Convex Algebraic Geometry, Optimization and Applications
Convex Algebraic Geometry, Optimization and Applications
Convex Algebraic Geometry, Optimization and Applications
organized by
William Helton and Jiawang Nie
Workshop Summary
A related issue is how to represent the convex hull of varieties. When a variety is
a curve parameterized rational polynomials, its convex hull has an easy SDP repre-
sentation. However, for higher dimensional varieties, its lifted LMI is quite difficult
to get. The main issue: there is no general SOS type representation for nonnegative
• Numerical methods in polynomial optimization
The main discussion topic was how to solve large scale polynomial optimization. For
SOS relaxations, if interior-point methods are used, only small problems could be
solved. The reason is the resulting SDP from SOS relaxation is in the most difficult
class of SDP problems, because the number of equality constraints is the square of
matrix length in magnitude. For this type of SDP problem, the regularization type
of methods like augmented lagrangian are very suitable. The memory requirement
is very low. The main issues in this type methods are how to solve a subproblem
efficiently. Since the performance of Conjugate Gradient (CG) iteration significantly
effects the convergence of the whole algorithm, the preconditioning is important. The
future research problems include: how to improve semismooth Newton method, find
better preconditioners for CG iterations in solving Lasserre’s relaxation, seek more
clever line search techniques, find better ways to update parameters. Nie described
his new conjugate gradient SOS solver and empirical finding that positive degree 6
polynomials in higher dimension are often not SOS.
• Quadratic modules and tropical varieties
The discussion group originated from issues raised by Salma Kulmann on quadratic
modules when Bernd Sturmfels pointed out they were related to the rapidly moving
are of tropical geometry. This group consisted of about a dozen of workshop partic-
ipants, at least half of them were young researchers. We first recalled the definition
of the locally convex topology on the polynomial ring, and reviewed Berg’s theorem
which establishes that the quadratic module of sums of squares (SOS for short) is
closed. This theorem was generalized later by Kuhlmann-Marshall to a finitely gen-
erated quadratic module M that describes a cone with open interior, and let to the
key notion of stable quadratic modules due to Powers-Scheiderer. A key lemma in
the proof is the fact that if a polynomial p(x) is nonnegative on a cone, then so is
its leading term (homogeneous component of highest degree) LT (p(x)). Salma sug-
gested that LT (M ) := {LT (p(x)) : p ∈ M } is an interesting object for investigation,
possibly under other weighted degree or monomial orderings w. (This should also
connect to the ”preodering membership problem” studied by D. Augustin in her dis-
sertation.) Graduate student Cynthia Vinzant has a first result in this direction. She
showed that given an ideal I, if for some weighted degree w we have that LTw (I) is
real radical, then SOS + I is stable. This is related to work of Tim Netzer (disserta-
tion). B. Sturmfels explained in this context the notion of Groebner Fan of an ideal.
This led to a lively discussion. The following problems were suggested for further
Problem 1: Study the Groebner Fan of a quadratic module (Kuhlmann).
Problem 2: Study the examples of stable preorderings of planar curves described by
Scheiderer in light of Vinzant’s result (Marshall).
Problem 3: Given the quadratic module generated by a single polynomial in 2 vari-
ables, decide whether it is stable or not (Marshall). Before parting, Bernd Sturmfels
gave us the definition of the tropical variety associated to an ideal, and provided
some homework on this topic for the participants.
• Degree Bounds for Positivstellensatz, boundary structure of Hyperbolic
cones, derivative cones, extreme rays of hyperbolic cones
The discussion started with Markus Schweighofer describing the current state-of-the-
art for the degree bounds for Positivstellensatz. Markus gave a sketch of some of
the proofs and described the ingredients of the others. Then a discussion of the
quality of these bounds and their limitations took place. A brainstorming activity
on SDP relaxations and convex hulls lead the group into the subject of hyperbolic
polynomials and their hyperbolicity cones (also called hyperbolic cones). Levent
Tunçel first went over the structural results by Renegar involving the derivative cones
and then discussed some newer, unpublished results expressing every hyperbolic cone
precisely as the intersection of its derivative cones (where the intersection ranges
over all interior points of the original hyperbolic cone). This result shows that the
boundary structure of hyperbolic cones is completely determined by its derivative
cones. The session ended with a discussion of hyperbolicity preserving operations on
polynomials, strictly hyperbolic polynomials, some partial characterizations of the
extreme rays of hyperbolic cones and finally, possible future research directions for
improving our understanding of the boundary structure of hyperbolic cones.
• Functional Analysis Issues
One session was attended by Salma Kuhlmann, Bill Helton, Victor Vinnikov, Mihai
Putinar and graduate students Jeremy Greene, Martin Harrison, Chris Nelson, and
Joules Nahas.
We consider Salma’s question of investigating the closure of the SOS polynomials
in various locally convex topologies. These closures would then give a quantitative
measure of how the topologies differ. In particular, the SOS polynomials are already
closed in the finest locally convex topology; and, as it figures importantly in the work
of Laserre, the closure in the L1 (on the coefficients) topology is the polynomials
which are non-negative on the unit cube.
