Measurement and Control Technology Inert Gas System On Oil Tanker

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In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. First of
all I gratitude and pray to almighty God, Allah SWT, which has given the
grace and guidance to us and also I want to thank to all the people that
have helped during the process. Because of them, I am be able to write
the report about Gas Inert System.
The preparation of this paper aims to fulfill the task than subjects Control
and Measurement Technology, Marine Engineering Department, Faculty of
Marine Technology. In addition, this paper as well as providing an overview
of the air system, the understanding and application in the ship. In this
paper contained several chapters to discuss them; understanding of
Machinery Air System.
Thank you to Mr. Indra Ranu, S.T, M.Sc as lecturer, to my parents that
always been there to help me, to my friends involved in the process, as
well as the various parties that directly or indirectly help the completion of
this paper.
Surabaya, September 11th 2016
Muhammad Firman Fahrirozan



1. Chapter 1: Motivation
Problem Statement
Benefit of the Topic
Systematic of Writing
2. Chapter 2: Background Theory
Definition of Control System
Oil Tankers
Inert Gas System


Fire and Combustion Process


Inert Gas System in Oil Tankers

3. Chapter 3: Metodology
Flow Chart
4. Chapter 4: Inert Gas System
Inert Gas System
Working Principles
Elements of Inert Gas System
Inert Gas System Steps
Control System






5. Chapter 5: Conclusion










Chapter 1: Motivation


A ship is as one of the most important water transportation, ship also very
efficient in transporting goods or cargo from one place to other place. One
of them is Oil Tanker, ship that designed specificaly for loading liquid
cargo. One of the function is to transport liquid cargo either crude oil or
destillate or product in bulk form.
In this era, most of the people are using oil and gas for all the subject. For
example: Smartphone, people can not live without Smartphone, but
Smartphone can not work unless there is an oil that produced electricity
for Smartphone.
Not all places have an oil to fulfill their needs, thats why, recently a lots of
Ship transport Oil and Gas. Only ship can transport Oil and Gas to one
place to another place in a large scale.
Actually, transporting Oil and Gas use a Ship has a high risk, because on
the way to destination, very easy for Oil and Gas to explode. So far, ship
accident cause by exploding is the biggest among the others.
The reason I choose this subject, about Gas Inert System is because this
system can reduce number of explosion in ship. I would like to know if
Inert Gas System is effective enough to decrease number explosion in
Despite all that, I realized that there are still a lot of deficiency in terms of
both writing and gramatical sentences. Therefore, I accept with open
heart any suggestion or criticism so that I am be able to accomplish this
In the end, I have a huge expectation that this report will be useful for the
1.2 Problem Statement
1.2.1 Does Inert Gas System effective enough to reduce number of
explosion in ship?
1.2.2 Is there any better system to overcome explosion in ship?
1.2.3 Does Inert Gas System required in Tankers?


1.3.1 For The Writer

The report was made to complete the assignment that had been given by
the Lecture in course Measurement and Control Technology. Also, this
report is used to increase knowledge.
1.3.2 For the Readers
This report is made to discuss about Inert Gas System in Oil Tanker Ship
and also to increase knowledge of the Readers. The Readers also are be
able to use this report to move forward, for the creation of better human

Benefit of the Topic

1.4.1 To know how effective Inert Gas System in reducing number of

explosion in ship.
1.4.2 To know if there is a better system to overcome explosion in ship.
1.4.3 To know if Inert Gas System is required in ship.
1.4.4 To know five component of the system.

Systematic of Writing

For simplicity in terms of problem solving and understanding this report,

the author makes Writing Systemathic that divided into five chapters. The
composition of the five chapter are as follow:
1.5.1 Chapter 1: Introduction
This Chapter consists of a motivation, Problem Statement, Goals, Benefits
of the Topic, ans Systematics of Writing.
1.5.2 Chapter 2: Background Theory
This Chapter provides supporting theories and developing control system
1.5.3 Chapter 3: Metodology
This Chapter consists of a set of rules, activities, and procedures used by
the perpetrators of a discipline
1.5.4 Chapter 4: Consists of our topic
This Chapter discusses general overview of the inert gas system,
problems faced, solutions

1.5.5 Chapter 5: Conclusion

This Chapter presents the conclusions of the analysis, system design and
suggestions that the author gives.

