for most children in the toddler age period [18 - 30 months). Very early therapeu
tic intervention is likely to improve developmental and adaptive outcomes. Trials of early
intervention need to focus on training parents to work with their very young children in the
key areas of social responsiveness, attention skills, early communication skills, and interac
tive play. The findings of a study by Ivar Lovaas [10] on early behavioral intervention of
children with autism in 1987 showed a significant gain in IQ and that 49% of children who
received EI were mainstreamed in regular classrooms.
The guidelines for best practice in early intervention for children with autism [11] recom
mend the following:
Preparation: All children on entering intervention programs should have had a compre
hensive, multidisciplinary diagnostic assessment from an interdisciplinary team of experi
enced clinicians and based on national and internationally agreed criteria. Diagnostic
evaluations should include interviews with parents/care givers to review the childs de
velopmental history, family history, previous assessments and interventions; collection of
information from all professionals involved in the care of the child; paediatric, psycholog
ical, and speech pathology examinations to assess communication, relevant health condi
tions including motor skills, vision, and hearing, and any associated problems such as
intellectual disability and anxiety. Additionally, direct observation of the child is impor
tant in the assessment of cognitive, social, and communicative (verbal & nonverbal) do
mains, fine and gross motor, and adaptive functioning using both standardised tests and
informal procedures.
Timing: Intervention should begin as early as possible in the childs life. Since a child at
risk of autism can be screened by 16 months the intervention may start immediately.
Process: All children should have an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), for their edu
cation, designed to best fit their and their family's needs and strengths, developed in con
sultation with parents, and reviewed and revised regularly in light of the childs progress
and ongoing needs.
Intensity: Ideally the intervention should be provided for 20 hours a week for two years,
with continuing support into, and through the school age years.
Content and Focus: The content should be autism specific and include teaching joint at
tention skills, play, and imitation skills; building communication through Alternative and
Augmentative Communication (AAC) techniques such as pictures, symbols and signs;
developing social interaction and daily living skills; and management of sensory issues
and challenging behaviors.
Settings: The intervention should be delivered in various settings, individually and with
peers. Implementation should happen both at the centre and at home. Including age peers
with no disability enhances the quality but it should be done so that peer interaction is
adequately supported.
Program Design and Methods: A high degree of structure in the program is essential, i.e.
well organized, regular and predictable, focused on specific objectives, and consistently
managed. A supportive teaching environment with modeling, prompting, praise, shap
ing, and generalization strategies will maximize learning.
Challenging Behaviors: A functional approach to modifying challenging behaviors in
cludes positive behavior support that consists of teaching alternative appropriate behav
ior and communication skills to replace challenging behaviors.
Personnel: Teachers and therapists should be adequately trained in working with chil
dren with autism and have knowledge and skills required for their special needs.
Family Collaboration: Parents need information about autism and services, especially at
key times like first diagnosis and school entry. Programs should include parent involve
ment, such as provision of support, counseling, and parent education to help the child
with play, social, and communication skills development, and with management of chal
lenging and repetitive behaviors
Research and Evaluation of Program: Evaluation of treatment outcomes should be built
into EI programs using systematic assessment of the childs social, cognitive, and adap
tive functioning before, during, and at the end of the program. Regular and systematic
documentation of program process and outcome helps in evaluation.
Collaboration with family or parents is a component of best EI practices. Parents of children
who have autism play an important role; they are critical components of the intervention
process, without whom gains are unlikely to be maintained. The involvement of parents in
implementing intervention strategies designed to help their autistic children has a history
stretching back at least three decades [12]. Parental involvement is an integral part of the
success of early intervention programs for children with autism. The collaboration between
the parent and the professional working with the child in the program is critical to the effec
tiveness of programs.
Traditionally, the EI for autism has been premised on the use of applied behavioral methods
such as discrete trials. However, at times parents find the structure, organization and proto
col of behavioral intervention difficult to implement and maintain. Consequently, the pro
gram receives inadequate follow up in the child's home. There is a need for interventions
that do not require a rigid structure and ensure parental involvement. Hence, in the recent
years, EI practices for autism have seen a shift from behavioral methods to developmental
4. Developmental approach
In a developmental approach, development of a child with autism is compared with the de
velopmental sequence seen in non-disabled children. Early childhood assessment tools are
used to determine the patterns of typical development. The skills that the child demon
strates are indicative of his or developmental level. The intervention goals are set for the
skills the child failed or partially accomplished during assessment. A developmental ap
proach to intervention is also referred to as child centered approach in which the adult fol
lows the child's lead. It uses materials and activities that suit the child's level in a given area
of development. The materials are provided to the child, and the adult facilitates the child'
interaction with them so that the child moves towards achieving the pre-set developmental
goal. But it is the child's initiative with the material or activities that serves as guideline for
the adult's interaction. For example, if a child picks up a toy, the adult may show what can
be done with it by demonstration and prompts. Child's preferences decide what should be
selected as material, and the adult plays a supportive role to encourage the child's interac
tion with the material. Unlike the behavioral methods, developmental approach does not re
quire the child to interact with material or carry out an activity in a pre-specified structured
manner. The consequences of such interactive behaviors are reinforcements that occur natu
rally in child's environment. The reinforcements may be internal, such as, happiness at being
able to complete a task successfully.
her climb the developmental ladder. Floor time intervention aims at taking the child back to
the first milestones that the child may have missed in the process of development. With the
help of the therapists and parents the child works towards achieving the milestones. This is
done through intensive one to one sessions for which parents share equal responsibility
with the therapists. According to the DIR/Floor time framework, due to individual process
ing differences, children with autism do not master the early developmental milestones that
are the foundations of learning. Floor time [14] describes six core developmental stages that
children with autism have often missed or not mastered:
Regulation and interest in the world: Infants try and process what they see, hear, and feel.
They respond to pleasant face and soothing voice. They learn to enjoy, understand and,
use the pleasant feelings and sensations to calm themselves. This helps them learn to take
in and respond appropriately to the world around them. This ultimately develops the
ability to self regulate.
Engagement and relationship: Babies learn to bond with their parents very soon. They
recognize the parents' face and voice, and want to touch them or be close to them. They
enjoy being cuddled and loved by their parents. This process of bonding also builds a re
lationship of trust between babies and their parents. This trusting relationship enables the
child to become a well-adjusted adult later in his or her life. It also forms a stable base for
all future relationships. The baby learns that relationships with people can be joyful.
Two-way communication: Once relationship with parents is developed, the baby realizes
that he or she can have an impact on parents. The baby's smile can produce a smile from
the parents. If the baby reaches out to mother, she picks him or her up. The baby learns
that adults can understand and respond to its communication intents and feelings. A dy
ad of communication starts slowly. When the baby looks at the mother and reaches out to
her the mother responds by giving eye contact and a hug. In turn the baby may smile,
vocalize or touch the mother. Thus a non-verbal dialogue or a two-way communication
process may be completed. The baby soon transfers this new ability to other things in the
environment. He bangs a toy, it makes a noise, and if he drops his bottle, it breaks. His
actions can have an impact not only on his parents but others too. Hence, two-way com
munication helps babies to learn about them and about the world.
Complex communication: The non-verbal two way communication slowly becomes com
plex in nature. While earlier the baby was initiating or responding to a communication by
a simple gesture of reaching out or smiling, now he may run towards the mother, and
squeal with pleasure. Anger and displeasure may be expressed by pulling, kicking and
grabbing or throwing things. Similarly, hugs and kisses are used to express affection.
Since, the baby is ambulatory by now, he may take the parent by hand and show them
what he wants. Complex communication ability also aid development of creativity. The
toddler adds his own ideas to the games that parents play with him. This leads to the
emergence of the child's own personality.
Emotional ideas: Play is a fertile ground for ideas. Using toys and playthings, a child cre
ates a world where toys play roles. So, a teddy is a friend, a doll is a baby and a shoe box
is a car garage. This idea-filled play provides a strong basis for language development.
Besides learning to label things, the child now uses dialogue during play with help of the
parents. Eventually, he is able to manipulate the ideas to meet his needs. When hungry,
he can ask for food; if he needs help he can call his mother instead of crying. He learns
about object permanence - that although not visible to him, object do not disappear.
Hence, he can feel secure thinking about his parents even when they are not with him.
With this ability to use symbols, the child moves on to a higher level of communication
and awareness.
Emotional thinking: When he reaches this stage, a child is ready to connect various ideas
into a logical sequence. While in the previous stage he was able to carry out symbolic ac
tivities, such as dressing a doll, and banging a toy car into another to simulate a crash, the
child is now able to think emotionally. He may dress up the doll for a car ride. At this
stage, the child is able to express a wide range of emotions, and through this learns to rec
ognize self. The child now comprehends concept of space and time at a personal level. For
example, the child understands that grandmother's house is different from his own, or
that if he grabs another child's toys, his own favorite car may later be taken away by that
child. The child, by this time, is fully verbal and can use words to express ideas and feel
5.1. Floor time method
A typical floor time session is conducted in a child's naturalistic environment and requires
the therapist or parent to sit on the floor and work with the child. The purpose is to help the
child achieve the stages of development, by taking him back to the milestones that he may
have missed. During a session, the parent or therapist follows the child's lead. This helps in
establishing relationship between the child and the adult. It is this relationship that slowly
enables the child to develop the basic social, emotional and communication abilities. During
a floor time session the child learns to engage with others, initiate actions, make own wishes
and desires known and the realization that his actions can elicit responses from others. Floor
time creates opportunities for children to have dialogues, which are called circles of commu
nication, first without words and later with them, and eventually to imagine and think.
Since floor time sessions are child-centered, the activities are motivating to the child as it is
he who has chosen them. Additionally, the selecting the child's natural environment for the
session also contributes to calming him and improving his comfort level. A floor time ses
sion follows the steps given below.
Observation: Before starting a session, the adult observes the child. This requires watch
ing the child while he is in the room, observing what interests him, assessing his level of
interaction is he running around or is he sitting quietly. This observation helps the
adult determine the child's current emotional state.
Approach: Once the adult understands the child's level of emotional functioning, he or
she joins the child in whatever the child is doing. If the child sits and merely twirls a
toy, the adult follows this play behavior. However, the adult adds value to it by label
ing the activity in gestures and words. The adult also uses appropriate facial expression
and tone of voice to convey own enjoyment in what the child is doing. Such measures
enable the adult to open the circle of communication with the child
Child's Lead: During a floor time session, the child is the director or leader of activities.
The adult's role is to follow the child. The aim here is to support the child's activities
and initiatives, and through this to take him to a higher level of emotional functioning.
Expand Ideas: As the sessions progress, the adult builds on the child's play initiatives.
Now the adult associates daily experiences with the experiences during the play activi
ties. For example, the adult may say "give teddy a bath, like mommy gives you". This
planned expansion and addition to child's activities help in development of emotional
Close Circle of Communication: Once the adult engages the child at a level the child
currently enjoys, enters the child's activities, and follows the child's lead, he or she now
attempts to move the child from a mutually shared engagement toward more increas
ingly complex interactions, a process known as "opening and closing circles of commu
nication." In a circle of communication, the adult opens the circle by approaching the
child, and the child closes the circle by giving a reaction to the adult's comments and
gestures. During session many circles may open and close in quick successions as the
adult interacts with the child. The process leads to two-way communication.
Josefi and Ryan [17] conducted a case study on a 6 year old boy with severe autism. Video
recordings of 16 sessions of play therapy with the child were analyzed qualitatively and
quantitatively. The study concluded that this child was able to enter into a therapeutic rela
tionship and demonstrated attachment behavior towards the therapist. Key areas of im
provement were in the childs development of autonomy and pretend play, while ritualistic
behaviors showed only mild improvement. Changes were also noted in the boys behavior
at home of increased independence and empathy. One implication of this preliminary re
search is that non-directive play therapy may enhance and accelerate emotional/social de
velopment of children with severe autism.
Children with ASD differ from one anotherin the ways they engage, relate, and communi
cate and in the ways they respond to sensations, and plan and sequence their actions. These
differences mean that each child requires an intervention approach tailored to his unique
ness, an intervention that must also consider the home setting. According to Costa and Wit
ten [18] the goals of such a program, regardless of the approach used, must be to strengthen
the childs core deficits, namely: building the foundations for relating, communicating and
thinking. The DIR/Floor time Model is especially beneficial to children with ASD and other
developmental and/or emotional challenges.
Solomon et al [19] published an evaluation of The PLAY Project Home Consultation, a wide
ly disseminated program that trains parents of children with autism spectrum disorders in
the DIR/Floor time model. Sixty- eight children, 2 to 6 years old (average 3.7 years) complet
ed an 812 month program where parents were encouraged to deliver 15 hours per week of
1:1 interaction. Pre/post ratings of videotapes by blind raters using the Functional Emotional
Assessment Scale (FEAS) showed significant increases in child subscale scores. That is, 45.5
percent of children made good to very good functional developmental progress. Overall pa
rents satisfaction with program was 90 percent.
7. Method
The study was experimental in nature and employed a pre-test post-test control group ex
perimental design. It was conducted on children with ASD residing in Mumbai, India. The
objectives were to determine the efficacy of floor time approach for developing social behav
ior in pre-school children with ASD, and to compare the levels of social skill achievement by
children who received floor time intervention with those who did not.
7.1. Subjects
Children with ASD within the age group of 3 to 6 years were randomly selected from five
pre-schools and intervention clinics located across the city and suburban areas of Mumbai.
A total of 26 children participated in the experiment. After selection the children were ran
domly assigned to treatment and control groups so that both groups had 13 children each.
7.2. Instruments
The Behavioral Scale for Social Skills (BSFS) and Floor time intervention were the primary
instruments used in the study. They were developed for the purpose of the research. A brief
description of both is given below.
Behavioural Scale for Social Skills: The BSFS was used as a measure at both pre and post
tests. The instrument measured social behaviour under 4 domains
Turn taking: This is one of the bases for development of social skills and inferring oth
ers' intentions correctly [20]. Turn taking includes use of play material with an adult
and with peers.
Understanding of cause and effect: This is a basis for development of thinking skills.
The ability to see the relationship between an event and the factors leading to it helps a
child decode the world around him. Understanding of cause and effect relationship im
proves by providing the child the opportunity to explore the environment.
The BSFS had a total of 20 items. Each item was measured on a 4-point scale based on the
category of response, namely, correct response; response with verbal prompt; response with
gestural prompt; and response with physical prompt. Whereas correct responses were scor
ed as 4, responses with physical prompts were scored as 1. The selection of items under each
sub head of BSFS was done after detailed discussions with developmental psychologists,
pre-school teachers, and many parents. In addition, several observations of pre-school chil
dren with and without ASD were also made for selection of items. The instrument was pilot
tested on children with ASD belonging to the same age group as the subjects.
Floor time Intervention: Floor time is a comprehensive program for infants, young chil
dren, and families with a variety of developmental challenges including ASD. The pro
gram aims at enhancing the functional emotional developmental levels and creating those
learning relationships that will help the child move ahead in social skills acquisition.
Floor time can be tailored to suit the individual needs of children with ASD. Floor time
approach was used for treatment in the study. As stated earlier, Floor time approach
helps an infant/young child reach the 6 milestones crucial for development of social be
havior, namely, self regulation; intimacy; two way communication; complex communica
tion; emotional ideas,; and emotional thinking. However, in this study, the treatment was
directed toward achievement of 4 milestones Turn taking (a component skill in intima
cy), Two way communication, Understanding of cause and effect relationship (an impor
tant skill for problem solving that enhances complex communication), and Emotional
thinking. Various activities were developed for the purpose of enhancing the target skills.
Some of the activities are mentioned below.
Turn taking: Here the activities selected were done with the authors and then done with
peers. Such activities as building block tower, bead stringing, rolling a ball, and throw
ing ball in a bucket were used for teaching turn taking skills to children.
Two-way communication: Training a child to respond to his name, reach out to a play
thing, and respond to non-verbal communication such as gestures, facial expressions
etc was undertaken to develop the ability for two way communication.
Cause and effect: A series of simple activities were done to explain the relationship be
tween an outcome and its cause. Tapping a spoon on a surface, shaking a bell, pressing
a toy to produce sound or movement, squeezing a wet sponge, opening a transparent
box to obtain a desirable object within, etc. were undertaken to help the children estab
lish the connection between a cause and its effect.
Emotional thinking: Pretend play was primarily used for this purpose. Hence, pretend
play such as talking on telephone, dressing or feeding the doll (where the authors
would at times play out the doll's emotions in the right tone of voice), and playing a
shopkeeper etc. were included. The focus was on recognition of emotions. Thus, flash
cards of happy and sad faces were used too during the pretend play so that the child
was able to understand what did it mean when the 'doll' was 'crying' or the the shop
keeper was 'happy'.
7.3. Procedure
The intervention started after assessing the children's baseline behavior on BSFS. The 26
children were then randomly assigned to experimental and control groups so that both
groups had 13 children each. As per the recommended floor time protocol, the researchers
observed each child in the experimental group to determine his or her current emotional
level, before the commencement of intervention. Each child in the experimental group re
ceived 20 sessions of floor time intervention. Each session was of 30 minutes duration. Each
session included at least one activity relevant to the pre selected social skills. The sessions
started by getting the child's attention by showing a desired object. The researchers used
word and simple phrases to describe each activity. The activities were done as given below,
and parents were encouraged to observe the sessions.
Building a block tower began by demonstrating how to make a tower from the four
blocks provided on the floor. The child was then asked to lay a block over the one put by
the adult. Subsequently, the adult would put another block over it. The adult would then
prompt the child to take his or her turn to put a block on top. The activity was repeated
with a peer. Now the peer would take the adult's role. The adult would call out each
child's name and say ' your turn now ', as they put one block over the other to make a
block tower.
A number of colorful beads were placed on the floor along with a string for the bead
stringing activity. The task was first demonstrated, and then used to encourage the child
to take turn with an adult and later with a peer in slipping a bead through the string.
The ' ball rolling ' activity was done by rolling the ball to a child and asking him or her o
roll it back to the adult. In case of 5 or 6 year old children, a slight variation was made.
The activity was introduced with a peer. Both the child and peer were asked to take turns
in throwing the ball to the adult and to each other.
Throwing the ball in the bucket required that the child identify the bucket first. Subse
quently, the task was demonstrated before the child taking turn with the adult and with
peer to throw a ball in the bucket.
Cause and effect activities such as ringing a bell (to produce sound), squeezing a sponge
(for water to drip), and opening a box (to get what is inside) were demonstrated and sub
sequently, taught with prompts and cues. Some fun activities such as blowing soap bub
bles were also included as soap bubbles excited the children.
Calling out the child's name, seeking his attention by showing a preferred object or toy
helped in initiating two-way communication. Preferred activities served a dual purpose.
They could get the child's attention, but they were also helpful in teaching the child a way
to communicate. The adult would have a picture of the preferred activity or toy. The child
would be asked to point or pick up the picture in order to get the activity. The adult also
used facial expression cards to help the child understand what each expression meant.
Pretend play was a strong medium for teaching emotional thinking. Pretend play was en
couraged using a variety of toys such as dolls, telephone, car, kitchen set, and doctor set
etc. The adult would pretend to call the child, and ask the child to pick up the phone and
say something. While the child was holding the doll, the adult would prompt him or her
to hug and kiss the doll. If the child put the doll away, the adult would convey in appro
priate tone and affect how sad the doll was feeling. The child would then be prompted to
hold the doll again.
Taking the lead from the child, the adult would stand at the window if the child was
standing there. The adult would then softly describe what they could both see.
Though all activities were pre-planned, the adult would at times digress to include activi
ties that suited the need of the child on a given day.
While the experimental group children received floor time intervention, the children in the
control group received the usual early intervention sessions provided in their educational
settings. Post intervention, BSFS was administered again.
Figures 1 to 7 illustrate some of the floor time activities done with the children.
8. Results
The study was conducted to establish the efficacy of floor time for development of social
behavior in pre-school children with ASD. The children who received intervention
showed a qualitative change in their interactive behavior. A comparison of their compo
site mean score on BSFS at baseline with that at post intervention showed a significant
difference. The data was analyzed using t-test, as the selection of children was random.
Table 1 presents the details.
Pre test
p< .0001
Post test
Table 1. Comparison of Composite Mean Scores on BSFS at Pre and Post Tests
The statistical analysis of data indicated the overall effectiveness of floor time. The average
score on BSFS at baseline [34.92] increased post intervention [48.38]. This increase was sig
nificant as evident from the obtained t-value [9.56, p<.0001]. That the intervention was effec
tive for all children in the group may be seen from Figure 8 which shows the performance of
each child at pre and post intervention conditions
Table 1.
The statistical analysis of data indicated the overall effectiveness of floor time. The average score on BSFS at baseline [34.92]
increased post intervention [48.38]. This increase was significant as evident from the obtained
Early Intervention of Autism: A Case for Floor Time Approach 709
t-value [9.56, p<.0001]. That the intervention was effective for all children in the group may be seen from Figure 8 which shows the
performance of each child at pre and post intervention conditions
pre test
post test
From Figure 8 it is evident that floor time intervention enhanced the social behavior of children, though some gained more from
From Figure
8 it This
is evident
the social
of chil
the treatment
than others.
variance may
due totime
initial intervention
intra group differences
in the children's
dren, though some gained more from the treatment than others. This variance may be due
Children's scores on selected components of BSFS of turn taking, two way communication, cause and effect and emotional thinking
to initial intra group differences in the children's functioning levels.
were analyzed individually. On Turn taking skill, the baseline mean [12,38] was significantly lower than the mean score [17.69]
Children's scores on selected components of BSFS of turn taking, two way communication,
cause and effect and emotional thinking were analyzed individually. On Turn taking skill,
the baseline mean [12,38] was significantly lower than the mean score [17.69] post interven
tion. The derived t-value [5.02] was statistically significant (p<.0002]. An illustration of each
The derived on
was statistically
significant by
An9.illustration of each child's performance on
skill is provided
turn taking skill is provided by Figure 9.
pre test
post test
It is evident from Figure 9 that the treatment was effective for all children in the experimental group. All of them gained
It is evident
that the
was effective
for all children
in the experimen
except from
child no.
7 who 9
a marginal
only. The children's
ability to understand
the relationship
cause andAll
its effect
also improved.
mean performance
on this
skill 7post
was higherim
than the
tal group.
of them
gained Their
a marginal
baseline [8.61]. The derived t-value was significant [7.17, p<.0001]. Each child's performance on cause and effect is depicted in
figure 10. The data indicates the effectiveness of floor time as a method to develop the understanding of cause and effect
relationship in children with ASD.
Recent Advances
in Autism Spectrum Disorders - Volume I
significantly, except child no. 7 who showed a marginal improvement only. The children's ability to understand the relationship
between cause and its effect also improved. Their mean performance on this sub skill post intervention [13.30] was higher than the
baseline [8.61]. The derived t-value was significant [7.17, p<.0001]. Each child's performance on cause and effect is depicted in
figure 10. The data indicates the effectiveness of floor time as a method to develop the understanding of cause and effect
relationship in children with ASD.
Pre test
Post test
When performances on two-way communication skills were compared, a similar trend was evident. The mean score at baseline
was lower
than that post intervention
and the difference was
significant (t=5.72,
on two-way
were compared,
a similar
was too,
children improved as may be seen from figure 11. All children gained on the ability for two-way communication.
evident. The mean score at baseline [6.31] was lower than that post intervention [8.69] and
the difference was statistically significant (t=5.72, p<.0001]. Individually too, children im
proved as may be seen from figure 11. All children gained on the ability for two-way com
Lastly, when the data from BSFS were analyzed for performance on emotional thinking, a
significant gain was seen in this area too. The difference between baseline mean score [7.38]
and post intervention mean score [8.84] was significant (t-value=3.5, p<.004]. Though this
difference was significant when means were compared, individually all children did not
gain from the intervention. Whereas most children showed an enhancement in emotional
thinking from pre to post intervention, performance of some remained the same as what it
was at baseline. Figure 12 presents the data on emotional thinking. Since, emotional think
ing is the last and the most complex of the six milestones; it is possible that these children
required more time to achieve this skill than what was given during the 20 sessions of inter
vention. However, these children improved their performance on the earlier sub-skills of
turn taking, two-way communication and understanding of cause and effect relationship.
Pre test
Post test
Figure 11. Comparison of individual performance on two-way communication
Lastly, when the data0from BSFS were analyzed for performance on emotional thinking, a significant gain was seen in this area too.
The difference between baseline
2mean 3score [7.38]
5 post
6 intervention
8 mean
9 score
10[8.84]11was significant
13 (t-value=3.5, p<.004].
Though this difference was significant when means were compared, individually all children did not gain from the intervention.
Pre test
Post test
Whereas most children showed an enhancement in emotional
from pre to post intervention, performance of some
remained the same as what it was at baseline. Figure 12 presents the data on emotional thinking. Since, emotional thinking is the
last and
most complex
of theperformance
six milestones;
it is possible
that these children required more time to achieve this skill than what
of individual
on two-way
11. Comparison
of individual performance
on two-way communication
was given during the 20 sessions of intervention. However, these children improved their performance on the earlier sub-skills of
turn taking,
of causeon
effect relationship.
the data communication
from BSFS wereand
for performance
thinking, a significant gain was seen in this area too.
The difference between baseline mean score [7.38] and post intervention mean score [8.84] was significant (t-value=3.5, p<.004].
Though this difference
was significant when means were compared, individually all children did not gain from the intervention.
Whereas most children showed an enhancement in emotional thinking from pre to post intervention, performance of some
remained the same as what it was at baseline. Figure 12 presents the data on emotional thinking. Since, emotional thinking is the
last and the most complex of the six milestones; it is possible that these children required more time to achieve this skill than what
was given during the 20 sessions of intervention. However, these children improved their performance on the earlier sub-skills of
turn taking, two-way
communication and understanding of cause and effect relationship.
Pre test
Post test
Figure 12. Comparison
of individual performance on emotional thinking
in effect, determined the efficacy of floor time in comparison with other early intervention
Nthe performance
In of
to do
the post
by with
The second objective
the study
to compare
of children
in the experimental
of those in
13children were
24 randomly
As mentioned
from 5 pre-schools
The earlier,
of experimental
group 3.08
was compared
with and
of control
Hence, when the study commenced all children were on some kind of early intervention program. The study, in effect, determined
the efficacy of floor time in comparison with other early intervention strategies. In order to do this, the post intervention
performance on BSFS by both groups was analyzed. The mean score of experimental group was compared with that of control
group. The data analysis is presented in Table 2.
Comparison of post intervention mean scores of experimental and control groups showed a
significant difference between the two, in favour of the experimental group. The resultant tvalue [3.08] was statistically significant (p<.005]. This indicated that in comparison to other
measures for early intervention, floor time was more effective in development of social be
havior of children with ASD. Figure 13 provides a graphic representation of this difference
Table 2.
