FS2 - Le 6

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Writing An Initial
FS 2 6 Action Research Plan
To have meaningful meaningful and successful accomplishment in this final FS episode,
be sure to read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2
Resource Teacher's class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do
before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to write an Action Research Plan

Clarify Your

Developing an Initial Action Research Plan

"A good plan is half of the work done" goes a saying.

Planning is an important skill that every teacher should have. Just like lesson planning,
doing research requires a doable plan. It sets a direction for where one is going, how to go there,
why should one go there, and above all, what is there to accomplish.
The ultimate goal of doing action research is to improve teacher's practices to improve
learning. It requires one to be reflective, observant, and inquiring and be ready to take action.
Any research action plan should be placed in writing, just like a lesson plan. This is what
we are going to do.
The first four episodes of this FS worksheet helped you learn the important purpose of
the process involved in doing action research.
The rest of the episodes focused on crucial aspects of teaching and learning. While you
assisted and participated, the episode questions guided you to notice, analyze, and reflect on your
experiences. You also identified issues and problems or areas of improvement and then thought
of the interventions, innovations, or strategies to address them (Action Research Prompts). You
are now ready to elaborate or expand these action research prompts.
In this final episode, your task is to write an initial action research plan. Any research
action plan should be planned and written well. Put together what you learned about action
research and all the insights you gained in working on the past FS 2 episodes.

Revisit the Infographics

Let us revisit our Action Research Model. As a beginner, use the model of Nelson, O
(2014) as your basis for developing an initial plan for action research.

As you become more skillful in doing action research, you may like to use the McNiff &
Whitehead (2014) or DepEd DO 16 (2017) models.
Participate and Assist

We said at the beginning that all teachers can do Action Research. It is easy to do it. Let's
try doing it. Today, you shall develop a Plan for our Action Research by following the simple
Use the following steps of the model. Your answer to the Key Questions in each step will
guide you in making your plan.
Step 1: OBSERVE. Observe and notice to identify the common problems.
Key questions:
● What common problem have I observed and noticed?
● Can I translate the problem into questions?
● Why is the problem important to me as a future teacher?
● Why is the problem important to the learners?
● What have I read and learned about this problem in my previous courses?
● What do references say about the problem?

Step 2: REFLECT. Start to reflect on the identified problem. However, reflection is

done throughout the action research process.
Key questions:
● Is there a way to solve the identified problem? How will I do it?
● Is looking for a solution or answer to the problem worth doing?
● Will solving the problem improve my teaching practice? How?
● Will it improve my skills as a researcher and reflective teacher?

Step 3: ACTION PLAN. Appropriate action or solution to the problem in a plan.

Key questions:
● What probable action will I make? Will my intervention be doable?
● How will I describe my intervention, innovation, or actions to address the
identified problem?
● How long will it take to implement the intervention, action, or innovation?
● With whom shall I work with?
● Will the result be of use? How?

Step 4: ACT on the PLAN. This step will be done, during the Teaching Internship
or in FS 2 if given the time. You may collaborate with your mentor or your

We said at the beginning that all teachers could do Action Research. It is easy to do it.
Let's try doing it. Today, you shall develop a Plan for our Action Research by following the
simple cycle. You will share your output with your mentor for an opportunity to work together.

Topic you chose: (from the past episodes):

Story Cheeseburger as a Reading Intervention for Developing Reading Comprehension of
High School Students
Episode number and Title:
Leaning Episode 2 - Embedding Action Research for Reflective Teaching
Writing Action Research Prompt page:

Model A:
Activity 1: Developing an Initial Research Action Plan

A. Observe/ Notice
What problem/concern have I noticed that affects teaching-learning?
Example response. The problem I have noticed is that there is a lot of competition in the
classroom. The slow learners are left behind.
● Write your own observed/ noticed classroom problem here:
The problem I have noticed is the poor reading skills and reading comprehension which
is becoming very alarming.