Chapter 2: Background Theory


Control System Definition

Control system or control system (control system) is a tool (a collection of

tools) to control, govern and regulate the state of a system. The terms of
this control system may be practiced manually and automatically.
The control system can be said to be a relationship between the
components that make up a system configuration, the system will
generate the expected response. So there must be controlled, which is a
physical system, commonly referred to Controller (plant).


Oil Tankers

The modern oil tanker was developed in the period from 1877 to 1885. In
1876, Ludvig and Robert Nobel, brothers of Alfred Nobel, founded
Branobel (short for Brothers Nobel) in Baku, Azerbaijan. It was, during the
late 19th century, one of the largest oil companies in the world.
Ludvig was a pioneer in the development of early oil tankers. He first
experimented with carrying oil in bulk on single-hulled barges. Turning his
attention to self-propelled tankships, he faced a number of challenges. A
primary concern was to keep the cargo and fumes well away from the
engine room to avoid fires. Other challenges included allowing for the
cargo to expand and contract due to temperature changes, and providing
a method to ventilate the tanks.

Even Tollefsen of Norway constructed one of the first successful oil

tankers, called "Lindesns", in Tnsberg, Norway, in 1877. Many consider
Nobel's Zoroaster, built in 1878, as the world's first successful oil tanker.
He designed this ship in Gothenburg, Sweden, with Sven Almqvist. The
contract to build it was signed in January 1878, and it made its first run
later that year from Baku to Astrakhan. The Zoroaster design was widely
studied and copied, with Nobel refusing to patent any part of it. In October
1878 he ordered two more tankers of the same design: the Buddha and
the Nordenskjld.
When W.A. Riedmann of Geestemnde entered the petroleum trade in
1877, he noted the difficulties of using barrels, and began to experiment
with the former emigrant ships Adona and Derby, filling their large iron
drinking water tanks with oil. In October 1879 he purchased the
Andromeda at Liverpool, an 1876-ton full-rigged composite ship built in
1864, brought it to Teklenborgs Werft, and added seventy iron tanks to the
hold. The piping between the tanks was connected so that all could be
filled from a single tank. The composite hull, with structural members of
iron covered with wooden planking, was especially suitable for the
addition of tanks, because they could be firmly fastened to the iron
beams. Andromeda made seven trips from Germany to North America as
a sailing oil tanker.
Nobel also began to adopt a single-hull design, where the ship's hull forms
part of its tank structure. In November 1880 he ordered his first singlehulled tanker, the Moses. Within a year, he ordered seven more singlehulled tankers: the Mohammed, Tatarin, Bramah, Spinoza, Socrates,
Darwin, Koran, Talmud, and Calmuck. Branobel experienced one of the
first oil tanker disasters. In 1881 Zoroaster's sister-ship, Nordenskjld,
exploded in Baku while taking on kerosene. The pipe carrying the cargo
was jerked away from the hold when the ship was hit by a gust of wind.
Kerosene then spilled onto the deck and down into the engine room,
where mechanics were working in the light of kerosene lanterns. The ship
then exploded, killing half the crew. Nobel responded to the disaster by
creating a flexible, leakproof loading pipe which was much more resistant
to spills.
In 1883, oil tanker design took a large step forward. Working for the Nobel
company, British engineer Colonel Henry F. Swan designed a set of three
Nobel tankers. Instead of one or two large holds, Swan's design used
several holds which spanned the width, or beam, of the ship. These holds
were further subdivided into port and starboard sections by a longitudinal
bulkhead. Earlier designs suffered from stability problems caused by the
free surface effect, where oil sloshing from side to side could cause a ship

