Declaration and Release FEMA Form 009-0-3 (30nov2017)
Declaration and Release FEMA Form 009-0-3 (30nov2017)
Declaration and Release FEMA Form 009-0-3 (30nov2017)
* All information I have provided regarding my application for FEMA disaster assistance is true and correct to the best of my
* I will return any disaster aid money I received from FEMA or the State if I receive insurance or other money for the same loss, or if I
do not use FEMA disaster aid money for the purpose for which it was intended.
I understand that, if I intentionally make false statements or conceal any information in an attempt to obtain disaster aid, it is a
violation of federal and State laws, which carry severe criminal and civil penalties, including a fine up to $250,000, imprisonment, or
both (18 U.S.C. 287, 1001, and 3571).
I understand that the information provided regarding my application for FEMA disaster assistance may be subject to sharing within
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) including, but not limited to, the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
I authorize FEMA to verify all information given by me about my property/place of residence, income, employment and dependents in
order to determine my eligibility for disaster assistance; and
I authorize all custodians of records of my insurance, employer, any public or private entity, bank financial or credit data service to
release information to FEMA and/or the State upon request.