B. Reflect
Think deeply about the problem and your observation. Why is this happening? Can the slow
learners be helped? How will it be done?
Example response: I think most of the activities are very competitive. There are always,
winners and losers The smart students overrule the poor students thus often they continue to be
losers. With this situation, I believe, that I should modify my classroom strategy.
● Write your reflective response to the problem you stated:
The reason behind poor reading skills among high school students can be complex and
multifaceted. Some of the contributing factors include foundational gaps, limited
practice, diverse learning needs, and external factors such as home environments and
access to resources can significantly impact students’ exposure to reading materials and
opportunities for support. Slow learners can be helped with a requirement of a tailored
and patient approach such as differentiated instructions and specialized interventions.
Helping slow learners requires patience, consistent effort, and a multifaceted approach
that addresses their individual needs. By tailoring interventions, providing support, and
creating a nurturing environment, educators can significantly improve the reading skills
and comprehension abilities of slow learners.

C. Plan for Action

Key questions:
● What will I do as a teacher to solve the problem?
To solve the problem, I have come up with incorporating reading comprehension
activities into lessons. Use of graphic organizers, reading circles, or literature circles to
deepen understanding and critical thinking.
● How will I describe my intervention, innovation, or actions to the identified
The Story Cheeseburger reading intervention method creatively breaks down a story
into digestible components, allowing students to analyze and comprehend texts in a
structured and engaging manner. It encourages deeper exploration of story elements,
fostering improved reading comprehension skills and critical thinking abilities among
● How long will it take to introduce the intervention?
Generally, introducing the concept of the Story Cheeseburger reading intervention
might take one or two class periods, which could range from 45 to 90 minutes each.
However, the subsequent application and practice of using this method to analyze texts
effectively might extend over several lessons or weeks.
● With whom shall I work?
By collaborating with a diverse group of stakeholders, including my fellow teachers,
my groupmates, researchers, students, and parents, I can gather comprehensive data,
insights, and perspectives that strengthen the validity and impact of your research on
the Story Cheeseburger reading intervention.
● What materials do I need?
Implementing the Story Cheeseburger reading intervention requires not physical
materials but instructional aids and resources to facilitate understanding. Materials
needed include books or texts, visual aids, graphic organizers, examples and models,
technology resources, reading materials, and evaluation tools. While these materials
serve as aids in teaching the Story Cheeseburger method, the most important aspects
are the stories or texts themselves and the engagement strategies used to apply the
method effectively. Adapt these materials to suit the specific needs and preferences of
your students and teaching style.
● Are methods, participants, data collection, and time timetable considered in my
Plan for Action?
Yes, a thorough Plan for Action will usually contain considerations for techniques,
participants, data collecting, and a timeframe. Integrating these components into your
Plan of Action ensures a structured and comprehensive approach to implementing the
Story Cheeseburger reading intervention. It allows for clear objectives, targeted
instruction, data-driven assessment, and a timeline for tracking progress and

Example response: I plan to introduce cooperative learning in the classroom. I create a mixed-
ability grouping with fast, average, and slow learners in their activities. I will rotate the
leadership in the group so that each one will have a chance. The bright will assist or help the
slow ones. I will try this out for eight weeks. I think I can work alone with my students. I need
only tables and chairs; if not available, armchairs arranged in circles will be an alternative.

● Write your own Plan of Action Research based on the key questions. You give more
As the Philippines ranked fifth lowest in terms of performance in reading, the
problem with reading comprehension skills in Rawis National High School became
alarming to me. As a teacher, I have come up with a reading intervention that might
make reading comprehension fun by turning it into a burger-building expedition. This
can assist me in determining whether they comprehend the storyline as well as the other
aspects, or whether there are some gaps in their comprehension. The Story
Cheeseburger reading intervention approach deconstructs a tale into manageable
components, helping children to evaluate and grasp texts in an organized and
entertaining manner. It pushes pupils to delve deeper into tale aspects, resulting in
increased reading comprehension and critical thinking ability. The aforementioned
reading intervention might last one or two class sessions ranging from 45 to 90 minutes
However, the following application and practice of applying this strategy to
successfully evaluate texts might take many classes or weeks. I can obtain complete
data, concepts, and viewpoints that increase the validity and impact of your study by
cooperating with a varied set of stakeholders, including my colleague’s instructors,
groupmates, researchers, students, and parents.
Employing the Story Cheeseburger reading intervention does not necessitate the
use of tangible things, but rather instructional tools and resources to help to understand.
Resources required include books or texts, visual aids, graphic organizers, examples
and models, technological resources, reading materials, and evaluation tools. While
these tools are useful for teaching the Story Cheeseburger approach, the most crucial
components are the stories or texts themselves, as well as the engagement tactics
necessary to use the method effectively. Adapt these resources to meet the individual
requirements and preferences of your learners as well as your instructional style.