Comparison of post intervention mean scores of experimental and control groups showed a significant difference between the two,
in favour of the experimental group. The resultant t- value [3.08] was statistically significant (p<.005]. This indicated that in
comparison to other measures for early intervention, floor time was more effective in development of social behavior of children
with ASD. Figure 13 provides a graphic representation of this difference
Figure 13. Comparison of post intervention performance of experimental and control groups
Figure 13. Comparison of post intervention performance of experimental and control groups
It is evident from Figure 13 that except for child no. 3 and child no. 5, all children in experiment group achieved higher scores on
is evident
for child
no. 3 higher
and child
no. control
5, all children
the control
than their
group peers.
of both
mean performance
on each on
sub BSFS
skill i.e.than
turn taking
(TT), two-way
cause and effect
higher scores
the control
children. Most
(C&E), and emotional thinking (ET), within BSFS is presented in Figure 14.
scored significantly higher than their control group peers. A comparative analysis of both
mean performance on each sub skill i.e. turn taking (TT), two-way communication
cause and effect (C&E), and emotional thinking (ET), within BSFS is presented in
16 14.
The12 children who received floor time intervention performed better on an average than
10 who were in the control group. However, the performance gap between the two
groups was not uniform across all sub skills. On emotional thinking skill, the average per
of both groups was nearly same with control group's mean less than 2 points be
low2that of experimental group.
Figure 14. Comparison of experimental and control group on sub skills of BSFS
The children who received floor time intervention performed better on an average than those who were in the control group.
However, the performance gap between the two groups was not uniform across all sub skills. On emotional thinking skill, the
Figure 13. Comparison of post intervention performance of experimental and control groups
It is evident from Figure 13 that except for child no. 3 and childEarly
no. 5,
all childrenof
scores on
A Case
for achieved
Floor Time
BSFS than the control group children. Most children's scored significantly higher than their
control group peers. A comparative
analysis of both group's mean performance on each sub skill i.e. turn taking (TT), two-way communication (TWC), cause and effect
(C&E), and emotional thinking (ET), within BSFS is presented in Figure 14.
Figure 14. Comparison of experimental and control group on sub skills of BSFS
Figure 14. Comparison of experimental and control group on sub skills of BSFS
The children who received floor time intervention performed better on an average than those who were in the control group.
However, the performance gap between the two groups was not uniform across all sub skills. On emotional thinking skill, the
average performance of both groups was nearly same with control group's mean less than 2 points below that of experimental
9. Discussion
9. Discussion
Unlike neuro-typical children who learn how to be social and interactive by watching
others talk,
each and
of play
how to to
be social
how others talk,
relate to each
enjoy and
the give-and-take
of social engagement
and initiate,
maintain and respond
to interactions
with others,
initiate, maintain
and respond
to interactions
with others,
with children
do not
the expected
of early social of
skills. Promoting
the social
of infants
the expected
early social
and toddlers with ASD is one of the primary goals of early intervention services, as is facilitating the ability of young children with
the social development of infants and toddlers with ASD is one of the primary goals of
early intervention services, as is facilitating the ability of young children with social de
lays to develop appropriate friendships. With early and intensive intervention, the seem
ingly pervasive social skill deficits of many children with ASD can be remediated[21]. To
successfully target these important skills, intervention efforts, even within early interven
tion, should include: (a) regular access to typical peers, (b) thoughtful planning of mean
ingful social situations embedded throughout the day, (c) the use of social toys, (d)
multiple-setting opportunities (home inclusive, community-based) to practice emerging
social skills, and (e) intensive data collection in order to make midcourse corrections to
existing intervention plans [22]. Poor social skills are an impediment to childs success in
classroom, and can also be the cause of behavioral problem. Accordingly, teaching social
skills is a common educational objective for children who have autism [23]. However,
while teaching variables such as age, developmental and functional levels and sensory
profile of each should be considered. Floor time which is based on the developmental
approach takes care of the childs developmental level and emphasizes building the mile
stones that the child may have missed during his or her period of growth. Rather than
focusing on teaching a child to speak a few words to interact, Greenspan suggests that
the childs gestural system should be worked upon first for language to flow in natural
ly rather than by rote, thus focusing on the developmental ladder. As the child climbs
the developmental ladder he or she becomes more and more regulated and forms a
sense of self. In the study the authors chose age and functionally appropriate activities
for helping a child achieve the given milestones for social behavior. The individual ses
sions during which the adult followed the child's lead, prompted and encouraged the
child effort to participate, and provided the opportunity to practice the skill with a peer
contributed to the significant increase in each child's performance from pre to post inter
vention on BSFS.
According to the Colorado guidelines [24] early intervention strategies must involve build
ing of positive relationships between adults (parents and caregivers) and the infant or tod
dler. The intent should be to teach the child that parents and caregivers can be relied on as
stable, secure, and safe figures that provide nurturance, comfort, pleasure and guidance. De
veloping attachments is a challenge for a young child with ASD, so special efforts are re
quired, even when signs of a childs interest are not apparent. This might require that a
parent or caregiver identify the activities, objects, settings, and interactions that the child
finds pleasurable and provide those events and items to the child contingent on a social in
teraction behavior (rather than non-contingently in a manner meant to keep a child satisfied
without social interaction). A tickle game might be initiated with a child and then interrupt
ed by the caregiver with the expectation that the child look at the adult or repeat a gesture to
continue. A key objective of efforts to form positive relationships is to ensure that the inter
actions are pleasurable and that they are associated with the child receiving input that is
consistent with needs and interests. Importantly, successful efforts to form strong, positive
bonds when a child is very young result in a subsequent relationship in which an adult has
considerable influence over a childs behavior and this influence can be essential for the
guidance and instruction that the adult (parent or other caregiver) must provide on an ongo
ing basis. The floor time intervention addressed the issues mentioned above. Activities se
lected were simple and manageable for the children. Most activities were demonstrated
before the child was required to participate. For children with autism, visually organized
tasks are easier to learn [25]. During intervention the adult often provided model/picture of
a task to be done e.g. block tower, completed puzzle, picture and symbol cards etc. Interven
tion sessions were built around child's motivation and interests. Most early intervention
programs for children with ASD are based on behavioral approach and use discrete trial
training. Though evaluations have shown acquisition of learning and behavioral develop
ment in several children [26], behavioral approach does not suit all children and families.
Strict protocol of timing, intensity, structure, and quality of therapist training influences the
success of behavioral interventions. In contrast, floor time encourages naturalistic interac
tions to develop the core skills. It takes into account the inherent bonding and affection pa
rents have for the child, and guides the parent to modify and channelize their interactions to
suit the developmental level of the child. As stated earlier, the children selected for the
study attended pre-school and intervention clinics. Thus control group children also re
ceived early intervention while floor time intervention was given to the experimental group.
However, the experimental group children performed better on selected social skills at the
end of the intervention period. The significantly higher achievement of social skills by ex
perimental group children may be attributed to the child-centric naturalistic interactions
that occurred during the floor time intervention.
10. Conclusion
Early intervention is very important for enhancing the development of infants and toddlers
with disabilities, and they are especially crucial in determining the future language, social
and behavioral outcomes of very young children with ASD [27]. A primary consideration of
programs for young children with ASD is to provide an environment that is designed to
prevent problem behaviors, promote engagement and participation, and facilitate successful
interactions with typically developing peers. Getting the child to engage with materials and
activities may prevent challenging behavior occurrence and promote appropriate social be
havior [28]. Results of this research support the above findings. Floor time principles state
that development begins with a shared world between the caregiver and the young child.
The goal is to help the child with ASD emerge from its own world and enter this shared
world in order to develop his or her functional and emotional capacities. Floor time achieves
this by encouraging child to engage in age and level appropriate play activities with adults
and later with peers. The outcomes indicate the effectiveness of Floor time as a method for
early intervention of children with autism. The findings of the study may be useful for fami
lies who are in need of evidence based and suitable early intervention for children with
The authors wish to thank the children who participated in this study, and are grateful to
the childrens parents, teachers, therapists, and administrators of the schools and interven
tion clinics for their support.
Author details
Rubina Lal and Rakhee Chhabria
Department of Special Education, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, India
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[11] Prior,M & Robert, J. (2006) Early Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum
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[12] Diggle, T.T.J, and McConachie, H.H.R. (2009) Parent-mediated early intervention for
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[15] Wieder, S. and Greenspan, S.I., (2005). Can children with autism master the core defi
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Chapter 30
1. Introduction
The main purpose of this chapter is to present the results of a review of communication
interventions for children aged 0-6 years with autism spectrum disorders and to formulate
recommendations for an evidence-based practice. The study, including 20 reviews and 27
primary studies, specifically focus interventions targeting children with diagnosis within the
autism spectrum being on an early communicative level.
2013 Thunberg; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
been estimated that between one-third [7] and one-half [8] of children and adults with autism
have no speech. However, more recent research results indicate that the proportion of nonspeaking children with ASD is much smaller, approximately 14% to 20%, among those who
received very early intervention [9].
Two phenotypes of speaking children with ASD were identified by Tager-Flusberg and Joseph
[10]: children with normal linguistic abilities (phonological skills, vocabulary, syntax, and
morphology) and children with impaired language that is similar to the phenotype found in
specific language impairment. Another potential subgroup may experience verbal dyspraxia
or dyspraxia of speech [11; 12; 13]. Voluntary motor control is disturbed in children with
dyspraxia, which also affects their ability to imitate. The new research on the role of the mirror
neurons in the parietal and frontal lobes may provide some answers on the relationships
between motor control and imitation but also on the possible link with the development of
intersubjectivity [11].
In spite of the heterogeneity of language abilities in children with ASD, social-communication
or pragmatic impairments are universal across all ages and ability levels [14]. According to
Wetherby [15], the social-communication deficits in children with ASD can be organized into
two major areas: (1) the capacity for joint attention and (2) the capacity for symbol use. Since
joint attention emerges before words, this deficit may be more fundamental and a number of
longitudinal studies provide evidence of a relationship between joint attention and language
outcomes [16, 17]. According to Wetherby [15] p. 11, deficits in initiating and responding to
joint attention have a cascading effect on language development since language learning
occurs within the context of the modelling by the caregiver of words that refer to objects and
words that are jointly regarded. Wetherby [15] states that deficits in imitation and observa
tional learning are other main causes of the problems with symbol use experienced by children
with ASD. Learning shared meanings, imitating and using conventional behaviours, and being
able to decontextualize meaning from the context constitute the symbolic deficits in children
with ASD [13].
2.2. Development of communication and language in children with ASD
Because autism is usually not diagnosed until age three or four, there is relatively little
information about language in very young children with autism [10]. Retrospective studies
using parent reports and/or videotapes collected during infancy, together with studies of
children considered likely to develop autism, show severely delayed language acquisition with
respect to both receptive and expressive skills [18, 19, 20]. Another typical phenomenon
described by 25% of parents of children with ASD is language loss after initially developing
some words [21]. Lord, Schulman, and DiLavore [22] found that this language regression is
unique to autism and does not occur in other children with developmental delays. Chawarska
et al. [21] hypothesize that these early-acquired speech-like productions are lost by children
with ASD because the link between these expressions and a network of symbolic communi
cation fails. There is significant variability in the rate at which language progresses among
children with ASD who do acquire speech.
The few longitudinal studies of language acquisition in children with ASD suggest that
progress within each domain of language follows similar pathways as it does in typical
ly developing children [9, 12]. However, the speech of children with ASD is also charac
terized by some typical deviations. One of the most salient aspects is the occurrence of
echolalia, which can be either immediate or delayed. Although some echolalia seems to
be self-stimulating, both types of echolalia can serve communicative purposes for the
speaker [12]. At an early stage of language development, this may be the only way in
which the child can actually produce speech. Tager-Flusberg et al. (1990) found that,
over the course of development, echolalia rapidly declined for all the children with ASD
and Downs syndrome in their study. Another prominent feature of language in children
with ASD is general problems with deixis, which are most often manifested as pronoun
confusion [10]. Features such as vocal quality, intonation and stress patterns often result
in problems for persons with ASD, although there is a lack of research in this field. Tak
en together, the findings suggest that the difficulties are due not only to problems in so
cial intent but also to problems affecting a more basic aspect of vocalization [12].
Less research attention has focused on the comprehension skills of individuals with ASD
although deviations in response to language and comprehension have been found to be
strong indicators of ASD [18]. According to Tager-Flusberg et al. [14], it seems that ASD
children not only may have limited ability to integrate linguistic input with real-world
knowledge but also may lack knowledge about social events used by normally develop
ing children to buttress emerging language skills and to acquire increasingly advanced
linguistic structures [12, p. 350].
The pragmatic aspects of language have been studied in numerous ways. Children with
autism share important similarities across different language levels [12]. The speech acts
that are missing or rarely used in the conversations of children with autism often con
cern social, rather than regulatory, uses of language [22]. Ramberg, Ehlers, Nydn, Jo
hansson, and Gillberg [24] found that children with ASD were impaired in taking turns
during dyadic conversations. A higher proportion of initiations rather than responses
was found in a study [25]. Although the basic intention to communicate often exists, the
person with autism has impaired skill in participating in communicative activities involv
ing joint reference or shared topics [12, p. 354].
and precise antecedent, teaching, and reinforcement practices. The learner is in a responder
role, and the teacher has a directive role [11]. The strength of the didactic behavioural approach
is primarily that it has demonstrated efficacy in many studies, using a variety of treatment
settings and treatment deliverers, with both single-subject and group designs [11]. Limitations
on this approach as a language-training method were recognized early on, with the childrens
lack of generalization being a core problem [26].
The pragmatic understanding of communication was fully developed after the operant
teaching methods were first developed [11]. The current scientific understanding of commu
nication and language development stems from the 1970s and 1980s, when it was demon
strated that language develops from the preverbal social exchanges of infants with important
others (Bates, 1976). According to Rogers [11 p. 149], current research, building primarily on
the work of Wetherby [13, 15, 23], Prizant [13], and Mundy, Sigman and Kasari [17], has
demonstrated that young children with autism lacked these early building blocks of commu
nication, involving social initiative, joint attention, social and emotional reciprocity, and the
use of gestures to co-ordinate social exchanges.
In 1968, an important study was published by Hart and Risley [27]. Very positive results were
obtained with an intervention in which the principles of operant teaching were applied in the
childs natural environment. The term incidental teaching was used for this approach, in
which the natural environment is deliberately structured to highlight the function of the
targeted language form. This intervention produced much better results with respect to
maintenance and generalization and stimulated development and research in the field [11].
According to Rogers [11, p. 153], the effectiveness of this approach results from four factors:
(1) child language functions to achieve child-chosen goals and child-chosen reinforcers, which
strengthen their power; (2) the focus is on child communication skills that are functional in all
settings; (3) the social functions of language are highlighted; (4) emphasis on child motivation
and natural reinforcers adds a positive element to the interactions, which may enhance
memory for learning.
The third major approach in the field of communication intervention for children with ASD is
the developmental pragmatic approach. The most elaborated programme for treatment, the
SCERTS (Social-Communication, Emotional Regulation, Transactional Support) model [28]
focuses on functional communication. This approach bears many resemblances to the behav
ioural naturalistic teaching methods. More emphasis is, however, placed on developing
nonverbal behaviours prior to verbal communication and on the use of Augmentative and
Alternative Communication (AAC) systems to assist in the development of verbal communi
cation [11]. Today many models combine behavioural techniques and social-interactionist
approaches, such as Enhanced Milieu Teaching, developed by Kaiser and colleagues [29], The
Denver Early Start [30], Caregiver Mediated Joint Engagement Intervention for Toddlers with
Autism [31], Focus parent training for toddlers with autism [32]. The strength of the develop
mental model is its strong basis in the science of communication development. Its weaknesses
include the lack of treatment manuals and the fact that it requires considerable knowledge on
the part of the therapist [11].
that early intervention programs include both indirect and direct aspects: education and
tutoring of parents and training of the child.
Another dimension of great importance in early communication intervention concerns
the degree of child focus. To have a child focus means that the motivation of the child
and the developmental level is decisive in what is done during intervention. The adult
follows the lead of the child and the place for training is where the child is, often the
floor. In this way its not necessary to use reinforcements or rewards since the child is
already interested and motivated. To get the child to train and focus the intended skills
or functions different behavioural techniques are often used. At the other end of this di
mension we find the more traditional didactic training situation where the adult trainer
or therapist follows and uses a predefined set of activities and materials during a train
ing session. The specific behavioural techniques; prompts and reinforcements used dur
ing the session are often also specified or planned. The child is expected to follow the
lead of the adult and it is typical that the training is held the child and the adult sitting
face-to-face at a table. It is more typical that child-focused interventions are provided
during daily activities in the natural environment of the child; at home and/or in preeschool, whilst didactic training is provided at a clinic, at least during the introduction of
new materials and training activities.
Still another difference between programs that might be seen as a dimension is the degree to
which augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is included. In some programs
these strategies, in the form of manual signs, symbols and pictures and speech-generating
devices (SGDs, today often Apps used on an iPad, smartphone or other platform), are included
already from the start to promote communication and build language, whilst in other pro
grams AAC strategies are not included, but instead seen as a last resort when training of speech
has failed. Education and tutoring of parents and staff
The most common intervention of this type is parental education. The internationally most
wide-spread parental education programs most probably are the courses developed by the
Canadian Hanen Centre [38]. The course being developed for children within the autism
spectrum is called More Than Words and includes eight group sessions for the parents and
three home-visits by the Speech-language pathologist. During these visits the interaction
between the child and the parent is videotaped and the parents are given feed-back and further
guidance how to improve communication and use of the strategies being taught during the
course. The Hanen courses is a developmental approach and teaches responsive strategies to
the parents adding some behavioural techniques to stimulate communication learning within
the frames of child-focused natural interaction in the home [38]. A new parental course called
ComAlong has been developed in Sweden and now is spreading in northern Europe [39].
ComAlong include eight group sessions focusing on responsive strategies and environmental
teaching but also puts a large focus on the use of augmentative communication strategies in
the home setting [39]. The parents are provided with picture boards so they can use aided
language modeling in their homes [39, 40]. Comprehensive intervention programs
Training of communication, language and speech is most often an important part in the
different comprehensive programs, addressing different skills and problems, that has been
developed for young children within the autism spectrum. Some of these are built on behav
ioural theories, others on developmental pragmatic approaches. There seems to be a trend that
the programs being developed and researched during the last decade, specifically for young
children with autism, are more eclectic. The background theories are often described as
developmental pragmatic whilst ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) techniques are used to
strengthen the teaching practices. Most often these comprehensive programs include both
direct training to the child and indirect intervention parts in that parents and/or staff in the
close network of the child are given education, training and/or guidance. Augmentative and Alternative Communication AAC
AAC comprises different methods and modes of communication such as body communication,
concrete objects, manual signs, graphic symbols or speech-generating devices. Historically,
the first studies describing AAC techniques being used for individuals with autism appeared
in the 1970s; they reported on the use of sign language to improve communication [41]. These
studies appeared at the same time as the unsatisfactory results of spoken-language-training
programmes were being published. Studies by, for example, Lovaas et al. [26] reported little
change after many hours of intensive treatment, and the results were particularly poor for the
children whose comprehension and vocal skills were most impaired [41]. Initially, most
signing programmes were built on formal sign language systems, but it became evident that
these were often too complex and abstract, and so specially adapted systems were developed
and implemented. Sign-based programmes spread rapidly in schools for children with autism
in many countries.
During the 80s and the 90s a gradual change in AAC intervention for persons with autism,
was seen, as visual-graphic communication was more in focus. Mirenda and Erickson [42]
explain that the shift away from the use of signing to visual-graphic communication occurred
as a result of research findings in three main areas: imitation, iconicity, and intelligibility. In
addition to the evidence of a generalized imitation deficit in autism, there were also studies
showing that some children with ASD had extremely poor sign imitation skills [43] due to
difficulties with motor planning, control and execution [44]. According to Howlin [41], the
shift from the use of manual signs to visual methods was also due to the fact that visual
methods had proven to be effective in enhancing general skill acquisition, mainly within the
TEACCH programme (Treatment of Education of Autistic and related Communicationhandicapped CHildren; [45]) developed during the 1970s. A variety of symbol systems were
also developed, beginning with Blissymbolics and Rebus followed by Pictogram and Picture
Communication Symbols. The improvements in computer technology made these symbol sets
easily available in the form of practical software packages. The development of digital cameras
during the 1990s also increased the possibility of including personal photos in AAC systems,
which, according to clinical reports, seemed to increase motivation and facilitate understand
ing of pictures, particularly for individuals with ASD [46].
There are, however, also reports of problems in teaching symbols to children with ASD, mainly
in teaching them to use the pictures spontaneously and for communicative functions other
than requesting [41]. It was precisely these problems that led Bondy and Frost [47] to develop
the method called Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). PECS is a systematic
approach to communication training specifically developed for children with autism. The
elements that make PECS different from other visual-graphic techniques are the use of the
concrete hand-to-hand exchange of the picture and also the highly prescriptive user manual
with its six levels to follow in sequence.
Historically, the use of speech output technologies with individuals with ASD has not been a
matter of course [48]. Computer technology was introduced into educational settings for
children with autism late, not only in North America, but also in other countries. Professionals
feared that people with ASD would become even more aloof if they were encouraged to sit in
front of a computer screen. Concerning speech-generating devices (SGDs), a common view
was that they would only stimulate echolalia in children with ASD, and that there would be
too much noise in the classroom. By the end of the 1990s, scepticism had decreased. This was
probably due to reports of some studies of successful computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
carried out. The introduction of app technology has meant a revolution to the field of speechgenerating devices and the first studies of the effects of apps are now being published.
Schlosser has therefore suggested an alternative evidence hierarchy placing the meta-analysis
on top [49, 50]. Schlosser and several other prominent authors within the field of communica
tion intervention research designs recommend the use of well-controlled single-subject re
search designs that can form the base for systematic meta-analyses.
5. Method
5.1. EBP-group
The review of research within the field of early communication intervention that is presented
in this study was initiated by the Swedish association of Habilitation directors as part of a
project concerning EBP that was started 2002. Within the frames of this project several reports
have been produced with respect to interventions for children and adults with disability. The
author of this chapter was appointed scientific leader for a group of five speech-language
pathologists and one special educator in Sweden, that applied for taking part in the project.
The group has worked together during recurrent two-day-sessions and in between, work has
also been done separately and in pairs.
5.2. EBP-method and search question
The group decided to use the EBP-model of Ralph Schlosser [49]. As mentioned above the hier
archy of evidence of Schlosser is a bit different compared to the traditional ones, in that it places
the meta-analysis on top of the hierarchy beside the RCT-study. Schlosser also includes per
spectives of the stakeholder and the influence of environment into his model of EBP and defines
EBP as follows: The integration of best and current research evidence with clinical/educational
expertise and relevant stakeholder perspectives to facilitate decisions for assessment and inter
vention that are deemed effective and efficient for a given stakeholder. The classical model of
formulation of a evidence question shortened PICO - Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Out
come - has accordingly been revised into PESICO - Problem, Environment, Stakeholders, Inter
vention, Comparison, Outcome [49]. The question that was formulated in this review was: A
young child with severe communicative disability, living with his/her parents and being placed
in a pree-school group: which intervention is most effective; indirect or direct interventions.
5.3. Procedure
When the clinical question had been formulated the group identified search terms to use. These
were: Early Intervention, Communication, Communication Disability/ies, Direct intervention,
Indirect intervention, Early childhood, Kindergarten, Pree-school, AAC, Augmentative Com
munication, Alternative Communication, Early Communication, Language, Meta-analysis,
Review. The terms were searched separately and in combinations using four scientific data bas
es: PubMed, PsycInfo, CINAHL and ERIC. It was seen that CINAHL generated significantly
more results than the other three. All abstract were browsed and the studies considered as rele
vant were downloaded. The reference lists of these studies led to some new findings. A few
studies and book chapters were found through the groups different contacts and readings of
literature. The studies were read and reviewed using a protocol and a manual that was devel
oped. The factors that were examined in each study were: Research methods, participants, envi
ronment, intervention, results, evidence grading and a final category called notes. This column
included judgements of (a) ICF domain/s that the study involved, (b) validity: internal, external,
social and ecological, (c) importance of discussion and suggestions of future studies.
Each study was first reviewed by two group members separately and then discussed and
graded by the group altogether. The group graded the studies according to three systems:
Schlosser [49], Nordenstrm [51] and Golper [52]. Schlossers system was seen as the most
important for this study due to the fact that it was developed for the field of communication
intervention for people with disability. Nordenstrm represent the classical medical evidence
hierarchy whilst the Golper was included for its ambition to catch or grade the level or depth
of evaluation that the study represents.
Narrative reviews
Week evidence (expert opinion, concensus reports, case studies and other
descriptive reports)
Phase I
Hypotheses about treatment efficacy are being developed for later testing.
Often this involves experimental manipulations to test potential benefits
or activity of a particular treatment.
Phase II
Phase III
Table 1. Systems for evidence-grading being used in this study. SSRD=Singel Subject Research Design,
RCT=Randomized Controlled Study
Study design
Evidence grading
Schlosser: 1
Golper. III
Schlosser: 5
Nordenstrm: B
Pilot RCT
Golper. II
Drew, Baird, Baron-Cohen, Cox,
Slonims, Wheelwright, Swettenham,
Schlosser: 1
Nordenstrm: A
Golper. III
Schlosser: 2
2005 [57]
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. III
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. II
intervention course
Girolametto, Sussman & Weitzmann,
Case study,
Schlosser: 5
2007 [58]
Interaction analyses
Nordenstrm: C
Golper. III
Schlosser: 1
Nordenstrm: A
Golper. III
Jonsson, Kristoffersson, Ferm &
Schlosser: 5
Nordenstrm: B
Karlsson & Melltorp, 2006 [62]
Golper. II
Schlosser: 5
mixed methods
Nordenstrm: B
Schlosser: 5
control group
Nordenstrm: B
Controlled group
Schlosser: 2
Nordenstrm: B
Golper: III
Schlosser: 1
Golper. I
Lennartsson och Srensson, 2010 [60]
Golper. II
Nordenstrm: A
Golper. III
Seung, Ashwell, Elder & Valcante, 2006 Group study
Schlosser: 2
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. III
Schlosser: 5
Nordenstrm: B
Group study
Golper. II
The results were analysed and grouped primarily according to the formulated search question
but also according to the identified areas of intervention and methods being evaluated in the
studies. Building on these results, recommendations and a model for early communicative
intervention was suggested. These results were documented in a report being published on
the website of the Association of Swedish Habilitation directors [53]. A new literature search
using the same procedure as described above led to some revision of results and recommen
dations in a new version of the report that was recently published [53].
The results that will be shared in this book chapter concerns the studies that specifically
involved children on the autism spectrum, which in total involved about half of the studies,
or exactly 47 studies. The data from both literature searches was used: 30 studies from the
review published in 2011 and 16 studies from the updated version of 2012.
