Mri Report

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February 2007

TABLE OF CONTENTS_________________________________________________

Executive Summary







Design and Construction of MRI Facilities


Approval, Inspection, and Accreditation of New and Existing MRI Facilities


Establishment, Implementation, and Maintenance of MR Safety Policies and Procedures


MR Safety Zones


MR Personnel and Non-MR Personnel




Other Safety Issues


Education Materials for Health Care Workers, Patients, and the General Public


Standing Committee




Appendix A: Definitions


Personnel Definitions


MRI Facility Definition


Zone Definitions


Appendix B: Labeling


Appendix C: Example of Emergency Protocol


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is extremely safe when used by trained professionals. Adverse
effects and accidents related to MRI occur very rarely, yet MRI still poses certain safety hazards
that are not obvious or intuitive, especially to those who are not familiar with MR technology. MRI
adverse effects are immediate, and in the rare instances when they have occurred, some have
resulted in serious physical injury or even death. This document is intended to provide guidance on
the safe operation of MRI facilities in Ontario and should be reviewed and updated on a regular

The objectives of this report are to describe how:

1. MRI facilities in Ontario will be designed and constructed in a manner that is conducive to
the safe operation of the facilities, and that will reduce the risk of safety hazards to MR
personnel, other health care workers, patients, and the general public;
2. MRI facilities in Ontario will be operated, maintained and inspected in a manner that will
reduce the risk of safety hazards to MR personnel, other health care workers, patients, and
the general public.

The Committee recommends that the province of Ontario put in place regulations and/or legislation
as follows:

Design and construction

1. All MRI facilities shall be designed and constructed in a manner that recognizes the potential
safety hazards associated with the area around an MR scanner. In particular, all MRI facilities
shall restrict access to MR safety zones (Zones III and IV) to only MR personnel, patients and
research subjects under the direct supervision of MR personnel, and appropriately trained MR
research personnel. (See pages 9-10)

2. All proposals for new MRI facilities should be reviewed by the province of Ontario to ensure
that their design and operation plans meet the criteria set out in this report, prior to receiving
approval and licensing from the province.

3. Upon completion of construction, the province should inspect the MRI facilities to ensure that
they meet the criteria set out in this report, prior to approving the start of operations.

4. All MRI facilities shall be inspected for adherence to the policies and practices described in this
report as soon as is possible after acceptance of this report, and then no less frequently than
every five years thereafter. If a facility does not satisfy the policies and practices set forth in this
report, the facility should be advised by the province to remedy its deficiencies or risk losing its
MRI facility license.

Policies and procedures

5. Each MRI facility shall have an MR Safety Officer whose responsibilities will include ensuring
that MR safe practice guidelines are established, implemented, maintained, and routinely
reviewed and updated as necessary. (See pages 11-12)

6. The level of compliance of an MRI facilitys staff to its MR safety policies and procedures shall
be assessed and documented annually. This will be the responsibility of the facilitys MR Safety
Officer. The policies and procedures manual should be on site and readily available to MR
professionals and to agents of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care or of other regulatory
bodies at all times of operation.

7. MR safety policies and procedures shall be reviewed concurrently with the introduction of any
significant changes to the safety parameters of the MR environment of the site and modified as
needed. (See page 12)

8. Each MRI facility shall develop a screening process and a screening form for the purpose of
ascertaining which workers, patients, or other members of the public are at risk from being in or
near the MRI facility. (See pages 12-13)

9. Each MRI facility shall have procedures in place to ensure that any and all adverse events or
MR safety incidents (or near incidents) that occur in the facility are reported to the MR
Medical Director or MR Safety Officer in a timely manner. (See page 13)

10. The province should develop a process to gather reports of adverse events and near misses
from all MRI facilities in the province, and make these known on a regular basis across all
Ontario MRI facilities. (See page 13)

11. MR scans of human patients and human research subjects shall be performed only by CMRTO
registered MR technologists or by medical doctors with specific training in MR. If the latter, the
medical doctor shall have training in MR safety that is at least equal to the MR safety training
received by Level 2 MR personnel. Students in an accredited program may perform MR scans if
they are under the supervision of a CMRTO registered MR technologist. MR scans of animals
and/or inanimate objects may be performed by CMRTO registered MR technologists or by
other appropriate medical, scientific, or service personnel, provided they have been adequately
trained in MR safety.

MR safety zones
12. Each MRI facility shall have well demarcated MR safety zones (Zones III and IV) in and
around the MR scanner room, wherein access by non-MR personnel is to be restricted by
physical barriers. (See pages 14-17)

MR personnel
13. Each MRI facility shall train and designate Level 1 and Level 2 MR personnel. All other
persons shall be designated as non-MR personnel. Non-MR personnel will be prohibited from
gaining access to MR safety zones unless accompanied by MR personnel. (See pages 17-19)

Screening: humans
14. Each MRI facility shall develop and implement a screening process and screening form for
patients and other non-MR personnel. In particular, policies and procedures must exist and be
followed for: emergency response personnel such as police and firefighters; objects carried on
or in the bodies of non-MR personnel; and the monitoring of patients vital signs while they are
in the MR scanner. (See pages 19-24)

Screening: devices and objects

15. Each MRI facility shall develop and implement a screening process for all devices and objects
that may be introduced into MR safety zones. The MR safety or MR compatibility of any device
or object must never be assumed. All unknown, external objects and devices must be tested and
labelled before being brought into an MR safety zone. (See pages 24-27)

Other safety issues

16. Each MRI facility shall develop and implement policies concerning the following: pregnancyrelated issues; time-varying gradient magnetic field-related issues; and cryogen-related issues.
(See pages 27-29)

Public education
17. The province should produce public education materials that explain the basic function and
design of MR scanners and the risks posed to those who are in or near such scanners, whether as
patients, accompanying persons, or personnel. (See pages 29-30)

Standing committee
18. The province should establish a standing committee comprising of MR experts such as doctors
and technologists, as well as other stakeholders such as patients and policy makers, to examine
periodically the evolution of MR technology and application, in order to advise and modify as
necessary the recommendations in this report.



The Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee (OHTAC) recommended that a study of the
safety aspects of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) be conducted.
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) provided a research grant to the
Healthcare Human Factors Group at the University Health Network (UHN) to investigate and
provide safety recommendations on CT and MRI for OHTAC's consideration. Recommendations
from the resulting two reports, covering CT and MRI safety, were endorsed by OHTAC. One of the
recommendations was for MOHLTC to create a Diagnostic Imaging Safety Committee (DISC) for
CT and MRI. The MR Safety Committee would be responsible for developing recommendations
concerning standards and best practices for MR, including facilities physical requirements, testing
and inspection of MR scanners and facilities in Ontario, and education and training of relevant
health care workers.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an established and very important diagnostic imaging
method. MRI is widely used in Ontario, with approximately one hundred MRI facilities in the
province. Several hundreds of health care professionals, scientists, engineers, and related health
care personnel work in or near MRI systems in Ontario every day. Hundreds of thousands of

patients are examined with MRI in Ontario every year. Although MRI is extremely safe when used
by trained professionals, and although adverse effects and accidents related to MRI facilities are
very rare, MRI poses several safety hazards to workers and patients that are not obvious or intuitive,
especially to those who are not familiar with MR technology.1 This document is intended to provide
guidance on the safe operation of MRI facilities in Ontario. It is also intended to be reviewed and
updated on a regular basis as knowledge about MR safety continues to evolve and improve.

Adverse effects or accidents can occur with any medical imaging test. In radiology and medical
imaging departments, the adverse effects that have attracted the most attention and regulation have
been those related to cumulative and long-term exposure to ionizing radiation from tests such as
radiographs, computed tomography (CT) scans, and radio-isotope scans (nuclear medicine). It is
known that excessive doses of ionizing radiation are associated with an increased risk of developing
cancer, which can occur many years after the exposure to the ionizing radiation. MRI does not use
any ionizing radiation; hence, these same concerns do not apply to MRI. Indeed, the lack of
ionizing radiation is one of several advantages of MRI over techniques such as CT scanning.
However, the very strong magnetic fields that are an integral part of all MRI systems pose their own
safety hazards. In contrast to the safety hazards associated with CT, which occur many years after
the test is done, MRI adverse events are immediate. In the rare instances when they have occurred,
some have resulted in serious physical injury or even death.

The abbreviations MR and MRI mean Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, respectively. MR is
usually taken to encompass both Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS), but in
day-to-day use, and in this report, MR is used interchangeably with either of the terms MRI or MRS. This is common
practice unless an important distinction is required, which is not the case in this report.


This report is not intended to be a comprehensive MR safety document. Rather, it is confined to an

analysis of the immediate physical risks to workers and patients that are associated with the
operation of MRI facilities, and to recommendations on the design and operation of MRI facilities
to minimize these risks. The Committee recognizes there are concerns about possible long-term
adverse effects related to exposure to MRI systems, but at the time of this report, no such long-term
effects are known, and thus, the possibility of delayed, long-term adverse effects is not addressed.
New knowledge may come to light in the future and the Committee reiterates that the
recommendations in this report must be reviewed periodically. Furthermore, this report does not
address the use of drugs, such as contrast agents, used in conjunction with MRI examinations. Like
all pharmaceuticals, these drugs have their own adverse effects, which are usually independent of
the MRI facility and the MRI scanning process. Recommendations for the safe use of such drugs
and for the treatment of any adverse events related to their use are dealt with elsewhere in the
medical and pharmaceutical literature.

This report refers extensively to the recommendations of the American College of Radiology
(ACR) Guidance Document for Safe MR Practices, 2007 (also known as the ACR White Papers on
MR Safety). The ACR White Papers are the result of extensive literature reviews and constitute the
consensus opinion of a large group of respected MR safety experts. (insert footnote: ACR papers
are in Appendix E?) This report differs from the ACR White Papers in that it is not as
comprehensive in dealing with as many issues (e.g., the use of MRI contrast agents) and in that it is
less prescriptive in its recommendations for the physical siting requirements for MRI facilities. This
is intentional. The ACR document addresses a much wider readership and covers a wider range of
facilities. There are over five thousand MRI facilities in the United States, situated in much more


diverse circumstances than what currently exists in the province of Ontario. Ontario has far fewer
MRI facilities, which are much more uniform in their physical characteristics. In particular, the
boundary line that is generally accepted as the one delimiting the potential risk of being too close to
an MR scanner (the 5 Gauss line) is inside the actual scanner room in almost all existing facilities
in Ontario. Hence, the extensive discussion in the ACR White Papers devoted to defining MR
safety zones outside the scanner room has little applicability to Ontarios MRI facilities, and is
therefore dealt with much more succinctly in this report.


The objectives of this report are to describe how:

1. MRI facilities in Ontario will be designed and built in a manner that is conducive to the safe
operation of the facilities, and that will reduce the risk of safety hazards to MR personnel,
other health care workers, patients, and the general public;

2. MRI facilities in Ontario will be operated, maintained and inspected in a manner that will
reduce the risk of safety hazards to MR personnel, other health care workers, patients, and
the general public.



For the purposes of this report, it is intended that recommendations made to Ontario or to the
province of Ontario be understood as being made to Ontarios Ministry of Health and Long-Term
Care or any other provincial body responsible for governing MRI facilities.

The Committee recommends that the province of Ontario put in place regulations and/or legislation
as follows:


1. All MRI facilities (as defined in Appendix A) shall be designed and constructed in a manner that
recognizes the potential safety hazards associated with the area around an MR scanner. In
particular, all MRI facilities shall be designed in a manner that restricts access to MR safety
zones to only MR personnel, patients and research subjects under the direct supervision of MR
personnel, and appropriately trained MR research personnel.

The main physical risks near an MR scanner are twofold: 1) the risk of physical attraction of
certain objects into the MR scanner; and 2) the risk of malfunction of certain biomedical
devices that are sensitive to magnetic fields, such as pacemakers. The first situation can occur
only in immediate proximity to an MRI magnet while the second can occur in the fringe field
at some distance from the magnet.

Consequently, a fringe field threshold of 0.5mT


[0.5milliTesla = 5 Gauss (G)] was established about 25 years ago as a conservative limit,
several times smaller than the lowest magnetic field that could affect the most sensitive cardiac
pacemaker. In the intervening years, biomedical instrumentation has generally become less
sensitive to magnetic fields, but the 0.5mT (5 Gauss) threshold persists as a useful guideline for
designing and constructing MRI facilities. Most existing facilities in Ontario contain the 0.5mT
fringe field within the MR scanner room and this is the recommended practice. In some
designs, it may be necessary that the fringe field outside the magnet room slightly exceed
0.5mT (up to 1mT), which is acceptable, provided that such facilities have appropriate
precautions in place to limit the access of non-MR personnel to these fringe field areas.