D. References
Include at least 3 reading materials about the intervention that will be used.
Example response
List of Readings for Cooperative Learning
1. C. Brame & Biel, R. (2015) Group work: Using cooperative learning groups effectively.
2. G. Palmer. (2017) Cooperative Learning-Instructional Methods, Strategies, and
Technologies. Granite pressbooks. pb.Chap.7
3. D. Johnson & R. Johnson (2017) Cooperative Learning. University of Minnesota, USA

1. Wanzek, J., Petscher, Y., Otaiba, S. A., Rivas, B. K., Jones, F. G., Kent, S. C.,

Schatschneider, C., & Mehta, P. (2017). Effects of a yearlong supplemental reading

intervention for students with reading difficulties in fourth grade. Journal of

Educational Psychology, 109(8), 1103–1119. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000184

2. Kamaria, D., & Mcnair. (n.d.). Implementing Research-Based Reading Intervention

Focused Upon Increasing Reading Comprehension Amongst Third-Grade Students.

3. Berenice, A., & Aguilera, V. (2014). STRATEGY INTERVENTION TO ENHANCE



4. Kivi, S. (2021, May 17). 11 Free Reading Comprehension Activities for Students -

Teaching Expertise. Teaching Expertise.


5. Cheeseburger Book Report Project: templates, printable worksheets, and

rubric. (2009). Uniqueteachingresources.com.

E. Act (Implementation of the Action Research Plan)
Note: The implementation of the Plan will follow when time allows. A more detailed Research
Action Plan will be required. The McNiff and Whitehead (2014) of DepEd (2016) models may
be used depending on the advice of your mentor.

Now, to further elaborate on your Action Research Plan, use the DepEd template below:
Remember to read the rubric in this episode to know how your teacher will evaluate your Action
Research plan. This rubric will remind you of the criteria for an excellent action research plan.
You can also watch this short video, explaining the parts of the DepEd Action research template:

Here is the link to the sample proposal discussed in the video:

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344608953 Improving Attendance and Academic
Performance Among Grade 12 Students Through Incentive-Based Intervention
Model B: DepEd Template

Action Research Proposal

Name: Virginia H. Puda
Proposed Title: Story Cheeseburger as a Reading Intervention for Developing Reading
Comprehension of High School Students
I. Context and Rationale Study Background
Reading is a lifelong activity that we engage in regularly. People read for a variety of
reasons, including entertainment, and enjoyment as well as knowledge and information.
Reading is an important part of the teaching-learning process for students. It will be
difficult for learners to comprehend ideas and concepts if they lack reading skills.
Reading comprehension is the ability of a person to interpret the meaning of a sentence
using their own words, to process written text, understand its meaning, and to integrate
with what the reader already knows. Reading comprehension relies on two abilities that
are connected word reading and language comprehension.
Year 2022 the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) states that the
Philippines among the countries has the lowest proficiency in reading comprehension,
mathematics, and science among 15-year-old students. The existence of non-readers
particularly those with poor comprehension skills continues to be a significant issue due
to the covid-19 pandemic. There have been fewer face-to-face synchronous classes, which
has resulted in student's law reading skills and comprehension. The existence of non-
readers particularly those with weak comprehension abilities, continues to be a significant
issue. One of the biggest problems facing our educational system is the lack of reading
comprehension, which affects all areas of knowledge. The ravages caused by the covid-19
pandemic greatly affected the students learning.
This study aims to implement the reading intervention called “The Story
Cheeseburger” to improve learners' reading comprehension skills. It is a unique teaching
strategy that might encourage students to engage more in reading. In this context,
cheeseburger reading intervention serves as an instructional strategy for students in terms
of developing reading comprehension. Additionally, through the implementation of the
mentioned reading intervention, the researcher can identify its effectiveness in the
development of the learners’ reading skills.
II. Action Research Question AR Questions
This action research aims to improve the reading comprehension of high school
students through the use of a reading intervention. Specifically, this aims to seek answers
to the following questions:
1. What are the initial reading comprehension levels of high school students before
implementing the reading intervention?
2. How does the reading intervention impact students' read comprehension abilities
throughout the implementation period?
3. Are there sustained improvements in students' reading comprehension abilities
beyond the intervention?
III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, Strategy (Describe Innovation/ Intervention/
In this action research, the researchers are proposing to utilize the reading
intervention called “Story Cheeseburger”. It is a fun learning activity used for the book
reports of the Unique Teaching Resources that might engage the students more in reading.
As the researchers observed the poor reading comprehension skills of the high-school
students, the idea of utilizing a cheeseburger graphic organizer arose as a reading
intervention for improving learner’s reading comprehension skills. The researchers will
have all of the teaching tools they need for our students to write about the essential
aspects (title, settings characters, storyline, and conclusion) of their storybooks through to
the cheeseburger-shaped graphic organizers.