6. Results
The number of studies that were included in the review totalled 106. Of these, 39 were reviews,
while the other 67 were primary studies. 46 of the studies involved children diagnosed within
the autism spectrum. This means that about half the research on interventions for children
with communicative disabilities have focused children with ASD. 31 of the studies were
included in the report published 2011 while 14 were added in the review done 2012. 20 of the
publications were reviews while 27 were primary studies. There were comparatively more
primary studies, often of high research quality, to be found in the more recent search (2012).
Only publications where the children were clearly described as having ASD were included in
this review. There were most probably even more studies of the 106 that included children
with ASD since sometimes participants were described according to type and/or severity of
disability (such as severe communicative disability), and not diagnose..
6.1. Indirect interventions Education and guidance to parents
14 primary studies were found. The evidence is moderately to strong since there are also some
studies with a high level of scientific control. Many of the studies were noted as showing high
validity with respect to external validity as well as social and ecological validity. In several
studies the parents were involved in the evaluation procedure and measures of natural
interactions were included.
In general the results of education and guidance to parents and staff are very positive al
though this review shows that there seems to be a lack of research when it comes to ed
ucation and guidance of staff. Only one study was found where pree-school teachers
were educated and guided how to use the PECS-method [32]. The results of the parental
interventions indicate that they are effective in that positive results can be seen very
quickly with respect to different areas and with comparatively little amount of interven
tion. This is also probably one of the reasons behind the trend that parental education
seems to be included as a part of the more recently developed intervention programs. In
the second literature search in this study more interventions were found that included
guidance of parents (for example 31, 63, 74, 75, 81). Several of these interventions includ
ed education that was combined with home-visits when the therapist interacted with and
trained the child during natural play situations. The parents observed these play activi
ties and the therapists use of behavioural strategies, which were then discussed an prac
ticed during the sessions. The results of these comprehensive programs are included in
the section of direct interventions below (table 3), but it is important to also recognize
the fairly large amount of indirect instruction in these programs.
In several studies of the interventions more specifically aimed at parental education, it
was seen that the parents use of responsive strategies increased [54, 58, 60, 61, 62] and
some studies showed that interaction between the parent and the child was positively af
fected [57, 58, 62, 65]. Some studies report that the development of communication and
language in the child seems to be increased when the parents are provided with educa
tion and guidance [32, 54, 56, 61, 62, 64]. Several studies have tried to measure parental
stress and other family related parameters that are expected to be affected, also out from
parental interviews [54, 55, 56, 61, 65]. Most studies failed in proving effects in this re
spect, at least on a level of statistical significance. In some studies the researchers specu
late that the questionnaires given before and after an intervention seems to fail in
catching an effect. In qualitative studies parents report that they can see the problems of
the child more clearly after the course and can be more open about the family problems
[55]. This means that items related to family issues even might get worse comparing
questionnaires filled in blindly before-after intervention.
So far very little is known of the long-term effects of indirect intervention. The few studies
with this focus show that the effects seem to fade over time. Both clinicians and researchers
hypothesize that there probably is a need to do follow-ups and/or provide booster interven
tions to maintain the intervention effects over time. There are also indications that the effects
of a parental education on the development of the child seems to be further enhanced when
the education is complemented with direct intervention to the child.
6.2. Direct interventions Provision of training of the child
19 studies were found of which 10 were reviews (1 meta-analysis) and the rest primary studies.
The scientific level of evidence varies, but the recently published primary studies being of high
quality certainly strengthen evidence in the area of direct communication intervention.
Direct interventions or training of the child has proved to have a positive impact on the
development of the child with ASD as is stated in most, but not so sure in all, of the studies in
the table. Exactly what is described to be affected differs in different studies, depending on the
focus of the study, but to a large extent also on what have been measured in a particular study.
It is more common that classical didactic programs report outcomes within the function- or
activity-domain, often by the use of measures of intelligence (IQ) or language (different
language tests). The child-directed naturalistic interventions more often describe outcomes in
terms of activity or participation and use data of communication or interaction from video
analyses, parental questionnaires and interviews.
Study design
Evidence grading
Schlosser: 4
Nordenstrm: C
Golper. I
Schlosser: 4
Nordenstrm: C
Golper. I
Schlosser: 1
Nordenstrm: A
Golper. III
Schlosser: 4
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. II
Schlosser: 3
Nordenstrm: B
Comparative group
Schlosser: 2
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. II-III
Schlosser: 4
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. III
Golper. II
Kasari et al (2010) [31]
Schlosser: 1
joint attention
Nordenstrm: A
Golper: III
Randomized group
Schlosser: 2
2008 [70]
Nordenstrm: A
Schlosser: 2
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. III
Golper. III
McConnell, 2002 [71]
Schlosser: 4
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. I
Narrative review/
Schlosser: 6
Nordenstrm: C
Golper. I
Schlosser: 6
Nordenstrm: C
Golper. I
Schlosser: 5
(small groups)
Nordenstrm: B
Meta-analysis of discrete-trial-interventions
Schlosser: 1
Nordenstrm: A
Golper. III
Spreckley & Boyd, 2009 [80]
Golper. III
Study design
Evidence grading
Schlosser: 2
concurrent multiple
Nordenstrm: B
baseline design
communicative strategies
Golper. I
Schlosser: 1
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. III
Woods & Wetherby, 2003 [72]
Schlosser: 4
Nordenstrm: C
Golper. II
Schlosser: 2
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. III
As mentioned in earlier paragraphs generalization and maintenance has been a big issue
within the field of communication and language intervention for years. Generally the childfocused interventions show better generalization and maintenance in younger children with
ASD [67, 72, 76]. These studies discuss that the use of the inborn motivation of the child and
the use of natural context and natural play context make the difference all according to current
theories of development of cognition and communication. Proponents of didactic training hold
that the use of learned words and phrases might be a start of a positive social spiral where the
child gets more response and is treated differently. Some reviews come to the conclusion that
we still do not have enough evidence to tell which type of program is best, didactic or childfocused, but that the important factors seem to be early start and intensity [66, 69]. According
to the meta-analysis of six RCT studies of didactic interventions [80] these however fail in
reporting better outcomes than the control groups when it comes to cognition, language and
adaptive functioning. Generally the children in didactic training programs also were older [68].
Didactic training in its intensive and comprehensive form seems less effective on younger
children and children at early communicative levels [77]. The involvement of the parents in
recurrent didactic training activities in the home is also questioned in some studies [68]. There
are indications of a high degree of stress in these parents and a comparative study showed that
parental stress was lowered when the training was done by others and furthermore that the
results with respect to communication development was enhanced [68].
Several recent studies report outcomes from eclectic comprehensive interventions [30, 31, 74].
These programs are built upon current theories of cognitive, communicative and neurophy
siological development but also adds knowledge from the behaviourist tradition or rather
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in optimizing the learning situation. More concretely this
means that these programs are child-focused in that it makes use of the childs motivation and
interests and focus the communication between the parent and the child and are often
implemented in the home setting, sometimes after some introductory sessions on a clinic. An
analysis of the childs communication development forms the decision of what is going to be
focused during interaction. Prelinguistic competencies such as imitation, joint attention and
use of symbol play and symbols are seen as basic and pivotal. The behavioural techniques are
used to arrange the environment and chose strategies to refine and enhance learning in the
natural interaction. The trainer serve as model to the parent and then guide and coach the
parent, often in the home.
The majority of the primary studies in the table above report excellent outcomes [30, 31 70, 73,
74, 75, 81]. In general the research quality of evaluations of these interventions were high since
many were of RCT type or Randomized Group studies. External, social and ecological validity
was also considered as generally high partly due to the use of more interactional data and
information from the stakeholders. The studies show that these interventions seem to be very
effective in proving positive outcomes with respect to interaction, parental communication
style and child development. Some of these intervention programs are of comparatively low
intensity and short, which is interesting and important, as high intensity traditionally have
been said to be essential to success in children with autism
Some articles compare interventions and discuss recommendations with respect to different
needs of the child or family. A comparison of the AAC-method PECS and RPMT (a compre
henesive program containing parental education in the use of responsive strategies and
training of the child and guidance to parents in their home) showed interesting results with
respect to communication outcomes in the children [73]. The children at the earliest commu
nicative stage, not yet being interested in objects, seem to develop more with RPMT. At the
next communicative stage when the children has an interest of objects, an understanding of
cause and effect and some emergent understanding of joint attention PECS is more effective.
When joint attention is more established the Prelinguistic Mileu Teching strategies (behavioral
techniques implemented in natural interaction) in the RPMT seems to be more operant. It was
also seen that the PMT-training had better effect for those children whose mothers used a
responsive communication style. The focus on development of joint attention is emphasized
as the primary goal in this study with a successive introduction of symbol play as joint attention
is being established [73].
Finally, one review studies the effect of different types of interventions to promote social
interaction in pree-school settings and conclude that there is good evidence that it is important
to work both with the child with disability as well as with his/her friends in the school
environment [71].
6.3. AAC intervention
The field of AAC is a fairly new field of knowledge that has gradually grown as there is a
increasing interest in functional communication and in ensuring the communicative rights of
individuals with disability. There has also been an explosion of available communication
technologies and methods that can support and improve communication for individuals with
autism. We have probably and hopefully only seen the dawn of these new options. It is also
possible to see that we are moving from using one technique or approach at the time to working
with multimodal techniques or approaches where different tools and methods combined with
an understanding of communication and use of interactional strategies build a total system of
Study design
Evidence grading
Schlosser: 4
Nordenstrm: B
2008 [82]
Golper. II
Bopp, Brown & Mirenda, 2004 [83]
Schlosser: 4
Nordenstrm: B
speech-language pathologist in
Golper. I
Case study
Schlosser: 5
Nordenstrm: C
Golper. I
Schlosser: 1
Nordenstrm: A
Golper. III
SSRD Multiple
Schlosser: 2
2008 [86]
Nordenstrm: B
SSRD multiple
Schlosser: 2
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. III
Schlosser: 1
speech development
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. III
Golper. I
Papparella & Kasari, 2004 [88]
Nordenstrm: C
Golper. I
Schlosser: 1
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. III
Quantitative review
Schlosser: 4
developmental disabilites
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. II
Schlosser: 1
Nordenstrm: B
Golper: II
Schlosser: 4
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. I
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. I
Controlled group
further described)
Nordenstrm: B
Golper. II
The research base with respect to AAC used by young children with autism has grown in
recent years. This research mostly consists of singe-subject-design studies and case studies,
with very few controlled group studies being done. On the other hand there are some welldone meta-analyses published that compile results from singe-subject research studies. Due
to the difficulties of conducting RCT studies within the field of AAC-intervention the metaanlyses are important and can be seen as the golden standard. In total 14 studies were identified
as focusing the use of AAC and of these 10 were reviews or meta-analyses.
In conclusion, meta-analyses and other studies show that AAC-interventions are cost-effective
and give fast results and furthermore tend to stimulate speech development [82, 84, 85, 86, 87,
91]. The best results seem to be reached when the social network surrounding a child is given
support and resources, to be able to use responsive strategies and provide communication
opportunities and direct training using AAC in natural daily interactions. AAC intervention
should be started as soon as communication difficulties are displayed or suspected since AAC
promotes communication, language and speech. AAC-intervention has also been proved to
effectively decrease challenging behaviour [83]. There is today no mode of AAC that is known
to be better than any other for young children with autism. Instead multimodal approaches
seem to be the most effective [93]. However, graphic AAC seem to be acquired at a faster rate
and also easier to generalize to other situations [90]. PECS has been proved to be an effective
AAC method, specifically at early stages of communication and with respect to the first three
phases of the method [89].
7. Conclusion
The conclusion of this chapter is presented in the form of eight recommendations and of a
model for early communication intervention answering the question that was initially
formulated in this study: A young child with autism and severe communicative disability,
living with his/her parents and being placed in a pree-school group: which intervention is
most effective; indirect or direct interventions?
A combination of indirect and direct interventions. There is strong evidence that the
combination of education and guidance to the parents and direct child-focused interven
tion to the child in a naturalistic context leads to good outcomes with respect to several
parameters such as: development of communication and language, interaction between
the parent and the child where the parent uses a responsive communication pattern,
Parental education should include knowledge of and training in the use of responsive
strategies and behavioural/environmental teaching techniques within the frames of
natural interaction in the home. Several studies show that parents change their commu
nicative style after a few education sessions and that this positively affect the interaction
pattern with the child and enhance language development in the child. Guidance or
coaching of the parents in natural interactions in the home environment is included in
most of the recently presented studies and show very good results in short time.
AAC-intervention should ideally be multimodal. All modes of AAC are effective. There
is some evidence that symbols (specifically combined with speech output) are learned
faster than manual signs and that iconic symbols are learned faster.
The AAC-modes should be used and modelled by the childs communication part
ners (aided language stimulation or modelling) to promote learning and spontaneous use
of the symbols.
These recommendations means that the child in our formulated question should be provided
with intervention according to the model below.
Parts of chapter two, three and four was first published in the authors thesis [96]. Thanks to
my collegues in the ebp-group: Lena Nilsson, Maria Nolemo, Barbara Eberhart, Jessica
Forsberg, Ruth Breivik and Anna Fldt.
Author details
Gunilla Thunberg*
DART Centre for AAC and Assistive Technology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden
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Chapter 32
1. Introduction
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental conditions that are associated
with an astonishing combination of cognitive strengths and weaknesses with a substantial
minority of individuals displaying some exceptional creative abilities, reaching genius pro
portions in some rare cases. Creativity is a multifactorial construct and neuroscience is only
beginning to unravel some of the cognitive components involved in the creative process. In
this chapter we contrast neuroscientific evidence from creativity research with models at
tempting to explain talent and creativity in ASD. Although there are no agreed definitions
for creativity the formulation put forward by Griffiths [1] Creativity is a mental journey be
tween ideas or concepts that involves either a novel route or a novel destination (p.6)
seems to fit the picture very well. Various explanations and theories have been put forward
to account for creativity ranging from unconscious mechanisms, cognitive processes, special
abilities and personal traits to links with genetic processes and psychopathology.
The classical portrait of autism is that of rigid, stereotyped behaviours, a preference for
sameness and a resulting lack of imagination. Therefore, the prevalent view is that creativity
and imaginative thought are extremely difficult or impossible for individuals with ASD.
There is substantial research evidence that almost all forms of imagination are impaired in
autism including lack of pretend play, pragmatic language, comprehension and construc
tion of narrative, theory of mind and experimental tests of creativity [2-6]. A significant chal
lenge to this perceived lack of creativity is the enormous achievements that some people
with ASD show in creative and scientific fields. Some theorists and clinicians have therefore
challenged the view of impoverished creativity in ASD [7-12].
In this review the focus is on a subgroup of individuals on the autistic spectrum who dis
play exceptional creative talents and abilities. The features of ASD that favour creativity in
2013 Lyons and Fitzgerald; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
clude narrow interests, great persistence, ability to see details within a whole, a fascination
with facts (rather than people) and having savant type talents. While social imagination is
impaired, autistic imagination of the Einsteinian type is amplified.
Many features of Asperger syndrome enhance creativity, but the ability to focus deeply on a
topic and to take endless pains is characteristic. Hans Asperger [24] emphasized the intensi
ty with which special interests are pursued already in his first lecture about children with
autistic psychopathology. It appears that these unique qualities of concentration and also
perception as discussed in subsequent paragraphs in individuals with ASD may give rise to
extraordinary creative abilities. Exceptionally gifted people like for example the animal sci
entist and author Temple Grandin [25] declares that her autism, as manifested in her acute
visual/spatial mind and in her powers of concentration is what has made her success possi
ble (p.188). People with Asperger syndrome live very much in their intellects, and certain
forms of creativity benefit greatly from this [26]. Apart from good concrete intelligence addi
tional characteristics of a gifted person with ASD include, ability to disregard social conven
tions, unconcern about the opinions of others and a sometimes-childlike naivety and
According Nancy Andreasen [27], who made a significant contribution to research on
creativity, the personality traits that characterize creative individuals include openness
to experience, adventuresomeness, rebelliousness, individualism, persistence, curiosity,
simplicity, the ability to see things in a different and novel way, indifference to social
conventions, dislike of externally imposed rules, driven by own set of rules derived from
within and a childlike manner (p.30-32). Not surprisingly, the above two descriptions
are strikingly similar.
The main current interpretation of special gifts and savant skills associated with autism in
clude cognitive and psychological theories as well as various other models.
maticians are intuitive thinkers and rely on the unconscious mind to a large extent, like for
example the genius mathematician Poincar [78]. Freudian theory holds that primary proc
esses or primitive thinking which creative persons have more access to are based on their
weak defence mechanisms of repression. Individuals with Asperger syndrome have very
weak defence mechanisms thus allowing them access to early childhood memories [79].
Low levels of repression or inhibition are associated with creativity and a number of theo
rists [80, 81] have suggested that creativity is a disinhibition syndrome, i.e. highly creative
individuals lack cognitive inhibition. Neural correlates of cognitive disinhibition are the
frontal lobes and research indicates that creative individuals show less frontal-lobe activity
during verbal association tasks [82]. Deficits in inhibition have been documented in autism
[83] as well as in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [84] a neurodevelop
mental disorder that is associated with increased creativity.
Also relevant in this context maybe the concept of flow proposed by the psychologist
Cskszentmihlyi [85]. The notion of flow indicates a familiar state of reduced self-aware
ness where temporal concerns (time, food, ego-self, etc) are ignored during periods where
the individual is fully immersed in a task or process. According to Cskszentmihlyi flow
is characterised by a feeling of great absorption, engagement and fulfilment and thought to
be inherently reinforcing and rewarding [86]. As alerted to in the chapter Atypical Sense of
Self in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Neuro-cognitive Perspective (this book) [87] dimin
ished self-awareness which is a characteristic of individuals with ASD and associated with
right hemisphere dysfunction might be advantageous in the development of special talents
in ASD as quoted by Happ and Vital [88] (p.1373).
To conclude, although no single theory can explain the cognitive mechanisms underlying
savant skill development, prodigious memory, atypical perception and excellent attention to
detail are fundamentally associated with savant like talents in individual with ASD.
6. Neural basis of creativity in non-clinical populations
The study of the neural basis of creativity is an area greatly neglected by scientific research
and despite methodological difficulties associated with investigating creativity any account
of creativity must include explanations about the neural correlates of creativity [89].
Neuroscientific approaches aiming to determine the physiological basis of creative thought,
are assuming that creativity is a measurable trait. Creativity can be interpreted as physiolog
ical changes that are required for creative problem solving focussing on EEG measures of
cortical activation [90]. Theories of creativity in general postulate that low levels of cortical
activation contribute to creative inspiration. Imaging data [91] suggest that great creativity
not only requires a high level of specialized knowledge (stored in temporal and parietal
lobes) and divergent thinking (mediated by the frontal lobes) but also co-activation and
communication between areas of the brain that normally do not show strong connections.
Highly creative individuals also possess the ability to modulate neurotransmitters [92, 93]
such as the norepinephrine system (located in the frontal lobes), indicated by a reduction of
cerebral levels of norepinephrine during creative periods. Support for the role of frontal
areas in a fluid analogy-making task comes from an fMRI study [94] indicating bilateral neu
ral activations. A study measuring differences in cerebral blood flow between highly crea
tive individuals and controls during a verbal task of creative thinking [95] implicated a
neural network consisting of right and left fronto-temporal, parietal, and cerebellar regions
in highly creative performances. These areas are involved in cognition, emotion, working
memory and response to novelty.
matical and mechanistic processing in autism as well as savant abilities such as calculation
and memory. Imaging data of a reduced size of corpus callosum in autism [133] is consistent
with the reduced interhemispheric brain connectivity reported in autistic individuals [134].
Neural underconnectivity [e.g. 135] provides support for the weak central coherence theo
ry which postulates enhanced local and decreased global information processing in autism.
Research on patterns of cortical connectivity also indicates that a specific minicolumnar phe
notype found in autism may be beneficial for information processing and/or focused atten
tion and may also offer an explanation for the savant abilities autism [136, 137].
To conclude, although neural mechanisms underlying savant skill and development are
not well established, associating creativity with hemisphere lateralization and anatomical
abnormalities in autism is supported by empirical evidence and also has some explanato
ry potential. Additional areas to explore are genetic factors and creativity found in other
pathological conditions.
10. Psychopathology
There is a very close relationship between creativity (especially in literature and arts) and
psychopathology, particularly mood disorder [151, 152]. An association of biochemical fac
tors in psychosis and creativity has been suggested by Folley et al [153] indicating the nora
drenergic system. This model also provides possible links between attention, divergent
thinking, and arousal based on mechanisms that interact with structural and neurochemical
systems of the brain and has the potential to explain the novelty seeking behaviour implicat
ed in ADHD but may have less explanatory power as far as autism is concerned. According
to Sternberg and Lubart [154] creativity and novelty must be coupled with appropriateness
for something to be considered creative. Although schizotypal thought most likely leads to
an increase in novel ideas, they may not always be appropriate.
In contrast, the nature of creativity displayed by individuals with ASD is associated with the
distinctiveness of the autistic brain and its unique neural connectivity. In this context Tem
ple Grandin [155] has stated, it is likely that genius is an abnormality (p178-179). Howev
er, she also believes that autistic intelligence is necessary in order to add diversity and
creativity to the world: It is possible that persons with bits of these traits are more creative,
are possibly even geniusesIf science eliminated these genes, maybe the whole world
would be taken over by accountants (p.124).
11. Conclusion
The results of our evaluation suggest that many features of ASD are advantageous for
great creativity. Creativity is an extremely complex and multifaceted construct and no
cognitive theory or model of brain function has so far been able to fully account for it.
We suggest that the distinctive gifts of perception, attention, memory and information
processing combined with personality attributes can give rise to the extraordinary crea
tivity seen in some individuals with ASD. It is our view that progress in elucidating the
neural basis of autism may hold promises for a better understanding of autistic creativi
ty and creativity in general. Autism Spectrum Disorders are mainly portrayed as nega
tive phenomena, as a curse, but if they were an integral part of the mindset of highly
creative individuals such as Einstein and Darwin who possessed autistic traits they could
be regarded in some aspects as a gift [156].
Author details
Viktoria Lyons* and Michael Fitzgerald
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
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Chapter 29
1. Introduction
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects a childs perception of the world and
how the child learns from his or her experiences. Even among the most complex disabili
ties, autism remains an enigma. Autism is the frequently occurring form of a group of
disorders known as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The term Autism Spectrum Dis
orders (ASD) covers diagnostic labels which include Autistic Disorder, High Functioning
Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS).
Autism Society of America [1] defines autism as a complex developmental disability that
typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disor
der that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of
social interaction and communication skills. Autism has also been defined as a neurological
disorder characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction and communication as
well as the presence of restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behaviors, interests
and activities [2]. Children with ASD share the social and communicative symptoms which
are the core of autism, but they vary in severity of symptoms and in level of functioning.
The first three years of life are critical to a child's development. Parents take their child
to the pediatrician, during this period for general health check up, screening and vacci
nations. Although child with autism can be screened by 18 months by a pediatrician, pa
rents often are the first ones to suspect behavioral deviations in their child. The mean
age for such screening is approximately 15 months and in some cases it can be as early
as 11 months [3]. According to the parents, children manifest patterns of extreme reactiv
ity, either by getting upset when new stimulus is shown or by completely ignoring it.
The infants often fail to copy verbal behavior of others and do not babble by 12 months.
2013 Lal and Chhabria; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
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Research reports a significant difference between age-matched infants with autism and
typically developing infants with respect to visual attention to social stimuli, smile fre
quency, vocalization, object exploration engagement, facial expression, use of convention
al gesture, and pointing to indicate interest [4].
Identifying autism in toddlers is a recent practice. A large number of children have been di
agnosed reliably at 2 years. Professionals can now predict autism from the behaviors ob
served in a child younger than 2 years. Providing therapeutic intervention at this age would
improve developmental and adaptive outcomes. The global trend in early intervention of
autism is to provide training to parents so they can help the children develop in key areas of
social responsiveness, attention skills, early communication skills, and interactive behavior.
age of 3 to 4, mental state understanding in individuals within the autism spectrum often
continues to be conspicuously absent throughout the lifespan and leads to significant so
cial and communicative challenges.
Play Behavior: Play is considered a key social behavior. Children play, regardless of age,
so this is a behavior that is typically found in the behavioral repertoires of all children. To
teach play to children with autism is to teach them skills that other typically developing
children have and give them a common ground, a common language to engage with oth
ers. Play phases occur in developmental stages that typically developing children go
through, so play is not only for fun, but for a purpose. Children learn about social interac
tion and language through play. As children with autism have trouble in symbol use and
joint attention, understanding anothers perspective, participating in pretend play and us
ing imitative skills are difficult for many of them. They are more self-centered than self
ish. When involved in joint play, there can be a tendency to impose or dictate the activity.
Social contact is tolerated as long as other children play their game according to their
rules. Children with ASD play in a bubble and can resent other children intruding into
their activity. They prefer to be left alone and continue their activity uninterrupted. There
is a strong preference to interact with adults who are far more interesting, knowledgeable
and more tolerant and accommodating to their lack of social awareness. It is often hard
for them to enter into play with other children, maintain that play, and be appropriate.
The children do not see themselves as members of a particular group and follow own in
terest rather than that of other children in the group. In fact, while other children have
mastered the rules of simple childhood games, these children may not understand what is
expected of them in team sports. They are often not interested in competitive sports or
team games. Even understanding basic turn-taking may elude them. Most of them are un
able to comprehend how or why one would have a sense of satisfaction in knowing that
ones opponents felt inferior.
Comprehending Emotions: Inability to empathize with people may be misinterpreted as a
complete lack of the ability to care for others. It is more often a lack of understanding of
emotions. The child is either confused by the emotions of others or has difficulty express
ing own feelings. The child does not display the anticipated range and depth of facial ex
pression. As interaction continues, one is aware that the child is not recognizing or
responding to changes in the other persons facial expression or body language. Hands
may be moved to describe graphically what to do with objects or express anger or frustra
tion, but gestures or body language based on an appreciation of another persons
thoughts and feelings- e.g. embarrassment, consolation or pride- are conspicuously di
minished or absent [7]. Subtle clues may not be recognized by a child with Aspergers
Syndrome. The child can then be confused and offended when criticized for not comply
ing with the signals of hidden intention. Not only are there problems with the under
standing of the emotional expressions of others, but the childs own expression of
emotions are unusual, and tend to lack subtlety and precision. A complete stranger may
be given a kiss on the lips, or distress is expressed quite out of proportion to the situation.
Sometimes they cannot express their anger appropriately. When they are anxious or
stressed, they may not be able to let others know how they are feeling and may react vio
lently or aggressively. Additionally, appropriate social interaction in autism is hampered
by a tendency to become fascinated by special interest that dominates the childs time and
conversation, and the imposition of routines that must be completed. The interest is a soli
tary pursuit and not that evinced by age peers. A lack of completion of the activity in a
routine can lead to distress and anxiety. Researches indicate that insistence on completing
an activity in a particular way may be the childs attempt to find patterns and look for
rules and organization within environment [8]. Once a pattern has emerged it must be
maintained. Thus, establishment of a routine ensures that there is no opportunity for
change. As social situations are inherently dynamic, this adherence to routine and limited
interest deeply impacts the child's ability to be socially active in appropriate manner.
