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Randomizing UVM Config DB Parameters

Jeremy Ridgeway
Avago Technologies, Inc.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
[email protected]

Abstract-The Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) library provides two significant benefits to simulation
configuration. It has a flexible configuration database that is globally accessible and parameters may be set via the
command-line without simulation recompilation. In this paper we describe how we have enhanced the UVM
configuration database with a random-layer and command-line access by connecting a limited set of random constraints.
The end result is that random constraints may be applied to UVM configuration database parameters directly on the
command-line. Code accessing the database need not specify random variables and constraints to benefit from



Verification environment configuration with the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) library provides two
significant benefits. First, the configuration database is flexible and globally accessible to the environment as a
whole via a static class dereference operation, uvm_config_db#(T)::get(). Second, the parameter values stored
in the configuration database may be set on the command-line without simulation recompilation [1, 2, 3].
We have found that often configuration parameters that are initially set directly will later in the project be required
to change to random variables. Of course, SystemVerilog random constraints do not play well with UVM
configuration; the actions tend to differ. A workaround could involve a second configuration parameter indicating if
the first should be randomized or take its value directly from the configuration database. In fact, this is precisely
what we had in mind when developing direct randomization on scalar UVM configuration database parameter
access. However, instead of two separate parameters (a control flag and a data value), we combined them into one.
We had two goals to accomplish with this technique. First, we had to enable randomization on existing scalar type
configuration parameters with little to no change to source code. Second, the technique had to support indicating
random constraints on the command-line. We achieved both, in a limited set, by building on the dynamically
interchangeable constraints described in [4] and introducing a new random convenience layer to the UVM
configuration database.
Already, we had a library of type-parameterized random variable container classes capable of instantiating
constraints specified in a string. The SystemVerilog constraint, then, is created on-the-fly and affects the value in
the random variable container at randomization time. We tied this container class to a resource database
convenience layer extended from the uvm_config_db interface class, named config_rand_db. This new layer
opened the run time configuration option to become randomizable via a constraint specified on the command-line,
even though the option was not declared rand. Then, a simple code changed was reuqired in the verification
environment where the UVM configuration database is accessed. For example:
int num_actors;
uvm_config_db#(int)::get(this, , num_actors, num_actors);
We changed the above UVM configuration database access to access the random convience layer instead.
int num_actors;
config_rand_db#(int)::get(this, , num_actors, num_actors);
Now, we were able to randomize configuration options on the command-line. For example:
> simcmd +uvm_set_config_string='*.bus_env,num_actors,inside [1:2]'

This paper is organized as follows: first we review interchangeable random constraints from [4] in section II. Next
we recap the available UVM command-line access approach in section III. Then we present our random-specific
convenience layer to the UVM configuration database and its automatic command-line access in section IV.
Finally, we conclude in section V.
In [4], we defined a set of random variable container classes to implement a subset of the SystemVerilog constraint
language. When these containers are coupled with a front-end parser and test bench-wide resource manager, such as
the UVM configuration and/or resource database, constraints may be fully interchanged on-the-fly. Furthermore,
neither deep test bench architecture nor verification methodology need be known to affect and change constraints.
In this section we review the container class library as well as its front-end parser, as described in [4].
A. SystemVerilog Constraints
Generally, SystemVerilog random variables and their constraints exist in the same or inherited class. Furthermore,
the constraint itself is largely declarative in the SystemVerilog language. That is, the constraint must be fully
resolved at compile- and elaboration-time, prior to simulation. Some flexibility exists by using class variables to
shape the randomization (e.g., a minimum and maximum such that min val max). Through inheritance, a
named constraint block may be overridden with a new constraint or removed by setting to an empty block.
Constrained ranges may be further restricted through inheritance by adding new constraint blocks. In all cases, a
fair amount of knowledge of the class and its use in the verification environment is required.




Figure 1: Example bus architecture under test. Actors are verification components whose number is chosen at run-time.

