Health Y4t1 Plan2
Health Y4t1 Plan2
Health Y4t1 Plan2
5 mins
What is a habit?
It takes 28 repitions to form a habit.
Our mind can have habits.
A study was done into successful
people to see what habits they
have with their minds.
Show posters of all 16. Name each
one, and the fact that each has a
picture to remember it by. Have a
child read out each description.
Match the Habits in groups of 2 or 3.
Matching the picture, habit, tagline,
and description.
Answering questions.
5 mins
15 mins
Read posters. Give examples
of each habit.
Complete activity in groups of
2 or 3.
10 mins
Lesson 2 of 3
5 mins
5 mins.