3. Early intervention
Early intervention (EI) is a system of services provided to children who are disabled, have
delayed development or are at risk of delayed development, from birth until about five
years of age. To help children with autism it is essential to focus on the earliest years of de
velopment, since this is a critically important time for early learning which powerfully af
fects the childs future life course.
Early intervention, also known as early childhood education, provides a support system for
children with developmental disabilities and their families. Early intervention may start as
soon as it is evident that the child has a developmental disability or is at risk of acquiring it.
The early intervention services ensure that infants and pre-school children develop the core
skills in physical, cognitive, communication, socio-emotional and self help domains. Early
intervention (EI) services are coordinated so that they enable child's growth and develop
ment and support families during the critical early years. For the family, such services help
in overcoming the feelings of isolation, stress and frustration, and reduce the cost of provid
ing for special education, rehabilitation and health care needs of the child. EI services follow
a multidisciplinary approach, with a variety of therapists and teachers working in collabora
tion to improve the child's prognosis in every area of development.
To help children with autism it is essential to focus on the earliest years of development,
since this is a critically important time for early learning which powerfully affects the childs
future life course. The children are actively engaged in an instructional program three to
five times a week, through the year. It involves planned intervention organized around rela
tively brief periods of time for the very young children so that they may receive sufficient
adult attention. Since children with autism find it difficult to work in large groups, the EI
services for them should follow a structured program of one-on-one training or training in
small groups to help attain individual goals.
EI is the most dynamic and critical period in the treatment of autism for one very simple
reason: the younger they are, the more 'elastic' their brains are [9]. Recognizing and diagnos
ing autism before pre-school age has been uncommon until the last few years. But increas
ingly autism is being identified very early in development. It has been shown that diagnosis
can be valid and reliable at 2 years of age, and signs can be recognizable and predictive of
autism even from early in the second year of life. In future it is likely that autism will be
diagnosed for most children in the toddler age period [18 - 30 months). Very early therapeu
tic intervention is likely to improve developmental and adaptive outcomes. Trials of early
intervention need to focus on training parents to work with their very young children in the
key areas of social responsiveness, attention skills, early communication skills, and interac
tive play. The findings of a study by Ivar Lovaas [10] on early behavioral intervention of
children with autism in 1987 showed a significant gain in IQ and that 49% of children who
received EI were mainstreamed in regular classrooms.
The guidelines for best practice in early intervention for children with autism [11] recom
mend the following:
Preparation: All children on entering intervention programs should have had a compre
hensive, multidisciplinary diagnostic assessment from an interdisciplinary team of experi
enced clinicians and based on national and internationally agreed criteria. Diagnostic
evaluations should include interviews with parents/care givers to review the childs de
velopmental history, family history, previous assessments and interventions; collection of
information from all professionals involved in the care of the child; paediatric, psycholog
ical, and speech pathology examinations to assess communication, relevant health condi
tions including motor skills, vision, and hearing, and any associated problems such as
intellectual disability and anxiety. Additionally, direct observation of the child is impor
tant in the assessment of cognitive, social, and communicative (verbal & nonverbal) do
mains, fine and gross motor, and adaptive functioning using both standardised tests and
informal procedures.
Timing: Intervention should begin as early as possible in the childs life. Since a child at
risk of autism can be screened by 16 months the intervention may start immediately.
Process: All children should have an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), for their edu
cation, designed to best fit their and their family's needs and strengths, developed in con
sultation with parents, and reviewed and revised regularly in light of the childs progress
and ongoing needs.
Intensity: Ideally the intervention should be provided for 20 hours a week for two years,
with continuing support into, and through the school age years.
Content and Focus: The content should be autism specific and include teaching joint at
tention skills, play, and imitation skills; building communication through Alternative and
Augmentative Communication (AAC) techniques such as pictures, symbols and signs;
developing social interaction and daily living skills; and management of sensory issues
and challenging behaviors.
Settings: The intervention should be delivered in various settings, individually and with
peers. Implementation should happen both at the centre and at home. Including age peers
with no disability enhances the quality but it should be done so that peer interaction is
adequately supported.
Program Design and Methods: A high degree of structure in the program is essential, i.e.
well organized, regular and predictable, focused on specific objectives, and consistently
managed. A supportive teaching environment with modeling, prompting, praise, shap
ing, and generalization strategies will maximize learning.
Challenging Behaviors: A functional approach to modifying challenging behaviors in
cludes positive behavior support that consists of teaching alternative appropriate behav
ior and communication skills to replace challenging behaviors.
Personnel: Teachers and therapists should be adequately trained in working with chil
dren with autism and have knowledge and skills required for their special needs.
Family Collaboration: Parents need information about autism and services, especially at
key times like first diagnosis and school entry. Programs should include parent involve
ment, such as provision of support, counseling, and parent education to help the child
with play, social, and communication skills development, and with management of chal
lenging and repetitive behaviors
Research and Evaluation of Program: Evaluation of treatment outcomes should be built
into EI programs using systematic assessment of the childs social, cognitive, and adap
tive functioning before, during, and at the end of the program. Regular and systematic
documentation of program process and outcome helps in evaluation.
Collaboration with family or parents is a component of best EI practices. Parents of children
who have autism play an important role; they are critical components of the intervention
process, without whom gains are unlikely to be maintained. The involvement of parents in
implementing intervention strategies designed to help their autistic children has a history
stretching back at least three decades [12]. Parental involvement is an integral part of the
success of early intervention programs for children with autism. The collaboration between
the parent and the professional working with the child in the program is critical to the effec
tiveness of programs.
Traditionally, the EI for autism has been premised on the use of applied behavioral methods
such as discrete trials. However, at times parents find the structure, organization and proto
col of behavioral intervention difficult to implement and maintain. Consequently, the pro
gram receives inadequate follow up in the child's home. There is a need for interventions
that do not require a rigid structure and ensure parental involvement. Hence, in the recent
years, EI practices for autism have seen a shift from behavioral methods to developmental
4. Developmental approach
In a developmental approach, development of a child with autism is compared with the de
velopmental sequence seen in non-disabled children. Early childhood assessment tools are
used to determine the patterns of typical development. The skills that the child demon
strates are indicative of his or developmental level. The intervention goals are set for the
skills the child failed or partially accomplished during assessment. A developmental ap
proach to intervention is also referred to as child centered approach in which the adult fol
lows the child's lead. It uses materials and activities that suit the child's level in a given area
of development. The materials are provided to the child, and the adult facilitates the child'
interaction with them so that the child moves towards achieving the pre-set developmental
goal. But it is the child's initiative with the material or activities that serves as guideline for
the adult's interaction. For example, if a child picks up a toy, the adult may show what can
be done with it by demonstration and prompts. Child's preferences decide what should be
selected as material, and the adult plays a supportive role to encourage the child's interac
tion with the material. Unlike the behavioral methods, developmental approach does not re
quire the child to interact with material or carry out an activity in a pre-specified structured
manner. The consequences of such interactive behaviors are reinforcements that occur natu
rally in child's environment. The reinforcements may be internal, such as, happiness at being
able to complete a task successfully.
her climb the developmental ladder. Floor time intervention aims at taking the child back to
the first milestones that the child may have missed in the process of development. With the
help of the therapists and parents the child works towards achieving the milestones. This is
done through intensive one to one sessions for which parents share equal responsibility
with the therapists. According to the DIR/Floor time framework, due to individual process
ing differences, children with autism do not master the early developmental milestones that
are the foundations of learning. Floor time [14] describes six core developmental stages that
children with autism have often missed or not mastered:
Regulation and interest in the world: Infants try and process what they see, hear, and feel.
They respond to pleasant face and soothing voice. They learn to enjoy, understand and,
use the pleasant feelings and sensations to calm themselves. This helps them learn to take
in and respond appropriately to the world around them. This ultimately develops the
ability to self regulate.
Engagement and relationship: Babies learn to bond with their parents very soon. They
recognize the parents' face and voice, and want to touch them or be close to them. They
enjoy being cuddled and loved by their parents. This process of bonding also builds a re
lationship of trust between babies and their parents. This trusting relationship enables the
child to become a well-adjusted adult later in his or her life. It also forms a stable base for
all future relationships. The baby learns that relationships with people can be joyful.
Two-way communication: Once relationship with parents is developed, the baby realizes
that he or she can have an impact on parents. The baby's smile can produce a smile from
the parents. If the baby reaches out to mother, she picks him or her up. The baby learns
that adults can understand and respond to its communication intents and feelings. A dy
ad of communication starts slowly. When the baby looks at the mother and reaches out to
her the mother responds by giving eye contact and a hug. In turn the baby may smile,
vocalize or touch the mother. Thus a non-verbal dialogue or a two-way communication
process may be completed. The baby soon transfers this new ability to other things in the
environment. He bangs a toy, it makes a noise, and if he drops his bottle, it breaks. His
actions can have an impact not only on his parents but others too. Hence, two-way com
munication helps babies to learn about them and about the world.
Complex communication: The non-verbal two way communication slowly becomes com
plex in nature. While earlier the baby was initiating or responding to a communication by
a simple gesture of reaching out or smiling, now he may run towards the mother, and
squeal with pleasure. Anger and displeasure may be expressed by pulling, kicking and
grabbing or throwing things. Similarly, hugs and kisses are used to express affection.
Since, the baby is ambulatory by now, he may take the parent by hand and show them
what he wants. Complex communication ability also aid development of creativity. The
toddler adds his own ideas to the games that parents play with him. This leads to the
emergence of the child's own personality.
Emotional ideas: Play is a fertile ground for ideas. Using toys and playthings, a child cre
ates a world where toys play roles. So, a teddy is a friend, a doll is a baby and a shoe box
is a car garage. This idea-filled play provides a strong basis for language development.
Besides learning to label things, the child now uses dialogue during play with help of the
parents. Eventually, he is able to manipulate the ideas to meet his needs. When hungry,
he can ask for food; if he needs help he can call his mother instead of crying. He learns
about object permanence - that although not visible to him, object do not disappear.
Hence, he can feel secure thinking about his parents even when they are not with him.
With this ability to use symbols, the child moves on to a higher level of communication
and awareness.
Emotional thinking: When he reaches this stage, a child is ready to connect various ideas
into a logical sequence. While in the previous stage he was able to carry out symbolic ac
tivities, such as dressing a doll, and banging a toy car into another to simulate a crash, the
child is now able to think emotionally. He may dress up the doll for a car ride. At this
stage, the child is able to express a wide range of emotions, and through this learns to rec
ognize self. The child now comprehends concept of space and time at a personal level. For
example, the child understands that grandmother's house is different from his own, or
that if he grabs another child's toys, his own favorite car may later be taken away by that
child. The child, by this time, is fully verbal and can use words to express ideas and feel
5.1. Floor time method
A typical floor time session is conducted in a child's naturalistic environment and requires
the therapist or parent to sit on the floor and work with the child. The purpose is to help the
child achieve the stages of development, by taking him back to the milestones that he may
have missed. During a session, the parent or therapist follows the child's lead. This helps in
establishing relationship between the child and the adult. It is this relationship that slowly
enables the child to develop the basic social, emotional and communication abilities. During
a floor time session the child learns to engage with others, initiate actions, make own wishes
and desires known and the realization that his actions can elicit responses from others. Floor
time creates opportunities for children to have dialogues, which are called circles of commu
nication, first without words and later with them, and eventually to imagine and think.
Since floor time sessions are child-centered, the activities are motivating to the child as it is
he who has chosen them. Additionally, the selecting the child's natural environment for the
session also contributes to calming him and improving his comfort level. A floor time ses
sion follows the steps given below.
Observation: Before starting a session, the adult observes the child. This requires watch
ing the child while he is in the room, observing what interests him, assessing his level of
interaction is he running around or is he sitting quietly. This observation helps the
adult determine the child's current emotional state.
Approach: Once the adult understands the child's level of emotional functioning, he or
she joins the child in whatever the child is doing. If the child sits and merely twirls a
toy, the adult follows this play behavior. However, the adult adds value to it by label
ing the activity in gestures and words. The adult also uses appropriate facial expression
and tone of voice to convey own enjoyment in what the child is doing. Such measures
enable the adult to open the circle of communication with the child
Child's Lead: During a floor time session, the child is the director or leader of activities.
The adult's role is to follow the child. The aim here is to support the child's activities
and initiatives, and through this to take him to a higher level of emotional functioning.
Expand Ideas: As the sessions progress, the adult builds on the child's play initiatives.
Now the adult associates daily experiences with the experiences during the play activi
ties. For example, the adult may say "give teddy a bath, like mommy gives you". This
planned expansion and addition to child's activities help in development of emotional
Close Circle of Communication: Once the adult engages the child at a level the child
currently enjoys, enters the child's activities, and follows the child's lead, he or she now
attempts to move the child from a mutually shared engagement toward more increas
ingly complex interactions, a process known as "opening and closing circles of commu
nication." In a circle of communication, the adult opens the circle by approaching the
child, and the child closes the circle by giving a reaction to the adult's comments and
gestures. During session many circles may open and close in quick successions as the
adult interacts with the child. The process leads to two-way communication.
Josefi and Ryan [17] conducted a case study on a 6 year old boy with severe autism. Video
recordings of 16 sessions of play therapy with the child were analyzed qualitatively and
quantitatively. The study concluded that this child was able to enter into a therapeutic rela
tionship and demonstrated attachment behavior towards the therapist. Key areas of im
provement were in the childs development of autonomy and pretend play, while ritualistic
behaviors showed only mild improvement. Changes were also noted in the boys behavior
at home of increased independence and empathy. One implication of this preliminary re
search is that non-directive play therapy may enhance and accelerate emotional/social de
velopment of children with severe autism.
Children with ASD differ from one anotherin the ways they engage, relate, and communi
cate and in the ways they respond to sensations, and plan and sequence their actions. These
differences mean that each child requires an intervention approach tailored to his unique
ness, an intervention that must also consider the home setting. According to Costa and Wit
ten [18] the goals of such a program, regardless of the approach used, must be to strengthen
the childs core deficits, namely: building the foundations for relating, communicating and
thinking. The DIR/Floor time Model is especially beneficial to children with ASD and other
developmental and/or emotional challenges.
Solomon et al [19] published an evaluation of The PLAY Project Home Consultation, a wide
ly disseminated program that trains parents of children with autism spectrum disorders in
the DIR/Floor time model. Sixty- eight children, 2 to 6 years old (average 3.7 years) complet
ed an 812 month program where parents were encouraged to deliver 15 hours per week of
1:1 interaction. Pre/post ratings of videotapes by blind raters using the Functional Emotional
Assessment Scale (FEAS) showed significant increases in child subscale scores. That is, 45.5
percent of children made good to very good functional developmental progress. Overall pa
rents satisfaction with program was 90 percent.
7. Method
The study was experimental in nature and employed a pre-test post-test control group ex
perimental design. It was conducted on children with ASD residing in Mumbai, India. The
objectives were to determine the efficacy of floor time approach for developing social behav
ior in pre-school children with ASD, and to compare the levels of social skill achievement by
children who received floor time intervention with those who did not.
7.1. Subjects
Children with ASD within the age group of 3 to 6 years were randomly selected from five
pre-schools and intervention clinics located across the city and suburban areas of Mumbai.
A total of 26 children participated in the experiment. After selection the children were ran
domly assigned to treatment and control groups so that both groups had 13 children each.
7.2. Instruments
The Behavioral Scale for Social Skills (BSFS) and Floor time intervention were the primary
instruments used in the study. They were developed for the purpose of the research. A brief
description of both is given below.
Behavioural Scale for Social Skills: The BSFS was used as a measure at both pre and post
tests. The instrument measured social behaviour under 4 domains
Turn taking: This is one of the bases for development of social skills and inferring oth
ers' intentions correctly [20]. Turn taking includes use of play material with an adult
and with peers.
Understanding of cause and effect: This is a basis for development of thinking skills.
The ability to see the relationship between an event and the factors leading to it helps a
child decode the world around him. Understanding of cause and effect relationship im
proves by providing the child the opportunity to explore the environment.
The BSFS had a total of 20 items. Each item was measured on a 4-point scale based on the
category of response, namely, correct response; response with verbal prompt; response with
gestural prompt; and response with physical prompt. Whereas correct responses were scor
ed as 4, responses with physical prompts were scored as 1. The selection of items under each
sub head of BSFS was done after detailed discussions with developmental psychologists,
pre-school teachers, and many parents. In addition, several observations of pre-school chil
dren with and without ASD were also made for selection of items. The instrument was pilot
tested on children with ASD belonging to the same age group as the subjects.
Floor time Intervention: Floor time is a comprehensive program for infants, young chil
dren, and families with a variety of developmental challenges including ASD. The pro
gram aims at enhancing the functional emotional developmental levels and creating those
learning relationships that will help the child move ahead in social skills acquisition.
Floor time can be tailored to suit the individual needs of children with ASD. Floor time
approach was used for treatment in the study. As stated earlier, Floor time approach
helps an infant/young child reach the 6 milestones crucial for development of social be
havior, namely, self regulation; intimacy; two way communication; complex communica
tion; emotional ideas,; and emotional thinking. However, in this study, the treatment was
directed toward achievement of 4 milestones Turn taking (a component skill in intima
cy), Two way communication, Understanding of cause and effect relationship (an impor
tant skill for problem solving that enhances complex communication), and Emotional
thinking. Various activities were developed for the purpose of enhancing the target skills.
Some of the activities are mentioned below.
Turn taking: Here the activities selected were done with the authors and then done with
peers. Such activities as building block tower, bead stringing, rolling a ball, and throw
ing ball in a bucket were used for teaching turn taking skills to children.
Two-way communication: Training a child to respond to his name, reach out to a play
thing, and respond to non-verbal communication such as gestures, facial expressions
etc was undertaken to develop the ability for two way communication.
Cause and effect: A series of simple activities were done to explain the relationship be
tween an outcome and its cause. Tapping a spoon on a surface, shaking a bell, pressing
a toy to produce sound or movement, squeezing a wet sponge, opening a transparent
box to obtain a desirable object within, etc. were undertaken to help the children estab
lish the connection between a cause and its effect.
Emotional thinking: Pretend play was primarily used for this purpose. Hence, pretend
play such as talking on telephone, dressing or feeding the doll (where the authors
would at times play out the doll's emotions in the right tone of voice), and playing a
shopkeeper etc. were included. The focus was on recognition of emotions. Thus, flash
cards of happy and sad faces were used too during the pretend play so that the child
was able to understand what did it mean when the 'doll' was 'crying' or the the shop
keeper was 'happy'.
7.3. Procedure
The intervention started after assessing the children's baseline behavior on BSFS. The 26
children were then randomly assigned to experimental and control groups so that both
groups had 13 children each. As per the recommended floor time protocol, the researchers
observed each child in the experimental group to determine his or her current emotional
level, before the commencement of intervention. Each child in the experimental group re
ceived 20 sessions of floor time intervention. Each session was of 30 minutes duration. Each
session included at least one activity relevant to the pre selected social skills. The sessions
started by getting the child's attention by showing a desired object. The researchers used
word and simple phrases to describe each activity. The activities were done as given below,
and parents were encouraged to observe the sessions.
Building a block tower began by demonstrating how to make a tower from the four
blocks provided on the floor. The child was then asked to lay a block over the one put by
the adult. Subsequently, the adult would put another block over it. The adult would then
prompt the child to take his or her turn to put a block on top. The activity was repeated
with a peer. Now the peer would take the adult's role. The adult would call out each
child's name and say ' your turn now ', as they put one block over the other to make a
block tower.
A number of colorful beads were placed on the floor along with a string for the bead
stringing activity. The task was first demonstrated, and then used to encourage the child
to take turn with an adult and later with a peer in slipping a bead through the string.
The ' ball rolling ' activity was done by rolling the ball to a child and asking him or her o
roll it back to the adult. In case of 5 or 6 year old children, a slight variation was made.
The activity was introduced with a peer. Both the child and peer were asked to take turns
in throwing the ball to the adult and to each other.
Throwing the ball in the bucket required that the child identify the bucket first. Subse
quently, the task was demonstrated before the child taking turn with the adult and with
peer to throw a ball in the bucket.
Cause and effect activities such as ringing a bell (to produce sound), squeezing a sponge
(for water to drip), and opening a box (to get what is inside) were demonstrated and sub
sequently, taught with prompts and cues. Some fun activities such as blowing soap bub
bles were also included as soap bubbles excited the children.
Calling out the child's name, seeking his attention by showing a preferred object or toy
helped in initiating two-way communication. Preferred activities served a dual purpose.
They could get the child's attention, but they were also helpful in teaching the child a way
to communicate. The adult would have a picture of the preferred activity or toy. The child
would be asked to point or pick up the picture in order to get the activity. The adult also
used facial expression cards to help the child understand what each expression meant.
Pretend play was a strong medium for teaching emotional thinking. Pretend play was en
couraged using a variety of toys such as dolls, telephone, car, kitchen set, and doctor set
etc. The adult would pretend to call the child, and ask the child to pick up the phone and
say something. While the child was holding the doll, the adult would prompt him or her
to hug and kiss the doll. If the child put the doll away, the adult would convey in appro
priate tone and affect how sad the doll was feeling. The child would then be prompted to
hold the doll again.
Taking the lead from the child, the adult would stand at the window if the child was
standing there. The adult would then softly describe what they could both see.
Though all activities were pre-planned, the adult would at times digress to include activi
ties that suited the need of the child on a given day.
While the experimental group children received floor time intervention, the children in the
control group received the usual early intervention sessions provided in their educational
settings. Post intervention, BSFS was administered again.
Figures 1 to 7 illustrate some of the floor time activities done with the children.
8. Results
The study was conducted to establish the efficacy of floor time for development of social
behavior in pre-school children with ASD. The children who received intervention
showed a qualitative change in their interactive behavior. A comparison of their compo
site mean score on BSFS at baseline with that at post intervention showed a significant
difference. The data was analyzed using t-test, as the selection of children was random.
Table 1 presents the details.
Pre test
p< .0001
Post test
Table 1. Comparison of Composite Mean Scores on BSFS at Pre and Post Tests
The statistical analysis of data indicated the overall effectiveness of floor time. The average
score on BSFS at baseline [34.92] increased post intervention [48.38]. This increase was sig
nificant as evident from the obtained t-value [9.56, p<.0001]. That the intervention was effec
tive for all children in the group may be seen from Figure 8 which shows the performance of
each child at pre and post intervention conditions
Table 1.
The statistical analysis of data indicated the overall effectiveness of floor time. The average score on BSFS at baseline [34.92]
increased post intervention [48.38]. This increase was significant as evident from the obtained
Early Intervention of Autism: A Case for Floor Time Approach 709
t-value [9.56, p<.0001]. That the intervention was effective for all children in the group may be seen from Figure 8 which shows the
performance of each child at pre and post intervention conditions
pre test
post test
From Figure 8 it is evident that floor time intervention enhanced the social behavior of children, though some gained more from
From Figure
8 it This
is evident
the social
of chil
the treatment
than others.
variance may
due totime
initial intervention
intra group differences
in the children's
dren, though some gained more from the treatment than others. This variance may be due
Children's scores on selected components of BSFS of turn taking, two way communication, cause and effect and emotional thinking
to initial intra group differences in the children's functioning levels.
were analyzed individually. On Turn taking skill, the baseline mean [12,38] was significantly lower than the mean score [17.69]
Children's scores on selected components of BSFS of turn taking, two way communication,
cause and effect and emotional thinking were analyzed individually. On Turn taking skill,
the baseline mean [12,38] was significantly lower than the mean score [17.69] post interven
tion. The derived t-value [5.02] was statistically significant (p<.0002]. An illustration of each
The derived on
was statistically
significant by
An9.illustration of each child's performance on
skill is provided
turn taking skill is provided by Figure 9.
pre test
post test
It is evident from Figure 9 that the treatment was effective for all children in the experimental group. All of them gained
It is evident
that the
was effective
for all children
in the experimen
except from
child no.
7 who 9
a marginal
only. The children's
ability to understand
the relationship
cause andAll
its effect
also improved.
mean performance
on this
skill 7post
was higherim
than the
tal group.
of them
gained Their
a marginal
baseline [8.61]. The derived t-value was significant [7.17, p<.0001]. Each child's performance on cause and effect is depicted in
figure 10. The data indicates the effectiveness of floor time as a method to develop the understanding of cause and effect
relationship in children with ASD.
Recent Advances
in Autism Spectrum Disorders - Volume I
significantly, except child no. 7 who showed a marginal improvement only. The children's ability to understand the relationship
between cause and its effect also improved. Their mean performance on this sub skill post intervention [13.30] was higher than the
baseline [8.61]. The derived t-value was significant [7.17, p<.0001]. Each child's performance on cause and effect is depicted in
figure 10. The data indicates the effectiveness of floor time as a method to develop the understanding of cause and effect
relationship in children with ASD.
Pre test
Post test
When performances on two-way communication skills were compared, a similar trend was evident. The mean score at baseline
was lower
than that post intervention
and the difference was
significant (t=5.72,
on two-way
were compared,
a similar
was too,
children improved as may be seen from figure 11. All children gained on the ability for two-way communication.
evident. The mean score at baseline [6.31] was lower than that post intervention [8.69] and
the difference was statistically significant (t=5.72, p<.0001]. Individually too, children im
proved as may be seen from figure 11. All children gained on the ability for two-way com
Lastly, when the data from BSFS were analyzed for performance on emotional thinking, a
significant gain was seen in this area too. The difference between baseline mean score [7.38]
and post intervention mean score [8.84] was significant (t-value=3.5, p<.004]. Though this
difference was significant when means were compared, individually all children did not
gain from the intervention. Whereas most children showed an enhancement in emotional
thinking from pre to post intervention, performance of some remained the same as what it
was at baseline. Figure 12 presents the data on emotional thinking. Since, emotional think
ing is the last and the most complex of the six milestones; it is possible that these children
required more time to achieve this skill than what was given during the 20 sessions of inter
vention. However, these children improved their performance on the earlier sub-skills of
turn taking, two-way communication and understanding of cause and effect relationship.
Pre test
Post test
Figure 11. Comparison of individual performance on two-way communication
Lastly, when the data0from BSFS were analyzed for performance on emotional thinking, a significant gain was seen in this area too.
The difference between baseline
2mean 3score [7.38]
5 post
6 intervention
8 mean
9 score
10[8.84]11was significant
13 (t-value=3.5, p<.004].
Though this difference was significant when means were compared, individually all children did not gain from the intervention.