Consider, as an example, some bus architecture under test, refer to Figure 1. Suppose there can be a fixed number of
actors attached to the bus as determined by a simulation time configuration option. An actor is encapsulated as
some in-house or third party verification intellectual property (VIP) UVM agent class.
class bus_env extends uvm_env;
bus_actor_agent actors[]; // Number determined at sim time
int num_actors;
// Valid range is 1-10
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
if(!uvm_config_db#(int)::get(this, , num_actors,
num_actors)) // Store locally
`uvm_fatal(CFG_ERR, Number of actors unknown)

The number of actors, in the code above, must be known to the bus environment to build properly; otherwise a fatal
error will exit the simulation. An alternative to the above is to use a second configuration option to indicate the
value should either be taken from the configuration database or independently randomized, as in the code below.

class bus_env extends uvm_env;

bus_actor_agent actors[]; // Number determined at sim time
rand int num_actors;
// Valid range is 1-10
constraint num_actors_c { num_actors inside {[1:10]}; }
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
int randomize_num_actors; // Control flag: config_db or rand
if(!uvm_config_db#(int)::get(this, , randomize_num_actors,
randomize_num_actors) begin
if(!uvm_config_db#(int)::get(this, , num_actors,
num_actors)) // Store locally
`uvm_fatal(CFG_ERR, Number of actors unknown)
end else begin
this.randomize(num_actors); // Instructed to randomize
The above code allows the number of actors to be set via the UVM configuration database or randomized by the
valid constraint. When the user indicates the num_actors option should be randomized, then the num_actors_c
constraint applies. Changing the SystemVerilog constraint requires an extension to bus_env in some test code, then
registering with the factory an override using the new bus_env in place of the old. Still the
randomize_num_actors configuration option must be set in order for the new constraint to take effect.
class bus_env_limited extends bus_env;
constraint num_actors_c { // Limit to 1-3
num_actors dist {1:=15, 2:=50, 3:=35};
class test_bus_env_limited extends base_test;
// UVM test type
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
uvm_factory factory uvm_factory::get();
factory.set_inst_override_by_type(bus_env, // orig
bus_env_limited, // new
// everywhere
To achieve SystemVerilog constraint overriding, both the leaf class name containing the random variable and the
constraint block name affecting the random variable must be known. Then, the new class extension must override
the original class via the UVM factory. This flexible feature of UVM requires a fair amount of knowledge of the
environment as well as the UVM library.
B. Random Variable and Constraint Container Classes
In [4], we defined a set of random variable containers, the boxes labeled loc_rand in Figure 2, with separate
constraint containers, the box labeled constrain. This methodology capitalized on somewhat of a loophole in
SystemVerilog constraints: a constraint may be applied over class references and that referencing need not be
defined immediately. This allowed the constraint itself to be instantiated in a class separate from, but act upon, the
random variable container.

Figure 2: Random variables with dynamic constraints: (A) unconstrained, (B) constrained.

The loc_rand1 class is broken into an inheritance tree of four classes, refer to Figure 3. The single data member
maintained by the classes, rand T value, where T is a parameterized type indicated at declaration time, is a
member of the loc_static_rand base class. The name implies static constraint access. In other words, the
constraint on the random value is not updated on-the-fly at randomization time. The loc_param_rand base class
maintains a constraint class reference member, T constrain, as well as a reference to the type-specific static
constraint factory (see section II-C). When the reference points to null, as in Figure 2-A, the value member is
randomized unconstrained. However, when the reference points to a constraint container class instance, as in Figure
2-B, then the value member is randomized according to the specified constraint. Finally, the loc_rand class
maintains the capability to dynamically update the constraint at randomization time.








Figure 3: Random variable container (left) and constraint container (right) template class inheritance tress. The random
variable class refers to an instance of the constraint class, and vice versa.

The constraint is a general purpose container class with a type parameter that agrees with loc_rand. We have
defined a limited library of constraints applicable to the random variable container class, as in Figure 3. Each
specialized container class implements the constraint indicated using local variables as necessary. The actual
randomization function is encapsulated in the specialized next() function, an abstract function in the constraint
container base class.
class loc_constrain#(type T = int);
loc_static_rand#(T) var;
pure virtual function T next();
The range constraint class implements a uniformly random contiguous range. Two local access class members are
set at constraint instantiation (as specified in the string). The random variable container class is randomized via a
randomize()with construct.

