WebSec5 Teachingaids Final

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Section Five: Teaching Aids

Section 5: Teaching Aids

A variety of teaching aids may be used to promote learning and understanding in
information literacy teaching. As well as selecting the right aids for your session, its
also important to make sure you get the most out of them on the day. This section

A-Z of teaching aids

Mind mapping: case study
Cardiff University E-Learning (CUE)
Learning Objects (Information Literacy Resource Bank)
Intute Informs web-based tutorials
Technical considerations
Music in information literacy sessions: case study

The size of the group and practicalities of the venue will strongly influence your
choice of teaching aids. Within these constraints, try to choose aids which will help
your students achieve the intended learning outcomes.
Some teaching aids are best suited to particular environments: PowerPoint is best
used with larger groups in rooms which have projection facilities whilst mind mapping
is more appropriate for smaller class sizes. Others, however, are more adaptable to
different room types and audience sizes. Below is a list of some of the teaching aids
you might wish to consider:

A-Z of teaching aids

Audience Response Technology
Audience response technology (ART) provides a popular and attractive option for
incorporating interactivity into your teaching. The standard setup involves the use of
wireless keypads; audience members use these to select an answer from a given
range of options, usually shown on a PowerPoint slide. Each selection is sent to a
receiver attached to the presenters PC and results are displayed as percentages
and/or graphic illustrations. ART can be used with large groups in lecture theatres or
smaller groups in workshop settings. Benefits may include:

added variety and interest

ensuring engagement with content
improved knowledge retention
opportunity to gauge understanding of particular points, so you can recap on
any parts of the lesson which have not been understood
an effective and time-efficient method of assessment.

HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

However, ART is best used sparingly; a session should not be driven by the
technology! INSRV is acquiring a small system which will be suitable for classroom
use during the academic year 2007-2008. If you can picture yourself as the Chris
Tarrant of INSRV, why not consider giving it a go!
Cardiff University E-learning (CUE)
CUE uses Blackboard software, the Universitys virtual learning environment, and is
an ideal place in which to make your Intute and CourseGenie online tutorials
available, along with other teaching materials. They can be easily accessed by the
whole class on or off campus. See p. 33.
This software converts materials prepared in Microsoft Word into web-based teaching
packages. Students can submit completed work electronically for automatic
assessment. Access CourseGenie on the University network via Start [All
Programs] Networked Applications General Software Trial Applications
CourseGenie Launch the application and it will install a menu of
CourseGenie commands on the Microsoft Word toolbar (including help files!).
Flip charts and whiteboards
These are ideal for interactive sessions. Consider giving students post-it notes and
markers to jot down keywords and ideas in a discussion then encourage them to
attach these to a flip chart display. You could even photograph a finished display or
brainstorm chart for uploading to Blackboard or emailing to students for future
Interactive whiteboards
You will find these in certain IT rooms (for example in the Julian Hodge Building).
They can be connected to the presenters PC in order to display the on-screen
image. Interactive whiteboards are touchsensitive; web pages may be navigated by
touching the whiteboard rather than clicking with a mouse. This feature can be
particularly useful when demonstrating complex databases or web sites.
You may also draw on interactive whiteboards using a special pen in order to
highlight particular features of a database search screen, annotate a document, or
write up notes from a discussion. This information can be saved electronically and
stored as a file for circulation to students and for your own future reference.
Information Literacy Resource Bank (ILRB)
The ILRB is a collection of online teaching resources created at Cardiff University
which you can incorporate into your IL teaching. The resources are designed to be
flexible, generic learning objects which can be added to presentations and
worksheets across the range of academic subjects. See p. 34 for full details.


HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

Mind mapping
A mind map, either drawn on paper or created using the networked MindGenius or
Inspiration software, can be a useful way to illustrate graphically the relationships
between different themes within a topic. A map may be created in front of the class
with input from learners or included in a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate the
inter-relationships between concepts in a search strategy. Hence, mind mapping can
be a useful teaching aid and an effective teaching technique. See the case study on
p. 32.
Music can be used to set a particular mood at the start, the end or even during your
session. See the case study on p. 40.
Online tutorials
These have an interactive element and give your workshop the technological edge.
Intute Informs is a free resource which enables the easy creation, sharing and
repurposing of electronic tutorials and is particularly suited to workshops focusing on
the use of a particular database. For further information see pp. 35-36.
You could also make use of a range of tools such as CourseGenie (see above) to
create your own in-house tutorial. This was used in the creation of the Information
Skills Toolkit for dental students (see Supporting Document 4, p. 74).
PowerPoint is a popular and effective visual tool for teacher-led presentations. See
pp. 36-37 for advice on the effective use of PowerPoint.
Showing relevant material from a video or DVD might be a way of breaking up a
longer session by varying the presentation style.

HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

Have you tried.?

Mind mapping
Mind maps can be a very visual way of illustrating links between keywords and
topics. A concept is put in the middle of a piece of paper, then lines radiate out and
related keywords, ideas or even pictures can be added. Links can then be drawn to
show relationships between keywords and to suggest how they could be combined.
Mind mapping can work as an individual or group activity. To encourage
collaboration and brainstorming you could divide a class into groups of four, each
being given an essay question and some guidelines on how to produce a mind map,
using a flipchart and coloured pens.
I have found that, by using mind maps, students tend to produce a wider range of
keywords than if theyd made a quick list and gone straight to a database. Working in
this way also encourages more reticent students to contribute to the discussion.
Mind mapping doesnt have to be a large component of a session as it doesnt suit
everyone. However, students havent necessarily seen it before and it can be a good
exercise away from computers. One of my students said he was going to use this
method to plan out other essays!
Ruth Thornton, Trevithick Library
For more information about mind maps see:
Buzan, T. 2005. The ultimate book of mind maps : unlock your creativity, boost your
memory, change your life. London: Thorsons.


HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

Cardiff University E-learning (CUE)

This is accessible via Blackboard, at blackboard.cf.ac.uk with your CU login. CUE

Controlled access to learning resources such as documents, slides, images,

video etc. Access to any resources uploaded to Blackboard is limited to those
students enrolled by the tutor.

Online assessment through web-based quizzes, tests and surveys which

enable you to monitor students understanding

Facilities to set assignments and receive uploads from students and provide
grades and feedback online

Access to general communications, including email, group discussion and

chat. Communication can be tutor-student or student-student.

Links to other web-based resources either internally or externally

Activity and achievement tracking. It is possible to monitor students activity

on Blackboard such as how often they use the system and which resources
they use. The gradebook provides a picture of achievement in summative
and formative assessments (for information on assessment see Section 8:
Assessment, pp. 55 - 58).

Benefits of Blackboard:

Simple to use and requires very few technical skills

Can be used to disseminate informational material, allowing contact time to

be used more productively and interactively

Remote students or groups that cannot come together at the same time and
place can meet virtually

Issues to consider:

It is useful to arrange access to your Schools Blackboard modules. You will

see the course materials and reading lists and may be able to arrange with
course co-ordinators to upload your own teaching materials into the relevant
modules. (Note that you need to be enrolled as a Blackboard instructor to be
able to add teaching materials and set assessments.)

Modules are recreated for each new academic year and content must be
updated before term starts

Despite its ease of use, training is recommended prior to using Blackboard and can
be booked through the INSRV eLearning web pages.
If you have any queries about using Blackboard contact the INSRV Blackboard team
on [email protected] or take a look at the INSRV eLearning web pages at:

HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

Information Literacy Resource Bank (ILRB)

INSRV has developed the ILRB at ilrb.cardiff.ac.uk, as a collection of learning objects
on IL topics.
Learning objects are online or printed educational resources which can be used in
their entirety or repurposed as required. They can be integrated into a variety of
teaching contexts, both online and face-to-face.

The ILRB includes demonstrations, cartoons, diagrams, activities, quizzes and short
tutorials; these can be used directly from the ILRB or incorporated into your
PowerPoint slides, printed handouts or a Blackboard module. Here are some ways
you could use learning objects in your sessions:

Clarifying or illustrating concepts, e.g. database search strategy, referencing,

plagiarism etc. Visual learners find diagrams and images particularly helpful.

