Technology As Teaching Tool

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John Kyle C.

Tansiongco Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

2nd Year / BSED ENG Mrs. Ruzol

Technology as Teaching tool

Technology provides numerous tools that teachers can use in and out of the classroom to
enhance student learning. This page provides an introduction to some of the most common.
Faculty members should consult SMU's office of Academic Technology Services, which
provides many kinds of support, including hands-on training in using classroom technology.
(Click here for classroom-specific information about the setup in many campus buildings).
SMU's STAR (Student Technology Assistant in Residence) Program is also available to help
with short-term instructional technology projects.
There are also numerous on-line resources about using technology to enhance teaching in
a number of different ways. For example, Teaching with Technology 2, from the Learning
Technology Consortium, offers 17 peer-reviewed essays on using different kinds of educational
technology, and the book can be downloaded for free. MERLOT is a huge, peer-reviewed, multi-
disciplinary resource for learning and online teaching. Here's a curated list, from to
Zotero, of free online tools that you can use in your teaching.

SMU uses the course management system Blackboard. For help creating Blackboard
courses and learning the basics, consult Academic Technology's Blackboard help page, as well
as this Blackboard online tutorial.

Presentation Software
Sometimes it's helpful to provide visual aids to complement teaching, stimulate
discussion, or allow out-of-class teaching. Tools designed for this purpose, such as PowerPoint,
can be used well or used badly.
Classroom Response Systems ("clickers")
One way to encourage student engagement is by using electronic devices that allow
students to record their answers to multiple choice questions and allow you to instantly display
the results. The anonymity encourages participation, and their answers help the teacher know
when further discussion is needed. Use of clickers can also serve as a catalyst for discussion.

Online Projects and Collaboration Tools

Technology can support student collaboration on creating new knowledge, reflecting on
what they are learning, or working together to achieve a deeper understanding of course

Information Visualization Tools

Technology can also clarify and stimulate thought through transforming words into
pictures. Here are some tools to help lead your students to think more critically by encouraging
them to visually structure information.
Flipping the Classroom
How can we make the best use of the classroom time we have with our students?
Sometimes a great way to move them toward higher levels of understanding is to move the
lecture out of the classroom, and use in-person time for interactions that require applying,
synthesizing, and creating. "Flipping" doesn't have to use technology, but tools such as videos,
podcasts, online quizzes and the like can help in and out of class activity work together. These
resources explain the theory underlying this teaching method and provide practical suggestions
for making it work.

Whether for a flipped class or just as a resource for your students, you may want to create
a podcast that conveys information students need for initial learning or review. SMU's
Academic Technology Service can provide instruction on creating podcasts, and will loan you
a podcasting kit. These articles discuss how to make and use podcasts effectively.

What could be more engaging than a good game, used well? These articles discuss why a
game may lead to deeper learning and give some examples of their use in higher education.
Teaching with Tablet Computers
We're only beginning to explore their many possibilities for higher education.

Converting a Face-to-Face Course to an Online Course

Teaching online, whether in a hybrid course or a wholly-online course, requires different
techniques and different tools. Without the F2F contact, professors will need to be even clearer
about setting and articulating expectations for digital work and participation. Encouraging
interaction between professor and student and among students is an additional challenge, as is
monitoring student learning as the course progresses. The online environment requires the use of
basic technologies to digitize course materials as well as mastery of the university's learning
management system. And various tools like Skype allow synchronous communications, while
blogs and Twitter can encourage asynchronous interaction.

Online Resource:
Southern Methodist University (2019). Technology as Teaching tool. Retrieved
September 09, 2019 from,

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