Pols1100-400 Syllabus Fall 2016 1 1
Pols1100-400 Syllabus Fall 2016 1 1
Pols1100-400 Syllabus Fall 2016 1 1
Course Requirements
A proactive and engaged college student should do well in this course. Instead of having a few large assignments,
it features the following mix of small assignments:
QuizzesSeven online quizzes worth a total of 100 points.
Course Textbook
http://www.slcc.edu/gened/eportfolio/ or http://eportresource.weebly.com
Here are some good examples of student ePortfolios for which I have permission to show you.
Learning Modules and Assignment Due Dates
This course is organized around learning modules, each with its own set of readings, documents, discussions,
exercises, assignments, and quizzes. There are six learning modules for course content, plus the introductory
learning module. Here is the schedule:
Introductory ModuleIn this section, well get to know each other. While we do that, youll have time
to explore the course site and begin to read the course materials. The requirements for this section are:
o Aug 24-Sept 3 Introduce Yourself Discussion (10 points)
o Sept 1-3 Introductory Quiz on the syllabus contents, General Education videos, and American
Institutions course information. (10 points)
Module OneIn this learning module well talk about what it means to think like a political scientist.
The graded requirements for this section are:
o Sept 6-10 Five Very Powerful Questions Discussion (10 points)
o Sept 15-17 Quiz 1 on the course readings. In order to prepare for this quiz you should read
chapter one of the text carefully. (10 points)
Module TwoIn this learning module well cover the Constitutional foundations of the American polity.
The graded requirements for this section are:
o Sept 19-24 Reactions to the Constitution Discussion (10 points)
o Sept 29-Oct 1 Quiz 2 on the course readings. In order to prepare for this quiz you should read
chapter two of the text carefully. (12 points)
o Oct 1 ePortfolio Setup Assignment (10 points)
Module ThreeIn this learning module well cover the national governing institutionsCongress, the
Presidency, and the Supreme Court. The graded requirements for this section are:
o Oct 3-8 Presidential Rhetoric Discussion (10 points)
o Oct 10-12 Quiz 3 on the course readings. In order to prepare for this quiz you should read
chapter three of the text carefully. (14 points)
Module FourIn this learning module well cover linkage institutions such as political parties,
organized interests, and the media. The graded requirements for this section are:
o Oct 17-22 Political Advertisements Discussion (10 points)
o Oct 27-29 Quiz 4 on the course readings. In order to prepare for this quiz you should read
chapter four of the text carefully. (16 points)
Module FiveIn this learning module well cover electoral politics and other political behavior. The
graded requirements for this section are:
o Oct 31-Nov 5 Campaign Finance Discussion (10 points)
o Nov 10-12 Quiz 5 on the course readings. In order to prepare for this quiz you should read
chapter five of the text carefully. (18 points)
o Nov 23 Persuasive Website (24 points)
Module SixIn this learning module well cover civil rights and civil liberties. The graded requirements
for this section are:
o Nov 28-Dec 3Seneca Falls Declaration Discussion (10 points)
Dec 8-10Quiz 6 on the course readings. In order to prepare for this quiz you should read
chapter six of the text carefully. (20 points)
Dec 15 Final ePortfolio Assignment and Reflective Writing (20 points)
For ten points, have something on your Outside the Classroom page regarding a
hobby, volunteer or paid work, extra-curricular activity at SLCC, balancing life and
school, sports, pleasure reading, etc.
Put the URL of your ePortfolio's Welcome page in the Canvas assignment tab, and also make sure you enter it
into MyPage on the Student tab if you haven't already done so.
Module Three
Presidential Rhetoric Discussion: Aside from the formal powers vested in the office, Presidents derive much
power from their ability to persuade. What are the characteristics of effective Presidential rhetoric? What
techniques do they (and their speech writers) use to convey authority, to express solidarity with average
Americans, to convince people of the rectitude of their decisions, to appeal to the emotions of their listeners? We
will restrict our discussion to the following examples of Presidential rhetoric: Gerald Fords remarks upon
granting a pardon to Richard Nixon on Sept 8th, 1974; George W. Bushs address to a joint session of Congress on
Sept 20th, 2001; Franklin Roosevelts first fireside chat on March 12th, 1933; and John F. Kennedys Inaugural
Address on Jan 20th, 1961. Listen to the multimedia files of all of these speeches, which are available at
http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/media.php. While you listen, take notes referenced to the questions above. You
may also want to track down transcripts of these speeches. Respond to others posts.
Module Four
Political Ads Discussion: Go to the Living Room Candidate site put up by the American Museum of the Moving
Image at http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/. Look through the ads on the Living Room Candidate site (any
year, any candidate you wish) and tell us about an ad that you think fits one of the ad types described in the text.