Reinforcing learning, e.g. an activity which allows application of newly learned


Testing knowledge and understanding, e.g. a quiz which can be used as

formative assessment

Enhancing handouts or PowerPoint slides

Some learning objects can be used as stand-alone self-help resources, e.g. an

Informs tutorial or a citing references tutorial.


HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

Intute Informs
Intute Informs, at www.informs.intute.ac.uk, is a flexible tool for creating interactive
online tutorials. It consists of easy-to-use software and a database of tutorials. The
tutorials have been created by users as a shared community resource and can be reused by other registered individuals to facilitate creative collaboration.
Most of the units are focused on live subscription resources, such as Web of
Knowledge, but also included are basic IL units such as creating search strategies
and referencing.

Benefits of using Intute Informs:

Frames-based, allowing users to view your instructions alongside a live

database search screen or other online resource

Simple tagging mark-up helps you adapt Word documents easily

Tutorials created by others in Cardiff and around the UK can be repurposed

and adapted

Instant amendment (handy if you spot an error on the day of the class!)

Can be integrated into Blackboard or existing websites

Can be used in workshops or for self-directed learning

Paperless (although can be printed out if desired)

Can be revisited by students at their convenience

Useful backup for students who miss scheduled IL workshops.

HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

Issues to consider:

There have been some stability issues in the past but recent new ownership
and relaunch is likely to improve the service

The service is not moderated. Carefully check anyone elses material before
reusing it!

You can view the current Cardiff University units at

To produce your own units youll need an Editor account. Contact Zo Young
([email protected]) for further information.

PowerPoint is suited to a wide range of teaching environments, but try to avoid long
presentations as concentration is bound to wane make sure you break up your
presentation with buzz groups, question and answer slots or other activities.
An INSRV template is available at S:\TEMPLATE\INSRV Templates\Presentation

Preparation of PowerPoint slides - checklist

Limit the information on your slides to key points only: generally no more than
seven words per line and seven lines per slide

Limit the number of slides, e.g. to no more than eight or nine for a ten minute
presentation, giving students time to absorb information on each slide

Use keywords and short sentences only

Use normal sentence case for your text and use at least Arial 24pt

Avoid abbreviations and acronyms and limit use of punctuation marks

Do not apologise for any slide. If the content is hard to read, redo it.

Spell check and proof read your work

Use clip art, pictures, charts, tables, diagrams, sound and video to enhance
content. Ensure that you are complying with copyright law and generally limit
to no more than two graphics per slide.

If including video clips remember to use Microsofts Package for CD feature if

moving from one computer to another otherwise the clips may not work


HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

Adding speaker notes to PowerPoint

You can type speaker notes into the notes panel displayed in the PowerPoint Normal
view. Speaker notes are useful:

As a prompt - to remind you what to say and when!

For delivery instructions - when to click on a URL, which examples to use for
demonstrations, when to question the group, when to produce any props!

To enable a colleague to deliver a lesson during your absence

Tips for speaker notes:

When finalised, print out your notes as you will not be able to view them on
screen during delivery. Go to File Print, then under Print What, select
Notes Pages. Use a large font (if necessary enlarge the notes area in Notes
Page view) you must be able to see your printout of the speaker notes
clearly during delivery.

Alternatively, export your speaker notes to Microsoft Word, to give you more
control over their layout, e.g. by including more than one slide per page. To
do this, go to File Send To Microsoft Office Word and select the
appropriate options.

Keep notes brief, clear and meaningful. Use keywords and short phrases to
make your notes decipherable at a glance.

Technical considerations when using teaching aids in your


There is usually a contact number which you can call for technical support or
to report problems. Check if support will be available at the time of your

Take along a back-up copy of your presentation and any other materials on
CD or a USB storage device. (Remember that the PC will sometimes be
housed in a locked cabinet which means the USB port will be inaccessible.)