The session began with Salma - with her background in model theory and semi-
algebraic geometry - exposing the relevant objects and topologies to the functional
analysis who made up the remainder of the group. We then generated several con-
jectures, including the guess that the closure of the SOS polynomials in g variables
in the L2 (on the coefficients) topology would yield exactly f in H 2 of the g-polydisc
whose restriction to the cube of [0, 1)g are non-negative.
We also heard reports from each of the graduate students at UCSB and UCSD and
discussed possible future directions for their research. Martin Harrison and Joules
Hahas developed a non-commutative version of Laserre relaxation; and Joules proved
and used smoothness results for PDEs to established an improved version of Schmud-
gen’s positivstellensatz for the Weyl algebra. Jeremy Greene has characterized non-
commutative plurisubharmonic polynomials; Christopher Nelson has characterized
all non-commutative harmonic polynomials.
Another session looked at the basic question is what are the corners of a spectra-
hedron. That is, what is the smallest rank r∗ of a matrix of the form L(x) with
x ∈L := {x : L(x) º}? What ranks occur? These questions were featured in Bernd
Sturmfel’s talk which opened the conference. See slides of Sturmfels talk posted on
the AIM website for definitions pictures and context. Another issue is how might one
possibly compute x∗ minimizing rank L(x). Rank minimization subject to convex
constraints is an important practical but highly nonconvex problem. Maryam Fazel
with Parrilo and Recht have a probabilistic analysis for minimizing trace L(x) as
a heuristic for finding an x∗ , which is analyzed in a much more special case. This
parallels the famous analysis by Candes and Tao. A session discussion speculated
on a relaxation of her method (with Parrilo and Recht) dependent on a parameter ²,
and started to see if one could prove probabilistic estimates of success by generalizing
her methods. We looked at polytopes for starters.
In addition there was a session was on matrix completion problems arising from
applications; notably one from statistics and one from engineering systems theory.
These were suggested by Carolyn Uhler and Parikshit Shah graduate students in
UCB Statistics Dept and MIT Engineering respectively. Any advance on the basic
classical matrix completion problems would increase the range of results in these
areas. Parikshit described a clever generalization via matrix completion of the crucial
(to control) Finsler Lemma. Carolyn gave elegant results on covariance matrices.
Also arising from the statistics application there is an interesting extra constraint
one can add to the completion problem, thereby generating more open questions.
The pure math question is:
We are given a matrix X of size m × n (n < m) and an undirected graph G on m
vertices. We denote by A(G) a G-partial matrix, where the entry aij is defined if
and only if (i, j) ∈ E(G) or i = j. Under what conditions on the row-vectors of
the matrix X (respectively on the angles between the row vectors of X) does the
G-partial matrix XX T (G) have a PD completion?
• Sum of Squares and Polynomial Convexity
This session focused on the interplay between the concept of sum of squares (SOS)
decomposition and the question of deciding convexity of polynomials. As defined
by Helton and Nie, a multivariate polynomial f (x) = f (x1 , . . . , xn ) is SOS-convex if
its Hessian ∇2 f (x) is an SOS-matrix; i.e., if ∇2 f (x) can be factored as ∇2 f (x) =
M T (x)M (x) with a possibly nonsquare polynomial matrix M (x). This is a sufficient
condition for convexity of polynomials that can be efficiently checked with semidefi-
nite programming.
Amir Ali Ahmadi an engineering graduate student at MIT, observed that there are
other natural definitions that could be given for SOS-convexity. Namely, instead
of working with the Hessian matrix, we can use the sum of squares relaxation on
the inequality in the definition of convexity or in its first order characterization. He
showed that all of these relaxations will be exactly equivalent. He then proceeded to
prove that SOS-convexity is not a necessary condition for convexity of polynomials.
He presented an explicit example of a trivariate homogeneous polynomial of degree
eight that is convex but not SOS-convex.
Finally, he presented some more recent results, where there is much room for further
research and new contributions. We shall end this discussion by sharing with the
reader two related open problems raised by Amir that might be of interest.
After finding the first example of a polynomial that is convex but not SOS-convex,
it is natural to ask in what degrees and dimensions there is a gap between convex-
ity and SOS-convexity. Amirs recent results seem to suggest that there is a gap
between convexity and SOS-convexity exactly in situations where there is a gap be-
tween nonnegativity and SOS (as described in the so called “Hilbert table”). Is this a
mere coincidence? Or is there a deeper connection between some algebraic/geometric
aspects of convexity and positivity that we currently do not fully understand?
The second problem also has to do with the connection of convexity/SOS-convexity
with nonnegativity/sum of squares. Is it true that every convex nonnegative poly-
nomial is a sum of squares? Although one might see no reason for this to be true
at first glance, Amir has sensible evidence to indicate that this could potentially be
true. About 10 days after the AIM workshop Greg Blekherman, active in many of
our AIM discussions, posted an asymptotic estimate implying the answer is no for
high degree polynomials.