Ym 2
Ym 2
Ym 2
Tr F F,
where F = dA + A A is the curvature of the G-connection A. Perhaps the most basic mathematical
question here is to specify a class of initial conditions for which we can guarantee existence and uniqueness
of solutions. Among the qualitative properties of these solutions, one with some analogies to the mass
gap problem would be to establish or falsify the existence of solitonic solutions, whose energy density
remains localized for all times (in fact, these are not believed to exist). Such questions have seen a great
deal of mathematical progress in recent years, using techniques which are founded on the well-developed
theory of linear PDEs.
By contrast, there is at present no satisfactory mathematical denition of the quantum Yang-Mills
theory, because of the famous diculties of renormalization. Conceptually, the simplest starting point for
discussing this is probably to consider Yang-Mills theory on a lattice, in other words a graph with
vertices, edges and a set of faces or plaquettes, each of which is a closed loop in . For example, we
could take the vertices to be integral points Z
; the edges to be the straight lines connecting pairs
of points at unit distance, and the plaquettes to be the loops of total length four. A G-connection on
is then a map from edges into G, and the curvature of the connection on a specied plaquette is (minus)
the trace of the holonomy around that loop minus the identity matrix. The Yang-Mills action can again
be taken to be the sum of squared curvatures.
Given this explicit description of the space of congurations, we can dene quantum lattice Yang-
Mills on a nite subgraph of in terms of a functional integral,
Z[, g
, G] =
where the integral is over all holonomies in , in other words all maps from edges into G; the measure is the
product of Haar measure for the holonomy on each edge; and S is the Yang-Mills action. The quantity Z
is known as the partition function. The other quantities of physical interest are expectation values under
this measure; for example the joint expectation value of the curvatures on a pair or set of plaquettes.
Taking these nite dimensional integrals as our starting point, the question of the existence of quantum
Yang-Mills is essentially whether there is any sensible way to dene the limit of the Z[, g
, G] over suc-
cessively larger subgraphs , to dene a functional integral on . Taking this limit will clearly involve
renormalization, and this example was Wilsons primary motivation for his study of the renormalization
A great deal is known about the expected properties of the limit from a variety of physical arguments.
Most importantly, in the limit of g
0 and large , it is believed that the specic choice of approx-
imating R
will not matter; the resulting expectation values will converge to correlation functions in a
continuum quantum eld theory, satisfying formal properties which include invariance under the isometry
group of the at metric on R
, and others formalized in the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms. The additional
axioms provide sucient conditions for the construction of a Hilbert space and operator interpretation of
the theory, analogous to the standard operator interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Establishing these axioms is the existence part of the problem, while the mass gap claim involves
the fallo of correlation functions with distance, as explained in more detail in Jae and Wittens problem
description. We should say that starting with lattice Yang-Mills is not essential, and a variety of other
starting points, such as other approximations to the functional integral, have been considered as starting
points. The point is to dene the limiting continuum eld theory. In principle, this might even be done
without taking limits.
So far as I know, no breakthroughs have been made on this problem in the last few years. In particular,
while progress has been made in lower dimensional eld theories, I know of no signicant progress towards
a mathematically rigorous construction of the quantum Yang-Mills theory. The state of the art remains
the works of Balaban and of Magnen, Rivasseau and Seneor cited in the problem description.
But there has been interesting progress on various related problems. First, there is much to be learned
from the mathematical study of more general lower dimensional eld theories. A recent overview of
constructive quantum eld theory is Rivasseau, math-ph/0006017.
There are two classes of quantum eld theories which are generally believed to bear a close similarity
to four-dimensional Yang Mills theory. The rst is the two-dimensional nonlinear sigma model with target
space a group manifold G, or more generally a symmetric space M of positive Riemannian curvature. This
is a theory whose elds are maps from two-dimensional space-time into M. Apparently, even these theories
have not yet been constructed to the standards required in the problem description. On the other hand,
the mass gap has been exhibited in a regulated version of the O(N) sigma model (C. Kopper, Comm.
Math. Phys. 202, 89 (1999)). Physically, these theories are known to be integrable, a point we will return
to below.
The other broad class of models with great similarity to Yang-Mills, but signicantly simpler, are the
four-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. These are modications of Yang-Mills for which the
elds include, in addition to the connection of our previous discussion, various fermionic and other elds
chosen to realize the following property: the Hamiltonian, the operator on the quantum Hilbert space
which generates time translations, has a square root, called the supercharge.
Many wonderful properties and simplications follow from supersymmetry, as discussed in Freeds lec-
tures (Deligne et. al., Amer. Math. Soc. 1999). Physically, the most important is that the renormalization
problem is mitigated, which one would hope could make dening the theory easier. Mathematically, the
most important is the relation to topological eld theory, rst proposed by Witten, and discussed in
some detail in the references we just gave.
