Solve System of Nonlinear Equations Matlab

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fsolve can be used to solve systems of nonlinear equations. It uses different algorithms like trust-region dogleg, trust-region reflective, and Levenberg-Marquardt methods.

The main algorithms used by fsolve are trust-region dogleg method, trust-region reflective method, and Levenberg-Marquardt method.

The function to be solved must be continuous. fsolve may converge to a nonzero point. It only finds one root. It can only handle real variables.

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F() = 0
, F() .
= fsolve(fun,0)
= fsolve(fun,0,options)
= fsolve(problem)
[,fval] = fsolve(fun,0)
[,fval,eitflag] = fsolve(...)
[,fval,eitflag,output] = fsolve(...)
[,fval,eitflag,output,jacobian] = fsolve(...)
fsolve () .
Note P E P , .
= fsolve(fun,0) 0 fun.
= fsolve(fun,0,options) options. U optimset .
= fsolve(problem) problem, problem I A.
C problem O T, E Y W.
[,fval] = fsolve(fun,0) fun .
[,fval,eitflag] = fsolve(...) eitflag .
[,fval,eitflag,output] = fsolve(...) output .
[,fval,eitflag,output,jacobian] = fsolve(...) J fun .
Input Arguments
F A fsolve. T - fun problem:
fun T . fun F,
. T fun
= fsolve(@mfun,0)
function F = mfun()
F = ... % Compute function values at
fun .
= fsolve(@()sin(.*),0);
I - F , .
I J and J 'on',
options = optimset('Jacobian','on')
fun , , J J, , .
I fun () m n, n 0, J J m--n
J(i,j) F(i) (j). (T J J F.)
O optimset
Output Arguments
F A fsolve. F fsolve,
F-S H.
T - eitflag output:
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exitflag I . T exitflag

1 F x.

2 C x .

3 C .

4 M .

0 N options.MaxIter

-1 O .

-2 A .

-3 T (trust-region-dogleg )
(levenberg-marquardt ).

-4 L
output S . T
T PCG (- )
F x (L-M )
M - ( - , [ ] )
O fsolve. S , -- ,
. Y optimset ,
options. S O O R .
All Algoihm
A :
Algorithm C 'trust-region-dogleg' (), 'trust-region-reflective', 'levenberg-
marquardt'. S L-M Algorithm
{'levenberg-marquardt',.005. T = 0.01.
T Algorithm . I
-- , ; ,
( F fun)
x. S, -- ,
x. fsolve L-M . F
, C A.
DerivativeCheck C - ( ) - . T
'on' 'off'.
Diagnostics D . T 'on'
DiffMaxChange M - ( ). T Inf.
DiffMinChange M - ( ). T 0.
L :
'off' .
'iter' .
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'' .
'' () .
S . W FDRS ,

= .*().*((),TX);

= .*((),TX);
S FDRS . T () ,
^(1/3) .
F , , '' (), '' ().
'' , .
T . S, ,
, , .
C . ''
, I, NN. T , '', .
J I '', - J ( ), J (
JM), . I '' (), J
MFE M , . T 100*OV.
MI M , . T 400.
S - ,
. T ([]). S O F.
PF P . S
. P . T ([]):
@ .
@ .
@ .
@ .
@ .
@ - .
F , P F.
TF T , . T 1-6.
TX T , . T 1-6.
TX T . T TX 0,
. T (,1). TX
T -- TX .
Trust-Region-Reflective Algorithm Onl
T -- :
JM F J . F - ,
J J*Y, J'*Y, J'*(J*Y) J. T

W = (J,Y,)
J J*Y ( J'*Y, J'*(J*Y)). T J
, ,
[F,J] = ()
Y .
I == 0, W = J'*(J*Y).
I > 0, W = J*Y.
I < 0, W = J'*Y.
I , J . J . S P
E P .
Note 'J' '' J .

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S E: N M D S H E C
JacobPattern S J . I J
J fun, lsqnonlin J ,
J (.., ) JacobPattern. I ,
, JacobPattern -
( JacobPattern ). T
, .

MaPCGIter M PCG ( ) , . T
ma(1,floor(numberOfVariables/2)). F , A.

PrecondBandWidth U PCG, . T PrecondBandWidth
Inf, (C) (CG). T
. S PrecondBandWidth 0 ( 0).
F , PCG .

TolPCG T PCG , . T 0.1.

Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Onl
T L-M :
ScaleProblem 'Jacobian' . T
Eample 1
T :
R F() = 0:
S 0 = [-5 -5].
F, F, .
function F = mfun()
F = [2*(1) - (2) - ep(-(1));
-(1) + 2*(2) - ep(-(2))];
S mfun.m MATLAB . N, fsolve:
0 = [-5; -5]; % Make a starting guess at the solution
options=optimset('Displa','iter'); % Option to displa output
[,fval] = fsolve(@mfun,0,options) % Call solver
A , fsolve :
Norm of First-order Trust-region
Iteration Func-count f() step optimalit radius
0 3 23535.6 2.29e+004 1
1 6 6001.72 1 5.75e+003 1
2 9 1573.51 1 1.47e+003 1
3 12 427.226 1 388 1
4 15 119.763 1 107 1
5 18 33.5206 1 30.8 1
6 21 8.35208 1 9.05 1
7 24 1.21394 1 2.26 1
8 27 0.016329 0.759511 0.206 2.5
9 30 3.51575e-006 0.111927 0.00294 2.5
10 33 1.64763e-013 0.00169132 6.36e-007 2.5
Equation solved.
fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near ero
as measured b the default value of the function tolerance, and
the problem appears regular as measured b the gradient.
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fval =
1.0e-006 *
Eample 2
Find a matrix that satisfies the equation
starting at the point = [1,1; 1,1].
First, write a file that computes the equations to be solved.
function F = mfun()
F = **-[1,2;3,4];
Save this function file as mfun.m somewhere on your MATLAB path. Next, set up an initial point and options and call fsolve:
0 = ones(2,2); % Make a starting guess at the solution
options = optimset('Displa','off'); % Turn off displa
[,Fval,eitflag] = fsolve(@mfun,0,options)
The solution is
-0.1291 0.8602
1.2903 1.1612
Fval =
1.0e-009 *
-0.1621 0.0780
0.1164 -0.0467
eitflag =
and the residual is close to zero.
ans =
If the system of equations is linear, use\ (matrix left division) for better speed and accuracy. For example, to find the solution to the following linear
system of equations:
3 + 11 2 = 7
+ 2 = 4
+ = 19.
Formulate and solve the problem as
A = [ 3 11 -2; 1 1 -2; 1 -1 1];
b = [ 7; 4; 19];
= A\b
The Levenberg-Marquardt and trust-region-reflective methods are based on the nonlinear least-squares algorithms also used in lsqnonlin. Use one of
these methods if the system may not have a zero. The algorithm still returns a point where the residual is small. However, if the Jacobian of the system is
singular, the algorithm might converge to a point that is not a solution of the system of equations (see Limitations and Diagnostics following).
By default fsolve chooses the trust-region dogleg algorithm. The algorithm is a variant of the Powell dogleg method described in [8]. It is similar in
nature to the algorithm implemented in [7]. It is described in the User's Guide in Trust-Region Dogleg Method.
The trust-region-reflective algorithm is a subspace trust-region method and is based on the interior-reflective Newton method described in [1] and [2].
Each iteration involves the approximate solution of a large linear system using the method of preconditioned conjugate gradients (PCG). See Trust-
Region Reflective fsolve Algorithm.
The Levenberg-Marquardt method is described in [4], [5], and [6]. It is described in the User's Guide in Levenberg-Marquardt Method.
All Algorithms
fsolve may converge to a nonzero point and give this message:
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Optimier is stuck at a minimum that is not a root
Tr again with a new starting guess
In this case, run fsolve again with other starting values.
Trust-Region-Dogleg Algorithm
For the trust-region dogleg method, fsolve stops if the step size becomes too small and it can make no more progress. fsolve gives this message:
The optimiation algorithm can make no further progress:
Trust region radius less than 10*eps
In this case, run fsolve again with other starting values.
The function to be solved must be continuous. When successful, fsolve only gives one root. fsolve may converge to a nonzero point, in which case, try
other starting values.
fsolve only handles real variables. When has complex variables, the variables must be split into real and imaginary parts.
Trust-Region-Reflective Algorithm
The preconditioner computation used in the preconditioned conjugate gradient part of the trust-region-reflective algorithm forms J

J (where J is the
Jacobian matrix) before computing the preconditioner; therefore, a row of J with many nonzeros, which results in a nearly dense product J

J, might lead to
a costly solution process for large problems.
Large-Scale Problem Coverage and Requirements
For Large Problems
Provide sparsity structure of the Jacobian or compute the Jacobian in fun.
The Jacobian should be sparse.
Number of Equations
The default trust-region dogleg method can only be used when the system of equations is square, i.e., the number of equations equals the number of
unknowns. For the Levenberg-Marquardt method, the system of equations need not be square.
[1] Coleman, T.F. and Y. Li, "An Interior, Trust Region Approach for Nonlinear Minimization Subject to Bounds," SIAM Journal on Optimiation, Vol. 6, pp.
418-445, 1996.
[2] Coleman, T.F. and Y. Li, "On the Convergence of Reflective Newton Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Minimization Subject to Bounds," Mathematical
Programming, Vol. 67, Number 2, pp. 189-224, 1994.
[3] Dennis, J. E. Jr., "Nonlinear Least-Squares," State of the Art in Numerical Analsis, ed. D. Jacobs, Academic Press, pp. 269-312.
[4] Levenberg, K., "A Method for the Solution of Certain Problems in Least-Squares," Quarterl Applied Mathematics 2, pp. 164-168, 1944.
[5] Marquardt, D., "An Algorithm for Least-squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters," SIAM Journal Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11, pp. 431-441, 1963.
[6] Mor, J. J., "The Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm: Implementation and Theory," Numerical Analsis, ed. G. A. Watson, Lecture Notes in Mathematics
630, Springer Verlag, pp. 105-116, 1977.
[7] Mor, J. J., B. S. Garbow, and K. E. Hillstrom, User Guide for MINPACK 1, Argonne National Laboratory, Rept. ANL-80-74, 1980.
[8] Powell, M. J. D., "A Fortran Subroutine for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations," Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Algebraic Equations, P.
Rabinowitz, ed., Ch.7, 1970.
See Also
lsqcurvefit | lsqnonlin | optimset | optimtool
How To
@ (function_handle)
Anonymous Functions
Equation Solving Algorithms
Equation Solving Examples

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