Pre test
Post test
Whereas most children showed an enhancement in emotional
from pre to post intervention, performance of some
remained the same as what it was at baseline. Figure 12 presents the data on emotional thinking. Since, emotional thinking is the
last and
most complex
of theperformance
six milestones;
it is possible
that these children required more time to achieve this skill than what
of individual
on two-way
11. Comparison
of individual performance
on two-way communication
was given during the 20 sessions of intervention. However, these children improved their performance on the earlier sub-skills of
turn taking,
of causeon
effect relationship.
the data communication
from BSFS wereand
for performance
thinking, a significant gain was seen in this area too.
The difference between baseline mean score [7.38] and post intervention mean score [8.84] was significant (t-value=3.5, p<.004].
Though this difference
was significant when means were compared, individually all children did not gain from the intervention.
Whereas most children showed an enhancement in emotional thinking from pre to post intervention, performance of some
remained the same as what it was at baseline. Figure 12 presents the data on emotional thinking. Since, emotional thinking is the
last and the most complex of the six milestones; it is possible that these children required more time to achieve this skill than what
was given during the 20 sessions of intervention. However, these children improved their performance on the earlier sub-skills of
turn taking, two-way
communication and understanding of cause and effect relationship.
Pre test
Post test
Figure 12. Comparison
of individual performance on emotional thinking
in effect, determined the efficacy of floor time in comparison with other early intervention
Nthe performance
In of
to do
the post
by with
The second objective
the study
to compare
of children
in the experimental
of those in
13children were
24 randomly
As mentioned
from 5 pre-schools
The earlier,
of experimental
group 3.08
was compared
with and
of control
Hence, when the study commenced all children were on some kind of early intervention program. The study, in effect, determined
the efficacy of floor time in comparison with other early intervention strategies. In order to do this, the post intervention
performance on BSFS by both groups was analyzed. The mean score of experimental group was compared with that of control
group. The data analysis is presented in Table 2.
Comparison of post intervention mean scores of experimental and control groups showed a
significant difference between the two, in favour of the experimental group. The resultant tvalue [3.08] was statistically significant (p<.005]. This indicated that in comparison to other
measures for early intervention, floor time was more effective in development of social be
havior of children with ASD. Figure 13 provides a graphic representation of this difference
Table 2.
Comparison of post intervention mean scores of experimental and control groups showed a significant difference between the two,
in favour of the experimental group. The resultant t- value [3.08] was statistically significant (p<.005]. This indicated that in
comparison to other measures for early intervention, floor time was more effective in development of social behavior of children
with ASD. Figure 13 provides a graphic representation of this difference
Figure 13. Comparison of post intervention performance of experimental and control groups
Figure 13. Comparison of post intervention performance of experimental and control groups
It is evident from Figure 13 that except for child no. 3 and child no. 5, all children in experiment group achieved higher scores on
is evident
for child
no. 3 higher
and child
no. control
5, all children
the control
than their
group peers.
of both
mean performance
on each on
sub BSFS
skill i.e.than
turn taking
(TT), two-way
cause and effect
higher scores
the control
children. Most
(C&E), and emotional thinking (ET), within BSFS is presented in Figure 14.
scored significantly higher than their control group peers. A comparative analysis of both
mean performance on each sub skill i.e. turn taking (TT), two-way communication
cause and effect (C&E), and emotional thinking (ET), within BSFS is presented in
16 14.
The12 children who received floor time intervention performed better on an average than
10 who were in the control group. However, the performance gap between the two
groups was not uniform across all sub skills. On emotional thinking skill, the average per
of both groups was nearly same with control group's mean less than 2 points be
low2that of experimental group.
Figure 14. Comparison of experimental and control group on sub skills of BSFS
The children who received floor time intervention performed better on an average than those who were in the control group.
However, the performance gap between the two groups was not uniform across all sub skills. On emotional thinking skill, the
Figure 13. Comparison of post intervention performance of experimental and control groups
It is evident from Figure 13 that except for child no. 3 and childEarly
no. 5,
all childrenof
scores on
A Case
for achieved
Floor Time
BSFS than the control group children. Most children's scored significantly higher than their
control group peers. A comparative
analysis of both group's mean performance on each sub skill i.e. turn taking (TT), two-way communication (TWC), cause and effect
(C&E), and emotional thinking (ET), within BSFS is presented in Figure 14.
Figure 14. Comparison of experimental and control group on sub skills of BSFS
Figure 14. Comparison of experimental and control group on sub skills of BSFS
The children who received floor time intervention performed better on an average than those who were in the control group.
However, the performance gap between the two groups was not uniform across all sub skills. On emotional thinking skill, the
average performance of both groups was nearly same with control group's mean less than 2 points below that of experimental
9. Discussion
9. Discussion
Unlike neuro-typical children who learn how to be social and interactive by watching
others talk,
each and
of play
how to to
be social
how others talk,
relate to each
enjoy and
the give-and-take
of social engagement
and initiate,
maintain and respond
to interactions
with others,
initiate, maintain
and respond
to interactions
with others,
with children
do not
the expected
of early social of
skills. Promoting
the social
of infants
the expected
early social
and toddlers with ASD is one of the primary goals of early intervention services, as is facilitating the ability of young children with
the social development of infants and toddlers with ASD is one of the primary goals of
early intervention services, as is facilitating the ability of young children with social de
lays to develop appropriate friendships. With early and intensive intervention, the seem
ingly pervasive social skill deficits of many children with ASD can be remediated[21]. To
successfully target these important skills, intervention efforts, even within early interven
tion, should include: (a) regular access to typical peers, (b) thoughtful planning of mean
ingful social situations embedded throughout the day, (c) the use of social toys, (d)
multiple-setting opportunities (home inclusive, community-based) to practice emerging
social skills, and (e) intensive data collection in order to make midcourse corrections to
existing intervention plans [22]. Poor social skills are an impediment to childs success in
classroom, and can also be the cause of behavioral problem. Accordingly, teaching social
skills is a common educational objective for children who have autism [23]. However,
while teaching variables such as age, developmental and functional levels and sensory
profile of each should be considered. Floor time which is based on the developmental
approach takes care of the childs developmental level and emphasizes building the mile
stones that the child may have missed during his or her period of growth. Rather than
focusing on teaching a child to speak a few words to interact, Greenspan suggests that
the childs gestural system should be worked upon first for language to flow in natural
ly rather than by rote, thus focusing on the developmental ladder. As the child climbs
the developmental ladder he or she becomes more and more regulated and forms a
sense of self. In the study the authors chose age and functionally appropriate activities
for helping a child achieve the given milestones for social behavior. The individual ses
sions during which the adult followed the child's lead, prompted and encouraged the
child effort to participate, and provided the opportunity to practice the skill with a peer
contributed to the significant increase in each child's performance from pre to post inter
vention on BSFS.
According to the Colorado guidelines [24] early intervention strategies must involve build
ing of positive relationships between adults (parents and caregivers) and the infant or tod
dler. The intent should be to teach the child that parents and caregivers can be relied on as
stable, secure, and safe figures that provide nurturance, comfort, pleasure and guidance. De
veloping attachments is a challenge for a young child with ASD, so special efforts are re
quired, even when signs of a childs interest are not apparent. This might require that a
parent or caregiver identify the activities, objects, settings, and interactions that the child
finds pleasurable and provide those events and items to the child contingent on a social in
teraction behavior (rather than non-contingently in a manner meant to keep a child satisfied
without social interaction). A tickle game might be initiated with a child and then interrupt
ed by the caregiver with the expectation that the child look at the adult or repeat a gesture to
continue. A key objective of efforts to form positive relationships is to ensure that the inter
actions are pleasurable and that they are associated with the child receiving input that is
consistent with needs and interests. Importantly, successful efforts to form strong, positive
bonds when a child is very young result in a subsequent relationship in which an adult has
considerable influence over a childs behavior and this influence can be essential for the
guidance and instruction that the adult (parent or other caregiver) must provide on an ongo
ing basis. The floor time intervention addressed the issues mentioned above. Activities se
lected were simple and manageable for the children. Most activities were demonstrated
before the child was required to participate. For children with autism, visually organized
tasks are easier to learn [25]. During intervention the adult often provided model/picture of
a task to be done e.g. block tower, completed puzzle, picture and symbol cards etc. Interven
tion sessions were built around child's motivation and interests. Most early intervention
programs for children with ASD are based on behavioral approach and use discrete trial
training. Though evaluations have shown acquisition of learning and behavioral develop
ment in several children [26], behavioral approach does not suit all children and families.
Strict protocol of timing, intensity, structure, and quality of therapist training influences the
success of behavioral interventions. In contrast, floor time encourages naturalistic interac
tions to develop the core skills. It takes into account the inherent bonding and affection pa
rents have for the child, and guides the parent to modify and channelize their interactions to
suit the developmental level of the child. As stated earlier, the children selected for the
study attended pre-school and intervention clinics. Thus control group children also re
ceived early intervention while floor time intervention was given to the experimental group.
However, the experimental group children performed better on selected social skills at the
end of the intervention period. The significantly higher achievement of social skills by ex
perimental group children may be attributed to the child-centric naturalistic interactions
that occurred during the floor time intervention.
10. Conclusion
Early intervention is very important for enhancing the development of infants and toddlers
with disabilities, and they are especially crucial in determining the future language, social
and behavioral outcomes of very young children with ASD [27]. A primary consideration of
programs for young children with ASD is to provide an environment that is designed to
prevent problem behaviors, promote engagement and participation, and facilitate successful
interactions with typically developing peers. Getting the child to engage with materials and
activities may prevent challenging behavior occurrence and promote appropriate social be
havior [28]. Results of this research support the above findings. Floor time principles state
that development begins with a shared world between the caregiver and the young child.
The goal is to help the child with ASD emerge from its own world and enter this shared
world in order to develop his or her functional and emotional capacities. Floor time achieves
this by encouraging child to engage in age and level appropriate play activities with adults
and later with peers. The outcomes indicate the effectiveness of Floor time as a method for
early intervention of children with autism. The findings of the study may be useful for fami
lies who are in need of evidence based and suitable early intervention for children with
The authors wish to thank the children who participated in this study, and are grateful to
the childrens parents, teachers, therapists, and administrators of the schools and interven
tion clinics for their support.
Author details
Rubina Lal and Rakhee Chhabria
Department of Special Education, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, India
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[11] Prior,M & Robert, J. (2006) Early Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum
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[16] Greenspan, S.I., and Wieder, S. (1997b). developmental patters and outcomes in in
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Chapter 29
1. Introduction
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects a childs perception of the world and
how the child learns from his or her experiences. Even among the most complex disabili
ties, autism remains an enigma. Autism is the frequently occurring form of a group of
disorders known as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The term Autism Spectrum Dis
orders (ASD) covers diagnostic labels which include Autistic Disorder, High Functioning
Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS).
Autism Society of America [1] defines autism as a complex developmental disability that
typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disor
der that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of
social interaction and communication skills. Autism has also been defined as a neurological
disorder characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction and communication as
well as the presence of restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behaviors, interests
and activities [2]. Children with ASD share the social and communicative symptoms which
are the core of autism, but they vary in severity of symptoms and in level of functioning.
The first three years of life are critical to a child's development. Parents take their child
to the pediatrician, during this period for general health check up, screening and vacci
nations. Although child with autism can be screened by 18 months by a pediatrician, pa
rents often are the first ones to suspect behavioral deviations in their child. The mean
age for such screening is approximately 15 months and in some cases it can be as early
as 11 months [3]. According to the parents, children manifest patterns of extreme reactiv
ity, either by getting upset when new stimulus is shown or by completely ignoring it.
The infants often fail to copy verbal behavior of others and do not babble by 12 months.
2013 Lal and Chhabria; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Research reports a significant difference between age-matched infants with autism and
typically developing infants with respect to visual attention to social stimuli, smile fre
quency, vocalization, object exploration engagement, facial expression, use of convention
al gesture, and pointing to indicate interest [4].
Identifying autism in toddlers is a recent practice. A large number of children have been di
agnosed reliably at 2 years. Professionals can now predict autism from the behaviors ob
served in a child younger than 2 years. Providing therapeutic intervention at this age would
improve developmental and adaptive outcomes. The global trend in early intervention of
autism is to provide training to parents so they can help the children develop in key areas of
social responsiveness, attention skills, early communication skills, and interactive behavior.
age of 3 to 4, mental state understanding in individuals within the autism spectrum often
continues to be conspicuously absent throughout the lifespan and leads to significant so
cial and communicative challenges.
Play Behavior: Play is considered a key social behavior. Children play, regardless of age,
so this is a behavior that is typically found in the behavioral repertoires of all children. To
teach play to children with autism is to teach them skills that other typically developing
children have and give them a common ground, a common language to engage with oth
ers. Play phases occur in developmental stages that typically developing children go
through, so play is not only for fun, but for a purpose. Children learn about social interac
tion and language through play. As children with autism have trouble in symbol use and
joint attention, understanding anothers perspective, participating in pretend play and us
ing imitative skills are difficult for many of them. They are more self-centered than self
ish. When involved in joint play, there can be a tendency to impose or dictate the activity.
Social contact is tolerated as long as other children play their game according to their
rules. Children with ASD play in a bubble and can resent other children intruding into
their activity. They prefer to be left alone and continue their activity uninterrupted. There
is a strong preference to interact with adults who are far more interesting, knowledgeable
and more tolerant and accommodating to their lack of social awareness. It is often hard
for them to enter into play with other children, maintain that play, and be appropriate.
The children do not see themselves as members of a particular group and follow own in
terest rather than that of other children in the group. In fact, while other children have
mastered the rules of simple childhood games, these children may not understand what is
expected of them in team sports. They are often not interested in competitive sports or
team games. Even understanding basic turn-taking may elude them. Most of them are un
able to comprehend how or why one would have a sense of satisfaction in knowing that
ones opponents felt inferior.
Comprehending Emotions: Inability to empathize with people may be misinterpreted as a
complete lack of the ability to care for others. It is more often a lack of understanding of
emotions. The child is either confused by the emotions of others or has difficulty express
ing own feelings. The child does not display the anticipated range and depth of facial ex
pression. As interaction continues, one is aware that the child is not recognizing or
responding to changes in the other persons facial expression or body language. Hands
may be moved to describe graphically what to do with objects or express anger or frustra
tion, but gestures or body language based on an appreciation of another persons
thoughts and feelings- e.g. embarrassment, consolation or pride- are conspicuously di
minished or absent [7]. Subtle clues may not be recognized by a child with Aspergers
Syndrome. The child can then be confused and offended when criticized for not comply
ing with the signals of hidden intention. Not only are there problems with the under
standing of the emotional expressions of others, but the childs own expression of
emotions are unusual, and tend to lack subtlety and precision. A complete stranger may
be given a kiss on the lips, or distress is expressed quite out of proportion to the situation.
Sometimes they cannot express their anger appropriately. When they are anxious or
stressed, they may not be able to let others know how they are feeling and may react vio
lently or aggressively. Additionally, appropriate social interaction in autism is hampered
by a tendency to become fascinated by special interest that dominates the childs time and
conversation, and the imposition of routines that must be completed. The interest is a soli
tary pursuit and not that evinced by age peers. A lack of completion of the activity in a
routine can lead to distress and anxiety. Researches indicate that insistence on completing
an activity in a particular way may be the childs attempt to find patterns and look for
rules and organization within environment [8]. Once a pattern has emerged it must be
maintained. Thus, establishment of a routine ensures that there is no opportunity for
change. As social situations are inherently dynamic, this adherence to routine and limited
interest deeply impacts the child's ability to be socially active in appropriate manner.
3. Early intervention
Early intervention (EI) is a system of services provided to children who are disabled, have
delayed development or are at risk of delayed development, from birth until about five
years of age. To help children with autism it is essential to focus on the earliest years of de
velopment, since this is a critically important time for early learning which powerfully af
fects the childs future life course.
Early intervention, also known as early childhood education, provides a support system for
children with developmental disabilities and their families. Early intervention may start as
soon as it is evident that the child has a developmental disability or is at risk of acquiring it.
The early intervention services ensure that infants and pre-school children develop the core
skills in physical, cognitive, communication, socio-emotional and self help domains. Early
intervention (EI) services are coordinated so that they enable child's growth and develop
ment and support families during the critical early years. For the family, such services help
in overcoming the feelings of isolation, stress and frustration, and reduce the cost of provid
ing for special education, rehabilitation and health care needs of the child. EI services follow
a multidisciplinary approach, with a variety of therapists and teachers working in collabora
tion to improve the child's prognosis in every area of development.
To help children with autism it is essential to focus on the earliest years of development,
since this is a critically important time for early learning which powerfully affects the childs
future life course. The children are actively engaged in an instructional program three to
five times a week, through the year. It involves planned intervention organized around rela
tively brief periods of time for the very young children so that they may receive sufficient
adult attention. Since children with autism find it difficult to work in large groups, the EI
services for them should follow a structured program of one-on-one training or training in
small groups to help attain individual goals.
EI is the most dynamic and critical period in the treatment of autism for one very simple
reason: the younger they are, the more 'elastic' their brains are [9]. Recognizing and diagnos
ing autism before pre-school age has been uncommon until the last few years. But increas
ingly autism is being identified very early in development. It has been shown that diagnosis
can be valid and reliable at 2 years of age, and signs can be recognizable and predictive of
autism even from early in the second year of life. In future it is likely that autism will be
diagnosed for most children in the toddler age period [18 - 30 months). Very early therapeu
tic intervention is likely to improve developmental and adaptive outcomes. Trials of early
intervention need to focus on training parents to work with their very young children in the
key areas of social responsiveness, attention skills, early communication skills, and interac
tive play. The findings of a study by Ivar Lovaas [10] on early behavioral intervention of
children with autism in 1987 showed a significant gain in IQ and that 49% of children who
received EI were mainstreamed in regular classrooms.
The guidelines for best practice in early intervention for children with autism [11] recom
mend the following:
Preparation: All children on entering intervention programs should have had a compre
hensive, multidisciplinary diagnostic assessment from an interdisciplinary team of experi
enced clinicians and based on national and internationally agreed criteria. Diagnostic
evaluations should include interviews with parents/care givers to review the childs de
velopmental history, family history, previous assessments and interventions; collection of
information from all professionals involved in the care of the child; paediatric, psycholog
ical, and speech pathology examinations to assess communication, relevant health condi
tions including motor skills, vision, and hearing, and any associated problems such as
intellectual disability and anxiety. Additionally, direct observation of the child is impor
tant in the assessment of cognitive, social, and communicative (verbal & nonverbal) do
mains, fine and gross motor, and adaptive functioning using both standardised tests and
informal procedures.
Timing: Intervention should begin as early as possible in the childs life. Since a child at
risk of autism can be screened by 16 months the intervention may start immediately.
Process: All children should have an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), for their edu
cation, designed to best fit their and their family's needs and strengths, developed in con
sultation with parents, and reviewed and revised regularly in light of the childs progress
and ongoing needs.
Intensity: Ideally the intervention should be provided for 20 hours a week for two years,
with continuing support into, and through the school age years.
Content and Focus: The content should be autism specific and include teaching joint at
tention skills, play, and imitation skills; building communication through Alternative and
Augmentative Communication (AAC) techniques such as pictures, symbols and signs;
developing social interaction and daily living skills; and management of sensory issues
and challenging behaviors.
Settings: The intervention should be delivered in various settings, individually and with
peers. Implementation should happen both at the centre and at home. Including age peers
with no disability enhances the quality but it should be done so that peer interaction is
adequately supported.
Program Design and Methods: A high degree of structure in the program is essential, i.e.
well organized, regular and predictable, focused on specific objectives, and consistently
managed. A supportive teaching environment with modeling, prompting, praise, shap
ing, and generalization strategies will maximize learning.
Challenging Behaviors: A functional approach to modifying challenging behaviors in
cludes positive behavior support that consists of teaching alternative appropriate behav
ior and communication skills to replace challenging behaviors.
Personnel: Teachers and therapists should be adequately trained in working with chil
dren with autism and have knowledge and skills required for their special needs.
Family Collaboration: Parents need information about autism and services, especially at
key times like first diagnosis and school entry. Programs should include parent involve
ment, such as provision of support, counseling, and parent education to help the child
with play, social, and communication skills development, and with management of chal
lenging and repetitive behaviors
Research and Evaluation of Program: Evaluation of treatment outcomes should be built
into EI programs using systematic assessment of the childs social, cognitive, and adap
tive functioning before, during, and at the end of the program. Regular and systematic
documentation of program process and outcome helps in evaluation.
Collaboration with family or parents is a component of best EI practices. Parents of children
who have autism play an important role; they are critical components of the intervention
process, without whom gains are unlikely to be maintained. The involvement of parents in
implementing intervention strategies designed to help their autistic children has a history
stretching back at least three decades [12]. Parental involvement is an integral part of the
success of early intervention programs for children with autism. The collaboration between
the parent and the professional working with the child in the program is critical to the effec
tiveness of programs.
Traditionally, the EI for autism has been premised on the use of applied behavioral methods
such as discrete trials. However, at times parents find the structure, organization and proto
col of behavioral intervention difficult to implement and maintain. Consequently, the pro
gram receives inadequate follow up in the child's home. There is a need for interventions
that do not require a rigid structure and ensure parental involvement. Hence, in the recent
years, EI practices for autism have seen a shift from behavioral methods to developmental
4. Developmental approach
In a developmental approach, development of a child with autism is compared with the de
velopmental sequence seen in non-disabled children. Early childhood assessment tools are
used to determine the patterns of typical development. The skills that the child demon
strates are indicative of his or developmental level. The intervention goals are set for the
skills the child failed or partially accomplished during assessment. A developmental ap
proach to intervention is also referred to as child centered approach in which the adult fol
lows the child's lead. It uses materials and activities that suit the child's level in a given area
of development. The materials are provided to the child, and the adult facilitates the child'
interaction with them so that the child moves towards achieving the pre-set developmental
goal. But it is the child's initiative with the material or activities that serves as guideline for
the adult's interaction. For example, if a child picks up a toy, the adult may show what can
be done with it by demonstration and prompts. Child's preferences decide what should be
selected as material, and the adult plays a supportive role to encourage the child's interac
tion with the material. Unlike the behavioral methods, developmental approach does not re
quire the child to interact with material or carry out an activity in a pre-specified structured
manner. The consequences of such interactive behaviors are reinforcements that occur natu
rally in child's environment. The reinforcements may be internal, such as, happiness at being
able to complete a task successfully.
her climb the developmental ladder. Floor time intervention aims at taking the child back to
the first milestones that the child may have missed in the process of development. With the
help of the therapists and parents the child works towards achieving the milestones. This is
done through intensive one to one sessions for which parents share equal responsibility
with the therapists. According to the DIR/Floor time framework, due to individual process
ing differences, children with autism do not master the early developmental milestones that
are the foundations of learning. Floor time [14] describes six core developmental stages that
children with autism have often missed or not mastered:
Regulation and interest in the world: Infants try and process what they see, hear, and feel.
They respond to pleasant face and soothing voice. They learn to enjoy, understand and,
use the pleasant feelings and sensations to calm themselves. This helps them learn to take
in and respond appropriately to the world around them. This ultimately develops the
ability to self regulate.
Engagement and relationship: Babies learn to bond with their parents very soon. They
recognize the parents' face and voice, and want to touch them or be close to them. They
enjoy being cuddled and loved by their parents. This process of bonding also builds a re
lationship of trust between babies and their parents. This trusting relationship enables the
child to become a well-adjusted adult later in his or her life. It also forms a stable base for
all future relationships. The baby learns that relationships with people can be joyful.
Two-way communication: Once relationship with parents is developed, the baby realizes
that he or she can have an impact on parents. The baby's smile can produce a smile from
the parents. If the baby reaches out to mother, she picks him or her up. The baby learns
that adults can understand and respond to its communication intents and feelings. A dy
ad of communication starts slowly. When the baby looks at the mother and reaches out to
her the mother responds by giving eye contact and a hug. In turn the baby may smile,
vocalize or touch the mother. Thus a non-verbal dialogue or a two-way communication
process may be completed. The baby soon transfers this new ability to other things in the
environment. He bangs a toy, it makes a noise, and if he drops his bottle, it breaks. His
actions can have an impact not only on his parents but others too. Hence, two-way com
munication helps babies to learn about them and about the world.
Complex communication: The non-verbal two way communication slowly becomes com
plex in nature. While earlier the baby was initiating or responding to a communication by
a simple gesture of reaching out or smiling, now he may run towards the mother, and
squeal with pleasure. Anger and displeasure may be expressed by pulling, kicking and
grabbing or throwing things. Similarly, hugs and kisses are used to express affection.
Since, the baby is ambulatory by now, he may take the parent by hand and show them
what he wants. Complex communication ability also aid development of creativity. The
toddler adds his own ideas to the games that parents play with him. This leads to the
emergence of the child's own personality.
Emotional ideas: Play is a fertile ground for ideas. Using toys and playthings, a child cre
ates a world where toys play roles. So, a teddy is a friend, a doll is a baby and a shoe box
is a car garage. This idea-filled play provides a strong basis for language development.
Besides learning to label things, the child now uses dialogue during play with help of the
parents. Eventually, he is able to manipulate the ideas to meet his needs. When hungry,
he can ask for food; if he needs help he can call his mother instead of crying. He learns
about object permanence - that although not visible to him, object do not disappear.
Hence, he can feel secure thinking about his parents even when they are not with him.
With this ability to use symbols, the child moves on to a higher level of communication
and awareness.
Emotional thinking: When he reaches this stage, a child is ready to connect various ideas
into a logical sequence. While in the previous stage he was able to carry out symbolic ac
tivities, such as dressing a doll, and banging a toy car into another to simulate a crash, the
child is now able to think emotionally. He may dress up the doll for a car ride. At this
stage, the child is able to express a wide range of emotions, and through this learns to rec
ognize self. The child now comprehends concept of space and time at a personal level. For
example, the child understands that grandmother's house is different from his own, or
that if he grabs another child's toys, his own favorite car may later be taken away by that
child. The child, by this time, is fully verbal and can use words to express ideas and feel
5.1. Floor time method
A typical floor time session is conducted in a child's naturalistic environment and requires
the therapist or parent to sit on the floor and work with the child. The purpose is to help the
child achieve the stages of development, by taking him back to the milestones that he may
have missed. During a session, the parent or therapist follows the child's lead. This helps in
establishing relationship between the child and the adult. It is this relationship that slowly
enables the child to develop the basic social, emotional and communication abilities. During
a floor time session the child learns to engage with others, initiate actions, make own wishes
and desires known and the realization that his actions can elicit responses from others. Floor
time creates opportunities for children to have dialogues, which are called circles of commu
nication, first without words and later with them, and eventually to imagine and think.
Since floor time sessions are child-centered, the activities are motivating to the child as it is
he who has chosen them. Additionally, the selecting the child's natural environment for the
session also contributes to calming him and improving his comfort level. A floor time ses
sion follows the steps given below.