Good design practice is to provide lockable physical barriers that prevent inappropriate access
of hospital personnel, patients, and members of the public to all areas where the fringe magnetic
field exceeds 0.5mT. Ideally, this objective would be achieved by shielding the MR scanner,
the MRI room, or both, to ensure the 0.5mT fringe field is contained within the MR scanner
room. In those circumstances where this cannot be achieved, physical barriers must be in place
to prevent access to fringe field areas in the same manner as to the MR scanner room. All new
MRI facilities should have the fringe field surveyed to ensure there is no risk of adverse events
for the most susceptible biomedical devices.




2. The Committee recommends that all proposals for new MRI facilities be reviewed by the
province of Ontario to ensure that their design and operation plans meet the criteria set out in
this report, prior to receiving approval and licensing from the province.

3. Upon completion of construction, the Committee recommends that the province inspect the
facilities to ensure that they meet the criteria set out in this report, prior to approving the start of

4. The Committee recommends that every MRI facility in Ontario be inspected for adherence to the
policies and practices described in this report as soon as is possible after acceptance of this
report, and then no less frequently than every five years thereafter. If a facility does not satisfy
the policies and practices set forth in this report, the facility should be advised by the province
to remedy its deficiencies or risk losing its MRI facility license.



5. Each MRI facility shall have an MR Safety Officer whose responsibilities will include ensuring
that MR safe practice guidelines are established, implemented, maintained, and routinely


reviewed and updated as necessary. It is also the responsibility of the MR Safety Officer,
together with the sites administration, to ensure that the policies and procedures resulting from
these MR safe practice guidelines are adhered to at all times by the sites personnel. The MR
Safety Officer may be the same person as the facilitys MR Medical Director, or these
responsibilities may be carried out by two different people.

6. The level of compliance of an MRI facilitys staff to its MR safety policies and procedures shall
be assessed and documented annually. This will be the responsibility of the facilitys MR Safety
Officer. The policies and procedures manual should be on site and readily available to MR
professionals and to agents of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care or of other regulatory
bodies at all times of operation.

7. MR safety policies and procedures shall be reviewed concurrently with the introduction of any
significant changes to the safety parameters of the MR environment of the site (e.g., an increase
in MR scanner field strength; the placement of the MR scanner in a different location;
modifications to the size or geometry of the scanner room) and modified as needed. In this
review process, national and international standards and recommendations should be taken into
consideration prior to establishing local guidelines, policies, and procedures.

8. Each MRI facility shall develop a screening process and a screening form for the purpose of
ascertaining which patients, workers, or other members of the public are at risk from being in or
near the MRI facility. It is not the purpose of this report to prescribe the exact process for
developing the screening form or its content. However, the Committee recommends that MRI


facilities use a standard screening process and screening form from a trusted, expert source,
such as the ACR White Papers on MR Safety. (The ACRs screening form can be found in
Appendix B.) The Committee advises that each facility consider making modifications to the
standard screening process for each of the following types of persons (special cases):




Unconscious and other non-communicative persons;


Persons who do not understand English (or the language in use at the MRI facility);


Patients, accompanying persons, or health care workers who are pregnant; and


MR personnel.

The development of the screening process and the screening form should be done under the
direction of the MR Medical Director and MR Safety Officer. It is their responsibility to stay
current with the MR safety literature, including but not limited to, safety alerts from Health
Canada and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).

9. Each MRI facility shall have procedures in place to ensure that any and all adverse events or MR
safety incidents (or near incidents) that occur in the facility are reported to the MR Medical
Director or MR Safety Officer in a timely manner (e.g., within 24 hours or one business day of
their occurrence). These reports are to be used in a continuous effort to improve quality within


10. With the intent of continuous quality improvement across institutions, Ontario should develop a
process to gather reports of adverse events and near misses from all MRI facilities in the
province, and make these known on a regular basis across all Ontario MRI facilities.

11. MR scans of human patients and human research subjects shall be performed only by College of
Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario (CMRTO) registered MR technologists or by
medical doctors with specific training in MR. If the latter, the medical doctor shall have training
in MR safety that is at least equal to the MR safety training received by Level 2 MR personnel.
Students in an accredited program may perform MR scans if they are under the supervision of a
CMRTO registered MR technologist. MR scans of animals and/or inanimate objects may be
performed by CMRTO registered MR technologists or other appropriate medical, scientific, or
service personnel, provided they have been adequately trained in MR safety.


12. Each MRI facility shall have well demarcated MR safety zones in and around the MR scanner
room, wherein access by non-MR personnel is to be restricted by physical barriers.

The concept of MR safety zones is derived from the ACR White Papers. However, rather than
defining four MR safety zones as the ACR document does, this report simplifies the concept
and defines only two MR safety zones. In the interests of congruence with the ACR White
Papers, the nomenclature for these two zones is retained as Zone III and Zone IV. Areas


that are not designated as Zone III or Zone IV equate with areas that have no barriers to physical
access (i.e., general public areas).

Zone IV:
Zone IV is the MR scanner room itself. Zone IV must be demarcated and clearly marked as
being potentially hazardous due to the presence of very strong magnetic fields. Zone IV must be
clearly marked with signage that indicates: The magnet is on.

Zone IV must always be in a fully enclosed space. All doors into Zone IV must have locks and
must be locked any time Zone IV is not under the direct supervision of MR personnel.

In all MRI facilities, Level 2 MR personnel should have direct visual observation of access
pathways into Zone IV. For example, MR technologists should be able to directly observe and
control, via line-of-sight or via video monitors, the entrances or access corridors into Zone IV
from their normal positions when stationed at their desks in the scan control room.

In the case of cardiac or respiratory arrest or of any other medical emergency arising within
Zone IV for which emergent medical intervention or resuscitation is required, MR personnel
should immediately remove the patient from the MR scanner room to a predetermined,
magnetically safe location, prior to initiating any attempt at resuscitation. This is imperative
because the magnetic environment in Zone IV may hinder safe resuscitative efforts. Once in a
magnetically safe location, appropriately trained and certified MR personnel should initiate
basic life support or CPR as required by the situation and call the arrest team. Zone III and IV


access restrictions must be maintained during resuscitations and other emergent situations for
the safety of all involved.

Zone III:
Zone III is the area outside the actual MR scanner room in which free access by unscreened,
non-MR personnel or by ferromagnetic objects or equipment can result in serious injury or
death, as a result of interactions between the individuals or equipment and the MR scanners
particular environment. These interactions include, but are not limited to, those involving the
MR scanners static and time-varying magnetic fields.

For all intents and purposes, Zone III equates to the area within the 5 Gauss (5 G) perimeter
line, because no harmful effects related to MRI have occurred outside the 5 G line. Almost all
existing Ontario MRI facilities have the 5 G line contained within the MR scanner room itself,
thus, under current Ontario conditions, the concept of Zone III as a potentially unsafe area
outside the scanner room applies to only a few facilities. In these facilities, it is imperative that
all access to Zone III be strictly restricted with access controlled by, and entirely under the
supervision of MR personnel.

However, the fact that currently, most Ontario MRI facilities have Zones III and IV contained in
the same physical parameters poses its own potential dangers. For example, it has come to pass
that unaccompanied non-MR personnel have directly entered Zone IV (e.g., a patient who has
just been scanned comes back into the MR scanner room to ask a question to the MR
technologist still in the room) because the buffer zone of Zone III does not physically exist.


Therefore, the Committee recommends that all new MRI facilities be constructed with clearly
delineated and restricted Zones III and IV.

Access to Zone III must be physically restricted from the general public by key locks, passkey
locking systems, or any other reliable, physically restricting method that allows differentiation
between MR personnel and non-MR personnel. The use of combination locks is discouraged
due to combinations often becoming more widely distributed than initially intended, resulting in
a greater likelihood of site restriction violations. Only MR personnel will be allowed free access
and given access keys or passkeys to Zone III. There should be no exceptions to this guideline.
Specifically, exceptions should not be made for hospital or site administration, or for medical,
security, or other non-MR personnel.

Non-MR personnel are not to be allowed independent Zone III access until such time as they
undergo the proper education and training to become MR personnel themselves. Zone III, or at
least the area within it wherein the static magnetic fields strength exceeds 5 G, should be
demarcated and clearly marked as being potentially hazardous.

Specifically identified MR personnel (typically, but not necessarily only, MR technologists) are
responsible for ensuring that this MR safe practice guideline is strictly followed for the safety of
patients and other non-MR personnel, of health care personnel, and of the MR equipment itself.
This function of MR personnel is directly under the authority and responsibility of the MR
Medical Director or of his/her delegate for the MRI facility.



13. Each MRI facility shall train and designate Level 1 and Level 2 MR personnel. All other
persons shall be designated as non-MR personnel. Non-MR personnel will be prohibited from
gaining access to MR safety zones unless accompanied by MR personnel.

All individuals working within at least Zone III of the MR environment must be documented as
having successfully completed at least one of the MR safety lectures or pre-recorded
presentations approved by the MR Medical Director or MR Safety Officer. Attendance should
be repeated at least every three years, and appropriate documentation should be provided to
confirm these ongoing educational efforts. These individuals are referred to as MR personnel.

Levels of MR personnel
There are two levels of MR personnel:

a. Level 1 MR personnel: Individuals who have passed minimal safety educational programs to
ensure their own safety as they work within Zone III are referred to as Level 1 MR

b. Level 2 MR personnel: Individuals who have been more extensively trained and educated in
the broader aspects of MR safety issues (e.g., issues related to the potential for thermal
loading or burns, and direct neuromuscular excitation from rapidly changing gradients) are
referred to as Level 2 MR personnel. It is the responsibility of the MR Medical Director or


MR Safety Officer not only to identify the necessary training, but also to identify those
individuals who qualify as Level 2 MR personnel. It is understood that the MR Medical
Director and MR Safety Officer will have the necessary education and experience in MR
safety to qualify as Level 2 MR personnel themselves.

MR technologist:
i) MR technologists must be CMRTO registered technologists in MR. Furthermore, all
MR technologists must be trained as Level 2 MR personnel during their orientation,
prior to being permitted free access to Zone III or IV.
ii) All MR technologists must maintain current certification in basic life support at the
health care provider level.

Anyone other than Level 2 MR personnel who enters the MR scanner room (e.g.,
housekeeping or nursing staff) must be under the direct supervision of Level 2 MR

All individuals not having successfully completed MR safety training as outlined above are
referred to as non-MR personnel. Specifically, the term non-MR personnel refers to any
individual or group who has not within the previous 12 months undergone the designated formal
training in MR safety issues as defined by the MR Medical Director of an MRI facility.


Patient and Non-MR Personnel Screening:

14. Each MRI facility shall develop and implement a screening process and screening form for
patients and other non-MR personnel. Policies and procedures must exist and be followed for:
emergency response personnel such as police and firefighters; objects carried on or in the bodies
of non-MR personnel; and the monitoring of patients vital signs while they are in the MR
scanner. A sample screening form from the ACR appears in Appendix B.

a. All non-MR personnel wishing to enter Zone III or IV must first pass an MR safety
screening process. Only Level 2 MR personnel are authorized to perform an MR safety
screen prior to permitting non-MR personnel into Zone III or IV.

b. The screening process and screening forms for patients, non-MR personnel, and MR
personnel should be essentially identical. It should not be assumed that non-MR personnel,
health care practitioners, or MR personnel would not enter the bore of the MR imager
during the MRI process. Only MR technologists and MRI-trained physicians can perform
the final safety screen of patients and of those entering the magnet room.

c. Non-MR personnel must be accompanied by, or be under the immediate supervision of and
in visual and verbal contact with, one specifically identified Level 1 or Level 2 MR
personnel for the duration of their time within Zone III or IV.


Level 1 MR personnel are permitted unaccompanied access throughout Zones III and IV.
Level 1 MR personnel are also permitted to be responsible for accompanying non-MR
personnel into and throughout Zone III, but not Zone IV. Level 1 MR personnel are not
permitted to directly admit or be designated responsible for non-MR personnel in
Zone IV.

In such events as a shift change or a lunch break, Level 2 MR personnel shall not relinquish
their responsibility to supervise non-MR personnel still within Zone IV until such
supervision has been formally transferred to another Level 2 MR personnel.

d. Any individual undergoing an MR procedure must remove all readily removable metallic
personal belongings and devices on or in their persons. Such items include watches,
jewellery, pagers, cell phones, body piercings (if removable), contraceptive diaphragms,
metallic drug delivery patches, cosmetics containing metallic particles (such as eye
makeup), and clothing items that may contain metallic fasteners, hooks, zippers, loose
metallic components, or metallic threads. The Committee therefore advises MRI facilities to
provide patients and research subjects with gowns or pants that have no metal fasteners for
wear during the MRI procedure.

e. The monitoring of the vital signs of patients in the MR scanner is sometimes necessary. The
potential for thermal injury from excessive radiofrequency (RF) power deposition exists,
especially in higher-field whole-body scanners (i.e., 1 T and above). Sedated, anesthetized,
or unconscious patients may not be able to express symptoms of such injury. Accordingly,


each MRI facility must develop and use a vital signs monitoring policy based on best
practice, or use the policies of an expert source such as the ACR White Papers on MR

f. Entry into an MRI facility on an emergency basis by non-MR personnel, such as firefighters
or police officers, requires special consideration. All MRI facilities must develop written
policies detailing the procedures to be followed in such situations. Ontario MRI facilities
may use the ACR White Papers guidelines (below) or a modification thereof. An example of
such a protocol developed by an Ontario MRI facility can be found in Appendix C.

From the ACR White Papers:

For the safety of firefighters and other emergent services responding to an emergent call at
the MR site, it is recommended that all fire alarms, cardiac arrests, or other emergent service
response calls originating from or located in the MR site be forwarded simultaneously to a
specifically designated individual from among the sites MR personnel. This individual
should, if possible, be on-site prior to the arrival of the firefighters or emergent responders
to ensure they do not have free access to Zone III or IV. The site might consider assigning
appropriately trained security personnel, who have been trained and designated as MR
personnel, to respond to such calls.

All MR sites should arrange to prospectively educate their local fire marshals, firefighter
associations, and police or security personnel about the potential hazards of responding to
emergencies in the MR scanner room. It should also be considered that yearly reminders or


education be provided to emergency personnel regarding location and layout of MR scanner


It should be stressed that, even in the presence of a true fire (or other emergency) in Zone III
or IV, the magnetic fields may be present and fully operational. Therefore, free access to
Zone III or IV by firefighters or other non-MR personnel with equipment such as air tanks,
axes, crowbars, guns, etc., might prove catastrophic or even lethal to those responding or to
others in the vicinity.

As part of the Zones III and IV restrictions, all MR sites must have readily accessible,
clearly marked, MR Compatible fire-extinguishing equipment physically stored within Zone
III or IV. All non-MR Compatible fire extinguishers and other firefighting equipment
should be restricted from Zones III and IV.

For superconducting magnets, the helium (and the nitrogen, as well, in older magnets) is not
flammable and does not directly pose a fire hazard. However, the liquid oxygen that can
result from the super-cooled air in the vicinity of the released gases might well increase the
fire hazard in this area. If there are appropriately trained and knowledgeable MR personnel
available during an emergency to ensure emergency response personnel are kept out of the
MR scanner room and the 5 G line, quenching the magnet during a response to an
emergency or fire should not be a requirement.


However, if the fire is in such a location that Zone III or IV needs to be entered for whatever
reason by firefighters or emergency response personnel and their firefighting and emergent
equipment (such as air canisters, crowbars, axes, and defibrillators), a decision to quench a
superconducting magnet should be very seriously considered to protect the health and lives
of the emergency response personnel. Should a quench be performed, appropriately
designated MR personnel still need to ensure that all non-MR personnel (including and
especially emergency response personnel) continue to be restricted from Zones III and IV
until the designated MR personnel has personally verified that the static field is either no
longer detectable or is at least sufficiently attenuated to no longer present a potential hazard
to anyone moving by it with large ferromagnetic objects such as oxygen tanks or axes.

Device and Object Screening:

15. Each MRI facility shall develop and implement a screening process for all devices and objects
that may be introduced into MR safety zones. The MR safety or MR compatibility of any device
or object must never be assumed. All unknown, external objects and devices must be tested and
labelled before being brought into an MR safety zone.

a. As part of the Zone III and IV site restrictions, which comprise equipment testing and
clearing responsibilities, all MRI facilities should have an easily accessible, strong,
handheld magnet (1000 G). This will enable MR personnel to test external and even


some superficial internal devices or implants for the presence of grossly detectable
ferromagnetic attractive forces.

b. The safety information or MR compatibility of any device must never be assumed. All
unknown, external objects or devices being considered for introduction into Zone III or IV
must be tested with a strong handheld magnet (1000 G) for ferromagnetic properties prior
to permitting them entry into Zone III or IV. The results of such testing, as well as the date,
time, name of the tester, and the methodology used for testing that particular device should
be documented in writing. If a device has not been tested, or if its MR compatibility or
safety status is unknown, it should not be allowed into Zone III or IV.

c. All portable metallic or partially metallic devices that are on, or external to, a person
wishing to enter Zone III or IV (e.g., oxygen cylinders) are to be positively identified in
writing as non-ferromagnetic and either MR Safe or MR Compatible prior to permitting
them into Zone III or IV. Examples of devices that need to be positively identified include
fire extinguishers, oxygen tanks, and aneurysm clips.

d. External devices or objects demonstrated to be ferromagnetic and MR Unsafe or MR

Incompatible may still, under specific circumstances, be brought into Zone III or IV, if they
are deemed by MR personnel to be necessary and appropriate for the care of the patient.
Such devices should be brought into Zone III or IV only if they are under the direct
supervision of designated Level 1 or 2 MR personnel who are thoroughly familiar with the
devices, their functions, and the reasons supporting their introduction into Zone III or IV.


The safe use of these devices while they are present in Zone III or IV will be the
responsibility of a specifically named Level 1 or 2 MR personnel member. The devices must
be appropriately physically secured or restricted at all times during which they are in Zone
III or IV to ensure that they do not inadvertently come too close to the MR scanner and
accidentally become exposed to static magnetic fields or gradients, which might result in
their becoming either hazardous projectiles or no longer accurately functional.

e. All portable metallic or partially metallic objects that are to be brought into Zone IV must be
appropriately labelled. The Committee recommends that medical and research institutions
use the same MR safety labels across their various locations within Ontario, if applicable.
For the purpose of labelling, testing metallic objects with a handheld magnet (1000 G) is to
be performed by the sites MR personnel. If grossly detectable attractive forces are observed
between a metallic object or any of its components and the handheld magnet, it is to be
affixed with a red label. If no such forces are observed, the object is to be affixed with a
green label prior to its introduction into Zone IV. For further details, the current standard for
labelling can be found in Appendix C.

f. Decisions based on published MR compatibility or safety claims should recognize that all
such claims apply to specifically tested static field and static gradient field strengths. For
example, MR Compatible up to 3.0 T at gradient strengths of 400 G/cm or MR Safe
tested up to 1.5 T up to maximum static gradient fields experienced in an unshielded 1.5 T
[manufacturer name] whole-body MR scanner tested 1.5 feet within the bore.


g. It should be noted that any alterations made to MR Safe or MR Compatible equipment or

devices may alter the MR safety or compatibility properties of the device or equipment. For
example, tying a ferromagnetic, metallic, twisting binder onto a sign labelling a device as
MR Compatible might result in artifact induction or worse if the device is introduced
into the MR scanner.


16. Each MRI facility shall develop and implement policies concerning the following: pregnancyrelated issues; time-varying gradient magnetic field-related issues; and cryogen-related issues.

Pregnancy-Related Issues:

MRI facilities should develop and implement a written policy concerning:

pregnant health care practitioners working in the MR environment;

the imaging of pregnant patients; and

the admissibility of pregnant accompanying persons into the MR scanner room.

This policy should include a statement on whether informed consent is to be obtained from such
persons. The content of the policy should be based on a trusted, expert source of MR safety
information, such as the ACR White Papers on MR Safety.


Time-Varying Gradient Magnetic Field-Related Issues Auditory Considerations:

All patients, accompanying persons, and research subjects should use hearing protection while
undergoing imaging in the MR scanner or while in the MR scanner room as image acquisition is

Cryogen-Related Issues:

For superconducting systems, in the event of a system quench, it is imperative that all personnel
and patients be evacuated from the MR scanner room as quickly and as safely as possible, and
that access to the site be immediately forbidden to all individuals until the arrival of MR
equipment service personnel. This is especially important if cryogenic gases are observed to
have vented partially or completely into the MR scanner room, as evidenced in part by the
sudden appearance of white clouds or fog around or above the MR scanner. Furthermore,
all police and fire response personnel must be restricted from entering the MR scanner room
with their equipment (e.g., axes, air canisters, guns, etc.) until it can be confirmed that the
magnetic field has been successfully dissipated, because despite a quench or partial quench of
the magnet, there may still be considerable static magnetic field present.

Most, if not all, MR scanner rooms in Ontario have multiple safety mechanisms, including
emergency pressure vents, in place to provide for the emergency venting of cryogenic gases. In
addition, the regular room ventilation system is capable of dissipating the gases, albeit not as
quickly as the emergency vent. Similarly, most facilities have wave-guides that provide an


additional venting conduit. An outwardly opening scanner room door is a further safety valve,
but given the presence of other venting conduits, an out-swing door is not essential in and of
itself for gas-venting safety purposes. Lastly, an in-room oxygen detector may be considered as
an additional safety measure. If this option is chosen, such a monitor must be regularly
maintained once it is installed.



17. The Committee recommends that the province produce public education materials that explain
the basic function and design of MR scanners and the risks posed to those who are in or near
such scanners, whether as patients, accompanying persons, or personnel.

Patients and General Public:

A critical component of safety and of effective health care is the active engagement of patients
and their families in their own care. However, in general, patients, their families, and the
general public are relatively unaware of the safety issues related to the use of MRI. The
Committee believes it would be valuable for the province to produce some concise, clear, and
simple public education materials that explain the basic function and design of MR scanners and
the risks associated with being in or near such scanners. These materials could include tips and
advice for MRI patients and their accompanying persons. For example, a question such as the


following may be included: Do you know if you have a metal implant in your body? Find
out if it is MR Safe. If it is not, consider carrying a note in your wallet to indicate the presence
of implants in your body.

Health Care and Other Workers:

Most safety issues related to MRI will have an impact on anyone in the direct MR environment,
including health care and other workers. While most MRI facilities have a screening process in
place, there is no way to ensure full disclosure on the part of all health care workers regarding
implants or other devices they may have in their bodies. The Committee believes it would be
valuable for the province to develop educational materials for workers in MR environments,
explaining the risks associated with MRI and why disclosure of certain information would help
ensure their safety.

All educational materials should be developed through a collaborative effort by appropriate

organizations, MR experts, health care professionals, and consumers.


18. The Committee recommends that the province establish a standing committee comprising of
MR experts such as doctors and technologists, as well as other stakeholders such as patients and


policy makers, to examine periodically the evolution of MR technology and application, in

order to advise and modify as necessary the recommendations in this report.


(from the ACR White Papers on MR Safety)

Chaljub G, Kramer LA, Johnson RF III, Johnson RF Jr, Singh H, Crow WN. Projectile
cylinder accidents resulting from the presence of ferromagnetic nitrous oxide or oxygen
tanks in the MR suite. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2001; 177:2730.

ECRI hazard report: patient death illustrates the importance of adhering to safety
precautions in magnetic resonance environments. Health Devices. 2001; 30:311314.

Kanal E, Borgstede JP, Barkovich AJ, et al. American College of Radiology white paper on
MR safety. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2002; 178:13351347.

Kanal E, Borgstede JP, Barkovich AJ, et al. American College of Radiology white paper on
MR safety: 2004 update and revisions. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2004; 182:11111114.

Shellock FG, Kanal E. Policies, guidelines, and recommendations for MR imaging safety
and patient management. The SMRI Safety Committee. J Magn Reson Imaging. 1991;

Kanal E, Shellock FG. Policies, guidelines and recommendations for MR imaging safety
and patient management. The SMRI Safety Committee. J Magn Reson Imaging. 1992;

Shellock FG, Kanal E. Guidelines and recommendations for MR imaging safety and patient
management. III. Questionnaire for screening patients before MR procedures. The SMRI
Safety Committee. J Magn Reson Imaging. 1994; 4:749751.

Magnetic resonance imaging monograph: safety and sedation. Practice Guidelines and
Technical Standards. Reston, Va: American of College Radiology; 1996.


ACR standard for performing and interpreting magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Practice
Guidelines and Technical Standards. Reston, Va: American of College Radiology; 2000.

Jarvik JG, Ramsey S. Radiographic screening for orbital foreign bodies prior to MR
imaging: is it worth it? Am J Neuroradiol. 2000; 21:245247.

Seidenwurm DJ, McDonnell CH III, Raghaven N, Breslau J. Cost utility analysis of

radiographic screening for an orbital foreign body before MR imaging. Am J Neuroradiol.
2000; 21:426433.

Kanal E, Gillen J, Evans JA, Savitz DA, Shellock FG. Survey of reproductive health among
female MR workers. Radiology. 1993; 187(2):395399.

American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs. Guidelines for monitoring and

management of pediatric patients during and after sedation for diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures. Pediatrics. 1992; 89:11101115.

American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs. Guidelines for monitoring and

management of pediatric patients during and after sedation for diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures: addendum. Pediatrics. 2002; 110:836838.

Updated Practice Guidelines for Sedation and Analgesia by Non-anesthesiologists. Park

Ridge, Ill: American Society of Anesthesiologists; August 2001.

Standards and intents for sedation and anesthesia care. Comprehensive Accreditation
Manual for Hospitals. Chicago, Ill: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations; 2002. Report No. TX 2-2.

Shellock FG. Pocket Guide to MR Procedures and Metallic Objects: Update 2001.
Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2001:147148.


ACR standard for adult sedation/analgesia. Practice Guidelines and Technical Standards.
Reston, Va: American of College Radiology; 2000.

ACR standard for pediatric sedation/analgesia. Practice Guidelines and Technical

Standards. Reston, Va: American of College Radiology; 1998.

Guidelines for Non-operating Room Anesthetizing Locations. Park Ridge, Ill: American
Society of Anesthesiologists; 1994.

Standards for Basic Anesthetic Monitoring. Park Ridge, Ill: American Society of
Anesthesiologists; 1986, 1998.

Standards for Post Anesthesia Care. Park Ridge, Ill: American Society of Anesthesiologists;
1988, 1994.

Standards and intents for sedation and anesthesia care. Comprehensive Accreditation
Manual for Hospitals. Chicago, Ill: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations; 2001. Report No. TX 22.4.1.

American College of Radiology Committee on Drugs and Contrast Media. Manual on

Contrast Media. 4.1 ed. Reston, Va: American College of Radiology; 1998.



Non-MR Personnel
Patients, visitors, or facility staff who do not meet the criteria of Level 1 or Level 2 MR personnel
will be referred to as non-MR personnel. Specifically, non-MR personnel will be the term used to
refer to any individual or group who has not within the previous 12 months undergone the
designated formal training in MR safety issues defined by the MR Medical Director or MR Safety
Officer of a particular MRI facility.

Level 1 MR Personnel
Individuals who have passed minimal safety educational efforts to ensure their own safety as they
work within Zone III will be referred to as Level 1 MR personnel (e.g., MRI department office
staff, patient aides).

Level 2 MR Personnel
Individuals who have been more extensively trained and educated in the broader aspects of MR
safety issues (e.g., issues related to the potential for thermal loading or burns, and direct
neuromuscular excitation from rapidly changing gradients) will be referred to as Level 2 MR
personnel (e.g., MR technologists, radiologists, radiology department nursing staff).



For the purposes of this report, an MRI facility is defined as one that operates an MR scanner of
field strength 4T for the purpose of imaging human beings or other large animals. Normally, the
MR scanner would be approved by Health Canada.


Zone IV
This is the MR scanner magnet room itself. Zone IV, by definition, is always located within Zone
III; it comprises the MR magnet and its associated magnetic field, which generates the existence of
Zone III.

Zone III
This is the area outside the actual MR scanner room in which free access by unscreened non-MR
personnel or by ferromagnetic objects or equipment can result in serious injury or death, caused by
interactions between the individuals or equipment and the MR scanners particular environment.
These interactions include, but are not limited to, those involving the MR scanners static and timevarying magnetic fields. All access to Zone III is to be strictly restricted, with access to regions
within it (including Zone IV) controlled by, and entirely under the supervision of, MR personnel.
For all intents and purposes, Zone III equates to the area within the 5 Gauss perimeter line.


Non-MR personnel should be accompanied by, or be under the immediate supervision of and in
visual contact with, one specifically identified Level 2 MR personnel for the duration of their time
in Zone III or IV.

Level 1 and 2 MR personnel may move freely about both Zones III and IV.


MR Safe
The term MR Safe, as defined in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard,
can be applied to an item that poses no known hazards in all MR environments. The ASTM
definition notes MR Safe items include non-conducting, non-magnetic items such as a plastic Petri
dish. The definition further states that an item may be determined to be MR Safe by providing a
scientifically based rationale rather than test data (ASTM F2503-05).

Unlike the previous MR safe term, which could be applied even if a device was found to be safe
only under specific conditions, the new MR Safe term means safe without exception
regardless of magnet strength or any other field conditions.

The icon for MR Safe consists of the letters MR inside a green square. Two possible versions are
shown in the figure. Items marked with an MR Safe icon can be taken into any MR environment
and placed or used anywhere within that environment without risk.


MR Conditional
The ASTM standard specifies that the term MR Conditional be used for the following: An item
that has been demonstrated to pose no known hazards in a specified MR environment with specified
conditions of use. Field conditions that define the specified MR environment include field strength,
spatial gradient, dB/dt (time rate of change of the magnetic field), radio frequency (RF) fields, and
specific absorption rate (SAR). Additional conditions, including specific configurations of the item,
may be required (ASTM F2503-05). (Note: SAR values would not be needed for devices that
dont go inside the bore of the scanner.)

The MR Conditional label is used to alert the user that there are limitations to the testing that has
been performed on the item or that there are limits to the safe use of the device in a particular MR
environment. For example, the device may have been tested at 1.5 T, but not at 3 T. Users must
compare all the conditions under which the item was tested to the characteristics of their own MR
system to determine if the item can be safely used in their MR environment. Items with the MR
Conditional label will often have gauss-line restrictions or RF pulse-sequence limitations.

The icon for MR Conditional consists of the letters MR inside a yellow equilateral triangle, as
shown in the figure.


MR Unsafe
ASTM specifies that the term MR Unsafe be used for the following: An item that is known to pose
hazards in all MR environments. The standard notes MR Unsafe items include magnetic items
such as a pair of ferromagnetic scissors (ASTM F2503-05).

The icon for MR Unsafe consists of the letters MR inside a red circle with a red diagonal line
over top of the letters, as shown in the figure. Unless there is an overriding need to do so, an item
with this label should not be allowed in any MR environment.

One might question the usefulness of this term and icon. After all, it is unlikely that a manufacturer
of ferromagnetic scissors, for example, would place this label on its product. However, a facility
may find it helpful to apply this label itself to devices that it has determined to be unsafe for use in
its MR environment. For example, an MR Unsafe label could be applied to devices that the facility
has tested with a handheld magnet and found to be ferromagnetic.






1. Only activate the Emergency Shutdown button if patient, personnel or equipment are in
In case of fire (refer to Fire Safety Policy)
In case of electrical power accidents
In case of flood affecting the control, magnet and/or computer room
2. Location of the Emergency Shutdown button:
In the MRI scanner room next to the door below the Magnet Stop button
In the cabinet/computer room to the left of the electrical panel
3. If an emergency situation develops, bring the patient to a secure area and then activate the
Emergency Shutdown button. Be aware that the magnet is still on the shutdown does
not affect the magnet. Therefore, metal objects (e.g., crash cart) cannot be taken into the
MRI scanner room and anyone entering the scanner room will have to be screened with the
MRI safety questionnaire.




THE MAGNETIC FIELD IS ALWAYS ON! The MRI magnetic field will not be switched off
by turning off the power. In case of emergency, it is possible to turn off the magnetic field by
quenching the magnet (see below).
Note: Quenching the magnet should only be done in an emergency since the magnetic field is not
easily turned back on.
THE MAGNET IS VERY POWERFUL. No one should enter the scanner room wearing or
carrying anything metal unless the magnet has been quenched.
The magnet is strong enough that it may be unsafe for certain individuals to enter the magnetic
field. Screening of anyone entering the scanner room is mandatory to ensure their safety.
It is recommended that all Ottawa fire fighters who work close to The Ottawa Hospital be prescreened by an MRI technologist annually to ensure their safety.


If there is a need to enter the MRI scanner room, call the MRI technologist on-call through locating
If there is a fire in the MRI scanner room and it is imperative to enter the room as soon as possible,
follow these instructions carefully:
The Safety Officer or a member of the fire department is to quench the magnet using the
MAGNET STOP (QUENCH) button located in the alarm box next to the doorway in the
control room. (Diagram will be attached.)
The quench will reduce the magnetic field to less than 0.5 mT in ___seconds.


In the control room next to the doorway there is a RED BOX. In it there are two keys. One
is for the MRI scanner room and the other is for the high voltage cabinets located in the
back room adjacent to the waiting room. Use this key to enter the scanner room if the door
is locked.
Activate the Emergency Shutdown button. This button is located in the MRI scanner room
next to the door below the Magnet Stop button.
Contact the DI personnel fan-out list. This can be done through telecommunications.
Fan-out list:

A magnet quench will cause hundreds of litres of liquid helium to boil off in a few seconds. The
helium gas should go directly into the quench exhaust line during the quench but if the exhaust
system malfunctions helium gas could enter the scanner room. This could reduce the amount of
oxygen in the room to dangerously low levels. The oxygen monitor will sound an alarm if the
oxygen level in the scanner room drops below 140 ppm. The helium gas is also extremely cold and
the danger of frostbite exists if enough helium gas has accumulated in the scanner room.
In the cupboard in the back of the MRI scanner room there are phantoms containing nickel sulphate
(consult WHMIS sheet).






1. Activate the fire alarm.
2. Evacuate the MRI unit.
3. If, in the opinion of the MRI staff, the fire can be extinguished, use the white and blue
MRI Compatible fire extinguisher located beside the magnet room door. If the fire is
inside the scanner room this is the only fire extinguisher that can be safely used (unless
the magnet has been quenched).

Under no circumstances are MRI staff to place themselves in unnecessary

4. If the fire was unsuccessfully extinguished or no attempt could be made to put the fire
out or the fire is outside the scanner room, close the magnet room door.
5. If the fire is inside the scanner room, quench the magnet by activating the MAGNET
STOP (QUENCH) button (consult the Magnet Stop procedure). The quench will reduce
the magnetic field to less than 0.5 mT in ____ seconds.
Note: Quenching the magnet should only be done in an emergency since the magnetic
field is not easily turned back on. If the fire can be extinguished SAFELY without
quenching the magnet, this should be attempted first. If there is any doubt about safety
then the magnet should be quenched.



1.Only activate the MAGNET STOP button:
In order to save someone from an emergency situation in the magnetic field
In case of a fire (refer to Fire Emergency Procedure)
Note: Quenching the magnet should only be done in an emergency since the magnetic field
is not easily turned back on.
2. Location of the MAGNET STOP button:
In the control room in the alarm box next to the doorway
In the MRI scanner room next to the door
3. The magnetic field at the centre of the magnet will be reduced to 20 mT in approximately 20
seconds. At this point the magnetic field strength outside the yellow and black tape on the floor is
low enough that it will not pose a safety risk to anyone. However, the field inside this region could
still be hazardous to certain individuals. Therefore, anyone entering the MRI scanner room must
still be screened with the MRI safety questionnaire.
4. To reduce the magnetic field to less than 0.5 mT it will take ___ seconds. Only after this time can
anyone enter the MRI scanner room without being screened.
5. Activate the Emergency Shutdown button. This button is located in the MRI scanner room next
to the door below the Magnet Stop button.
During a quench the helium gas should boil off into the exhaust line but if this system malfunctions
some of the helium gas could get into the scanner room. This could reduce the amount of oxygen in
the room to dangerously low levels. The oxygen monitor will sound an alarm if the oxygen level in
the scanner room is below 140 ppm. The helium gas is also extremely cold and the danger of
frostbite exists if enough of the helium gas has accumulated in the magnet room.
In the cupboard in the back of the MRI scanner room there are phantoms containing nickel sulphate
(consult WHMIS sheet).


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