to capsize. But this approach of dividing the ship's storage space into
smaller tanks virtually eliminated free-surface problems. This approach,
almost universal today, was first used by Swan in the Nobel tankers Blesk,
Lumen, and Lux.
Others point to The Glckauf, another design of Colonel Swan, as being
the first modern oil tanker. It adopted the best practices from previous oil
tanker designs to create the prototype for all subsequent vessels of the
type. It was the first dedicated steam-driven ocean-going tanker in the
world and was the first ship in which oil could be pumped directly into the
vessel hull instead of being loaded in barrels or drums. It was also the first
tanker with a horizontal bulkhead, its features included cargo valves
operable from the deck, cargo main piping, a vapor line, cofferdams for
added safety, and the ability to fill a ballast tank with seawater when
empty of cargo. The ship was built in Britain and was purchased by
Wilhelm Anton Riedemann, an agent for the Standard Oil Company along
with several of her sister ships. After the Glckauf was lost in 1893 after
being grounded in fog, Standard Oil purchased the sister ships.
In 1903, the Nobel brothers built two oil tankers which ran on internal
combustion engines, as opposed to the older steam engines.
The Vandal, the first diesel-electric ship, was capable of carrying 750 long
tons of refined oil was powered by three 120 horsepower (89 kW) diesel
motors. The larger Sarmat employed four 180 h.p. engines. The first
seagoing diesel-powered tanker, 4,500 ton Mysl, was built by Nobel's
competitors in Kolomna. Nobel responded with Emanuel Nobel and Karl
Hagelin, 4,600 long ton kerosene tankers with 1,200 horsepower (890 kW)

Inert Gas System

Inert gas is a gas or a mixture of gases containing insufficient oxygen to

suport the combustion of hydrocarbons. When the level oxygen in gas is
low, there will be no combustion in the ship.

Fire and Combustion Process

Three elements that can cause a fire is located in a place simultaneously:

Material is flammable, Source of fire, and Enough oxygen. At the time of
unloading cargo activity, there is a possibility of friction or clash between
metals that can cause sparks. If the sparks occurs and the air in the cavity
above the oil has a oxygen content (21%), the sparks may ignite the fuel,
causing a fire or explosion. It required a system that regulates the oxygen

content to its content is under 8%, according to Standart for Inert Gas
System,IGS,1984:2) in the form of CO2 gas and the other combustion
products which does not support the occurence of fire. The other fuction of
Inert Gas is to keep preassure on the top of cavity shipload remains
positive, so that the content of cargo easier to be pumped and avoid the
outside air enter to inside the tank.

Inert Gas System in Oil Tankers

The use of Inert Gas System is not a new concept in maritime world. This
system firstly used by United State Oil Tankers since 1925, for some
reasons this system is abandoned for several years. Sun Oil Company in
Philadelphia was the first to use this system as an instrument for safety in
their Tankers in 1932, because previously there had been a huge
explosion in one of their ship. The system that they created was so simple
but proven to be very successful. Afterwards British Petroleum or B. P.
Tanker used Inert Gas System on two Submarine Carrier to transport
Crude Oil on 1961. This policy continued and since 1963 all the Crude Oil
Tankers be equipped by this system. Following that, the use of the system
is emphasized in the 1974 SOLAS Convention and the rules also the use is
refined in the International Convention in London that concern about
"Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention, or TSPP 1978".

Chapter 3: Metodology
3.1 Metodology of the Paper
The methodology of this paper is based on a study review of literature and
the literature that the author got from the book, as well as from the
The authors conducted a study reviewing, depending of books of
literature, or literature obtained from the Internet, which then from the
data book literature, or literature obtained, further assessed and
analyzed , made a summary and conclusions about the function of each
components in Inert Gas System, along with the discussion.
Flowchart methodology paper writing Machinery Starting Air
System " can be illustrated as follows.


Chapter 4: Discussion

Inert Gas System

A ship is as one of the most important water transportation, ship also very
efficient in transporting goods or cargo from one place to other place. One
of them is Oil Tanker, ship that designed specificaly for loading liquid
cargo. One of the function is to transport liquid cargo either crude oil or
destillate or product in bulk form.
Discussing about oil is certainly closely related to the dangers that could
occur anytime, in this case is a fire or explosion which can cause pollution
at sea as a result of the spill caused.
Viewed from the construction that is designed in such a way, by loading
combustible cargo that could even explode, that is caused by the gas
produced by the evaporation of the charge. Where the evaporation that
continoulsy can cause an explosion, then the inert gas system is the right
system to prevent explosion in cargo tank.
Based on that situation then the scientists created an inert gas system.
Inert Gas System is a system that by inserting an inert gas into the cargo
tank where the oxygen content that located in cargo tank will be able to
be maintained with the concentration of oxygen level are always under
8% of the volume.
Definition Inert Gas is a gas or a mixture of a variety of gas to maintain
the oxygen levels in the low percentage so as to prevent an explosion or
fire. Inert condition means a condition where the level of oxygen in the
tank is maintained in a state of 8% or less than the total volume of gas
contained in the tank atmosphere. Inert gas system is an inert gas
composition which consists of an inert gas instrument maker along with its
distribution system fitted with equipment to prevent back flow of the gas
into the engine room, equipped with gauges fixed or moveable.
Inerting means inserting inert gas into the tank to enable the inert
conditions. Purging means inserting inert gas into the inert tank where the
tank is already in inerrt conditions, in order to a reduction in oxygen
levels, so that when the fresh air into the tank explosion does not occur.
Gas freeing means entering fresh air into the tank with the intention of
eliminating the toxic gas. Topping Up means inserting inert gas into the
tank that has been in an inert atmosphere so that the pressure in the tank
to rise so as to prevent the presence of air into the tank.

Be aware of the dangers that threaten the safety of life and also pollution
caused by the tanker at the time of operation. So the most appropriate
time to operate an Inert Gas System is when the ship are loading,
discharging or when tank cleaning.
Realize the importance of the role of Inert Gas System on Tanker as one of
the safety system that can reduce the risk of accidents, both fire and
explosion at the operation time, therefore the use of these system
emphasize in Regulation 62 chapter II-2 SOLAS convention in 1974. The
regulations and also the usefulness of these systems is refined on
International Convention in London that discuss about Tanker Safety and
Pollution Prevention Protocol 1978. In addition, regulation 62(a) requires
that Inert Gas System must be planned, built and tested according to the
and meet International Maritime Organization(IMO)
Principles of Prevention blasting inert gas tank with an inert gas system is
achieved by inserting inert gas into the tank to keep the oxygen levels in
the lower state and reduce atmospheric hydrocarbon gas tank at a safe
proportion. In addition to maintaining low levels of oxygen in the cargo
tank, thus preventing the possibility of fire. The composition of an exhaust
gas boiler used for IGS are: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 12% - 14.5% Oxygen
(O2) 2.5% - 4.5% Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 0.02% - 0.07% Nitrogen (N2)
77% limit combustible (flammable limits) Mixing between hydrocarbon
gas and air will not turn on unless the composition is in the region that we
are familiar with fammable range, the area is bounded by the lower
flammable limit and upper flammable limit.

Working Principles

The working principle of the use of this Inert Gas System on Tankers is to
keep the air inside the cavity of the oil storage tank contains Oxygen(O2)
maximum 8% and has a positive pressure (above athmospheric pressure).
How to keep the Oxygen content of the air cavity above the low oil, that is
by pushing the air with the Inert Gas. Tanker unloading capacity is
affected by the Inert Gas that supplied to the cargo cavity.
Classification status carbon levels in the cargo space as follows:

According to Smith (1985: 412) that the Inert Gas can be obtained from a
variety of ways, such as:

Utilization of the Boiler Flue Gas

Gas Combustion burner
The exhaust gas of diesel engines

Each Inert Gas Produced by various ways above, each way has an
advantages and also disadvantages its way. Loses and and gain obtained
Inert Gas that obtained from a variety above:
1. Utilization of the Boiler Gas
Has a corrosive properties but do not need to spend additional operating
cost in order to obtain an Inert Gas, because for the Tankers are always
equipped Boiler.
2. Nitrogen
Nitrogen is a non-flammable gas, but on the ship it is very limited and
must pay to get it. For a cargo of liquid chemicals, the Inert Gas is
Nitrogen. That occur because in Chemicals Ship there will be no carbon or
dirt gas produced.
3. Gas Combustion Burner
Although obtained by utilizing flue gas, but the content of Oxgen in the
Gas still quite high, about 12%.
4. The exhaust gas of diesel engines
This method required additional charges for fuel, but the positive one is
the amount of Inert Gas produced can be set up easily or controlable.