What characteristics lead you to place it in that category? Does it fit more than one category? What is your
reaction to the ad? Do you think it was effective at the time it was aired? Respond to others posts.
Module Five
Campaign Finance Discussion: Lets talk about campaign financing in Utah Congressional races. Go to the
Open Secrets website at http://www.opensecrets.org/races/index.asp and do some research on the financing of the
most recent of Utahs three House of Representatives races (2014) and the most recent Utah Senate race (2012).
Really dig into this informative site. What do you find interesting about the money sources in these races? Do the
overall money totals for incumbents and challengers fit patterns described in the text? Can we make inferences
about the candidates based on their money sources? Respond to others posts.
Persuasive Website Assignment: You need to create a 5-6 section Persuasive Website.
The idea behind this assignment is to eliminate the need for you to write a standard 5-6 page essay and
then turn those papers in to me at the end of the term. Instead of this approach, I would like you to create a more
interactive/visual presentation within your ePortfolio that addresses one of the current political topics I have listed
below. This Persuasive Website will be located within your current ePortfolio. You are NOT expected to create
an entire new website from scratch! Simply use the course page for POLS 1100 that you are creating for your
final ePortfolio Assignment as a place to put this assignment. You can write/design it directly on your course
page, or you can insert links to some additional new pages that you add to your ePortfolio.
For the assignment itself, you need to select one of the six topics I have listed , and answer all of the
questions associated with that topic. For example, if you choose the Term Limits topic, be sure to tell me if you
believe members of Congress should have term limits, if not, why not, and if yes, how these limits should be
structured. Think of this like a more detailed and longer answer to one of our weekly discussion topics, with
some additional research and data, and nice graphics. See the Grading Criteria on p.8 of this syllabus.
Remember that you are PERSUADING your readers to agree with your opinions on the political
question/topic you select. So take a firm stand, outline your position, and then defend it with cited evidence from
outside sources. I would suggest you write two to three pages of material, at least, which gives some background
on the topic and your answers to the questions. Then cut and paste in some charts/graphs/video clips/clip art/etc.
from outside sources (web research) that support your arguments. Your need to use credible sources (no
Wikipedia! No Joe-Bobs Opinion Blog!) and cite them appropriately using MLA, APA, or footnote style. Maybe
add a few links to some additional outside readings on the topic as well. A good couple of pages worth of text,
with integrated charts and graphs, should be sufficient. Be professional, but be creative! Here are your topics to
choose from:
What has the War on Terror done to Americans 4th Amendment protections? You are basically left to
argue that the WOT has not affected the 4th Amendment, that it has strengthened Americans 4th
Amendment protections, or that it has eroded Americans 4 th Amendment protections.
What should be done with the Electoral Collegekeep it, reform it, or replace it with something
Should members of Congress (Representatives and Senators) have term limits? If not, why not? If yes,
how should they be structured?
What is the situation with respect to the wealth and income gap between the rich and poor in the United
States? Should something be done about it, or is the gap a healthy part of capitalism?
What is the current status of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as recently interpreted by
the Supreme Court, and what kinds of restrictions (if any) should be put on gun ownership in America?
What is the current role of money in U.S. elections for House of Representatives and Senate? What
Supreme Court decisions have affected campaign finance? What (if anything) should be done about the
amount of money in elections? Defend your answer.
Module Six
Seneca Falls Discussion: Read the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments in the course text. Lets have a
discussion about which of those charges leveled against Men in 1848 are no longer valid, and which of them (if
any) might legitimately be made today. Have women achieved full political, social, and economic equality with
men? You may bring in outside evidence, but lets begin with Seneca Falls and move forward from there. Respond
to others posts.
Final ePortfolio Assignment and Reflective WritingCreate a unique course page in your ePortfolio called
American Institutions that falls under your primary Coursework section. On this page put a heading called
American Institutions, a relevant photo or image that is related to this course, the course number and name, the
semester in which you are taking the course, a brief description of the assignments from this class you are putting
into the ePortfolio, and your persuasive website assignment or a link to it. In addition, I want you to make a link
from your Goals and Outcomes page--specifically, from one of the SLCC General Education learning outcomes-to the page for this class. In other words, consider which one of the learning outcomes this course best addresses.