The components of the story cheeseburger interventions are:

1. Top Bun – the students will identify the title of the story as well as the author.
2. Onion – the students will identify the settings of the story.
3. Lettuce – the students will identify the main characters of the story.
4. Tomato – the students will write the plot twist of the story.
5. Cheese – the students will write down the conclusion of the story.
6. Meat – the students will write down their favorite part of the story.
7. Bottom Bun – the students will draw the story as they imagined.

By delivering stories humorously and familiarly, the purpose of the study is to make
reading enjoyable, improve comprehension abilities, and increase active involvement
among students. Its organized form and interactive aspects provide an atmosphere suitable
to interestingly increase reading comprehension.
IV. Action Research Methods (Describe Action Research Methods)
a Participants/ Other Sources of Data
This action research study’s potential participants are high school students of
various grade levels. Data will be collected by pre- and post-intervention reading
comprehension exams, surveys/questionnaires, classroom observations, and
performance assignments. This research study may completely evaluate the impact
and efficacy of the Story Cheeseburger reading intervention in improving high
school students' reading comprehension by gathering data from various sources
and participants

b Data Gathering Methods

The researcher will gather data by employing various methods to collect
relevant information and insights. Utilizing a combination of quantitative and
qualitative approaches enables a thorough evaluation of the Story Cheeseburger
intervention's influence on high school students' reading comprehension, yielding
significant insights for the research.
c Data Analysis Plan
In analyzing the data, the researchers prepared three (3) questionnaires for the
respondents including (1) What are the initial reading comprehension levels of
high school students before implementing the reading intervention? (2) How does
the reading intervention impact students' read comprehension abilities throughout
the implementation period? (3) Are the sustained improvements in students'
reading comprehension abilities beyond the intervention? these are some of the
tools for gathering a large amount of information needed. However, in terms of
interpreting the data, the researchers will use tables and bar graphs to show the
results of the conducted data. Thus, it will help the researchers gain such
knowledge to achieve competitive styles and strategies.

V. Action Research Work Plan (Summarize Action Plan Work Plan)

Goal: To improve the reading comprehension skills of high school students
Research Objective: To implement a reading intervention that will contribute to the
development of the reading comprehension skills of the high
school students.

