Conv Civil I

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SI .. No ..



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En ei n ~~ r 1 n jl Sc r vice Exam ina t ion. :-



Paper I (Conventional)

I Time Allowed .- Three Hours I I Maxi;lUm Marks .- 200 I


Candidates should attempt any FIVE questions.

The number of marks carried by each subdivision of a question is indicated at the end of the subdivision.

The total number of marks for each- question will be 40.

Wherever a question is attempted, all its subdivisions are to be attempted, ·

Notations used are standard and will have their . us ual meanings,

ASSUI11e suitable data, if found necessary, and indicate them clearly. Newton may be converted to kgf using the relation 1 kilonewton _

. (1 kN) = 100 kg{, if found necessary.


Answers must be written in ENGLISH.




·1. (a). (1) Draw a sketch showing the typical creep strain-time curve under uniaxial..

compression for concrete. 4

(ii) Draw a neat sketch of macrostructure of

exogenous tree. 3 .

(iii) Draw neat sketches showing various

types of shakes. 3


(i) Why is seasoning of timber required?

List out the methods of ·seasoning. 4

(ii) Write briefly on the composition and

properties of refractory bricks. 6

(c) Briefly describe the admixtures generally used in concrete and the properties they impart to the concrete. 10

(d) (i). Give a detailed account of the cylinder

splitting test of concrete. . 8

(ii) What are the limitations of the above test in evaluating the real tensile strength of c~cre~. 2


2. (a)



A stepped vertical steel bar ABeD is fixed


at the top end A. Each segment of the bar

AB, Be and CD is 1 m long and has crosssections 20 mm x 20 rom, 10 mm x 10 nun and 20 mm x 20 mm respectively. A 5 kN load is applied directly at D and 6 kN loads are applied on, the levers attached to the stepped bar at Band C as shown in the above figure. Find the vertical displacement of D and the change in

volume of the bar. '

E = 2 x 105 MPa and Poisson's ratio J..l = 0·25. Connections between the levers and bar at Band C, are hinged. 15








(b) A cantilever beam with circular cross-section of radius 100 mrrr is subjected to a uniformly distributed load over the enti!e span. It 1S given

. that the deflected shape of the beam has a maximum curvature of 1·018592 x 1(r6 mm"! and a maximum shear force of 1 kN. Find the intensity of loading on the beam and its span.

o E = 2 x 105 MPa. 10


(~) A solid circular shaft of diameter 50 mrn is

subjected to pure bending of 3·5 kN-m. Find the maximum twisting moment that can be applied on this shaft such that the rnatcrial of the shaft does not yield. Use Tresca's theory (maximum shear stress theory) of failure. The

-yield stress of the material in urriaxial tension is 400 N/mm2. 15

3. (;1) A uniformly distributed load of 2000 kg/rn, 6 m long crosses over a girder simply supported at ends over a span of 10m from left to right. Calculate maximum bending moment in the girder at a point 4·5 m from left hand end using influence lines. . 20




600 kgf/m

+ 700 kgf _......,::~ccx::::x:~~ 2m






A portal frame ABCDEF with inclined legs has hinges at B~ D and E .as shown in the above figure. Joint at C is mono1ithic. Supports at A and F are fixed. Calculate all components of reactions. 20

ponents of the reactions atA and B.


4. '(a)

tv /unit length

~A __ '_" ~B~

f / 2 J

~ ~ ~

11'------ L 'f L 1

A stepped beam ABC, simply supported at A

.: and fixed at C as shown in the above figure carries a uniformly distributed load of intensity '(f)' peer unit' Jength over Be. Determine the vertical reaction at A using moment are~ or energy method. 20


AU the members of steel truss shown, in the above figure are pin-jointed and have same area

of cross-section. ,;

Calculate the vertical and horizontal corn-







5.· (a) An unequal angle section 200 mm x 150 mm x 15 mm is to be used in a truss as a strut of ~eng~h 4·5 rn.I The cross-sectional properties of . the section are as follows:

Area of cross-section = 5025 mm2

I = 2 X 107 mm": I -= 9·7 x 106 mm":

xx ,'YY' . ,

I = -8·3 x 106 ffim4 xy

. using the table of permissible compressive stresses given below, determine the safe load on the member.

Slenderness 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Permissible .
compres- 80 72 64 57 51 45 41 37 33
sive stress
MPa 20

(b) A mild steel T section has the following crosssectional dimensions ': .

Total depth = 200 mm

Width of flange = 120 mm

Thickness of flange = 20 mm

Thickness of web = 20 mm .

_ If the yield stress, a = 250 MPa determine the plastic moment ~apacity of the section. Also calculate the shape factor for the section. 20

A reinforced concrete beam of rectangular cross-section (6001nm x 300 mrn) is shown in the above figure. Assume M20 grade concrete and Fe 415 grade steel. Permissible compressive stress of concrete in bending ache =7-0 MPa fOT M20 concrete.

Compute the maximum stresses in concrete and steel when a moment of 50 kNm is applied to the cross-section. 25

6 .. (a)


'""'-I 11(1----" b = 300 ----1 .. ~1


AJJ dimensions are in mm






p, q per uni t length


~'~~--------~IJ~I----------~~I '

A simply supported high strength concrete beam of rectangular cross-section (b x D) .. shown in the above figure, supports uniformly distributed dead and live loads of intensities

'p and q per unit length respectively. The beam is prestressed by a straight tendon carrying a prestressing force P at an eccentricity e. Show clearly and neatly the stress distributions, through the beam' depth, due to eccentric prestressing, dead and live loads at a crosssection where maximum stresses occur. 15


7. (a)

(i) Briefly explain the different types of

bulldozers according to their uses. 6

(ii) Explain the Derrick crane with a neat'

sketch. 4



'(b) (i) Enlist and explain Time estimates In

· PERT. 6

(ii) Explain Resources Allocation.


(c) A construction work consists ofactivities with J'ERT durations in days as given below :

Activity - p Q R S T U W Y Z
Predecessor - p~ T' Q - s - s s u.w
'0 3 4 4 3 8 1 2 4 6
tm 6 8 5 3 14 4 5 7 15
tp 9 9 9 3 17 7 14 13 30 Determine :

(j) The probability of completing the job in 32 days and

(ii) The completion time with 50% probability .

Z . Probability %
-1·5 0·07
-1 .. 3 0·10 .
-}·o 0·16 10



Normal - Crash
Activity I

Duration Cost Duration Cost
Days Rs. Days. Rs.
1-2 5 4000 4 ,5000
1-3 7 8000 . 3· 10000
2-3 6 6000 2 8400 "

(d) Calculate optimum cost .and optimum duration for jobs of network given in the table below;

Indirect cost = Rs. 1000/- per day. Sketch pro: ject time-cost diagram. 10


A ... f'TF-I-DFA




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