Health Y4t1 Plan2

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Lesson 2 of 3

Teaching Strategies and lesson

structure: Prompts for your planning:

How will the lesson and ideas be

introduced and made relevant to the
How will you engage the class?

What you as teacher will do?

Last lesson we spoke about what
stress is, some things that cause it,
and what it looks sounds and feels
Now we will look at some strategies.

What are the students doing?


Sitting on the floor.


5 mins

The 5 steps to stressing less:
The 16 habits of mind fits into step

What specific teaching and learning

strategies will you use for the lesson?
What exactly will the students be required
to do and what will be your role?
How will you create a collaborative
learning environment and how will the
classroom be arranged to support this?
How will you include all learners? What
Curriculum and Pedagogy adaptations or

What is a habit?
It takes 28 repitions to form a habit.
Our mind can have habits.
A study was done into successful
people to see what habits they
have with their minds.
Show posters of all 16. Name each
one, and the fact that each has a
picture to remember it by. Have a
child read out each description.
Match the Habits in groups of 2 or 3.
Matching the picture, habit, tagline,
and description.

Answering questions.
5 mins

15 mins
Read posters. Give examples
of each habit.
Complete activity in groups of
2 or 3.

10 mins

Lesson 2 of 3

modifications will be required?

How will you differentiate learning
opportunities for diverse learners?
How will you ensure the students are ontask and what strategies will you use to
support positive behaviour?

How will you draw ideas together and

conclude the lesson?
How will you conclude the learning
experience/ learning findings?

These habits can help us in other

ways, like our mental health with
If we practice things like Thinking
about our thinking and Thinking
flexibly, we can help to avoid stress,
or to cope once we are feeling
Fill out Strategies for coping with
Have 2 students hand out
stress worksheet Q1-2 as a class.
Discuss what Habits of minds can be Go through the worksheet with
included with strategies.
the class.

5 mins

5 mins.

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