Action Research Work Plan

Pre-intervention Assessments Reading Comprehension Tests
 The researcher will administer
standardized or researcher-designed
assessments to establish students’
baseline comprehension levels before
starting the intervention.
 The researcher will gather information
on students’ reading habits, interests,
and perceived difficulties in
understanding texts.
Intervention Implementation Observations
Phase  The researcher will observe the
intervention sessions to assess student
engagement, participation, and
interaction with the Story
Cheeseburger method.
Post-Intervention Assessments: Reading Comprehension Tests
 The researcher will conduct
assessments similar to pre-
intervention tests to measure
improvements in students’
comprehension after the intervention.
Performance Tasks
 The researcher will assign tasks
requiring students to apply
comprehension skills learned during
the intervention to evaluate a practical
Surveys and Interviews Student Surveys
 The researcher will administer
surveys to gather students’
perceptions of the Story Cheeseburger
intervention’s impact on their
comprehension and reading
Teacher Interviews
 The researcher will conduct
interviews with educators to gather
qualitative feedback on the
intervention’s effectiveness,
challenges faced, and observed
Focus Groups or Discussions Student Focus Groups
The researcher will organize
discussions or focus groups to delve
deeper into students’ experiences,
preferences, and suggestions
regarding the intervention.
Review of Academic Grades and Assessments
Performance  The researcher will review students’
academic performance in related
subjects post-intervention to identify
any correlation between intervention
and academic progress.

VI. Cost Estimate (Write Cost Estimate)

Financial Report


Supplies and Materials Expenses

Hard Copy Coupon Bond 1 Ream 240 240

Size: 8.5” x 11” inches
Hard Copy Coupon Bond 1 Ream 315 315
Size: 8.5” x 14” inches
Black Brother Ink 1 Bottle 470 470

Brother Inks (Magenta, Cyan, 3 Bottle 430 1,290

Mongol 2 Pencils 1 Box 119 119

Panda Ball Pen (Black) 1 Box 168 168

Color Pens 20 Packs 20 400

Total 2,802
VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization (Describe how the results will be shared)
Creating an integrated strategy for the dissemination and use of the Story
Cheeseburger reading intervention to increase high school students' reading
comprehension necessitates developing techniques for successfully sharing findings and
implementing the intervention within educational contexts. Here's a structured plan:
1. Dissemination Strategies
Educational Materials – The researcher will create educational
materials detailing the intervention’s structure and methodologies for
distribution among high school students and teachers.
2. Implementation Strategies
Resource Development – The researcher will develop supplementary
resources, such as lesson plans, activity sheets, and multimedia content, to
support the implementation of the intervention.
Collaboration with Education Departments – The researcher will
collaborate with the education departments or curriculum development
authorities to integrate the Story Cheeseburger intervention into educational
frameworks or recommended practices.
3. Utilization Strategies
Monitoring and Evaluation – The researcher will establish mechanisms
for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the intervention's implementation
to ensure fidelity and effectiveness.
Feedback Mechanisms – The researcher will create channels for
continuous feedback from teachers, students, and administrators to address
challenges and improve the intervention.
4. Sustainability Strategies
Research and Continuous Improvement – The researcher will
encourage ongoing research and evaluation to refine the intervention based
on evolving educational needs and emerging best practices.
This strategy intends to maximize the effectiveness of the Story Cheeseburger
reading intervention in increasing high school students' reading comprehension on a larger
scale by strategically distributing findings, successfully executing the intervention,
boosting use, and assuring sustainability.
VIII. References (Write at least three references)

1. Cheeseburger Book Report Project: templates, printable worksheets, and

rubric. (2009). Uniqueteachingresources.com.


2. PH is still among the countries with the lowest proficiency in reading, mathematics,

and science. (n.d.). Cnn. https://www.cnnphilippines.com/news/2023/12/6/2022-pisa-


3. Berenice, A., & Aguilera, V. (2014). STRATEGY INTERVENTION TO ENHANCE




Remember: Reflection is a process of making sense of one's previous experience. Please take
a look at what you do in the classroom and think about why you do it. Recall things that you
have done in the previous segment. You may include your thoughts, feelings, reasoning,
relating, and reconstructions about it.

What was your experience in writing the action research plan?