Finally, include a reflective writing on one of the following subjects. Your reflective writing should be in the first
person, and make it 3-4 paragraphs long. Here are your topics to choose from:
Make connections between what you studied in this American National Politics course with what youve
learned in other courses at SLCC or before. Make specific references to your work in this class and in the
other courses. How did what you learned in the other courses enhance what you learned in here, and vice
Take a look at SLCCs learning outcomes for General Education at the end of this syllabus. Note that
while no specific course helps students move toward achieving all of those outcomes, each Gen Ed course
is supposed to help you make progress in achieving as many of those outcomes as are relevant to the
course. Making specific references to your work in this course, tell me how you have progressed toward
achieving at least three of those outcomes.
Reflect on how you thought about the American political system before you took this course and how you
think about it now that the course is over. Have any of your assumptions or understandings changed?
Why? What assignments/activities/readings were influential in this process? How will you approach
politics differently?
Here are some examples of what your page might look like:
Student Code of Conduct/PlagiarismI do not tolerate plagiarism and cheating in this course. Plagiarism is
taking credit for another persons words, works, and ideas or failing to acknowledge that persons words, works,
and ideas. If you borrow from someone else you must give that person credit through proper citations. The first
offense in which students are caught plagiarizing or cheating on assignments and tests will result in the failure of
that assignment. A second offense may result in course failure. For more information, see
Title IX Information - 20 U.S.C.A. Section 1681 (a): TITLE IX
No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefit of,
or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal funds.
Examples of violations (but not limited to):
Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and sexually motivated physical conduct
Overt or subtle pressure for sexual activity
Sexually offensive verbalization including remarks, teasing, slurs, and innuendo
Repeated inappropriate jokes or comments about sex or gender specific traits
Conduct that is demeaning or derisive and occurs substantially because of ones gender
Sexual assault
Sexual Violence
Gender based disparate treatment
Violations can occur in any college environment, such as (but not limited to):
Field Trips
Student Clubs
On Campus Events
If you have questions or concerns regarding your rights or responsibilities, or if you would like to file a Title IX
complaint please contact:
StudentsDr. Marlin Clark, Dean of Students, 801-957-4776, STC 276 A (Redwood)
Employees or Community membersKen Stonebrook, Title IX & Discrimination Manager, 801-957-5027, AAB 211G (Redwood)
Online Reporting Formhttp://www.slcc.edu/eeo/title-ix/complaint.aspx
Salt Lake Community College has a strong prohibition against retaliation. The college does not tolerate acts of
retaliation against anyone for engaging in filing a complaint or participating in an investigation.
Page Layout
Control of
Syntax and
(4 pts.)
Writer correctly employs
nearly all of the major
political concepts,
personalities, or events
needed to give a complete
answer to the essay prompt.
(3 pts.)
The writer correctly
employs most of the
major political
concepts, personalities,
or events needed to give
a complete answer to
the essay prompt, or
employs them, but with
some errors in their
application to the topic.
Quantitative data about
the topic is presented as
tables or graphs.
Assertions on the
webpage are generally
supported by credible
Analysis is usually
original, fresh, and
The pages of the
informative website are
generally attractive.
(2 pts.)
The writer omits some
major political
concepts, personalities
or events needed to
give a complete
answer to the essay
prompt, and/or makes
significant errors in
their application to the
There is some
quantitative data
presented about the
Assertions on the
webpage are
sometimes supported
by evidence.
Analysis is not
original, fresh and
compelling, because it
is limited to the cited
The pages of the
informative website
dont flow very well
because they dont
have a good mix of
headings, text, images,
and quantitative data.
The writer shows
limited control over
standard writing
Conventions are
sometimes handled
well and enhance
readability; at other
times, errors are
distracting and impair
Well Below
(1 pt.)
The writer hardly
uses major political
personalities, or
events at all in the
essay, and/or makes
significant errors in
their application to
the topic.
There is no
quantitative data
presented about the
Assertions on the
webpage are often
Original analysis is
not evident.
Errors in spelling,
capitalization, usage,
grammar and
repeatedly distract
the reader and make
the text difficult to
Identify fallacious argumentation within the context of the theory and/or practice of U.S. politics, and
Make their own arguments within the context of the theory and/or practice of U.S. politics.
SLCC Learning Outcome #5: Upon successful completion of any program, students should develop the knowledge and
skills to be civically engaged.
POLS 1100 Learning Outcome: At the end of this course student should:
Possess sufficient knowledge about U.S. national government and politics to be civically engaged.
SLCC Learning Outcome #6: Upon successful completion of any program, students should be able to work with others in a
professional and constructive manner.
POLS 1100 Learning Outcome: At the end of this course student should:
Give and receive criticisms and analysis regarding designated discussion topics.
SLCC Learning Outcome #7: Upon successful completion of any program, students should develop computer and
information literacy.
POLS 1100 Learning Outcome: At the end of this course student should:
Create an electronic portfolio of their work and reflection in this course and at SLCC.