GR 2 Welcome Letter

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Coventry Hills School

12350 Coventry Hills Way NE Calgary, AB T3K 5S9

t | 403-777-6025 f | 403-777-6026 |[email protected]

September 6, 2016

Dear Parents and/or Guardians:

We would like to welcome you and your child to grade two. This year, the grade two
teachers are Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Sloane, Ms. Kassam, Mrs. Kaur, Mrs. Laythorpe, Mrs.
Roberge, and Mrs. Noelle. We are looking forward to this coming year, and know we
are going to have an exciting time. Our goal is to provide your children with a
positive, stimulating and child-centered environment where they can develop their
academic, emotional, physical and social abilities.
As a grade team, we are planning to take the students on two fieldtrips this year. We
will be sending information about these fieldtrips and requests for volunteers as the
time approaches and plans are finalized. If you are interested in volunteering this
year, please contact the office, as forms will need to be updated. Here are a few
notes and reminders to help you and your child get grade two year up and running!
Teacher Blogs
Teachers will be using a Weebly site as their main form of communication to pass
along some of our daily events and reminders. We are excited to use this format, as
the students will be a part of this daily, guided writing experience. It is imperative
that you check the blog daily as important information will be posted there. You can
do so by bookmarking our school teacher blog link at
Plastic Mail Folders
Forms requiring a signature will be sent home within an orange plastic folder that is
provided to each student. Please ensure that this folder returns back to school daily.
If you have anything that you need us to know about (appointments etc.), please put
a note in the folder or email your childs teacher. If your child is going to be away,
and you know in advance, please phone the student absence line (777-6025 ext.
1) to inform the office.
There will be a morning nutrition break every day and an afternoon recess. Students
will have the opportunity to eat a small, nutritious snack during this time. Water
bottles are welcome; however, to ensure cleanliness, they should be replaced or
washed daily. If your child is in the lunchroom program, please keep the snack in
your childs backpack, separate from their lunch, in order to make it easier for them
to find their snack. Coventry Hills School is an allergy aware school. If you have
visited our website recently, you may have seen a section on the bottom right hand
of our home page called SEVERE FOOD ALLERGY INFORMATION. Within this
section, you will find links offering up to date information about severe food allergies
and protocol for handling these at school.

Appropriate Clothing and Footwear

Your child will need a pair of indoor runners, appropriate for gym, which are to be kept
at school. If they have laces, please ensure your child can tie them. Students will be
going out every day for recess and lunch. Please ensure that your child is dressed
appropriately for the forecasted weather (rain, snow) each day. Please make sure
that your childs name is clearly labelled on all clothing and footwear. If you are looking
for labels, one of our school fundraisers can help with this. Visit:
Book Orders
Your child will be bringing home a form to order books about once a month. If you
wish to order, simply fill out the form and send a cheque made out to the book
company in an envelope or you can now pay online. These orders are provided
as a convenient way for parents to buy quality books for their child at a low price. Of
course, you are never under any obligation to buy.
We strive to create a classroom environment in which all students can be successful
and are treated with respect. We feel that every successful student has a positive
self-concept and a belief in their ability to achieve. We will nurture these attributes at
school, recognize strength and celebrate them. We will create an atmosphere in
which students feel accepted as they are.
We are looking forward to getting to know our students and their families. We
welcome any questions or input you may have which will help to make this year a
positive and memorable experience for your child. Also, we encourage you to
participate in our class volunteer program. We feel it is very important for parents
and teachers to work together. Communication is encouraged through email.
In closing, we would like to thank you for your cooperation and for your involvement
in your childs school year.
The Grade 2 team

Ms. V

Teacher Name
Ms. Bell
Mrs. Sloane
Ms. Kassam
Mrs. Kaur
Mrs. Laythorpe
Mrs. Roberge
Mrs. Noelle

Email Address
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]



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