I learned about planning an action for a particular problem aligned with my profession
which gives me hands-on experience in my field.
What knowledge, attitude, and skills did you have that helped you accomplish it?
The knowledge, attitude, and skills that I have to help me accomplish it are critical
thinking, patience, dedication, and problem-solving.
What do you still need to learn and develop in yourself to be a skilled teacher-researcher?
To be a skilled teacher-researcher, I think I still need to work on deepening my
understanding of various research methodologies specific to education and strengthening
empathy and understanding of the students’ needs to inform more student-centered and
inclusive research and teaching practices. By focusing on these areas of development, I
aim to become a more effective teacher-researcher, continuously contributing to the
advancement of educational practices and positively impacting student learning

Check for Mastery

Preparing an Action Research Plan requires observation, noticing, inquiry, reflection, and
prior readings. It is a tedious process but you will find it easy to implement if you have a good
plan. As mentioned earlier "A good plan, is half of the work done.'
Direction: Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given.
1 As a beginning action researcher, what should be your primary task?
A. Identify the problem that is a cause of concern in the class.
B. Reflect on the other problematic situations.
C. Ask for help from your mentor on how to solve the problem.
D. Disregard the problem, after all, you are still a student.
2 In doing action research, continuous reflection every step of the way should be done.
A. This statement is NOT true since reflection has its own time.
B. This statement is true since research requires continuous inquiry.
C. This statement is doubtful since there are steps to follow.
D. This statement is only applicable to other kinds of research.
3 In looking for an appropriate solution to the identified problem, the main purpose is to
A. remove malpractices in teaching-learning
B. reward learners who do more than others
C. promote teachers who conduct research
D. A, B, and C
4 In action research, you should see to it that the intervention
A. is doable
B. is new
C. is of short duration
D. should not require statistics
5 Planning action research requires a researcher to
A. follow a strict procedure
B. frequently reflects on the process
C. match the solution to the identified problem
D. A, B, and C

Work on my Artifacts

Your artifact will be taken from your activity in preparing an action research plan in this
episode. You will just expand the answer that you have given and place it in the template below.

My Initial Action Research Plan

Proposed Title: Story Cheese
I. My Identified Problem:
Reading Comprehension among high school students of Rawis National High

II. My Reflection on the Problem

The causes of low reading abilities in high school kids can be complicated and
numerous. Foundational deficits, inadequate practice, various learning
requirements, and external factors such as family contexts and access to
resources can all have a substantial influence on kids' exposure to reading
materials and possibilities for help. Slow learners can benefit from a customized
and patient approach, such as differentiated instructions and specialized
interventions. To assist slow learners, patience, constant effort, and a diverse
strategy that suits their particular requirements are required. Educators may
greatly enhance the reading skills and comprehension abilities of slow learners
by designing interventions, offering support, and establishing a loving

III. My Plan of Action:

The Story Cheeseburger reading intervention is a fun and engaging approach to
enhance reading comprehension. It deconstructs a story into manageable
components, allowing children to evaluate and grasp texts in an organized and
entertaining manner. This approach encourages deeper exploration of story
aspects, leading to increased reading comprehension and critical thinking
abilities. The intervention can last one or two class sessions, ranging from 45 to
90 minutes each. However, the application and practice of this strategy may
take several classes or weeks. Collaborating with various stakeholders, such as
colleagues, groupmates, researchers, students, and parents, can increase the
validity and impact of the study. The Story Cheeseburger approach uses
instructional tools and resources, including books, visual aids, graphic
organizers, examples, technological resources, reading materials, and evaluation
tools. The most crucial components are the stories or texts themselves and the
engagement tactics necessary to use the method effectively. These resources
can be adjusted to meet individual learners' needs and preferences and the
instructional style.

Kamaria, D., & Mcnair. (n.d.). Implementing a Research-Based Reading Intervention

Focused Implementing a Research-Based Reading Intervention Focused Upon

Increasing Reading Comprehension Amongst Third-Grade Upon Increasing Reading

Comprehension Amongst Third-Grade Students


Berenice, A., & Aguilera, V. (2014). STRATEGY INTERVENTION TO ENHANCE



Kivi, S. (2021, May 17). 11 Free Reading Comprehension Activities For Students -

Teaching Expertise. Teaching Expertise.


Submitted by: Virginia H. Puda
Degree Pursued: Bachelor of Physical Education
Name of Institution: Sorsogon State University__ SY: 2023-2024________________


Remember, in the succeeding episodes, you will be reflecting on how you can conduct
Action Research in the different topics that you will be able to participate in and assist.
Good luck to all. Enjoy your journey to becoming a Reflective Teacher Practitioner!

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