Observation: Before starting a session, the adult observes the child. This requires watch
ing the child while he is in the room, observing what interests him, assessing his level of
interaction is he running around or is he sitting quietly. This observation helps the
adult determine the child's current emotional state.
Approach: Once the adult understands the child's level of emotional functioning, he or
she joins the child in whatever the child is doing. If the child sits and merely twirls a
toy, the adult follows this play behavior. However, the adult adds value to it by label
ing the activity in gestures and words. The adult also uses appropriate facial expression
and tone of voice to convey own enjoyment in what the child is doing. Such measures
enable the adult to open the circle of communication with the child
Child's Lead: During a floor time session, the child is the director or leader of activities.
The adult's role is to follow the child. The aim here is to support the child's activities
and initiatives, and through this to take him to a higher level of emotional functioning.
Expand Ideas: As the sessions progress, the adult builds on the child's play initiatives.
Now the adult associates daily experiences with the experiences during the play activi
ties. For example, the adult may say "give teddy a bath, like mommy gives you". This
planned expansion and addition to child's activities help in development of emotional
Close Circle of Communication: Once the adult engages the child at a level the child
currently enjoys, enters the child's activities, and follows the child's lead, he or she now
attempts to move the child from a mutually shared engagement toward more increas
ingly complex interactions, a process known as "opening and closing circles of commu
nication." In a circle of communication, the adult opens the circle by approaching the
child, and the child closes the circle by giving a reaction to the adult's comments and
gestures. During session many circles may open and close in quick successions as the
adult interacts with the child. The process leads to two-way communication.
Josefi and Ryan [17] conducted a case study on a 6 year old boy with severe autism. Video
recordings of 16 sessions of play therapy with the child were analyzed qualitatively and
quantitatively. The study concluded that this child was able to enter into a therapeutic rela
tionship and demonstrated attachment behavior towards the therapist. Key areas of im
provement were in the childs development of autonomy and pretend play, while ritualistic
behaviors showed only mild improvement. Changes were also noted in the boys behavior
at home of increased independence and empathy. One implication of this preliminary re
search is that non-directive play therapy may enhance and accelerate emotional/social de
velopment of children with severe autism.
Children with ASD differ from one anotherin the ways they engage, relate, and communi
cate and in the ways they respond to sensations, and plan and sequence their actions. These
differences mean that each child requires an intervention approach tailored to his unique
ness, an intervention that must also consider the home setting. According to Costa and Wit
ten [18] the goals of such a program, regardless of the approach used, must be to strengthen
the childs core deficits, namely: building the foundations for relating, communicating and
thinking. The DIR/Floor time Model is especially beneficial to children with ASD and other
developmental and/or emotional challenges.
Solomon et al [19] published an evaluation of The PLAY Project Home Consultation, a wide
ly disseminated program that trains parents of children with autism spectrum disorders in
the DIR/Floor time model. Sixty- eight children, 2 to 6 years old (average 3.7 years) complet
ed an 812 month program where parents were encouraged to deliver 15 hours per week of
1:1 interaction. Pre/post ratings of videotapes by blind raters using the Functional Emotional
Assessment Scale (FEAS) showed significant increases in child subscale scores. That is, 45.5
percent of children made good to very good functional developmental progress. Overall pa
rents satisfaction with program was 90 percent.
7. Method
The study was experimental in nature and employed a pre-test post-test control group ex
perimental design. It was conducted on children with ASD residing in Mumbai, India. The
objectives were to determine the efficacy of floor time approach for developing social behav
ior in pre-school children with ASD, and to compare the levels of social skill achievement by
children who received floor time intervention with those who did not.
7.1. Subjects
Children with ASD within the age group of 3 to 6 years were randomly selected from five
pre-schools and intervention clinics located across the city and suburban areas of Mumbai.
A total of 26 children participated in the experiment. After selection the children were ran
domly assigned to treatment and control groups so that both groups had 13 children each.
7.2. Instruments
The Behavioral Scale for Social Skills (BSFS) and Floor time intervention were the primary
instruments used in the study. They were developed for the purpose of the research. A brief
description of both is given below.
Behavioural Scale for Social Skills: The BSFS was used as a measure at both pre and post
tests. The instrument measured social behaviour under 4 domains
Turn taking: This is one of the bases for development of social skills and inferring oth
ers' intentions correctly [20]. Turn taking includes use of play material with an adult
and with peers.
Understanding of cause and effect: This is a basis for development of thinking skills.
The ability to see the relationship between an event and the factors leading to it helps a
child decode the world around him. Understanding of cause and effect relationship im
proves by providing the child the opportunity to explore the environment.
The BSFS had a total of 20 items. Each item was measured on a 4-point scale based on the
category of response, namely, correct response; response with verbal prompt; response with
gestural prompt; and response with physical prompt. Whereas correct responses were scor
ed as 4, responses with physical prompts were scored as 1. The selection of items under each
sub head of BSFS was done after detailed discussions with developmental psychologists,
pre-school teachers, and many parents. In addition, several observations of pre-school chil
dren with and without ASD were also made for selection of items. The instrument was pilot
tested on children with ASD belonging to the same age group as the subjects.
Floor time Intervention: Floor time is a comprehensive program for infants, young chil
dren, and families with a variety of developmental challenges including ASD. The pro
gram aims at enhancing the functional emotional developmental levels and creating those
learning relationships that will help the child move ahead in social skills acquisition.
Floor time can be tailored to suit the individual needs of children with ASD. Floor time
approach was used for treatment in the study. As stated earlier, Floor time approach
helps an infant/young child reach the 6 milestones crucial for development of social be
havior, namely, self regulation; intimacy; two way communication; complex communica
tion; emotional ideas,; and emotional thinking. However, in this study, the treatment was
directed toward achievement of 4 milestones Turn taking (a component skill in intima
cy), Two way communication, Understanding of cause and effect relationship (an impor
tant skill for problem solving that enhances complex communication), and Emotional
thinking. Various activities were developed for the purpose of enhancing the target skills.
Some of the activities are mentioned below.
Turn taking: Here the activities selected were done with the authors and then done with
peers. Such activities as building block tower, bead stringing, rolling a ball, and throw
ing ball in a bucket were used for teaching turn taking skills to children.
Two-way communication: Training a child to respond to his name, reach out to a play
thing, and respond to non-verbal communication such as gestures, facial expressions
etc was undertaken to develop the ability for two way communication.
Cause and effect: A series of simple activities were done to explain the relationship be
tween an outcome and its cause. Tapping a spoon on a surface, shaking a bell, pressing
a toy to produce sound or movement, squeezing a wet sponge, opening a transparent
box to obtain a desirable object within, etc. were undertaken to help the children estab
lish the connection between a cause and its effect.
Emotional thinking: Pretend play was primarily used for this purpose. Hence, pretend
play such as talking on telephone, dressing or feeding the doll (where the authors
would at times play out the doll's emotions in the right tone of voice), and playing a
shopkeeper etc. were included. The focus was on recognition of emotions. Thus, flash
cards of happy and sad faces were used too during the pretend play so that the child
was able to understand what did it mean when the 'doll' was 'crying' or the the shop
keeper was 'happy'.
7.3. Procedure
The intervention started after assessing the children's baseline behavior on BSFS. The 26
children were then randomly assigned to experimental and control groups so that both
groups had 13 children each. As per the recommended floor time protocol, the researchers
observed each child in the experimental group to determine his or her current emotional
level, before the commencement of intervention. Each child in the experimental group re
ceived 20 sessions of floor time intervention. Each session was of 30 minutes duration. Each
session included at least one activity relevant to the pre selected social skills. The sessions
started by getting the child's attention by showing a desired object. The researchers used
word and simple phrases to describe each activity. The activities were done as given below,
and parents were encouraged to observe the sessions.
Building a block tower began by demonstrating how to make a tower from the four
blocks provided on the floor. The child was then asked to lay a block over the one put by
the adult. Subsequently, the adult would put another block over it. The adult would then
prompt the child to take his or her turn to put a block on top. The activity was repeated
with a peer. Now the peer would take the adult's role. The adult would call out each
child's name and say ' your turn now ', as they put one block over the other to make a
block tower.
A number of colorful beads were placed on the floor along with a string for the bead
stringing activity. The task was first demonstrated, and then used to encourage the child
to take turn with an adult and later with a peer in slipping a bead through the string.
The ' ball rolling ' activity was done by rolling the ball to a child and asking him or her o
roll it back to the adult. In case of 5 or 6 year old children, a slight variation was made.
The activity was introduced with a peer. Both the child and peer were asked to take turns
in throwing the ball to the adult and to each other.
Throwing the ball in the bucket required that the child identify the bucket first. Subse
quently, the task was demonstrated before the child taking turn with the adult and with
peer to throw a ball in the bucket.
Cause and effect activities such as ringing a bell (to produce sound), squeezing a sponge
(for water to drip), and opening a box (to get what is inside) were demonstrated and sub
sequently, taught with prompts and cues. Some fun activities such as blowing soap bub
bles were also included as soap bubbles excited the children.
Calling out the child's name, seeking his attention by showing a preferred object or toy
helped in initiating two-way communication. Preferred activities served a dual purpose.
They could get the child's attention, but they were also helpful in teaching the child a way
to communicate. The adult would have a picture of the preferred activity or toy. The child
would be asked to point or pick up the picture in order to get the activity. The adult also
used facial expression cards to help the child understand what each expression meant.
Pretend play was a strong medium for teaching emotional thinking. Pretend play was en
couraged using a variety of toys such as dolls, telephone, car, kitchen set, and doctor set
etc. The adult would pretend to call the child, and ask the child to pick up the phone and
say something. While the child was holding the doll, the adult would prompt him or her
to hug and kiss the doll. If the child put the doll away, the adult would convey in appro
priate tone and affect how sad the doll was feeling. The child would then be prompted to
hold the doll again.
Taking the lead from the child, the adult would stand at the window if the child was
standing there. The adult would then softly describe what they could both see.
Though all activities were pre-planned, the adult would at times digress to include activi
ties that suited the need of the child on a given day.
While the experimental group children received floor time intervention, the children in the
control group received the usual early intervention sessions provided in their educational
settings. Post intervention, BSFS was administered again.
Figures 1 to 7 illustrate some of the floor time activities done with the children.
8. Results
The study was conducted to establish the efficacy of floor time for development of social
behavior in pre-school children with ASD. The children who received intervention
showed a qualitative change in their interactive behavior. A comparison of their compo
site mean score on BSFS at baseline with that at post intervention showed a significant
difference. The data was analyzed using t-test, as the selection of children was random.
Table 1 presents the details.
Pre test
p< .0001
Post test
Table 1. Comparison of Composite Mean Scores on BSFS at Pre and Post Tests
The statistical analysis of data indicated the overall effectiveness of floor time. The average
score on BSFS at baseline [34.92] increased post intervention [48.38]. This increase was sig
nificant as evident from the obtained t-value [9.56, p<.0001]. That the intervention was effec
tive for all children in the group may be seen from Figure 8 which shows the performance of
each child at pre and post intervention conditions
Table 1.
The statistical analysis of data indicated the overall effectiveness of floor time. The average score on BSFS at baseline [34.92]
increased post intervention [48.38]. This increase was significant as evident from the obtained
Early Intervention of Autism: A Case for Floor Time Approach 709
t-value [9.56, p<.0001]. That the intervention was effective for all children in the group may be seen from Figure 8 which shows the
performance of each child at pre and post intervention conditions
pre test
post test
From Figure 8 it is evident that floor time intervention enhanced the social behavior of children, though some gained more from
From Figure
8 it This
is evident
the social
of chil
the treatment
than others.
variance may
due totime
initial intervention
intra group differences
in the children's
dren, though some gained more from the treatment than others. This variance may be due
Children's scores on selected components of BSFS of turn taking, two way communication, cause and effect and emotional thinking
to initial intra group differences in the children's functioning levels.
were analyzed individually. On Turn taking skill, the baseline mean [12,38] was significantly lower than the mean score [17.69]
Children's scores on selected components of BSFS of turn taking, two way communication,
cause and effect and emotional thinking were analyzed individually. On Turn taking skill,
the baseline mean [12,38] was significantly lower than the mean score [17.69] post interven
tion. The derived t-value [5.02] was statistically significant (p<.0002]. An illustration of each
The derived on
was statistically
significant by
An9.illustration of each child's performance on
skill is provided
turn taking skill is provided by Figure 9.
pre test
post test
It is evident from Figure 9 that the treatment was effective for all children in the experimental group. All of them gained
It is evident
that the
was effective
for all children
in the experimen
except from
child no.
7 who 9
a marginal
only. The children's
ability to understand
the relationship
cause andAll
its effect
also improved.
mean performance
on this
skill 7post
was higherim
than the
tal group.
of them
gained Their
a marginal
baseline [8.61]. The derived t-value was significant [7.17, p<.0001]. Each child's performance on cause and effect is depicted in
figure 10. The data indicates the effectiveness of floor time as a method to develop the understanding of cause and effect
relationship in children with ASD.
Recent Advances
in Autism Spectrum Disorders - Volume I
significantly, except child no. 7 who showed a marginal improvement only. The children's ability to understand the relationship
between cause and its effect also improved. Their mean performance on this sub skill post intervention [13.30] was higher than the
baseline [8.61]. The derived t-value was significant [7.17, p<.0001]. Each child's performance on cause and effect is depicted in
figure 10. The data indicates the effectiveness of floor time as a method to develop the understanding of cause and effect
relationship in children with ASD.
Pre test
Post test
When performances on two-way communication skills were compared, a similar trend was evident. The mean score at baseline
was lower
than that post intervention
and the difference was
significant (t=5.72,
on two-way
were compared,
a similar
was too,
children improved as may be seen from figure 11. All children gained on the ability for two-way communication.
evident. The mean score at baseline [6.31] was lower than that post intervention [8.69] and
the difference was statistically significant (t=5.72, p<.0001]. Individually too, children im
proved as may be seen from figure 11. All children gained on the ability for two-way com
Lastly, when the data from BSFS were analyzed for performance on emotional thinking, a
significant gain was seen in this area too. The difference between baseline mean score [7.38]
and post intervention mean score [8.84] was significant (t-value=3.5, p<.004]. Though this
difference was significant when means were compared, individually all children did not
gain from the intervention. Whereas most children showed an enhancement in emotional
thinking from pre to post intervention, performance of some remained the same as what it
was at baseline. Figure 12 presents the data on emotional thinking. Since, emotional think
ing is the last and the most complex of the six milestones; it is possible that these children
required more time to achieve this skill than what was given during the 20 sessions of inter
vention. However, these children improved their performance on the earlier sub-skills of
turn taking, two-way communication and understanding of cause and effect relationship.
Pre test
Post test
Figure 11. Comparison of individual performance on two-way communication
Lastly, when the data0from BSFS were analyzed for performance on emotional thinking, a significant gain was seen in this area too.
The difference between baseline
2mean 3score [7.38]
5 post
6 intervention
8 mean
9 score
10[8.84]11was significant
13 (t-value=3.5, p<.004].
Though this difference was significant when means were compared, individually all children did not gain from the intervention.
Pre test
Post test
Whereas most children showed an enhancement in emotional
from pre to post intervention, performance of some
remained the same as what it was at baseline. Figure 12 presents the data on emotional thinking. Since, emotional thinking is the
last and
most complex
of theperformance
six milestones;
it is possible
that these children required more time to achieve this skill than what
of individual
on two-way
11. Comparison
of individual performance
on two-way communication
was given during the 20 sessions of intervention. However, these children improved their performance on the earlier sub-skills of
turn taking,
of causeon
effect relationship.
the data communication
from BSFS wereand
for performance
thinking, a significant gain was seen in this area too.
The difference between baseline mean score [7.38] and post intervention mean score [8.84] was significant (t-value=3.5, p<.004].
Though this difference
was significant when means were compared, individually all children did not gain from the intervention.
Whereas most children showed an enhancement in emotional thinking from pre to post intervention, performance of some
remained the same as what it was at baseline. Figure 12 presents the data on emotional thinking. Since, emotional thinking is the
last and the most complex of the six milestones; it is possible that these children required more time to achieve this skill than what
was given during the 20 sessions of intervention. However, these children improved their performance on the earlier sub-skills of
turn taking, two-way
communication and understanding of cause and effect relationship.
Pre test
Post test
Figure 12. Comparison
of individual performance on emotional thinking
in effect, determined the efficacy of floor time in comparison with other early intervention
Nthe performance
In of
to do
the post
by with
The second objective
the study
to compare
of children
in the experimental
of those in
13children were
24 randomly
As mentioned
from 5 pre-schools
The earlier,
of experimental
group 3.08
was compared
with and
of control
Hence, when the study commenced all children were on some kind of early intervention program. The study, in effect, determined
the efficacy of floor time in comparison with other early intervention strategies. In order to do this, the post intervention
performance on BSFS by both groups was analyzed. The mean score of experimental group was compared with that of control
group. The data analysis is presented in Table 2.
Comparison of post intervention mean scores of experimental and control groups showed a
significant difference between the two, in favour of the experimental group. The resultant tvalue [3.08] was statistically significant (p<.005]. This indicated that in comparison to other
measures for early intervention, floor time was more effective in development of social be
havior of children with ASD. Figure 13 provides a graphic representation of this difference
Table 2.
Comparison of post intervention mean scores of experimental and control groups showed a significant difference between the two,
in favour of the experimental group. The resultant t- value [3.08] was statistically significant (p<.005]. This indicated that in
comparison to other measures for early intervention, floor time was more effective in development of social behavior of children
with ASD. Figure 13 provides a graphic representation of this difference
Figure 13. Comparison of post intervention performance of experimental and control groups
Figure 13. Comparison of post intervention performance of experimental and control groups
It is evident from Figure 13 that except for child no. 3 and child no. 5, all children in experiment group achieved higher scores on
is evident
for child
no. 3 higher
and child
no. control
5, all children
the control
than their
group peers.
of both
mean performance
on each on
sub BSFS
skill i.e.than
turn taking
(TT), two-way
cause and effect
higher scores
the control
children. Most
(C&E), and emotional thinking (ET), within BSFS is presented in Figure 14.
scored significantly higher than their control group peers. A comparative analysis of both
mean performance on each sub skill i.e. turn taking (TT), two-way communication
cause and effect (C&E), and emotional thinking (ET), within BSFS is presented in
16 14.
The12 children who received floor time intervention performed better on an average than
10 who were in the control group. However, the performance gap between the two
groups was not uniform across all sub skills. On emotional thinking skill, the average per
of both groups was nearly same with control group's mean less than 2 points be
low2that of experimental group.
Figure 14. Comparison of experimental and control group on sub skills of BSFS
The children who received floor time intervention performed better on an average than those who were in the control group.
However, the performance gap between the two groups was not uniform across all sub skills. On emotional thinking skill, the
Figure 13. Comparison of post intervention performance of experimental and control groups
It is evident from Figure 13 that except for child no. 3 and childEarly
no. 5,
all childrenof
scores on
A Case
for achieved
Floor Time
BSFS than the control group children. Most children's scored significantly higher than their
control group peers. A comparative
analysis of both group's mean performance on each sub skill i.e. turn taking (TT), two-way communication (TWC), cause and effect
(C&E), and emotional thinking (ET), within BSFS is presented in Figure 14.
Figure 14. Comparison of experimental and control group on sub skills of BSFS
Figure 14. Comparison of experimental and control group on sub skills of BSFS
The children who received floor time intervention performed better on an average than those who were in the control group.
However, the performance gap between the two groups was not uniform across all sub skills. On emotional thinking skill, the
average performance of both groups was nearly same with control group's mean less than 2 points below that of experimental
9. Discussion
9. Discussion
Unlike neuro-typical children who learn how to be social and interactive by watching
others talk,
each and
of play
how to to
be social
how others talk,
relate to each
enjoy and
the give-and-take
of social engagement
and initiate,
maintain and respond
to interactions
with others,
initiate, maintain
and respond
to interactions
with others,
with children
do not
the expected
of early social of
skills. Promoting
the social
of infants
the expected
early social
and toddlers with ASD is one of the primary goals of early intervention services, as is facilitating the ability of young children with
the social development of infants and toddlers with ASD is one of the primary goals of
early intervention services, as is facilitating the ability of young children with social de
lays to develop appropriate friendships. With early and intensive intervention, the seem
ingly pervasive social skill deficits of many children with ASD can be remediated[21]. To
successfully target these important skills, intervention efforts, even within early interven
tion, should include: (a) regular access to typical peers, (b) thoughtful planning of mean
ingful social situations embedded throughout the day, (c) the use of social toys, (d)
multiple-setting opportunities (home inclusive, community-based) to practice emerging
social skills, and (e) intensive data collection in order to make midcourse corrections to
existing intervention plans [22]. Poor social skills are an impediment to childs success in
classroom, and can also be the cause of behavioral problem. Accordingly, teaching social
skills is a common educational objective for children who have autism [23]. However,
while teaching variables such as age, developmental and functional levels and sensory
profile of each should be considered. Floor time which is based on the developmental
approach takes care of the childs developmental level and emphasizes building the mile
stones that the child may have missed during his or her period of growth. Rather than
focusing on teaching a child to speak a few words to interact, Greenspan suggests that
the childs gestural system should be worked upon first for language to flow in natural
ly rather than by rote, thus focusing on the developmental ladder. As the child climbs
the developmental ladder he or she becomes more and more regulated and forms a
sense of self. In the study the authors chose age and functionally appropriate activities
for helping a child achieve the given milestones for social behavior. The individual ses
sions during which the adult followed the child's lead, prompted and encouraged the
child effort to participate, and provided the opportunity to practice the skill with a peer
contributed to the significant increase in each child's performance from pre to post inter
vention on BSFS.
According to the Colorado guidelines [24] early intervention strategies must involve build
ing of positive relationships between adults (parents and caregivers) and the infant or tod
dler. The intent should be to teach the child that parents and caregivers can be relied on as
stable, secure, and safe figures that provide nurturance, comfort, pleasure and guidance. De
veloping attachments is a challenge for a young child with ASD, so special efforts are re
quired, even when signs of a childs interest are not apparent. This might require that a
parent or caregiver identify the activities, objects, settings, and interactions that the child
finds pleasurable and provide those events and items to the child contingent on a social in
teraction behavior (rather than non-contingently in a manner meant to keep a child satisfied
without social interaction). A tickle game might be initiated with a child and then interrupt
ed by the caregiver with the expectation that the child look at the adult or repeat a gesture to
continue. A key objective of efforts to form positive relationships is to ensure that the inter
actions are pleasurable and that they are associated with the child receiving input that is
consistent with needs and interests. Importantly, successful efforts to form strong, positive
bonds when a child is very young result in a subsequent relationship in which an adult has
considerable influence over a childs behavior and this influence can be essential for the
guidance and instruction that the adult (parent or other caregiver) must provide on an ongo
ing basis. The floor time intervention addressed the issues mentioned above. Activities se
lected were simple and manageable for the children. Most activities were demonstrated
before the child was required to participate. For children with autism, visually organized
tasks are easier to learn [25]. During intervention the adult often provided model/picture of
a task to be done e.g. block tower, completed puzzle, picture and symbol cards etc. Interven
tion sessions were built around child's motivation and interests. Most early intervention
programs for children with ASD are based on behavioral approach and use discrete trial
training. Though evaluations have shown acquisition of learning and behavioral develop
ment in several children [26], behavioral approach does not suit all children and families.
Strict protocol of timing, intensity, structure, and quality of therapist training influences the
success of behavioral interventions. In contrast, floor time encourages naturalistic interac
tions to develop the core skills. It takes into account the inherent bonding and affection pa
rents have for the child, and guides the parent to modify and channelize their interactions to
suit the developmental level of the child. As stated earlier, the children selected for the
study attended pre-school and intervention clinics. Thus control group children also re
ceived early intervention while floor time intervention was given to the experimental group.
However, the experimental group children performed better on selected social skills at the
end of the intervention period. The significantly higher achievement of social skills by ex
perimental group children may be attributed to the child-centric naturalistic interactions
that occurred during the floor time intervention.
10. Conclusion
Early intervention is very important for enhancing the development of infants and toddlers
with disabilities, and they are especially crucial in determining the future language, social
and behavioral outcomes of very young children with ASD [27]. A primary consideration of
programs for young children with ASD is to provide an environment that is designed to
prevent problem behaviors, promote engagement and participation, and facilitate successful
interactions with typically developing peers. Getting the child to engage with materials and
activities may prevent challenging behavior occurrence and promote appropriate social be
havior [28]. Results of this research support the above findings. Floor time principles state
that development begins with a shared world between the caregiver and the young child.
The goal is to help the child with ASD emerge from its own world and enter this shared
world in order to develop his or her functional and emotional capacities. Floor time achieves
this by encouraging child to engage in age and level appropriate play activities with adults
and later with peers. The outcomes indicate the effectiveness of Floor time as a method for
early intervention of children with autism. The findings of the study may be useful for fami
lies who are in need of evidence based and suitable early intervention for children with
The authors wish to thank the children who participated in this study, and are grateful to
the childrens parents, teachers, therapists, and administrators of the schools and interven
tion clinics for their support.
Author details
Rubina Lal and Rakhee Chhabria
Department of Special Education, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, India
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Chapter 32
1. Introduction
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental conditions that are associated
with an astonishing combination of cognitive strengths and weaknesses with a substantial
minority of individuals displaying some exceptional creative abilities, reaching genius pro
portions in some rare cases. Creativity is a multifactorial construct and neuroscience is only
beginning to unravel some of the cognitive components involved in the creative process. In
this chapter we contrast neuroscientific evidence from creativity research with models at
tempting to explain talent and creativity in ASD. Although there are no agreed definitions
for creativity the formulation put forward by Griffiths [1] Creativity is a mental journey be
tween ideas or concepts that involves either a novel route or a novel destination (p.6)
seems to fit the picture very well. Various explanations and theories have been put forward
to account for creativity ranging from unconscious mechanisms, cognitive processes, special
abilities and personal traits to links with genetic processes and psychopathology.
The classical portrait of autism is that of rigid, stereotyped behaviours, a preference for
sameness and a resulting lack of imagination. Therefore, the prevalent view is that creativity
and imaginative thought are extremely difficult or impossible for individuals with ASD.
There is substantial research evidence that almost all forms of imagination are impaired in
autism including lack of pretend play, pragmatic language, comprehension and construc
tion of narrative, theory of mind and experimental tests of creativity [2-6]. A significant chal
lenge to this perceived lack of creativity is the enormous achievements that some people
with ASD show in creative and scientific fields. Some theorists and clinicians have therefore
challenged the view of impoverished creativity in ASD [7-12].
In this review the focus is on a subgroup of individuals on the autistic spectrum who dis
play exceptional creative talents and abilities. The features of ASD that favour creativity in
2013 Lyons and Fitzgerald; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
clude narrow interests, great persistence, ability to see details within a whole, a fascination
with facts (rather than people) and having savant type talents. While social imagination is
impaired, autistic imagination of the Einsteinian type is amplified.
