Swot R&D

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Strong points:

- very well qualified staff personal;

- companies with certificate for the quality management system;
- implementation of EU directives and application of the European technical standards
- increase of the export quality and quantities
- work experience
- education level and the quality of it
- technical expertise
- transferable skills
- Innovative and flexible professionals on staff
- Group cohesiveness
- Technical efficiency and expertise
- Industry integration
- Strong and growing market
- Diversity of the workforce
Weak points:
- lack of job knowledge
- weak interpersonal skills
- there are not possibilities of getting to know the future needs
- Rapidly changing technological and global markets
- Rapid advancement of technology and emerging competitors in niche markets
- Low availability of capital and limitations in resources
- lack of basic infrastructure that supports programs and projects
- inadequate market research
Methodological preparation, design and implementation
Develop new products ahead of competitors for a growing market
Design customer service initiative for product support
Improve concept to market cycle time
Production flexibility
- Inadequate risk management policy
- positive trends in our field
- enhancing education
- fields in need of certain skills
- utilizing skills in different way
- enhancing personal development
- the harmonization of the legislative framework from our country with the stipulations of the
European Union Directives
- the number of companies that find stability conditions in this area and human resources
which can be used
- the educational system improving
- Identification and development of global niche markets
- New developments in communication technologies
- Strong outside global influences and need for R&D
- Grant funding for research and development activities in the medical and healthcare arena
- Growing acceptance of technology and rapid change

- Interdependence of collaboration and co-operation among niche markets

- industry (trends, new etc.)
- cost (training, education, certifications etc.)
- time (needed vs have)
- negative trends in our field
- competition in our field
- limited advancement in field
- limited ability to develop
- limited positions in our area
- Ethics and theft
- significant financial interest that affect design
- Policies and procedures
- Competing markets
- Political tradeoffs, restrictions on trade, government interaction, increasing involvement in
R&D sector and influence on price and profit margins
- Loss of resources
- Consumer attitude
- Talent retention

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