Check how your slides display from the back of the lecture theatre. Font
sizes must be adequate and check that bullet points display correctly and are
not cut-off at the edge of the screen.

Try out any PowerPoint animations. If the computer has a different version of
PowerPoint installed you may need to re-apply them.

Check that microphones are working properly especially in large lecture


HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

Handouts are useful:

as a memory aid - students will have information to refer to after the lesson

to encourage good note taking practice - students are more likely to be

engaged in the presentation when not preoccupied with taking down the main

to allow students to recap on key points during a presentation.

They may take various forms:

Directly related to session content, e.g. a PowerPoint-generated handout of a

slide presentation. A useful format for PowerPoint-generated handouts is 3
per page as this includes lined space to the right of each slide for student
notes. See Example 6, pp. 87-88.

As an information sheet or permanent source of reference. See Example 7,

pp. 89-94.

As a worksheet / workbook to be completed by the students as a session

progresses. See Example 8, pp. 95-96 and Example 9, 97-104.

As an aid to evaluating information. See Example 10, pp. 105-106.

As a practical guide to using a particular resource, e.g. a Voyager or database

guide. See Example 11, pp. 107-111.

Preparing handouts
Consider identification and layout:

Include your name or initials, your library and the date of preparation, and
also the course of study, the module and the title of the session

When sessions are embedded within a teaching module the School may
require the handout to follow its house style

Handouts must conform with the requirements of INSRVs terminology

guidelines and the current INSRV Communication and Style Guidelines

Bear in mind the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). 1 This
places a duty on all educational institutions to make reasonable adjustments so that
disabled learners are not put at a substantial disadvantage.

Disability Discrimination Act 1995 [online] Available at:

http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1995/1995050.htm [Accessed 18th June 2007] as amended by
the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (SENDA) [online] Available at:
http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2001/20010010.htm [Accessed 18th June 2007] and the
Disability Discrimination Act 2005 [online] Available at:
http://www.opsi.gov.uk/ACTS/acts2005/20050013.htm [Accessed 18th June 2007].


HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

Learners who are dyslexic, have concentration difficulties, or are visually impaired will
benefit from the following measures:

Accessible handouts checklist

Prepare handouts using at least 12pt Arial font

Use bold text for headings and avoid feint text at all times

Avoid excessive use of capitalisation, underlining and italicisation

Leave plenty of space between blocks of text

Left justify text and leave the right margin jagged

Use matt finished paper in cream or pastel colours

Keep an up-to-date electronic copy for advance circulation, if requested

Whichever type of handout is used, it should be well-structured, well-designed and
checked rigorously for errors. It is good practice to ask a colleague to check it, to
ensure that the information and any instructions given are clear and correct.

Creative use of handouts

Handouts can be used to provide opportunities for active learning during the lesson
by, for instance, leaving blanks for students to fill-in or by inserting a question slide
and asking them to make appropriate notes on the handout. This helps students
engage with the material and encourages critical thinking.
If you are distributing copies of your slides at the start of the session, dont
necessarily include them all. You may hold students attention more effectively if you
include a few surprise elements in your delivery!

HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

Section Five: Teaching Aids

Have you tried.?

Using music in Information Literacy sessions
Get your workshop or lecture off to a good start by using the power of music!
Carefully chosen tracks played on a CD player or PA system as students arrive can
create an informal and welcoming atmosphere. Feedback from students indicates
that this is a popular approach. However, dont just reach for your favourite CD!
Think carefully about the mood you want to create. Choose music which is
appropriate to the time of day (e.g. something relaxing and unobtrusive for a 9am
session or something lively and invigorating for that after lunch slot!). Music can also
be effectively used at the end of a session or to indicate the start and finish of
activities. You will have lots of fun experimenting!
Nigel Morgan, Science Library
For further information see:
Campbell, Don. 2001. The Mozart Effect: Tapping the Power of Music to Heal the
Body, Strengthen the Mind, and Unlock the Creative Spirit. London: Hodder &


HILT: July 2007. Information Services, Cardiff University.

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