Form the variety of ways obtaining Inert Gas above, most often found on
the Tankers is the use of Gas Combustion burner. That is because Gas
Combustion burner is flexible to be set. Condition of Inert Gas that
produced by Inert Gas System using burner is:
a. Amount of CO2 is 13,2% of the volume. The characteristics of the
gas is inret and toxid. Even the gas is toxid, the gas also have no
doubt in preventing the fire, just put in the tank and it will not help
the flammable thing to produce a fire. This gas also has no corrosive
b. Contains 4,7% H2O. The characteristics are inert and also that is
acceptable because of low level.
c. Amounted 7.8 O2 of the volume. O2 level under 8% is nonflammable.
d. Contains 0,1% CO of the volume. CO is toxic but low level.
e. Approximately 73.7% nitrogen. The temperature of the combustion
gas of the inert gas ranges from 300 C to 350 C. The
temperature is too high to be used as an inert gas, so it must be
cooled before use.


Elements of Inert Gas System

Schematically the process of inert gas system using a burner is as shown

in the picture below:

a. Blower: The combustion chamber in an enclosed space, so that the

necessary air supply to the combustion process. The function of the
blower is to supply combustion air to the burner

b. Burner : Burner function is to burn the fuel in order to obtain an inert

c. Seawater Pump : To pump seawater that used to make a lower
tamperature of combustion gases and to prevent the fire To pump
seawater used to lower the temperature of combustion gases and to
prevent the fire to keep it out of the combustion chamber

d. Scrubber: is a tank that produce an inert gas that contains the

combustion chamber, burner, sieves, to filter the combustion gases
and the nozzel that emit water to make cool

According to Smith (1985: 414) analysis based on the volume of gas

elements conditions after entering scrubber is as follows:

e. Filter Demister: The function of this filter is to prevent dirt from

burning into the tank.

f. Fuel Pump: The function of this pump is for pumping the fuel to the
burner in order to have the appropriate spray pressure, so that
combustion can occur perfectly.
g. Level Switch: To adjust the height of the water in the scrubber. If the
water level decreases, the current of electricity to pump flowed, so
that the pump will run and the water will fill the scrubber to the limit
of that a predetermined altitude.
h. Drain Valve: Its function is to drain / discharge.
i. Pressure Connection: This tool is used to Determine the content of
oxygen in the tank.

Deck Water Seal: In this supplay water tank will last for inert gas system
operates. This water serves to prevent backflow of inert air to be
channeled to the cargo tanks. The tank mounted on a sight glass that

serves to determine altitude (volume) of water in the tank periodically to

avoid mistakes in looking at the water level, because if the water
conditions are less then the inert air going back into the combustion
chamber in inert gas system

Inert Gas System Steps

1. The water pumps feed the deck seal and feed the different
section of the scrubber.
2. The uptake gas open and the fans start
3. The gases are passed to the precooling session
4. They go thru the scrubber bottom tank and pass thru the
different stary bubble level
5. The dimister on the top of the scrubber eliminate The Oxygen
6. The gases are recyrculate to the scrubber until the oxygen level
under 5%
7. Then the main valve open allowing the flow gases to the cargo
8. At the same time the recirculate valve closes
9. The gases flow thru the deck seal and pass the vacum breaker
before being delivered to the tanks
10. The tanks athmosphire is now inert and safe for cargo


Control System

1. Plant
2. Sensor
3. Controller
4. Actuator
5. Ouput/Input

: Inert Gas System

: Oxgen Sensor
: PID(Proportional Integral Deverative)
: Valve
: Inert Gas

Chapter 5: Conclusion


So, after reviewing inert gas system, it can be said that inert gas system
in tankers are very important. As we know that the most accident on
tankers came from explosion or fire, because the ship is carrying a
flammable substance. And also it has already proven that inet gas system
is the most effective way to reduce number of explosion. Because until
now, people has not found the better way to prevent explosion except
inert gas system.


I expect that this report will be useful for whoever that need information
about inert gas system. I also wish that someday people will find a better
way to prevent explosion than an inert gas system.

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