Furthermore, although one has changed the problem, one still has a fairly close relation to the original
problem: using the ideology of the renormalization group. Namely, one can start with a supersymmetric
theory, and add supersymmetry breaking terms to the action which only become important at long dis-
tances (many lattice spacings in the earlier discussion), to obtain a theory with the better renormalization
properties of the supersymmetric theory at short distances, but which reduces to conventional Yang-Mills
theory at longer distances. Thus, a solution to the problem in a suciently general class of supersymmetric
theories, would in fact imply the solution of the original problem.
While at present we appear no closer to this goal than the original one, there has been signicant
progress in the past few years understanding supersymmetric gauge theory. Perhaps the most interesting
recent results are Nekrasovs rederivation of the Seiberg-Witten solution using instanton methods [2, 3],
and the recent evidence for integrability of the large N supersymmetric N = 4 gauge theory [4] (for a
recent review see [5]).
The rst of these starts from the celebrated 1994 Seiberg-Witten solution of N = 2 supersymmetric
gauge theory. While mathematicians are perhaps more familiar with the consequences of this work for
four-dimensional topology, the original physics motivation and signicance of this work was in fact that it
addressed the mass gap and related problems in a supersymmetric analog of Yang-Mills theory. Indeed,
the basic reason for the simplicity of the Seiberg-Witten invariants compared to the Donaldson invariants,
is the mass gap property, which allows reducing the computation of the invariants to a lower dimensional
Now the original work of Seiberg and Witten obtained the mass gap property by an ingenious argument
which involved a clever ansatz for the supersymmetric eective action describing the long distance
properties of the theory. Subsequent work showed that their ansatz was the only consistent possibility out
of a large class, but this still left the justication of the overall framework more or less as pure physical
On the other hand, their ansatz had precisely the form expected from a direct computation of the sum
of an instanton expansion, dened as a succession of integrals over moduli spaces of Yang-Mills instantons.
Thus one could hope to validate it by direct computation. Furthermore, these moduli spaces have an
explicit description, due to Atiyah, Drinfeld, Hitchin and Manin, so the necessary computation was rather
explicit. However it was too dicult to perform directly.
This problem was solved in a tour de force work of Nekrasov, which started from the problem of instan-
ton sums in the noncommutative deformation of the gauge theory originally introduced by Alain Connes
and Marc Rieel. In the noncommutative theory, instanton moduli spaces are smooth and signicantly
simpler, but many further clever tricks were required to come to a result. In a sense, this result establishes
Seiberg and Wittens result as a sort of four-dimensional analog of mirror symmetry, in which the explicit
instanton sum is the analog of numbers of holomorphic curves on a Calabi-Yau, and the mirror is the
Riemann surface encoding the Seiberg-Witten solution.
One can argue that this is the simplest result in four-dimensional gauge theory which carries any of
the physics of the mass gap, and as such might be the best way in to the complexities of the problem.
The second result, integrability of N = 4 super Yang-Mills, is harder to explain in mathematical terms,
but we mention it because of its novelty and the possibility that it will drastically change how we think
about these problems. Its starting point is the AdS/CFT correspondence of Maldacena, according to
which this version of Yang-Mills theory can be reformulated as a string theory in anti de Sitter (AdS)
space. This is a dicult string theory to work with, even to physicists standards, and few explicit results
are known. But the striking claim of Minahan, Zarembo and others is that, at least for SU(N) gauge
group in the limit of large N, this string becomes exactly solvable (or integrable) in exactly the sense
which we mentioned above for the two-dimensional sigma model, essentially because of the high degree of
symmetry of AdS and the other spaces involved. The full picture is still rather mysterious at present, but
might lead to a detailed connection between the much better understood two-dimensional eld theories,
and the original Yang-Mills problem in four dimensions.
To summarize, while I would not bet on this problem being solved in the next few years, it remains a
fertile ground for mathematical discovery.
[1] P. Deligne, P. Etingof , D. Freed, L. Je rey, D. Kazhdan , J. Morgan , D. Morrison, E. Witten,
eds., Quantum Fields and Strings: A Course for Mathematicians, American Mathematical Society,
Providence, RI , 1999, two volumes, pp. XXX.
[2] N. A. Nekrasov, Seiberg-Witten prepotential from instanton counting, Proceedings of the ICM,
Beijing 2002, vol. 3, 477496, arXiv:hep-th/0306211.
[3] N. A. Nekrasov and A. Okounkov, Seiberg-Witten Theory and Random Partitions, arXiv:hep-
[4] J. A. Minahan and K. Zarembo, The Bethe-Ansatz for N=4 Super Yang-Mills, JHEP 0303 (2003)
013, arXiv:hep-th/0212208.
[5] V.A.Kazakov, A.Marshakov, J.A.Minahan, K.Zarembo, Classical/quantum integrability in
AdS/CFT, arXiv:hep-th/0402207.