In [4], loc_rand is named lvm_rand.

class loc_range#(type T = int) extends loc_constrain#(T);

local const T min;
local const T max;
virtual function T next();
var.randomize() with {
value inside { [local::min : local::max] }; };
return var.value;
The inside set constraint class implements a uniformly random selection of a distinct set of values. A single local
access queue is populated at construction with values from the constraint (as specified in the string). The random
variable container class is also randomized via a randomize()with construct.
class loc_inside#(type T = int) extends loc_constrain#(T);
local T setlist[$];
virtual function T next();
var.randomize() with {
value inside { local::setlist };
return var.value;
The distribution constraint class implements a random selection of a distinct set of values based on specified
weights. A pair of queues is populated at construction with values and weights as positive and non-zero integer
numbers (as specified in the string). This randomization occurs in two steps. First, a weight is randomly selected
from the total weight range, in the next_sel() function. Then, the variable container class is randomized via a
randomize()with construct.
class loc_dist#(type T = int) extends loc_constrain#(T);
local T setlist[$]; // Set of values to choose from
local int weightlist[$]; // Weight for each value
local rand int weight_sel; // Current weight selection
local int listsel;
// Current list selection
function void next_sel();
int mn = 0, mx = 0, tot = 0;
foreach(weightlist[i]) // Accumulate all weights
tot += weightlist[i]);
this.randomize(weight_sel) with { weight_sel inside [1:tot]; };
foreach(weightlist[i]) // Find the index for selected weight
if(weightlist[i] > 0) begin
mx += weightlist[i]; // Set upper bound
if(weight_sel > mn && weight_sel < mx) begin
listsel = i; // index chosen based on random weight
mn = mx; // Set lower bound for next loop
virtual function T next();

var.randomize() with { value == local::setlist[listsel] };

return var.value;
The random variable container class, loc_rand_static, also implements the specialized next() function to
retrieve a new random value.
class loc_rand_static#(type T = int) extends loc_rand_param#(T);
rand T value;
virtual function T next();
if(m_constraint == null) begin
return value;
end else begin
return m_constraint.next()
Together, the random variable container class and the constraint container class generate type-specific random
values. Coupled with a parser front-end, the constraint reference may be instantiated on-the-fly, deleted, and
instantiated again.
C. Dynamic Constraint Creation
The constraint for the random variable may be instantiated by the user directly, but dynamism is achieved when
coupled with a parser and a constraint factory (similar to the UVM factory for objects), as in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Factory parses the string and instantiates the constraint.

The constraint factory is maintained per type in the simulation. The loc_param_rand base class maintains a
reference to a type-specific constraint factory.
class loc_rand_base;
// Empty class for non-parameterized referencing
class loc_param_rand#(type T = int) extends loc_rand_base;
static constraint_factory#(T) factory;
The loc_static_rand class implements a push() function that actually invokes the constraint factory and its
parser to instantiate the new constraint from a string.
class loc_static_rand#(type T = int) extends loc_param_rand#(T);
void function push(string constraint);

pop(); // Remove the old constraint

factory = constraint_factory#(T)::get();
m_constraint = factory.create(constraint, this);
Finally, the loc_rand class implements dynamic constraint instantiation. The class accesses the UVM
configuration database with a UVM component parent context and the local class name. If a string exists at the
specified location, then a new constraint is instantiated, replacing any existing constraint. The configuration
database is cleared for that constraint to ensure a persistent constraint until the user wishes to change again.
class loc_rand#(type T = int) extends loc_static_rand#(T);
function new(uvm_component parent, string name); endfunction
function void update_constraints();
string constraint;
if(uvm_config_db#(string)::get(get_parent(), , get_name(),
constraint)) begin
if(constraint != ) begin
factory = constraint_factory#(T)::get();
m_constraint = factory.parse(constraint);
uvm_config_db#(string)::set(get_parent(), ,
get_name(), ); // Clear
virtual function T next();
return super.next();
The constraint parser takes a string conforming to the grammar specified in [4], and included in the appendix, and
builds an instance of the specified constraint type. For example, consider the constraint from Figure 4 and shown
Figure 5-A. As the parser traverses the string, a distribution constraint is created. The orange box labeled dist, in
Figure 5-B, is an instance of the loc_dist constraint class. Each purple block indicates a member of the setlist
queue within the class; while each blue block indicates a member of the weightlist. The location of each value in
both lists indicates the correlation (i.e., setlist[0] correlates to weightlist[0]).

Figure 5: Constraint string (A) and its representation (B).

The constraint factory incorporates a grammar and parser implementing a top-down LL(1) parse. The input string is
read from the Left with a Left-most derivation and requiring only 1 look-ahead token to determine the next action.
The constraint is created top-down. For our parser, the constraint type is always indicated first (e.g., dist),

followed by its details. In this manner, the constraint factory works directly with the parser to instantiate the
Some important items are of note in the methodology:

The random variable container, the constraint container, and the constraint factory types all agree,
The type is known at compile time,
A constraint string is parsed only when required.

