TEXTE 2 Tradus
TEXTE 2 Tradus
TEXTE 2 Tradus
Imprisonment aims to reduce crimes in three ways (Blumstein et al. 1978): general
deterrence, specific deterrence and incapaciation. This study deals with this last,
effect of imprisonment. In particular it focuses on the effects of selective
that is, imprisonment policies specifically targeting some predefined group of
detentia urmareste sa reduca criminalitatea in trei feluri: descurajare generala, descurajare
specifica si incapacitare. Acest studiu se ocupa de acest ultim aspect al detentiei,
incapacitarea. Spcecific, se concentreaza asupra efectelor incapacitarii selective, adica asupra
politicilor de detentie a unor grupuri predefinite de infractori.
In Principles of European Prison Law and Policy: Penology and Human Rights, the
authors describe release decisions as of existential importance to prisoners.
They argue that there now exists, at the European level, a carefully developed
set of penological principles supported by the European Court of Human Rights,
the Council of Europe and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture.
These principles include using imprisonment
as a last resort and the recognition of all rights not explicitly removed by the fact
of imprisonment.
In Principii ale politicilor si legilor europene pentru inchisori: penologie si
drepturile omului, autorii descriu decizia de eliberare ca avand o importanta
existentiala pentru prizonieri. (Van zyl Smit and Snacken, 2009: 316) Ei sustin ca
acum exista, la nivel european un set atent dezvoltat de principii penologice
sustinut de Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului, Consiliul Europei si Comitetul
european pentru preventia torturii. Aceste principii includ folosirea detentiei ca
ultima solutie si recunoasterea tuturor drepturilor care nu sunt in mod explicit
eliminate de actul detentiei.
3 Imprisonment is imposed as and not for punishment, and no other pains
should be deliberately imposed (Van zyl Smit and Snacken, 2009: 352). Growing
co-operation on these principles, and their application in practice, suggests
something of a lobby like the movement abolishing the death penalty. This body
of law and policy represents a fundamental commitment in Europe towards
recognising that prisoners should not be degraded but treated with dignity and
mercy (2009: 383). Europeans define themselves through this kind of
commitment to human rights principles (2009: 384).
the prison environment. This led to the finding that prison environments literally
varied in their survivability and that the relevant variables could be identified, all
of which related to the manner of ones treatment in prison.
Aceasta este o evolutie noua si distincta. Aceste rezultate au de asemenea
implicatii in intelegerea intelesului termenilor de tratament inuman si degradant,
tortura si durerea inchisorii. Discutia se desfasoara dupa cum urmeaza: prima
sectiune descrie cum am ajuns sa gandesc in termenii conceptului de
performanta morala, a doua ilustreaza cum aceasta a grabit intoarcerea la un
interes de lunga durata despre sinuciderea in inchisori, inarmat cu o metodologie
clara despre mediul inchisorilor. Aceasta a condus la descoperirea faptului ca
mediile din inchisori sunt variate in ceea ce priveste supravietuirea si ca variabile
relevante pot fi identificate, toate dintre ele legate de maniera de tratament a
individului in inchisoare.
The third part, drawing on recently completed fieldwork, outlines briefly what
prisoners have to say about the new struggle for psychological survival in
conditions of maximum security (Liebling et al., 2011a). This research has
troubled me more than any other study to date because of the pain and distress
experienced and the contrast with the same prison 12 years earlier. I then reflect
on the relevance of measuring the prisons moral performance, and the nature of
the sentence being served, for ongoing deliberations about standards of
treatment in prison.
A treia parte, inspirata de recentele incheiate studii de teren, subliniaza succint
ceea ce prizonierii au de spus despre noua lupta de supravietuire psihologica in
conditiile de maxima siguranta. (Liebling et al., 2011a) aceasta cercetare m-a
tulburat decat orice alt studiu de pana acum din cauza durerii si nivelului de
suferinta traite si contrastul cu aceeasi inchisoare, dar cu 12 ani mai devreme.
Dupa aceea am refelctat asupra relevantei masurarii performantei morale a
inchisorii si a naturii sentintelor executate, pentru deliberari ulterioare despre
standardele de tratament in inchisori.
Fairness, relationships and survival in prison A growing body of empirical and
theoretical work in penology has established that concepts of fairness and
legitimacy are critical to life in prison, with demonstrable effects on order (Sparks
and Bottoms, 2008; Sparks et al., 1996) and well-being (Liebling, 2004; Liebling
et al., 2005a).Staffprisoner relationships or the way prison staff use their
authority contribute disproportionately to prisoner evaluations of the fairness of
their treatment. These findings are similar to those now widely discussed in the
policing and procedural justice literature (Tyler, 1990; Tyler and Blader, 2000)
although the emphasis in this literature (as well as in the penological iterature, to
begin with) is on compliance rather than on well-being. Ahmad (1996), for
example, argues that fairness in prison has three main components: the fairness
of staff; the fairness of the regime; and the fairness of procedures (for example,
disciplinary and grievance procedures). In a secondary analysis of Ahmads data
from three prisons, Bottoms and Rose found that perceived staff Prisons
constitute a special case of the use of power.