Many features of Asperger syndrome enhance creativity, but the ability to focus deeply on a
topic and to take endless pains is characteristic. Hans Asperger [24] emphasized the intensi
ty with which special interests are pursued already in his first lecture about children with
autistic psychopathology. It appears that these unique qualities of concentration and also
perception as discussed in subsequent paragraphs in individuals with ASD may give rise to
extraordinary creative abilities. Exceptionally gifted people like for example the animal sci
entist and author Temple Grandin [25] declares that her autism, as manifested in her acute
visual/spatial mind and in her powers of concentration is what has made her success possi
ble (p.188). People with Asperger syndrome live very much in their intellects, and certain
forms of creativity benefit greatly from this [26]. Apart from good concrete intelligence addi
tional characteristics of a gifted person with ASD include, ability to disregard social conven
tions, unconcern about the opinions of others and a sometimes-childlike naivety and
According Nancy Andreasen [27], who made a significant contribution to research on
creativity, the personality traits that characterize creative individuals include openness
to experience, adventuresomeness, rebelliousness, individualism, persistence, curiosity,
simplicity, the ability to see things in a different and novel way, indifference to social
conventions, dislike of externally imposed rules, driven by own set of rules derived from
within and a childlike manner (p.30-32). Not surprisingly, the above two descriptions
are strikingly similar.
The main current interpretation of special gifts and savant skills associated with autism in
clude cognitive and psychological theories as well as various other models.
maticians are intuitive thinkers and rely on the unconscious mind to a large extent, like for
example the genius mathematician Poincar [78]. Freudian theory holds that primary proc
esses or primitive thinking which creative persons have more access to are based on their
weak defence mechanisms of repression. Individuals with Asperger syndrome have very
weak defence mechanisms thus allowing them access to early childhood memories [79].
Low levels of repression or inhibition are associated with creativity and a number of theo
rists [80, 81] have suggested that creativity is a disinhibition syndrome, i.e. highly creative
individuals lack cognitive inhibition. Neural correlates of cognitive disinhibition are the
frontal lobes and research indicates that creative individuals show less frontal-lobe activity
during verbal association tasks [82]. Deficits in inhibition have been documented in autism
[83] as well as in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [84] a neurodevelop
mental disorder that is associated with increased creativity.
Also relevant in this context maybe the concept of flow proposed by the psychologist
Cskszentmihlyi [85]. The notion of flow indicates a familiar state of reduced self-aware
ness where temporal concerns (time, food, ego-self, etc) are ignored during periods where
the individual is fully immersed in a task or process. According to Cskszentmihlyi flow
is characterised by a feeling of great absorption, engagement and fulfilment and thought to
be inherently reinforcing and rewarding [86]. As alerted to in the chapter Atypical Sense of
Self in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Neuro-cognitive Perspective (this book) [87] dimin
ished self-awareness which is a characteristic of individuals with ASD and associated with
right hemisphere dysfunction might be advantageous in the development of special talents
in ASD as quoted by Happ and Vital [88] (p.1373).
To conclude, although no single theory can explain the cognitive mechanisms underlying
savant skill development, prodigious memory, atypical perception and excellent attention to
detail are fundamentally associated with savant like talents in individual with ASD.
6. Neural basis of creativity in non-clinical populations
The study of the neural basis of creativity is an area greatly neglected by scientific research
and despite methodological difficulties associated with investigating creativity any account
of creativity must include explanations about the neural correlates of creativity [89].
Neuroscientific approaches aiming to determine the physiological basis of creative thought,
are assuming that creativity is a measurable trait. Creativity can be interpreted as physiolog
ical changes that are required for creative problem solving focussing on EEG measures of
cortical activation [90]. Theories of creativity in general postulate that low levels of cortical
activation contribute to creative inspiration. Imaging data [91] suggest that great creativity
not only requires a high level of specialized knowledge (stored in temporal and parietal
lobes) and divergent thinking (mediated by the frontal lobes) but also co-activation and
communication between areas of the brain that normally do not show strong connections.
Highly creative individuals also possess the ability to modulate neurotransmitters [92, 93]
such as the norepinephrine system (located in the frontal lobes), indicated by a reduction of
cerebral levels of norepinephrine during creative periods. Support for the role of frontal
areas in a fluid analogy-making task comes from an fMRI study [94] indicating bilateral neu
ral activations. A study measuring differences in cerebral blood flow between highly crea
tive individuals and controls during a verbal task of creative thinking [95] implicated a
neural network consisting of right and left fronto-temporal, parietal, and cerebellar regions
in highly creative performances. These areas are involved in cognition, emotion, working
memory and response to novelty.
matical and mechanistic processing in autism as well as savant abilities such as calculation
and memory. Imaging data of a reduced size of corpus callosum in autism [133] is consistent
with the reduced interhemispheric brain connectivity reported in autistic individuals [134].
Neural underconnectivity [e.g. 135] provides support for the weak central coherence theo
ry which postulates enhanced local and decreased global information processing in autism.
Research on patterns of cortical connectivity also indicates that a specific minicolumnar phe
notype found in autism may be beneficial for information processing and/or focused atten
tion and may also offer an explanation for the savant abilities autism [136, 137].
To conclude, although neural mechanisms underlying savant skill and development are
not well established, associating creativity with hemisphere lateralization and anatomical
abnormalities in autism is supported by empirical evidence and also has some explanato
ry potential. Additional areas to explore are genetic factors and creativity found in other
pathological conditions.
10. Psychopathology
There is a very close relationship between creativity (especially in literature and arts) and
psychopathology, particularly mood disorder [151, 152]. An association of biochemical fac
tors in psychosis and creativity has been suggested by Folley et al [153] indicating the nora
drenergic system. This model also provides possible links between attention, divergent
thinking, and arousal based on mechanisms that interact with structural and neurochemical
systems of the brain and has the potential to explain the novelty seeking behaviour implicat
ed in ADHD but may have less explanatory power as far as autism is concerned. According
to Sternberg and Lubart [154] creativity and novelty must be coupled with appropriateness
for something to be considered creative. Although schizotypal thought most likely leads to
an increase in novel ideas, they may not always be appropriate.
In contrast, the nature of creativity displayed by individuals with ASD is associated with the
distinctiveness of the autistic brain and its unique neural connectivity. In this context Tem
ple Grandin [155] has stated, it is likely that genius is an abnormality (p178-179). Howev
er, she also believes that autistic intelligence is necessary in order to add diversity and
creativity to the world: It is possible that persons with bits of these traits are more creative,
are possibly even geniusesIf science eliminated these genes, maybe the whole world
would be taken over by accountants (p.124).
11. Conclusion
The results of our evaluation suggest that many features of ASD are advantageous for
great creativity. Creativity is an extremely complex and multifaceted construct and no
cognitive theory or model of brain function has so far been able to fully account for it.
We suggest that the distinctive gifts of perception, attention, memory and information
processing combined with personality attributes can give rise to the extraordinary crea
tivity seen in some individuals with ASD. It is our view that progress in elucidating the
neural basis of autism may hold promises for a better understanding of autistic creativi
ty and creativity in general. Autism Spectrum Disorders are mainly portrayed as nega
tive phenomena, as a curse, but if they were an integral part of the mindset of highly
creative individuals such as Einstein and Darwin who possessed autistic traits they could
be regarded in some aspects as a gift [156].
Author details
Viktoria Lyons* and Michael Fitzgerald
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
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Chapter 31
1. Introduction
1.1. Self Definitions and concepts
The concept of self is notoriously difficult to define and different notions and theories of the
self have been proposed by a variety of disciplines all interpreting concepts of self and iden
tity in various ways. We adopt the definition advanced by neuroscientists Kircher and Da
vid [1] who interpret the self as the commonly shared experience, that we know we are the
same person across time, that we are the author of our thoughts/actions, and that we are dis
tinct from the environment (p.2). In cognitive neuroscience literature, operational defini
tions of the self are used which are measurable by experimental methods including self
recognition, self and other differentiation, body awareness, awareness of other minds,
awareness of self as expressed in language and important concepts such as autobiographical
memory and self narrative. There is significant interest in the role of the self and possible
abnormalities associated with the self, as causally implicated in autism. In this paper we re
view developmental perspectives of self and self-related functions with reference to their
neuroanatomical basis and investigate the possible causes for atypical self-development in
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
2013 Lyons and Fitzgerald; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
face area as well as amygdala, brain regions associated with the social brain (e.g. 26,27]
involving the RH.
3.2. Self/other differentiation
The ability to differentiate between self and other is also essential for the development of
self-awareness, which appears to be impaired in autism. In particular, the recognition of a
separate existence of other people seems to be delayed in children with autism [28,29]. At
tentional abnormalities, such as tunnel vision, the tendency to think in a monotropic man
ner have been suggested by some as the cause of self-other problems in ASD [30]. Donna
Williams [31] interprets monoprocessing as the inability to process simultaneously informa
tion of oneself and others.
In neurotypicals the middle cingulate cortex and ventromedial prefrontal cortex are in
volved in self/other processing. In contrast, atypical neural responses have been reported in
individuals with ASD. A recent fMRI study [32] investigating the attribution of behavioural
outcomes to either oneself or others while playing an interactive trust game revealed a lack
of brain activity in the cingulate cortex indicating diminished self responses in individuals
with ASD. However, other responses, attributing actions to other people were intact. Previ
ous research data using trust games [33] had demonstrated that cingulate cortex activation
is consistent with self-response patterns generated during interpersonal exchanges. Chiu et
al. [34] interpreted their data in terms of a deficit in ASD in monitoring their own intentions
in social interactions and thus contributing to impaired theory of mind abilities, lack of in
trospection and self-referential processing. Of particular interest is the fact that the im
paired self-responses in the ASD group correlated with their behavioural symptom
severity, i.e. the lesser activity along cingulated cortex the more serious were their behaviou
ral symptoms. Similar results have been reported by Lombardo et al. [35] also demonstrat
ing atypical neural responses from the middle cingulate cortex during a self-referential
processing task. This study also provided a link between these deficits and early social im
pairments in autism. In addition, these authors also demonstrated reduced functional con
nectivity between ventromedial prefrontal cortex and lower level regions (e.g.
somatosensory cortex) in individuals with ASD during these self- representation tasks.
Previous studies identified the right inferior parietal lobe, along with frontopolar and soma
tosensory regions [36,37] as critical for distinguishing between self and other. Additional da
ta [e.g. 38] demonstrate that SI and SII cortices, which contribute to the mirror-neuron
system, are also crucial for preserving a sense of self.
3.3. Body awareness, sense of agency
Knowing oneself and knowing ones body are closely related concepts. In his review on
body image and the self, Goldenberg [39] argues that the acquisition of body image is not
innate but acquired through experiences of ones own and other bodies. Likewise, Jordan
and Powell [40] believe that a body concept develops from interacting with others. Anecdo
tal reports indicate that some children and adults with autism have an insecure body image
or totally lack body awareness. Russell [41] suggested that the body schemas of persons
with autism are poorly specified resulting in an atypical experience of agency. A sense of
agency is a central aspect of human self-consciousness and refers to the experience of oneself
as the agent of ones actions. Based on his executive function account of impaired action
monitoring Russell [42] put forward the hypothesis that individuals with autism are im
paired in distinguishing between self and others. In contrast, a recent study by Williams and
Happ [43] suggests that individuals with ASD are aware of their agency as indicated by
their ability to monitor their own actions.
Support for a dominant role of the right hemisphere in the above processes is substantial.
The right posterior parietal lobe is generally associated with spatial and bodily awareness
[44,45]. Activation of right inferior parietal lobe correlates with a sense of ownership in ac
tion execution [46]. Additional research evidence [47] based on transcranial magnetic stimu
lation (TMS) supports the significance of the right temporo-parietal junction in the
maintenance of a coherent sense of ones body.
3.4. Theory of mind, emotions and self-awareness
An essential component of self-awareness is the ability to be aware of other minds. A multi
tude of studies have provided evidence that theory of mind is lacking or delayed in ASD, or
develops differently than in neurotypicals [for a substantive review see 48]. Deficits in mind
reading may also affect the ability to reflect on ones own mental states [49] resulting in di
minished self-awareness. There is some evidence suggesting that the ability to think about
ones own thoughts depends on the same cognitive and neural processes as mindreading
[50]. Equally, emotions play an important role in self-awareness. The development of the ca
pacity to experience, communicate and regulate emotions is considered to be the most im
portant event in infancy [51]. One of the main characteristics of autism is lack of empathy
and emotional engagement with others [52,53]. Children with autism have difficulties with
interpreting emotions, are deficient in processing their own emotional experiences and pay
little attention to emotional stimuli in general [e.g. 54-57]. Due to this inability to empathize
and emotionally engage with others individuals with ASD are totally focussed on their own
interests and concerns.
A network of structures important for theory of mind processing includes the superior tem
poral sulcus and the adjacent temporo-parietal junction, the temporal poles and the medial
prefrontal cortex [58; see also 59 for a review). Research evidence implicated the RH in theo
ry of mind reasoning across various tasks [60, 61]. The neural substrates for emotions and
empathy are complex [62] involving amygdala, ventral medial prefrontal cortex. Recent
imaging studies point to an involvement of a mirror neuron circuit for empathy [63,64].
3.5. Egocentrism/Allocentrism
In apparent contrast to the mentalizing impairment even among very high functioning indi
viduals with ASD is their often-documented increased sense of self or total focus on the self
[65,66,67] that is also reflected in numerous biographical accounts. The term autism is de
rived from the Greek word autos (self) and since Kanners time this focus on the self as
atypical applies to all individuals with ASD. Extreme egocentricity was one of the diagnostic
criteria for Asperger Syndrome proposed by Gillberg & Gillberg [68]. Frith and de Vigne
mont [69] suggest that there are differences to reading other minds depending on whether
the other person can be understood using an egocentric or an allocentric standpoint. From
an egocentric point of view other people are understood only relative to the self whereas
from an allocentric stance the mental state of a person is independent from the self. These
theorists suggest that individuals with ASD suffer from an imbalance between both point of
views, they are unable to connect an egocentric to an allocentric stance and can only adopt
extreme forms of either [70]. This very detailed analysis of mindreading further illustrates
the different and unique aspects of awareness of self and others in individuals with ASD.
3.6. Self awareness across time
Awareness that we are the same person across time, also defined as temporally extended
self-awareness [71] is an essential part of ones self-concept. Although the results of two re
cent studies [72,73] indicate that individuals with ASD have undiminished temporally ex
tended self-awareness as assessed by the delayed self-recognition task, this task may not
adequately measure self-awareness as suggested by Lind & Bowler [74]. Indirect evidence
suggests that temporally extended self-awareness is impaired in ASD based on their prob
lems with theory of mind as well as some aspects of temporal cognition [75]. Alternative ex
planations are the autobiographic memory difficulties [76] and also the well-documented
language impairments in ASD. Language is a medium with which we monitor ourselves
and it allows us to experience past, present and future [77].
3.7. Language and awareness of self
Conceptions about oneself and others develop from an early age and depend largely on the
emergence of language. At around 18 months of age children start referring to themselves as
I and begin using the word you for others, indicating a further development in their selfother awareness. According to Kircher and David [78] the symbolic presentation of the self
in language is the personal pronoun I. Language difficulties such as pronoun reversal, use
of third person perspective, impoverished inner speech, and impaired narrative have a neg
ative effect on mental processes and also restrict certain aspects of self-awareness.
There is substantial clinical and research evidence of impaired pragmatic language use in
children with ASD as indicated by pronoun reversal errors (I/me/you) [79-82] reflecting
general difficulties with their sense of self, as well as problems in self-other differentiation.
Peeters et al. [83] suggested that the reason children with autism sometimes communicate
from a third-person perspective instead of a first- vis--vis second person perspective is that
in contrast to typically developing children they possess a non-social basis of self-other cate
gorization. Use of a third person perspective also has consequences for attribution of mental
states, and mentalizing ability in general. As argued by Northoff and Heinzel [84] a third
person perspective is an indication of a fragmented image of self and other. Adults with
ASD also appear to have difficulties with first person pronoun usage [85]. Of particular in
terest might be the fact, that Hans Asperger often used to refer to himself from a third per
son perspective [86].
A fundamental role in self-awareness is attributed to inner speech [87] that is impaired in
ASD [88]. When asked about the nature of their thoughts, a group of adults with Asperger
syndrome reported mainly images and actions as their only inner experience and made no
reference to inner speech or emotions [89]. Many individuals with ASD are visual thinkers
and rely heavily on visualization to process information [90].
A recent fMRI study [91] provided evidence of underintegration of language and imag
ing in autism by showing that individuals with ASD are more reliant on visualization to
support language comprehension. These authors suggest that cortical underconnectivity
is the reason for the lack of synchronization between linguistic and imaginal processing
in autism. Supporting these findings are the results of an imaging study on daydream
ing [92] indicating that autistic individuals do not daydream about themselves or other
people. This study also points to a link between daydreaming and the construction of self
and self-awareness.
In summary, language is of fundamental significance to self-awareness and necessary for
forming a clear identity of self and others. Another important dimension in the formation of
the self that is also dependent on language is autobiographical memory as well as the con
struct of a narrative self.
3.8. Autobiographical memory
Many influential theorists [93,94] associate the development of self with the emergence of
autobiographical or episodic memory. The components necessary for a fully functioning
autobiographical memory are a basic memory system, spoken or signed language, under
standing and production of narrative, temporal understanding, self-awareness and theory
of mind [95]. Autobiographical memory not only depends on these cognitive constructs
but is also specifically concerned with events that have specific meaning to the individu
al. This personal significance evolves through emotions and motivations that are con
structed in interaction with others. Autobiographical disturbances can arise from
combined deficits in the realms of memory, emotion and self-related processing which
are intricately connected, both behaviourally and neurologically [96].
The majority of components that make up an autobiographic memory system are im
paired in autism. There is significant evidence that individuals with ASD have circum
scribed episodic memory impairments, e.g. they have an impaired recall for personally
experienced events [97-101]. As suggested by Millward et al [102] individuals with ASD
remember real-life episodes less well than other people because they have no experienc
ing self. Wheeler et al [103] in their investigation of episodic memory in autism conclud
ed that remembering of personal events requires the highest form of consciousness,
autonoetic consciousness (self-knowing), which is dependent of self-awareness.
The prevailing view is that episodic memory is created in the neocortex and subsequently
stored in the medial-temporal lobes and after a time becomes independent and is distribut
ed in neocortical networks [104]. Whereas the left temporal lobe is dominant for the acquisi
tion of new verbal information, episodic information involves mainly the right fontal lobes
[105, 106]. Neuroimaging studies provide evidence for right frontal involvement in the proc
essing of autobiographic memories [e.g. 107]. The RH is especially important for memories
with emotional contents.
3.9. The narrative self
Many theorists [e.g. 108, 109] have highlighted the importance of the narrative self and ar
gued that the autobiographical self is a similar construct as the narrative self. Individuals
create their own identity by constructing autobiographical narratives or life stories [110].
The benefits of a personal or narrative self are significant; a narrative mediates self-under
standing and creates coherence out of lifes experiences. Narrative emerges early in develop
ment and narrative and self are inseparable [111]. The creation of a narrative self depends on
various cognitive capacities, including working memory, self-awareness, episodic memory
and reflective metacognition, a sense of agency, the ability to attribute action to oneself to
gether with a capacity for temporal integration of events, a fully functioning pronoun sys
tem, an ability to differentiate between self and non-self as well as a sense of ones own body
that is based on proprioceptive-motor processes [112].
The mechanisms responsible for each of the above dimensions are impaired in autism and
as a consequence individuals with ASD have great difficulties in constructing a self-narra
tive. If autobiographical material cannot be provided, the narrative is disoriented and con
fused and in many cases is no narrative at all but only confabulation [113], which is often the
case in autism. As a result, the narrative of individuals with ASD, and the self that is repre
sented in this narrative, is quite vague and not representing the true self. Research evidence
confirms deficits in narrative abilities in individuals with ASD [114-116].
Language and symbolic functions are localized in the left hemisphere, whereas narrative
abilities are considered to be a function of the right hemisphere. There is a significant evi
dence for RH contribution to social language and many of the functions associated with au
tobiographic memory specifically those with emotional contents. In addition, narrative
organisation depends on coordination of activity among various brain regions [117] and as
suggested by Belmonte [118] malfunction in neural connectivity may be the underlying
problem with autistic narrative.
To summarize, there is substantial evidence that the main components of self-awareness in
cluding self recognition, self-other differentiation, body awareness, theory of mind, inter
subjectivity, emotion processing, language (pronoun reversal, inner speech, third person
perspective), autobiographical memory and narrative self are impaired in ASD. Our review
of neural substrates underlying these processes has highlighted the significance of the Right
others and these early experiences are vital for the maturation of the right brain system. Sub
stantial behavioural evidence of infants who later developed autism is supporting the theo
ry of disrupted intersubjective behaviour. We argue that impairments in neurobiology
affecting particularly the RH both cause and interact with defects in personal relatedness
and later developing self processes.
4.2. Abnormal connectivity
The Abnormal Neural Connectivity Theory proposes that autism is a distributed systemwide brain disorder that restricts the coordination and integration among various brain
areas. The original positron emission tomography (PET) study by Horwitz et al. [144] found
reduced correlations among frontal cortex, parietal and other brain regions and suggested
that autism involves impairment in functional connectivity between frontal cortex and other
brain systems. More recent studies proposed that autism is a disorder of neural undercon
nectivity [145], overconnectivity [146, 147] or both under and overconnectivity in which lo
cal connectivity may be relatively dense whereas long-range connectivity between brain
regions may be reduced or abnormally patterned [146-151].
Studies of the cerebral cortex in autism show abnormalities of synaptic and columnar struc
ture. Cortical minicolumns are fundamental units of cerebral cortical information process
ing. Examination of neurons revealed abnormalities in the size of cortical minicolumns
particularly in the frontal and temporal lobes in ASD [152, 153] that could alter overall levels
of connectivity within the brain. These findings are in accordance with the observed white
matter abnormalities reported particularly in people with ASD [154]. A recent study using
functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI) [155] provided further evidence of atypical enhanced
functional connectivity suggesting that abnormal connectivity may be linked to develop
mental brain growth disturbances in autism.
These studies suggest that connectivity among diverse brain areas may be the core problem
in autism. In autism the network connectivity through which various brain areas communi
cate with each other are limited, particularly the connections to the frontal cortex [156]
which is dominant for self-related processing particularly in the RH. The network model of
the self proposed by Stuss et al. [157] suggests that the self is hierarchically organized, with
the highest level of the self involved in self-awareness being subserved by frontal lobes. Ear
ly developmental impairments in minicolumnar microcircuitry in the frontal cortex in au
tism could be the reason for the deficits found in higher order frontal processes [158] which
are likely to result in fragmented self awareness and identity formation in autism.
4.3. Mirror neuron system
Another recent neural theory of autism suggests that a dysfunctional mirror neuron system
may be fundamental to the aetiology of autism [159, 160]. The existence of mirror neurons in
humans has been demonstrated by a number of EEG and imaging studies [e.g. 161]. Mirror
neurons are activated in relation both to specific actions performed by self and matching ac
tions performed by others, providing a potential bridge between minds [162] and might
have a role to play in self related processes. Mirror neurons may enable us to understand the
actions of others by mapping the actions of other people to our own motor system and so
allow a shared representation of actions. In addition to understanding the action of others
this so-called mirroring might also allow the automatic experience of the intention and
emotion of the other person as suggested by Kaplan and Iacoboni [163].
Research has demonstrated that mirror neuron activity correlates with empathy [164] and
social competence in general [165]. It has been suggested that mirror neurons are a prerequi
site for the normal development of self-recognition, imitation, theory of mind, empathy, in
tersubjectivity and language [166, 167]. Furthermore, mirror neurons are likely to play a
central role in self-awareness. To quote Ramachandran and Oberman [168] they may enable
humans to see themselves as others see them, which may be an essential ability for selfawareness and introspection (p.41). Developmental data suggest that there is higher imita
tive behaviour in children that can self-recognise, possibly facilitated by mirror neurons, in
contrast to those who cannot [169]. Providing support for a RH hypothesis in self-related
functions are recent imaging studies [170, 171] indicating that a frontoparietal mirror net
work is associated with self-recognition processes.
Several recent functional brain-imaging studies have found evidence of mirror neuron dys
function in individuals with ASD in social mirroring tasks [172], motor facilitation [173], and
imitation [174]. A fMRI study [175] revealed that individuals with autism showed a different
pattern of brain activity during cognitive tasks relating to self-referential processing. The au
thors concluded that a core deficit in autism might be related to the construction of a sense
of self in its relation with others. Echoing Hobson [176] Iacoboni [177] suggests that primary
intersubjectivity is the basis for the development of the neural systems associated with inter
nal and external self-related processes. Failure or abnormal development of a fully function
ing mirror neuron system in the autistic infant is likely to result in a cascade of
developmental impairments including dysfunctional self-related processes.
5. Conclusion
The centrality of an impaired sense of self in autism has been the focus of research for many
decades. The development of self-awareness is a complex process that involves integration
of information from many sources and coordination across the brain systems involved in
self-related concepts. A sense of self emerges from the activity of the brain in interaction
with other selves. There is substantial evidence that early deficits in self-development in
cluding impaired relations with others result in a fragmented and atypical sense of self in
ASD. In this review we have presented evidence that a great majority of self-related process
es that are mediated to a significant extent by the right hemisphere are impaired in individ
uals with ASD. Additional lines of investigation indicate that an unintegrated sense of self
in autism is also potentially associated with abnormal functional connectivity and an im
paired mirror neuron system. Consequences of this atypical sense of self are the well-docu
mented impairments individuals with ASD experience in the social and communication
domain. In contrast, there have been suggestions that this different sense of self might be a
contributory factor to the significant talents and special skills present in a majority of indi
viduals with ASD. Happ & Vital [178] put forward the notion that diminished self-aware
ness in ASD might be advantageous in the development of these special gifts.
Author details
Viktoria Lyons1 and Michael Fitzgerald2
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland
2 Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
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Chapter 31
1. Introduction
1.1. Self Definitions and concepts
The concept of self is notoriously difficult to define and different notions and theories of the
self have been proposed by a variety of disciplines all interpreting concepts of self and iden
tity in various ways. We adopt the definition advanced by neuroscientists Kircher and Da
vid [1] who interpret the self as the commonly shared experience, that we know we are the
same person across time, that we are the author of our thoughts/actions, and that we are dis
tinct from the environment (p.2). In cognitive neuroscience literature, operational defini
tions of the self are used which are measurable by experimental methods including self
recognition, self and other differentiation, body awareness, awareness of other minds,
awareness of self as expressed in language and important concepts such as autobiographical
memory and self narrative. There is significant interest in the role of the self and possible
abnormalities associated with the self, as causally implicated in autism. In this paper we re
view developmental perspectives of self and self-related functions with reference to their
neuroanatomical basis and investigate the possible causes for atypical self-development in
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
2013 Lyons and Fitzgerald; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
face area as well as amygdala, brain regions associated with the social brain (e.g. 26,27]
involving the RH.
