Rumus Dasar Passive Voice

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Rumus dasar passive voice

Untuk membuat passive voice, rumus dasar yang harus kita gunakan adalah
subject + auxiliary verb + verb 3.
Auxiliary verb yang akan kita gunakan untuk membuat passive voice bisa berupa primary
auxiliary verb (is, am, are, were, was, be, been dan being) atau bisa juga berupa kombinasi
antara 2 primary (will be, have been dan perpaduan primary lainnya).
Selain harus menggunakan auxiliary verb, passive voice juga hanya bisa dibuat bila
kalimatnya menggunakan kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang bisa menggunakan obyek).
Contoh kata kerja transitif misalnya membaca, membuang, memasak, membeli dan merobek.
Membuat passive voice dengan tenses
Agar kita bisa mempelajari passive voice yang diaplikasikan langsung dengan penggunaan
tenses, maka kita harus menyimak informasi mengenai rumus passive voice dalam 16 tenses
berikut ini :
Passive Voice (contoh
S + to be (am, are, is) + V3
S + V1 + O
+ by + O
Simple Present Tense
The floor is always cleaned
My mother always cleans the floor
by my mother every
every morning.
S + to be (am, are, is) +
S + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing + O
being + V3 + by + O
Present Continuous
They are making a rainbow cake
A rainbow cake is being
made by them now
S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + S + have/has + been + V3 +
by + O
by + O
Present Perfect Tense
The manager has interviewed some Some candidates have been
interviewed by the manager.
S + have/has + been + being
S + have/has + been + V1-ing + O
+ V3 + by + O
Present Perfect
Continuous Tense
Many people have been speaking
English has been being
spoken by many people
S + to be (was, were) + V3 +
S + V2 + O
by + O
Simple Past Tense
The movie was watched by
Fadhila watched the movie in the
Fadhila in the theatre last
theatre last night.
S + to be (was, were) +
S + to be (was, were) + V1-ing + O
being + V3 + by + O
Past Continuous Tense
She was buying some books last
Some books were being
bought by her last night.

No Tenses

Active Voice (contoh kalimat)

S + had not + V3 + O

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect
Continuous Tense

Carroll had made a good decision to

leave Liverpool.
S + had + been + V1-ing + O
She had been watering this plant.
S + will not + V1 + O

Simple Future Tense

Future Continuous

The farmers are going to harvest the

crops next week
S + will + be + V1-ing + O
He will be meeting them.
S + will + have + V3 + O

11 Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect
Continuous Tense

She will have watered this plant

before I get here this afternoon.
S + will + have + been + V1-ing + O
She will have been watering this
S + would + V1 + O

13 Past Future Tense

We would buy a dictionary
S + would + be + V1-ing + O

Past Future
Continuous Tense

Past Future Perfect



Past Future Perfect

Continuous Tense

She would be listening to the music

when the phone rang
S + would + have + V3 + O
Many people would have spoken
S + would + have + been + V1-ing +
He would be meeting them.

S + had + been + V3 + by +
A good decision had been
made by Carroll to leave
S + had + been + being + V3
+ by + O
This plant had been being
watered by her.
S + will be + V3 + by + O
The crops are going to be
harvested by the farmers
next week.
S + will + be + being + V3 +
by + O
They will be being met by
S + will + have + been + V3
+ by + O
This plant will have been
watered by her before I get
here this afternoon.
S + will + have + been +
V1-ing + O
This plant will have been
being watered by her.
S + would + be + V3 + by +
A dictionary would be
bought by us
S + would + be + being +
V3 + by + O
The music would be being
listened by her when the
phone rang
S + would + have + been +
V3 + by + O
English would have been
spoken by many people
S + would + have + been
+being + V3 + by + O
They would be being met by

Pengecualian pada beberapa kata kerja transitif

Beberapa kata kerja transitif dalam bahasa Inggris ternyata tidak bisa diubah ke dalam
bentukpassive voice lho. Kata kerja transitif seperti have, look, like, become, mean dan

beberapa kata kerja transitif lainnya akan terasa aneh bila diubah ke dalam bentuk passive
voice. Misalnya :
The candy contains aspartame.
tidak dapat dipasifkan menjadi : Aspartame is contained by the candy.
1. Predikat dalam kalimat passive voice selalu terdiri dari To Be +
V3 (Past Participle)

The music is listened by us

2. Pedoman pemakaian to be dalam kalimat passive voice
adalah :
Jenis Tenses

To Be

Present Tense

is, am, are

Past Tense

was, were

Continuous Tense


Future Tense


Perfect Tense


3. Bila Subject tidak diketahui, maka Object dalam kalimat pasif

dapat dihilangkan.
Bila Subject (yang melakukan sebuah pekerjaan) dalam kalimat aktif tidak
diketahui secara pasti orangnya, maka objek pelaku dalam kalimat pasif
seperti : by her, by them, by someone, by her, by people, dan sebagainya
dapat dihilangkan.
Contoh :
Active : Someone stole my Handphone
Passive : My handphone was stolen (by someone boleh dihilangkan)
4. Object dalam kalimat pasif harus ditulis bila diketahui secara
pasti orangnya.
Objek pelaku dalam kalimat pasif harus tetap ditulis apabila orang yang
melakukan sebuah tindakan telah diketahui secara pasti orangnya,
Misalnya: by Yanto, by Yanti, by Jones, by Columbus, dan sebagainya.
Contoh :
Active : Yanto repaired my car
Passive : My car was repaired by Yanto

5. Kalimat aktif yang mempunyai 2 object, maka mempunyai 2

macam kalimat pasif.
Kalimat aktif yang mempunyai 2 (dua) buah object, yakni objek langsung
dan tak Iangsung (direct & indirect objects), mempunyai dua macam
bentuk pasif.
Contoh :
Active : Our teacher told us some stories
Passive 1 : We were told some stories by our teacher
Passive 2 : Some stories were told to us by our teacher
6. Kalimat aktif yang bisa dirubah menjadi pasif hanya yang
mengandung Transitive Verbs.
Kalimat aktif yang dapat dirubah menjadi kalimat pasif hanyalah kalimat
yang kata kerjanya berupa Transitive Verb (kata kerja yang memerlukan
objek). Sedangkan kalimat aktif dengan Intransitive Verb (kata kerja yang
tidak memerlukan objek) tidak dapat dijadikan pasif
Yang termasuk Transitive Verbs antara lain : buy, bring, give, tell, do,
visit, drink, eat, agree, discover, write, etc
Contoh :
He buys .... what ......? (Dia membeli .... Apa...?)
Active : He buys a notebook
Passive : A notebook is bought by him.
Yang termasuk Intransitive Vebs antara lain : go, arrive, come, sleep,
look, seem, appear, bleed, etc.
Contoh :

They go to Bandung

He just arrived at school

They come to my house

Beberapa contoh kalimat di atas tidak bisa dijadikan kalimat pasif karena
verbs dalam kalimat-kalimat tersebut merupakan intransitive verbs.


Simple Present

Aktif : S + V1 + O
Pasif : O + tobe + V3

I eat that cake. => That cake is eatean (by me).

Present Future

Aktif : S + will + V1 + O
Pasif : O + Will + be + V3
Contoh :
I will do the homework. => The homework will be done (by me).

Present Perfect

Aktif : S + Have/Has + V3 + O
Pasif : O + Have/Has + been + V3
Contoh :
You have taken the pencil. => The pencil has been taken (by you).

Present Continuous

Aktif : S + tobe + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + tobe + being + V3
Contoh :
They are destroying that big building. => That big building is being destroyed.

Present Future Perfect

Aktif : S + Will + Have + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + V3
Contoh :
We will have finished all the tasks. => All the tasks will have been finished (by us).


Present Future Continuous

Aktif : S + Will + Have + been + V-ing

Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + being + V3

Contoh :
I will have been cooking the dinner soon. => The dinner will have been being cooked soon (by me).


Present Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Have/Has + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Have/Has + been + being + V3
Contoh :
I have been fixing your phone. => Your phone has been being fixed (by me).


Present Future Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Will + Have + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + being + V3
Contoh :
She will have been telling me the truth. => The truth will have been being told (by her).
9. Simple Past
Aktif : S + V2 + O
Pasif : O + tobe + V3
Contoh :
I broke the glass. => The glass was broken (by me).
10. Past Future
Aktif : S + Would + V1 + O
Pasif : O + Would + be + V3
I would spend the money. => The money would be spent (by me).

11. Past Perfect

Aktif : S + Had + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Had + been + V3

You had eaten that food. => The food had been eaten (by you).
12. Past Continuous
Aktif : S + tobe (was/were) + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + tobe (was/were) + being + V3
I was drinking a cup of coffee. => A cup of coffee was being drunk (by me)
13. Past Future Perfect
Aktif : S + Would + Have + V3 + O
Pasif : O + Would + Have + been + V3
Contoh :
Our teacher would have taught us for 1 year. => We would have been taught (by our teacher) for 1 year.
14. Past Future Continuous
Aktif : S + Would + be + V-ing
Pasif : O + Would + be + being + V3
Contoh :
We would be cleaning the house. => The house would be being cleaned (by us).
15. Past Perfect Continuous
Aktif : S + Had + been + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + Had + been + being + V3
Contoh :

My cat had been eating your fish. => Your fish had been being eaten (by my cat).

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Would + Have + been + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + Would + Have + been + being + V3
Contoh : My wife would have been driving the car. => The car would have been being driven (by my wife).

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice

1. Simple Present

Aktive: My mother cleans the kitchen once a week. (Ibu saya membersihkan dapur
seminggu sekali.)
Passive: The kitchen is cleaned by mother once a week. (Dapur dibersihkan oleh ibu saya
seminggu sekali.)
2. Present Continuous
Aktive: Anita is writing the letter right now. (Anita sedang menulis surat saat ini.)
Passive: The letter is being written by Anita. (Surat tersebut sedang ditulis oleh Anita.)
3. Simple Past
Aktive: My father repaired the car, yesterday. (Ayah saya memperbaiki mobil, kemarin.)
Passive: The car was repaired by my father. (Mobil diperbaiki oleh ayah saya.)
4. Past Continuous
Aktive: The police was asking the customer when the thief came into the store. (Polisi
sedang menanyai orang yang sedang belanja ketika pencuri masuk ke toko tersebut.)
Passive: The customer was being asked by the police when the thief came into the store.
(Orang yang sedang belanja tersebut sedang ditanyai oleh polisi ketika pencuri masuk
ketoko tersebut.)
5. Present Perfect
Active: Many tourists have visited that beach. (Banyak turis telah mengunjungi pantai itu.)
Passive: That beach has been visited by many tourists. (Pantai tersebut telah dikunjungi oleh
banyak turis.)
6. Present Perfect Continuous
Active: Recently, Dono has been doing the work. (Akhir-akhir ini, Dono telah sedang
mengerjakan tugasnya.)
Passive: Recently, the work has been being done by Dono. (Akhir-akhir ini, pekerjaan
tersebut telah sedang dikerjakan oleh Dono.)

7. Past Perfect
Active: Those mechanics had repaired many cars before they received their licenses. (Para
mekanik itu telah memperbaiki banyak mobil sebelum mereka menerima surat izin resminya.)

Passive: Many cars had been repaired by those mechanics before they received their licenses.
(Banyak mobil telah diperbaiki oleh para mekanik itu sebelum mereka menerima surat izin
8. Past Perfect Continuous
Active: Chef Juna had been preparing the Warung Padang for three years before he moved to
Bandung. (Koki Juna telah sedang mempersiapkan Warung Padang selama tiga tahun
sebelum dia pindah ke Bandung.)
Passive: The Warung Padang had been being prepared by Chef Juna for three years before he
moved to Bandung. (Warung Padang telah sedang dipersiapkan oleh koki Juna selama tiga
tahun sebelum ia pindah ke Bandung.)
9. Simple Future (will)
Active: Andrew will finish his work by 4:00 P.M (Andrew akan menyelesaikan pekerjaannya
pada pukul 4 sore.)
Passive: The work will be finished by Andrew at 4:00 P.M (Pekerjaan tersebut akan
diselesaikan oleh Andrew pada pukul 4 sore.)
10. Simple Future (be going to)
Active: Budi is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight. (Budi akan membuat sebuah makan
malam indah malam ini.)
Passive: A beautiful dinner is going to be made by Budi tonight. (Sebuah makan malam
indah akan dibuat oleh Budi malam ini.)
11. Future Continuous (will)
Active: At 7:00 PM tonight, my mother will be washing the dishes. (Tepat pada pukul 7
malam ini, ibu akan sedang mencuci piring.)
Passive: At 7:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by my mother. (Tepat pada
pukul 7 malam ini, piring akan sedang di cuci oleh ibu.)
12. Future Perfect (will)
Active: They will have completed the project before the deadline. (Mereka akan telah
menyelesaikan proyek tersebut sebelum akhir batas waktu.)
Passive: The project will have been completed before the deadline. (Proyek akan telah
diselesaikan sebelum akhir batas waktu.)

13. Future Perfect Continuous (will)

Active: I will have been translating Laskar Pelangis novel for over 2 months by the time it is
finished. (Aku akan telah menterjemahkan novel Laskar Pelangi selama 2 bulan ketika itu
Passive: Laskar Pelangis novel will have been being translating by me for over 2 months by
the time it is finished. (Novel Laskar Pelangi akan telah diterjemahkan oleh saya selama dua
bulan ketika itu diselesaikan.)
14. Future Perfect Continuous (Used to)
Active: Budiman used to pay the bills. (Budiman biasanya membayar tagihan-tagihannya.)
Passive: The bills used to be paid by Budiman. (Tagihan-tagihan biasanya dibayar oleh
15. Future in the Past (Would)
Active: I knew he would finish the work by 6:00 PM. (Aku tahu bahwa dia akan
menyelesaikan pekerjaan tersebut pada pukul enam sore.)
Passive: I knew the work would be finished by him at 6:00 PM. (Aku tahu pekerjaan
tersebut akan diselesaikan oleh dia pada pukul 6 sore.)
16. Future in the Past (Was Going to)
Active: I thought Winda was going to make a candle light dinner tonight. (Saya pikir Winda
akan membuat sebuah makan malam romantis malam ini.)
Passive: I thought a candle light dinner was going to be made by Winda tonight. (Saya pikir
sebuah makan malam romantis akan dibuat oleh Winda malam ini.)

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