The type is also necessary to cast string values appropriately. For example, numbers are identified by the parser as
conforming to SystemVerilog syntax and indicating base (e.g., h for hexadecimal). The actual conversion, then,
occurs via the SystemVerilog system function $sscanf, as in the pseudo-code below.
function T get_val(string input_val);
T arg;
if(!$sscanf(32h47, %h, arg))
`uvm_fatal(RAND, Type conversion failure)
// other bases
return arg;
The advantage with the built-in system function, $sscanf, is proper handling of 4-state data types. For example, a
random variable class may be declared as loc_rand#(logic). In this case, the values specified in the constraint
string may include Xs and/or Zs. Both the $sscanf function and randomize functions handle them correctly. The
user is required to determine which constraints are applicable when using Xs or Zs.
Returning to the example bus_env in this section, we can use the loc_rand class to encapsulate both the
configuration option and the configuration database access.
class bus_env extends uvm_env;
bus_actor_agent actors[];
loc_rand#(int) num_actors;

// Number determined at sim-time

// Valid range is 1-10

function new(string name, uvm_component parent);

num_actors = new(this, num_actors);
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
num_actors.next(); // Get constraint from UVM config db
The loc_rand accesses the UVM configuration database and command-line strings can be inserted into that
database. Therefore, we can control the number of actors with a single loc_rand instance. The caveat is that the
configuration option must have already been declared as loc_rand. That may not always be desirable. Note that
the loc_rand class must be instantiated before it is used. This wasnt the case when num_actors was simply a
local class member, and changing requires modification/addition of multiple lines of code. In the next sections we
will present how to enable randomness on any scalar SystemVerilog configuration option with a simple (read:
scriptable) change.
UVM has two command-line options that seed the configuration database at simulation time:

+uvm_set_config_int, and



Both options take three arguments separated by commas: (hierarchical) component name, field name, and value. At
time-zero, the static uvm_root top component parses all instances of the above options and populates the
configuration database. For #1, UVM attempts to convert the value (a string on the command-line in binary, octal,
decimal, or hexadecimal) to the 2-state uvm_bitstream_t typed number before setting into the configuration
For example, return to the example in section II, a verification component bus_env with a configurable number of
bus actors.
int num_actors = 1;
uvm_config_db#(int)::get(this, , num_actors, num_actors);
A regression script can enable set the actors to 2 via:
> simcmd +uvm_set_config_string=*.bus_env,num_actors,2
To select specific configurations during regression, we could create separate scripts per configuration option. Or,
we would create configuration classes with sets of random constraints and always randomize [5]. Neither option
fulfilled our requirement of being able to easily select a specific configuration and support random configurations
using the existing verification environment.


With the random constraint containers, described in section II, applying randomization to the command-line
becomes simple. The command-line is accessed as a string, as is the dynamic constraint instantiation. The crux,
then, is knowing the proper type. The UVM configuration database itself solves the type issue.
The UVM configuration database may be accessed in two ways: by string name, and by type. Therefore, the data
type to randomize is known directly from the configuration database get() function. We add a random layer on
top of the configuration database with its own get() function.
class config_rand_db#(type T=int)
static function bit get(input

extends uvm_config_db#(T);
uvm_component cntxt,
string inst_name,
string field_name,
T value);

When the user retrieves a random value by data type, refer to Figure 6, we perform several steps. First,
randomization on a configuration database value is considered a one-time action. Therefore, the parameter is a
candidate for randomization if and only if it has not yet been randomized. Second, a string type value is retrieved
from the configuration database for the same database value. If a string is available and is recognized as a constraint
string, then a new loc_rand#(T) is instantiated, randomized, and value put in place at the configuration database
context by instance plus field name. Finally, uvm_config_db#(T)::get() function is called normally. The
remainder of this section presents details for each step.

rand type?




String avail?



store in



return val
Figure 6: Randomizing a configuration database parameter.

D. Randomize a Subset of Types

Our random convenience layer to the configuration database may only be utilized if the data type can be
randomized. Currently, randomization applies to a subset of SystemVerilog data types [6]. These are limited to the
built-in 2-state and 4-state scalar variable types, signed or unsigned, and user defined types that resolve to these (e.g.
enumerations). A complete list of data type candidates for randomization is:

2-state: shortint, byte, int, longint, all signed or unsigned;

2-state: bit or variable length bit-vector;
4-state: integer;
4-state: logic or variable length logic-vector.

Real numbers and strings are not candidates for randomization and should not use the random-layer access.
Furthermore, non-scalar types, including aggregates (queues or arrays), are not supported by the random container
class described in section II. Individual members of complex data types or aggregates may be populated, however,
by the configuration database random-layer functions.
E. One-time Randomization
The goal for configuration database parameter randomization is to easily enable random constraints directly from the
command-line on otherwise non-random variables. As such, its use model targets a one-time randomization. A
static hash table is employed in the random-layers static get function to ensure the contextual value moves through
the flow exactly once, refer to Figure 6. Subsequent accesses only retrieve the previously randomized value from
the configuration database.
class config_rand_db#(type T=int) extends uvm_config_db#(T);
static bit visited[string];

The visited hash, as in the code above, is implemented as an associative array with a string key mapping to a
Boolean value. The key is composed of the full string path in the get() function call.
string key = (cntxt != null && inst_name != ) ?
{ cntxt.get_full_name(), .,
inst_name, ., field_name } :
(inst_name != ) ?
{ inst_name, ., field_name } :
(cntxt != null) ?
{ cntxt.get_full_name(), ., field_name } :
If the key already exists in the visited hash table then only the normal configuration database get action is
F. Retrieving the constraint
For configuration database parameters that are candidates for randomization (can be randomized, not yet visited), a
string constraint is first retrieved. There are two approaches to string retrieval. The configuration database may be
used exclusively to locate the string type. In this case, the original config_rand_db#(T)::get() function call is
translated to a config_rand_db#(string)::get() function call. If the string conforms to the constraint
grammar for the random container class, refer to section II, then it is used for randomizing the configuration
database parameter. In this case, the UVM built-in command-line argument is employed to populate the
configuration database:
While the value argument may be numeric, the UVM library interprets it as a string stored at the location(s)
specified by component plus-arg field names. Wild cards may be employed for a part or the whole component name
to apply to multiple database locations.
As an alternative approach, the UVM command-line processor may be used to populate the configuration database
when necessary. This action, as described in the modified flow in Figure 7, provides three specific advantages: (a)
lazy access, (b) direct command-line plus-arg addressing, and (c) improved SystemVerilog number handling.




String avail




Store in



arg avail


store in



Figure 7: Override UVM configuration database command-line access.

The UVM library populates the configuration database immediately at simulation start based on the command-line
plus-args, or command-line arguments that begin with the plus sign. With the lazy approach, however, commandline plus-args do not exist in the configuration database and therefore do not affect search until they are required.
While the built-in UVM configuration database plus-arg options have flexibility, our team found addressing the
parameter directly as its own plus-arg to be more natural. Our approach uses the UVM command-line processor to
retrieve arguments in one of the two following forms:

+<context>.<field>=<value>, or

Wild-cards are implied for the left-most component name. Thus, +<field> implies:
Finally, the UVM library currently supports simple C-style numeral formatting, excluding Xs and Zs. We enhance
this by supporting both the C-style as well as the full SystemVerilog format, including Xs and Zs.
G. Randomizing the parameter
Once a string is identified for the configuration database parameter, the typed random container class is instantiated
and value randomized. At this point all the following are known:

Type scalar data type to randomize,

Constraint string to apply to randomization,
Context location in configuration database.

Now, a random container class may be instantiated with appropriate type.

// Use the key defined earlier:
context, instance name, field name, as appropriate

loc_rand#(T) lrnd = new(key, uvm_top);

The new constraint, retrieved from the configuration database, is pushed onto the lrnd instance. The loc_rand
type is the same type specified in the config_rand_db#(T)::get() function call. Then, a parser works with a
constraint factory to parse the string and instantiate the appropriate constraint class, refer to Figure 2 and Figure 4.
If this action fails, then the random-layer aborts randomization and just performs the normal configuration database
get() access. Otherwise, lrnd is randomized via the next() function call and the resulting value is set into the
configuration database.
uvm_root uvm_top = uvm_root::get();
uvm_config_db#(T)::set(uvm_top, inst_name, field_name, lrnd.next());
Notice that the global UVM root static class is used here for the context. This mimics the operation by uvm_root at
simulation start: all +uvm_set_config_string plus-args are parsed and set in the uvm_root configuration
Each UVM component maintains its own resource and configuration database. These values are available via the
UVM component functions:

set_config_int() / get_config_int();
set_config_string() / get_config_string(); and
set_config_object() / get_config_object().

For each get() function call, the local component class is searched for the configuration parameter name, then its
parent, etc., up to the root. However, from the static configuration database convenience layer interface,
uvm_config_db, the global uvm_root static instance is searched first. Thus, setting the value within the
uvm_root ensures it has the highest precedence when the subsequence uvm_config_db#(T)::get() function is
Returning to the example bus_env from section II, we can now set num_actors back to a simple integer, remove
the control flag, and use the random convenience layer to randomize, as necessary.
class bus_env extends uvm_env;
bus_actor_agent actors[];
// Number determined at sim-time
int num_actors; // Valid range is 1-10
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
if(!config_rand_db#(int)::get(this, , num_actors,
num_actors)) // Store locally
`uvm_fatal(CFG_ERR, Number of actors unknown)
The default number of actors should be a set in a component external to the bus_env, and allow the user to
override, and optionally randomize, the value on the command line.2
> simcmd +uvm_set_config_string='*.bus_env,num_actors,inside [1:2]'
No class extensions are required to change the random constraint, just a different command line.

Note that some constraint strings require the single-quote, ', to avoid unwanted shell interpretation.

> simcmd +uvm_set_config_string=\

The constraint may also be specified using the alternative plus-arg approach on the command-line.
> simcmd +num_actors='dist{1:=15,2:=50,3:=35}'
H. Variation
While the use model for configuration database randomized parameters dictates a single randomization, this need
not be so inflexible. Referring to Figure 6 and Figure 7, the visited hash may be removed from the flow. In this
case, string-typed get from the configuration database occurs each time config_rand_db#(T)::get() is called.
However, in Figure 7, the command-line search for string constraints still occurs only once. This is appropriate as
the command-line constraints cannot change once the simulation begins, whereas string constraints in the
configuration database may change. Also, each time config_rand_db#(T)::get() is called, in this technique
variation, a new instance of loc_rand#(T) is instantiated, randomized, and value returned.
Our configuration database random-layer opened the door to command-line random configuration of the simulation.
No SystemVerilog random constraints were required within the environment itself. All configuration parameters
were made available to randomize from the command-line. From the example in section III:
> simcmd +uvm_set_config_string='*.bus_env,num_actors,inside[1:3]'

Or, from section IV-F:

> simcmd +bus_env.num_actors='dist{1:=15,2:=50,3:=35}'
The only source code change required to utilize this technique was to change uvm_config_db access to our own
convenience-layer class interface, config_rand_db. The API and use model within the environment did not
We have employed both interchangeable random constraints and the random convenience layer to UVM
configuration database in multiple verification projects. These projects support, at the present, both Synopsys VCS
[7] and Cadence Incisive [8] simulators. We have not worked with Mentor Graphics Questa simulator, but find
no reason why it should not work, as well.
[1] M. Glasser, "Configuration in UVM: The Missing Manual," in Design & Verification Conference, Bangalore,
India, 2014.
[2] V. R. Cooper and P. Marriott, "Demistifying the UVM Configuration Database," in Design & Verification
Conference, San Jose, USA, 2014.
[3] Accellera, "Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) 1.1d Class Reference," 2013.
[4] J. Ridgeway, "Interchangeable SystemVerilog Random Constraints," in Synopsys Users Group, San Jose, 2014.
[5] P. Goel, A. Sharma and R. Hasija, "Configuring your resources the UVM way!," in Design & Verification
Conference, San Jose, USA, 2012.
[6] IEEE Computer Society, "SystemVerilog--Unified Hardware Design, Specification, and Verification Language
(1800-2012)," New York, 2013.
[7] Synopsys, Inc., VCS Mx / VCS MXi User Guide, H-2013.06-1 ed., 2013.
[8] Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Incisive Enterprise Simulator, 2014.

BNF Grammar
start: config_variable start
| config_variable ;
config_variable: config_var ;
config_var: scopename '=' constraint repeat_indicator ;
scopename: stringtoken ':' ':' scopename
| stringtoken '.' scopename
| stringtoken ;
repeat_indicator: '*' stringtoken
| '@' stringtoken
| ;

"const" const_value_constraint
"dist" dist_constraint
"uniform" uniform_constraint
"range" range_constraint
"inside" range_constraint
"inside" inside_list_constraint ;

// Constraints
const_value_constraint: stringtoken ;
dist_constraint: '{' distList '}' ;
distList: distElem ',' distList
| distElem ;
distElem: stringtoken ':' '=' stringtoken ;
uniform_constraint: '(' stringtoken ',' stringtoken ')' ;
range_constraint: '[' stringtoken ':' stringtoken ']' ;
inside_list_constraint: '{' insideList '}' ;
insideList: stringtoken ',' insideList
| stringtoken ;

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