This document provides a bibliography of sources related to gender and computing. It lists over 50 references including journal articles, book chapters, reports, and other sources published between 1995 and 2013. The references cover topics like the history of women's participation in computing, barriers that discourage women and girls from pursuing computing fields, gender differences in attitudes toward computing, and strategies to promote gender diversity in information technology careers and education.
This document provides a bibliography of sources related to gender and computing. It lists over 50 references including journal articles, book chapters, reports, and other sources published between 1995 and 2013. The references cover topics like the history of women's participation in computing, barriers that discourage women and girls from pursuing computing fields, gender differences in attitudes toward computing, and strategies to promote gender diversity in information technology careers and education.
This document provides a bibliography of sources related to gender and computing. It lists over 50 references including journal articles, book chapters, reports, and other sources published between 1995 and 2013. The references cover topics like the history of women's participation in computing, barriers that discourage women and girls from pursuing computing fields, gender differences in attitudes toward computing, and strategies to promote gender diversity in information technology careers and education.
This document provides a bibliography of sources related to gender and computing. It lists over 50 references including journal articles, book chapters, reports, and other sources published between 1995 and 2013. The references cover topics like the history of women's participation in computing, barriers that discourage women and girls from pursuing computing fields, gender differences in attitudes toward computing, and strategies to promote gender diversity in information technology careers and education.
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Bibliografa Gender- Computing , Otra
Abbate, Janet (2003). Women and gender in the history of computing,"
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Bartol, Kathryn M. & Aspray, William (2006b). The transition of women
from the academic world to the IT workplace: a review of the relevant research. In: J.M. Cahoon and W. Aspray, eds. Woman and information technology: research on underrepresentation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (377-420). Bennett, Cinnamon (2011). Beyond the leaky pipeline: consolidating understanding and incorporating new research about womens science careers in the UK. Brussels Economic Review - Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles vol. 54 (2/3): 149-176 Berg Anne-Jorunn Lie; Merete (1995) Feminism and constructivism: Do artifacts have gender? Science, Technology, & Human Values 20: 332351. Beyer, Sylvia (2006). Comparing Gender Differences in Computer Science and Management Information Systems Majors. In Eileen M. Trauth (ed.). Encyclopedia of Gender an Information Technology (pages 109-115). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference. Beyer, Kurt W. (2009). Grace Hopper And The Invention Of The Information Age. Cambridge, Mass MIT Press. Beyer, S., K. Rynes, M.; Chavez, M.; Hay, K.; & Perrault, J. (2002). Why are so few women in computer science? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans. Extrado el 14 de febrero, 2010 de Beyer, Sylvia, Rynes, Kristina & Haller, Susan (2004). Deterrents to women taking computer science courses. Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE, 23, 2128. Beyer, Sylvia; DeKeuster, Michelle; Walter, Kathleen: Colar, Michele & Holcomb, Christina (2005). Changes in CS students attitudes towards CS over time: an examination of gender differences. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin (Vol. 37, pp. 392396). Blashki, K. (2003). Gender (ed) studies: why doesnt Barbie have an IT degree? Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 5(3), 2031. Bjrkman, Christina (2005). Crossing Boundaries, Focusing Foundations, Trying Translations: Feminist Technoscience Strategies in Computer Science. Sweden: Blekinge Institute of Technology. Dissertion Series No 2005:02. Available: Bjrkman, Christina and Lena Trojer (2006). What does it mean to Know Computer Science? Perspectives from Gender Research", TripleC, 4 (2): 316-327. Bock, Skyler J.; Taylor, Lindsay J.; Phillips, Zachary; Sun, Wenying (2013) Women and minorities in computer science majors: results on barriers from interviews and a survey, Issues in Information Systems, vol. 14 (1): 143152. Boivie, Inger (2010). Women, Men and Programming, a Shirley Booth, Sara Goodman y Gill Kirkup (eds). Gender Differences in Learning and Working with Technology: Social Constructs and Cultural Contexts (p. 1-14). Hershey: IGI Global Bray, Francesca (2007). Gender and technology. Annual Review of Anthropology 36: 37-53
Butterfield, Jeff; Crews, Thad (2012). Casting a Wider Net: A Longitudinal
Study Exploring Gender Differences, Influences and Attitudes Impacting Academic Major Selection in Computing." Computer and Information Science 5:2 Mar 2012: 2-10 Cakir, Ozlem (2012). Students Self Confidence and Attitude Regarding Computer: An International Analysis Based on Computer Availability and Gender Factor. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 47: 10171022 Camp, Tracy (1997). The Incredible Shrinking Pipeline. Communications of the ACM , Vol. 40 , No. 10 ( 1997 ): 103 110. Campbell, Scott M (2003). Beatrice Helen Worsley: Canada's female computer pioneer. Annals of the History of Computing, IEEE , vol.25, no.4, pp.51-62, Oct.-Dec. 2003 Caprile, M. y Valls, N., 2010, Science as a labour activity. Topic Report. Disponible en: Carter, Lori (2006). Why students with an apparent aptitude for computer science dont choose to major in computer science. SIGCSE Bull., 38(1), 2731. Castao, Cecilia; Fernndez, Juan M.; Vzquez, Susana; Martnez, Jose Lus (2009). La Brecha Digital de Gnero: Amantes y distantes. Madrid. Observatorio E-Igualdad de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Disponible en: