Chapter 1 Answers - Odd
Chapter 1 Answers - Odd
Chapter 1 Answers - Odd
Chapter 1
1.1. The term space market is used to describe the market for property use. On the demand
side of this market are tenants that are looking to occupy a certain space, such as a
firm looking for office space for its workers. On the supply side are landlords or owners of property that are looking to rent out their space. The price of occupying space is
measured in annual rents that tenants have to pay the landlord. The term asset market
is used to describe the market where the production and pricing of real estate is determined. The demand in this market comes from individuals or firms looking to own
real estate and the supply comes from developers or owner users looking to sell property they currently own. Prices in this market are determined by the perceptions of
potential investors regarding the level and riskiness of cash flows that a property can
generate in the future. In order to facilitate comparison across properties of different
sizes or values, prices are commonly measured in terms of cap rates (i.e., property
earnings divided by the property value).
1.3. A rising supply function could result if the development cost of a new building
increases as more stock is added to the total. One reason this could occur is if remaining buildable sites are scarce. Construction will be more expensive on sites that are
hilly or swampy or less desirable for a reason. If there is no remaining buildable site,
then new construction can only be undertaken by redeveloping an existing structure.
The costs would then need to also include the cost of demolishing the existing structure as well as the present value of the future income that the existing structure could
otherwise generate.
1.5. Real rents will rise in the short run because supply cannot adjust quickly, but real rents
will not necessarily rise in the long run (i.e., moving from the initial equilibrium to the
new one following the change in demand) just because demand for usage of space is
rising. The reason is that over the longer term, supply will also tend to increase to
keep pace with demand. Real rents will only increase with increasing demand if it
costs more (in real terms, i.e., after general inflation is subtracted) to build new buildings than it did to build the already existing buildings (including the cost of the land).
This will generally be the case only when constraints on the supply of available land
cause a scarcity of easily buildable sites.
1.7. Private markets are those in which assets are privately traded between individual
buyers and sellers who have been matched with each other through a search process,
such as via a broker or a Web site. A characteristic of private markets is that the price
of the asset is negotiated via a bargaining process during the private transaction. In
contrast, public markets are those in which homogenous units or shares in the ownership in assets are traded in a public exchange with several buyers and sellers and with
price quotes available for all to see. Public markets are highly liquid, i.e. it is possible to
quickly buy or sell assets at or near the last quoted price. This liquidity enables asset
prices in public markets to respond quickly to news about their value. Due to this reason, public markets are characterized by informational efficiency as opposed to private
markets where it takes time for buyers to find sellers and then to ascertain a fair price
for a whole asset.
1.9. (1) Opportunity cost of capital (OCC), that is, what investors can expect to earn from
other investments elsewhere in the capital market. Higher OCC ! Higher cap
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(2) Growth expectations for the property net income. The more favorable the conditions in the space market where the property is located, the greater will be the
expected future growth of rents the building can charge, making investors willing
to pay a higher price for the property per dollar of its current income. So, Higher
growth ! Lower cap rates.
(3) Risk in the property investment, that is, how much uncertainty there is in the
propertys ability to generate income in the future (a function of the space market), and how much uncertainty there is in the future OCC relevant for this property (a function of the capital market). Greater risk ! Higher cap rate.
1.11. Approximately 41% of the total market value of investable assets in the United States is
made up of real estate assets or real-estate-based assets. [Sum up the percentages for
Private Commercial Mortgages (2%), CMBS (1%), RMBS (6%), Private Residential
Mortgages (6%), House Equity (17%), Commercial Real Estate Equity (7%), Agricultural/
Timberland (2%) and REIT Equity (0%)].
1.13. a. $10 million/9.60% $104,166,667
b. $3.5 million/8.88% $39,414,414
1.15. The increase in supply combined with the reduction in real rents suggests a
downward-sloping long-run supply function. The 2010 rent in late 1980s dollars
would be: $19.50/(218/110) $9.84, quite a bit less than the $16 prevailing back
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