3.2. Self/other differentiation
The ability to differentiate between self and other is also essential for the development of
self-awareness, which appears to be impaired in autism. In particular, the recognition of a
separate existence of other people seems to be delayed in children with autism [28,29]. At
tentional abnormalities, such as tunnel vision, the tendency to think in a monotropic man
ner have been suggested by some as the cause of self-other problems in ASD [30]. Donna
Williams [31] interprets monoprocessing as the inability to process simultaneously informa
tion of oneself and others.
In neurotypicals the middle cingulate cortex and ventromedial prefrontal cortex are in
volved in self/other processing. In contrast, atypical neural responses have been reported in
individuals with ASD. A recent fMRI study [32] investigating the attribution of behavioural
outcomes to either oneself or others while playing an interactive trust game revealed a lack
of brain activity in the cingulate cortex indicating diminished self responses in individuals
with ASD. However, other responses, attributing actions to other people were intact. Previ
ous research data using trust games [33] had demonstrated that cingulate cortex activation
is consistent with self-response patterns generated during interpersonal exchanges. Chiu et
al. [34] interpreted their data in terms of a deficit in ASD in monitoring their own intentions
in social interactions and thus contributing to impaired theory of mind abilities, lack of in
trospection and self-referential processing. Of particular interest is the fact that the im
paired self-responses in the ASD group correlated with their behavioural symptom
severity, i.e. the lesser activity along cingulated cortex the more serious were their behaviou
ral symptoms. Similar results have been reported by Lombardo et al. [35] also demonstrat
ing atypical neural responses from the middle cingulate cortex during a self-referential
processing task. This study also provided a link between these deficits and early social im
pairments in autism. In addition, these authors also demonstrated reduced functional con
nectivity between ventromedial prefrontal cortex and lower level regions (e.g.
somatosensory cortex) in individuals with ASD during these self- representation tasks.
Previous studies identified the right inferior parietal lobe, along with frontopolar and soma
tosensory regions [36,37] as critical for distinguishing between self and other. Additional da
ta [e.g. 38] demonstrate that SI and SII cortices, which contribute to the mirror-neuron
system, are also crucial for preserving a sense of self.
3.3. Body awareness, sense of agency
Knowing oneself and knowing ones body are closely related concepts. In his review on
body image and the self, Goldenberg [39] argues that the acquisition of body image is not
innate but acquired through experiences of ones own and other bodies. Likewise, Jordan
and Powell [40] believe that a body concept develops from interacting with others. Anecdo
tal reports indicate that some children and adults with autism have an insecure body image
or totally lack body awareness. Russell [41] suggested that the body schemas of persons
with autism are poorly specified resulting in an atypical experience of agency. A sense of
agency is a central aspect of human self-consciousness and refers to the experience of oneself
as the agent of ones actions. Based on his executive function account of impaired action
monitoring Russell [42] put forward the hypothesis that individuals with autism are im
paired in distinguishing between self and others. In contrast, a recent study by Williams and
Happ [43] suggests that individuals with ASD are aware of their agency as indicated by
their ability to monitor their own actions.
Support for a dominant role of the right hemisphere in the above processes is substantial.
The right posterior parietal lobe is generally associated with spatial and bodily awareness
[44,45]. Activation of right inferior parietal lobe correlates with a sense of ownership in ac
tion execution [46]. Additional research evidence [47] based on transcranial magnetic stimu
lation (TMS) supports the significance of the right temporo-parietal junction in the
maintenance of a coherent sense of ones body.
3.4. Theory of mind, emotions and self-awareness
An essential component of self-awareness is the ability to be aware of other minds. A multi
tude of studies have provided evidence that theory of mind is lacking or delayed in ASD, or
develops differently than in neurotypicals [for a substantive review see 48]. Deficits in mind
reading may also affect the ability to reflect on ones own mental states [49] resulting in di
minished self-awareness. There is some evidence suggesting that the ability to think about
ones own thoughts depends on the same cognitive and neural processes as mindreading
[50]. Equally, emotions play an important role in self-awareness. The development of the ca
pacity to experience, communicate and regulate emotions is considered to be the most im
portant event in infancy [51]. One of the main characteristics of autism is lack of empathy
and emotional engagement with others [52,53]. Children with autism have difficulties with
interpreting emotions, are deficient in processing their own emotional experiences and pay
little attention to emotional stimuli in general [e.g. 54-57]. Due to this inability to empathize
and emotionally engage with others individuals with ASD are totally focussed on their own
interests and concerns.
A network of structures important for theory of mind processing includes the superior tem
poral sulcus and the adjacent temporo-parietal junction, the temporal poles and the medial
prefrontal cortex [58; see also 59 for a review). Research evidence implicated the RH in theo
ry of mind reasoning across various tasks [60, 61]. The neural substrates for emotions and
empathy are complex [62] involving amygdala, ventral medial prefrontal cortex. Recent
imaging studies point to an involvement of a mirror neuron circuit for empathy [63,64].
3.5. Egocentrism/Allocentrism
In apparent contrast to the mentalizing impairment even among very high functioning indi
viduals with ASD is their often-documented increased sense of self or total focus on the self
[65,66,67] that is also reflected in numerous biographical accounts. The term autism is de
rived from the Greek word autos (self) and since Kanners time this focus on the self as
atypical applies to all individuals with ASD. Extreme egocentricity was one of the diagnostic
criteria for Asperger Syndrome proposed by Gillberg & Gillberg [68]. Frith and de Vigne
mont [69] suggest that there are differences to reading other minds depending on whether
the other person can be understood using an egocentric or an allocentric standpoint. From
an egocentric point of view other people are understood only relative to the self whereas
from an allocentric stance the mental state of a person is independent from the self. These
theorists suggest that individuals with ASD suffer from an imbalance between both point of
views, they are unable to connect an egocentric to an allocentric stance and can only adopt
extreme forms of either [70]. This very detailed analysis of mindreading further illustrates
the different and unique aspects of awareness of self and others in individuals with ASD.
3.6. Self awareness across time
Awareness that we are the same person across time, also defined as temporally extended
self-awareness [71] is an essential part of ones self-concept. Although the results of two re
cent studies [72,73] indicate that individuals with ASD have undiminished temporally ex
tended self-awareness as assessed by the delayed self-recognition task, this task may not
adequately measure self-awareness as suggested by Lind & Bowler [74]. Indirect evidence
suggests that temporally extended self-awareness is impaired in ASD based on their prob
lems with theory of mind as well as some aspects of temporal cognition [75]. Alternative ex
planations are the autobiographic memory difficulties [76] and also the well-documented
language impairments in ASD. Language is a medium with which we monitor ourselves
and it allows us to experience past, present and future [77].
3.7. Language and awareness of self
Conceptions about oneself and others develop from an early age and depend largely on the
emergence of language. At around 18 months of age children start referring to themselves as
I and begin using the word you for others, indicating a further development in their selfother awareness. According to Kircher and David [78] the symbolic presentation of the self
in language is the personal pronoun I. Language difficulties such as pronoun reversal, use
of third person perspective, impoverished inner speech, and impaired narrative have a neg
ative effect on mental processes and also restrict certain aspects of self-awareness.
There is substantial clinical and research evidence of impaired pragmatic language use in
children with ASD as indicated by pronoun reversal errors (I/me/you) [79-82] reflecting
general difficulties with their sense of self, as well as problems in self-other differentiation.
Peeters et al. [83] suggested that the reason children with autism sometimes communicate
from a third-person perspective instead of a first- vis--vis second person perspective is that
in contrast to typically developing children they possess a non-social basis of self-other cate
gorization. Use of a third person perspective also has consequences for attribution of mental
states, and mentalizing ability in general. As argued by Northoff and Heinzel [84] a third
person perspective is an indication of a fragmented image of self and other. Adults with
ASD also appear to have difficulties with first person pronoun usage [85]. Of particular in
terest might be the fact, that Hans Asperger often used to refer to himself from a third per
son perspective [86].
A fundamental role in self-awareness is attributed to inner speech [87] that is impaired in
ASD [88]. When asked about the nature of their thoughts, a group of adults with Asperger
syndrome reported mainly images and actions as their only inner experience and made no
reference to inner speech or emotions [89]. Many individuals with ASD are visual thinkers
and rely heavily on visualization to process information [90].
A recent fMRI study [91] provided evidence of underintegration of language and imag
ing in autism by showing that individuals with ASD are more reliant on visualization to
support language comprehension. These authors suggest that cortical underconnectivity
is the reason for the lack of synchronization between linguistic and imaginal processing
in autism. Supporting these findings are the results of an imaging study on daydream
ing [92] indicating that autistic individuals do not daydream about themselves or other
people. This study also points to a link between daydreaming and the construction of self
and self-awareness.
In summary, language is of fundamental significance to self-awareness and necessary for
forming a clear identity of self and others. Another important dimension in the formation of
the self that is also dependent on language is autobiographical memory as well as the con
struct of a narrative self.
3.8. Autobiographical memory
Many influential theorists [93,94] associate the development of self with the emergence of
autobiographical or episodic memory. The components necessary for a fully functioning
autobiographical memory are a basic memory system, spoken or signed language, under
standing and production of narrative, temporal understanding, self-awareness and theory
of mind [95]. Autobiographical memory not only depends on these cognitive constructs
but is also specifically concerned with events that have specific meaning to the individu
al. This personal significance evolves through emotions and motivations that are con
structed in interaction with others. Autobiographical disturbances can arise from
combined deficits in the realms of memory, emotion and self-related processing which
are intricately connected, both behaviourally and neurologically [96].
The majority of components that make up an autobiographic memory system are im
paired in autism. There is significant evidence that individuals with ASD have circum
scribed episodic memory impairments, e.g. they have an impaired recall for personally
experienced events [97-101]. As suggested by Millward et al [102] individuals with ASD
remember real-life episodes less well than other people because they have no experienc
ing self. Wheeler et al [103] in their investigation of episodic memory in autism conclud
ed that remembering of personal events requires the highest form of consciousness,
autonoetic consciousness (self-knowing), which is dependent of self-awareness.
The prevailing view is that episodic memory is created in the neocortex and subsequently
stored in the medial-temporal lobes and after a time becomes independent and is distribut
ed in neocortical networks [104]. Whereas the left temporal lobe is dominant for the acquisi
tion of new verbal information, episodic information involves mainly the right fontal lobes
[105, 106]. Neuroimaging studies provide evidence for right frontal involvement in the proc
essing of autobiographic memories [e.g. 107]. The RH is especially important for memories
with emotional contents.
3.9. The narrative self
Many theorists [e.g. 108, 109] have highlighted the importance of the narrative self and ar
gued that the autobiographical self is a similar construct as the narrative self. Individuals
create their own identity by constructing autobiographical narratives or life stories [110].
The benefits of a personal or narrative self are significant; a narrative mediates self-under
standing and creates coherence out of lifes experiences. Narrative emerges early in develop
ment and narrative and self are inseparable [111]. The creation of a narrative self depends on
various cognitive capacities, including working memory, self-awareness, episodic memory
and reflective metacognition, a sense of agency, the ability to attribute action to oneself to
gether with a capacity for temporal integration of events, a fully functioning pronoun sys
tem, an ability to differentiate between self and non-self as well as a sense of ones own body
that is based on proprioceptive-motor processes [112].
The mechanisms responsible for each of the above dimensions are impaired in autism and
as a consequence individuals with ASD have great difficulties in constructing a self-narra
tive. If autobiographical material cannot be provided, the narrative is disoriented and con
fused and in many cases is no narrative at all but only confabulation [113], which is often the
case in autism. As a result, the narrative of individuals with ASD, and the self that is repre
sented in this narrative, is quite vague and not representing the true self. Research evidence
confirms deficits in narrative abilities in individuals with ASD [114-116].
Language and symbolic functions are localized in the left hemisphere, whereas narrative
abilities are considered to be a function of the right hemisphere. There is a significant evi
dence for RH contribution to social language and many of the functions associated with au
tobiographic memory specifically those with emotional contents. In addition, narrative
organisation depends on coordination of activity among various brain regions [117] and as
suggested by Belmonte [118] malfunction in neural connectivity may be the underlying
problem with autistic narrative.
To summarize, there is substantial evidence that the main components of self-awareness in
cluding self recognition, self-other differentiation, body awareness, theory of mind, inter
subjectivity, emotion processing, language (pronoun reversal, inner speech, third person
perspective), autobiographical memory and narrative self are impaired in ASD. Our review
of neural substrates underlying these processes has highlighted the significance of the Right
others and these early experiences are vital for the maturation of the right brain system. Sub
stantial behavioural evidence of infants who later developed autism is supporting the theo
ry of disrupted intersubjective behaviour. We argue that impairments in neurobiology
affecting particularly the RH both cause and interact with defects in personal relatedness
and later developing self processes.
4.2. Abnormal connectivity
The Abnormal Neural Connectivity Theory proposes that autism is a distributed systemwide brain disorder that restricts the coordination and integration among various brain
areas. The original positron emission tomography (PET) study by Horwitz et al. [144] found
reduced correlations among frontal cortex, parietal and other brain regions and suggested
that autism involves impairment in functional connectivity between frontal cortex and other
brain systems. More recent studies proposed that autism is a disorder of neural undercon
nectivity [145], overconnectivity [146, 147] or both under and overconnectivity in which lo
cal connectivity may be relatively dense whereas long-range connectivity between brain
regions may be reduced or abnormally patterned [146-151].
Studies of the cerebral cortex in autism show abnormalities of synaptic and columnar struc
ture. Cortical minicolumns are fundamental units of cerebral cortical information process
ing. Examination of neurons revealed abnormalities in the size of cortical minicolumns
particularly in the frontal and temporal lobes in ASD [152, 153] that could alter overall levels
of connectivity within the brain. These findings are in accordance with the observed white
matter abnormalities reported particularly in people with ASD [154]. A recent study using
functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI) [155] provided further evidence of atypical enhanced
functional connectivity suggesting that abnormal connectivity may be linked to develop
mental brain growth disturbances in autism.
These studies suggest that connectivity among diverse brain areas may be the core problem
in autism. In autism the network connectivity through which various brain areas communi
cate with each other are limited, particularly the connections to the frontal cortex [156]
which is dominant for self-related processing particularly in the RH. The network model of
the self proposed by Stuss et al. [157] suggests that the self is hierarchically organized, with
the highest level of the self involved in self-awareness being subserved by frontal lobes. Ear
ly developmental impairments in minicolumnar microcircuitry in the frontal cortex in au
tism could be the reason for the deficits found in higher order frontal processes [158] which
are likely to result in fragmented self awareness and identity formation in autism.
4.3. Mirror neuron system
Another recent neural theory of autism suggests that a dysfunctional mirror neuron system
may be fundamental to the aetiology of autism [159, 160]. The existence of mirror neurons in
humans has been demonstrated by a number of EEG and imaging studies [e.g. 161]. Mirror
neurons are activated in relation both to specific actions performed by self and matching ac
tions performed by others, providing a potential bridge between minds [162] and might
have a role to play in self related processes. Mirror neurons may enable us to understand the
actions of others by mapping the actions of other people to our own motor system and so
allow a shared representation of actions. In addition to understanding the action of others
this so-called mirroring might also allow the automatic experience of the intention and
emotion of the other person as suggested by Kaplan and Iacoboni [163].
Research has demonstrated that mirror neuron activity correlates with empathy [164] and
social competence in general [165]. It has been suggested that mirror neurons are a prerequi
site for the normal development of self-recognition, imitation, theory of mind, empathy, in
tersubjectivity and language [166, 167]. Furthermore, mirror neurons are likely to play a
central role in self-awareness. To quote Ramachandran and Oberman [168] they may enable
humans to see themselves as others see them, which may be an essential ability for selfawareness and introspection (p.41). Developmental data suggest that there is higher imita
tive behaviour in children that can self-recognise, possibly facilitated by mirror neurons, in
contrast to those who cannot [169]. Providing support for a RH hypothesis in self-related
functions are recent imaging studies [170, 171] indicating that a frontoparietal mirror net
work is associated with self-recognition processes.
Several recent functional brain-imaging studies have found evidence of mirror neuron dys
function in individuals with ASD in social mirroring tasks [172], motor facilitation [173], and
imitation [174]. A fMRI study [175] revealed that individuals with autism showed a different
pattern of brain activity during cognitive tasks relating to self-referential processing. The au
thors concluded that a core deficit in autism might be related to the construction of a sense
of self in its relation with others. Echoing Hobson [176] Iacoboni [177] suggests that primary
intersubjectivity is the basis for the development of the neural systems associated with inter
nal and external self-related processes. Failure or abnormal development of a fully function
ing mirror neuron system in the autistic infant is likely to result in a cascade of
developmental impairments including dysfunctional self-related processes.
5. Conclusion
The centrality of an impaired sense of self in autism has been the focus of research for many
decades. The development of self-awareness is a complex process that involves integration
of information from many sources and coordination across the brain systems involved in
self-related concepts. A sense of self emerges from the activity of the brain in interaction
with other selves. There is substantial evidence that early deficits in self-development in
cluding impaired relations with others result in a fragmented and atypical sense of self in
ASD. In this review we have presented evidence that a great majority of self-related process
es that are mediated to a significant extent by the right hemisphere are impaired in individ
uals with ASD. Additional lines of investigation indicate that an unintegrated sense of self
in autism is also potentially associated with abnormal functional connectivity and an im
paired mirror neuron system. Consequences of this atypical sense of self are the well-docu
mented impairments individuals with ASD experience in the social and communication
domain. In contrast, there have been suggestions that this different sense of self might be a
contributory factor to the significant talents and special skills present in a majority of indi
viduals with ASD. Happ & Vital [178] put forward the notion that diminished self-aware
ness in ASD might be advantageous in the development of these special gifts.
Author details
Viktoria Lyons1 and Michael Fitzgerald2
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland
2 Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
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Chapter 32
1. Introduction
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental conditions that are associated
with an astonishing combination of cognitive strengths and weaknesses with a substantial
minority of individuals displaying some exceptional creative abilities, reaching genius pro
portions in some rare cases. Creativity is a multifactorial construct and neuroscience is only
beginning to unravel some of the cognitive components involved in the creative process. In
this chapter we contrast neuroscientific evidence from creativity research with models at
tempting to explain talent and creativity in ASD. Although there are no agreed definitions
for creativity the formulation put forward by Griffiths [1] Creativity is a mental journey be
tween ideas or concepts that involves either a novel route or a novel destination (p.6)
seems to fit the picture very well. Various explanations and theories have been put forward
to account for creativity ranging from unconscious mechanisms, cognitive processes, special
abilities and personal traits to links with genetic processes and psychopathology.
The classical portrait of autism is that of rigid, stereotyped behaviours, a preference for
sameness and a resulting lack of imagination. Therefore, the prevalent view is that creativity
and imaginative thought are extremely difficult or impossible for individuals with ASD.
There is substantial research evidence that almost all forms of imagination are impaired in
autism including lack of pretend play, pragmatic language, comprehension and construc
tion of narrative, theory of mind and experimental tests of creativity [2-6]. A significant chal
lenge to this perceived lack of creativity is the enormous achievements that some people
with ASD show in creative and scientific fields. Some theorists and clinicians have therefore
challenged the view of impoverished creativity in ASD [7-12].
In this review the focus is on a subgroup of individuals on the autistic spectrum who dis
play exceptional creative talents and abilities. The features of ASD that favour creativity in
2013 Lyons and Fitzgerald; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
clude narrow interests, great persistence, ability to see details within a whole, a fascination
with facts (rather than people) and having savant type talents. While social imagination is
impaired, autistic imagination of the Einsteinian type is amplified.
Many features of Asperger syndrome enhance creativity, but the ability to focus deeply on a
topic and to take endless pains is characteristic. Hans Asperger [24] emphasized the intensi
ty with which special interests are pursued already in his first lecture about children with
autistic psychopathology. It appears that these unique qualities of concentration and also
perception as discussed in subsequent paragraphs in individuals with ASD may give rise to
extraordinary creative abilities. Exceptionally gifted people like for example the animal sci
entist and author Temple Grandin [25] declares that her autism, as manifested in her acute
visual/spatial mind and in her powers of concentration is what has made her success possi
ble (p.188). People with Asperger syndrome live very much in their intellects, and certain
forms of creativity benefit greatly from this [26]. Apart from good concrete intelligence addi
tional characteristics of a gifted person with ASD include, ability to disregard social conven
tions, unconcern about the opinions of others and a sometimes-childlike naivety and
According Nancy Andreasen [27], who made a significant contribution to research on
creativity, the personality traits that characterize creative individuals include openness
to experience, adventuresomeness, rebelliousness, individualism, persistence, curiosity,
simplicity, the ability to see things in a different and novel way, indifference to social
conventions, dislike of externally imposed rules, driven by own set of rules derived from
within and a childlike manner (p.30-32). Not surprisingly, the above two descriptions
are strikingly similar.
The main current interpretation of special gifts and savant skills associated with autism in
clude cognitive and psychological theories as well as various other models.
maticians are intuitive thinkers and rely on the unconscious mind to a large extent, like for
example the genius mathematician Poincar [78]. Freudian theory holds that primary proc
esses or primitive thinking which creative persons have more access to are based on their
weak defence mechanisms of repression. Individuals with Asperger syndrome have very
weak defence mechanisms thus allowing them access to early childhood memories [79].
Low levels of repression or inhibition are associated with creativity and a number of theo
rists [80, 81] have suggested that creativity is a disinhibition syndrome, i.e. highly creative
individuals lack cognitive inhibition. Neural correlates of cognitive disinhibition are the
frontal lobes and research indicates that creative individuals show less frontal-lobe activity
during verbal association tasks [82]. Deficits in inhibition have been documented in autism
[83] as well as in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [84] a neurodevelop
mental disorder that is associated with increased creativity.
Also relevant in this context maybe the concept of flow proposed by the psychologist
Cskszentmihlyi [85]. The notion of flow indicates a familiar state of reduced self-aware
ness where temporal concerns (time, food, ego-self, etc) are ignored during periods where
the individual is fully immersed in a task or process. According to Cskszentmihlyi flow
is characterised by a feeling of great absorption, engagement and fulfilment and thought to
be inherently reinforcing and rewarding [86]. As alerted to in the chapter Atypical Sense of
Self in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Neuro-cognitive Perspective (this book) [87] dimin
ished self-awareness which is a characteristic of individuals with ASD and associated with
right hemisphere dysfunction might be advantageous in the development of special talents
in ASD as quoted by Happ and Vital [88] (p.1373).
To conclude, although no single theory can explain the cognitive mechanisms underlying
savant skill development, prodigious memory, atypical perception and excellent attention to
detail are fundamentally associated with savant like talents in individual with ASD.
6. Neural basis of creativity in non-clinical populations
The study of the neural basis of creativity is an area greatly neglected by scientific research
and despite methodological difficulties associated with investigating creativity any account
of creativity must include explanations about the neural correlates of creativity [89].
Neuroscientific approaches aiming to determine the physiological basis of creative thought,
are assuming that creativity is a measurable trait. Creativity can be interpreted as physiolog
ical changes that are required for creative problem solving focussing on EEG measures of
cortical activation [90]. Theories of creativity in general postulate that low levels of cortical
activation contribute to creative inspiration. Imaging data [91] suggest that great creativity
not only requires a high level of specialized knowledge (stored in temporal and parietal
lobes) and divergent thinking (mediated by the frontal lobes) but also co-activation and
communication between areas of the brain that normally do not show strong connections.
Highly creative individuals also possess the ability to modulate neurotransmitters [92, 93]
such as the norepinephrine system (located in the frontal lobes), indicated by a reduction of
cerebral levels of norepinephrine during creative periods. Support for the role of frontal
areas in a fluid analogy-making task comes from an fMRI study [94] indicating bilateral neu
ral activations. A study measuring differences in cerebral blood flow between highly crea
tive individuals and controls during a verbal task of creative thinking [95] implicated a
neural network consisting of right and left fronto-temporal, parietal, and cerebellar regions
in highly creative performances. These areas are involved in cognition, emotion, working
memory and response to novelty.
matical and mechanistic processing in autism as well as savant abilities such as calculation
and memory. Imaging data of a reduced size of corpus callosum in autism [133] is consistent
with the reduced interhemispheric brain connectivity reported in autistic individuals [134].
Neural underconnectivity [e.g. 135] provides support for the weak central coherence theo
ry which postulates enhanced local and decreased global information processing in autism.
Research on patterns of cortical connectivity also indicates that a specific minicolumnar phe
notype found in autism may be beneficial for information processing and/or focused atten
tion and may also offer an explanation for the savant abilities autism [136, 137].
To conclude, although neural mechanisms underlying savant skill and development are
not well established, associating creativity with hemisphere lateralization and anatomical
abnormalities in autism is supported by empirical evidence and also has some explanato
ry potential. Additional areas to explore are genetic factors and creativity found in other
pathological conditions.
10. Psychopathology
There is a very close relationship between creativity (especially in literature and arts) and
psychopathology, particularly mood disorder [151, 152]. An association of biochemical fac
tors in psychosis and creativity has been suggested by Folley et al [153] indicating the nora
drenergic system. This model also provides possible links between attention, divergent
thinking, and arousal based on mechanisms that interact with structural and neurochemical
systems of the brain and has the potential to explain the novelty seeking behaviour implicat
ed in ADHD but may have less explanatory power as far as autism is concerned. According
to Sternberg and Lubart [154] creativity and novelty must be coupled with appropriateness
for something to be considered creative. Although schizotypal thought most likely leads to
an increase in novel ideas, they may not always be appropriate.
In contrast, the nature of creativity displayed by individuals with ASD is associated with the
distinctiveness of the autistic brain and its unique neural connectivity. In this context Tem
ple Grandin [155] has stated, it is likely that genius is an abnormality (p178-179). Howev
er, she also believes that autistic intelligence is necessary in order to add diversity and
creativity to the world: It is possible that persons with bits of these traits are more creative,
are possibly even geniusesIf science eliminated these genes, maybe the whole world
would be taken over by accountants (p.124).
11. Conclusion
The results of our evaluation suggest that many features of ASD are advantageous for
great creativity. Creativity is an extremely complex and multifaceted construct and no
cognitive theory or model of brain function has so far been able to fully account for it.
We suggest that the distinctive gifts of perception, attention, memory and information
processing combined with personality attributes can give rise to the extraordinary crea
tivity seen in some individuals with ASD. It is our view that progress in elucidating the
neural basis of autism may hold promises for a better understanding of autistic creativi
ty and creativity in general. Autism Spectrum Disorders are mainly portrayed as nega
tive phenomena, as a curse, but if they were an integral part of the mindset of highly
creative individuals such as Einstein and Darwin who possessed autistic traits they could
be regarded in some aspects as a gift [156].
Author details
Viktoria Lyons* and Michael Fitzgerald
*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
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